#i love loving characters fghj
sammyloomis · 2 years
*thinks about moze, gaige, lor, troy, or tyreen for any length of time* GOD...... MICROWAVES THEM.....
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axelsagewrites · 9 months
how would you spend time with your fave characters if they were real ?
ooooohhh good question! having to limit how many i list tho lmao idk if u want modern or in universe so heres a mix
Robb: I want him to give me a tour of winterfell then have a snowball fight in the godswood then have a drink cause u just kno he knows all the best hiding spots
Modern Jon: we're so listening to sad music, looking at poetry and watching old vines cause modern jon would be so emo it would be amazing
Sansa: honestly i just wanna have sansa teach me her embroidery and tell her everything is gonna be okay fghj
Sandor Clegane: I wanna get a drink with this man and hear all. the. tea. yes sandor may come off as rude but he would have the juciest gossip and the best takes
Lucerys: protect him. raise him. nurture him. love him. make sure he reaches at least 18. but also id so be down if he wanted to let me fly his dragon with him
Modern Heleana: i wanna bake cookies while she talks to me about bugs then decorate a cake like her current fav species
Roy Kent: again this man has all the tea. he has the best opinions. i wanna have a pint with him as he roasts every mother fcker in sight!
also i love questions like this so if any of u are ever wondering just ask cause i could talk about any of this stuff for days
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lys-9-10 · 2 years
per a reader's request, im taking a stab at turning this one-shot i wrote for @themiserablesmonth into a multi-chapter... read preview for 2nd chapter below the image.
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Contrary to what some of Les Amis de l’ABC thought, Enjolras was not averse to admitting he was wrong. He scarcely believed himself to be wrong — that much was true. But when it became clear to him that he had, in fact, committed some error, he moved to correct that error without delay. 
That character trait explained why Enjolras, chastened by Éponine, had texted Grantaire to apologize. What it didn’t explain, however, was why Enjolras found himself following that message with another, inviting the drunkard for coffee. It also didn’t explain why he had been staring at his phone for the past several minutes as the three dots which indicated typing appeared and disappeared repeatedly.
When a message finally came through, Enjolras almost jumped. Only to see: Grantaire 11:56 am fghj;;;;;; Enjolras frowned at his phone. A moment later, another message appeared.  Grantaire 11:57 am oops. sry.  The three dots commenced their appearing and reappearing. Then another nonsensical message. Finally: Grantaire 11:59 am R would love to go for coffee. 
Enjolras cocked an eyebrow. 
Grantaire 12:00 pm awerf 
Grantaire 12:01 pm sry. éponines been wrestling me for my phone.
Grantaire 12:02 pm
but yah... coffee sounds good. thx.  Read more on AO3
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astrangeghost · 2 years
stares u directly in the eyes. pllease tell me more about ur dnd ocs
Hehehehehe I actually. Went to draw them all but WOW today is not a good art day so just preexisting art :)
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(This is a bit outdated, Mindy is a paladin and Granite's earrings changed!) Granite is a earth-genasi monk who worships Sol, and thus is blind(something about staring into the sun for the sun god, forgot where I read that but yea!) They were found at a temple of Sol and raised there, eventually getting a message from Sol himself to spread his religion throughout the world :) so thats why shes out adventuring! Granite has a good heart and strength to back herself up, and even if they would prefer peace, they could hit you into next week! She does have a streak of self-sacrifice, being the first to give up comfort for the safety of others and she is so dear to me. my first dnd oc : ) Mindy was my second dnd oc I made out of a realll old middle school character fghj shes a taffy paladin from another worldddd! Mindy comes from an alternate universe where war plagues the earth. She and a couple others were made in a lab to fight in the fields, eventually her partners died and something something magicked to a new world to some adventuring party! When transferred to the main universe/world/whatever her memories were wiped and she needs to get them all back :0 her old party were very important to her but shes a very happy-go-lucky sunshiny type of gal :) Cynthia!! Is my bard! Also a centaur ^_^ her right eye is glass I don't have a lot on her tbh <:] shes a good cook and a pleasant friend and she wants to be a musician! She plays the flute, loves jewelry and is very charismatic. Would only let you ride her if it was a life-or-death situation and then never talk about it again. Is honestly kind of insecure about being a centaur and tries to distance herself from her culture. shes blorbo to me My Tiefling I'm thinking of nameing Vayla but I'm not sure yet ^_^; Shes an artificer who was raised by a dwarf and hardly knows anything about being a Tiefling It's science-run, wanting to know everything about the world and discover her heritage. Which is difficult, considering she lives in the icy tundra with hardly anybody else around. It either can control ice or has a sick potion to make ice do what it wants(for instance, her bow+arrow are made of ice). She loves her dad and her home but yearns to see the world for itself and when she turns of age joins a party to discover the world! Marigold!! I just adore!!!! She's a satyr druid :]]] Mari is excitable and ready for anything. She falls in love with every woman she sees. Shes all for public nudity. Marigold is sociable and always down to party, but to the outside eye normally seems pretty laid-back! She has a problem with boundaries and thinking before speaking, but tries her best to get along with other people :) OKAY HES NOT PICTURED HERE BUT I HAVE AN OWLIN AND HES SO IMPORTANT TO ME<3 no name yet also<//3 I would snag a picture but his design isnt finished cause his outfit is giving me nightmares Hes a cleric that worships some god of the moon! I haven't decided yet</3 He is a long-eared owl with heavy robes that he can't fly in. He's quiet, and doesn't know much about surviving but is probably the most normal out of them. The type of guy that knows murder is not okay. He can't carry a conversation unless its about something he likes, which is often something very lame like purifying water. he is everything to me
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belovedblabber · 1 year
the locked tomb! or if someone already asked, dragon age!
Thank youuuu for asking!
Favorite Male Character: It's John, we all know it's John. I stand by my cancelled wife <3
Favorite Female Character: I legit do not know how to answer this because that list is, so long and frequently neck and neck but today while zoning out I ended up thinking about Harrow and had a resurgence of how much I adore her so I'll say Harrow rn!
Least Favorite Character: I'm not sure honestly, I don't really think I have one? Maybe currently Paul just because we don't know them very well yet and also I'm so mad to have lost Pal and Cam so let's go with Paul
Favorite Ship: This is another tough one oh god. I love Harrow/Gideon, and Harrow/Ianthe, and Gideon/Ianthe in a 'gay sex won't fix this situation in fact it may make it worse but I think we should give it a shot anyway' sorta way fghj. Idk if that last one is a ship or a 'I think they make each other worse and I love that' thing. Also between Gideon/Harrow and Ianthe/Harrow I like. Gideon/Harrow more in terms of just pure shippines, I guess? I want them to be happy and kiss but I'm aware that may be a tall order. I'm terrible at answering ship questions especially with this series dfghj. Also the entire dios apate trio situation is just the absolute tastiest although I've been thinking a lot about John and Augustine in particular lately I think just because that's where my brain is kicking around atm. I love them, obsessed with that fucked up lil' jaugustine dynamic it makes my brain spin
Favorite Friendship: Gideon and Palamedes, I know we didn't get to see much of that dynamic but what we did see was so sweet and I love it. Also Harrow and Palamedes. I LOVE Palamedes he's up there as one of my fave characters
Favorite Quote: This one is just cruel I have so many I legit cannot pick. But currently I have the whole quote that ends in "Something will satisfy them eventually, but nothing satisfies me. Nothing" stuck in my head and am wanting to draw smth from it so I'll just go with that, John that was sooo sexy of u babygirl. (Also "Is that the truth, or the truth you tell yourself?" "What is the difference?" said God'" hit me like a sack of bricks the first time I read it and continues to do so. But I also have so many other fave quotes asdfg, I just need to leave it off here or I'll write a novel length list of them).
Worst Character Death (if any): This one is ALSO hard but I will say that the one that shocked me the most was honestly Jeannemary. After that it was hard to rattle me although oh god Gideon's death at the end of GtN did have me crying
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment: When I read the NtN preview on amazon and saw that it opened with a John thing and I got so excited that I shrieked out loud alone in my dark room and then messaged my partner rapid fire while literally vibrating and then was so jazzed that I couldn't sleep. Because I'm a freak.
Saddest Moment: How do I pick? The one freshest in my head is the creation of Paul because OUCH
Favorite Location: Canaan house, I love the vibes in a way I can't articulate
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hinamie · 5 years
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it’s my oc shiro’s birthday today so i decided 2 celebrate by sticking him in the most obnoxiously pricey outfit bc i love him and he deserves all the nice clothes i cant afford irl
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sn-0-w-gh-0-st-artz · 2 years
ooohh can i have 💕 (not redacted related), 📝, 🌐, 🌼 and 🌎
have a wonderful dayyy
💕 Your two top fave fictional characters omg. citron and guy from a3!!! im in love with them and they are my boyfriends ty 📝 Fave quote the first thing that came to mind is "You can't help the things you long for." from shinsou hitoshi from bnha (also fun fact i got my username from him lol) 🌐 Languages you can speak and/or are learning. Which are you fluent in my native langue (i cant speak it just understand it lol....), french and english obs, i wanna learn japanese yknow like a weeb but its too hard so maybe one day dfgfg 🌼 Fave flower jasmine and ranunculus flowers ! (ahah a3 ref lol) 🌎 What country do you live in i live in canada ! (cant wait for the snow to melt fghj)
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forbidding-souda · 3 years
Oh heck!! I did not see that fghj(same matchup anon!) sorry for bein late ^^! Hello hello! May I request a matchup? I'm a demigirl + lesbian with a lot of neopronouns, with the regular 'ol height of 5'4. I love drawing! And sometimes animating!! And DEFINITELY baking!!!!! I tend to talk alot! Only one-on-one though, I'm terrible with large groups ^^; I'm very reserved with new people, but if I get close to you you'll never get rid of me >:) My friends call me sweet- seeing as I'm always doing things for other people, whether that be letting them vent to me or giving them little 'gifts'(ie drawings or their comfort characters/ocs/sonas or plushies that made me think of them!). Though that gets me to shove my feelings aside so I can be their rock. I'm extremely cynophobic(fear of dogs) and musophobic(fear of mice) to the point where it's dumb!! I like cleaning and singing, though I'm not "great" at the former- but it's the fun that counts! I have an interest in mixology and being a florist, but tend to get demotivated. I have trouble with being kind to myself, usually defaulting to being really self-hatey :,) Oh uh! I'd rather not be matched with Mikan but anybody else is free terrain ^^!
okay so i let my council answer this with me and your pick is : Izuru
see he hates large groups too and he's alone most of the time, plus he never talks so you can talk his ear off and he wouldn't mind. Perfect listener. He can help you with any of your interests since he's the all - knowing type.
-Mod Souda
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midnightcowboy1969 · 2 years
when Natalie complimented Monk's hair in the Gena Rowlands episode he immediately thought she wanted something from him and this is all because the episode is about Monk's yknow trust issues etc etc because among other things Hal - like, how can someone love/like him unconditionally, how could someone really want to be his friend - but like Leland has multiple times complimented him without facing the same suspicions as Natalie. Now, if I look at this logically, it's because, well, the episode is about this specific thing right and they have to set it up so obviously this distrust falls on her because that makes sense story-wise and character-wise, she is around him all the time, she is his employee and employees want something (like getting payed etc fghj), and he doesn't really think of her as his friend even though they are friends, and she loves him (much the same as Leland).
So what am I saying here. I don't know. Monk trusts Leland more???? idk I don't like putting Natalie and Leland against each other (even though it might seem like it), I hate seeing blond bitches fight especially when one of them is bald(ing).
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sammyloomis · 9 months
so now that ive finished the games n shit i can Finally make this post without feelin like im missing anything SO:
hcs for how ellies infection affects her
because you are Not telling me that she has a Literal invasive parasitic fungus growing in and on her Literal brain and shes just. Normal and Fine. i simply dont believe you. so lets get into it tee hee
(sorry for the wall of text, i had a lot to say apparently)
eyeshine. because it looks cool and because i say so. and because i think having ellie look just Slightly Offputting for reasons people cant immeditely explain is cool
increased pain tolerance. like, i know Every character in these games get put through the ringer, but im specifically thinking about her boss fight with abby (where abby beats the everloving Snot out of her) and im like??? she gets choked out, knee'd in the stomach, punched DIRECTLY in the face SEVERAL times and shes.... still concious, for one, coherent and able to stalk abby around the basement for another, AND yeah shes bleeding from every hole in her god damn face by the end but shes still?? talking?? and dina got hit Way Less and is knocked the fuck out immediately. so yeah fghj i stand by this one. on a related note...
increased healing time. this is kinda relating to the fact that mushrooms are.... pretty quick to grow, and the whole "you cant kill me in a way that matters" cosmic horror bullshit that comes with them. so it would stand to reason that ellies wounds heal quicker than the average person (she just keeps getting fkn injured so its hard to tell sometimes)
now this one could just be because shes got the disposition of a feral cornered alley cat, but biting people. like, idk if youve Noticed, but ellie has this weird penchant for biting the FUCK outta people whenever given the chance, and i think its fun to imagine the zombie instinct is just subtly rearing its head with that
this ones kinda sad.... but i cant stop thinkin abt it, this doesnt manifest until years later, but i imagine if the parasite is still Growing in her head, even if its not actively killing her, i cant see that doing her any fkn good. so, later in life i can see her suffering from seizures or physical tics.
developing some kind of sixth sense for when infected are nearby. kinda similar to listen mode in the game, but having it manifest more like will from stranger things, where she gets prickling on the back of her neck and can just Feel that those things are close. again, this wouldnt be til later in life i feel, as the fungus grows.
and thats all i got fghjk anyway i love ellie i think shes neat i wanna study her in a lab
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hello i am going INSANE, it is 4:30 in the afternoon and i am going INSANE, how are you this talented darling? the dialogue is on POINT, sophie and keefe are AMAZING, the background sophitz is adorable, and AHHHH LINH AND BIANA ARE GOING ON A DATE?? lesbians really stay winning huh 💛💛💛 anyway i love you to the moon and back and also the Dellivvy is incredible i love seeing other people write them :) sorry for this incredibly rambling ask, have a good day hon! ilysm 💛💛
hello lynn happy 3:55 in the afternoon this is my official love letter to you wow ilysm, thank you!!!!!!!! /platonic
and AAAAH im glad you like the dialogue like im very 😐😐 @ myself cause i can’t make my characters stop talking (just like me </3) and i feel like i don’t describe things enough and i think that’s very annoying personally in literally only my fics  FGHJ so it means a lot 🥺🥺🥺
and the background sophitz is DFGHJ cause i just forgot the fact that i established fitz and biana go to the same school and remembered that fitz also needs to find out biana is playing DFGHJGFDS and so next chapter will have him not to worry 👀
and lesbians DO stay winning 💗💝💖 cause LINH AND BIANA  ARE GOING ON A DATE BUT LIKE......i wont reveal anything but idiocy (/lh) also reigns supreme 😩👀👀👀
and dellivvy RIGHTS im so happy you love them and be proud of the fact that you started it they’re wonderful <3 
never apologize for rambling, i love hearing what you have to say, have a great day babe, you deserve it, i love YOU very very much!!! 
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belovedblabber · 1 year
So I promised I'd ask 5 questions to any mutual who reblogged that post... since I don't know your mutuals as well since you've only recently begun talking about them
Which ocs belong to which stories?
What are the relationships between them?
Which ones are in romantic relationships, versus platonic?
What are your favorite ones?
Which one is the most fun to write?
Thank you so much for enabling my oc ramblings that’s so sweet😭🤝✨
Okay so I have a lotttttt of ocs and I'm going to try to be as brief as I can and cover all of the ones I can think of also oh lord I have realized that this is SO long sedrftgyhuji everybody feel free to blissfully scroll past and let the 'keep reading' divider protect you as needed
Okay so for question one:
In terms of solid stories a have a few uh, 'universes' (ECUs, Esmé cinematic universes dfghj). The first is the most vague because I've had it since I was 11 and revised it so much that the characters are the only through-line (and they've changed a ton) and I'm currently trying to figure out a new coherent setting for them. But anyway, I loosely call this grouping League because of reasons that no longer apply but I hold onto from my leetle 11 year old days. The main ocs from this one are Tamara (Tam), Meera, Kelli (that's a last name but she deeply needs a new one), Arshak (this is an Armenian name because I'm part Armenian and so is he <3), and Solomon. Tam and Meera (and the rest of that gang)are some of my first ocs (outside of my wolf character from when I was teeny tiny, and outside of toys from games my sister and I played) and they [Tam and Meera] pretty comedically mirror my own little path to lesbianism. Because my god these women are dykes who didn't get to be dykes for years because I was fully oblivious for a long time fghj. They're deeply in love but they don't get around to admitting this to each other for years.  Putting the rest of my oc universes and the answers to the other questions under a 'keep reading'
I also have a science fiction story that I usually just call Space Noir, and the characters from that are Castor, Azza, Okar, Min, Martin, Hassan, and K'laña (forgive my weird alien names).
ANOTHER oc cinematic universe is the one that Corin and Faolán come from and it doesn't have a strict name rn other than W&W which is tied to way back ago name stuff that I use in my head to mark it. In that universe there is, obviously, Corin and Faolán, and also their adopted daughter Adaira, and a woman named Eira. Sort of connected is a character from a similar but slightly different universe that I may combine together with Corin and Faolán's universe. His name is Xavier and he is from a now-abandoned story I wrote with my partner. I want to either bring him back in a revised version of that story, in his own version of that universe that is similar but different from Corin and Faolán's universe, or or adapt him for their universe because I LOVE him. He's possessed by the norse god Odin and it's his own damn fault. Also in that universe is his (much older) sister Oisin, her wife Kiera, and Xavi's dead (but often on my mind) dad Beckett, along with Beckett's various flings and loves. I love Beckett a LOT.
Then there is the current story I write with my partner (I call it Gay Snake Drama fghjk) which has a TON of characters but some of my faves are Lorcán(aka Lor) (my baby, I adore him), Riel (who I also adore and want to talk about more), Hypatia (who is so fun and also whose relationship with Riel is one. of my FAVE things to write), Minerva, and Maggie.
And okay just two more I'll mention fghjk. One is dnd characters who come from different campaigns. Agatha and Julian are my darlings, and they come from a campaign I never finished called Landion. I want to give them their own story some day. Then there is Seril, from the Curse of Strahd game I'm in, Alex from a fantasy high school game my friend runs, and then the npcs from the game I run that's set in hell. The twp major ones there are Artemisia and JOHN, who I talk about too much dfghj.
And last is the newest story I'm working on (in theory) which has a longer name but I'll just call Pennies here as a marker, and the main characters of that are Ilias and the Iudex, and I love them and their weird sweet sweeping romance. Love 'death and the maiden' as a motif, you know? And OKAY that is my way too long answer to question one fghjk I am probs forgetting some ocs
Relationships between them:
If I answered for all of my ocs this would. be WAY too long so I'll just highlight a few.
Tam and Meera's relationship is important to me because it is, like I said, pretty much a direct reflection of my own personal little journey to lesbianism, and they fell in love as a result of me realizing a lot of stuff about myself. They're best friends and wildly codependent (saying 'best friends' is honestly putting it lightly) and Meera is in what she things is unrequited love with Tam, but it's NOT, but Tam is a mess, and anyway they do end up together. Side note like I said, Kelli is a nasty and very fun character who is also in love with Meera (and also the villain of the story, or one of them) but her and Tam end up having a fucked up fling when she has Tam captive wherein they're dealing with hatred for each other, hatred for themselves, and love for Meera, all wrapped up in the most toxic sex you've ever seen in your life. It's fun.
In space noir, Martin and Min are fun as former best friends gone sour, and that's super fun especially because Min is pretending to have become sort of a piece of shit enforcer for a bad system but it's all an act to take it down, but Martin doesn't know it, anyway they do reconcile.
Corin and Faolán I adore, love these gay bitches. I also love their relationship with Adaira. Also in his own universe or in this one, Xavier's relationship with Odin is. So Tasty.
Gay snake drama has some of my fave dynamics, Lorcán is my baby and I love writing his relationship with his husband, my partner's oc Aaneshku (they're gonna have a daughter soon!), and also his relationship with his adopted sister Maggie. Also in that universe though there is Riel and Hypatia, who are not romantic, not sexual, not platonic, but a secret 4th thing (I don't know how to describe that fourth thing). They're wildly co-dependent, can't live without each other, and have gotten up to so much shit. They also do enable each other's worst habits a lot and can get NASTy with fights because they both know the best way to get RIGHT to the raw heart of what wounds the other. Anyway they're in love but in a weird hard to describe way. They're in love, they're divorced, they're married, they act like a romantic couple but they're not, when they were first introduced they were going through a divorce era, they're doing it all. Minerva is also their adult sort of daughter. Sometimes a family is a disgraced academic lesbian, her platonic life partner a beautiful bisexual man who is a wanted criminal in just...so many places, and their adult lesbian daughter who thinks of nothing but murder all day long. I love them. I also really love Riel's relationship with his (about to be) husband Aazra, who is another oc of my partner's.
Ilias and the Iudex are brand new, so I am still figuring out their dynamic, but I do love it. Also forgive me if you meant 'what are the relationships between the stories' and not 'between ocs' dfghjk, which I am now thinking might be the case but whoops too late!
Platonic vs. romantic:
I covered a lot of this above but quick rundown: Tam and Meera=romantic, Kelli and Tam=mess, Arshak and Solomon=romantic. Castor and Azza=platonic, Castor and Okar=platonic, Azza and Okar=romantic (maybe, I haven't decided), Min and Martin=platonic, Hassan and Castor=romantic, and Martin and K'laña= platonic. Also Azza and Min might=romantic I have not decided. Corin and Faolán=romantic (obviously) and then Adaira is their daughter and Eira is their friend. Riel and Hypatia and Minerva I covered above, Maggie and Lor=Platonic (adopted siblings), and Lor and Minerva=siblings. In dnd land Seril has various dynamics with dif npcs and characters, but she is currently romancing Ireena, aka the woman the. bigbad is obsessed with. Agatha and Julian are siblings, and they have a lot of interesting dynamics with the cast of player characters and npcs. Alex is a unknowing baby lesbian (I draw a lot of my experiences and put them on her fghj), John and Artemisia are platonic, and then John has a fun platonic relationship with my partner's character Arietta (they are mean southern women@each other) and is in love with my friend's character Khomros. Also Artemisia and Arietta are in a currently casual fling. The Iudex and Ilias=romantic
What are my favorite ones:
I don't play favorites (yes I do). I can't really easily list that but dear to my heart because of seniority are Tam and Meera (and their accompanying characters. I'm really excited to explore Armenian identity stuff with Arshak). But in terms for who is on my mind the most these days, it's Lor, Riel, Hypatia, John, Seril, Corin and Faolán and Adaira, Xavier, and the Iudex, and Ilias. I realized. I just listed a huge chunk of ocs from that list but dfghjk, I love them what can I say. I also love all of them but that group is on my mind rn. Oh Also Agatha and Julian, they NEED their own story, or to have their campaign brought back, or both.
Which one is the most fun to write:
That's a tough one and I don't have a favorite per se, but the one I think I currently have the most fun with is John. He's so fun to write dialogue for, for a variety of reasons. And he's very fun to play, I emote more for him than I do with any other pc or npc I play
Anyway this is novel-length, forgive my ramblings and thank you so much for asking me this and giving me an excuse to go a bit wild here<3
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hinamie · 6 years
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words cant hurt me these shades are gucci 
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boltwrites · 4 years
WAIT another bleach fan?? that makes me so happy bleach deserves more love it has such sexy characters fghj
bleach was always my fav out of the big 3 shonens like it was so good! and no one cared!!! like it always got shit on bc ichigo was so overpowered but honestly i thought that just made it even more fun
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gearlic · 5 years
Anonymous said: 
LET👏🏻MICKEY👏🏻AND👏🏻LASZLO👏🏻KISS👏🏻 (I love it too much lmao) 
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zazz-ie said:
Mickey/Laszlo (and moreso just Mickey in general) makes me think of the "Yeah we gay. Keep scrolling" meme K;LJAS;D
PFFF OMG yeah.. tbh i see that more with sine and minerva fghj
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Anonymous said:
I find your Far Outlaws characters really lovely ! Do you think you will post other things about them ?
Thanks ! and i do ! i plan on making a lot of concept art of various scenes, possibly more comics too 👀
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more of kaji yuki (todoroki’s va) singing if ya’ll curious
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