#i love dorian's romance as much as the next guy
adoribullpavus · 10 months
unpopular opinion: dorian is to a f!inquisitor what varric was to hawke
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An Annotated Dorian/Iron Bull rec list
for my bestie @hubristicfool who will not let me forget that I said I'd make one, and also for myself so I remember what I like, and also you, random reader, if you want to take a peek, but again, mostly for my very annoying best friend hey at least they all aren't incredibly long.
More to be added, but the website keeps crashing while I make this post and jesus christ I don't want to redo this
No chaos in the world by Nele (75k)
“No Qunari would accept a Tevinter mage so easily... unless it was a ruse. When should I expect a knife in the back?” It was a ruse, at least in the beginning.
On this, my most recent Dorian/Iron Bull kick, this is THEE fic for the pairing. It's got everything--slow burn, enemies to friends with benefits to lovers, Bull POV, Qun shit, Feelings but also Lying but also Lying to Yourself About Your Feelings???, angst, a sideplot dealing with Dorian and Alexius that I consider canonical now. Just very good. Currently my favorite fic.
Returns by taispeantas_laethuil (32k)
The Inquisitor's father comes for an unexpected visit.
What if Dorian was the Inquisitor? It's also one of the only fics I've seen that truly grapples with Dorian's complicity with slavery. This fic has a lot of ideas in it and they come together very well.
and you thought the lions were bad by PersonalSpin (20k)
Bull's pretty sure getting held captive by blood mages wasn't supposed to involve getting to know the guy in the other cell. Promising to get Dorian out of there was easy; the hard part was keeping Dorian alive.
hey you little freak, do you like it when characters you like have a bad time??? me too! Bull POV of Bull getting captured by evil mages and meeting his next door cellmate who is somehow having an even worse time.
Thin Walls Make Good Neighbors by WritingEmi (13k)
Iron Bull, new to Ferelden, moves into the apartment next to Dorian's. And Dorian, who arrived in Ferelden just two years ago, doesn't sympathize at all with his new neighbor and his struggles, not in the slightest bit. Or, Dorian secretly goes out of his way to make Iron Bull's life a little easier.
A go-to comfort read fic for me. Fluffy fluffy fluff with enough angst sprinkled in to keep the fluff a-coming.
Muffin Tops by some mysterious stranger ooooh (16k)
Bull owns a bakery. Dorian owns an art gallery. 100% pure, tooth-rotting fluff.
My other go-to comfort read. The author isn't wrong, this shit is PURE fluff. I don't like pure fluff in canon era, but I eat it up in modern AUs.
Anonymous by PeriPeriwinkle (6.9k)
It starts like this: Dorian, 28 years old, single and lonely. And also terribly horny. So he goes to a BDSM club that his friend Mae frequents, because what's the harm in enjoying some quick, fun, anonymous sexy times?
Speaking of modern au fluff. Hot, sweet, and I love the writing.
The Inquisitor's father comes for an unexpected visit.
Nothing to Regret by WritingEmi (44k words)
Dorian, still reeling from rejection by the Inquisitor, tries to find out about the truth of what happened to his friends in Redcliffe. The Iron Bull, at least, is a good distraction through the long period of waiting and Dorian believes he now knows better than to let emotions get involved with it all.
I fuckin love stories where Dorian and Iron Bull get together after one of them (but let's be real, it's always Dorian) is pining for someone else. This one is from Dorian's POV and makes wonderful use of my favorite thing single POV fics do--letting the readers know how much the other half of the couple is into the narrator while the narrator is completely unaware. Delightful. A little chef's kiss. Plus enough plot to keep you busy.
By a Law Divine by musiquetta (30k)
The Iron Bull and Dorian have been a 'thing' for a few months when the Inquisitor and Cassandra end their tumultuous romance. Technically, this has nothing to do with Dorian and Bull, except that Bull had always suspected that Dorian had been a little broken-hearted over Trevelyan not doing anything about the little flirt he had with the Tevinter mage.
And thus one majorly upset Inquisitor, a definitely not jealous Tal-Vashoth and a Tevinter mage caught in between all set off on a trip to Crestwood.
That can't possibly go wrong.
Similar concept to the one above, except this one Dorian and Bull are in an established relationship and there's alternating POV, which I also very much love. The misunderstandings in this one are delightfully sloppy and high emotion, and I really like Dorian's relationship with the Inquisitor.
in the future, when we fell in love by homsantoft (tofsla) (12k)
Dorian and the Inquisitor spend a lot longer than a few hours displaced in time by Alexius' magic. Working through all of the consequences takes even longer.
Time travel and pining for a person who is the same person as the person you love but not the same person. A two person love triangle. Author does a good job of balancing two time periods at once as well.
The Years Between by homsantoft (tofsla) (8k)
Dorian returns to Tevinter, and makes no promises when he goes. If there's a Qunari mercenary he desperately didn't want to leave behind, well, what good would saying so have done?
Mutual pining, between the end of the main game and the beginning of Trespasser.
Writing up a little thing for each of these fics about why I like them has made me realize the sheer extent of my love for mutual pining for someone you're in an established relationship with. Anyway, this one is more of that and very good at it.
honey we're the big door prize by sabinelagrande (3.6k)
The blood magic didn't quite work, but it did enough damage to matter. And then, out of nowhere, things go right.
Hey look, a short one! Funny, a little sad, and pretty hot.
T is for Tal-Vashoth by sabinelagrande (4.8k)
A group of qunari seek refuge at Skyhold, and Dorian's life gets wildly out of hand.
Hey look, another short one! I'm gonna do a little slew of little shorties down here for you, my annoying best friend, and I'm also going to aim this annotation directly at you: unfortunately, this very cute fic does feature your greatest enemy, aka small children. And it's adorable.
grope blindly towards happiness by sabinelagrande huh I'm beginning to think I maybe like this author (2.7k)
Dorian's life is full of choices. He might prefer that it not be.
Another good classic "hey what the fuck are we to each other" fic.
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leoremin · 5 months
I just finished watching the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen...and I have...thoughts (along with some bad grammar)
This is an overall negative post, so if you don't like that keep scrolling. If you like this movie, go ahead and scroll on past if you don't want to read this. If you want to debate me, then hell, go ahead, I might be wrong in some areas and I'm fully willing to admit that. I'd love to see anyone's take on this movie.
To say real quick, I haven't finished reading Dracula (over 1/2 through tho), Sherlock Holmes, 4 billion leagues under the sea, and a few others.
(last note: I am not against retellings or that stuff, I'm just rating it on MY OPINION of these little guys and all that stuff. This is depending on how much I like them from just a writers sense.)
Tbh I really love the idea of crossovers, I love so much seeing the babies all together (I am working on a crossover myself so...) but I feel like this one was just...mediocre
First up Jekyll!
Number one, assuming this takes place after the novella, that is not how HJ7 works. Jekyll turning back into Hyde is not right then. At that point, Henry would be living on a timer rather than Hyde.
Also Jekyll is a doctor, he acts like the fucking wimpy Swiss man from Frankenstein. Jekyll is meant to be a (mentally) strong man who experimented on himself and kept good notes during the whole thing. He is a doctor; he is used to seeing some shit.
Also...why would you make Hyde look like that? One of the few clear physical descriptions in the book is that Hyde is much shorter than Jekyll, but he's...hulkish. I don't like that because it takes the monstrosity away, pinning it all on looks and not on action.
Also why Paris? Why did Hyde run to Paris? There wasn't really a reason for him to do that in a writing sense.
Upside: At least he continues to run on rooftops. All Hydes run on rooftops; it is not optional.
Next on the Chopping block is Dorian.
For a moment there, I really thought they ruined Dorian, but hell yeah! They kinda did it!
I wish they'd had another actor to play him, since the dark hair makes him look a little malicious, which is quite the opposite of what he's supposed to look like. He's supposed to be a child-like and innocent; deceiving.
Also...what the fuck was his ending?? Like he doesn't perish if he looks at the portrait. It literally says earlier that "the last time [he] looked at the picture" which literally contradicts what happens later. He can look at the picture, but chooses not to.
I am glad they decided to not have him redeem himself. That fits a little closer to the book.
For Mina!
Quick thing: I have not yet finished reading Dracula, so I have no clue what's happening there or why she's the vampire (please don't spoil it) so I won't say anything on that (cough cough...should've been Carmilla)
I don't like making women the sole love interest. It feels weird. Literally three people liked her (well only 2, Dorian was pretending) out of five. Make it interesting, make it something someone would ship...there is literally no chemistry between any of them (except Dorian, and we don't even get a proper "oh yeah I hooked up with him" moment. It's only implied. When did that happen???). Also, Mina isn't that kind of person. She's (in book) not looking for romance in that sense, she had a husband, and I'm pretty sure she'd probably stay faithful to him even after death.
Speaking of Chemistry, why tf is she a chemist? Jekyll should've been the chemist. Mina is literally known for being able to write in shorthand, and they could've used that to her advantage. Again, please excuse this if somehow Mina does become a scientist after Dracula, but considering people's views on women in that time period, it's unlikely.
I think that's his name...idk. I have not read the Invisible Man, but why would they kill off Griffin? Like Jekyll dies, but he doesn't have a replacement. I can't say much since I haven't read the book.
I think that's all.
Thank you coming to my Little Leo lecture, and I hope anyone reading agrees, or can hopefully handle this as a mature adult. If you have other thoughts on this movie (whether they agree with mine or not) go ahead and share them, I'd be thrilled.
I may update this as I have things to say, but idk.
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veatomis · 3 months
HI BESTIE <3333 gimme 6, 11, 13 & 16 for the veilguard asks <3 and 2. for fun
love to be in a dragon age yapping era with you bestie <3
2. Which Dragon Age game is your favorite so far?
..... Inquisition alright. it's inquisition. I believe it's objectively the worst game of all three and yet... the concept of a forced chosen one, the entire business with the anchor, dorian pavus..... they speak to me in ways that are detrimental to my health <3
6. Do you have your Rook(s) planned out to any degree? If so, would you share some details or ideas you have?
Yes you already know a bit about this <3 The main things i have in mind are mage rook, gay guy adjacent, most likely city elf but depending on the options i could be convinced to go for yet another dalish protagonist, joint lucanis/davrin romancer and the thing i'm most conflicted about right now is their faction. Antivan crow would work so well with lucanis' whole thing + my idea of making rook some flavor of hispanic but being from the shadow dragons or the mourn watch looks really cool and i think would fit better a mage rook. We'll see what i end up going for.
11. What's one thing you'd really like to see in this next game?
I need so much from this game but tied for number 1 is solas being irrevocably a villain. he needs to be doing bad shit the entire game so that a potential path to redemption is extremely arduous for him AND i also need an inquisitor/solas confrontation i need it i need it i need it. i need arihs to wreck his shit i need arihs to be able to call him a hypocrite to his face i need solas to look like a kicked puppy because one of the closest people to him absolutely hates his guts and can't stand to be near him. i need everything they didn't give me in trespasser. i need arihs to discuss IN DETAIL how much the anchor and losing an arm fucked with him. i need solas to feel TRUE remorse for someone and something other than elvhenan. i need him to see the tangible ways in which his decisions have hurt people in THIS current time.
13. What's one thing you've seen confirmed so far that you're a fan of?
I'm already obsessed with the places we'll get to see, I'm going to have so much fun exploring the nevarran necropolis and minrathous and arlathan. I also love that we'll get to see two of the other evanuris, i just hope that they're not mindless beasts or villains like corypheus, if they end up casting doubts on solas' story and they are somewhat compassionate characters too I will love this game forever and ever.
16. What's one crack theory you subscribe to (yours or someone else's)?
This isn't necessarily dav related because it hasn't been confirmed if the other evanuris is June but this is me manifesting <3 In my heart of hearts i know June is actually a decent guy <3 he's the god we know the least about because in my mind he just didn't fuck that much with the rest of the evanuris and he did his own thing. i also know he and solas have crazy beef. i know they hate each other's guts i know it.
ask me things about veilguard <3
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, day 9
I’m so normal about this chapter set you guys
Ch 52
"Not yet," he said roughly, his own breathing uneven. "Not now.”
Rowan you TEASE. How dare you.
Please, my crops, they’re so dry. Please. Chomp down on her neck. Mark her up, be a beast, I know you want to do it, SO DO IT! You think Aedion has never heard the sound of people having sex in the next room?!? It’s fine! He’s a big boy, he’ll get over it!
You can be as loud as the hell you want when you’re making love, don’t let the neighbors stop you from having fun; they’ll have peace and quiet when you’re good and done.
Ch 53
(SJM: hey are you turned on? Excited to read a chapter about Rowan and Aelin dancing around the idea of maybe potentially consummating?)
(Me: yeah yeah gimme gimme!)
(SJM: *writes about Dorian filled with doom and gloom and sorrow instead*)
(Me: *sigh*)
Who edited this. Who let her get away with this. I need to know where to send the bill for my whiplash.
Ch 54
Heyyyy well this is a surprise
Kaltain beat back the demon
(With fire) (mmmm)(sounds good I’m pretty sure we can muster some fire)
Good job Kaltain, can you tell our baby boy Dorian!
Ch 55
Lysandra god damn it
How dare you get kidnapped, my crops are turning to dust in the field and I’m so thirsty, I can’t be concerned for you right now
You better not be about to be killed violently like Nehemia
(I can’t keep going through all this intensity) (I CAN’T)(my feelings are all over the place)(what is even going ON)
Ch 56
I feel like I am actually being pranked right now
There is no way
There is no way she can keep getting away with this
Is the next chapter going to be another sad Dorian chapter, SMH
how much longer can these two possibly hold out! Another temptation and another postponement… yeesh
Ch 57
I’m getting so sick of all the war and high stakes stuff happening in this book
Like genuinely I can tell this is important and I should care about what’s going on right now and yet, HEAD EMPTY, DON’T CARE
Ch 58
I care a little bit
It made me kinda excited when Dorian managed to talk in his own voice, Dorian, what the hell have you been waiting for? The right moment when Aelin happened to be watching?
Is grandmother Matron fucking the king?
Probably not, since he has a wife
I just want to see Manon eat everybody, actually
Ch 59
My how the turn tables, CHAOL WANTS TO KILL DORIAN NOW
Chaol, are you fucking kidding me? This whole time you have been the only one holding onto hope
How could you let your hopes die now? Don’t you believe in good triumphing over evil? Weren’t you fighting for a better world, for humanity or whatever? What happened, Chaol? I thought you were on my side.
I thought we were doofuses together
Don’t leave me here to be a doofus by myself
I find Manon so sexy especially how she just effortlessly holds Chaol captive. I still think Baba Yellowlegs is the silliest name for any villain, it just rolls off the tongue in such a funny way. Shouldn’t Manon be glad that Baba Yellowlegs died, though? I mean maybe it’s bad when a witch dies because they’re so strong, but the fact that she died is what caused her and the other clans to join together and rival for a new Wing Leader, sooooo actually, Aelin did you a service, baby. If you look at the bright side. If you are capable of looking at the bright side.
Yeah! fight each other
Ch 60
“If he had been one inch farther behind, it would have hit his heart.”
Aw shit be careful Rowan! You can’t be out here getting mortally wounded! I am so sick of it! Get your act together, what do you think this is, an action novel? NO, dummy, it’s a steamy romance, I don’t have time for your bleeding heart heroics! Literally!
The Manon x Aelin fight is pretty hot actually
I am here for it
Guys this chapter set gave me hell
It wasn’t a very LONG set but boy was it hard for me to pay attention lmao, and I KNEW, I KNEW the stuff happening after the Rowaelin tease was important but I was like what the actual fuck is this! Get back in bed! No! I hate myself - I hate everything!
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spikeinthepunch · 1 year
i dont mean to reminisce on DAI/DA in general so much rn as some kinda jab to bg3, just nostalgic and there arent many high fantasy rpg (or any rpgs) that have details branching relationships. i am super biased for Dorian but thats because his romance was SO good imo. and again, it was unique for not falling into the often bland 'everyone is bi just because'.
but rn after getting to the first major stage of Astarion's relationship i think i can also agree w those who are saying the romances seem less romance and more sex. and i love sex, i want to fuck these guys a lot, really. but its the fact *everyone* is like that. they ask on the end of act 1 if you want to fuck anyone, and everyone has the option to. and thats cool sometimes but lets be serious, its not realistic and it kinda takes weight off of some characters if they all wanna fuck with barely knowing you. you get next to no options to converse with them in detail through the first act. especially in Astarion's case, i didnt get anymore options until he bit me, and even that was not long before closing act 1. it is def harder to get higher approval with some characters just in act one. but even prior i somehow got Lae zel high enough she was eager to fuck just because i killed some people. and she was hardly in my party at all.
like okay, i have more acts, so im sure i will learn more about Astarion but its still the fact that the first relationship anything i could do was just led by asking for sex? regardless of my stance on sex (and i love it), i want variety. and variety can't just be their backstories, it has to be their stand on relationships, intimacy, sex, etc. if you game if going to take pride in its romances. remember DAI? remember all the stuff you could ask back at your base? questions about them that honestly had a decent amount of branches or at the very least there were a good number of topics? their impressions affecting options and story choices coming up quite often. you still had to get to know them but i felt like their approval was well paced and obvious.
not getting anything else to ask Astarion through almost all of act 1 except "what can you tell me about yourself" to which he says nothing was kinda lame. i can ask Shadowheart what she thinks of the current situation, etc... you can ask Gale a good amount about his condition. and my approval was neutral too. But even for them, there was very little you could get out of those choices anyways. and additionally with DAI not jumping right to sex, i liked how you could like... you could have small intimate interactions with them outside of the big scenes. and the pacing felt good, the story quests for them also coming in 'acts' with the overall story.
idk man, i just hope the romance storylines in bg3 pick up. i did see complaints coming from ppl before i started but i kinda wished they were exaggerated, but i care about writing and pacing so its kinda hitting me that its not wrong.
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winxngasks · 1 year
Winx Club Next-Gen AU: Andy's Kids
FINALLY!!! After working on this project here-and-there over the past 3 years, I finally finished up the last of the bios I had planned! I did not mean to take so long to get through all of these AU kiddos, but since I had both a long list and other projects + irl stuff to focus on, it took me longer than I would have liked. But, all the bios are finished now, so hopefully this means I can actually start working on some of my ideas for these guys! :3
To focus back on Andy's kids here, Andy was another character I wanted to include in the AU, but like the last couple of posts I had no particular ship in mind for him. As he is more of a minor character compared to the others, his kids will not have super big roles in the AU, but they will still have their connections to other characters. I hope you enjoy!
- The Kids:
* Dorian
. Age: 17
. Magic Title: none
. Physical Description: average height and build, short and slightly wavy brown hair, fair skin, dark brown eyes
. Bio: Oldest child and son of Andy, currently attending a regular public school in Gardenia. Though Andy never could rekindle his romance with Bloom as she stayed with Sky, he still remained good friends with her and they make it a point to spend time together whenever they can when Bloom comes back to visit Gardenia. Andy himself continued performing with his band, with them eventually becoming quite successful in the professional music industry for many years before taking a break to focus on their families. Dorian is the oldest of Andy's sons, and the one that seems to take after him the most in terms of personality. He is a friendly and sensible young man, just trying to get through school the best he can while still making time to hang out with his friends. As he has lived in Gardenia all his life he has little experience with the Magical Dimension or magical beings, but he has met Bloom's daughter, Adara, on a few occasions and is good friends with her. He is also good friends with Roxy's daughter, Grace, and Selina's twins, Ronald and Isla, but as the three are currently attending schools in the Magical Dimension he has not had the chance to speak or hang out with them in a long time. While he has a natural affinity for music like his dad and younger brother, he is not sure about pursuing a career in it in the future, as he is currently just focused on getting through the rest of high school.
* Lucas
. Age: 14
. Magic Title: none
. Physical Description: average height(shorter than his brother) with a lean build, short black hair with fluffy bangs that are dyed a dark teal color, fair skin, light brown eyes
. Bio: Youngest child and son of Andy, currently attending a regular public school in Gardenia. Lucas is seemingly a lot more confident than his older brother with a tendency to be quite brash and smug, as he has been more used to getting what he wants in life. This makes him pretty polarizing amongst his peers, as he does have a few friends but a lot of his classmates cannot seem to stand him when he starts acting out too much. When things don't go his way he gets pretty grumpy and can lash out, but he is trying to work on that as he realizes that he has to work on making his goals come true himself the more he gets older. Inspired from both his love of listening to music and his dad Andy's career as a musician, Lucas has big dreams of stardom as he wishes to be apart of how own successful rock band someday.
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Relationship History Tag Game
Tagged by @authoralexharvey! It was interesting to see a little bit of background on the cast of ASMLP's relationships (or their avoidance of them rather?). I'm sure it's manifesting in all sorts of fascinating ways during the actual story. Well, fascinating for the reader--Nadia, Etienne, and Simone might find it less entertaining.
Rules: briefly (or not) describe what kinds of intimate relationships (platonic, romantic, sexual, or otherwise) your MCs have had PRIOR TO THE BOOK STARTING. Have they had their hearts ripped out before jumping into your fluffy romance? Are they aro/ace and have never been in a long-term relationship before?
I did this for Isaac, Renato, and Dorian last time, so let's hear from Ben, Ollie, and Kinslayer next.
Yeah, yeah, laugh it up about how you could fill an encyclopedia with all the people he's slept with. But he puts just as much effort into platonic relationships as he does into screwing around. Of course he's close with Desmond, and not just because he's Ben's sire. Desmond was the role model he'd needed since his father and older brother died when he was still a kid (thanks WW I). Desmond showed him that a man could provide with more than just money. That he could fight not just for dominance or honor (whatever that is) or his own anger, but justice, love, and the protection of others. Hanging around Desmond also helped him figure out that he could check off "all of the above" when it came to which genders he was attracted to. That figurative encyclopedia started filling up pretty quick afterwards.
As for Theodore...look, they fight like cats and dogs, but Theo's all right (do not breathe a word of this, got it?). Ben wouldn't say the guy's like an older brother or anything. More like a rival. Micaela likes him anyway, and she's always had a knack for reading people.
Hell, probably because Micaela is good people. She gets a little gloomy sometimes, and maybe wanders off by herself for a decade or two, but she always goes out of her way to help everyone. She's also a crack shot with a rifle, and has a lot of guts in a quieter sort of way. He likes to just lay out by the lake with her sometimes and stare up at the stars.
Same goes with most everyone he lives with in Olympia. They drive him crazy sometimes, but that's kind of how it is with family, whether they're related by blood or not. Well, he is related to them by blood, only in the vampire way, not the--oh, hell, nevermind. You get what he means, right?
You're going to make her say it, aren't you? Fine. She loved...loves...feels something for Renato. You don't survive an apocalypse with somebody and just stop caring when you're not dating anymore, okay? Even after you've been broken up for years and you're afraid he'll do something that'll force you to kill him.
Mergus is their father. For all intents and purposes, and through magic if not genetics. They quite literally owe him their lives. So, Renato can have his little rebellion, work out whatever shit he needs to work out, but if it comes down to the two of them...she knows who she'll choose.
As for other relationships, she keeps it simple, no strings attached. Why would she want to try for anything more after she found out she could be replaced by a fucking goldfish?
They've lived a long, long, looong time, friends. So, for the sake of brevity, they're obviously not going to get around to naming everyone.
Haru gets first mention, though. They've known each other for...well, at least the better part of few hundred years, give or take. Things started out rocky, as they usually do for all their kind. But Kinslayer had grown patient enough over the centuries to not obliterate some scrappy little class three at the first annoyance. And Haru had the sense not just to realize that, but to be curious instead of mistake their disinterest in territorial pissing contests for weakness. Eventually, they took to traveling together sometimes, even settling down and having kids now and then. Haru is, in a nutshell, their partner.
While they haven't forged quite the same bonds with the other ragtag psychic vampire misfits who chose to trail along after them like ducklings at some point, Kinslayer doesn't mind them either. Well. Luxe can go piss up a rope most days. But once in awhile his mouth does come in handy for getting out of a scrape.
On the subject of their kin, if they were capable of regret, not living up to their moniker with Tristan Knox would be their biggest. But they're a mind reader, not a fortune teller. It took some time and doing, but they eventually corrected that misstep. Yessir.
Which brings them to an honorable mention for their little black sheep cousin, Renato. Despair and desperation aren't bravery maybe, but they'll do in a pinch. Kinslayer looks forward to finding out what havoc he'll cause next. And whether he'll figure out how to dig deep enough to find out what he's really made of.
No pressure tags @theimperiumchronicles @k--havok @vacantgodling @korblez @late-to-the-fandom @words-after-midnight & an open tag for anyone who wants to give this a go!
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bria-doublen-a · 2 years
Throne of Glass
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Non Spoiler Section
So this was kind of my first real introduction to fantasy. Besides Cassandra Clare, I've never read much magic realism and epic fantasy. I've always had a hard time getting into it. But as I get older, the more I'm willing to expand my horizons. Which can explain why I'm jumping on the Sarah J. Maas bandwagon so late.
This book welcomes both fantasy veterans and newbies, like myself! You'll find the world building is not overbearing and difficult to understand unlike some others I've read. Also another great accessory I found was a small glossary in the back. A pet peeve of mine is not knowing how to pronounce the names of people and places and Sarah caters to us by letting us see the pronunciations so we don't feel as completely clueless as we might feel about our characters.
Speaking of, let's talk about our protagonists! I always thought that the tough-as-nails female protagonist was overdone and pandering, but I never expected to feel so much love and empathy for Celaena Sardothien. Maas's characters are relatable and genuine, despite watching them interact in a world we know little about. I loved watching the characters speak to each other and I absolutely adored the romance. Every scene feels natural and authentic to their respective personalities.
The only complaint I had, although it's a minor thing, was that some of the chapters seemed extremely short? In the beginning, it sort of reminded me of drabble. Drabble isn't the worst style, it's just not one of my favorites. I prefer to delve into a scene and get lost in the world and shortening the experience can make it difficult for me to make an investment.
All in all, I rate this book 4 out of 5 stars!
Spoiler Section
Okay, so I don't typically like to read the synopsis on the back of books because I find that sometimes they're too revealing and I like to be completely surprised. I usually figure out what's next on my TBR based on character traits/arcs and theme. All this to say, that when I discovered that the other contestants started dropping dead, my stomach dropped. Even though I knew Celaena would make it (basic plot armor and knowing there are eight books in the series with her face on the cover), I felt the tension the entire way through! And when we found those Wyrdmarks under her bed for the first time…*shudders* I was terrified.
And Dorian! Ugh, swoon. I'm literally in love with every single ounce of this man. I don't know, something about those Daddy issues just does something to me lol. No, but really, the way that Dorian saw Celaena for who she was, not what she was made him so likeable. And the fact that he could see that long before Chaol ever could shows what kind of person he is and the man he is becoming.
I realize that this opinion is different from most readers. I find that the majority of the fanbase is head over heels for Chaol. Perhaps my thoughts will change throughout the series, but as of right now, I'm Team Dorian. Even though they broke up at the end, it had nothing to do with Dorian's character and everything to do with Celaena needing to find herself. She's never been free a day in her life and she wished to truly experience that. I can't blame her for that decision even though it literally broke me.
I'm so eager to read more. I went and bought the second book before I was even halfway through this one. What do you think guys? Should I bite the bullet and just buy all eight of them now? 'Cause I'm seriously considering it.
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nightingaletrash · 3 months
1, 2, 4, 7, 12, and 20 for the DAV asks??? (Hopefully not too many ;w;)
There's no such thing as too many!! :D
I already answered 1 and 4 in another ask, but I'll copy-paste them below a cut for you ^^
2. Which Dragon Age game is your favorite so far?
Gotta be da2, it's the game that compels me most in terms of story and characters. I love that it's a tragedy, that the ending never changes no matter what you do because you are a little guy against an overwhelming forces BUT what you do still matters - Hawke is my favourite Dragon Age protagonist and I will love them forever because they might not have power in the overarching story, but in the little things? In the everyday lives of people? Hawke matters so much, they help people and make things a little better for them, and they did their best. It's not a perfect game, but it's a game that makes me feel a lot of things, and I love that <3
7. Which character from the previous games or other media are you most hoping will make an appearance in DAV?
Isabela, Dorian, Maevaris, Fenris, Vaea, Francesca, Valta, Calpernia, Valya, ISSEYA (not in-person obvs, but I'm begging for just one mention of my aroace Warden Queen, she deserves acknowledgement), Sandal <3
(there's definitely someone I'm forgetting but these are the ones I know for sure I want to see in some fashion)
12. What's one thing you're hoping we DON'T see in this next game?
jks I know bioware won't bring him back now but I genuinely struggle to think of what I don't want because shard searching, multiplayer and micro-transactions are confirmed to be gone for Veilguard :D
20. Post a picture or gif that conveys your current level of excitement for Dragon Age: The Veilguard!
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an accurate representation of the goblin in my brain <3
1. What was the first Dragon Age game you played?
Origins!! It was back in 2014 - I'd seen some Inquisition clips and looked into the series, and decided to start right at the beginning ^^
4. What does your worldstate look like going into DAV?
This... got lengthy, but here is my canon world state for Dragon Age:
Origins: Warden was a female Human Mage who romanced Leliana; Redcliffe was saved, sided with Mages, Connor was freed from possession, Anvil was destroyed, Bhelen was crowned King, Zathrian sacrificed himself to end the curse, the Urn Sacred Ashes was preserved, all companions recruited, Alistair became a drunk, Anora was crowned as Queen alone, Warden performed the Dark Ritual (modded lol), Avernus was spared and allowed to continue experiments, Shale rediscovered their past, and Morrigan was allowed to leave through the Eluvian
2: Hawke was a female Mage who romanced Isabela; Bethany died escaping Lothering, accepted Merchant Cavril's bribe and worked for the mercenaries, protected the mages without killing Karras, sent Feynriel to the Dalish then to Tevinter, Carver became a Grey Warden, killed Bartrand, Aveline married Donnic, didn't side with Petrice, killed the Arishok, made Tallis angry, sided with Janeka and killed Larius, Varric didn't keep the idol, killed Castillon, helped Merrill leave her people peacefully and preserved the Eluvian, let Zevran go, let Keran go, turned conspirators over to Orsino, reunited Gamlen and Charade, helped Anders, killed Anders, sided with Orsino
(I also have a rogue Hawke who is the twin brother to Marian; he romanced Fenris, helped Tallis, and sided with Larius)
Inquisition: Inquisitor was a Female Elven Mage and Merciful Judge who romanced Solas; denied being Andraste's Herald, helped refugees in the Hinterlands, recruited and dissolved the Templar Order, declared for the Inquisitor, left Hawke in the Fade, recruited the Grey Wardens, Celene rules and was reunited with Briala, Dorian reconciled with father and planned to return to Tevinter, Blackwall redeemed as Rainier, Bull saved the Chargers and became Tal-Vashoth, Cassandra discovered the book and rebuilt the Seekers, Sera killed Harmond, Cole became more human, Solas freed his friend, helped Varric track the red lyrium source, Vivienne was given the heart of the snowy wyvern, Cullen did not take lyrium, Josephine and the Inquisitor did favours for the du Paraquettes, Leliana was inspired, Calpernia's past was investigated, respected the Temple Guardians, spoke to Calpernia, Inquisitor drank from the Well, Leliana became Divine Victoria; shared the truth about Ameridan, earned a legend mark from the Avvar, discovered the source of the tremors, Bull stayed loyal, redeem Solas, disbanded the Inquisition. Additionally, Inquisition forces were deployed regularly, all keeps were captured, lake rift was closed, and Sutherland's company was successful.
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roger-that-cap · 4 years
what a lovely dream it is
english major!wanda x english major!fem!reader
summary: who would have thought that wanda, the self proclaimed queen of reading science fiction, would be just as obsessed with shakespeare as you? 
warnings: one use of the word “su*cide”. shakespeare. nerds quoting lines. bad writing. (i challenged myself into writing this in an hour and a half). cringey writing (there is a difference)
word count: 4k!
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You and Wanda connected at first because you two spoke the same language from different regions. It felt like she spoke British English, and you spoke American English. You were on the same wavelength but not exactly the same individual wave, but it was as close as you had ever gotten with someone who you deemed worth your time. 
While everyone else was partying or drinking until they threw up or flaunting around bags with white powder in them, you sat with your back to the wall after studying, reading a classic, knowing that the change of her leaning against the same wall and doing the exact same thing you were was high. 
You met her in the library, on your third day at your university. You were trying to find your group of authors, your little nook where you would feel the safest in the entire school. You had stumbled right into the fantasy section, looked around for a second, and then tripped over a brown boot that was just at the start of the science fiction shelf. 
“I’m so sorry,” a woman’s voice murmured, and you just shook your head and said that it was okay, much more interested in the way that your hands suffered from the fall on the carpet than the girl. Until you looked up. 
It was everything about her that stunned you. The brown hair, the flush of her cheeks, the apologetic look in her pale blue eyes that caressed her features to sit in one beautiful and genuine expression. The moment your eyes landed on her, you swore that your heart stopped and started in the same second, and then took a run for it with all of the parts of your brain that you needed to make a coherent thought. 
 You promised yourself in that moment that you would never forget the way the woman in front of you looked. And despite seeing hundreds of more faces throughout your self-tour, you never truly did forget it. If you didn’t know any better, if you were perhaps any younger and less exposed to the cruelty of the world and fate and its way of not giving you what you wanted, you would have been certain that the universe had finally given you the contemporary meet cute that you yearned for. 
But then, you saw which aisle she was in. You looked at the books and recognized the authors just to be sure, and then you turned to look at her. “You’re into science fiction?” 
 Her apologetic look fell completely into a look of pure surprise, and then excitement, almost as if she thought that she found someone else who liked the genre she did. “Well, it’s the best genre that was ever written.” 
  “Wow, how wrong,” you found yourself saying, and somehow, you knew that the look of offense on her face was all for fun. “It’s definitely gothic literature.” The look she gave you was one that you would never forget. 
  A week later, you ran into her in the cafeteria, holding a copy of The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, your beat up one from home that you would put your life on the line for. The cover was torn up a bit and the pages were dog eared, from a time where you hadn’t discovered the way that bookmarks changed lives. It was the copy your cousin got you, and it was your favorite gift to date. 
  She was holding The Martian Chronicles. You nearly gagged. 
At first, you thought she hadn’t seen you, or hadn’t recognized you, which was even worse. You sighed under your breath and said, “at least it’s not Nineteen Eighty Four,” and watched in complete horror as she turned around. 
She locked eyes with you immediately, and her own eyes widened when she saw you, and then she grinned when she undoubtedly recognized you and your disdain for science fiction. “No, it’s even better than Nineteen Eighty Four.” 
“Anything is better than that,” you said, swallowing down your nerves at speaking to the girl again, kicking yourself for being so nervous despite not even knowing her name. 
She gave you that same “offended” look she gave you during your first interaction, and you cracked a small smile. “Um, don’t you voluntarily go into the gothic section?” 
The smile dropped. “The most valid section in the library? Sure do.” 
She smiled too, a genuine grin as she took a step forward and extended her hand. For a second, you just looked at it, the calmness that came with the discussion of literature suddenly washed away so far back into your mind that you panicked for a moment, not reaching for her hand until you saw it shake in just the slightest, like she was regretting even doing it. 
You nearly bumped your elbow on the table trying to stand up and shake her hand. Your hands connected and you grinned so wide it felt like your face had split open. You told her your name and she repeated it to make sure she had heard you loud and clear, and then, she smiled even brighter. 
“Nice to meet you, Dracula. I’m Wanda.” And that was where it started. 
As your library meetups started to become more intentional than not, you learned that not only was Wanda a student that stayed in the dorms, but the student who was next door to you. You learned that she pretty much kept to herself for the most part besides a few other people at the university, and that she kept a small circle. You learned that her favorite book was Brave New World. You learned that she would rather shy away from classic romance novels, even though you didn’t mind them, and that she hated gothic literature. You loved it. Your favorite book was The Picture of Dorian Gray, for god's sake. So, you hated each other’s favorite genres. 
  But you both loved symbolism. And you were both English majors. And for some very odd, very coincidental reason, you both met in what was nowhere near the middle- Shakespearean plays. 
  Now, that was something that you were always made fun of for as a child. No one wanted to hang out with the girl who quoted Shakespeare, especially if it wasn’t even from Romeo and Juliet. Reading normal books just made you look “smart”, but you knew that genuinely enjoying plays would make you look pretentious. So you had always kept it to yourself when you left your hometown. Until Wanda came along. 
Wanda came along, and suddenly, you found yourself quoting tragedies and getting the correct response back. Sometimes, she would even start it first. You would do nerdy things like halfway reenact scenes because even you guys weren’t that nerdy… you supposed. 
One morning, you and Wanda were in a study group (that was hardly productive because it was just Wanda’s little circle that was actually astoundingly close), and she looked over your shoulder to see your computer, where you were hardly typing an essay about the importance of the establishment of places for higher education. She put her chin against your shoulder, sat there for a minute, and then turned her head to whisper in your ear, “nothing will come of nothing.” It was embarrassing, the way your eyes lit up at hearing her voice, and even more so when Natasha, Wanda’s extremely perceptive friend, picked up on what you were feeling. The red head shot you the widest grin ever known to man. 
“C’mere, Frankenstein,” Wanda said one night, already looking over at you while you tried to finish your work for the day.
You held back the smile on your face as you sat on your bed, one leg over it while you typed. “I’m right here.” 
“No, here,” she emphasized, and then she was patting the spot on the small couch in your room, the same look in her eyes that always came with when she asked for any kind of physical contact. 
  That was by far the worst thing about Wanda, and it hardly had anything to do with her. She was touch starved, and touch was your love language. Her asking you to hold her on the couch used to mean nothing to you, because at one point, you just thought she was pretty. But now, holding her hand on top of the table while you both were submerged in your respective worlds felt like a promise ring. Letting her rest her head on your shoulder and in your neck felt like giving your vulnerability over to her, and feeling her hand rub against your back felt like she was taking it and guarding it. But you knew she didn’t feel the same way, not at all. 
She was straight. 
But it did you no good when she quoted back some of your favorite lines. It didn’t help when she said all of the romantic lines towards you at the drop of a hat, almost like she didn’t even realize what she was saying. She didn’t understand the way your heart died and was revived every time she said something like that, something that was so dear and vulnerable to you. And she certainly never would, because you would never tell her. 
Now that you thought about it, allowing yourself to fall for her was the dumbest and most destructive thing you could have ever done. The first bookworm who didn’t make fun of you for your knowledge and love of old plays was the one that took hold of your heart, and now you were paying for being such an idiot. Now you would have to sit through three more years of school with her being your friend, just your friend, while you pined over her. It was going to be hell.  
And was it. You had to sit through her saying the most romantic of Shakespearean quotes every day and act like she wasn’t making your heart shake. You had to listen to her speaking the language that you two shared and pretend that you just wanted to be her friend. You were so attached to her and everything that you two had established together, and you couldn’t ruin it by giving her googly eyes. She was way too important for that. Because now, she was way more than a person who you could talk to about old plays. She was the person that you could talk to about anything, without a doubt. Anything but the intense crush that you were harboring for her, and the way that she made your heart sing and your soul ascend whenever you smelled her perfume or saw her smile. Anything but that. 
 “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” You looked up from your book only to see Wanda looking over at you, lying down on the blanket and just watching you. You swore later on when you were alone that you imagined it, but for a moment you could have sworn that you saw a flash of adoration in her eyes. “Thou art more lovely and more temperate.” 
You were choking on the inside. Your face was blank, but your mind was going haywire, and you couldn't think of anhytnign besides holding back the urge to say something that you had no chance of taking back. “You’re in a sonnet mood today, aren’t you?” 
“And what mood are you in today, Jekyll?” 
“I’m in the mood to finish this book,” you teased, and she rolled her eyes. 
“What if I’m in the mood to sit and watch a movie?” 
“Then you should do it,” you said, going the way your heart clenched at the thought of her cutting your friendly outing short. “I’ll follow you in an hour or two.”
She gave you a look. “You know I don’t go anywhere without you.”  
“You can go watch a movie, Wands.” You sighed out, closing your book and wedging your pointer finger between the pages so that you wouldn't get lost. 
 “I’ll wait,” she said, and you shook your head at her. 
“I don’t want to hold you back from getting in time with your favorite sci fi movies.”
“Can I go forward when my heart is here?”  
You were hit with such a wave of longing that you had to shut your eyes for a moment, but it looked like it was simply a long blink. “You’re so cheesy.” 
“I want to hear one,” Wanda said, leaning on her elbows as she stared up at you, and your heart pounded. She looked celestial, glowing under the sunlight with growing grass around her and a sweet smile budding on her face. “You never quote any back to me anymore, you know?” 
You knew, for sure. It was on purpose that you didn’t quote back. If you were to continue the conversation in romantic quotes, it was going to feel way too real to you. You could handle Wanda and her touches, but you were not going to be able to handle quoting Romeo and Juliet to her. “I’m sorry,” you mumbled softly, and then you heard her make a sound with her tongue, a displeased clicking noise.
  You looked up at her and lost your breath again, and your mental footing. There she was, looking up at you with her pretty eyes, giving you a look more intense than she had ever given you before. She was… it was almost like she was waiting for something, like she knew something. She was staring up at you and leaning on her hand in a way that was so oddly domestic in your mind, and you could almost see in your mind the way that she would do that if you woke up in the same bed, like she was waiting for you to wake up and trying to memorize your face. It made you warm on the inside, and just like she always managed to do, your brain turned to mush. 
“Conscience doth make cowards of us all,” you blurt, and you saw her brows pull in for a second. You blinked. 
You were panicking on the inside. There were plenty of ways that she could have taken the quote that you had chosen, but you knew exactly what it sounded like. A half assed love confession. “You know, from Hamlet,” 
“Of course I know it’s from Hamlet, Jekyll.” She shook her head at you and sat up, crossing her legs without breaking eye contact. “But why that quote? You know so many, and you chose the one about death.” 
Unfortunately, it’s death by silence in this context, not by swords. “You said you wanted to hear a line,” you said, shrugging as you opened your book, trying to get rid of the embarrassment that you knew would stick to you for hours and hours. 
 “What a line,” she said, and then she rolled over to look up at the sky. Minutes later, you heard her sigh. “What a line.” 
Romeo + Juliet was a classic for your movie night. At first, Wanda showed it to you after you boycotted it for years, despite your male celebrity crush being one of the main characters in it. You had always avoided watching because of the modernism, but one Wanda made you sit down and watch it, you actually found good things about it. For instance, the party scene. 
  “It was done wonderfully,” Wanda would always say from beside you after your extremely predictable comment of the scene being a masterpiece. 
Like always, there were a few moments of silence as you two watched the movie together, shoulder to shoulder on the small couch in your dorm while your roommate was off getting high. You watched the rest of it in near silence, halfway focused on the movie while the other part of your mind was split in two; feeling blessed that Wanda was even there with you, soclose, and feeling cursed that she was so close but so far. It was the perfect moment to hold her close like you wanted to so badly, but the timing wasn’t right. And that killed you. 
“Do you ever think about how they fell in love so fast?” Wanda asked, and you shrugged your shoulders. “I’d say that they were encroaching on soulmate territory.” 
“Soulmates, or foolish teenagers?” 
“I hardly know of any teenagers who would die for each other, even if they thought they were in love,” Wanda pointed out, and you rolled your eyes at her. “Don’t give me that face. I’m right, and you know it.” 
“I’ll always let you believe it, sci fi.” 
“But, really, don’t you ever want something like that?” 
You turned your face from the screen and looked at her incredulously, like she had gone mad while completing the process of growing three heads. “A suicide pact?” 
She groaned and threw her head back. “No. A love like that. Take away the death and violence, and look at what they had.” 
“It bloomed too quickly to have much potential later in life,” you countered. “That was infatuation, and that never lasts long.”
“You think that they both died for infatuation?”
“I think that they were young, and it’s hard to tell the difference between love and infatuation at any age, let alone as a teenager. I think they thought they loved each other to the ends of the earth, but I guess they’ll never know.” 
“You’re so cynical. Just like a person whose favorite is gothic literature.” You laughed, leaning forward towards her without even noticing what you were doing. “Do you believe in love?” 
“Of course I do,” you answered, giving her a look. “I’m just saying, Romeo and Juliet were not in true love. They were confused.” 
Then, the playful air that the conversation was flowing on changed so quickly that you nearly got whiplash and your heart started racing. The way Wanda was looking at you sent a chill down your spine, and in that moment, you were worried. “Are you confused?” 
You took in a breath. “About what?” 
“About anything,” she said slowly, almost like she felt like she was walking on thin ice with skates on. “Books, people, love, food, sexuality,” she ignored the way that you choked, “writing a paper, how to get  a strike in bowling. Or how to realize that Romeo and Juliet were definitely in love.” 
“You’re so intent on proving that they were to me,” you said, a laugh bubbling over and into your words. “Why are you suddenly so passionate about them now?” 
“The sight of lovers feedeth those in love.” 
Your heart jumped out of your chest again, and your hands clenched into weak  fists as you tried to will yourself into not assuming that she was talking about you. And then, white hot panic struck you at the thought of her being in love with someone else. “Speak low if you speak of love.” 
“Why should I?” Wands asked, shifting from her position on the couch to put a hand under her chin and watch you, her kind eyes afire with something that you had yet to see in them yet. “Really, Jekyll. Why?”
You hardly waited a full second before responding as truthfully as you ever would. “I’m afraid.” Before she could get a word in, you shook your head and finally loosened your lips, letting all of your worries and fears slide right through your teeth. “I’m afraid that I’ve fallen in love with someone who can never love me back. I’m scared to admit that I’ve been in love with you for a long time.  I’m afraid that you aren’t into girls.” You saw her make a face, almost like she couldn't believe that you were even suggesting the things that you were. “I don’t quote Shakespeare to you anymore because it feels too real to have you say lines like that back to me. I think that I’ve latched onto you without even meaning to, and now I don’t know if I can ever let you go.” 
Wanda was silent. She was watching you, as quietly as the sun hovered over the earth while she shone her light. Your heart had never beat so fast before as you watched her watch you with a face so blank that you were sure that she hadn’t retained a damn thing that you pulled from the depths of your heart. Then, the daunting thought that she had heard and understood everything but chose not to act swallowed you whole, and your hands started to shake. You gave a humorless laugh and finally looked away from the woman who had raised your spirits and crushed them all within five minutes. “I’m sorry. I’ve ruined everything, haven’t I?” 
“I’m so sorry.” You repeated, shaking your head and closing your eyes for a second as hot tears burned in them. When they opened, a fat tear sappetered onto your hand. I’m such an idiot. You looked to the screen, and then saw Romeo screaming, on the ground, and you could hear the words even though your ears were rushing with blood. I defy you, stars. “You don't have to say anything back, I know you don’t feel the same.” Your eyes pulled away from the screen. “I can leave- wait, um, this is my dorm. I-” 
“Doubt thou the stars are fire,” Wanda started slowly, and your brows furrowed as you heard the words fall from her lips. Fuck. You knew what this ended with, and still, you couldn’t wrap your head around it. “Doubt that the sun doth move. Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt I love.”
Your eyes were wide by the end of it, watery and fixed on her. “W-what?” 
“How could you not have known?” Wanda asked softly, and you but your lip to stop from bursting into tears. 
“I thought you were straight!” You accused, and to your surprise, she laughed. 
“No, sweetheart.” Your heart stuttered. “I’m not.” 
Your breathing was still slightly heavy as you tried to get a  grip on everything that was happening. “You… you feel the same way?” 
“Of course I do, Jekyll.” She said, and you found yourself falling for her expressive eyes all over again as she stared up at you.  You reached your hand out experimentally, like she did the second time you ever met, and you waited that torturous moment for her to take your hand in a way that was much different than all the other times you shared a touch. This touch was the moment of truth.
She took your hand, kissed your knuckles, and put your palm on her cheek. 
“The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to your service.” 
“This can’t be anything but a dream,” you murmured, feeling her cheek in your hand and the way they were warm and flushed. The softness was bringing you in and out of your head, and every time you went back to reality, you were thrusted into a little sliver of paradise. 
“Well, what a lovely dream it is, then.” Her lips found yours. The movie played on, the clock kept its incessant ticking, and your leg was starting to tingle from sitting on it in the same position for so long. But to you, time absolutely stopped. And as long as a particular science fiction nerd was in front of you, nothing that ticked or clicked or buzzed was ever going to matter. 
i said i wasn’t going to post this, but i did it anyway!! hope you guys enjoyed this fic!! it was a lot of fun to write but it also made me mad nervous LMAO let’s hope this wasn’t absolute dogshit
@teenwonder i know you said you wanted a tag on my stuff so here it is, love!! 💕💕
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Forgotten Fairytale
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Part 3
Request: Yes or No
“We have two announcements today. First, we have a new student, (Y/N). As some of you may know, (Y/N) is a dragon-vampire hybrid and I expect each and everyone of you to treat him with respect. To whom it may concern, he is not our next monster. We’ve recently encountered a Night Hag.” Alaric announced to the remaining student body that had chosen not to leave. You kept your arms crossed, making eye contact with Hope. You gave her a triumphant smirk and got an eye roll in return.
“A Night Hag is a malevolent spirit trapped on the astral plane that can only interact with us through dreams. In this case, nightmares.” Alaric explained, murmurs spreading through the students. 
“So, like, Freddy Kruger?” 
“Well, in the sense that what happens to you in your dreams seems to happen to you in real life, yes. But, the good news is we’re safe, so long as we stay awake.” Alaric explained, nodding to the questions. He noticed tension rise and cleared his throat. 
“We’ve lined up more evacuation shuttles. They should be running all afternoon, so please, for those who don’t want to stay and fight, take advantage of them.” Alaric licked his lips. You gave a small snort, biting your bottom lip. Ryan had mentioned a possible run in with monsters but he seemed confident in your abilities to protect yourself. Once you had your father back, you’d make sure he faced some monsters of his own. You stood once Alaric dismissed everyone, noticing him motion for you to come over. With a deep sigh, you walked towards the stage he was on. 
“I’ve got your classes sorted out. You’ll be taking typical high school courses, plus some of the supernatural courses we typically give to everyone. You’ll have some vampire classes and finally, a one-on-one with Dorian to talk about dragons. Dorian insisted on it. I would like you to speak with Emma, she’s one of our teachers and also the counselor for those who need one.” Alaric explained, handing you a paper. You gave it a once over before looking up at him.
“And why would I need to speak with a counselor? I’m perfectly fine.” 
“Considering you walked out on Dorian after a mention of your father, I don’t think you’re fine.” Alaric gave a tight lipped smile, patting your arm as he walked by. You blew a raspberry, looking back down at the paper. 
“Oh, and by the way, these uniforms are horrendous.” You called to him, stepping off the stage and making brief eye contact with Hope as she spoke to Landon. 
“I have to agree with you on the uniforms being horrendous. We look like preppy golf kids.” You looked at the guy walking beside you. 
“All we’re missing are the pants and the golf course.” You grinned, chuckling as the guy nodded and laughed along. 
“I’m Kaleb, by the way. I’m a vampire, so I guess that means I’ll be seeing you around.” Kaleb gave a grin. You hummed, looking forward.
“Man, you and those other dudes got lucky. You don’t have to take these exams.”
“But, we do have to deal with the bullshit this school brings.” You stopped by a water fountain, leaning down and drinking from it. Kaleb leaned against the wall, arms crossing.
“Actually, I think that Landon guy was the one who brought the monsters with him. Things went to shit when he got here and-”
“It’s not Landons fault. The knife had been at this school for god knows how long.” You leaned up, wiping your mouth as your gaze fell on Rafael. 
“Well, like I said, we gotta deal with the bullshit the school brings.”
“And to do that, we have to be a team. We can’t insult or push each other away.” Rafael said, glancing between you and Kaleb. You let out a small snort, grinning as you shook your head. 
“Doesn’t that go against your nature? That’s all mutts know how to do. That and throw temper tantrums.” Kaleb snickered at your words. Rafael sighed, eyes shutting briefly in an attempt to stay calm and relaxed.
“You don’t have to worry about me, puppy. I can be a good teammate as long as you stay out of my way. Same goes for you.” You glanced at Kaleb before turning around and walking away. You walked to your first class, stepping inside and getting ready for a boring day of school.
You ran your fingers over the books on the shelves, grabbing one and pulling it out of the shelf. You stepped out of the library and found a nice cushion seat, opening the book and flipping through the pages. You stopped on the one you had been looking for. 
Klaus Mikaelson: The Great Evil
Your eyes swept over the writing, searching for any mention of Hope. She was powerful but she hadn’t become a full tribrid yet. You paused, hearing footsteps coming from the hallway along with someone humming softly.
“Dr. Saltzman!”
“”Dr. Saltzman, I have changed my mind. I’ve decided to take you up on your offer and get the hell out with every other sane person here.””
“No, actually, I took your advice and I stayed busy, and I think I found something.” You lifted your head at Landon’s words, hearing their footsteps head back down the hall. You stood up from your seat, turning your head and watching them turn a corner. You looked down at the book in your hands, gently biting your bottom lip. 
“I definitely didn’t sign up for this… but I might as well enjoy the ride.” You looked back up, heading down the hall and entering the small library where Landon, Hope, and Alaric were at. You leaned against the railing, watching them speak.
“Why would a monster need to disguise itself as another monster? The Oneiroi sounds freaky enough.” Hope said, glancing between Landon and Alaric.
“Because if we knew what it actually was..”
“We’d know how to stop it.” Alaric finished for him, nodding. 
“Hope, kiss him for me.” Alaric said, turning and heading towards the stairs. He looked up, noticing you. He slowed down, head tilting.
“Need something, (Y/N)?” Alaric asked, heading up the stairs. You shook your head, fingers drumming against the book.
“Just eavesdropping.” You shrugged. Alaric let out a small laugh, nodding as he walked by.
“Don’t think you’re off my radar, (Y/N).” Hope called, arms crossing as she cocked a brow at you. 
“I’m honored you care so much about me, Red. It’s real sweet, though I think you should be more invested in your boytoy. Keep your eye on this one, Discount Jughead. She seems to have… a wandering eye. You shouldn’t forget who her mother was in love with.” You gave them a wink, turning around. You stepped towards a bookshelf, sliding the book into the shelf. 
“What about your family? What were they like?” Hope asked, approaching the stairs. You turned to look at her. 
“My mother gave my father a gift and then she left. At least she didn’t die because of me.” You leaned forward slightly as she got closer. Hope stopped a few feet from you, jaw clenching. 
“You know nothing about me.”
“I could say the same, Red. I might’ve been a dick when I was younger but atleast I never tried to kill someone who loves me and raised me. You had a mother who was invested in you and loved you. It would’ve never crossed my mind to hurt my father, no matter how pissed I was.” You sneered, watching her facade begin to crumble. Hope remained silent for a few passing minutes. 
“We should probably tell the others about our new discovery.” Landon piped up softly. Hope turned her head towards him, nodding.
“Yeah, I.. I have a plan.” Hope breathed out, looking back at you.
“Making enemies on your first day is the stupidest idea you’ve probably come up with.” Hope said, brushing past you. Landon slowly walked up the stairs, awkwardly approaching you.
“Hope is a.. She’s a good person-”
“You don’t have to defend her when she’s not around, My Chemical Romance.” You stared at him, giving a small eye roll. 
“Why are you such a dick?”
“Well, my dad told me my mom was a bit of a bitch. I probably got it from her.” You shrugged, turning around and leaving the library. You heard Landon catch up with you.
“I was in the foster system for most of my life. I can understand some of your feelings regarding not knowing your mom and-”
“Listen, Gerard Way, I’m not interested in being your friend. I’ve been taught and shown that humans are the least trustworthy creatures on this planet. It’s better to be alone than to trust a human. They’re like chihuahuas. They think they’re at the top when they’re actually at the bottom and I’d rather not have my life in the hands of one.” You looked at him.
“Fair comparison.” Landon mumbled. “But, some humans are good and they mean well-”
“We can have this conversation after I take a nap.” You entered the lounge area where Hope had gathered the rest of the boys. Hope explained that the Night Hag was actually an Oneiroi. 
“I know it sounds bad, but now that we know what the creature is, we can fight it.”
“How the hell are we supposed to kill a dream demon?”
“Leave that to me. But since I can’t fall asleep without compromising the location of the urn, I need someone else to pull it out of the dream plane and into our waking reality.” Hope explained, looking over everyone. 
“So, Freddy Krueger, like I said.” Another vampire, MG, pointed out.
“And how the hell are we supposed to do that?” Rafael asked, looking back at Hope.
“By entering the dream plane, getting a hold of it, and waking yourself up.” You answered, shrugging lightly.
“Just like in the movies.” MG nodded in agreement to your response. Kaleb hummed, nodding. 
“Is it too late to get on the evacuation bus?” Kaleb asked, tilting his head as you snorted. Hope gave a sympathetic look.
“No. I mean, I’m not gonna ask all of you to stay for this, it has to be your choice.” Hope said, silence following. Landon quickly stood up.
“I’m not leaving unless Hope does.” Landon said. Hope didn’t seem exactly thrilled as she gave a small hum. She looked at Rafael, brows raised in question.
“I’m not leaving Landon behind.” 
“You two are very codependent.” You mumbled, hearing Kaleb snicker and nod. 
“I’m a founding member of the Super Squad-”
“The fuck is a ‘Super Squad’?”
“-So I can’t bail.” MG stood up from his seat with a supporting smile. The four of them turned towards you and Kaleb.
“Y’all are gonna get yourselves killed.” Kaleb said, looking at Hope. 
“But if MG stays, I stay.” He added with a sigh, looking at you. 
“This reeks of drama and chaos so, I’m definitely staying and watching this go down.” You grinned, shrugging lightly. “But I’m not gonna be a member of this.. ‘Super Squad’ shit you have going on.” 
“In that case, it’s naptime.” Hope said, giving a small nod. 
“I’ll go speak with Dr. Saltzman. Get set up in the gym. Bring blankets, pillows, and anything else that might help you fall asleep.” Hope walked past them and Landon quickly followed. 
“Codependency is a big problem here, huh?” You shook your head, glancing at Kaleb. You grabbed one of the pillows off the couch and turned, heading towards the gym. You watched the others bring the necessary stuff, Hope and Landon entering while deep in what seemed like an argument. 
“You are gonna sleep with us, right?” Kaleb asked, noticing you hadn't made a small bed like they had.
“No.” You shook your head, arms crossing.
“What do you mean, no?” Landon frowned, brows furrowing.
“You don’t want to see me wake up from a nightmare. Accidental shifting and accidental arson isn’t pretty.” You shrugged lightly. Hope hummed.
“We don’t need a confused dragon causing an accident.” Hope looked at the rest of the guys. They lied down in a circle, slowly falling asleep one by one. Hope stepped towards you, closely watching each of them. 
“It was a shit move to bring up your mom. I’ve been on edge since dad disappeared.” You said quietly, ignoring the surprised look Hope gave you. 
“Sorry for that.” You walked away from her, careful to be quiet so as to not wake them up. You noticed each of the boys becoming more twitchy, faces contorted in confusion or fear as the hours began to pass. 
“How come you aren’t tired?” Hope asked softly. 
“You think I could sleep with my only family gone?” You looked at her with raised brows. Hope nodded, looking down to see that Rafael, MG, and Kaleb had stopped twitching as much.
“It’s almost time.” Hope turned, quickly leaving the gym. You gently toyed with your necklace, licking your lips and turning to face the boys when they all suddenly awoke. They stood and began talking all at once, making you huff in annoyance.
“Calm down, Hope’s handling it.” 
“What? What the hell-” Landon was cut off by Oneiroi and Hope crashing through one of the doors. Hope quickly got up, blowing some hair out of her face.
“Stay back, I got this.” She called, running forward and tackling the demon before promptly getting choked. 
“Yeah, she’s totally got this.” You mumbled, picking up two wooden pieces that had belonged to the now broken doors. You approached her, stabbing the pieces through the demons’ eyes. Hope let out a gasp for breath as the demon disappeared into a cloud.
“Thank you.” She coughed, rubbing her throat. 
“Next time, be prepared.” You stood, letting Landon help her up as Alaric rushed in with his crossbow. You tossed the wood aside, turning and walking past Alaric. You thought back on the urn and Hope mentioning she knew where it was. Befriending her to find it would be a problem in itself.
“(Y/N)!” Alaric called after you, quickly jogging after you. You turned to face him, raising a brow.
“Thank you for helping Hope. How’d you know how to kill it?” Alaric asked.
“Like I said, dragons don’t just horde inanimate objects. I like to read as a pastime and most of the time, the books have to do with the supernatural.” You answered, shrugging lightly. Alaric nodded, reaching out and gently touching your arm.
“Thank you.. I’m sure Hope appreciates it.” Alaric gave a small smile. You nodded, licking your lips as Alaric turned and went to check on everyone. He passed by Hope who gave him a small smile and nod. She turned her head to look at you, arms gently wrapping around herself. She slowly approached you, gaze on the ground. 
“I know you could’ve just let me get hurt but.. Thank you for helping me. I know we got off on a terrible foot so, I hope we can be a bit more civil with each other.” 
“We’ll see.”
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mw567152 · 2 years
Pt. 2 to my very official ranking of Mass Effect romances: Andromeda addition. This is my opinion please me nice.
10: Avela. If I’m being honest the first time I wrote this o forgot her. That’s all I have to say.
9: Keri. Again. I forgot.
8: Liam. He’s fine, but I’m gay and I don’t care about straight romances. Also his dialogue with some characters is so ew.
7: Cora. Good character, good romance, I’m just really gay.
6: Peebee. She’s fun, I like her. Really good romance, will probably date her next.
5: Suvi. She’s such a nerd. I love her. Haven’t dated her yet, but once I play fem Ryder I will.
4: Vetra. She’s so sweet and so badass. I think she’s so cool. Haven’t romanced her yet but I will.
3: Gil. He reminds me a bit of Dorian, so it’s an immediate yes. Do I want to have a kid? Hell no. Do I want to marry him? Yes.
2: Reyes. Hehehehe he’s so pretty. I WISH THERE WAS MORE OF HIM. I LOVE REYES. MWAH MWAH MWAH. he reminds me a bit of zevran. Also he has the same voice actor as Hawke.
1: Jaal. I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. guys I’m a serious alien fucker. Holy hell I just <333 THOSE EYES I WANNA KISS HIM. His romance scenes??? Perfect.
Anyway I want a sequel for this game
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pearblossommina · 1 year
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I finished it!!!!
(And here’s a photo of the Pacific Ocean)
(Good god that ending) (I did take notes until about chapter 51 and then I just kinda fell into vacation mode) (here are some notes! From whatever days-of-the-read-a-long)
Good stuff
Holding hands
Listening to her trauma dump with rapt attention
This is like, the best first date Celaena’s ever had. (It’s about damn time) (I have been. DYING. For a trickle of romance. A small taste, a sweet little nibble?)
I’m gonna assume that they are each other’s carranam
(rare)(oh so rare)(so special)
Hey, guys, hurry up and fall in love, let’s get this over with, MY HEART IS READY.
Heyyyy also when they talk to each other wordlessly, is Celaena imagining it, or are they both daemati?
Or is that just a thing that all fae can do in this world?
Dude this grandmother is such an awful woman and I hate how abusive she is
(You have a heart, Manon. I know you have one.)
ABRAXOS taking the crossing! Hell yeah!
“There was nothing romantic about sharing a bed with Rowan, and they kept to their own sides.” Uh huh. Sure. I platonically sleep with hot guys I’m attracted to all the time.
You know, the thing is, she did love Chaol, but they were only together for like ONE WEEK? I don’t? Understand? How she hasn’t moved on yet? And her feelings for him are so tangled up with her feelings for Nehemia. Like; I’m not judging, I know sometimes people fall in love and it’s just, you know, hard to move on, but?
Can you move on?
(I’m complaining but I think it’s so important. SO IMPORTANT. That girls and women have representation like this. Love, and relationships, and complicated feelings, especially in a fantasy novel) (it’s very well done SJM) (Ty for your service)(it does remind me of Feyre/Rhys tho) (I mean if I’m being honest the arc is starting to feel a little same-y) (lol)
I just. I dunno if it’s even important to find out the mystery or if I should even care about what the king of Ardarlan is up to.
It’s the same beast from the library - right? But the king has made millions of them?
And unleashed them on the continent to try and kill off all the fae and Demi-fae, probably in the hopes of eradicating magic?
Does he, specifically, hope to murder Aelin Galathynius or does he just hate fae and magic in general?
I’m very confused by this chapter
I mean it’s exciting but
I kind of don’t know what’s going on
Wait are we done fighting the creatures???
What about the creatures?
Then they had all the slaves killed - all the slaves?
(That bastard!)
Why does Dorian hate his brother so much
I mean he’s just a kid. A LITTLE BOY.
Sorscha is such a cutie. I wish she had been here when Celaena was still staying in the castle. I mean I know she was, actually, they just ignored her at the time… BUUUUT. I wish she was dating Dorian so that they could have had a cute little friendship square with Dorian and Sorscha and Chaol and Celeana, going out and having adventures and being in tender love before all this shit hit the fan.
These books don’t have enough *love* it’s just intense intensity all the time and sometimes boring plot laden exposition stuff. I like a slow burn but I’m READY for the ignite.
Day 8
"I claim you, Rowan Whitethorn. I don't care what you say and how much you protest. I claim you as my friend."
“If Narrok planned to lay siege to Mistward,” I don’t know who Narrok is, who is Narrok? Did I space out and miss something vitally important? Did the King of Ardarlan get a name in the last 50 pages or something?
(Maddy read the remainder of the chapters without taking notes) (Maddy is at the beach) (Maddy flies home tomorrow) (The vacation is over and the book is finished) (when’s the next one) (😭😭😭)
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emilyoftheshadows · 3 years
Deja Vu
Hi everyone! This is the second part of Deja Vu and while I will say its not as angsty as part 1, it is definitely far from resolved. I hope you guys enjoy!! I linked part 1 down below for those who haven't read it yet :)
Part 1
Aelin heaved for air as she rounded the corner of the street towards her apartment. Glancing at her watch, she noticed the time and coerced her body into a brisk jog to finish her afternoon run. Arobynn had clearly stated that she was needed in the office at 1:00 pm sharp. For what, who knew but him.
The man was utter filth and Aelin was completely aware of every leering gaze he threw her way. The way he shifted towards her whenever she walked into a room, the gleam of some sort of promise lingering in his gray eyes. Yet, Aelin could not give 2 fucks. She was becoming his prodigy, and she embraced the infinite work he piled on her month after month. While her title was still Hamel Hotel’s Brand Manager, she practically ran the company itself now. If she was being quite honest with herself, she hated her job most days and thought about quitting at least 3 times a week.
But every time she felt like pulling her hair out from the stress of dealing with incompetent colleagues and a boss who eye fucked her every second of every day, Aelin reminded herself that the alternative was way worse.
It had been almost a year since she ended it with Rowan, but it felt more like a lifetime. Only 6 months ago she had been crippled by heartbreak and rage, blinded by her own emotions and unable to see a future for herself. Unable to even think beyond the next hour, completely focused on her breathing. How she only had to breathe through the waterfall of tears cascading down her face, for one more minute. And then another, and another, until she could sit up and wipe away the fog wrapped around her brain.
But now, her heart was encased in an iron-clad box with no key. Because as she had laid across her floor all those months ago, sniveling snot like she was 5 years old, Aelin had had an epiphany. Not just pertaining to Rowan, but to romance in general. All the ice-cream dates and movie marathons, sunset picnics and belting songs in the car, have all been done before. Nothing about her and Rowan was special. All the great romantic tropes were being used by everyone else on this godforsaken planet at any given time.
Once Aelin let this new reality sink in, she had decided to never let herself become so undone by a man who couldn't give her an original love story. No one would ever have the power to crush her heart into pieces except herself, and Aelin would be damned if she let the same person in twice. With her new promise, Aelin had thrown herself into her work, filling her days so full that there was no time to think. No time to reminiscence or let her regrets see the light of day. She woke up early and ended late, passing out every night from pure exhaustion. Her tactics were less than stellar, but Aelin never thought of her green-eyed bird boy anymore, and that was all she needed.
She trudged up the stairs of her apartment, practically slamming her body into the door from lack of energy and not enough water. Entering the living room, Aelin threw her clothes off haphazardly, naked by the time she got to the shower. After a quick rinse, she flew back to her room to paint makeup on her face and find a suitable outfit.
It was standard for the women in the office to dress to Arobynn’s tastes, meaning fairly low necklines and silhouette framing outfits. The thought was disgusting, but Aelin wasn’t below using her looks to earn a place higher than Brand Manager. As much as she hated to admit it, if Aelin kept working to the bone, she truly believed Arobynn would give her the raise she so wanted. The raise she deserved for fucks sakes. With a glance in the mirror and a nod of approval to her reflection, Aelin was ready to go into battle once again.
Arobynn was ecstatic for his own standards, smiling with genuine excitement as she entered his office. Rifthold had a stunning downtown area, filled with sky-high buildings and classic architecture mixed with modern features, the Hamel Hotel in town being at its center.
Arobynn’s office was extravagant to a point of gaudiness, revolting Aelin every time she stepped inside. He glanced at her chest as she sat down, pleased with her choice of blouse today if the smirk on his face was any indication. The seat sank with her as she settled into the plush surface, settling her legs in a crossed position, ever the professional businesswoman.
“Darling, I see that we were running a bit late today, but that’s no matter now.” Aelin glanced down at herself, trying to find the source of such a comment. As her eyes dragged up her own body, Aelin saw the mistake that gave her away. Her blouse buttons were askew, the buttons incorrectly aligned creating an odd, sagging neckline. Well, no wonder he was staring at her chest earlier, the black bra peeking through the gaps in her shirt. Fidgeting with her shirt as she noticed the mistake, Aelin dropped her hands and quickly resigned to fix it later. Of course Arobynn would notice the tiny, careless mistake in her appearance. But with his mind on other matters, Arobynn was already moving on barely noticing her squirming.
“I have exciting news for us, Aelin. The kind that could put Hamel Hotels in the spotlight.” With a quick turn of his laptop, he presented her with the picture of a young man, about her own age. He was pale, but not alarmingly so. His hair was tousled and dark, the pieces framing a boyish looking face. The smile on his face seemed innocent enough until you looked into those sapphire eyes, a hint of trouble managing to show itself. In a short summary, the man was gorgeous.
“This boy right here is Dorian Havilliard, a nobody from some town called Rifthold down south. Apparently, he has made quite a name for himself on the online writing world, becoming internet famous for erotic writing, among other genres.” With that word, erotic, Aelin could’ve sworn his eyes darkened ever so slightly while glancing her way. Brushing away the wave of nausea assaulting her senses, Aelin focused back into reality.
“ He looks charming enough sir, but what use is he to Hamel Hotels?”
“Havilliard is making his debut into the publishing world this weekend at a lower level author’s convention in Terrasen at one of our Hamel Hotel properties. If we can introduce ourselves and graciously offer him Hamel Hotel’s finest amenities, I am convinced that we can get him to host all of his future events with our hotel. Dorian is young, naïve, and will be flattered by our offers. I will make sure of it.” Arobynn was unbecoming, his hands erratically gesturing back and forth between the computer and Aelin. His gray eyes were crazed, the prospect of such business and money to the Hotel’s as enticing as a woman at night.
“That’s a brilliant idea Mr. Hamel. I can leave as soon as you would like, and I assure you I can get the job done.” Only the best of her saccharine smiles was painted on Aelin’s face. She presented nothing less to the man who controlled her future. Besides, it would be nice to get out of Rifthold for once. The city was gorgeous, but a change in scenery from the hustle of downtown sounded relaxing. Yes, Terrasen with its rolling hills and sunny atmosphere would be welcome.
“As much as I appreciate your enthusiasm Ms. Galathynius, this matter is too important for you to handle alone. This evening, we will be taking my private plane to Terrasen so I can assist you in the convincing of Mr. Havilliard. Our suite is being readied as we speak. The driver will pick you up at your apartment around 5:30.” With a wave of his hand, Arobynn dismissed her from the room, already focused on his laptop once more.
With a short “yes, sir” in response, Aelin made to leave the office. But as she opened the doors to exit, Arobynn stopped her short.
“And Miss Galathynius, remember we are trying to persuade this young man to work with us in the future. Dress accordingly.” Aelin turned back around quickly, hiding the surprise on her face. Arobynn had always displayed questionable morals, but he was becoming bolder in his comments. In his admiration too.
It was only later when she was packing her clothes that she realized his wording. Our suite is being readied. Not his. Aelin’s stomach roiled with anxiety at having to spend the night so close to the monster that was her boss.
But as her hands shook with the effort to continue folding her clothes, and her throat dried up to where she couldn’t find the ability to swallow her nerves, Aelin reached down to that empty pit within herself. The same wave of calm that had encased her 6 months ago protected her now, and she continued to sort her items into the luggage in front of her.
The driver came at 5:30 on the dot. She boarded the plane, and listened to Arobynn ramble about his genius and plans for the next day. They landed in Terrasen, surrounded by luscious green landscapes and rays of the golden hour shining around them.
Yet, Aelin felt nothing.
Rowan was one edge, constantly glancing at the dark haired young man sitting next to him. Dorian Havilliard was a genius with pen and paper, that much was certain. Even Rowan had enjoyed the young authors short stories, the smut not completely welcome but admittedly well written.
The man himself was a completely different story. Although he was only 2 years below Rowans 24, Dorian was a fucking wildcard. They had only been at the hotel for 30 minutes and he had already gotten himself lost in the booze and women down near the bar.
Rowan had seen the young man’s nerves, how his hands shook when Maeve detailed his debut with The Cadre as his publishing team and the speech he would have to give earlier that week. Maeve was an intimidating woman and if Rowan had been in his spot when he first started with The Cadre, he would be pissing himself too.
Despite this level of understanding, Dorian’s antics were still unacceptable. All eyes were on him this weekend, the word spreading that he would be attending the convention thanks to a leak. Whether that leak came from The Cadre themselves was neither her nor there. Dorian’s books will fly off the shelves, but they needed people invested in him first. And that meant PR. A shit ton of PR to be more specific. And what better way to do it when the countries authors were all gathered in one convention hall for the weekend.
The whole team came out to Terrasen, all of them concerned for how they were going to corral Dorian for the whole event. Maeve joined as well, ready to micromanage The Cadre and network the hell out of these authors. And because Maeve came, that meant Lyria followed.
Rowan and Lyria had fallen into a comfortable relationship. After all that pain a year ago, Rowan felt okay to date now. Lyria’s company wasn’t unwelcome and the situationship had slowly evolved into a relationship. There wasn’t any passion or burning love for one another, at least on Rowan’s side, but their companionship was a nice presence in his life.
Although he would never acknowledge it, Rowan was scared to love with his entire soul like he had with Aelin. The more he opened his heart, the more opportunity there was for someone to come and crush it to pieces. If he had to experience that misery again, Rowan would never recover. He barely had last time, and he still wasn’t back to who he used to be. Back to how happy he used to be.
Shaking away his thoughts Rowan turned to Dorian, only to find an empty chair next to him. That tricky bastard. With a shove of his seat, Rowan reached into his pocket unlocking his phone. He texted a quick help to The Cadre and a separate message to Lyria, asking them to start the manhunt.
Rowan scanned every face in the bar, unsuccessful in his search. Walking towards the lobby, Rowan almost shoved an elderly woman to the ground in his rush. As he turned to help the lady steady herself, Rowan apologized profusely for his mistake. The woman waved him away carelessly, hobbling towards a man who he assumed was her husband.
Straightening himself once again, Rowan started walking with determination only to be stopped dead in his tracks. Because only feet away from was Aelin Galathynius.
She hadn’t noticed him yet, and Rowan took the time to admire her appearance. Her hair was clasped behind her head, golden pieces falling to the sides of her face. Her outfit was business professional, but more revealing than most outfits he had seen so far with a low cut blouse and slimming black pencil skirt with matching black heels. As he made his way up her body, the sight of her ocean blue eyes took his breath away once again. Rowan didn’t think he would ever grow used to Aelin’s brilliant presence, attracting glances from men and women alike.
But as he looked closer at her, those beautiful eyes didn’t have the same fire they did a year ago. In fact, there was no emotion at all shown on her features. Nothing at all. Out of every moment of heartbreak and sorrow she had caused him, the sight of her utterly devoid of feeling was the most painful thing Rowan had ever experienced.
After eons, Aelin finally turned his way. As she made eye contact with him, Rowan finally saw something flicker in her eyes. Surprise. They continued to look at one another, stuck in a world of their own making. Rowan couldn’t find it in his heart to break their connection, damn the consequences. And as they stood frozen in a fantasy, for the first time in a year, Rowan truly smiled.
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canary3d-obsessed · 4 years
Shen Wei Serving Lewks Part 8
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Shen Wei wears a lot of cosplay looks in Guardian! Ostensibly some of them are actually different characters but...whatever. 
Look 36: Black Robe Envoy
Black Robe Envoy is always a hit at the Dragon City DixCon. This robe is very nicely constructed, with gauzey curtain things on the back and a hood that keeps its shape well.
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The mask is...something he got in the paper-mache department at Michaels and painted with craft paints.  He seems proud of it.  
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The mask does actually make him look different, unlike, say, Wei Wuxian’s mask which anybody can recognize him under. This mask has those cheek parts that change the overall shape of his face.  
Look 37: Gold Mask Bro
Gold Mask bro is a look that is similarly hampered by the craft-store aesthetic, but gaudier. 
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Combined with the scenery-chewing villain thing, I’m always pretty eager to get this guy off of the screen. 
Look 38: Hot Bro
Once the gold mask comes off, on the other hand, Shen Wei as Ye Zun  is stunning with long grey hair.  I mean, goddamn.
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(More behind the cut!) 
OP understands why Da Qing makes ridiculous cat paw gestures while dreaming about Ye Zun because this look is a scorcher. 
OP makes ridiculous cat paw gestures
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The Princess Leia gown needs some help, though. This thing has a cowl neck so stiff you could bake a cake in it and there is a curtain sewn onto one half of the chest. It’s confusing.  The belt is nice, I guess. 
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Important question: Why did both Ye Zun and Shen Wei buy the same paper mache mask? I mean, they chose different craft paints but both masks clearly came out of the same mold.  Ye Zun started wearing his mask specifically to avoid looking like Shen Wei, back when Shen Wei had a different mask. 
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So did Shen Wei deliberately copy his brother’s mask just to fuck with him? Because that is some next-level sibling trolling right there.
Look 39: Downtown Ye Zun
Then there’s the time Ye Zun decided to cosplay as Shen Wei. It...doesn’t go well. This look fits so poorly that I refuse to post a full view of it, because Shen Wei would be embarrassed if he knew his brother was making him look like that.
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This entire outfit/disguise is terrible, and fits worse than Swamp Coat 1.0. Ye Zun even knows it’s terrible because he points it out to Zhao Yunlan and asks if it looks good, as if Shen Wei ever needed to ask a thing like that.
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He does his best to make up for it by serving memorable facial expressions.. Thank you, Ye Zun.
Look 40: P.I.M.P.
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This completely impractical getup, OTOH, fits like a dream. I am slightly obsessed with how good Shen Wei’s Ye Zun’s his feet and ankles look in this outfit, when I normally am grumpy about baggy ankles. But these trousers are so nicely fitted that the crumpled ankle looks like a statement instead of an accident. With the frock coat and the walking stick he looks long and leggy, and if Shen Wei isn’t covered in grass stains the second he takes off his terrible cosplay hair and mask, Zhao Yunlan isn’t the man I thought he was.
Hair Lewks
Other characters also get in on the cosplay, with Da Qing looking much less ridiculous than he does in his modern-day clothes and hair. Zhao Yunlan wins Most Beautiful Hair, with metal beads and those side-bangs that frame boys’ faces so nicely.  (His post-shacking-up hair also wins most beautiful hair in the modern era).
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Baby Envoy’s braids (see Look 41) make him a close second, and Hot Bro’s grey hair is a close third, but the weird locks that the Zhu Yilong brothers grow out of the sides of their faces are distracting. I get that they aren’t exactly human and that there are certain artistic conventions at play but...this is not how sideburns work.
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Other Cosplayers
Other cosplayers include Tea-Party Princess, Crow Bitch, and Snake Uncle who is Never a Snake.
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And here’s Old Chu cosplaying as..as...ok fine this isn’t cosplay, it’s just Old Chu flexing, sweating, and bleeding.   
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I like what I like, ok? 
Look 41: Baby Envoy
The last look in this post series is Young Black Robe Envoy from the time-traveling Kunlun bit. When the mask is off, this is one of my favorite Shen Wei looks, because he is so young and vulnerable, and the robe has a nice edge detail and stamped metal accents that aren’t part of his later look. 
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This would be a pretty good mage-in-light-armor getup in whichever RPG Shen Wei would play if he understood technology. He would play DA:Inquisition and he would be an elf and he would romance Dorian  OP always romances Cullen it’s a bit of a problem 
The mask is ugly craft-store nonsense, but makes a nice contrast to his sweet bare face when Zhao Yunlan yanks it off.  
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Now I’m going to take a dive into into this scene, because we’ve run out of Shen Wei Lewks (*sob*), and this scene is lovely. And there really can’t be too many gifs of WeiLan eye-fucking each other Shen Wei sucking a lollipop.
In one conversation, Shen Wei falls permanently in love with Zhao Yunlan, and you can see that Zhao Yunlan really is as wonderful as Shen Wei thinks he is. He's kind and encouraging; he's confidently romantic, and he gives Shen Wei a name that has a LOT of thought behind it. 
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Being as hot as a fresh pancake doesn’t hurt, either.
The high point of this interaction is probably the most sexual moment of the show, In which Zhao Yunlan teaches his true love to suck on a lollipop. The moment’s sexual energy is only partly because it suggests other activities. 
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I mean...it’s definitely suggestive. 
But let’s look at what is literally, not metaphorically, happening in this moment. This is the beginning of their present-day sexual connection (within the bounds of Chinese TV, yes, yes. Het couples don’t bone on-camera in C-dramas either, so let’s assume off-camera boning when the story supports it. These two have been coded as lovers since the closing moments of Episode 14).
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Zhao Yunlan puts sweetness into the mouth of this young, stressed out, serious man. Then he unabashedly, delightedly, watches Shen Wei having this new sensory experience while he *explains it* to him. 
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Imagine the dopamine hit Shen Wei is experiencing here. He’s got a mouthful of sugar and he’s got Zhao Yunlan projecting waves of cheerful, undemanding lust at him while dropping bars about life and sensuality.
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With a single lollipop, Zhao Yunlan uses his short time with Young Shen Wei to teach him the concept of pleasure. And takes his heart in return. 
One Last Lewk
Ass Chain Congee is love.
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Thanks so much for joining me on this ride! Next I’m leaping off of the cliff of good sense into a full rewatch of The Untamed. If that sounds like fun to you, please come on along to my Episode 01 post, over here.
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