#ty nastia <333333333
portokali · 10 months
spotify numberrrress!!
6 19 29 39 43 44
6 is Queen of Kings by Alessandra. That song is/was incredibly addictive and i listened to it extremely on repeat ever since discovering it. i feel the message lyrics-wise is pretty cheesy and basic feminism 101 buuut it's super fun and dynamic! can't resist :D
19: townie - mitski. on sunny days i go out walking / i end up on a tree lined street / i look up at the gaps of sunlight / i miss you more than anything. this is simply one of my favorite songs in the world! i think about it every time i look up at the trees. i love trees and look at them a lot, so this happens often. i also am a strong supporter of the sentiment that you always take the people you love on a walk with you, even when you walk alone. i'm always missing someone, so whenever i go for a walk, in my head, i'm walking with the people i love and miss, thinking how i would show them around my city and my neighborhood and my park. so you understand, of course, why this song and i are one.
francis forever, that was my answer for francis forever. im so dumb and confused and confuse sounds and words with the same picture in front of them all the time :) it makes living my life very hard.
anyway i love townie also for its energy and rage and grief - to me it's a song about growing up, being a teenager about to leave home. i love it's resolution (i'm not gonna be who my daddy wants me to be / i'm gonna be who my body wants me to be) i love love love the line and i want a love that falls as fast as the body from the balcony, and i want a kiss like my heart is kissing the ground hello! insanity! is it dying is it falling in love is it growing up..
but i digress. the reason i listened to it so much is bc of this fancam by comradekatara. thee azula/zuko (but mostly azula) thesis of all time and a personal cutural reset to ME!
29. old friend - mitski. another banger by mitski! love the nostalgia and what-ifness of this song. to me, this song is a sister song to two slow dancers; missing someone you went to school with, but now you're older, some shit has happened between y'all that makes it hard to keep in touch, but through the pain and bitterness there's love and a constant aching (in my head, this song is during the time where the two ex-classmates are still youngish, like say 20s or 30s, wanting to reach out but the old wounds still burn so they don't. then in two slow dancers they reunite at a school gathering years later, when they're in their 60s and think about how they'd do things different if they had the chance). anyway this song makes me want to bite the γυψοσανίδες.
39. mama - mcr. what can i say abt this song! an absolute banger and a classic!
43. savage good boy - japanese breakfast. yessss that's one of my favorite songs! love by someone destructive singing about how they love only one person, would drown and burn the world but for one person... apparently it's the sopranos fanfiction which is the main reason why i wanna watch the sopranos. but even without that knowledge, the sentiment still gets across!
44. the only heartbreaker - mitski. this song resonates bc it reminds me of the dynamic in my past relationship. but storytelling wise, i like how it seems like the narrator of this song is resigned to their fate of being the only heartbreaker, even after becoming somewhat aware of the unequal dynamic. that's delicious to me!
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