#i love dad!kageyama SORRY
wttcsms · 5 months
dad!kageyama who brings his cute toddler son with him to practice because you have an important appointment. your baby sets up camp in one corner of the gym with his humongous ipad that he hangs onto with dear life in one grubby lil hand, his other tiny hand preoccupied with his juice box. he’s basically a little chibi version of kags 🥹 he keeps to himself most of the time until he sees kageyama practicing, and then he’s calling out for his attention, going “dada! dada!” and he’s pointing at what’s on his screen: youtube kids is open and playing on it is a highlight reel of TOBIO KAGEYAMA’S MOST LEGENDARY MOMENTS, and his son is like “do this!!!!” so the olympic team helps him out by taking on the role of kags’ opponents and lets tobio recreate those iconic moments, much to the glee of y’all’s baby 🥹🥹
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teruthecreator · 1 year
1 AM and the servers asleep so i’m just gonna post my thoughts on here but i think it’s rlly so important and poignant how sho extends an olive branch to his father after everything that happened, when he absolutely would’ve been justified in spitting in toichiro’s face and walking out of his life forever (similarly to what toichiro did to him, metaphorically at least). and that decision that he makes is one that cements how mature and understanding sho is despite his antics and attitude.
like, he’s a kid, and he’s a kid that experienced massive amounts of abuse and trauma in his formative years. we will truly never know how he was raised whilst working in claw, but seeing how pretty much everyone else was manipulated, brainwashed, and tortured into reaching their full potential—the assumption can be made that it wasn’t easy. and sho’s father is Directly responsible for that, meaning he’s Directly responsible for any mistreatment or neglect sho faced even if it wasn’t done by him directly. and any kid at his age with all that baggage probably wouldn’t want to keep their dad around, after everything has finally been resolved. but sho doesn’t do that; he reminds toichiro that he’s still gotta hear an earful from his ex wife, and sho is ensuring that this won’t be the end. he is offering his father a kindness that that man never gave to him. and that’s like. Astounding for a kid his age
i think it’s really easy for people to place sho firmly in the trope of like silly, goofy kid with an insane side; but sho has one of the most level heads out of the esper teens. it’s kind of like he got a lot of that emotional turbulence out of the way beforehand, and now is just centering his focus on this one goal. of course, that doesn’t mean he doesn’t do stupid shit based on bad trains of thought (the whole concept of him trying to resist the narrative only to become more ingrained in it is like. right there. also the hero trope shit y’all have seen the essay posts i’m not reiterating). but sho is a lot more sure of what he’s doing and what he wants than ritsu, mob, or teru.
also it’s just like. the fact that he gives his father a second chance really drives home the message of the entire series. that people can make mistakes, but those mistakes do not have to define their whole existence if they’re willing to own up to them and change. sho is extending himself in much the same way mob extended himself to toichiro hours earlier, only this time there’s the weight of this probably not being the first time sho has given his father a second chance and yet he Still does it. and toichiro realizing that he could’ve squandered that chance during confession arc is SO GOOD like you see how sho is conflicted and hurt bc he’s essentially being let down once again, and so toichiro walks back. he won’t let his son’s trust be given in vain
the suzukis rival the kageyamas in terms of like. accurate familial representation. like if you eliminate all of the psychic terrorism bullshit, this is a broken family—further broken by a messy divorce—trying to navigate life post-everything. there is no expectation for sho to forgive his father (he doesn’t do that at any point and That Is Important), and there’s no expectation for him to do anything with his father At All. toichiro understands that he is deserving of no one’s kindness.
yet sho does it anyway. he does it because he wants to and because he cares. and that’s far more than toichiro could’ve ever asked for
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thawthebeez · 1 year
i wake up. i think about haikyuu. i have coffee. i think about catalyst. call this fanfic my day-job fr
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struwberrii · 3 months
I've seen your hq! date night ideas and wonder if I can ask for this; what about their indoor date ideas for maybe when they're too tired from games/works or maybe when they have to raincheck bc of storms, etc.? Any characters of your choices but I'd love kuroo, oikawa, and maybe hinata, please?
Thank you!
haikyuu boys indoor date night headcanons ⋆𐙚₊˚⊹♡
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thank you for the request anon!!
i love this as a person who prefers to stay in too (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ)
characters: hinata, kageyama, bokuto, akaashi, kenma, kuroo, iwaizumi, oikawa
˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
movie night date!!
would probably want to just hang out on the couch and eat snacks
probably would want to match an old dad humor comedy, like an adam sandler movie
would also door dash you guys fast food
you guys commentary on the movie make it 10% funnier
probably is so tired he falls asleep half way through the movie
i feel like he knows all the best deserts and you guys would be feasting
LOTS of cuddling the entire time
board games!!
i feel like he would NOT play about spoons
also i feel like he’d we oddly good at monopoly
you guys make food, put music on and just play games together
he probably lets you win sometimes bc he thinks it’s cute when you get excited
kisses you on the head as a reward for winning (if you do win)
he gets really into the games though, but your happiness is his priority
karaoke date!!
i feel like he’d prefer going out for a date but if you were tired he’d stay in with you
he is SO LOUD
he hits those notes though
he locks in extra hard when a bruno mars song comes on the tv
you guys eat chips and drink soda all night
constantly motivating you to do a duet with him
would probably sing so hard he’d get tired and fall asleep in your living room (·•᷄∩•᷅ )
cooking lessons online!!
probably brings you flowers before
would probably look up a video and try to replicate the recipe with you
you guys make dinner and dessert :3
super cute, like he feeds you while you’re cooking and it’s so romantic the whole time
you guys listen to like jazz music
the food actually ends up really good
video game date!! (boring ik im sorry)
he teaches you how to play his fav games
he’s vv patient too, he tries his best to teach you though even if you kinda suck lol
probably orders you guys fast food too
let’s you win when you guys play fighting games occasionally and if he does beat you he makes sure it’s a very close game
let’s you feed him (so cute)
you guys end up falling asleep to a movie together at the end of the night
lego building date!!
or like any model of something lol
would probably get something super nerdy like a star wars ship
makes you guys drinks while you build them
i feel like he wears glasses for some reason like does he? idk am i crazy? i feel like hed be wearing glasses during this
brags if he finishes his section before you even though he gave you a way harder part to build than his lol
helps you after though
every little thing is distracting you guys but you end up finishing by the end of the night and keeping it in your bedroom
yoga date!!
he would probably talk you into doing it and put a video on the tv for you guys
i feel like even indoors he would still try to stay active and fit
helps you stretch or spots you
the date probably turns into him giving you a massage (if u guys r anything like that youll NEED that massage after a 15 min yoga video)
makes you guys smoothies to drink as a treat for "finishing" even though you never finished the full video
reading together!!
i feel like with all the stuff oikawa has going on, a chill quiet night is just what he needs at the end of the day to clear his mind
finds a book you both like and buys 2 copies so you guys can read at the same time
you guys sit cuddled on the couch reading your books under the dim lamp lighting
probably lights candles too
has audible reactions to anything crazy that happens in the book, like he'll gasp or go like "no way" out loud and then ask if you got to that part yet
you guys have a set chapter you stop at
serious discussion about the book afterwards (except its not actually that serious (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
you end up falling asleep in his arms on the couch hehehe
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dira333 · 4 months
Care too much - Tsukishima x Reader
If you ever dare to ask me about the lore behind this, better be prepared.
Tagging: @lees-chaotic-brain @fuzztacular @melfromwonderland @qardasngan @xangel-8 @lemurzsquad
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“Toss to me Senpai?” Hinata’s voice cuts through the usual after-training chatter like a hot knife through butter. Tsukishima wishes for his headphones, but those are out of reach.
“Your enthusiasm is admirable, Hinata-” Ennoshita starts, clearly trying to help.
“I’d love to,” you say, “but we have to keep the others in mind. Surely everyone else wants to go home.”
Tsukishima does. They are training more than hard enough and he’s still got homework to get to, not to mention the math exam he needs to prepare for. He only realizes that he’s still looking in your direction when you turn your head and catch his eye, sending him one of those calm smiles he’s learned to expect from you.
He turns away, but not fast enough. Yamaguchi sends him a questioning look.
At least his best friend is smart enough not to ask about it when others are present.
“How are you keeping up?” You ask, falling into step alongside him. Yamaguchi tenses to his right, but no one else seems to think it weird that you’re talking to them.
You’re friendly to everyone, but Hinata quickly claimed your attention. He was the one who found out you played Volleyball before you moved and even though he lacked the brain, he did not miss the fact that you’re talented.
Ennoshita and the more sensible second-years are never far from you and are most likely the reason you joined their team as assistant Coach instead of the girls.
“Tsukishima?” Your voice cuts through his musings. He flinches and turns, surprised to hear Yamaguchi muffle a snort behind his hand.
“Sorry, I was lost in thought.”
“I’ve noticed. Is the training regimen too much?”
“No,” he sounds a little too defensive, he thinks, but he doesn’t want you to think he’s lacking. “No, it’s just… I was thinking about the upcoming math exam.”
You nod. “I understand. How are you doing in that subject?”
It’s easy to talk to you, Tsukishima realizes. He might not like spending so much time with hotheads like Hinata and Kageyama, but Volleyball Club isn’t all that bad if it means spending time with sensible people like you. And the others, he immediately follows up, as if to defend his thoughts to himself. You’re not the only sensible person on the team.
“Here,” you hand him a bottle, “drink this.”
“What is it?” Tsukishima asks, a little annoyed. He doesn’t like admitting it, but he’s thankful for all the tips he’s gotten from Kuroo, even though he still hasn’t figured out why he does it. Is he trying to fool him, teach him something he can exploit later? Whatever the reason, he’s started butting into things that don’t concern him. And if you’re now digging into his small appetite as well, he’s going to-
“It helps,” you explain calmly, “my Dad showed me. I don’t have that much of an appetite but I need, I mean, needed the calories. It’s a little trick. Try it, see if you like it.”
It tastes like strawberries and cream, has the consistency of a milkshake.
“Thanks,” he mutters, a little lost in his feelings.
Your hand is warm on his shoulder, the grip strong. It sends a strange flutter through his body that he likes as much as he despises it.
“Do you have a minute?” You ask, meeting him in the darkness. Behind him the warm light of a now deserted Gym, behind you the dimly lit hallways that lead to the bathrooms.
“Sure,” Tsukishima agrees because it’s you. His feet follow your direction as you lead him down the path, away from the bathrooms and the Gyms. You don’t speak for a while and even though he’s tired and sweaty, he can’t argue about the calmness of the moment.
That is, until you turn at the sound of an animal and your hand brushes his, knuckles over knuckles, skin slick with sweat. 
It’s only for a second, maybe even less, but he can feel himself moving, grasping for your hand as if to hold it. And isn’t that ridiculous?
“You wanted to talk about something?” Tsukishima says, heart in his throat as he balls his hands to fists, fighting against something in him he cannot begin to explain, to understand.
“Yes.” You nod, look at the ground first, then up at him. “I wanted to ask what you think of yourself.”
His tongue feels too large for his mouth. Do you know what he’s been thinking about lately?
“I know Yamaguchi already talked to you, he told me bits and pieces of it. I wanted to talk to you too, but I…” you laugh abruptly, “well, it seems he was faster. Tsukishima, do you think you’re less than… than the others?”
“Never,” his mouth says when his heart screams Of course!
You smile in a way that tells him that you’ve already seen through him.
“This is a training camp,” you tell him and he can’t help but admire how you brush against the topic with such a gentle hand, “I won’t take too much of your attention. I’m gonna give you my number, okay, and we can talk about this some more when we’re home and have a bit of free time to our hands.”
He laughs. The idea of free time has long turned unfamiliar. 
“Poor Tsukishima,” you smile with a smile that has his heart bubbling, “it seems I’m going to have to help you.”
“Tsukishima-Senpai?” One of the new first-years asks and it’s so weird, isn’t it, to be in the middle like that. Still looking up to the Third-Years, but well aware of the example you’re supposed to be giving.
“I was told- uh, I was told to take this form to the Coach, but I can’t find them anywhere and I don’t know- uh, Hinata-Senpai said I should ask you or, or the Captain, but I’m-”
“Look,” he grabs the boy’s shoulder and turns him a little until he can see you, sitting next to Takeda-Sensei, smiling a little at Nishinoya’s and Tanaka’s antics, “You can go and ask our assistant Coach.”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m one hundred percent positive that she’s not going to bite off your head if you ask her something. I might, however.”
Yamaguchi sidles up to him the moment the younger boy runs off, grinning in a way that tells Tsukishima he heard every word.
“Hush,” he tells his best friend, “you heard nothing.”
“Don’t worry, I won’t tell on you. It’s weird to have our Third-Years missing, isn’t it? I miss Suga’s gentle hand.”
Tsukishima sighs. Yes. Ennoshita’s a good Captain, but he’s still a little unsure of himself. His eyes find you without meaning too, catch the smile you share with the shy First-Year.
“We still have a gentle hand. If we do our best we might even be able to show it ourselves next year.”
Yamaguchi laughs, clearly surprised. But he’s still his best friend, dropping the topic when it becomes clear he doesn’t want to talk about it anymore.
“Is that seat taken?” You ask, voice barely audible. He takes his backpack off the chair and watches you slide in, the mountain of books in your arms a clear sign of the upcoming exams.
Tsukishima doesn’t want you to leave. Not this school, not this team. Not- no, he’s not going to go there.
You catch him looking, send him the calm smile he’s grown fond of, maybe even addicted.
There’s the sound of paper ripping and a little folded up note lands in his lap. 
His hands shake a little when he opens it up, your handwriting is neat, the ink not yet dried, smudging as he smoothes the paper.
Can we go for a drink later? I need to tell you something.
His heart thumbs uncomfortably in his throat when he looks up, your smile is bittersweet.
Whatever his heart is wishing for, his head already knows that it won’t be the topic you’ve chosen today.
And he’s right.
You’re not confessing to him, nor are you addressing his own, deep seated, carefully hidden feelings for you. 
The truth is worse and better at the same time.
You’re leaving, right after graduation.
And though you promise to keep in contact, a part of him sighs in relief.
Maybe, through distance, his heart will let go of this ridiculous idea.
After all, there are not many people he admires in this world, but he’s not dumb enough to think he could be a match for one of them.
His throat is dry, his nose clogged and he can barely see but his blaring phone does not care about that at all.
It takes him a moment to find it amongst the used tissues, one more to figure out how to pick up the call.
“I’m not sick,” he grunts into the little device, expecting yet another one of Yamaguchi’s worried Check-Ins.
“You do sound like it though,” your voice answers and the shiver it sends all over his body is most definitely not from the fever he’s been fighting.
“W-well, I’m not,” he stutters, looking for his glasses. He feels vulnerable without them, even more so with you on the phone.
How long has it been that he’s heard your voice?
“Well, if you’re not sick, how come that Yamaguchi asked me to check in on you?”
“He did? He’s worried for nothing, that’s all.”
“Mhm,” the little sound you make in the back of your throat does weird things to his stomach, “So you did not not pick up the phone yesterday after he brought you home with a high fever the day before that?”
“What are you, our mother?” He asks, words slipping from his raw throat. He regrets them the moment he hears them, even more when your answer is silence.
“Do you see me as a mother figure?” You ask and there’s a new feeling in his stomach, one that’s asking him to find the nearest bathroom before he’s starting to heave.
“No, I-” Tsukishima doesn’t know how to explain himself, or what to say without giving himself away. So he says nothing and neither do you.
Eventually though, he has to make a sound, mainly because he can’t keep from coughing for more than a few minutes.
“Tsukishima,” you ask, voice grown up and small at the same time, “tell me, how are you? We haven’t spoken in a while.”
If your conversation only grazes the surface of what he wants to talk about it’s his fault and his fault alone.
“I really like you,” the girl tells him, a little box of chocolates in her hands. “Will you be my boyfriend?”
She’s brave, to ask like this. Just this morning another girl from his class confessed to him. He’s forgotten her name on purpose but he’s not blind to how well-liked she was among her peers. 
This girl, however, isn’t. She’s too tall for a girl, some say, too shy to be class president, too lanky to be good in sports. But she’s got a calm smile that reminds him of you and maybe that’s the reason he accepts, with a guilty heart and a knot in his stomach.
Maybe all he needs is someone else to fall in love with.
He knows it’s stupid, but he’s never been smart when it came to his heart.
“It’s a clean break.”
“It will heal fast, no lasting damages.”
“At least now you’ll have time to focus on your schoolwork. College is no joke.”
“Do you need my help, Tsukki? I can take a few days off work until you’re settled.”
He doesn’t want help. He might need it, but he doesn’t want it.
He doesn’t want company either, because none of them know what to do with him. 
He’s miserable company on his best days but breaking his finger will leave even someone as cheerful as Hinata in a slump.
But, he thinks bitterly, things like that don’t happen to Hinata. Or Kageyama. 
No, those things happen to him, right when he’s finally got a starter position in his College team. Right when he feels almost comfortable in his life.
So it’s not unreasonable for him not to want to talk to people.
If only the people would realize that and leave him alone.
First, it was the doorbell. Then came the knocking. Now someone’s calling his name.
“I’m coming!” Tsukishima’s not expecting anyone but if he had to guess, he’d say his brother made his way over. Akiteru has yet to learn when to keep away.
He fumbles with the keys, his cast as usual in the way.
The door opens wide and he stills, too aware of you to be aware of himself.
You look gorgeous. Your hair’s a mess, your eyes red and overshadowed by exhaustion, your shirt looks like you slept in it. His hand reaches out, faster than his brain can keep up, tapping your shoulder to make sure you’re real.
“Yes, it’s me,” you tell him, half a grin on your face, “let me in?”
Tsukishima steps aside, only now realizing he’s wearing boxer shorts and socks and nothing more. Heat crawls up his throat and he thunders down the hallway and into his bedroom to get dressed the best he can. 
“What are you doing here?” He asks, anger lacing his voice to hide his shame. “Last time we talked you were-”
“Halfway back to Japan,” you interrupt him from the doorway. “It’s not official yet, but I’m starting as Assistant Coach for the Sendai Frogs next month. It’s just a Division 2 team, but it’s a start.”
He stills, not just because his arm is stuck in his shirt. 
“You’re moving back to Japan?”
“Well, I was planning to,” you joke, “kinda hard to Coach a Japanese Team when you’re living in Argentina. Can I help you with that?”
“I’m fine,” he argues.
“That you are.” There’s a teasing lilt to your words that has his ears burning. 
He’s twenty years old, not fifteen.
“When did you arrive?” He’s trying his best but his arm is stuck. You’re halfway through the room before he can speak up, hands warm as you help him out of his misery.
“Half an hour ago.” 
You’re too close, but too far away. This is not- Can he still blame it on the painkillers if he took the last one this morning? He opens his mouth to ask you when he realizes that you’re the last person he should ask about this. But-
“Tsukishima?” You ask, voice soft, smile calm like he’s grown to love. “You’re in your head again.”
“Yeah, sure,” he nods, “How did you know?”
“You mumble your thoughts when you’re like that,” you point out and he might have caught it, the meaning those words carry, if your hand hadn’t reached up to cradle his cheek.
His eyes close for a brief second. In that darkness, there’s just your touch, the warmth of your hand.
His eyes flicker open again. You’re closer now and though he shouldn’t his eyes flicker to your lips, dry and chapped from a long flight.
“Do you love me, Tsukishima?” You ask. He leans in to kiss you. He’ll just blame it on the painkillers later.
“You had a crush on me,” Tsukishima points out, half dumbfounded, half giddy about the revelation.
“We just became a couple,” you point out, drawing your finger through the air to literally point at the way you’re sitting, your legs over his, ankles crossed, your face smushed against his shoulder. Your jetlag and his exhaustion do not mix well. Or maybe they mix perfectly, who knows at this point?
“Still,” he lets the truth linger on his tongue. It tastes delicious, like victory.
“But I think you were crushing on me first.”
“Well, we could fight about that,” he says with the air of someone who’s already won. 
You snicker. “I am sure we will. But, Kei-” You stop when he shivers, the sound of his first name on your tongue still a little too indecent for this early hour. “I wanna talk some more about this. I had this big speech planned and-”
He leans in, presses his lips against yours. Once, twice, some more because he can, because he’s allowed to, one more just because.
“I think we should sleep first, talk later,” he can feel you smile, lips against lips, nose bumping his, “we’ve got all the time to talk about it in the morning.”
“Look at you, trying to be reasonable,” you coo, “You’ve grown so fast.”
“I still can’t believe it,” Hinata says, clearly a little miffed that his favorite Senpai picked Tsukishima over him. “He’s so mean all the time. Are you being held captive?”
You laugh easily. “No, but better make sure Kei’s here on his own free will. He might be the one being blackmailed.”
“Well, I can see it,” Sugawara declares friendly, “Tsukishima and you always got along. Two pees in a pod, really.” He winks.
“Doesn’t matter anyway,” Tsukishima declares with the air of someone who could care less. Your hand squeezes his and he knows he’s been found out. You know he cares. A little too much most of the time.
Buy me a Coffee?
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tsukiran · 10 months
haikyuu fic recs [ 4 ]
list #1 list #2 list #3 list #5
akaashi keiji. bringing daughter to work // 35mm // sorry, there's only one room left
bokuto koutarou. as a dad // on cloud 9 // laundry shenanigans // 1:40pm // best sweatshirt // tight fit
hinata shoyo. suck // we're hungry // get back
iwaizumi hajime. your brother will kill me if he finds out // mary ann // moan your name // latte me be your lover // grilled cheese // hugs
kageyama tobio. lost ring // laughters
kita shinsuke. just for you // steady // gentle paws
kozume kenma. big stretch
kuroo tetsurou. did it hurt // picture perfect // the lakehouse // spicy sleepover weekend - heatwave edition
matsukawa issei. sperm donor
miya atsumu. shugu // reassurance // birthday wish // sssshit (Hisako) // bad hair day // oatmilk latte // goo goo eyes // hello goodbye // birds of a feather (smau)
miya osamu. was i meant to love you? // anger-melting kisses // perverts // hot even on winter // daddies in december // inevitably // pillows // gray hairs // sweetpie // no glasses please (Hisako) // vs babysitter // favorite color
oikawa tooru. bizarre impulse // kawa.. no // feels like coming home
sakusa kiyoomi. his TOTGA // be good with kids // omi-omi // bus relations // rare specimen // PDA // you okay with this? // jealous omi (com)
sugawara koushi. anatomy of a wish
suna rintarou. socks // your IG while dating // doodoo fart pt2 // rin-nii // anyone // spidey // fake fiancee // be a man // betrayal (Akito) // engagement ring // kita-senpai // aloha, hawaii (smau) // clingy
tsukishima kei. private tour
ukai keishin. positive
ushijima wakatoshi. her playlist // never came this close
inarizaki boys. easily flustered
JNT. great with kids // tsukimi ao3 fic recs masterlist
miya twins. double trouble // twin // samu knows best
msby4. bestfriend
seijoh 4. 4play
various. pick-me girl // kenthoe angst rec masterlist // plushies // wedding ring // eggyrocks smau masterlist // haikyu-mp4 flyer series // osakunt's masterlist
ran2023. updated 9/7/24
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bzilian · 2 months
if i lay here (would you lie with me and just forget the world?)
wolf!kageyama tobio x doe!reader Summary: Predators mated with predators. Prey mated with pray. Your parents were an exception to the rule. There's absolutely no way Kageyama Tobio would be interested in his prey childhood best friend. Tags: Childhood friends; friends to lovers; mutual pining; predator!Kageyama; Prey!reader; Timeskip; Insecurity; Prejudice (Implied predators being considered superior then preys); low self-esteem to reader; A/N: I hope Kageyama is not too occ. I'm not an english speaker, so If there's anything wrong, feel free to tell me. Last time I wrote something was, i don't know, 9 years ago?
When you were little, the world used to be simple for you. Surrounded by family and friends who were alike, there was no fear or uncertainty. It all came crashing down when your father told you that you all had to move to Miyagi because of his work.
It was easy for him; your father was a fox after all. Even though he wasn't as big as other predators, he was still a predator all the same. You took after your mother's family: a doe.
You didn't remember ever being afraid of your father, but your mother had told you that, when you were very little, you used to get scared when he spoke louder than usual or when he appeared without making a sound. But apparently, you loved him and ran to him when you felt threatened, which was unnatural for your species: he was a predator and you were a prey. However, he was your father, and his affection for you made you trust him and erased the fear from your body.
Your mother sometimes told stories of how your father moved to Yamagata at a young age and how him and his family shook the structures of the city. They lived in a place inhabited by prey of all kinds, and his father's family were the first predators to move there. Your mother always laughed when she said that she felt sorry for your dad, who was isolated at school and sad that people always shied away from him when he approached them. Until she felt sorry for him, swallowed her fear, and became friends with the fox that would later become her life partner.
When you were 10, you had to experience a fear similar to the one your father experienced at the time, but different all the same. You had to move to Miyagi, your father's hometown, where predator and prey lived together in a way you couldn't understand.
You were a prey who never had contact with predators other than your dad. Predators with intimidating auras and smells who could easily hurt you.
Grandpa Kazuyo was an angel in the form of a predator in your new life in Miyagi.
He was kind and affectionate, a friend of your father's late parents. He had a lot of patience trying to charm you and prove that he wouldn't hurt you. You soon discovered he was a wolf. Grandpa spoke softly and smiled a lot. He also introduced you to volleyball, but you soon discovered that, as much as you found it interesting, you didn't like the idea of mixing with other people - usually predators - to play a competitive sport. But you enjoyed watching him and the women's team he coached play.
Just when you'd gotten used to him for good, Grandpa brought Kageyama Tobio into your life.
Kageyama Tobio was taller than you and more athletic. He had dark hair and extremely piercing eyes. He was also a wolf and his eyebrows made a strange movement when they landed on you.
Honestly, he scared the shit out of you. Your instincts made you freeze and your mind began to think of various ways you could escape. He also seemed to react to you, his head turned slightly sideways and his smell got a little stronger. He was going to attack if you ran.
"Well, well, let's calm down, shall we?" granpa said with a playful voice.
Kageyama Tobio reacted immediately to his grandfather's voice. His posture became relaxed. His smell also began to become less strong. However, your instincts remained alert and your eyes darted between staring at the older wolf and the younger one.
Grandpa made a slight movement, putting his hand on the boy's head and lightly ruffling his dark hair. "She didn't want to fight you, she's just not used to predators and you scared her, little Tobio."
The boy turned back to face you, "I wasn't going to hurt you."
You stared back at him, trying to calm your heart and relax your muscles. He was Kazuyo's grandson, he won't hurt you. Kazuyo wouldn't let him do it.
"You have big eyes," the little wolf said. "Grandpa says you like volleyball. Do you want to play?"
You didn't say your eyes were the way they were because you were a doe. He didn't say he acted that way because he was a wolf. You just shook your head and took a hesitant step towards him. Kazuyo gave an encouraging smile.
Thus began a strange friendship between Kageyama Tobio, a wolf, and you, a doe.
“They’re doing it again,” the 15 years old you said while tossing the ball to Tobio. You were both just throwing the ball to each other while waiting for your parents to finish the conversation with your teacher.
“I don’t understand it,” Tobio’s sounded grumpy. “What difference does it make that I’m a wolf and you are a doe?”
Unfortunately, you knew why they were doing it. Tobio was known to be a promising setter, a future strong predator and the school felt like his friendship with you might get in the way. That’s the world you both lived in. It was acceptable to the both of you to live together and in harmony, but it’s not expected to prey and predator to bond beyond acknowledge each other respectfully.
“Maybe it was the recent protests? Some people have been protesting on school gates about allowing prey and predators in the same classroom. It was also reported in the newspaper that the number of mixed couples had increased. They might think it’s because of it.”
“That’s stupid. No one cares about that,” Tobio made a small growling sound in protest.
“The world was made for your kind and they don’t want it to change,” you weren’t particularly sad about it. You’ve always known. That’s the reason why most prey stay in prey only communities. “Don’t worry about it. They are just scared I might get in the way of your bright future.”
Kageyama Tobio grabbed the ball with both his hands and stared at you. It was one of those stares you didn’t understand. Piercing, but not aggressive or judgmental. You felt apprehensive, but curious at the same time on what was on his mind when he looked at you in that way.
“You’d never get in my way.”
You hoped he was right.
"Most of the people on the Japanese team are people I played against in high school," Tobio said while looking at you.
You made a humming sound as you stared back at him. Things have changed a little since you’ve became adults. Every weekend, when there was time, Tobio and you did your routine: go to each other's houses to watch a game and have dinner together. He always brought the food, served you and always sat extremely close to you, which you always found strange, but eventually got used to.
Kageyama Tobio was no longer that little wolf, he was now much taller than before - even though he had always been bigger than you - and much more muscular and athletic. When he wasn't training, he was in the gym keeping himself in shape like a good professional player.
He still had that awkward personality, which you discovered was just a genuine difficulty in communicating (and he didn't care that much about that either) and his strangely penetrating gazes. But today you were no longer frightened by them. Tobio never looked at you with hostility and always tried to keep his tone of voice light when talking to you. He also became good at sensing your discomfort and providing cover if you felt overwhelmed in any environment. You kind of understood your mother when she said she swallowed her fear to become friends with your father.
You also kind of understood when she fell in love with him.
“At least they're people you know, for better or worse,” you replied as you ate your soba. “And Hinata will also be there. Aren’t you happy for the old days?”
“Miya Atsumu will be there too.”
You smiled and rested your head on his shoulder playfully. "I find it really funny how he can piss you off sometimes."
His reaction was to rest his head on yours, like a caress, and go back to eating as if nothing had happened. On the other hand, you should have gotten used to this type of thing by now. Tobio, when you two became really close, had no problem touching you. He would bump his arm on yours, almost like a light brush, he would guide you through very crowded places with a hand on your shoulder, almost like a hug, and at times like that he would rest his head on yours. Funny how he didn't seem to like touching anyone else but you more than the necessary.
These kinds of things still made your face heat up and your heart do funny things. But apparently, to him, it was normal. Tobio did all these things with a neutral expression. As if it was completely natural.
“Are you going to watch it on TV?"
You hated to admit how touched you were when he asked if you were going to watch on TV and didn't demand your presence in person at any game. The first and last time you went personally was in the Adlers vs MSBY and you had to be pulled out by your friends before the game was even halfway through. Even though you had been dealing with predators for so long, walking into a stadium full of them screaming and cheering was making your senses go crazy and you panicked. You remember almost crying while apologizing for not being able to watch. For leaving.
His hug was tight, his hand pressed your head on his chest while he called you an idiot for thinking he would care about it.
“Yup, yup. As if you would miss the great Kageyama Tobio representing Japan in the Olympics. I wouldn't miss it for the world.”
He gave you a small and almost imperceptible smile in the Kageyama style.
“That wolf boy really got well in life,” your father spoke while watching the game. “I'm going to have a rich and famous son-in-law, how strange.”
Your eyes widened, “what?”
Your mother elbowed him as she smiled at you. "What your father meant was that you two would make a good match, even if it’s unusual. I mean, I did marry a fox myself."
With your mouth open you could only stare at them. In the background you could hear the announcer narrating the game and your parents seemed to hesitate at your reaction. Before you could think of a response, your father sighed and leaned forward so he could look into your eyes.
“It goes without saying that no father particularly likes to hand over his daughter to just anyone,” his voice was serious. “But that young man follows you and looks at you like a wolf cub hoping you’ll give him attention.”
Hearing this kind of thing was disconcerting. It almost gave a little hope that a predator like Kageyama Tobio would want to bond with a doe. Predators like him belonged with other predators. Extremely handsome, strong, and completely capable of landing a mate on his level. Maybe a model or another volleyball player, not a doe who couldn't handle a crowd without her instincts overtaking her. Maybe a wolf like him, or even a cheetah if he improved his communication skills.
"I- that doesn't make any sense. We've been friends since we were little, Tobio just takes care of me because he knows I'm a prey that hasn't fully gotten used to-”
“Sweetheart,” your mother's gentle voice cut you off. “Do you know what the wolves' courtship rituals are? If you don't know, you should look it up.”
The game kept going on. However, you couldn't concentrate on it, your eyes were unfocused towards the screen while your mind was racing. You had looked up wolf courtship methods a few years ago out of pure curiosity. You wanted to know if it was so different from yours - and it was, does were courted and responded to scents basically. Wolves also responded by scent, but they also got close to the suitor, touched each other and rubbed their faces against each other just like... like Tobio did with you.
And on television, you heard a shout: "It's a no-touch ace by Japanese player, Kageyama Tobio!"
“You are avoiding me.”
“I am not.”
Kageyama furrowed his eyebrows and adjusted his posture, looking down at you and crossing his arms as he stood at the door of your apartment. You felt smaller than ever.
Yes, you were kind of avoiding him. Yes, you might have not responded to his last text and yes, you might have canceled the last get together of yours in his apartment.
“Let me in,” and you did.
In your defense, you needed to think. Having feelings for your best friend was something you already knew you had. Tobio was awkwardly sweet, always smelled great (you never had to smell him after a game, though), was criminally handsome, his voice was really hot to hear (even better when he’s sleepy) also, he always was somewhat tender to you. Tender like always getting your favorite food, always protecting you in public spaces, always using his smell and warmth to give you a sense of relief when dealing with strangers.
He never used a lot of words, but he never had to with you.
“What’s going on?” he asked when you closed the door.
Your body was tense as you moved to the couch. You needed to sit down to have this conversation, your brain felt like it was going to hyperventilate and the last thing you needed was to faint in front of him.
“First, I’m sorry. Some things happened and I got a little overwhelmed. I’ve heard someth-”
“Someone said something to you? What? Who?” His voice was lower than normal and there was some kind of animalistic sound in it.
“No one threatened me,” you raised your hands and looked him in the eyes to try to appease his protective instinct. “It’s just… you really don’t need to worry.”
But apparently, he was having none of that. He knelt in front of you and brought his face closer to yours. You always thought Tobio's eyes were beautiful. The color became more intense the more serious and focused he was. Looking at him, so close, brought a slight tug in your heart that you weren't expecting. You brought your hands towards his face, holding it affectionately. His expression became confused.
“I worry about you,” was the only thing he said as your thumbs caressed his cheeks.
You wanted to kiss him. You wanted him to kiss you. You wanted something you couldn't have. Something that you shouldn't have. Someone was more deserving of that male than you. A female or male who’s also a predator. Someone who could go to his games without any problems, someone who could face others without feeling their throat tighten.
“Tobio,” your voice was like a whisper. “Why haven’t you bonded with someone yet?”
His gaze changed. Back was that piercing blue eyes staring deep inside your soul.
“I can’t.”
“Why not?”
“I want you to accept me.”
Tobio’s hand went to your knees and his ears were deeply red. His voice failed him when he answered and you could feel his embarrassment to say this out loud. Your eyes widened and you didn’t know what to do. He wasn’t just anyone. He was Kageyama Tobio. Your childhood best friend, Olympic and professional volleyball player. And he was a wolf.
“I’m a prey,” your voice trembled. “I’m just a doe.”
“Prey or not prey, I only thought of you as my mate.”
You let out a breathless laugh. That’s so him, so Tobio. He’s simple like that. He kept staring at you and now his eyes alternated between your eyes and mouth. His ears were still red while he was waiting for your answer. You spread your knees a little allowing his large body to fit between it. He leaned towards you as you lightly pulled his face to yours.
Kissing Tobio was as awkward as him. He tensed a little, then relaxed. His scent became stronger, reacting to you and his hands moved to your thighs. Your hands found his neck while you tilted your head to kiss him better. You could feel your body warming up to him, for him. When one kiss ended, another began with more desire. His tongue sought yours, you lightly sucked his lower lip.
You decided you loved kissing Kageyama Tobio.
When you separated, his head fit into your neck, rubbing his nose and kissing your skin tenderly. His hands moved from your thighs to your waist and he got closer to you, still on the floor. His wolf instincts telling him to touch you, to get closer to you, to mark his partner with his scent.
“Are you my mate now?,” he asked.
“If you want me to be,” you answered.
When he kissed you again, you wished he would leave his scent all over your body.
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levenlike11 · 1 year
hii honeyy (sorry hope youre comfortable with that :') ) just a random thought i had.. so what do u think ab writing little scenarios for when they take you on a surprise date (like a little picnic date or a movie date night, whatever you want! :] ) could you make this with sakusa and whoever else you want?? i love your writing btw *kiss kiss*
tysm for forcing me out of a block 🥹🥹 enjoy reading! (they/them pronouns used for reader and character)
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they take you out on a picnic on a sunny saturday, your favorite fruits and snacks laid out on the blanket they bring under a tree's shade. they even cook pancakes for you and make you your favorite drink, also bring a thermos to keep it warm for you. they pull you up and force you to go flower picking with them and make you a daisy crown or flower rings.
akaashi, hinata, oikawa, asahi, daichi, yachi, bokuto, sugawara, and anyone you'd like!
they opt to buy tickets for that new movie you've been excited about and take you out on a movie date. they buy night tickets so it's less crowded, they like being alone with you. they get you your favorite flavored popcorn and drink, hold your hand or keep theirs on your thigh throughout the movie. they always warn you about possible upcoming jumpscares if it's a horror movie and hug your side if you're scared. might try stealing your popcorn so be aware!!
iwaizumi, tanaka, nishinoya, atsumu, kuroo, and anyone you'd like!
they prefer staying in, by yourselves in the comfort of your home. offers to try a new recipe together or learns a magic trick to impress you. you can have a 'dad jokes' contest and make your stomach ache from laughing at their silliness. they would love to build a fort and watch the latest episode of a tv show together while eating those said snacks you tried making together. they will agree to lend you their switch to see who's better at a random game. they love to read seperate books and talk about them with you later, or discuss a book/topic you're both interested in. maybe run a bath with some essential oils and candles to relax and relieve fatigue. give you a massage to soften your muscles, sore from all your hard work, or just your awful posture. (points at mirror aggressively)
kageyama, ushijima, kiyoko, kenma, tsukishima, osamu, yamaguchi, sakusa, and anyone you'd like!
───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────
i really hope this is what you had in mind!🥹 please give feedback so i can improve! <33
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afleetoftrashships · 5 months
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I've been thinking about this, and when it would most likely happen, which is probably going to turn into a series cause hyperfixation. So here, have a Masterpost
1x06 Skin
The shifter tells Sam, but doesn't tell him much.
Sam: Where is he?
Shapeshifter Dean: You don’t really wanna know. I swear, the more I learn about you and your family—I thought I came from a bad background.
Sam: What do you mean, learn?
Shapeshifter Dean: He’s sure got issues with you. You got to go to college. He had to stay home. I mean, I had to stay home. With Dad. You don’t think I had dreams of my own? But Dad needed me. Where the hell were you?
Sam: Where is my brother?
Shapeshifter Dean: I am your brother. See, deep down, I’m just jealous. You got friends. You could have a life. Me? I know I’m a freak. And sooner or later, everybody’s gonna leave me. Not that I don't still pine pathetically, mark myself for my little brother.
Sam: What are you talkin’ about?
Shapeshifter Dean: You left. Hell, I did everything Dad asked me to, and he ditched me, too. No explanation, nothin’, just poof. Left me with your sorry ass. But, still, this life? It’s not without its perks. I meet the nicest people. Like little Becky. You know, Dean would bang her if he had the chance, especially because he could think about you when he did. Maybe she'll ask why I have my brother's initials tattooed on me. Let’s see what happens.
And this would totally change the context of this chat in the car...
Dean: Sorry, man.
Sam: About what?
Dean: I really wish things could be different, you know? I wish you could just be... Joe College.
Sam: No, that’s okay. You know, the truth is, even at Stanford, deep down, I never really fit in.
Dean: Well, that’s ‘cause you’re a freak.
Sam: Yeah, thanks.
Dean: Well, I’m a freak, too. I’m right there with ya, all the way.
Sam: Yeah, I know you are.
Cause Sam is totally thinking about his claim initials on Dean's body, and that Dean doesn't know that Sam also has Dean's claim initials on him.
I don't know if I should thank or curse @kageyama-taka for feeding this thing living in my head rent free but here we are (all love to them tho)
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yume4evere · 1 year
yuuki kuran part 2
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 Do you take school seriously?
Eh...? What...? What is that question ? Of course I take all this very seriously... When I manage to keep my eyes open.
 Yuki , do you know how to cook?
Mmm... No, not really. But I'm doing everything I can to improve myself and it's not so bad after all. Isn't it Zero ? What no ?!
Call the director "Dad", please!
That's more of a request than a question, isn't it?! Besides, it's not that hard for me to call him "Pa...", well no, sorry, I can't. 
Who taught you to use Artemis?
Finally, a normal question. It was the director who taught me. He patiently and lovingly taught me how to handle it since I was little. I thank him.
Who would you like to share your room with if you were to live in the Moon Pavilion?
What, living with Night Class students?! I would be way too nervous. Why not with their maid?
What kind of nickname could you give to Zero and Kaname ?
Give Kaname a nickname ?! No way !! For Zero , I will call it " Zerounet " just to break its image a bit. Just kidding, Zero !!
So, which of the two are you in love with? Zero or Kaname ?
How...?! I...I have to go, the Night Class will start soon, sorry! 
 How to improve Yuki 's school results ?
The question of Yuki 's school results !!
~There are very good ideas to help him study seriously!!~
How to help Yuki work more:
Prepare a calendar with Kaname 's sweet face .
Zero will surely plant a nice thumbtack on his photo.
I'm going to pin him. ( Zero )
Zero , you're cruel... And I really need to get better grades... ( Yuki ) 
All she has to do is say "Daddy, I love you" to the director, opening her big eyes wet with tears when she gets bad grades. (He can't resist)
Yuki you don't need to have good grades. The director.
If she manages to have more than 50 in her checks, she will be entitled to free tickets for a week of delicious "ginger menus", take her by the gluttony.
Wh...what?! Free food? A good ice cream suits me too. ( Yuki )
If you still can't improve your grades... Here are some "2 hero questions" by the Journalism Club.
What... more pressure... I hate it. ( Yuki ) 
Ask Kaname and Zero to be her private teachers. Will she be able to concentrate enough despite the heavy atmosphere...?
No way. ( Zero )
...Not bad, but why not be just you and me, Yuki ? ( Kaname )
She only has to write with Kageyama 's pen , the first in the class, during exams.
Miss cross ... If your grades go up, the class average goes up too. You can use my pen as often as you want!! (the class leader)
Add the nap to the school curriculum!! She will be 100!!
It is an excellent idea. She could become one of the best students. ( Sayori )
She could also do her best for her best friend Yori if she is told that exam scores will be the same for those who share the same room. "If your grades are bad, so are mine."
Yori , I promise to do my best, don't hate me too much... ( Yuki )
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neonscandal · 8 months
Neon, do you mind, if I ask your opinion on this post https://www.tumblr.com/hxhhasmysoul/729291653862621184/i-disagree-with-his-isolation-being-self-imposed ?
Mainly I don't agree with this post, but what do you think?
Also, sorry if I'm wrong in calling you "Neon". I don't mean to be rude. Can I ask, what to call you?
No need to apologize! I love that you guys call me Neon, I enjoy it. The thought that someone wants to refer to me by a name when they address me is really endearing, I don't know if that makes any sense. Neon, Scandal, Randall, whatever else you come up with - all are perfectly fine by me. 💜
Regarding OP, there were some parts I'd say were maybe a little off base? but ultimately up for interpretation; however their characterization of Gojo is largely accurate, in my opinion. A few things here and there that I wasn't sure what they meant (like Kannon? but I know I make so many grammar/spelling mistakes in my rants so I get it).
Everything after the ATLA quote, in particular, is pretty rock solid. The section re: Gojo's isolation and comparison to Kageyama Shigeo is really interesting but, in my opinion, not quite apples to apples when, in universe, we've seen other examples of this extreme isolation caused by strength with Kashimo, Sukuna, and Yorozu (well, she tried, search Yorozu in link). Considering this, I wouldn't say it's a happenstance of Gojo's personality even though we can understand how it was cultivated within him specifically. There's also an inherent difference between socialization and being intrinsically understood which is what Gojo yearns for.
I say off base above but that's not the right sentiment. This poster has personal IRL experience that informs a bit of their interpretation in the section Gojou vs Megumi but that doesn't invalidate their opinion. If anything, it probably provides a greater, more authentic insight that other viewers, myself included, do not have access to which they don't necessarily have to disclose. This isn't an on par comparison but helps to explain what I might be having trouble articulating. I recently shared a video about listening to queer people about queer coding in media. That can be extended to other identities and experiences wherein the overarching idea is to listen to people who have experienced or are X, whatever X is, because their insight informs the validity of what they see in a character through coding, symbolism, pattern recognition, etc. So I don't outright disagree with them, I just lack understanding which is okay and doesn't, in any way, take away from their assessment but should perhaps temper my own.
Canonically, I think some bits in that section weren't entirely accurate, though
According to Gojo's recollection, he started to tell Megumi about killing his dad but Megumi cut him off having written his father off some time ago. Re: Megumi's recollection, he'd already tuned Gojo out anyway. I've said it a few times but maintain that this will boomerang back in a way that hurts so we're in agreement there.
I can't say this is based in canon so I'm calling that out now but the only thing that I do outright disagree with is as it pertains to Gojo "forgetting" he was fighting Megumi. Readers shouldn't always be influenced by the observations of characters in the story because even they are watching the story unfold. I expect some grand scheme/plot coming to light.
Re: Six Eyes + Limitless vs. Ten Shadows, knowing their mutually assured destruction, if Gojo were really worried about a reckoning, he could have just not told Megumi that that was even a possibility. Megumi is so unmotivated and, perhaps, insecure that I doubt the thought would have come to him at all so intimating that information had another purpose. Hell, at this point I guess we've seen it, no?
Even though I love Gojo as a character, I largely echo similar sentiments, I just don't proffer them as harshly (given the setting of the story) or, perhaps, I lightly romanticize or provide context for the "why" which softens or glosses over it. Like, even in the lovey dovey post I made listing out all of the saddest things about SatoSugu, I mention that Gojo prioritizes evening the score with Toji as opposed to avenging Riko in that deliberate order. Gojo is no angel and my affinity for him doesn't preclude me or anyone else from identifying his flaws and less than altruistic motives.
As I've said previously, I don't particularly care about other people's interpretation of a character or story as it doesn't impede my enjoyment. Subsequently, OP's fan/fandom inspired hate of a character was a bit outside my experience as perfect strangers won't taint something for me out of pure hateration lol When I first started reading it I was like... oh, brother.. it's gonna be one of those so I wouldn't be surprised if other people have trouble acknowledging their accuracy just because they let the intro sour their ability to read/learn/listen.
TL,DNR: Despite OP's very clear disdain, they objectively made accurate points that could help to temper other people's interpretation of Gojo's character who over idealize him.
Put down your pitchforks, you can keep your soft Gojo head canons and the like (and I'll keep mine ✨). But if you're interested in accuracy, the above is my opinion.
Fans and antis alike have a tendency to project way too much on Gojo which is funny because, as that writer pointed out, he exists within the context of this story. What you love, what you hate are still symptoms of the societal conditions that created him. He doesn't exist in a vacuum and he's not the only character who is flawed but, man, does he attract as much hate in fandom as he does in universe. Isn't that a microcosm of a phenomenon?? Still doesn't detract from the validity of OP's assessment of him.
Gojo is an impudent, selfish, awkward brat whose naivete allowed him to gamble on the fate of the world when he was a kid. He lost the one person he felt he connected with/understood and carved out a "master plan" befitting a 17 year old long into his 20's wherein even his good deeds carried the shadow of an ulterior motive (mind the title for the off the wall-ness of some of those theories..). I wish I could find the tumblr post where someone called him a lameass loser because that, too, was spot on and I feel like I reblogged it enthusiastically. We love him in spite of this. I still sympathize and identify with him which probably says way too much about me, actually 😅
While this is a starkly shorter section compared to the above, I focused on Gojo since I think that was namely where your question was focused; however, OP made a really stunning observation regarding Sukuna and Uraume in comparison to Gojo and Ijichi which I totally missed.
But Uraume never seems worried that Sukuna might act erratically towards them because his mood is unpredictable. When they meet for the first time in the modern era they are both so genuinely happy to see each other. Sukuna immediately offers them words of reassurance. He always praises their work and their efforts even when Uraume themself is not happy with their performance. They totally just vibe with each other, like when the go mean girls on Yuuji when he breaks out of the ice. Sukuna is a mean, violent, murderous asshole. But the one person he appreciates has absolutely no doubt about it.
That is a solid hint of Sukuna's humanity that betrays his villainy. Here I thought he was just getting interesting in these last few pensive chapters where he's coming to terms with why he's been so insistent about belittling Yuji! Meanwhile, Uraume was the first indication.
Thank you for asking, anon. I'm sorry if I disappointed you but maybe the "spoonful of sugar" as relayed here helps from presumably one Gojo fan to another. I'm curious to know what you may have disagreed with (I don't take issue either way). Just because I'm unbothered doesn't mean other people's opinions don't influence my own so I'm always down to read your thoughts!
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scarfwrites · 1 year
hey again! btw I wanted to say that I am the same person who requested the last fanfic you wrote and I wanted to say that it's amazing, now I don't know if you take emergency requests if you don't please ignore this, can you write a short fanfic kageyama and iwaizumi x reader (but like separate) and um the reader recently lost their grandparents and they are comforting the reader and helping them through it, I'm sorry if it's too much :(
Comfort Amongst Loss
❅Genre : Fluff, Comfort, Angst
❅Pairings:  Iwaizumi x Fem!Reader
                     Kageyama x Reader
❅Warnings: Death in the family
❅A/N : Thank you so much for your kind words! Honestly you should be thanked for requesting that after all i only just executed it. Also thank you for the request! I actually lost my grandpa when I was a wee child so I used that to make it more immersive. I hope your doing alright though ☹️☹️☹️ P.S. I tried to make this as quick as possible as well as making readable quality so forgive me if it’s not to your liking
Due to the plot for Iwa’s the reader is a girl though Kageyama’s is gender neutral
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“Is this really necessary?” Kageyama asked nervously as you both walked
“Yes! My grandpa really wants to meet you!” You exclaimed
“I know but… I'm nervous…” Kageyama spoke bashfully looking away
“No need to be worried! He’s a kind soul at heart he will love you!” You smiled at him “Well as long as he doesn’t see what you did in middle school” you stated nonchalantly as he deadpanned
“WHY ARE YOU SAYING THAT SO NONCHALANTLY!” He yelled as you shrugged
“It’s fine! Dad’s sure he hasn’t heard about you” you shrugged him off with your hand
“Your dad also warned how scary he can be” he murmured as you look at him
“Huh? What’d you say?” You asked innocently
“Nevermind! Let’s get going!” he pushes you as you both walked faster towards your grandpa’s house
You arrived at your grandpa’s house and knocked on his door
“Y/N! I’m so happy to see you!” your grandpa hugs you tightly
“Is this the boy you and your dad were talking about?” He asked looking at Kageyama as he nervously waved back
“Yeah! This is Kageyama Tobio!” You introduced 
“Nice to meet you sir” Kageyama bowed
“Come in both of you” He opens the door more widely as you both went in
Your grandpa welcomed you into the dining room where you both sat down and drank the tea he prepared
“I’ve heard a lot from your boyfriend from your dad” your grandpa explained “more than you” he chuckled as you blush in embarrassment
“Dad can be really talkative sometimes” you sighed making your grandpa laugh
“I would like to ask though…” he said in a serious tone “Was that what he was really like in middle school?” Your grandpa interrogated as you and Kageyama panic
“No! Well, yes! But still! He’s changed and that’s all you need to know!” you defended
“I-I can prove it sir!” Kageyama nodded as your grandpa laughed
No need! Your grandpa continued to laugh “I’m sure you are great for my grandchild and I’m counting on you to make them real happy” your grandpa smiled as he stopped laughing
“Yeah… I will I promise” Kageyama smiled back 
“I’m glad” your grandpa’s expression was full of delight
A week later after meeting your grandpa your winter break had been done and it was time for you to go to school. However after school you weren’t at the gym which surprised the team. You would always come to the gym to give bento to everyone.
“Hey Kageyama! Where’s Y/N!” Tanaka asked
“Yeah! I wanna hangout with them and eat their bento!” Hinata frowned
“I don’t know I haven’t seen them all day” Kageyama said worried
“You’re their boyfriend and you don’t know where they are” Tsukishima interjected condescendingly
“Shut up!” Kageyama scowled “I’ll go look for them!” he stood up and left
“You should really stop pissing him off” Daichi sighed
Kageyama looked everywhere for you. It took him a while but he found you on the rooftops crying.
“Y/N? Are you alright?” He rushed towards your side and pulled you in for a tight hug
“Tobio!” you hugged Kageyama back tightly and cry into his chest
“What happened? Tell me everything” he rubbed the back of your neck as he tried to soothe you
“Grandpa… H-he… fell into a stroke” your sobs turned into wails as Kageyama’s eyes widen
“Hey hey hey… let it all out” Kageyama spoke softly as he tighten his hug
“I know it’s hard without him, afterall I know from the stories you’ve told me he meant a lot to you” Kageyama rubbed your back “I lost my grandpa who was very important to me and my sister a while back” Kageyama clenched his jaw holding back the tears “But you should keep going Y/N… I’m sure your grandpa would want you to achieve your dreams, At Least that’s what my grandpa wanted for me” Kageyama gave you a comforting smile whilst he wiped away your tears
“Thank you Tobio… that really helped” you smiled back
“I promised him I’d make you happy, it’s something I’m willing to keep” Kageyama placed a kiss on your forehead
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“Y/N! It's so good to see you your” mother embraced you tightly
“Hey mom” you return back the hug
“Oh! you’ve brought Iwaizumi too” your mother smiled at the young man as he bowed “Come in” your mother opens the door and you see your grandma lying on the hospital bed 
“Y/N! It’s so nice to see you!” Your grandma exclaimed happily “I see you’ve brought your boyfriend too, I’m glad” your grandma smiled at the both of you
“I’m so glad to see you too grandma” you smiled as you hugged her “I heard that you might be discharged today… is that true?” You spoke softly with hope glimmering in your eyes
“The doctors said she’d be okay to discharge today” your mother responded as your grandma nodded 
“Well if you don’t mind me asking…” you took a breath “Would you like to watch my professional debut tomorrow? I wanted everyone in the family to go” You asked placing your hands on her lap
“Your debut! I’d love to watch you perform on stage!” Your grandma nodded enthusiastically
“Thank you!” You hugged your grandma as she did the same “I was really hoping you’d come, afterall I’m sure you’d love to see who I was playing. She's been in one of your favourite movies!” you beamed
“Is it Miss Honey?” Your grandma asked with excitement as you nodded “I’d love to see you play her! I’m sure you’ll do great” your grandma praised making you blush
“That’s what I keep telling her mom. But Iwaizumi told me she’s been scared debuting tomorrow” your mother sat by your side
“No need to be scared, I'm sure you’ll smash it!” you grandma gave you a reassuring smile
“Thank you” you smiled back
The day was here you were going to make your professional debut as an actor. You were so excited to perform in front of your grandma as she was the reason you wanted to become a performer in the first place. You made sure to give it your absolute everything. You were in your dressing room getting ready
“Nervous?” Iwaizumi walked over to your chair
“Y-yeah I realized we invited a lot of people who will be watching me” your voice was laced with nervousness
“They’re all cheering for you” Iwaizumi held your hands “You’re gonna do great we believe in you” Iwaizumi smiled softly easing your nervousness
“Thank you” you smiled back “You’re right! To give my everything I should be confident” you encouraged yourself making Iwaizumi chuckle
“Even my old teammates wanted to watch you perform” Iwaizumi smiled as he sat next to you
“Hope that doesn’t mean your gonna bicker with Tooru like when we were in highschool” you giggled as you both hear your phone ringing
As you look over you see it’s your mother calling. You grab your phone to pick it up. You wished you hadn’t. Iwaizumi couldn’t quite hear what was happening but he sensed the severity of the situation when you dropped your phone and started tearing up.
“Y/N what’s wrong?” he quickly rushed to your side and pulled you in for a tight hug
“Grandma…” your face started welled up in your eyes “Hajime… she… she won’t be here” you wept profusely as Iwaizumi hugged you even tighter
You worked so hard to get the role of Miss Honey. Matilda was one of your grandma’s favourite shows to watch with you when you were young. Your grandma loved Miss Honey’s kind and empathetic nature. You wanted to be a performer just like her. She taught you everything you know. Now she’s gone and she won’t be able to see you perform and continue on her legacy.
“What will I do now Hajime?” You sniffled as Iwaizumi rubbed your back She’s gone you buried your face in his neck
“I know how important she was to you…” Iwaizumi whispered “She’s the reason why you wanted to be here, right?” Iwaizumi looked at you as you nodded “I know it’s hard that she’s gone and I’m sure the cast would perfectly understand if you don’t wanna perform but… You should do it for her” Iwaizumi placed his hand on your chin to face him
“She wouldn’t want you to back out as you’ve dreamt of this for years. I’m sure she’d love to see you perform even if she’s far away now” Iwaizumi gave you a comforting smile as he wiped the tears from your eyes
“You’re right” you smiled back “I’ll give it my everything… for her” you looked at the old picture of you as a child with your grandma
Your castmates heard what happened and assured you many times that you didn’t have to perform. However, you still wanted to perform for her so you assured them that you will be able to perform. As the show started you let go of everything you felt and immerse yourself with your character. However when it was time for Miss Honey’s solo My House you poured all your blood and sweat into performing it as best as you can. You could see how you moved everyone in the audience with your acting and vocals as at the end you got a standing ovation. Finally it was time for stage bows and you could only feel how proud you would’ve made your grandma if she was watching
“Thank you Grandma… I hope your happy now, wherever you are” 
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struwberrii · 3 months
I think tumblr ate my ask so I’m gonna send it again with what I can remember-
OK OK SO I freaking adore the high school HCS you did and I am humbly asking for some college hcs for this self-indulgent duck. I will let you pick the sillies, but if I may request my own, I’d love either Yamaguchi or Ennoshita!!
Thank you so much! 🫶🫶
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haikyuu!! college headcanons ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆
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thank u for the request u silly duck, i tried my best 🫡 (i am not in college but i THINK i have a pretty good idea of how things get down in college)
characters: kageyama, hinata, tsukishima, yamaguchi
misses his first classes because he’s on the wrong side of campus looking for his classes 😭
takes notes on his laptop and types SO LOUD
asked a really dumb question in one of his classes and now he’s too embarrassed to ever speak up in class again
has a hard time making friends because he’s so awkward
probably builds lego cars and displays them in his dorm as decor
spends like $500 on doordash a month because he hates driving
probably hardly passing any of his classes
always has an airpod in during class
also gets super lost on the first day
good ol fashioned pen and paper for his notes
has the brightest and biggest bookbag ever
probably conducts the gay son or thot daughter street interviews
doesn’t have a car, he’s just fending for himself
his dorm room is SO cozy, like bro does not play about his bedroom decor
has definitely tried coughing to cover a fart in class but it only ended up drawing more attention to himself
everyone kind of sees him as a little brother
doesn’t talk to anyone in his classes
went to one party and hated it so much now he just stays in on saturdays or goes out with yamaguchi somewhere quiet/chill
always looks annoyed in classes
do NOT ask him for notes or help with something because he will scold you + make you feel dumb
his dorm is probably like almost empty, he does not decorate much
takes good notes and probably sells pics online too
lives in hoodies and big jackets
probably been a victim of the phone mic interviewers an odd amount of times and always gives the most out of pocket answers to mess with people
carries a tote bag
drives a prius, even though yamaguchi can drive tsuki drives the 2 of them everywhere
he and yamaguchi have game nights and invite some of the others over sometimes
can cook the most simple things, that’s about it
sat in the wrong class on the first day and just stayed for the entire lecture bc he was too scared to leave
dorms designated chef (he isn’t THAT good at cooking though just better than tsuki)
takes walks around campus during his free time
#1 library studyer
has lost his dorm key multiple times
falls asleep in class sometimes
takes notes on ipad
sketches during classes he isn’t interested in
switched his major like 3 times
eats fast food a lot for lunch
plant dad, his dorm is covered in different plants
(sorry i feel like this writing is a little bad, maybe i DONT understand college like dat)
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monocotyledons · 4 months
barging into your inbox with some haikyuu thoughts bc i thought the shiratorizawa arc was already so intense and emotional but their game with inarizaki almost had me literally crying bc i’m just so proud of them !!
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i also wanted to ask who your fave characters were!! I think Kageyama has really inched his way to the top for me but Sugawara is also so precious (as are most of the characters lbr) 🥹
hello sorry this is a late reply to your ask!! BUT YES S4 IS REALLY GOOD 🥹 the match is sooooo intense and satisfying and i especially love hinata's big receive!! such a good way to wrap up his arc for the season 💕
omg fave characters... ok so i am a HUGE shiratorizawa fan, i watched season 3 in one go and LOVED it and got obsessed with it so fast. ushijima is my absolute favorite and i also love tendou and goshiki to pieces!! i even have a soft spot for the side characters in the team like semi and reon?? i just love s3 a lot, it's my favorite season hands down.
i didn't even think much of ushijima in previous seasons, i just remembered him as the guy from the "japan!!" scene and from anime twitter meme'ing him as pestering oikawa all the time. i think what really endeared me to him was 1) his backstory with his dad and his left-handedness and 2) him being actually a really cool and supportive captain despite his scary-looking demeanor! tbh i just really love the contrast of the intimidating outward aura vs. him actually just being very no-nonsense. i love how he's always "okay do your best" to goshiki whenever the latter challenges him (if you haven't seen it yet, i highly recommend this scene not in the anime). idk if you've read the manga chapters not covered by the anime but i especially loved seeing more sides to him after the s3 match.
tendou endeared me to him so fast bc of how goofy he is + the whole "guess monster" concept & the backstory behind it + his entire dynamic with ushijima, like they're besties but also such an odd pair. (tendou also has one of my favorite post-timeskip jobs!) and i love love how ambitious and hungry for success / validation goshiki is while still being a dorky first year.
sadly shiratorizawa is not very popular within the fandom so they don't get a lot of merch but i DO try to get my hands on merch of them whenever i can!!
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tbh i think their relative lack of popularity is why i love them so much haha. i got into haikyuu back in 2020-21 when it was all over anime twitter, and back then the hyped characters were the aoba johsai boys (mostly oikawa and iwaizumi, still very popular today) and the miya twins (since s4 had just aired). tbh it's harder for me to love hyped characters bc the hype blows them up too much and i can't appreciate them in my own right... i went into s3 knowing nothing about it so i learned to love the characters on my own!
outside of stz my favorite characters are asahi and kageyama!! with asahi i think i just really loved his story of overcoming anxiety and pressure to claim the title of ace. his more reserved personality is such a nice contrast to the rest of karasuno! (and i also love his timeskip job!) and kageyama is just... so, so endearing to me. he's really just trying his best! his struggle of balancing wanting to be the best vs. looking after his teammates and bringing out the best in them too resonates with me so much. and while i've always liked hinata, i think i grew to love him more after reading the post-nationals chapters!
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jtl07 · 2 months
Now that I’m watching beach volley, I must say that Kristen Nuss from USA reminds me of Ava 🏐 She’s so tiny, but one of the best players in the world!
oooh okay so anon when i saw this, my brain immediately split into 2 directions: beach and indoor/team volleyball.
beach would be incredible for Ava - at the beach! in the sun! one half of such an important partnership; being equal. the tricky part is figuring out her partner lol - like, she could partner anyone yknow?
as in, i feel she'd have an incredible dynamic with anyone she's with. like, with Mary - maybe a veteran Olympian - would have her back and trust her and ground her while also pushing her in different ways; with Lilith, i feel like they'd make a dangerously sharp and fiercely aggressive team (when they're not sniping at each other lol); with Camila they'd have this rapid pace and creativity, maybe also as a new pair/new generation bringing in a breath of fresh air into both their country's team and the sport in general; Beatrice of course would be such steady support for Ava's theatrics, though not to say that they wouldn't be risk-takers - for some reason i have them as the most unpredictable for opponents because of how much they trust each other.
team/indoor volleyball is something i've actually thought about before, but in terms of a Haikyu au.
[eta: omg this became so much rambling i'm so sorry anon, especially if you have no idea what i'm talking about but if you like volleyball, i encourage you to give Haikyu a chance!]
while i've seen some episodes/clips of the anime and stage plays and think both are fantastic, the manga is my true love. it's hands down my favorite sports manga and one of my top 5 manga of all time. i learned so, so much about storytelling and structure from this series; i think Furudate is all sorts of brilliant.
in terms of if i was to make a Haikyu au for WN, Ava would absolutely have to be Hinata because his love of volleyball and that voracious desire to learn. to me, his major character arcs come from working with a team and becoming a professional volleyball player. the former is perfect for the team aspect of WN, the latter would be wonderful to explore Ava's more serious side. as in, when something you love becomes something you dedicate your life to, where you find the most joy, where you become the best version of yourself.
ugh oh man the timeskip would be a beautiful analog to canon too, as in Ava coming back from the other side - stronger, more confident, and still in love with volleyball. a true "monster" lol as the ones who turned pro were called. plus there was that bit in the ending about the Olympics so this is in line with your prompt anon, i swear this isn't just me rambling mindlessly about Haikyu (tho it kinda is lol)
casting everyone else is hella tricky. though, i could get behind Camila as Nishinoya. she'd be a tad "lighter" in personality than Nishinoya but Cam does have that serious side to her and of course size-wise, she'd fit the libero position. Tsukishima immediately had me thinking of Lilith with all the shit he gives Hinata at the start and the f-ing brilliance of the Shiratorizawa match - oh man i still get shivers at that arc. also damn, that scene when he and Kiyoko have to go to the infirmary would be beautiful for Lilith too, having to trust her team to hold on. (i think i'mma have to reread ohno)
Mary feels very Daichi because captain/dad lol, i wonder if Sugawara could work as an analog for Shannon - his story is slightly different, since Sugawara gives the setter position to Kageyama (i.e. not Hinata/Ava) but still, that act of stepping back i feel would be close.
i have no idea who i'd cast for Tanaka - i'm not sure who'd be the sort of "everyman" analog from WN. the managers too are hard to cast - mostly because there's not a lot of folks to choose from lol - but also, who can possibly be as cool as Kiyoko?! ... well, Beatrice could lol, but that would mean i'd need to cast Ava as Tanaka because of course lol
speaking of Beatrice, i hesitate to cast her as Kageyama because though she'd be a brilliant setter, Beatrice's relationship with Ava is different from the antagonistic/rival aspect of Hinata and Kageyama's relationship, yknow? to that point, hm, Lilith would actually be fun in that position instead, especially with Kageyama's past and their similar ties to past folks/legacy of sorts.
which, then, Beatrice could be cast as Tsukishima, brilliant and strategic - doesn't think much of Hinata/Ava at first, develops a strong relationship with the back line hm, goddammit why is Beatrice the character who can do everything™
though now that i'm noodling more, if we go back to Beatrice as Kageyama, yes it'd be a different dynamic but also huh it could be interesting to set (lol) up a backstory for Beatrice that run similar to Kageyama where they both developed a rift with their past teams because they were driving them too hard and has to learn how to meet folks where they are. (then later learn to challenge once that trust and individual and team skill have built up). hm in that way, Beatrice's arc could be really interesting - and she and Ava could still have a rivalry and push each other to be better, just not as antagonistic as Kageyama and Hinata...
sorry anon this is just me rambling. last thing i'll say about this and Haikyu is that this kind of au would be interesting on a group/team level because their team, Karasuno, doesn't have that elite standing like the OCS, they're the underdogs which, idk, i feel like could provide some interesting conversations with canon
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hinatastinygiant · 1 year
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9 | The Great Gatsby
Pairing: Daichi x Fem!Reader
Only in Whispers
Peering from behind a small bush on the beach, I watch as Saeko talks to herself. I can't quite catch all the words she says, but I know she's muttering something about her brother. A few moments later, he approaches and groans when he sees her standing nearby.
"What do you want, Saeko?" he sniffles.
"To stick together, Ryu," she says.
"What's the point? Our friends are dead," he whimpers.
"So, what, you're just going to give up and let the killer win?"
"Why not?"
"You're such an idiot, Ryu," she grumbles. "We need to help each other out. We can't continue with this no talking to each other game that we've been playing. It's not safe."
"Saeko, it doesn't matter. There's nothing we can do anymore."
"You're an idiot, Ryu," she shakes her head. "You're not even trying. I thought you said you loved her!"
As the two of them talk, I can't tell what I should be thinking. Do they need to stick together because they both know who killed Kiyoko? Or maybe Saeko did? Or both of them? Just as I'm about to head back inside and tell Daichi what I've heard, something Tanaka says catches my ears.
"I don't understand you, Saeko. Why did you go out partying every night after mom and dad died?" he asks her, tears in his eyes.
"Yeah, well, why did you stop talking to literally anyone who wanted to help you?" she snaps right back at him.
I had heard Noya say something once about how the two of them had a hard time understanding each other's grief and coping mechanisms after their parents died, but I didn't realize it was this bad.
"Because I wanted to be left alone! And no one seemed to understand that! Everyone kept telling me everything would be alright, or that they were there for me, or that it wasn't my fault," he cries. "And the one person who did understand it was out getting drunk every other night!"
"That's not fair," Saeko frowns, shaking her head.
"Well, it's true. So, go ahead and say what you came here to say. Go ahead and make fun of me for chasing some girl who might've ended up killing herself," he sighs, looking away from her.
"Ryu, I don't care about that anymore," she tells him. "All I care about is making it through the night. We have to stick together. Don't you understand that?"
"Of course, I do. I'm not an idiot."
"Then say we'll stick together," Saeko sighs. "I swear, I have nothing to do with it."
"Neither do I, Saeko," Tanaka agrees. "And neither does Noya. And, no, it's not Yamamoto either."
While the two of them make up, I turn and attempt to sneak away. However, Saeko hears me and calls out, "Who's there? Stop where you are!"
"Shit," I sigh, walking over to the two of them. "Sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop."
"Really? 'Cause that's exactly what you were doing," Saeko replies, crossing her arms. "Ryu, let's bring him inside."
"Wait, no," I protest.
"Shut up and do what she says, Asahi," Tanaka tells me, grabbing my wrist and tugging me back inside the house.
"Okay, fine, but I really didn't mean to get into your business! I promise, I'm not the killer," I beg.
Neither of them answers me until we get inside where a bunch of the others are standing around all drunk. "Where's Daichi?" Saeko asks Suna.
Atsumu, who is being comforted by Kuroo, huffs, "We don't need him."
"I'd rather he know I'm not the killer," I groan.
"Yeah, well why else would you be spying on people?" Saeko grumbles, causing Noya to look at me with a confused expression.
"What's going on?"
"Don't worry, Noya. It's all good," Tanaka smiles.
"He was listening in on our conversation outside," Saeko says.
"Come on guys. Asahi is our friend. You know he wouldn't do that," Noya says looking a bit nervous as he speaks. And I can't manage to hold eye contact with him past the second sentence. Instead, I glance over to the side where I notice Hinata and Kageyama walk in, glance at the group, then turn around and walk back out of the room.
"I don't want to be in there with them," I tell Kageyama. "No way."
"Me neither. I don't want to deal with that drama," he replies, shaking his head.
Just then, Y/N and Daichi rush past us, going to join the group we just walked away from. It's strange, I didn't know they were that close. In fact, I didn't even know they knew each other before this whole Kiyoko situation. "When did the two of them become friends?" I ask Kageyama.
"No idea," he answers. "What is Y/N's job? Maybe they're both cops?"
"No," I shake my head. "I'm pretty sure she owns her own business."
"What kind of business?" Kageyama hums, scratching his head.
The two of us look at each other, but before I can give him an answer, Yamaguchi approaches us. He looks as though he hasn't slept in a week. "Are you o-" I begin, before he cuts me off.
"I need to talk to you. Now!" he says, grabbing me by my hand and pulling me over to the stairs. "Come on, Kageyama, you too."
Kageyama follows behind us, and Yamaguchi leads us up to my room.
Y/N'S P.O.V.
"All right everyone," Daichi addresses the group after they fill us in on what's been going on. "Go back to your room and get some rest. Y/N and I will solve this, I can assure you."
"Why Y/N?" Sakusa's voice then rings out. "Why aren't you working with Semi?"
"Where even is Semi?" Oikawa chimes in.
"Does that answer your question?" you sigh. "I'm here because Kiyoko was my closest friend. I want to figure out who did this to her!"
"Yeah, that's not what I was asking," Sakusa rolls his eyes.
"You don't have to be so rude, dude," Kuroo tells him, glaring at the man.
"Now that I think of it," Oikawa continues, "We're missing a lot of people..."
"Maybe we should take a headcount?" Yachi suggests.
"I'll do it," Daichi nods his head. "Nobody move."
Only in Whispers
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