#i love making these super specific drawings that only make sense when u read the fic
requinum · 5 months
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Three words. Gone Girl!Lawlight. Also L is from Wisconsin (WISCONSIN MENTION!)
Fanart for Animal Games (linked) by @quicktimeeventfull
102 notes · View notes
luxaofhesperides · 1 month
those who serve.
previous chapter. full fic on ao3.
14k.... finish what ure doing first before u read this. this is ur only warning.
cw for this chapter: violence, injuries, nongraphic medical procedures
. . .
Danny gets one week to adjust to the reveal of the Wayne family’s night activities, on top of getting learning more and more each day to help Alfred. Then everything upends itself in the face of a gala taking place in the manor in ten days.
Most of the preparations have been taken care of by Alfred months in advance; renting out extra tables, chairs, and tablecloths, hiring catering, getting together press passes for attending reporters, and so much more. He kindly goes over each thing for Danny, reviewing the specifics of each group so Danny can have an idea of what to look for in the future. The amount of information he gets makes his head spin, and the prices of everything make him break out into a cold sweat.
Technically, Danny is joining the ranks of the rich with his new paycheck, but no amount of time will make him comfortable with such large numbers being attached to his bank account.
Ten days to the gala, Alfred shows Danny how to get blood out of white and light colored clothes. Tim, apparently, pulled some stitches after getting stabbed the night before, and bled through his shirt. 
Hydrogen peroxide is a life saver. It definitely would have been useful to have while he still lived in Amity Park.
He also discovers a love of ironing; watching the wrinkles in the fabric disappear is deeply satisfying in ways he can’t put to words. 
“I’d certainly be happy to pass on all ironing duties to you,” Alfred says, when Danny mentions this. “Just be careful not to burn yourself.”
“Don’t worry, I’m not that clumsy!” he replies, moving the iron across another shirt. Looking at Alfred, Danny miscalculates how far he’s moved the iron, and the edge of the hot metal touches his palm, pressing the shirt flat against the ironing board. He yelps, yanking his hand back, then gives Alfred a sheepish smile. “That doesn’t count.”
Alfred shakes his head with a fond smile, holding out a hand. “Let me see.”
Danny holds up his hand for Alfred to inspect. There’s no burn, barely any redness in the skin, but Danny draws some ice across the area anyways to keep Alfred from worrying.
“You could always iron using oven mitts,” Alfred suggests. “I believe we have some spare Batman themed ones in the kitchen.” His tone is so dry and even that it takes Danny a second to realize he’s joking.
“I would have accepted that if it wasn’t Batman themed,” he jokes back. “Anyone but him.”
“He’ll be heartbroken to hear that, I’m sure.”
Danny snickers and goes back to ironing, carefully keeping it away from his hand this time.
He’s not laughing when Alfred teaches him about formal suits that night, showing him each piece to the suit and how to properly wash, fold, and iron them, as well as how to put them on. And then he drops the bombshell of, “You’ll be getting your suit fitted tomorrow as well,” in the most casual tone possible for him.
Danny chokes on nothing and has to spend a minute clearing his throat before he can say, “Sorry, what did you just say?”
“You need to get fitted for a suit. Tomorrow. I have already made the appointment with a tailor I’ve worked with for many decades.”
“Cool, that’s what I thought you said. Is this required?”
“Yes, as you’ll be attending the gala as well. We are the two permanent members of the Wayne Manor staff. There will be eyes on us as we keep the event running smoothly, so it’s important to be well dressed.”
It makes sense when Alfred puts it like that, but Danny still has to smother his instinctive refusal. He’s only rented suits before for school dances, and those were never super comfortable. He avoids events that require suits, like formal conferences his parents are invited to, with an extended invite for family. Suits and wealth will always make him think first of Vlad. 
Maybe in time, he’ll associate those things more with the Waynes, but for now, Vlad is the face that comes to mind and Danny has to shove away the urge to run and hide.
“Not to worry,” Alfred adds, as Danny struggles to smooth out his expression from the pained grimace it twisted into, “You will not be going to this appointment alone.”
That’s not the part that Danny’s concerned about, but he still appreciates it. He’s definitely not ready to be alone in the city again, considering how his first time out with the Waynes ended with a hostage situation and a mall full of violent gangsters.
There’s not much anyone here can do for his own hangups, especially when they originate in another dimension. 
So Danny pastes on an unconvincing smile and gets back to work.
Nine days before the gala, Danny finds himself in a car with Bruce and Cass. Alfred had offered to drive them, but Bruce grabbed the keys before anyone else could and cheerily waved Alfred away. He was then told to not get another speeding ticket and to try to be a good role model for Danny.
Danny, whose only good role model is Jazz, looked away nonchalantly and acted like he didn’t hear that. 
It’s not like he needs good role models anyways. He’s doing just fine on his own!
Alfred doesn’t count because Alfred isn’t a role model as much as he’s an ideal Danny is striving for. Alfred is who Danny wants to be when he grows up. Now that he has a chance to grow up (relatively) safe, that is.
Cass had snickered at the three of them, then bodily shoved Danny into the backseat before climbing in after him.
Now, they’re going down the streets of Gotham, driving over a bridge, through neighborhoods, through run down districts that slowly get bigger and cleaner and visibly more suited for people with money. Bruce doesn’t drive recklessly, thankfully, despite Alfred’s warnings. 
Even so, Danny still clings to the car door, ready to throw himself out at a moment’s notice. He’s learned to bail quickly with his parents’ dangerous driving. 
“You alright back there?” Bruce asks, meeting Danny’s eyes briefly in the rearview mirror.
“Yep!” Danny chokes out. “Doing great!”
He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to regulate his breathing, counting slowly in an attempt to settle the wild beating of his heart. 
He wasn’t this bad in cars before. Even with his parents. He’s not sure what changed, but being in Gotham, after everything that’s happened, makes the small space of a car feel suffocating. The rocking of the car as it goes down bumpy roads would have once lulled him to sleep, but now makes his stomach roll and his chest go tight with panic. None of this is made better by having two observant and dangerous people watching his every reaction, no matter how small.
The radio is playing softly, simple background noise as Bruce drives them through Gotham. Danny tries to pay attention to it, to listen to the songs that come on, but his focus is completely shot. The noise keeps fading in and out of his ears.
“It’s okay,” Cass says softly. Her fingers skate over the back of his hand, making him jump. He blinks his eyes open to look at her. 
At some point, she’s taken off her seatbelt. Which isn’t safe! She needs to put it back on! 
Danny’s gone through the lessons and powerpoints back in Amity Park, when teachers tried to make sure he and his sister would be better drivers than their parents. Seatbelts help prevent severe injuries in car crashes, and there’s a reason they’re required by law.
Weakly, he shoves her back against the seat. Then he leans forward to reach past her, taking hold of the discarded seatbelt, and fastening it around her again.
“Keep that on,” he says around a gasp, his breath catching in his chest. His voice sounds weak and thready even to his ears, which means its bound to be even more concerning to her and Bruce.
“Do you need me to pull over?” Bruce asks, glancing back at him. “If you’re feeling sick, I can stop until you feel better.”
“No, just keep driving. The sooner we get to wherever it is we’re going, the better.”
Cass is frowning at him when he looks at her, ensuring the seatbelt is still on. “Why?” she asks, pointing at him.
That’s such a vague question! What is he supposed to answer! 
‘Why is he like this?’ ‘Why is he worked up about a seatbelt?’ ‘Why is he a mess?’
The answer to all those questions are the same: he doesn’t know!
The most he can do is offer Cass a weak shrug, so that’s what he does. Cass squints her eyes at him, then grabs his hands and lifts them up to start a clumsy game of patty cake. It quickly becomes apparent that she doesn’t actually know how to play patty cake and is instead clapping their hands together randomly with a look of confusion on her face, so Danny takes over, humming the song under his breath.
It helps distract him from the unreasonable panic of being trapped inside a car. That was probably her intention, but Cass is so focused on keeping up with their steadily quickening game of patty cake that it doesn’t feel like he’s being coddled. It just feels like this is normal, like they’re two kids passing time on a car ride.
Like they could be anyone else. People who are safe. People who haven’t been so hurt.
It’s almost a surprise when the car comes to a stop, Bruce smoothly pulling into a parking space with a reserved sign in front of it.
Danny opens his mouth to ask if it’s really alright that they park there, but can’t say a word before Cass smacks his hands down. When he looks at her, she rubs her fingers together in the universal sign for money and gives him an impish grin.
That’s right, Bruce is rich enough that he can get away with anything. Who cares who that reserved sign is for? Bruce can just buy them a new parking lot. 
That won’t stop the whole thing from leaving a bad taste in his mouth, but at least it’ll be easier to ignore.
Cass hops out the car and skips around the open the door on his side, holding out a hand to help him out. 
He takes it and lets her yank him out of the car. She doesn’t bother waiting for Bruce before dragging Danny into a fancy looking store, the outside all black brick and large, reflective windows. He doesn’t get a chance to see the name of the store, pulled in too fast by Cass’s enthusiasm.
She all but throws open the door, the bell above them ringing merrily, and leads him inside. The dark wood floor and fancy lights immediately make Danny feel out of place. The racks of fancy clothing on display and the mannequins all dressed up in suits of various dark colors only make him feel more like he doesn’t belong in there. 
“Hello, hello, welcome!” calls out an employee. She wears a dark green apron with a notepad tucked into the front pocket and a pin cushion on her wrist. “Are you just browsing today, or do you have an appointment?”
“We have an appointment for Danny,” Bruce answers, somehow appearing behind them. Danny squeezes Cass’s hand to hold back his flinch; he’d really love if the man would make some noise when he moves. 
Did the bell over the door even ring when Bruce came in?
“Great! Follow me, I’ll get you into a fitting room and then let Mr. Brownstein know you’re here.” She leads them through a door near the back of the store, leading to a short hallway with three numbered doors in them. 
They’re given room one, which looks more like a lounge than a fitting room. Beyond the couch and armchairs is a round platform with floor length mirrors surrounding it on three sides. Past that is an area that looks like a large dressing room with only a curtain to separate it from the rest of the room. 
Bruce wastes no time in sitting down on the couch with a low grunt. Apparently not even vigilantism and constant training can save him from old man joints. 
Cass lets go of Danny’s hand to flit around the room, then grabs a few magazines and sits next to Bruce, flipping through them quickly. 
Left on his own, Danny stands near the door awkwardly before he forces himself to join them, sitting on one of the armchairs to keep some space between them. 
“How are you feeling?” Bruce asks as soon as Danny’s gotten comfortable.
Danny shrugs. “Fine. Just… not used to this.” He gestures vaguely to everything around them and Bruce nods as if this makes sense.
“I understand that this can be a lot,” he says, “But we’ll do all we can to make things go smoothly for you.”
“Will be normal… time?” Cass adds, looking to Bruce for help.
She signs something and Bruce helpfully supplies, “Eventually.”
“Yes! Even-tu-ally.”
“I don’t know if anyone ever gets used to this. The being rich thing and your hobbies.”
“Plenty of us in the know have had to adjust to this life, you’re not alone in that.”
Danny squints at Bruce. “I highly doubt any of you were normal before doing what you do.”
Bruce opens his mouth to refute that, thinks about it, then closes his mouth and slowly nods. “That is a fair point. What’s normal for Gotham is hardly normal for anyone else.”
“No, no, this is not a Gotham specific thing. This is a Wayne and associates specific thing.”
“You are in that,” Cass says. “Not normal.”
“I think I’ve made it very clear that I am not normal. But I wasn’t insanely rich! That changes things!”
“No,” Cass says firmly, agreeing. “Not normal. Better that way.”
A knock on the door sounds through the room before they can get into it anymore. The door opens just a second later and an old man with heavyset wrinkles, white hair, and a fancy looking black cane with the handle done in gold, enters with a smile.
“Ah, Mr. Wayne, how lovely to see you again.” He’s got the same accent as Alfred, the same even, unflappable tone.
“Davey!” Bruce stands with a grin, his voice turning loud and energetic. It’s such a change from how Danny’s used to seeing him that he can’t do anything but stare at the man in shock. Bruce shakes Davey’s hand in big up and down sweeps, full of cheer.
Gone is the calm, steady, intimidating presence Danny is used to. In its place is some guy with a good attitude and not much else in his head.
“So good to see you again,” Bruce continues, dropping the handshake in favor of patting him on the back. 
“I do hope you haven’t wrecked any of your suits recently. I was hoping to go more than a few months between tailoring new suits for you.”
“Then I’m sure you’ll be happy to know all my suits are in perfect condition! We’re here for someone new, anyways.” 
Taking his cue, Danny stands up and gives a small wave. “Hi,” he says rather weakly.
Davey lights up, striding across the room to take Danny’s hand in his, giving it a vigorous shake. “You must be the boy Alfred’s taken in! Such a pleasure to meet you lad, I’ve heard only good things about you.”
“You know Alfred?”
“Know him? I grew up in the same neighborhood as him in England, and he’s the one who helped me set up shop here in Gotham back in the 80s. I’ve gotten ahead of myself.” He shakes his head and steps back, giving Danny some breathing room. “David Brownstein, at your service.”
“Nice to meet you, Mr. Brownstein. I’m Danny.”
“Call me David. Any friend of Alfred is a friend of mine. Now, I hear you’re in need of a suit?”
“Yeah, there’s a gala soon and I don’t have anything formal or like… professional to wear to it.”
“Make him pretty!” Cass demands, clapping her hands together in delight. 
David nods to her. “I intend to, Miss Cassandra. Let’s begin, shall we?”
In no time at all, Danny is standing on the round platform in a black suit, trying his best to be as still as possible. He’s stopped breathing completely so he doesn’t accidentally disturb David where he’s pinning his left pant leg to better fit him. The fabric is soft and smooth, higher quality than literally anything else he’s ever worn in his life. 
When he glances into one of the many mirrors around him, he has to admit that he looks good.
To be fair, though, everyone looks good in a suit. 
It’s just so far beyond his normal that it feels like he’s looking at someone else in the mirror. To think that just a few weeks ago, he as a homeless teenager living on the streets with only the clothes on his back. Now he’s getting fitted for a designer suit that probably costs more than his entire college fund.
Bruce left the room at some point and Danny has no idea where he could be. Cass is still around, though she disappears every so often, then pops back in wearing a beautiful dress that she presents to him for his opinion.
Danny gives her a thumbs up every time while also trying to keep his arms still. 
Near the end of his appointment, she walks into the room with a bunch of silk ties in different colors and patterns draped over one arm. She holds up each one in front of her face, looks between the ties and Danny, then either tosses them onto the couch or puts them back on her arm. The ones she keeps on her arms, she yanks at each one, then wraps them around her neck and tries to choke herself with them.
This, apparently, is part of the selection process, and she tosses a few more to the couch. 
He’s… not sure he wants to know why she’s considering which tie would be best to strangle someone with. That’s not a problem Danny has to deal with. It’s not in his job description.
Bruce conveniently reappears once Danny carefully changes back out of the suit. The thought of trying not to disturb the pins or chalk lines is so stressful that Danny just phased out of them once the curtain was drawn, so they’re all as untouched as they can be. 
He passes the suit to David, who leaves quickly with a goodbye tossed over his shoulder to the three of them. Cass hands three ties to Bruce, who stops by the register to get them paid for and packed up before they leave the store. 
They head back to the manor soon after. Danny’s grateful to be done, even as he spends the entire drive with his head between his knees, trying to pretend he’s anywhere else.
“How was it?” Alfred asks once Danny’s joined him in the kitchen to help with dinner. 
“Fine. David was nice. Also, I’m not sure if Cass wants to strangle me or not.”
“She’s like that sometimes,” Alfred says, then smoothly pivots the conversation into a new direction and they both silently decide to move on and pretend everything’s fine.
Eight days before the gala, Damian pops up while Danny’s removing dead leaves from the indoor plants. He hovers over Danny’s shoulder completely silent while Danny works, unaware, until Damian says, “Stop what you’re doing.”
“Shit!” Danny jumps, throwing dead leaves into the air, and goes intangible. His feet sink into the floor before he catches himself and flies up, floating in the air with a hand on his chest to keep his half-dead heart from escaping.
Damian stares at him, unimpressed. He looks at the dead leaves on the ground, then at Danny, and sighs.
“What?” Danny says, flustered. “You scared me! Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
“It’s hardly my fault you lack awareness of your surroundings.”
“Yeah, whatever. Did you need something?” Danny floats back down to the floor, tangible once again, and kneels down to clean up his mess.
After a moment of brief hesitation, Damian joins him, carefully gathering up the dead leaves closest to him.
Any annoyance Danny has at being scared like that fizzles away instantly with that little gesture. 
Damian is blunt and full of jagged edges, but he’s not unkind. 
“Has anyone shown you the emergency supply caches or escapes routes?”
Danny vaguely recalls Damian mentioning the caches but nothing else. And Danny hasn’t exactly been going out of his way to spend time with anyone but Alfred, who is busy enough teaching him how to handle all his new butler duties. 
He shakes his head, gathering up the very last leaves, the smallest of the bunch, then stands up. Damian follows suit with a disapproving click of his tongue. “I suppose I will have to do it then. Come, let us begin.”
“Woah, wait, we gotta throw these away first!” Danny tries to take the bundle of dead leaves in Damian’s hands from him, but he turns, keeping his hands out of reach with a scowl.
“Fine. You don’t need to do it for me. I’m not incapable of basic tasks.”
That was not at all what he meant by that, but okay! Danny decides to move on from that and dumps the dead leaves into the small trash bag he’s been carrying around for this task. Then he holds it out for Damian to do the same. 
Having taken care of that, Danny has no more excuses and is quickly taken on a trip around the Manor with Damian, who points out all the hidden emergency caches. 
There are so many. If Danny didn’t know about they’re vigilante activities, he would have been convinced that the Waynes were secretly doomsday preppers. 
Some are hidden in panels in the walls. Others beneath floorboards. Some behind large paintings. 
“You must carefully memorize which paintings are emergency caches. There are some paintings within the Manor that lead to secret passageways or panic rooms,” Damian says. 
“How the hell did this place get built that you guys have so many secret, hidden things in it?”
“Very carefully.”
Damian puts a hand on a panel in the wall in the next hallway and pushes against it. The wood falls back and opens silently, revealing a small space with a first aid kit, six gas masks of various sizes, and three tasers. Danny carefully takes note of the location and tries to memorize a few details around the cache so he can find it again later. 
They go through the entire manor, even unused rooms and halls, the attic, and areas that the Wayne family allows outsiders to access when they open their doors. 
Escape routes follow next, but take much less time when Danny reminds Damian that he can just fly out of the Manor whenever he wants. Danny himself is an escape route. Still, he memorizes some that go from the ballroom to the back of the manor in case he needs to evacuate people. 
“Now,” Damian says as they come to a stop in front of the grand staircase in the foyer, “Walk to every emergency cache you can remember.”
“Oh, come on,” Danny groans. “There’s no way I’m going to remember any correctly.”
“Which is why we’re doing this. If we put it off, then you won’t learn until it’s far too late.”
That doesn’t sound too bad, since Danny’s been learning on the fly since the Accident. Half the reason he managed to do what he did as Phantom was because he had no choice but to learn as he went, thrown into fights he wasn’t prepared for. It’s never gone too badly before, and he’s always been able to get out of things relatively fine. 
Then again, Gotham is much more dangerous than Amity Park. It’s not ghosts that are causing the problems here, but living people who have no qualms about killing. Danny rarely ever had to hold back his strength with ghosts; they were already dead, they could take a hit.
But here?
If Danny isn’t careful, he could kill people here. Even if he doesn’t mean too. 
He remembers how strong he felt when stopping that mugger from hurting Alfred. How fragile and small the gangster who attacked him and Dick in the mall felt trapped beneath his foot. 
In Amity Park, Danny was just another ghost.
Here in Gotham, Danny is a monster. 
Damian’s right. It’s better he be prepared so he can act more carefully, have more options at his disposal instead of just working off panicked instinct.
“Alright,” he sighs. “Just don’t be too upset when I can’t find more than one.”
Damian stares him down with hard, serious eyes, but something about the downturn of his lips makes him look more awkward than intimidating. “You are a civilian who has only just begun to learn everything about the Manor. I’m not expecting much from you.”
The words, by themselves, are harsh, but Danny can hear what he really means: You don’t have to get it perfect, you just need to know enough to be safe.
“Okay. Should we start from here?”
Damian nods, and so the roles reverse and Danny leads them around the Manor, trying to remember as many emergency cache locations as possible. He gets more than he expected, around seven correctly and six more with some hesitation and poking around in areas he knows something is hidden, but he’s not 100% sure where.
He expects that to be the end of it, but Damian just nods thoughtfully and takes the lead again, showing Danny all the caches he missed. It takes up the rest of the day, but Alfred didn’t mind when he rushed to the kitchen afterwards to help finish dinner.
The next five days are spent deep cleaning the Manor, mostly in areas where there will be high traffic, and making sure anything Bat related or generally suspicious is hidden away. He doesn’t see the Waynes much at all outside of meals, and even then it’s only Bruce, Damian, and Cass that show up regularly. Everyone else appears at random, no rhyme or reason as to when they decide to sit down to eat with the rest of the family. 
He overhears stern reminders to be careful on patrols, for the Waynes joining Bruce to make sure their clothes are ready and any needed cover stories are made and memorized. The others tease the poor souls forced to host the gala with Bruce, flaunting the fact that they get to go out and patrol like normal instead of pandering to the crowd of deeply annoying elite folk. 
None of what they say make Danny feel any better about having to work the gala.
He tries to channel his nerves into work, always finding something to do in order to keep his mind from wondering about all the things that could go wrong at the gala and spiraling. The giant crystal chandelier in the ballroom is sparkling from how thoroughly Danny’s cleaned it. 
Alfred handles all the logistical tasks, smoothing out last minute hiccups and answering questions from caterers and hired security. The ease with which he works through things has Danny in awe, hoping to one day be as capable as he is. 
Two days before the gala, his suit is delivered to the Manor. Cass somehow gets a hold of it first and ambushes Danny as he walks into the kitchen, holding a basket full of bell peppers and tomatoes. 
“Your suit!” she announces, suddenly in his face as he turns around from closing the door. One of her hands darts out and holds the basket up from the bottom, keeping any of his garden harvest from falling onto the floor as Danny freezes and tries not to jump back and bang his head into the door.
Once she’s sure he’s got his balance back, Cass steps back, presents his suit on a hanger to him, and says again, “Your suit.”
“Thanks, Cass. This couldn’t wait until I wasn’t holding stuff?”
“Nope. Go put it on!”
She smoothly takes the basket from his hands and replaces it with the suit. Then she uses her shoulder to push Danny away from the door and out of the kitchen, ending with a light, playful kick to his back.
Well. He’s no longer making spaghetti, apparently. 
With nothing else to do and no reason to deny Cass, Danny heads off to his room to get changed. He doesn’t quite remember all of Alfred’s instructions on how to put on a suit properly, so he has to look it up on his phone. It’s a long process to lay out the suit in all its pieces and then put them on in order, looking between his phone and the mirror to make sure he’s doing it right.
The only thing he doesn’t have is some sort of necktie. He’s pretty sure butlers wear little black bowties, but that could just be a movie thing. He’s pretty sure it’s what James Bond wears, anyways, which isn’t quite the look he’s going for. 
Once he’s got the suit on as well as he can manage, Danny takes a look at himself in the mirror.
He’s still pretty thin despite his appetite growing and his stomach being able to handle larger, richer meals. There’s a paleness to his skin that will probably always be there, making him look washed out and slightly drowned. His hair is a mess, as it always is, but in the suit, it looks more like a style choice than a consequence of his refusal to touch a hair brush in the mornings when he makes breakfast for himself and Alfred. 
He doesn’t look half bad. 
And the suit is fitted to him perfectly. Nothing is too tight or too loose. Everything falls where it should comfortably. 
Satisfied with his efforts to dress himself properly, Danny gets back to the kitchen to let Cass see him. It’s easier to fly through the walls than make his way down the winding hallways, so that’s what he does, passing by a startled Tim who must have just come up from the Batcave. 
Cass is sitting on the counter when he returns, kicking out her legs idly. She lights up when she spots him and claps her hands together in delight. “Nice!” she says, giving him a thumbs up.
“Thanks. I don’t have a tie or anything, so it’s not really a complete look.”
“We got ties,” she says.
“Uh, when?”
She waves a hand vaguely. “At the store. With your suit.”
Well. Bruce did buy some ties, but Danny hasn’t seen them since so he assumed they weren’t for him. For all he knows, they’re for Cass. She was the one checking them to see how well they could strangle people. He’s not really sure he wants those ties, if they’re going to be used as improvised weapons.
“I didn’t know any of those were mine. I definitely haven’t seen them since we got back.”
“Oh. I forgot.” Cass hops off the counter and says, “Stay here!” Then she’s gone, disappearing back into the depths of the manor.
“Sure, I guess,” Danny replies to no one. He stares forlornly at the basket of bell peppers and tomatoes on the counter. He would get started on the sauce if he could, but he doesn’t trust himself to keep his new and expensive suit clean while he cooks, so all he can do is look longingly at the work he should be doing.
He doesn’t wait as long as he expected to. Cass must have made use of those hidden passageways scattered all along the Manor to get back to him so quickly, three ties in hand. Or she’s just fast. One or the other.
“Here!” she says, presenting them to him. 
Danny looks them over, reaching out to feel them. They must be made of silk for how soft and smooth they are. 
One of the ties is a deep blue color with gold thread providing some embellishments. Another is a simple red, one solid color. 
It’s the last tie that holds Danny’s attention. Black with silver thread stars and planets and celestial bodies, carefully placed on the length of the tie. He’s never thought much about ties, much less about their designs, but he’s obsessed with this one. It’s perfect for him.
Cass must clock his interest in the last tie. She tosses the other two over her shoulder, then reaches out to flip his collar up. The tie goes around his neck and she ties it loosely, clearly unsure of how to properly tie it, but doing her best anyways.
Once done, she looks it over before she nods, satisfied. “Good.”
Danny looks down to lift up one lopsided end of the knot she’s made with the tie. “Thanks, Cass. This one’s great. Can I ask why you tested these three for strangling capabilities?”
She shakes her head. “Not for harming,” she explains. 
“Uh… strangling is very harmful. And that’s definitely what it looked like to me.”
She shakes her head again, stronger. With one hand, she takes one of the ties on her shoulder and loops it around her neck. “Picked the ones that won’t be bad. Hard to hurt with these. Try.” And Cass offers one end of her makeshift tie noose to Danny.
He stares. “No, thanks.”
“I’ll do it then.”
Cass grins at him, all teeth and challenge. “Stop me.”
And she yanks with all her strength, harder than she did at the tailor’s, genuinely trying to strangle herself with this silk tie. Danny chokes on his breath and scrambles to stop her, grabbing her wrist and struggling to pry the tie out of her fist. She doesn’t let him stop her, pulling harder, her grip iron and unmovable.
Danny, in a moment of panic, shoves his fingers between the tie and her throat, creating space, then makes the tie go intangible, finally freeing it from her grasp. 
“Please,” he begs, “Do not try to kill yourself in front of me.”
“Woah, what?” Tim asks, having chosen the absolute worst time to walk into the kitchen.
Cass waves at him. “Testing,” she says, pointing at the tie, the wraps her hands around her neck and mimes being strangled to death.
“Oh. I see.” Based on the way Tim is blinking at them, befuddled, he definitely doesn’t see. “Why silk ties? Those are the worst for strangulation. They slip too much.”
Danny stares down at the tie he liberated from Cass’s grasp. Slowly, he wraps on end around his wrist, ties it off, then pulls with what’s left of the tail. 
Sure enough, the tie slips along his wrist and against itself. It still pulls tight, but not as strongly as he thought it would.
So this is what Cass meant when she said these were safe. The ties she chose must be what she decided were least capable of strangling him.
It’s actually kind of sweet that she went out of her way to find something specifically so it wouldn’t be used to hurt him too much. As strange as the whole process was, he can’t deny that he’s touched by the effort she put into this.
“Unless that’s the point,” Tim continues, looking between the two of them. “Nice suit, Danny, you look great. Have you figured out where to hide weapons in it yet?”
“What? Why would I do that?”
“In case you get attacked. Always a risk at galas.”
“Are the rich people going to attack me or something?”
“No, no! Probably. But that many rich people in once place, especially in Wayne Manor, makes the gala a huge target for anyone wanting to rob us or take someone for ransom. But maybe be wary of the rich people too, there’s some really creepy old guys that are somehow still kicking.”
“Great,” Danny says weakly, “That’s exactly what I want to hear.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll be able to keep you safe. So, weapons?”
“I don’t think I need any. I have powers, remember?”
“And you can fight with them?” Tim presses.
“Fighting’s all I’ve ever really done with them, so yes.”
“I’ll take your word for it then. But remember, plenty of us will be there in case anything goes wrong, and we’ll have plenty of security around. I’m sure the gala will go fine.”
Cass points an accusing finger at Tim. “Jinx!”
He winces. “Ah. Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have said that. My bad.”
“Well, as long as I don’t have to fight rich people,” Danny tries to joke, only to blanch when Tim moves his hand in a ‘maybe-so’ back and forth motion. “I don’t have to fight rich people, right? I thought we already agreed on that!”
“You probably don’t have to fight rich people,” Tim corrects, “But there was a cult situation years ago. Like, when I was in elementary school, but B took care of it so it’s not a problem anymore. Not that it would stop them from making more cults, but we haven’t seen any recently. So.”
Danny stares at him, a little horrified. “Man, what the hell is Gotham?”
Tim and Cass snicker, as if this isn’t the reality they grew up in. “Don’t worry,” Tim says, “You’ll get used to it soon enough.”
“Ancients help me when that day comes,” Danny mutters.
He leaves them to steal snacks from the kitchen as he changes back out of the suit and is graced with their company as he makes two pots worth of spaghetti, smacking their hands with a wooden spoon when they try to sneak a taste of the sauce. 
And then, suddenly, the day of the gala of here. Danny can only hope it doesn’t end too terribly.
. . .
“The first guests will likely arrive around seven in the evening,” Alfred says as they make their final rounds to ensure the ballrooms and sitting rooms are all ready for the elite of Gotham. “Preparations will begin at noon. Security will arrive first. They have all received instructions onto where they should be. Be on the look out for anyone going to places closed to the private; we have had many people in the past be bribed to steal from us while had them employed for an event.”
“What should I do if I do find someone out of place?”
“First, try to escort them back to where they should be. If they resist, then do whatever you deem necessary.”
“And when you say ‘anything necessary,’ does that include…”
Alfred stops to look Danny directly in the eyes as he firmly says, “Anything.” And then continues walking as if that didn’t just happen. Danny hurries to follow, putting into practice his newest, most important skill of moving right on past that shit.
“Tables and chairs for the ballroom will arrive at one. I’ve printed out the layout they need to be placed in. The rental company has a copy of these instructions, so all you need to do is oversee the set up. Catering will arrive at five to set up, cook, and have food out and ready for guests.”
“Do I have to greet any of the guests?”
“Not at all. Master Bruce has that responsibility. I will be taking care of coats and bags for guests. I will need you to direct cars to the drop off point in front of the ballroom entrance.”
“Everyone’s being dropped off?”
“That is correct. You don’t need to worry about arranging rides for anyone, as that is something they have to do themselves.”
Okay. Cool. It’s still stressful, still a lot that Danny has to be in charge of, but it’s not as overwhelming as he thought it would be. Alfred hasn’t given him too much to do, and all of it is easy enough for him to take care of with his current skill levels. As long as no guests come up to him demanding he do stuff for them, he should be fine.
They split up after they leave the ballroom to put up the velvet ropes that will hopefully keep people from wandering into places they aren’t allowed to be. From what he’s heard, it shouldn’t be a problem except with particularly drunk guests. The Wayne family is big and important in Gotham, enough so that any and all guests will be careful to be respectful while attending the gala. 
Danny double checks the list he was given of where to place the rope barriers, double checking that he got all of them. 
After that, it’s a flurry of tasks to be completed, last minute details to fix, and preparing lunch for everyone so no one goes hungry until the gala begins.
In no time at all, security arrives and Danny is tasked with directing them to their positions, helping them review their routes to keep the venue safe. It’s off putting to be the one listened to when he’s so much younger than everyone, but none of the hired security guards act like anything’s out of the ordinary while with him. It’s probably just in his own head, but it still feels wrong.
Tables and chairs arrive after that, and Danny helps them get to where they need to be placed. He helps with moving some of the tables as well, putting his enhanced strength to good use so the other workers don’t have to struggle so much. Tablecloths are set out, carefully smoothed of wrinkles. Floral centerpieces follow.
There’s only one near miss with two workers crashing into each other and the centerpiece—with its glass vase—goes flying amid the horrified gasps of the others. Danny had just managed to catch it in time, moving on instinct honed from years of ghost fights.
The relief on everyone’s faces helped him feel more at ease working with them.
By the time they’re done and everything is where it should be, properly put together, the catering arrives, bringing with them another flurry of movement and energy.
Danny lets himself get swept up in it, helping where he can. He almost doesn’t notice how late it’s gotten until Alfred appears at the entrance to the ballroom and looks at him expectantly. 
Everything is as set up as it could be. The rest of the staff are now to act as waiters, basically, carting around drinks and finger foods for the elite. Danny will just get underfoot if he stays.
He leaves with a quick goodbye and is waved off by more people than he expected. 
Alfred falls into step with him as they make their way to the servant’s quarters to get changed into the gala suits. Before they part ways to go into their own rooms, Alfred gently claps a hand against Danny’s back.
“Well done,” he says warmly when Danny looks at him. He looks proud of Danny, so proud that it makes Danny’s eyes well up with tears he hurries to dash away. 
“Thanks!” he returns with a bright smile, and ducks into his room to try to get his emotions under control before he has to meet a bunch of rich people with red eyes and tear tracks on his face.
To think he can be undone so easily with just two words.
Jazz would probably have a whole lot to say about that. He misses her psychoanalyzing annoying big sister attitude so badly it hurts, a wound that will never heal. He hopes she’s doing alright wherever she is now. He’s ruined enough of her life, he’d like it if his disappearance doesn’t hurt her too much.
Taking in a deep breath, Danny shoves away all thoughts of home and family. He needs to focus. He’s here to do a job. He needs to make sure the gala goes smoothly.
Step one of that plan is to put on his suit and fix his hair so he looks more put together and less on the verge of an emotional breakdown.
He completes step one more or less successful. The only thing he can’t do is knot his tie nicely, and no video tutorials he watches really helps. With the time limit he’s on, Danny just gives up and decides to ask Alfred for help.
Alfred is already in the hallway waiting for him when Danny opens his door. He holds up his tie with a sheepish smile. “So, I don’t actually know what to do with this…?”
Alfred’s eyes soften and he waves Danny over. “Allow me.” 
He takes the tie from Danny’s hands and flips up his collar. With clean, precise movements, he has the tie around Danny’s neck and neatly knotted into what is probably a fancy shape that Danny will never be able to recreate. Then his collar is smoothed down again by Alfred’s hands, which quickly move to straighten out the lapels of his suit. 
“There we are,” he says. “And look at you now: a proper butler of the Wayne family.”
A warmth settles deep in his chest. There’s joy, rising on strong wings, that sweeps through him. 
He’s still an apprentice.  He still has so much to learn. But tonight, he will go out as the future butler of the Wayne family. That is how this world will know him. Alfred has carved out a place in this foreign dimension just for him, and finally Danny feels like he can take it, settle in, finally belong here beyond just a charity case taken in from the streets.
“Are you ready to work your first official event?”
“I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” Danny replies, standing taller. 
“I’m glad to hear it. And Danny, if you ever need a break, you can hide away in the kitchen for as long as you need. I’ll be sure to join you in there eventually.”
“Got it!” And then, softer, “Thanks, Alfred.”
“But of course, Danny. Tonight will be busy. It may even be overwhelming. But I will be there for you should you ever need me.”
Danny nods, biting his lip and squeezing his eyes shut so he doesn’t start crying. He had been doing so good too! But Alfred’s honest words always throw him off balance. 
He has no defense against Alfred’s kindness. That’s how he ended up here in the first place. Pulling himself together with nothing but stubbornness and sheer will power, Danny lets out a steady breath, then starts walking. Alfred joins him as they return to the ballroom and gives him one more pat on the back before splitting off to tend to his own gala duties.
Left alone in the ballroom, surrounded by the bustle of staff finishing up their last minute tasks, Danny takes in the glittering opulence of the place; this isn’t the warm, lived in Wayne Manor full of history and family and comfort. This is cold and sharp, all gold and bright lights, a stage for false personalities and masks to take the spotlight for the night.
A group of musicians in the back of the ballroom fill the air with the sound of strings and flutes as they tune their instruments and prepare to play for hours on end. 
Food is set up and serving stations all have someone behind them, standing with their hands behind their back as they wait for the first guests to trickle in.
It’s nearly seven. Danny hurries outside, ready to wave drivers towards him, directing them down the gravel path that branches off from the main driveway that goes to the front door of Wayne Manor. It takes barely a few minutes before he sees the first headlights make their way down the makeshift road. 
Danny waves a hand in the air and the driver stops right in front of him. An old couple dressed lavishly get out of the car and stand together, arm in arm.
“Oh, who’s this?” the old woman coos, looking at him. 
Danny gives her a tight smile. “Hello, and welcome! I’m Danny, the apprentice butler to the Wayne family.”
“How darling,” she says, pressing a hand against her chest. “It’s been too long since I’ve met a young man like you learning the art of butling. Why, my own family had an apprentice back when I was in college, and he went off to serve a family in Spain that was closely related to the Spanish royal family.”
“That’s cool,” Danny replies, trying to hide how awkward he feels. “I think I’m going to stay with the Wayne family, though. I’m not that ambitious.”
“Waynes are close to royals in Gotham. They’re the most important family in the city. Why, I remember when Martha and Thomas were killed in Park Row. It was a dark day for us all…”
Woah, what? That’s the first time he’s heard of any murders happening in the Wayne family.
Some of his shock must shown on his face, as the old couple suddenly look more engage, more eager to talk to him.
“Why don’t you escort us in, son,” the old man says, “And we’ll tell you about it was we walk.” 
The couple begin to slowly walk to the Manor, slow with age though they still hold themselves tall. Danny falls in step with them and the man begins to weave a tale about a much younger Bruce Wayne and the parents who loved him so dearly, and how the sudden, tragic loss of them rocked the world.
Danny doubts he ever would have found out about this on his own. And he certainly won’t have known the impact the Waynes have had on Gotham. The fact that their lives and deaths mold the city is a heavy realization.
The couple keep him at the door to the ballroom for a few minutes to wrap up their story. Danny glances out over the grounds every so often to make sure there aren’t any headlights in the distance coming his way until they thank him for the escort and go inside, leaving him to wait for more guests.
He never really thought about why the Waynes go out each night as vigilantes. It’s dangerous, thankless work and no one would do it without a reason.
He can see, suddenly, a young Bruce, just a child, suddenly lost and adrift in a world that murdered his parents. He can see that child decide to fight back in any way he can. He can see Batman rise from the heart of that child and swear to prevent anyone else from experiencing the pain he had to survive. 
And he can see Alfred standing behind that boy, carrying his own grief as he takes care of a child who grows up ready to throw his life away for a cause far greater than himself. 
How they can bear it?
Danny is both the one who left and the one left behind, running from his parents just as they turned their backs on him, and it destroyed him. He’s only just now building himself back up again, feeling more stable and steady despite the hole in his heart that will never close. At least he got the privilege of starting fresh in this dimension. Bruce and Alfred had to grow around the loss that is embedded into the city.
He really doesn’t know much about them, he realizes. This is the first time he’s really considered their histories. 
Maybe Alfred will be willing to talk to him about it later. 
With those thoughts heavy on his mind, it’s hard from him to be fully focused as he directs cars to stop before him one by one. More guests in fancy suits and elegant dresses step out and walk into the ballroom, only a few bothering to greet him as they go. His mind keeps drifting as he pastes on a smile and waves to drivers as they leave.
He stays outside for another hour before the last of the cars leave. The gala is in full swing when he ducks inside, sticking to the walls as Gotham’s richest mingle together in the ballroom. The low murmur of voices fill the air alongside the music, high strings playing a soft melody to fill the background as people wander around with glasses of champagne in hand, nibbling on finger foods.
Bruce is the center of attention, smiling jovially in a dark blue suit, the first two buttons of his silk shirt undone. 
It’s hard to see him as a once grieving child, full of rage and determination, ready to take on the world. Bruce as he is now looks like a perfect socialite, surrounded by a small crowd of people all vying for his attention as he talks loudly, gesturing with broad movements, keeping their attention. 
Tim is hanging off to the side near the musician, talking to a small group of people his age. They all look more relaxed and down to earth than any of the older people, so perhaps there’s hope for the next generation of Gotham’s high society.
Danny wanders a bit to make sure everything’s going well, checking in with the other staff members to see if there’s anything he can help with. But they have everything under control, so he can do nothing but try not to mess with the sleeves of his suit as he keeps circling the ballroom.
On his third circuit, Tim breaks away from his group and weaves around other guests to smoothly reach him.
“Is Damian here?” he asks, eyes darting around the ballroom.
Danny frowns. “I haven’t seen him. Did he come in with you?”
“He did, and then he left us as soon as we had greeted most of the guests. He’s supposed to stay out here for a few more hours, and I told him to just stick with me.”
“Where do you think he’s gone?”
Tim sighs, lowering his voice a bit. “He could be anywhere, honestly. He hates galas, which I get, but we needed him here because he’s Bruce’s bio kid. At this point, I wouldn’t be surprised if Damian went downstairs to get away.”
If Damian ditched the gala to go punch criminals, that would be bad, to say the least.
“I’ll go look for him,” Danny says. “Don’t worry, I’m sure I can get him back up here.”
“Thanks, Danny. I gotta get back to it. Also,” Tim adds in a whisper, “Don’t worry if Bruce seems like a different person or super drunk. He’s really good at acting.”
Danny’s not really sure what that has to do with him, but he appreciates the heads up anyways. He’s been excusing all of Bruce’s weirdness as either ‘Batman-related’ or ‘none of his business’, so he’s fine ignoring whatever Bruce gets up to tonight as well.
Now that he has a task to complete, Danny gladly leaves the ballroom to find Damian. 
He starts off checking the sitting rooms, which already have a few of the guests lounging in, drinking wine and gossiping. The other areas that guests can access are all Damian-free, which is about what he expected. 
Danny moves on past the rope barriers, nodding to some of the security guards walk by on their patrol, ensuring no guests, invited or otherwise, go deeper into the Manor. 
The kitchen is empty. As are the living rooms on the ground floor. 
Maybe Damian’s in his bedroom? Or his art studio. Those are the only two other places Danny would think to find Damian that’s not the Batcave. 
He just really doesn’t want to go down there again. Especially not on his own.
Just as he reaches the top of the stairs to the second floor, Danny sees someone walking down the hall. It’s not Damian, far too tall to be a teenage boy, and they’re moving slowly, looking around as if searching for something.
“Hey!” Danny calls out to them, striding towards them quickly. “You’re not supposed to be up here.”
They turn, and Danny recognizes the uniform for the security guards that are meant to be at their positions around the ballroom. This man has taken off his jacket, leaving him in a simple button down shirt and dark pants, a gun tucked into a hostler by his hip. 
“Oh, sorry, I thought I heard something up here and went to check it out.”
“This is pretty far from the ballroom. It would be hard to hear anything here from where you were supposed to be. Wanna try that one again?”
The easygoing smile on the guard’s face disappears, replaced by a dark scowl and a dangerous glint in his eyes. “Listen kid, this will be easier for all of us if you just walk away now. Don’t make me do anything you’ll regret.” He puts his hand on the holster. The threat is clear.
But Danny’s had guns pointed at him from years. He’s dodged shots from his own parents. One guy isn’t going to scare him.
“It would be easier if you just went back to you post and did the job you were paid to do.”
“Oh, trust me, I’m doing exactly what I was paid to do.” He grins, sharp and mean, and pulls out his gun.
Okay! Great!
Danny’s not nice anymore. And Alfred already gave him permission to do anything he deems necessary.
In a blink, Danny’s closed the distance between them and tosses the man over his shoulder. He kicks the gun out of his hand and is about to try to flip him over so he can put the guard in a shoulder pin, but a knee slams into his stomach, knocking the breath out of him.
Danny wheezes and is kicked back, stumbling to keep his balance. The guard rises to his feet and lunges forward, throwing a straight punch. It’s easy enough to dodge it, ducking to the side and stepping closer to try to knock the guard down again, but he pulls his arm back a bit, bends it, and slams his elbow into Danny’s face.
Pain races through his skull as he falls back, hands flying up to his nose. It’s probably broken, already gushing blood, and it stains his teeth as he bares them in a snarl and grabs hold of his ghost powers.
Teeth sharpen into fangs. His eyesight gets sharper, the iron taste of blood stronger in his mouth, and icy fog wafts out of his mouth. 
“The fuck—” is all the guard is able to say before Danny tackles him. The force of it knocks them both to the ground, the guard’s head hitting the floor hard. He tries to force Danny off of him again, but Danny holds tight, blood still dripping off his face. “No one said the Waynes has a fucking meta with them!”
“Bad luck,” Danny says, a growl turning his voice into a low rumble, staticky even to his own ears, and the guard pales. 
All it takes is one hand to lift him but his shirt, the fabric of it held tight in his hands. And then Danny slams him back against the ground, making his head bounce, and the guard is out cold. 
He means to drag the guard someplace where he can be locked away until someone can deal with him, but screams rise up from the ballroom, stealing away his attention.
Shit, something must have happened!
As much as he wants to go racing back to help, his priority is Damian. 
The other guests will be protected by the guards (hopefully) and Bruce and Tim. But Damian is unaccounted for, and the longer Danny can’t find him, the more danger he’ll be in.
There’s no point in being discrete or quiet now. Danny runs down the hallway, shouting Damian’s name. 
He doesn’t get any response.
His nose throbs with dull pain each step he takes. His suit is a lost cause, covered in his blood and rumpled from the fight. None of that matters at all as he races down the halls, trying to find Damian.
Distantly, he hears gunshots and more screaming from the ballroom. 
Danny grits his teeth and gives up on running entirely to fly recklessly through walls, dreading every second that passes. 
The second floor is empty, save for the prone figure of the guard lying in the hallway near the stairs. He doesn’t have time to search any higher floors, so Danny goes back down to the ground floor, hoping that the noise from the ballroom would have drawn Damian out. He’s bound to have heard it, wherever he is in the Manor.
He drops back down to this feet and pushes his ghostliness away as he draws closer to the ballroom, wary of running into someone. It doesn’t seem like any of the guests had been able to get out of the ballroom. 
Every so often, there’s a single gun shot. The sound chills him to the bone.
Just as he’s getting closer to the open areas of the Manor, within the rope boundaries he set up with Alfred earlier, he hears a noise in a sitting room that makes him slow to a stop, listening intently. It’s a soft noise, at first. Just a few clinks of objects being moved. Then there are heavy footsteps moving slowly. 
Whoever it is can’t be Damian. He would never be so loud when he walks. 
The door is partially open, so Danny peeks in to see who it is.
It’s not a guard. It’s not any member of the staff that arrive to work the gala. 
In front of a broken window is a large man with a dark orange bandana tied around his nose and mouth, obscuring the bottom half of his face. He’s twitchy, pacing back and forth unsteadily, mumbling to himself. When he turns, the light catches on a glint in his eyes, the same drugged sheen that’s been present with other people who have attacked members of the Wayne household. 
Danny plans to creep in and knock him out so there’s one less person to worry about when a large hand grabs the back of his suit and lifts him up like he weighs nothing. A startled noise slips out of his mouth, making the man in the room whirl around, glaring at him.
“Caught a peeper!” announces the man holding up Danny. He’s large, bigger than a bodybuilding, like the one Danny fought in the mall. “Think Boss will give us more Venom if we drag this thing in?”
The other guy looks over Danny consideringly. “Nah. Bring him here. We can deal with him on our own.”
The not-body building walks into the room, unbothered by how Danny struggles in his hold, kicking out at the air. 
Danny’s thrown unceremoniously onto the floor, where he turns into a roll and gets back up to his feet, carefully keeping both of them in his line sight.
“Oooh, he thinks he’s a fighter,” not-body builder cackles. 
Danny glances at the door. 
“Don’t even think about running,” the first man says. “You work here, don’t you? Why don’t you tell us all about the goodies we can steal from this place. Make us rich and I’ll let you walk away alive.”
All this just for a robbery?
The guns, the break in, the violence, just for a robbery?
That’s fucking insulting. 
Danny checks the open door one more time to make sure no one’s coming their way, then launches himself at not-body builder. His ghost strength comes rushing back into him just as he hits, sending the not-body builder stumbling back with a surprised shout. He wobbles, trying to keep his balance, then falls.
He doesn’t waste a second before kicking his head and knocking him out. 
That’s one down.
Danny takes a deep breath, trying to wrestle down his strength so he doesn’t accidentally do serious damage to the other man, who is much smaller, only to gasp, breath punched out of him. A sharp pain tears through his back, which was left open to the other intruder.
Stupid, stupid! he berates himself, trying to get away. 
But the man holds him still with a hand on his shoulder, and Danny, in his panic, goes intangible.
The knife and the man’s arm go right through his torso.
Danny looks down at the knife. Looks at the arm. Both of them are frozen from this sudden turn of events.
His mind goes blank and he desperately tries to think of what to do when an idea parades itself to the front of him mind, to say: IMPROV.
“What the hell did you do to me?!” Danny cries out, putting as much terror into his voice as possible. 
“What did I  do?” the intruder sputters, pulling back. “I didn’t do anything!”
“Yes you did!” Danny argues. “I’m fucking air! You made me not-solid!”
“That wasn’t me!”
Taking a chance, Danny recalls what the guard upstairs said, and says, “You’re a meta?!”
“I’m not!” the intruder denies, “I didn’t do this to you!”
Danny spins around to face him, trying not to wince when the movement pulls at his back. “Fix this!”
“I can’t! I told you, I didn’t do it! This must be your doing!”
“I think I would know if I could turn into air,” Danny refutes, channelling Paulina to give him a withering look that will, hopefully, make him feel small and stupid. She always was great at digging her heels in and driving people mad with her stubbornness while tearing down their self esteem. He tosses his head back to glare at the intruder, meeting his eyes. “This is clearly your fault so fix it!”
They’re just going back and forth, thrown off their rhythm and scrambling to work though the situation Danny created for them. He doesn’t know how to put a stop to it. He really doesn’t want to be stabbed again.
“I really didn’t do it!” the intruder insists. He looks down at his own hands, faltering. “Right? There’s no way that could have been me…”
He doesn’t get any more time to contemplate whether or not he has powers because his body abruptly tenses, twitches sporadically, and then his eyes roll up and he passes out.
Behind him, holding a taser and wearing a deep scowl, is Damian.
Danny is so relieved to see him that he feels weak in the knees. The blood loss is not helping with that matter. “Damian!” he says, “Where were you? I’ve been looking for you!”
“I felt that something was off so I went to investigate. I found some of the guards marking areas around the ballroom as entries for the gang that’s taken over the ballroom. I was trying to take them out before this happened, but I wasn’t fast enough.”
“What is going on right now?”
“From what I heard when I traversed the vents above the ballroom, the leader of a recently established gang has taken over to take the valuables of all the guests. He is recreating Venom and trying to replace Bane.” Damian shakes his head. “That fool is just going to get himself killed. Bane will stop at nothing to have his head now.”
“I take it this Bane person is a big deal?”
Danny purses his lips, then looks away. “We’ll catch you up on the villains around here later. Come with me, there are others still around.”
“Are we going to the ballroom?”
“No. Black Bat and Nightwing are already here to take care of it. They’re just waiting for an opening. We will be taking out the intruders outside the ballroom, then going to the Batcave to join Pennyworth.”
Damian tries to take hold of Danny’s wrist, but his hand goes right through. He stares down at it in shock, as though he was betrayed.
“Oh, right. Sorry.” Danny drops his intangibility and pats Damian’s hand to let him know he’s solid again.
Damian looks up at him and squints. “Are you alright? You’re bleeding.”
Danny brings a hand up to his face. It’s clean of blood. He must have let it all fall off of him when he went intangible, but his nose is still bleeding and it’s quickly rolling down his face again. He can feel his back get more wet, too, the stab wound steadily pulsing with pain, blood spreading through his suit.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Danny says. He’s survived way worse than a broken nose and a small stab wound. There are people in danger and people trying to hurt them. That takes priority over him, any day.
“Your nose?”
Danny shrugs. “Probably not broken?”
Damian reaches out and prods at his nose, checking it. It brings up flares of dull pain, but it’s not enough that Danny can’t stay still during this. In a matter of seconds, Damian nods and pulls his hands away, so the damage to his face probably isn’t anything to worry about. Danny’s going to trust Damian on this one.
“Very well. Let’s go then. And take this.” Damian holds out his taser to Danny.
“Um. Don’t you need it?”
“I am more than capable of taking people down without weapons. You need this more than I do.”
That’s fair. Danny gingerly takes the taser, keeping his thumb above the switch that will flip it on and have it buzzing with electricity. He follows Damian’s lead as they creep down the hall, staying low and quiet on their feet. Damian keeps in the lead, checking that it’s safe to move before signaling for Danny to follow. 
They take out three more intruders before the lights in the Manor flicker and then go out. Noise swells up in the ballroom before another gunshot silences it.
Danny tenses, fearing the worst, but Damian reaches back to squeeze his hand and whisper, “It’s alright. That was the moment Black Bat and Nightwing were waiting for. They’ll take care of it.”
When he strains his hearing, he can just pick out the shattering of glass and muffled cries of pain. He doesn’t hear anyone’s voices, but as long as no one is screaming, it’s fine. Probably. He hopes, anyways.
They circle around the ballroom, checking room and hallways, but it seems that most of the intruders didn’t bother hanging around out here when all their targets were conveniently in one large room. Having cleared out all the intruders they could, Damian leads them to Bruce’s office.
“What are we doing here?” Danny asks, keeping his voice low as he keeps one eye on the door to ensure no one comes in.
“We’re going to the Batcave,” Damian answers absentmindedly as he fiddles with a grandfather clock behind a desk.
Danny blinks. “Wait, we go in from here?”
“Look.” Danny looks to where Damian has opened up the grandfather clock to reveal a dark staircase that leads down, deep beneath the Manor.
“Huh,” is all Danny can say to that. It’s definitely safer than just falling through the floor like Danny did, but somehow it feels a little anticlimactic. It’s just stairs. It’s very hard to make stairs cool.
They could have at least put in a fire pole. 
A giant underground vigilante cave and not a single fire pole to slide down on? What’s the point then?
Danny holds back a sigh, then grimaces at the heavy taste of blood in his mouth. His nose isn’t hurting as much anymore, just a dull throb, and it’s easily ignored when his back flares with pain with each minute movement. He looks down at the stairs as Damian begins his descent, already wincing at how much it’s going to stuck going down them with a stab wound. 
He could really use that fire pole right now.
Or, actually, why bother taking the stairs? Danny’s half-ghost. It needs to be good for something.
Danny promptly goes ghost, flies down into the cave completely invisible and intangible, then drops back to the ground in a quick flash of light, human again. He intends to stand up and wait where there’s more light, but his head suddenly spins as his vision goes dark. There’s a buzzing in his ears and he gets a strange, floating feeling, as if he’s no longer in his body, just drifting out into open air. 
The floor is cold against his cheek. The floor is…
The floor?
Danny blinks his eyes open, wondering when he closed them. It takes a moment to realize that he’s lying down, somehow, on his back in some dark corner of the cave. There’s a hand on his shoulder, shaking him gently.
He tries to say something but his voice dies halfway out of his throat. A few more blinks has his eyes clearing enough that he can see Damian crouched in front of him, looking over his head, mouth moving as he speaks, though Danny can’t hear anything. His ears are still ringing. 
The world sways around him.
He closes his eyes trying to count his breaths so the world will feel more solid around him. Wayne Manor just got attacked. Now is not the time to be lying around.
But he can’t force himself to get up. His body refuses to respond to him. All he can do is lie on the floor of the cave, trying to get his head to stop spinning, feeling the heat of the wound in his back as it presses against cold stone. 
Arms wind around him, lifting him up, and Danny whines as it jostles him. More blood spills out of his stab wound, soaking his suit even more. Distantly, he hears someone curse as he’s moved into a more brightly lit area. It’s too bright, even with his eyes closed, and Danny turns his face, trying to hide from it. 
A hand runs through his hair, soothing him. He’s carefully set down on something—a bed?
So they can have soft, high quality beds in their vigilante cave, but no fire poles. The Waynes need to get their priorities straight.
He tries to say something about that, but just mumbles out some slurred, nonsense sounds.
Someone hushes him kindly. The hand keeps brushing his hair back soothingly.
And then—
His shirt.
They’re opening his shirt.
They’re taking off his jacket.
Danny is laid out, helpless, held down, and they’re stripping him of his clothes. Terror slams into him like a train, ice in his veins chilling him from the inside out. His eyes snap open and his  blurry vision catches sight of two heads bend down over him, features dark and unrecognizable, backlit by the light shining too brightly right above his face.
His breath stutters in his chest as he stares at them, horrified and betrayed.
What are they doing to him?!
Panicked, Danny beings to thrash, adrenaline surging through it. It dulls his pain, lifts the lead from his limbs, makes him gather enough strength to try to push them away. More hands appear, trying to hold him down and a hoarse scream tears out of his throat. It doesn’t have any power, can’t throw them away from him, and stutters to a stop a few seconds later. 
“No!” he cries, tears leaking out of his eyes. “No, stop! Don’t, please don’t do this to me…”
A sob catches in his chest so hard is hurts. 
The people above him speak over each other, their words melding together. He doesn’t know what they’re saying, just that they’re speaking, but it does nothing to calm him down.
How can he be calm?
They’re trying to cut him open.
He tries to go ghost and his entire body lights up in pain, back arching off the bed as he screams again. 
The lights go out. The hands disappear. 
The world goes still.
Danny heaves for breath, shivering. 
It takes a long time before he feels solid again. Less likely to shake out of his own body. He doesn’t know what just happened. He should be able to go full ghost, but he entire body refused. It hurt and hurt and hurt and he doesn’t understand why.
It’s not just a failure of his powers, but a betrayal.
Slowly, he begins to breathe evenly. His entire body still hurts, but it’s the pain of a bruise, not an electric current running through the whole of him. The world steadies itself and his vision clears up properly.
Something cold touches his hand.
Danny flinches back, then looks up to see Alfred. 
Alfred, who’s aged face is lined with deep concern. Who stands just close enough to hold out the water bottle to Danny. Who doesn’t crowd him or demand answers. 
Alfred, who is safe.
Without thinking about it, Danny sags towards him. Alfred has to step closer, steady him with a hand on his shoulder.
“Danny, my boy,” he says, “Can you hear me now?”
Now? Was Alfred speaking earlier? 
Danny nods, blinking up at him.
“Wonderful. Do you think you could drink some water?”
Another nod. He looks down at the water bottle and its unsealed cap, then his own trembling hands. He doesn’t think he can open it.
Before he can ask Alfred for help, another hand appears in his line of sight, from the other side of the bed. Damian grabs the water bottle and twists it open, then shoves it into Danny’s hands with a click of his tongue.
He doesn’t let go until he’s sure Danny has a solid grip on it.
Danny tries to thank him, but his throat clicks from how sore and dry it is. He drinks half the bottle in one go, clears his throat, and is able to say, “Sorry about that.”
“There’s no need to be sorry,” Alfred says, just as Damian says, “If you’re sorry, then take off your shirt so we can tend to you. You’re injured.”
Alfred turns to Damian with a severe look on his face and Danny hurries to intervene before things can get messy. Or, messier. 
“Right. Sorry. Again. It’s not a big deal, it’s just a small stab wound.”
“A stab wound?” Alfred repeats. “Danny, please let me tend to it. It may need stitches.”
“It doesn’t—”
“You don’t know that,” Damian hisses. “Let Pennyworth help you, or I’ll do it myself. And you won’t like it if I do it myself.”
Danny is ready to refuse again, but the clear concern in Alfred’s eyes stops him. 
He does need help. He doesn’t want to cause trouble for Alfred.
“Fine,” he bites out. “But don’t—don’t touch me if you can avoid it and don’t ask any question.” He doesn’t give himself a chance to second guess, just pulls at his shirt and suit coat, going intangible to get it off him without lifting his arms. Strangely, that doesn’t hurt the way trying to go full ghost did. 
Something to consider later.
The silence that follows is heavy. Danny can’t stand it; he wants to hide away, to rewind the last hour so he can undo what he’s just done, pretend he’s still fine. All his scars are on display. The arcs of electricity from the Accident that have embedded themselves into his skin, close calls from ghost fights that were bad enough to leave a mark in his human form, the burns from his parents inventions locking onto him before he was able to deactivate them.
Alfred lets out a slow breath. Then he says, “Master Damian, if you could get—”
“Of course.” And Damian is up and moving, the light above him turning on. It’s much dimmer than it was before.
“If you could please turn around, Danny. I need to see what I’m working with.”
Danny forces himself to turn, showing his back to Alfred. He’s tense, every inch of him ready to run. 
It’s Alfred, he tells himself sternly. Alfred won’t hurt him. He’s safe.
Damian returns, handing something off to Alfred. He can hear them move, hear things being prepped behind him, metal against metal, and another sliver of terror runs down his spine.
“Stop,” he says without meaning to. 
The cave goes quiet again, both Damian and Alfred freezing. Danny swallows roughly, then turns back to face them. “I can’t,” he chokes out. “I can’t—I need—I need to be able to see you.”
“Then I’ll do your stitches,” Damian announces. He rounds the bed, snapping on a pair of latex gloves. “I am more than capable. Even before I came to Gotham I had learned how to provide medical aid both in practice and on the field.”
“I’ll be right here,” Alfred reassures him. “Master Damian is very capable. He will do a good job at this.”
Danny nods, taking in a shaky breath. “Okay. Okay. Then, please, Damian.” 
“I’ll apply the local anesthesia now. This will keep you from feeling the stitches go in.” Danny tenses, and then the area around his stab wound goes numb, the pain dulling.
Alfred takes hold of his hands. “Breathe with me,” he instructs. Danny does his best, keeping his eyes on Alfred, matching him with each deep, even breath. 
He tries not to be too tense, to think about when Damian will begin, if he’s already started, all the questions they will ask him about his many scars…
“Done,” Damian announces.
“What? Already?”
“Yes,” Damian says, a pleased note in his voice. “I told you I knew what I was doing. I’m going to put the bandage on it now. Do not get it wet.”
His back and shoulder are still numb enough that he doesn’t feel the bandage get put on, so he just takes Damian’s word for it. That wasn’t as bad as he expected it to be. In fact, that went really well? Fast, too. Danny would have never been able to stitch himself in that time.
Alfred squeezes his hands, leads him through a few more breaths, then pulls away. He helps Danny lie on his side and pulls the blanket up over him. 
“Get some rest now, Danny. I’ll be here while you sleep.”
“Wait, the gala. Is everyone…?”
“Everyone is alright. The police had been contacted and will be here soon. Nightwing and Black Bat have the situation under control. There is nothing more you need to do.” A hand drops over Danny’s eyes, blocking out the light. “You can rest now, Danny.”
He’s sure that he won’t be able to sleep at all, let alone soundly, after all that. But his body has other ideas and in no time he’s pulled under into that deep darkness that shuts away the rest of the world and lets him drift away. . . .
(The scar map of Danny is being uploaded into the Batcomputer’s archives when Nightwing arrives, carrying a plate full of finger foods pilfered from the gala.
“Where’s Danny?!” he demands, sweeping his gaze across the entirety of the Batcave. He sees Danny curled up in a medical cot before Alfred can answer. “What happened?”
“He was stabbed,” Damian answers nonchalantly from where he’s going through sword katas to work out some of his more volatile emotions.
“Yes, that’s what I said.”
Cass appears behind Nightwing, already shedding parts of her uniform. She steals something from the plate in Nightwing’s hand and is about to eat it when he hisses, “That’s for Danny!” 
She slowly puts it back on the plate. 
Alfred watches her stare at Danny in the medical cot, then turn on her heel to go to the lockers to change out of the rest of her suit. 
“Miss Cassandra, if you could please pick up all your clothes off the floor,” he says as she walks. Cass darts back to pick up everything she dropped behind Nightwing, then disappears into the locker room.
Nightwing finally shakes himself out of his stupor and makes his way over to Alfred, setting the plate down next to him. “Seriously, is Danny alright?”
Alfred places his hands on the desk, palms flat against it, and very calmly says, “Hunting down every person who has ever hurt him will be the last mission I ever go out on.”
In any other case, he would have reprimanded Nightwing’s language. In this case, it’s the only appropriate response.
“Once the police are gone and the guests seen off, we need to have another family discussion. Danny is a very brave and very strong lad, but he’s gone through far too much. We must do better.”
“I’ll call the war council then.”
“See that you do, Nightwing.”
Alfred nods to him, then pulls the chair away from the Batcomputer to Danny’s medical cot, and sits with him. Looking down at his thin, worn face, Alfred is reminded of Bruce, in the aftermath of his parents’ murder, of Dick’s first nights in the Manor, of Jason and his nightmares, Tim and his loneliness. Now, Danny and his fear will join the expressions he never wants to see on his family again.
He is so young, so fragile, so bright and wonderful despite it all.
Yes, war council is the only appropriate way to move forward. It is the least he can do for Danny, so do it he will.)
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freezingmcxn · 16 days
Hey moon can u give more tips on writing? 🩷
I’ve been writing for agesssss, but it’s only in the past year that I’ve started actually sharing my work, so heres some things that have helped me the most.
This first one is a little odd.. but it’s been so fucking helpful iwl.
When writing about characters’ reactions or facial expressions, I like to look in the mirror and make the face myself or even look at pictures of people making a certain expression.
It helps me visualise how the character would look in that moment, capturing those finer details that make the writing feel more immersive and vivid for readers.
This one’s a more typical tip, especially if you’re writing criminal or psychologically unhinged characters, is to watch interrogation videos.
These give you a great sense of how people like that might speak, behave, or react in certain situations.
“Overanalysing” people has really improved my character development and makes me feel connected to my characters, that way I feel that I know them and can be more authentic with them.
For me, details are everything.
When a writer captures small, almost insignificant movements, it makes me feel more connected to the characters. Their habits become familiar, creating an intimacy or even tension it can draw readers in.
I read a lot of poetry to basically expand my vocabulary and improve how I express certain feelings.
Sylvia Plath’s poetry, for instance, is super emotional, and you can really feel the intensity she’s trying to convey if you really enjoy her work or relate to it.
It’s helpful if you struggle with setting up emotional scenes (specifically grieving and self reflection, she deals with that amazingly) once you’ve felt an emotion, whether firsthand or through art, it’s easier to channel it into your writing.
When I need help describing settings, Pinterest is a great help.
It’s easy to fall into repetitive descriptions, especially with something like a forest, so looking at photos helps refresh your perspective.
For example, the outskirts of a forest are often lighter and more open, while the deeper parts are darker and more “foreboding”. Visualising these different aspects keeps your descriptions varied and interesting and then help you apply them to loads of other settings.
As for motivation, that’s something I’m still working on myself!
My main advice is to pace yourself and avoid burnout. Don’t rush the process, let your love for writing shine through, because when it feels rushed, it can come across as less authentic.
Hope this helped a little! Love y’all 🫶🫶
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arthuluart · 2 months
Hiii - wanted to say first thing first I love your art style, it's so dynamic and fun and those color palettes? Stunning ^^
And second thing second, just some food for thought if you ever want to get angsty about Jerry and Dean, coffee by Chappell Roan sounds like it was written about their break up specifically and I can't stop thinking abt it dndnden
*Cue me losing my mind*
Hiii- they say flattery gets you everywhere and turns out with me, it gets you animatics- jkjk but I do appreciate the kind comments ^^
I’ll put up the animatic separately and take the opportunity to leave the preamble here to keep the video post neat bc until someone tells me to shut up and just post art- I’m gonna ramble… So here’s the commentary you didn’t ask for along with my favourite panels:
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First off- You turned me into a big time Chappell Roan listener which is great bc I need music recs to fix my listening habits before Spotify wrapped drops. My roundup last year was shameful… Red Wine Supernova is my new dish washing song.
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Even tho it’s not the song’s vibe I kept the content as silly as I could for my own sanity. I don’t love getting too deep into the serious/sad side of M+L for a few reasons but I do find it all very interesting. Point being this song was too good to pass up doing something a bit bigger for.
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Ngl tho- this did have me pulling out hair at multiple points. I never colour animatics, rarely even tone them- but you mentioned colour palettes and I was determined to deliver so pardon the messy colouring but (that was the tradeoff) I did not have it in me to stay in the lines. I’m choosing to be kind to myself and opt to call it an artistic choice and not midway burnout. And nothing was gonna get me to open after effects/premiere not even the janky ass golf ball OML this only makes sense if u watch the video.
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There are parts of this I’m SO happy with and others I hate. I think it’s really obvious which sections I started losing steam on but overall I lowkey like the end product. Nothing I make will ever be good/perfect- this was one hell of a practice in accepting that lmao- but I can still be ok with the work problems and all yknow? I very nearly shelved this completely bc I got so worked up about the maybe 5 panels I dislike out of 106 total. Counting them was eye opening to ask myself: you’re gonna let that small a ratio stop you from sharing this after putting in days and days of effort? The insecurity goes deep and TBH getting asks has been a nice way of working through it since I post the art I make for answers no matter what only bc I KNOW someone out there wants to see it. It might not sound it but it’s actually quite positive.
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Also, although I feel I’ve done my fair share of reading, I’m no expert. So if anything is really off point- sorry my bad (I won’t fix it tho bc I cannot physically stand to look at this another second lol)
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I tried to stick to real things found in articles/books/photos/interviews etc bc outside of obviously fictional AUs I’m not super into making stuff up about them (and who needs to I mean the legit stuff is already insane enough) Sure I framed the events in specific ways to suit the song and some aspects are fictionalized (mainly bc the referenced written accounts lacked detail to draw 100% faithfully from anyhow) but otherwise I got my sources cited.
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ANYWAYS… sorry for hijacking this answer I need to learn to chill out. Irl I’m a pretty reserved talker so you can tell I’m in a comfy place when I let loose and blather on endlessly lmao brevity is not a skill I possess.
You were probably expecting illustrations or smth but I hope what I came up with is still somewhat alright AND please don’t let my complaining fool you, I genuinely loved making this.
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One FINAL Relevant Note: the line “nowhere else is safe every place leads back to your place” is gut wrenching. You’re so right about this song perfectly describing the break up. They always came back to each other and there’s something so devastating about that kind of haunting human connection.
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OkAY I’m done promise- I thought I’d implode if I didn’t get all that out
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aleeyenn · 2 years
Hello aleeyenn! I'm the anon who requested and sent that message!
I had to make a whole account because I wanted to show you an image, but anons aren't allowed to do that, so I had to rewrite everything, so my apologies!
Also, my apologize if this is simply weird in general, I dunno if I should stick to Tumblr (since you did, you're the least active here) >.<
But I wanted to say, I'm incredibly happy and honored that my message meant so much to you! I'm really honored and soo hyped because you and your work really mean so much to me, as in your one of my biggest inspirations, so I was so excited to read that!! Thank you! Please keep drawing and creating. (Also, have you considered making full body refs for your gijinkas :o?)
I did want to gush and say why I love your Pin (and all your other gijinkas) and felt really seen. It's because of how unique and out of box the designs are that you rarely see with other designs, while still capturing the same personalities and aesthetic (and even shape sometimes) of the original characters.
But to be specific, thank you for making her super feminine and pretty, while keeping her punk side!!! >u<
Alot of other gijinkas design her in typical biker / rebel chick get up w/ a lot of metal spikes, which dose makes sense, because of her metal part on the top of her (and fits her tough leader role personality wise) a lot of also make her body type in an hourglass, which also makes since, since Irl pins are in those shapes.
But what I really appreciate about your design is that you went in the opposite direction! I love how you made Pin wear these big poofy clothes and aprons! It's not only an easy and unique way to reference the shape of an actual pin, but it highlights a side of her that I don't really see the fandom highlight all that often. Her love of baking, gardening, her being bit of caretaker and just an friendly and easy-going person. I also just love seeing blk and poc women just being so happy and being femmine, it's so rare to see that and makes me so happy.
But another small design choice that I can't over and that made me go over on the edge on the "omg she's literally me" train. Are her punk boots! I know it's there to show off how big and tall she is compared to her meow, but I really like the contrast! And still showing off a little of her and toughie side, that she doesn't mind getting dirty. I love you can show off that is a caring and soft person yet still commanding woman by just a design!
This means so much to me, because I didn't think I could consider myself part of the alt community, due to me being really femmine and plus sized, I thought I didn't really fit, but I think seeing your version of Pin made me realize that being "punk" means so many diffrent things, and I don't really have to be super thing and pale to order to be an part of that culture, and never realizing that I could be considered pretty
Also, I just love how you draw her with your version of Coiny, it's so adorable and again, it's amazing to see a happy plus sized girl being loved and adore by a guy, not be treated as joke., thank you so much
Thats all! My apologizes for going on lesbian and analytical mode on your inbox, I'm deeply sorry if I come across as weird, you probability were not thinking that hard or deep with your designs, but I just really admire of how all of them are breath of fresh air, I have known a specific person that looks exactly like one of designs in my family when I think about it!
I just want to say before I go, is that this what I specifically want to go out and cosplay as, as it's what totally made me single handedly self-confident that I could be pretty in the alt community when I so low on myself
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I love this drawing of Pin so much, you have no ideal it meant so much, I know it's sound silly that a doodle affected me, but seriously, I thought I could never look fit in or look pretty in that aesthetic with my weight, interests, and skin
When I saw this and started really seeing myself in it, literally I went in my head "wow, if your Pin can look so beautiful in that, I guess I can!" and it somehow changed a lot of my perspective of me.
Thank you so much again aleeyenn! I'm currently getting started, thank you for making my entire year just by existing and drawing. Keep doing what you are doing and amazing work, and I hope you have an amazing new year!
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I WOULDVE ANSWERED THIS SOONER BUT I WANTED TO MAKE A REF FOR PIN FOR YOU! but GAAAHHHH nobody has ever said anything like that to me before and it MEANS SOOOOO MUCH I CANT EXPRESS IT 😭😭😭 when i make humanizations allllll i want is for them to make people feel represented and confident in themselves and MY DREAM CAME TRUE!!!im like. genuinely so happy that you said all that and really analyzed her because i actually put a lot of thought into some humanizations i make and she was one of them… i feel like with a bunch of pin gjinkas they either make her super feminine or super punk without an in between and i wanted to make an in between because it’s what she needs .. nobody like really acknowledges both parts of her i feel like a lot of everyone sees her as a shy anxious girl or rude and cold person because they focus mostly on pre split bfb and that irks me … because shes really not just an anxious person she is a leader and blah blah blah but i really wanted to push every aspect of her into a humanization to make her recognized as herself instead of someone she’s not … but no more rambling THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR YOUR KIND WORDS AND IM SO HAPPY MY ART MADE YOU FEEL THAT WAY 😢 you are so sweet and i’m literally over the moon that you like her that much and saw so much in her Like my design isn’t just a design it made someone more confident and accepting of themselves THATS SO CRAZY! thank you thank you thank you… i hope you enjoy these little drawings i whipped up i need to make more references anyway so this was a good head start… THANK HOUUUU and remember there’s nothing more powerful than embracing and being yourself and never stop doing that! YAYYYYY!
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sakiyaki-sashimi · 4 months
CALLING ALL BUDDIES (here I’ll tag a couple @touratoura @starfilledsky2810 @citrushomie @key-lime-lies @crimsonattourney @spacingoutwards)
TOP TEN POKEMON STAT!!! (If u don’t know/like that many u can do top 5!!)
THEY CAN BE FOR WHATEVER REASON U WANT!!!! Design, competitive stats, ANYTHING!!! I’ll go first :D
In no particular order, my favs arreeeee
#1 Darumaka!!
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Look at him!!! No thoughts behind those eyes 😭 (this love stemmed purely from those darumaka lunch boxes in the gen 5 pokemon movie kyurem and the swords of justice)
#2 Magikarp
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Come on hes literally on my tumblr banner XD he’s got his own little mini game and I just adore him 😭❤️
#3 Snorlax
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This stupid mf is just fat and hungry and tired abt that’s his super power 😭🫶 ADORE him
#4 Totodile
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I think you can KIIIIINDA sense a pattern with my dumb fuck love… what can I say HE’s CUTE!!!
#5 Oshawott
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Can you tell I have a penchant for water starters?? LOOK AT HIS STUPID FACE HES SO CUTEEEEEEEE AND SQUEEZABLE 😭
#6 Wooper
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Goddamn it PUT ME ON THE CROSS ANS STARE AT HIM!!!!!!! LOOOK!!!!!!!!! ITS HIM!!!!!!!!
#7 Plusle/Minun/Emolga/Pachirisu
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Including all 4 here as my adored pika-clones ❤️❤️❤️❤️ they all slay!!! Like emolga is just so cute and sassy and the plus-minus duo is just so simple but smart for an electric type??? And when pachirisu did that ice ball explosion thing in that coordinator battle I LOVED IT!!! Luv em!!
#8 The whole Sewaddle line
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Certified good boy!!! First one wants to sleep and be cute, then swadloon wants to sleep and be alone, then levanny just wants to do her thing!!!! What more could anybody want :333 (Also, on a less important level is the Scatterbug line :33)
#9 Furfrou
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ICON?????? HUH??? EVERY HAIRSTYLE HITS IDK WHAT TO TELL YA (sponsored by that one pokemon hairdresser episode I was obsessed with for a time) (only episode I liked more than that was the meowstic brothers ep)
#10 Sandygast
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Okay so I don’t really like him specifically I just started drawing him on my classroom whiteboards and now he’s apart of me idk look at him 🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️
Honorable mentions go to!
Arceus/Deoxys/Jirachi/Celebi/really most legendaries and mythicals for how their movies made me feel (DESTINY DEOXYS/JIRACHI THE WISHMAKER/EVERY SINNOH MOVIE EVER YOU HAVE MY HEART)
Absol and Audino for being some of the first pokemon I ever loved!! (The gen 5 monkeys cuz they also made me rly like pokemon for some reason XDDD)
Eevee/the eeveelutions for bringing me lots of nightcore amv comic dub love!!! (Used to cut out photos of them and make drawn paper houses for all of them to live together and I still have these Lego forms of all of them)
Every pokemon with alternate forms gender or otherwise (like burmy or shellos or cherrim or pyroar) because those were bomb entries to read in those pokemon collecters books
Beheeyem, regigigus, and reuniclus for how you make me feel in the anime (they were just animated so cool idk)
Really any gen5/6 pokemon cuz that’s what I wa raised on XD
Pikachus alt outfits for how they make me feel
Snom/Pyukumuku not really sure what they brought to the table but I feel it nontheless
And finally castform because HAIL YEAH!!!!
So yeah guys tell me ur favs!!!!
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shigaeru · 2 years
I always get so excited when I see a notification from you, I love the comic and the way u draw these two moron, really, amazing job!!! I wanted to ask, if its not a problem, how do you design the panels of a comic? I'm new in that field and it's honestly a black magic to me and I love yours, they're easy to read and also interesting to look at!
Hi!! Thank you!! <3 and sorry I took so long to answer but I wanted to do it Right for your question. SO HERE GOES, MY TIPS FOR PANELING:
First thing's first: I basically visualize stories as film/anime and it helps a lot. The main rule I follow is that 1 shot = 1 panel. I found this edit super interesting because this is basically it, but in reverse. See how each panel becomes a shot?
It'll depend on how much of the action from one animated shot you'll want to show too. Do you have a shot with your character changing expression? While there's only one shot, the expression at the beginning and at the end are both important so that'll be 2 panels, or 3, or even 4, depending on how many key frames you want to show). Is the character traversing the screen from left to right? Is it important to see them at the beginning of their run, in the middle or at the end? Or all three?
Now, there's a big rule in comic :
The bigger the panel, the longer the action will feel. Your eye will take more time to pan over the picture and it'll trick your brain into thinking time has passed in the story. See how different these feel?
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After this one, I'll personally follow a few other rules, but many artists don't, or have their own, so feel free to try these out if you want, or not! The goal is to have fun first and foremost.
Each page makes sense on its own. It has a beginning and an end, and no speech/shot is cut in the middle at the bottom of the page.
I try to at least have one panel per page that has a physical, tangible background, it helps ground the reader in what's happening in the scene.
I mainly use 2/3/4 rows of panels (which is specific to manga, other genres often have more) and I try to mix the shapes of the panels on the rows so no rows look the same, and no pages look the same within the chapter.
Every space in the panel is used for something, no "empty" spaces (I put bubbles in those to fill in the gaps lmao)
Slanted panel borders are for action scenes.
(now that’s kind of a director’s take but) when changing shot/panel, changing the angle always make things more interesting!
When depicting action, I found it the most clear when showing the anticipation, the action and the aftermath. Like with a punch, you'll see the run-up, the contact, and then the guy's on the ground in 3 panels, you know?
(this one's super specific to my brain but) bordered panels are for static camera and "open" panels are for camera movement within the shot
HAVE FUN! most of the time I'm improvising with what feels right, and what READS right. So many times I finished my chapter and went "oh the pacing is so wrong" and changed the paneling just before posting after everything was supposedly already done. So yeah, don't hesitate to have a beta-reader that can tell when the paneling is interfering with comprehension, it always helps improve!!
These work for me, but I’ve accumulated most of these after trial and error, so if some don’t work for you that’s fine, and I hope you find the rules you’re comfortable with!!
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domokunrainbowkinz · 6 days
honestly I may as well just become a manhwa blog or something LOL anyways have some more manhwa posting 🤓
titles discussed:
the sea's nocturne (18+)
traces of the sun
one-room TA (18+)
villains are destined to die
I'm trapped with the male lead in a horror game (18+)
between the lines (18+)
the 11th school trip
the sea's nocturne (18+) - see I thought this was pretty good at first, it's a more low-key story about overcoming anxiety and accepting love into your life but by ch 45 I think I see the pattern this manhwa is most likely going to follow (they get together, they take a break due to the MC's lingering anxiety, they get back together, something else comes up and the break up again, then they get back together etc) which is fine, but I'm personally not a fan of these stories. I do understand the MC's thought pattern and his actions do make sense in the context of the story, but idk something about this one just made me go "hmmm I think that's enough for me, good luck babe". maybe I'm just not a fan of the anxious MC archetype (the only exception is yuuri katsuki loml, something abt the way he was written just Clicked with me)
traces of the sun - I need to read the novel for this one, I really liked it!! a dungeon crawler action BL manhwa in the vein of "necromancer survival" with really cool fight sequences!!! the main draw of the story though is the MC and his journey of healing and overcoming his trauma and survivors guilt. I was rooting for him the entire story and I felt so sad about his situation like pls a crumb of happiness for my boy PLEASE!!! it's about feeling trapped by your past and wallowing in guilt and refusing to move on but you have to, bc despite what you think u deserve to live!!! I WANT TO LIVE!!!!!! honestly I was kinda eh about the romance bc the ML is a manipulative little bitch (derogatory) so it was hard to tell if he was genuine or not (even tho there are hints throughout he was down stupid bad even if he doesn't recognise it himself) but I still loved how it was clear that the MC is cared for a lot by him and his squad of hunter friends. definitely rec this one!!!!!
one-room TA (18+) - still pretty early in serialization but I feel it in my bones this ones gonna be a banger. it's SUCH a funny read and what's great is it pokes fun at typical tropes u find in BL manhwa, like they brought shit up that I sometimes think about when reading 😂 the humour is so good and the characters are all such a delight to read about. I thought this was just gonna be a fluffy comedy series but then they suddenly hit you with the discussions on social anxiety and overbearing parents, so it definitely isn't just a surface level comedy series. there's a moment where it actually made me tear up which I consider a huge accomplishment. anyways I'm keeping my eye on this one, I hope it keeps up the writing quality!!! (sidenote but I am like 90% convinced the author was a bio major bc like there were a lot of cell biology references, like yeah maybe they just googled some shit but some of these references are so specific 😭)
villains are destined to die - A BANGER!!!!! I absolutely love the FL in this and I just want her to catch a break so badly!!! I love how this one puts a lot of emphasis on how the FL's life was prior to being transmigrated, as how she was brought up heavily affects the decisions she makes throughout the game. her anxiety about the precariousness of her situation and the tension in her quest to survive the story is also palpable, and u just cannot help but root for her to beat the game and stick it to all the people out to get her. the MLs are also all interesting in their own way and its honestly not super clear in the beginning who the actual ML is. ofc predictably my fave ML is callisto, his interactions with penelope are so fun to read and u can see how they are more relaxed around each other, as well as how they're able to connect due to the similarity of their situations. anyways I'm waiting for season 5 in my mouth plspslsplssplspslslspslslslslspls I'm nothing 😩 I ended up reading the novel through the jankiest fan translation I've ever encountered and I am so excited for Certain Scenes to be adapted aaaahhhhhh
I'm trapped with the male lead in a horror game (18+) - really enjoying this so far, the setting gives such strong RPGmaker horror game vibes, it really reminds me of the witch's house, esp with the premise being it's a mansion that fucking hates you and you're trying to escape. I have a feeling the MC isn't actually a player that transmigrated, I feel like she gained sentience and is trying to escape the game / the curse that trapped her in the mansion. I'm honestly a lot more interested in the mystery of the mansion rather than the rship between the FL and ML, but they do have a good dynamic as of recent chapters. the ML starts off extremely wary and untrusting of the FL for obvious reasons, so it was nice to see him slowly trust her and understand the fact that the house curses it's inhabitants, so he's able to see why she does certain things and doesn't blame her when he can clearly tell she was manipulated into harming him by the mansion.
between the lines (18+) - this one gives such strong "semantic error" vibes except that I like dohu 500x more than sangwoo bc he is so fucking funny and much less frustrating to read about. I love love LOVE the relationship between the MC and ML, they do get off to a rocky start but they quickly become very sweet with each other!!! we love a wholesome couple who have nasty disrespectful sex!!! they're both giving autism x autism and I honestly love that for them. I would highly rec this, especially if you love a "me and the bad bitch I pulled with my autistic swag" dynamic, like dohu's autistic rizz is unmatchable 😩
the 11th school trip - only 2 chapters out for this manhwa but I'm camping I got my popcorn READY, it's an adaptation of a novel by the same author as "traces of the sun" so I'm so excited to see where it goes!!! right out the gate the art is so unique and colourful, it actually reminds me a bit of how "semantic error" coloured its panels and used certain effects (some of the panels remind me of pop art, it's very cool!!!) anyways I obvs don't have much to say I'm just putting this here so hopefully more ppl read it and camp with me ⛺️
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
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♡  bakugou headcanons that feel like a warm hug ♡
➳wc ;; 1.2k (oh my god. what is wrong w me.) 
➳ a/n ;; or my bakugou brain-rot that never goes away. thanks for being my comfort character, you fucking gremlin. forgive the silly title. 
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♡ always makes little adjustments to the environment for you. he’s observant to a fault so if there’s something even a little off and it happens to bother you, he’s trying to work around it. 
♡ good at playing guitar but not good at reading music. he can throw something together if you give him a chance but he’s not good at trying to recreate someone elses memory. he’s not like.. musically gifted either but he likes how guitar sounds 
♡ thinks about getting a lot of piercings in his ear because he thinks they’d look cool but is kind of too nervous? the idea of a needle going through his skin is a ick. when you start dating, he drags you to his appointments lol - won’t admit it but he thinks he looks so hot when he gets them. takes a bunch of selfies <3 
♡ needs to be moving constantly. can’t sit completely still to save his life. when he listens to music, he moves his head. sometimes he just runs his thumb over his fingers. 
♡ really, really bad at talking. not in the sense he can’t communicate (that too) but he just likes listening in conversation. rarely adds his own thing. but when he does - always accidentally says something super meaningful 
♡ enjoys subtle physical touch because it is literally intimate he melts inside. a hand on his forearm or shoulder. your legs over his lap. small things that show how comfortable you are. 
♡ likes being held cause he’s a big ass baby lmfao 
♡ wont admit it but enjoy when you choose pretty or colorful bandages for his cuts he won’t himself but it’s like keeping you in his pocket wherever he goes.  
♡ really needs you to find him attractive dslksjk it’s not that he ever thinks he’s particularly ugly. but he didn’t really assign importance to his appearance at any point in his life, yet now he puts in a scary amount of effort. readjusts his hair so much more, makes sure his clothes fit good. fixes his fuckin’ face lol 
♡ likes chewing gum a lot and always has a pack on him. really proud of how big he can blow bubbles and will be a little sad if you’re unimpressed. 
♡ is overly sentimental about things you’ve made him - especially if it’s something super dumb. you drew him a silly little sketch of him in a frog hat? it’s in his wallet behind his id. freaks out when he thinks he’s lost his wallet 
♡ LOVES phone calls. yes he still hates talking. but the way his face looks when he listens to your voice. eyes half-lidded, shamelessly smiling - it’s so tender and so lovesick. 
♡ terrible first grader hand-writing. he tries to write them for you in the beginning of your relationship (to be romantic or some shit) but they’re so incomprehensible pls. if he focuses on it - it can be legible but most of the time ... yea no. 
♡ doesn’t favor tea or coffee but prefers tea if he has to drink one. 
♡ crazy good at eyeballing measurement. even in baking. once made a perfectly good bread without weighing anything and doesn’t get why that’s so wild. 
♡ has the phone on his text set to be bigger even though his eyes are fine. 
♡ lets you do the layout thing on his iphone and decorate as you please. says he doesn’t care but when he sees you made it hero themed/fit with his aesthetic - he got so red it was so cute. 
♡ hates shopping in store. will still always go with you because the one time you went alone a store clerk hit on you.  
♡ so practical. he started couponing when he was in his early twenties like an old man. checks the news and weather the night before, every night. never misses doctors appointments. 
♡ shit at any form of visual art. drawing, painting etc - cannot do it to save his life. but he tries. his hands shake when he tries to draw hearts for you 
♡ blows the eyelashes off your cheek super gently whenever he notices. he’ll like.. take your face in his hands and blow so softly like he’s gonna hurt you. 
♡ used to agree to make pinky promises with you as a joke. now though? automatically holds his pink out for you to take it. straight up pouts if you don’t. 
♡ you two have a song and when it comes on, he’ll sing it back to you. any other time? any other song? he wont. but he always sings your song even without realizing, just mouths it. 
♡ enjoys when you put your hands under his shirt and just leave them there and hug him like that. skin to skin contact is elite but only from you. 
♡ hamsters adore this man. they just do. 
♡ draws frowny faces on your eggs with hot-sauce 
♡ soul leaves his body when you play with his hair and scratch his scalp. the tension in his neck literally disappears and he just sighs that shit relaxes him like crazy 
♡ the first time he says i love you, you’re tying his tie for his first hero event. you’re telling him to that the color looks good on him and you’re smiling. it honestly it just slips. he went on to win an award that night. 
♡ his favorite memory of the two of you was when you were trying to leave the grocery store one afternoon. it was raining heavy as shit. you pulled him in under your clear umbrella and just stood there. he doesn’t know why but that means a lot to him. 
♡ cares a lot about his dads approval on his work specifically. him and his dad have a really specifc bond and he actually admires him quite a bit. 
♡ nothing makes him cry like “im proud of you”. especially when it’s for something small. it’s just something he didn’t hear enough in a sincere way. 
♡ likes fruit flavored sweets over chocolate (generally needs something to do w his mouth cause it helps him think. bad oral fixation) so he keeps little candies on him 
♡ shit at video games. terrible at them with the exception of mario kart? for some reason. 
♡ always loses his keys 
♡ stutters every!single!time! he tries to compliment you. it’s been YEARS. 
♡ takes a melatonin gummy before bed and always drinks a glass of water 
♡ buys you flowers and keeps them too. like does the upkeep on it and replaces them if the wilt. suggests pressing them to keep them for longer. 
♡ lowkey cries really easily. he just gets overwhelmed w his feelings some times and it makes him cry even if he doesn’t want too. you and the bakusquad are sworn to secrecy over it though 
♡ wears his ring around his neck on a chain bc it’s easier to show off. 
♡ naturally good at doing hair! 
♡ likes sneakers but wears dr. scholl's because he walks a lot and is on his feet for most of the day w his job. just being careful. 
♡ loves u a lot <3 
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if u want to talk any more about ur fic PLEASE go ahead <3 i mean this lightly bc i dont want to hurt anyone but kind of THE only valid beatles rpf imo!!! (this includes all biopics)
Anon this made me LAUGH OUT LOUD and is also insanely kind and I love how it says Fuck Nowhere Boy rights to top it off. So thank you, you just made my evening with that <3<3
Anyways OKAY FINE. I'LL TALK ABOUT SOME BITS IN MY OWN FIC WHICH I LOVE. But I'll put it in a read more both for spoilers and because it's ridiculously self-indulgent (and I'll label bits in order by chapter so if someone's interested but not up to date they can stop reading dgdhjklhgj)
Chapter 1
I think the moment I was sure my story was worth telling, was after I wrote this bit:
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This bit legitimately encapsulates SO MUCH of the entire essence of I'm Looking Through You to me. The plot sounds like a goofy, cartoonish gimmick, but at its core, I write it as a character and dynamic study and a huge part of the story is a reflection on the situation John, Paul and George found themselves in by 1966 and how drugs specifically played a role in it. I think it's generally a super under-talked about period of theirs, because there weren't any full-on fights yet, as there would be two years later, but a lot of the tension that eventually led to their fall-out is already sown by this point. Also, with Yoko and Linda not yet in the picture, more focus can be put on the way they interconnect, instead of it being sidelined for competitive Bringing-Girlfriend-To-The-Studio, if that makes sense (not that that wasn't a major factor IRL)
Chapter 2
Okay, so a thing I've discovered that I ADORE writing is John/Cyn scenes. And I don't even ship them, like I'm not writing it cause I find it especially cute, I just think there's so much THERE and we don't talk about it! I love this part so much:
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The DEFENSIVENESS y'know? Mouthing off from shock but accidentally implying something low-key terrible. I feel like adding any words to it will do it less justice than it deserves because it makes me feel a type of way that John feels the need to insist that he loves Cyn but I can say no more…
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Also when he nearly faints upon finding out about Julian and is entranced by the pic but ALSO Paul being a Little Too Into John's child. GOD!!!!!!!! (I've said this before but: the way Paul passively participated in the Kenwood family dynamic is insane and we should talk about it ALL THE TIME actually!!!!!)
Chapter 3
There's something tender about the moments when the rest of band get to see John wide-eyed with wonder at things they've long taken for granted. Not all of it has to be sad.
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Also Paul, always focusing on the music, not only for the sake of itself and because his priorities aren't quite straight though, but also as his main tether to John as a person. I legit find it so strange when people talk about their musical connection (and their musical disagreements as well to some extent!) as if it was just a sexual proxy of some sort, when it was in fact their entire world since they were sixteen. "We could always sing."
I also actually love the entire Cyn-narrated bit in this chapter because I think it really balances her feelings for John well. (I love when she is first angry at him for having been neglectful for years, but then suddenly misses the old him, when John asks to see Julian though Julian's obviously in bed by now and even neglectful old John would know that, because he wasn't totally inconsiderate and oblivious!) One of my favourite bits from her perspective though is this one, when she bargains with herself about how John feels and felt about her. IDK it's so real and also interesting to think about the parallel she draws between her and John & Paul and Dot (one I've thought about a lot while thinking about John's feelings for Cyn tbh).
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Chapter 4
(also the moment I remembered Tumblr sets an image limit lmaooooo so I'll try to tone it down with the screenshots)
The entire beginning of this chapter, with Julian and later also Paul is so *gestures vaguely*. There's just so much going on, and even though it divolves into John feeling like an inadequate parent, forced to rely on his best friend who doesn't even have kids of his own, I think the most touching part is when John realizes Julian genuinely doesn't care that he's forgotten things and how that radical acceptance is the moment he falls irrevocably in love with his son. I just 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
Also this is the first chapter that incorporated a really elaborate interpolation of song lyrics with the plot and I was so NERVOUS to get it right and soooooo happy to see people responding positively to it, because I've always known it was a more fringe thing to be writing about. Also, I love John just... Appreciating that he gets to play on nice instruments now. Playing on nice instruments is Everything in fact.
Chapter 5
I really like the crowd scene in the beginning of this chapter, and capturing a true mob mentality; how John giving them one second of positive attention tips everything out of control, how the fans burst into tears the moment they do reach him.
Also, I truly adore Paul at the beginning, feeling helpless in the face of John's grief driving him to madness, but snapping back out of it the moment he believes John to be in danger, while not being able to shake his sense of responsibility as a Beatle for the sake of his friend. Helping isn't always easy. Doing the right thing can feel like an impossible option.
And then, there's this John/Cyn moment:
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I really didn't write this to be cute. There's so much going on under the surface here; Cyn is in complete control – and very desperate to keep it that way – and John is only vaguely aware of it and has no idea of the extent to which she's in control. But he doesn't care because he's just that torn up about everything, so he's more than willing to let it all happen.
Also, in a way the heart of the chapter is John's debate-turned-fight with Paul over the reverse guitar solo. I talked about John's perspective already here, but Paul's view on it is so dripping with… dare I say it? Grief, where he's not only deeply in love with the idea of Lennon-McCartney – Genius Duo but also desperately trying to carry out the wishes of a "recently departed". (Paul is an ass in this scene towards the end, but CONSIDER he is also a meow meow.)
Chapter 6
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Paul is so often just… At a loss of words and I love pushing him into the uncomfortable position of having to find them. But it's tragic, too; that John used to be so in sync with him that it had never been necessary before. And also Paul, always teetering on the edge of a mental breakdown and hating himself every time he shows it.
I love how he realizes that smoking weed with John is in a way a betrayal of Ringo and George, because at their root, friendships are all about the experiences you have together. And it makes perfect sense for him to rationalize it away, thinking about how being "locked out" of the first LSD trip damaged his relationship with John.
Also the little tiny nudge at the less sunny side of Paul's childhood (and how John was very much to some extent at least aware of it, as we know from interviews he gave in the 70s) and how he somehow had to reconcile that with how John treated Julian. I just … :(
Chapter 7
The little hints that maybe John Was Not Fine before he hit his head either.
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Yeah. Also, also, also John throwing himself into something he thinks is the one-size fits-all solution ag– I'M GETTING AHEAD OF MYSELF!!!!!
Also, John's Paris lament was conjured out of me OUT OF NOWHERE and I was sooooooo genuinely upset after writing it. I think it really encapsulates why the story is relatable to me despite having a ridiculous plot; it really drives home how confusing life can get during young adulthood, when everyone else seems to be dealing far better than you.
And the other relatable side of this, to me, is Paul at the end of this chapter, because I have felt real anguish like his, when people close to me failed to share in a passion I was so sure they would love. It seems silly but it's genuinely one of the most upsetting and alienating experiences imaginable to me.
I think I'll stop now because GODDAMN what the fuck lmao, and also I believe I've run out of screenshots but TLDR: this story means the woooooooooooorld to me!!!!!!!!
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kiisaes · 2 years
ah, i meant bakudeku just as bakugou and deku in that exactly bakudeku moment, so, i know that your art is of them but they feel a little different from how the canon characters feel to me so... hm, idk. obviously it is all personal interpretations, and i totally agree that that‘s like the point :D or one of them lol? it‘s at least super fun, and i think it‘s cool that people branch out like they do as well, watching the same source material but taking away different things from it and idealizing it in different ways for how they‘d want things to be. saying bakudeku really didn‘t make sense in that moment; that refers to the ship. sorry for the confusion!
(also just to clarify, i‘m rly sorry cause i feel like that‘s weird now too (me going i‘m reconsidering and then going no i‘m good, that doesn‘t rly make sense), what i meant with that is that looking at your art it‘s so clear that they‘re in love so when i look at it i‘m like ah no i see it!, which is kinda dumb ig cause it is ship art like duh. anyway. god that rly doesn‘t make sense at all, cause i just thought yeah i see it in that moment bc i recognize them in the art but then they‘re also in love and that‘s true. but i just said that i don‘t see them as i see the canon characters. i‘m really sorry, i‘ll think it through next time before starting conversations to make sure i don‘t just find out actually i contradict exactly what i said before in the middle of it, i‘m so sorry and so glad the anon feature is a thing lmao. sorry for dumping this messiness in your ask box! and more canon kirishima & bakugou content that i could watch and interpret my ideal kiribaku into would be great hehe, i‘m happy to hear you like an idea of them together too :D and i keep looking at the mangas whenever i‘m in my local bookshop but i feel like it would just be so much money lol, so i haven‘t bought any yet. but yeah, the art style is definitely super super cool :D (not that it would be any less so if i didn‘t agree, tis all obvs also subjective))
again, sorry for the length and sorry for the absolute mess, and thank you for sharing your art :,)🤍
ohh ok! so basically what i'm hearing is that u like bkdk but in the context of mostly fan art (with all of its fan interpretations), not in the actual series? bc if so that's understandable too — fan content will always dramatize a relationship more than what's present in canon and might make it seem more appealing LOL
haha i have no problem with ppl not liking bkdk as a ship or choosing not to ship it for any particular reason, so no worries! i know lots of bkdks can get pretty territorial over their ship tho, so for ur best interest, i'd recommend not going up to random bkdk artists and talking about krbk out of nowhere ^^' i've met a staggering amount of bkdks who don't like krbk at all (the same way i've met lots of krbks who hate bkdk) so probably best to make sure the bkdk is ok with other ships including bkg and deku. it's smart to play it safe — this fandom is already barely keeping it together with ship discourses and i wouldn't want u caught in the crossfire ( ;´Д`)
despite the severe amount of bkdk i draw, i am a multishipper, so i don't particularly take much offense to these anon asks. as long as u don't come in slandering what i like then u're good lol. i have few notps so it'd always be nice to see more interactions between characters in the manga :') canon krbk has been pretty dry for ... maybe around 2 years now? oh god. which sucks, but hopefully they'll get some stuff soon !!! rooting for u and ur fellow krbks !!!
and u can read the manga online! i used to use bokunoheromanga.com, but it seems to have trouble with showing older chapter pages — or maybe it's just me. now i just use VIZ for every new update but there are definitely sites dedicated to posting the mha manga chapters whenever they come out! (i only buy certain volumes if they have specific arcs or scenes i like lol)
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fangirltothefullest · 4 years
i love your art and how versatile your styles are - do you have advice for experimenting with art style? like i know that to find ur own style its best to experiement a lot and develop it constantly, but where do you find motivation for that? did u fond inspiration from other artists? do you have a drawing routine? are there specific drawing exrecises that help/helped you?
sorry for so many questions, i love ur art and have a great day!
Thank you! It always makes me grin stupidly when people comment on my art with words like “versatile” because I do try to have a lot of fun with it! And it’s no trouble at all! I’m always playing with my style.
Getting the style I have now currently that I use most took work- I looked at my style and tried to change things deliberately until I was happy. I experimented with eye shape and face shape, body shapes and such until I was happy. That took a lot of study and work because I wanted the anatomy to look decent:
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The other styles (because I play so much....) don’t all look that different, only mildly. The cute one I just did for that comic I approached in regards to shapes. I kind of have this idea that I want a character to be a shape or word- so for Patton I chose “circle” and so I made most of his features round in some way. Not full circle but soft~ Logan was “square” so he looks a little boxy but I wanted him approachable so I softened his angles a liiittle bit. The twins were “tall bold” so they have a lot of sharp or elegant lines. Virgil was “droopy” and so he sort of just... droops. Puffy jacket, longer lines for the hair, and curved legs so he looks tired. Janus was “refined/put together” so most of his lines are pristine. All sharp and clean in most of his clothes but curved hat and hands to make him a little more snekky curvy if that makes sense. Note that their eye shape also reflects their shapes a little too. Virgil’s eyes are tired and droopy and Logan;s are quite squared compared to Remus whose eyes are taller because it makes him look more awake (too much coffee lol).
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The Poisoning Pigeons animatic was interesting because I am really slow at doing animatics but this one was based on something comedic so I literally sat down and went.... ok, what’s the fastest way I can draw these characters while maintaining their basics? And I was thinking about how @aimasup​’s style is REALLY fun and captures the sides in a unique way. What I like about it is the clean shapes so I thought, how can I do something a little similar but also REALLY FAST because I’m super distracted and get bored easily? I come up with stuff like this, wherein I drew the characters’ most basic silhouettes/defining features faster and faster until I reached a point where they were super quick to draw and still recognizable (Note that I always seem to draw their hair the same lol I can’t help it I gotta max the floof): 
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Read more below for Starcrossed stuff cause this post is already getting long. XD
And then there’s Starcrossed. This one is interesting because I went through a lot of style possibilities with these through development. I tried my regular style but that took too long even when not really coloured which is why I didn’t do many of these. I was in school and had no time for it.
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 I tried a cleaner style but that took even longer with the colours. It’s beautiful but just not possible.
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Then I tried this one but it was not round enough/exaggerated enough for the cutesie feeling I wanted. If I was gonna go for cute it better be CUTE but also it had to be uniform- if you are having your characters all together they ought to look appropriately like they all come from the same 2d plane of existence if that makes sense lol so this was just not gonna cut it: 
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Finally I landed on specific shapes and a style that complemented each other and settled with some rules: Anvity would always have sharper features because he is a Dragon so horns, ears, wings and eyes all had to match that; Moxie cannot have any sharp edges except for the points of her eyelashes, Viran would look inquisitive but approachably soft etc. so his glasses can never be fully square or rectangular:
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Vircei would always look a little bit weirdly elongated regardless of how tiny he is because he is a monster and quite spider-like at times so his hyperflexibility needed to be shown in his elongated limbs:
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Anyways, I’d say a good way to practice is DEFINITELY looking at other people’s art to get inspiration. How to they make their shapes and thinking about why it works for them. I recommend googling “Character Design” and browsing the images there or searching character design here on tumblr. You’ll find a lot of them definitely play with shape which I think is incredibly important! 
As for motivation, I dunno I just really like drawing so I have a lot of fun playing with style!
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pachimation · 4 years
hiya, I really love your art, and how you make your latest stuff look really vintage and aged, it’s really super cool and I was wondering if you’d be willing to share your process for that?? thank you so much and I hope you have a wonderful day!!! :D
aww thanks so much! and of course i can share my process, no prob!! ^^
i’ll be using this piece as an example, and uh, for the context of it u might have to look on twitter lol. but whatever
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it’ll be a bit long so everything is under the cut
(this is just based on my process, and i know its weird and csp specific.
feel free to pick and choose pieces from my process!)
and also the programs i used were procreate and csp and i have a mac. u could probably do this with other set ups, but this tutorial might not be super helpful near the end
i usually make my lineart in procreate and import it into csp as a .psd file
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for this, in procreate, select the file you want to export and click PSD and then I airdrop it to my mac.
i think the only thing about the lineart i have tips on is to keep it toothy/gritty if that makes sense?
i use the 6B pencil in procreate with a bunch of tweaks to the pressure sensitivity and opacity/size change.
but anything with a good size jitter should do the job!
in csp i shade and color the piece.
picking out the colors is a whole other mess
feel free to ask about it but ill skip for now ;v;
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flat colors
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csp has a lot of nice halftone options!
group up ur lineart and everything thats black rn in a folder and above them set a clipping layer to add
fill it with a color lighter than black; the less pure blacks and white u have on a piece the better
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feel free to go to town w the grunge or noise texture of ur choosing! the grittier the better bc during this step i try to get the feel of worn off ink. just make sure the linearts still visible, though. u went through all the trouble to make it after all! ^^
(i have specific brushes but again thats something else u can ask me about)
above all the layers, make a multiply layer and do something similar.
same advice as above
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this is ur “paper” texture, tho, so try to keep it more even in tone so things don’t get too messy
(but if it works for u, feel free to do it! find what works is my advice!)
ok time for some super csp-specific steps (sorry to non-csp users)
the csp asset store/website(?) has a lot of nice textures and brushes available.
look through it if u haven't
it will make ur life so much easier
theres a really nice tileable watercolor texture set there
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(this one specifically)
(it also had some really good paper texture bc whoever made this is a godsend)
i slap that over the color layer, set it to clipping, and mess with the blending modes
its usually a tossup between soft light, overlay, multiply, and the overlay texture effect tho
theres another optional step of using the overlay texture effect on a paper texture
i didn’t do it on this example sorry :’(
i think i used another watercolor texture set to soft light on this piece?
after that, if u want, i like setting a noise texture at a v low opacity over everything for extra jitter
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(i use this one. u can just make it in csp and probably any other drawing software but im lazy lmao)
save it as a png/jpg/etc.
and ur done!
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i do some extra stuff to the final image like scale everything down and add a bit of a 3D effect for a bit of extra kick
(but again thats a bit complex and specific so feel free to ask but ill keep it short
for your sanity’s sake)
(and once again, the final image! ta-da!)
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some tips to keep in mind i guess
jitter, grit and noise textures are very good things when u want something to look rough
avoid pure blacks and whites; most paper isn’t printed pure black or white and it only gets more faded and colored with time
if ur super lost, look at reference!! theres a lot of good artists and media out there to get inspiration from, and looking at scans of actual old comics is a nice way to see if ur work looks aged
(also u don’t have to use old comics as reference; i like looking at old vcr footage for reference bc of the texture!! :D)
that’s all i have for my general process
uhh for specifics feel free to ask
i can make more tutorials but this one is a general overview, i just didn’t to take up too much of ur time….
but i really hope it helped! and im very sorry if it didn’t 
i’ve never made a tutorial so im sorry if it didn’t answer ur question and also im sorry if this one’s not very useful
thank you for reading!!!
and thank you to whoever asked! :D
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mdverse · 3 years
i typed out the entire thing and now my back hurts,,, i blame my posture,,,
ANYWAY idk if you guys have read the iliad or not so i will just sum up the different images Homer described
sun, earth, seas, stars/constellations (he names the Pleiades and Orion among others)
2 cities: the first one has wedding festivities but also a fight between two guys in the marketplace, with the city elders and a crowd watching; the other city is defending against a siege, but the army leaves the walls to fight after 2 herdsmen get killed
a field being ploughed
a king's estate with more farming stuff going on
a vineyard with a kid singing and some more kids singing/dancing along
a herd of cattle, followed by dogs, wherein one of the bulls gets attacked by lions
a meadow for the flocks to graze
a dancing circle(?)
and then the "River's Ocean" around the shield's rim
it's a lot. especially when i remember that this is sth i plan on animating somehow adhskfl im being really ambitious. anyway herein lies the problem. i dont,, actually know how to organize this?
my initial thought was to draw each image separately, then have them transition from one to the next in a loop on the shield. which i think is definitely an option but like... hmmm... idk how to explain my specific vision and sketches would not really help here....
i'm picturing like,,, having each image on a separate layer. but the images are only visible in fragments that kinda merge into each other? idk if that makes any sense maybe i will actually have to make some sketches :(((
the other option i have in mind is doing sth similar to the image below, which i found here (which has actually been turned into a mini sculpted version that u can see on that link too! its wild i am amazed by the amount of detail in both versions!). where each image gets its own section of the shield. and then from there all i would need to do is animate each section individually so they'd each have their own lil loop of "life happening"
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i am torn about that tho bc i dont wanna just,, rely on sth someone else has already came up with? and it just feels a bit too busy. there is so much going on (not that my idea is any less busy ssdkjfkdhk its just in a different way i guess)
also i have to keep in mind that i should do more research on what shields looked like at the time askldffgdk i dont wanna stray too far from that once i start drawing
anyway part of the reason i'm trying so hard to explain my thought process here is bc i would actually love some input! i know @born-potty has already offered but if any of you have some thoughts pls let me know! i might try to sketch out the first option i was thinking of somehow if it's not super clear bc ugh ive been thinking about this on and off for the past few days and im still Very stuck.
gonna go to bed soonish (or at least check out from thinking about this for the night) and try some doodles tomorrow. maybe i will just draw some very rough key frames and gif that to see if it helps
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gojology · 4 years
Teddybears and Shitty Cards.
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back to homepage pairing : yuuji x gender neutral reader warnings : minor cursing, fluff wordcount : 1529 a/n : i hope i did u yuuji stans justice .. probably not but this is rlly good for my characterization :) also i thought that gojo wasn’t as well loved as megumi/yuuji/nanami etc but holy shit i thought wrong. my megumi and nanami fics got little to no attraction, or maybe i write them horribly, idk. is gojo satoru the best husbando in jjk? (the answer is yes.) also uh.. i didnt proof read this ████████████████  100% Complete. Enjoy your game.
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     “Itadori!” you yell, panting, cupping your hands together around your mouth to amplify your voice. He had asked you prior to meet with you for Valentines in this particular park, most likely because it was Valentines day.        You had to admit, his selection in nice places was clearly defined. The views from the hill you and him sat upon was spectacular, you could see the city in it’s whole. This was amplified with the setting of the sun, a hazy beautiful orangey-yellow gradient was all the eye could see from up here.       It was definitely worth the walk up the steep hill, and you took a much needed seat and breather on the painted wooden bench, pulling out your water bottle you take a long swig, wiping the sweat off your brow as you did so.       You took a quick sneak peek at Yuuji, who was humming a tune, earbuds in. Shielding your eyes with your hand, you leaned closer into his shoulder. His thumbs were fumbling with something, which you now realized was a Nintendo Switch.       “Watcha playing?” you ask, breathing in his scent. Remnants of candy and baked goods filled your nose.        Yuuji didn’t say anything back, instead continuing to hum and mumble a few lyrics, lost in his own world.       It was only until you impatiently tapped at his broad shoulders to pay attention to you. He jolted up, looking left and right before finally realizing you were sitting next to him. Taking a deep breath in, he cheerfully smiled before taking one of his earbuds out.       “Hey! You came early~ are you excited to see me?” he questioned, setting his Nintendo Switch into his backpack before picking up what seemed to be a bag right next to him.      “Of course! Why wouldn’t I be, baby?” you reply back, grinning, deciding to pay no mind towards this bag. Yuuji was quite popular, especially revolving sports or something along the lines of that. Many famous coaches had said that he possessed super-human strength, and he had been showered in contracts with sport teams not long after those few words.       In return, this caused Yuuji to be insanely busy with many interviews and pelted with multiple adult-y stuff to do, which had hurt you exceptionally. It greatly hindered the relationship between you two. Weekly visits turned into monthly, and you couldn’t bare to see him drown in all his work. He was a busy guy, but yet always so carefree, and you didn’t want that carefree childish aspect of him to disappear. After all, that was something you loved about Yuuji.       He looked up at you with a reassuring beam, and you felt yourself melt under those warm eyes. “Aww, that makes me happy, (Y/N). Scratch that, you make me happy!” facing you, he gave you a quick peck on your cheek. Your heart bursts, it had been too long since you felt that specific thing, and you give him a gentle kiss back, running a hand through his fluffy hair.       “I missed you. It’s been too long since I’ve talked to you, lovebug. Schedule is jampacked. But I met some nice friends along the way, and my coach is super nice!” he rambled on, fumbling with the handles of this mysterious bag.       “Oh? How so?” trying to make conversation, you want to appear as interested as he talked about his coach, but you were focused on his outfit and how he looked in general.        He had gotten way more stronger, you noted. He was much more scrawnier when you two first started dating, and you wondered how his cuddles might feel like. Something that didn’t change though, was his horrible fashion sense. Wearing a turquoise t-shirt with a lemon yellow jacket over it, you almost winced. Yuuji dressed like a 6th grader who had their mom pick out clothes for them.        “...And he annoys the absolute shit out of his co-worker, Utahime. It’s funny! I also met this guy named Nanami and I have no idea how my coach and Nanami are friends. Nanami always looks like he’s on the verge of murdering him whenever he opens his mouth to speak! Oh and also me and my coach made Valentine cards together and I worked really hard on it and I just know you’ll like it! Also-”       “Alright, alright. That’s a mouthful.” you sang sarcastically, Yuuji awkwardly laughed and rubbed his hand against the back of his neck, looking at you like you had caught him stealing a cookie out of a jar at 12 AM.       “Sorry. I get carried away a lot.” he says, peering into the bottomless pit inside the bag. You couldn’t quite see what was inside of it.       “No, no. I think it’s cute, Yuuji-san! I didn’t forget how you acted in the span of 1 month, why would I be dating you if I thought you were annoying?” hoping this’ll knock some sense into him, you closely examine his body language for any changes, hoping that went through his mind.       You had to make sure, the guy was dumb when it came to social cues.       “Ohh, really?” he looked up, pointer finger on his chin, a confused expression covering his features. “I didn’t know, I’ll act more annoying for you then!”       Smacking your forehead, you studied your shoes, too giggly to look at him eye-to-eye. “That’s not what I meant, idiot.”       “...What did you mean then?” Yuuji quizzed, tilting his head to the side. You really couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, you’d think that all sport players would be brutes and be masculine and perhaps... Not stupid? But here you were.       “No bother.” waving your hand as a dismissal of the conversation, you instead lean towards the bag he was holding, fluttering your eyelashes. “What’s this?”       “It’s a surprise~” he responded, obviously giddy. You felt yourself soften once more, how could someone be so cute just answering a question?        “Hey, come on!” tugging on his arm, you try to yank the bag away, curiosity killing you. His grasp was firm, and he laughed as you did so, it felt good to hear him laugh like that again.         “Okay, okay! Fine. Here, go at it.” handing you the bag, you practically ripped the handles off, ecstatic to see what could possibly be waiting to be discovered.          Inside was an incredibly large teddy bear, soft. The color was almost exactly the same shade of Yuuji’s, and you squeal, hugging the plush.          “Awww! This is so cute! I woulda never believed you’re smart enough to get a good gift for me!” you joked, he caught the sarcasm this time, giving you a confident grin. He liked the compliments.          “It’s supposed to be me.” placing a hand onto his chest dramatically. “I don’t know if you realized though.”          Scoffing, you put the teddybear to the side. “Of course I’d realize! I’m not dumb, Yuuji-san!”          “Why not? We could be dumb together! Also, there’s something extra at the very bottom that I think you’d like.”          Blinking, you realized that you had completely forgotten about the bag between your legs. Looking back down and rummaging for what possibly could be there, you pull out a card.          On the front, there’s a tacky lopsided heart, made with glitter glue. It seems there are also many failed attempts of starting this large heart at the sides of it. At the top, there’s a large, “Happy Valentines Day!” in red marker that was also uneven. Underneath the heart? A stick figure drawing of you and Yuuji, which was also... Pretty horrible.         Stifling a giggle, you open the card, eyes scanning the left for anything, you turn to face the right as soon as you deem it clear. That’s where the writing is.         Dear Y/N,          I love you very much and I know I do not spend that much time with you anymore but you still make me very happy. My coach was very nice and gave me Valentines day off because he felt bad.      I had to run to the nearest drugstore to get you this teddybear, but me and Mr. Coach decorated this together! He says he’s a very good drawer and I agree. I think the drawing is very detailed. He also helped me with the heart (we picked out the color together) and we had a lot of fun decorating. He says my handwriting looks really bad (is that true?) can you please help me fix it later? :(                                                                           With a lot of love,                                                                              Your Boyfriend and Gojo Satoru (his cool coach that helped him write this, thank me later. I have no idea how you handle this guy, but God is he such an amazing kid.)      Looking back up from the card, you look at Yuuji, who is looking at you back, squeamish. Without another thought, you kiss him, soft and light ones on his forehead, his cheeks, his lips, everywhere on his face. When you finally pull away, both of you are staring at each other fondly.        “Yes, I’ll help you fix your handwriting, dummy.”         Yuuji gave you a toothy smile that he only saved for the special ones in his life.
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dogtoling · 3 years
Update Post!
hi fellow splatoons, this is a little update post concerning the blog and some other stuff that really doesn't NEED an update post in the first place, but I love writing and pretending that the things I do are super important to people so I will take every opportunity I can get.
So if you care about some of the things that happen here, boy if this isn't the post for you (but i'll save those of you that dont by putting a read more here...)
First things first; I am back! (I hope.) If anyone noticed I was Literally Gone pretty much for the whole summer, I was stuck in 5am->4pm work limbo and spent my free time decomposing, but now that things are a little bit less Like That i may be able to do more here...
Updates in tagging a few minor tag updates are incoming, for anyone that cares about them. Asks will now be under #mailbox from now on because yeah i could not think of a better name. But that's cool, because now (or from now on, I should say) they will all be under the same tag
All art (including mine and other people's art) will be under #gallery, but i'll be tagging my own as #dodo art on top of it all, so it also serves as somewhat of a fresh start. #friend art is going to become #friend list which is only a reference to the iconic chirpy chips song, and as usual, its only purpose is to make my friends and some mutuals go happy face.
My text posts (including this one) will still be sorted under #rambles as they have been in the past, I don't really see a reason to change that one. The same goes for headcanons, specifically bigger Splatoon headcanon/biology posts, which will still be going under #squidthoughts as they have been in the past. This tag has usually included not only my bigger posts but also smaller posts and food for thought that escalates...
with that being said, I do have some bigger posts that I sometimes spend hours formatting (including things such as the Kraken post which is a comic form, and things like the specials post which is just basically an essay). These are currently sorted with the smaller posts in squidthoughts, because to my knowledge there's not so many smaller posts that it makes finding the big ones a chore - but what do you guys think? let me know if you'd like a separate tag for bigger posts.
Other Stuff, mostly about art
I post art here so rarely at this point that people don't even know that this is PRIMARILY an art account, and I don't know whether that's depressing or actually hilarious. It's a little bit of both. And just as that is a little bit of both, it is also true that this blog is BOTH an art blog and a headcanon- or speculation blog. Bear in mind for the hundredth time that this is not a theory blog, nor is this one of those blogs that sticks to canon like glue (and that's also why this is not a theory blog). If anything, I swerve as far away from canon as possible if need be, because this blog's purpose has pretty much always been to translate Splatoon into something that could actually happen as it's (supposedly) meant to be occurring in the real world. think of it more in the sense of "splatoon but real".
which means that as long as canon events and other things in the games are able to stretch far enough out, my squids are not literally going to be metamorphizing liquid entities (as they canonically are). i just feel the need to periodically echo that... but depending on how far the gameplay and the developers are going to take that canon and how deep they can go with that mechanic, I may eventually have to take that plunge too and that is essentially when this blog dies. LOL (Or rather, probably just changes lanes. Who knows.) Speaking of art and my squids, even though I don't post here very often (MUCH much less than what i actually draw), yes my way of drawing Cephalings changes all the time. and i'm not even sorry but if anyone needed any clarification of how inconsistent i am, there we go! this is because I am pretty much always reassessing my headcanons on inklings and how they work, trying to find that perfect balance between squid and like, Splatoon, and also just trying to have fun drawing. It's an endless cycle really.
SPEAKING OF headcanons (final segway i promise is that even the word for that?), I really haven't even been putting those in here huh. yeah i sure haven't. Well, there is a partial reason for that... i've been working on a proper splatoon headcanon document masterpost for myself since some time in April? Yeah, there's been somewhat of a cog thrown in the wheels of that throughout summer, but either way it does have 130 pages and 40,000 words. I still haven't made up my mind on whether I'm going to publish it anywhere or not (it's an ever-changing document, so that's a 50/50), but that's where my rambles have been going, and honestly I would recommend something like that for anyone because it does help massively to get all of your squid lore in one place!
that's pretty much it i think. if reading this made you think thoughts be sure to let me know those thoughts, thx for reading love u.
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