#i love iahb so much...
cora0rr3m · 1 year
So ive been fixating over a specific IAHB hc where sherwin is trans and he has his time of the month and when jonathan has time he comes to his place and cheers him up because his dysphoria gets worse during his period. <3
(Heres a lil snippet on how that would look like dont mind my crappy writing skills)
(After talking for around 30 mins)
“Urgh, my period pains are pretty bad...” Sherwin exclaimed, holding the hot water pack against his lower abdomen.
“Have you drank Ibuprofen yet? That can help with it.” Jonathan suggested
“Oh yea— let me get it-“
“No. You stay here, lay back and continue drinking the herbal tea I made for you. I’ll get it.” Jonathan interrupted, smiling gladly after. He put aside Sherwin’s frog plushy that was previously on his lap that he cuddled while talking to the redhead.
As Jonathan got up, he puts the warm, fuzzy blanket over Sherwin’s lower half of his body, making sure it covers him properly. Putting his frog plushy beside where Sherwin’s back is lying on the stack of pillows.
“Jonathan?” Sherwin quickly caught Jonathan’s attention before he left the room.
“Yes, ‘Win?” Calling Sherwin the cute nickname he picked.
“...Thank you. Thank you so much for doing this for me. You really didn’t have to, you know?” Sherwin spoke as he grabed the cup of tea that was on his night stand.
“I know, but I love you too much to decline. Anything for you, my dear.” Jonathan smiles gently, then closes the door.
Leaving Sherwin blushing, realizing what Jonathan just called him. Then takes a sip of his tea.
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thesmollostbean3 · 7 years
In a heartbeat headcanons
(GUYS WE HAVE REACHED 200 FOLLOWERS WOOP!!! Love all of you thank-you so so much! I will write what we are doing in celebration in another post, but since it is a little special occasion (it is a special occasion now!!) I am gonna write down stuff for “in a heartbeat” a short film that you have probably heard of and is so cute in so many ways oh my gosh. Me and Kae love it to death so here are some headcanons!! And later on might write a little one-shot thing. They are actually around my age so this should be really easy and fun to write for!!! Enjoy)
-Since they are around 13-14 I am gonna keep them in character for that in particular. (Should be easy as I relate a lot) -I am going to say one thing an done thing only that will make your heart melt. -picnic dates Yo. -Doesn’t even have to be with a picnic basket or anything just eating food together on the grass and blushing and laughing together. -Jonathon also blushing quite a bit to Sherwin’s surprise. -But both are still young, and are experiencing new things, so of course they are both nervous. -However now it is a more comfortable sweet nervous then before, it is more exciting and interesting. -soft relationship my dude. -You bet on the like, third picnic Jonathon asked if he could ruffle or play with Sherwin’s hair. -Sherwin was kinda surprised….but happy. -The feeling of someone playing with your hair is so nice though. -And he Sherwin is content as ever. -(Jonathon is so surprised because it is so curly and so soft!!!!) -Both blushing more than ever. -But sweet. -They are both still trying to discover who they are, after all age and stuff, emotions are getting more complicated and a larger understanding of the world around them makes them unsure. -I believe they are supportive of each other though. -They let each other vent, relax and they try to help as best as they can. -They care so much about each other, as the longer they date, the more they love about eachother. -I can see Sherwin stressing a lot over school work or family issues. -And Jonathon is right there for him, ready to help. -While it is an innocent, sweet relationship, and they are young, it doesn’t mean that it cannot mean a lot and be comforting to both sides. -Of course it is not going to be as mature as adult ones, however they can still care and help each other. -after all, like it was mentioned earlier, during this time of your life you are trying to figure out who you are and where you belong. -Things start becoming more real in terms of judgement, so to have someone to talk to an help you through this is a beautiful do important thing. -Now back to the headcanons… -Kisses on the cheek are kinda frequent. -They are short and cute and sweet. -Everything is quite slow in the relationship which is quite good for them. -I mean by this is that they don’t jump straight in, they hesitate and take things step by step. -I don’t think they would be big on pda at the start at all. -However after a bit of time (and when classmates may mature a bit….hopefully) just kisses on the cheek, hugging a bunch, etc. -OK can I just say. -One running joke with the whole floor is lava thing is that Sherwin knows the exact right times to say to make it the most inconvenient. -One time he said it in a park and Jonathon just scrambles up a tree as Sherwin quietly laughs. -I feel like Sherwin would need quite a lot of validation to know that Jonathon really does care about him. -And Jonathon notices this, and always make sure that Sherwin knows that hey, he does care for him and is there for him (apparently I am now Dr Seuss) -Everything is going to be ok. -On terms on Jonathon and his struggles I think eh may overwork himself. -Which is when Sherwin tells him that it is ok to have a break. -(followed by a mall date) -(treat Yo'self) -They grow really comfortable around each other and it is so cute. -Sherwin discovering that Jonathon is kind of a giant nerd and just is really passionate of so many things. -Jonathon realising that while Sherwin can basically learn any song by hearing to it once. -(It is like a damn talent he swears…) -Sitting under and on the tree in the film a bunch. -Like just imagine them sitting on it together, calm as ever. -Jonathon nearly falls asleep one time and Sherwin has to wake him up like. -Pls don’t sleep you are on a tree you will die -Them both getting extremely flustered yet loving it when the other kisses them. -They kinda get used to it but it is still new to them so I mean… -They are one of those couples that do the hand rubbing thing. -you know where they hold hands and one of them rubs the back of the other person’s hand with their thumb. -They are the definition of that. -When birthdays come around they both give the sweetest gifts it is uncanny. -Jonathon gives a bunch of homemade stuff like cookies and little crafts and stuff. -Sherwin in amazing at remembering little details of conversations so everytime Jonathon said that he liked or wanted something absentmindedly… -Sherwin remembers and gets every last thing. -Both such sweethearts. -By the way, piggy backs are a thing with them. -So sweet and so much fun!! -also laying one’s head on the others stomach is another thing with them. -napping together is a thing with them. -It is just so calming, and they love each other so much. -They take the cutest pictures. -I think that they might both be interested in photography and it is something they love talking about to each other. -Oh, also to end on a light note one time in winter Jonathon lent Sherwin his jumper as Sherwin was cold. -(to be fair Jonathon was also cold but he wanted to help his boyfriend so…) -Sherwin was bright red and just melted in it… -So soft!!! -Smell so nice!!! -Jonathon didn’t get the Jumper back for quite a while after that….
(To anyone who has not seen in a heartbeat, seriously I definitely recommend watching it!!! It is such a beautiful short film that is so sweet and emotional, that shows what it is like to have a first crush in this world we live in. It is beautiful and is only four minutes!!! Seriously please watch it, you will not regret it!)
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gay-as-fudge · 6 years
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More in heartbeat art...
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sir-sunny · 7 years
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So yea still crying a lot over this
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lhsketches · 7 years
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I'm so grateful that Beth and Esteban decided to make In A Heartbeat. It was such a beautiful and touching short film. I hope it gets plenty of future recognition and awards. @inaheartbeat-film @bethdavid
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sonicrainbooms · 7 years
Me: :(
In a Heartbeat: *exists*
Me: :)
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mynnub-blog · 7 years
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Precious, precious babs <3
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meldy-arts · 7 years
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In a heartbeat was probably the CUTEST thing I’ve seen in a long time.
Go give It a watch if you haven’t already!
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soloragoldsun · 7 years
So, imagine Sherwin and Jonathon married in the future. Now, imagine them cuddling in bed. Now, imagine their default position when sleeping being a spooning position with Jonathon as the big spoon with his arm wrapped around Sherwin and his hand over Sherwin’s heart, so that he can protect them both at the same time while they sleep.
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pixie-mage · 7 years
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Oh my god, the things you find online...why am I laughing at this?? xD
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🌈❤🎶 why you, why you keep playin', why you, why you, why you keep playin' with my heart 🎶❤🌈
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gay-as-fudge · 6 years
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Reposting this bc my last account got terminated 🤦🏾‍♀️
I love In a Heartbeat so much anyone who hasn’t seen it what are you doing with your life? Watch it and go ducking cry. ♥️💗
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capracornia · 7 years
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I was going to draw something pretty but aesthetics work too. ▸ sherwin
(from the @inaheartbeat-film go check it out!!)
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crollalanzaa · 7 years
2017 Writing Round Up
Total year-long word count: 291,206 (approx)
It’s approximate because I haven’t finished something yet, also I started writing Icarus last year and wasn;t quite sure when I began writing this year, but I counted from chapter 15, which is an underestimate if anything.
Word Count by Fandom:
Haikyuu!! - 246,363 (again approximate because some was written last year)
HQ: Posted this year is 331363
In a Heartbeat: 1308
Shaderunners: 1189
Voltron: 821
Yuri on Ice: 30, 304
Fics Completed: 30 fics
Works in progress: A Seung-gil fic, a rarepair I’m working on and a Kita fic I deleted but want to work on again.
This year I wrote and posted:
Thirty fics. Five were chaptered.
Looking back did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? I think this is the first time since I started writing fanfic that I haven’t hit 300k, but I’m always astonished at the amount I write, anyway.
What pairing/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted at the beginning of the year?
Um, well anything involving Inarizaki because we’d barely met any of them. In A Heartbeat was a really short fic because I liked the animation so much.
What’s your favourite story of yours this year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
Hmm, can’t choose, but I loved writing Sidekicks because Futakuchi is fun to write and I got to be snarky about bad YAL fic. Also ‘Not all heroes wear capes (when jackets do just fine)’ and Icarus because it’s taken me forever to write.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
The Prince and the Soldier - a YoI fic OtaYuri. I wrote it to get out of a mini-slump I was having and deliberately changed styles. I don’t actually like it very much, so I’ve learnt that not all change is good, but it was a fic I needed to write to get me out of the doldrums.
Your best story this year:
How do I judge this? Probably Icarus or Cut of the Cards (a KonoAkaa Bounty Hunter AU PLOT!)
Your most popular story this year:
In terms of hits, then that’s Icarus, but it’s chaptered, so that’s not surprising. It does have more kudos too. For oneshots, then it’s Apple Leaves (the IaHB ficlet)
Story of yours most underappreciated by the universe, in your opinion:
Ha - oddly enough the most popular, so Icarus. Compared to Cake or Break it has a quarter of the kudos and a low, low hit count. Ratio wise it’s great (especially as it’s chaptered)  but in the old days (shakes walking stick) I was getting reads and kudos pretty easily. I have a wonderful niche following though who leave me comments and kudos, so I’m generally very happy.
Most fun story to write:
Any of the DaiSuga Hogwarts AUs, also Steppin’ Out because it was so much fun writing Emi again.
Story with the single sexiest moment:
Suga and Daichi is Steppin Out, where they escape to a Love Hotel.
This has been a year where I’ve gone off reading and writing sex scenes though. Not sure why, but I’ve avoided a lot of things with E or M ratings.
Most ‘Holy Crap, that’s wrong, even for you!’ moment:
Um, I don’t have any.
Story that shifted your perception of the characters:
A pinprick of light - YoI fic about the banquet. It made me think why none of the photos had made it onto social media, so I really had to understand why some characters wouldn’t have leaked them. Mila and Sara bonding over this, and also exploring Victor and Mila’s friendship.
Hardest story to write:
Icarus to finish, but also Crowsong because it’s about my precious crows graduating and I cried.
Biggest disappointment:
General lack of reads I guess. I think people are bored with me. :( (kudos are the lowest since 2013 and I only had three stories on the site then, plus I only opened the account in September.
Biggest surprise:
The Name Burned Black did far better than I’d thought. KyouHaba soulmate with a twist au. This has made me think about expanding the story and also an OF. So maybe I’m more surprised at the reaction in me.
Most unintentionally telling story:
I really have no idea. Oh, actually it’s sidekicks because it’s about not reaching goals.
Favourite opening lines:
“I’m the god of the wind!” Hajime shouts, and starts to jump up and down on the lawn, his fist raised in an approximation of Superman. “Zeff...Zeff ... uh ... what was it?”  - Icarus
Girls’ parties are dumb! - The Making of Godzilla
Sometimes, Konoha Akinori thought it would have been better if he rolled up to his assignments sat astride a horse, wore a wide brimmed hat, and had a cheroot hanging out of his mouth.  - Cut of the Cards
Favourite closing lines
“For all I know, you’re a wild card from another deck, Konoha, but I have this feeling, deep in my gut, that you’re our missing Jack.” - Cut of the Cards
And Kita’s not at all sure he didn’t fall a little in love that day. - not all heroes wear capes (when jackets do just fine …)
Favourite 5 lines from anywhere:
1)But not Atsumu, who’d let out his sweet chuckle of a laugh, a slight hiccup in his throat, pure pleasure, almost fey.  - not all heroes wear capes
2)“Why don’t you tell him yourself?” a voice rasped from the right. - Icarus (FOR REASONS!)
3)“What is Oat Capp- u –ssino? Sounds like porridge!”
“Cappuchino,” Daichi said, and to be very fair to him, he was stifling his smirk, “It’s coffee made from oat milk.”
“Oat milk?  How can an oat be milked?”
“It’s ... uh ...” Daichi scratched his head. “I have no idea. Look, there are others. Flat white is kind of normal.”
“No, no, I don’t want normal. I want something Muggley. Give me a ... Coconut Late.”
“Lattay,” Daichi corrected, and smiled. “Good choice.”  - the vines that bind us (Have that whole exchange)
 Top 5 scenes you would love to have illustrated.
1) The last part of not all heroes wear capes, where Atsumu tosses wildly and Osamu picks the ball and they both laugh, with Kita watching.
2)Graduation at Seijou and the crowd cheering for Hajime because they like him. - Icarus
3) Tooru and Hajime with the Chibis because I love the chibis - Icarus
4)Where Kyoutani teaches Yahaba to dance - Let’s face the music and dance!
5)Daichi falling off his broomstick and more or less in Suga’s lap in Defying Gravity
Fic-writing goals for next year:
To write better fic. I tend to plough through and don’t work on the quality enough.
I would like to continue some stories and maybe write a sequel to CoB, but I’m conscious that it takes so long for me to write these days and it’s exhausting. Cake or Break took four months, and Icarus might be twice the length, but it’s taken me at least 18m.
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hikimi9614 · 7 years
I'm not sure if you've seen the short film "in a heartbeat" yet, but can you draw a scene from it using rilaya?
yees i have! love that film very much!!
so, i couldn’t choose just ONE scene… ;)
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Thanks for your ask (and of cause the creators of iahb)! love you
if ever there’s someone who see this post but haven’t seen “In a Heartbeat”, i really do recommend…
“In a Heartbeat” Tumblr
Watch on YouTube
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energeticwarrior · 7 years
lmao you responding hate comments for iahb was pure gold THEN THE SPANISH ONE CAME adfsnsjsjsdvfid i love it so much you are a hero mam
that’s what they get tbh.. i was raised by a latina mother that doesn’t take shit from anyone
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