#i love fusion reborn
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gray32x · 1 year ago
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i think about this way too often
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beeholyshit · 1 year ago
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Manjuu belongs to my beautiful man @4rachnophilia !!
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lethargyhouse · 11 months ago
hi. i know this is. random as fuck. but i saw your tags on this post and was wondering. what vegeta love songs? I've never heard them before but if there's any. i would really like to know where to find them if you dont mind me asking !!!
I don’t mind you asking at all! love to hear that it peaked your interest :}
So to my knowledge there’s about two Official songs that are hard to Not read as love songs. And these particular tunes are called: Memories - An Evening Without Him and my personal favorite, Love is Like a Ballad (I've linked both via the titles!)
Love is Like a Ballad is specifically a Vegeta perspective song B l a t a n t l y about Goku. Trust me the lyrics are Text evidence of this, along with the surrounding context of this song being labeled as Vegeta's Theme- and the fact that it comes from The Goku + Vegeta Fusion movie, Dragon Ball Z: Fusion Reborn. I'm personally obsessed with the speculation that Vegeta Himself is singing the song, just because of how Genuine it is? Deeply fascinating to think about.
I would say that Memories - An Evening Without Him is the same way with It's own lyrics, but I'm less aware of the surrounding context of that song so I'll leave that interpretation up to you!
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sfarxuri · 4 months ago
Dancing ants go brrr -w- old animation from 2023, tried to mimic the indie game dance moves from Urbano's minigame while also giving it my own spin hehe
Music is Urbano DDD - Left or Right
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gokubrain · 1 year ago
Also, which arc in DBZ or movie has the most handsome Goku art? Feel free to share screen caps.
you already know what im thinkinnnnn
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lunaforyou · 4 months ago
Primes Reborn AU spoilers below the cut, if you want to wait until the fanfic is done don't read.
WARNINGS miscarriage scare, violence, a little angst for the soul.
(everything turns out okay don't worry)
Sooooo, after kid number three, Optimus is already getting used to this. Hey, why fight the Matrix when he can work with it?
Besides, it's vindicative to be able to un-do most of Sentinel's damage, after giving the miners cogs that is. His frag up doesn't have to haunt their entire species forever.
Nevermind that the Matrix takes bits and pieces out of him in lieu of transfluid, since, well, the sparklings have to come from somewhere.
If undoing the damage Sentinel did entails energon, sweat and tears every time, so be it.
So he decides to find a spot he feels safe in and build a nest!
His unfortunate ass only feels safe in the cave of the primes though.
No biggie! He just has to make a comfortable spot.
In a cave full of corpses.
By the time he is finally done he is so wiped out that he falls asleep in the nest immediately.
And then he wakes up to the sound of a fusion canon. Being aimed at his face.
Oh right, Megatron.
So they start to fight, Optimus is always trying to diffuse it and keep his shit together, like, invading a nest is extremely distressing for the carrier. It's not like Megatron knows he is invading a nest, because even he wouldn't go that low goddamnit.
And then Megatron taunts him with something along the lines of;
"Look at yourself, Prime. You have gone soft with time, literally." (I'm still working on what he says, don't be too rude)
And Optimus, the fool that he is, looks down at himself. He really shouldn't have done that because that gives Megatron an opening to hit him.
In the gut.
He immediately falls to the floor in pain. And Megatron goes "I won't have mercy on you because you feel a little pain, Prime"
He can't even finish the sentence though, Optimus interjects with "She isn't moving"
It takes a second for Megatron to realize what he means.
He immediately scrambles to help, however he can. He lifts Optimus up and places him in the nest, and really he can't do much but it's better than doing nothing!
The blow triggered the emergence, and little Solus is born unconscious. This time, the other primes' spirits are mysteriously absent.
When he has her in his arms, Megatron shakes her up a little bit, to see if she wakes up. To which Optimus tells him that it's useless, her body is weak without a sire bond, and that she'll die.
And without thinking, this other fool just.
Opens his spark chamber.
You see, to form a sire bond, the spark of the carrier acts as a bridge between the sparkling and the sire's spark.
Want to guess where this is going?
That's right! Megatron and Optimus spark bond to save little Solus, you get nothing for guessing correctly <3
They coax her spark chamber open and the three of them bond. After the bond takes, Solus starts crying, and thank Primus she is crying, Megatron doesn't think he could have lived with the guilt if his little one died because of him.
And then Optimus takes her in his arms and Megatron's world expands by five.
They look so, so beautiful. And suddenly everything that's right in the world is in that cave, in the nest that his love made.
Because yes, that's his love now (never stopped being his love) and that's his sparkling. And Primus damn it he is not going to let go of them.
And then he looks at little Solus, and cries a little and says something along the lines of "She's perfect"
And then Optimus hits him with the "You say that because you haven't seen the other three"
Megatron cries a little more.
And the name of the AU is STILL Primes Reborn. :)
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nutscentedalien · 5 months ago
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it's my bday today! very very old now. here's a messy vegeta doodle. I really should have drawn him disintegrating like at the end of Fusion Reborn (or after Buu, bro loves to turn to dust lol) to symbolize how very very old dust person i am now.
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ender-girl-13 · 1 year ago
Thoughts on Palworld
Leave it to the internet to miss the entire point of people disliking Palworld. It's not because they are taking money from Pokémon. It not because they think Pokémon but with guns is stupid. IT'S ABOUT ARTISTIC INTEGRITY AND ORIGINALITY! Some of the Pals are just blatant rip-off's/fusions of existing Pokémon. If people try to steal Pokémon's designs and actually sell that as a commercial product that may give the impression that it's ok to steal others art and encourage it! If all of the Pals they made were original I would love to play it!
Apparently the accusations of them ripping Pokémon models was false. (Sorry about that) But they did basically do the 3D modeling version of tracing which is still bad. Also I've watched more videos on this game and it is very POSSIBLE they have stolen fan Fakemon designs and changed them up a little which is still shitty of them.
Again I will reiterate I would love this game and it's success if it wasn't so creatively bankrupt and plagiarized.
Here are some alternative Pokémon-esce games to play!
Cassette Beasts - Try to find you way out of this land and transform into and fuse Beasts!
TemTem - Very cute art style and can play online with other people! Also has a Nuzlocke/Randomlocke Mode.
Ooblets - Have card dance battles with other Ooblets and have them help you on your farm. You can also run your own shop!
Coromon - You're a newly minted Battle Researcher and your job gets attacked on your first day of work! Track down the invaders and discover the rising threat around Velua! Has different difficultly modes and customization.
Monster Sanctuary - A Monster Taming Metroidvania Sidescroller
Here are some Pokémon fan games to try!
Reborn - Has decent difficulty/One of the most difficult fan games I've come across. Has new Pokémon Forms
Uranium - Original Region and Pokémon
Insurgence - Has an option for a slightly darker twist on the traditional Pokémon story. Has new Pokémon/Forms
Xenoverse - Haven't play or watched it but looks very promising. Originally in Spanish but has a English translation as well.
Phoenix Rising - Still in development and only has one episode. Has new Pokémon Forms and amazing art and visuals
Red Adventures - From what I've seen it seems to be a game version of The Pokémon Adventures Manga
Castaway - Your plane crashes and you are left to discover the secrets of a mysterious island.
Mewyou - A game where you play as Mew!
Axis - You are teleported from our world to the Pokémon world/You're still human
Ethereal Gates - Still only a Demo at the moment/Unsure if they are still making it
I will add more to this list if asked!
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dragon-deez-ballz · 5 months ago
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@gokutober day 21 moviez. today i really just used as an excuse to redraw one of the screenshots that had been rotting in my pictures folder lol. fusion reborn is like the 2nd most good looking db movie man. & i really love how they did janemba
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nalyra-dreaming · 6 months ago
I so want to know more about the nature of vampire bond as well. Especially on the maker's end. Louis didn't get to open up on it more but I could feel the weight of it.
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(You guys saw my tags on the gif set, didn't you^^)
Okay, so... the vampire bond.
The vampire bond in the VC is not binding. It does not make slaves out of fledglings. It does not enforce anything.
It does mute the mental connection between maker and fledgling, though Lestat theorizes in later books that they might be simply running interference, because they're too close (in the blood).
A bit of lore:
The vampires in the VC were initially created by a spirit (Amel) fusing with blood (Akasha's). This fusion causes the cells to mutate, that is where the blood hunger comes from. The mutation turns the cells more and more into luracastria, a kind of plastic. That's why their skin goes more pale over time, too, and turns translucent when they're killed and the blood is removed. (But that just as a note)
This spirit, Amel, is like a gigantic web. When a vampire makes a fledgling, they pass on a "tendril" of Amel with their blood. The blood itself already would transform, but since Amel is in the blood...
So that is... the literal "vampire bond".
But... that isn't what Louis is talking about :) Or, I sincerely doubt that is what he talks about^^.
Louis... elevates the "vampire bond" to a status that defies mortal definition. No equivalent.
"It's a bond that can never fully be severed. A bond like that makes you believe there are only two of you on the planet."
True. It can only be severed by death, because of the tendril that connects them. But that is not why he thinks there's only two people on the planet :)
I think Louis used the "vampire bond" for himself as an excuse. As a shield. He held it before his heart, telling himself he felt like that because of it.
But then, why didn't Claudia feel like that? Or Antoinette?
Which brings us to Louis cutting open his veins after Madeleine, and the scene in the restaurant.
The show gave us an extremely beautiful and harrowing little glimpse at the bond there, and I love it, even though it is extremely bitter.
Because by turning Madeleine... Louis realized that the "love" did not come with the turning, nor did his heart beat in sync with hers. He realized that he was now connected to her, yes, but he did not want to be. He did not want to feel the feelings Madeleine felt for Claudia. (And which likely echoed what he and Lestat had shared before!) He did not want to be reminded of what he would never have again. He did not want the connection.
And so he wanted to be rid of it, he opened his veins, in vain, because the tendril... had already been passed on.
The vampire bond is for Louis this mind-altering and literally life-altering experience of being reborn through marrying Lestat. Kissing Lestat on the altar. Meaning it. That is why the floor always feels liquid. That is why their hearts sync up. That is why the emotions coming from Lestat always managed to reach him, and why it felt like it was only the two of them.
It was not the same for Claudia.
That was also something Louis realized there, I bet.
He likely felt Lestat "die" in 1x07. Just as Lestat... likely felt him suffer and slowly wither when Louis was locked up after the trial.
And Louis felt Madeleine's death.
And he knew Lestat felt Claudia's.
In the VC... and imho in the show... fledglings are made from different intents, which shapes the relationship. I talked about that a bit here. A fledgling, a turning does not equal the "big love"...
But if it does... then it fuses obviously with that love. And elevates the bond to an experience that Louis... obviously does not want to sever. And misses, terribly.
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anjels001 · 18 days ago
What If Percy Jackson Was Actually the Reincarnation of Odysseus?
Okay, I had a crazy idea after reading this fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/59618584/chapters/155132764#workskin.
We've seen stories where Percy is the reincarnation of Hyacinthus or even Icarus, Daedalus' son. But what if, instead, he was the reincarnation of Odysseus? And not just that—what if he inherited his memories and scars?
This is where the fusion of the Percy Jackson universe (by Rick Riordan) and EPIC: The Musical (by Jorge Rivera-Herrans) comes in.
Percy has always been a reluctant hero, but what if that reluctance stemmed from a past he doesn’t consciously remember yet still haunts his soul?
The Styx's Curse and the Revenge of the Scars
Divine weapons don’t just wound the body; they scar the soul.
Every time Odysseus is reborn, he carries the scars of Poseidon’s wrath—the trident strike from centuries ago.
These wounds remain dormant until Percy’s third year, when they begin to manifest physically and painfully.
But there’s a deeper reason for this.
The River Styx, tired of the Olympians breaking their oath not to have more children, decides to take revenge where it hurts most—through their children.
Zeus: proud and arrogant, would have a daughter who feared his authority so much that she would seek independence at the first chance, eventually joining Artemis’ Hunt and forever rejecting him.
Poseidon: a god who deeply values family, would have a son who feared him since infancy.Percy would develop an instinctual fear of the ocean and everything connected to his father—a pain greater than any curse.
And worst of all? Percy is Odysseus, the very hero Poseidon once cursed.
The Bleeding of Souls: Percy or Odysseus?
Percy wouldn't just be different—he’d be more mature and intelligent than most demigods his age. There would be a bleeding effect between his personality and Odysseus’—the general of Athena and King of Ithaca.
Trapped between the present and the past, the young prince of the sea and beloved son of Poseidon would constantly clash with the war-hardened strategist he once was.
He doesn’t understand why deception, planning, and manipulation come so naturally to him. Why, even without formal training, he knows how to fight, how to lead, how to survive.
But what haunts him most are the dreams—visions where he is not Percy Jackson, but Odysseus, surrounded by blood, enemies, and a sea that never let him return home.
The Lost Prince of the Oceans
The culture of the sea was vastly different from that of the land.
While the Olympian gods saw their children as tools or threats, the ocean viewed its young as sacred. Children of the sea were unconditionally loved and protected by all marine creatures—harming one was a crime punishable by death.
This is why Percy’s fear wounds Poseidon more than any curse ever could. Because every being in the ocean would love him unconditionally… except his own son.
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bigfan1811 · 1 year ago
i fucking love janemba from dragon ball z: fusion reborn
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he is so cool
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ubtendo · 2 months ago
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So I randomly watched fusion reborn (because the one day I decide to dust off my twitter account I get a recommended tweet where someone just posted the whole movie??), so that I've now seen both of them on screen I can say that I love them and I was sad because I couldn't find a poster of the two of them together but then I remembered "hey wait I can just draw them myself"
And yeah
This is only a digital sketch I made, and I've got a stupid idea that I might try because I still have some canvases laying around
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tsams-killswap-au · 3 months ago
Theoretical question (mainly for Moon, since its more science-y than i think Sun would like to answer) Lets say you two didn't decide to make a whole new body, but instead carefully stitch your codes together as a more safely structured base.
If that were to happen, i have heard from other sources that it wouldn't be two to come out with a bunch of risks, but one singular being with minimal risks.
Would you two have chosen to merge in a way, than to be separated?
Moon, Would you have done that as a liable option to not risk Sun's ai and body, or your own body?
And Sun, even though Moon doesn't appear for work often, do you still take at least a little break to recharge, either literally or mentally?
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Moon: Me and Sun MERGING? 
Moon: That’s a new one. The idea never even crossed my mind. 
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Moon: First of all– Hmm– yeah, I could probably pull that off. It shouldn’t be any harder than what it took to separate us. 
Moon: Second of all, the fact it carries way less risk is something to consider. We thought separating was the only option, and accepted everything that could go wrong, but we could have weighed the pros and cons if we’d known about merging.
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Moon: But I don’t know if I’d WANT that. 
Moon: When I first woke up, I was trapped in Sun’s head. We were already stuck together, and we both hated it. I don’t think I’d want to fuse together. 
Moon: Maybe if it was the ONLY way to stop the pain we were going through, but to be honest? I just wanted to be my own person. 
Moon: And it wasn’t just MY decision. When me and Sun stopped fighting and agreed to be brothers, we BOTH chose to do this.
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Sun: WHAT are they asking? 
Moon: They brought up the idea that we could have fused into one person, instead of separating. 
Sun: Huh–  You mean like… Garnet? 
Moon: Yeah, sure. Like Garnet. I was thinking Fu- sion - HAH. 
Sun: Huh! We can do that? 
Moon: Yeah I probably could have figured it out.
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Sun: Well that’d be kinda weird, don’t you think? I mean, I’m ME, and you’re YOU! If we fused, wouldn’t we cease to exist and someone else would replace us!? 
Moon: Mmmmm actually yes, that’s probably EXACTLY what would happen. 
Sun: What would happen to our personalities!? I love kids and you hate them, so what would this hypothetical new guy think!? 
Moon: You know, that’s a damn good question. What do you get when you mix care and hate together? 
Sun: And you’re smart, and I– aaaam– NOT smart! Would our brains be mixed together, making this new guy slightly smarter than you are now? Or would ME subtract from YOU and they’d be dumber than you but smarter than me? 
Moon: Ooor maybe a fucked up patchwork of all our traits mixed and matched.  
Sun: And you’re a jerk and I’m NICE! Which one would this guy be!?
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Sun: Besides!! I’m Sun and you’re Moon! What would that make us, if we fused into one person!? 
Moon: *Snrk* I mean let’s just think here, Sun! There’s only one thing you COULD call it. We’d be an Eclipse. 
Sun: Ahh yeahhh. But you’re blue and I’m yellow and that makes GREEN! So… wouldn’t that make us an Earth, since the Earth’s the only thing in space that’s green? 
Sun: (I mean it’s blue, but it’s also green!) 
Moon: Don’t people usually call the Earth, like, “Mother Earth?” 
Sun: Ohh, yeah. 
Moon: I mean, I don’t really care, I’d be fine with it. 
Sun: You’re right, you’re right though, an Eclipse just makes more sense!
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Sun: But, I dunno! 
Sun: I like being myself! And I like Moon being my Brother!  I like that we’re our own people! 
Moon: Yeah, I like that too. I wanted space, I wanted FREEDOM. I didn’t want to be turned into someone else. 
Sun: I definitely don’t want to be turned into someone else!! I don’t want to die and get reborn as someone different! I want to be ME! 
Sun: So naaah, nah, I don’t think we’d have done a fusion dance.
Moon: So even if we'd had both options back then, we still would have chosen to separate, even if the risk was a lot higher than merging was.
Sun: But it’s neat to think about and imagine!
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haphazardlyannotated · 10 months ago
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Okay, can we talk about this for a moment?
Rose's whole quote here is:
When a Gem is made, it's for a reason. They burst out of the ground already knowing what they're supposed to be, and then… that's what they are. Forever. But you, you're supposed to change. You're never the same even moment to moment; you're allowed and expected to invent who you are. What an incredible power, the ability to "grow up."
So Rose states here that Gems are incapable of fundamental growth and change. Which is... Kind of an insane thing to say considering the Crystal Gems.
Every day Rose comes home to an Amethyst who seems to prefer food and shape shifting over fighting, a pair of different gems who choose to live as an illegal fusion out of love, and a Pearl who is both a swords- and spearmanship master as well as a tech expert. Not to mention, she herself has not only flipped her inherent skill set in the opposite direction from destructive to healing, she has lead a literal rebellion against her purpose of colonizing planets and using them to make more gems.
So why would Rose say that?
Regarding Rose herself, the explanation is pretty easy. Not even the most fervent, uncharitable Rose Anti hates Rose as much as she hates herself. I have no trouble believing that Rose would be able to convince herself that everything she's done as Rose is a pretty facade and she is still the monster she has made Pink out to be deep down.
But what about the others?
I find it a bit hard to believe that Rose would deny that they have deviated from what Homeworld thinks they are. But then I realised: While Rose might realise that they aren't what Homeworld wants them to be, she could feasibly interpret their actions as still holding on to some basic principles Homeworld instilled in them.
Yes, Amethyst is more interested in fun and relaxation than fighting, but other Amethysts tend to like those things too. And Amethyst is still fighting, just alongside the Crystal Gems instead of as part of Homeworld's army. It wouldn't be too farfetched to assume that the basic programming is intact here.
Pearl is lightyears away from the "stand around and look nice" ideal Homeworld has for Pearls, but Rose is all too aware that Pearl is still has the single mindedly devoted to her. Sure, Pearl's fantasy about her and Rose removes the ownership relation, but, whispers Rose's self hatred at the back of her mind, would a Gem as great as Pearl really choose Rose if her choice was truly free?
Garnet might be harder to explain, but still, aren't Ruby and Sapphire always together this way, just as a Sapphire and her Ruby guard are supposed to be?
If you think about it like that, I could see how Rose might talk herself into some kind of Gem determinism and decide that the only way for herself to truly change would be to stop being both herself and a Gem and be reborn as part of a human child.
But she's wrong.
We know she's wrong because Steven Universe showed us.
Amethyst leaves combat behind as soon as it's unnecessary and becomes a teacher. Ruby and Sapphire regularly do their own thing by SUF, and Ruby proposed to Sapphire to make being Garnet their own decision. And then, of course, there's Pearl.
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All of the Crystal Gems reinvented themselves in the exact way that Rose didn't believe Gems ever could.
And in doing so, they also proved that Rose was wrong to think of her own growth as a lie. She didn't become a perfect person- nobody in this show was or will ever be perfect. But she became a genuinely kind and nurturing person who was loved and admired by many for good reason.
When you think about it, the only part of Homeworld that she couldn't let go of was the image she had of herself.
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twilightarc-gm · 2 months ago
Twiii! Hi!! Are you an avatar(the last airbender) fan too? Do you have any fic recs? (or something you wrote yourself <3)
I watched it a while back, got scared by the fandom war, and decide to not search for a fic tbh. But I trust so! (also, my fave is azula <3 but I love all the characters)
My dear and lovely friend! I would love to give you reccs, but I am not actively in the fandom and never really have been. The fandom drama is a big turn off then as it is now.
I love zutara though, and Azula is my problematic meow-meow.
Fire sibs would be so powerful~ It's my headcanon that post-tv-series-canon, Azula and Zuko really rule the Fire Nation together, and Azula does the brutal nasty work behind the scenes in order to make Zuko look good and Zuko does the tiring repetitive work of real progressive change.
I did have a few WIP ideas for atla. One was avatar!zuko and the other was a Split-Avatar au where instead of one avatar and all the elements, it was an avatar for each element and in that WIP the atla gang awakens the spirit world from LoK, etc. None of this is published but my friend Robin made a fanart for one of them that's Zuko being reborn from magma ala Birth of Venus and Azula covering him up -- that's from the split-avatar au.
Semi-related, I also have a sketched outline for an atla!mdzs au (chengxian of course) which is more a fusion where Jiang Cheng and Yu Ziyuan are firebenders posing as nonbenders in a town of waterbenders (in the swampbender mode but make it Lotus Pier) and Wei Wuxian has a penchant (and/or discovers) bloodbending.
Anyway! As for reccs @cynical-harlequin is actively reading and writing stuff for atla and zutara so possibly she can help you!
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