#i love markus's design oh so much
fountainpenguin · 2 months
Riddle watches New Wish - Post #3
Oh, I was right- Wanda called Cosmo out for his crown still showing. That's a good way to signal to the audience that they're mystical.
Purple toe sandals! The artists were havin' FUN with colored shoes.
I'm a little surprised they went the direction of making Cosmo's design rounder and Wanda's thinner since, y'know... she's always been implied to be bigger than him, but hey! They both look great and I'm excited to see them with new body types.
I am obsessed with the fact that even in the new 3D style, the characters still default to holding their hands in that little bird-wing position. That is A+. Someone put a lot of thought into this.
Hazel, your hallway has a way cool rug.
It's a very snappy, jolty art-style. I think that works. I hope it doesn't make me motion sick, but I think it'll be fine.
SLKDFJ I'm on the floor, we're getting Hazel's parents' names straight out of the gate (Angela and Markus Wells).
AND A ROOM NUMBER? I am getting SPOILED. It's like this was made for me!
Friendship ended with Dimmsdale; my new best friend is city where we have more house numbers than 4158.
Cosmo, you are playing a dangerous game using magic in front of them. What did you need to change that you didn't know before?
Wanda too? Oh baby, we are SO back! Take me back to the days of Wanda cheering for Timmy to pour way too much liquid into his science experiment.
The welcome basket has a portrait of Cosmo and Wanda and they're gushing over it and saying "You're welcome! :)" and Angela is just like "... okay. I'mma head out."
Cosmo was about to floor me by saying Fairies have to be invited indoors, so I'm glad Wanda corrected him immediately.
Tbf, in Fairy World, "Doors are for chumps."
I'm glad Cosmo and Wanda both forgot how to sit on couches, seeing as most of the seating in Fairy World floats.
Mom's a therapist? That's never gone poorly for anyone in my fanfics before! ... Also, that's immediately gonna set up some plot tension when Hazel starts keeping secrets.
HER PICTURE ON THE BOOK IS 2D, I'm cracking up. Seriously, I think the running gag here is that all photos look like this. That is HILARIOUS.
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Actually I'm on the floor; there is something so very funny about her giving Cosmo a book and him being excited about it, citing it as a "smart person present," when he's canonically a guy whose deepest, darkest secret is that he writes about astrophysics in a culture where Fairies think stars are also Fairies (alongside his children's books and blatantly 4th-wall-breaking books), so he doesn't let anyone know he writes. Ever.
I know that's not going to come up in this show because that detail is from "77 Secrets of the Fairly OddParents Revealed" (though he's confirmed the author of Astrophysics For Morons which Timmy found in the library once), so... chances are minuscule the writers for this show know he's also an author who likes "smart people books," but... I know. And I love him. Oh, there are places we can go with this!
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sdl;fjk, Wanda swooping in to stop Hazel from poking Cosmo when she suspects something's up.
Oh my gosh, Angela is unpacking an entire box of her books and putting them all on a shelf. This is the best "show, don't tell" I've seen in a while.
Snack break for homemade bread.
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lucabyte · 5 months
what would your ocs be as pokemon? or if you've already done that what would they be as bugsnax??
Oh I have never been asked this publicly before (for I have not been asked... anything publicly before this week LOL) but I don't know if you're prepared for how much I have thought about my ocs as pokemon or how much effort I am currently putting in to... Well. You'll see.
So. I have Thoughts.
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Here are my thoughts (names quickly added for this to be understandable by anyone but me. But I've had this image made for quite some time)
(I love that regular wingull appears on here twice. It was kind of the only choice for both of them LOL.)
(also I like how this shows you who my brain considers In A Group with each other... hee hee)
So this is like.. The whole cast of MYMK lmao. Even down to background characters. These are like... PMD style pokemon assignments. I tried to balance "literally looks like them" with "has the right vibes, thematically". So you can see a couple thematic pairs of pokemon like the cherrims, meowstics and such. Then other fun picks like Charizard for Hainu, since he's a, well, hypebeast more than he is a person. Then, Markus and MacGuffin get Silvally and Type: Null for (wink) reasons.... And Miao is Marowak because don't even worry about it. Lupus is Lycanroc-Dusk because funny doggy shounen protagonist :)
Also there are ABSOLUTELY pokemon that fit Tabitha better than Persian does but I've been saying hes one of those since 2015 and I'm attatched to it now.....
The reason I went ahead and planned these out and finalised these recently though.... Is because I also assigned them all ideal ribbons/marks/pokeballs and am going to hunt them all! Right now I'm prioritising getting ones where the ribbons/balls necessitate getting them from gens 4-7, but they're all nearly done and are sitting in ultramoon while I grab the royal master ribbon for a few!
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(Obviously I've named pokemon after OCs before but these will be The Definitive Guys... Until next gen inevitably introduces the perfect guy for someone lol. C'est la vie!)
I've got a couple more already in swsh and scvi (recently I caught Lazulite in swsh! Go Raid RNG!) but this is the big first step. As for how many other steps there are....
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Don't even worry about it.
Anyway! Most of the main characters have fully assigned "if they were a pokemon trainer" Rosters too with some lore. (Chrome does contests, All of Tabitha's pokemon have been gifted to him, Lupus has insane shiny luck, Ali Will Summon Giratina....)
Also! The Alighieri triplets map perfectly onto the shiny meowths! They were the first three I went out of my way to hunt back when I saw shiny G-Meowth and realised!!! Pink Yellow Blue!!! My little guys!!
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And lastly the thing you almost certainly weren't asking was "what would your OCs look like if they were fakemon, but I also have that for, you guessed it, Chrome, Tabitha and Ali.
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Now... As for bugsnax. I have not played bugsnax but I DO have a resident bugsnax fan... So I asked him out of curiosity and they Extremely Delivered. So, Courtesy of @thebrightesteyes....
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(me, going on the wiki for the first time: WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE ARE 112 BUGSNAX I THOUGHT THERE WERE LIKE. 20)
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these things are cute i should play this game. i hear there's divorce.
Anyway I've been trying to rotate a PMD AU in my brain for some time now (purrgatorio lends itself well to it, obviously...) I wonder what I'd make the antagonist...
Also, of note. Ali (and their siblings) does actually have a canon favourite pokemon and opinion on pokemon because they're from a real-world setting. Thing is they are like, not a gamer. So...
Ali likes Dusknoir and Seviper because they saw them on trading cards as a kid and likes Hoopa Unbound because Ari showed them on pokemon go knowing they'd like the design. If they gamed though they'd LOVE Giratina but Hoopa would probably stay top spot.
Ari likes Raichu, Lurantis and Toucannon. (Gamer)
Avi likes Clefairy, Meloetta and Brionne. (The kind of person to seek out fanart and gifsets online to reblog)
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hamartia-grander · 2 years
So I recently found out that the Sims 4 is free for download, and naturally I wanted to check it out because I was never allowed to play as a kid but I am an Adult now so I can do what I want. Then I got the brilliant idea to make as many Detroit: Become Human characters I cared to have and play that way, because I’m too impatient to try to learn how to play before I jump into something. So of course it has been a disaster and a learning curve. Here’s some key bits because. I mean this is too funny. I need to share it:
First off I spent way too much time designing each character because I’m a perfectionist and the Sims customisation interface was difficult for me to get down. But I figured it out and I think I did pretty good. I had to download some hair and outfit mods though.
I started out with three households: the Jericrew, the Kara fam, and the DPD gang (ft. all three Connor bros) but now I have five households: 1. Gavin, Kamski, and Nines, 2. The Jericrew + Chloe, 3. Kara fam, 4. Connor and Sixty, and 5. Hank and Cole.
Chloe joined the Jericrew because she and North started dating. Previously, she lived with Gavin, Kamski, and Nines. And I made Gavin and Kamski brothers ofc, but I also made Chloe their sister just so no funny business happened. Also I found out you can change their romantic/sexual preferences and technically make them aroace if you uncheck everything, so Kamski, Connor, and Kara are all aroace because I headcanon them as such. Also Gavin is trans bc I said so. I also found pride flags which was fun. 
Kara fam is just perfect. They are the absolute best. I’m so glad I started with them but also I think they gave me too high of standards, because everyone else just sucks (affectionate). Everytime I go to the Kara fam household, they are all happy/fine/positive emotion, and they actually take care of themselves. I have full autonomy on, and yet I’ll come back to the Jericrew or DPD gang or whoever and find they haven’t fed themselves and the toilets are broken or something. It’s insane. Nines once started a fucking fire on his own. He’s level 6 in cooking. Connor fucking DIED while I was away but luckily I just reloaded a previous save and got him back but like what the FUCK. I don’t even know what he died from either lmao but he died in his bedroom so I can only imagine. Meanwhile Kara, Luther, and Alice are all perfect angels who could do no wrong and they clean their house and have safe kitchen practices and don’t die. I love them a lot. Alice does so well in school. She has many friends and one enemy, idk wtf went down there but it’s funny to me. Every good girl deserves a nemesis. Luther is a gamer, didn’t expect that to happen but it’s funny. Kara plays pranks on them???? But they laugh so it’s fine. Also Alice isn’t a scared little bitch baby like Cole, who can’t sleep a single night without waking up scared of the monster under the bed. Alice befriended hers. 
So yeah I wasn’t going to initially make Cole, just have Connor Nines and Sixty be Hank’s only sons, but then Hank had the aspiration of wanting to start a family so I just decide to try adopting for him and there was a kid named “Anderson” which was so funny and I had to adopt him. But he’s a very weird kid, he’s like if Connor was an 8 year old. Like, gets good grades but is sad about not making friends, tries and fails to befriend the monster under the bed so he’s scared of it, he eats cereal at 3am, he sings to and talks to his stuffed unicorn. It’s adorable. I had no idea all of this was possible.
Oh yeah um. Another thing I had no idea about? Fucking “woohoo”. I knew what it was but I had no idea it was so graphic???? Like they fucking make noises???? I couldn’t even like look at my computer it’s ridiculous. I have to like leave and control another sim each time. Simon and Markus woohoo’d in North’s bed once (against my will) so I had to get her a new one because that’s fucking gross.
The couples will just randomly walk up to each other and kiss which is adorable but also annoying when like for example, I’m having the Connor bros + Gavin visit Hank and Cole and Gavin and Nines just start kissing in the middle of the living room. But then Cole has an adverse reaction to seeing them kiss and is all like disgusted by it, which is hilarious. The others will clap though??? Lmao
Oh my God Sixty flirted with Gavin once and Nines got pissed. Then CONNOR yelled at Sixty for betraying Nines. This game is the funniest thing in the world. Who came up with this. 
North and Simon are best friends but like they kinda did that on their own. North will just go up to Simon and hug him randomly which is crazy to me bc she’s got the hothead trait and like will randomly yell at Josh or stomp around the house, but she sees Simon and just hugs him. It’s so cute. She flirts with Chloe unprompted too. 
I love Markus to death in dbh. He’s one of my favourite characters. Sims Markus, however, is the Worst. He’s got the Friend of the World aspiration or whatever it’s called so he makes lots of friends, but then he’ll like say something mean and get people mad at him?? And obviously it’s in a sims language so idk wtf he says but for example, I introduced the Jericrew to the Kara fam and he got Luther mad at him. Idek how. And then he will mope around about not being recognised for his paintings but gets mad at me when I make him show off his paintings. Bitch what do you want from me. He took Simon on a date and it went really well, but as soon as it was over he fucked off and like did pushups in the park while Simon just stood there. He once spent $45 all at once by making himself three coffees in a row. What the hell. He also got mad at Simon for God knows what but then North yelled at Markus for it which was so funny. I had Josh ask Markus for encouragement once when he was sad, and Markus walked away. Idk if I’m just this bad at the game or if Sims Markus is bugged but it’s wild. 
Josh adopted a kid when I wasn’t there. I was gone for twenty minutes and Josh adopted a kid and named him Antony. It was hilarious but also annoying bc there was literally no space for this kid so I had to rearrange the entire house, and they definitely couldn’t afford a whole Child but Josh didn’t care apparently. Full autonomy is fun but I didn’t realise they could do crazy things like adopt a child on their own. Poor Antony is also really scared of the monster under the bed but Josh has so far proven himself to be a terrible father in that, everytime his kid wakes him up to spray the monster under the bed, Josh gets up and then goes off and does something else, doesn’t even like check up on Antony it’s so annoying. Antony started waking up North instead, unprompted, and she helps him. 
North made an enemy and, at first I encouraged it and had her fight the guy because it was funny, but now she’ll just be walking down the street and it is on sight with this poor fucker. She sees him across the street, runs over, and starts beating him up. It’s hilarious and I love her so much. 
I gave the Jericrew a pool and had everyone invited over for a neighbourhood pool party to introduce them all to each other and Sixty swam into the road. I know it was a glitch but it was super funny. He just. Kept swimming. Into the road. And then swam back. Like he was in the road.
I gave Sixty the “villainous valentine” trait or whatever it’s called because I don’t ship him with anyone and he’s a drama queen so I thought it would be funny, but then he flirted with Josh and Josh reciprocated. I didn’t even make him do it. I had Sixty flirt with everyone who wasn’t in a relationship and it was Josh who liked it. I saw the little green hearts with the ++ above their heads and I was like. What. the fuck just happened. But anyways now Josh and Sixty like each other and I’m too much of a weak bitch to have Sixty cheat on Josh even though it’s his aspiration because I love Josh so idk what I’m gonna do there. I could change it I guess but also I doubt they’ll last lmao especially since I’m doing nothing to help them. It’s still funny tho. I guess I’ll update if anything changes?? If anyone even cares ab this lmao.
Oh also before that, I had Sixty homewreck the Goth marriage and then break up with Mortimer goth so he could get the two aspiration achievements from it, it was funny. Mortimer was a bitch to Connor too, so worth it. Also this family is definitely a Walmart brand Addams family lmao. Except the husband is nowhere near as devoted and loving of his wife obviously. 
Luther is a really high level in the comedy skill and I didn’t do that myself so I guess he’s just naturally hilarious. He’ll be watching tv with Alice and I’ll see him say something and they both laugh, or he’ll joke with Kara while they cook dinner together and they both laugh and it is adorable. Then Alice will come home from school and go see Luther to tell him about her day and he listens and talks back he’s just the sweetest ever.
Simon and Markus’s wedding. Dear lord. I could make a whole separate post about it. It was pure chaos. Let me reiterate that I have absolutely no idea what I’m doing in this game. I’ve never played before and didn’t even know you could hold weddings without the special pack or whatever. Anyways, I had to redo their wedding three times. Three times. So their wedding happened four times because I don’t McFreaking understand this game’s antics.
The first time, I just was floundering and didn’t know how to do anything it was asking me to do. I invited all the other dbh characters but when we showed up at the park, which is where I held the wedding, everyone just wandered off and I had no idea how to get them to watch or anything. I wasn’t prepared with any resources either. It was a mess. Technically I succeeded in the event because I did get them married, but nothing else happened. So I reloaded the save and tried again. 
The second time, I did it a little better, and I had actual tables and chairs and cookware prepared to make food/the cake/etc. I had a whole setup in Magnolia Park that actually looked pretty good. Plus it’s free if you build in the park which is double cool. But anyways I got about halfway through the event when I had Simon and Markus sit at the table with their guests to eat and socialise, and Elijah fucking Kamski flirted with Markus in front of Simon. Markus made a disgusted face and like waved him off, clearly not reciprocating the flirting, but for some reason the game still counted that as “cheating” even though Markus didn’t do anything??? Idk why tf that is but it’s dumb. Anyways, Simon is heartbroken because Markus “cheated” thanks to Kamski being a twat, and I didn’t think much of it til the event ended and I got everyone home and I realised that Markus and Simon’s romance bar had almost completely reset. Like it had the tiniest sliver of pink left. And their friendship bar was halved. Like Kamski fucking bulldozed their relationship when they were just married. And I spent a good hour working frantically to repair their relationship but it wasn’t going well and it was just even more of a mess, and NORTH decided she hated Markus now because he hurt Simon, it was just the worst. So I cheated a little again and went back to my save just before the wedding and started it over again.
The third time went the same as the second, except this time Luther flirted with Markus in front of Simon, and Markus fucking flirted back. I meant it when I said Sims Markus is the worst. He and Luther were good friends before the wedding bc I play with the Kara fam and Jericrew the most bc they’re my favourites, so that makes more sense than Kamski, but still!!! Markus sucks in the sims. Anyways, as soon as I saw that happen I learned my lesson and immediately restarted again.
The fourth and final time, I took away their autonomy. That fixed every problem. The wedding went smoothly, no one fucking flirted with Markus and ruined everything, and poor beloved Simon was so happy. Then when I sent everyone home I gave their autonomy back. Now, when it comes to certain other characters, I definitely wouldn’t have cared this much, but neither Markus nor Simon would ever be the type to cheat, so I don’t at all feel bad about going back and restarting each time, because that’s not who they are. And I’m lowkey pissed that other characters I’m not even controlling are able to flirt with characters I am controlling that are in relationships. Like dear lord, Luther would never. Kamski might. But Luther absolutely would not ever. It’s so crazy.
So anyways, I finally fucking got them married, everyone’s happy, I’m happy. 
Connor is so sweet with Cole. It’s so cute. He reads to Cole and sprays the monster under the bed when Hank isn’t available to and he tag-teams with Cole to prank Gavin and it’s adorable. Oh also I gave Connor the mischief trait or whatever it is because he’s canonically a little shit and it’s funny. And his number one victim is definitely Gavin, close second is Sixty. He pranked Hank a few times but Hank didn’t like it so he stopped. He’s never pranked Nines though idk why. He’ll also just clean things and fix things without me telling him to. He’s a gamer too.
Nines decided he loved fitness on his own. He just does push ups in the kitchen. I’ll be playing as another household and see him jogging down the street. It’s kinda funny. 
I was gonna have Nines propose to Gavin bc I think that’s how it would happen, but Gavin actually beat me to it. 
North and Chloe are so fucking cute. North will just walk up to her and kiss her cheek or flirt with her and Chloe gets all blushy it’s adorable. North handed her a rose once on her own. 
Dude some of these guys are idiots. Someone will be in the bathroom and they’ll just walk in and then be all like “I can’t unsee that!!” like bitch have you heard of knocking. Wtf. but apparently couples can use the bathroom or shower in front of each other no problem so at least I don’t have to worry about that.
I gave each of the Jericrew fireplaces in their rooms. Big mistake. Within five minutes, Simon and Josh caught themselves on fire. I took the fireplaces away immediately. 
I gave North some knight armour stands in her room bc they’re cool as fuck and I think she’d like them, and she’ll just stare at the armour sometimes it’s funny. 
I found out you can have male characters wear dresses if you remove the dumb “masculine” tag on their outfit choices and I spent at least ten minutes freaking out and salivating over Markus in a dress. GOD he looks so fine. Fuck. I gave Simon and Sixty dress options too bc I think they’d rock it and I’m right. Tempted to give everyone dress options actually. North wears a tux though, and her swimsuit is a one piece because I refuse to believe she’d ever wear anything that even slightly resembles the Eden Club “outfit”. She’s hot as fuck in a tux which is obvious.
I think that’s it but I’ll add on if anything else crazy happens. <3
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connorboyyy · 4 months
With this being my third ask (am the one who recently sent about 'slow and steady' and the generations ask lol), I might need to soon give myself a little moniker to myself so I don't have to keep saying 'Oh, I'm the anon who sent X' lol
I'm just a bit curious, but is there anything in particular you'd change about the DBH storyline, characterization, worldbuilding, or smth like that? I'd personally probably change some plot twists or points or completely remove them, but idk tbh lol. One thing I'm almost 100% certain I'd change is the thing with Alice being an android and/or bringing back her concept design. Maybe the timeline, too, because the main game (post-Hostage chapter) takes place within a week, which... feels a LITTLE fast for a revolution and relationship development lol
I really like this game, probably top 3 or at least 5, but yh, just curious :)
(Also, I think I've started to ship Hankcon, and it's a bit off-putting how quickly my brain did that lmao)
You should! You should get yourself a little identifier! Maybe a fun little emoji or sign off/greeting 👀
Oh love this question—listen, I love this game. I think there are a lot of good qualities, but I can also recognize it’s totally imperfect. In MANY ways
First off, I completely agree about the Alice thing. I feel like it was something added just for the sake of being a plot twist and really weakened their story. Not to mention the plot holes it generates that are technically able to be explained, but you have to stretch the narrative to make it do so (for example: how Todd could afford two androids, was Alice deviant or was she just programmed to be more emotionally available to fulfill human’s emotional expectations of a child, etc, etc). It also took away a lot of cool opportunities with Alice and Kara. If Kara had to actually be responsible for finding Alice food on a regular basis or finding her clean clothes or places to bathe. It would’ve been interesting to see how much more Kara would’ve had to venture into public spaces to fulfill Alice’s needs and there could have been a sort of peaceful vs violent route for Kara—whether she chose to tread carefully to get Alice what she needed, or demand it/take it by any means necessary. Not to mention how heartwarming a narrative of a human girl and her android mother would have been—getting to grow older under her care.
Also what you mentioned about the timeline—I agree. It was too short. I think a lot about the depth of relationships the characters could’ve had if they had spent more time. Hell, even just one month as opposed to a week. It really cheapens the effectiveness of any romantic relationship in Markus’ route especially cause it just feels unbelievable.
I also really wish that Connor had deviated because of Hank. Which I admit, is maybe a little corny and definitely a tired old complaint LMFAO And I get why Markus was the one who pushed him there, because he actually pushed him, whereas Hank sort of just watched in awe from the sidelines as he saw signs of humanity in him. (But to be fair, Kara and Markus both deviated without a push from an encouraging individual too, the circumstance just demanded it). But if maybe the story had a longer timeline, maybe they could’ve reached a point where Hank had encouraged it. Or sort of an Alice and Kara deal where Connor deviated for the sake of protecting Hank in some scenario. Maybe if Connor was supposed to report back to Cyberlife to be decommissioned due to how long it was taking him, but Connor knew Hank would be vulnerable to some instance—something like that.
And don’t even get me started on the way the revolution is handled/public opinion or Markus’ limited romantic options. But I’ll stop there cause this response is already crazy long LMFAOAO
(Welcome to the club. It’s a great ship, they have great chemistry, it’s easy to love ❤️)
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d20-brainrot · 1 year
some non-d20 asks! (feel free to not answer some of them if u dont want to)
do you like boba tea? if so, what flavors do you like?
whats a book/series you like?
ice or no ice in your water?
what kind of music do you listen to?
whats your favourite (or a fav) song?
something you think should be an oreo flavour
something you think SHOULDNT be an oreo flavour
whats your favourite fruit?
something you wish you could put as the design on a mug
do you paint your nails, and if so what color do you like to paint them?
i will answer all of these, i love it!!!
i adore boba tea! it's so fun to drink with the big straws lol. i love just like a regular boba milk tea! also taro is good, and i don't mind like strawberry either. i do hate popping boba though. i don't like how it feels :(
i adore the book thief by markus zusak. i read it for the first time in 8th grade and fell in love with it. it's an intense book, but it is so totally worth it. it defined me as a person today. zusak is a literary genuis dude.
oh ice for sure! i miss having ice in my water, because my dorm doesn't have an ice machine. i always drink my water with ice at home though
i listen to all types of music honestly. i'm not a huge fan of country or like screamo, but i will listen to anything once. maybe i found out that i hate it, or maybe i love it!
i love punisher by phoebe bridgers! honestly phoebe bridgers is my favorite artist of all time right now, i love her! i also have a soft spot for anything by hozier. i like all music, but the sad indie music is my absolute favorite genre if you couldn't tell haha
i think that smores oreos should be a thing for sure. like that just sounds so appealing to me, y'know? i love oreos, i love smores, so we should combine them!!
something that shouldn't be an oreo flavor is pumpkin spice. i really don't like the taste of pumpkin spice. pumpkin on its own? delicious, the best flavor ever. but for some reason i abhor pumpkin spice flavoring
my favorite fruit is definitely either raspberries or pineapple! i love that raspberries are tiny, and sweet but a little tart. i love pineapple juice because it just tastes so good. pineapple also looks so cool lol
i would love to design a mug with all the dimension 20 seasons on it, with like the intro picture and shit, that would be fucking fire
i love to paint my nails, but i'm also a habitual nail biter!! when i do paint them however, i like paler colors, like lilac, or soft blue. i got acrylics done once, and i got little strawberry designs on them and i loved them so much. then one broke like 2 weeks in so i broke them all off
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mrbexwrites · 1 year
Relationship Snippets Tag
Tagged by @talesofsorrowandofruin and her snippet can be found here
Thank you so much for the tag :) Rules: Share a few lines or a snippet that sums up the main relationship(s) in your WIP.
Sharing a snippet from Memento Mori Part III, which showcases Morgana’s relationship with a couple of her siblings from the Investiture; Avery and Frieda.
I really enjoy writing Avery, as they’re just a larger-than-life, happy-go-lucky non-binary superstar. I enjoy writing them so much, I am honestly considering writing some flash fiction just to have an excuse to see more of them! Anywho, snippet below:
“Deathkins!” Avery and Frieda teleported into the middle of the sofa area. Avery, glorious as ever, looked like they’d been eaten by a giant cheese puff. A cream cable knit sweater hung off their frame, with ripped designer jeans that no doubt cost  more than my yearly stipend from the Investiture. But it was the oversized faux fur jacket that really finished off the look; fluorescent orange was a hard colour to pull off, but Avery owned it. 
They pushed their sunglasses up into their blue, swept back hair that was undercut at the side. 
Avery gave me air-kisses in greeting, sensing not to touch me. Frieda, dressed in her usual black garb, and hair in a messy pixie cut just gave me a wave. 
“Honey! Darling! When I let you use my penthouse, I thought you were going to be recoupering and resting, not getting yourself into this amount of shit!” Avery pulled out their phone, and held up a video. I recognised the ‘Skeptikz’ logo straight away, and the faces of Markus and Eilidh filled the screen. They looked horrified. The camera, with its shaky visuals, panned around to show me lying in a pool of blood, the young medical examiner leaning over me. He leapt out of his skin when I opened my eyes. 
Avery put their phone away. 
“But I love the outfit. It’s so gauche! Space cat? I want one. It suits you more than your Reject Stevie Nicks phase,” Avery ushered us into the penthouse. “So, I want you to tell me everything!”
They made sure to keep out of range in case  the dried and congealing blood stained their white clothes. 
“But you should get a shower first, Deathkins. You look awful,” Avery noticed Nora and Ted. “Well, hello. And who is this long, tall, drink of milk?” 
“Nice to meet you, ma’am...uh….sir...uhm….?” Ted floundered. 
“Oh sweetie! Just call me Avery, that’s enough.” 
“This is Deputy Ted Ward,” I stepped in to save Ted, who was blushing furiously, mortified about mis-gendering my sibling. 
“A policeman, huh,” Avery’s eyes narrowed, and they took a fistfull of Ted’s t-shirt and pulled him in close. Avery was easily six foot tall, and with their stiletto heeled boots, they towered over Ted. “Let me make one thing clear. Morgana is very dear to us,” they pointed back to Frieda, who pointed to her eyes, and then back at Ted in the universal sign for ‘I’m watching you’. Ted swallowed, and looked nervous. “The last policeman Morgana worked with didn’t treat her very well, and broke her heart. So if you’re thinking of doing the same….well, lets just say, Fred’ll drop you into the ocean and you’ll be eaten alive by sharks. Morgy won’t be able to bring you back when you’re just fish-chow. Capiche?”
Keeping the tag open to anyone who wants to join, but poking @arowanaprincess @akiwitch @the-orangeauthor @arigalefantasynovels @iced-ginger-tea specifically to see if they want to join in :)
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kozy-stuff · 2 years
I wanna ramble my fnaf ocs so much djdbdkdh
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They're Jemmy JamJam and Markus the Coyote :D
Jemmy is based on a blue bird and he is a comedian, and likes to joke around with the other members of the group, oh and he is also the leader of the group AND mascot! ^^
Markus is the scary looking coyote of the bunch.... But he has the biggest heart! He cares about the kids and likes to jam out on his guitar! and he also acts as the big brother/dad of the group
If you guys would like to know more about them, OR the lore where those two came from- Ask me right away :D i would be happy to answer your questions ^^
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rjhpandapaws · 3 years
This is very similar to the ask i just sent but its also Different so it's totally a different prompt don't worry about it anyway. Canon Connor somehow ends up watching a bunch of 90s/early 2000s chickflicks with cheesy sleepoevers. He decides he wants one, complete with face masks ("connor you don't have skin" "it is the pRINCIPLE OF THE THING-"), nail polish, movies with popcorn, truth or dare, the WORKS. He cannot do this alone.
You may determine the friend(s)!! Does he ask Tina, because he knows very few girls? Will Hank be getting facemask stuck in his beard? Is it an Android Sleepover with Jericho, to try and live out the youth they did not have? Is it a brotherly sleepover for bonding?????????
//I adore this!!!
Having a house full of androids was the exact opposite of how Hank had planned to spend his weekend, but he had a hard time telling Connor no. They were originally going to have it at the Manfred house, but then Carl had gotten sick so they changed plans, Connor’s apartment was too small which was how they wound up here. Again, would have been fine, but now Hank had gotten roped into. They had even gotten Sumo roped in, North was painting the poor dog’s nails. It was an interesting thing to see, Androids trying to speed run a childhood in a single weekend. North had decided a sleepover would be a fun idea, and as the only organism aside from a dog that slept he had a feeling he wouldn’t actually be getting any. Simon had struck a deal with Connor that made is so Hank could at least have junk food, the blonde had said it was part of the full sleepover experience. Simon had even placed the order, and got different thing for Connor to sample. Markus had brought games, classics/ Everything from Monopoly to Twister and an extra tv so they could hook up Hank’s old game systems. They had to rearrange the furniture to have space, but that was the once perk of currently having a house full of androids was that it took all of five minutes. Josh and Markus were managing a two man game of Monopoly, and Connor was trying to rope he and Simon into face masks.
“Connor, you don’t exactly have skin so what would be the point exactly?” Hank asked once again. “The container says they are relaxing and you always say I need to ‘fucking relax.’“ He said the last two words in a perfect mimicry of Hank’s voice, exasperation and all.  Simon laughed and put a hand over his mouth to cover a smile, “That was great Connor.” “I will do the face mask as well as pay you actual money if you never do that again.” Hank said with an exasperated sigh. “North, he said he would do masks with us! So we can start as soon as you’re done with Sumo.” Connor turned to the redhead with a bright smile. North returned the grin and Hank got the sudden feeling he was in over his head, “Good thing I just finished.” She stood and made her way to the dining room table, she took a moment to look through the bags before she picked up the one closest to her with a delighted smile. Hank had never seen her this happy before, not even when she was on someone’s warpath, he was glad to see it if not a little worried. “So bathroom or kitchen?: North asked. “What?” Came Hank’s eloquent response. “Probably the bathroom.” Simon suggested, “It might be a tight fit but we’ll manage.”
“Alright. Bathroom it is.” North said with a nod and began herding Hank in that direction. If he was honest with himself this reminded Hank vaguely of his college days before he hid himself back in the closet. Having North carefully run a brush through his hair and braid it back into a bun to keep it getting into the mask reminded him of some of his more pleasant memories of his ex wife. North had put her own hair back in a messy bun and held her bangs back with a headband. Connor’s errant bangs had been clipped back in away that looked pretty comical and North had promised Hank she had snapped a couple pictures. Of course the moment of peace was shattered by Connor opening each of the mask containers and analyzing them. “Really Connor?” Hank groaned with no real heat, “Did you have to do that now?” “I was curious.” He responded with is usual seriousness, “For your skin type i recommend the charcoal mask.” Hank rolled his eyes, “If you say so.” The actual application of the masks was rather event free. Connor sampled the masks again and Hank rolled his eyes. Analyzing things was how he kept himself occupied. It didn’t unnerve Hank as much as it used to. Masks on and timer set the only things left on the list was movies and games.
“So what’s next?” Hank asked when they got back to the living room. “Finally getting into this Hank?” North teased. “Oh shut it.” Hank rolled his eyes. He noticed Connor had gone quiet ever since his hair had been pulled back and his LED had almost constantly been on yellow, long after the analyzing period. Hank was curious but didn’t ask. “How about Twister?” Simon suggested. “Simon, have you looked at me? There is no way I could play Twister, especially not against you five.” Hank deflected. “You can be the spinner then. Make sure Connor doesn’t cheat.” Josh quipped as he finished putting Monopoly away. “I didn’t cheat.” Connor objected. “You took your arm off.” North remarked. “You what?” Hank whirled around to face Connor. “I didn’t want to lose.” Connor said weakly. “It’s official, we are never under any circumstances playing Twister. I know for a fact your limbs are not designed to come off easy.” Hank said putting his foot down, “Movies and pizza it is.”
Hank put on some old movies and the androids wound up sitting around the coffee table to play a game of cards. They tried to rope Hank into it but he steadfastly refused, he was not about to play what looked like Poker with five super computers. He loved his wallet too much for that. They wound up forgetting about the timer and had the masks on for longer than recommended. Hank was really the only one affected by it. Once they were clean Hank decided to call it a night, and found himself looking forward to the rest of the weekend.
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tommystummy · 3 years
A Case of Mistaken Identity
Description: a quick Reed900 fic based loosely on a story from my parents wedding. A Continuation on the fanfilm Detroit: Evolution
Read on AO3
Gavin Reed is a softie under exactly two conditions: with Nines, when they're alone. He gave him the nickname Nines when they were alone together. He told him that he'd been calling him Nines internally for weeks before that when they were alone on Valentine's. It's not really him to do that PDA shit but the private displays of affection? He's getting used to those. Blame it on those stupid hands of Nine's that start glowing when he's being mushy. Nine's skin turns back to plastic whenever he so much as thinks about holding Gavin's hand and the poor hunk of metal is so sweet and sincere that Gavin just grabs him whenever he starts seeing that glow. It's stupid and it's sappy but it's starting to just become another natural part of his insane fucking life with the tin can.
Tina says he stares at Nines like he can't compute how Nines cares so much about him. He can feel that this morning, having walked into the break room first thing only to find Nines already there, brewing him his morning coffee. He wants to kiss him then and there. There's no one else in the break room and even if he risks ridicule if they get caught something in him says fuck it.
"Morning plastic." He greets, wrapping his arms around Nines's black jacket from behind. "Love ya but you don't have to make me coffee every fucking morning." He kisses Nines's neck expecting maybe a no Gavin I much prefer you be sated with your daily caffeine intake or Gavin I don't do this out of a sense of obligation but rather because I want to. Instead he gets:
"Detective Reed" That's not his Cyber-life-partner's voice. It's too formal, too cheery, too high, too much like... oh no "I am Connor."
Time to panic. "Uh. OK... Connor we're just gonna." He throws his hands up and off of Connor and begins to back away towards the archway. "Never, ever mention this alright. Nev-oof" he hits something too soft to be a pillar and too hard to be person and if Connor is in front of him. Fuck.
"Ah," despite the circumstances his shoulders do briefly untense just hearing Nines's soothing flat tone. "Good morning Gavin, I was about to make you your morning coffee." He walks around Gavin. "Connor. Good to see you and Lieutenant Anderson made it safely back from New York."
"We made it in late last night. I believed Hank may be in need of caffeine to deal with jet lag."
"Sensible." Listening to them talk is insane. They both were designed with the same word bank and vocal emulator or whatever but Connor is all subtle positivity and pleasantry while Nines talks soft and stern with a smidge of sarcasm that he picked up from Gavin.
"May I ask a personal question, MK900?" Fullnamed... this ought to be good.
"Of course."
"Do you see me as a brother?"
"We are made to be identical but there are other Connors out there." Other Connors? More of those customer-service-voice Ken dolls? God help the police departments saddled with them. "I suppose I see you as closer to myself than them on account of our shared workplace."
"Then, brother, may I ask when you were going to tell me about the evolution of your relationship to Detective Reed?" This plastic prick.
Nines looks genuinely shocked by that. "I was going to tell you today, actually. How did you find out?"
"Just now, when Gavin kissed me on the neck"
"You Kevlar-plated asshole." Gavin suddenly blurts out after staying silent for what was probably a weird amount of time. What part of NEVER mention it didn't he get. "I SAID-"
"Detective I assumed you were being sarcastic. My apologies."
"Brown nosing asswipe! First of all this is none of y-
"GAVIN." Nines stares him down a moment and Gavin feels a level of remorse. "It's quite alright. Like I said I was planning to tell Connor today anyway."
"Right. Sorry."
"I should go. Hank's coffee is getting cold." That's a lie to get out of an awkward situation if he ever heard one but they part themselves to let Connor through anyway. When did they end up standing closer together again? They seemed to have forgotten the concept of personal space a while ago and just drifted into each other's orbit naturally and unconsciously.
"Gavin..." Nines trails off, focusing on pouring and preparing his partners coffee
"Look Nines. I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to-"
"If you don't want anyone else to know we're together I can accommodate that but I need to know." Nines looks like some one killed a puppy in front of him and it's making Gavin feel more and more like a trash boyfriend. "You can't just... throw a tantrum at a coworker like that." Always so sincere. It scares him how vulnerable they both can be around one another. But feelings shit is something he's working on with Nines and he wants to make that effort.
"No Nines, man, it has nothing to with us" he gestures between them "I was just embarrassed that I basically just sexually harrassed your twin brother. Tell whoever you want. Tell the News.. Tell Fowler. I want people to know you're making me happy." Nines hands him his finished coffee. He ought to start bringing therium sippy cups or something to return this ritual of a favor. Problem for another day tho. He flicks his wrist and begins to walk into the hall.
"I appreciate that Gavin." Nines says, following in lock step with an identical gait to his own, a neat trick that Gavin noticed a while back. He wonders if it's programmed or a deliberate choice Nines has made.
"Hey," Gavin catches Nines's hand and it starts to glow (Nines is such a sap) "I mean it Robocop. You make me better. And happier. Think you're the only person on the fucking planet who can manage to do both."
"Is that so?" A sudden smarmy grin lights up Nines's face "Because apparently any old MK model will do."
"Oh, stop." I am never gonna live this down, he thinks.
"Perhaps I should introduce you to Markus." That smirk drives Gavin nuts in a way that makes his heart beat out of his chest.
"I fuckin hate you."
"You love me." Nines says it not as a jest but as a statement of fact. It simply is. Gavin loves him more than he loves himself most days -not that that's a high bar to clear- Still it touches him that Nines knows he loves him and he wants to make sure he never forgets.
"Yeah. Yeah I do, Nines." And he kisses him. In the middle of the station. Cuz fuck it.
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rk1kheadcanons · 4 years
smol hc: Being the only RK models, CyberLife used some of Markus's base code in Connor's program. Emotions & empathy for social integration, and also some caretaking protocols in case emergency repairs/first aid are needed on the job (IE reactivating the Traci at the Eden Club, or diagnosing & "treating" Hank's ethylic coma LOL). I love the idea of Con getting to take care of Markus for once if he gets injured doing Rebel Leader Things™
🥺 Anon. I love this HC so much. Connor having some caretaker protocols is...yes. Absolutely. The jury is out and they find the defendant correct.
When Markus limped into his office, practically hopping on one foot every other step, all he wanted to do was bulldoze through his paperwork so he could go home and forget today ever happened. He’d taken a pretty hard hit earlier when a counter protester at their rally thought it was just a capital idea to hurl a brick into the crowd. Much more surprising than the sudden brick to the knee, though, was the (almost terrifying in it’s rapidness) reaction from the crowd. The guy was immediately apprehended and cursed out by human supporters and androids alike. It was wild. His bodyguards barely had to do any work. Markus swore he heard a human yell that thirium shots were on them after this, amidst a chorus of responding cheers. Nothing brings people together like a communal ass whoopin’? Apparently??
God he really hoped that human didn’t drink any thirium. Markus still had nightmares about Leo accidentally mixing up his blue raspberry jello shot with his drink, nevermind the fact that thirium consumables smelled like laundry detergent and poison as purposeful deterrents.  
“Are you sure you don’t want to go see the technician?” said Simon who, as his designated babysitter while North and Josh handled the fallout of the rally, followed into his office after him. 
“Naaahh,” Markus drawled, waving the hand that was grasping a pen as if he could wave away the problem altogether. Not for the first time he wished the government would catch up with the rest of the world and just go paperless. Reading over and signing these tedious documents would be a lot less painful to do if they would just let him download it into his mind like a sensible person would. “I barely feel it, plus my Regenerative Program has already kicked in. By the time I get to the med bay it’ll probably be all fixed.”
“Uh huh,” Simon unconvinced at him. “How long till you’re repaired.”
Markus pulled up the damage report in his HUD. “About six…”  he stared at the readings for a moment longer and, much to Simon’s chagrin, went back to doing his paperwork.
“...six what?”
“Bahhh,” Markus waved his hand again unhelpfully. Truthfully, he didn’t know how to make this sound better. Hopefully, his innate charm would cover for his trash convincing. “Ya know…”
“No. I do not know. What is it? Six minutes?”
Markus grunted.
Markus slumped lower in his chair. “Mmmhumph.”
“....Markus,” Simon started in a low warning voice. “If it’s days so help me I’m going to take out your other knee - ”
The door slammed open, startling Simon out of his threat, which was definitely about to escalate to more than Markus’ other knee once he found out it was six weeks. 
“Good morning Simon,” Connor greeted briskly, expression stormy as he made a beeline for Markus like the man possesses on a mission that he usually was. He was swinging a rather large, rather ominous looking tool box with a red medical cross painted on it. Markus didn’t even stop doing his paperwork. He knew the drill by now. “I heard about what happened and came as fast as I could.”
“Wow, the news has only been out for an hou - wait. Weren’t you in Ohio?”
“Yes. I would have been here sooner but traffic was heavier than usual and the family driving the Escalade was surprisingly insistent on going the speed limit. A majority of police officers won't cite drivers for going between 1-5 miles per hour over,” Connor rolled his eyes and scoffed, like he didn’t follow some laws down to the letter while blatantly disregarding others at any given time. 
“Wha - did you hitchhike all the way here!?”
“Oh no of course not! There is a 46% chance of violent or criminal conduct committed against people who hitchhike.”
“Then how - ”
“I was sitting on top of the aforementioned Escalade.”
Markus gave him his best ‘why are you like this’ stare while Simon gaped in perplexion. “You didn’t need to car surf just to come all the way down here, hon.”
“After hearing about the state you were in, with all my love in the world I violently disagree.”
Markus sighed like a man whose knee wasn’t sparking and twitching at this very moment. And...hm. Maybe it did ache. A teeny bit. Whatever. He was still of the opinion that rubbing some dirt on it and a little stretching was enough to get him through the rest of the day.
“Well, maybe you can help me convince him to go to the technician,” said Simon.
“No need.” Without preamble, Connor plopped the heavy med(?) box on the floor and gently lifted Markus’ leg, hiking up his pants up to the thigh. As he examined it, intense as any jeweler examining a rare diamond, he hooked the back of a nearby stool with his foot and pulled it over, resting the leg on it. Markus neither struggled nor visually reacted; just kept stringently doing his paperwork like nothing was going on.
When Connor pulled out a collapsible creeper seat and rolled under Markus’ leg as if he were a mechanic working on a car, Simon went from passive observer to concernedly going around the desk to see what all the RK800 was doing.
“H-hey wait a second! Connor - it’s a pretty serious wound, maybe we should let the professionals handle it!”
Connor rolled slightly from under Markus with a large drill in his hand and an unimpressed look on his face. Surprisingly, Simon was not reassured by this in the slightest. “I assure you Simon that I am fully equipped with the latest caretaking protocols now could you please pass me that monkey wrench.”
“What seriously- UHH! I mean...” Realizing how insulting that sounded, Simon hurried to hand Connor the tool, clearing his throat. “I didn’t realize you had such uh...versatile programing.”
“It’s the same base code used in mine, actually,” Markus added, using his free hand to pat Connor’s soothingly when he heard him grumbling things like “I can do more than kill things” and “No one has been irreparably maimed in my Knitting Circle”. Damn right honey, Markus thought, Greta and Patrica have had nothing but nice things to say about you’re wool socks.
“Oh riiiiiight. You two are from the same model line, I…” Markus could practically Jedi Sense Simon about to say ‘I forget that sometimes’, so he looked up at the PL600 and shook his head firmly with glaring eyes. Simon, sheepish, held up his hands placatingly and held his tongue.
“The code...has been streamlined to cater more towards field and emergency repairs,” Connor admitted reluctantly, but then quickly added, “but combined with my own personal research outside of my programming, it is no less effective.”
Eager to keep his foot out of his mouth, Simon merely nodded in agreement. He couldn’t, however, keep the growing alarm showing from his face as Connor pulled more and more absurd tools out of his box (the electric saw was particularly disconcerting), and started contorting around Markus so that he wasn’t interfering with his work in ways that at first, seemed normal, but were steadily becoming more on par with a cirque du soleil act. That alarm changed into bewilderment when he tilted Markus’ chair back, put a car jack under his desk so that it tilted forward at the perfect writing level, put a pillow behind his head and a fizzy thirium drink (complete with a fun crazy straw) in his mouth. His standard office setup now suddenly a mini spa. 
When Connor started working a polisher to his knee Markus practically melted back into the chair. Oh that sneaky bastard. He knew Markus wouldn’t be able to get anything done by administering the android equivalent of a deep tissue massage. 
Bewilderment now firmly settled on amusement, and thoroughly reassured that his friend/boss was in good hands, Simon started to take his leave. “Alright, I’ll leave you to it Connor. If you need back up to make sure this guy takes it easy we’re all on stand by.”
Connor nodded. “I will escort him home for further recuperation as soon as I have finalized his repairs.”
Markus, eyes closed as he happily sipped at his Particle-Colada, grunted in response to Simon’s farewell. He was a little annoyed that everyone was treating him like a toddler over his small injury, and a little more annoyed that Simon had felt the need to hover around Connor, as if he were bracing for the RK800 to do something violent, before trusting his good intentions. Granted, Markus (begrudgingly) could admit that Connor’s methods certainly weren’t...standard caretaker protocols, and that his bedside manner was well...much like the android himself; aggressive, confusing, and, most importantly, well-meaning.
“‘Can’t go home,” Markus murmured around his straw, very convincingly and not at all like he was about to ascend to a higher plane. “Still got work to do.”
“Hmm. Do you now?” With a fond, humoring, smile, Connor cranked up the power on the polisher. Markus swore his soul was straight vibin’.
Yea, actually. Maybe work could wait till tomorrow.
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lunasilvermorny · 4 years
I’m back! (maybe...)
I feel more mentally stable now that I’m back home, so I guess I can sorta come back, not completely, but to a larger extent than a semi-hiatus.Let’s call it a semi semi-hiatus. (Also, I’m in quarantine and bored, so...!)
Anyway, I’ve kinda started drawing different MCs that I like and that’s the whole point of this post.
btw, the MCs I drew are ones I’ve never drawn before, so it’s not the complete list of all the MCs I like... Just ones that I wanted to draw for the longest time and finally went through with it.
I hope you all like it!
Revena Sevier
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So, I love all your MCs, but I definitely feel guilty for finding out about Revena so late, considering how amazing her backstory is. Anyway, I wanted to give that prank-lord a little love. She deserves it!
Aleksia Aries
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Okay, so Aleksia is actually one of the first MCs I’ve ever seen on tumblr and I fell in love with her immediately. Not only because she’s gorgeous, but also because she’s cool in general. Plus - her love for animals!
Ciri Nyx
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First of all, the name is already perfect, and the fact that she’s Merric’s twin made me want to know more about her in general... and boy, oh boy. That baby has been through a lot. The fact that she had to deal with Markus the longest is enough punishment for a lifetime. Also, her design is beautiful and I really enjoyed recreating it.
(all three belong to @aleksia-aries-hogwartsmystery )
Finn McGarry
( @theguythatdraws )
Luna: You up for a little drinking game, mate?
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Our lad!
He drinks, he owns a car and he’s a cool bloke. What else do you need?
Morgen Maddox
( @gayandvibin )
Luna: I’m not really into Ravenclaw girls...
Mogen: *exists*
Luna: I’m into Ravenclaw girls.
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So the first thing that caught my attention with Morgen was your unique style, but I definitely stayed for the character. (Not to mention that you ship her with Rath, which is a whole different level of amazing.) But I really like how she’s not the stereotypical Ravenclaw and... I just love her, okay? I stan.
Dusty Emerald
( @dusty-emerald-hphm )
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Dusty is just super cool and I want her and Luna to bro-out unironically. Also, I love your style so much! You’re so freaking talented and I always enjoy your drawings.
And Luna still owes her a lemonade.
(Also, her make-up! It was probably my favorite part of the coloring process.)
Ash White
( @karins-horsewhip )
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Ash is probably one of the more recent MCs I’ve got to know, but damn, she’s so freaking cool... And her design is on point, especially her future self. I love her. (also she and Luna spend their time drinking fire-whiskey, so there’s this drinking-buddy bond.)
Alice Beaumont
( @mizutoyama )
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Alice is an angel, did you know that? She’s super cute... and I’m not usually too hyped about cute characters, but I feel like she’s cute in a way that resonates with me.
And because she’s such an angel, I love how she’s also Anne Boleyn in the Six AU, because I feel like it’s so different from her personality, but also, Alice would probably be down to play a character like her... So in my mind, in this AU, Alice is acting and it’s amazing.
Samantha O´Connell
( @samshogwarts )
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One of the original wingwomen! But also, she looks like a chill girl, and I feel like Luna would enjoy hanging out with her. Also, she plays the violin, and girl, Luna and her need to do a violin-duet at some point!
Okay, enough simping for one day.
I hope you all like it!! 💙
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bloodkeep-escape · 4 years
Learning To Love, or: self doubt, trauma, and figuring out how to overcome them and accept your feelings for the person you love
(a short skullkisses fic, also on ao3)
“We’ve really been working on expanding our trade route,” Markus says one day, after the Dark Lord has been laid down for his nap and Leiland finally has a little time to talk. “John’s been helpful with that, the eagles have lots of connections all over the place.”
“That’s great,” Leiland says, and he means it. Markus is finally living the life he always wanted to live. He wishes his friend was around more, he does, but he would never dream of taking this from him. “How long are you sticking around this time? Efink and Lilith are deep in wedding planning, and I think they wanted your help with some of that.”
Markus winces, glancing away. “I’m heading out tomorrow, actually. A group of giants is interested in figuring out how to get weapons that they can actually hold, and it’s a bad idea to keep giants waiting.”
Leiland nods, and ignores the voice in his head telling him to ask Markus to stay. He doesn’t deserve to ask that. “Good luck,” he says instead, forcing a smile onto his face. “I’m sure you’ll do great.”
“Thanks, man,” Markus says, putting a hand on his shoulder. “Might be a couple of months, but I’ll see you when I get back! I know Sokhbarr’s pretty busy with the new scream beasts, so say hi to him for me, yeah?”
“Of course.”
A week passes, and then a month, with no word from Markus. He’s not usually gone this long, at least not without letting them know what he’s up to, and Leiland spends every day with a tightness in his chest that he tries to ignore. He knows that Maggie notices, and he knows that she knows the reason for it, but she doesn’t call him out, which he appreciates. They understand each other now, which is a new experience for Leiland, but it’s nice to have someone who supports him quietly. 
He thinks about asking Efink to scry on Markus, make sure he’s okay, but that might be crossing an invisible boundary. He’s still figuring out what it means to care about people and what it means to be cared about, and he’s constantly aware of the lines and how not to cross them. 
Another week passes, and so does another month, and Leiland finds himself lying on a couch in Lilith’s lair. 
“It’s okay to be worried, darling,” she says, looking through Jessa’s latest wedding dress designs. “We’re all worried.”
“Should I be this worried, though?” Leiland asks, staring at the ceiling. 
“Leiland,” Lilith says, setting the paper down and turning to look at him, “I think it’s time to admit something to yourself.”
He closes his eyes, shakes his head. He knows what she’s saying, and he knows that he can’t.
Lilith sighs and scuttles closer to him. “I know you’re scared, and I know why you’re scared, but this doesn’t have to be scary, you know. Just because your first love was horrible doesn’t mean they all have to be.”
“That’s not,” Leiland starts, but he can’t finish the sentence. 
“I know,” Lilith says, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder, and Leiland relaxes into the couch and doesn’t say another word.
“I don’t think I’m ever going to date again,” Maggie says one night, after putting her son to bed, four glasses of wine into the evening. 
“Mmm,” Leiland acknowledges, downing his fifth glass. 
“It just sucks,” she says, gesturing with her glass and almost spilling wine all over the carpet. “I had one shitty experience with one shitty guy, and he ruined everything for me.” She sighs, leaning back and finishing her wine in a long, slow, drink. “I’m glad you seem to be getting over it.”
Leiland blinks, trying to process that. “Am I?”
“Well yeah,” Maggie insists. “I know you and Markus haven’t said anything to each other yet, but it’s only a matter of time, right?”
“No,” Leiland says quickly, some of the haze fading from his brain. “You know he’s far too good for me.”
Maggie shrugs, slumping even deeper into her chair, the glass falling from her hand and landing softly on the carpet. “I think you’re both pretty cool,” she mumbles, “and I know he thinks you’re hot.”
Leiland opens his mouth, ready to ask what on earth gave her that idea, but her eyes slip closed, and the snoring starts only a moment later.
He pours himself another glass, and he tries to forget.
Three months, one week, and four days after leaving to negotiate with the giants, Markus’s airship docks at the bloodkeep. 
Leiland, busy in the beast pits with Sokhbarr, doesn’t notice until three hours later, when Efink’s voice suddenly appears in his head and says, Go kiss Markus before someone beats you to it, idiot.
“Uh,” he says, “I think Markus is back.”
Sokhbarr grins, and J’er’em’ih makes a noise that Leiland doesn’t even try to understand, and then Sokhbarr is shoving him out the door and telling him to “Go get it,” whatever that means.
He heads to the throne room, first, but the doors are shut for the Dark Lord’s snack time, so he finds himself wandering through the Keep, knowing that he needs to find Markus without having any idea what he’s going to do once he does. 
In the end, Markus finds him first. 
“Leiland!” he says, behind him, and Leiland turns so fast that he almost falls over, and wouldn’t that be a good way to greet Markus after more than three months of complete silence?
“Markus,” Leiland says, because he’s there, he’s right in front of him, and suddenly Leiland realizes that he doesn’t need to think about this, that maybe he’s been thinking about it too much, and suddenly he’s walking forward, and so is Markus, and Markus’s mask isn’t on, and he looks so beautiful, and Leiland missed him so much, and.
And Markus kisses him.
Distantly, Leiland is aware of someone cheering, and part of his brain thinks, Oh shit, is Maggie here? But that part of his brain is quiet and small and easily overwhelmed by the part of his brain that is too busy thinking about how Markus is kissing him.
They pull apart eventually, and Leiland doesn’t let himself hesitate before he says, “I’m pretty sure I love you, Markus.”
Markus laughs, and it lights up his face, and Leiland doesn’t think he’s ever looked more beautiful. “I think I love you too, Leiland,” he says, and then he kisses him again and again and again.
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mcyt-apocalypse-au · 4 years
i've never played dbh, so could u pls explain the plot and how sbi fits into it?
OH HERE WE GO (nerd time) (this is gonna be a super long post explaining the storylines of each character and how i link them to the characters of the smp, so spoiler warning for what you're about to read!)
ok so so so:
you play as three main androids, all have separate lives, storylines and purposes but it's pretty much foreshadowed that they're gonna end up tied together at the end. they're all destined to undergo a process that was dubbed "deviancy" which is when an android disobeys it's original purpose and breaks through its programming, becoming basically human. deviancy allows them to feel human emotion and think like a human would, which makes humans fear them.
connor is the first main android. he's a detective android that's completely obedient and loyal to his original programming. he's designed to hunt down deviants and arrest them so it can be figured out what's causing all these androids to become deviant, however as the story progresses you begin to see him doubt his purpose, depending on your choices. for example, connor is sent to investigate a murder, done by a deviant on a human male, once you catch the suspects you find that it's teo androids that have become deviant and fallen in love, you're given the choice to shoot one (because one panics and attacks you bc you show the gun) or let them go. the latter results in an instability in his programming, leading him down a path of deviancy. markus (wilbur in this au) is the one to finally break him free of his original purpose. i link this to tommy because when he first joined the smp he was pretty obedient to dream, causing the tiny bits of chaos, but at the end of the day, listening to the rules not to greif or start too bad drama. as time progressed he started to rebel against that, starting to do whatever he wanted, for example burning down tubbo's house, starting a war with dream over the discs and starting a drug business with wilbur. and then he finally casts dream aside and creates his own nation with wilbur, just to spite dream and he free of his tyranny.
now we move on to will. i mean this is pretty obvious, markus is merely a care android, designed to help an elderly painter that's in a wheelchair due to health conditions. however as time goes on, you meet the old man's son who is pretty shitty, he asks his dad for money all the time and then completely ignores him, despite how vulnerable and weak his dad is. well long story short, the old man is killed, causing markus to become deviant, and it's the son's fault, but it gets blamed on markus. so markus panics and runs the away, blah blah blah, then he ends up in a scrap heap and has to scavenge for missing parts that got damages when he ran away. he finds a dying android that encourages him to flee to a safe haven for deviants called "Jericho". turns out jericho is an old boat that humans can't get to because there's a series of clues that only an android could figure out. after a few missions with the androids that take shelter in jericho, he's appointed their leader, depending on their choices, and earns their full respect. so with their trust and loyalty, he starts a revolution against humans, it can be peaceful or violent depending on your choices. i link this to wilbur because he was bever supposed to be a massive part of the smp, merely a friend for tommy to rely on while schlatt had that one day on the server, but as time passed he started to log on more, becoming an important character in the smp, soon becoming one of the most important when he started a revolution against dream and his smp, creating l'manberg, a safe haven for all non americans. also depending on your choices, you can either win the human's trust and live alongside them as equals or you can cause everything to go completely sideways, the humans will panic and get rid of all the androids as soon as they see that deviants are a threat to them. every single android is deactivated and destroyed. you loose everything and everyone that you fought for. just like wilbur could've if he blew up l'manberg.
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archadianskies · 4 years
19 + 18 + 17, Simarkus!
(soulmates + tattoo artist + skin hunger)
→ on Ao3
It isn’t the flashiest, slickest tattoo parlour but for Simon and Daniel ‘Jericho’ is the place where they can truly be free. It’s a place that’s all theirs, a place they carved out with hard work, with blood, sweat, and tears- so so many tears. 
At first it had been just the two of them, as it had always been ever since they were sixteen and kicked out by their parents, and then Josh joined them, and then North, and since that day they have been known as the Jericho Four. They each have a speciality: Daniel specialises in painterly techniques, of colourul swathes that washed over the skin; Josh specialises in minimalism, of crisp, strong black lines; North specialises in text, of a thousand fonts at the ready to speak their mind. 
As for Simon, well, Simon has never been good at any of that stuff. He’s much better at caring for others, at nurturing and soothing and so that’s why Jericho has a cafe inside of it. He cooks, he bakes, he brews for both the customers being tattooed and for any family or friends hanging around for support. Sometimes they don’t come in for a tattoo at all, and Simon finds himself serving students and workers on their lunch break. 
It isn’t ever going to make them rich, but it’s enough to get by comfortably and really, that’s all Simon could ever want. 
 “Got a pretty complex booking tomorrow.” Danny whistles low as he scrolls through the email on his laptop. Simon looks up from his book, interest piqued, and scoots closer to him on the couch. 
“Oh?” His twin tilts the laptop slightly, showing a beautiful geometric explosion at the heart of a glowing blue triangle, as if it were in the midst of shattering outward. 
“He’s asking for white ink for some of the lines, so it’ll glow under black light. This is a seriously massive piece.” Danny nods, impressed. “Multiple sessions, with extra surcharge for the white ink. He’s already sent the down-payment, so he’s definitely committed.”
“That’s a crazy amount of work.” Simon reaches over to click on the image so he can zoom in. “It’ll be stunning when it’s done. Where does he want it? On his back?”
“No, over his chest. The fragments will spill over onto his shoulder too.” Danny clicks onto the next image, of the design overlaid on a male silhouette. “I blocked off the entire afternoon for this.”
“Then you better rest up.” Simon taps his temple. “Big day tomorrow.”
 It’s a slow going day but Simon loves those best. It’s even raining outside, which only adds to the soft cosy mood inside Jericho. With no other clients booked except for Danny’s new one, Simon finds himself sitting at a table with the other three sharing a freshly baked pear tea cake. The tattooists have their sketchbooks out, and Simon loses himself to the sound of the rain and the scrape of their pencils. There’s some semblance of inner peace to be found, he thinks, just in these sounds. 
The door opens, and the muffled pattering of the rain turns into a roar momentarily as someone rushes in. Simon stands automatically, switching back into his hospitality role. 
“Good afternoon, welcome to Jericho.” He greets the hooded man neatly securing his folded umbrella.
“Hi, I’m a bit early for my appointment but I thought I’d come in out of the rain since I was around anyway.” 
“Mark S., booking with artist Daniel Lambert.” Simon nods. “Would like a coffee and something to eat while you wait?” The hood falls back and that’s definitely not some stranger named Mark S. “Oh you’re-”
“Markus Manfred.” Josh finishes behind him, standing in surprise. “It’s- wow. You’re really here. I saw your thesis at the Museum of Modern Art. I marched with you last Fall. I thought you were in London researching for your upcoming mural?”
“Just got in last night, actually.” Markus grins, offering his hand for Josh to shake. There he is, Markus Manfred, adopted son of Carl Manfred; artist and activist in equal measure. “A little jetlagged and still adjusting to the timezone, but I’m here in one piece.”
“You did that portrait series on the Eden Club workers.” North adds, offering her hand to shake.
“With my brother Leo, yes.” Markus shakes her hand firmly. “They needed a medium to tell their stories, and we were honoured to oblige.”
“So what’s the story about this tattoo, then?” Danny pulls up another chair to their table, and Markus takes a seat. 
“I want to build on one I already have. I want to make it mine, because the original wasn’t my design.” He shrugs, leaning back comfortably in the chair. “I actually intend to commission tattoos from each of you, to tell my story. I use cloth and brick walls as my canvas, but I want my body to be a canvas for you.”
“I don’t know if you’re being eloquent or cheesy as fuck, but this is the most interesting commission I’ve ever been given so I’ll let it slide.” Danny smirks wryly and Simon smacks his shoulder.
“Behave.” He turns to Markus, and this close he can see those famous heterochromic eyes. “Coffee?”
“Yes please. And a slice of whatever this cake is, if there’s any left.” Markus grins, tapping the closest plate. “Smells divine and I bet it tastes just as heavenly.”
 He’s seen a lot of half naked bodies. It comes with the job- not his in particular, but well, Danny’s and the fact the parlour is tucked just behind the cafe. Simon’s gotten used to seeing people in various states of undress, so used to handing nearly nude people coffees and slices of cake. 
He’s not ready for Markus Manfred to take off his sweater and shirt, revealing a body surely identical to the grandiose marble sculptures that used to grace the ancient world. Not wanting to delay his tattoo appointment, the artist had picked up his cup after finishing his cake, carrying it to Danny’s station at the back and promptly undressing. Simon doesn’t know why he followed, but his feet seemed to carry him after them.
“Fuck.” Danny exhales. “That’s a Kamski.”
Markus looks down at his chest, at the glowing circle at the end of his sternum. His grin is sheepish as he scratches his nape and takes a seat. “Yeah, it is.”
“No way, an original Kamski? Not a Camden?” North follows into the room, Josh behind her. “From before he left CyberLife?”
“Thirium ink. I thought I’d never see one up close.” Josh breathes, voice tinged with awe. “When he left CyberLife he took the formula with him. Their tattoos use an inferior ink with a lower thirium ratio.”
“Well we definitely don’t have pure thirium ink here, sorry bud.” Danny pats his shoulder and Markus laughs. 
“No, I know. I don’t want another tattoo like this one. I want one I designed.” Markus clarifies. “This is my story.” 
 Josh has a thousand questions, and Markus seems happy to answer them. Selfishly, Simon goes to the front door and turns the sign to say ‘Closed’, locking the door so no one else will disturb them. He makes another round of coffees and carries them to the back. Danny has his noise-cancelling headphones on to tune everyone out so he can work. Josh has dragged his chair closer, and North is sitting on her tattooist bench. Simon hands everyone a new cup and takes a seat at Josh’s vacated bench.
“Do you think we’ll ever reach that stage though? Artificial intelligence that can think for itself?” Josh asks curiously and Markus hums in thought.
“I think so. It’s the issue with making them look human, though. The moment we make androids is the moment we divide the world.”
“What do you mean?” North frowns. “Wouldn’t that, I dunno, be a good thing? People get attached to roombas. What more when there’s robots that look like us?”
“That’s what I mean though.” Markus clarifies. “Half of us would anthropomorphise them, and the other half would reject them completely, unable to bridge the fact they are different from us. Humans find it hard enough to treat each other with compassion, what more when there’s an android that looks just like them but is a machine?”
“Then I suppose an android revolution would happen.” North shrugs with a laugh. “If we ever treated them like shit, then we’d deserve the revolution coming for us.”
“I don’t believe it would come to that, I believe we are an intelligent, compassionate race.” Josh argues. “We would achieve integration and acceptance through dialogue.”
“And you- Simon, isn’t it?” Markus turns his head slightly to catch his gaze. “Where do you weigh in, in this theoretical android revolution?”
He wrings his hands, frowning. “I wouldn’t really ever want to take part in it.” A confession of cowardice, but an honest one at least. “I’d just want those I love to be safe. I’d- I’d go somewhere and wait it out, I guess. But if they needed help, I’d help them. I’m not sure how I’d help with caffeine and baked goods, but...I suppose if they needed a place to stay, a place to hide I could give them that much.”
“He’s a softie.” North pretends to ‘whisper’, shooting Simon a grin. “But he’s got grit, and will get the job done.”
“That’s not a bad thing.” Markus smiles at him, and Simon, honest to god, hand over heart, swears the world slowed for just a moment so he could enjoy it. “Kindness in the face of a cold, cruel, apathetic world is an act of bravery, of defiance.”     
 They talk and they talk and Simon loses track of time until Danny takes off his headphones.
“Ok Christ I need a pee break.” He bins his gloves and makes shooing motions at Markus. “Go on, you too, before I start the next part.” He leads him away and North crosses over to sit next to Simon, elbowing him.
“I’m a flaming homo but that boy is…” She clicks her tongue as she makes an ‘ok’ sign with her fingers. “Gorgeous.” 
“Who cares about that, he’s so-” Josh struggles to verbalise his thoughts, making a frustrated gesture with his hands. “He’s so beautifully compassionate and driven. He spoke at the protest I marched at, but only briefly. Hearing his thoughts, hearing his opinions here in private is just...something else.”
“Simon has stars in his eyes.” North teases, poking his cheek. He bats her hand away.
“I do not. I’m staring a healthy amount. Surely no one should look that beautiful and still be human, right?” He asks, exasperated. “He has freckles. Everywhere. He has the body of a marble statue. He speaks like a Roman orator. Or some Greek philosopher. He has one blue eye and one green eye for god’s sake, who let him loose on the world?”
“The more important question is,” North jabs his side, causing him to yelp “is he single?”
“Oh, yeah, because he’s going to be so interested in a coffee boy at a tattoo parlour.” Simon rolls his eyes. “I have so much to offer.”
“You do, Simon.” Josh frowns. “I do take offense to that. You’re a wonderful person, you gave North and I a chance when no one else would. You found us at our worst and helped us become who we are today.”
“Pretty boy would be lucky to have you.” North pecks his cheek. “I mean it.”
 They end up ordering Mexican because it’s already six o’clock the next time anybody checks and Markus seems content to stay a little longer. Somehow in the span of an afternoon he feels like he’s always belonged right here in their little quartet. Even if he’s sitting there half naked with cling film wrapped taut around his freshly inked chest and shoulders. 
“Ok Danny,” North fixes him with a serious look, “important question: where do you stand in the android revolution?”
“In the-” Danny makes a face. “Is this the shit you guys were talking about while I was working?”
“Well not the whole time.” Markus laughs. “Though I’d like to hear your thoughts.”
“I dunno. Would we be able to afford one?” Danny scoops salsa onto a chip and pops it into his mouth. “I’d treat them well, I guess. Make ‘em feel part of the family. If you treat them badly, they could snap and then you’d deserve what’s coming to you.”
“We’re years- decades away from that kind of tech.” Simon shakes his head. “It doesn’t really matter right now.”
“It does.” Markus objects. “They might not be real now, or maybe not ever, but how we treat anything not human is a reflection of ourselves. They’re mirrors held up to test our humanity.”
“This is way too deep for Mexican on a Wednesday.” Danny declares through a mouthful of food. “Just putting it out there.”
“I’m sorry I’m sorry!” He laughs, expression apologetic. “I swear I’m not like this all the time.”
“Pineapple on pizza?” North demands, pointing an accusing finger. “Wrong answer sends you out the door.”
“Can I abstain from answering until I finish my dinner?”
“I’ll allow it.” A pause as she narrows her eyes threateningly. “But only just.”
 Markus Manfred takes a taxi home at about 8pm and Simon doesn’t quite know if any of it’s real, if any of it actually happened. It has to have happened, because there’s another session booked to occur in exactly three weeks. He loads the dishwasher as Danny takes out the trash, waving to Josh and North as they take their leave. Three weeks and Markus will return. How will he fill his time until then?
He doesn’t need to wait three weeks, in fact, because Markus comes back the very next day.
“Hey.” A greeting paired with a thousand kilowatt smile, easy and charming. 
“Good morning Markus.” Simon blinks in surprise. “I didn’t think you’d be back so soon. Is something wrong? Did you need Danny to have a look at the tattoo? Is it bleeding too much?”
“Actually,” he grins and oh it’s far too early for Simon to process such a sight “I was hoping for a cup of coffee and some breakfast?”
“Oh.” He nods numbly. “Y-yes of course. What can I get for you?” 
“Strong black with honey, and something bread-y.” Markus takes a seat at one of the tables. “I thought I’d get some work done here. It’s wonderfully private.” A nice way of saying it’s not a bustling Starbucks, Simon thinks wryly, but he’ll take it. He serves him a large mug of coffee and a thick slice of banana bread and tries not to stare too much at Markus’ elegant hands as he takes out a sketchbook and thumbs through it idly. 
“What gave you the idea of this tattoo?” Simon asks curiously as he spots early sketches of the tattoo design. He takes a seat opposite him, nursing his own large mug of coffee.
“I wanted to shatter through the wall of self-doubt, of anxiety that held me back.” Markus smiles softly, eyes roaming the page. “Growing up in Carl Manfred’s shadow wasn’t easy but a lot of it was all in my head. Dad has never been anything but encouraging to us, as Leo and I both branched out on our own artistic journeys. What held me back was my own fear to leave the safety of his name and stand on my own.”
“Shattering the red wall.” Simon nods slowly. “I guess we all have that moment, don’t we? A moment where we have to decide whether to stay behind it where we’re safe but also changeless, or fight and shatter it, to find our own way.”
“Did you have one, Simon?” He seeks his eyes with such an earnest expression. “A moment where you had to choose to shatter the red wall?”
“We didn’t have much choice.” A heavy sigh. “It was shattered for us, by our parents. We got kicked out at sixteen, and there was no red wall left to hide behind safely. We only had each other, and the only way was forward.”
Markus reaches over and squeezes Simon’s hand. “I’m so sorry.” He says with such sincerity Simon believes it. 
“It’s alright. Jericho is where we can be truly free.” He smiles tiredly. “This place is everything to us, and Josh and North are like family. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”
“Why call it Jericho?” Markus picks up a pencil, turns to a blank page and starts sketching.
“It was the name of an old freighter.” It’s been almost fifteen years, Simon thinks, but the memory is still sore. “We hid there for a while, when we didn’t have anywhere to go. It was falling apart but it was dry and safe. It was home.” And now home is here, home is just upstairs and it’s dry and safe but also warm and full of love. Simon props his chin on his palm. “Feels both like a lifetime ago and just yesterday, to be honest.”
“Grief and trauma are not linear experiences.” Markus shakes his head, eyes candid. “What you experienced at sixteen will always be valid. Our growth is measured in how we cope with that pain, with all we’ve learned over the years.”
It stuns him to hear it, and he feels his mouth open and close as he tries and fails to reply with something coherent. Markus scratches his nape sheepishly.
“Sorry, I’m doing it again aren’t I? Sounding like some cheesy self-help inspirational poster.” 
“I’ve just never been told that before.” Simon admits, smile wobbly. “I guess I’m just so used to taking everything in stride and carrying on. I bury everything deeply, in the hopes I never really have to process it.”
“Then it just rots, Simon.” Markus reaches out again, placing his hand over his and giving a reassuring squeeze. “There’s no chance for growth if the roots are rotten.”
He looks down at their hands, and it’s as though his heart wants to soak up the contact, wants to drink it in as though he’s parched. It’s not as though he lacks affectionate touch, they’ve always been an affectionate quartet of friends, but it’s more like he can never get enough. Markus very gently rubs the back of his hand with his thumb in slow, light strokes. Heat pools in his cheeks.
“I’m alright now. I’m much much better here.” Simon smiles, and though it’s a little shaky it’s real and heartfelt. “I’m happy and I’m safe, and we’re financially secure, so what more can I ask for?”
“I’m glad.” He says, and Simon knows he means it.
 Though he knows it’s selfish, Simon finds himself hoping Markus will drop by for breakfast often. He finds himself inexplicably drawn to him, and his heart leaps into his throat every time the handsome artist opens the door and strides to the counter with confident, purposeful steps. He always has a kind word for all of them, always has a brilliant dashing smile and Simon’s been very careful with heart over the years, but he’d be kidding himself if he said he wasn’t head over heels for Markus. 
“How’s the mural coming along?” He asks as he sets down a steaming mug of coffee.
“Pretty good. Most of the underlayer is down, but it’s forecast to rain for nearly the whole week so I’ve got to postpone it a bit.” Markus sighs wearily. “That’s alright. I’ve got another piece I’m working on in the studio, so I don’t really mind. How’s things here?”
“We had another customer with an original Kamski.” Simon tells him, and Markus raises his brows in surprise. “I know right? What are the chances of having two of you come within the span of a fortnight? She’s a ballerina. I’m pretty sure North’s in love with her.” 
“That would be Ms. Chloe Hersh.” Markus smiles. “I’ve met her only once at an art gala but she’s very lovely. She is the original Kamski. The recipient of the very first thirium tattoo.” 
“That’s amazing. How lucky we are to have the two of you stumble upon our tiny little parlour.” Simon muses as Markus laughs softly. 
“Simon we didn’t find this place out of luck, we sought it out.” He says knowingly, as if it’s always been a fact Simon overlooked. “There’s talent here, and warmth and kindness and really good coffee and the most amazing tea cakes ever.” He finishes with a wink, and Simon knows he’s absolutely done for.
When Markus arrives for his second session, there’s barely any preamble before he’s hanging up his coat and stripping off until he’s shirtless. The linework has healed, meaning Danny can progress with the colour. Simon sets down his coffee and a berry muffin on the little table by chair, and tries his very best not to stare. 
“We dropped by Greektown to see the mural yesterday.” Josh says from across the room. “It’s coming along beautifully.”
“Thanks.” Markus smiles. “Weather finally cleared so I’ve been trying to cram in as much as I can before it turns bad again.”
“You’re doing the backdrops for the ballet next, right?” North hops up onto her bench. “Chloe told me.”
“Yeah, it’s my next project and my brother is doing the promo shoot for it.” He settles into position, taking a gulp of coffee before Danny guides him to stay still so he can begin. “It’ll be fun, it’s a modern Anna Karenina.”
“Small world huh? Or maybe you Kamski originals are all like, telepathic because of the fancy ink.” North teases, and Markus chuckles.
“Oh no you’ve figured it all out. That’s the real reason Elijah Kamksi invented a new ink- to make a group of improved humans.”
“I’d believe it.” North snorts back a laugh. “His house looks like a supervillain lair.”
They fall into easy conversation, and Simon leaves occasionally to serve a customer at the front or bring more drinks and food. North eventually moves off to start working on a client, and Josh finishes his final session on another. 
It’s as the afternoon is winding down that Simon starts to see the small telltale signs of pain on Markus’ face. Over the sternum is one of the most painful areas of the body given the thinner layers of fat, muscle and skin and as Danny moves to start layering the colour, sweat begins to bead on Markus’ forehead as his brows pinch together. 
Automatically Simon reaches for his hand, returning the reassuring squeeze he’d given him the week before. Markus tilts his head slightly and gives him a grateful look, grip tightening the longer Danny works over the sensitive area. 
“Hey, you’re doing great.” Simon murmurs, mimicking his earlier actions as he rubs his thumb over the back of his hand soothingly. “And it’s looking beautiful too. It’s all worth it, I promise.”
Markus nods numbly, squeezing his eyes shut and gritting his teeth as Danny progresses further down his sternum. Simon doesn’t leave his side, and it’s only when Danny sits back and removes his headphones does he realise he hasn’t let go of his hand either.
 They order burgers and fries from a diner not too far away, Markus joining them for dinner after the parlour is closed. With each visit it feels less and less like he’s a stranger and more as if he’s family. 
Discussions and conversations flow, and he’s interesting and verbose even if tonight he’s a little more tired than usual: a marathon tattoo session definitely does that to a person, and Danny is much the same. When he’s wiping down the table, he sees Danny pull Markus aside just before Markus leaves. He says something, his expression serious, and Markus nods solemnly before leaving to catch his taxi.
“Did you tell him about the aloe vera?” Simon asks as his twin brother returns to his side to help him clean up.
“Uh yeah. Definitely needs a higher level of care this time around and I told him to send me photos if his skin acts up so I can tell him what it’ll need.” Danny shrugs, not bothering to hide his yawn. “Next session will be the last unless he wants further detailing.”
“I think it’s your best work yet.” Simon compliments, wrapping an arm around his waist. “I mean it.”
“Thanks Si.” Danny smiles tiredly, bumping his forehead to his. “C’mon. Dying to go upstairs and sprawl on the couch with a beer.”
He hopes like last time Markus will appear for breakfast, but it’s not to be. He tries not to get his hopes up, tries not to look too eager every time the door opens. Markus doesn’t stop by for over two weeks, in fact, and Simon tries not to feel despondent as the days go by without his presence. 
The mural for Bellini Paints at Greektown is announced as complete on social media, and they go to see it during lunch on a sunny Tuesday. It’s a beautiful piece, taking up an entire wall at the entrance to the arcade where Bellini is housed. Sweeps of colour streak across the brickwork in graceful arcs, coming together to form a pair of hands holding a palette and paintbrush; a work of art about a work of art in progress. Simon thinks it’s stunning, and the sheer scale of it is enough to leave him awestruck. He takes a photo and sets it as his background, so he can admire the colours whenever he wants.
When Markus arrives for his final session, he brings a large canvas with him. It’s covered with a sheet, and tied carefully with twine to secure it.
“Hey, Simon.” His smile has an apology in it. “Sorry I haven’t dropped by recently. It’s been pretty crazy trying to finish the mural and I had this other project on the side.”
“We went to see the Bellini mural yesterday, it’s stunning.” Simon finds himself smiling wistfully. “The colours are just so vibrant, it suits the store perfectly.”
“Thanks, I’m pretty proud of it.” He holds out the canvas. “This is for you.”
“...For...me?” Simon gawks at him, unmoving. Markus Manfred is handing him a canvas. Markus Manfred. The artist leans in.
“That means you have to take it from my hands, Simon.” He ‘whispers’ and Simon scrambles to take the canvas, laying it down ever so carefully on one of the tables so he can unwrap it. It’s a painting of Jericho, of his family; there’s Danny, there’s Josh, there’s North and yes, even him. It’s a beautiful flurry of colours and exaggerated brushstrokes, and they’re crowded around a table eating tea cake and drinking coffee, with sketchbooks laid around.
“When I first came here, it was like coming home.” Markus lays his hand over Simon’s and it’s only belatedly that he realises he’s shaking. “I felt welcomed, and I felt at peace. I felt like I’ve always been here. That’s the magic of this place, Simon. That’s your magic.” 
“Markus I- this is too generous, I couldn’t possibly-!”
“You can. I painted this for you.” Markus moves to hold his other hand too, coaxing him to face him. “Because you are the heart of this place. You may not have had a choice to break through your red wall, but you persevered. You are so much stronger than you think, Simon.”
The tears come even though he gave them no permission to, and Markus gently draws him into a comforting embrace. Over the years he’s only ever had Danny, and more recently Josh and North. There was never any time to dwell on the hurt, there was and is only the path forward; if he stopped for even a moment to think back on what he survived it would swallow him up. To have Markus affirm his strength, to have him acknowledge the pain and his progression is far too much for him to process. 
“Did you make my brother cry?!” Danny demands, appearing in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. “What the fuck did you say to him?!”
“Danny, look.” Simon wipes his eyes clumsily, pulling back a little in Markus’ arms so he can point at the painting on the table. “Markus painted this for us.”
“...You what?” Danny’s brows nearly disappear into his hairline as he spots the canvas. “Is this- are you for real?”
“I mean, well, yeah. It’s real and I made it.” Markus grins sheepishly. “I didn’t mean to make your brother cry though.” 
“...Holyshit. Uh. Wow. Thanks?” 
“It’s 3pm, shall we get started on my session?” Markus seeks his eyes. “Is that alright, Simon?”
“Oh! Yes, of course! Sorry I’ll um- I’ll cover this up and take it upstairs so it’ll be safe.” 
He has to hide upstairs for a good fifteen minutes just to make sense of what just happened. He’s holding an original Manfred in his hands, and gifted to him no less. It’s not just a pretty painting, it’s a work of art of his family, making it absolutely precious and priceless. He resists the urge to hug the canvas to his chest, instead laying it on the coffee table before returning downstairs to the parlour. 
Danny’s already started, headphones on and brows creased in concentration by the time Simon brings in a tray of coffees and some black tea and honey cupcakes. Markus offers him a slightly pained smile, and Simon immediately sits beside him and holds his hand.
“Would you” Markus flicks his eyes over to make sure Danny isn’t paying attention “like to go to dinner with me on Friday?”
“...I’m sorry?” 
“Oh, does Friday not work for you? Wait, the parlour’s open longer on Friday nights, sorry.” Markus nods in understanding. “How about Saturday?”
“No I- I’m- the- Friday is- I mean, you’re...asking me to dinner?” Simon stammers, feeling his cheeks flush as Markus strokes his thumb over the back of his hand.
“I’m certainly not asking Daniel.” He cocks a brow, grin mischievous as Simon feels his cheeks grow hotter. 
“Um Friday is fine. I’d love to.” He frowns. “I can’t believe you’re asking me out to dinner while my brother holds a very sharp object against your skin.”
“He already knows. He threatened to stab me if I ever broke your heart.” Markus admits, and Simon realises that’s what Danny must’ve said to him last time right before he left. “Which is fair, really. If I ever broke your heart I’d deserve that. But I’ll do my best to look after it very well, I promise.” 
“Then I’ll see you on Friday.” Simon finds himself unable to stop smiling. Markus brings their clasped hands to his lips, kissing Simon’s knuckles.
“I’m really looking forward to- ow!” Markus yelps as Danny applies just a little more force than necessary.
“Don’t flirt with my brother until I’m done.” Danny orders, voice a little too loud to compensate for the music blaring in his headphones. He fixes Markus with a stern glare, and Markus nods obediently. “Good. Now stay still.”
The finished piece is spectacular, truly Danny’s best work. The lines are crisp, the colours are vibrant, and it’s really as if the shards are exploding outwards from the ghostly outlined blue triangle. It’s taken just over a month to heal properly, with luckily only minimal scabbing. 
Simon admires the work, watching it come alive with each inhale and exhale, with each rise of fall of Markus’ broad, toned chest; a boy breaking out of his father’s shadow to forge his own path as a man of his own making. He traces the triangle carefully with his finger, touch featherlight. Markus hums, a small sound in the back of his throat as his lips curve upward in a lazy smile. 
“Tickles.” He mumbles, capturing Simon’s hand and bringing it to his lips so he can press kisses to his fingers. Opening his mismatched eyes, he blinks at Simon sleepily before rolling over and pulling him flush against his body. They’re delightfully, sinfully bare beneath the covers, legs tangled, and it’s somehow still almost downright scandalous to Simon every time it happens. “Hey gorgeous.” 
“Good morning, my love.” Simon greets in return shyly, and Markus smiles at those words, pressing their mouths together one, twice, thrice insistently. It’s a hungry, desperate beast, this thing called love; selfish and needy and somehow never sated but that seems to suit them just fine. They’ll drink each other in and drown wholly, completely, in the wonderful chaos; two halves of one whole. 
This is the freedom they found, this is the freedom they earned, and the red wall lies in shards at their feet.     
(Markus’ tattoo is similar to this, something like the moment when androids deviate in the game)
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biliciouseleanor · 4 years
My unpopular opinions about subjects that people bring up all the time (regarding North and Markus's relationship)
"He has so much more chemistry with that character or this character" - he ??? literally ??? have ??? the ??? same ??? amount ?? of ?? chemistry ??? with ??? everyone ???, like, you can literally see that he also treat everyone the same way he treats North (except for the kisses and the connection he felt with her) lmao. People were like "he didn't say he loved her 🙊", yeah, but he also didn't say not even one thankful word to Josh and Simon, when they made their speech about supporting whatever decision they would make. It's how he was designed, also they're ROBOTS, ofc their relationship won't be the same as humans, and they also were in the middle of a fcking revolution, come on people, but we could see they cared deeply about one another, and loved each other. I feel like people have this foolish idea that if it was Simon, Josh, or whoever else, it would be any different, they're wrong.
"Ew, they're having sex in public" - no, they're not, but I guess that I'm not surprised people saw that way, since people always take everything to a sexual side. The hand thing, was so much more than just sex, they were connecting their memories, seeing each other lives through each other's eyes, it wasn't equal to humans connecting their genitals, they were connecting their souls, so it's so much deeper than just sex, it's a cute ass scene, and underrated, because people have their "I hate North" and "My ship is better than yours", goggles on.
"Makes no sense she continued with him if we pick the peaceful path" or "Markus deserve better, she always wants violence", - North is such an amazing character, she is actually really caring (the path that shows her as a leader, shows that). She just wanted to go against the humans in an more aggresive way, because she was abused her whole damn life, by humans! So of course that it would make her think that way, she went through a lot. "Oh but she said to leave Simon behind", so did Simon??? He said to leave North behind, but I guess when it come to him, it's okay, right? As long as the person is saying to do it with a character you dislike, even if she doesn't deserve to die as much as Simon didn't. And the first quote, North changed her mind about the approach they should follow, Markus changed her, opened her eyes, he was a good influence to her.
"He clearly doesn't care about her/loves her", - guess people didn't watch all the paths, because the ones that she dies, you can see how sad and heartbroken he is. He also was willing to die, because he didn't want her to give him her heart, as he couldn't live without her, it's so obvious that he loves and cares about her, I don't get why people don't see that.
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alien-rainbow · 4 years
The Princes Of The North and South (3/3)
Solangelo fic, Royalty AU, kinda sad ending, kinda not, Will is betrothed to Bianca 
Word Count: 2,621
Will snapped his mouth shut and tore his eyes away from the boy and sated behind them at the wooden doors, he couldn't make eye contact with any of the Di Angelos or anyone in his family. Will was struggling to breathe,  how could this happen? How and why is this my luck?  The kid that Will developed a crush on in only a few hours was now standing directly in front of him but in the worse way possible. I wouldn't be marrying the boy, this wasn't a ball, this was a royal meeting between two kingdoms brought together in the marriage of Nico's sister and Will. Nico was going to be his brother in law, while his sister would be his wife and queen. 
"You must be tired," Kalliope said plastering on another fake smile which Nico, just like his father saw though he didn't show it too much. "Would you like to join us at breakfast or rest?" The Di Angelos all shared a look and in a second had decided, their verdict was delivered by king Hades. 
"Nico will go to his room and we shall join you," the king said gesturing to the rest of his family. Kalliope gave him a genuine smile and nodded her head towards a pair of guard lining the wall. then gestured for Nico to flow them. Two of the Olympus soldiers lined up at Nico's back while the two Papadopoulos guards walked in front forming a square around the Prince. One more guard joined the mix though this Olympian looked different, his armor had purple and silver medals and designs in it showing that he was of a higher rank. When the guard joined Nico in the middle of the protection square Will realized he must have been the prince's personal guard. Nico glanced back at his the look of bewilderment gone and replaced by curiosity. 
Only after they had left the room did Will realize that he had been starring. He turned back to the remaining Olympians his face heating up with a blush. Kalliope then spoke and they were moving to the dining room. It looked a lot better in the day time when the sun reflected around the carful built room lighting up every corner. Will was about it sit down in his normal spot at the far side of the table away from Kalliope when she cleared her through and gestured for him to sit in the chair next to her. It made sense when he saw where the others were sitting, they wanted him to be near his fiance and her parents. King Hades sat across from Kalliope and his wife sat down next to him and Bianca next to her. 
Will sat through the meal responding politely though not paying attention. Kalliope and Hades carried the conversation with Persephone budding in everyone and a while and Bianca and Will even less. Bianca kept her eyes in Will's direction almost the entire time as if assessing his worth, she had her father's piercing eyes which added to her beauty. Not a prince or princess in the room wanted to be there and it was quite obvious to their parents but they paid them no mind.    
The day continued like that though after breakfast Wills siblings were released, as they walked quickly away from the hall they threw pitted glances at him. Will would have given anything to be out riding with Markus or reading with his siblings. Will would have taken a long lecture and economics over the agony of walking around the castle as Kalliope and Hades conversated and debated the two children's lives. Throughout the day Will's thoughts drifted to Nico and one night they had spent together. More thoughts bubbled by that he had thought he'd forgotten.
Will sat at the dining room his mind drifting why he heard the princess speak, "Are you excited?" Banca asked softly, she looked generally interested in what he had to say, she could also just be trying to soften out the tension between the two. They had shared only a dozen words that day and the tension kept growing. 
"Are you?" Will asked kindly, he couldn't help it. He wanted to be mad at her but he also knew that this wasn't her fault. It's no ones fault for being born, Will for one knew that. Though Will couldn't see how anyone would be excited to marry someone they had never met.
"I don't know, I'm glad to finally be a leader for my people, or your people," she paused looking slightly puzzled. 
"Our people," Will said smiling at the girl, he knew he would never fall in love with her but having an ally who actually cared about helping and governing people wouldn't be the worst thing that could happen to him. At Will's words, the girl visibly relaxed, at that point he could remember his mother saying that he was a calming presence and to never underestimate the magic of kindness. Bianca returned the smile though it quickly slipped from her face. 
"You seem really nice so I need to say this now," she took a deep breath and stared intently at the table not meeting Will's eyes. "I'll never love you, not romanticly at least, I'm sorry." Will was surprised by her statement but was extremely grateful for her transparency. 
"Honestly, me neither," Will said smiling sheepishly. It was now Biancas time to look surprised. The two sat there for a few beats then when they made eye contact both burst out laughing. Will felt the tension slip out of the air as he and Bianca began to talk. He leaner about what it was like growing up, the pain of losing her mother, what her step-mom was like, and what she wanted her wedding dress to look like.   
"Are you close to your brother?" Will asked, causing the princess's face to light up. 
"Yea, we do everything together, though he's really protective of me when he's two years younger," she said smiling "You didn't hear this from me but he found out that I was betrothed and would be heading up[ here alone he threatened father," she laughed at the memory. "He's a tough nut to crack but once you do he's incredibly kind." Will shouldn't have asked the question but he couldn't help it. His heart now hurt thinking of the Biancas brother, he wanted to get to know him, the him he is now. Will hadn't noticed at first but thinking back he thought of early that day. The light in his eyes was almost non-existent compared to the five-year-old Nico Will had met.   
Just then the doors swung open and Will's siblings entered surrounded by guards and took their seats at the table. Once they had sat down Bianca started talking with them, they were surprised by this but after a while seemed more conferrable with the girl. Persephone sat down next not joining in the conversation but it was obvious the queen was listing. The doors swung open once again and Nico stepped into the room, Wills breath caught once again at the boy's breathtaking beauty. He walked quickly over to his sister's side and slid into the chair and began to talk quickly in a language Will didn't recognize. He pointed at Will a few times during the speech and Biancas glances at him went from confusion, to wonder, to sadness as Nico finished what he was saying.  
The large doors swung open one last time as Kalliope and Hades entered and took their respective places. Dinner passed just like breakfast only this time Will was distracted by thoughts of Nico  and  Nico himself. When dinner was done everyone exchanged goodnights and Will stole one last glance at Nico and found the boy was staring intently at him. Will waved and smiled brightly causing the boy to turn away as a pink blush covered his cheeks. 
Will paced back in forth in his room and realized he couldn't remain in his room any longer. After he had the servants help him get undressed he released them for the night saying that he would see them tomorrow. The second the door closed Will walked over to his closet and pulled out a pair of boots, a simple cotton shirt, and a pair of pants. After dressing himself he grabbed a thick fur cloak out of the wardrobe and threw it over his shoulders and fastened it. He then walked over to the window and pried out a loose stone that hid a rope with knots tied into it. He secured to rope inside his room and tossed the other end out the window then shimmed down, his boots landing in the freshly fallen snow with a satisfying crunch. 
Will then started to walk to the garden where his mother's hidden grave was. He navigated through the tall shrubs to a small fountain that was covered with small musical instruments and in the spring, and summer would be surrounded by dozens of blooming daisies. Will was so deep in thought that he didn't hear the sound of two pairs of feet walking up behind him. One of the people stopped about ten feet away from where Will was standing while the other continued over to Will. 
"Um, Hello," some said placing their hand on Wills's shoulder causing him to yell, jump up and trip over the edge of the fountain, and fall onto the snow-covered ground. "Oh my gods, are you okay?" the person exclaimed as they extended their hand to the prince attempting to help him up. Will brushed the snow off of his clothes then looked up to see the person who had frightened him and was now offering their hand. Will wanted to be mad but when he looked up and saw Nico's dark eyes looking back at him. All the anger evaporated and was quickly replaced with giddy happiness as heat rose to his cheeks. 
"Uh, yea. I'm fine," Will said taking the younger prince's hand and pulled himself back up. Will then smiled at him and thanked him for the help. 
"Um, we have met before, right?" Nico said fidgeting with a ring on his middle finger that wasn't covered by gloves. Nico looked slightly nervous and kept glancing back at the single guard that was with him, the guard kept giving Nico reassuring looks.
"Yea!" will said excitedly at fiding out that Nico remembered the night. "It was at that big ball that all the prince and princesses were invited to about ten years ago." A small smile spread across Nico's face as he listened to the blond talk about the night they had spent together. Will talked fast with wild hand gestures with Nico budding in with any details Will had forgotten. "Um, do you want to go for a walk?" Will asked realizing that it was kind of cold and standing still might not have been the best idea though Will didn't feel any of the cold.
"Yes, that would be lovely," Nico said as he started to flow Will through the grounds that were mostly covered in snow, It was then that Will realized that the rooms that they usually kept guest in had a perfect view over the garden meaning that Nico, Bianca, or the King and Queen could have seemed him. For once Will was glad he hadn't thought of that because he was now walking shoulder to shoulder with the most beautiful boy he had ever seen. 
Will had gotten to the end of the night and was gushing over Nico's piano skills then slowed to a stop and glanced back at the guard that was following them. He couldn't see much of his face but a scar across his lip and bright blond hair pocking out from the edged of his helmet. He didn't want to get Nico in trouble because of the kiss. Will knew they were only kids but the feelings he felt for the pale boy were still there and maybe stronger than ever. Nico noticed where Will was looking and where he had stopped and let out a soft laugh.  
"Jason already knows I trust him I have also told him the story at least a dozen times," Nico said blushing as he realized what he said. Will saw the guard turn to stare at the top of the castle witch in this part of the garden was the only part of the castle that could be seen over the tall hedges. 
"You, you talk about it?" Will said bewildered, if he would have told anyone what happened that night he could have been ridiculed, shamed, and even killed. 
"Yea... It was one of the happy memories that I held onto after my mama died," Nico said his voice dropping a little. Will could tell that Nico and Bianca had been incredibly close to their mother and were crushed by her death. They stod in the middle of the garden the silence was comfortable but Will couldn't stand it. He had to make some noise so he said the first thing that came to his mind.
"You're still just as beautiful as the day we met," this statement shocked both of them. Will stuttered to try and come up with an excuse for why he said that but failed. Nico just stared at him in shock his face getting even redder. 
"William," Nico said softly, Will had been staring at the ground and sky and trees, just anywhere that wasn't Nico. though at his name he turned to look at the pale boy. Will couldn't have dreamed up what came next. Nico grabbed his hands and leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips then quickly pulled back gazing at Will looking for a reaction. Will could feel Nico's hot breath on his skin and the rest of the world faded away. He didn't care that Nico's guard was barely ten feet away, nor that he was a prince engaged to Nico's sister, or that it was freezing outside. His whole body felt alive and hot from the single kiss. Will was about to lean forward to get another kiss out of the ravenett when he heard voices calling out Nico's name saying that his 'walk' had taken far too long. 
"You should probably get back," Will said breathlessly. Nico frowned in the direction of the voices.
"Can we even met like this again?" Nico asked though you could hear the disappointment in his voice as if he had already answered the question. Will felt his heart squees and he knew right then and there that he would never let this not leave him ever again. 
"We will figure something out, I promise," Will said pressing a kiss to the boy's cheek. Nico smiled brightly at Will then engulfed him in a hug witch surprised the blond. He hadn't expected the boy to be so efficient, but he wasn't complaining.
"Thank you," Nico said with his head still buried in Will's chest, he only broke away when Jason called out telling them that they had to leave now to give Will a path back and so no one saw the two. 
Will watched them walk away and he sighed, not even being able to comprehend what he had gotten himself into. Will was marrying the princess of Olympus while in love and secretly meeting up with her brother. Will took a deep breath and started back towards the castle, glancing at the windows where the guest wing was and smiled to himself. Maybe this wasn't the worst situation after all.
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