#i love how outer wilds is so tragic
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imagine-silk · 1 year ago
Fallout 4 fellas react to a really short sole survivor trying on their clothes and having them be waaay to big XD
Thank you <3 love reading your posts :)
》For whatever reason I can never find anything comfortably too big for me that looks nice weirdly enough. Tragic.
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【Codsworth】 "Mum/Sir, I don't think you should be wearing that."
Of course he had spare parts laying around. That included his outer plate. It's 106 lbs of a single sheet metal that makes up his body that is very easy to hide in considering how big he is and how small you are. There is absolutely no way you can walk with it on, you have to sit in it.
【Danse】 "Take that off. It's dirty."
He is a very meticulous person and keeps everything in check, so he knows the only way you got his jumpsuit is if it's dirty. He averts his eyes as you immediately panic and shuck it off.
♡If Romanced; He still looks away.
【Deacon】 "Looking good."
He has a lot of clothes and surprisingly he knows where all of them are. So when one of his costumes goes missing he knows you took it. You're the only one who could have took it. If you take his glasses he has a million other pairs. Nice try.
♡If Romanced; He'll wear an outfit to match. Can't have Bonnie without Clyde.
【Hancock】 "Well ain't you a sight."
He's not a tall man by any means so seeing you make his shirt into a dress is funny to him. He'll take off his coat and put it around you to see it drag and watch you trip over yourself.
♡If Romanced; He'll find any excuse to put you in his clothes.
【MacCready】 "Get your own."
He's not too happy about you touching his stuff. That being said, he doesn't do anything but complain. Which is saying something because he has ripped his jacket off of someone before.
If Romanced; Strangely he'll complain more, fishing for affection for his 'services'.
【Nick】 "You need a map to find your way outta there, doll/pal?"
He'll tease you, obviously. There he was reading the paper and you walk in with his coat wrapped around you. The lengths he goes not to laugh would make a hiker blush.
✧If Platonic; He'll pat you on the head and call you 'kid'. He thinks it's the cutest thing and let you borrow it from time to time.
【Preston】 "There's my coat."
He was looking for it all morning only to find you wearing his stuff on accident. It never occurred to him you might have taken it. He has no strong feelings about it. If you don't immediately give it back he won't ask for it, he'll just change into something else.
♡If Romanced; He'll drop his hat on you too. You give it back though because it slips down a lot.
【X6-88】 "Why are you wearing my clothes?"
The clothes he wears are restrictive and not very comfortable, even his surfacer clothes. But for you it's more than accommodating, too accommodating. He will ask for his clothes back though.
♡If Romanced; It awakens something in him. The fact you can bring the Commonwealth to it's knees and be so small it wild.
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ricottacannoli · 2 months ago
finished the main story of outer wilds. holy shit. i think it’s probably one of my favourite games ever.
my silly and spoilery thoughts under the cut
from start to finish it was such a great experience. i loved the exploration, the web of mysteries to uncover and the non-linear story it created. i love games that let you experience it’s story/lore in whatever way and order you want because it feels so much more satisfying as all the pieces fall in place.
i loved the characters and i love how important music is to the hearthians. each traveller playing a different instrument, playing their own parts of the same song. i thought it was really lovely to see that note from esker about how relieving it was to hear riebeck’s banjo return after a period of silence. i think it is so beautiful the way that music connects the travellers who are scattered across the solar system.
the environments are really great too. i love that every planet a distinct colour palette and design, and have their own gimmicks that impact the way you explore them and even make certain tasks time sensitive. my favourite planet was brittle hollow, because i love the visual design of it, i loved exploring the hanging city, and i had a lot of fun launching myself around using momentum from the black hole at the centre. lol.
the storyline of the game was so interesting and very bittersweet at a lot of times. the excitement of finding new nomai settlements or technology was often followed with the sadness of remembering that the once thriving civilization was so tragically killed off. but the disappointment of reading their logs of their failure with the ash twin project was followed with a sense of hope in the fact that you get to finish what they started. it is also so fascinating and so scary to explore so many unfamiliar planets, and so existentially horrifying to watch the sun supernova over and over and over.
and the ending. it was so crushing and so bittersweet. to find out that the universe is dying and you cannot prevent it. wandering through the forest of timber hearth as the glowing lights around you explode into supernovae until there is nothing but darkness. and then lighting a campfire and gathering the other travellers to play your song all together as the solar system is engulfed by the sun. and everyone there accepts the end so calmly, remarking on all the things they were able to do in this world before their time ran out.
i think the consistent theme of the inevitability of death was something that really sat with me through the whole game. seeing how the nomai had gone extinct (at least within that specific solar system) and the fact that it was impossible to prevent. and powerlessly watching the world end repeatedly in each loop. the thought sitting in my mind by the end of the game was “one day the world will end and humanity can to do nothing but accept it”. it is a sad thought but it is also inspiring, we can learn, we can explore, we can enjoy everything that life can bring, and we can make music!!! i just think that is really cool. and i love this video game.
the dlc has been ridiculously cool so far and i’m really looking forward to seeing what it has to offer :))
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clubsheartsspades · 7 months ago
Final Outer Wilds Update:
So first of all the fact that the music changed when I took the warp core out of the Ash Twin Project had my hands shaking. I was flying through Dark Bramble afraid that I would accidentally ignite my engine instead of just slightly shift the ship to one or another side. It felt like it took me the whole 22 minutes to get to the vessel and once I got there I was extremely aware of the fact that I had No Time At All. So I replaced the broken warp core with the new and functioning one, switched on the coordinates module (I probably kind of cheated by taking a picture of the coordinates in my ship log and pulling that up but I don't think that made a difference), and then entered the coordinates wrong and then corrected them XD Yeah yeah, I was really really tense okay!
Anyway, coordinates in and... now what? The module went down and I was just standing there, waiting for something to happen. I moved the crystal back away from the module, and then back to it again to see if it would change anything. It took me a moment to realise I had that other pillar to activate it and then. Boom.
The Eye of the Universe.
A little bit of a fumble later I also figured out how to get on it and... well... I'm pretty sure this part is a bit different for everyone, but I had actually not taken as long for my journey here as I had thought I had, and while I was checking the vessel's controls and the outgoing and incoming messages to see if the reactivation had changed anything there, I saw the supernova happen outside. I did actually have to stop for a moment because those were all the characters I'd met until now and now they were all... gone =((
I'm not going to describe the end here, everyone who's been following along my posts probably already knows, and everyone who doesn't... well I don't think I could do any of it justice by describing what I just played through.
But I don't think a game ending has made me cry like this before while honestly feeling like, yeah. This is right, this is exactly what has to happen. I like tragedies, I've read and played through a lot of them actually, but Outer Wilds is not one. I think that's what I really love about it. It's an end, but it's not tragic when you get to it.
I have never played anything like this in my life, but I would love to play more of it.
No, I have not played the DLC. Yes, I will be playing (and consequently blogging about) it, too.
But before we finish it up here, I want to say one last thing: I love Solanum with all of my heart and I would do anything for her. Having her there, at the campfire, in harmony with the others, the fact that she says "I'm glad you remembered me." means everything to me.
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crittercrossing · 2 months ago
Introducing... Chance!
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It's been one heck of a day. As of the time of this writing, I've known this chicken for less than five hours. Everything has happened so fast, and completely unexpectedly, but it looks like the universe gave me an early Christmas gift.
I was on the way to a vet appointment with Katy and Chevelle today, and just before I reached the vet's office, I saw a chicken standing on the side of the road—I mean, less than a foot away from the edge of the very busy road that runs right through the middle of town. I recognized the body shape immediately as a Cornish cross, a specific type of mixed breed chicken that is bred for the meat industry. I knew the poor bird must have fallen off one of the many trucks around here that carry these chickens to processing. I was surprised to see them standing there, seemingly unharmed and alive—I come across chickens that have fallen from trucks fairly often, and they have always either been dead or gravely injured (and had to be euthanized).
Normally, I would not hesitate to stop and pick up a chicken in this situation. My first-ever chicken was a Cornish cross, and I have a soft spot for this breed that suffers from a tragic fate. There were complications at this time, though—my dogs were in the car with me, and there's the current bird flu outbreak going on, which can be very dangerous to people and is connected to commercial poultry. I desperately wanted to help this chicken, but was afraid of putting my loved ones' lives at risk. I was running late to the vet appointment, so I decided that I would go to the appointment, and afterwards, drive by again and see if they were still there.
The chicken was indeed there after the appointment, standing in the same spot. I pulled over and thought about what to do for a while. I called the nearby emergency vet to ask if they could help. They said they couldn't take the chicken and try to rehome them or anything. They could treat the chicken if they were wounded, or they could euthanize them. I checked with the vet clinic I had just been to with my dogs, and they said they don't have any exotic vets on staff who could help or advise (which is fair). I knew I had to make a judgment call on my own, and I knew in my heart what I felt was right. After some online research about bird flu, I decided to take a chance.
I drove closer to the chicken, pulled over, left my (very confused) dogs in the car with the windows cracked, and walked up to the chicken with a cat carrier and a hoodie in hand, while wearing two masks. The chicken looked up at me as I approached. I had watched them walk into the road at one point while I was making phone calls and saw them almost get hit. They were now back in the grass next to the road. They only started to panic once I draped the hoodie over them to pick them up. (I didn't have gloves, and didn't want to directly touch the chicken in case of bird flu.) I didn't have a way to safely examine them there, so I put them carefully into the carrier in case they were injured and put them in car. I didn't have any sort of plan. I didn't really know what to do. I started driving back home.
I kind of just subconsciously decided to take them home. I thought about how wild the whole situation was on the drive. I knew before we even got to the house that their name was Chance. It was by chance that they survived their fall from the truck, and that they happened to be there when I happened to drive by. I took a chance on picking them up. I'm giving them a chance to have a safe, happy rest of their life.
Chance was put into a spare chicken pen in the backyard, where they cannot interact with the other chickens for now. I held them up while my dad inspected them for injury. Chance has no visible outer injuries aside from one of their toenails having been torn off. It was bleeding, but not fatally. I'll keep an eye on that toe and take them to an exotic vet if needed. Chance doesn't have feathers under their wings or on their belly (chickens of these breeds often don't). Their comb and wattles are small and pale, and it's not completely clear how much of that is due to age and how much is due to stressful living conditions. They have bright, curious eyes, and they don't seem sick.
I'm not yet certain what sex Chance is, or exactly how old they are. I'm currently thinking five-week-old pullet, but I'm going to do a bit more research. Also, time will tell as they continue to grow.
I can't imagine what this day must have felt like to Chance. Today was almost certainly their first time ever seeing sunlight or touching grass. This is probably the first time they've ever been not completely surrounded by other chickens, all crammed together in a small space. I wonder if they've ever really had a chance to breathe fresh air before. All the hands that held them previously were probably not kind. They started their day packed in a chicken truck, most likely on their way to slaughter. Now, they are safe in their own pen, with unlimited water and a good meal for tonight, with a little house to hide in.
Here's the thing: Chance will not live a very long life. I am very familiar with the complications that Cornish crosses face in their short lives. These birds have been selectively bred to grow no matter what, to produce more meat, and to do it as quickly as possible (they are about eight weeks old when they go to slaughter). Darcy, my first chicken, was a Cornish cross. I cared for her from the time she was roughly three days old. I did what I could to help her live longer. She was on a restricted diet to encourage weight loss, and I helped her exercise and encouraged her to run. She was six months old when she passed. Presumably, her heart gave out, as she just suddenly dropped. Most Cornish crosses who are kept as pets meet this fate. No matter what you do to fight their extreme growth, they get so big that their hearts can't take it or their legs give way beneath them. It's a big deal if these birds make it to their first birthday. I only saw Chance in their new pen for a few minutes before I had to leave for the day (chickens live at my parents' house, and I currently do not), but the entire time, they were sitting on the ground in the way Cornish crosses do when standing is too hard. Of course, some of it may be shock. I'm excited to visit Chance tomorrow and see how they're doing then.
Today, Chance went from facing the day of their death, having never seen a Christmas before, to being safe in their new home just in time to experience Christmas. Chickens don't know about holidays, and I'm sure they wouldn't care even if they did. I'm just sentimental.
It's been a long time since I've been able to rescue an animal like this, and I'm so incredibly glad that I got to do it today. This is one of my favorite things that I ever do, the kind of thing that makes me feel like I'm fulfilling my purpose. I know Chance will probably only live a few more months, but they will know love, safety, sunlight, grass, and companionship while they're here. If they start to suffer, I won't let them linger like that. They got their second chance, and I'm happy to be a part of it.
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thestoriedwillow · 5 months ago
Thinking about media that I have lost. About things that I just can't engage with anymore, but nonetheless shaped the core of who I am today. Media that shook me to my foundation that I just cannot come back to anymore.
Thinking about Skyrim, which had me in awe back in high school, quite possibly being the decisive moment that solidified a love for games that follows me to this day. And yet now I look back on it and cannot see the wonder, cannot see past the shortcomings, cannot bring myself to enter that world again.
Thinking about The Name of the Wind, a book that blew me away on my first read, but as I read the second book in the series and reread the first, I found myself drifting away from it. Some of my favorite prose out there is still in that book, the prologue in particular is a masterpiece I still get chills reading, but it's no longer up there with my favorite books simply because other parts of the story have fallen flat for me on further reflection. And here I am, missing the love I once had.
Thinking about Outer Wilds, easily one of my favorite games of all time, and yet something that I can never truly experience again. Of course one can never return to that first magical experience with any story, but Outer Wilds in particular stands out in that regard, an experience of pure discovery, learning and exploring through a playground of secrets both grand and small, heartwarming and deeply tragic. I can't go back to a time where I do not know those secrets, and so am left with naught but the memories.
Thinking about Sky: Children of the Light. Oh, darling, wondrous Sky. You were everything for a time. Every day I would jump into your world and find peace in the music and the feeling. I did the quests, followed the events, and most importantly... I spent time with friends. I met some of the most wonderful people in the world because of this beautiful game, friends who I cherish on to today, some of my closest confidants and companions in this strange world we wander. And yet I just cannot become lost in those skies anymore. I can't find it in me to chase those daily quests and only find myself logging in every now and again to find some ambience. Sky has brought me to tears with its beauty so many times before and now... The spark is gone.
I think about a piece of fanfiction I may never be able to find again. A story about a Nuzlocke challenge run that I wandered into just as I was starting to look into the incredible community behind that challenge. A story I can't remember the name of, that I can't remember the author of, that I can hardly recall much about at all these years later... A story set in a post-apocalyptic Kanto, probably based on Firered... So much is lost from my mind, but I know that story opened a door for me. It taught me about what a piece of fanfiction could be, something wild and unusual and totally my own. It wasn't long before I stumbled upon the Nuzlocke forums and started writing a story myself.
Did I ever tell the author their story changed my life forever? Inspired me to start writing and oops now my greatest creative accomplishments are my long running nuzlocke stories and I'm part of the community and...
I don't think I did.
It hurts to think I never told that author how meaningful their story was to me. That I've lost the opportunity to just let them know that hey I enjoyed this thing and... Now it's gone.
It hurts that I can't go back to all these things that once brought me joy, that once shaped the person I was and would become. It feels in a way like I have lost a part of myself, only able to feel the impact of the thing yet never again able to take hold of it.
Perhaps all I'm really feeling is that age-old yearning for days past, chasing memories of joy while the complexities of the moment batter at my door. Even still, I think that in that nostalgia there is a real sadness that ought to be seen and understood, just like any other feeling. Some part of me cries out for moments past, and I ought to sit down and bear that longing, if only so I can hold that sadness close, whisper gently that new stories will come, and let it go.
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peasthedumb · 6 months ago
All of my blorbos over time
Songs of war:
Thalleous: omg my original guy, I wish he was my dad. Fangirled back when I was cringe. I mean bad cringe, not my more controlled choice of current cringe. He’s so cool, and I mean, there was a later reveal he was almost entirely evil but…..he is my boi.
Galleous: Thalleous 2! But this time he’s sweeter, and more mundane! Instead of going on hunts, bein badass, slaughtering his foes and adopting orphans, he works a 9 to 5 and worries about his friends and family. Also he keeps birds that search and tell him all the latest gossip.Has some unlikely dodgy friends. (Also is the last living blacksmith able to forge ender knight armour HELLO? HE WAS ACTUALLY IMPORTANT?! HE DID A THING?!)
Nootmare: have you even seen my blog? I don’t need to say anything more, I’m gonna eat him for breakfast. Put him in a blender. My one true blorbo, made history in my life, has shaped and forged aspects of myself, including my favourite colours
Dream: he’s just along for the ride with noot noot really, I feel bad favouriting one and not the other cause like- wasn’t that the whole problem which caused dreamtale as we know it. I do adore his innocent childishness.
Killer: ….he is bouncing off the walls with unbridled chaos and energy. I love him, plus he’s part of my favourite ship.
Dust: not really sure how I used to blorbo him, but he holds a special place in my heart. Was my entry into utmv because i couldn’t make sense of anyone else.
Hollow knight:
Pale king: omg he’s such a shit dad!! He loves his wife! He absolutely adores her! He actually cares for his kingdom! He’s so short but he’s a god and a king!! He glows! He REALLY loves his wife, he’s so wholesome! And he’s dead! Also kinda had to….have a child with someone else as part of a deal to save the kingdom but….we forget that!! His wife literally said she didn’t mind so oh well.
Broken vessel: tell me your mysteries. (Omfg it is so difficult to blorbo a empty fucking vessel with no personality or notable experiences)
Hollow knight: I nearly cried when I found his statue. Man he’s so tragic, I can’t imagine the agony. One of my very few blorbos who I think has been through enough trauma. I don’t need to do any more.
Red dead redemption (one of my stranger fixations):
Sean: don’t even remember who that was but I thought he was cool apparently.
Hosea: just a decent old guy, I think.
Five pebbles: tragic sibling dynamic les goooo, all of my favourite blorbos are tragic sibling dynamics. Fucking love this depressed suicidal grumpy ass god computer who occasionally fat shames obese cats. (Canonically calls fat cat rotund, cannot get over it hdhdjdhdhd). Wish I could repair him. Or humble him. One or the other.
Artificer: Bomb cat bomb cat bomb cat. Rabid, 15 diseases, craves the fall of entire societies, also adopted the depressed supercomputer. 5P: “I don’t want a cat” *Artificer shows up* 5P: “this is my cat”
No significant harassment: only one man (supercomputer) could make puns when facing eternal struggle and agony and failure of his own kind. I want to be his friend. I shipped him with 5P at some point, and I did and do love that ship but I forgot how it made sense to me.
Outer wilds:
Gabbro: GLOBBERT. Also basically the NSH of outerwilds. Just chilling in his hammock, playing flute, relaxing and meditating as he’s stuck in a time loop, being incinerated by a supernova over and over, facing the end of the entire fucking universe. Also smart af.
Solanum: NOMAI GAL NOMAI GAL. Just cool ig, tbh I think my favourite nomai is Mallow but there’s not enough blorbo material.
Dinotrux (yeah….i dunno):
Skrap-it: (did I spell it right) man he gets done dirty, I want him to be happy for once, not be insulted and abused.
Rev-it: lil nerd, I don’t have much to say about him but omg it’s the lil nerd, he’s such a nerd (pos)
Click-clack: me every time something goes slightly off-plan. I vibe with him.
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thewalkingplumbob · 2 years ago
heheh 18-26 for the oc of your choice :-D i love reading long answers so go wild!
Thanks so much for the ask @xldkx! I'm going to answer for Reila since I'm currently focused on my Townsend legacy at the moment. 😊
18. Is your character more likely to admire wisdom, or ambition in others?
Reila is more likely to admire ambition. She really looks up to the people in her life who dream big and are proactive in achieving the goals they've set for themselves.
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?
I would say Reila's biggest relationship flaw is that she tends to get caught up in her own feelings and when that happens, she shuts down. It's like she doesn't want to talk about it, and she'll expect her partner to just understand without saying anything. So far it hasn't destroyed her relationship with Emely, whose been her only girlfriend since high school. It's just very frustrating to deal with, and Reila knows she needs to get better at communicating her feelings when it's going on.
20. In what ways does your character compare themselves to others? Do they do this for the sake of self-validation, or self-criticism?
Reila does often compare her achievements with others and it's usually in the form of self-criticism. She's always thinking that she hasn't accomplished enough for how "old" she is. Like having to move back home really impacted her self-esteem because now she looks at all her friends and former college dormmates, who all have their own apartments/homes, and thinks she's a failure. Emely has to constantly remind her that she can't compare herself to anyone because people go their own pace in life and there's nothing wrong with that. Reila still compares herself though unfortunately.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?
Reila definitely tends to lean towards thinking she did something wrong. She'll believe she made wrong/bad choices and that's what led to the tragic or negative event. Even though she's a scientist, she really can't think logically when it comes to her own feelings and self-doubt.
22. What does your character like in other people?
When it comes to other people, Reila likes those who are honest, neat/clean (she's a bit of a germaphobe), ambitious, have a sense of humor, and have an open mind. She likes people whom she can have deep conversations about outer space with too.
23. What does your character dislike in other people?
Reila dislikes those who are sloppy, careless, uptight, and moody. The moody trait might seem like an odd thing for her to dislike in other people because she herself can often be moody, but I guess it's kind of like a negative thing she sees in herself that she dislikes in others.
24. How quick is your character to trust someone else?
When she was younger, it took her awhile to trust other people since it was just her and her mom for the longest time. It really wasn't until Ricky came around that she started realizing it's okay to trust others in her life. She warmed up to him pretty quickly. Now she probably trusts a little too easy.
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
Reila wants to give people the benefit of the doubt, so she's not quick to suspect others, even if they're not someone she's particularly close to. This has sometimes caused her problems, especially when aliens infiltrate her workplace! 😂
26. How does your character behave around children?
Reila tends to treat kids like they're mini adults rather than children so she ends up acting goofy around them. Her thing is that she wants the kids around her to feel like they belong just as much as the adults do.
Ahhh answering these was so much fun! Thank you again for the ask!
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katoptron-katophlegon · 5 years ago
Computer, add this to the (very small) list of songs that make me feel an emotion.
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bluiex · 2 years ago
I just finished outer wilds DLC today and the owl people are so pretty.
I need to make my Grian design (and just, Avian designs in general) less human looking.
Oh, oh, AU. (If you know Outer Wilds, basically Grian as Pye "Science compels us to explode the sun!" and Scar as the player character, with me heavily projecting my own feelings about Pye onto the situation because I am a little bit in love with her):
Grian is a long dead member of a technologically advanced race, Scar is exploring and doing archeology and reading logs and diaries and recordings the race left behind and is just.... falling in love with this chaos gremlin who is long dead.
And he has no way of knowing which skeleton is Grian. Grian's people all died in one fell swoop of *something* so there's skeletons everywhere.
He's reading notes Grian left to his colleagues where he was joking about explosives and finding photos of Grian and his family and reading bits where his family talk about how much trouble he causes and he loves him so much. He dreams of a world where they could have met where time had not separated them.
(Later he finds Grian's body. Of course Grian would have a front row seat for what killed them. Of course Grian spent the last few seconds of his life trying to prevent the inevitable catastrophe that would wipe them all out. That's the person Scar fell in love with.)
I know of the game, never seen or played it myself O: GOD The tragic feeling of falling for someone not here anymore/not real just HITS RIGHT for me. Such a cool an amazing AU to think about and will rotate this in my head daily now
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genuinerio · 3 years ago
YOUNG, WILD AND FREE ↠ 「 Outer Banks 」
PAIRINGS: John B Routledge (possibly eventual love interest, best friend), Pope Heyward (platonic, best friend, a potential love interest), Kiara Carrera (platonic, best friend), JJ Maybank (platonic, siblings)
WORDS: 1312.
NOTES: So, I don’t have an exact definite love interest for my OC, River yet since she’s going to have a few possible love interests and will try her best to allow others to get close and be in a committed relationship, I apologize. Also, River and JJ’s close sibling relationship was inspired a lot by Jesus and Mariana’s close relationship from “The Fosters.”
SUMMARY: River Maybank was a girl who always tried her hardest to fight and get back up when she was down, oftentimes at the hands of Luke, her abusive father. Like her brother, JJ, she was known to be a rebellious person, the girl had always enjoyed taking risks and partying, most times to rid herself of the trauma they had both faced in being raised in such a tragic environment. She loved to have a good time in parties, smoking weed, promiscuity, art and surfing with art being her way of expressing herself through such traumatic moments. River didn’t believe in committing to a relationship, frankly, she was scared to death of commitment and could never see herself staying with just one person for too long or else she’d lose interest. Frankly, she didn’t see herself as valuable enough for anyone else regarding a relationship with River seeing herself as broken and “damaged goods,” and as she continually told others, she was working on herself first before anything else but hopefully, there truly is someone eventually out there for River Maybank.
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RIVER MAYBANK, like her brother is known for being the life of the party on the cut side of Outer Banks. Despite her tragic and abusive home life, she tries her hardest not to let that affect her but coping with it by unraveling in very heartbreaking coping mechanisms like drinking, weed and promiscuity along with a healthy one in art and surfing.
In doing so, River tries her hardest to not get too attached to those who she feels that she could lose in a blink of an eye with the exception of her brother who she knows would never betray her just as she would never to him along with their shared friends who they both know is more like family than they’ve ever had back home besides one another.
Because of how loving JJ is towards his dear twin sister, he can be quite overprotective which could really drive River insane even though he has the best intentions at heart. Within this, River feels that he often acts like her father rather than her brother and takes this into extreme lengths and circumstances with him believing he has the right especially with him being her brother despite her mentioning that they’re twins and she’s only younger than him by a simple ten minutes.
There were numerous times that in not wanting his sister to deal with the same abuse that he had and in protection, JJ would take the fall for River with them both knowing that if Luke was to ever find out, they’d suffer ten times of the abuse that they had dealt with prior. And in times like that, River was always very grateful for him to do that even though, she was okay and accepting of taking the heat for her own troubled actions.
With their extremely close bond especially as they only truly had one another to depend and rely on as children growing up, to their mutual disgust and disappointment, oftentimes, River and JJ are mistaken as a couple with the two sharing a grossed out facial expression. And throughout every fight and argument they’ve had where they were beyond infuriated with each other, they would never let become too much where they hated each other or even if they claimed to do so, the hatred and anger would never last long as it would never break their special bond.
One explosive fight was over a guy that River was trying her hardest to commit to but struggled with nonetheless. Upon meeting him and in any possible romantic suitor needing JJ’s approval to date River, he had deemed the guy to be a total fuckboy to which a chuckling River felt JJ to be a total hypocrite since he was exactly of the same sorts.
A particular guy who no doubt had JJ’s approval was John B Routledge, JJ’s best friend since the third grade and someone who he along with their shared friends had believed the two to harbour crushes over one another despite potentially breaking the “No pogue on pogue macking” rule. River and John B were believed to have a flirtatious relationship with their joking around and bonding moments but truthfully neither saw it as romantic but rather pure friendship and a sibling type bond.
Something that neither her brother nor her friends knew with the exception of Kiara was that River was very much into women just as she was of men but also loved anyone of any gender for that matter with identifying herself as pansexual. Kiara had once saw her friend making out with a woman slightly older than her and in accidentally overcoming this, she could surely tell River was the one withholding the upper hand and in proving her belief that she was a dominant woman.
Her promiscuity was something that she felt saved her in a lot ways but also hurt her in causing her to be fearful of commitment and in relationships that were not strictly sexual and nothing more. She could never truly see a committed River in any romantic relationship that wasn’t sexual, it just wasn’t something that was in her nature nor even had wanted for herself whatsoever.
Throughout their years of shared childhood abuse, JJ and River have promised to never keep a secret from one another which of course River tried to keep except with one major secret that she vowed to take to her grave with how explicit and traumatic it could be as she knew it would JJ to quite fury and create even more painful moments than they already endured. Because if she did, JJ would blame this upon himself and see himself at fault when it never truly was nor had he known about it.
And as much as she didn’t want to believe it, she oftentimes at her lowest felt like she deserved the pain and abuse that Luke put her through regarding all the rebellious and troubled acts that she had committed in a way to remove how terribly the abuse affected her from childhood to current teens.
As a way to remove herself from such a toxic situation and mindset, she would abuse substances, sleep around and oftentimes would paint since art was a great passion of hers. River felt that art was the perfect example in removing such pain and trauma with also being an excellent way in expressing herself.
She wanted to believe that the abuse her and JJ suffered from their dick of a father didn’t affect her as much as she’d like to believe with drinking and smoking her sorrows away. It felt like the better option than any of the others that she had thought of at least.
Another way that had helped her cope with surfing which JJ had taught her in once he had learned himself. It was a hobby that they bonded over amongst all the other shared hobbies that they endured together.
Regardless of all the struggles and trauma that sixteen year old, River Maybank had gone through, she wasn’t going to let this get to her nor let Luke bring her down without a fight because she deserved vengeance both for her and for her brother as well considering how much pain, suffering and emotional distress they’d gone through. Because as River famously quoted herself saying, if someone kicked her while she was down, they better hope and pray that she doesn’t get back up with her love of vengeance.
She didn’t want to make herself get used to such a toxic environment and just accept it for herself like her friends believed she would nor let herself feel like she does not deserve a loving relationship with whoever she felt a strong connection with. They wanted happiness for her and wanted to get her to believe that she deserved it as well. This girl who viewed herself as not worthy of anything good, seeing upon herself such a broken soul and as someone who was simply just “damaged goods” was much more than that.
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strangelysamantha · 4 years ago
crashing ☆
rafe cameron x gn!reader.
warnings: reader gets injured, car crash, swearing.
words: 3,106.
summary: rafe is waiting for you to meet him at figure 8, but he’ll be waiting awhile as you got in a tragic car accident, the other vehicle being driven by his father.
request? no! requests are opened!
a/n: use of they/them pronouns. like and comment if you enjoy this story! thanks <333
my masterlist
“alright baby. of course. i love you!! yes, i’m leaving now.” rafe was on the other side of your phone, ensuring that you were ready for your dinner date. the two of you have plans to meet at the figure eight. you will eat at a nice restaurant, and then finish the date off with a scroll through the park while watching the sunset. rafe had planned the whole thing out, excited he could finally show you how much you meant to him. rafe smiled, “okay babe. i’ll see you in a few. i can't wait to see your precious face.” heat rushes to your face because of rafes words. “see you in a few.” you hang the phone up, grabbing your car keys.
you walk to your car that is sitting in your driveway. you hop in, starting your car. you put your seatbelt on, using your phone, you do a map search to the location rafe had sent you. you turn the music up slightly. you check behind you for passing cars or pedestrians, and when the coast was clear, you pulled out of your driveway, and started the drive to rafe.
you had only been driving for five minutes. you were caught at a red light. your light turned green so you pressed the gas to go. immediately a large black car t boned straight into you, hitting you head on. luckily, it had smashed into the passenger side, but the weight from the other car caused your car to shift, making you to hit your head against your steering wheel, and the car's window. the car crashed into a light pole. you were on the border between the cut and figure eight. nobody was ever there unless they were passing by. you struggled to look up, trying to see if you knew who had crashed into you.
the car that slammed into you looks vaguely familiar. you understood why when the guy who jumped out of the car was none other than ward, rafe’s father. you frowned. he rushed to your car, ready to yell at you but panicked when he saw who you were. ward immediately ran back to his car. he hopped into his car, speedily driving away.
you feel around for your phone. when you finally find it, your screen is cracked, and the screen is black. it won’t turn on. the phone must have slipped from your cup holder onto the side of the door, causing it to break. you drove your car forward so you weren’t positioned into the middle of the street. you shut your car off. your head begins to feel light headed, you close your eyes, trying to make the pain minimal. your eyes shut, and you could feel yourself slowly passing out. you try to stay awake, but the sleep engulfed you.
rafe was panicking. you were never late. well, yes you run late, but never without texting first. anytime you ran into trouble you would immediately message him and let him know. he hated this. he didn’t know what he should do. he tried to call your phone but it went straight to voicemail. he exited the restaurant, searching for either you or your car but he couldn’t find either. he frowned to himself. did you intentionally miss dinner? did he do something wrong? rafe was scared, what if you were in danger?
rafe pulled his phone out. he set his feud aside, calling pope. pope glanced at the caller id that was currently ringing his phone. he was shocked to say the least. “rafe?” pope questioned through the phone. pope didn’t want to answer but if rafe truly needed something from pope, he wouldn’t hesitate to get it from him in person. he knew it would be easier if he just answered and figured out what he needed. “pope?” rafe bombarded pope with questions about you; and your whereabouts. pope was confused. he hadn’t seen you since this morning.
“i’m sorry rafe, but i haven’t seen them since early this morning. i’m down the street from their house if you want me to knock on their door?” rafe sighed, “please. see if they are home.” pope nodded. “alright one second.” pope rushed to your front door. he knocked three times. “the car isn’t here, they seem to have left.” rafe smiled. “okay. thank you, pope. i appreciate it, man.” rafe felt relieved. “no problem.”pope hung up. you had actually left to meet him at the restaurant. but if that was true, why weren’t you at the restaurant yet?
rafe decided to stay put. he got confirmation that your car was gone. that shows you had safely left your house. if you don’t show in the next ten minutes then rafe would go looking for you.
you kept dozing in and out of consciousness. after the third time of passing out, you actually stay awake. you open your car door, stumbling out of it. your head hurt, and you felt light headed. you look around, no civilians. you yell out, but no one is around to hear. “HELLO??” you walk away from your car, just a little bit. you take in your surroundings. you walked back to your car.
you try to turn your car back on but the engine is stalled, it doesn’t even sputter again. you sink into the seat, laying your head on the head rest. you pull down the little mirror, examining your face. you hadn’t noticed, but the top right of your forehead was bleeding. It looked to have a pretty big gash. you had a bruise on your left cheek from when your head slammed against the steering wheel. you look at the time, noticing that it was ten minutes past your date with rafe. you jumped out the car, walking towards your house once more.
before you could step inside, you ran into pope. you noticed he peeked through your window. “peeping pope, why are you looking through my window?” you laugh at the added nickname. he stayed still, thinking of an explanation. “rafe called me saying you were late to something and he was worried.” he finally turned around, glancing at you. “what! what happened to your face?” he rushed towards you automatically inspecting the cut and bruises.
“i got in a car accident, ward cameron t boned into me.” you continued, “he got me good. slammed my head against the window and the steering wheel.” pope shook his head, panicked. “we have to get you to the hospital! you had two blows to your head; that's double the chance of internal bleeding.” pope helped you, carrying you inside his dad's car. he speedily drove you to the hospital, signing you in. they took you back, while pope stayed seated in the waiting room.
someone was going to have to call rafe; and it certainly wasn’t going to be pope. before going into the back room, you had handed pope your phone. he plugged it into the quick charging station to see if it was dead. sure enough, the low battery symbol turned on. the phone automatically turned on, showing the numerous mixed texts from rafe. pope ignored them, not wanting to be the one to answer them since it wasn’t his phone.
rafe decided to check your location one last time. the first few times he had checked, it said your location services were off. he didn’t know why it said that, he honestly believed it to be some glitch. rafe’s air got stuck in his throat when he saw your location had updated to being inside the outer banks hospital. he jumped in his car, not even thinking twice. he drove straight to you.
he gave himself a prep talk, telling himself to just remain calm and to see what was going on. he walked into the hospital, his eyes searching for you. he didn’t see anyone he recognized until he saw pope, with your phone situated in his hand. he walked towards pope, snatching the phone from his arm. “why do you have this?” pope shook his head, muttering under his breath. “shit.”
“come on pope. spit it out.” pope shook his head. “rafe, before you do this protective bullshit, just know i’m actually the one who saved them.” rafe stared at pope, confused. “saved them? from what? what do you mean saved them?” rafe questioned pope, “someone crashed into them while they were driving to you. they found me and i rushed them here.” rafe stared at pope. “how bad is it?”
pope shrugs. “i’m sorry, i really don’t know much. they said they were t boned, their head hit the window and the steering wheel. we drove by the car, it’s totaled. crashed into a pole.” rafe continued to stare at pope with wide eyes. “what… how long ago was this?” pope looked out the hospital windows. “a little after they left their house i’d say. it was a seven minute drive from my house to the crashed car, so i’d say five minutes.” rafe sat in the seat directly to popes left.
rafe was breathing erratically. his mind running wild with the amount of possible outcomes. the nurse walks out into the waiting room; and calls your name. rafe immediately stands up walking forward. “we believe the car crash caused them to undergo serious head trauma. no signs of internal bleeding; but we are still checking everyone in a while. you can go back and talk to them if you want.” the nurse smiles softly. rafe looks back at pope, and pope nods his head.
rafe continues, following after the nurse as she leads him to your waiting room. when he walked inside, you were peacefully sleeping. “they should be waking up soon. we truly believe that they will be okay.” rafe nodded at the nurse, watching as she left him. rafe’s hand reached up to yours, grabbing it. he scooted the chair closer to the bed. rafe quickly texted pope saying that he was okay to leave, and that he would keep pope updated.
the wait at the doctors felt like hours, but rafe stayed with you the whole time. he had sat on the chair by your bed, his hand always holding yours. the nurse comes back in. “i’m sorry sir, but visiting hours are over, usually we would allow people to stay the night but in this case they really need rest and if they wake up and you’re here; they will force themselves to talk to you.” rafe frowned, “they have a chance to wake up, and now you want me to go home?” the nurse frowns at him. “i’m sorry, but they need to sleep as much as they can, you can see them bright and early tomorrow morning at seven am.” rafe slowly lowers his head. “okay.”
he walks out of the hospital room, and to his car. he decides he will go home, get clothes prepared for you, and will try to figure out your car situation. then he would sleep, wake up, and meet you at the hospital right when visitation opens. he put his seatbelt on, driving home.
when rafe reached his house he realized that his dad's car had crashed in the front. it looked gruesome. rafe walked inside, greeting his dad. his dad nodded his head in response, walking away. rafe went straight to wheezy, his sister. he knocked on her door and went to open it. “rafe?” she questions him. he looked around. “what happened to dad's car?” he hoped wheezy knew. she tilted her head inviting him inside her room.
she began to whisper. “okay, so basically like our dad t boned someone on the outside of the cut, and he said it’s completely the other person's fault; but sarah believes that’s not true unless he didn’t actually t bone someone, and he was actually just getting brake checked on the highway. how could it not be his fault?” wheezy looked up at rafe’s face and was utterly shocked by his expression.
“rafe? why are you looking at me like that?” wheezy tilted her head to the side, confused. “our father is the reason..” rafe shakes his head, now pacing up and down the floor. you were in the hospital, because of his father. he filled wheezy in, telling her about what happened with you. she gasps in shock. “what are you going to do?” wheezy watched him, he was frantic. “i’m, i think i’m going to confront him.” wheezy half smiled, “okay. you got this! good luck!”
rafe left his sisters room and head to his fathers office. he was always scared of his father, now more than ever, but he needed answers. he knocked three times on the door, and his father opened it, to reveal himself. “hello rafe.” he walks inside, sitting on the chair in front of his desk. “dad, i know you are the reason the car is crashed; and you are the reason someone very important to me is in the hospital.” his dad stood up, straightening his back. “no. they twisted the story, now out. i won’t have you critique me in my own room.” rafe wanted to stand his ground, but he knew he should back down.
he didn’t want to waste all his energy, he still needed to prepare to see you. rafe went straight to his room, picking out a pair of his sweatpants, and a hoodie for you to change into after you get released from the hospital. he put the extra clothes including a pair of your socks into a baggy. rafe speedily changed into pajamas, and hopped into bed. hoping the morning would come faster.
rafe woke up at 6:20am. he had taken a quick shower and changed into new clothes. he grabbed your bag of clothes and hopped into his car. he drove straight to the hospital. he had arrived five minutes before visitation started.
at 7am on the dot, rafe was walking to your room. you were awake, the frown on your face caused his heart to drop. “hey baby.” you glanced up at him and softly smiled. “hey rafe.” he smiles in return. “how are you? i brought you extra clothes.” he lifted the baggy up, before setting it on the extra chair. you reach your hand out to him, and he swiftly moves closer to you. he pulls the chair up once again, sitting directly by your side. “i would have stayed here all night but i was kicked out.” you nod at his words, “sound about right.”
he smiles, his hand tracing shapes on your palm. “how are you feeling?” you wait. “i’m okay. the doctor said the worst thing i have is a concussion. they said if all the other tests come back good, then i’ll be cleared to go home.” he nods smiling, “yay! we’ll be able to take you home!” you bite your lip containing your smile, but it quickly turns sour. you frown at him.
“i’m sorry, rafe.” you look away from him, avoiding eye contact. “for what?” he questions, his heart speeding up scared at what you are about to apologize for. “for missing our date, i really wanted to go.” you frown. he cups your chin. “it’s okay, trust me. i already have it rescheduled,” he looks over at you. “so once you get better, we can go on like we originally planned.” the room went silent, the only thing being heard was the heart rate machine slowly beeping.
“rafe i love you.” he smiles. “i love you too.” you nod contentedly. the doctor walks in, “good morning. today you’ll be able to go home. you seem to only be suffering from a concussion. you’ll have to stay home and rest, don’t do too much or else you’ll be delaying the inevitable. the less time you relax, the longer you’ll be suffering.” rafe talked to the doctor as you played with the tape from the iv inside your hand.
rafe nodded. the nurse came over to you, taking the iv out, as well as the square patches that covered your chest. she left, shutting the door, allowing you to get dressed in new clothes. you frown, the medicine they gave you makes you feel slightly sluggish. “i’ll help you, don’t worry.” rafe untied the medical gown, he slipped it off. he grabbed the hoodie, placing it over your head. you slip your arms through the holes, rafe’s smell surrounding you.
you sit up in the bed, your feet over the edge. you hiss at the cold floor which hits your sock less feet, making you cold. rafe slid his sweatpants on to you. you go to stand up, but he stops you. “let’s put your socks on first, the hospital floor is cold.” you sit back down on the bed. his hand reaches for your foot, it is cool around his hand. he slid your socks on, and then the sweatpants. finally putting your shoes on. “thank you rafe.” he tied the plastic bag shut, it now filled with your old clothes. “anytime baby, i’m always here for you.” you stand up, your hand slipping into his hand, his arm stabilizing you.
the nurse walked in. “the medicine we gave you should be wearing off shortly. that’s why you seem so… out of place.” the nurse nodded, signing you out. the nurse walked you to rafes car. fear began to creep up, now nervous to be in a car again. “it’s okay, you’ll be okay.” you nod. you sit yourself in the passenger seat. rafe thanked the doctors, before running to his side of the car. he hopped in, putting his seatbelt on. he looked over to you, making sure you were okay. he drove extra careful, going straight to your house.
once you arrive at your house, the medicine wears off allowing you to be able to be yourself. you walked to your front door. rafe used his spare key to unlock the door. once inside you go straight to your room, rafe following after you. you lay down on the bed, you pat the spot by you; and rafe sat down by you. he cuddled with you. his head finding its way in your neck, his arms wrapping around your torso.
after a few minutes of silence you spoke up. “your dad is the one that hit me. he ran through a red light.” rafe frowned against your neck, whispering. “i know.” you nod, your hand running through his hair. “okay.” you smile softly, closing your eyes. falling asleep with rafe by your side.
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garrettwrites · 3 years ago
Can villains just be evil? No justification?
The answer is yes, but not in the way you think.
You can absolutely have an antagonist that is just a complete piece of garbage. A manipulative bastard, a person who craves violence, a destructive force of nature, or someone who acts so wild you can't even predict their next action no matter how hard you try. They don't need a tragic backstory, or to have been treated badly in order to be what we consider "morally screwed".
In fact, I believe giving your villain a sob story for purely justification means doesn't work. The reason why is very simple: your villain can have their backstory reflect on why they behave like they do, if they were created with such story in mind. If the backstory is there as an afterthought to try to justify their actions, it falls flat. No, giving a flashback of the villain's parents not letting them visit their friends isn't an instant "oh poor character A, they weren't socialized as a kid! Makes perfect sense they now wanna ruin relationships!".
However, this doesn't mean they would be just empty vessels for the author to put all evil in the world inside of them. There should still be a logical conclusion as to why they behave like that, or at least something that remotely makes sense.
For example, let's assume your villain had a normal childhood. Not the best, their parents still argued with them from time to time like all parents do, maybe their grades weren't top of the class but they still were good enough to get them a scholarship later on, maybe they had a pet turtle that they liked, and a stable group of friends.
Yet your villain slowly grew up hating stability. Despite their outer appearance and actions, they were perpetually bored. They craved something more. One day they get the chance to unleash just a small, momentary chaos inside their workspace, and suddenly, they feel joy and entertainment for the first time in a while.
They get addicted. Walking outside the norm and triggering chaotic situations breaks away from the slow spin their world did up until then. Small pranks become bigger and bigger, until your character is out there burning the world down for fun, no matter if innocents get hurt or killed.
In this scenario, nothing tragic happened to them. They were just bored, and found joy in morally questionable actions. This would work if you want an unpredictable villain that can't be "saved" by making them see their past doesn't reflect them, since they aren't bad because their past was horrible, they're bad for shits and giggles. Yes, it makes them borderline irredeemable, but you don't need to redeem all your antagonists. And if you want to, making such a character turn for the good requires more skill and thought than most do, which would be a fun work in on itself.
Many villains can follow this formula. A villain kills because they enjoy seeing life drain out of their victims. A villain is a greedy boss of a billion dollar company because they love the luxury few can afford. A villain is monstrous because they decided being human just wasn't that fun.
You don't need a tragic reason or a plot twist for your antagonist to be bad. You just need to convince the reader their motives, morals or ambitions are so strong they push "good, acceptable" behaviour aside to have their way.
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lampmanliveblogs · 2 years ago
The false 'outer layer' of Philip's mindscape shows a rather disturbing reality to the man. His constant lies and distortion of the truth to those who meet him, him adopting the various different 'masks' and identities he needs to convince people he's trustworthy, his constant alteration of events to suit his perception... It's not just that he's manipulative and wants events to proceed a certain way to suit his goals, he really does think that's how events happened. Luz cracking his mask, exploding the portal and freeing Eda was spun into a 'triumph against Wild Magic ' inside his own head, where no-one else would ever see it. Wittebro falling in love was turned into a 'betrayal' against him, and a 'Mistake' that the Grimwalkers keep repeating, not because they have basic morality, but because they're 'flawed and broken' and it's better to start over than trying to 'Fix' them. Luz isn't disagreeing with him because he's wrong, it's because she's crazy, and if you can't talk a crazy person off a ledge, maybe it's easier to just push them off and get it over with. Even his true memory portraits are damaged, indicating just how hard Philip's willpower is distorting his perception.
And all this is spun off his need to control events, to have reality play out the way it does inside his head, because that way, he's right and everything he's done and will do no matter what is also right in the end. Philip cannot be reasoned with at all, because he's spent centuries locked up inside his own head and twisting his mind until it's a hollow shell of a rational human being's. He's lied so long and so loudly to everyone he can force to listen, that the ugly truth of reality compels him to violence every time somebody confronts him with it, because he can't handle the truth. In an ironic way, despite being analogous to a rigid authority figure that wants to force luz to 'grow up' and let go of her childish fantasies, Philip is the one that's spent centuries living in a fantasy world, whereas luz has been growing up from her time on the isles, and since this truth demeans him and all he's done, he denies it and the fact luz is right, even as the vision of 'reality' that awaits him outside the little kingdom he's built no longer exists. Philip is the last witch Hunter in existence, and the profession itself was not the heroic endeavour he seems to see it as, but and excuse for greedy individuals to seize land from the accused once the 'witch' was found guilty, but nobody seems to have told Philip this when he was a young boy, and as he got older, he only got better at ignoring the signs from reality that conflicted with his perception of events.
To paraphrase a certain talking head, "one thing to remember about liars, lad- they lie. They do it on principle. No issue too big or too small. They lie about anything they can get away with, and some things they can't, just to demonstrate their power over reality".
In a tragic way, Philip lies the longest and the loudest to himself more than anyone else, making him his own greatest victim of his delusions.
I think that at some point while doing the liveblog, I thought of talking a bit more about how Belos own mind distorts the reality of things in a way that makes him look better; the "Triumph Against Wild Magic" painting in particular, showing him as the victor, while in reality, it was more of a tie. Luz didn't defeat him outright, but she got one up on him, managing to get away with Eda and the others AND slowing down his plans by destroying the portal (and taking the key with her; if Hunter hadn't managed to take it from Amity, the portal would still be essentially useless).
Why didn't I do that? Because I forgot. Whoops.
These are some great insights though, much better than what I could've said. Especially when it comes to his need to control the world around him. Even after Hunter got the key for him, which he needed for his plans to work, he reacted with barely contained anger. Because even though he got the last piece he needed for his great master plan, Hunter disobeyed him, and he can't stand that.
I doubt there is anything that would make me sympathize with Philip/Belos at this point, but I will say this: The idea of him being the last witch hunter, someone who has so blindly pursued this false ideal for centuries, doing all the evil deeds to fulfill a crazy plan for the sake of a world that has moved past that and would condemn the things he did for them... there is something tragic there. He believes his works are for humanity's benefit, but everyone (well, most people) would be filled with horror if they heard of what he has done.
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tiffdawg · 4 years ago
I need thots on boba pls ma’am
oh god... i’ll be honest, i haven’t put much thot™️ into boba because he intimidates the hell out of me. actually, that’s a lie. first, preteen boba annoyed the hell out of me in the clone wars and i just didn’t see the appeal even with ot boba. han solo and leia organa were right there. then temuera morrison did this:
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fucking EXCUSE ME???? how is this legal?
this man really crawled out of a sarlacc pit just to snap some necks and break our hearts. he still intimidates the hell out of me but here we go...
rating: m | warnings: a little nsfw below the cut. mostly soft. nothing explicit. but maybe a little something akin to brat taming? idek... but gender neutral reader because anyone can be boba fett’s princess 😌
boba fett has lived a violent life. his quiet youth on kamino was disrupted by the sudden death of his father and this pattern carried on into the decades he spent as a bounty hunter. he might rule tatooine’s underworld, preferring the straightforward and familiar life of the criminals to anything else, but he’s looking for a softer touch. even if he doesn’t realize it.
his hands are physically scarred and figuratively covered in blood. he knows this. he’s reached a point in his life where he’s accepted this. when you show up one day, standing tall before his throne with your head held high despite the tragic situation that’s forced you to seek help from a known criminal, someone more than willing to work with the empire back in the day, he’s intrigued. you speak softly, and while you clearly don’t belong in the hutt’s old palace, there’s a quiet strength to you.
perhaps he’s gone soft in his older years, but he offers you his help.
and in a move that surprised everyone, except maybe one fennec shand, a few months later you’d taken up a permanent residence in the palace and in boba’s bed.
boba would not call himself a gentle man. rough, calloused hands caress your soft skin and gentle curves. a hungry mouth collides with yours, eager and demanding. a deep, smoky voice commands you, asks things of you he never dreamed you would do for him. spread your legs for me, little one. get on your knees, princess. lay back and let me take care of you, my love. and you listen. you always listen.
until one day, you didn’t.
he watches as you grow accustomed to your new place at his side. he never lets the dark tendrils of the underworld touch you, but as you traipse around the palace, skirting along the edge of danger, your confidence grows. and so does your inclination to test your new lover.
boba fett’s wild, reckless youth is behind him. he’s let go of the anger that fueled him years ago. and he’s traveled around the galaxy long enough to know that timing is everything and a strategic mind wins the day. he’s a patient man, but he has his limits. 
he’d been off-world for a few weeks and while he’d wanted to seek you out as soon as he returned, he was stuck holding makeshift court much to both of your displeasures.  
he’d made it explicitly clear that you were the one person he would never hurt. still, you should know better than to cross him. this man has no interest in anything resembling bratty behavior. 
as he sat on his throne, listening to some sleemo hutt drone on about the benefits of a potential partnership, he caught sight of you on the corner of his visor. you were engrossed in a conversation with a beautiful young coreworlder. clearly someone new to the outer rim. and clearly someone who didn’t know who you belonged to. 
because boba fett makes no qualms about claiming you as his own. you belong to him just as he belongs to you. 
but when he sees you smile as you place a hand over theirs, your pretty eyes flicking toward him to see if you’ve caught his attention, he realizes just what you’re trying to do. 
furious doesn’t even begin to describe his reaction. but boba fett is a patient man. he feigns disinterest in your little game. biding him time until the palace starts to empty as his visitors made their way out to the cool desert in the late hours of the night. when your companion, drunk on spotchka and your smiles, attempts to throw an arm around you and guide you back to their speeder, he gets a blaster shot right to the chest.
he expects wide, surprised eyes when you turn to him. instead, he’s met with a mischievous glimmer.
he wraps a strong arm around your bicep and pulls you against his beskar cuirass. his modulated voice rasps low against your ear, you’ve made a grave mistake, little one.
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Fear Not, Fair Maiden
(Thank you @spielzeugkaiser for letting me write a story about your amazing art! This was so much fun and it’s so fluffy. I may have thrown in a little nonhuman-Jaskier as a treat but Jaskier doesn’t know so...)
Etheid is the baby green dragon that Borch rescues in “The Sword of Destiny” book. I thought I’d make that scene more interesting and less sad for everyone by sticking to the book canon version for this story.
Jaskier woke up somewhere warm and soft and definitely not wrapped in the raggedy blanket he’d fallen asleep with atop his worn bedroll. He groaned in confusion and rose into a sitting position on the soft feather mattress to better wipe the sleep from his bleary eyes. He was sitting on a beautifully carved mahogany bed with four posts and lovely hanging curtains made of pale pink gossamer.
“Where am I?” he yawned to no one in particular. 
In my tower, a voice echoed through his head. The bard leapt from the bed, suddenly alert and terrified of whatever had brought him here. The voice returned, slightly frightened in its own right and clearly looking to soothe. Don’t panic! I’m sorry! I probably should have introduced myself better. Come to the window, my sweet visitor, and let me say hello!
“You’re not going to eat me, right?” Jaskier squeaked. 
Of course not, Jaskier. You’re my guest. That would be highly indecorous of me.
“Monsters with manners. Finally some decent company.” Jaskier made his way confidently out onto the balcony surrounding the tower’s main room and glanced around. “Hello? How do you know my name?”
A large, scaly green head rose over the side of the balcony wall and Jaskier took an involuntary step back. A thin-slit reptilian eye blinked at him. Once. Twice. Then the rest of the dragon’s face and snout appeared. Do not fret, my dear. You are in no danger at all. I merely wish to see a performance.
“You want me to sing for you?”
That was not my purpose in stealing you, but I would not be adverse to some music later this evening. I’m sure your Witcher is already on his way here to rescue you. Jaskier swore he heard the dragon release a deep, dreamy sigh from its steaming nostrils. Ah, I wonder if he’ll climb the spiral stairs and try to avoid the traps or if he’ll fight me first and scale the outer walls. 
“Wait a second,” Jaskier held a finger up. The dragon paused its daydreaming and looked down at its tiny human captive. Well, mostly human from what the dragon’s senses could pick up. Perhaps a bit of dryad in there somewhere. The semi-mortal’s connection to nature was stronger than most; ancient in a way that drew the dragon to him in the first place. Well, that and the handsome, white-haired Witcher who kept the bard close to his side like a favorite puppy. “You kidnapped me so that you could watch Geralt rescue me?”
The dragon’s enormous snout bobbed up and down as it nodded. The bard leaned heavily against the balcony’s edge and released a series of hysterical giggles. Are you alright, Jaskier?
“How do you know my name?”
You met my godfather, once. Borch.
“Oh, you’re the baby green dragon!” Jaskier perked up. This was an old friend, then. “My, how you’ve grown.”
And my, how you haven’t, the dragon observed. If the bard didn't’ know any better it appeared as if the creature was raising its eyebrow at him. You don’t seem to have aged a day.
“Haven’t I?” Jaskier glanced down. “Perhaps I’m just remarkably well preserved.”
Magic, the dragon shrugged. Anyway that is not my purpose here. I’ve grown bored with my usual antics and wish for something better. 
“So you thought you’d make up some entertainment by bard-napping me?”
“This is like a play, then? I’ve been given the part of Fair Maiden and Geralt has been cast as our White Knight? My Prince Charming, as it were?”
Yes, although you find Geralt’s animalistic tendencies and Witchery nature more alluring than any fairy-tale prince or wayward knight.
“Hey! Hands off my private, personal thoughts,” Jaskier cried, waving his arms at the dragon as if the gesture might sever their mental link. The dragon huffed out what may have been a laugh.
I cannot help myself, I apologize. My name is Etheid, by the way. So you can stop referring to me in your mind as Baby Dragon I Held Once.
“Sorry,” Jaskier shrugged. He laughed again, this time genuinely. “Do you think Geralt really loves me enough to come rescue me from an entire dragon? He knows you can’t be beaten with one or two flimsy swords.”
He is determined to find you, Etheid replied. He will be here in two days time. 
“So until he shows up do I just...sing for you, then? Is there any food? Oh, is there a bath!?”
You’re the most eager and friendly guest I’ve ever had, Etheid rejoiced. There’s food aplenty in the cupboard in your room. Wine, too. I also have bathwater ready at your request and I can heat it to whatever temperature you like. I even have costumes!
“Costumes!?” The bard beamed widely and clapped his hands together beneath his chin. He bounced up and down on the balls of his feet and even spun in a quick circle. “What kinds of costumes!? Is this going to be a tragic rescue? Is this going to be dramatic and romantic? You mentioned traps, what kinds of traps will Geralt be facing if he comes up the stairs?”
Eager to see your handsome Witcher again?
“Eager to make sure that he isn’t injured trying to save me from your lovely tower, here.”
He will be absolutely fine. These traps were made for squires to outsmart; he’s a Witcher.
“If he loved me as I love him,” Jaskier sighed wistfully, “Then this would be even more fun.”
Etheid considered telling Jaskier the truth about his Witcher’s romantic feelings for a moment but figured that it was Geralt’s job to do so, instead. The dragon could wait. The dragon could write such a fantastical scene that Geralt would have no other option but to admit his feelings to the jovial and kindhearted bard. 
There are dresses, of course, but there are some lovely robes as well. You can take whatever you like from the chest at the end of the bed.
“You’re going to regret saying that!”
Go ahead. Do what human things you must. I’ll heat the water and be on my way; dragons need to eat, too.
“No pesky villagers, please. Stick to wild animals so long as I’m your guest?”
I am not a heathen, Etheid scoffed. Deer only for now. The forest is fat with them.
“Excellent. See you after dinner and a bath, then. I’ll sing you some lovely ballads.”
About your White Wolf?
“I wouldn’t exactly say that he’s my White Wolf,” the bard blushed. “But yes, songs about Geralt.”
Geralt reached the base of the stone tower and squinted up. It seemed endlessly tall against the rocky mountainside and the blue of the sky. Jaskier was up there, though, and the dragon was probably nearby. The Witcher had chosen not to wear his armor for this particular rescue mission; it would only make him noisier and this was a battle of the wits. Dragons wanted to be outsmarted, not slain.
Geralt remembered Borch Three Jackdaws fondly, the golden dragon that had shown him such kindness and taught him that not all monsters were to be feared. Well, Borch hadn’t so much taught Geralt about the nature of monstrosity so much as he had reinforced a previously held belief. 
But that didn’t matter now. As he slid into the passage that led to the tower stairs his only focus was his stupid bard’s physical safety. 
No, Geralt, the Witcher corrected himself firmly. He is not your bard, he is merely a traveler who chooses to spend some of his free time dallying about with you. He likes writing songs about your adventures and that is all. 
He could hear the sound of a lute growing slightly stronger as he ascended, and kept his eyes peeled for any sort of traps or pitfalls. He sidestepped two swinging axes with ease and ducked beneath a flying crossbow bolt as simply as he breathed. This tower was for amateurs, not highly trained Witchers with unparalleled senses. Not the most graceful Witcher the Wolf school had ever turned out onto the path. Not Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier’s Witcher. 
Jaskier stopped singing suddenly and set his lute to the side, as planned. He laid himself out as Etheid had suggested, the white cotton robe pooling around his bare legs and spilling rather nicely off his left shoulder. He’d cinched a soft blue ribbon just so around the curves of his waist. His hair was ruffled just the way Geralt liked it; the way it was when he saw the Witcher’s gloved fingers twitch at his sides, clearly aching to touch him but too afraid to make a move.
He’ll have to make a move this time, Etheid said. Jaskier could hear the smile in the dragon’s words. Get in position! He’s nearly to your room, Jask!
“Jaskier!” the Witcher cried, bursting through the door only a moment later. The bard could sense Etheid just outside the window, hidden by a thin curtain that hung from the back of an ENORMOUS four-poster bed. Geralt was too excited to find his precious bard safe to care about the looming threat.
“Geralt! You came for me!”
“Of course I did,” Geralt rolled his eyes. “You’re always getting yourself into trouble.”
Ugh, you’re so right. He’s horrible with romance.
Jaskier stifled a smile but Geralt caught it anyway. 
“What’s so funny, bard?”
“My captor doesn’t find your rescue speech very romantic or amusing,” he said, pulling the curtain aside. Etheid’s large blue eyes were focused on the scene, waiting for something good to happen. The dragon had been bored for so long and he’d heard so much from Borch about this White Wolf and his loyal, loving bard. Jaskier whispered the next line as if Etheid wasn't’ supposed to be hearing it, “Perhaps you should make our little reunion more flowery?”
“Jaskier, I - uh,” Geralt swallowed hard and took a step forward. Might as well go for it, the Witcher thought. “I’m so glad that I made it back to your side in time. I’m so glad that you’re unharmed.”
“I knew you’d come for me,” Jaskier sighed, holding out his hand. Geralt stepped even closer, leaning down to press his lips against the petal-soft skin of Jaskier’s knuckles. The bard blushed softly and Geralt felt his own face heating up to match. “You always save me, even from the worst situations.”
“I always will.”
The Witcher had admitted his greatest secret aloud before he could stop himself and he watched the bard’s eyes widen even further. Geralt’s brand of gruff sincerity was unmistakable. 
“Geralt,” the younger man grinned, tears gathering in the corners of his perfect, cornflower blue eyes, “I knew you loved me back.”
“You mean...?”
“Of course, silly,” the bard laughed, throwing himself up off the mattress and into Geralt’s arms. “I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you brooding at that tavern in Posada!”
“Oh Jaskier,” the Witcher gasped. His lips found the side of his bard’s pale neck and out on the balcony Etheid released a happy, contented huff. “I would give anything and everything to know that you were safe.”
“My sweet Witcher,” Jaskier leaned back, cupping Geralt’s face between his hands. His weight was now being entirely supported by the thick arm wrapped around his waist and he reveled in the strength of his beloved before leaning up to kiss him. “Then you must know how I feel every time you leave me on a hunt. Or go to fight with Yennefer about something silly.”
The Witcher could only press their foreheads together and breathe in the happy, rain-shower scent of his Jaskier. “Hmm.”
Excellent, yes! I can’t wait to tell Borch and my friends about this! Etheid cheered. Congratulations, Jaskier! I’m so happy for you!
“Thank you,” the bard murmured. 
“Hmm?” Geralt hummed again, raising an eyebrow. Jaskier pulled his head away and shook it. 
“Don’t worry about it. Are you getting me out of here or not?”
“Can you walk in this getup? Will the dragon just let us go?”
Jaskier shot a curious glance towards Etheid, who nodded.
Tell him you can’t walk, though. I want to see him carry you off to his horse and ride away with the white robe flapping in the wind. Maybe he’ll even wrap his arms around you from behind to keep you safe. Like a real princess. 
“No, I can’t walk in this silly thing at all. Keeps getting tangled around my ankles; I’d probably fall down the stairs and kill myself.
Geralt swept the younger man up into his arms and grabbed his lute from its place on the floor. “Well, we can’t have that.”
“No, my Witcher,” the bard replied with a contented smile. “We can’t have that at all.”
And if one of Etheid’s curious friends kidnapped Jaskier a month or so later and three countries over then...oh well. More weird dragon friends for the both of them.
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kyrievali · 5 years ago
I've been reading your posts and in one of them you mentioned that Iroh in fact is very shady and Azula has every right to hate him, may you explain why?
Sure, I’ll go into it. 
Let me start off by saying that I actually really like Iroh as a character. I think he’s great and well-written. I think the fandom tends to gloss over his flaws and label him as “perfect”, which is not true. One of his greatest failings (aside from making two teenage siblings fight each other for the throne...or really not intervening at all where Ozai is concerned) is his treatment of Azula, and him saying “No, she’s crazy and needs to go down” and essentially writing her off when, if you compare Azula’s personality with Season 1 Zuko, they’re really not all that different. Azula, people tend to forget, is a 14 year old girl who was as much a subject of abuse as her brother. Zuko and Azula were essentially pitted against one another to both gain Ozai’s affection and, more importantly, avoid punishment. The only difference is that she was rewarded and praised by Ozai for her power and cruelty, while Zuko was punished for his “shortcomings”. Zuko’s entire storyline proved how important it is to have a good, guiding parental figure in one’s life, and it’s tragic that Azula didn’t have that.
Now, let’s talk about why Azula probably hated her Uncle.
1. She thinks he’s a failure and, worse than that, weak
And I don’t mean weakness in terms of his firebending skills. Let me explain - Fire Nation citizens are ingrained with Nationalistic pride and complete loyalty to the Fire Lord from a very young age. Iroh, once upon a time, was the heir to the Fire Nation’s throne and the favored son of the notoriously cruel Azulon. He laid a 600 day siege against Ba Sing Se during which his son, Lu Ten, was killed. This tragic event caused him to withdraw his troops, despite having breached the outer wall.   
Upon his return home, his father dies under mysterious circumstances and decrees that Ozai will be the heir to the throne. Instead of contesting it, Iroh leaves the Fire Nation and ostensibly spends his time traveling the world, meeting with the Dragons, and getting in tune with the Spirit World. Doing so gives him the knowledge and wisdom to see the error of his ways, at which point he returns to the Fire Nation and serves as a General in the army. 
Let’s look at this from the perspective of Azula, or really any other citizen of the Fire Nation. Their country waged a nearly 2-year long siege against the Earth Kingdom - and right when they make progress by breaking through the first wall, the Crown Prince gives up because his son died. Countless Fire Nation lives and resources were spent on this 600 day campaign, and they end up with nothing to show for it. If you look at the philosophy of Sozin, Azulon, and Ozai, they likely would have used the death of Lu Ten to galvanize the troops and double their efforts, in an attempt to exact revenge against the Earth Kingdom for daring to spill royal blood - and so that their sacrifices thus far would not have been in vain.
And then, not only does Iroh withdraw from Ba Sing Se, he also abandons his duties and his country completely. Iroh had a reputation as a fearsome Firebender and cunning strategist - and he just leaves. So now not only is he a failure, but he’s also a deserter, one who abandons his nation while it’s reeling from a humiliating defeat and the loss of its Sovereign, Azulon (who, by the way, ruled for about 80 years).
In Azula’s eyes, all of this amounts to weakness, and as we all know from how she was raised by Ozai, weakness is unacceptable. 
2. She is parroting her father’s feelings of resentment
Given that Azula was the favored child of Ozai, it’s likely that she idolized her father and thought he was superior to her uncle, the Crown Prince (for the first few years of her life, at least, Iroh WAS the Crown Prince) and should have been the true heir to Azulon. We don’t see a whole lot of Ozai or his backstory/characterization, but it’s not unreasonable to assume that he, being many years younger than Iroh (it’s never officially stated, but Ozai is around 45 at the time of the show and Iroh appears to be in his late 60’s/early 70’s) had an inferiority complex growing up, and probably some form of sibling rivalry. After all, Iroh is already an adult by the time Ozai is born, and the Crown Prince, who has been groomed from birth to be Azulon’s heir. Ozai is an afterthought; an insurance policy, who at the very moment of Lu Ten’s birth, is outranked by an infant. 
Ozai probably resented Iroh his entire life, so it is not unlikely that Azula would probably feel the same way. 
3. He’s a traitor to the Fire Nation
Azula is a Nationalist and Ozai’s most loyal enforcer. Iroh’s a traitor, and as far as she knows, a corrupting influence to her brother, Zuko. She also probably thinks that he’s committing treason because (she doesn’t know any better) Iroh wants to be the rightful Fire Lord, and she is not going to stand for that. 
4. He reminds her of her mother
Azula is used to being the golden child - a prodigious Firebender, the favored daughter of her father, representative of everything the model Fire Nation child should be. And yet, her own mother does not appear to love her. Her Uncle has stated distaste for her. She thinks she’s doing everything right - because according to Sozin and Ozai’s philosophies and the emphasis of power and loyalty to the Fire Nation - she is; so why do two of her own family members prefer Zuko, the “screw-up” of the family - to her? 
It’s clear that Azula craves the love and adoration of others, but she doesn’t really understand it. I think as she grew older and saw more of the world and how people behaved toward her, she understood on some level that she was considered a “monster” and that people were afraid of her; but that’s how she was raised. Fear was power, and power was everything. And growing up, she was only ever positively reinforced for her ruthlessness and cunning by her father (of whom she is very much afraid, by the way...that is made perfectly clear in her attempts to bring Zuko home and also give him credit for allegedly killing the Avatar. Part of it is actually probably due to some level of affection she has for him, but part of it is definitely motivated by having someone else take the heat off of her in an abusive household) and she witnessed firsthand how perceived weakness was punished - so she did everything she could to achieve the ideal of perfection that Ozai, Azulon, and Sozin had proliferated. So she probably never really understood why her own mother and Iroh didn’t like her. And the fact that they both seemed to prefer Zuko, who she’s been taught to think she’s better than, would only further that resentment.
She thinks she can earn people’s affection by being a perfect Fire Nation soldier, because that’s what works with her father - and when it doesn’t work with Ursa or Iroh, two important adult family figures in her life - she doesn’t understand why and, even worse than that, it makes her feel inferior to Zuko. 
5. My final point is purely speculative, but...He didn’t do anything to directly stop Ozai’s rise to power
In the years after the war, after recovering from her mental break and maybe rehabilitating to become an advisor to Zuko (let’s be totally honest, a Nation whose entire economy for the past 100 years has been built on war and imperialization is not going to have an easy transition into peace, especially when they are expected to give up their colonies and play nice with an equally corrupt government that was controlled by the Secret Police force which has no qualms about brainwashing its own citizens...also the new Fire Lord is a banished Prince who is the apprentice of the Disgraced Prince and who returned to defeat the pride of the Nation, Princess Azula, Ozai’s Chosen Heir and the Conqueror of Ba Sing Se), Azula’s going to be pretty pissed that her supposedly wise and worldly uncle did not intervene in her megalomaniacal and abusive father’s rise to power. 
If my uncle, who never liked me, lost countless Fire Nation lives and resources in a battle that ended with him retreating, abandoned the Crown to go on a sightseeing tour of the world, returned and became a traitor to the nation by foiling the Admiral’s conquest of the Northern Water Tribe resulting in the loss of more Fire Nation lives, escaped from you multiple times and went on to become a tourist and small business owner in an enemy nation, turned your brother against you, did nothing to stop his own brother whom he knew was deeply abusive even after he came back after gaining all this supposed wisdom, and THEN also left you alone with your abusive father while taking your inferior brother under his wing and helping him become an extremely powerful bender who eventually defeats you with the help of a Water Tribe peasant...yeah, I’d be pretty pissed at him, too. 
To be fair, she probably never would have willingly gone with them because they were basically just sent on a wild goose chase at that point...but he never even tried to help her.
Anyway, that’s why I think Azula hates Iroh and honestly, she has every right to hate him. He abandoned her Nation and wrote her off completely, so there’s no reason she wouldn’t do the same.
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