#i love how loving and sweet and protective she is like she also immediately defends Zestiel
broadwayfangirl222 · 8 months
Can we talk more about Carmilla and how she did something that was seen as literally impossible by pretty much BOTH heaven and hell (kill an exorcist angel) in order to make sure her daughters were safe? Like in that moment she probably didn't even think she would be able to hurt the angel, much less kill them, but just went on pure instinct and did anything she could to make sure they could survive the extermination
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sleepyjuice · 3 months
jj x his big mouth girlfriend 🤭 like when kie confronted ward outside the court
I loved this so much this was such a cute little ask… also sorry for taking so long to respond to this, I’ve been crazy busy with work <3
“No, what’d you say? Don’t get all shy now, what the fuck did you say?!” You shot up from your spot on the sand, nearly knocking over the little picnic you and jj had set up.
A peaceful evening on the beach with your boyfriend was apparently too much to ask for, because not even ten minutes into your impromptu picnic, a couple had walked by where the two of you were sat and felt the need to snicker at the two of you, the girl mumbling something about you and jj ‘living above your means, huh?’ to her boyfriend, both of them laughing as they passed you two.
jj had gotten a pretty hefty check from work this week. Your one year anniversary was also coming up so he wanted to do something nice for the two of you, which is why he had surprised you with a nice beach picnic, takeout from a steakhouse he once worked at and splurged on a nice bottle of wine that you had only tried once when you babysat for a kook family, but you had loved it and assumed you would never have it again due to how pricey it was. You were very grateful for his efforts and admired how thoughtful and sweet he was for this.
jj stood up immediately after you did, standing protectively behind you as you yelled at the girl. Her boyfriend urged her to keep walking away, but she pulled away from him and approached you, the two of you now face to face.
“It’s just funny seeing you guys spending your rent on a date night.” The girl snickered, and you wasted no time lunging at her, but you were stopped by two strong hands pulling at your waist.
“Nope, nope, we’re not doing this. Let it go, baby, it’s okay.” jj spoke into your ear, your breathing heavy as you allowed him to hold you in place. You had a short fuse when it came to things like this. Not only did the overall classism piss you off, but the fact that someone was mocking the special night jj had set up… that had you seeing red. But you didn’t want to completely ruin the night by getting into a fight.
“That’s right Maybank, keep your bitch under control!” The girl’s boyfriend scoffed from behind her, and that was all it took for jj to lunge at him, wasting absolutely no time before tackling him to the ground.
“What the fuck?! You’re both fucking crazy! You gonna stop your boyfriend?” The girl screamed, causing you to laugh humorously as you shoved her harshly.
“Yeah, don’t fucking go there.” You spat, ready to defend you and yours.
Perhaps you and jj were a little tiny bit crazy… but that’s part of what made you the perfect match. When it was all said and done, you would both defend each other with all you had.
You would finish up at the beach, knuckles both a little bloody and bruised, hair disheveled and a little bit wine drunk as you made your way back home, jj’s hands grabbing all over your waist and your ass as you both giggled loudly.
“That was so fucking hot.” He’d tell you once you arrived home, picking you up with his arms holding just below your ass as he rushed you into the bedroom.
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sincerelyyuu · 5 months
"in the end, it's still you." p2. • gojo satoru & geto suguru
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ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ synopsis: you never thought the day would come where you would have to choose between your two best friends. but how do you say goodbye to someone who became one of your reasons for living? ➼ pairing: gojo satoru x fem!reader, geto suguru x fem!reader ➼ content/warning: angst with tons of pining and heartbreak, sfw, heavy s2 spoilers, pet names, cursing, mentions of death ➼ wc: 3.1k words ➼ a/n: here's the anticipated part two of this fic! can definitely read this part on its own as a standalone, but highly recommend reading part one for the full angst effect ♡ ➼ part one, part two, part three
You didn’t know how you got here. 
One minute you were on a mission. The next minute you were a fugitive on the run.
When Suguru and you left for the village, you didn’t expect to be standing in front of a caged cell that held two little girls. They were twins and looked to be no more than the age of five. Crouching down to match their eye level, you saw just how disheveled and scared they were between the bars. Clothes tattered, skin covered in dirt, eyes wide with fear. How cruel.
“Hello. I’m (y/n). That’s my friend Suguru,” you introduced softly, not wanting to spook them. Suguru nodded at them in greeting with a smile. “What are your names?”
“Nanako,” the light brown haired twin answered in a near whisper.
“Mimiko,” her black haired twin counterpart responded after.
“It’s nice to meet you both,” you smiled, leaning closer to them to whisper so that only they could hear. “Let’s get you out of here quickly, yeah?”
The girls looked back at you with surprise before a small smile appeared on their faces, nodding. You and Suguru were the first people to show them any form of kindness in this village. Unfortunately, their happiness was short-lived.
“These two are crazy! They used their mysterious powers to attack the villagers, right?” a male villager accused them both.
Furrowing your brows, you exchange glances with Suguru who shared the same sentiments as you. You both had already exterminated the cause of those incidents when you arrived.
“No, it’s not them,” Suguru exhaled, a hand on his head as he massaged his temple in disdain.
Ignoring his words, an older woman added more fuel to the fire, “My granddaughter was nearly killed by these two, too!” 
Nanako defended, “That’s because she-”
“Shut up, you monsters! I knew we should have killed you two as babies!”
“Watch your mouth,” you snapped, maneuvering your body to shield the twins from the vile woman. The girls immediately sought refuge behind you.
You couldn’t believe the words coming from them openly talking about killing the girls when they were sitting right there. You felt so sorry for the two. Based on what the villagers were saying, these poor children most likely hadn’t received an ounce of love in their lives. Instead they were treated like animals.
It was just like you to put yourself in harm's way to protect others with no hesitation. It was one of the reasons that made Suguru fall in love with you. It didn’t come as a surprise to him to see Nanako and Mimiko already taking a liking to you. 
Looking at the three of you, something in Suguru snapped. Lowering beside you, he offered you a gentle smile.
“Do me a favor. Once I step out, let the girls out and cover their ears. Stay here. I’ll come back for you three when I’m done,” he instructed.
“What? Why?” you asked in confusion. “Sugu… What are you about to do?”
He ruffled your hair playfully. “I’ll be right back. Now be a good girl for me.”
You looked at him wearily. There was something different about him right now that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. You also didn’t like how vague he was being. Still, you hesitantly agreed. Satisfied, Suguru stood up to face the villagers in the room.
“Everyone, shall we step outside for a moment?” he asked, a sickeningly sweet smile gracing his face. 
You were prepared for when you successfully freed the girls from their confines with Mimiko and Nanako instantly falling into your awaiting arms. Instructing them to cover their ears, you held them close and placed your hands behind their heads, letting them rest their faces against your chest.
“It’s okay, I got you. You’re safe now,” you promised them. “They can’t hurt you anymore.”
What you weren’t prepared for was the fiery blue flames that illuminated the village and the screams that ensued after.
A few days later, it was a beautiful day in Shinjuku. People were going on about their business as they maneuvered among the busy streets. The air was full of chatter with the hustle and bustle of city life. 
“I’ll go ahead and ask. Any chance the charges are false?” Shoko inquires with a smile.
Suguru shakes his head at the female sorcerer, “Nope. Unfortunately not.”
Shoko takes a drag of her cigarette, blowing white whips of smoke that dissipate into the air. “You know what, I can expect you to be able to pull off this kind of thing. But did you really have to drag (y/n) with you too? Where is she anyway?”
Suguru fights the urge to grin at the mention of your name. Crossing his arms, he peers up at the clouds drifting across the azure sky. “She’s-”
“-right here.”
The two turned their heads at the sound of your voice as you approached them, a bag full of pastries in tow. You waved shyly at Shoko who was relieved to see you unharmed. You were one of the few female friends that she had at school. It came as a big surprise to her when she heard the news of your shared sentence with Suguru. It didn’t seem like you to commit mass murder. Then again, neither did Geto.
“There’s Ms. Partner-in-crime. I was just about to ask Geto why this little situation came to be,” Shoko filled you in.
You shift awkwardly in place, unable to find the right words to respond. Sensing your discomfort, Suguru swiftly answers back, “I’m going to create a world of only jujutsu sorcerers. (y/n) here is the lucky girl who gets to help me.”
“Is that so?” the brunette laughs. “I don’t get it.”
“We’re not children. I’m not holding out hope that everyone will understand,” Suguru responds. He glances over at you as you stare into the crowd and zone out of the conversation. As long as you were beside him, he didn’t care if no one else understood. At least he had you.
Shoko whipped out her cell and promptly entered a series of numbers before placing it to her ear. “Hey, Gojo? I found Geto and (y/n). Yeah, Shinjuku.”
Hearing Satoru’s name, your body immediately went into flight mode. Breath quickening, heartbeat accelerating, and anxiety swirling in your stomach. You felt like throwing up. You knew it was inevitable to see him when Suguru suggested going to Shinjuku for the day under the guise of buying treats for Nanako and Mimiko. But you weren’t sure you were ready to see him yet. What could you possibly even say to him after what happened?
Before your thoughts could spiral even more, you felt a warm hand slip into your left and the pastry bag removed from your right. Looking up, Suguru didn’t make eye contact with you, only squeezing your hand in reassurance. He always had a sixth sense for how you were feeling.
“Excuse us but we have somewhere to be. Goodbye, Shoko,” Suguru waves at her nonchalantly as if it were any other ordinary day and like he’d see her in class tomorrow.
She waves back and turns to make eye contact with you, an unreadable expression on her face. Before you could analyze it, Suguru gently tugs on your hand and leads you away with him and into the bustling crowd of Shinjuku. The two of you walked for a few minutes in silence before a familiar voice reached your ears.
“Explain yourselves.”
Stopping in your tracks, you felt a lump form in your throat. Your nails dug into Suguru’s hand, leaving red crescents upon his pale skin. Suguru tried not to flinch at the pain. He knew that this moment would be hard for you.
After receiving Shoko’s call, Satoru wasted no time and immediately teleported to Shinjuku in search of his two best friends. All he can think of is, why?  Why would you both do this? It didn’t make any sense. He needed answers and he wasn’t stopping until he got them. 
Among the sea of people, his eyes searched and searched until it finally landed on one of his targets. He didn’t need to see your face to know that it was you. After all, he had engrained every detail of you into his mind from the way you looked to the way you moved. Your name lingered on his lips, longing to call for you.
“You already heard from Shoko, right?” Suguru answered him back without turning around. “That’s all there is to it.”
Unhappy with his response, Satoru felt his blood begin to boil in anger. “So you’re just going to kill everyone that isn’t a sorcerer? Even your parents?”
Maybe it was the way your heartbeat was beating so loudly in your ears, but you could barely hear what the two men were saying despite being right there. You knew they were exchanging words but your mind refused to process them. Instead it focused on the way Satoru’s voice was plagued in confusion and betrayal. You and Suguru, his two closest friends, had betrayed him without a word.
“You’re going to kill all non-sorcerers and create a world of only jujutsu sorcerers? You know that’s impossible!” you heard Satoru bellow from behind you. 
“You could do it, couldn’t you, Satoru?” the black haired sorcerer retorted back, now facing the enraged male. “Are you the strongest because you’re Gojo Satoru? Or does being the strongest make you Gojo Satoru?”
You felt a chill go down your spine from Suguru’s cold tone so different from the honey one he always used towards you. Was this the Suguru you’ve known until now? But then you remembered everything Suguru had gone through up until this point. Swallowing disgusting curse after curse with nothing to show for it for himself. Watching his friends and comrades die in front of him. You understood the shift in Suguru’s beliefs. 
That being said, you also understood where Satoru was coming from. You knew deep down that this wasn’t right. Innocent lives were taken to create a world that may not even be possible. However, there wasn’t anything you could do about it now. You were in too deep and if this was the hill you’ll die on, so be it. 
Frustrated with the conversation with Suguru, Satoru knew there was no changing that man’s mind. Suguru had zero regrets and had every intention of carrying out his new life goal. Shifting his focus to you, Satoru felt the anger clouding his vision slowly diminish, a sense of yearning overwhelming his senses.
His voice dropped to a low cry as he called out to you, “(y/n)...”
The moment your name left his lips, a wave of guilt settled into the pit of your stomach. You wish he hadn’t done that. In a perfect world, you would have turned around and ran into those strong arms that have held and protected you more times than you can count. You felt your resolve chipping away piece by piece.
But this world was far from perfect. You can never go back to the way things were. Still, you owed it to Satoru to properly say goodbye because you weren’t sure when you’ll ever see him again. 
You took a deep breath and stepped to turn around. Halfway through your turn, you felt Suguru’s grip on your hand tighten, looking at you in confusion and slight alarm. Were you changing your mind and leaving him? However, his tense shoulders eased when you squeezed his hand back in reassurance, communicating with your eyes that you weren’t going anywhere. Nodding his head, he let go of you.
What the fuck? Satoru thought to himself.
Watching the scene unfold between you two, he felt an insecure stinging pierce in his chest. His six eyes bored holes at your interlocked hands. An unsettling feeling gnawed at him at the fond look in Suguru’s eyes which stared directly into your own. It was the same way Satoru looked at you. 
Fuck. His best friend, Geto Suguru, was also madly in love with you.
Satoru could almost cry hearing you call his name. You took a few steps towards him, maintaining eye contact as you did so. He also took a step towards you but immediately halted when you raised your hand up to stop him from getting any closer. Standing a few feet from each other now in silence, you felt your heart break at the sight of your once confident best friend who now looked so small in your presence.
“...Why?” he asked, the tension growing thick in the air.
Fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, you replied, “You don’t understand-”
“Then, make me understand!” Satoru shouted.
Storming directly to you, he stopped so that he stood inches away from your figure. One more step and he could pull you to him and away from whatever this was. It would be so easy. He stood before you with his infinity off, silently granting you the opportunity to reach out for him. He never had it on whenever he was with you. He trusted you to let his guard down because you made him feel safe.
Satoru continued to interrogate you as he struggled to keep his emotions in check.  “(y/n), I know you. I know you didn’t lift a finger to kill any of those people. You would never take the life of another if they didn’t deserve it. So, why are you doing this?”
“I can talk to the elders. I can convince them to reverse your sentence because you didn’t do anything. They’ll listen to me,” he begged you, voice quickening with every line. 
“Is it because I’m away all the time? I’ll stop taking on more missions or have them assign you with me. Just come home.”
He was beginning to ramble now as he felt himself grow more desperate to keep you. Satoru was never the type to get down on his knees for anyone except you. 
Throughout the years, he fell for you hard. You had the power to render him weak with just your smile, the air leaving his lungs at the way you took his breath away. Your calming presence grounded him and brought him back to reality whenever things became too intense. It was the way you understood his thoughts and feelings before he even knew of them. You held his heart in the palm of your hands and right now you were completely destroying him.
Against your better judgment, you caressed the left side of Satoru’s face. The man immediately leaned into your hand as he melted at your touch, placing his hand over yours and seeking your affection. Brilliant blue eyes filled with anguish met your sorrowful ones. 
“Toru,” you smiled bittersweetly at him. “I can’t. The moment I go back, they’d kill me in a heartbeat. It’s too late for me. At least this way I’ll be protecting you.”
“It’s supposed to be the other way around. I’m the one that’s supposed to be protecting you,” he argued back. “Sweets, this is insanity. You can’t possibly be okay with this. Do you honestly agree with him and this crazy non-sorcerer world bullshit?”
You let your hand fall from his face, watching him grimace from the action. “It doesn’t matter what I think. What’s done is done. I made a promise to Suguru that I’d be there for him.”
Satoru scowled, “And what about me, (y/n)? Don’t you see that you’re hurting me?”
That wasn’t fair. How do you explain to him that you were doing what you thought was best? As the strongest jujutsu sorcerer, Satoru will always have a community rallying behind him. Suguru had no one. You didn’t want Suguru to live a lonely life alone. You cared too much about him. Hence, you promised to be that one person he needed.
Satoru felt like ripping his hair out in agony. He could feel it. He could feel him losing you. Any traces of anger slipped out of his body. He looked at you desperately, looking crestfallen and utterly wrecked as he felt hot tears burn in his eyes. 
“Baby, please,” he begged, voice almost cracking in the process. “I’m already losing one best friend. I can’t lose you too.”
Closing your eyes to stop your own tears from falling, you could only whisper an apology back, “I’m sorry.”
Satoru didn’t need your apology. He knew that you could apologize a million times and in the end, he’d still forgive you even if you were tearing him apart. He also knew that you were extremely stubborn and even more loyal. You had made up your mind and this was you saying goodbye. His fists went rigid causing his knuckles to turn white from the intensity of his grip.
“So, this is it? This is the life you’re choosing?” he let out an empty laugh, the smile leaving his face once his gaze met Suguru’s who awaited behind you. “You’re choosing him?”
Shaking your head, you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled his tall figure down to you into a tight embrace. Arms wrapping around you, he held you even tighter against him as if his life depended on it. In a way, it did. Breathing in your scent, he felt goosebumps rise on his skin when your lips brushed to whisper against his ear.
“This is me choosing you.”
Ripping yourself away from the snowy haired man, he stood stunned at your declaration and could only watch as you made your way back to Suguru’s side. The said male extended his hand back at you once more, pouting as you shook your head no. Vision blurring with tears, you walked past him and continued walking down the street to get as far away as possible, willing your broken heart not to look back.
Suguru could only sigh deeply. You just needed more time. Whenever you were ready, he’d be there every step of the way with open arms, forever set to love and protect you. Looking back at Satoru, he shot the distraught male a smirk and threw up a peace sign. Tucking his hands into his pants pockets, he trailed after you before you could get too far. 
In a moment of panic, Satoru raised his hands to prepare an attack towards the raven haired male. After a mental struggle, he ultimately dropped his hands to his side, fists clenching hard. He couldn’t do it. He didn’t have it in him to harm his best friend or else he’d risk harming you as well.
Satoru watched your figures disappear deeper into the crowd for perhaps the last time he’ll ever see you.
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divider credit: @/saradika-graphics
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angelbaby-fics · 7 months
Cg stucky x little reader x little Peter where he is the older bro and very protective about his little sis and they go to the avenger tower but she is in babyspace and non-verbal and he won't let anyone near her and is like "nooooo she to tiny you make her owie" and when someone else than their caregivers try to pick her up he Hit the person and get punished by daddies
Baby's Bodyguard
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Word Count: 800
A/N: This is such a sweet idea!!!! I love big bro Peter & there's gonna be a lot more of him coming in the future I think 💕 Also nobody yell at me but I haven't actually watched Hawkeye & I don't know anything about Kate imsosorry enjoy!! 💕
Joining the Rogers-Barnes family as their precious and littlest baby was the greatest thing that happened to everyone involved, but nobody took on a greater pride than your big bubba Peter. Steve and Bucky had been worried at first that he wouldn’t take it well, no longer being an only child and the absolute center of their attention. To their surprised delight, however, Peter took on his new older sibling responsibilities with a soldier’s pride. 
Any time you were out on an errand or playing in the park, Peter took it upon himself to keep a watchful eye on you, even though your daddies were more than capable. Whenever you weren’t in your daddies’ arms, you were holding Peter’s hand. At the playground, he’d go down the slide first to make sure it wasn’t too fast, and then wait at the bottom to catch you as you followed. When you ordered food in a restaurant, Peter always took the first bite to make sure it was safe. Well, maybe that one wasn’t as much about protection as it was getting an extra bite, but still. At parties and playdates it was a little easier for him to get distracted, but he always made sure you were within earshot.
That’s how you found yourself now, in one of the common rooms of the sprawling Avengers compound, stacking blocks into a castle while Peter half paid attention to Wanda’s game of pretend on the other side of the room, his focus divided between her and you. Steve was standing around the snack table talking to Bruce and Tony, while Bucky and Sam cracked open a couple of beers on the balcony. It wasn’t a party so much as a lively get-together, team members and family only. 
It also happened to be Kate’s first party with the gang. Kate had been kind to you the few times you had met her, engaged with you in your pretend games and played hide and seek around the compound with you and your friends, but you didn’t trust her all the way yet. She was new here, she didn’t know that the only ones you allowed to carry you were your daddies. When Tony announced that dinner was ready, she was the closest to you, so she picked you up to carry you into the dining room with everyone. She meant well, she handled you gently, but that meant nothing to you at this moment. 
Peter’s spidey senses noticed it first, the sharp intake of your breath as you started to wail. Poor Kate didn’t realize what was happening as everything unfolded. A sticky web splatted into the back of her shirt as Peter ran over to the two of you. 
“No! You put baby down!!” He shouted, smacking the side of Kate’s arm like a cat batting a toy; not enough to hurt her.
Kate let go of you as you flung yourself into Peter’s arms, now sobbing from both the fright of being picked up by a new person and the commotion that had followed it. Peter barely had time to comfort you when a strong voice rang out over the noise. 
“Hey!” Steve shouted, not needing to say anything else to get everyone in the room silent and staring at him. Even you had stopped crying when you saw your daddy enter the room. Peter immediately spoke out in your defense. 
“She was scaring baby!” He cried out, pointing an accusatory finger at Kate.
“I’m sorry, I wasn’t! I was just bringing her to dinner!” Kate defended herself, desperately hoping the super soldier would understand. It wasn’t Steve she was worried about, though; Bucky was glaring at her with ice cold eyes. 
Steve placed a calming hand on his husband’s shoulder, calming him instantly.
“Alright, everybody calm down,” Steve said, his face softening as he turned to meet your eyes. “Are you hurt, babydoll?”
You shook your head, reaching out for your daddy’s arms. 
“I promise,” Kate said, “all I did was pick her up!” “I believe you.” Steve nodded. “She just doesn’t like getting picked up by anybody but her family. It's okay, you didn’t know yet.” Kate smiled, grateful for the forgiveness. Your tears had dried, your breathing had calmed, and your tummy had started to rumble. Steve gave you a kiss on the head, and with the chaos settled, everyone began to shuffle off to the dining room. Peter mingled in amongst them until he felt a cold hand on the back of his shirt. 
“Uh uh, not so fast kiddo,” Bucky warned, pulling the youngster aside. “I saw you hit Kate. That’s not nice and you know it.”
Peter looked down at his sneakers. “I’m sorry Baba,” he said dejectedly.
“Don’t apologize to me, apologize to Kate. Bucky let Peter go, following him into the kitchen before adding: “and no dessert tonight!”
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sorcerous-caress · 11 months
Okay as great as crybaby!tav is we really glossed over the potential of mommy!Tav. I may be a smidge bias because that’s a lot like my tav, as she’s so damn determined to take care of her friends and was a baker before she was an adventurer so she’s constantly just doting on the companions offering them pastries. It’s a little self indulgent but My Tav has a little quirk that she grew up food insecure and just absolutely refuses to eat until she knows everyone else has eaten because she can’t bear the thought of any of her friends potentially going hungry. She’s normally very submissive and sweetly to all of them but no amount of begging, discipline or concern will break her because she just cares so damn much. Could you write the dom mom squad™️ reacting too something like that, who tries to comfort them? Who is incensed that she doesn’t believe they can provide? Who gets so hung up on the fact she’s being stubborn they forget the original issue?
A submissive mommy who can cook and give good hugs will literally fix 90% of the gang here, unironiclly.
Reacting to a very motherly Reader
[Bg3 women, fluff, dom mommies, afab!reader, fem pronouns, sub!reader ]
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Karlach would relish in your dotting.
During her life in the hells, she was both touch starved and food starved for so long. You being there to encourage her with the pep talks, headpats, and occasional pie is everything she has ever dreamed of and more.
As much as she wants to be the one to take care of you, she can't help but let relish in you fussing over her. The coddling, the comfort, and the constant attention are slowly frying her brain from how happy she is.
Did she die and go to heaven?
She becomes very protective of you, never lets you carry heavy stuff, and always asks if you need her to bring you ingredients or something during her errand runs. No, no, you don't have to tire your pretty little legs. Just stay in camp all sweet and pretty while she goes out and brings you everything you need.
If you didn't know any better, you'd think she's subconsciously treating you like her stay at home wife.
She really likes hovering around while you cook, watching you work attentively and sometimes begging for a sample taste with her puppy eyes.
And yes you being the one feeding her those samples is very important, it enhances the taste a lot.
It might take her a while to notice the fact that you were always the last one to eat. Or how you immediately offered your plate if someone else wanted seconds.
She thinks it's very sweet at first but slowly grows more and more concerned at your well-being.
I mean, if she had to, she would sit on your lap to prevent you from getting up as she hands you a plate of food. Your stern talk will just make her feel guilty and sad but she'd refuse to let you get up.
As much as she loves nothing more than to obey her mommy, sometimes she also needs to take care of her mommy like she takes care of her.
Minthara would admire your ways.
Tenderness and love were never words that anyone in her culture used to describe a mother, an ilhar. No, they tend to fall more on the brutal and disciplinary side.
An ilhar meant authority, control, and order. To defy her is to commit a sin. To show weakness in front of her is even worse.
She is reminded by that cultural difference whenever someone describes you as motherly.
The only thing you had in common with the matrons of the underdark was that underlying strength. That unbreakable will hidden so deep inside you, the urge to survive at any cost and defend your subordinates. She admired it greatly.
You were very strong deep down, strong to be truly worthy of the description of motherly. That kind of strength that the males will never understand, the kind of strength that nurtured even more strength.
So when a person like you showered her in hugs, kisses, and even brushed and styled her hair for her from time to time, how could she ever be ungrateful and say no?
You were generous and kind even when you had no need to be, you were selfless to a concerning degree.
She had to put a stop to that.
Minthara respects you too much to use any of the punishments or disciplinary ways that her matrons taught her. She will talk to you like an equal because that's what she sees you as.
She will be very patient with you. Stopping you when your self sacrifices become too much for your health to bear, Reminding you that you also require as much food and rest as the rest of them.
She'll teach you to relay on her slowly, as gentle as she possibly can be. Which...isn't very gentle, honestly, but she is genuinely trying her best.
Jaheira feels like you complete her.
As an actual mother to so many children, Jaheira still never truly grasped the whole motherly vibe people keep preaching about. Her kids are safe, fed, cleaned, and trained in combat. Isn't that enough?
So what it if she was absent on missions a lot, need I remind you that her line of work concers the safety of the whole world? What kind of mother would she be if she let the whole world, which included her kids, end just because she picked to stay at home and colour with her youngest.
She knows it doesn't excuse it. Give her a break. She is at the end of her age and hasn't had someone by her side since in a long while.
That's why when you suddenly appear in her life with all of the qualities she was severely lacking in, she almost thinks it's too good to be true.
...you almost remind her of a certain someone she lost long ago. You're just as soft and caring to others. Ironically enough people also underestimate a lot because of your kindness too.
She is drawn to you, like a moth to a flame.
Jaheira can't help it. You shine with radiance, and she hasn't felt warmth in so long.
The first few days she brings her kids home-cooked meals, they immediately hold a knife to her throat as they demand this doppelganger tell them where their real mother is.
But after some very awkward conversations, and having to bring you into her house as actual proof. They realised that their mother's stone heart can still beat after all apparently.
Shadowheart tries to play it cool, fails.
She has an edgy mysterious aura she needs to keep, and you're making it very hard for her. How is she supposed to be this dark, cool cleric of Shar when you keep gifting her these hand-knitted pastel sweaters with the most loving look in your eyes.
Of course she will wear them, she isn't heartless.
She's really trying not to show how touched she is when you look for her during dinner at camp to make sure she got her plate. She can't help the blush on her ears when you wipe some food from the corner of her mouth.
She's mean to people on your behalf when they're rude to you or try to take advantage of your submissiveness. Actually she is just mean to people in general if she doesn't like the way they look at you.
Loves taking naps on your lap, absolutely adores when you play with her hair or braid it. Your thighs are the perfect pillows for her to rest her head on and just forget about the outside world and her mission for a while.
She saves the best wine she finds to share it with you later, or the best sweets or fancy jucies if you don't drink. She had to defend her stash from both Gale and Wyll wandering hands, absolutely refusing all of their offers or begging for some of that fancy cheese or that perfectly aged wine bottle.
You're the only person she ever shares it with. She doesn't even want anything in return. She just loves seeing you happy and relaxed every once in a while. You always take care of them, so it's about time that someone takes care of you too.
Laezel has killed people for disrespecting you.
And she'll do it fucking again. These worms forgot their place. She doesn't even care how little their offence is, just efficiently ending their miserable life.
Why do you have a look of disappointment on your face? She did them a favour. She even made it painless and quick to compromise for your feelings.
Chk. Your softness will be the end of you. Be grateful that she is here to prevent that from ever happening.
You threaten not to take her with you on errand runs anymore if she doesn't put her sword away? You really think you can survive without her?
...okay yeah actually you can. You make a really valid point.
If it was anyone else she'd have taken that request as an insult on her honor, but since it's you...
Fine. She will listen for now.
And maybe if you keep making more of those faerun dishes, she will find it easier to listen to you. Especially the apple pie ones.
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randoimago · 1 year
Hi there! Could you please do the sfw A G S and Y for Astarion, Lae’zel and Karlach please? I’m watching a play through of the game and we just met Karlach and I’m already In Love With Her, I already have a soft spot for Astarion due to the fact that I was very quickly spoiled on his backstory and therefore got attached, and I just slowly got attached to Lae’zel. They’re my top three so far
Alphabet Headcanons
Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
Character(s): Astarion, Lae'zel, Karlach
Type of Request: Alphabet Headcanons
Note(s): Hated Lae'zel in the beginning but she very much grew on me. Tolerated Astarion in the beginning and he also grew on me. I fucking love Karlach though.
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Astarion is very affectionate once in an actual relationship with feelings. Before it was flirty looks and teasing words. Now it's his hand lingering on yours, him standing close by to be able to protect you immediately if needed (and because he enjoys you being close to him). Still flirty, but there are actual feelings behind it.
Lae'zel isn't really affectionate at all. She mostly stares, not really engaging in physical or emotional affection. If anything, her words are "Your shoulders look strong, your waist is very supportive" things like complimenting your appearance based on how good certain aspects of you are in a fight.
Karlach is constantly giving you puppy dog eyes because she wants nothing more than to be a big teddy bear and hug and kiss you all day. But she can't. So it's a lot of pouting and telling you what she wants to do to you.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Well Astarion can really be whatever you want him to be. So if you would prefer him to be more gentle with his kisses and with pulling you into hugs then he will. When it comes to emotions, he's always gentle. You don't need to ask because his default is being gentle and treating you well (when he's not being a jerk and teasing you, that is).
Lae'zel isn't really gentle at all. She's blunt with her affections and upfront about them. She wants you and that's all you need to know. She's not going to sit and compliment your eyes or hold your hand.
When Karlach is able to finally hold you then she throws gentleness out the window. She's just so happy to pick you up and spin you around and pepper your face with kisses. Will be more careful if you remind her since she still runs hotter than normal. But god is she so happy to just throw herself at you.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Astarion isn't that protective of you. Sure he'll flash his fangs or play with his dagger a bit if someone seems to be getting too close for comfort or is talking a lot of shit to you. As for if you try protecting him, he might get frustrated just because he can deal with whatever pain. You don't need to go through that for him. So he'd prefer if you didn't physically protect him. Now, if you decided to throw some sass or verbally protect him then he's very appreciative.
Oh you are Lae'zel's and she's not letting a single person harm what's hers. Will be there to immediately get her weapon out for a fight at the slightest insult that someone gives you. As for defending her, she'll say that she can take care of herself, but she finds it so hot that you'd step in and want to defend her. She'll gladly enjoy the show of dominance you give off towards whoever was insulting her and then she'll take you back to her tent.
Karlach tries to use words to get whoever to piss off if they threaten or upset you. But if push comes to shove, then she'll gladly push and shove them off a cliff. If you want to defend her then she's standing behind you and acting extra intimidating while admiring all the sweet things you say about her while making whoever you're talking to shit themselves.
Y - Yearning (how do they cope when they are missing you? are they alright with being without you for an extended period of time or would they prefer to be with you every day of their life without exception?)
Oh Astarion is just fine without you. He's gone most of his shitty life without you so if you're gone and he's stuck at camp or you're at camp and he's stuck talking to boring people then he's fine. And he isn't pouting more than usual, that's a ridiculous notion.
Lae'zel doesn't mind if you're gone for an extended period of time. She can throw her focus on her own goals because she knows you'll come back to her. She threatens you to come back to her. So until then, she'll wait for your return while making sure that she can be stronger for you.
Karlach doesn't like being away from you for too long. She can tolerate a couple days, but after that she has to see you again. She'll still be happy and cheerful if you two are separated but there's just an aching in her heart as she waits to see you again. Has definitely looked around camp or glanced around during her travels and kept an eye out for things to tell you about when she does reunite with you.
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aceof-stars · 3 months
Actually, “Feenie” Makes Perfect Sense as a Backstory for Phoenix (+ 3-1 Initial Thoughts)
I've decided to start a series where I record my thoughts and analysis as I play through the Ace Attorney games for the first time. I'll try to post these as soon as I finish a case so that my thoughts are fresh.
Phoenix Wright/"Feenie"
I've noticed critiques in this fandom that "Feenie" from Turnabout Memories is too different from Phoenix in the trilogy or that the backstory is poorly inserted. But, honestly I disagree. It's easy to treat Phoenix and Feenie as different people because of their different outfits and mannerisms, but I think the characterization is consistent (despite "Feenie" being exaggerated sometimes for comedic effect).
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I've seen the fandom portray "Feenie" as a sweet pushover. But if anything, his belief is extremely stubborn and strong-willed. Phoenix believed in true love and fate which was why he accepts that necklace in the first place. He also never relents to Dahlia (or should I say Iris) when she asks for the necklace back.
He’s only able to be used and manipulated by Dahlia because his own goals and beliefs aligned with the facade she presented to him.
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Phoenix literally shoves a guy so hard that he fell onto his back because he badmouthed Dahlia. I think one constant of Phoenix's character is that he cares too deeply and is protective over the people he loves.
There's also the part where Phoenix mocks Doug for being British? or wearing the British flag (I didn’t take a screenshot of it). “Feenie” is just as sassy and judgmental as Phoenix is. He might be a lot more naive and immature but he's still Phoenix.
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Oh Phoenix... back when you believed in people saving you... before you bottled up your problems and refused to let anyone help you...
To be fair he is the defendant here but still. He doesn't ask for support after Edgeworth disappears, he doesn't ask for help at first when Maya is kidnapped.
I think, unfortunately, this incident with Dahlia is what kickstarted a lot of his trust and abandonment issues. His overwhelmingly strong belief and trust in Dahlia backfired in the worst way possible. It’s not a stretch that this made him too terrified of betrayal to open up to anyone in the trilogy.
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So I know this is for comedic effect, but it’s also really good proof that Phoenix heavily idealizes the people he gets super attached to.
(Coughs in Edgeworth and Justice for All)
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… I mean he’s not wrong! But he’s also being delusional
This is one of the first things Phoenix says after finding out he was betrayed. He doesn't spend much time acknowledging his feelings of hurt. He just goes into denial.
This is just further proof for me that Phoenix’s coping mechanisms are suppression and delusion.
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And then Phoenix immediately he moves on to saving Edgeworth! He just shoves all that trauma aside to fixate on saving someone else... to cope by giving himself more control. Phoenix's savior complex stems from abandonment issues.
This trial doesn't give Phoenix the idea to save Edgeworth, it solidifies it.
After being reminded by Mia of his belief that a defense attorney saves people, Phoenix firmly sets himself on this path.
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There it is. Phoenix says it himself... he suppressed these memories. That's why he never brought it up in the last two games. I know the real reason is because the creators didn’t plan it, but it also makes sense narratively.
I mean, Phoenix hides the class trial story until Turnabout Goodbyes. This man does not like to talk about his problems or trauma.
Mia Fey
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Damn Mia is so brutal. Is this where Phoenix gets his sass from?
Mia is also not how I expected her to be. I mean whenever she gets channeled to help Phoenix out, she's in the role of the wise mentor. But here? She's a nervous wreck, cynical of romance, and full of trust issues.
Speaking of trust issues... I unfortunately did not take a screenshot of this but as soon as Mia finds out Phoenix has lying to her, she reacts very strongly with distrust. She also has to convince herself multiple times to trust in him again. Believing in people or trusting them doesn't seem to come easy to Mia. Which is super interesting because her advice is to always believe in your client. Maybe Mia eventually got used to trusting her clients but... she also never tells Phoenix about her investigation in Redd White. I don't think Mia is as trusting as she presents herself as.
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zombifiedheartg · 10 months
Yandere Mike and alters( team up if you want! ) with a darling that is the most sweet,caring and calm person of the world! That would never ever make something bad and protects everyone!
If you can't is ok! Take your time,rest well and have the best day of your life!!!! 💞
of course <3 and thank u so much, ur so nice! i didn't include chester for this, i'm sorry !! , i'm so sorry this took so long & it was pretty short :( i rlly hope u enjoyed it raaahhha
yandere mike & alters x caring darling..
cw : delusion, basic yandere behaviour, obsession, mentions of harming ppl, violence in general, mal in general, mike being clingy, manipulation & gaslighting , sexism, jealousy of course .
˚﹟🪐 'ಇ.
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he thinks you're the sweetest thing thats ever happened to him!! your caring nature is so alluring to him, you're like a dream. most of his life he's been made fun of, ridiculed and just overall bullied.
but with you, it's refreshing not to be mocked almost 25/8. and you always defend him, it's so nice! he's attached himself to you, he's so clingy.. he never goes anywhere without you. where you go, he goes.
it's so suffocating and annoying not to have any alone time, but you'd never tell him that, you don't wanna hurt your precious boyfriends feelings do you? the guilt would just eat you alive!
you're an angel to him.
the weird glances you get from people as he practically hangs on to your waist are worth it.
he's more possessive than he'd like to think, he gets jealous sort of easily. i mean, he trusts you! you're most loyal person he's ever met! another trait he loves about you, but it's not exactly you he's worried about.
he just doesn't think any guy or girl that flirts with you actually deserves the attention you bring them.
mike can't help but think your kindness is a bit too much, people never actually repay the favour. you practically give the world to others and get nothing in return! it's so unfair,
he'd never treat you like that. you aren't a stepping stool to him. you're so much more than that, why can't you just properly accept his love?
he also loves how calm you are, you can easily defuse any situation. your aura overall is just enchanting, it's usually so hectic on the island, surrounded by people who are polar opposites, followed with chris's sadistic life-threatening challenges, you always make him feel at peace somehow.
and that's something he always longs for.
''god, you're so cute!''
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none of the diamonds and other valuable things he's found in his adventures compare to how much you mean to him.
you're a real sweetie, and he loves it!
your compassion has quite the charm, he's found himself with a few scratches here and there after a wrong turn during exploring, and to see your beautiful face up close as you tend to his wounds, he's never been happier.
but lets be honest here, he's kind of a sexist at heart. he prefers to be the ''chivalrous'' one. sure it gets annoying when he doesn't let you do literally anything, but you'd never tell him that.
you're like a pushover in his eyes. so he'd rather cling on to you to ''protect'' you. you obviously don't need protection.. you're perfectly capable. he's seen the way you handle yourself, you could kick someone's ass for him if he asked! he babies you.
but this way, it boosts his ego to see you immediately going to him for help.
and you can really tell someone off if they tried anything, you're so trustworthy. he's honestly obsessed with your company.
he gets quite jealous. he knows you like talking to people and just overall being nice to others, but he can't help it. that person's lucky to even get a spare glance. let alone hear your voice.
''you're a treasure, aren't ya?''
༘ 💋 ⋆。𓍢ִ໋🌹 .
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oh you're a darling!
she adores how graceful you are.
you two are for sure the cutest couple on this island. you're the perfect person for her! you're just lovely to be around, she treats you amazing aswell!
she's one of the more tame yanderes. she's alot more gentle around you
she likes to teach you dances and such, sure she has way more experience, but she just wants to be close to you.
her love for you is passionate! she's so obsessed with you, you're always on her mind. and she always finds a way to include you in every conversation..
it's a bit of a problem for mike on the other hand. most of his friends are just tired of hearing about you, but svetlana can't help it! if anything, they should be glad to be hearing about you.
when you defend her, she just swoons!
and don't get her started on your beauty, your kind nature just intensifies it!
''your form is just wonderful!''
༘ ⋆。˚🎗
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damn, you're a doll.
he's always around you with an arm around your waist, or your shoulder. it's kind of a way to let people know you're ''his''. and he just likes touching you
he always takes your basic human decency towards him as a flirt. every time you even interact with him he's filled with butterflies,
he likes how calm you are, and how easy you take his flirtatious comments with just a small giggle. it's so appealing, sure he likes it when you're flustered, for some reason he's attracted to your peaceful-ness.
he was already cocky, but now that he's with you, it's just intensified. he feels so lucky to be with you. but who wouldn't?
he brags about you so often, it's tiring.. but also endearing, you're always the first person he goes to when he has a chance, that's a thing alot of the yandere's have in common, they can't stand to be away from you.
he tries to impress you as much as he can, whether that be with his looks, or his strength, he just wants to hear words of encouragement from you.
he gets jealous pretty easily, even if you're doing something as simple as helping someone, i mean c'mon, only the vito should hear his belˈlettsa's voice! he knows its just the way you are, but jesus.
''ay, can't get enough of me, huh?''
੭﹕ ̊ ̟ 🩸
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god it irritates him so much, you're so nice and benevolent its infuriating. he wants your attention fully focused on him most of the time, how can that happen when you're too busy caring for some fucking dork that probably wouldn't even spit on you if you were on fire.
he only likes it when you're gracious to him. with the others though? no way.
he's for sure way more violent than the others, he'd actually hurt you if it meant you'd just fall in his arms.
and you totally just foil his plans, he knows if he hurts anyone that even dared to get close with you, they'd still end up with you somehow, except with closer proximity. which is worse!
but that still doesn't stop him. he'll go as far as to kill that person. he knows who you'll go to for a shoulder to cry on..
he also can't help but think your harmless nature is adorable. you remind him of prey, just so innocent and full of life. he thinks the fact that you won't do anything bad is sorta annoying because he finds himself getting scolded by you for nearly murdering someone.
''what, you think they'll give you the same treatment i do? you can't be that stupid..''
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tsukasalvr · 11 months
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Anime/fandom: Tbhk
Characters: Tsukasa Yugi, Teru Minamoto, Kou Minamoto, Nene Yashiro, Aoi Akane
Warnings: I don’t proofread
A/n: hihi!!! And thank u so much!!! That’s very sweet and I hope u like these and sorry for the wait I was on a break<3
Tbhk masterlist | Main masterlist
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Tsukasa Yugi
Tsukasa is in love with you and how adorable you are. Loves to cling on you like a koala and smother you with love and loves how you happily accept it
Loves to carry you when you shrink and show you off and say how cute you are. Also thinks that the bamboo in your mouth is the cutest thing ever and will sometimes pull it off just to see your sharp fangs
He knows you’re a demon so often offers to get you meat but is stopped by Sakura who has to tell him it really isn’t necessary since you only need to sleep, which he will happily cuddle you through
Loves it when you show off your powerful kicks and strength, and also likes it when you protect him. Can’t help but giggle when he sees how quickly you regenerate and says how freaky and cool it is
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Teru Minamoto
He didn’t like you at all at first, he wanted to get rid of you even if it meant bringing you to the sun to burn. You’re a demon which means you’re nothing but evil who eats humans
But when sensed no dark aura from you and only sensed kindness and innocence from you, he instead watched you from afar at first and when he confirmed that you were in fact different, he instead got close to you and you both eventually ended up in a relationship with you
Thinks the bamboo in your mouth makes you very adorable and will offer you a mask instead to make it less suspicious. Will have a comfortable sofa in the student council room just for you to sleep in and Akane loves to make fun of Teru for being so cheesy which never ends well for him
It’s when he let you meet Kou and Tiara when he found out about how protective you are when it comes to family and loves to watch how you interact with his siblings
Although he wouldn’t want you to, he lets you if you really wanted to help him exorcise ghosts and knows that you can defend yourself well with your strength alone
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Kou Minamoto
Wanted to get rid of you to prove that he can be strong enough to get rid of something, even a powerful demon
Kou sees the good in a lot of people so it didn’t take long to see that you had no ill intentions and you were just an innocent demon that wanted to protect instead
He wonders if the bamboo always in your mouth gets gross or unsanitary so he offers you new mouth pieces or more small bamboo sticks if you really wanted to stick with your bamboo look
He can’t exactly offer you meat but he will offer you raw animal meat instead which is still weird but he hopes it works the same. But when he sees sleeping works just as well, he offers you to use his lap as a pillow even if he gets flustered the whole time
He admires your strength and hopes to be as strong as you and will ask if you can help him train to be as physically as strong as you
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Nene Yashiro
She was skeptical of you from the way you always had your mouth covered and mostly spoke with sounds instead of talking but any skepticism is immediately gone when she saw how adorable and kind you actually were
Yashiro thought that you were adorable and although she was scared when she found out you were a demon, she didn’t care. She knew you didn’t want to eat anyone, you were different and wanted to protect you at all costs even if she wasn’t as physically strong as you, which still amazes her
Although she knows you can’t eat human food, she still offers you cooked meat in disguise when you’re both in public and hopes it gives you some energy.
Offers you her shoulder or lap to sleep on and looks at you in awe when you sleep and thinks you’re so adorable. Sometimes she ends up sleeping with you with her head leaning on top of yours which I was leaning on her shoulder
Loves to carry you when you’re small and sometimes has you stuffed in a backpack just so she can carry you around when the suns out
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Aoi Akane
She knew something was off when she met you but didn’t really have any thoughts about it and even when she found out, she didn’t really care
Aoi knew how she felt towards you and had no problem with you being a demon. Plus you being so cute takes part in her not minding at all, loves it when you shrink and pampers you with cute accessories and clothes as if you’re a doll
An immediate power couple when it comes to looks; speaking of clothes, the way you have your mouth covered is a very creative and cute way in her eyes. Decorated your bamboo stick or mouth mask with stickers even if it’ll most likely fall off or get ruined
She’ll gladly let you sleep on her or have you shrink to fit in her bag to let you sleep and will even cover the inside with a blanket and plushies so you can sleep more comfortably
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merriclo · 2 months
cannot stop thinking about them so here’s some atsulucy headcanons <3
Atsushi will always scope out the toy section of thrift or second-hand stores for dolls and such for Lucy. at first, he always got her the prettiest doll he could find. but then he invited her to come along with him one time and saw her immediately gravitate towards the ugliest and wackiest looking doll there was, and ever since that’s the kind of doll he’s gifted her
in a similar vein, Atsushi tries his best to spoil her the same way he spoils Kyouka. he can’t afford anything fancy, but he’ll always pick her up some candy or a fun drink when she’s feeling down, and she’s got a little kitty keychain from him that she absolutely adores
Atsushi introduced Lucy to chazuke, and in turn Lucy introduced him to a lot of American and Canadian foods, like hashbrowns, poutine, and bannock.
Lucy picks up so many shifts at the café that she’s damn near working a 9-5. the only one to ask her why was Kunikida, and she immediately went red and demanded he never speak about it again. he didn’t need any more than that to get his answer.
the manager of Café Uzumaki is very very protective of Lucy, and is extremely happy that of all the guys out there, she met Atsushi.
that being said, Atsushi is a decently dense idiot sometimes, bless him, so he’s entirely oblivious to the incredibly obvious hints that Lucy constantly drops (aka defending him against actual terrorism accusations.) both the rest of the café staff and detectives have to watch in agony as Atsushi’s carries on about his day, completely unaware of how fat a crush Lucy’s got on him.
Atsushi’s venting about how he totally doesn’t have a chance with her romantically, meanwhile Jun’ichirō is white-knuckling the desk trying not to call him a fucking moron.
their confessions would definitely be incredibly awkward ngl. neither are the best with words, and Lucy tends to get a bit too brash when being vulnerable. so it’d probably be one of those sorta angry confessions followed by Atsushi going “?? wait you have a crush on me too???? why didn’t you tell me sooner!!! ( ^ω^ )”
it’s not Atsushi isn’t competent. he’s just not exactly used to romantic relationships, and there’s also a big difference in Japanese and American/Canadian courting culture, for lack of better terminology.
i feel like Lucy would try to better her relationship with Kyouka as well, but only through doing things like making sure her usual order is ready by the time she and Atsushi come downstairs for their break. tragically this woman can’t do anything with proper subtly so instead she places her drink down with a bit too much force and then asks Atsushi his order with maybe a bit too much aggression.
Lucy learns how to make the pastries and sweets and drinks that Atsushi loves really well, so that she can be the one making his orders one day.
they would absolutely have dates in parks and gardens and such. little picnics that end up with wildflowers weaved into Lucy’s braids. lounging under shady trees with Atsushi’s head in her lap. absolute saps, the two of them
in conclusion i love the two of them dearly and i have not stopped thinking about them for a damn long time
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may I have Zohakuten with a little sister reader? Like he the hate clone and she the love clone and is basically views him as a hero? She also loves to cuddle him and she sorta like Daki due to her innocent but tiny demon nature she cries a lot whenever she hurt and she always calls for her big brother for help whenever she struggling
Another Hantengu clone and a special one! But for real, I absolutely love this type of contrast and I’m totally do this so thank you so much for this! I hope you enjoy!
Zohakuten- Hate and Love, Black and White
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Zohakuten feels a bit in the limelight when you proclaim your loving idolisation over him. Sure, he is the product of all four of the main clones fusing into one but he isn’t the best clone to view as a hero and you’re a very pure and loving clone
Zohakuten is a very hateful person that can’t bring himself to tolerate any living being, even his own fellow clones but there is just one creature he has found out he can truly tolerate. You, the Love clone of Hantengu, who is so sweet and compassionate that Zohakuten becomes affected by your “magic”
Zohakuten is very protective over you. You don’t like to express any other emotion and expression, other than love, to literal everything walking and breathing you find. You don’t like to fight so that’s why your hero, Zohakuten is there. To take lives for you and help spread your love
Zohakuten will immediately drop whoever scares you and makes you cry. You’ll scream out his name for help, your loving heart cracking at the cruelty and he will tear their head off with immense anger. He can’t stand ANYBODY daring to hurt the one he feels passion for, his surrogate sister
Zohakuten doesn’t really know how to respond to your cuddling but he just lets you, patting your head gently and encouragingly. He can’t really hug back good enough, he will bump your face in one way or another. He will never push you back, he will let you hug him all you want
Zohakuten may not like the way you idolise him as a hero but he does his best to meet your expectations and provide stable protection. You can handle yourself decently, thanks to your immense strength as a blood demon art product of Upper Moon 4, but your innocent and friendly nature makes you susceptible. He will be that wall defending you at all causes
Zohakuten cannot care least for all his other clones, they are merely steps to boost himself up whilst you’re his pride and the only most important thing to him. He won’t let slayers nor the sun take you away from him, his precious loving sister. He may be a hateful big brother but he doesn’t express that hate to you at all
“Little sister. Please don’t try do anything silly, it’ll ruin your beautiful face and your beautiful personality. Allow me to take care of this and you just sit here, safe and sound”
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zablife · 1 month
This is not really a request, but more of an idea that I just had, so please feel free to ignore this and don’t feel pressured to respond or write anything!! :)
I loved the ‘Johnny defending you’ fic so much!! This is based off how the fic mentioned that they recognized the reader from the bar a couple months ago! I was thinking that maybe the first time she went to the bar, Johnny saw her and pretty much almost fell in love with her at first sight but he thought she was too young for a guy like him :( and she was also hanging off the arm of the rowdy ‘kid’, so he didn’t talk to her or anything (maybe he also thought she seemed too sweet and out of place hanging out with the group of rowdy asses, let alone dating one). After he kicked out the rowdy group, he assumed he would never see her again so he tried to think nothing of it (but then he does!!)
Idk if this makes sense at all! Again, feel free to ignore this :)))
Hi lovely, I'm so glad you enjoyed Imagine Johnny Defending You. Tysm for this incredible bonus thought which has me feeling so soft as I envision protective Johnny wanting nothing more than to make you his so he can love and care for you properly 😍
Now I can't stop picturing the way Johnny's eyes dart toward you the moment you walk into the bar, unconsciously memorizing every detail about you. He immediately reasons you’re much too young for him, wide eyes and fidgeting hands making you appear like a lost child rather than a woman. But there’s a quiet sweetness to you as well that can’t be denied and he’s powerless against your charm.
It isn't something you're aware of at first, stumbling at the threshold as you clutch your boyfriend's arm to keep from falling. He never breaks stride to check on you, dragging you along with a warning to hurry up and insisting he'd rather leave you outside when he meets the leader of the Vandals, if only he could trust you not to act like a whore.
It makes Johnny seethe with anger to hear the way he talks to you, not to mention his overall lack of care for you. He quickly notices that you're shivering beside the young biker, leaning into his arm for a hint of warmth which he never seems to return.
As the punk makes his demands of Johnny, the older man can't help but think of all the things he'd rather do for you instead. If it was up to him, he'd throw these assholes out, make you sit down and eat a good meal bc it doesn't look like you've had one in weeks. Then he'd lead you to the back room to sleep off whatever drugs you're on bc that glassy stare is beginning to worry him. And even tho you glare back at him when he finally catches your eye, he manages a small smile. He knows you’ve been in survival mode too long to recognize genuine concern, but he wants so badly to show you what real love feels like.
As Brucie jabs him in the ribs for his final answer, Johnny rejoins the conversation. “Nah, we don’t take kids.”
As the kid begins to protest, Johnny ventures one more glance at you with a dull ache growing in his chest. Suddenly he realizes he can’t change any of this sickening reality and the thought fuels a new wave of rage.
“I said you ain’t fucking welcome here!” he shouts, slamming his fist on the table.
The pool game in the corner halts as a few beer bottles crash onto the floor, shattering at your feet. Johnny has to look away as you flinch in response, suddenly ashamed of himself. He watches crestfallen as the Renegades stomp from the bar, taking you with them and out of his life forever.
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chip-does-stuff · 7 months
Things I’ve noticed and/or thoroughly enjoyed seeing from watching Megamind eight times over the course of six days
Megamind has such a crush on Roxanne before he even steals Bernard’s identity
Hal gearshifts in midair while saving Roxanne during the midnight flight
Roxanne looks like she genuinely feels bad after slamming the breaks on the way to the school house
Megamind is incredibly good at hiding giant, smoke-producing blimps in midair (invisibility cloak???)
You can see projector lines in the observatory from a brain-bot
Minion and Megamind consistently switch back and forth between older sibling and younger sibling roles
There is a brainbot with lipstick and eyelashes
The way Megamind comments on Roxanne’s hair during their date gives me actual butterflies
Roxanne’s absolutely dumbfounded look when Megamind compliments Metro Man’s music
You can hear so much glass shattering every time Tighten destroys a building
Crazy Train is clearly Minion’s favorite song and I respect it entirely
The way Megamind calls Roxanne’s name when he saves her from the alligator room is weirdly sweet (maybe I just have a crush on him)
Minion has a little antenna on his back that I assume lets him control the suit
Megamind immediately steps to protect Roxanne when Tighten sees past his disguise
Is the warden a father figure for Megamind??? Like obviously he’s a crap father if that’s the case but like, is he???
Roxanne runs up behind Tighten with a street sign in hand to defend Megamind while he’s crawling to the invisible car
Megamind’s hurt look when Bernard calls the dehydration gun “cheap”
When Roxanne rejects him, Megamind winces with every accusation (and I genuinely feel so bad for both of them like ow)
I love Megamind’s and Tighten’s themes, they’re both reminiscent of lullabies, which is a fun choice for the villain characters
Roxanne has a picture of the design for the diffuser gun hanging in her apartment when she’s trying to figure out Megamind’s plan
Megamind still has his custom baby seal leather boots on during the Tighten fight
Have I mentioned the music enough? Because I’m trying to figure out some of the themes by ear on the piano and the music is decently complex. It’s not insane, but it’s tougher to figure out than a lot of music.
“Lyrical Magic” is credited as an actual song in the end credits
Megamind’s face when Roxanne admits to looking back is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen and the way the camera follows his face is really well done
The use of lighting changes for ambiance or passage of time can be really subtle, but honestly just amazing
My dad thinks I will get sick of this movie pretty soon, seeing as I’ve watched it once or twice a day whenever possible, and he is seriously underestimating just how much I am in love with Megamind. My mom has given up calling me weird. I’m also using my uncle and aunt’s peacock account to watch it over and over, and if they’ve noticed how often I watch it they haven’t said anything.
Next week I try to beat my friend’s record of watching her comfort movie twenty times in one week.
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judesidepiece · 7 months
Finished The Prisoner's Throne and these are my thoughts! (Spoilers)
I like how sure Oak is about his love for Wren, it is sweet!
Wren murdering the guard in cold blood who went behind her back and tortured Oak oooooooOO
I wish they did more with the bridle but I suppose HB didn't want Wren to do smthg that may have been unforgivable
Oak's betrothal plan to Wren was very smart in my opinion, I didn't know how he was planning to prevent the war from starting and was caught off guard by the engagement announcement and I love being surprised! It reminded me of Cardan and Jude's arrangement in TWK but was different in its own right like Oak clearly would have happily married her without all the drama too.
I laughed out loud when Cardan turned the Ghost into a tree like A TREE?? Out of all the things I expected to happen in this book, this would have NEVER occurred to me. How does HB think of these things
When Wren hatched from a chrysalis and was reborn with wings at the end??????? That was also VERYYY unique and random. I was like wtf just happened but I vibe with it??
Jude and Cardan were sooooo adorable in this book, their moments were chef's kiss
Like when Cardan answered Jude's question and ignored Taryn completely, he has his priorities straight
OMG AND WE GOT CLOSURE ON VALERIAN'S CURSE ON JUDE. I thought that part was super cool and protective Cardan was>>>
I did feel sorry for Taryn when the Ghost died, like I wasn't sad when he died but I do feel bad for her
Did anyone else think Cardan was going to tell Oak that him and Jude are going on a 'business trip' to make a child and was on the edge of their seat only for him to say they are attending Nicasia's courting trials? I really thought
I already guessed the next book would be about Nicasia but I was realllllly hoping it would be about Jude and Cardan's kid(s) instead cuz like idgaf about Nicasia
I adored Oak defending Wren to his mother
OMG TIERNAN AND HYACINTH WERE ADORABLEEEE. When they reunited and Tiernan dejectedly said Hyacinth hated everyone including him but Hyacinth immediately said 'not you' I dIED. And their push and pull was so cuteee
Wren closing her eyes and accepting her death by Oak’s hands was so sad ngl but luckily he put two and two together in time
Overall, I loved all the callbacks to the original Cruel Prince characters and storylines. I think I liked the plot of the Stolen Heir a bit better but this book was more fast paced and had a lot more drama due to Oak's family being there which I adored. LOVED ITT
Jude completely ate every second she was in the book like that is my girl right there, I love her so much
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
hey cutie! i hope you're doing well! i saw your liam post a while back and bc i seemed to love him and so does literally everybody else, i was wondering (bc im writing a book) what makes him so likeable to people? like why did we all fall in love with him immediately and then die of devastation when he was killed?
hihi!! Liam deserves multiple essays on how amazing he is, but here's some thoughts that I can def expand on later if you'd like, not edited at all (also if I missed anything, feel free to add in comments / reblogs!!)
he has a tragic backstory and he's from a group that you're "not supposed to like". Xaden drags Vi into the marked group, but Liam's the one who truly brings her around on the issue and builds sympathy? empathy? whichever one. for Vi and the reader -- we find out his parents were killed, he was separated from his little sister, both of them are forced to be riders and serve a country that has done terrible things to them and their family...
he has a sweet old man hobby. he WHITTLES. that is senior citizen behavior. I know the hobbies a person can have in this world are a bit limited since their tech isn't like ours but still. he's 20 years old and he whittles for fun. what a dweeb. (I say this affectionately. you all know I will defend this man with my life. and he's very good at it and it makes him happy 🥺)
his whole relationship with Xaden. Liam is this perfect (literally) little puppy soldier that does absolutely everything Xaden asks of him because he quite literally owes Xaden his life (and Sloane's.) that level of dedication is rare. and that he clearly looks up to Xaden (and I HC that he wants to make him proud...)
adding on to that... him protecting Violet without (visible) pushback. he's agreeable to protecting the daughter of the woman who killed his parents and aunts/uncles/family friends etc., most obviously because Xaden asked him to, but I also think he was able to separate the mother and daughter like Garrick did too. he knows Vi isn't at fault for his problems.
he's smiley / laughing / a good time. he's the foil to Xaden in many ways (brothers who look nothing alike, most obviously) but he shows us that not all the marked ones are angry and gloomy all the time. he gets in on second squad's banter, makes jokes of his own...
he's very observant and emotionally intelligent. he knows what's going on b/n Vi and Xaden, and I highly doubt that's because him and Xaden are having slumber parties with Bodhi and Garrick to talk about their crushes (I have to write that now, don't I... the girlfriends having a "girls night" and the boys not knowing what to do with themselves. so they have their own girls night...) he just picks up on all the little things and he knows when Vi is and isn't okay, despite having known her for like... a max of 6 months?
literally mister perfect. he's the quadrant's golden boy. he was forced to be here, but he's top of the class, jogged across the parapet, best time on the gauntlet, dusted everyone. never lost a challenge. I know Deigh is so dang proud of his boy. probably brags to the other dragons about his perfect son <3
Sloane. he's worried about her for next year, he's writing her letters weekly even though he can't send them, and by the time he CAN send them, she'll be in the quadrant herself... yeah, good thing he wrote them in advance... [crickets] anyway, he's a cutie big brother like Brennan, wanting to protect lil sis, and it's clear he loves her so so much <3 (another headcanon of mine that she absolutely adored him and he was forced into all the tea parties and dolls stuff but he did it with a smile. need girl dad Liam so bad.)
and then the circumstances of his death. he died following Xaden's orders (prime directive: keep Violet safe) and while it's been eight months since I last read that scene and I refuse to read it again any time soon, I think he definitely knew that he was putting himself in immediate danger to save her, and he still did it anyway.
that's all I got for now but I am absolutely positive that there's more. good luck with the book!! I did some work on my own today on the flight, inspiration struck after leaving it to sit there for months lol
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t1ts-4-scattorcio · 1 year
hi!! could you do a dating pre crash shauna hcs list? thank you!! p.s i love ur writing it’s so cute🫶💗
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Thank you lovie <3 I'm glad you like my stuff.
Shauna Shipman General Dating headcanons:
The cutest girls with the biggest brown baby deer eyes.
Comes out of her shell when she’s around you, she’s pretty quiet unless she’s around people she trusts and you’re her #1
She drew you all the time. You were in her room one night and her journal was open on her desk. You caught a glimpse of a drawing of yourself, it was a drawing of you reading on Shauna’s bed next to her window ledge. It made you feel so warm inside. 
You so support her art endeavors, gifting the supplies that she wans and in return, she shows you what she’s made. She gets especially excited to show drawings she made of you. 
She gives you notes in class,  telling you how much she loves you, how sweet you are, and hoping you have a good day.
Jackie definitely grills you before you start dating Shauna. She doesn’t know much about you other than you were in Shauna’s English class and that she’s completely in love and won’t stop talking about you. 
She makes you a little nervous when you first meet, asking you a bunch of questions about your intentions with Shauna, she’s ready for you to slip up. Shauna is a little bit embarrassed and wants her to let up but NOPE she needs to protect her pookie bestie. She just wants the best for her but soon enough you both become best friends as well.
You go to all of her games, even practices and pep rallies. She appreciates the support so much and gets super excited whenever she sees you in the stands. 
She’s really protective over you, not afraid of standing up to anyone that talks shit. We saw her defend Nat in the first episode she will get in someone’s face if they don’t back down. 
There will definitely be communication problems, she lets things bubble up inside her until they burst at the wrong time. Reassuring her that it’s okay to be open would make your relationship 10 times stronger. 
Also is very impulsive, tends to jump to conclusions and doesn’t think things through before she reacts, She ends up in really sticky situations that are hard to get out of. She once saw you talk to a girl from your Math class the girly pop was way too close for comfort. Shauna’s thoughts immediately went to equality upsetting you, she would ghost you for a while, not answer calls or texts, not go to your house as often as she did (ect). Your last straw was when she was lying across a random girl's lap at a party and it broke your heart. You thought she hated you and was cheating on you and you couldn’t think of any reason why she would hurt you like this, she saw you sobbing and immediately felt so guilty and followed you like a lost puppy on the verge of tears begging for your forgiveness.
I think another toxic thing she does is lie. She 100% will if she thinks she’s protecting you. It’s frustrating
Is super intelligent and I think that’s overlooked by everyone, it’s great when she helps you with any type of work you have to do. Homework, projects, anything that requires brain power. She also loves reading with you cuddled up in her bed or your couch, she’s the cutest little bookworm.
You love listening to her talk about her interests. People don’t take time to listen to what she has to say, Her eyes light up whenever she really gets into topics she loves. Sitting with her and observing her be excited makes you happy. 
I think her major love languages are quality time and acts of love, her favorite days are when you both can relax together, sitting on the bleachers after practice for a while instead of immediately going home, going to your favorite dining spot for hours, study dates at the library, walking around in the mall. She just wants to be around you, little puppy.
You’re her designated passenger princess, she will happily drive you wherever you’d like. Picking you up and dropping you off from school, mini drive-thru dates where you buy anything you like and binge eat in her car. 
I think she’s more dominant in bed, she naturally knows what she wants and likes to be in control, and definitely won’t be scared to bring that into the bedroom
She goes feral if you only wear her team shirt or jacket and nothing else when you’re together at home
Manhandles you while you’re having sex, and will roll her eyes if you get insecure about how heavy you are, especially when she wants you to sit on her face.
Queen of teasing and orgasm denial, fake pouts at you while you beg for release. “Baby wants to cum, you can wait a little more I promise.”  
Tbh you do anything she is immediately on her knees, she’s so enamored by you. You’re perfect in her eyes.
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