#i love haldir and im not even that sure why
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#haldir#fili and kili#thorin oakenshield#rumil#orophin#Dis#lady dis#heartselect#my art#tolkien#the hobbit#lotr#i like drawing haldir and his brothers and make up the difference between them#fan consensus that both rumil and orophin are rascals but like rumil especially so#fan consensus that frerin is the smiley one#idk about frerin and dis's designs quite yet but i wanted to mix fili and kili#hobbit dis#frerin#hobbit frerin#i gotta learn some fashion for erebor dwarves#i love haldir and im not even that sure why#he's just sweet
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The Lonely Elf
Haldir x female!elf!OC
Notes: In my LOTR era. This is a self-indulgent story about an OC I've had in my head for a long time. I recently rewatched ROP, The Hobbit, and LOTR (extended version of course) and my love for Haldir has returned. I don't expect anyone to read this.
TW: OC is depressed af. Sort of eating disorder if you squint? Mutual pining (Im a slut for it).
Word count: 5,748
"Will you come to, El?" Frodo's voice echoed in my ears. I felt my chest tighten as I remembered my quest with Bilbo, how it ended, how deeply it affected me. I looked down at the hobbit before kneeling in front of him.
"Of course," I say with a sad smile as I look up to the other companions who have volunteered for this perilous journey. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Frodo."
After retaking Erebor with the dwarves, I found it too difficult to return there. Bilbo knew it, he lost a lot as well. He would never admit how important Thorin was to him and he knew I understood completely. So when he offered me a place in Bag End I couldn't resist. "It is just temporary," I said to him as he smiled up at me. However, temporary for an elf is a lot different than for a hobbit. Sure I traveled here and there, but I always came back. Months turned into years, and years turned into decades and soon Bag End felt like home. Home. That was something I hadn't had in thousands of years.
I remember the village I was raised in and the generations of humans that raised me. I often wondered why, when they found a small elfling, they did not return me to my own kind. It felt selfish of them. I knew nothing of my people, their traditions, their language, I was alone in this world till I ran into a company of dwarves. Bofur warmed up to me almost immediately, he could tell I was different than other elves and before long he had convinced the rest of the company to trust me. Thorin was the last to trust me, but he had good reason. In the end, however, we became extremely close. Two lost souls in Middle Earth searching for a place we belong. During our journey to Erebor, I had started to hope that maybe when we took back the mountain I would have a home again. That dream was shattered when Thorin died. Even though the rest of the company urged me to stay, I couldn't stand the sight of that mountain. So I remained in Bag End, "an honorary Baggins" Bilbo called me. That is why when Frodo asked me to come along I couldn't say no to him. I wouldn't leave this burden to him alone.
"Please look after him," Bilbo said to me after gifting Frodo his old Mithril shirt. "He needs you."
"I will do my best, my dear friend," I said reassuringly as I placed my hand on his shoulder, giving it a light squeeze.
The next morning we were off on our journey. In the month between our leaving Rivendell and the death of Gandalf our fellowship had grown quite close. Boromir and the Hobbits were becoming fast friends as he taught Merry and Pippin how to fight. Even Legolas was starting to warm up to Gimli. It made me smile as I remember traveling with Gloin, his father, and getting thrown in the Mirkwood dungeons by that very elf. However, the mood shifted wildly when Mithrandir died. It broke all of our spirits. How could we possibly hope to succeed when the strongest of us had passed? By the time we had entered Lothlórien, we were all exhausted mentally and physically. I could hear Gimli talking somewhere behind me about how dangerous these woods were and the witch that resided in them. I felt nauseous. Whether it was from fear or lack of food, I did not know. I had been in this forest before but never encountered this so-called witch, and I’m not sure I wanted to. When the party came to an abrupt halt I was taken aback. It took a moment for my eyes to focus and see the bows trained on us.
"The dwarf breaths so loud we could have shot him in the dark." An elf said to Aragorn as he stepped out from behind the archers.
It was Haldir. I felt my heart swell in my chest at the sight of him. I listened as Aragorn greeted him in the elven language.
"Aragorn! These woods are perilous. We should go back." Gimli says from behind me, fear evident in his voice.
"You have entered the realm of The Lady of The Wood. You cannot go back." Haldir responds as he looks between each member of our party before his eyes land on Frodo. "Come. She is waiting."
I could feel Frodo's anxiety radiating from behind me. I turned around and gave him a sincere smile. "It's okay Frodo," I whisper as I feel Haldir's gaze on me. I turn to meet his eyes for a second before he turns and slips behind his archers.
We followed close behind, not that we had much choice with the elves surrounding our party, and we marched until we came across a small structure and a platform that we were urged to climb upon. By the time we made it there, the sun had set and the cold had set in. I couldn't help the small shiver that ran through my body. I stood quietly next to Gimli as Haldir greeted Legolas and Aragorn in elvish.
Gimli interrupts angrily. "So much for the courtesy of the elves. Speak words we can all understand.
I gave Gimli's foot a soft, disapproving kick at his rudeness. Haldir looked down at Gimli before saying in a disgusted tone, "We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the dark days."
"And you know what this dwarf has to say about that?" Gimli responded quickly before saying in dwarvish, "Ishkhaqwi ai durugnul!"
I close my eyes as I run my hand over my face in annoyance as Aragorn addresses Gimli angrily, "That was not so courteous!"
The marchwarden looks over our party again before meeting eyes with Frodo, "You bring great evil with you." He says with a grave tone. "You can go no further."
However, Aragorn refused to accept this as he pulled Haldir aside and began to argue. If Aragorn was unsuccessful what would we do? We needed food, rest, and safety. This was our only option. I looked over at Haldir and the annoyed expression on his face as he argued with Aragorn. Like he could tell I was watching, his eyes flickered over to me. His face softened when he noticed my forlorn expression but soon his attention returned to Aragorn. I turned away sighing before walking over to Gimli.
The memory of our first meeting slipped into my mind as I stood in silence.
I was outnumbered. Dozens of orcs had caught my scent and I was out of arrows. I could see the Lothlórien forest in front of me and it was my only chance of survival. I tried my best to keep from tripping over roots and rocks as I ran through the glistening forest. I didn't have time to revel in the beauty mixed into the trees. The magic of the forest was the least of my concerns with the orc pack gaining on me.
I made a split decision to call out, in hopes I wasn't alone. "HELP!" I yell out as I continue to run blindly. Barely a second later I feel an arrow whiz past my face and the yell of an injured orc behind me. When did they get so close? Before long a handful of elves came out of the woods, easily slaughtering my attackers and then they brought their attention to me. I was a stranger to them, a threat.
An elf strode up to me with a serious expression saying something in elvish. I made a sheepish face before I explained, "I don't speak elvish." Disbelief washed across his face as he looked me up and down.
"He doesn't speak the common tongue." Another elf says from behind me. "I am Haldir, who are you and why are you in our sacred lands?"
"I am Elowen. I am sorry to enter your territory without permission I had no other choice. I can leave now if you wish." I respond.
He hums for a moment as he stares into my eyes. “What kind of elf doesn't speak elvish?” His voice was thick with disbelief. He thinks I am lying.
I sighed, my body deflating at the accusation. I was used to being treated like an outsider, but never a liar. "I was raised by humans, not elves," I say with an exasperated tone. “I know it is strange but it is the truth."
Haldir looked between my eyes for a moment, his expression was softer than it was before. “You cannot go the way you came. There are more orcs in the territory." He explained, "You will have to go to the East."
"Thank you. I will be on my way." I say before turning my back towards him, but before I can realize what is happening a hand grasps my pack and pulls me back.
"You will not go wandering these sacred forests alone." He says sternly as he holds onto my pack tightly. "I will escort you."
I gasped in surprise, “As you wish," I quickly mutter.
He tentatively lets go of me before walking in front of me, "Come."
I quickly do as I am told. The last thing I want to do is anger my guide. While we walk I study him from behind. He is calm, confident, and knows the forest well. He gracefully moves around any branches and roots jutting into the path ahead. He is beautiful like elves should be.
"Can I ask you a question?" He asks, breaking the silence.
"Of course," I respond, surprised that he is speaking to me.
"Why did you never learn elvish? Some humans know it." He asks as he looks over his shoulder.
I think over his question for a minute. I haven't ever really thought about why. "I guess -" I start. "I guess I didn't feel worthy."
This causes him to stop in his tracks before turning around to face me. "You should learn." He says. He said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. The underlying message was not lost on me. You are wrong.
The rest of the hike was relatively quiet, but the birds singing kept you company as you walked close behind your guide. The sun did not shine through the treetops making it impossible to know just how long we had been hiking. It didn’t matter to me. I was grateful for the company, even if he was silent. His presence was enough. It was at this moment that I realized just how lonely I was.
"Here." He says quietly as we reach the end of the forest. He turns to face me once again as I stare up at him.
"Oh," I said quietly, sad that our journey had ended already. "Thank you, Haldir."
He puts his hand on his chest and gives a small bow, "Go now and be safe." He says with a small smile before turning to walk away.
Before long he disappeared into the woods, and I never thought I would see him again.
"Did you have to insult him?" I asked Gimli, but before he could respond we heard Haldir's voice.
"You will follow me," He said while staring at Frodo. I couldn't help the sigh of relief that left my body.
We were safe. He explained that he was leading us to Caras Galadhon and once it was in sight it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen.
I gasped at the sight of the wooded city. "It's beautiful," I murmured.
"Indeed," Haldir responded looking at me out of the corner of his eye.
I felt my ears redden at him finally speaking to me. "Pathetic." I thought to myself.
As we entered the city I couldn't help the starstruck look on my face. Everywhere I looked was full of beauty, sparking silver buildings nestled among large trees. I felt the tension in the air as I walked side-by-side with Haldir.
"Do you remember me?" The question that had been burning in the back of my throat broke free.
He let out a small chuckle as he looked at my embarrassed expression. "How could I forget?" He responded with a teasing tone.
I smiled shyly in response before looking down at my feet. He remembers me.
We made it to the top of the forest to see an elven couple waiting for us. They gracefully made their way down the steps hand-in-hand as they looked down upon the company. I nervously glanced over at Aragorn, who was giving our hosts his full attention as he bowed his head. They seemed to almost glow, which reminded me of something Haldir said on our way here, "Lady of Light indeed." I thought to myself.
"The enemy knows you have entered here." The male elf spoke. "What hope you had in secrecy is now gone." He paused to look over our company before continuing. "Nine that are here, but ten set out from Rivendell. Tell me, where is Gandalf? For I much desire to speak with him. I can no longer see him from afar."
I winced at the mention of Gandalf's name. In the beauty of Caras Galadhon, I had almost forgotten our loss. We stayed quiet, none of us wanting to speak the truth of Mithrandir's whereabouts.
"He has fallen into shadow." The Lady of Light spoke with a look of disbelief on her face.
"He was taken by both shadow and flame," Legolas responded. "A Balrog of Morgoth. For we went needlessly into the net of Moria."
"Needless were none of the deeds of Gandalf in life. We do not yet know his full purpose." The lady responded with a comforting tone as she looked at Gimli. "Do not let the great emptiness of Khazad Dum fill your heart Gimli, son of Gloin, for all lands have now grown full of peril. And in all lands love, is now mingled with grief."
I could hear Boromir whimpering in despair as she stared him down. I did not understand till I heard her voice in my head as well.
"Elowen, the lonely elf, for I have heard much about you. Gandalf was very fond of you. You are welcome here." I heard her whisper in my head.
"What now becomes of this fellowship? Without Gandalf, hope is lost." The lord said. We had all thought it, but he was the first to say it out loud.
"The quest stands upon an end of a knife, stray but a little and it will fail, to the ruin of all. Yet hope remains as long as company is true. Do not let your hearts be troubled. Go now and rest for you are weary with sorrow and much toil. Tonight, you will sleep in peace." The lady said, distracting us from her husband's question.
The promise of sleep in safety felt like something to cherish, something we were likely not to get again. I let my body relax at her words. I was grateful for her hospitality. The lady motioned to Haldir, who gave her a bow before beckoning us to follow him. We obeyed quickly, anxious to get some rest.
"You will have the opportunity to bathe as well as fresh clothing while you are here," Haldir explained as he led us to a clearing. "I will be watching over you tonight."
My traveling companions were quick to explore our new sleeping arrangements, taking in the beauty of the forest. I stayed behind, quietly standing next to Haldir as I watched the halflings excitedly look around.
"You said something about a bath?" I asked while looking over at the elf next to me. "I can't imagine we smell good," I said offering a smile.
"For your sake, I will not respond to that," He said smiling back. "Come." I let out a small giggle as I obeyed, following close behind him as we traversed on the winding paths. Eventually, we came upon a small grove, hidden by trees, and inside it lay a glistening pool of crystal clear water with a small waterfall emptying into it.
"Wow," I whispered as I took in the view.
"Fresh clothes will be brought to you," Haldir explained before bowing slightly and taking his leave.
Once he was gone I quickly started to shed off my clothing. The layers of leather armor became exhausting by the time I was fully rid of them. I folded my clothes nicely before placing them alongside the pool. I nervously dipped in a toe before realizing the water was warm. I let out a sigh of relief and I slipped my body into the welcoming water, closing my eyes as I rested against a rock. It wasn’t long till I fell asleep.
I was startled awake by the feeling of a hand on my shoulder. I looked up bewildered to see a she-elf in front of me. She gave me an apologetic look before explaining, “It is dangerous to sleep in the pool. Here I brought you fresh clothing.” She said as she motioned to a pile of white cloth.
“You have my thanks,” I responded sheepishly as she bowed and turned around to gather my old clothing. “The marchwarden has instructed us to clean these for you. Is there anything you will need for tonight?” She asked.
“No there is not,” I said. “I appreciate all you have done.”
She offered a smile before turning and disappearing, allowing me to dry off and change into the fresh clothing she had brought for me. Once dry and changed I returned to our camp for the night.
“You smell good,” Pippin said excitedly as I sat down next to my pack.
“You could too you know.” I jested, “You all smell horrible.”
“Hey now!” He responded feigning injury, “This is the smell of a REAL man!”
I let out a boisterous laugh as the hobbit flexed his muscles. We bantered for a little while longer till I could hardly keep my eyes open. I cuddled up against my pack as I fell asleep to the sound of singing elves. Legolas had said they were singing to honor the memory of Gandalf. It was beautiful.
"El, wake up," Merry said as he shook me awake. "It's breakfast time!"
I groaned as I turned away from him, "I'll eat later."
"Oh no you don't," Merry responded willfully as he shook me again.
"Fine!" I said crankily as I finally sat up and rubbed my eyes. "Someday I will be free of the stubbornness of hobbits."
As I opened my eyes I realized that the rest of the fellowship had bathed and changed as well. Everyone wore beautiful white clothing, untouched by the darkness of our journey. I followed behind the group, falling behind as my eyes drifted everywhere but the path in front of us. I didn't want food, I wanted to explore this beautiful place. I couldn't help but feel a pang of anger in my heart as I remembered all that was taken from me as a child, I could've lived my whole life in a place like Calas Galadhon. The thoughts did not leave me as we sat at the breakfast table, the noise of my companions talking and eating fading into the background as I stared at my plate. I had not eaten in some time, but I could not bring myself to take a single bite. I felt dirty, like if I touched it I would ruin it. Like I didn't deserve it. The thought brought me back to that hike with Haldir when I said I was not worthy of learning elvish. I remember the implications of his response. I was worthy of elvish, and I was worthy of this food. Everyone else had almost finished their plates by the time I took my first tentative bite.
When we had finished we were brought back to our camp by Haldir. Even on the way back from breakfast, Pippin was already asking about a second breakfast. I couldn't help but giggle at the confused expression on Haldir's face.
"There will be festivities later to honor Mithrandir, you are all welcome to come." He explains as we enter our camp.
"Thank you," Aragorn replies with his hand over his heart. "We would be most grateful to attend."
To this, Haldir nods and starts to turn away but before he can get far I grab ahold of his arm. He flinched at the sudden contact and turned to me with wide eyes. I quickly pull my hand back and bring it to my chest like I had touched a burning flame. "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."
'It is fine," Haldir responds with an unconvincing look on his face. "What do you need?"
“I-“I mutter out, “I was wondering if I could wander Caras Galadhon, or if someone could be my guide? I would very much like to see this magnificent place.”
He does not respond immediately, causing anxiety to settle into my heart. “Forget it,” I say quickly as I turn away.
“Wait,” Haldir called out. “I will guide you.”
“Oh.” I responded quietly before turning around, “I’m sure a marchwarden has much better things to do.”
To this, he gave me a small smile. “No, I don’t. Now please.” He said as he motioned me to follow him.
I did as I was bid, following close behind the elf as he led me through the city. He told me everything I wanted to know, anticipating my questions before I asked them. The history of Calas Galadhon was vast and complicated but quite interesting as well. He also told me much about Lady Galadriel, the Lady of Light. I spoke to him about how I heard her in my head and he confirmed, “Yes, that is part of her magic.”
“It’s quite unnerving,” I mumble. “But she is kind.”
We continued along the path, passing many elves along the way as they went about their daily life. I wondered what it would be like to live here. What would I spend my days doing?
After some time we made it back to camp. I did little to hide my disappointment as the fellowship came into view.
“If you are unhappy you don’t need to continue the journey,” Haldir said as he scanned my face.
“It’s not that. I just-“ I paused. “I enjoyed exploring here.” I respond honestly, “I wonder what my life would be like if I grew up in a place like this.”
He nodded silently, not taking his eyes off of mine. “I understand as much as I can.”
“Thank you for a wonderful day, Haldir,” I say as I give him a small smile. I reach my hand out but stop myself before I touch him, remembering his reaction last time. My ears reddened as I realized what I was doing. I quickly dropped my hand back to my side and scurried toward my companions.
As I met back with the fellowship Aragorn gave me a knowing look. “Boromir will be disappointed.” He whispers to me.
“What?” I ask as I stand above his sitting form.
“He fancies you, but your heart belongs to another.” He said smirking up at me.
I scoff, trying to play off his words, but my face betrays me as it heats up from embarrassment.
The rest of the day was relatively quiet as we readied for the night festivities. We were told there would be wine and dancing. I smiled as I thought about how much Gandalf would have enjoyed participating in such a party.
“All they need is some Old Toby,” Frodo said. “That was his favorite.”
At his words, I felt a tug at my heart. Another loss. Is this what I was doomed to experience? Thorin, Gandalf, who was next? This quest was bound to take more lives. Likely my own as well. I tried not to allow my feelings to ruin the night for me. The festivities were beautiful. Lights were strung through the sparking trees and candles were lit around the space. The elves looked beautiful in their beaded gowns and dress shirts.
“You are not dancing?” Boromir asks as he walks up next to me. He wanted me to dance with him. For a second I thought about it, but then I remembered Aragorn’s teasing words.
“Not in the dancing mood,” I respond, giving him a sheepish smile as I grasp harder at my wine chalice.
“Of course. I am sorry for your loss,” Boromir says putting a hand on my shoulder. “I understand you were close.”
I hummed in agreement as I kept my eyes trained forward, afraid that if I acknowledged his words I would cry. As my eyes scanned the room I came across one particular elf. Haldir. He was standing guard to the occasion, restlessly pacing along the outside of the crowd.
“Excuse me,” I say quickly to Boromir before wading through the partygoers to get more wine. My hands shake as I try to fill my chalice without spilling. While Boromir’s words were not ill-willed, they still affected me deeply.
My eyes wander back to Haldir’s anxious form. Surely no danger was posed here but there he was. He was a serious elf, anyone could tell that. I smiled to myself as I watched him reprimand another guard for drinking. I gathered enough courage to head his way. I wished to speak to him. I always wished to speak to him. His eyes met mine as he watched me climb the steps to reach him.
“It’s a party you know,” I say teasingly once I was planted in front of him.
He smiles slightly as he looks down at me. “Then why are you here?” He asks.
“I’m not really in a celebratory mood,” I admit.
The smile fades from his face as he takes in my words.
“Could I head back to camp? Or do I need an escort for that?” I ask. I had hoped he would offer to escort me, but my wishes would go unfulfilled.
“You may find your way back on your own,” Haldir responds. While his answer was disappointing, the tone of his voice was not. It was as soft as freshly fallen snow like he thought if he spoke too strongly I would break.
“Thank you,” I say graciously as I give him a small bow before taking my leave.
I take my time as I make my way back to camp with my wine glass in hand. There was no rush to return. Truthfully I just wanted to be away from the happy faces. Would they even know I left?
“Elowen.” Boromir’s voice woke me from my trance.
“Why are you here?” I ask him with a disoriented look on my face.
“I am worried about you.” He responds as he takes a step towards me, putting his hand on my shoulder. “I care about you.” He says quietly as he moves his hand from his shoulder to my cheek.
In that moment I realized there is only one soul I wish to touch me in such a way. I pulled away abruptly at his touch. “My heart belongs to another,” I say in a panicked tone as I look around to see if anyone was around. “I am sorry.” I blurt out before dropping my chalice and running quickly down the path. I was no longer heading towards camp, afraid I would encounter Boromir there. I did care about him just not in the way he wanted. However, I was not only running from him but from the realization of my feelings for Haldir.
In my dazed state I quickly got turned around. The panic inside me grew as I realized I didn’t recognize my surroundings. “Did Haldir bring me here?” I questioned myself as I tried to remember earlier that day with no luck. Eventually, I gave up and sat on the ground next to the path. Letting the tears of my pent-up emotions rain down my face. Gandalf, Boromir, Haldir, it was all too much. I knew eventually someone would find me and help me get back to camp, but for now, I was grateful to be alone so I could cry without prying eyes.
Hours passed before I saw another soul along the pass. A startled she-elf stared down at me, clearly unsure what to do.
“I apologize,” I said with a scratchy voice. “I am horribly lost.”
The elf just stared back at me a bewildered expression causing me to sigh. She did not know the common tongue. I slowly got up from the ground and walked passed her. I thought I was heading in the direction I came from, but truthfully I had no idea where I was.
“Elowen.” I heard a melodic voice in my head. “You needn’t strife.”
“I am lost,” I say quietly, unsure if she could hear me.
“But that is not why you cry.” She responded knowingly. “You will not be alone forever.”
I started rubbing my eyes, cursing my emotional state as I heard footsteps approaching. I looked up from my hands, expecting Galadriel, but instead came face-to-face with Haldir’s concerned expression.
“Oh,” I sniffle.
He said nothing, instead opting to reach out and gently grab my hand. My eyes widened, shocked by his touch as he started to guide me. He remained silent as we wove along the trail, never letting go of my hand.
“How did you know where I was?” I asked quietly as we entered the camp.
He turned to look at me, quiet for a moment before responding “Lady Galadriel.”
“Oh,” I said quietly. My exhaustion was written across my face.
“Rest now,” Haldir utters as he places a small kiss on my forehead. Before I could even process what he had done he was gone. I stood in place as the feeling of his lips lingered on my skin.
After some time had passed, we finally had to leave Lothlórien. We were all dreading it. We had spent weeks in the comfortable presence of elves, and in those weeks I never saw Haldir again. Galadriel, as kind as she was, would not let us leave without making sure we had everything we needed to succeed. Food, water, and supplies filled our small packs as we changed back into our old clothing. Once we were ready we made our way to the riverbank to say our final farewells and be off on our treacherous journey.
We stood in a line as Lord Celeborn spoke. "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people." I tried to listen to him speak pretending to not be distracted by Haldir's fingers securing a cloak around my shoulders. "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes." He continued as I kept my eyes down, avoiding Haldir’s. “Of course he had to be here.” I thought to myself as embarrassment took me.
While we packed up our boats Aragorn was pulled aside by Lord Celeborn. While we waited for his return I chose to focus on making sure the halflings had everything they needed.
"He's looking at you," Sam said to me as I straightened his pack.
"I know," I sighed before looking back to meet Haldir's eyes. I was surprised to see an almost pleading look on his face.
"Well, aren't you gonna say goodbye?" Sam asked.
I hummed quietly as I mulled over my options, as much as I was heartbroken by the lack of his presence, the look on Haldir’s face made it impossible to stay away. I stood up as Sam grinned at me. "Meddling hobbits,” I said, feigning annoyance before walking over to Haldir.
"Thank you for your kindness, Haldir," I said quietly as I stood in front of him.
"I-" He started before stopping himself. "Be safe." He finally said.
I looked up to meet his eyes, they mirrored the sadness in my own. "Do not fret,” I say as I lay my hand softly on his shoulder, trying to comfort him. He had avoided me for weeks, but all my annoyance had been washed away by the forlorn expression he sported. I had come to expect the downfall of our quest now that we were without Gandalf, but I tried to comfort him nonetheless.
Before he could respond I heard Boromir call out, "El! The Lady Galadriel wishes to see us once more before we head on."
I step back as reality comes back into focus, giving Haldir a sad smile and a small bow before I head towards Boromir and the rest of my companions.
We waited turns to see the Lady of Light, each fellowship member coming back with gifts to help on the rest of the journey. "And to you, Elowen, I give you the gift of remembrance," Galadriel explains as she hands me a small coin. "This is a gift given to our marchwardens when they have completed their training. Let it help you remember what you are fighting for, and what awaits for you when your quest is done."
Haldir. Does she know something I do not? "Thank you, Lady Galadriel," I mumble as I bow my head.
Once the entire fellowship had received their gifts we piled into our small boats in silence, our heads swirling with the words Galadriel had spoken to each of us. Lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel waited at the shore as we left the magical forest behind us, but the rest of the elves had disappeared. There was a sad tug at my heart as I peered into the forest looking for any sign of Haldir.
I wished to see him one last time.
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Hope {Aragorn x Reader}
A.N: So no prompts done today cause I was working on this, but I’m proud of it and will get right on prompts tomorrow! This is the completely reader-insert version! I honestly had so much fun writing it and am honored that this person wanted me to do so. I hope y’all like it!
Requested by @ask-the-elf-stuff on Tumblr
Pairing: Aragorn x Reader
Word Count: 1,799
Warnings: Kissing, fluff, the smallest bit of angst.
“You’re really leaving?” You gazed into Aragorn’s eyes, hoping that it wasn’t true.
“I have to, Y/N. The fate of Middle-Earth depends on it.”
Your head dipped in understanding, but also sadness.
“Do not fear. I will return.” He cupped your chin with his hand, tilting your head and kissing you. It was a light kiss, nothing like the others you had shared before. This kiss was the hope that you’d see each other again.
Breaking away, you forced a smile as you hugged him, trying not to cry. Stepping back, you waved as he followed the rest of the newly formed Fellowship through the gates of Imladris. Your father stood next to you, and as Aragorn passed through the gates Elrond drew you into his side.
“He’ll be back, hína (child),” Elrond said as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
Nodding, you rested your head on your father’s shoulder as you watched the man depart.
Weeks later, you were pacing your room, determined to do something. Arwen stopped short in the doorway as she saw you pack open on your bed as you shoved things inside.
“Y/N? What are you doing?”
“I do not know why, but I have felt a pull to follow. An ache, almost painful in its strength, has settled inside me and so I knew I must follow. We have not heard from the Fellowship in weeks, Aragorn could be hurt, or someone else could be, or he could be,” your voice broke, “dead.
The elf nodded in understanding. “The ache is telling you to be with the one you love.”
She then clasped your hand. “Y/N. Look at me.”
You looked at her, unshed tears of worry clear in your eyes.
“If he was dead, you’d feel it. And I know as your sister I should be telling you not to go, but I cannot help but notice the pain you’ve been in these last weeks. So go, find him.” She spread a map out onto a small table nearby, and you couldn’t help but laugh.
“Do you just carry that everywhere?”
She shot you a look, and you quickly clammed up, peering over her shoulder as she pointed things out.
“After crossing the mountains visit our grandmother in Lothlorien, the Fellowship had planned to pass through there, and she will know where they are.”
You took it all in, remembering the route to Lothlorien from visits to your grandparents you had made before your mother went west.
“Thank you, Arwen.” You smiled up at your sister.
She clasped your wrist before pulling away, placing her hands on your shoulders as she looked into your eyes. “Stay safe, Y/N.”
You nodded, shoving the last things into your pack before slinging it over your shoulders with your bow and quiver, daggers sheathed on your thighs, hugging your sister one last time before leaving your room.
You strode down the hallway, dressed in leather hunting clothes as you made your way to the gates of Imladris. You had stopped by the kitchens to gather food supplies, making sure they thought you were only going for a hunting excursion.
Entering the courtyard, you saw your father standing in the center, clearly waiting for you. Silently cursing Arwen, as you had hoped to slip away unnoticed, you made your way over to him.
“I should not let you do this.”
You frowned at his words, drawing breath to protest, but before you could Elrond spoke again.
“But you are free to go. I feel the ache and have felt it every day since your mother departed. I know that nothing but being with the one you love can ease that pain, and it would hurt me to know you are experiencing it. Go to Estel. I give you my blessing.”
You hugged your father before turning and mounting your horse, brought from the stables. Turning to wave to your father one last time, you leaned down to whisper, “Let’s go, Daeroc. Let’s go find Aragorn.” The horse broke into a trot, and you left Imladris behind.
Weeks later, you led Daeroc into Lothlorien, waiting for the sentries to appear. One dropped down from a tree, and you smiled at him, recognizing the face.
“Haldir,” you greeted him with a smile.
“Y/N. It is good to see you again. I assume you are here to see the Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn?”
You nodded, “Yes. I have not seen my grandparents in a long time. But before we go to them could you find someone to take care of Daeroc?”
Another elf came into view, nodding to you as she took the reins from your hands.
“Thank you,” you smiled at her.
Later, you walked into the courtyard, bowing to your grandparents standing on the stairs above.
“Y/N, my daughter’s daughter. What brings you here?” Galadriel smiled at you, descending the stairs with her husband to greet you, each clasping your wrist.
“To see you, of course, and seek news of the Fellowship that I assume has passed through here.”
Your grandmother smiled. “It seems you are in luck, for they are here as we speak.”
Your eyes widened. “But they should have been long gone by now. I wonder what has caused the delay?”
Celeborn’s face softened. “Then you do not know.”
“Know what?” You were beginning to grow quite worried. “What has happened?”
“They could not make it through the pass of Caradhras, so they turned and went through Moria, costing them the life of Mithrandir.”
You gasped, heart aching at the grief that must have caused them and the grief you now felt.
“May I see them?” All you wanted now was to see your friends and the man you loved.
“Of course.” Galadriel beckoned you to follow her, and you did, softly conversing with your grandmother and updating her on the lives of her family in Imladris, as well as others she knew.
Stepping into the clearing, you turned to thank Galadriel, watching her fade from view behind you for a moment before continuing.
There he was. Tall and handsome still, even grimy with dirt and dust from his travels. You debated casually walking up and greeting him more sedately, but watching him you just couldn’t hold back. All your elvish instincts left you, and you sprinted towards him, leaping into his shocked arms as kissing him for all you were worth. He kissed you back for a moment, and then pulled away, the surprise on his face clear.
“Y/N! What are you doing here?”
“I came to find you.”
His eyes widened. “You did?”
You smiled at him. “Of course I did, meleth.”
He smiled back at you, and drew you in for another kiss, hands holding you up as your legs wrapped around his waist. Deepening the kiss, he moved so your back was pressed against a tree and his hands were free to slide up your back, tangling in your hair as you lost yourselves in each other.
Sometime later, you sat with the rest of the Fellowship after the nighttime meal, talking. It was good to see them again, you had grown fond of all of them, even the dwarf, during their time in Imladris. But of course, the only person you really had eyes for that night was Aragorn, who sat next to you with an arm around your shoulders.
Legolas had seemed puzzled with how comfortable you were with affection, it was rather un elf-like. You had explained to him that because of your father’s past, he was slightly more affectionate than a normal elf, and showed it. You hadn’t missed the wistful look on Legolas’ face as you spoke and recalled what you knew of his family, feeling sorry for him.
Later that night, you sat by the dying embers of the fire alongside Legolas. Aragorn had gone with the hobbits to wash up, and Boromir and Gimli were sleeping, so it was just you and the elf.
“Legolas?” The older elf looked at you.
“Can I ask you something?”
He nodded, and you continued, “I was just wondering, do you know of something like an ache? It began right after the Fellowship departed Imladris, and only subsided when I arrived here. What does it mean?”
He smiled. “Y/N. That was the bond between your soul and Aragorn’s, pulled taught with your fear of losing him. Now that you are reunited, it has gone because you are together. It is every elf’s greatest dream and worst fear to have that feeling.”
You smiled. “Have you?”
The pain in his eyes told you that maybe that was not something to be asked of others.
“I am not sure if it is in my destiny to ever feel that.” He gazed into the distance.
The two of you sat in easy silence for a long time, after that.
“Y/N.” You turned to see Aragorn beckoning to you, and with a nod to Legolas, you rose.
“You do not have to come with us. It will be a journey of great peril, and I do not want to put you in that much danger.”
You gazed at him earnestly, “Aragorn. I shall be there when the crown is finally placed on your head. I shall be with you until the end.”
He smiled at you again and clasped your hand as you walked through the towering trees.
You had left Lothlorien the day after with the Fellowship, having officially joined up. Lots had happened after that, including almost dying with most of Middle-Earth, but months later, all was finally well. Frodo and Sam had destroyed the ring in Mordor, the forces of Mordor had collapsed along with the Black Gate, and today was the coronation of King Elessar, also known as Aragorn.
You watched, standing next to Gimli on the dais, as Gandalf lowered the crown onto Aragorn’s head.
“Now come the days of the King!” Gandalf declared before Aragorn turned to face his kingdom. Everyone cheered as he stood there, silencing quickly as he spoke. His words were wise and sincere, and you couldn’t help but fall in love all over again. As petals began to fall, he started singing, the words quickly fading as he turned to you.
You walked down to meet him at the bottom of the steps, gown trailing behind you. Once you reached him, he grabbed your hand, wrapping an arm around your waist as he dipped you into a spectacular kiss. Unlike the one you had shared in Imladris, this was not a kiss of sadness. This was a kiss of hope, peace, and promise. As the cheers rose around you again you knew that everything you had hoped for had come true.
Everything tag: @entishramblings @itgetsatadhazy @boyruins @anjhope1 @wellofeternalthirst @kumqu4t @katbby16
#aragorn x reader#maiawrites#lord of the rings#the hobbit#jrr tolkien#the silmarillion#aragorn fanfic#aragorn x you#aragorn x y/n#elrond’s daughter#Arwens sister#arwen#Elrond#legolas#gandalf#Galadriel#celeborn#Galadriel x celeborn
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For fandom asks: LOTR?
The first character I first fell in love with: honestly it was probably merry! the scene at bilbo and frodo’s birthday party where him and pippin steal and let off the huge firework literally made me giggle so much.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now: hmm this is tough. honestly probably eowyn? i have no idea why, i just really didn’t like her the first time i watched. but i absolutely adore her now!
The character everyone else loves that I don’t: hhhh i dunno. probably eomer. its not that i don't like him, i just don’t really care for him.
The character I love that everyone else hates: smeagol! not gollum, may i just be clear. but smeagol, unless he’s calling sam a fat hobbit in which case i want to snap his neck.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer: uhhhhh i dont think i have one??? i love all of em
The character I would totally smooch: sam, frodo, merry, legolas, aragorn, arwen, eowyn, boromir, haldir, galadriel... must i go on?
The character I’d want to be like: SAM the man is most loyal person and such a great friend are you kidding me. i aspire to be sam gamgee.
The character I’d slap: DENETHOR the man is a prick and i HATE him for what he did to faramir. never ever forgiven. also grima wormtongue cus hes just an asshole
A pairing that I love: literally any of the platonic ships but maybe my favourite platonic ship is merry x eowyn. also arwen x aragorn and eowyn x faramir. also sam gamgee x me
A pairing that I despise: hmmmmm im not even sure? i don’t see many ships that i super hate the idea of.
fandom asks
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