#i love infodumping about all my favorite things <33333< /div>
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I may have made the ask game but that doesn't mean I can't play it!
So... 0, 1, 2, 7, and 8 for Manfred. If that's too many, you don't have to answer 2.
YAY!!!! I LOVE PLAYING GAMES!!! this is so exciting!!!! --Serious headcanons about a character or characters of your choice
i'm only going to do one because my other headcanons aren't as serious, like i'm serious about using them but they aren't really serious, you know? tw for suicide, and murder, and later on, discussions of abuse
First off, I do think that Manfred had a sort of "DL-6 Incident" where he was the victim's child. Here's how it goes: His father, a famous defense attorney was murdered by a rival prosecutor, in his own office, Manfred was trapped in the office with the body for several hours. His mother, who had noticed his and his father's absence, searched the house and then called the police when she found the study door unable to open (despite not being locked on either side) and hearing her son crying for her on the other side. The police come, break down the door, find Manfred and his father, and the case ends up going cold. Manfred's mother ends up hanging herself a few days later, where Manfred is then adopted and raised by the murderer
--Stupid/silly headcanons about a character or characters of your choice
so these ones aren't entirely silly or stupid but i really wanna share them so this is what you're getting >:)
When Manfred was younger, he had very, very long and bright orange hair that many describe as "almost seeming to glow in the dark". It made him appear almost ethereal, matched with how he constantly seemed to float, it would attract stares and charm others. It was like his hair made him sort of a Dahlia in other people's eyes.
Manfred actually had a defense attorney friend, his name was Vice Karmel (bonus: his name was meant to have the "VK" initials as a nod to manfred and i specifically choose "Vice" because of it's meaning), and he helped Manfred when he was accused of murder back in 1970, they were friends for awhile but eventually had a falling out after Manfred had attempted to end his life and pushed everyone away. (that's not so silly but back to silly) Vice and Manfred, when they were friends were a chaotic duo, but not too crazy. Less Damon Gant and Blaise Debeste, more Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey sort of chaotic. Manfred was usually the one acting all chaotic and crazy, contrary to his persona, Vice usually had to be the one to calm him down.
--Favorite fanfic about a character/ship of your choice and why
ooo this one is hard but i think i have an answer, this one isn't necessarily about one character but it focuses on characters like Miles, Gregory, and of course, Manfred. So my answer for this one is Turnabout Enemies by Youngbountygirl on AO3 (or wattpad if you're brave). The reason why is because the characterization, backstory, and plot in this fanfiction is literal GOLD, i re-read this one almost month i swear
--Characterization that I love of a character(s) of your choice
If Manfred isn't an abusive father, but still unhinged, i love you. like let him be bat-shit insane but he doesn't have to hit kids to be chaotic evil, you know?
--Characterization I hate of a character(s) of your choice
Like before, if Manfred IS an abusive father, i click away immediately, i can't handle it. and usually it's not even just abuse, it's downright torture, idk why people think he's abusive like that but it's just not my thing. i won't hate someone if they like it, my yuck might be someone else's yum, and i can literally just click away if i hate it, but it's just not my style
thanks a lot for the ask!!! i fucking LOVE these things!!!!
#tw sui talk#tw murder#tw discussion of abuse#ace attorney#manfred von karma#grrrr this is so funnnnn#i love infodumping about all my favorite things <33333
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@floorgoblin @mainfor-theo thank you all for the asks!!
(image IDs in alt text) (nobody @ me about the canary palette, it makes me happy and I Can’t See Things in dark modes)
anyway, y'all really decided to spoil me with getting to talk about my favorite boy, huh <3
[ask me abt my thoughts on tss characters roman (bc he’s the only one left lol)]
now, on to talking about logan!!
First impression: BelovedTM (i also related to him really hard from the very start)
Impression now: BelovedTM (yeah. yeah not much has changed here lol)
listen. listen i just want to let him infodump to me for hours. he deserves it. i hope soon he learns that he is loved and safe and allowed to be vulnerable and emotional without compromising his worth or his skills, and i hope he learns that nobody sees him as a joke and they all see him as valuable. i do think he needs to learn to compromise with everyone else a bit more, but also i think that will come a lot easier to him once he feels safe and secure in his position within the group. which i don’t think he does right now. i think that the “a life free of jokes is incomplete” line in the puzzle song seemed to him like confirmation that he is seen as a joke, and as a result he’s leaned even harder into his emotional repression and pushed away all the things that bring him joy but could be seen as childish or silly (the fact that he sang a song, the unicorn onesie, etc). so. he needs a lot of reassurance that he is valued just for being logan, no matter what. i hope he gets it soon. i would also very happily accept more heartwrenching logan angst in canon before we get to the happy resolution, though. i like when fictional stories emotionally hurt me lol. but ALSO i just want him to be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let Him Be Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let Him Smile Again!!!!!!!!!!! i literally CRIED when he was all happy and excited in return of the jam bc it’s so rare now for him to get that!!!!!!!! let him be happy more!!!!!!!!!
Favorite moment: i. why would you make me choose. this is so rude. i love everything he does how can i choose a favorite?? but also, it’s 100% the scene in the frozen aside where he walked virgil and thomas through the grounding exercise. <33333
Idea for a story: i think an analogical fic set in a college library would be Very cute!! with virgil as a student employee at the library and the logan as a frequent patron. and virgil just happens to be really knowledgeable about whatever topic that logan got assigned to do a really big class project about, so what starts as logan coming up to the help desk to ask questions quickly turns into virgil getting really involved in logan’s research for the project, and them spending hours talking about it, and both of them looking forward more and more to seeing each other at the library over the course of the term.
and logan’s project goes really well as a result of virgil’s help!! the professor is really impressed and gives him a great grade, and logan is so excited to tell virgil!! except then he realizes that now the project is over he won’t have an excuse to spend so much time with virgil anymore. and he starts to feel really sad and disappointed. but he still goes to the library to tell virgil about the grade!! and virgil congratulates him, but he’s totally also trying to hide his own disappointment about the same thing. until logan expresses that he’s sad about not getting to spend so much time with virgil anymore.
which, the combo of that and just. a lot of very clear nonverbal signals they have both been giving each other for quite some time now (but had never acted on yet bc they were both afraid they were misinterpreting). the combo of those things all put together gives virgil the courage to be like “hey. could i. kiss you??” and logan is like “wait what also Yes.” and so they kiss!! all hidden away in the library shelves!! and then they agree they want to go on a date!!!!!!! and they exchange phone numbers!!! and logan waits around until virgil’s shift is done and then they leave the library together to go get coffee!!!! and they hold hands the Whole Time!!!! aaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!
Unpopular opinion: im honestly not a big fan of orange side logan or dark side logan (okay well actually i like darkside!logan in sideswap aus. those are great. but not in aus where he just changes sides).
i also,,,,, really don’t like logicality at all. it’s the only ship i actively dislike. i’m sorry, ik most people like it lol. i could elaborate, but i’m scared people would get mad at me or try to change my mind, which. are both things i would not enjoy lol. so i think i’ll probably leave it at that.
Favorite relationship: analogical my BELOVEDS. however i already rambled about them in my response for virgil and i made a rule for myself that i have to have a different favorite relationship for each of these posts. so. loceit is also very nice!!!! dark academia homoerotic debate rivals to lovers is A Vibe. and when people write loceit as an established couple, they are usually just delightfully besotted with one another, which is very very very cute. also they are an amazing power couple, but at the same time they are each other’s only weakness, which. ugh. i love it so much. they are so SO good i love them.
Favorite headcanon: this man has the most massive sweet tooth you’ve ever seen in your life and i will fight mr sanders himself on that. (i realize i also said this for janus but i headcanon it much more strongly for logan. also GAH i am just now realizing i somehow managed to foget my very favorite janus headcanon when i was writing the one about him. which is short!janus!!!!! that is my favorite janus headcanon. he is the shortest!! shorter than most sides by a lot, but he’s only shorter than virgil by half an inch, which he hates and virgil loves. just for the record.) im also firmly convinced that logan is secretly much more of a cuddler than he will admit, when he allows himself to express vulnerability.
in case ppl don’t want to scroll back up: [ask me abt my thoughts on roman] [see my thoughts on janus, patton, virgil, remus]
#sanders sides#thomas sanders#thatsthat24#logan sanders#ts logan#peregrin said a thing#peregrin answers#peregrin plays a game#ghasper tag!!#mainfor-theo#floorgoblin#nobody yell at me for posting this at 3am i’m going to bed now that it’s done lol
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bestie what it is community please tell me about it
GASP someone to infodump to okok so. basic knowledge community is ur classic sitcom but!! the twist is that its constantly making fun of sitcom tropes (and itself) its really meta at some points but ill get into that laterrr. it all takes place in a community college and ill just go over the main characters for now bc i work in the morningjsjdjdn
jeff- hes an ex-lawyer w daddy issues and a huge ego. his character is okayyy but def not my fave.
britta- described in the show as an "anarchist cat owner". her heart is always in the right place, but shes just... bad at executing some of her ideas (side note: my favorite quote of hers is "you cant blame him, thats like me blaming owls for how much i suck at analogies")
abed- where to begin. hes the best character (who lowkey started my gender crisis) but he's introduced as "quirky weird kid who makes movie references and movies of his friends". important note is abed is v much hinted to be on the spectrum but they never say it outright,, oh also community was made in like. 2010 so keep that in mind. anyway i could be projecting (i am) but abed just knows everyone and himself really well so he just acts a certain way to make everyone and himself happy. he makes movies thru out the series and it gives a fantastic insight om how he sees the world. he takes movies and tv very seriously and i love him for it <33333
troy- my beloved. hes like... himbo at its finest. he starts off as a dumb self-centered jock but eventually evolves into kind and forgiving air-conditioning repair Man. hes bffs w abed but lets be honest theyre in love. like. ill get into that later djdjdsskejdifjfj
pierce- hes an old man bigot and i hate him. thats all you need to know
shirley- christian single mother who's super passive agressive and guilt-trip-y. i like her character but theres not much else to say abt her?
annie- if youve seen brooklyn 99 then imagine like... a younger amy whos also a (headcanon) lesbian. annie JUST got out of highschool (and a pill addiction) and shes just looking for someone to love. shes really organized and she plans her whole life years in advance and she kinda hates herself for it. she was gonna be in a relationship w jeff but the fans were like,,, no??? theres like a two decade age gap???? so they kinda stopped that.
which brings me to my next point::: Troy And Abed Had A Better Relationship Arc Than Any Of The Straight People And They Weren't Even In A Relationship.
ok im SUPER biased here but stay with me. they have a SONG. they share a favorite SHOW. they DRESS UP LIKE THE BEST FRIENDS FROM THAT SHOW CASUALLY. your honor they are soulmates even platonically. at one point in abeds films, annie looks at the camera and he goes "annie dont 'jim' the camera". but im all of abed's films, troy 'jims' the camera... and abed lets him. this doesn't sound like a lot but TRUST ME theres more (also its now 3am so brain is kinda fuzzy lmao).
ok so we got the cast: plot wise? theres a lot going on. the show suffered a lot of growing pains and was notorious for goin over budget. also the creator/head writer (dan harmon) literally always procrastinated till the last possible second to write scripts (also he sxually hrassed someone but he apologized pretty well apparently). but he was a GENIUS. so much so that when they fired him, the show dropped in quality so drastically that they had to bringing him back. abed was basically his self insert btw and thats why when he did leave abed's character went out the window. dan left for season four, which everone calls the gasleak year, bc al the characters were so fucking out of character. i personally dont think season 4 was that bad but. i can see where ppl are coming from.
whoops i didnt say the plot. ok so the whole thing is jeff, remember hes an EX lawer, apperantly faked his law degree so he has to go to community college to get one. on the way he bonds w a ragtag group of misfits he slowly learns to love. they start as a spanish study group, but by the end theyre a community to save the school.
britta and jeff honestly shouldve been the endgame but they fucked it up when they tried to pair jeff w annie. troy and abed are so fun to watch, everyone else is kinda just there.
i heard one person (i think it was @/peachy-pear is there url??) describe community as "the first four seasons are about troy and abed, and season 5 and 6 are about the lack of troy and abed" which like. yeah exactly.
community gets super meta at some points, taking jabs at itself (someone saying "i was under utilized as a character") or jabs at other shows (abed has a whole rant abt how autism is treated like a "super power" which is really good).
ok im really fucking tired and for dome reason i keep thinking about clips from super mario odyssey so i should proooobably sleep lmao
sorry ab the long post i just. like this show so muchhhhhhh
#long post#community#ask#quillsink#im so sorry i jsut dumprd this on u out of nowhere snf this still probably didnt expsin anythingxnnfjfmf#infodumping ^^
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Thots on The Brick (Les miserables aka my favourite book).....
Oooof okay....there are many......
Caveat that I read this over the summer and my memory for books is either I read them 20 times and have them memorized line for line or I just Don't Remember Shit, and unfortunately I'm not at the first stage with this book yet ://
The themes of the book were just <33333 aaaaaaa i love them perfect <33333 No that's not a real sentence but !!!!!! it was all about human dignity and second chances and generosity and idk what I was expecting but I vibed with it SO much. I was definitely very confused reading the first section about the bishop because I was like 50 pages in and none of the characters I'd heard of had appeared yet, but once I got further and started to understand what my pal Victor was going for with the narrative arc I have to admit that was one of my favorite parts of the book??? or like not because not much happens but it definitely was like there are good people in the world and doing good deeds sets off webs of interaction of goodness that perpetuate and I am a firm believer in this philosophy — that people really WANT to do good actions and be good to each other and it makes us feel good and happy, and this never ever gets emphasized as much as "humans are ultimately evil and bad and we only do good because some deity is watching our behavior >:0" so thank you Mr. Hugo for acknowledging that that's not true <33 Also redemption and second chances and acknowledging that a lot of what makes people bad is actually just Other People Treating Them Badly, oh no don't expose capitalism like that :0
Actually I liked the infodumping??? This is my Extremely Weird Take™ on the book but in case people haven't noticed (in which case you are very lucky to have escaped) I have been Extremely into worldbuilding over the past year, so I've been reading a lot of books to see how their authors do that and looking at things through that lens. How does this relate to Les Mis? Simple. I think that Victor Hugo was hands-down the best model for worldbuilding that I have seen this year, including Tolkien. The reason is because I feel like worldbuilding at its finest throws a bunch of stuff at you about the world, which the author completely understand and writes as though it's directed at people who are also In On It. And then as you go you start seeing how all of these things work and putting the pieces together and connecting the dots. I read this book knowing the bare minimum about French society and history: there was a revolution and also guillotines and a king that got deposed and someone named Robespierre and then there was Napoleon who got defeated at Waterloo. That was IT, I LITERALLY did not know anything else. Needless to say, pretty much none of this happens during the book, so I went in completely blind. And Mr. Hugo was just name-dropping people and events left and right like I was supposed to know them, and if I had tried to read it like a French person in the late 19th century, I would have probably just been taken out within the first 100 pages. But when I pretended like I was reading about a fantasy world which I wasn't SUPPOSED to know anything about, it suddenly felt like the juiciest worldbuilding ever, and it was SO GOOD. I learned SO MUCH about French history and France in general, and I literally would not have exchanged the infodumping for anything in the world. Now, is this a terrible bar to set for worldbuilding? Yes. Am I going to set it anyways because I'm dumb? Also yes. Anyways this is a very weird and cursed Fantasy Nerd™ take that nobody who actually cares about literature should pay any mind to, but it was an important part of me reading the book so yeah.
Also this kind of ties in with point one but when he waxes poetic about philosophy and humanity (like in those sections where he comes at you with his Thoughts™)....Unparalleled. I wanted to hang quotes on my wall so I could look at them every morning and Understand. Literally some of the most beautiful writing ever <33
I can't think of other things but there definitely were other things, it was absolutely a page turner in the parts with plot, I loved the characters, I loved how everything tied together across such a long book and how every little vignette of something that you were like what's the point of this Victor actually turned out to set off chains of events that perpetuated forward, basically it was a Very Enjoyable Read and I loved all of its heady philosophical ideals and its minutiae about French history and its VERY long plot and basically everything about it, 11/10 would read again
#sorry to go off on the worldbuilding tangent it makes zero sense but that was where my brain was when reading it#i think the Human Goodness part of the plot caught me unawares and that's why i liked it so much <3#i hate reading books with depressing and pessimistic views of humanity like get over yourself#but victor hugo was NOT that and now i see why people like this book so so much#anyways hope that answered your question <33#asks
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Five Headcanons: Snow, Celes, Faith Connors, aaaaaaaand Papyrus
cannot read. haha im just kidding (or am i)
sees people not liking him as a challenge. he wants to be the Most Likable Laid Back Guy Ever. sometimes this works in his favor like it did with lightning and sometimes it’s a little overbearing and creepy like with hope (and noel, eventually)
on the flip side he also has a way of…drawing out people’s badness. lowkey spoilers bc you havent gotten there yet but noel within 5 minutes of meeting him winds up talking about some of his most deeply-held pain. i think if people like snow they feel comfortable telling him that stuff and if they don’t he makes them angry enough that it comes out anyway. so he’s like accidentally a human therapy dog without even realizing it.
i think they might actually mention this in canon somewhere in like some of the start menu infodumps or one of the light novels or something but dude was an orphan so i’m sure he wants like All the children. good thing serah also likes kids
this is a REALLY BAD AND PROBLEMATIC HEADCANON but after witnessing them in game 3 i think that lightning, despite being strictly into ladies the other 99% of the time, would have wound up dating him eventually if he wasn’t, like, with serah. i don’t think she’s carrying a torch for him in canon or anything, because it just wouldn’t occur to her to think of her sister’s fiance who is also a dude that way, but in an alternative universe where he wasn’t her sister’s fiance they would have wound up working out pretty well
i think like lightning she’s mostly into ladies so when locke comes along and she’s into him it’s sort of like ??? oh damn okay
i like celes/terra fine but i strongly prefer a sisterly relationship because they’re SUCH good foils. i think when celes was around terra prior to the start of the game she tried to find ways to be kind to her whenever possible and despite the amnesia part of terra remembered that always and so she just likes being around her
prior to the game singing was a guilty pleasure. maybe not opera singing but i think celes really just loved to do it, which is why she made a passable maria
i think as a soldier celes was denied things like dresses and bows and just taking pleasure in femininity so secretly she actually had a lot of fun getting dolled up to play maria, what really killed her was the crowds
having survived her own suicide attempt celes is very good at talking people off of their metaphorical ledges. i think in the post-game world where shit is marginally better people would have less of a reason overall to want to die but i also think she’d make it a point to patrol popular jumper spots and look after anyone she came across because she understands that despair so acutely
my girl faith is ARO AS HELL!! it’s possible she’s ace too (maybe lesbian oriented, or just aro and a lesbian) but definitely aro. is there such a thing as a 3-person QP relationship? i’m really into the faith/plastic/icarus dynamic but like no allo
loooooves junk food. faith probably eats like a horse to begin with because of all the energy expends being a parkour superhero but i’m sure she eats a lot of deeply unhealthy shit whenever possible. so when dogen tries to snag her for dinner with like his fancy-pants roast duck she’s like “ugh spare me”
speaking of dogen, i think faith genuinely cares for him and wants him to care for her in a father/daughter kinda way (and i think in his own way he does, or at the very least by the end she’s earned his respect, which is almost better). he’ll never be her dad, or noah, but i feel like everyone else would be like “he’s a creep” and she’d be the one going “yeah okay BUT”
no one knows what happened to faith and cat when she was little except noah and nomad & icarus is the first person she tells after the game is over. i think she’d tell plastic too eventually but icarus is Better At Feelings
doesnt like or plan on having kids but has a secret soft spot for animals, since seeing them is such a rarity in glass. glass doesnt have a huge population of strays but every once in awhile she’ll come across one and she always feeds it if she can
LOVES halloween. we talked about this in stream a bit the other day but he’d loved giving out candy and seeing costumes and putting together his own costume (and sans’s costume lol) - it might even be his favorite holiday
right-handed! i think most monsters are left-handed to reflect how most humans are right-handed, but papyrus is a bit of an odd duck among his kind and also obsessed with humans, so him being right-handed feels Correct
easily just as OP as sans, except duh of course he doesnt ACTUALLY want to hurt you, so that’s why you don’t ever see anything truly scary out of him. he COULD do exactly what sans does, he just doesn’t want to, and he never will
cat person. evidence: dislikes dogs because dogs like bones. sans is a dog person so it only makes sense that papyrus is a cat person. after the game he adopts All The Cats
papyrus is one of those people who is scarily good at video games. like he knows all the ins and outs of different ways to spin tetris blocks and he can calculate the hit point curve of a jrpg character as they level on the fly and he can break basically any game mechanics down to the raw numbers and figure out the best most efficient way of doing things because Its Just Puzzles and thats what my guy does
(send me a character & i’ll list 5 headcanons)
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