#i love giant space fish so much. fish that swim in the air too. fish <3
rillette · 2 years
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wooooo still chipping away at this 
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brightcalamity · 3 months
NPC Dialogue for L, my polyamorous builder
I saw people doing this meme in the tags, and decided to try it out. Inspired specifically by @pepperonibread's post.
Intro: “Howdy! Welcome to Sandrock. I'm new, too! Got kind of burnt out at building school, and at first kind of regretted coming here where there's so much work to do. But have you noticed how hot everyone is? Maybe it's the dry desert air making me so thirsty.”
Hey! How are you settling in? Make sure you don't go out too far - monsters can get pretty scary the further you get from town.
How's it hanging? You tried sandfishing yet? I used to love regular fishing, so it's kind of wild!
So I looked into it, and apparently there are a lot of policies in the Church of the Light that are determined by chapter. Like, how we can have guns here. I wonder what else is different?
I stayed out too late the other night, and when I passed out, I had a dream about...well, never mind.
Howdy! Caught any fish yet? Any big ones? Sometimes I see them swimming through the sand and wonder if I could do that.
Sometimes I get so tired, I just have to sit down and stare into space, and it always ends up I was staring at someone. Kind of embarrassing, but, oh well! So if I do that to you - sorry?
You know, you should stop by the Blue Moon sometimes and relax. A hot meal, a cold drink, and good conversation - you gotta set down the pickhammer and remember what it's all about.
How did Rian land such a great catch? Maybe I need to take a page out of his book...oh, sorry! Howdy! I'm off in my own world again, huh.
How's it hanging? Remember to let the air flow, my friend, or you'll regret it later.
Good Friend:
Howdy, pal! You ever get jealous? I saw Amirah making some pots the other day, and started wishing I was clay. At people? Nah.
Hey! Don't wear yourself out working too hard. Remember! I busted my butt in school, and now look at me.
Caught any big ones recently? I went out a bit too far to check out a new sandfishing hole, and got my ass kicked by the locals. You should've seen me! Running full tilt away clutching a giant fish to my chest like it was made of solid gold.
Howdy. You speak to Heidi lately? She's been so busy...I get it, really, but...never mind.
Sandstorm: I know it's stressful getting behind on work, but take my advice - there's no better chance to stay home and cuddle. Stay safe!
Rain:  I never knew I could miss this so much. I wonder if the sandfish around here care about rain? Does it awaken some evolutionary memory in them, or are they just oblivious?
Player has a new haircut: I wonder who you're trying to impress. Well, you're impressing me!
Player has panda eyes: I hoped you stayed up doing something fun, at least.
Player cuts a tree in front of L: Hooooboy. If you like getting berated by Burgess, good job, I guess.
Player attacks L with a weapon: Uh, watch out! Let's take it to the ring. I guess. Or, better yet, let's talk it out over dinner.
Day of the Bright Sun: I don't really need more stuff, but I love seeing the kinds of things people give as gifts. I really love days like this. Holidays were one of the brief times I wasn't studying in school. I felt guilty the entire time, but it was still worth it getting out.
Showdown at High Noon:  I guess it's good for everyone to practice fighting. Have you heard that there are places where they have a holiday to celebrate love, too? I wish we had that, to balance things out a bit.
Day of Memories: The games are fun, but I always sort of wished the fun parts and the memorial were separated. I guess that's how life is, though? You can't ever entirely separate feelings.
Tour de Rock: I feel like Unsuur should win this by default. But maybe if I win, he'll think I'm even cooler.
Running of the Yakmel:  This must be a real romantic holiday for Cooper and Mabel. Food and yakmel? I actually have no idea what this holiday's about, sorry.
Winter Solstice: Hey, don't miss out on the bonfire dancing! I'll save a spot next to me if I can!
Loved gifts:
Any kind of King Fish:  Holy! Look at that whopper! Are you seriously giving this to me?
Any of Amirah's pottery, or the character figures: Everyone accuses me of being shallow, but it was the craftsmanship of her work that really made me fall in love with her. Amirah, you're amazing.
Liked gifts:
Storage: Oh, thank the Light! And thank you! Maybe I can finally get organized.
Fishing gear:  Babe. You know me too well. Sorry, did I call you babe? Sorry, sorry. I was actually talking your gift.
Any fish other than King:  Ahaha! Howdy, little guy! You'll make a fine dinner or pet, tonight!
Neutral gifts: Wow, thanks! You don't really need to give me gifts to impress me, but I'll take 'em.
Disliked gifts: Huh. Thanks.
Hated gifts: Did I upset you? Sorry.
Complimenting appearance: Wow, thank you! The hair color's not natural, except in the sense that everything that is possible to exist is natural.
Complimenting appearance 2: I think you're pretty, too.
Complimenting work: Well, thanks! I do try! I know I'm easily distracted by a pretty face, but love just gives me the energy to make all my work feel worth it.
Complimenting personality: You catch more fish if you got the right bait.
Asked about her past:
Oh, well. Studying, work, rinse, repeat. After a while, I couldn't remember why I even wanted to be a builder. I'm starting to remember, I think.
The first time I fell in love, there was this big drama when she wanted to see someone else. I remember pretending that I was so upset, but not getting why I should care that much. I was a lot older when I realized other people aren't playing when they're upset about that stuff.
I always thought me and Nia would get married and ride off into the sunset on our gliders. Of course, life doesn't turn out how you imagine. We both had different dreams. But I missed her so much when we went our separate ways.
I think my Ma worries that she and Pa somehow pushed me into working too hard. I keep telling them that I made my own decisions, and thinking about the two of them was the big thing that pulled me off the edge, when it got real bad. I have to do better. I will do better. Even if I don't work as fast as I used to and people think I'm a flake.
Asked about work:
Most of the time people don't really need stuff as soon as they say. I still try, of course, to get it to them in time. But I've had to learn that if I end up running late, it's not the end of the world, you know?
Asked what she likes to do:
Sometimes I look at old books about fish, and then I look at the fish we've got around here - I think fish were always just really weird!
I hate eating alone, you know? Eating is when people really connect - we all gotta do it! It doesn't have to be a date, even if that's what people think I'm all about. I just want to hear about your day.
The more efficient the tools, the more time I have to keep myself sane without disappointing my commissioners. I love seeing things done quickly, and well.
Romance -
Confession response:
Accepted: Oh! You're quite the catch, so of course I accept!
Rejected: Oh...do you know what that means? Do you really want to be with me? I can't change who I am, you know. Maybe I need to think a little, and maybe you do too.
Regular lines:
Don't forget date night! It's easy to forget when we're busy, but spending time together makes everything else worthwhile!
There are always more fish in the sea, but I'm so glad I caught this one. And you caught me.
Do you see us together in twenty years? Time feels so blurry, one commission blending into the next, but no matter how far I try to look, I see you there with me.
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draconicsparkle · 1 year
Time to go to the aqua zoo! Along with smol snek!!! Who has the most devious of plots. Hehehe.
Another suggestion from @bobasriduur! You got lots of good ideas, my friend. Thank ya for all the help!
And you can send me ideas as well! Just comment down below!
Nagito pet the head of his tiger and plesiosaur plushes in his terrarium with a smile. He tried to make sure that they were always clean and presentable, even though only he and Hajime were going to see them. But he still did it, as he loved his space and possessions to be clean.
He was grateful that Hajime also tried to keep his apartment clean. He wasn’t sure what would have happened if his human was a messy person. Seeing the mess and not being able to clean would have driven him crazy. But he was fortunate, a fact he reminded himself of every day.
Currently, Hajime was on his bed, typing stuff on his laptop. The naga wasn’t sure exactly what he was doing. Could be homework, could be something else. It didn’t matter too much to him, as he was at an angle where he could watch him work. And he could see Hajime’s expression change every so often from the comfort of his terrarium with his stuffed animals. It was wonderful to witness.
But he would admit that he had a bit of a selfish desire. He wanted more; more stuffed animals to fill his area. But he wasn’t exactly sure what he wanted yet, and he didn’t want to drain Hajime’s wallet. So he would have to grow his collection with strategic moves over time.
Luckily for him, a potential opportunity presented itself to him. “Hey, it looks like there’s an aquarium nearby. There’s a sale on tickets. Want to go?”
“An aquarium? That’s like the zoo, right? But just for aquatic animals,” Nagito asked, getting excited. Not just because of the potential of new plushies, of course. He actually was interested in learning more about the world’s species. And anything he did outside the apartment with his human was fantastic.
“Yeah, that’s right. I’m assuming you are on board with this. We can go tomorrow afternoon.” Hajime glanced over top of his laptop to see the naga, a half-smile present.
“Yes! I’m excited to go!” Nagito replied, hugging his tiger’s neck in happiness. Tomorrow, yes, he could wait that long. An adventure awaited, and he looked forward to it.
Time passed. And soon, the new day was upon them. Which meant that their plans could commence.
This conclusion was running through Nagito’s mind as he laid coiled around the human’s neck while he traveled to the aquarium. He didn’t bother to try and hide, knowing that he was safe to be out and in sight. And everyone around them were being respectful, with no one trying to approach to ask questions. He watched with observant eyes as Hajime walked, interested in all the sights they passed. But none could compare to the actual aquarium building. Decorations depicting coral reefs and some of its inhabitants were on display, indicating what could be found inside. The walls of the building were also painted with marine life. It was all so colorful. He couldn’t wait to see these animals in real life.
And maybe perhaps get one in stuffed animal form, but that would come later.
For now, he gazed at everything. He hardly registered Hajime presenting the tickets and speaking with the other humans. He was too enraptured with looking at everything.
Then they entered the first room with the giant tank.
Every ounce of air was stolen from his lungs when he first laid eyes upon it. It was so enormous, with all sorts of colorful creatures happily swimming around. So many shapes and sizes. It was nearly impossible to count every individual animal inside. “It’s so beautiful. I could watch this for hours,” Nagito whispered.
Hajime heard him and replied. “I could, too. It’s truly something special.”
The two fell silent as they watched the fish swim around for a good ten minutes. But eventually, Hajime tapped on the green tail. “Hey, there’s more areas we can go see. There’s a lot more animals they have living here.”
Nagito looked up at his human, shocked. “They have more? More than what’s in here?”
Hajime grinned, amused by his reaction. “Oh yeah. There’s a lot more. Let’s go see them.”
And so they left the enormous tank behind to see the others who were in their own enclosures. And Nagito was astounded by every single one. The jellyfish that floated around in their cylindrical tank. The horseshoe crabs that he got to touch. The eels that poked their heads out of their pots to look at him. The turtles, both freshwater and saltwater varieties, and their colorful shells.
But none impressed Nagito more than the octopus. The way it moved and looked were already impressive enough, but it also changed its patterns and colors right before their eyes! He didn’t think that was actually possible! “What an amazing creature. So unique and talented,” he found himself whispering, entranced by the octopus.
He felt Hajime move his head to glance down at him. And he also felt the muscles in his neck move as the human smiled. “It really is. It’s one of my favorite sea creatures.”
“I think it’s mine, too.” Nagito squeezed his coils in excitement at a new thought. “I wonder if they sell stuffed animal versions of the octopi. What colors would they choose to make them?”
Hajime caught on. “I bet you are going to ask me to buy you an octopus plush. Am I right?”
Nagito looked up without an ounce of shame. “We simply must bring home a souvenir to help remind us of our time here! And I choose to get an octopus. Simple as that.”
The brunette rolled his eyes, though he still was smiling. “I swear, you are the most spoiled naga.”
Having just gotten confirmation that he was indeed getting his prize, he thanked the human with a neck hug. “Perhaps I am. But I am nonetheless grateful to my Hajime for his kindness and generosity.”
He wasn’t fooled by the human’s indifferent huff, as he could feel the skin heat up under his touch. “Fine. We can go to the gift shop. But only one thing, got it?”
“Understood.” Nagito rose and gave Hajime’s cheek a nuzzle. “Thank you.”
The human certainly turned red at that, making the people around them grin at the sight. Hajime tried to calm himself down and walk away, ignoring the knowing giggles of the other visitors. He had managed to make the blush mostly disappear by the time they arrived in the gift shop. Several different types of items were for sale including clothing, home and lawn decorations, toys, and books. But Nagito had his sights trained on a specific section. The rows and rows of stuffed animals. And to his delight, there were indeed some octopi for sale.
But then came his dilemma. Which color should he choose? There were so many options, but he was limited to one. So what color did he like the best?
As he agonized, he was barely aware that Hajime was moving, arm stretching to grab something. He didn’t have to wait long until the reason was revealed.
“This one was kinda hidden on top. I wonder why it was in a different area. Oh well, I suppose it doesn’t matter. What do you think?”
And now, before his eyes, was an octopus with rainbow fabric. The colors swirled and mixed perfectly, creating a beautiful pattern. “That’s the one. I shall choose this octopus,” Nagito declared, reaching out to pet the head.
“Alright. It’s yours,” Hajime replied, beginning to head to the register. “You will have to make room for it in your terrarium. Better start planning.”
“Oh, don’t you worry. I already have a plan in mind,” the naga said cheekily. His tail tip swayed with happiness as he watched the rainbow octopus be lowered into a paper bag. Yes, he was pleased with today. New memories and a new friend had been made. He couldn’t have asked for a better outcome.
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lordabovehelpme · 4 years
hiii! I was wondering if u could write something from the same “universe” as Lazy Days bc it’s my favorite fic of yours!!! Maybe they go on a picnic or something? I have no clue but it’s one of my all time favorites! If you can’t I understand💖 have a wonderful day Lordy!💕
A Day at the Lake- Din Djarin x Reader
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@jedi-jesi coming in clutch with another amazing moodboard. Like how does she make them so perfect?!?
A/n: Awww hello! I am so happy you enjoyed Lazy day so much becuase I had a blast writing it. You guys are just fueling my baby fever. I hope you have an amazing day too! I hope you like this one! 
This is a continuation of my fic, Lazy day, which can be found here. :)
Warnings: Children, pregnancy.
“Arms up.” Your daughter flings her arms up above her head and waits patiently for you to take her dress off. She giggles and squeals when you tickle her exposed tummy.
“Mommy, stop it.” Laughing yourself, you fold her dress and stuff it into the backpack.
“Alright, go join your brother. But be careful and do not go any further than your waist. Make sure you stay next to him.” She gives you a thumbs up and runs off to the shore of the lake. Biting your lip, you watch as the two children splash each other in the warm water.
“They’ll be fine. Stop worrying, remember how I taught them how to swim and float?” Your husband grabs your hips and brings you into his chest.
You sigh and lean into him, eyes never leaving your two bundles of joy. “I can’t help it. They’re my babies.”
“Mmm I know cyar’ika. Here, come sit down with me and Grogu.”
At the sound of his name, the child lifts his head and smiles. His arms lift up towards you and he coos, wanting you to snuggle him. Letting out a shaky breath you give one last glance at your son and daughter and walk over to the blanket.
It’s a wonderful day for swimming and your children begged you and Din to let them go to the lake. The sun shines bright in the sky and the bugs chirp in delight. Blades of grass twirl in the slight breeze and flowers brighten the small meadow.
You rest your back against your husband's chest and place the child in between your legs. One large palm trails away from your hips to rest on your swollen stomach.
He was so happy when you informed him for the third time that he is going to be a father. Although, you’re not quite sure why he was so shocked, because he had you in his bed for a whole weekend.
His helmet rests on your shoulder as he peers at his kids, hand moving and searching for his newest. As if on cue, a foot is pushed up against your stomach.
“Cyar’ika! Did you feel that?” He sounds so happy and pure, as if this was your first pregnancy. His fingers try and grab the foot, however your unborn child seems smarter than him. The child kicks another portion of your stomach, almost taunting your over excited husband.
“Din, love, you seem to have forgotten that the little beast is in my stomach.”
You can hear the smile in his voice as they both prod at your skin. “Hmm, he’s a warrior.” The child will kick a spot and just before Din can grab it they’ll kick another spot.
“He?” Amusement leaks from your voice from his assumption. “What makes you so sure?”
“I just have a feeling.”
Before you can say anything else a small wet body launches onto your husbands back, flinging water droplets onto you. “Daddy come play!”
Tiny hands slap all over his helmet while your daughter runs into your arms. “Oh no no no, you’re wet!” But before you can stop her, she plasters her tiny body against your own, soaking your shirt.
The mandalorian bursts out in laughter and throws his son over his shoulder. “Be right back cyare.” Standing up from behind you, he jogs towards the lake. Loud laughs come from your son as he pounds on his fathers back, his legs kicking up in the air.
“Daddy! Don’t hurt him!” Your daughter launches from your arms and bounds after them.
Din grunts as he throws his son over his shoulder and into the flowing water. “Come here you little princess.” Grabbing your daughter under her armpits he tosses her in right after.
A loud battle cry comes from both your children as they try and bring your husband down and into the water. Grogu’s ears perk up as he watches and he squeals in delight. Soon enough, the great man falls and creates a large splash that all three kids gleam at.
The child looks up at you and points at your three goofballs. “Hmm wanna go join them?” He nods and flashes you a toothy smile. “Alright.” Sighing, you wobble your way up onto your feet. It’s always a struggle picking the child up, adding your round belly does nothing to help.
Finally, when he is secure in your arms, you walk over to the shore. The children are taking turns jumping off of your husbands shoulders into the deep water. All four of them are laughing about as hard as they can.
“Mommy, look how far I go!” Your son eggs you to look at him while he stands on the beskar. “Mommy! Mommy!”
“I see you. Go ahead, show me.” At your confirmation, he takes a giant leap and plummets into the water. When he emerges you greet him with loud claps and many words of affirmation.
“Mommy, watch me! I can jump too!” Your daughter, ever the competitor, tries to get your attention. When she sees you watching her, she grabs your husband's outstretched hand and flings herself off his shoulders.
“Wow, both of you are so good! Who knew I had such little fighters?”
They gleam under your praise and run over to envelope you in a hug.
“Wait for me.” Wadding over to you, your husband's large arms wrap around your entire family. You’ve given up on staying dry at this point, the sun will warm you anyway.
“You sure wore them out.” Your hushed voice flows to him as you look at both children asleep in each of his arms. His armor is off, including his helmet, so you don’t miss the way his eyes soften at you. Grogu has already been placed in his hammock above the kids bunks.
A soft chuckle falls from his lips as you sit down beside him. “They had fun.” Leaning over you press a kiss to your daughter, her only acknowledgement is the way she snuggles in further to his embrace. “Let me go put them down.” Nodding, you press another kiss to your son.
His eyes open slightly, “Night mommy.”
Your heart swells with love and you brush his hair away from his face. “Goodnight my love.” You watch as your husband carries your children away to their beds.
When he emerges back from the ladder without children in his arms you let out a content sigh and smile at him. He smiles back and leans down to press a kiss to your lips. “Hey handsome.”
He hums at you and sits down in the pilot seat, spreading his legs in an inviting way. “Come here mesh’la.”
Standing up, you situate yourself atop his thighs. Your hands cup his cheeks and rub at the scratchy stubble. Pressing his face, you squish his cheeks together making his lips pucker up. A loud giggle breaks from your mouth and you throw your head back in laughter.
He moves his lips like a fish and you only laugh harder. Deciding his mouth looks too tempting to leave alone anymore, you press a kiss to him. He hums in approval and tries as hard as he can to move his lips against your own.
Smiling against him you finally give him mercy and release his cheeks. “I love you.”
You feel his mouth twitch up into a grin and he rests his forehead against your own as you both catch your breath. “Love you too cyare.”
The two of you stare at each other for a while, just getting lost in each other's eyes. His hands trail over your body, memorising your skin. Your own lace into his soft curls and scratch at his scalp.
“I need to cut your hair soon, it's starting to peak out from your helmet.”
Totally disregarding your comment, he looks down at your stomach. “I’m sure he’s a boy.”
Laughter bubbles up from you and you look down at his hands that rub over your belly. “But if they’re a boy then it’ll be four against two.”
“Guess we’ll have to make another then.”
“Din!” You slap his arm at how matter-of-fact he sounded. His eyes wrinkle with how wide he is grinning. Shaking your head you kiss him again, a smile working itself onto your own features.
He leans back and wiggles his eyebrows at you. Giggling you tuck your head into the crevice between his chin and his shoulder. His hands rub at your lower back, trying to ease your pain.
“I love you, you oversized tin can.”
His chest rumbles in laughter and you feel him press a kiss to your head. “Ni kar’tayl gar darasuum, cyare.”
Part three: Delivery Day 
Okay so I loved writing this. I hope you guys liked it! 
Feedback is always appreciated.
Love, Lordy :)
Taglist: @ficthots @along-the-lines-of-space
If you want to be added to my tag list just send me an ask or comment saying you want to! :)
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
I LIVE for your exophilia Bucky and Steve fics, Drider/spider Bucky is my LIFE, if you could do centaur, naga or mermaid, please. I just love this so much!
Okay, it was supposed to be a short request, but it had somehow evolved into a oneshot. Thank you for this awesome idea!
Blood in the water
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Pairing: merman!Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, attempted kidnapping, non-grapic depiction of violence.
Words: 2125.
You had never truly believed in the existence of fantastic creatures despite all those rumors about mermaids living in the Triskelion sea. Sure, at some point people thought they shared the Earth with centaurs, sirens, griffons, and all those divine beasts, but you lived in the era of rapid scientific progress, Internet, and space-based technologies. No one in the right state of mind believed in fairies and unicorns.
However, you did like this little town: there was something charming in its narrow streets and a hundred years old buildings, lovely hydrangeas in flowerpots standing outside of the houses and small family cafes here and there. It was a nice place to have a vacation, especially after a crazy year in a big city where streets were always full of people, regardless of time.
You rented a nice little cottage close to the seashore for a month and were now enjoying your morning coffee, sitting on a wide wooden windowsill. The sun was barely up, and you smiled, wrapping a blanket around your bare shoulders. It was such a beautiful morning when the sky was a lovely shade of pink, the sea so unusually quiet. There definitely was something magical in it.
Watching the sea with your window open, you inhaled its smell deeply, closing your eyes. When you opened them in a second, you suddenly saw something glowing far away from you, on a small rock surrounded by water. Your eyes grew wide - it was not something, it was someone. It was a living being. You just saw its enormously huge scaly tail when the creature slipped back into the sea as if it knew you were watching it.
Oh dear.
You immediately left your half-emptied cup on the windowsill and jumped down, hurrying to the door while keeping the blanket wrapped around your shoulders. What was that? How huge was that fish? What could it even be? All those questions were making you speed up, and you rushed to the small pier right next to your cottage, hoping to catch a glimpse of the mysterious creature again.
But once you were standing on the wooden boards barefoot, shivering from the sudden cool sea breeze, the waters were quiet just like before, not a sound coming from that direction. The creature had disappeared as fast as it emerged, and you were staring at the dark waters again, thinking of whether you saw that enormous fish at all or was it some trick of the light. Maybe you really watched too many fantasy movies on Netflix yesterday. Smiling at the though, you fixed the blanket, covering yourself some more, and inhaled the cool morning air deeply. Whether or not there was a huge fish, it wasn’t really important. You didn’t know how to swim anyway and wouldn’t get into the water far.
When you went to the town to have lunch, you did ask the elderly lady serving customers whether there was some peculiar type of marine animal living in the waters of Triskelion sea, but she just smiled at you and asked you not to come too close to the shore at night.
“It’s not good you live so far from the town,” she said quickly before moving to the other table, gathering empty dishes.
Did she mean it was unsafe to be out of the house at night? Was there like a gang gathering close to the sea or something? You nervously nodded to her, growing a bit concerned. Your landlord didn’t tell you anything about that.
Well, in case of emergency you could barricade the door and call 911. The phone worked perfectly, you thought while walking the streets, buying nice little souvenirs for your friends and colleagues. You actually bought a baseball bat just in case.
Hurrying home before it got dark, you clenched the big bag with a takeout. You asked the girl behind the counter about being on the shore at night, and she confirmed it wasn’t wise. Unfortunately, she didn’t specify, and you thought that speaking of that gang aloud wasn’t appropriate. The girl was probably scared.
Damn, and there you thought it was a perfect quiet place, ideal for a lonely young woman. Was it really better to leave before you got into any real trouble?
Locking the door and closing the windows, you huffed, irritated neither the agency nor your landlord mentioned this to you. It was unfair and even illegal to do business like that. Thinking whether to call your friends to ask for an advice, you sat in the kitchen, unpacking the amazing carbonara that was still warm and smelled heavenly. Well, it least the cafes here were absolutely awesome.
Once you finished your meal and were drinking tea with milk, still sitting in the kitchen - now you were a little afraid of sitting on the windowsill with an open window where anyone could see you - you suddenly heard some noise from the outside. It was a loud sound of fins crushing the water surface. Was it that odd giant fish again? Still, you were aware of danger of being outside late in the evening, so you simply stayed inside the house.
But then you heard someone screaming.
“Please, help!” The voice was pleading, and you stood up quickly, grabbing your bat. “HELP!”
The next moment you were running to the sea shore with a life preserver in one hand and a bat in the other. Someone was drowning in the sea, and you couldn’t fucking swim. Blood rushed to your head when you saw a man tangled in a large fishing net attached to the pierce, and you immediately run to him, dropping to your knees.
“Please! I can’t-” He was fighting the ties binding him, almost screaming in hysterics when you approached him. “I can’t breathe! HELP!”
In complete darkness when the only source of light was the moon shining high up into the sky, you were struggling to see how the man literally wrapped in the net, striking about in the water like a stranded fish. When you got close, throwing your hands to the stranger, he jumped at you right away, leaning closer and trying to climb to the pier. He almost made you fall into the water, but you managed to grab wooden pole with one hand and stand on your knees.
“I’m here! Wait, wait!” You were hurriedly grasping the net, seeing literally nothing in the dark. “I’ll help!”
You could hear the stranger crying, his huge figure shaking terribly, and rushed to tug on the ties, desperately trying to untangle him. You spent a few minutes like that before you had finally freed him, pulling the net up and throwing it on a wooden boards - it was so big you could literally cover the whole pier with it. How did it end up here?
Deadly tired from all the pulling, you gave the stranger your hand again to drag him to the pier, but suddenly he moved away from your arm. He was neither crying not screaming anymore, strangely silent, and you stared at his handsome face, still red from tears. How come? He was able to swim, wasn’t he? Breathing hard from all the struggle, you blinked, wiping the sweat from your forehead.
“Thank you,” the man finally said, coming closer again, and you realized there was something huge in the water right beneath him - you saw an enormous scale tail gleaming in the sea when the moonlight illuminated the waters.
It wasn’t some fish. It was the man’s tail. You saw the scales covering his hips when he got up, getting on the pier where you sat. Instinctively, you crawled back, both charmed and horrified with what you were seeing.
Dear god, he was a merman.
While you stared at him, opening your mouth as if it were you who was suffocating, the man smiled widely, watching you gawk at him. He wasn’t concerned at all, flashing his tail carelessly. “Thank you for saving me, human woman. You are truly fearless.”
Well, you weren’t so sure anymore, gazing at the unbearably handsome merman whose voice was so deep and silky it could drive any girl crazy. You were still scared of him though, knowing little whether he wanted to thank or hurt you - you even read some tales where mermaids were eager to eat sailors if they stumbled upon them in the sea.
But he looked so magnificent. His clear blue eyes were shining bright in the darkness, cheeks a lovely shade of pink, hair like a pure gold in the moonlight. His shoulders were wide, and you could see he was athletically built with his tufty, solid arms. Besides, how could a man with a smile as kind as his be a threat to you, the one who had saved him from the net? Reluctantly at first, you slowly got closer to him, watching his cheerful face. He was happy you weren’t afraid of him.
“What is your name?” He asked, suddenly getting closer so you ended up nose to nose with him.
The merman smelled like salt and seaweed, and when he wrapped his long fingers around your wrist, you whispered nervously, “Y/N.”
“I am Steven.” He grinned at you, rubbing the tip of your nose with his wet one. “I will be forever in your debt.”
“B-but how did you end up in the net? I’ve never heard of people fishing here.” You mumbled, your face flooding with embarrassment at being so close to the handsome stranger.
“Oh, they don’t fish. They try to catch us, the merfolk.”
His gaze turned sad as he touched your cheek with his nose and backed away, getting into water again while you crawled closer to him. So, that was it. That’s why they didn’t want you on the shore late in the evening - they were starting the mermaids hunt. God, how could they? Why did they try to harm these gorgeous creatures, unmistakably as intelligent as people were?
You felt sorry for the man, bending over to him as he stared into your face, still smiling. Gently cupping your cheeks with his wet palms, he rose up to give you a quick peck on the lips, apparently, having very little shame to do it to someone he only met a couple of minutes ago. Feeling terribly embarrassed, you thought that maybe it was merfolk’s way to thank someone and just nodded.
“Are you going to be okay, Steven?” You asked him, barely realizing you were leaning closer and closer to him while he kept getting down in the water.
“Yes.” He answered barely audible, kissing you again while gently touching your hair. “Come closer, love.”
You went even deeper, enchanted by his lovely voice.
You didn’t realize the merman was luring you into the water until he pulled your face down, and your head ended up in the sea. As you opened your mouth, the water rushed inside it, and you were quickly becoming suffocated. But was scaring you more than drowning was the face of the most handsome man you had ever seen - the sclera became dark, making his eyes looking extraterrestrial, frightening. The next second you saw Steve opening his toothy mouth, and the world turned pitch black.
The pain shooting through your neck made you scream, gulping down salty sea water, and you fell down from the pier completely. You couldn’t breathe, kicking and fighting and struggling in merman’s arms until he let go of you, and you immediately grabbed the life preserver that fell into the water along with you. Keeping kicking furiously to keep Steve away, you clenched the wooden pole.
You didn’t know how you managed to pull up, getting back to the pier while merman was hissing something behind your back, trying to get closer to you. Despite you had no strength left, you were crawling to the shore on your knees, crying from the pain - blood was still seeping from your neck.
“You can’t get away from me!” Steve grinned wickedly, shouting to you. “I’ve marked you, love! You won’t have a mate other than me!”
Deaf to his shouts, you kept crawling until you felt the ground beneath your palms.
What did you know about the merfolk living in the Triskelion sea? Why didn’t you think it was them who were hunting people, luring innocent souls into the water with their pleas and crying? Of course, you didn’t know it was the mating season, and the mark Steve left on your neck would never fade away, scarring your gentle skin.
Why didn’t you leave the town, knowing you were in danger? Now you were bound to him, the cold, merciless creature who would stop at nothing to have you.
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki   ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint @heeeyitskay @chris-evans-indian-fanfic @navegandoaciegas @rosalynshields @brattycherubwrites @sllooney @angrythingstarlight @lovelydarkdaydream @soleil-dor @lookiamtrying @buckysbunny
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ihearthes · 4 years
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Quarantine Christmas Part  2
Author: @ihearthes Pairing: Harry x y/n Rating: Smut Word Count: 2768 (Part 1) Fiction Chalenge via @caitlin‘s fiction party via @sweetcreatureinthedark
Part 1
December 24, 2020
“Smith!” he bellows way too early and cheerfully as he pounds on my bedroom door. “Happy Christmas Eve! Come on! Let’s go for a jog.”
“Arrrrggggghhhhh,” I growl. “No.”
“If you hike the Hastain Trail with me, I’ll spring for coffee afterwards.”
“Go away, Styles.” Drawing the pillow over my head, I try to block out the sound of his voice. 
“Fresh air will be good for you.”
“You’re not going to give up, are you?” 
“Not on your life. I hate hiking alone.”
“Fine!” Throwing the covers off, I don my newly cleaned leggings, sports bra, and a t-shirt before opening the door and marching past him in my tennis shoes. “Bully,” I accuse. 
“You’re mad that I’m forcing you to take care of yourself?” Although he sounds offended, that smirk is back. 
“Whatevs, Styles. Let’s go.”
He sets off at a brisk pace, and I trail behind him slightly. After all, I’m still waking up. 
“Keep up, Smith!”
Just to be ornery, I slow my stride, taking my time examining the plants next to the path. When I next glance up, Harry is a solid quarter mile ahead of me, and I contemplate turning back, finding a picnic table and taking a nap on it until he’s done. 
But no. That’s not to be, as he turns and jogs back to me, keeping his legs pumping as he moves backwards. 
“You’re going to trip on something,” I caution. 
He grins. “You care about me!”
My eyes roll so far back into my head that I swear I can see my own brain. “No. But I care about Glenne, and she would be mighty upset if I had a part in damaging you.”
“Mhm.” The smirk is back, and as hard as I try to keep a sour look on my face, it’s challenging. “Where was Christmas supposed to be?” His question is casual, but it causes me to flinch.
“Indiana,” I snap off the word like one would a twig on a dying tree. Immediately, I feel guilty. “Sorry.” My mumble is quiet, but loud enough for him to hear and nod in silent acceptance. “You don’t deserve rudeness. What about you? London?”
“Holmes Chapel. With my mum, my sister, and her boyfriend.”
“Ah. Is it cold there this year?”
“Fairly mild. And Indiana?”
“Cold, cold, cold. Maybe even snow still on the ground.”
“Yeah. Christmas in Los Angeles is quite different.” Harry gestures around the trail, and I smile. 
“What are your favorite traditions?” 
By the time we loop back around to the start of the trail, we’ve exhausted the topic, and I realize my mood has improved tremendously. 
“Thank you, Harry.” The words are soft, and I try to insert as much authenticity as I can into them. 
I have the pleasure of watching his eyes soften as he observes me over the top of the car. “Coffee next! And a trip to the grocery!”
“Grocery? You’re cooking?”
“WE are baking and then cooking.”
“Yep. We’re going to create a mashup of our traditions.”
“No fucking way!” I exclaim, excited at the prospect. Sitting up, I search for a piece of paper and a pen. “I didn’t bring my purse, Styles. Give me your phone.”
“My phone?” Confused, he gazes at me while at a stoplight. 
“I need to write down the ingredients we need to buy. Let’s see. We can’t make some of the cookies we each like because I don’t know if Glenne has cookie cutters in the right shapes. So how about some ginger biscuits?” 
When he nods, I gesture for his phone. “Come on, Styles. I need to look up recipes and make sure we get the right ingredients.”
Reluctantly, he unlocks his phone, handing it to me. “No snooping,” he warns, shaking his finger in my direction. 
“Puuuuuuullllllleeeeeasssse. As if.” Using his browser, I search for a recipe for the ginger biscuits for him as well as one for thumbprint jam cookies, copying the ingredients into his Notes app. 
“Now, for dinner,” he begins, and my fingers pause as I wait for his next words. “Mum used to do a roast, but I don’t eat meat anymore. Just fish. And your family always does turkey. How do we compromise on a protein?”
“Scallops? Salmon? Both delicious and something I would consider fancy enough for a holiday meal.”
“Excellent!” Harry declares. “And can we agree on brussel sprouts and yams?”
My whole being is excited at the prospect of this meal with Harry. Suddenly there’s a silver lining to spending my favorite holiday away from my family. 
As he turns off the engine, I rest my hand on his wrist until he twists to look at me. “Thank you, Harry.”
“You already said that.” He rolls his eyes, but the crinkles send a different message. 
Less than 30 minutes later, we’re back in the car with the trunk full of groceries, including prosecco. After stopping for the promised coffee, we return to Glenne and Jeffrey’s house, unloading the food. 
“Mind if I take a shower before we start?” I ask, looking down at my clothing. “I feel dusty still from the trail.”
“Let’s both shower --” He stalls at my shocked expression “-- in separate bathrooms, Smith. Then let’s see who can put together the worst Christmas outfit from whatever we can find in the guest bedroom where we’re each sleeping.”
A grin crosses my face. “Oh, you’re going down, Styles!” Rushing out of the room, I’m confident that my ears are playing tricks on me because I think he responds with “I would love to go down on you.” He must have said something completely different, and I shake my head to clear the thought. 
When I emerge later, I’m wearing my grey sweatpants which I’ve pinned garland to along with one of my green hoodies and a giant wreath draped around my neck like a necklace by a red ribbon. Arriving in the kitchen, I’m stopped in my tracks by the sight of Harry wearing a skirt of wrapping paper over his also-grey sweatpants, along with a variety of bows stuck to his Green Bay Packers hoodie. 
He shrugs, “Apparently they use that guest bedroom for storing wrapping paper.” 
I laugh as I pluck one of the bows off his hoodie and place it on my chest after removing the wreath. 
“You win,” I concede. “I’m surprised there’s so much Christmas stuff in their house.”
“Eh. The Azoff family celebrates everything.”
“Lucky us, then.”
Side by side, we create the dough first for the ginger biscuits and then for the thumbprint cookies. After he slides the first pans into the oven, Harry crosses his arms. “Scrabble while we wait for them to bake?”
“Oh, it’s on!” I agree, and we settle at the dining room table to play the game. 
“Fine. You win,” Harry pouts over an hour later as I play my final letter which manages to be on a triple word score tile. 
“Woo hoo!” Stuffing one of the ginger biscuits in my mouth, I chew thoughtfully. “These are pretty good. I might make them again next year.”
“Same for these,” Harry grins as he chews on one of the thumbprint cookies. Crossing his arms on the table in front of him, he leans toward me. “Now how about you tell me exactly why you turned down my account when Glenne offered it to you?”
Shock courses through my body, and I freeze, knowing my face is likely turning into a candy cane red. 
“She told you?”
“Of course she told me! I had specifically asked for you, so I was a bit heartbroken when she told me that you refused.”
His word choice makes me raise an eyebrow. “Heartbroken?”
“Devastated? Wrecked? Disappointed? Take your pick, Smith.”
Swallowing, I make eye contact with him. “I’ll tell you why I turned down our account if you’ll tell me why you call me Smith.”
His tongue darts out and wets his lips as his green eyes bore into me. “Because you remind me of a Granny Smith apple.” Confusion must sweep across my face, as he continues talking. “You’re tart at first, but you can be sweetened. I’ve witnessed it in the past as well as just the last two days.” His face colors, but he continues speaking anyway. “Plus I suspect you’re incredibly juicy, and I would love a sample.”
Shit. Shit. Shit. Had Harry Styles just made a very obvious overture? Yes. Yes, he had. My eyes float over his face, searching for any indication that he’s lying, but the sincerity is striking. 
First I look at my entwined hands, and then I decide to show the same courage he has exhibited. “I turned down your account because I couldn’t possibly work for you when I’m this attracted to you. It’s bad form to want to --” I can’t decide on the appropriate word, so I settle for “-- jump your client.”
The smirk is back, and it’s followed by an uproarious laugh. “This is too rich! To think that we could have been having some sort of relationship all this time is mind-numbing.” Rising, he holds out his hand. “How about we consummate our mutual attraction?”
“In the middle of the afternoon on Christmas Eve?”
“You got a better idea of how to spend our time?” 
“Swimming?” I tease. 
“Take my hand.”
His words and tone make it clear that he’s interested in moving forward with this. My own body’s response is in sync with his. Gently, I place my hand in his as I rise from the table. Twisting his body, he also shifts his hand, leading me in the direction of…where? A bedroom seems too rushed. Not that my hormones would agree. 
But no. We walk down the two steps into the living room where he turns on the Christmas tree lights before settling on the couch and tugging my arm so that I join him. “Oh, wait.” Rising, he approaches the sound system, and soon the strains of Christmas music fill the space. Returning to my side, he settles with his arm around me. 
“Smith…” His words are a whisper, and I rotate my head in his direction as he brushes his finger over my cheek. When our lips meet, I swear I can hear the angels sing. His mouth is soft and tender, and I twine my fingers through the hand draped over my shoulder as I open wide to allow him to enter. Our tongues tangle in heat and dampness that also seems to pool between my legs. He tastes of the lemon curd thumbprints we had jointly made, and I relish the flavor, wanting more. 
Shifting closer to him, I tilt my head to provide greater access, and his hand drifts to my sweatpants. Withdrawing from me, he examines our clothes. “Mind if I remove this garland?”
“Not at all,” I purr. “As long as I can get rid of these bows.” The wrapping paper skirt had already been ruined when we sat down for the Scrabble game. 
Rather than unpinning the garland, though, he hooks his thumbs into my waistband and draws the sweatpants over my hips. “Up, Smith.” I lift my bum as he removes my bottoms, leaving me in my panties. 
In return, I inch his hoodie up his chest and off, tossing it over my shoulder, heedless of the bows that seem to desire to stay attached to the musician. Can’t say I blame them. 
“Hmmmm,” he murmurs before capturing my lips again. 
When we come up for air, my hands have managed to roam his chest, tweaking his nipple and wrenching a moan from his mouth. For his part, his hand has drifted over the small piece of cloth separating my treasure from full access. His thumb rubs a pattern over the fabric, and soon I’m panting. 
“Fuck,” I mutter as we separate. 
“Yes please” is his cheeky reply. 
“Dork,” I indict.
“Mhm. Take off that hoodie. Please.” 
Willingly, I oblige. Before the material has hit the floor, he’s capturing my nipple in his mouth, and I throw my head back as fire stokes through my body from my tits to my core. “Shit,” I proclaim. 
His fingers return to the scrap of cloth covering my center. As his thumb teases my clit through the silk, a finger slips underneath and into me. Without thought, I cry out, my lower body rising from the bed to get closer to heaven. 
“Been a while?” His voice is rough, sounding like sandpaper as he dislodges from my breast. 
“Too long,” I pant, “but you’ve always had the power to bring me to the brink just with a look.”
“I see,” he smirks, and normally I would want to smack him, but this time, I find it endearing. 
“I want --” I gesture to his sweats, and he grins. 
“If I refuse?”
“Then my treasure box can close pretty quickly if I don’t have something in my hands.”
Harry laughs. “Fair enough.” Shucking his sweatpants over his hips, I find that he’d chosen not to wear underpants as his cock springs upwards into my waiting hand. 
“Shit. I need lubricant.” I complain. 
We gaze at each other, the lust clear. Jumping up from the sofa, we race together to Glenne and Jeffrey’s bathroom. I scour the lower cabinets while Harry throws open the linen closet. “Got it!” he announces, holding the bottle over his head. 
“Thank God!” My relief is real. Grabbing the bottle from him, I find I can’t move. Now what? Where do we go? We can’t very well do the deed in their bed. 
Grabbing my hand, Harry once more takes the lead, and we end up in his guest bedroom. I gesture at the bed, and he strips off the duvet before lying down on his back. Crawling onto the mattress, I settle between his thighs, tilting the bottle of lube and squeezing a fair amount into my hand. Relaxed, I hold my hand over his cock, allowing droplets to fall. His eyes plead with me, and I grin at him. 
“Impatient, Styles?”
“Desperate for you, Smith.”
With that pronouncement, I wrap both hands around his length, allowing my fingers to glide gently along his shaft. One hand falls underneath where I can tickle his balls playfully. When his hips start bucking, I withdraw from him completely -- albeit slowly with a final few long strokes. 
His eyes fly open, and he pats the bed next to him, so I lie there. 
“Shhhh. Hush, Styles.”
Miraculously he doesn’t say anything, but he does reach out and shift aside the fabric over my vagina before he delves a finger inside. I know I’m wet. Hell, I can feel the dampness. 
His finger teases me, and I writhe under his attention. 
“Fuck, Styles. I’m gonna…”
“Do it!” he orders, and my lower body creates a bridge as my hips rise into the air while my thighs tremble in ecstasy. 
As I land back onto the bed and earth itself from my recent visit to heaven, Harry carefully removes my panties and throws them over his shoulder. 
“Condom?” He inquires.
“IUD. You clean?”
“Yep. Got tested not long ago. You?”
“Fuck me, Styles. We deserve this.”
“Indeed,” he grins just before he plunges into me, and I cry out at the feel of his length inside me, filling me and touching every part of me. 
“Shit.” My breaths come in short spurts as he pumps into me. I can’t seem to catch my breath as my second orgasm starts building. “Shift to the left, Styles.”
“You got it, Smith. Can you scratch at my back?” 
“You bet.” 
The communication is nice as we guide each other to what pleases us the most. As much as I want to take our time, it’s not nearly long enough before I feel my insides begin to clench in a familiar way. 
“Fuck, Styles. I’m coming!”
“Me too, Smith! Fuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkk!” He stretches the word into multiple syllables as I feel his seed squirting into my womb, stopped only by my birth control. His fingers reach between our bodies as he manipulates my clit until I see stars and arch my lower body to become closer to him. 
Collapsing on top of me, his breathing is as uneven as my own. 
“Merry Christmas, Smith,” he murmurs while we’re still joined. 
“Merry Christmas, Styles,” I reply, hugging his body tightly to mine. No telling if we have a future, but this holiday is going to be one for the books. 
A/N:  This short story is dedicated to those who aren’t able to join family this Christmas due to the Coronavirus.  Be safe.  Be healthy.  Make the best of the situation. Sending you BIG HUGS!
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supernovafeather · 3 years
The Lost Ant
Hi !
Here is my first original story. Not a fanfiction, nothing to do with actors... nothing. Not with any fandom neither. I hope you'll like it (I know just a few of you will read it so thanks to them !)
It's much shorter than my fics as well.
Warnings : angst, death, mention of war.
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Malazda is waiting patiently, her eyes wide open as she stares at the thick dust cloud embracing the city. Well, not exactly. The orangish cover surrounds the invisible dome protecting the old city, so old that the buildings are not even made of metal. Clay and rocks, wood carrying the structure. Here, there are no flying cars, no massive ships, no androids helping at the hospital. There is no hospital at all. But how graciously they move through this storm, their lights flying through this normally opaque like it is nothing. More visible than the two Suns themselves, faces of the Ancient Gods according to her grandmother now passed away.
This is why the woman loves those storms so much. Usually, ships are invisible in the blue sky thanks to advanced technology to avoid to get ambushed. But here, in dust, they have no choice. Dozens of lights having to follow the wild streams.
Malazda squints. She likes to count how many giant metallic bugs dominate the skies. Eight cargo ships of a crew of over a thousand humans with their white lights, so high, higher than some clouds now absorbed. Three control ships of twenty peace keepers staying more or less at the same spots to protect the road, recognizable by their red lights. A miserable cleaning ship barely big enough to contain one human is struggling to keep its path, its green light weaker than the others. It is fascinating. In the air, in the dust coming from the ground, yet similar to a small Arzengar fish lost in the torrent from the Karaglyz River, a few hours away from here. Struggling, swimming, avoiding the violent collisions as much as it can.
She breaths quietly now, laying on her back and still staring from the roof of her house. Now is her favorite moment, when suddenly dust forms strange nebulas in the sky. Something similar to dark and giant tentacles curving in the middle of nowhere, lights now looking like stars and comets. A few years back she would be terrified by the harmonious movements but she is used to it now. Maybe the scientists from the big cities know why dust turns suddenly into something similar to a giant octopus dominating the galaxy, able to wipe off everything in just one quick punch.
But Malazda doesn't care. She is more interested in science than most of the civilians here but... why should she stop dreaming ? It's not like she had any opportunity to go away from there after all. She heard that people from the big cities, the economic centers of the galaxy, can't even see the stars because of all the lights. This thought is fascinating and terrorising for her. Humans managed to silence the stars. To hide what in the past was considered as Gods, or memories of their ancestors, or something essential to navigate. How can you erase such a beauty ? When did the lights become so strong that people have more reasons to look at their own devices rather than at burning and raging stars ?
Malazda blinks, her heart pounding with too much strength. She is dreaming, right ? This thin dark string never appeared before. Right ? It is like a hair encircling the dome.
Then she stands up as people on the street scream. It is snowing. Red and orange snow.
No. Dust.
Never before she got the opportunity to witness the wild waterfalls from the Northern forests of Gartay. But seeing this cloud engulfing the free space inside the dome is terrifying. The dome is breaking, the thin hair now spreading everywhere, like nerves. Drums. It sounds like drums as Malazda tries to find a shelter. Or is it her heart ? She can't quite see through the little room. She can't quite breath. She can't quite believe what is happening.
Believing that the old tales about the Ancient Gods is something. Something she never did, actually. Why in the world would she believe that one day her lungs would get filled by this dust so wonderful to watch ? Why would she believe that her peaceful city would suddenly agonize in desperate screams ? Why would she believe the dome would fall upon them all ? It is absurd. Her lungs and throat are burning. Same for her eyes as she tries to walk in the burning sand. Why is it burning ? She thought it would be cold, like the artificial nocturnal breeze under the dome.
She barely escapes her house by jumping through the open window, moving her arms and legs to swim in the sand now almost reaching the ceiling. She is outside now. She tries, oh, how hard she tries. How dry is her throat, how painful is her irritated throat, how miserable she looks. And what are those raging lights above, so high in the storm ? What are those unknown ships landing here and there ? How are they supposed to fly through this ?
She doesn't know and never will. The last thing she sees is a creature. Four distorted legs similar to a twisted mix between tentacles and human feet. Four longer arms, now shadows piercing through the sand waterfall. Now that she thinks about it they are similar to a smaller version of the tentacles in the skies. She can't think anymore once something pierced her skull.
After all, what is this city ? Those lives ? This isolated heaven ? It was just a dot on the maps. No major advantage to protect it. No interaction with the outside world. No one cares about them. No one speaks the same language. No one shares the same culture. No one shares the same tales.
No one. Who would care about a small ant lost so far ? Who ? No one.
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maxfusex · 3 years
Sex With My Sleeping Sister
Sex With My Sleeping Sister Hi this is Vish once again and y parents got divorced 15 years ago. I and my sister I got separated mom and her moved to Monaco. The divorce was heavy on the family my parents really hated each other as a result and I rarely see my sister. The years passed on and I grew fast and lost my virginity at young age and I’m 6′ 2 with a beautiful body that I keep tone by swimming.
I’m definitely not as tall as some of my European friends, but I do have the sexiest and most toned shoulders, chest and ass in terms of length, my cock is average; about 6.5 inches. It is incredibly fat though. I have torn many a tight cunt there was a time when I did a lot of drugs mostly LSD slept with many women and was quite aimless. Dad made sure I could live a dream.
The cars, bikes, homes it was his way of playing mind games with mom in a way and I filled that void of a mom with the lifestyle recently, they decided to be constructive and its awesome all you divorced people with kids, BE constructive and allow us sis and me to spend more time with each other with the hope that we would look out for each other in the future.
I will now describe my older sister 22. She has an athletic body with the sexiest Indian skin ever and the most beautiful eyes with long eyelashes. Her body is very petite and shaped curved poised something like Adriana Lima but with a little more flesh. This new living arrangement started after 5 years of absolutely no connection between us. I went to meet her at the airport it was incredibly awkward the instant.
We met because we both realized we were looking at good looking strangers. The moment passed in an instant and we went to the aww bro aww sis. I missed you simultaneously hugs and We went home and she got settled in; slept for aaages; spent almost a month lying in bed flitting between the bed pool and the salon. I had bigger fish to fry. My girlfriend and I had been fighting forever it was too demanding and I really needed my space.
So we took a break and it was excellent and I finally understood how unproductive our union was. A few of the best memories we had as kids were sitting by the televion, munching on microwave popcorn and nutella with rice crispiest one helluva combo. We carried on that tradition and always wound up glued to my giant plasma telly. It became a habit and she almost always dozed off on my bed. In the early mornings and she would sleep walk to her bed.
We often spoke about our personal lives and got really fond of our conversation as normal people do, I got horny at times. I often spend time glued to the screen watching xxx movies big everything during the movies, Id stroke my cock for what seemed like eternity and my balls drenched in pre cum. Now, I’m going to tell you her real name because I know she’d love to see this online.
Sonali would often fall asleep snuggled up curled into my side with the movie still playing. The first time our incestuous relationship began and we were watching an erotic movie called 9 songs. I was wearing these incredibly thin light blue boxers as the movie progressed and I became very aroused. It was evident from the rock hard erection and the tiny puddles of pre cum in the folds of my sac. She dozed off with an arm resting on my chest.
It’s very rare in guys, but I have an incredible visual capacity. I close my eyes and fantasize often when I do this and I can send surges of blood into my cock. It feels great and milks clear sticky liquid from the tip there and I am eyes closed palms flat on the bed fantasizing about a scene in the movie pulses of pleasure juicing my tower of meat suddenly and I feel a hand grab my cock and squeeze it at the same time.
I hear her moan and mumble something under her breath and looked like she was having a wet dream and that moment felt like gold. I can’t explain how sexual that feeling was. She rubbed it and then stopped without thinking and I took her hand and slipped it into the slit in my shorts. She almost instantly grabbed on jacked my foreskin up and down a few times before her hand came to rest on the pre cum mess floating on my balls.
The wet feeling must have brought her to reality. She hesitated a while before cupping my balls. She rolled them lightly squeezing them all the while every now and then and her sexy nails would do a finger walk down my balls and poke my anus. That drove me crazy after ten minutes, she abruptly stopped it and then turned over while letting out little giggle. It irritated me a bit and I began to masturbate.
She could hear me and was snickering just as I was about to cum and I turned her body towards me and blew a generous load onto her eyes and mouth. I could hear her gasping. She was stunned for a second and then grabbed me and munched on my scrotum. She found every curve on my cock smooched and sucked it with her pouty lips.
We turned the lights on and kissed like lovers. I felt so much passion that all I could think about was drenching her insides with hot cum. She got on all fours and shone her fleshy camel toe on my cock. I just had to taste it and I licked it a few times and then buried my lips in her juicy cunt clamped on my nose and cheeks. I got up and probed my cock at the entrance. You could see that gorgeous fleshy pussy expand to accommodate my crown.
A few probes here and there and she began to cum. I could feel the cascade of stickiness down my balls at that moment, her slimy cunt swallowed my whole cock and she let out this painful moan like when yu swallow something really big and it hurts your throat aw bro! ram me break me rip my cunt! Sis moan and I love you and I keep pumping her just before I’m about to cum and I pull my cock out and spew gobs of sticky Mansap on the entrance of her pussy.
Her hand reaches from below and rubs it in. She’s moaning all the while. She ass cheeks have a glisten of sweat on them and her pussy has entrails of sticky cum dangling she collapsed with her face and arms buried in the bed and ass still sticking in the air. I felt beside dazed, drained and eyes glazed staring at that tight curvy tush eventually, we proceeded to cuddle up and crash out this is just the beginning.
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this is not my idea btw xD how would the bois react to us being a mythical creature headcannons?(Illy is gonna go feral i can tell omg)
I hope you've realised that you've released the beast.
And it wasn't your idea? That is a first ansnsnknh, also each boi will just have a specific one bc I'm lazy and incoherent and ill so yeet
At first he's just like "what the actual fuck?" but as he figures it out he's like "oh, so you're a mythical creature? Well, you're not so mythical now."
You met when he decided to go out on a walk once, and he saw a light and went towards it.
You were there, obviously, perched in the branch of a tree, and you both freeze upon seeing each other.
Next thing Dark knows, there's a talon around his torso and he's up in the air.
He takes a moment to figure out what you are, but when he does, he freaks out slightly, because oh fuck, he's midair, and probably about to fall to his death.
Not that it hasn't happened before.
When you realise that he's not even struggling, you stop, midair, and just hover there, staring at him in confusion.
He's not even scared?
You decide to fly down and just put him back down, and when you do, he's immediately circling you, curious.
"You're absolutely stunning."
And then you reveal to him that you're human, too.
He's taken aback, but not too much.
Consider him hooked.
For now, let just assume that you're a Phoenix, reborn from the ashes of those once lost.
He would understand that.
Dark would know what it's like to die and then come back again, right? Of course he would.
He finds comfort in knowing that he's not the only one who had to suffer something like that.
So. Much. Respect.
Seriously this boy has so much respect for you, and not just because you could incinerate him within seconds.
His body is kinda cold all the time, for reasons, and you're literally a loving heater so he probably cuddles you more often than not. Don't tell the others that, though.
He. Loves. Your. Wings.
If it weren't for the fact that they were too hot to touch, he'd run his hands through the feathers.
On the occasion that you do just decide to go full Phoenix, he's in awe.
Literally, you're a giant flaming bird, you're immortal, and you could set fire to anything at any given moment, if you wanted too.
He's even a little bit scared, though he knows you wouldn't hurt him.
He hopes.
He'd always wondered why there was a giant block of the prison that nobody but Murderslaughter was allowed in.
So, one night he snuck in, only to be met by a torrent of water.
He dives behind a pillar, and then pokes his head out, to see two glowing eyes, burning blue, peering out at him from the dark.
And then he panics, because WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?
Help him.
When he calms down, he looks out again, and slowly steps from behind the pillar, and forwards, into...water?
The following growl would scare the living daylights out of him, because he can't see a thing but the eyes, which are following his every movement.
He fumbles around for a light switch and finally finds one and turns it one.
The space illuminates, and yep, there you are. An absolutely furious Sea Serpent of some type, absolutely furious. Not to mention you're chained up.
Yancy freezes, and then you realise that oh shit he's not gonna hurt me
And so you calm down, and instead of growling, make a noise that sounds like soft clicking.
He sees the chains, and frowns, obviously confused, and sets to work on picking the locks that hold them in place.
You calmly watch him while he works, admittedly admiring him.
He's very cute
When the chains are finally loose, you shake them off, and curl around Yancy, looking into his eyes. He looks a bit scared, but then you're suddenly human, with your arms around him.
He's shook.
Help him.
He helps sneak you out of the prison, and then you come back every third Sunday for visitation.
He's in love. Help him.
The poor baby is absolutely smitten with you.
Please just kiss him.
And so you do.
You're both instantly deemed cutest couple by all the inmates.
You may or may not have decided to get arrested just so you could be with him all the time oops
He's honoured that such an amazing being like you would want to stay with him.
Sometimes you'll both sneak out of prison and you'll take him down to the nearest body of water, which is a very large and secluded lake.
He loves to just admire you while you play about in the water, chirping happily.
Let. Him. Stroke. Your. Scales.
It'll make him happy.
He's on an adventure, the usual, but this time he'd ventured into a mountain range and he'd found a 'temple' type place.
Illy, being the idiot he is, went in, taking now notice of the scorch marks on the walls and floor.
Then he sees the diamond on a pedestal. He can't help but dive forwards to get it, and then a cage drops down on him, and a h u g e shadow covers the ground.
He can hear wing beats, but he's a little too scared to look.
Then there's a thump, as something hits the ground. Then the cage is being lifted. And then there's a hot gust of air around him, and he finally peeks, finding himself eye to eye with a dragon.
Well, fuck.
He kinda just stares, and you stare back.
Staring contest to assert dominance? Yup.
You win, obviously, and he hold the diamond out, admittedly too scared to try and keep it.
However, you're much more mesmerized by the guy in front of you.
Illy can't help but notice that your hide is littered with scars, and he assumes that other people have found you before, and obviously knew about you.
He scowls slightly at that, and risks moving closer. You jerk backwards, roaring, and he's on the ground, having stumbled backwards.
He's not one to give up though, and your eyes are way too human for you to just be a dragon. He tries again, this time mumbling that he won't hurt you, and you let him, watching his every move, barbed tail at the ready, and a blast of fire gathered, which is given away by the smoke leaking from the your bared teeth.
He keeps his word, though, and just looks at the scars, amazed.
Then he notices the skeleton in the corner of the room
No comment
He decides to hang about for a while and when you finally trust him enough, you let it be shown that, hey, he was right, you are too human just to be a dragon.
He's shocked, but instantly amazed.
"You are much more interesting than that diamond, Love."
Ah, he's flirting already.
It may be working.
Anyways, time skip.
You two are feral.
He's also pretty feral for you but that's for another time.
You've got sharp teeth and he loves that but shhh
He treats you like royalty, and you treat him like the most precious thing you've ever seen.
Which he is.
That may be the Dragon Instincts™ talking, though.
You. Go. On. Adventures. Together.
You can also fucking demolish anyone who tries to hurt you two on adventures too, so there's that.
In conclusion? Power duo.
Actor Mark
He kinda just...finds you on the manor grounds one day.
He knows a lot about mythology so he instantly figures out what you are.
What, exactly, are you?
A griffin.
The second you see him, you've got him pinned against the ground, sharp beak ready to tear him to shreds if need be.
The idiot isn't afraid, though, and he just reaches up and gently pets your feathers
You instantly just melt, and start cawing softly, which he finds adorable.
The caretaker comes across you two, and is a little bewildered to find that the resident Griffin is actually just a giant cat that craves attention.
You can bet that when h realises that you're strong enough to carry his weight, he'll want a ride.
Not. Like. That.
He just wants to see the world from above.
Seriously why would anyone say no?
He's absolutely ecstatic when he finds that you're human as well.
Cue him giving you all sorts of gifts.
You name it, he'll get it.
He knows that Griffins have a thing for hoarding things and he's all to happy to cater to that.
Even though you tell him not too.
He does it anyway.
Expect a lot of pampering.
He. Loves. You.
Love him, please.
First kiss? Probably after he gave you something a little too valuable.
At first you were a little annoyed but eventually you just gave in and kissed him senseless.
Gosh, I would do the same, if I could.
I am running out of creatures ok.
He's just casually hopping dimensions, cause he can, and then he finds you.
At first he's like "is that a fucking fish??"
No, it's you! And you're a Siren, not a fish.
Well, half fish, half human, who can blame him.
You're sleeping and he's very lucky because if you aren't he might be dead by now.
And then the dumbass wakes you up.
Good going, Wil.
Your tail is quickly no longer a tail, and you've got him underwater before he can realise what's actually going on.
Cue Wilford pulling out his gun.
You shriek, and swim down before he can fire it.
Wil. You scared them.
You come back up soon enough, having decided that he's not worth the risk.
He's sat at the edge of the lake, and he sees you come up a few metres away
He waves, and you wave back to entertain him.
T i m e S k i p ?
You're now inseparable. Wilford literally forced the other egos to help him install a giant pool, as lake-like as possible, for you.
Obviously you're glad.
The others are a bit confused as to why Wil decided to just...date a Siren.
Singing him to sleep? Yes. Please.
Oh, the possibilities.
At this point I've run out of creatures so kaboom you're a Peryton, a Deer with the wings of a Bird
He's just walking out in the woods one night when he sees a deer, with two blobs on it's back.
He decides to go closer to check the deer out, and upon seeing you properly, he gasps.
This causes you to look at him, and freeze like a deer in headlights (ha!)
He edges closer, slowly, making soft clicking noises as he goes.
You continue to watch, sensing that he's got no malice about him, and let him come close enough.
He's got no idea what you are, but he's amazed anyways.
He reaches out and gently begins to pet your wings.
It's very nice.
Eventually he has to leave, but you don't want him too so bam, human time.
He's. Shook.
He doesn't know how to respond.
Congrats, you've broken him.
He decides to let you stay the night at his, though.
It takes him a while to get used to you but when he does, he becomes a bean.
Absolutely adorable, Damien is.
If he ever cooks food for you both, remind him that you physically cannot eat meat.
Please, he's trying his best.
God he's so soft.
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loveafterthefact · 4 years
Love After the Fact Chapter 64: Stargazing
Lance dreams of a night long ago...
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The little boy stirs, royal blue scales flickering faintly with his happy dreams.
“Lance… Wake up, sweetheart.”
“Mnh.” Lance stirs, rubs his eyes. “Papa?”
“Hey. You wanna go swimming?”
The boy’s eyes blink away sleep. “Now? But Daddy said it’s night-night time.”
“Well.” Papa leans down, level with his small son. There’s a bag over his shoulder. “What if- What if we made it our secret? We can go out to the grotto. What do you think?”
“Hmm…” The boy pretends to think, bright eyes sparkling. “Yes!”
Lance throws his arms around his papa, who scoops him up in his arms with a laugh. “Okay, but we have to be very quiet, remember? If we get busted, we’ll be in big trouble with Daddy.”
“Very quiet,” Lance whispers, nodding with wide-awake eyes. His brown hair, shot through with white streaks, sticks every which way on his head.
Papa sneaks through already-abandoned halls, the occasional patrol forcing them into shadowed corners. Lance giggles into his papa's nightshirt, sleepiness long gone in the face of adventure. Papa only sets him down once they're outside.
“Shhh.” Papa puts a finger over his grinning lips, playfully leading his laughing boy into the forest. The moss is soft and cool under his tiny bare feet and the summer air is still warm on his skin. The bumblemoths, especially the blue ones, bob and weave all over, chasing after the powerful alchemists.
“Oooh… Pretty!” The grotto looks different at night, clumps of algae and tiny creatures glowing in the dark, illuminating the space. Lance clings to his papa’s pantleg, catching his breath.
Alfor strips down to his undergarments, helping his boy do the same. The moment he’s out of his clothes, Lance runs for the water. He loves swimming. It’s his favorite. He can hear his father laughing as he paddles through the water.
It’s fun, swimming with his papa. Climbing the walls until he drops from the ceiling -Papa helps- and into the pool, diving down to bother the little fish and bottom-crawlers, floating on his back to look at the creatures crawling on the ceiling.
Papa lets him swim by himself for a while before throwing him up on his shoulders. Lance squeals, squirming -and kicking his papa in the head by accident- until he’s standing on his papa' s shoulders.
Lance leaps off Papa’s shoulders with a squeal, curling himself into a ball just before he hits the water. The grotto pool is cool and wet, way prettier than the manufactured pool at the castle. That pool is a lot bigger, but so boring. Even Adam thinks it’s boring, and Adam reads big books with no pictures. None at all!
His little body sinks to the sandy bottom. Holding his breath, Lance reaches out, tickling a slippery salamander. The boy explores the bottom until his chest feels like it might burst. Pushing off a stone, his brown-and-white head pops up above the surface, water slapping in little waves against the walls of the grotto pool. He giggles.
“Papa! The salamanders are slippery now! No fuzz at all!”
“Yeah? That’s good! It means summer is here.”
“Will they get fuzzy again when it starts getting cold?”
“Yes, they will!” Papa grins. He picks the child up, sets him on his hip. “You’re getting so good at swimming, sweetheart.”
“I’m gonna be the best EVER!” Lance hollers, tipping backward off his Papa’s hip into the water. When his head pops up, bobbing at the surface, breathing heavily, Papa picks him up again, recognizing the signs that his child is tiring.
“I think it’s time to go home, sweet boy.” Papa wraps a towel around his boy’s skinny shoulders. He uses his own to dry Lance’s hair before fixing it around his waist. The starlit strands come into stark relief the more it dries, his alchemical potential gradually washing out the warm, brown shade he was born with.
“Can we go look at the stars before we go?” the boy whispers.
Papa pushes a stray lock of hair away from his boy’s eyes. “Of course we can. Come on.”
Papa leads him into the valley, Lance skipping alongside, humming some little song. They stop atop a grassy hill painted with fuchsia juniberries. Lance leans down to pick one, tucks it behind a pointed ear. He hands one to his papa, who does the same, ruffling the boy’s hair.
“Thank you very much, sweetheart. I love it.”
That done, the young boy tilts his head back to look up at the stars.
“Look at them all!” Lance gasps, blue eyes big and wide, a blanket of stars reflected in their shaded hue. A tiny hand lifts up, tries to touch them.
Papa beams, scooping Lance up again. Papa’s so big and warm. Lance feels so safe with his Papa. “Pretty, aren’t they?”
“So pretty, Papa. I love them all.” The little boy points up at the stars. “Look! There’s Isola, and The Maiden, and Sormau, and- So many! Ooh! Trija! Adam says that- that Trija married a sorceress and got buried in a mountain under a moon!”
“You’ve learned about a lot of stars, haven’t you?”
“Mhm! Adam helps. He likes the stars too!”
Papa smiles, settles on the moss, holding him in his lap, gazing up at the stars. Lance settles against his father, sighing. He’s starting to feel a bit sleepy again.
“You make stars, don’t you, Papa?” The little boy tugs his father’s giant hands up, holds them out in front of them. He can only wrap his hand around one or two of his papa’s fingers.
“Not stars, sweetheart. It’s life.” Papa forms a small werelight in his hands, watching the hands of his son reach out and cradle the small quintessence orb. His hands are so small, the streaks of white just now coming into his hair. A late bloomer, Tavo tells his fathers, but more than a little powerful. He was eavesdropping the other day after he accidentally blew up a mannequin.
“Alchemy uses quintessence, the energy that resides in all of us.”
“You know, alchemy wasn’t always like this. It used to be much more complex.”
“Harder. See, it used to be specific quintessence work with a specific element. Yellow quintessence controlled the earth, purple quintessence controlled the air, green controlled organic matter, red quintessence controlled fire, and blue-” Papa brushes a thumb over his little son’s scaled cheek, eliciting a giggle. “-controlled water.”
“Black controlled everything. And you had to learn how to use that element’s power to achieve your desires. But it’s different now. Now we manipulate life, instead.”
“What changed?” the boy asks, staring as Papa manipulates the light into different shapes and colors, enchanting his son.
“One of the Ancients, Rheydon, sought a way to save the woman she loved, Trija-
“Like the star?” Lance gasps, finding the somber, lonely speck.
“Yes, sweetheart. Like the star. You see, Rheydon’s wife, Trija, had pushed her power too far.”
“Well, Trija wanted to prove her love for Rheydon, and so she chose to carve a great mountain into a home for them. The effort involved sent her into a dark sleep, her mind into a place between places. Rheydon sought a way to bring her back.
“Ancient Rheydon traveled to a place known as Oriande, where the secrets of the First Ones are kept hidden. She faced a great and mysterious trial, but passed, and was granted access into the Arcanaeum. There, she found the secret to life itself.”
“What secret?” Lance whispers, turning to stand between his papa’s crossed legs. Like this, he barely reaches his father’s chin. He’s not little; Papa is just a giant.
“No one knows, but we do know it came with a price. In order to save Trija, Rheydon would have to surrender the Alteans’ elemental powers for something far more primitive.”
“Primitive?” Lance's eyes widen, staring at the pretty light in his Papa's hands.
“Savage. Yes. You see, to manipulate the elements is to create art, to mold the world into something beautiful. To manipulate life is to drain either yourself or another, to decide who lives and who dies. And Rheydon chose. She chose to save her wife. And so, Ancient Rheydon traded one power for another, the planet fell into darkness and chaos, and now we have a responsibility to ensure life is treated as a gift, even as we utilize it as a tool.”
“I don’t wanna hurt anybody, Papa.”
“Neither do I. But sometimes, we might have to. And sometimes, someone comes along who would enjoy using the lives of others.”
Papa’s eyes grow sad, and Lance knows he’s thinking of Melanor, his mama who died. He always looks sad when he thinks of her. Daddy says it's because they were best friends, and Papa loved her very much.
“How do I know?” Lance whispers, finger curling into his Papa’s robes. “If I’m doing good or not?”
“Ask yourself: is what you’re doing for you, or for someone else? Life should always, always, always be a gift, sweet boy.”
Papa is a gift. He’s strong and brave and nice. The boy turns back around, sprawls out on the moss between his papa’s legs with a sigh, gazes up at the stars. Papa releases the werelight to drift up into the sky.
“Woah. Amazing!”
Papa leans around, smiling at him. “Amazing indeed.” A big hand ruffles Lance’s hair. “Now come on. We have to get back before Daddy finds out I’m missing!”
“Ooooooooooh! You’re gonna be in trooouuuuublllllee!!!”
“Oh yeah?” Papa stands, picks him up again. “Well if we get caught, you’ll be in trouble, too!”
Lance gasps. He doesn’t want to be in trouble with Daddy. “Oh no! Papa! We gotta hurry!”
“Let’s go!” Papa takes off running, putting Lance on his shoulders. Lance whoops, stealth forgotten, arms in the air. He’s never had so much fun.
And it’s a secret.
Lance stirs. An old memory disguised as a dream. He barely remembers those few nights, the ones where his father would take him to the grotto to swim, into the valleys ripe with juniberries, into the watery caverns beneath the earth. Looking back on it, Alfor must have coordinated with the guards, planned the whole thing quintants in advance, colluded with Coran on how to get almost caught. He resolves to ask Alfor how he did it, so he can one day do the same with his children.
Blue-and-pink eyes fluttering open, Lance spied something just as beautiful as a nighttime grotto or a valley of juniberries swarmed with bumblemoths: Keith, naked, sleeping soundly next to him, tail curled around Lance's waist. Lance reaches out, drawing knuckles over his cheek. The sleeping Galra leans into the touch, a gentle purr thrumming in his throat.
Lance's heart swells, so full of love he's overflowing. He'll do better, he swears. He'll do better than his father did. Better by their peoples. Better by his spouse. Better by his children. Resolved, he snuggles closer, fur against skin and scales, smiling when Keith once again pushes his head up under his chin. Satisfied with his thoughts, Lance pulls the furs and blankets over himself and Keith, fighting the nighttime's bitter cold.
One day, when his children dream of their childhood, it won't make them feel lonely upon waking.
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alarawriting · 4 years
Inktober 20: Coral
Underwater was a world Rihaanyaki had never seen the like of. She had orbited above gas giants, she had seen rings spinning around vast planets, she’d been to one of the Diwar ringworlds, she’d walked on the surface of a dozen alien worlds… but the coral reef was beautiful and alien beyond anything she’d ever seen.
Kai, unlike most kai-formed creatures, could see a range of colors that went as low as infrared and as high as the range humans called “blue”. What she was seeing was very close to what humans saw. There was nothing useful in the infrared down here – all the living creatures she could see were poikilotherms, creatures whose temperature was the same as their environment – but literally every other color lay out all around her in profusion.
The coral protrusions from the reef were so delicate. Rihaanyaki reached out a paw to touch one, before she remembered that her diving instructor had told her not to do that, that it might kill some of the tiny creatures who made the coral.
There were coral medallions shaped like flowers, and coral shaped like a sapient mammal’s brain, and protrusions that looked like bones or tree branches, but in wild colors no bones or tree branches had ever been. Blue and green and red and yellow in all sorts of combinations. And the fish! Everywhere there were fish, moving constantly, leaving contrails across her vision. Kai-formed creatures were optimized to see movement; everything that moved in a way she didn’t expect brightened in her vision, and everything around her was moving in patterns she didn’t understand and couldn’t predict.
Her ear bud crackled. “Rihaan, you doing ok down there?”
“It’s so beautiful,” she said into the microphone in her mask. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Do you think maybe there are similar things in the oceans of Mreh’gai?”
“I don’t know anything about other planets; never been off Earth,” her instructor said.
“Oh.” That was too bad. She wanted to go diving in the oceans of Mreh’gai, and see what might be in there. The Kai had never explored the depths of their own oceans; they sailed, and caught fish, but most Kai hated being wet. The very few like Rihaanyaki who loved the water had never been numerous enough to develop diving technology. Her diving instructor had barely been able to believe that a Kai would want to learn to scuba dive.
“Am I allowed to catch the fish?” she asked.
“We’d really prefer you didn’t. We’ve got other places where you can dive to catch fish, but this is a protected area. You can look, but please don’t touch.”
“All right,” she said. “We have amusement parks at home where the trick is to sit on a bridge and catch fish, but  the rules don’t say you can’t jump in the pool.”
“Up north they’ve got streams where you can catch fish by hand if you want, but they’re cold; can you handle that?”
She huffed with laughter. “I have fur! If humans can do it, so can I!”
“Yeah, but you can’t take off your fur if you get it saturated with ice cold water.”
“That is what a drying booth is for.”
The water here was warm; coral reefs grew in the tropics on Earth. Rihaanyaki was wearing a full-body diving suit and flippers on her lower paws, but her upper paws were mostly bare, and the water flowing through her fur felt pleasant.
“Your air tank’s got about five minutes left. You want to come back up?”
“I don’t want to leave. The coral reef is so beautiful. I wish I could live here.”
“Well, you can’t breathe water, so that’s not going to work out, but you could choose to live in a tropical area like this one, near a beach.”
“I would like to,” she admitted. Her coat would thin out in this heat and she’d have to work to stay hydrated, but Kai had lived in much harsher conditions. “I’m not sure how I would get a job on Earth, though.”
“This place is a tourist trap. Someone’s gonna want to hire a cat waitress or cashier for the novelty of it. You’ll bring custom in just by being a Kai, and then they’ll look around the shop and maybe buy something after they gawk at you.”
Rihaanyaki wasn’t sure how much she wanted to be gawked at, but on the other hand, her tourist visa expired in two weeks, and to get it extended, she’d need a job and an affidavit from the employer that the job couldn’t be done by a human, which… did suggest trading on the novelty of her appearance. She didn’t think she was as trained as she wanted to be – she hadn’t done a single deep-sea dive yet – and she knew, just from this swim now, that she wanted to be near beautiful underwater worlds like this for the rest of her life.
“Could I work here? At the scuba equipment store?”
“No, I don’t get much of a boost from having a Kai in the store, but you wanna know what, right across the street there’s a beach-themed gift and novelty shop. They got shells, hermit crabs, all kinds of stuff like that. You go there, I bet they might think it’s a great idea to have a salesperson on staff who’s an alien. And it’d be kind of crazy to have it be a cat alien, we already know the dinosaurs and the elephant horses like water fine but when you think beach, no one thinks Kai.”
“Dinosaurs” was a slang term for the Diwar, who bore a resemblance to a ground-dwelling bird that humans kept as livestock, creatures that supposedly had evolved from far more ancient creatures called dinosaurs. But “elephant horses” was new. “Who are the elephant horses?”
“Oh, that’s the Purundi. They’re the size of creatures here on Earth we used to ride for transportation once, called horses, but they’ve got trunks like elephants, which are huge. So, elephant-horses.”
It seemed a little reductive to Rihaanyaki to try to relate every species in the galaxy to the species on one’s own home planet, but then, humans had not had space travel very long. “Is there anything here I can touch?”
“No, but you can take pictures.”
“I don’t see the point. Pictures already exist.” Humans had extensive photography of their coral reefs. Some of the pictures were even taken with film that could capture the color range Kai could see and humans couldn’t. Rihaanyaki wasn’t a good enough photographer to add her own to that body.
“Yeah, but they’re not of the things you, yourself, saw. Photos can be just to look at something, or they can be to record memories.”
“I will never forget this coral reef, trust me.”
Her time was up. She could feel the oxygen getting stale. Mr. Kale’s voice reminded her of this. “Ok. Tank’s almost gone. Time to come up, Rihaan.”
Rihaanyaki took a last, regretful look around at the coral reef. She hated to leave… but her oxygen was definitely running out, and there would always be tomorrow. She was here for at least another two weeks. There was time for many more dives, still.
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takerfoxx · 3 years
Blood Island Fanfic (pt. 1)
magic5ball submitted:
(Well, long story short I started writing a little headcanon about one of your OCs and like last time, it kinda spiraled into a full fledged fanfic. Really not sure what to do with this, so I figured why not post it here, if only to see how much I got right. Anyways, enjoy.)
                                                    .   .   .
Ever since she was little, she knew something was wrong with her. Mama always insisted otherwise, that she was fine the way she was, and the others never made a fuss about her, but she could tell from the way they looked at her they thought she was a freak. From the way her eyes glowed green in the dark to her too pointy teeth to her too long tail; dark grey with fins sprouting all over the sides, instead of the triangle fin at the tip of the other mermaid’s tails, there was nothing normal about her.
She had a twin, once. A twin she had eaten in the womb. The matriarch had insisted there was nothing odd about that- these things happened sometimes- but she knew the others whispered about it behind her back. And her twin wasn’t entirely gone, either. Sometimes, her twin’s ghost whispered in her ear. You’re a demon, she would hiss, a depraved monster who ate her own sister. Why don’t you eat your own mother while you’re at it?
That was the hunger. She could feel it, always, deep in her stomach, gnawing at the edges, crying, demanding FOOD. A demon, the matriarch insisted, but one that could be forced out. So it came she was fed only jellyfish, kelp, and sometimes, bitter concoctions that would make her cough up all the contents of her belly. Mama promised it would make her better, that she would be cured. Mostly, though, it made her feel weak, and confused. Why couldn’t she eat fish like the others? Yet even without food, as years passed she grew longer, her body stretched thinner and thinner with each passing day.
But worse was when the others came after Mama, blaming her for infidelity and other sins she was too little to understand. She would yell at them to stop, but even her own Mother demanded she stay out of things while the grown-ups screamed at each other.
It wasn’t all bad, at least. There was Mama, who sang lullabies and told stories of the Papa she never met. Mama who made her a belt of sea silk and shark teeth while assuring her that she was wonderful as she was. Mama, who always hugged her when she was scared and pulled her along when she was too exhausted to swim.
 There was also, at times, flotsam. She loved looking through the strange wooden debris as it bobbed across the surface of the ocean, heading for an unknown destination. It would always be covered in strange barnacles, snails, and other hard shelled things she would try to collect, only to forget about later. If she was lucky, there would be things clambering across the top, too: brown hairy creatures with no fins and long tails, scaly green things that licked the air with forked tongues, and the things Mama called BIRDS!, which came in so many beautiful shapes and colors. These discoveries would always lead into tales from Mama about the things that lived out of the water, which were always her favorites because they were always, so odd, so strange, so DIFFERENT from her life of following currents across the ocean, even if she was certain Mama made them up.
The end began when Mama had a second baby. A precious little merboy with inky black hair, just like hers. A new baby for Mama to sing lullabies and tell stories too. A new baby for Mama to adore. One without a demon inside them. From that day forward, she swam a little further away from Mama, so she didn’t think of eating him, too.
Then came the fateful day her pod discovered a sunken ship. One by one the mermaid’s lithe bodies slipped through a crack in the ship’s hull, entering dark rooms coated in grime. The pod huddled together, weary. But her? She was FASINATED. What creatures had made this thing? Where did they live they? Did they have tails, like them? Or have hands where their tails should be, like the fuzzy things she’d seen on the driftwood? What did they eat? What were their families like? An older mermaid shushed her up real quick, saying they were to get a few important items, then GO. She nodded, but did not stop staring at everything they came across, until at last they reached a room the Matriarch referred to as the ‘Captain’s Quarters’. The mermaids ransacked the place, grabbing any seemingly useful thing they came across and jamming them into makeshift bags made of discarded shark eggs. But while the other mermaids made themselves busy, she sensed something… off. At first she thought it was just her- that sunken ships always felt this way, but then she smelled something odd, something… tasty. The walls of the room shimmered, revealing the largest octopus she had ever seen. The beast unfurled its’ tentacles, forcing the terrified pod into a corner, save one terrified individual who, trapped in the vice grip of a meaty red tentacle, found herself being drawn towards the beast’s massive beaked mouth. But while the others stared terrified, with a burst of speed she didn’t even know she had, LUNGED at the befuddled cephalopod, gripped the tentacle holding her podmate, and.. bit down. Later, the others would recount how they had seen a ten year old start ripping chunks out of the giant octopus with her teeth and swallowing them whole until, bewildered by this turn of events, the would be-monster had fled into the ocean. For her part, she mostly remembered the taste: a chewy and meaty texture, satisfying to bite into, with a clean, savory flavor. Afterward, she’d felt a soft, warm sensation radiating from her belly. So THIS was what feeling full felt like!
Victory, however, was short lived. From that day forward the rest of the pod kept a great deal of space between her and them, even the mermaid she’d rescued. Despite this, the Matriarch monitored her relentlessly, ensuring she only ate jellyfish and kelp. It was strange, really: even as they starved her, her tail grew longer and longer, her body thinner and thinner until, from head to fin tip, she was a full foot longer than Mama.
Face it freak, her sister whispered, there’s no place for you here. Best head out before Mama ends up in that belly of yours. And under the cover of night, that’s exactly what she did.
.   .   .
            So began a life of following the rich, fragrant smell of fish, travelling from island to island after vast silver schools, getting just enough energy to keep her going. She had mixed feelings about her predicament: on one hand, it was nice to be away from the judging eyes of her pod; never accidentally hurting someone she loved. And she liked travelling from island to island, seeing all the strange creatures she never would have seen if she’d just stayed with the pod: slugs the colors of rainbows, fish that jumped out of the water when she got too close, sharks with too long tails, just like hers, they snapped to stun their prey. Those were exciting.
But on the other, catching fish was much more difficult on her own than she had imagined. They were just so fast! It took all her energy just to snatch the tiniest morsel, and by then she’d be so exhausted she couldn’t hunt until the next day. At those times she’d sleep free floating with one eye open, so sharks couldn’t get her. There she would stay until her hunger woke her up again. Sometimes, a passing pod of dolphins would offer her something to eat, but their pity stung.
That all changed the day she found the sea turtle. The scent of mackerel had brought her right into a cloud of jellyfish, and as much as the things brought up bad memories, she was really in no condition to pass up a free, slow moving meal. Neither, it seemed, was the largest sea turtle she had ever seen. First she saw the head, easily big as her torso and wrinkled with age. Enormous black eyes gazed at nothing as it casually munched on jellyfish. Then the rest of the body revealed itself as it parted the cloud with massive gray flippers covered in large, stony scales. From these she carefully swam away from, lest a stray paddle accidentally shatter her bones. At first, she marveled at it- the thing must have been ancient! - and before long an idea popped into her head. Grabbing onto its’ barnacle coated shell, she consigned to letting the giant take her wherever it went. Tired, she let out a yawn, drifting with a barnacle grasped firmly in her hand.
.   .   .
She awoke to a very familiar, irresistible smell.
Octopus! Her stomach rumbled from the memory. Parting from the turtle, she sped off in the direction of the scent, licking her lips at the thought of her meal-to-be-! But she didn’t quite expect a school of some of the oddest things she had ever seen. Not octopus at all, but squid. They had tentacles, but these were short and close to the head. Bad for grabbing things (thank goodness) though opening and closing them seemed to move them through the water. And on top of their heads, they had a long, conical shell, perfect for cutting through the water. Or anything foolish enough to stand in their path, no doubt. Carefully, she navigated around the school, until she was directly behind one. With a kick of her tail, she lunged-
Only for the creature to shut its’ tentacles, darting away-
Right into the open maw of an even stranger creature.
When she saw it, her breath caught in her throat. They were in the open ocean! How could something so massive stay hidden?! Like a whale, it had smooth grey skin with a white belly and a long, sinuous body that ribboned up and down as it swam, like an eel’s. Opening a mouth of curved fangs (just like hers!) it bit down on the octopus-thing’s shell, shattering it into a thousand pieces. At the sound the rest of the shelled squids darted out into the ocean.
It wasn’t long before the whale-eel, sated by its’ meal, turned its’ attention to the strange intruder on its’ territory. She took the hint, swimming in the opposite direction of the beast as fast as she could go. Not fast, enough, apparently, because five seconds later the beast was ribboning after her, open jaws drawing incredibly close incredibly fast. She forced her long tail up and down as hard as it could go, but it wasn’t enough: the whale-eel was gaining. But desperation has a funny way of breeding ideas, and this moment was no different. Looking at the surface, she recalled the strange fish she had seen on her journey. With one final kick of her tail fin, she broke the surface of the water and launched into the air! Her heart beat quickly as, for the first time in her life, she felt the strange sensation of air on her skin. More importantly, though, she could see an island ahead of her, covered in lush jungle with mountains toward its’ center. And where an island was, there was bound to be shallow water. Too shallow for something the size of the whale-eel. Plunging back into the deep, she breached the surface, keeping up her momentum until, at last, the island loomed over her, vast and mysterious. But it wasn’t until she was nearly on the beach she finally checked behind her to find the whale-eel, thankfully, nowhere in sight.
She should have felt safe. She should have felt relief. But mostly she just felt exhausted. Exhausted, and hungry. With what little strength she had left, she swam across the shallows, trying to sense something moving through the sand.
.   .   .
For once, luck was on her side. Granted, the thing she uncovered scuttling beneath the sand- a flat oval with far too many eggs underneath- didn’t have much of the way of meat, but food was food, and there were more than plenty of them scuttling just beneath the sand. Now that there was food in her belly, and no danger in sight, she could let her situation sink in. Or rather, her sister.
So here you are, in an island full of ravenous monsters. Maybe one will eat you. Wouldn’t that be fitting?
She tried so swim, which usually helped her shake off bad thoughts, but these were firmly lodged in the back of her head.
Then again, better you get eaten than you hurt someone else.
But at the same time, she couldn’t just hide out in the tidal zone, she couldn’t just hide out in the surf scavenging for oval shaped crab-things forever. And so what if she died? Not like anyone would miss her. Which is how she found herself just a few days later, tepidly swimming back where she had come. The squids with shells were long gone, in their place a school of fishes whose heads seemed to be covered in hard bony plates she’d never seen before. They brushed past her, indifferent. Tailing them, she thought back to the squids, recalling their strange shells, and the odd crabs she had eaten near the shore. Seemed armor was a popular thing in these parts. Though considering what kinds of things they shared the sea with, it wasn’t hard to imagine why.
Speaking of the devil, surely enough the whale-eel couldn’t resist such a tasty looking school, and burst in, this time from the side to snare a hapless fish, biting down until it ceased struggling and then swallowing it whole. Part of her wondered what it must have tasted like, but at the moment she had bigger priorities. She screamed, and at first the beast ignored her, almost deliberately so. For better or worse, it didn’t. Soon they were squared off: on one side, a sharp toothed mermaid with an unusually long tail. On the other, an impossibly long killing machine that could easily shatter every bone in her body with a single flick of one of its’ flippers.
And they weren’t alone. From behind the mother happily swam another whale-eel, maybe a quarter a size of the other, staring with round, black eyes.
Her heart sunk. Mama.
The mother whale-eel tried to push her curious child away, to no avail. After all, who could resist the strange new potential playmate that had just come into the area? Of course, her mission had just become that much more complicated. It was one thing to face a monster, it was another to face her knowing she was a mama just looking after her baby. The scene was enough to make her consider going back to the seashore, when she noticed something rocketing out of the ocean depths. Like the whale-eel, it had flippers, a long tail; a pointed head full of teeth. But whereas the whale-eels were long and thin with smooth skin, this thing was covered in scales and absolutely massive. So much she felt herself being pushed upward by its’ movement. And it was headed right for the baby. Without a moment’s hesitation, she lunged for the baby, pushing the bewildered thing out of the path of danger. Once she slowed, she released the young whale-eel, who swam, panic-driven, away. Mama was nowhere to be seen. As for herself, she felt the glare of two baleful yellow eyes on her back, turning around just in time for the scaly monster to lunge again. But whereas she had qualms attacking a mother, she had no issues attacking a child hurting demon from the deep.
You’re a monster. Might as well act like it.
She charged the demon, stopping just before its’ wide, hungry jaws. Then, with breakneck timing, she spun around, flicking her long tail with a Snap! Right in the creature’s eye. An ocean-shaking howl rang out of the demon’s throat as she gripped its’ massive, muscular neck and bit down. HARD. The meat was too tendony and firm for her liking, breaking a few of her teeth, but she got her desired effect: blood seeping into the water.
Just like that, the energy left her body. It shouldn’t have been surprising, really, with how little food she’d been getting compared to how much energy she’d been using. Getting worn out was inevitable. And what better way to get worn out than by becoming part of the food chain? The last thing she felt before going unconscious was something powerful pushing against her.
.   .   .
            When she awoke, it was to the pleasant realization she wasn’t dead. Rather, she was being nuzzled by the very same baby whale-eel she had rescued earlier. Shoving its’ poking face away, she found herself riding on the back of none other than the mother. Somehow, the beast had carried her away from the scaly demon, into yet another strange school of creatures. They were not unlike the shelled squids, but their ridged shells coiled into a tight spiral rather than pointing forward. Her rescuer tossed her a dead one, its’ shell crushed by massive jaws, which she eagerly inhaled, the soft flesh sliding smoothly down her throat and into her belly. Sated, she clung to the back of the Mother whale-eel as it took her to the shallower waters on the coast of the island, where she’d (probably) be safe and sound. Letting go, she felt almost… sad to leave the majestic beast behind. Then again, maybe she didn’t have to. An idea raced through her head as she recalled her life back with her pod; how they would work together to catch fish.
But how to tell the whale-eel? She called for the creature, directing her attention to the sandy seafloor. Then, taking her index finger, stabbed it into the sand, drawing a picture of herself and the creature. The whale-eel and her child stared intently.
They understood. Good.
More drawings. Shelled squids. More whale eels. Herself.
They still looked, enraptured.
More complicated things. Movements. Ideas. Formations.
.   .   .
The dark grotto rested at the base of the island, and it was here she hesitated, its’ mouth ominous and disturbing. Still, this was where the whale-eel had directed her, and it was too late for her to back out on her word (metaphorically speaking). At the top of her lungs, she bellowed, surprised by how her voice vibrated off the grotto’s walls. It was strange, hearing her voice again after so long. Soon, another sound followed, this one the rapid movement of water as something vast as any whale but far more bloodthirsty surged through the grotto and eventually rocketing into the open sea. She did not wait for this moment to pass before she darted away fast as her sinuous tail could take her.
Long, tense moments passed. Maybe seconds, maybe minutes. She didn’t dare look behind her.
Until, at last, curiosity got the better of her, and she turned her head around to see those cavernous jaws wide open.
With a shriek she jerked upward, each flick of her tail rocketing her ever so close to the surface until-
Her skin went cold as she popped into the open air. It was amazing how much she could see from her height, the vast ocean stretching out below her, birds circling some unseen prey above. Her heart beat ever so more quickly, all breath leaving her breathless. Crazy, how different everything looked from above!
A sharp pain rang out from the tip of her tail, dragging her away from ecstasy.
Oh. Right.
The force of a tidal wave dragged her back into the blue, no dount with the intent of swallowing the pesky girl whole.
It never got the chance.
From all sides lunged a quartet of whale-eels, the Mama and three others that had been coaxed into joining the plan. Normally, such a maneuver would have been reckless: the scaled demon would have easily ripped one of them to shreds. But with an adequate distraction, the four normally solitary predators rended the flesh of their adversary without mercy. A great bellow shook the ocean as the demon fled, massive plumes of blood spewing from its’ wounds.
Now, she wasn’t an expert on big, scaly demons, but she had a strong feeling it wouldn’t be coming around anytime soon.
As for the whale eels…
They formed a ring around her, staring intently in a way that made her nervous.
How fitting an end, to defeat monsters only to be betrayed by others. Can’t say I blame them; probably frightened to death of your grotesque, horrid…
But the whale-eels made no effort to devour her. Instead, they bowed their triangular heads, and went their separate ways, like friends at the end of a playdate.
.   .   ,
When the astonishment wore off, a single question bubbled to the surface of her mind:
What now?
Well, for starters, there was the vacant grotto, and it would be nice to have a place to hide out…
The floor of the dark cavern was littered with the pale bones of a thousand different types of sea creatures. Amongst them, he noticed several crab-things skittering about, picking what flesh they could from them. She smiled ever so slightly at this. Exploring the dark cavern with creepy crawlies was better than being alone. Fortunately, it seemed these would not be the only things keeping her company: there were fish here too, albeit ones with something… off about them. Maybe it was their large, fleshy fins, of which there seemed too many. Maybe it was their broad, spade-like tails. Maybe it was their scales, black peppered white like the night sky, or their large, milky eyes, round as a full moon. But they moved rarely, content to float in place, so she let them be.
The bones, on the other hand…
She had never seen so many. And from so many different creatures, too! Turtle shells and squid shells, the skulls of whales and of fearsome, carnivorous fish, it would take weeks to sort through them all. An especially large skull of some toothy predator caught her attention first, and with all her strength she dragged it to the entrance of her newfound home. She could already see those empty eye sockets gazing fiercely from above the grotto’s entrance. It was going to look awesome!
No sooner had she reached that point, however, than she noticed someone had beaten her there. Scattered about were large, colorful shells, along with hunks of meat from all a matter of creatures, so fresh their blood was still seeping into the water.
Her eyes lit up as the scent entered her nose. A moment later, her instincts kicked in.
.   .   .
A few minutes later, a very full and satisfied mermaid let out a belch; a fat, lazy bubble escaping her mouth and wobbling ever so slowly to the surface. As the effects of a food coma set in, she shut her eyes and grinned. Crazy as it seemed, even with all the monsters around, maybe, just maybe she could make a home in this crazy place. 
There’s some real good stuff here. Admittedly I don’t have much planned for the mermaid and thus haven’t given much thought to her backstory, but while I can’t promise that I’ll use all of this, some might make its way in.
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missielee · 4 years
Day 1&2: Fish & Wisp
Fish – such a fascinating creature
It was Olivia’s first passion as well as pet
When she was seven, her dad took her and her sister to the aquarium downtown.
It was magnificent, she said
It was like a different world, she said
Engulfed by a singular color blue, she was mesmerized by all the moving little diamonds around her
Colorful scales glimmered in the tank lights, felt like thousands stars on the sky
They moved oh so gracefully, bubbles curved along their fins
It was like a water dance.
That was at least ten years ago, little Olivia has already turned into a beautiful young woman who is passionate about the ocean life, specifically sea creatures. Fascinated by them, she indulged hours in books on her dad’s shelves and pursued her dream to become, well, quoted on quote “Fish”.
Fish is a peculiar animal. They live in water and absorb oxygen through their respiration system which is the gills. Their body is covered in scales worked as camouflage, protection and swimming aid. Their fins flutter through the current as they sway their body elegantly. What could possibly better than being a fish, swimming freely in the water blue?
“I prefer whale better” Janet voiced her opinion out loud
“What? That swimming elephant? No way!” Olivia eyed her friend in disbelief “That’s not even a fish!”
“It’s a sea creature too so it sorta counts. Also, FYI, that is super mean. That’s probably equivalent to pointing out someone is obese in fish language.” Janet rolled her eyes, continued eating her lunch
“Whale and dolphin are mammals, so not a fish. Beside, would you really want to be a whale? Big, giant blue whale?”
“Uh, whale is my spiritual animal, therefore, yes I’ll be the big giant and BEAUTIFUL blue whale” a glare was directed right back to Olivia “At the very least, I won’t get eaten by other species”
“Other than human, sure!” Olivia sipped her water “You do know that a fair amount of whale was hunted for meat and oil in the past right?”
“Whale hunting was a thing?”
“Yeah, it was like a thing back in 1800s. Products made from whale, mainly oil, are incredibly valuable. A barrel of sperm-whale oil can even went up to 1500$ per barrel” Olivia shrugged “But it wasn’t used much nowadays because many better resource appeared: like Kerosene, vegetable oil, petrol”
“Uh huh, you know a lot about whale for someone who just insult it” Janet smirked upon her “You like whale too, don’t you ~”
“Said the one who have their nose in Moby Dick like twenty times or something. I only know some of the basic thing about whale”
“Hey, that book is a masterpiece! Brave men against the nature! Battling fearlessly! Unlike you and you’re fish tank obsession.”
Olivia couldn’t bother to say back. It’s true that she’s have an itsy bitsy infatuation with fish, but she couldn’t explain it why she adores them that much. Some have told her she could become mermaid like those performs in aquarium shows but Olivia refused. Even though it was her dream to become of them, she absolutely hates mermaid/merman in generally because mermaid doesn’t swim like a fish does, according to her logically research. Since mermaid have different anatomy, their swim movement is up-and-down, which isn’t the normal side-to-side like fish does. In addition to that, mermaid eats fish, explained her dislike towards becoming one. She understood that it’s normal to pray on one to another in the animal kingdom but she cannot stand the idea of feasting on such pretty shiny thing. ‘I mean people might have evolved enough to even eat gold but not diamond, right?’
It’s not the first time she realized turning into a fish is practically impossible. Despite her fascination of the marine life, she apparently have Thalassophobia, which prevents her from any activities near the open water. It was upsetting to Olivia, having to spend her life in pictures capturing a small part of the vast water part. It’s like try to play puzzles with endless pieces and they all have the same shade of color. No amount of therapy could help her reach the board of the ship, the closest she could ever get is the lightly wet sand shore. Moreover, there’s an unexplainable feeling when she reaches the ocean, she hears it whisper her name in sad serenity. And on a more frightening term, it always seems to seep closer and closer to her.
“Livvy? You’re spacing out again. Come on, we’ll be late for class” she snapped out of her daze, turn to see her friend already finished packing her belongings
Checking her phone, 2:45 and her class started at 3, she needed to hurry.
“Oh I almost forgot. You’ll come to the Jake’s party this evening, right?”
“Beach party? Not so sure, you know how I feel about it”
“It’s just on shore. I’ll be there too. Don’t worry, if anyone tries to drag you near the water then they’ll have to go through me” Janet smirked. Three years in Aikido is enough to take anyone down, not to mention she was a three times champion of the city, as if that isn’t intimidating enough but it ensures Olivia enough to have a good time by the sand.
“But this evening already? I thought it’s on 13th?”
“Today is the 13th, Goldfish. Did you fall head over heel for Jake so far that you forgot to check for the actual date?”
“I might have mistaken a Friday for a Saturday. But that doesn’t make me a goldfish! And goldfish have good memory! The five seconds attention span is a myth!” Olivia exclaimed
“I guess your attention span is probably so filled with Jake that you can only remembered that he has invited you~”
The two kept bickering as they walked each other to class, like all the other days.
  It was around eight when Olivia and Janet arrived at the party, and it sure is a lively one. The torch lit up the area but it was no match to the people’s dancing along the live music band. Sound of chatters mixed with the awry waves of the sea like a symphony. Olivia immediately spotted Jake in the crowd by the barbecue, greeting newcomers and grilled the ribs with his cheerful expression bright like sunlight. Janet could guess what millions thoughts going through her bestie’s mind as she pulled her over to the food court.
“Hey Jake, nice buns you got there. Mind if we have a taste?” Jake laughed wholeheartedly  
“Why I wouldn’t mind you two lovely ladies to have a taste of my delicious buns, of course!” A wink sent towards them as Olivia reddened
“I-I-I brought some cakes from Rosie’s! A-And I think it’s a great party!” Jake took the box from Olivia and gave both of them a small dish
“I love Rosie’s cake! This is great for desert! Thanks Olivia!”
And needless to say, Janet had to play the waitress and lead a very blush female to a table while holding two dish of steak.
“Oh Janet! Did you see him smiling at me? He’s so nice!” Janet have a gulp of soda after settling down and listening to her friend’s love rant.
“Eat your steak Olivia or I’ll help you know how it’s like to be fish”
“Alright, no need to do that. I’m not some toddler, you know” Olivia sulked and cut a piece
Olivia notice a newspaper left next to her seat, seemed like it was today’s news. Curious, she decided to have a look since Janet had went to get a second plate.
Olivia Breston, eldest daughter of the Breston family and a bright student at Morrington University, was discovered barely breathing and unconscious on floating remains of the unfortunate ship by the fishermen of Devonne port. Lifeboat was sent immediately to revive and take Olivia to the closest hospital. 17h28 of 13th October, we received news …”
‘No way. Olivia… Breston… That’s… that’s my name!? I… I am dead?’
Janet returned back with a joyful meal in hand.
“Man! Jake sure have a knack for cooking! You’re a lucky one, Olivia!” Olivia didn’t respond, still deep in shock “Olivia?”
Olivia handed her the paper. Janet frowned before realization hit her. Surprisingly, she’s quite calm to react.
“So you found out. Any memory came back?”
Olivia shivered, shook her head.
“I survived, did I? So why… am I here? On this day, I was supposed to be found? But no?”
Janet moved next to her, sat down and comforted the confused girl.
“Do you want to know? Truly want to know?”
A silence between made the air thickened before Olivia gave a nod, reluctantly. Janet rubbed her shoulders soothingly.
“What you read is true. You are the only survivor of the S.S Harvey ship, a research ship directed by your father. You accompanied him on a field trip on 19th June when the ship got caught in bad weather, which later escalated into a sea storm. There was no news from the ship until…”
Janet pointed at the date and then at what supposedly to be warehouse, rather than what’s beside it. Needn’t to guess, Olivia could tell what Janet was trying to show her. But it didn’t explain everything that’s happening at the moment.
“I assume you’re wondering what’s happening right now. Care to take a blind guess?” Janet lighted a cig, savored that nicotine taste on the tip of her tongue before let out a wisp of white smoke.
“I died?”
“Eh, close enough. A coma. If you died, you wouldn’t be here to chit chat Livvy”
“Coma? But then, where am I?”
“Well, some might say it’s your subconscious so let just assume that it is. You didn’t die from the incident but drowning left you stranded in your brain, that’s all I could say.” Janet led her to the water. It seeped up close to their feet but it didn’t frighten Olivia no more
“I’m the fish of my own tank” Janet chuckled
“So you do remember”
“Yeah, I just got bits and bits of it. I chose to stay here, because there’s nothing out there for me, no one is waiting for me. At least I achieved my dream here, well, in a way” Olivia stepped back to clean sand, heart ached as she turned to Janet “Because in here I can see the one I held dear”
Janet tossed the burnt butt cig into the cool sand “Old habits die hard. You know, yet you still want to stay?”
“There’s no point going out there. I rather stay here”
“Alright, don’t keep Jake waiting on the dance floor.” Olivia headed back, blushed to the ear “After tonight, it’ll all be a bad dream”
“Wake up anew right?”
“Totally, Goldfish” Olivia’s shadow faded as now only Janet stood alone, water raised above her ankle. The way the ocean surging was unusual than before. There were whispers, cries lingered in the air. Moaned in pain. The thunder struck faraway on the surface warned the upcoming omen.
 “Time’s running out, Olivia”
--- Missielee ---
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salutmonmec · 5 years
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an Elu Hunger Games AU
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Lucas has been in love with the same boy since he was five years old. 
Now, he will be forced to fight him to the death.
What a fucking nightmare.
… He is underwater.
It’s cold.
He’s sinking.
The surface isn’t far, and he can make out a blurry figure. They lift their arms, draw their elbow back until their hand hits their jaw.
An arrow breaks the surface, clips his ear. A cloud of red erupts on his left side. He can’t swim, never learned how. The elbow draws back again.
He is sinking in a sea of blood.
His mouth opens in a silent scream.
Lucas wakes with a gasp, jerking upright, a hand against his chest where his heart is about to burst from his ribcage. What the hell was that? The bright afternoon sun is beaming down on his nap spot, lighting the grass up to neon green and forcing him to squint. Lucas could not have been asleep for more than a half hour, but the troubling nature of his dream made it feel like years. He stands with a groan, joints popping. He gathers up his make-shift bow and slings the quiver over his shoulder. Only two or three more hours of light left, have to make this quick. A stick breaks about twenty meters to the right, followed by the sound of frantic hooves. Before he can help himself, a smirk splits his face. Perfect.
The buck’s head lands on the booth counter with a hollow thud, still bleeding a bit through the new hole in its left eye. Lucas rests his head on his arms, gently poking the soft fur of the beast’s ribcage. The booth’s owner, Ben, slowly gets up from his chair, flashing a wide gap-filled smile. He is on the skinny side, just like everyone else in District 12, cheeks always smudged with some kind of dirt. Right now, his eyes are lit up like torches.
“How the hell did you manage this Lallemant? You are a crazy son of a bitch, I swear.”
Lucas shrugged casually, shooting Ben a grin. “I have my ways.”
“Well bud, I can give you… 26 ration cards, should almost last you the month.” He leans over the buck, bending to Lucas’ eye-level. “The capitol changed the color again, this time a nice, deep, I’m-richer-than-you purple. Go crazy kid.” Lucas reached over and slipped the small mountain of cards into his bag, mouthing Ben a silent thank you and giving him a quick wink.
He turns around, slamming right into the back of an asshole. Yann spins around, ready to curse out the offender, but Lucas gets there first, sticking a middle finger in between his eyes. Yann lets out a loud laugh, shoving Lucas away playfully. “Fuck you, you shithead!”
“Wanna walk me home honey bun?” Lucas wiggles his eyebrows suggestively, making Yann roll his eyes.
“Jesus Christ, I’ll be out in a minute,” he states with a half-hearted wave as he turns back to the person he was haggling with. Lucas grins at him, shouldering open the door to the warehouse. Cool air hits him like a wave, the breeze lifting his hair off his forehead, drying the budding sweat on his skin. Peacekeepers march past him, their white uniforms glowing in the twilight. Who the fuck wears white in a place like this? Lucas looks down at his own clothes, torn and tattered from years of use. No matter how many times he tries to wash them, the black coal dust in the air finds its way into the seams. It’s as if the land wants to brand him, making sure that everyone knows where he comes from. You come from the dark, dank depths of the Earth, where no one ventures besides those who were unfortunate enough to be born into it. Never forget that.
A laugh shakes him out of his thoughts, head snapping up to find the source of the sound. A small head of tawny curls bouncing, a gap-toothed smile on her round, freckled face. Madeline Demaury, sitting on the shoulders of her big brother, laughter bubbling its way out of her mouth as he dramatically pretends to drop her. Eliott spins in a quick circle, his face now fully towards Lucas. God, he is beautiful. His blue-grey eyes are curled up in half-moons, mouth open, catching the tail end of a chuckle. His happiness is contagious, and Lucas finds himself struggling to hold back a smile. The setting sun is lighting up the Demaurys’ hair to an infuriatingly gorgeous shade of auburn. He pushes a flyaway strand of his straight, boring brunette locks away from his eye, cursing his bad genetic luck. At least he was fortunate enough to be alive at this very moment, witnessing the striking beauty of Eliott Demaury’s cheekbones, his long legs, shoulders deceptively broad despite his lanky figure. Fuck, he is beautiful.
“So, are you ever actually going to talk to him, or are you just going to stand there drooling all over yourself for the rest of your life?”
Yann’s strong hand lands on the shoulder that isn’t leaning against the warehouse wall. Lucas doesn’t take his eyes off Eliott. “Fuck you.”
As Yann snickers next to him, Eliott and Madeline sit down on their front porch steps. The front door behind them opens, and out runs seven-year-old Camille, launching herself into the lap of her brother. Eliott scoops her up, whispering in her tiny ear, making her giggle and nod enthusiastically. He sets her down, grabs her hand, leading her and Madeline inside the house. As the door shuts behind them, Lucas’ chest twists with a feeling he can’t place. He slowly turns, shoves Yann playfully. “What the hell are you so cheery about? You know what’s tomorrow right?”
“I for one, am not going to let the threat of imminent death stop me from roasting my best friend. What kind of life would that be?” He says with an easy smile, slinging an arm around Lucas’ shoulders. “Let’s get the fuck out of here before the Keeps’ come back.”
Lucas shoots one last look at the Demaury’s porch. The sun is fully behind the trees now, casting long shadows that flutter across the closed door, which, much to Lucas’ amusement, is painted a bright shade of baby blue. In this light, the house could have been abandoned, the warmth of Eliott’s presence long gone. Turning back towards Yann, his chest twists again, heart rising in his throat, threatening to choke him. Why do I feel like this is the last time I’ll see this?
An alarm blares ridiculously too close to his face. Cracking one eye open, he flops his arm across his body, slamming his hand in the direction of the obnoxious dinging. The clock slides off the edge of the table, hitting the floor with a loud thud. Still ringing, of course. Fucking hell. Lucas rolls his half-asleep body into sitting position, squinting at the light breaking through the cracks in his blinds, stopping the alarm with a half-hearted kick.
It’s Reaping Day.
Pushing himself off the tattered mattress, he sees his Reaping shirt, a blue-denim button up that he never really grew into, laid out on the end of the bed. Its folded, freshly washed and pressed. His mom must have been up for a while now. Throwing on a pair of faded black pants, he tugs the shirt on, slowly buttoning the front, shaking his head as the sleeves drop past his wrists. Frustrated, he rolls them up to mid-forearm. As a kid, he always thought his Dad was larger than life. Now at sixteen, he is starting to think he may have actually been right.
Walking to the bedroom door, he stops in front of the broken mirror to its right. Eyes a little too big, hair a little too wild, shoulders a little too slim. He rubs at a small bit of dirt on his neck, spits in his hand and tries to push his hair back into something resembling a normal human. His Dad’s shirt is hanging loosely on his frame, but he doesn’t mind. Everyone wears the wrong size clothes to the Reaping, spending money on extra ration cards rather than fancy shirts that will only be worn seven times in their life.
A rattle in the kitchen grabs his attention. Mama. She is scrubbing aggressively at a pot, the edges clanking against the edges of the small sink. She sees him in her periphery, turns her head and flashes him a warm smile. “You ready to go?”
He purses his lips, shoulders moving in a small shrug, “as ready as I can be, I guess.”
She sets the pot down, walks over to gently press a kiss to his forehead. “Only two more years, then we can move past this whole mess.” Glancing over his face, she wets her thumb and starts rubbing at a spot above his eyebrow. A laugh bubbles its way out his mouth as he scrunches up his face, shaking his head. “Mama, stop its fine,” he shoots a pointed glance at the small television set in the corner, “want me to get it set up for you?”
She waves him off. “Oh no, I got it.” She looks at him with a small, sad smile. “You know I would go, I just think the crowds would be a bit much for me today…” Lucas glances at the dark circles marring the smooth skin under her eyes, and nods. “Are you sure you don’t need anything?”
“I’ll be fine darling,” she kisses him on the forehead for the second time, lips popping with a loud smack. “Say hello to Yann for me!”
Sliding into his shoes, he pushes through the front door, Yann leaning against the railing at the bottom of the steps. His shirt fits him perfectly. Asshole.
“Let’s get this fucking over with, shall we?”
A large bead of sweat makes it way slowly down the back of his neck, tickling his skin as it catches in his collar. It’s getting close to midday, the sun huge and deadly in the sky. The stage is in the middle of a giant dirt patch, no tree in sight to provide some semblance of shade. Everyone between the ages of 12 and 18 in the entire district are being herded into the stage space. The fine, dark dirt getting kicked up by hundreds of shoes, swirling in the air like smoke. Yann and him are stuck in the identification line, waiting for a finger prick and a drop of blood to confirm that yes, they are in fact, Lucas Lallemant and Yann Cazas. He is trying to distract himself by staring intensely at a rock on the ground that looks sort of like a fish, when someone trips into him. Not just someone, a big someone. Lucas puts out a hand to steady himself, his other one landing on the waist of the offender before he can stop it.
“SHIT I’m so sorry…” Eliott rushes out, head whipping frantically from side to side, “Camille still needs to learn that running through people’s legs is not proper Reaping Day etiquette.” His blue eyes finally settle on Lucas. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
Say something. Anything. Oh God. He nods instead, not trusting his mouth. His left hand is still on Eliott’s waist, but he can’t seem to make it move. Eliott’s gaze is warm, softly flickering back and forth across Lucas’ face. His cheeks betray him then, flushing so intensely it’s almost painful. Eliott’s mouth breaks into a smirk, eyes playful as he gently backs away, turning in the direction of Camille’s giggles. Lucas’ arm settles back down at his side, hand tingling like a live wire. He watches until Eliott’s head disappears into the crowd, trying to settle the rapid beat of his heart.
“Oh wow, are you gonna be okay bud? Do you need me to give you CPR?” Yann snickers, clapping a hand hard in between Lucas’ shoulder blades. His cheeks are even warmer now. “If you don’t talk to him after this is over, then I will.”
His brain finally starts to register his surroundings again, and he turns to give Yann a hard shove, grinning despite himself. “If you go near him, I’ll shoot you in the foot, I swear to God.”
After the quick finger prick and a few more snide comments about his love life, they shuffle their way into the section marked “16”. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the top of a messy head of tawny hair, standing in the middle of the eighteen-year-old section that is marked off closest to the stage. His hand feels like it’s buzzing. Get it together Lucas.
At that moment, the crowd of teens were hushed, and the familiar dramatic tune of the national anthem blaring through the crackling speakers. Footage showing the war plays on the big screen, hard to see in the midst of the blinding sunlight. The president’s booming voice narrates, explaining the origin of the games, why it makes sense that they have been sending twenty-four kids to the fight to the death for twenty-seven years. Yann pokes his side, sending him an eye-roll. Lucas raises his eyebrows, a smirk dancing on his lips.
The film ends, and silence follows. A chair moves on stage, heels click on the hard surface. Hurried clacks echo through the space, and a woman hustles up to the microphone, one hand holding up the massive pile of blonde curls on top of her head. Daphné Lecomte. The Capitol representative for District 12 for the past few years, although she could not be older than twenty-five.
“Jesus, I swear her hair gets bigger every year,” Yann whispers in his ear with a breathy laugh. Lucas coughs to hide a chuckle, garnering looks from a boy and girl standing in front of them. He grins down at the ground while Yann elbows him in the ribs.
“Welcome everyone, to the Reaping for the 27th Annual Hunger Games!” Daphné says enthusiastically, her ridiculous Capitol accent extremely apparent. “As always, we are here to choose the two people who will have the historic honor of representing District 12 in- “ A strong wind gust sweeps up the stage, threatening to topple her hair tower. She steadies herself, tugging down on her neon pink skirt, “ i-in this year’s games!” She claps her hands together in excitement, gesturing over to someone on the side of the stage.
Emma Borgès saunters over to Daphné, clearly already wasted out of her mind. It isn’t even noon yet. She stumbles over her own feet, falling right into Daphné, who tries to gracefully push her upright. Emma gives the crowd a fumbling, slow salute, then takes her place next to the bowl of names at the center of the stage, swaying lightly on her feet.
The only District 12 champion in history. She won when she was just thirteen, outliving everyone thanks to her affinity for climbing trees. The spectators of the 20th games decided the killings weren’t going fast enough, so they flooded the area. Nineteen tributes had already been killed or died from the terrain, the last four drowned in the flood. Little Emma had been high up in a tree at the time, making her one of the youngest victors of all time. She was never really the same after that, spending most of her days getting drunk at the single district bar once she turned eighteen. Now every year, the two unlucky tributes not only have to fight to the death, but also deal with a drunk Emma Borgès as their mentor. What a fucking joke. Yann always had a massive crush on her though. He sneaks a glance over at Yann, who is openly staring at her with a dumb smile on his face. Idiot.
Daphné shuffles her way over to the glass bowl, struggling to drag the microphone with her. She smooths her skirt once more when she is settled. “Alright, let’s begin!”
She peers down into the large glass bowl, filled almost halfway with name cards. Every single person in this room has their name in there at least once. The twelve-year-olds are placed in only one time, and every year older is another slip added. When you are eighteen, your name is in the bowl seven times, making it more likely that an older tribute is picked. This ultimately makes the games more enjoyable for viewers, as a bunch of scared little kids running around would prove to be boring television after a while. You can add your name more times in exchange for ration cards, which is what most families end up doing in District 12. He had heard a rumor that Eliott’s name was in the bowl 32 times, but he hoped desperately that it was exaggerated.
Daphné’s pink-gloved hand reaches in slowly, swirling the cards around, trying to build anticipation. Lucas’ chest tightens, his forehead beading with sweat. Twelve cards with your name on it. That’s it. Only twelve. Daphné finally latches on to one, lifting her hand out of the bowl with a flourish. The crowd unconsciously leans forward, watching with wide eyes as she struggles to open the seal with her gloves on. The card rips open, and she clears her throat, lips approaching the microphone.
He knows before she even gets the words out. Her tongue pushes against her bottom teeth as her mouth opens, forming the beginning of the “L” sound.
Time slows down.
His chest heaves.
This can’t be happening.
He doesn’t even hear her say it, barely registers the echo of the ending syllable. He sees Yann’s shoulders collapse inward with a shuddering breath. His feet move before his mind catches up, walking with slow steps into the aisle leading up to the stage. Two peacekeepers walk up behind him, one placing a hard hand on his shoulder. They push him forward, his body refusing to move at anything above a glacial pace. He shoots a frantic glance back at Yann, who is staring at him with wide eyes, shoulders lifting up and down with the beginnings of hyperventilation. Lucas steels his eyes, desperately hoping Yann can read him. It’s okay... I’ll be okay. Yann nods imperceptibly, only for Lucas. A tiny pang of relief overshadows the crippling panic for a brief second.
His leaden feet move up the stage steps, and he moves to stand beside Daphné. She wraps her arms around him in a light hug, bouncing on the balls of her feet. “Lucas! Well, aren’t you a strapping young lad! Now, how old are you sweetie?”
She moves the microphone in front of his face.
He can’t breathe.
He clears his throat.
Sixteen, and I am going to die in a week.
Daphné claps her hands together again, snapping Lucas out of his thoughts. “Let’s give a round of applause for the courageous Lucas! The first District 12 tribute of the 27th Hunger Games!”
No one in the crowd moves a muscle. Dead silence.
“O-Okay then!” She clears her throat. “On to the second tribute!”
As she reaches in the bowl again, Lucas lifts his chin high, surveying the sea of young faces staring back at him. His heart is in his throat. He lands last on a pair of blue-grey eyes, wide and stricken under dark eyebrows, mouth closed in a tight line. Eliott. The realization suddenly dawned on him, there is still one tribute left. Oh God please anyone but him, please… oh God ple-
“Madeline Demaury!”
And God decided to laugh in his face.
There were a few gasps from the crowd. It’s exceedingly rare for a twelve-year-old to get drawn. Even more so a girl. The kids in the “12” section start to murmur to themselves, parting to reveal Madeline, her curls braided away from her face at her temples, showcasing her wide eyes and rosy, freckled cheeks. She straightened her pale green dress as the Peacekeepers appeared on either side to bring her up to the stage, pushing her shoulders back, putting on a brave face. From his spot on stage, he could see that her right shoe was untied. She is so young.
Before she can take her first step, Eliott shoves his way out of his section, landing on his knees in the center aisle, a cloud of dirt huffing into the air as he scrambles to his feet. He moves toward Madeline, but Keepers jump into action, pulling his arms behind his back, keeping him rooted to the spot. Lucas watches, horrified, as Eliott struggles against their grip. He manages to rip one arm free before a third Peacekeeper latches on to him. “Let me go! Get tHE FUCK OFF OF M-” He whips himself around, trying to face the stage despite the vice grip on his wrists. He sends a murderous glare at Daphné.
“I volunteer as tribute.”
This can’t be happening. Wake up Lucas, WAKE UP. He digs his fingernails into his palms, drawing blood.
He is awake.
This is real.
Daphné is still standing next to the bowl, mouth open in shock. She quickly closes it, and makes a gesture to the Peacekeepers. They release Eliott, pushing him forward, and he falls onto his knees with the force. Madeline cries out, squirming out of the Keeper’s grip on her shoulder, and launches herself into her brother’s arms. Lucas can see Eliott’s lips move at her ear, and she starts sobbing, holding him tighter. The Peacekeepers come up behind her, pulling her out of his arms, dragging her away. Her screams pierce through deafening silence, filling up the space, cutting deep into Lucas’ soul, suffocating him. Eliott gets shakily to his feet, eyes shining, and he walks with long strides up to the stage. He stops next to him. Lucas continues to stare ahead, afraid he wouldn’t be able to handle whatever expression settles on Eliott’s face.
“My goodness! This is so exciting! District 12’s first ever volunteer!” Daphné drags the microphone over to Eliott, holding it up to his lips. “What’s your name handsome?”
“Eliott Demaury.”
“Oh, let me guess, was that your adorable little sister?”
There is a beat of quiet as he swallows, clearly trying to restrain himself from slapping the hair straight off of Daphné’s head. Eliott’s eyes narrow as he leans down.
Daphné clears her throat. “W- Well, there you have it!” She squishes her way in between the two boys, grabbing both their hands and lifting them straight into the air, beaming with excitement. “A big cheer for the District 12 tributes of the 27th Hunger Games, Lucas Lallemant and Eliott Demaury!”
Maybe it was the heat that finally caught up to him. Maybe the vice grip around his chest finally cut off his oxygen supply. Maybe his brain short-circuited with the dawning realization that he was now in a fighting death match with who he thought was possibly the love of his life. Whatever it was, Lucas’ body couldn’t take it anymore. His right hand slides out of Daphnés grip as he sways to the left. He hits the ground with a dull thud, vision going black around the edges. The last thing he registers is a head of tawny waves blocking the sun in his vision, the edges of his hair glowing auburn.
God, he is beautiful.
And then, everything is black.
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Bad Idea: Part 4
Summary: When pop star Trixie can’t get her act together, her team makes a deal with the NHL…one that she can’t turn down. When NHL player Tyler Seguin can’t seem to get himself under control his team decides to thrust a certain Pop star into his life. Can the two play nice?
Warnings: Cussing. Eventually there will be some smutty goodness but for now enjoy the slow burn.
Note: Here’s part four guys, I hope you enjoy. I do have the next part practically done so if you guys want me to keep posting please let me know. This one is kind of long but some drama ensues and we are all messy bitches for drama. The lyrics belong to Cheryl Loyd’s ‘None of my Business”
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“Damn, I heard that you and her been having problems She likes to fight, I guess you both have that in common Started at the top and now you at the bottom But baby, this is none of my business...”
Trixie brought up the boxing gloves and as soon as her trainer yelled go she had started socking his gloves. One, two, duck, one, two, take a step back. She was full of adrenaline and she needed to blow off some steam. 
“Again, come on girl. There you go, let it out.” Trixie focused on where his gloves were at and let out a frustrated sigh when she was too slow and delivered a blow to her side. She breathed out a huff of air and brought her gloves back up. The conversation she had with management popping up into her head making her hit with more anger than anything. 
 “No!” She was well aware that she was acting like a brat but her management had refused to pull the contract between the hockey player and the pop star, which lead to a very unhappy Trixie.
 “I tried with him! He hates me for no reason!” She was now standing up in front of her team, she might as well have been stomping her foot. 
 “Trixie...”She ran a hand through her hair, wincing at the tangles that her finger had gotten stuck in.
 “Look Tyler Seguin wants nothing to do with me.”
 “He doesn’t have a choice his management isn’t pulling the contract either so get it together.” She rolled her eyes as she watched all of them leave the room without another word making her let out a frustrated scream and kick the chair that was next to her.
 That was three days ago and she hadn’t heard or seen Tyler which was okay by her standards. However she knew management was getting impatient and they were running out of time to stall this.
 “Alright I’m calling it for today, you did good.” She was out of breath, sore and tired so as she thanked her trainer; no one could blame her for cringing when her phone binged indicating she had a text. Taking a drink of water she reached down for her phone and groaned when she saw it was from Tyler.
 ‘We need to talk.’ That’s all it said along with an address. She sighed and texted back that she could be there in 15.
 She really did want to just go home and take a long nice bath but the universe and her management had other plans.
Tyler sighed and watched as Trixie walked up to where he was sitting outside of the small, quaint cafe he enjoyed coming to when he needed space. He arched an eyebrow when he took in the state she was in.
Her hair was thrown up in a messy ponytail, she was wearing a sports bra and he was pretty sure the worlds tightest yoga pants he had ever seen; not that she looked bad in any of it, it  just surprised him.
 “You okay?” He shook his head then nodded.
 “Yeah I just didn’t expect you to show up in-” Trixie pulled her chair out and cocked her head to the side, sitting down.
 “Uh yeah, sorry. I came from the gym.” He nodded, that’s what he assumed.
 “Anyways, did you call this meeting to yell at me some more?” Tyler glared at her as she sent him a playful smirk. She really could be a pain in the ass, which is probably what drove him insane about her. 
“No, I just...I figured we could talk about what happened and figure out how to go about this deal.” Trixie sighed and looked straight at him. For the first time Tyler didn’t see a smirk or anything on her face she was completely serious.
 “I don’t know what I did to you, I don’t know what you’ve heard about me. All I know is clearly we’ve both heard stuff about the other and it is destroying whatever progress we could be making.” She watched him as he looked down at his phone, not really looking for anything just staring at the back of it.
“I am sorry about what I said, I don’t usually like girls like you with their higher than though attitude.” It was a start. 
“The thing is I don’t really care if you like me. I just want to get through this contract and get it over with.” He nodded and cocked his head to the side.
“How did you do it with uh...crosby and Anderson?” Trixie sighed.
“Uh, Crosby was easy. We actually got along and I was able to go through it smooth sailing. We’re actually still really good friends.” 
“And Anderson?” He would ask about him, Trixie bit her lip and debated telling him the whole story. Instead she went with the short version.
“Anderson wasn’t just a contract. I mean he was for a couple months and when it was over we decided to date for a bit. Then he left me for a pretty little blonde. Haven’t talked to him since.” Trixie could feel her stomach drop, the ache of not being enough hit her in a fast wave, she had forgiven him but it did destroy most of her self esteem.
“So the queen of pop isn’t all icy heart and attitude.” Trixie kicked him in the shin making Tyler let out a laugh, his laugh wasn’t that bad. 
“And you? I won’t apologize for what I said.”
“I’m not asking you too.” 
“Then whose Ali?” Tyler’s demeanor shifted and Trixie saw the wall go up. He was guarded.
“How do you know-”
“I’m a girl, I saw your phone the other day at lunch several times when she called.” He shook his head.
“An ex.” That was all Tyler gave her and Trixie wasn’t going to push it. They sat in silence for a minute before Tyler cleared his throat.
“Are all your sad songs about Anderson then?”
“You’re pushing it.” Tyler held up his hands in defense.
 “So is that it? Can I go until we have to see each other again?” Trixie was getting uncomfortable, she had trust issues and she felt like he already knew too much. 
“I also wanted to invite you to a barbecue I’m having on Sunday. No paps, no management just a couple of people.” Trixie didn’t say anything. She usually didn’t like to go to hangouts more so because people tended to record her and report things that weren’t true.
“Chill, it’s going to be a couple of the guys and their girlfriends. I’ll text you the address.” Trixie nodded.
“You don’t have to like me but we should probably get along at least for the cameras and why not get used to each other at a friendly barbecue with beer and friends.”
“Alright, text me” He nodded and stood up. Trixie watched him tuck his phone in his pocket and fix the snapback on his head. 
“I’ll see you later Trixie.” Trixie sent him a small smile which he returned before heading toward the parking lot. When he was out of ear shot she immediately called Camilla. 
“Hey you busy sunday?”
“Yeah I-”
“Now You’re not, you’re coming with me to Tyler’s barbecue.”
“Oh my god You’re Trixie.” This was the fourth time it had happened today. It was the day of the barbecue and Trixie and Camilla had decided to show up, but in hour into the barbecue and She had lost Cami to Tyler’s team mates Val and Jamie. Which were actually the nicer of the two. Tyler had introduced Trixie to a couple of his friends, Mike, David, and their girlfriends who she didn’t care to remember and then he too had disappeared. 
She didn’t even mean to sound cocky but she really didn’t need an introduction, everyone seemed to recognize her. She did her best at smiling politely but didn’t say too much considering this wasn’t even her scene and she didn’t know many people. 
She had gotten tired of sitting by the pool watching everyone socialize while she sipped on a corona so she decided to go be nosy and check out Tyler Seguin’s house, more so his kitchen and game room. She had  walked into the house, immediately being hit with the AC. No one was inside not that she could see except for his three labs, which seemed to be her favorite part of the day. She walked into his living room already loving the kitchen and taking notice of the pictures on top of the fireplace.
She assumed it was his dad on a boat with a younger looking Tyler, both men smiling and holding fish in their hands. Trixie shook her head and smiled at the one of him and who she could only assume was his mom; he was standing next to her but she was leaning up kissing his cheek, a giant smile on his face. He really was a family man. Trixie proceeded to look at the pictures in the room, some of him and his sisters, of his teammates and friends. As Trixie was leaning up to look at one of the pictures she felt a wet nose nudge her butt which was only covered by bathing suit bottom making her let out a squeal.
She looked down to see Cash, his biggest Lab wagging his tail happily and looking up at her, tongue out. She smiled and knelt down to pet the dog happily, talking to him in a baby voice. It was when she heard a door close and a giggle that all three labs turned and ran toward the front foyer where the front door was, barking like crazy. Trixie heard another giggle and then a ‘stop it boys, Gerry no!” Deciding to be nosey again, Trixie followed the dogs and turned the corner of the hallway. However she didn’t expect to see Tyler pinning a cute little brunette to the wall by the front door, both laughing, her bathing suit practically falling off and Tyler’s swim trunks very low on his hips. Trixie rolled her eyes and cleared her throat making the two jump apart. 
Tyler turned to glare at me and adjusted his trunks just as the brunette adjusted her swim suit. She was cute, dark brown her, big brown eyes, innocent smile..the kind of girl Tyler would go for. She let out a an awkward cough and shuffled from one foot to another. It took her a moment to glance up at Trixie but when she did her eyes went wide.
“You’re trixie!” Trixie rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest. She was heavily annoyed. 
“You’re Ali.” It was a statement not a question. Tyler took a step toward the singer and glared down at her. 
“Can you give us a minute?” Trixie raised an eyebrow and shrugged. 
 “You do you Tyler, don’t let this shit get out. It’s both of our asses on the line.” Rolling her eyes, Trixie made her way back through the kitchen.
“Cash, stay.” Trixie  turned to see Tyler looking at his black lab  who had decided to follow her. Cash let out a whine making Trixie shake her head.
“Come on boy, let’s go swimming.” Trixie shot Tyler one last look before joining Camilla and the rest outside. She  didn’t see Tyler for the awhile which was okay with her, she was starting to thoroughly enjoying talking to Rads and Miro who were both very sweet and also Tyler’s team mates.
Trixie was finally feeling the alcohol in her system and because she could she went inside to make another margarita. Trixie smiled as the black lab followed her inside and laying on the kitchen floor, looking up at her happily. She laughed and started grabbing the mix out of the fridge while humming a tune.
“It seems my dog likes you more than me.” She let out a scream as Tyler stood up from the couch in the living room, making Trixie almost drop the glass she had in her hand. 
“Holy shit, Seguin.” He shook his head and made his way over to the island in the kitchen. He didn’t say much as she shot him a look waiting for him to say something.
“Everyone tends to like me, except for you.” He rolled his eyes and sat down on one of his bar stools. Neither of them said anything so Trixie continued to make her margarita. 
“How did you know that was her?” She sighed and looked up at him.
“It’s not hard to figure out that she’s your ex, it’s also not hard to see that you’re at her beck and call.” He shook his head.
 “It’s complicated-“
“I don’t really care Tyler. What you do is your business behind closed doors, if you want to be sucked in by your ex cool. Just remember that we have a contract and if that gets out management will be pissed and your reputation will be…ruined to say it nicely.” He nodded but didn’t say much else.
She glanced down at the black lab who was sprawled out on the floor fast asleep.
“He’s a good boy, I hope when I get a dog he’s like Cash.” Tyler cocked his head to the side.
“You’ve only just met him.” She let out a hmmm.
“Yeah but he adores me.” Trixie smirked back up at Tyler who shook his head but sent her a smile.
“Well if we’re done here��” Trixie went to walk to the door but Tyler stood up quickly blocking her way. Because of their height difference she was now face to face with his tattooed chest.
“Can I ask you a question?” She  cocked an eyebrow.
“If you do, can I go?” He nodded.
“Why don’t you care about Ali?” Trixie gave him a weird look.
“I don’t know her, I don’t really know you. It’s your business, your reputation.” 
“Most girls would be jealous…”
“I’m not most girls Tyler, but also I Need to have feelings for you to be jealous and after Anderson I’ve vowed to never date a hockey player or any athlete again.” He scoffed.
“But hooking up with random dudes in a club is okay?” Trixie shrugged and pushed past him.
“I got to get it in some how plus you hockey players, actually no men in general do it all the time. Double standard much?” She sent him a playful smile and walked out the glass door leaving Tyler standing in the kitchen dumbfounded.
Trixie wasn’t what he expected at all, and he couldn’t figure out if it was a good thing or a bad thing.
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tigereyes45 · 5 years
Mud Bath
A request made by @rocketlordsworld . Their full requests was: Okay good I'd love to see a suspenseful story about troll Jim in a knee-deep muddy bog trying to get a flower for Merlin and then two mud monsters form out of the ground and start to attack Jim, just as Jim is getting his amulet out one of the monsters grabs him forcing him to drop the amulet. Then the mud monster puts Jim on his chest and Jim starts to sink into his chest while Jim is trying to get to the amulet. You can write the rest to see what happens to him after and here's an idea of what the bog looks like: With a link to a monster. I did not base the monsters' descriptions based of said link because I did not look at it. (I didn't realize why it was sent until I had already started.)
AO3 link here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/21422914
As his knees sink into the bog Jim swears he will never go on another errand for Merlin again. He could see the blasted purple flower with a blue glow right in front of him. His fingers could almost touch its grey leaves. One would think that with these long troll limbs he would be able to actually reach it. Then again being a mix between rock and flesh wasn't very giving. The humidity in the air wasn’t doing his fur any favors either.
Low growls shake the unstable ground. Despite his best efforts, he falls deeper into the bog. Jim uses the rock in front of him to catch the upper half of his body. Trapped in mud up to his waist now Jim begins to search for his amulet. As his fingers explore the cobbled together troll clothes he could feel sludge slowly pouring in. Filling even his clothes up with the bog he did not want to be in.
Glancing over his shoulder, the trollhunter spies what was shaking him deeper into the mud with every growl. Two giant beings made of the bog itself were growling and walking around in the distance. They almost looked like Angor Rot’s golems, except they were taller, and their limbs were thinner. Jim gives up his search and tries to pull himself up on the rock.
It takes every ounce of his strength just to get his waist free. His futile attempts to clean himself as much as possible resulted in more mud and grime being smeared all over himself. Once he gets home he’s going to have to bath for a week to finally have his fur feel much free.
A shriek fills the air as Jim finally realizes the monsters have noticed him. They lift large parts of the bog right from the ground. Giant holes the size of his body quickly fill in. The bog replenishes itself faster than the trolls’ socks supplies.
Jim starts to search for his amulet again. Desperately searching something solid from the hidden pocket inside his jacket hits his chest. Tearing it free the amulet glows within his hands. Before he could speak one of the monsters smack him off of the rock. His eyes burn as the bog beings to seep into them. He couldn’t hear the splash his body had made as it was thrown in, but he knew that there must have been one. One so powerful it could even rival the ones he and Toby would make in the pool during their summers as children.
Every inch he moves his hand up the bog pulls him further down. It twists him around until he was unsure of which way was up anymore. It felt like his body was falling, but he wasn’t sure. It was impossible to tell anymore. The sensation was eerily similar to how he felt falling through Merlin’s magic in his bathtub. A sense of futility washes over him just as complacency had washed over him then. It made it easier to accept the fact that he was stuck. Jim squeezes his eyes tighter as the breath he held was almost none.
With a jerk, and a grip that was all-encompassing but weak Jim was yanked out of the bog. He gasps for air like a fish out of water. The mud monster that freed him was quick to shove him into their chest. A makeshift prison that held incredibly well against Jim’s struggling. He presses a hand against a rock stuck in the beat only to have both fall within. Slowly the inside of the creature was rotating him. Doing it’s best to pull all his limbs in.
A flash of blue sent Jim’s hopes flying. There next to the rock was the amulet. With his one free arm, Jim reaches out for it. His face contorts in pain as he tries his best to summon the force right out of the movies, just to bring it back to him. The mud monster begins to turn around. Jim kicks as slowly as he can while they’re surrounded by the living bog monster’s insides. As his eyes lose sight of the amulet, the trees begin to shake. Their leaves move violently as Claire comes flying from the woods. She lands herself on top of a solid patch of land on the edge of the bog. Relief and hope swell up inside of him. He wasn’t going to die after all.
“Jim! Why do you even leave without me if you can’t take care of yourself?” Claire focuses her magic in her hands. It glows a violet color with just a tint of yellow as it gathers there. It swirls the way a massive gas ball might. With a smirk, Claire pulls the ball back with one of her hands. She throws it like she’s a professional pitcher.
It was a fair question. One Jim only answers with a smile as her magic tears the left arm off of the monster that held him. Dry dirt that was probably supposed to represent blood sprays all over his face. The limbs lie still on the ground. The bog rises up to meet it, taking the arm back into the source. As it disappears the limb begins to reform on the end of the stump.
“They’re golems Jim! Find the core!”
“I can’t move!”
“Let it swallow you!” Claire orders as she jumps back, narrowing avoiding a boulder thrown by the other monster.
“Let. It. Swallow. YOU.” She shouts throwing more magic at them between every word.
Jim shakes his head before taking a few quick short breaths. “Are you sure about this?”
“Trust her Master Jim! We’ll recover your amulet, and handle this other foul foe.” Blinky reassures him as he comes running out of the woods from the same direction Claire had.
Jim shakes his head before taking a big gulp of air. Jim looks down at the ground as he prepares his body to be thrown back against the weight of the entire creature. His muscles taut, eyes closed, Jim goes for it. He flings the back half of his body into the golem. His head almost doesn’t make it. A bit of dead grass scratches against his face as his body it sucked in. It was somehow cozier inside the chest then it was in the bog itself. Jim still felt oriented too. Almost as if he could stretch out and wear the golem almost like a suit of mud if he wanted too. He might even be tall enough too.
He focuses on the sight of that in his mind as he pushes his arms up through decades of decomposing materials mixed in the mud and water of the bog. He uses the thoughts of throwing his mud armor into enemies’ eyes as a way to keep his mind from focusing on every little thing his hands were touching. Eventually, he feels wood. At first, Jim assumes it was a branch or maybe even a stick that was sucked in. Pushing through the bog the wood was clearly shaped oddly. Fighting back the urge to open his eyes Jim feels around the wood. There were little indents with space between them like arms with pits and w thin circle above them probably for a head.
Using as much force as he could manage with limited movement Jim rims the head off. Suddenly he’s falling, and the swimming sensation is over. He could feel the air hit his face before he felt confident enough to open his eyes. When he does he’s not in the bog. Nor is he in the monster. Instead two of Blinky’s arms wrap him tightly to the troll’s chest.
“I recommend bathing in a pond next time, Master Jim.”
“Thanks Blinky.” One of the troll’s extra arms reach around and drop the amulet on Jim’s chest. The other rests the flower beside it.
“Your welcome. Shall we return.”
Jim nods weakly before letting his head fall back. Claire was smiling at the two with her phone out. He would most likely hear from his mom later, about the lastest photo Claire had shared. His body feels lighter as Blinky carries him out fo the bog. Every drop that falls free of his clothes and fur make him more comfortable.
“I swear the next errand Merlin has for us, I’m going to tell him to ask someone else.”
“He’ll just make it harder.”
“I kno-ow,” A yawn interrupts his short response.
“Rest. We’ll be there shortly enough.”
Jim was already fast asleep in Blinky’s arms. When they get back to the others, Claire sets up a makeshift bed for him to rest in beside his regular one. That way the mud, grass, and dead things that traveled along with him wouldn’t be able to get all over his own bed. Merlin tried to wake him up a couple of times, but a different troll was always there to stop him. For once everyone agreed, it was time to just let the trollhunter rest.
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