#i love giving my clone ocs stupid names <3
clone named stal (short for stalactite). their batchmate is named stal (short for stalagmite)
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mk-writes-stuff · 2 months
OC Deep Dive
Rules: answer the questions for an OC
Thanks @illarian-rambling for the tag! I’ve been debating on who to answer this for for a while but I think I’m going to do it for Cassie. One of her big scenes is coming up and I want to work with her a bit more
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Cassie’s primary fear is that someone will pick her out as a clone (which I think is pretty uncommon though understandable). She’d do anything to avoid getting caught
Do they have any pet peeves?
In all seriousness though, her biggest pet peeve is people with sticks up their asses who take stupid things too seriously but can’t bother to see the big-picture issues. So, Belladonna, although she’s getting better
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Cassie doesn’t have much in her bedroom since she doesn’t own much. She has spare clothes, a spare eye patch, and the odds and ends she’s tinkering with for her new hand in there
What do they notice first in a person?
How dangerous they might be. Like whether they’re being threatening (or just being a noble)
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
10/10. Cassie chopped her own arm off in a door on purpose and kept going on her escape attempt. She has nerves of steel
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (or freeze and fawn)
Fight. You put too much pressure on Cassie, you will get punched
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
No and no. Cassie considers herself as having no bio family - Cassiopeia clones are kept isolated enough that they can’t really form familial bonds, so Cassie doesn’t consider them her sisters, or the Stellaris clones her brothers. She has no real interest in forming familial bonds either, although she has a close friendship with Nellie
What animal represents them best?
Cassie gives me feral cat vibes. She will scratch you
What is a smell that they dislike?
Blood. She’s not squeamish per se, but it reminds her of Sixth Station
Have they broken any bones?
I actually haven’t thought about it. I’m sure she’s broken ribs once or twice, probably not much else (assuming you don’t count her chopping her arm off)
How would a stranger likely describe them?
“Yeah, I met this girl today. I think she’s the bodyguard for one of the nobles? Super buff, could absolutely break me in half. Gorgeous hair although she doesn’t look like she takes care of it, I wanted to sit her down and brush it for her. I think she must’ve been in one of those power depot disasters a few years back, because she’s missing an eye and an arm - and I didn’t think ‘metal arm’ would be my type, but I think she might’ve changed my mind. I got her number, though, so here’s hoping.”
This is from the POV of a background character named Leila who Cassie flirts with in book 1
Are they a night owl or an early bird?
She gives off night owl hates-getting-up vibes but she’s actually an early bird. She likes getting up to get a workout in before she starts her day
What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love?
Cassie hates nutrient cubes, although whether “cardboard” is a flavor could definitely be debated. One of her all-time favourite flavours is blueberry
Do they have any hobbies?
She doesn’t have a ton of time because she works a job with long hours, but she likes working out. She also enjoys watching trashy sitcoms
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
I think she’d honestly be flattered. She’d get startled, but I doubt she’d actually go as far as punching any of her friends, and she’d like the party, although I think she’d be confused as to how they know her birthday, because she just kind of picked one at random for her ID and honestly doesn’t remember what it is
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Nope. It’s expensive and not her style
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
Cassie is illiterate :)
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Annoyance and glee. She’s so tired of nobles and their bullshit but she can’t help but be delighted at the trappings of being rich
Do they have a favourite fabric?
Probably cotton. It’s nice and comfy and breathable
What kind of accent do they have?
I am terrible at accents. I genuinely do not know. I’d love to know how y’all interpret Cassie’s accent if you have an idea
This was a fun game! I love obscure OC questions, they always make me think :)
@ominous-feychild @autism-purgatory @somethingclevermahogony would y’all like to play? Blanks are below the cut
What uncommon/common fear do they have? Do they have any pet peeves? What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom? What do they notice first in a person? On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance? Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure? (or freeze and fawn) Do they come from a big family/are they a family person? What animal represents them best? What is a smell that they dislike? Have they broken any bones? How would a stranger likely describe them? Are they a night owl or an early bird? What is a flavour they hate and a flavour they love? Do they have any hobbies? Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises? Do they like to wear jewelry? Do they have neat or messy handwriting? What are the two emotions they feel the most? Do they have a favourite fabric? What kind of accent do they have?
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fionajames · 11 months
*deep inhale*
Hey hey hey!
Sorry that sounded way better in my head. Good morning, since it’s midnight where I am, and I hope you don’t have writers block because that’s the worst thing that could possibly happen!
Anyway, requesting tiiiiiiime! May i pleeeeease have Dhole, your OC, helping out the 501st in a deadly battle with Ahsoka, Rex, Anakin, and any other clone/Jedi you’d want? And May I have angst and maybe a minor injury (no preference who)?
Sorry, I have a thing for the Injury ones since to me it brings out emotions and tension and draws the reader in to make sure they’re okay, you know?
I LOVE YOUR WORK SO MUCH <3 thank you! Sincerely, your grateful follower, Sha. (That’s my name)
family - my oc
Dhole glanced at Dice again, who was staring straight ahead at the doors of the gunship. The boy readjusted his hold on his blasters, glancing to his side where Ahsoka was grinning. He and Dice had been sent alongside the 501st and 212th to safely escort a Senator back to Coruscant after his planet had been invaded by the Separatists. Once they’d freed the Senator, the two Corrie’s and a small squad would head home whilst the others and the Jedi continued the fight until the Republic had regained control over the tropical planet.
“Dhole, are you alright?” A voice asked and the red-armoured boy turned to Xi, who was clutching his helmet under his arm, running a hand through his black hair. Dhole went to do the same, entangling his fingers in his mess of curls, tugging wisps down to his eye level to see the red colour he’d dyed the ends. “Brother, are you alright?”
“Ah yes, sorry Xi!” He chirped back, pushing down his nerves and attempting to reconstruct the sunny facade he was slowly slipping out of. Sure, Dhole was a sunny boy, but the longer the war continued on for, the less sunny he was. “Sorry, Xi, just zoned out.”
The older trooper gave him a doubtful glance but nodded. The small Togrutan girl next to Dhole poked his side.
“Dhole, why are you so nervous?” Ahsoka asked quietly, and Dhole inwardly cursed the stupid Force giving her the ability to sense his emotions. 
“I just don’t want anything to go wrong, kid,” he told her with a forced smile. It then melted to a frown as the gunship swayed in the air. “But I’ve got a bad feeling about this.”
Ahsoka laughed and that helped to at least make Dhole’s shoulders relax a little. “My Master says that all the time!”
“Says what, Vod’ika?” Dhole asked, a smile growing on his face but this one wasn’t fake. 
“‘I’ve got a bad feeling about this,’” she explained. “He says it so much!”
“Really?” Dhole chuckled, before muttering as he put his helmet on. “Maybe he’s right then.”
The plan was simple enough to follow and Dhole shouldn’t’ve felt as scared and nervous as he did - nerves swirling around his stomach and making it lurch with every step he took. He watched as the Clones around him started blasting at the enemy, and his heart lurched when Ahsoka ran away from his side - towards the enemy with her green lightsabers blocking blasts.
Dhole moved as his body commanded - away from the heat of the blasts and to cover, where he breathed deeply and blinked away his panicked tears. Why was he so worked up?
“Dhole, focus!” Rex called to him, noticing the robotic movements his brother had adopted and the way his hands were shaking. “Vod’ika, are you alright?” The blonde Clone shuffled closer to the younger, placing an armoured hand on his shoulder. Even though they were both wearing helmets, Dhole could hear Rex’s concern.
“Yes sir!” He chirped back, steadying his voice and accidentally slipping back into the soldier-voice the Kaminoans expected off them. “Sorry sir!”
Rex flinched, frowning at the boy’s language. But he didn’t have time to dwell on it. 
Dhole watched the Captain turn away as he leapt to his feet, expecting his natural battle instincts to kick in. He fired at the enemy - his brothers by his side - but his instincts hadn’t kicked in properly.
A grenade exploded to his side - a white armoured Clone flew past him from the impact of the explosion - as he was thrown to the side. Dhole cried out when a piece of sharp, metal shrapnel cut into his arm - straight through his armour. Someone beside him shouted something, but his vision had tinted with a red haze.
“Fox!” Dhole screamed out instinctively, reaching his good armour up. His instincts howled for his older brother, but he was not there. 
“Dhole!” A voice called, a feminine voice. Ahsoka, his mind gently explained, and he barely heard it over the sound of his own thoughts screaming for his brother. “Rex, medic!”
Dhole felt several tears fall from his eyes - tears of pain that he couldn’t stop - as he reached his hand to Ahsoka, desperate for any feeling of comfort. A hand slipped into his and he squeezed it gently, trying to stop himself from gripping her hand like the lifeline it was.
“Dhole!” A voice screamed and suddenly he felt his body shift unwillingly as someone grabbed him. He screeched in pain and wreathed in the person’s hands. Two hands moved to pull his helmet off. And even though it was red-tinted, Dhole could recognise the familiar - yet unfamiliar in the immense worry that adorned it - face of Dice, the burn scar crinkled with worry. 
The person holding his helmet was his General, whose face was swirling with worry and he was biting his lip in concentration. “Kix is on his way,” the brunette told him, glancing to his Padawan. “Cover him, I’ll continue the fight with Obi-Wan.”
Ahsoka didn’t have time to protest - not that she would have anyway - as her Master leapt to his feet and rejoined the battle. 
Dhole barely noticed anything after that - his vision was too blurry and his limbs were white hot with pain. Kix arrived shortly after and tended to him, but midway through the medical attention, he blacked out. 
“Kix!” A voice called and Dhole flinched at the loud, unfamiliar sound. “I believe your trooper is awake!” Is that, Dhole thought. General Kenobi? He opened one eye hesitantly, recoiling from the bright light but getting confirmation about his thoughts from the ginger Jedi hovering above him.
A face appeared in his vision, but it was not a Clone.
“Oh good, you're awake!” General Skywalker told him with a grin. Dhole internally frowned. Since when did the Jetti care so much about me? He thought.
“Dhole!” A voice cried out and the boy flinched as Dice threw his arms around him, encasing him in a hug. Dice was shaking. “You scared me Vod’ika!”
Dhole sunk into his arms numbly, too tired to speak. 
“We were worried you were dead,” General Skywalker explained, and Dhole had to stop himself from raising an eyebrow.
“I’m sorry, sir, but why were you worried? I’m just another clone,” Dhole told him and Dice promptly smacked him on the back of the head. Dhole chose to ignore it. 
“You are not just another clone to us,” the General replied, sitting down beside the Clone. “You’ve done some amazing work, Dhole - that’s why you're an ARC Trooper - and your kind as well. You’ve saved our lives many times before, and that's why we chose to get to know you.”
Dhole’s face fell and then was replaced by one of utter shock. His stomach swirled with warmth and a grin broke out over his face, his vision blurring with tears. He lunged forwards and wrapped his arms around the brunette General. 
General Skywalker’s face contorted with shock before he wrapped his arms around the crying Trooper, soothing him by running a hand through his curls gently and playing with the stray wisps. “Shh, it’s alright.” 
“Thank you so so so much, General,” Dhole spluttered out relaxing into the comforting arms of the Jedi. His heart ached with joy as a tear fell from his eye, getting caught in his eyelashes like raindrops do. 
“He’s right, you know,” General Kenobi spoke up as Dhole watched Dice leave the room, seconds later Ahsoka entered. The Togruta waved to him frantically, beaming all the while. “You're not just Clones to us. Your soldiers, men, and you deserve a lot better than what you're getting.”
“You really believe that?” Dhole asked, pulling away from General Skywalker, who gave his back an affectionate pat. 
“Of course!” Ahsoka chipped in, moving to sit beside her friend and drape her arm over his shoulders. “Your our family too, Vod!”
Dhole bit his lip, but he couldn’t stop the tears as they began spilling uncontrollably from his eyes, burying his face in the teenager’s neck. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,”  General Kenobi chided softly, hand on the Trooper’s back. He was smiling sympathetically, blue eyes shining with truth.
“Yeah, we’re all one great big family!” Anakin laughed, grinning and Dhole couldn’t stop himself from grinning back.
“The Jedi and the Clones,” Dhole chucked. “A formidable family!”
But everyone knows family doesn’t last forever.
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ghostofskywalker · 1 year
oooh please tell us ab your clone oc!! i just saw ur post ab making his ct number I’d love to hear more!
of course!! i now have 3 oc's to share and i was going to post about all of them anyway, so here they are!!
the helmet drawings still need to be colored but everything else about them is done :) hopefully the pictures are visible, i have a very light hand when drawing
CT-2808: “Getaway” 
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Medic of the 989th Battalion
The running joke is that if you injure yourself doing something stupid, you better “get away” 
His CT number is the last digit of the kudo count of my four favorite fics i’ve written (one from each fandom that has been a principle one of mine at some point: marvel, agent carter, star wars, and the x files!)
Asexual, willing to date but doesn’t see the point in it because they’re at war
Has a tattoo on the back of his right shoulder that says “the best of times, the worst of crimes” in aurebesh 
Won’t tell anyone the story behind it - Ricochet is the only one who knows because he was there for it all
Has a fairly simple helmet design, a few accents around the bottom half of the helmet, along with the medic symbol at the top
Impulsive only when drunk 
Big fan of karaoke night at 79’s
Likes fruity drinks, his brothers tease him for it
Loyal, compassionate, and kind
Dry humor when you least expect it
Has a candy connection on Coruscant, has a stash to give to his brothers when they’re recovering from particularly dangerous wounds
CT-2714: “Ricochet”
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ARC Trooper of the 989th Battalion
His CT number is the last digit of the kudo count of my second four favorite fics i’ve written (from the same four fandoms!)
In the nicest way possible, this man is a little bit of a slut (but we love him for it)
Talks a big game about himself, but secretly is a big softie when it comes to love 
Likes to paint his nails when they’re on leave
Can outdrink every other trooper in the battalion
Preferred weapon is two pistols
Kama is teal with white swirl patterns, color scheme matches the armor of the battalion
The best person to have with you in case of a crisis, he can always come up with some kind of solution
Has a bad habit of ending up in the medbay with random injuries
Sleeps like the dead, not even a droid attack can wake him up
Gets his name from the way his mind moves between thoughts, is likely a bit ADHD 
Scared of needles, Getaway keeps trying to convince him to get a tattoo
Jedi General Vera Callisto 
i didn't like the star wars picrews i found, so i used a random one i did like, here's vera in some civvie clothes :)
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Human, with dark brown hair and purple eyes 
Grew up with Obi Wan, helped train Anakin
Originally from Alderaan
Studied under Plo Koon, friends with the Wolfpack because of this
Wields two green lightsabers 
Powerful warrior, but would rather spend her days in the Jedi Archives
Served as a General in charge of the Coruscant Guard until the 989th was formed, and then her service was required on the front lines
Makes friends with every clone she meets instantly, she likes to give the men in her battalion little trinkets from markets if she gets to travel
Compassionate, kind, caring, and tired of the war 
Likes to paint her nails with Ricochet 
all her troops are trying to set her up with one of the bartender’s at 79’s
They’re kind of convinced that the no attachments thing just means you can’t have children and she’s tired of correcting them at this point, so she just rolls with it.
okay, maybe she actually does think the bartender at 79’s is cute, but don’t say anything!!!
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I wanted to post my oc strobe tonight but I realized that DESPITE being my second ever tf oc not only does she not have a full reference design sheet but she doesn’t even have any UNFINISHED SKETCHES of her BY HERSELF so here’s some shitposts and animatic things that have her I love strobe
ALSO BLITZWING IS IN THIS POST YAY trust me HES IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!! also I drew Blitzwing differently in the video because that animatic is OLD. AS. BALLS. I changed how I draw him a while ago after I saw this AMAZING design of him
Anyway here’s all you need to know about Stroeb I can’t give lore because my mutual rp friends follow me and they aren’t allowed to know yet :(
Strobe is a joke character but she did make my friend cry for like 2 days when she died in rp so I guess she does have an impact or something LOLOL
STrobe is a super romantic high-energy FIEND who hates other women and wants to be One Of The Boys. Though she lacks common sense and a filter, she’s actually pretty intelligent when it comes to math, engineering, health science— all that jazz. Not very good in the English department though…
Strobe is known for getting in people’s business and holding grudges. If you wronged her once, even if it was megacycles ago, she still remembers it and is still plotting how to get back at you. And since she’s so nosy and curious and knows how to ask around and get good information, she knows exactly how to ruin your day… OR LIFE!!!! Maybe not that dramatic maybe not life but emotionally she’s pretty angry all the time lol
All in all basically a very unstable pick-me-girl who will have a vendetta against if you identify as a woman or instantly want to marry you if you’re a guy. She loves men btw she loves men a LOT…. Specifically BLITZWING… but it’s not mutual LOL
To elaborate on that random fact (and to explain why Blitzwing is in every SINGLE DRAWING) Strobe is compleeeeetely in love with Blitzwing and follows him around really wants him to like her but Blitzwing is too busy watching football and eating veiner schnitzel or something to notice idfk. Blitzwing really sees her as like a semi-annoying younger sister than a girlfriend (and plus I lowkey headcanon Blitzwing is just asexual + aromantic leaning in general THATS MY HOT TAKE he’d rather sing nursery rhymes and kill people than hold someone’s hand!!!) so would never date her she gets friendzoned constantly
(I also headcanon random is gender fluid I DONT KNOW WHERE ELSE TO PUT THIS headcanon But It’s here LOL ANYWAY)
ALSO I should probably end this with saying IN THE Little toddler phone thing with the stupid bugs and blitzwing the pink bug is NOT strobe’s child that is her clone. Very long story. But she has a clone. The clone’s name is chitter and she is a very sweet little baby who has gotten kidnapped at least 3 times so far in the rp she’s in Oops
ive had someone ask before if chitter was blitzwing and strobe’s child and the answer is No! but the more I look a chitter especially when she’s colored in the more I realize she does look like it….
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smallfry372659 · 1 year
okay so we know about your Neo 3, mod, but what about your other agents?
(This was the question I wanted to get since I introduced Chevelle lmao thank you!!!)
(So my agents don't follow the same kinda pattern a lotta other people do with theirs!)
(My Captain 3 is named Osprey, Ozzy for short. She's Australian, Aboriginal most likely. Not the brooding type of Captain, but still a massive dweeb. Talks like an anime protag, conductor of the chronic pain train, kinda chipper and more of a mentor to agents like Neo 3 and 4. Likely to kick your beak in if you're being a jerk tho so they're not a pushover. She/they pronouns! About 22/23 still deciding here. Probably Pan, probably Poly, doesnt care about gender. VERY stupid about self care and pushes themself too hard a LOT. Captain of both the NSS but also the squid sisters fanclub. Probably was in a lil fling with each Squid Sister separately at different points. Both ended on good terms!)
(Agent 4 is Polaris, or as Marie calls them "Lari", which makes them f u m e. They also get called Bi-Polar for being an easily ticked off bisexual who can't stick to a gender identity. ADHD/Autism swag is off the charts too. Like this is my lil skrungle who punches people during Turf. Probably has rabies? Ate a raw bird once for 3k G. Has trouble applying themself to anything other than Agent Work, which they love. 20, they/them is their usual pronouns but they'll switch em around with she or he or sometimes it pronouns. Most likely French Canadian if I had to give them a voice. 100% Dated the Fiddler from Bottom Feeders, broke up because she wanted to fight to keep things "fresh".)
(My 8 is Oracle. Former Elite who fell into the Metro after engaging with Captain and Cuttlefish while out on patrol with her partner. She's got quite a checkered past that's actually tied to an oc centric story I'm writing but the short of it is that theyre a clone of an AWFUL scientist from Octo Canyon and she's really trying to distance herself from that. Trans lesbian swag. She/they, cynical and sarcastic but in that big sister kinda way. Highly intelligent, suffers from injuries received during the NILS statue fight and the trials [mostly seizures, migraines, PTSD, and anxiety the poor dear], her and Cap3 are probably an item but won't make it official, shes 24. Enjoys modding weapons and stabs as a warning. Venomous! Pearlina Shipper #1)
(And you all know Chevelle hopefully. If not, they're an orphaned Octoling who got adopted by a Maws [Mamaws]. They didn't wanna be an agent, but felt like Cuttlefish could pay them and then didn't so they were going to back out but then fell into Alterna and the rest is history. Started out super poor and spends time getting money to donate it to other poor kids in Splatsville. REALLY hates Grizzco. Steals eggs back. Sabotaged the copter more than once. Thinks of Deep Cut as bad influence older siblings [gets treated like it too by those 3 like they LOVE Chevy like a sibling]. Very dry-wit, motivated and resourceful. Lil Buddy is basically their adoptive baby brother who eats glue. Ambiguous race for now, though I see them with a bit of a Spanish accent so might be of Latin descent. Can speak Salmonese, Octarian, and Inklish but prefers to be quiet. 18. They/them. Gay gay homosexual gay. Has a crush on Polaris)
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detroitbydark · 4 years
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Every Dog Has His Day
Chapter 3
Characters: Hound/OC
Summary: Good boys, fuck boys, and the things between
Warnings: Aggression toward women.
A/N: does anyone feel like I should put Mando’a translations in at the end? Would it be helpful?
“Good morning GAR. It’s 0400. What does “o” stand for? Well I can think of a few things but let’s go with Oh maker, I’m ready to hit the rack. Any boys in white care to join me?”
Hound would. In a heartbeat. In a Coruscant minute.
Hound is in the gym early. Really early. He’s never needed much sleep to function at his peak but 0400 is stupid o’clock even for him. He passes the time until the mess opens lifting while Grizzer snores near his armor across the room. Right now the massiff is using his rolled up kama as a pillow and Hound wonders idly how hard it’s going to be to clean the drool off. He’s alone with his thoughts and the radio.
He falls into the steady rhythm of sets and reps. He wasn’t a small vod by any means. There’s been a joke in his batch that the settings had malfunctioned on his pod. He was only a half an inch taller, but he was thicker than his batchmates, not commando big but enough to be noticeable in a line up. Lifting weights kept his bulk from atrophying. He didn’t mind the small layer of fluff over his muscles but he wanted them strong and ready for whatever the Grand Army called him to do.
The radio plays quietly over the weight room’s audio channel. Nuna’s smokey voice is a highlight too late to save a very bad week. Two bombings and a half dozen threats (most, copy cats) had kept the Guard on edge and high alert. He and Grizzer had worked them all, tracking and searching wreckage for survivors. Hound glances at his partner. One too many dead bodies had left the massiff feeling dejected and down. Not even his favorite tug toy or a big meaty bantha knuckle has been able to cheer him up. Hound isn’t feeling much better.
He’s not sure what was causing the surge but he knows he’d give just about anything for it to be over with. On top of that (and a far better distraction than the chaos and death of terrorist attacks), there was still the matter of Nuna herself that had him spun out of sorts. They’d had fun at the Fete, even if it had only been a short time. She hadn’t been faking that and he certainly hadn’t. Maybe he’d come on too strong with the call but, honestly, he’d thought it was cute. Maybe he’d embarrassed her?
He wasn’t ready to give up just yet. It was how he’d gotten his name. Tenacious like a hound. The trainers on Kamino had joked that once he was on a trail he wasn’t giving up ‘til he completed his prime objective.
His prime objective now was getting Nuna Skii’s commlink. And a date.
It didn’t matter that Rule had teased him after his on-air brush-off or that Ryk had given him a look that said he didn’t believe he'd had lunch with anybody let alone Nuna Skii. Hound knew though, and he knew that she’d had fun. If she hadn't, why had she smiled so brightly when he’d asked her questions? Why had she braced her hand on his arm and dissolved into laughter when he said something that was, admittedly, not as funny as it sounded in his head?
The barbell comes to rest on the rack with a clatter. Grizzer looks up from his nap, his great tongue licking lazily at his maw.
“Do you think I’m being stupid?”
The massiff stares blankly.
“Well, yeah, but she did seem interested.”
Grizzer rises slowly, stretching with a groan before ambling over to his partner and laying his head in Hound’s lap. He manages to roll onto his back without losing contact. Hound reaches down to scratch his leathery belly.
“Yeah, well, there’s something about her I really like. I think I should try again.”
Grizzer whines.
“But how, you ask? I’m not sure, bud.”
“In bigger news, it’s the end of the week and I think we all deserve a bit of a treat, don’t you?”
Grizzer turns toward Nuna’s voice and lets out a happy sound. Hound laughs.
“No treats before breakfast, Grizz. You know the rules.” The massiff offers his handler a sad pair of eyes and Hound shakes his head. “Not gonna fall for that.”
“Tonight ladies and lads we’re having ladies’ night at 79’s. Come find yourself a battle buddy and if one of you lucky listeners can find me I may have a special surprise just for you!”
Hound listens intently. Ryk and Rule were sure to be down for a night out after the week they’d had. The Commander has been busy keeping his assistant working late so he likely wouldn’t be game - not that Hound could blame him - but Thire might be convinced. Since the scuffle with the 501st boys a few weeks back the buddy system has been in play. The more the merrier as far as he was concerned. Now all he had to do was find a way to talk to her.
“If you pull on the skirt one more time, I swear to the maker I will end you.”
Nuna rolls her eyes at Tully’s threat. The skirt was too short and the Pantoran was out of her fekking mind if she thought this wouldn’t be the way the rest of the night played out.
“I dressed you pretty for a reason. Stop trying to ruin it.”
“I look like a cased sausage.” She tries - and fails - to keep the whine from her voice. Tully softens and grips her shoulders gently.
“First off, if that's the case, you are the sexiest sausage I’ve ever seen.” Nuna stifles a laugh behind a pout. “Second,” Nuna winces as her friend punches her in the shoulder, “There’s more where that came from if I hear one more second of negative self talk tonight. Got me?”
“Kriff Tull-“ Nuna rubs at her shoulder. “Fine, I’m the sexiest sausage Coruscant has ever seen. Just don’t hurt me anymore.”
The Pantoran laughs and leans forward, placing a smacking kiss on the shorter woman’s head. “I love you and your issues,” she mumbles.
“Can we just have a drink now?”
79’s is packed. Shebs to gett’se. There’s the usual mix of clones from various divisions and battalions crowded in small groups of grey and white with pops of color signaling who they were to the world. There’s also a large contingent of women - every species, color and shape known to man. Nuna smiles happily as she brings her drink to her lips only to frown a moment later at the deep plum smear of lipstick on the glass.
“No transfer my ass,” she grumbles as she takes another long pull. Tully bought the first round, and whatever it is is sweet on Nuna’s tongue like star cherry candy with the familiar burn of booze behind it. It’s good but if she fills her night with more of them she’ll be nursing a killer hangover come morning. “I’ve got the next round.”
“As if I was going to let you get away without paying your fair share.”
Nuna rolls her eyes as she finishes the last of her drink. She’s already feeling just a little bit more loose and relaxed. Her hips move in a mindless, lazy figure-eight to the driving thud of the bass. Not her favorite, but Nuna loved to dance nearly as much as she loved music. Well maybe not that much, but certainly a close second.
Back home on Irmenu both had been frowned upon by the Priesthood and if they didn’t approve it was almost heretical to go against them. It hadn’t been ‘til she’d been exiled with her parents that she’d heard her first real music - outside of mindless chanting - and her first experience with really letting go and letting her body take over. It was freeing. Liberating. It was at that moment that she’d known she wanted to work around it, to be part of it somehow, for the rest of her life. It had been the driving force for so long that she had a hard time looking outside of it. Maybe that was how she’d gotten to nearly 25 and had nothing but a paycheck and an empty apartment to keep her company. Tully tries to say something over the noise of the speakers.
She had Tully too. A better best friend no girl has ever had.
“Have you finished yours yet?” The Pantoran holds up her glass, shaking the lone ice cubes around for show. Nuna holds hers up to show hers in the same state of emptiness.
“Ready for another?”
“You have to ask? Pony up girl. It’s your turn.”
There was something nice about the anonymity of her radio persona. As she moves through the crowd she doesn’t need to worry about being recognized or stopped by a fan looking for a picture. The one disappointment was that she still had to wait at the bar like everyone else.
She taps on the bar once to get the tender’s attention. The Twi’lek woman gives her a nod and the finger gesture for ‘one moment’ before quickly changing it to ‘two moments.’ Nuna blows a breath from the corner of her mouth. Ok, maybe a little notoriety wouldn’t be so bad once in a while. She’s waiting patiently, hip pressed against the bar, booted foot tapping along to the beat when someone taps her on the shoulder.
“Nuna?” She cringes at the voice, doing her best to press a convincing smile into place as she turns. “Hey, I thought that was you.” She flinches when a long thin finger flicks at one of the curls she’d managed to cultivate in her short hair. It bounces merrily as she looks into the face of the last man she’d hoped to see.
She only has one to go off of but, as far as exes went, Nuna was fairly certain she had one of the worst. All of the things she’d once found incredibly handsome about Alistar S’uun were now… what did Tully refer to him as?… ah yes, smarmy.
She’d been lonely and wholly too innocent to get involved with him when she’d first arrived in the Triple-Zero, but that hadn’t stopped her from losing her heart - and other things - to the arrogant son of a bantha. He’d been all slicked back hair and clothes that screamed money. He’d taken her to nice places, introduced her to important people. She’d thought it was love until she’d walked in on him and his assistant one day when she’d stopped by to bring him lunch.
To say it ended badly was an understatement, but she’d been lucky. She hadn’t seen him in nearly a standard year. Lucky until tonight.
“Alistar,” she greets, tucking her hair back behind her ears, as if it would stop him from touching it if he wanted to. Alistar did what he wanted when he wanted, and you either dealt with it or got out of the way.
“You look great. Lost a few of those troublesome pounds?”
A wave of annoyance washes over her as she glances back over her shoulder and toward the bartender. She just needed her karking drinks so she could make her escape. The Twi’lek is still occupied further down the bar.
“How have you been?” she asks, ignoring his questions and the undertones it entailed.
“Oh you know, doing a bit of this and that. Father is letting me take some of reins on the new acquisitions-“
“That’s lovely, Alistar. I’m very happy for you,” she lies through her teeth. His father was a shipping magnate and nepotism had been good to Alistar.
Nuna glances toward where she’d left Tully and sees a flash of red and white talking to her. Her heart stutters only to realize that it’s not the now somewhat familiar armor Hound wore. The trooper is somewhat smaller, less broad through the middle. The tell-tale snarl is missing from his helmet.
“I hear that little radio show of yours is still doing well.”
Here it comes, she thinks. This was always how it started. Alistar would make some little undermining comment and she’d get upset. Inevitably she’d be crying and he’d tell her she needed to get a sense of humor. Nuna could see it all unfolding before her eyes, but this time she wasn’t going to fall for it.
“I always knew you had a face for radio-” he smiles widely holding his hands up, “Oops! you know what I meant, right Nunz?”
“Yeah, Al, I got you loud and clear.” Her smile is forced and she grits her teeth with such force she’s surprised one doesn’t crack. “So it’s been lovely catching up but I’m going to go find Tull-“ His hand catches her upper arm as she turns to leave. She regrets wearing the sleeveless top Tully had picked out. She doesn’t like the feel of his skin against her own.
“Still friends with the Pant? Maker, you really are desperate aren’t you? Stay and talk for a while. I’m better company.” She shakes off his grip, his smile now beginning to look just as fake as the one she’d been wearing.
She promised herself wasn’t going to take the bait, really she wasn’t, she was better than that… but he’d brought Tully into it.
“She cares about me more than you ever did.” The smile is gone now and Aliatar’s pale brows arch up in surprise at the venom in her voice.
“So are you laying like a cold fish for her to fuck you too? Low standards-“
She turns to move again, puts one foot in front of the other, before he yanks her back. The heel of her boot slips and her stumble only makes his grip tighten. Her arm twists in a way that sends pain shooting like wildfire from her shoulder to the tips of her fingers.
“Don’t you dare walk-“
Nuna had never hurt so much as a fly in her life, but the blinding rage that rises up from her gut does something to her. Before she can even comprehend what she’s doing her balled up fist is connecting solidly with Alistar’s face. He doubles over while Nuna whines, snapping her hand back to her chest before beginning to shake it roughly. The pain she’d felt in her arm was nothing to what her knuckles were feeling now.
“Kriff, Kriff, Kriff,” she grits out, flexing her fingers.
“Why you dumb little nerf cow-“ She glances up to see Alistar take a step toward her. Something akin to fear prickles at the back of her senses. She’d seen that look before in his eyes. It scared her now like it had back then.
“Whoa. Whoa. Whoa.” Red and white armor steps into Nunas view. “What seems to be the problem here?” Hound's voice is easy going as his head swings from Nuna to Alistar, who is rubbing his jaw, his other finger jabbing accusingly in Nuna’s direction.
“This little bitch-“
“Alright buddy” Hound holds a hand up calmingly “I’m going to stop you right there. Let me clarify-“ he turns to Nuna fully. Her heart stutters as he pulls the hand she’s cradling close to her chest up for inspection. “What’s going on here, sweetheart?” he asks quietly.
“I was just trying to leave and he grabbed me. It hurt,” she tries to tamp down the tremble in her voice, “I just wanted him to let go.”
Hound gives her an unreadable look. His thumbs stroke gently over her knuckles. Something warm springs to life in her belly that takes the edge off her discomfort.
“Hey, you! Clone,” Alistar’s voice rises up, “I demand this woman be arrested. I’ve been assaulted. You’re in the Guard. Do your job.”
There’s a tic in Hound’s jaw, really the only thing that gives the slightest hint of his annoyance as he turns back to the other man. A small crowd is gathering around them, mostly clones with a few civilians scattered in.
“Ok friend, first it’s Sargeant. Second,” he glances around and Nuna sees familiar colors of clone armor; blues, yellows, and reds surrounding them, “From my vantage point it looked like you were hurting the lady.” The clones around them nod in agreement.
“Oh this is just fracking great!” Alistar laughs, throwing his head back and taking a deep breath before glaring between Hound and Nuna. “You’re fucking her aren’t you?” he spits at Hound before rounding on Nuna, “You’re fucking government property now? That’s low even for you.”
Nuna feels tears welling up. She didn’t want to do anything now but go home and get away from the looks she just knew were coming her way. She glances down at her feet. When she looks up Hound is grabbing Alistar by the shoulders. His movements are quick, efficient, and practiced.
Hound tips Alistar forward just enough to bring an armored knee up into the other man’s unprotected gut. Alistar doubles over with a strangled wheeze, gripping at the bar for support before sinking to his knees. Hound turns his soft eyes to her.
“You’ve never punched someone.” It’s not a question. He takes her hand again, thumb stroking over her tender knuckles. “Wiggle your thumb,” he encourages, offering her a bright smile when she does.
“Ok. Good. It’s not broken,” he announces to himself, “Never wrap your fingers around your thumb. Next time you might not be so lucky.”
Nuna nods mutely.
“So what you want to do is-“ he proceeds to shape her hand into a fist. His big gloved hands completely envelop her smaller one as he tucks her thumb against the outside of her balled fingers. He presses it firmly as if to make the point that this was where it was supposed to be.
From the way he’s acting, she’s more inclined to believe she’s part of one of the ‘girl power’ self defense classes at the community center around the corner from her apartment as opposed to a clone bar. Hound is pleasant- no, he’s nearly perky.
“See how much nicer that looks? Certainly safer for your hand.” Nuna hears a few clones around them hum in agreement. Surreal. “Now, it wasn’t a bad first swing, but you didn’t follow through.”
“Kriffing… seven hells,” Alistar wheezes behind them. Hound makes a sound in his throat to catch her attention from the other man struggling to stand up.
“What you need to do next time is follow through. The target isn’t his jaw. It’s this magic little spot behind his jaw. Do you understand?”
Nuna’s eyes are drawn to Alistar who is rising to full height, murder written in his eyes.
“Hound-“ she tries to warn him but he merrily waves her off.
“Let me show you, ok?” The big man turns without missing a beat and his fist makes its best attempt at going through Alistar’s jaw. Her ex crumples into a heap, platinum hair disheveled, onto the sticky bar floor.
“Kriffing glass jawed pretty boy,” Hound mumbles as he turns back to her just as jovial and happy as he’d been devouring the nerf skewers and talking about Grizzer at the fete.
She hears a small cheer of “Oya!” go through the gathered ranks as a few clones grab the unconscious man by the shoulder and the rest begin to disperse back to their various areas.
“See? Just like that.”
Nuna swallows hard, bites back a nervous smile and finds her voice. “Just like that?”
“Yup.” Hound rocks back on his heels. “So do you wanna come have a drink with me- us?”
He sounds so hopeful, like pulling the whole Jedi Knight in shining armor bit hadn’t won him at least a little favor. She nods and he gestures for her to move ahead of him, leaving the other troopers to see her unconscious ex out the door.
Hound takes up a position behind her, his hand hovering over her hip to guide her toward the table his brothers stood around. Tully is already there with a serious look on her face.
“Are you ok?” She takes Nuna by the shoulders, looks her over.
“I’m good. I promise.”
“Maker I hate that no good piece of bantha spit.” One of the Guard behind her chokes out a laugh. Tully’s eyes fly to Hound, narrowed and assessing. “So this is the guy?”
“I’m the guy? What guy?” He looks at Nuna questioningly. Something mischievous sparkles in his gentle brown eyes.
Nuna feels her cheeks heat up as she bites out her friend's name. Tully ignores her.
“You bought her lunch at the Festival of Life?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“And you called into the show to ask her on a date?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Tully looks to Nuna and then back to Hound. “What’s up with the ma’am?”
Hound rubs at the back of his neck. His brothers snicker in the background. “Courtesy, ma’am?”
“Call me Tully,” she orders shortly, finally relaxing. Hound breathes out a sigh of relief.
“Vod? You gonna introduce us to your little friend?”
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iolaria · 4 years
what inspired you to make this story? was it out of pure boredom or does it have a more significant beginning? I really love your work and it really inspires me =)
First of all, thank you!! <3 Alright I will try to not write a wall of text, here it goes!!
The Noisulli storyline changed several times over the course of over a decade, in mostly three major variations. Initially yes it was out of sheer boredom in some extracurricular activity/club I did in highschool back in 2008 I think. I remember being in poetry club and writing random words backwards to try to come up with ideas for a poem. "Lunar" to "Ranul"... and welp there's the birth of a new OC. :'D I designed several Noisulli off of elemental themes based on their namesakes, the first few being Ranul, Ralos, Radec, Latep, and Larips. They originally weren't alien, but almost pixie-like. Shortly afterwards they did become alien and reported their "earthly findings" to a higher up known as the "Creator" (at the time was only Etinifni). It was for the most part a cutesy "Noisulli learning about humanity" story. Ranul and Ralos followed day and night human life differences (they were also starcrossed lovers in this variation), Radec and Latep were considered the original "fairies" in mythology to humanity, and Larips had a crossover story with another of my OCs Miro and Tuooneo for some reason.
A few years later I completely redid the entire Noisulli universe, no longer taking place anywhere near Earth or humanity but instead the singular Noisulli homeworld of COTU (a stupid abbreviation for "center of the universe"). This revision is a little closer to how it is now, with the introduction of the Successor/Creator hierarchy, cloning, and the Noisulli deity, Muinnellim. The Creators in this version (Etinifni, Edaced, Etunim, Raey, and Ruoh) were the direct descendants of the original Noisulli race who died out due to their own demise (it wasn't clear what that demise was at that time). Ranul, Ralos, Radec, Latep, and Larips were the current Creators' direct bloodline or "children". The Creators in this version directly managed the cloning machines that birth new Noisulli. Their title of Creator literally meant that they created life, named all the new Noisulli themselves, and were the "parents" to all Noisulli. Ranul in this version had "daddy issues" with his Predecessor Etinifni, hahaha.
My current version of the Noisulli story (since late 2013) is mostly inspired by the "Grey Goo Effect" theory (nanotechnology that self-replicates by consuming carbon). There has been eleven generations of the Creator Program as of present day, which is an education program that chooses the most qualified Noisulli to become Creators. Creators are considered now more as members of an elite ethics committee that work with homeworld leaders on the management of the Lanretni Iolaria system each Noisulli hosts, given at birth via controlled cloning/birth. Noisulli host this system to give them the ability to survive the unrefined "wild" Iolarian nanotechnology, preventing them from being devoured by it (this is how their original race almost died out) and rendering them immune. Life is no longer apocalyptic for the Noisulli, and Iolaria nanotechnology has become a common everyday thing and a major building block for their daily lives and infrastructure. Gradually over the past 5-6 years or so I've been slowly adding on to it and expanding on their lore. I began to focus on world building and creating the new Noisulli homeworlds of Esrevinu, Aniram, Elpam, and Citcra, as well as developing the downfall of their old world Enacra. I've mostly been developing each individual characters, and bringing together all their stories and perspectives into one major event of their present day. And despite all these years of working on these dumb characters I still don't have a fluid overall story or goal in mind for ending this whole thing!! |:D
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limelocked · 4 years
Naruto OCS???? Do tell us about them
oh now youve got me started!
i made a post about their history (very general) in this post so ill talk more about their personalities and things that stand out about them cuz i love them
so the tldr is that they’re an off shoot of the uchiha clan from the first great ninja war when yokumo fucked straight off from konoha due to 75% paranoia that turned to 99% paranoia when he left but cant go back now! hed be a rogue nin! so he settles down in the land of grass with Asaro the most best girl character ive ever made. She’s a tailor/seamstress/weaver in this tiny village and she just radiates chill, shes been your mom friend since grade 2 and will continue to be your mom friend until death
yokumo is Stressed and Strict because my dude has the sharingan so when they have three kids (not at the same time hot damn) he decides like any good parent to just refuse to let them use their eye powers at all (note: this is probably not a good parenting tecnique)
tenjo is the oldest daughter and she idolizes her dad so fucking much dude and shes fighty, boy pulls her hair and gets an ass whopping , shes the queen of the village kids but with different leading skills than her mom. she legit saw yokumo use jutsu ONCE and went “oh hell yeah time to be ninja”
yokumo said no
jiyuro is the middle kid and he just vibes dude, hes a normal easy going kid that reaps the reward of being the sibling of the queen of kids, hes also the kind of bastard that can and will use his sharingan to cheat in exams, something he can only pull of thanks to the babiest brother 30 under 30 ninja luminary chiban who cant use the sharingan but damn is that boy neck deep in genjutsu training
chiban put like all his dnd leveling towards genjutsu and some taijutsu so he wouldnt mcfucking die in the middle of a fight in the event that his genjutsu fails. his illusions are amazing tho and real specialised, he can make you believe that those eyes? those red eyes with weird dots in em? yeah totally normal, you didnt see shit. the same with cuts and bruises, dude specialices in detailed genjutsu instead of haha you got caught in a plant or some of the other ridiculus shit naruto characters do
now tenjo gets married not once, not thrice but two times, first time to your local imported bitch boy hatsunaio ha’ame whos playing the longest con in existance aka he “falls in love” with tenjo and gets married, has a kid, all so he can confirm that the clan has the sharingan to report back to konoha cuz that aint right, sharingan outside of konoha and even more sharingan outside a hidden village
fear not tought! imported asshoe gets killed by tenjo with the sweet loot of the mangekyou sharingan and Trauma!
her second marrage is 4-5 years later with drinker of respecting woman juice Tsumashin Aishika who had been a family friend since a bit after ha’ame got what was coming to him. Aishika is super patient and just Kind Man, if only he was stupid and buff he would be a himbo but he’s average and kinda smart so Good Dad will have to do. He likes to read and is a wood worker.
Tenjos kids are a fucking story too, btw hope you wanted a long long post cuz youve really gotten me started now
Renge, the kid she had with Ha’ame, is the oldest and she doesnt remember her dad at all, shes been called a clone of her mom with the fightyness and the “wow cool! need to learn that!” reaction to jutsu. Shes impulsive if shes on her own and the worlds biggest glass canon in a fight because she has trash chakra stores and the impatience to skip on learning to distrobute it properly, she also has the vibration style kekkei genkai (lightning + wind) which just eats up her chakra 
first kid with Aishika is Hotoki whos like her mom but EXTREME, shes the naruto of the kadzuki fam, impatient, a brat and ready to throw down instantly, shes stubborn as fuck and she wants to be the Tsukikage, a position that doesnt exist for a village that doesnt exist in a land that already has a hidden village. her family is supportive tho
last kid is Makuto whos one of only three kids in this clan thats youngler than naruto. his life starts of great by killing his mom with complications during birth giving him absolutly no problems down the road, nope, haha. Hes pretty reserved and likes his grandmas craft better than his grand dads so he takes up tailoring and later pottery, hes a fast learner 100% because of the sharingan
then we have jiyuros wife Pantama Hoshi, shes friend shaped and radiates chill like asaro. they met while team one (aka tenjo, jiyuro and chiban) was out at another town for a mission. shes a gardener and grows medicinal herbs along with real good flowers. theyre by far the most calm parents in the family and basically became foster parents for Tenjos kids once she died so yes, they have two dads. Hoshi can and will support you in anything thats not plain out stupid
Jiyuros first kid is Nishi whos good and cautious, shes the single kid in the budding team 2 that thinks things through properly before doing something, but too much, shes a pesemist, and probably has anxiety, on the upside all of the plans shes involved with goes without a hitch because she provides endless “what if bad thing happens” scenarios, in the downside plans take so much longer because of said what ifs, she specialises in sealing and summoning but really really wants to be a medical ninja because you see what if someone gets hirt! what if renge becomes dumb bitch during a mission and gets hurt because shes a glass canon
the second kid is Takuhi whos the mediating voice of reason that pushes Renge to listen to what ifs and makes Nishi remember that sometimes improv is whats needed during a mission, hes on the cautious until proover otherwise side. He hangs out with Yokumo a lot and is slowly inhereting his paranoia and or world waryness
Chibans family is amazing because i love them, his wife Yamatora Seiho, usually called by her last name, is an ex shinobi from the land of grass (she freaked Tenjo out a bunch after the Ha’ame bullshit went down) thats just so fucking done with the kage and government so she went to do that good good farming cottage core life but shes really not suited for it. shes ready to throw the fuck down at any time but shes also kind to her kids and real serious
she also had a previous marrage that ended in good ol murder (not her killing her husband for once in this clans history) but basically she took her at the time 5 y/o son Usagi with her and Chiban said fuck it join the family instantly
Usagi feels so fucking left out tho cuz he wants to be included in the playing the other kids do but he cant manage to care about that whole ninja thing plus he doesnt have eye powers and just why bother, so instead he goes to Asaro and asks her to be his teacher, he also becomes a barber in the town because my god did Jiyuro really just almost cut his sons ear off???
Hikame and Yorukoi are twin girls and the other two that’re younger than naruto in the clan, theyre 9 when hes 12. They spend their time usually together or with Hotoki and Makoto since Usagi is 13 years older than them and Renge, Nishi and Takuhi are team 2 on missions a lot. Yorukoi really loves animals and looks up to Nishi because holy shit mom she can summon animals with only a lil blood holy fuck meanwhile Hikame likes art and drawing the aimals Yurokoi comes sprinting home to tell everyone she found
The twins and Hotoki will make up Team 3 just as soon as Yokumo lets them because oops a few years ago the whole konoha branch of the uchiha got fucking annihilated and we might be next.com 
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OC post repliessssssssssss i love all of THEMMMMM. Keep sending stuff in if you guys like! I’m always down to hear about your OCs :D
Sweats... so kimetsu no yaiba is a thing so ive been flip flopping from fe3h oc and kny ocs. The kny ocs are siblings with noncanon breaths (breath of spirits and breath of stars) the older one, Makishi is a pillar who uses breath of spirit- having a memento of a fallen person allows him to use a move based on them. (Alotta angst potential since their family was hunted for being part of the sun breathers). Kagami, the younger sister is also a pillar (for less time) uses breath of star and can make like comet-y moves? Havent fleshed her out much yet, but shes kinda like a shrine maiden type?? N e way, Makishi has a heart of gold and is highkey in love with shinobu, even if hes deathly afraid of insects (a man who suffers because he drink respect women juice and respects a girls interests!!1!). He does put a lot of pressure on himself to be a good role model esp for the younger generation, and works tirelessly to make people happy. He does quarrel with his sister but healthily, they dont have crazy big fights, unless one of them was being reckless. Theyre all that eachother have, and they work hard to keep eachother safe. Makishi is kinda one of those soft kind boys, but will throw hands if necessary, while kagami is kinda the tired mom friend esp for tanjirou and nezuko. She really looks up to rengoku and appreciates alot of the pillars, and wishes she could be useful to them!
Okay I just finished watching KnY and OMGGG I love it so much!! The art and animation are sooo good. I should probably read the manga so I know what happens... I have a feeling a bunch of my faves will die (because that’s always what happens when I get rapidly attached, but LETS SEE).
I LOVE YOUR SOFT BOY MAKISHI and sis Kagami too. Does Kagami bully Makishi because I could totally see it. Just like a gentle, very shady teasing. I totally wanna know how Kagami acts around Rengoku if he’s all like... EXTREMELY YELLY adn shes like ‘okay but please not so loud’
I LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing Makishi and Kagami with me! <3
Darksiders, a Survivor/traveler. name is Talia (19), couldn't for the life of them stay in the Maker's realm and do nothing, so they wander around collecting useful things to bring back to the Makers while avoiding demons and angels. They have a little brother, Markus (12) who stays behind and follows the Makers around trying to learn just about everything they do. And! He carries a tiny knife with him.
YAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!! Darksiders OC! I love it. I’m love. What’s Talia and Markus like? Also, it’s gotta be so stressful looking after a younger sibling in apocalyptic conditions!!!!!!!!!! I wish them the very best!! What’s their fave things to collect? Or whats their favourite thing about the Makers they’ve learned?
I should really just mass consume Darksiders content. I love the world the devs have built for it. AAAAAAAAAAAAA
An OC? Um okay. Time to go into Dragon Ball heck. Let's see she is a Majin named Ruby. She is bright yellow and has bright green eyes, she has an adoptive Saiyan Mother named Sapphire and she is just a pure soul. She is also in love with Future Trunks and goes back with him after the Cell games but not before making a baby clone of herself to stay in the present (I know weird but according to Xenoverse, Majin clone themselves so) She is just a very sweet person vagshd
YESSSSSSSSSSSSS GIVE ME THAT GOOD DB CONTENT!! Man I was so so so obsessed with DB back in the day (god i am old). I should probably give it another gander. I’m not up to date with whats happening or what... million forms people have anymore.
BUT I DO LOVE ME SOME FUTURE TRUNKS HAHAHAHAH. I was fucking OBSESSED with him. When I was a teen he was like my ideal boyfriend (he was just cool with coloured hair, my standards were low).
I LOVE RUBY!!! And the thing with the baby clone is so DB style, I fucking love it. I also love that she’s bright fucking yellow. Like YEEEEEEEEEEEEESS bich, style on these not-yellow mofos <3
Thank you for sharing Ruby with me!! I hope she gets many smooches from Trunks <3
Lol, I should be finishing my final project, but I got time to indulge. I have a FE3H oc named Lacey Alford and her s/o is the butt tsun Felix. I've drawn her in her pre and post timeskip outfits and have written a fanfic about their relationship. She's prolly the most patient person ever considering she has to deal with Felix, but she loves him dearly and wants to help him. Some other stuff is that she's primarily a blacksmith, but acts as a mercenary if need be
OMG KICK FELIX’S ASS LACEY. KICK HIS GODDAMN ASS. I’ll look the fuck away so you can beat his stupid good looking tsun ass into the ground.
I fucking love that she’s a blacksmith! She must make such stylin stuff and I could totally see Felix blue screening if Lacey gives him this beautiful hand-crafted weapon. Link me the fic, I wanna read it!!!! YASSSSSSSSSS
LOVE U SO MUCH. Thank you for sharing Lacey with me!
but seriously, smack Felix omggg
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spellboundinks · 5 years
Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the tagger, create your own 11 questions, then tag 11 people. Enjoy!
Thanks for tagging me @godofdiverseinterests! I’ll be answering for The Ichor Lineage characters.
1. If your character(s) lost all their memories but could choose one to keep, what would they choose?
Oh like one specific memory? Shit. It would have to be a memory that had her dads and Kirt in it. Her family is incredibly important to her and there’s no way she would let herself forget them. I’d like to think that she would keep a memory of them celebrating First Turn with the community. If she ever had to search for her former life Wolverine style it’d be a detailed first clue. 
2. If all of them were forced to fight in a battle royale of sorts, who would come out on top?
The teens are all super powerful omg. This would have to be in an alternate universe where they had to fight and didn’t know each other at all and had no moral resistance to do so. Keeping in mind that all of them have a partner with the exact opposite powers to counteract attacks... Ellody is the oldest, with the most experience, and a huge grasp on strange and complex shadow abilities and Kirt has very powerful super speed and lightning abilities so I think either could win. I love my mc Harmony to death, but her time abilities are not entirely useful in combat situations.
3. (For a character who speaks only one language) What language would they want to learn first?
Alright so their world actually has a universal language. It’s a small world with really one main religion with multiple deities. So all of them speak Caelan. However, each province is devoted to one deity and there are languages specifically created for communication with that deity, so many of them would know Caelan, and their specific element’s patron’s language. 
4. Biggest pet peeve?
Harmony- When someone wears too much cologne/perfume/any axe Kirt- When people invade his personal space or try to give unsolicited advice. Winic- Bad grammar or when people don’t listen to him. Anny- Slow walkers and people who block the path. Claron- People who eat food off your plate without asking. Lina- People who can’t seem to take care of their plants. Ellody- When she’s sitting in the dark and someone turns the light on. Troy- Hearing sounds that should not exist: loud chewing, ticking clocks, etc. Jasper- Uncomfortable chairs. Miles- Rain.
5. Which character would probably be the first to get a verified tick on Twitter?
Miles probably got a YouTube channel that became big and started Tweeting on the side.
6. Which character has a diet of only caffeine?
Not Kirt cause he would drive everyone nuts. Probably Ellody or Jasper. 
7. What song can they never get out of their head?
Our songs don’t exist in their world. Harmony and Kirt definitely have songs from musicals or animated films in their heads though.
8. Where are they on an alignment chart?
Harmony- Lawful Good Kirt- Lawful Good Winic- Lawful Neutral Anny- Neutral Good Claron- Chaotic Good Lina- Lawful Good Ellody- True Neutral Troy- Lawful Good Jasper- Chaotic Neutral Miles- Chaotic Good
9. What game/book/film always makes them cry?
Uggggh none that we know exist I am sorry. For Harmony and Kirt it was prob a musical or some heartwarming documentary. 
10. What emoticon do they ue most often?
That technology does not exist. Sorry not sorry.
11. Why did it take me so long to write these 11 questions?
Because questions are hard whether you’re answering them or asking them.
My Questions: 1. Would any of your ocs accept immortality? 2. Can any of your ocs cook? What kinds of foods are they capable of making? 3. Do any of your ocs have strange hobbies? 4. How would your ocs react to finding out they have a clone?  5. What bores your ocs? 6. Who is the fastest oc? 7. Where would your ocs want to live? 8. Which oc is wrong most often? 9. Which Hogwarts houses do your ocs belong in? 10. Which oc is most likely to do something stupid on a dare? 11. Name a fun fact about one of your ocs.
I’m gonna tag @jade-island-lives, @the-crafty-fox, @kalis-scribbles, @soul-write, @rachywritessomething, @minnymoon, @queenmirabelle, @maple-writes, @writerofwriting, @oheoo, and @fantasiesescape
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imagine-your-kh · 6 years
What's the story with you and riku i'm curious e.e (if you don't want to answer it's ok) love all of your imagines headcanon 💜
Ooooohhhh I didn’t expect somebody will ask…! I’m touched! Big big hug to you!
But boi, you don’t know what you’re asking because isn’t just about my ship.
Be ready for a long ride full of bad english, plot hole, research, meta, drama, personnal life and headcanons in a bad long “summary” (I’m not good at that).
Note : It started back in 2002 so yeah, it’s old, some stuff don’t work anymore, it’s for that there is so much plot-hole etc.
/!\ Warning :depression(s), school harassment, scarification, toxic relation(ship), rape, self-indulgent story and a lot of OCs I will not explain here
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My (ex) bestfriend, “Elaine”, and myself fall into the Kingdom Hearts Universe when we were 13 years old. I hesitate to explain it by : because there is so much Creators in our wolrd it connected our universe to the KH one or just never explain it.
In all the case, we fall in Destiny Islands before the start of the game and I dream about the stained-glass place (I remember the french name but not the english one right now, oops)
I’m already in love with Riku but he doesn’t care, the only moment he talk to us is for confront us on the fact he knows we came from another world (I asked Elaine to shut up about it though)
No surprise, Elaine and myself started to follow Sora in his adventure : Elaine use magic and I… Still no surprise, I have a Keyblade.
Elaine and me finally explain to Sora we (or more me) know almost everything because he’s a video-game character for us.
Young and foolish, I try to help Riku but it’s no use : he sees us like ennemis, there is just place for Sora and Kairi. In the same time, Yno tries to push me to use more and more the darkness and it’s work well.
Yno is one of my oc, here I will just summarized by : he’s a darkness’ controler, native from my imaginary world (ParaHell, but I want to change the name) and he’s a video-game character… He can broke the “rules” like he wishes. Oh, and one of his power is to literally read heart and manipulate darkness into them (but can’t force darkness in my heart because I’m a Creator)
Yno want me to become his personal bodyguard Heartless with a Keyblade.
When Riku and Sora close Kingdom Hearts’ door, Yno propose to Elaine and me to take us back in our universe if I become his “apprentice”.
This is with a big smile I accept because still young and foolish, I think I can resist to the darkness
[KH :CoM]
Ok, here it’s messy and short because I’m working on it.
But “I” will accompany Riku most of the time, explaining to him what’s happening (without spoiler, my cart!self broke the “rules” but not too much) in each “worlds”.
When he finally sees me between two “worlds” (again, I don’t remember the english name), he’s sure I broke the “rules” again… But it’s when my cart!self is invoked in the next “world” he understand I’m the true one. I’m offended at how stupid he remember me but finally I give up : it’s not a surprise.
He sees how much I already changed in 3 years (for me) and how much I smell darkness. But he can’t say anything because he himself fall into the darkness and he thinks he have no right to give me lesson.
I want to be more active in this part of the story (and met my baby boy Repliku) but I didn’t decide anything yet
[KH : 358/2 Days]
This part is more about another OC (Kaly) but I will include I saw Riku at least one time.
It will be a peaceful discussion actually. Where he’s ashamed about all the shit he does to me and me just… Tired.
Between KH1 and KH2, I suffer from school harassment by the students and the teachers. It result a really hard and long depression who destroy me. I scarified myself, wanted to die, I become agoraphobic, my lack self-confident was exacerbated by my toxic relation with Elaine whom I developped a sort of Stockolm syndrom. I hated myself so hard that even my imaginary universe, ParaHell, become a unsafe place. Elaine created a character, Dark, whom was a outfall (outlet?) for her perverted side and I let her to decide he raped me. Many time. It was a love-hate relationship and even I knew it was bad, I was happy to be “special” for her, for him in a way. I felt desired when I had the sensation the whole universe was against me.
The reason of why I’m still here today it’s because I wanted to know what happened to the love of my life : Riku.
So now with that in mind, can you imagine the atmosphere in this meet up?
Two person who are tired.
But one is fighting… And the other let themself drowning into the darkness…
Like many time, I run away from Yno’s training and fall into the KH Universe (because I’m not concentrate when I create a darkness portal)
It’s been 4 years for me since I saw Sora and he doesn’t really like what I become : introvert, mentally tired, not smiling that much, secretive and use a lot of darkness attack.
At this point, I don’t use my Keyblade anymore and told him it desapears.
That’s a lie.
In my mind at this point is a Keyblade isn’t strong enough and reject this “weakness”.
Mostly, in this episode, I play the spy for Riku and everytime I smell his darkness, I come to him and report him how Sora’s doing. I see myself like a tool for him, but I can see Riku so I’m happy like that. 
We become more close with time but Riku is still ashamed at how he was with me and he doesn’t forgive himself for so much stuffs…
We both are not in a good mind for love. But we finish to open to each other because we see ourself in the other but complete each other in the same time.
Yno, whom was keeping an eye on me notice I started to feel better and it wasn’t good for him…
So he take Dark and put him in my way.
Sora (and Riku) will see my Heartless form for the first time and how I become a beast.
And now I’m not sure for the next. I go away and coming back later, ashamed, or Riku save me when Dark tries to “touch me” or I kick Dark ass and I “fight” with Sora because he’s scared I finish like Riku. I didn’t decided yet. The next time I see Riku it certainly finish by a “fight” because of the same reason.
Next, the akwardness in The World That Never Was. I don’t really need to told you why.
When Sora and Riku fight against Xemnas, I will fight against Yno… And let him put darkness in my heart for not feeling pain anymore.
Riku and Sora will kick his ass and save me and we go in the Realm of Darkness.
I didn’t decided yet of the discussion and stuffs but at the end, right before the Door of Light appears, I decide to let them…
Because I don’t know how much I will survive anymore, it’s my last chance…
I steal a kiss from Riku before jumping in a darkness’ portal and go to ParaHell where I join Yno… Again… (but I become moar a king-brat)
[Between KH2 & Re:Coded]
This is where is the most meta stuffs happen and where I finally be a couple with him… But that’s not that simple.
After a moment to live alone in my house at ParaHell, the solitude take me even if I have two “babies” (two darkness being I created) ; Yane and Nehaki, and the personification of my imagination; Kea.
So I decided to create the Destiny trio into ParaHell with the same age difference we had at the start : Riku two years older than me, Sora and Kairi one year older …
But I erased their memories about me.
I’m ashamed of what I was, how they maybe hope to see this dead me coming back. I didn’t wanted them to remember I had a Keyblade.I didn’t wanted Riku to remember the kiss.
And it worked.
But if I draw my imagination with a (chimera) body it’s because I have problem to control them and Kea didn’t forget my story. So… The heart of the trio remembered me. Their emotions toward me are the same as before.
Sora and Kairi didn’t mind, they’re friendly, but Riku that was different. He was suspicious and the fact I was uneasy around him give him the impression I was hiding something.
Finally, he’s attracted to me and his heart is on ease but doesn’t know why.
With time and a lot of night discussion, we become closer again like before, enough for him to tell me his story during a thunder night. We become friends.He discovers he love to cook because he have time to relax. Riku propose to me to train with him and Sora but I always refused.
They discover fast that I’m a Creator and they’re fictionnal characters for me, etc. I didn’t decided to how, but… With the “alternative universe” explaination, the new pass well.
But naturally, they can’t stay at ParaHell forever and want to go back to Destiny Islands, in paticular for continue their studies.
This is heartbroken I create a Gummi Shop.
What I didn’t expect is that they ask me to come with us, at least to see their world.
Creators like me have control in ParaHell (I will not explain to you all the rules here) ut I didn’t know if the fact that I erased their memories will stay outside of ParaHell.
It weakened my power on them but didn’t broke it.
This is there I met Riku’s parents for the first time. I headcanon that he is from a rich family, which explain why he looks so mature and stoic when he’s a child and pedant when he was younger (and I don’t talk about the freaking balcony in the manga I don’t take like Canon, but still). His parents are not really open people and expect Riku to be like them. Riku feel traped in this family.We discuss about it later and I told him that I made life choice my parents don’t like but they finally agree because it make me happy.
I’m myself, not they’re clone so we’re not always on the same page.
I go back to ParaHell with the promesse to keep contact with them thanks to mobiles I give them.
I will go back to Destiny Islands later, probably for a event or so and Riku confess it become difficult to live with his parents. So I propose to him to come back to ParaHell and live with me.
Finally, we agree to a sort of compromise : during school day he stays with his parents but week-end and holidays he comes back to ParaHell with me where he can be… Himself.
Now it’s messy because I didn’t decided yet in which order I will do that but I will met Mickey etc, give them mobiles, Riku met Yno and Dark and his heart remember he hates them. Riku discover my training with Yno always finish badly for me, that I’m what I call “half Heartless”.He tries to convince me to choose the way of light but I explain to him that because I’m a Creator nothing extreme can happen to me without my consent and so, I will not become a full Heartless.
I have a sex friend, Malish (another oc of mine) whom is helping me to be… Well, to “appreciate” sex again and loving more my body…But Malish starts to have feeling for me, become jealous of Riku who starts to feels something for me too… But interiorize it because we are both male.
In the first version of this (back in 2006 or so) Axel, Roxas and Namine (who remember me) was there but because of what happen in the next games, I decided to erase that. In this version, Riku tries to be a couple with Namine but finally understand he doesn’t like girls.But because I don’t put Namine and cie in ParaHell anymore, I don’t know if I’ll create another oc just for that or…
By the way, actually it’s : I stop my relation with Malish because I understand he loves me (which he doesn’t react good and fight with Riku because he thinks it’s his fault) and I want to confess to Riku. But Riku starts a relation with a girl. When he brokes with her and decides to confess it’s my turn to be in couple…
With Elaine.
But it didn’t go long and didn’t end well… That was just to be “special” for me (jealous I had others friends) but she didn’t want to kiss me in public, just at school where we were together etc. It was just possessiveness. We broke (long shitty story) and I felt she wanted to broke our friendship too (I’m still friend with my ex, so it was obvious for me we can still be friends, in paticular when nothing serious happen between us).I panicked. It was impossible for me to see my life without her even if I knew our relation was toxic for me. I did everything to trying to keep her at my side (years later I can tell you I was stifing because I was so desperate to loose her)… Even propose to her to be a couple with Dark.This went on for a half of a school year.During it, I was clingy to Riku, begging hug in silence or the opposite, hidding like a wounded animal. In both case, Riku was there, telling me to broke with her and was supportive. Finally, she wait the vacancy for doing it.I was full of rage, feeling betrayed, especially because she did it in a shitty way and scared if all the school will going to her side and suffer from school harassment again. I saw her everyday. She tries to return all the students against me, she lies that I erase all of her websites and she tries to steal the friend who was the most close to me right in front of me.
I did a depression again.
But this time, It was a depression where I was unable to do anything, even thinking about ParaHell.
So it’s some months later I come back to ParaHell, a little better but still mentally fragile. And discover that Riku take a appartment and leave my house. Still emotionally unstable, I go to his new adress, angry, but when I saw him… I wasn’t angry anymore. Just sad. We talked a little bit and finally, Riku drop the sentence :
“It becameimpossible for me to live with you anymore”
I understood that like my love for him became stiffing for him and emotion overflow me. I ask forgivness to be in love with him, that I understand he leave and if he doesn’t want to see me anymore, I’m okay with that. And without looking at him, without waiting a answer, I leave his appartment.
But further in the town, he starts to hunt me with a angry face.
So I was assumed he actually didn’t know about my feeling for him and he’s actually homophobic and… I… Panicked. And run in the opposite direction. It didn’t stop Riku and finally, he catch me at my house.(I wrote that part for a selfshipping right there if you want, it’s short)
Finally we fight a little bit because he’s offended that I think he was able to hurt me and me screaming that it was impossible for me to think otherwise because of his mad face. I ask him, always yelling, why he was chasing me and him telling me at the same volum he hates that when I run away after telling something important. So I yell like it wasn’t because of my feeling he take a appartment.And him respond in the heat of the moment that he was because of his feeling.
Yup, it’s like that we confess to each other.
After that it’s more a classic romantic story. A lot of cute moment, akward at the beginning because we both never have couple experience, nsfw moment too.Hard moment too because of Riku’s parents at least too. 
Right now, I really hesitate to put Master Xehanort and Vanitas after that… ParaHell is a big timeless crossover universe and I prepare to do the past of Yno into this (and another ocs). Because Yno is a video-game character and myself a Creator, we both can “broke the rules” so going in the past, in Birth By Sleep Timeline. And Yno is enough of a moron to drag Master Xehanort and Vanitas in ParaHell sometimes. So I hesitate.
[ Re:Coded ]
I recieve a message from King Mickey who ask me to come to his Castle alone. I’m not surprise because I know about the Journal…
Until I see my young myself on the screen.
The Journal had saved some data of me.
My data!self have a Keyblade, remember his name and know some things he’s not supposed to. And he glitch (I don’t know yet if I do this design like a Bug or not).
Mickey asks if it’s me and why the Journal have that.
I don’t know yet how to really do this “adventure” but one thing is sure. The Journal will reveal my past and…
I decide to return their memories back.
Riku didn’t really appreciate I play this game for so long… But finally, we’re more close than before.
[ KH : DDD & … ]
In the first version of this part, one of my closed friend I was considerate like my daughter back then was supposed to do the Examen with the boys and me (me with Riku, and them with Sora) but finally, we’re older and we see ourself like platonic soulmate now and they’re not really into KH so… I don’t know what to do anymore. I have another oc (daughter of the oc who pass the power of the Keyblade to me) maybe it’s a good occasion to give her a interesting story but for that I need to include her earlier probably…
Anyways, I’m with Riku and without darkness I’m weak and I’m forced to use my Keyblade. Which make me really uneasy and unhappy. Riku think this is a good occasion to me to take the way of light but I think otherwise.
I didn’t think that much about this part of the story too. There is a lot of plot hole isn’t?
But we’re still together, we still flirt with each other and we’re still in love…!
Now if you read all of this, first bravo, next sorry for the bad english and the not so summarized story and… Go to my main tumblr and send “speculoos” + what you want me do to and I will do a sketch of whatever you want. You deserve a cookie.
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livinluckyclover · 4 years
MHA OC: Lily Dalton (Shade)
Warning! Long post ahead! Basically just a bio for my MHA OC, Needed to get it up somewhere.
Actually, if y’all could give me a hand, I’m having a bit of trouble nailing down her personality, if you guys could send me some asks about how she’d react to a situation, or a writing prompt for her, it might help me out a ton! Thanks~
Name: Lily Dalton Gender: Female to gender neutral (honestly, she doesn't care) Age: 31 Sexual Orientation: Pan (small preference toward men, but honestly doesn't care) Occupation: Pro Hero (Combat and Rescue), UA Teacher (Rescue training and general combat), UA Nurse (essentially backup for Recovery Girl if she needs a break) Height: 5'1" (154.94 cm) Weight: 130 lbs (58.967 kg) Hair Color: Orange (Turns black when using her quirk) Hair Style: Pixie-Bob Eye Color: Electric Blue (The sclera (whites) of her eyes turn black on extended use of her quirk) Skin Color: Caucasian Body Type: Pear shape, she's got a decent sized chest albiet a bit small, a bit of chub on her belly, and thick butt and thighs. Nationality: American School: UA High Year: Graduate, now teaching. Distinguishing Features: Skin looks like it hasn't seen the light of day in about 20 years, constantly dresses like she's a punk going to a funeral.
Hero Profile Hero Name: The Intimidation Hero; Shade
Costume: Black tank top, black shorts, a black hooded cape that stops at her hips, cape can be closed to cover her upper body, knee high combat boots, and finger-less gauntlets that stop at her elbow, and a face mask that really only covers her eyes. (Tank and shorts will swap out for a shirt and pants for colder seasons)
Quirk: Shadow Materialization and Shadow Healing. (It’s one quirk, but I wasn’t sure how to name it)
Weapons: All weapons are made with her quirk, prefers materializing a scythe, oversized mallet, and bo staff (Weapons are mostly used for intimidation)
Support Items: Her Gauntlets, boots, and mask are all support items. The gauntlets and boots are mostly a thick leather with a material mixed in that's similar to Kevlar, with the boots also having a steel toe. The mask is mostly just a set of prescription goggles with some fabric around them to make it a little more appealing. She's basically blind without them or her glasses.
Extra Personality: Is honestly a very laid-back and relaxed person, she doesn't let much of anything get to her. Doesn't actually smile all that often. Was known as the 'mom friend' in her high school group.
Likes: Spicy food, cooking, junk food, animals, unconventional quirks,
Dislikes:  Cold weather, her height, being mistaken for a student, people who call quirks 'villainous' or tell people their only going to be a villain because of their quirk.
Habits: Stress cooks/bakes,
Fears: The death of her friends and family, arachnids, 
Family: Mother: Pro Hero Aqua Jet, quirk: water manipulation, was in America's top ten heros before her death by overdose. (Deceased)
Father: Unknown Villain, quirk: Health, all thats known about her father is how his quirk worked, he could spent energy to heal his target, or drain their health to fix his own wounds. Whereabouts are unknown. (MIA)
Romantic Interests: Has small crushes on some of her fellow teachers and heros at her agency, but will not act on any of them without outside interference. (Crushes are, Hizashi Yamada (Present Mic), Shota Aizawa (Eraserhead), Toshinori Yagi (All Might), Nemuri Kayama (Midnight), and Taishiro Toyomitsu (Fatgum))
Allies: Staff of UA and Staff of the Fatgum Agency
Rivals: She honestly doesn't have any time for rivalry, a few people have called her their rival over the years and she just rolls her eyes and tells them to; 'have fun with that'.
Enemies: Much like rivals she doesn't care much for enemies, though anyone who messes with her students or friends and they have to deal with a pissed off mama bear who doesn't take prisoners.
Physical Weaknesses: Lily is a tactical medium to long range fighter, she's not really good at close combat, she knows enough to be able to slip out of range, but she's not taking anyone down with brute force. Her skin is also easily sunburnt due to being so pale,
Mental/Emotional Weaknesses: The deaths of her mother and a high school friend weight heavily on her mind, she still has nightmares about them. She's also quick to rage at her shorter height.
Quirk Name of your quirk: Shadow Materialization and Shadow Healing
Description: Shadow Materialization: Allows the user to make anything out of shadows, weapons, clothing, armor, shades (clones basically) of herself or other people, or even just shadow like tendrils to wrap around her opponents. Shadow Healing: Lily can push her shadows into her target to assist in the healing process, reforging broken bones, strained and pulled muscles, and gashes.
Strengths: Shadow Materialization: Due to this quirk, she is next to never truly alone or defenseless. She can always pull out a weapon or shade to assist her in combat, usually picking a shade of someone with a lot of physical strength to counter her long range combat. If she knows specific measurements, such as height and weight, she can create a copy of a friend or ally that she can summon anytime after the first creation. She isn't able to copy their quirks however. Shadow Healing: If she or a partner gets injured in combat, Lily can place a shadow on the injury to mitigate the pain until they have a moment for her to fully heal the damage. This quirk also takes very little of the targets actual stamina to heal, instead relying on Lily's own stamina reserves.
Weaknesses: Both Quirks take up a lot of energy depending on the situation, healing small cuts and scrapes or making clothing doesn't take up that much, but healing a shattered bone or creating a bunch of shades take up a lot of energy. Also the healing factor isn't near instantaneous like Recovery Girl's is, hers takes time, though it's a lot less then actual recovery time. Cuts and smaller injuries take minutes, while broken bones and deep gashes can take a couple hours. Due to the high amount of energy needed to work her quirk, Lily needs to eat and sleep a bit more then the normal person, this doesn't always work out when you're both a pro hero and a teacher. Constantly has to do Stamina training to ensure she has the energy for longer fights. When she goes into an emotional state in combat her shadows turn from smooth fleshed out items to sticky and sludge like.
What age did you obtain it: Age 5 for both quirks to manifest, but she didn't realize she also had healing until age 7.
How did you obtain it (what was happening at the time): Her shadow quirk manifested while she was at home, she was trying to reach a cookie jar on a high shelf, but before she could drag a chair over her quirk activated and it reached out to grab the jar to hand it down to her, she nearly dropped it several times but she did get it. She discovered her healing quirk on a day out with her family that turned into chaos thanks to a villain attack, while her mother and aunt joined into the fray, and her grandmother assisted with redirecting people to get out of there, she was left with her elderly great grandmother and her younger cousin, who was only 2 at the time. She was using her shadows to make a protective wall so they didn't get hit with the flying debris, one bit of debris make it through an unprotected side and gave her a nasty cut, on her arm. she didn't even notice her healing side activated to cover the wound and start healing until everything died down. The cut was fully healed by the time paramedics arrived to take on the injured.
Quirk Overuse: If she overuses her quirk she gets black marks along her body that are super sensitive and painful when touched, like a really bad bruise or sunburn. They will not go away until she gets a good meal and some decent sleep to recover her stamina.
Trivia: Shadow Materialization is actually an interesting quirk, everyone in her family has the ability to pass it down, weather or not they have the quirk, but it always skips a generation, and doesn't always follow specific branches of the family tree. Both Lily and her eldest cousin have this quirk, but her mother, aunt, nor her grandmother had it. Her great aunt did. No one's real sure who originally had this quirk or how it passes along. It also tends to mix with other quirks rather well, but it's only the shadow quirk that'll pass down, not the 'side quirk'
Super Moves "Release The Kraken"; A modified version of her mothers super move. Creates a bunch of large tendrils that flail around wildly taking out anything and anyone in their way. Its very dangerous and can't be used around a bunch of people or buildings as this is a high damage attack with little control.
"Hammer Time"; Lily manifests her oversized mallet and brings it down on top of her opponent. Uses a weaker version on her friends or allies when their being stupid, or they piss her off.
"Hell Unleashed"; Mostly used as an intimidation tactic, Lily manifests her scythe and buries the blade in the ground, causing a shadow fissure to 'crack' the ground and cause a bunch of shades to climb out, like the denizens of hell are coming up to do battle for their 'master'. If the intimidation doesn't work, hey, dog pile on the villain.
Statistics Power: 2/5 D Speed: 3/5 C Technique: 5/5 A Intelligence: 4/5 B Cooperativeness: 4/5 B
Lily was born to a Hero mother and an unknown villain father after essentially a one-night stand. Her mother loved her to bits and pieces anyway, despite not being the most fit for motherhood.
Lily was more or less raised by her great grandmother as her mother had a lot of hero work to do, but she didn't mind.
Lily was raised around hero's her entire life, her great grandmother a retired support hero and was content in spending her remaining days caring for Lily and using her plant quirk for gardening. Her grandmother was a soon to be retired combat hero, also with a plant quirk. Her aunt a thriving combat hero with the same plant quirk, who often paired up with Lily's mother, as combat was sometimes the only way for the two sisters to get along. Not even mentioning her great uncles, who were both strong heroes in their own right.
When her quirks manifested the rest of the family was a bit worried, as the last user, her great aunt, was the black sheep of the family who left to become a villain.
Her mother wasn't too worried though, and had the whole family help in training her to become the hero her mother thought she could be. Despite the initial worry, they saw Lily improve with her quirk and had a willingness to help others. Her smile bright and wide.
What was worrying them now was her mother, who started looking more and more tired, and her eyes were losing their light, and her smile a bit more forced. Her aunt just thought it might've been that her job was weighing on her and thought little more of it.
Not after Lily's 14th birthday, her aunt pitched the idea she had rolling around in her head for a while, she was planning on moving her family, her husband and three sons, out to Japan for some out of the country schooling, and since Lily was coming of age to go into high school soon, she thought it would be a good idea to take her along so she could try her luck in joining one of the most elite hero schools in the world, UA High. Everyone thought it was a good idea, and so the planned move had begun.
It wasn't even a week into planning that her aunt received a phone call from her and her mothers hero agency. They found her mother in a hotel room in another state while she was on a job, she had overdosed on painkillers, there was no note, or anything other then the sheer amount of drugs in her system, there was no other prints other then the staffs and the mothers, so it wasn't a villain attack, so it was ruled either an accident, or a suicide.
The planning was put on hold so they could arrange the funeral, and Lily was thrown from her happy attitude into a sad pit of despair.
After the move and entrance exam into UA high, she got accepted and joined the hero class 1-B, She was one of the best students that didn't get in on recommendation, and despite constantly shooting him glares, she got drug into Hizashi Yamada's friend group. She hit it off quick with Shota Aizawa, and slowly warmed up to Oboro and Hizashi.
The four of them were near inseparable, though it took a hard hit when Oboro died, causing all of them to close in on themselves. Lily was the first to pull herself from the pits, as she had to deal with it before. At that point she had to become the mom friend to help the other two out of their funk, ensuring they got enough sleep and got actual food in their system, even if she had to near force them (Aizawa) to do it.
After graduating and working in Japan for a couple years, she returned with her family to America, though not without leaving Aizawa a few threats that if she found out he wasn't properly taking care of himself that she would fly back out of beat him.
She stayed in America for a few years before receiving a phone call from UA high, Principle Nezu had called her to ask if she wished to return to Japan and take up a teaching position along with some backup for Recovery girl, who was getting on in years.
She agreed and bid her family goodbye, and returned to Japan to assist her school in teaching the next generation, and making sure they didn't kill themselves before graduation.
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theinsanecrayonbox · 7 years
KP watches Gifted ep 09
lets see if this was worth a week’s wait...
right, thanks last time for reminding us that Grandpa Strucker inspired diet-Sinister into doing his project, that the Stepford Cuckoos exist in this universe, and holding hands will destroy the world
ok...so did Lauren trigger Andy’s powers then? or was that moment because of the “fight or flight” response, because they touch each other all the time and there ‘s now blowing up like Grandpa said...
Mom Strucker has a sister? huh, wonder if that will ever come up again
Great-Grandpa Strucker was a twin? and yes the X-gene is hereditary Mom, it’s just recessive most of the time.
is Esme another spy plant? that would be the best way to sneak one in...is by having them weed out another more obvious one...plus the Cuckoos were a semi-hivemind...Sonja might be onto something about her knowing too much...and the creepy eavesdropping doesn’t help
“Fenris. i think it means wolf in some language” uhg...and wow dropping the Hellfire Club, when we got a White Queen clone running around, neat! maybe the Cuckoos are actually Emma clones still then. though stating that the von Srucker twins were “the most powerful ever” is still fanficy...
Lorna dream time! nice freak out, nice use of powers subconsciously...sorta wish that there was some veiled Magneto symbology though, so it’d play into any abandonment issues she has and that she doesn’t want to leave her  friends (and baby) like he left her...oh but look Esme is lurking and probably caused the dream, or at least watched it so she can use it as torture fodder later...
i swear if Esme ends up evil...idk, i guess the show’s getting predictable then?
gasp! a mutant using their powers for *good*...oh wait he’s a Hound isn’t he, so doesn’t count
Lorna  you going as Sonja’s backup is a stupid plan. Sentinel guys know your face, Trask people probably know you by now too. i know you want to prove you’re still useful, but seriously? you’re not that stupid.
oh but i love how she starts to loose it when the guard uses the “homo superior” phrase; i’d like to think that’s a daddy issues trigger
the cuts between  the two stories is still jarring...i’d rather they just ply a few scenes of the one story together, instead of cutting between them so much. that’s what makes the Struckers annoying and seemed forced because their scenes come literally out of nowhere
but this does show their wondertwins powers are fight or flight more than just “any random touch goes ka-boom”...they’re still far too overpowered insert OCs though. and what would’ve happened if Andy hadn’t been born huh? would Lauren’s powers still work the same? they’re not twins, so why make their powers work together? it’s not like Grandpa had Andy’s powers, so you could say “oh well the girls in this family do this thing, while the boys in the family do the other thing”. their uber powers really rely on the fact that there are 2 of them; if Dad had had a siblings, would be have gotten wondertwin powers with them? if he’d had a sibling and they had 1 of the kids, while he had the other, would they have wondertwin powers despite being cousins instead of siblings? the twin fact works for the first incarnation of this, but once you get to the present generation, it doesn’t.
“oh we don’t have enough heavy hitters to do this op” oh boy, lemme guess, the wondertwins are going to volunteer as tribute and use their uber powers to blow up the power station so the other guys can get into the facility and Esme can betray them. if that’s how the episode ends, i quit
Andy stop being a whiny emo pants, Lauren stop inching towards the super villain side of the line, you both suck right now
Esme’s creeping on Lorna again...and she just says what i said right above; are you kidding me?? Esme you’re not supposed to read the audience's minds
oh, ok, it’s not the wondertwins uber power they want them to use...but seriously, you are going to, yet again, use the inexperienced children on your super dangerous secret mission...yeah i should just give up pointing out how bad of an idea that is. and if Esme is going to turn traitor, then she suggested it to get the Struckers to the facility because diet-Sinister wants them...so the Cuckoos might not be clones then, but he still likes sibling mutants, so he’d still use them if they’re sisters, and then that means they could be Emma’s relatives still to connect back to the Hellfire Club/White Queen
yup Esme is toying with Lorna...and Cuckoos being a hivemind/clones would work with that “they’re a part of me” line of hers
why is Sonja on this mission? what good are her powers in this situation? i know it’s because she has a name, but really. Clair’s snark is nice though
wow Sentinel man hears about 1 person having a sick day and assumes the plan out heroes are using. he’s a mutant! he can read the script! about the only way to draw all those conclusions honestly...
also musings during a commercial; i bet diet-Sinister wants Lorna to study her baby. because she is a second generation mutant, who’s partner is a mutant. studying the baby to see if it inherited the X-gene would be a thing he’d probably want. is that why Esme’s messing with her? or is it because she’s the most dangerous ting that could stop her from completing her mission? also since he’s not-Sinister, he’d of course want non-Havok’s kid, because reasons. but also, since Lorna got Erik’s powers, maybe he’d be banking that the baby would too; again, it’d be a good study to see how the X-gene is passed along, considering the share the same power, whereas other bloodlines either develop similarly themed powers or completely different mutations. oh but also; maybe Lorna doesn’t *know* she’s Erik’s daughter, but when diet-Sinister gets her he’ll be all “i thought you two were related and guess what, you are” because he wnats to prove mutations are herditary and not random, and then she gets a tiny identity crisis over that...see so much potential
that’s a lot of cleavage for a stealth op Sonja...but just enough snark Clair when wonderboy asks a stupid question ^^
oh that’s why Sonja’s here, because she looks normal and is an adult...and sure the mind screwing helps i guess...for this one instance
is now really the time to have a this talk Mom and Dad? no one’s watching the security feeds
uh yeah it totally could be a coincidence Sentinel guy; your partner makes very valid points. just because you read the script doesn’t absolve you for jumping the gun.
and the robot spider balls can learn to adapt, nice
nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! not Blink!! you can’t hurt my baby girl again!!
ok Esme’s reaction seems genuine...maybe it wasn’t her plan to deliver the Struckers then...still might’ve been to deliver Lorna though
and the kids lost Sonja...great...and cue the wondertwins super power in 5...4...3...2...oh dang Andy when’d you grow a conscious?
holy cow next time, did you just imply that not-Sinister kills Sonja??? he was telling the kids to cooperate, they said no, he shot someone and Blink freaked at that, and we know they caught Sonja too...holy cow...
still room for Esme to be revealed as traitor, just saying...
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