#i love listening to mitski sing ‘on sunny days i go out walking
myheroesfading · 8 months
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portokali · 10 months
spotify numberrrress!!
6 19 29 39 43 44
6 is Queen of Kings by Alessandra. That song is/was incredibly addictive and i listened to it extremely on repeat ever since discovering it. i feel the message lyrics-wise is pretty cheesy and basic feminism 101 buuut it's super fun and dynamic! can't resist :D
19: townie - mitski. on sunny days i go out walking / i end up on a tree lined street / i look up at the gaps of sunlight / i miss you more than anything. this is simply one of my favorite songs in the world! i think about it every time i look up at the trees. i love trees and look at them a lot, so this happens often. i also am a strong supporter of the sentiment that you always take the people you love on a walk with you, even when you walk alone. i'm always missing someone, so whenever i go for a walk, in my head, i'm walking with the people i love and miss, thinking how i would show them around my city and my neighborhood and my park. so you understand, of course, why this song and i are one.
francis forever, that was my answer for francis forever. im so dumb and confused and confuse sounds and words with the same picture in front of them all the time :) it makes living my life very hard.
anyway i love townie also for its energy and rage and grief - to me it's a song about growing up, being a teenager about to leave home. i love it's resolution (i'm not gonna be who my daddy wants me to be / i'm gonna be who my body wants me to be) i love love love the line and i want a love that falls as fast as the body from the balcony, and i want a kiss like my heart is kissing the ground hello! insanity! is it dying is it falling in love is it growing up..
but i digress. the reason i listened to it so much is bc of this fancam by comradekatara. thee azula/zuko (but mostly azula) thesis of all time and a personal cutural reset to ME!
29. old friend - mitski. another banger by mitski! love the nostalgia and what-ifness of this song. to me, this song is a sister song to two slow dancers; missing someone you went to school with, but now you're older, some shit has happened between y'all that makes it hard to keep in touch, but through the pain and bitterness there's love and a constant aching (in my head, this song is during the time where the two ex-classmates are still youngish, like say 20s or 30s, wanting to reach out but the old wounds still burn so they don't. then in two slow dancers they reunite at a school gathering years later, when they're in their 60s and think about how they'd do things different if they had the chance). anyway this song makes me want to bite the γυψοσανίδες.
39. mama - mcr. what can i say abt this song! an absolute banger and a classic!
43. savage good boy - japanese breakfast. yessss that's one of my favorite songs! love by someone destructive singing about how they love only one person, would drown and burn the world but for one person... apparently it's the sopranos fanfiction which is the main reason why i wanna watch the sopranos. but even without that knowledge, the sentiment still gets across!
44. the only heartbreaker - mitski. this song resonates bc it reminds me of the dynamic in my past relationship. but storytelling wise, i like how it seems like the narrator of this song is resigned to their fate of being the only heartbreaker, even after becoming somewhat aware of the unequal dynamic. that's delicious to me!
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Top 10 Songs of 2022!!!!
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2022 is over, and that means it's time for year-end list!!! Without further ado, here are the 10 best songs of 2022!
You can find a spotify playlist with each song on it here.
Honorable Mentions: Prester John – Animal Collective Hypothermic – Goodnight, Texas God Is a Circle – Yves Tumor
10. That's Where I Am - Maggie Rogers Genre: Pop, with a hint of Indie rock Vibe: A bright and sunny morning                Maggie Rogers combines a beautiful yearning with an unending hope to make the romance she describes feel almost inevitable. Every time she sings, "It all works out in the end," it starts to sound less like a prediction and more like a manifestation.
9. Curse of the Blackened Eye - Orville Peck Genre: Cowboy Country Vibe: Heartbreak is a warm sensation                To me, a lot of Orville Peck's music has felt like it was more about the idea of a relationship rather than an actual experience. This song, through all his usual flamboyant cowboy aesthetic, feels incredibly personal. The deep melancholy in his voice during lines like, "It ain't the letting go, it's more about the things that you take with" create a poignant sense of self reflection. This makes it his most personal song and also his most universally relatable.
8. Go Slow – Jordana Genre: Bedroom Pop (Though any room with a nice couch will do) Vibe: Chill vibes all the way down 🐢                If self-care was a song. It's as much about avoiding responsibility as it is about realizing the stress-inducing things we're told are vital are so rarely as required as they seem. A deadline missed here or there and a day off now and then won't be the end of the world - but that break may mean the world to you.
7. That's Our Lamp – Mitski Genre: Ethereal Indie Pop Vibe: Happy memories for when it's over                When I first heard The Sound by The 1975, I misheard the following lyrics "I said that I love you / What does it matter if *[I like you too]?" (The actual line is "What does it matter if I lie to you"). I thought this was an interesting lyrical idea to explore: that loving someone and liking someone are different things, and one does not necessarily imply the other. To be honest, I was a little disappointed to learn I had misheard the lyric.                Then Mitski dropped That's Our Lamp, a fantastic, joyful closer to her album full of her usual brand of heartbreak, and in it is this line:
You say you love me, I believe you do But I walk down and up and down And up and down this street 'Cause you just don't like me, Not like you used to
And Mitski uses this idea to its full potential, as a beautiful way to explore an ending relationship.
6. Every Heart Is True - Little Mazarn Genre: Finely Aged Folk Vibe: A warm mug of tea on a cold day                I spent a lot of this year getting into folk music; this was the song convinced me I should stay. Finding this song felt more like uncovering something that had always been there, an ethereal bit of beauty and grace nestled in a patch of freshly fallen autumn leaves 🍃. Each plucked string of the banjo, ringing chime, and ethereal word sung serves to set right the world once more.
Also, if you've never seen live folk music like this, check out a video of their live performances. One of the members plays a hand saw - like, the woodcutting tool - with a violin bow and it sounds like an acoustic theremin. You can hear it clearly at the beginning of this song, and it sounds heavenly.
5. the angel of 8th ave. - Gang of Youths Genre: Dad Alt Rock Vibe: Laying on large rocks, being warmed by the sun                One musical niche I love is the recent works of older rock musicians - I’ve listened to a lot of the new Tears For Fears album and The War On Drug's album from last year recently. I find they bring a richness of wisdom that is often not present with younger musicians. Because of that, I was genuinely surprised to find out that this song was written by someone in their mid-twenties. It draws from a rich well of experience, and that brings it a depth that I rarely find in younger musicians. The song embraces the struggles of relationships between imperfect people in unfamiliar places, but it's thesis is that love is fundamentally stronger than any of that. And that's not an abstract idea - lines like "And when my old man was near to the end / You loved his broken body in the same way that I did" show the how personal and everyday acts of love are far more resilient in this song than the pain that love existed in response to.
4. Don't get the deal – beabadoobee Genre: Alt Rock Vibe: Brightly rekindled old flame                Beabadoobee's effortless meshing of quiet, bedroom pop ballads with all-out alt-rock bangers make this song feel both like a peek inside a personal conversation and a joyful, public celebration. Both the acoustic duet that begins this song and driving rock jam that ends it feel so wholesome that, when she sings "It feels like we'll stop eventually / For now I guess we were meant to be" over either, it's hard to imagine her romance as anything other than meant to be.
3. The Loneliest Time - Carly Rae Jepsen ft. Rufus Wainwright Genre: Pop For The Pop Connoisseur Vibe: Light rain romance                It's no secret I'm a big fan of Carly Rae Jepsen, but it took me a while to realize how much I loved this song (and I won't lie, a good part of that was the TikTok where she sings the "I'm coming back for you baby!" part to her cat over facetime). But this song is just infectious. The impeccable duet, The swooning string section, and groovy hooks at every turn!
               If you haven't listened to Carly Rae Jepsen since Call Me Maybe took over the world in 2011, this is an excellent showcase of why she's so beloved amongst pop connoisseurs. Like all her music, it has some of the best songwriting and production you can find in pop music. But what I love most about this song is how incredibly endearing it is. Her and Rufus Wainwright each reminisce about their half of a relationship, each incomplete without the other. Through her charming rose-colored perspective, all the loneliness of the past few years was like reaching the moon - just a bit too soon. But that loneliness ends with each other, and not even lunar distances could separate them. And as the song ends the dance beat fades, it leaves only their voices nestled together amongst the strings. It sounds like a Californian beach sunset, captured in a song.
2. Venomous Dogma - Fantastic Negrito Genre: Blues. Gospel. Rock. And all of them done better than most artists can do one. Vibe: Righteous anger, Righteous release                This song starts and album about the singer's seven-greats grandparents, a white indentured servant and an enslaved Black man during the 1750s in what would become the United States of America. He uses their story of love to discuss the history of racism in America and the various systems of racial and economic oppression that have plagued the country since. It is one of the most optimistic albums of the year. If his grandparents' love was stronger than racist laws and slavery itself, then there may be hope for us yet.               As the start of that journey, this song showcases America caught between racial crisis and reconciliation. What I really love about this song is how varied it is - it opens with an excellent Gospel section, then transitions seamlessly into a gruff blues section, yelling in anger. Each of these sections has a deep, tangible respect from the genres they draw from. The histories of these genres is intertwined with America's struggle with racism, and this song's traditional-but-forward-looking take on them sets a powerful musical precedent on how the country can start to reconcile - only with both a knowledge of history and a willingness to move past it. It's easily the most immaculately crafted song of the year.
1. When You Know You Know - The Beths Genre: Indie Rock Vibe: Pure joy distilled into a love song                At first look, this is the year's most effortless love song. A closer look reveals that this song focuses on the daily work required for a healthy relationship - apologies, comforting, and care - that only seem effortless in couples with both partners willing to commit themselves fully to each other. The "meant to be" this song describes isn't some destiny, it's what each person is going to repeatedly work for until it happens. It's a beautiful, mutual effort, and every bit of that - the toil and the joy - is so apparent in every part of this song.
Thanks for reading and here's to a great 2023!
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astroninaaa · 3 years
dsmp characters as mitski songs
this is a sequel of sorts to my dsmp characters as sleeping at last songs post ig. i can elaborate on my choices but i won’t on this post! enjoy
C!TUBBO — a pearl
“you're growing tired of me / you love me so hard and I still can't sleep / you're growing tired of me and all the things I don't talk about / sorry I don't want your touch / it's not that I don't want you / sorry I can't take your touch / it's just that I fell in love with a war / nobody told me it ended / and it left a pearl in my hand / and I roll it around every night, just to watch it glow / every night, baby, that's where I go”
C!TOMMY — first love / late spring
“one word from you and I would jump off of this ledge I'm on, baby / tell me ‘don't’ / so I can crawl back in / and I was so young when I behaved twenty five / yet now I find I've grown into a tall child / and I don't wanna go home yet / let me walk to the top of the big night sky / please, hurry, leave me, I can't breathe / please don't say you love me”
C!WILBUR — fireworks
“one morning this sadness will fossilize and I will forget how to cry / I'll keep going to work and you won't see a change / save perhaps a slight gray in my eyeI will go jogging routinely / calmly and rhythmically run / and when I find that a knife's sticking out of my side / I'll pull it out without questioning why / and then one warm summer night / I'll hear fireworks outside / and I'll listen to the memories as they cry, cry, cry”
C!FUNDY — class of 2013
“mom, I'm tired / can I sleep in your house tonight? / mom, is it alright / if I stay for a year or two? / mom, I'll be quiet / it would be just to sleep at night / and I'll leave once I figure out how to pay for my own life too / mom, would you wash my back? / this once, and then we can forget / and I'll leave what I'm chasing for the other girls to pursue / mom, am I still young? / can I dream for a few months more?”
C!QUACKITY — washing machine heart
“toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart / baby, bang it up inside / I'm not wearing my usual lipstick / I thought maybe we would kiss tonight / baby, will you kiss me already and toss your dirty shoes in my washing machine heart / baby, bang it up inside / baby, though I've closed my eyes / I know who you pretend I am / I know who you pretend I am / do mi ti / why not me? why not me?”
C!RANBOO — i bet on losing dogs
“I bet on losing dogs / I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place / by the ring / where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down / I'll be there on their side / I'm losing by their side / will you let me, baby, lose on losing dogs / I know they're losing and I'll pay for my place / by the ring / where I'll be looking in their eyes when they're down”
“venus, planet of love, was destroyed by global warming / did its people want too much, too? / did its people want too much? / and I don't want your pity / I just want somebody near me / guess I'm a coward / I just want to feel alright / and I know no one will save me / I just need someone to kiss / give me one good honest kiss / and I'll be alright” | “I've been big and small / and big and small / and big and small again / and still nobody wants me / still nobody wants me”
C!NIKI — francis forever
“I don't know what to do without you / I don't know where to put my hands / I've been trying to lay my head down / but I'm writing this at three AM / I don't need the world to see / that I've been the best I can be, but / I don't think I could stand to be where you don't see me / on sunny days I go out walking / I end up on a tree-lined street / I look up at the gaps of sunlight / I miss you more than anything”
C!SAPNAP — a burning hill
“today I will wear my white button-down / I'm tired of wanting more / I think I'm finally worn / for you have a way of promising things / and I've been a forest fire / I am a forest fire / and I am the fire and I am the forest / and I am a witness watching it / I stand in a valley watching it / and you are not there at all”
C!AWESAMPONK — pink in the night
“I hear my heart breaking tonight / do you hear it too? / tt's like a summer shower / with every drop of rain singing / ‘I love you, I love you, I love you / I love you, I love you, I love you / I love you, I love you, I love you!’ / I could stare at your back all day / I could stare at your back all day / and I know I've kissed you before, but / I didn't do it right / can I try again, try again, try again / try again, and again, and again / and again, and again, and again”
C!KARLNAPITY — two slow dancers
“does it smell like a school gymnasium in here? / it's funny how they're all the same / it's funny how you always remember / and we've both done it all a hundred times before / it's funny how I still forgot / it would be a hundred times easier / if we were young again / but as it is, and it is / we're just two three slow dancers, last ones out / and the ground has been slowly pulling us back down / you see it on both our skin / we get a few years and then it wants us back / it would be a hundred times easier / if we were young again”
C!BEE DUO — strawberry blond
“I love everybody because I love you / I don't need the city, and I don't need proof / all I need, darling, is a life in your shape / I picture it, soft, and I ache” | “look at you, strawberry blond / fields rolling on / I love it when you call my name / can you hear the bumblebees swarm? / watching your arm / I love it when you look my way”
thank you i hope you liked it mwah
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filthyguitarfan · 4 years
Writing about more songs that I like uwu
Indie for life.
I Bet On Losing Dogs - by Mitski I love this song because it resonates on a deep level with me. This one, to me, is about doing things that you know they will backfire or just fail, but doing them anyways. I had a relationship last year that I was really enjoying, my ex was the kindest guy I’ve ever met and we clicked really well, but my father found out by me not closing our conversations and he literally went berserk, threatening to out him to his parents and threatening me with physical violence. Wasn’t nice. The entire relationship was a losing dog, I knew it’d be found out one day, I just hoped that it wouldn’t be found out so soon. I knew that I had bet on a losing dog. I was watching the relationship fall apart in front of my very eyes as soon as my dad found out, but I still stood by the ring, looking into its eyes when it was down. I still cry about it sometimes. Oh well.
Because Dreaming Costs Money, My Dear - by Mitski A song about still feeling an aching void after something had passed. I can still smell the fire, though I know it’s long died out. The smoke still hangs in my hair and on some quiet evenings it burns my eyes. I can still hear my ex’s voice in my head, I can still see us walking around town when I go out and those memories sometimes make my eyes well up. The hopeful part of this song isn’t that we will be mended one day, but that if I “keep playing my violin” I will be out of this abusive household and I will manage somehow.  Made Me This Way - by Seraphine I know that Riot only made Seraphine to please their chinese parent company, Tencent, but I really like the message they have here. Plus I think it’s really inclusive towards people who speak mandarin and are of Chinese descent, since one of its verses is in mandarin! The lyrics reminds me of the long way that I’ve come, from being a depressed emo kid to someone who aspires to become a surgeon. Everything that’s happened to me has contributed, one way or another, to me becoming the way I am now.  Sunny Road - by  Emilíana Torrini A song that the singer wrote for her deceased fiancé, who tragically lost his life to a heart attack. To me, this song is addressed to better times and happiness. I know it’s been a long time since I felt happy, but I hope I’ll meet it one day on a sunny road.  Pillar of Truth - by Lucy Dacus A song that Lucy wrote to her grandmother when she was dying. To her, she was the pillar of truth that was turning to dust before her very eyes. The song is wonderfully written, growing in intensity as it progresses like a line of matches that’s been lit and is building up speed towards a pile of gasoline. This song was constantly playing in my mind when my great grandmother was dying. The 89 years that she lived on this planet and all the challenges she overcame. All of that, being reduced to nothing. I absolutely adore this song and I really recommend it.   Through the Valley - by Shawn James This song first hit my ear when I heard Ellie singing it in the first teaser for The Last of Us Part II. I instantly fell in love with it, and boy oh boy, is it a good song. Grungy, melancholic and badass at the same time, it perfectly encapsulates the feeling of being left alone to rot, yet rising from your own ashes to seek vengeance.  Motion Sickness - by Phoebe Bridgers  A great song about being put on an emotional rollercoaster. The motion sickness you get is purely emotional, then you start asking for someone to roll the windows down. My father is verbally and sometimes physically abusive towards me, but after prolonged acts of abuse comes a period of overblown displays of affection. The kind of conditional affection that I’ve taught myself to reject, because it’s like the high from a shot of heroin. Be Your Own 3 AM - by Adult Mom The first non-binary artist that I’ve ever listened to! Adult Mom’s sound is very soft, tender and lulling. This song is about collecting your debris once you’ve fallen apart and building yourself anew. It helped me through my years when I felt lost and expectations were piling higher and higher.  Wreck of the Day - by Anna Nalick A song that I like to put on loop when I feel like a mess. There were lots of shifts on the ambulance that left me completely destroyed. I haven’t had a patient code on me, but I did have dead patients who were DOA. The faces of the family and the torment that lingered in the air was hard to take in at first but I have gradually learned how to handle it. God bless this song.  Real Love - by Big Thief This song captures those tender loving moments of you and your loved one just spending time together, alone, and admiring each other. Touching each other’s cheeks, promising to love each other forever.  Masterpiece - by Big Thief THE song that I go to when I feel like I admire someone too much but they’re taken. They’ve seen the master piece, and it looks a lot like me, but they chose them over me. Relying on them only to get nothing when you need them.
Suicide Hotline - by The Prettiots A song about not feeling fine, envious of people who died, googling methods of suicide, but not feeling bad enough that you’d actually do them. Comparing your own shit to other people’s shit helps you put your shit into perspective .  Map On A Wall - by Lucy Dacus Oh, please, don’t make fun of me. This song really does well with capturing the insecure sentiments of teenage years and early adulthood. I was always self conscious about my silhouette, about my teeth, my hair, my acne and my proportions. Even about the shape of my eyes. Yearning for someone while also trying your best to look good, even though everything you put on just feels bad. A map has no use when it’s just hanging on a wall, and neither does your true self if it’s hiding behind anxiety. 
Into The Fire - by Thirteen Senses A leap of faith. A jump into the unknown. Into The Fire is all about what the title says: put your hand into the fire. Sometimes, we have to take risks. Write that e-mail. Apply to that college. Ask that special someone out. Do that needle decompression to save someone’s life. All year round, risks have to be taken. You can’t watch the flame and complain about it because it won’t get you anywhere. You have to take that jump yourself.
Anyway bye.
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