#eliwood x eldigan
Eldigan/Eliwood C-S Support
Written by  the-nerdy-alpaca
Eldigan: You are leaving yourself wide open for an attack, you need to practice on your defense, Sir Eliwood.   Eliwood: Oh! My, you started me Sir Eldigan! How long have you…never mind. Yes, I’ve been told of this problem several times… Eldigan: And yet you have done nothing to correct this. You must remember that the Summoner prefers to send you and I into the battlefield often, I cannot be at your side at all times to correct you or protect you.   Eliwood: I never asked for protection, Sir Eldigan. I follow the Summoner’s orders to the best of my abilities, whatever happens to me is the result of my actions. I am fully prepared to take the consequences of my actions, even if it results in the loss of my life.   Eldigan: I can clearly see your loyalty to our Summoner as us knights should be Sir Eliwood. However, even if you are prepared to die, how is it that you could be so loyal and yet take the risk of not protecting yourself? You do realize if you do not correct your defense your loss could result in the loss of our Summoner’s plans. Work on correcting your mistakes. I will not tolerate any hinderance to our Summoner’s plans. Eliwood: Your loyalty is astounding Sir Eldigan, so it seems the rumors of your devotion to your masters are true. But I cannot imagine you would hold that threat against me. For a dead man is worthless to the Summoner’s strategy as you have said. Eldigan: You misunderstand Sir Eliwood. I would not kill you as you already explained to why I would not and cannot do that. I am merely stating I will not tolerate any hinderance to our Summoner’s, my master’s, plans. Therefore, I intend to train you. We work so often together I already know how you fight, so be here tomorrow at dawn.   Eliwood: …Alright, I agree to your terms. I will see you tomorrow Sir Eldigan and may you give it your all.    EldigaIn: I intend to. [Eldigan and Eliwood have reached support rank C.] 
Eldigan: Again! You are being distracted too much Sir Eliwood! Had this been a true duel you would have been dead. Eliwood: *Heavy breathing* Oh trust me Sir Eldigan, I am highly aware. My thoughts keep assaulting me and so has my joy. Eldigan: Joy? If I may ask, over what? Eliwood: The Summoner has summoned my beloved son, Roy. He is a talented young man, far better than me in all my qualities, and I know he will be tremendous for the army. His talent will not be wasted, but I yearn to be with him. He was quite startled to see how young I looked, all I want to do is spend time with my precious boy. Eldigan: I had not heard of your son being summoned, congratulations, Sir Eliwood. Come and sit with me, you need a break before we start again. I wouldn’t mind giving you time to spend with your son only if you answer a question of mine, Sir Eliwood.   Eliwood: What question would that be, Sir Eldigan? Also you may refer to me as only Eliwood, we have been paired as partners after all and I do consider you somewhat as a friend.   Eldigan: Eliwood  then…why is that you avoid answering my question on why it is that you do not protect yourself properly? Eliwood: It was never something I was gifted in, I had adopted the mentality of a close friend of mine, Hector, in focusing on attacking. We often spar and with my enemies I do the same. After all I’ve been told I am not the hardiest of heroes and this is the reason why. Eldigan: I see. Thank you Eliwood. You may refer to me as Eldigan for my hope is that we do become true friends and not just partners that the Summoner has placed us as.   Eliwood: Thank you and I do hope we can find the day we do not speak so formally to one another, Eldigan. But may ask something? Do you have children? Do you too hope to see them? Eldigan: It might be best for you to go see your son, Eliwood. Eliwood: …I understand. I apologize for prying and thank you. [Eldigan and Eliwood have reached support rank B.]
Eliwood: *Door bursts wide open* Eldigan! Are you alright?! Eldigan: And here I was hoping for some peace and quiet. *Sitting up* Eliwood: Enough with the sarcasm! Lay down and rest! Those mages did tremendous damage against you. I thought you had died when you and your horse had fell… Eldigan: I would not die that easily…but it was thanks to you that I am alive. *Lies down* Your ability to shrug off magical attacks is astounding, many in our armies do not have such a gift. Eliwood: I never thought about that, yet again it was useful in defeating the man that murdered my father. But enough about me, Eldigan are you truly alright? Eldigan: Yes my friend, I am fine. Just sore and a bit dazed. Eliwood: May I bring, Ares? He has been tremendously worried for you, I calmed him down, but he wants to see you, Eldigan. Eldigan: …I am not worthy for the compassion of my son. I…failed him.   Eliwood: I try not to pry into your life, Eldigan, for I learned my lesson last time, but please I am sure you are worthy. Eldigan: I am not. In my world, I was so loyal to my country and master that I continued to fight for him despite the cruelty that he was unleashing. I was stuck between following my order to kill my close friend or disregard it. Never have I behaved like this and my sister reasoned with me to speak with my master. For that I was to be executed and I failed my country and my family in that moment. Ares told me my wife was killed so I realized I left my son with nothing but ruin, I deserve no compassion from him. Eliwood: …Eldigan you’re a fool. I understand your reasoning but can’t you see the love that your son has been trying to give to you? He loves you dearly, you’re his hero and you always will be. You cannot let your past stop your future, I believe in you Eldigan, so please, take the steps to be free of your past by speaking to your son. Eldigan: …Alright. Bring him in…and I have noticed he is very fond of you lately. Eliwood: Ha! As my son with you! I believe it is because we are close friends. Eldigan: Maybe…*mumbles* Eliwood: What was that? Eldigan: Oh nothing, wondering if my son and yours can train you. Eliwood: Ha! They would destroy me! But please rest, I will get Ares. [Eldigan and Eliwood have reached support rank A.]
Eldigan: You know when I was summoned, I felt the blade tearing through my neck when I was being executed. Eliwood: I’m so sorry you went through that Eldigan, but why are you telling me this now? Eldigan: Because I realized I never explained why I am so glad and yet so sad that I am alive. I feel like a living testament to my failures, but I wanted to tell you I wish to move forward from that thought. Eliwood: I can’t imagine what you have gone through…Eldigan you have become one of my closet friends and I’m glad you are taking these steps for yourself. Eldigan: For that I wanted to tell you…your opinions are important to me. Eliwood: Eldigan what is it you want to ask me? You’re rigid, I know that’s how you get when you need to say something. Eldigan: I never noticed that, how did you, forget that…if you don’t want to answer then that’s fine but we have talked so much about our pasts these pasts months, but I wanted to know if you ever thought of marrying again? Eliwood: Did someone catch your eye? I’m sure you will win their heart by being yourself but being handsome too is a plus. Eldigan: …Perhaps. I just don’t know how they feel for me. Eliwood: Ah. How long have this gone on? Eldigan: Only recently. But enough with interrogating me, what’s your answer? Eliwood: I never gave it a thought. The death of my wife made it hard for me to think about it. Over the years I had coped with it, but it still hurts and yet I know she would have wanted me to be happy. So it depends on who it is. Eldigan: Then how would you feel if it was me? Eliwood: Excuse me?! I-I wa-wait! Are you infatuated with me? Eldigan: Deeply. You are an amazing man Eliwood. Your care for others, your bravery, your loyalty, but most of all your belief in others. Yet, it was also for your faults I too have come to admire and love. I fell for how you truly are, Eliwood, and for that I wanted to know if I could court you. I want to give you time and be comfortable with this, but I hope you would find me worthy in doing this. Eliwood: …I…I am stunned to be honest. Ha! I can’t help but smile and my cheeks are beginning to hurt. I admired you so deeply Eldigan for everything you do and stand for, but I am so glad to meet you and see that you are just as human as I am. I am honored and yes you can court me. But I believe you are certainly worthy. Eldigan: Thank you, my heart. [Eldigan and Eliwood have reached support rank S.]
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the-nerdy-alpaca · 6 years
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pr1nc3-ed · 7 years
Tagged by @aileenaison​ thank you, that was really fun <3 Choose any three fandoms (in random order) and answer the questions. Then tag some friends.
You choose: fire emblem, fate series, tokyo ghoul
The first character you loved:
fire emblem: idk I think it was Ike lol
fate: Archer, because he is manly af
tokyo ghoul: Probably Touka
The character you never expected to love so much:
fire emblem: Lyn, aaaand i didnt expect to enjoy Hector that much at first lol (both FE7), aaaaaaand Lute (Sacred Stones) for being probably the most powerful mage lmao, although her personality is cute though, and bonus mention for Joshua (Sacred Stones) due to cool hat™
tokyo ghoul: Eto, and okay I guess Touka too, also i didnt really expect to like Kaneki’s character when i started the anime (ok HE IS STILL SHIT ON THE ANIME IMO) and manga
The character you relate to most:
fire emblem: couldnt think that well but ehh Artur (FE8 Sacred Stones), idk he is just a simple, humble, genuine nice guy who is usually calm and fell in love for his childhood friend... LIKE I DID ONCE TOO IRL (no longer the case tho) LOL, and I guess i can somewhat relate to Levin (FE4) since he ran away from his responsibilities at first like i do with adult life :p
fate: i have no idea of this one tbh
tokyo ghoul: Kaneki, idk i would see myself on Kuroneki very often due to the shy nature and wanting to help others or even “hurt” myself rather than others, y’know.
The character you’d slap: (this will include more than one character in some ones lmao)
fire emblem: even though he is an amazing mage, sometimes I’d slap Soren for being racist towards a race in Path of Radiance, Eltshan/Eldigan (FE4) for doing some really dumb shit to even put his life at risk for the sake of HONOR AND SOME ROYALTY/KNIGHT SHIT, and Lyon (Sacred Stones)... idk i just think he sucks as the tragic-like character and i cant take him seriously
fate: Shirou, for being a dumbass sometimes
tokyo ghoul: i would slap (almost) the whole CCG tbh, and kanou too, fuck them
A character you liked at first but not so much anymore:
fire emblem: at first I liked Eirika (Sacred Stones), but as the game went on... idk i couldnt agree with some of her decisions lol, I kinda prefer her brother Ephraim
fate: hmmmmm I guess that could go to... Saber? I dont hate/dislike her, its just that sooo much of her in the series just made her look “meh” to me, and some of her ideals like in Fate/Zero are just... lol no.
tokyo ghoul: that would be a tough one, but i guess Mutsuki is the closest one to that
A character you did not like at first, but they’ve grown on you:
fire emblem: Anna, yes the (usually, until awakening) npc girl LOL, ok its not that i didnt like her, i just didnt care much at first :p i guess Camus and Michalis (from Marth’s games) could be included too, same for Jaffar (FE7) due to his development
fate: Kotomine Kirei... YOROKOBE SHONEN
tokyo ghoul: Tsukiyama, Ayato and Urie
3 OTPs (ok i will add some couples that i think they are nice but i dont necessarily ship instead of a certain one):
fire emblem: marth x caeda, eliwood x ninian, artur x lute
fate: shirou x rin are okay on UBW/rin’s route :p saber x diarmuid for BROTP in fate/zero tokyo ghoul: TOUKEN, this is the only actual otp in this list to me :p oh and i do like ayato x hinami tbh tagging @kurome-in-wonderland @hakuniki @s-e-l-f-i-s-h-n-e-s-s @purrsxna @yetanotherfluffyotaku @myluchanblog @mut4ti0ns @meanimes @chitogebabe @kitsunebis @riftdoor its optional to do thar or not :3 and sorry if anyone didnt want to be tagged :(
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the-nerdy-alpaca · 6 years
Dedicated to @sadistriku
I didn’t realize this ship would have so much angst
It started out as a simple acquaintanceship between the both of them. Eliwood was well known amongst the heroes from being one of the first summoned to Askr but it was also that Riku absolutely adored the hero.
So when Eldigan had spotted a head of red hair in the library, he had his suspicion of who it was given that he could see, behind the stack of books, blue armor. This is where they had first met, Eldigan can still remember saying hello, surprising Lord Eliwood so much that he caused the stack of books to collapse.
From there they talked, practices together, and were sent on missions together. Eliwood was at first unsure what to call Eldigan, a king or a knight. Elidgan can remember how he felt so fondly at that and teased the other to pick.
He also remembered how disappointed he was to know Eliwood was paired with King Michalis of Macedon.
But that fondness and disappointment turned into revulsion when an image went through his head: his wife.
Suddenly Eldigan felt guilt, he felt pain, and he almost vomited at the sensations when he remembered he was married. He tried to calm down, telling himself that what was going on with Eliwood and him were just friends.
Just friends.
Brothers in arms.
Nothing more.
But the guilt clung and festered the further he caught himself smiling too long at Eliwood, when he caught himself touching Eliwood longer than normal, and when caught himself thinking of Eliwood when the time didn’t call for it.
So, when Ares was summoned it was supposed to be a merry occasion, somewhere down the line, but in private his son lost composure and cried and cried. Eldigan didn’t know what to do, he missed all the years of raising his son, his own son was a stranger to him, and yet when his son mentioned how his mother died…Eldigan doesn’t remember much at that point until Eliwood came to check on them.
His wife is dead.
He failed her.
And all this time he has been fall—
No, Eldigan told himself, it can’t be. It won’t be. Not now, my heart can’t...I can’t think…
It had to be Eliwood who found him, it had to be Eliwood he had lost control with, and it had to be Eliwood who soothed him and his son privately and away from prying eyes.
What kind of husband is he?
It was too soon for what Elidgan refused to call love. His heart can’t bear it, so he decided to limit his time for Eliwood, and be there for his son.
Like a father is supposed to do.
But at night, Eldigan wished he had someone he could talk to about this. But he kept quiet and watched as Eliwood gained more suitors.
If he can’t have—if he is so troubled for whatever it is he views his relationship with Eliwood to be, at least he can defend Eliwood’s honor against those ruffians.
The thought amused him but unknown to Elidgan it gave him the chance to be with Eliwood again.
In time his son would catch on, anger and hate flowing through his veins just like the god of war he was named after but time would sooth it and Ares would help his father but now was not the time.
Now was the time to protect Eliwood’s honor and be a friend.
Eldigan hasn’t prayed in a long time.
Maybe he should start now to find salvation.
To find mercy from this torment.
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