#i love each of them a lot UvU
sweeneydino · 4 months
I love love LOVE your Spikeangelo AU it’s so funny and so good!!
TBH I’m foaming @ the mouth to hear more about it. I wanna see more stuff with Titan and Raph cause Raph was already so close to Spike and making him Ronin Mikey adds a whole nother layer to it all and it’s so JUICY and ANGSTY!! Would Titan’s pewpaw nature make him act as more of an older brother figure to Raph? How attached would Titan be over Raph and the 2012 Turtles in general? The 2012 Turtles go through so much trauma ( even without Splinter’s second and final death being canon to your story ) so I can’t imagine that Titan would be pleased with seeing these alternate young versions of he and his brothers go through the fucking WRINGER when he ( probably ) had a strong desire to protect them from the horrors that he himself faced in his original universe.
I’ve been curious too… Raph Brainworm Arc in the Spikeangelo AU….. how does that work out? Especially when in canon it was Slash who kidnapped Raph and held his head in place for the brainworm to drill into his eye / head…….
I can only imagine how Titan would’ve felt about the events of the Fourfold Trap too. Karai ( under the control of a brainworm ) capturing the family and torturing the Turtles individually??? Bruh that must’ve been a NIGHTMARE for him.
Thank you Thank you! I'm glad people enjoy this silly au so much hsbsnwush it makes me feel so proud UvU
I can assure it will get juicer and angstier :))
For the questions, ahem
He lets his Peepaw nature slip out A LOT, lol. He'd def act more as an older brother despite Raph taking care of him as Spike. Spirit of an old man.
He already adopted them gsbsjsu. As soon as he realized how much Raph love him as spike, he was doomed. Also, doomed to get gray scales. 2012 is not nice to these boys 💀
Oh yeah... I definitely got something 😏
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It's a bit(huge understatement) different from the canon as Titan is way more experienced than Slash, and more prominent, but the 2012 boys are gonna discover that Splinter isn't the only one holding back >:)
You have to wonder what will this guy has to not kill the shredder immediately, but it might be because someone is still on the fence.
For Karai, I'm not sure if she'd be brainwormed or not, mostly cause I have a few different ideas for how each path goes out... maybe I'll write it out, who knows. Probably not.
This peepaw is not having a good time 😩
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Hey so I just found your account and omg?? it's literally so amazing 😭✋
Anyways-I was just looking through a bunch of the twist monster au headcannons/stories, and I thought of a scenario that could be done!
Basically the cast reacting to gender neutral or female reader/yuu acting stuff out in their book they are reading like poses, dialogue, just genuine reactions to the text itself
ex. Throwing the book across the room and them being genuinely concerned that something happened bc reader is just staring off into space or cursing but what actually happened was either a character died/did something embarrassing/the mc and love interest finally kiss
Anyways that's all I had in mind hope you have a good day/night! <3
Omg thank you! I’m so glad you’re enjoying the content! QvQ
Ah, books. Such a wonderful creation humans made to fill us with raw, pure emotion or shattering our hearts and souls into a million tiny pieces—only for us to read it again and again! Don’t you just love those moments as a reader? UvU
Except for cliffhangers. Readers have a love/hate relationship with it, writers adore cliffhangers! ÒvÓ
So, what happens if we take a bookreader!Yuu (they/them) and throw them into Twisted Monsterland where even the history books read like a world guide/omnibus to a game or TV series? Oh, and I took a bit of inspiration from a Disney princess comic and a Bill Watterson “Calvin and Hobbes” comic for two of these scenarios. 😂
“Jeez, you sure you’ve got enough books, Yuu?”
“The librarian wouldn’t let me check out more than ten at a time,” Yuu replied, their backpack and arms filled with thick books. “Wish I could’ve gotten ten more at least, but this’ll do for now.”
“Are you sure you can even read all those before next semester?” Deuce asked in concern. “Those look pretty…dense.”
“Oh, I’ll be done in a week. Maybe a week and a half if we get a lot of homework.”
“Funya?! You gotta be kidding me!” Grim said. “Can humans read that fast?”
“Not everyone. Some people are slow readers, but that’s okay since they enjoy it at their own pace while I enjoy it at mine. Only problem for me is choosing which one of these I want to read first!”
/Later that night/
“Yuu? It’s time to eat!” Grim called out. Silence greeted him as he stared at Yuu, who was sitting on the couch with their face practically buried in a book. Frowning, the chimera padded over to the couch and repeated, “Yuu! I’m hungry!”
Still the human didn’t seem to respond, their shoulders hunching as they turned the page.
“Yuu? Yuu!” Huffing, Grim crossed his arms as he glared up at them. “You’ve been reading for the past three hours! How much longer are you gonna read that book?”
“What’s going on, pal?” one of the ghosts asked as the trio appeared.
Gesturing his paws at Yuu, he said, “They’ve been reading ever since we got back from the library today, and now they’re not reactin’ to me. It’s dinner time and they haven’t made any food yet!”
Before anyone could even think of what to say, a loud, shrill squeal filled the dorm.
“Eeeeeee!!!” Yuu squealed, a huge grin on their face as they flopped to the side and kicked their legs like a nervous rabbit while holding the book against their chest. “Omg it happened, it happened!!”
“Mrah!? What?! What happened?!” Grim yelled, wings flared out defensively while his fur bristled. “Why are you yelling!”
“My new OTP!! They finally kissed!!” Yuu said, their eyes wide as they rocked from side to side. “They kissed!! Yes!! Yesyesyesyesyessssss!!!”
“OTP? What’s an OTP??” one of the other ghosts asked.
“It’s what we like to call the ‘one true pairing’ in a story,” Yuu explained, a positively giddy expression on their face with eyes shining brighter than the stars as they struck a dramatic pose. “It’s two characters who vibe with each other on a level that you just can’t help but want them to be together—and the author brought these two together!! Yeeeeeeeee, I’m so happy!!”
“And loud,” Grim grumbled, paws clamped over his ears. “Why are you standing like that?”
“It’s how the main character professed their love for the other!”
“…are all humans as weird as you?”
“Trust me, there are people out there that are way crazier in their excitement than I am right now.”
“Oh yeah. Don’t even get me started on the fanfics people write.”
“Oh, you sweet summer child…”
/Two days later/
“Heeeey, lil’ Shrimpy~!”
“Eh…? Hey, Shrimp…why are you ignorin’ us? It’s not very nice.”
“Now, now, Floyd. One mustn’t interrupt a reader when they’re indulging in such a riveting story.”
“Shh,” Yuu muttered, their brow furrowed as they hunched closer to the book. “I’m at the best part!”
Floyd frowned as he laid his head on his arms, the basilisk slumping against the table. “Man, this is lame,” he said. “You promised to come play basketball with me today!”
“Once I finish this part, we can go do whatever you want, okay, Floyd?”
Jade hummed in amusement as he said, “A rather daring proposition you just offered, Yuu.”
“We have to do a buncha reading for class anyway,” Floyd said with a bored expression. “And Crabby and Mackerel said you finished two other books already, so what’s the point of thi-”
“AAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!?!?” Yuu shrieked, leaping out of their chair as Jade and Floyd recoiled in shock. Before the twins could react, Yuu had ducked back into their chair and pressed the book even closer to their face than before.
“…lemmie see that,” Floyd said, leaning over the table to grab it.
“No, no! It’s fine, go do something else!” Yuu said all too quickly, sinking even lower and turning away from Floyd’s reaching claws. “I think I heard Riddle in the hallway.”
“Lemmie see it!”
“No! You can’t read it!” Yuu cried out, bolting away from the table holding the book tight to their chest.
“Get back here, Shrimpy!”
“Oh my,” Jade uttered, eyes wide for a moment before he chuckled. “Perhaps I should look into this book when they’ve finished it.”
/The next day/
“Oh no…oooh noooooo, I hate this so much!”
“Then why are you reading it?” Jamil asked, the naga curled around them. “If you don’t like it, just take it back to the library.”
“I can’t! It’s soooooo good!” Yuu said, practically throwing themselves backwards onto Jamil’s snake half with the book pressed against their face.
“Eh? But wait, you just said you hated it,” Kalim said in confusion.
“I hate it, but I love it so much,” Yuu told them with a whine, their head now touching the floor on the other side of Jamil’s snake body yet still draped over him like a cat. “This book will ruin your heart and shatter your soul into a million pieces!...you should read it too!”
“Given how dramatic you’re being, it might not be wise,” Jamil said with a sigh.
“Read it!”
“It’s okay, Yuu. We can read together! It’ll be more fun that way!”
“Kalim, no. You still need to study for the next potions exam.”
“Augh, I need someone to talk about this story with so we can lament in solidarity!”
“…have you been taking lessons from Rook lately?”
/Three days later/
“Um…is Yuu okay? They’re looking a little…tense.”
It had been several days since Yuu borrowed a stack of books, and already they had gone through nearly half of their hoard. Between classes and on breaks or after finishing tests, it wasn’t hard for students to notice the lone human with their nose between the pages of one book after the other. Even the researchers had taken note of Yuu’s behavior in between tests, making note of their expressions and how their body changes with each scene depicting their emotions. It was noteworthy how they reacted when a character in the story did something “cringeworthy and stupid” (as Yuu would explain when asked), it looked as though the human had swallowed a lemon.
At the moment they were sitting in Heartslabyul, yet another book in their arms as they sat on one side of the lounge. Cater had taken progression snapshots of Yuu’s body slowly curling into itself, eyes steadily growing wider and wider to the point it looked as though they’d bolt away in panic.
“They’re fine,” Grim told Trey as he munched on a snack. “They’ve been like this since they got all those books. That’s the pose they had last time when their Ohteevee smooched or somethin’.”
“Oh, you mean ‘OTP’, Grimmy,” Cater corrected with a smile. “That’s so cute! Our human has an OTP already~!”
“I’ve heard of hitting the books, but this is ridiculous,” Ace commented with a sigh. “They’ve been reading so long that I forgot what half their face looks li-”
SLAM! Fwump!!
“Gyah!?” the boys yelped, everyone staring at Yuu as they sat on the couch with a dark scowl.
“Yo, what the heck? Why’d you throw the book like that?” Ace asked, pointing at the large tome on the other side of the couch now.
“Um…Yuu?” Deuce began when they didn’t respond. “Are…you okay?”
“……I’m mad,” came the response, Yuu’s expression growing more annoyed as they stared off into space.
“About what?” Riddle asked in surprise.
Yuu’s gaze turned to the discarded book, their expression as though they had been betrayed by a trusted friend as they said, “Because my favorite character died, and I refuse to read how the book ends when there’s literally two freaking pages left! That’s not enough space to bring them back in a satisfying way!!”
“Y…you’ve gotta be kidding me,” Ace grumbled with a sigh. “That big of a reaction just because a fictional character was killed off?”
“You weren’t there to see the struggles they went through! I saw them change from an annoying bully into a fully developed and vulnerable character who wanted to take charge of their life—and the author killed them off!” Jumping to their feet, Yuu marched towards Ace and Deuce’s room where they’d left their stuff and said, “Where’s my notebook? I need to fix this!”
“What are you gonna do?” Grim called out.
“Write a fanfic, because my scrunkly deserves to be happy!”
“Huh? Scrunkly??”
/Final day/
“Oh, Great Seven…what happened in your book this time?” Vil asked with a sigh.
Yuu sniffled as they tried to dry their tears, though it was difficult as more continued to flow down their cheeks. “I…I just finished my last book,” they said, their voice cracking a little with emotion as Grim pat their arm reassuringly.
“All ten books in a week?” Vil said in surprise. “That’s…impressive. Even so, why are you so upset? Was the story that horrible?”
“No…it…it…it was too good!” Yuu cried out, clutching the book so tight that their knuckles turned white as the tears flowed freely now.
“Ah…such pure, raw human emotion,” Rook crooned. “To express it so freely without fear…beaute!”
“Was the book really that good?” Epel asked.
“Yes!” Yuu wailed. “Now that it’s over, I…I don’t know what to do with myself now…”
Peering at the title, Vil gave a thoughtful hum and said, “Oh, that story. I hear there is supposed to be a spin-off book series. The first one should have released just the other day.”
“Mrrr…now you’ve done it,” Grim grumbled with a sigh. “Here we go again.”
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melodi-jackson · 1 month
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💙💫☁️AEOLUS☁️💫 💙
This is my second tsams oc :D I’m proud of the design I did, it’s veerrry detailed UvU. Anyways! Let’s get to the information!
Meet Aeolus! Their stage name is sky drop! They are daycare attendant and theater performer. They are bigender, their pronouns are he/she/they but sometimes prefer they/them. Their personality is are generally quiet but very compassionate. Very soft spoken, shy and insecure at times but is talented and noble hearted.
They have great physical ability and flexibility which they confidently show of when they’re on stage. They are super graceful and talented when performing although they are very insecure sometimes.
They love crafts, sewing, music, reading books, and soft textures. They Hate closed spaces, loud noises, crowds, unnecessary violence, feeling ignored, messing up, when someone interrupts their solo while performing.
They prefer to wear simple clothes, soft-pastel, comfortable and comfy tones. They love to dress up and express themselves. They would join Earth and Monty in a fashion show.
They are considered a good family friend to the celestial family despite being insecure and having social issues. She’s a very good companion to sun and does a lot of work for him so that sunny can finally have time off to relax and enjoy himself. Earth and them are very best friends with each other. Lunar is hyperactive, he can be a bit too much to handle but he’s very funny. They love listening to his jokes. Lunar sometimes calls them “sis” as a joke sometimes lol . Solar gets along very well with them. He is very impressed with their flexibility and sometimes wants to test her skills but they are way too shy, they only show off when performing. Moon….it’s complicated, They disliked moon because they didn’t like someone who has the image of their partner nexus. She and nexus had dated before many events happened and it’s very confusing for them to be friends.
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kyojurosprettygirl · 1 year
Hi hi hello! May I request a fluffy Genya x fem!reader?
Something like he got injured during a mission and she gos to visit him at the butterfly estate to surprise with slices of watermelon to cheer him up! ((Cuz you know that’s his favorite!)) maybe even gentle kisses on his fresh new scars? Idk just anything sweet and fluffy! I’ll be happy either way!^^✨
a/n: HOW CUUUUTEEEE!!! im such a sucker for Genya content (>_<) i love ur idea and i hope you enjoy reading this. this is inspired by summertime sadness since, watermelons r a summer fruit, no? (UvU) Also, tumblr deleted the post so i had to copy and paste, but i don't know if it chipped some things off. LET ME KNOW!
late is better than never .
Genya Shinazugawa x Fem! Reader
as the sun slowly crept its way into view, Genya had realized then he had once again missed one of my your dates. he holds as many wounds as he can with his one useful arm tighter and winces, cursing himself for doing this to you. he stands for a moment, thinking how he could make it up to you.
you gasp as you gently wrapped your arms around genya's and pulled him toward you, leaning your head onto his shoulder. "Genya look!" you point ahead. "huh?" he looks curiously to where your pointing and immediately sees what your seeing, you both look at each other and smile big, running towards the watermelon stand. the old couple running the stand knowingly look at each other and laugh, standing up and readying themselves to greet you and genya. they quickly thought of how they were once young and in love, you and genya easily making them reminisce their teenage love. once you were standing infront of the couple, you excitedly spoke to them, any anxiety leaving your body. "I hadn't realized they were in season!" you smiled wide, the old lady nodded at you, her smile never leaving her face. "well they are, my dear! would you and your boyfriend like a slice? on the house!" you gasped and held your cheeks, disregarding the boyfriend comment. "your serious?" she nods and pushes the tray toward you. you gently grab the prettiest slice and push it towards genyas face. "say ah" genyas ears turn red and he opens his mouth, allowing you to feed him. he also disregards the boyfriend comment. his eyes widen and any nervousness he had before had completely left him, the slice tasted amazing. he gently grabs the slice from your hands and feeds it to you, and your eyes widen back at him. he laughs at yours and his expression, "it's the best isn't it?" he says, and you nod. "the best i've ever had!"'you eat more of the slice, "we should get an entire melon! no, let's get three! two for you and i to share and one to share with the others!" as you and genya speak of the melon, the old couple look fondly at the scene. "she reminds me of you my dear," the old man says, she snickers and looks at her husband, "and he reminds me of you, always behind me waiting for me to speak for you." they share a laugh, and as you reach into your pocket, genya steps infront of you and looks at the old couple, "how much for the entire stand" you gasp and grab his arm, "genya!" the old lady laughs and the old man widens his eyes, "are you serious?" the man says, genya scratches his neck. "well, not really." he looks to the side, and takes out as many coins as he has, "but i'll take as much as i can get." before the couple says something you take some of your coins out as well, placing them down with genyas, before he can say something you move your hands to form a 'shut your mouth' motion and look at the couple, "this will get us more right?" you and genya left with two woven baskets full of melons, each one holding 7, leaving the old couple with two melons left to sell. he wouldn't let you carry even one melon to make the load easier. "let's do this again" genya says, smiling at you, you nod and smile big, "we should! i had a lot of fun today" he shyly looks away and grabs your hand, "how about next week?"
it's the third week he's said that.
"-r arm." genya snaps out of his thoughts and looks next to him, it's Tanjiro. "huh?" genya says, looking at Tanjiro will his full attention. tanjiro smiles, a warm aura oozing out of him, trying to calm down after the hard fight. "i was saying if i could bandage your arm" genya looks over at his arm as tanjiro points, his blood is practically decorating the floor. but before he could answer a sharp pain hits his rib. his vision gets blurry as his breathing becomes labored and he begins to pass out, your shadowy figure filtering his vision just before he closes his eyes.
he wakes up in one of the rooms in the butterfly estate, it's about noon and the comfort he feels pisses him off. he shouldn't be there, he should be apologizing to you, again. he looks to his side, the action hurting, and he sees Tanjiro speaking to some of the girls in the butterfly estate. "is y/n going to be here?" Tanjiro said, already aware of genyas affections towards you. one of the butterfly girls nod, "y/n should be coming soon, she mentioned she had slept late when she came by in the morning so we sent her back home to rest a little longer. Aoi sent someone to get her." guilt begins to eat at his heart, you had waited for him the entire night, regardless of the fact that you had promised to help the girls clean in the morning, "i see," tanjiro says, looking at genya. he jumps at seeing his eyes open, "your awake!" he smiles, "what a relief," tanjiro says. genya nods and closes his eyes, sighing, "what a relief," he says back. he opens his eyes and sits up, one of the girls quickly rushing to his side, "slowly genya! your ribs are still broken, you have to take it easy." he grumbles, rolling his eyes. he sits up fully and looks around the room, "can i be alone for a moment." he pauses, "please." and they all nod, leaving him be. "Aoi is almost done with the food, so you should be getting your lunch soon." one of the girls says, smiling before he closes the door. he looks over himself and noticed many fresh scares adorning his flesh, and he can't decide wether to love or hate them. they look and feel ugly, but he feels a little stronger than before, a familiar feeling of weakness creeping up his chest. he won't amount to sanemi, ever, and these scars make him feel ugly, not strong like they usually do.
Aoi hands you the plate of food, warning you that it's hot and to be careful. you quickly brush her off and thank her as you barge into genyas room. as he prepares to cuss out the person who came in against his wishes, he calms down as he sees you and looks away. he can feel his throat get tight and his eyes gloss over. you exhale in relief but your movement remain frantic, excitedly running to him. you close the door and rush to put his food on the table next to him, placing the box you held behind you and straddling his legs carefully. you grab his face and make him look at you, and since he can't bring himself to push you away, he just holds onto your wrists tightly for support. your hair is messy and not done in its usual style as your eye bags remain prominent and your face is puffy, a telltale sign that you had just woken up. he looks at your lips and sees they're still a tad bit glossy, not allowing himself to continue to look at them. it feels like a punishment, but the feeling dies out as he looks at your cheeks and nose. your cheeks a tinged with pink, and your nose is still sun burnt from the time you'd gone to the markets together. your hands are warm against his cold skin, and he leans into your touch. you smile wide in disbelief and a few tears roll down your face. he moves his hands to wipe them as they come down , his brows furrowing. "no no no, don't cry, please.." his throat is tighter than ever and he swallows every word he was thinking of saying, he wants to cry with you. you close your eyes and hug him softly, a great contrast to your usual bone crushing one's, and feel all around him. his hand gently makes its way up to your head, and he cradled it, digging his fingers into your hair. "just-" you choke out, "you're alive. your physically here, oh my god." you pull away, although hesitantly, and take him in. he was wearing a loose patient shirt, and it gave a full view of his arms and neck. you rested your fingers on the buttons of it, and looked at him. your eyes met his, 'can i?' he nods, his eyes speak for him, 'you can do whatever you desire.'
you unbutton it he lets you see his upper body freely. you can see many fresh wounds, some bandaged and some are already scarred, his demon powers you think. he shrinks into himself as you gaze and you nod no, "you're beautiful, genya." you exhale, and push him down slowly in a means to not irritate his wounds. "i was worried sick," you cry, he continues to wipe every tear that makes its way to your chin, "when Aoi woke me up, and told me what happened, i wanted to scream," you hold his hand and lean in, "i was so pissed-" you choke, "why didn't she tell me right away? why did she wait until you were stable to tell me, i mean-" you breathe in, "what if something had happened during your treatment, and i had spent my time sleeping through it," you shake your head. "i would never forgive myself, im supposed to be with you through it all, through every second ." he nods at you, "but i'm okay." he says, and you laugh. "you're okay, yes." you sniffle as you smile but frown soon after, "they were surprised you survived. a lot of blood loss, i saw all the bloody rags outside.. i felt my heart drop to my stomach genya." he can only imagine how he'd feel if he was in your place. "im just glad the news i got of you was that you were expected wake up, and not your time of death." he takes a hand off your face and holds your hand. he hasn't smiled at all, and his gaze is distant. you move your head, and kiss his palm gently. he blushes and as his lips part in shock he shuts it when you lean into his chest. you take a second to hear his heartbeat and when you feel it's enough you kiss the spot. he debates on holding his breath or not. you slowly get up and trace the new scars, kissing them when your finger meets the end. and you do this all over his chest, stomach and arms. "i don't know how you do it," you softly say. "all these," you kiss the biggest scar, "and you still remain standing. Tanjiro told me how long you held out, i really don't think i'd ever be able to do it." you grab his arm with the most wounds and sob, "they make you look so tough," you giggle as you squeeze his bicep after noticing the muscle flex when you grabbed it, "gyomei fed you well, didn't he" he blushes and exhales a small laugh. mainly out of disbelief. you kiss all over his arm gently, and begin to give him butterfly kisses up to his neck. you begin to position yourself comfortably and rest your head in the crook of his neck to continue to give him butterfly kisses. you place your hand on his heart and he places his hand over it, not wanting you to take it off. he wraps his arm over your shoulder and pushes you closer into him as he kisses your head, letting it linger for a second more.
you both lay there for a moment before you suddenly gasp. "Genya your food!" you push yourself up too fast for his liking. you grab his food
and set everything up as you help him sit up. before you can feed anything to him he grabs your hand. "i need to apologize." he whispers, and you lean your head in confusion. "what do you mean?" you say,
"last night," he pauses, " i left you waiting." your mouth forms an 'o. "you're here now, aren't you? you were only a few hours away from me, if i had waited just a li-" he clamps his hand over your mouth, shaking his head no "you shouldn't have needed to wait, y/n" he is serious, and you know he feels guilty, he isn't being playful with you like he usually is. he takes his hand off your face "i would wait forever for you." you whisper. he silently winces and his chest tightens. "you're only a day late genya.. your here with me. better than never right?" he nods. "i forgive you, genya, but i promsie you i do not mind." you begin to grab the utensils to feed him, "were slayers, and you're a higher rank, i knew what i signed up for. it's okay." you feed him a piece of his food, and he realizes that it's true. he had nothing to worry about, your understanding nature quickly eased his worries, why was he so worried. "i forgive you, because i know you'd never do it intentionally." he nods again. "you're my happiness genya." you smile at him. "oh! one more thing." you reach behind you and the box you had, watermelon slices overtaking his vision. you smiled wide, " cut some melon up for you!" he hugs you tight, albeit suddenly, and when he pulls away he kisses you. it was a lingering kiss when he pulled away, and he takes you in, the sun rays peeking in from the blinds making you look even more beautiful than before. "i love you, and i've been wanting to tell you for a while now." he blushes and you follow in suit, " love you too.." and you hug him again, knocking the wind out of him, "oh sorry sorry! i forgot.." you say. he waves his hand 'it's okay' and you both share a laugh.
that night, you and him had danced under the moonlight right outside of the estate. not that he knew how, but he wanted to spend the night with you in any way possible, eager to be close to you. it was a sight that had made shinobu smile fondly at you both, thinking of how he could bring it up to gyomei when he sees him again. you had worn the clothing he bought you, and he spend the entire night telling you what you missed, ready to listen to what he had missed from you. it was late, but neither of you needed to wake up early the day after.
funfact! every time watermelons are in season, the old couple awaits yours and genyas return. when the summer you and genya hadn't shown up came, they had a hard time closing for the night, telling themselves you and genya had simply moved.
right before closing, Sanemi came over and bought their entire stand, cutting and giving the watermelon out with Giyuu to the village kids.
they had intially mistakened him for Genya, asking where you were, and Sanemi had to sadly explain that you and genya were no longer alive.
Since then, the couple gave flowers to Sanemi for him to place on yours and his graves, until one summer their stand was never put up.
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askyuuandco · 3 months
What would happen if you meet your friends family members? For example if you meet the First Year's moms?
Yuu: that is an easy questions because I've meet my friends families before. :D
Yuu: Deuce's mom is super cool. Ms. Delia is very kind and hard working. :D
Yuu: Ace's mom is very chatty and also very sassy. And Ace's brother likes to tease him a lot but their mom puts a stop to it.
Yuu: Trey's parents make the best desserts you'd ever see and his siblings are just as kind. X>
Yuu: Cater's family is a little revered but once you get to know them they are pleasant to be around.
Yuu:….F- Riddle's mom…His dad is okay but needs to speak up more and help his son get out of a very tough spot.
Yuu: Leona's Brother Farena is just like Cheka but an adult and much calmer but is very friendly. And his wife is also a bold queen. I can see why Leona would be jelly of his brother and family just a little bit UvU
Yuu: Ruggie has a whole Cackle of people in his family because the family is the whole village he lives in but his Grandma is a tough cookie. Never I seen an old lady bench press a grow adult until I met her. she's not soft no sir. >.>
Yuu: Jack's family is also very kind. Vibe with them well. His siblings are very sweet. Jack is tough on them but on the inside he's a great family man and great big brother to his little siblings.
Yuu: Azul's mom makes the best Italian food and his father is a highly educated man he helps me with how this worlds laws and regulations work. So I guess you can say he's my legal advisor. His half brother is.... He's okay. X>
Yuu: Jade and Floyd's parents act just like them. It's honestly very cute…and scary at the same time. Their mom acts a lot like Jade while their dad acts a whole lot like Floyd but minus the mood swings.
Yuu: Kalim's family is just as big as mine if not a lot bigger. He really is a good big brother too his sibling I'm surprised he hasn't gone nuts like I would have…Doesn't mean I don't love my siblings >v>'///
Yuu: Jamil and Najma bicker all the time but they care for each other but bully each other at the same time. Reminds me of my big brother Ash and my arguments all the time.
Yuu: Rook's mom is very strict and disciplined that it even through me for a loop while Rook's dad is laid back and charismatic like his son. His siblings are seem to be very normal people. =v=
Yuu: Epel's grandma makes the best apple pie in all of Harvest Town! Her grandson acts just like her to very spunky and strong willed she's a true icon. She even taught me how to make stuffed animals! :D
Yuu: Idia and Orthro's mom and dad act just like. Their mom is like Orthro very energetic and kind, strict at times but it's only out of love her sons, because she wants them to grow health and happy physically and emotional. While their dad acts just like Idia all be it more stoic and calm then Idia's he doesn't talk super fast or as much...or at all sometimes, but his actions speak more loudly because he'd do anything for their sons. They even treated me nicely at my stay there too. I can never thank them enough.
Yuu: Well everyone here knows who Lilia is as a person he's Easygoing, friendly, playful, a bit of a prankster, but he can get real serious when he needs to be. He's always there for his kids and even when loses patience with Malleus, Silver, or Sebek and puts his foot down he's still caring towards the boys. He's even been a great figure in my life despite both of us being chaotic balls of nature. He's like my 3rd or 5th positive male figures in my life.
Yuu: Queen Maleficia she's a very interesting person and also a very busy person. When I first meet her she reminded me so much of Malleus she was very curious about the modern realm and gets excited when she learns something new but hides it with a smug aura…yep just like Malleus but how she differs from her grandson is how her calm anger sends shivers down peoples spines. She doesn't yell or throw insults and she doesn't really need so, a flick of the wrist and your dealt with even shocked me a bit really. She's always busy and it's rare to seek an audience with her but that doesn't mean she won't drop everything for you either. She has her kind moments to especially when it's her grandson. she even treats me like her granddaughter or daughter at times. I guess I reminded her of someone. :L
Yuu: Everyone in the Zigvolt family is loud…well except for the dad and older brother. Everyone else. Your ear drums will explode if your just a normal human. I'm surprised Sebek's dad hasn't become deaf yet due to all the yelling. But minus all the yelling they are actually very kind and sweet people. Mrs. Zigvolt even told me funny baby stories of Sebek to Sebek's full dismay. They're also really talented dentist. Mr. Baul he's just like Sebek highly grumpy man but if he spends a full week with you he's nice too you. Lilia said that's a contrast from before.
Yuu: Opps I probably rambled for like an hour sorry about that. I was kind of excited to talk about the people I've in countered and the places I've been too. It's always nice to make good memories with people you care about.
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 month
Hello hello!
I hope you are doing well ^^
I want to make a request. I'm a huge Secret History Mario fan and I'm in love with the other x readers or him you did!. And uhh- To add, maybe some uh... NSFW headcanons or nsfw alphabet of him? (He just a fine sir- and when you get chance of course! ^^;;;;)
You can choose either one of these btw uvu
Or do both, I completely don't mind which you do!
Have a great day/night!
Secret History Mario Smut HC’s
Hello there! Thanks for the ask!
A fellow Secret History Mario fan. Nice seeing you here. I’m doing great thanks for asking. Also greatly appreciate the love for the fics I did of him glad you like them and hopefully you like this as well. Also I did headcanons hope you don’t mind. Hope you have a good day/night as well. ~ Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: Not Mentioned (Gender Can Be Interpreted To Whatever)
Warning: ⚠️NSFW/Smut Content Ahead: If You Are A Minor Or Uncomfortable With This Stuff Don’t Interact/Read This.⚠️
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Secret History Mario
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art by Captaincreator on Newgrounds + Banner by Ixvemimi on Pinterest
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- I feel like you probably had to convince him to do anything sexual with him. Not because he was conflicted on the idea but mostly because you know he’s a dictator. He’s too focused on trying to make sure that he has control over everyone in the kingdom. You're just surprised that managed to get him considering who he was known for. However, once you finally manage to convince him, let me tell you you’ve never met someone as kinky as him. He’s not a freak in nature but he isn’t the most vanilla person in the world. He has a set of things he’s into and uses them to his full advantages. He aint stopping till he’s satisfied with the result he has on you. He’s surprisingly really good.
- He’s probably more dominant when it comes to performing sexual acts. As I said he likes to have control over everything and it's still the same when he wants to fuck you. He likes to control every part of the experience, examples of this being when you can or can’t cum. If you're giving him a blowjob he likes to have his hand in your hair and control how fast you're going or how much of his cock is in your mouth etc. Honestly it gives this sense of weird pleasure just seeing you following what he says not questioning his actions. It turns him on a lot.
- As for his dick size I like to think he’s just a bit away from being considered above average while still maintaining some thickness to it. Just like my LDO Mario smut HC’s Secret History Mario is just another version of Mario so pretty much he’s the same size Mario is. He doesn’t really care or mind about what his dick looks like; he's too focused on making you feel good. If his dick makes you cum he’s satisfied with that.
- For masturbating I feel like he does do it but it’s on a pretty rare occasion. One of these occasions could be when he’s in the middle of his work and all of a sudden he’s thinking very impure thoughts of you and his dick decides to express his excitement which causes him to forget about his current task and forces him to sort it out. Honestly this kind of annoys him. Not at you but mostly at himself for getting distracted but if he knows it might be a while till he sees you again he just sorts himself out which gives him the same satisfaction sort of.
- Surprisingly he can kinda clingy during the time you two do it with each other. Having you close up with him, full blowing making out with you from your lips to your neck as he’s feeling up and down your body. Just think of it as some sort of foreplay as he’ preparing you for what he has in store for you to experience.
- He’s definitely into some sort of restriction/bondage. He likes seeing you tied up as he thrusts his cock inside of you making you whine out in protest. He can’t help but smirk to himself as he sees his cock going in and out of you having his hands roaming all over your body leaving nothing untouched, having a hand around your throat or even tightly gripping onto your waist so his cock can go deeper inside of you makes him so happy he can’t help but praise you for doing so well to please him.
- I feel like he also likes to have one of his cigarettes in his hand or mouth while he’s fucking you. He honestly doesn’t know why he does that’s just how he is. Maybe he has an addiction but who cares. He isn’t really seen without one so do be prepared to seem him with one as he’s fucking you and for the smell of nicotine filling the air.
- I kind of like to think he’s into brat taming. Or basically any kink when he has to punish you for being naughty. Just a warning he can be a bit rough when doing this but that’s how he thinks you will learn a lesson. He likes to have you bend over on a surface having your ass up slightly as he’s smacking your ass gently rubbing the area giving you some relief before slapping once again not stopping till you admit your wrong doings. Even when your eyes are watering and your ass is turning a lovely shade of red he continues this. He likes to be told he was right about something. It’s just some sort of pride/ego problem he has. Regardless though once he thinks you’ve had enough he does comfort you letting you recover from the pain before going into whatever he’s planning next.
- He definitely likes to have blowjobs under the desk. Sometimes he likes to invite you to his office, making you think he just wants some quality time before finding yourself on your knees sucking his cock. Honestly you don’t mind though. For some reason he finds himself getting turned on at the thought of someone possibly walking in not knowing what’s going on under the desk. He also likes to use it as some sort of stress relief for when work is getting too much for him a simple blowjob from you is enough to get rid of it for him. That as well as having you bend over the desk or sitting on the desk as he fucks you from behind or grabbing onto your waist as he fucks you.
- I also like to think he likes it when you sit on his face. Regardless of gender he likes just having you on his face making you climax from him eating you out/sucking you off. Even when you have climaxed he keeps his arms on your legs forcing you to stay in that position as he feels your body trembling on top of his. He’s practically getting himself addicted to it and makes you cum over and over again till he gets tired of it.
- He’s really into pet names whether it is in a praising way or a degrading way. It really depends on his mood. It’s sometimes unpredictable whether you’d get called a whore by him or if he praises you for doing a good job. Or even a combination of both. Calling you his little slut, his good girl/boy or whatever terms you prefer. Giving you a pet name in Italian if he’s feeling extra spicy. He likes giving you pet names.
- He’s an extreme tease but it really depends on what mood he’s in. If it’s something like in 8th point e.g. a quick blowjob. He doesn’t tease you. This might be a slight favour in himself due to the circumstance but he prefers to not waste anytime. In situations like this he has a point to reach. He wants to actually reach said point whether it's for his or your own gain. However if it’s in a situation when it’s just you and him. No one to interrupt. Nothing that’s going to happen and the two of you have all the time in the world you can bet he’s taking his time and teasing the ever living fuck out of you. In these situations he’s taking his sweet ass time feeling every point of you whether it's with his hand, mouth or cock he isn’t rushing. As long as he doesn't have any future plans in the set amount of time he has he’s planning on using every single second with you.
- When it comes to sex drive he kind of has a sort of low sex drive. Considering the things that can actually affect someone’s sex drive he smokes and isn’t really that active. Mostly sitting in a chair only getting up if he needs to (e.g. when he decided to ‘kill’ sonic for being more popular than him in the original animation). So he doesn’t find himself having sex too often but his sexual thoughts are just fine regardless of sex drive. He also can be really horny when he does decide to have sex and can actually last a few rounds.
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ogamagirl · 5 months
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there aren't a lot left, but I'm gonna answer the rest of those cat-themed asks under the cut, cause I want to uvu 💕 also an excuse to show off the full version of my new icon because I'm so so in love with this pic of us rn ;/////; (artist is oozegod!)
Tabby: Are they snuggly? Are you? If so, what are your favourite ways to cuddle?
-I am a KNOWN snuggler, I always be snugglin' =w= he's always been touchy-feely too, but in a lower key kind of way (if he's close/comfy with you there's a lot of shoulder/back patting) so it was quite easy to get him to warm up to how much I liked to snuggle and now we both love it TuT we are always touching if we're sitting on the couch together; if we're not in each other's laps/laying on each other we've got our legs crossed against each other or hands on knees or what have you, but once we're home and done for the day we're usually spooning on the couch - our heights lend themselves nicely to me being little spoon and him being big but sometimes we switch it up (gotta give my boy some lil spoon time u3u 💕)
Ginger: Who is the most intelligent? Who is the sensible one? Or do you share one braincell?
-We're both intelligent! While I was a more diligent student than him (which btw is why I befriended Maka first lmfao) he's never been dumb, just not motivated academically. Who's more sensible tends to depend on what the situation is; I think he has more situational awareness/"street smarts" than I do (he's VERY good at reading people's intentions even when they don't make them clear) but in times of heightened emotions sometimes I'm the one talking him down. But I also tend to get more worked up more easily than he does, so in those cases he's always very clear/cool-headed and helps me work through stuff! We might share one brain cell occasionally when we're excited about stuff haha x3 like music or good food...our dumb/goofy sides come out when we're hanging out with our friends as well (you wanna talk about sharing one brain cell activity, put Soul and Black*Star in a room together, when he comes over I have to run damage control loooooool), but overall we're both smart cookies =w=
Siamese: Who is chattier/louder, you or them?
-I'd say we're both fairly quiet unless we know you/are comfy with you? Volume-wise I think Soul speaks more loudly, and even if we're comfy with someone I think I probably have a higher tendency to rambling/chatting at length than he does, so it's a mix haha.
Persian: Are you a high or low maintenance couple? Who has the most rigorous grooming routine? Do you help each other?
-He's a bit higher maintenance than me when it comes to appearance/grooming, he has gel for his hair n stuff/shaves in the mornings and what not. I usually just brush my hair and teeth and I'm good lol, I don't wear makeup or much jewelry, just my scythe pendant + whatever earrings I feel like that day. Sometimes we'll brush each other's hair! 💖
Maine Coon: Are you a stay at home couple, or do you like going on trips together?
-Right now we're more stay-at-home out of necessity tbh; I'd LOVE to go on more trips with him but money....😭 so while we do love traveling/going places together, we've become quite comfy with being homebodies as well - really, as cliche as it might sound, as long as we're together we don't really care where we are TuT we like playing games/watching stuff together so there's always something to do at home, and we like going out and taking walks together too! But someday...I'd like to go so many more places with him 💖
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meltingpotimagines · 11 months
TohruKisa Sisterly Fluff
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Warnings: food
Request: "hello i've been thinking about this for a while, headcanons fluff of how tohru and kisa would be the realtion of sisters (ㅅ´ ˘ `), they are as cute as little sisters<3 , too bad there are few moments of them together :')) ksjsks that would be all, thanks uvu" - anonymous
pls these two are so precious
can you imagine them going shopping
like they're hitting some stores, trying on cute things
they def picked out cute clothes for each other
and absolutely modeled them for each other
just having so much fun
or like grocery shopping
like tohru wants to make a specific dish and kisa wanted to tag along
because lbr, the only person she likes spending time with more than tohru is hiro
and even that's barely by much
and kisa's just following her like a little duckling
dutifully grabbing anything she noticed they needed that tohru hadn't already grabbed
anything to make things easier for tohru
tohru def styles kisa's hair every chance she gets
asks kisa what style she wants or if she has no opinion then picks whatever she thinks will look cute
her hair gets put in pigtails a lot lol
matching pajamas and the coziest blankets tohru can find
they def watch princess movies with plenty of snacks
usually popcorn but i can totally see tohru baking some treats sometimes
or a lot of the times
she's just such a loving big sister
obviously we know tohru gets kisa gifts for her birthday
but can you imagine kisa looking for a present for tohru?
so dedicated
just trying her hardest to find the right gift every time
it has to be perfect for her big sis
and every time regardless of the gift tohru tears up and smothers kisa in hugs
imagine them going to an animal shelter
like to play with all the pets
and tohru loves taking kisa because she just lights up and gets so excited
moreso than during any other activity
thankfully she's not too sad when they have to leave although tohru is always tempted to get a cat
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auburnitzy · 1 year
Behold !! My...very not impressive creation-
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I lost their edited version so I had to start from scratch ! DX I left out some details so you could do whatever you want with them. I just came with the ref: Juliet 'JuJu'/Qi Guiying/齐桂英 Age: Something younger than Haoran and Mingxia- Height: 4,9 to 5,3 feet Pangender She/He/They (Normally just goes by she-) Personality: Baby of the family :) But they are very capable of flipping the switch between being a closeted introvert…and dramatic extrovert. One minute they are playing pranks with Mingxia and the next, they are just rolling their eyes when following Haoran’s rules. Their emotions are a hit or miss depending on the mood and as long as she is having fun, it won’t be ending in a mess. They just want a fun time. She loves the drama…unless its the kind that gets in HER biz >:( Also independent and doesn't take crap from anybody lest they get beaten up.
Fun Facts:
- Loves ALL kinds of strawberry-flavoured foods ! They’ll go rabid trying to get one ! Strawberries by themselves are…meh to them.
- Their powers are similar to both Nawa and MK’s. Being a perfect mix of them, inheriting half of each of their powers makes a little sense.
-Has a big thing for music. They enjoy Jazz, Rock and a bit of traditional music. And a bit of a singer and dancer- -Mix of Monkey and Bakunawa ! Hence the ears and fins-
-In school, their appearance on the outside does tend to get the wrong kind of attention. Kids will be kids and make fun of others for strange features so…they get bullied. But their siblings always come to help in the end !
-Don’t bite….They’ll bite back.
Voice: Ivy Pepper from Lackadaisy (If you don't know it, go check it out because it is sick !)
Theme Song: The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives. (And that wraps it ! My Auburnitzy OC ! I left a lot of details somewhat out so that you could add anything you want ! Because my babu, is your babu UvU I hope you enjoy this if you can Nitzy !)
SHE'S SO ADORABLE!! >o< 🌸💟💗✨️✨️✨️
Thank you for sending her to me AAAAAA- her and mingxia would get along (only sometimes tho!!)
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fearcrowz · 6 months
Um, random question but what would each of the gravekeepers of Knell like as a physical gift? Each of them of course just, i see a lot of patient questions and I love the hospital but I didn't see too many for the ones outside the hospital.
Thank you for asking about them! I like blabbin' about those weirdos too hehe.
I know Ingram and Charnel would like gifts. They aren't human and never were human so they take human kindness differently. A new pipe or even a new coat since his is tattered would be lovely for Ingram uvu
Charnel likes just about anything. His heads have all the same and different cycling personalities, so a lot of different likes and dislikes between them all. They love to sew though, anything that keeps their many hands busy! They are really crafty.
Fear Meister is indifferent to most things, so no particular likes. He accepts anything really. He's just happy to be here lol
As for Blagden, he is a bit similar to Fear. He does like to read though, so maybe a book. He likes non-fiction history sorta books. He has more humanity than the others, so he does try and find little things to cure boredom. So a book would be delightful for him!
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Curiousity wise about the monster au w/human Yuu ( is it okay to place them as female in this? )
And let's say monster have a courting ritual and try to court the only human at the school as their potential mate and the human is very confused of what is going on and asked Crowley about the situation since sutch thing only exsited in the animal kingdom base of similarities
( like birds made nest out if colorful arrangements, showing off their hunting skills, dance, music, and stalking in some )
WARNINGS: None. She/her pronouns used per user’s request, BUT this situation can apply to any gender in general. If anyone wants me to do a gender-neutral variation or has an idea similar to it, please submit an ask! And if I need to tag a specific way please let me know and I'll do so. Thank you!
So first off, yes, it’s okay to place Yuu as a female in this ask! I would like to go on the record and state that these boys will use the same courting rituals if you’re male or non-binary (or identify as a specific gender. These boys will love you for being your wonderful self~ 💞)! Like the gay penguins and other animals in the animal kingdom, these monsters want what the heart wants. UvU
Now, as for the courting rituals, a lot of them are indeed closely tied to the behaviors of the animals they closely resemble. They still go through the typical dating phase to get to know each other better, but these courting rituals essentially help gauge interest unless they get a clear “no” (usually after the person of their affections gets bored of watching the performance, which is respected by the monsters).
Though can you imagine any of the monster boys dancing like Toothless as a courting ritual? X’DDD
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Anyway, now let’s say our resident human had won the affections of her classmates, and they may start off small with their courting to gauge interest. It’s not until they (and yes, this will include mob students as well) start behaving very oddly that Yuu finally notices that something is off:
Rook doing aerial feats to impress (including pulling up at the last second after diving towards the ground). Vil looks more beautiful than usual with his hair braided with flowers and gemstones. Idia building a nest filled with objects and fabrics of Yuu’s favorite color(s) and her favorite things. Cater gathering shiny objects into a collage with his favorite pictures with him and her together and even serenading them. Kalim gifting more than usual and being super affectionate (or more so than usual). Jamil dancing in a way that makes his scales shimmer and shine in the light.
Even Riddle has begun headbutting other students and standing his ground!
So baffling was everyone’s behavior that Yuu walked right up to Crowley to ask what was going on and describing what they’d been seeing lately.
Cue Crowley caught trying to spit out his tea and inhale at the same time in shock. RIP the poor lungs. Ú.Ù/)
He (eventually) manages to regain speaking privileges, and he awkwardly explains that the students were trying to court Yuu as a potential partner. While he contacts the rest of the staff to discuss this situation, he tells Yuu to speak with the researchers to gain a better understanding of the meanings behind the courting rituals (though he absolutely stresses to Yuu that she shouldn’t let the researchers pressure her into accepting the offers in the name of scientific research. After all, it’s her choice if she wishes to pursue a mutual love interest, not theirs!).
In the end, it’s entirely up to Yuu to decide if she has an interest in any specific NRC boy, learning more about the boy’s species and has to tell the others she’s not interested. How long the dating period goes after all the shenanigans are said and done though is up to you!
Just know that there's going to be an extra clingy chimera who demands Yuu's attention once it's no longer on him 🤣
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inky-thoughts · 2 years
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have a sketch of Gou and a happy new year!
I rarely draw him although he actually has quite a central role in Heirs to the Crown and I love him a lot, so I'll try to be better about that! He has a heart of gold and is a cheeky little flirt, so he hits all my soft spots uvu
He's a childhood friend of Mae and I greatly enjoy their dynamic, they kinda kindle a fire within each other that makes them really enthusiastic and geeky, it's really cute! He also has an older twin sister, Kou (I draw her a little more ofteb but also way too rarely)
He's from a colder region than Endres which is much more mountainous and forested so it was fun to play a little bit with clothing conventions in his design and where they differ to the capital.
Hope you enjoy this little doodle!
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steel-and-fire · 1 year
WHAT IS YOUR OTP FOR YOUR CHARACTER(S)?  I don't really have one anymore, honestly. Everyone is more than welcome to try to win this big boy's heart~
HOW LARGE DOES THE AGE GAP HAVE TO BE TO MAKE IT UNCOMFORTABLE?  I don't really mind, as long as they fit and are comfortable with each other. Igris is a vastaya, time has very little meaning to him. so not reaaally. I won't stop him from being with someone he loves and is loved by and...as long as there is mental and physical maturity of course, time and age is not an issue whatsoever for him.
HOW FAR DO STEAMY MOMENTS HAVE TO GO BEFORE THEY ARE CONSIDERED NSFW?  Honestly, the moment the scene becomes clearly erotic. Even kissing could be described in an erotic way, and thats honestly it.
ARE YOU SELECTIVE WHEN SHIPPING? Yea, honestly, not gonna lie. Not as in, i have very few characters i would like to see him with, but more so, it will take a lot to win him over for real. Sleeping with Igris is not that hard, he believes in fun, in company, in friends sharing and helping(?). But to reach further than his huge sexy muscle chest and to his heart?...That's tough. That will take patience.
WHO ARE OTHER CHARACTERS YOU SHIP YOUR CHARACTER WITH?  Noone specific...i got a nice ship building slowly with @nameaprice's Sivir, and a few other flirts are happening, but i really dont ship him with anyone before the interaction happens. Igris chooses who he loves, i don't choose for him.
DOES ONE HAVE TO ASK TO SHIP WITH YOU?  I would say yes, if they want to take this direction, but i would give them the same warnings. Win his heart, it's in your character's hand, not mine. And it will take time and effort, so.... Even if you dont ask me, if it happens during our rps, you'll know im okay with it. Heh.
ARE YOU SHIP-OBSESSED OR SHIP MORE-OR-LESS?  I freaking love shipping. im a freaking ship whore. I guess ive had such good ships over the years that ive become spoiled, i want that good shit, but holy fuck i love ships.
WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE SHIP IN YOUR CURRENT FANDOM? I guess IgrisXSivir since it's the only one i really can call becoming a ship right now, so it's unfair, but its really cute so far uvu
FINALLY, HOW DOES ONE SHIP WITH YOU?  Win this mofos heart, it's him you gotta win not me. I mean im single, but honestly im tougher than Igris on that, you got more chances with him, kek.
Tagged By: @witchcraftandburialdirt
Tagging: @thornicidxs, @bells-of-black-sunday, @ablankmask, @nameaprice, @duchess-scryer, @green-x-reaper, @redlips-blooddrops-deux, @the-expatriate and whoever wants yo, cant tag you all too many lovelies Dx
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monstarparker · 11 months
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Soooo… I drew Caz's and my ocs like they're from the Lisa Frankenstein trailer. I am really hoping it’s gonna be good, mostly because Caz is also interested in it and they don’t usually go for romcoms. The trailer really makes the lead look like she’s as unwell/fangirl as one of my ocs and I had to insert them into some scenes. First photos reminded me SO MUCH of *sparkle sparkle* the night they first met (see oc lore below break). Third photo is just so cute and feels a bit Morticia and Gomez. I have no idea what the actors have in their hands, since I think they censored it out, but Caz says it’s just too dark and not censored. Either way, might redraw that later when I know what the thing is, but I’ll also have more content by then soooo might be drawing more stuff from the movie. 
Phe (my little goth bitch) and Wolf (Caz’s big beefcake guy) are super indulgent characters who lean into the ‘tragic af backstories’ some ocs have. Caz has made a big post about Wolf, so check that out. uvu Phe isn’t the usual ‘my parents died and then I suffered more’, but I really haven’t thought about his parents in the first place. That’s probably because he’s not concerned about his parents, but they’re probably either pretty normal or absent. Either way, Phe is seen as ‘weird/outcasted/othered/etc’ by his peers because of the way he dresses and the fact that he really doesn’t talk or interact with anyone but his one friend. 
Phe’s gay (not out in the small community because ya know) and saw some horror movies. Fell in love with the genre and then the misunderstood murders in the horror/slasher movies. One day, he found a spell to sacrifice himself to a demon in hopes that he could get a hot demon boyfriend. The issue is, he succeeded in the ritual, but the demon didn’t want to be in a relationship and Phe talked their ear off to the point that they thought he was too annoying to even want his soul. Tragic. So they cursed him to be unable to die, since they didn’t want him coming back to annoy them for eternity. Sorta the Soldier and Death vibes. This, of course, is an advantage for Phe later on, but gimme a second.
One day Phe is dragged by his only friend, who hopes to become more ‘normal’, to a late night party in the middle of the woods. All the college kids are drinking, there’s a campfire, music, lots of people making out. Classic horror movie setting. Phe is bored out of his mind and he wanders off, only to be cornered by some of the jocks. They start interrogating him on why he dresses like that, why he’s quiet, why he’s so rude, etc. Though Phe tries to just leave, they keep bothering him and grab him and push him to force him to stay. 
Then an unintentional savior, Wolf, comes in and starts killing people for being too close to his house and too noisy. (Don’t worry, his friend is fine.) Phe has a religious experience and falls in love at first sight. He’s stunned silent and gets murdered by Wolf on accident since he had to scare the guy by saying 'hi'. Thankfully, he's only murdered for a few hours thanks to that curse. Phe comes back, ignores all the destruction Wolf caused and the fact that he got murdered. Wolf actually buried him and gives him his first bouquet ;v; 'tis meant to be. Phe goes back to his house to clean up and get cute, so he can go find his new boyfriend. Stupidity ensues and eventually Wolf learns to tolerate and then love Phe. Phe also gets to actually love Wolf instead of just fanboying over him and they get to understand each other more. It’s cute, but ya know gory.
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tvrningout-a · 1 year
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hmm the dash is slow and it would appear i'm back on my romance mess so have a few plots for chiyo bc i have her on the brain so much these days <3 and you can consider this a plotting call -- if you like this post, i'll message you and we can discuss one of these plots!
friends to lovers to exes to strangers and maybe right back to friends to lovers bc chiyo had a boyfriend in high school whose heart she broke ( she loved him but wasn't in love with him ), and he moved away so! they never really got to patch things up or keep in contact. perhaps they meet as adults bc of school or work, a well-meaning friend sets them up, etc. i just love!! the idea this kind of dynamic bc i feel like there would be a ton to explore development-wise. why didn't it work out the first time, and why might it work out this time? how have they changed? stuff like that uvu
what if chiyo had a crush on your muse when she was younger, and instead of ever approaching your muse like a normal person, she based the main love interest of her one shot manga off of them :) what if they didn’t find out until years later when she’s a big shot mangaka and they lead separate lives :) what if they both have unresolved feelings and maybe circumstances aren’t ideal for either of them to date :) and what if your muse confronts her about it anyway :) what if :))))))
chiyo going on a date to appease her friend? okay, she can do that as much as she hates the idea. chiyo going on another date bc the person was so nice and she felt too bad to turn them down or ghost them?? yep, but she'll really put an end to things after this date! except maybe the person is so lovely that chiyo really starts to develop feelings, but then they try to kiss her and she shies away and now they're sad and confused with her behavior but so is she :((( loving isn't easy when you have the emotional bravery of a mouse
any soulmate au you could think of bc chiyo probably thought she'd never meet hers/they didn't really exist/etc. and is so very skeptical of them when they do meet! just bc they're supposed to be " destined " to love each other doesn't mean it's destined to work out and chiyo will honestly tell them that. i think she'll generally be more honest ( to an extent ) with her soulmate bc? well, the situation kinda calls for it. she can't just be agreeable and nice when she isn't keen on diving headfirst into a relationship with them.
and tbh i'm just a sucker for plots with a lot of build up and/or that force chiyo out of her comfort zone, so if you have an idea that isn't listed here and you wanna write it with chiyo, gimme gimme <3
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crehador · 1 year
Is it alright to ask for Rijyu hc’s?(I love the idea of horse-kun third wheeling the hell outta them, ESPECIALLY after they get together UvU)
personally i like to imagine rijyu as a somewhat "boring" couple, though really i just mean soothing and untumultuous without a lot of drama in their relationship (so "boring" but in a good way)
and i think a lot of my hcs of them as a couple are shaped by them as individuals, because they strike me as partners who would gladly be shaped by each other
like hc that rio is just more comfortable out in the woods, so when they look for a place together they look for a place closer to or in nature (but compromise by getting an actual house and not living out of tents forever)
before they move in together hc that rio is only really comfortable sleeping in the city if he's at jyuto's apartment, he's too on edge to fall asleep anywhere else
hc that they do forever go on a lot of camping trips together because rio loves them, even if they aren't jyuto's favorite thing
as for jyuto i see him as potentially a bit of a workaholic, who has to always be reminded to take breaks (though tbh i also hc rio not being the best at keeping track of time like he could be off on a solo camping trip and just not notice that five days have passed, so they need to really both hold each other accountable for like... actually remembering to see each other and civilization lol)
anyway so basically!! hc that sometimes they just don't see each other for a while, either because jyuto is busy or rio is hyperfixating on something in the woods or both, but when they do they are so lovey-lovey and go on a bunch of unexpectedly classy dates
like coffee shops hipster bars museums art galleries the aquarium, and shopping once in a while (have always loved the hc that jyuto is very fashionable and chooses a lot of rio's outfits and the one time rio was left to his own devices he went full avocado smh) but always making sure to go when there aren't huge crowds because rio's not the biggest fan of crowds
samatoki definitely hangs around a lot lol in part because ichiro is like 85% of his impulse control so if ichiro is busy he needs babysitting but also in part because ofc they are family! nakama!! so i don't think rijyu getting together changes that, and despite all the sibling-esque bickering imo they get along well and are one of the most ride or die divisions (though okay i say that about like literally every division lmao they are all ride or die to me)
this is getting long and unorganized so i'll stop soon lol
basically my tl;dr rijyu hc is they are battle couple* by day and soft comfy reading long novels and cuddling on the couch by night type of couple
*like if one of them were hurt the other would absolutely lose his entire shit and probably do at least one murder let's be honest
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