#i love being aroace in the most confusing way possible. this is so fun. everyone should try it (SAID COMPLETELY DEADPAN)
mechawolfie · 2 years
i think vash would be a service top but im too embarrassed to elaborate. but could you imagine..........
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dameronalone · 3 months
6, 7 and 1 for the pride game asks for the one and only beloved Ilya Zephanir?
aaahhhh thanks nymie 🧡
6. How does your oc feel about labels? Theirs, or in general?
i think mostly zeph.. doesn't really care. like, not in an antagonistic way. she's just ambivalent about it. she doesn't really use labels for herself (and truthfully finds them confusing) so as long as she like, knows your pronouns, and preferred gender if she's setting up a blind date (or trying to get intel out of you), she doesn't care what you call yourself.
(she and poe once had a. almost a game of chicken after poe used the "you can call me anything just don't call me late for dinner" line and for almost an entire week she used different pronouns for him every time she had a conversation, until their instructors told them to cut it out because they were confusing everyone.)
7. Is there something that could cause your oc to question their identity? What?
scratches head thoughtfully. if anything it was poe (again) and realizing she's not completely romance averse. like, she was always "more" aromantic than anything. she'd do sex sometimes bc it was fun but in a very asexual, "I just feel like it" way, not "I have GOT to get laid" way. but she didn't do romantic relationships (one of the reasons she and poe didn't get together right away, even though he probably would've loved that)
it takes longer for her to warm up to romance than most people, longer than most people are willing to wait for, if they're interested in her, and nobody was ever interested in her or friends with her long enough to test that theory. and she was fine with that, but the realization that she had romantic feelings for poe was more like, mind boggling, and not even necessarily in the usual friends to lovers mind boggling way, just the like- tf I not only want to have that but I actively have romantic feelings??
but it's pretty much just poe (and maybe volya) so its like, is it even worth it to call her demiromantic? it's just easier to say aroace.
(and all THAT being said, this is just a side note, but like as she is aroace, and possibly whatever gender fuckery she's got going on, gender of the other person was never really something she put a lot thought into. if she had to put a name to it, it'd probably be pan, but that still feels unnatural)
1. What's your oc's gender identity? What's their relationship to their gender?
I think, if anything, Zeph would relate more to the concept of autigender than anything. it's not that she necessarily experiences gender dysphoria, it's more of a reaction to thr world around her and how they treat her and what is expecting.
growing up the way she did, fairly isolated just by nature of living with her grandfather and him being a spacer, she didn't really get to interact with other children in longterm meaningful ways (also there was the fact that they were doing their best to avoid the empire) so zeph didn't really have anything - I'm realizing she might just be agender. like a combination of the two.
shes just zeph. I don't think she necessarily likes above all else she/her pronouns it's just- like there's not a better option so she just sticks with what she was given. it's not really until she starts having to fend for herself that she begins to like, truly be confronted with society and gender and the construct and it was more like a weirded out sensation than outright dysphoria.
but she doesn't mind feminine terms when coming from her family. like, she's poes wife, she's the kids mom, etc.
pride themed oc asks
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celiabowens · 4 years
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Adult SFF edition
High/Epic Fantasy
The Lies of Locke Lamora: heist fantasy following a band of misfits! It has morally gray characters, fun banter but heartwrenching moments and a pretty complex plot. It’s a classic to say “if you liked Six of Crows and want to try adult SFF try this” and it’s probably true. 
Kushiel’s Dart: a political fantasy tome loosely inspired by Europe in the Renaissance. Pretty heavy on romance and erotica (with BDSM elements) as it follows a courtesan navigating the political scene. It has an amazing female villain.
A Darker Shade of Magic: probably the easiest way to approach adult fantasy. It has multiple Londons and a pretty unique magic system and concept, plus a crossdressing thief, knives and great banter. 
The Poppy War: grimdark fantasy (TW: abuse, self harm, rape, drug abuse), inspired by Chinese history. It’s adult, but follows younger MCs and the unique blend of different historical periods/inspirations makes it extremely interesting. The characters are extremely fucked up in the best possible way, plus the use of shamanism is awesome.
The Sword of Kaigen: if you liked The Poppy War you could like this one. The Sword of Kaigen is an Asian-inspired militaristic fantasy, with elemental magic, a badass housewife dealing with her past and hiding a sword in her kitchen’s floor. It has interesting and nuanced family dynamics and a great reflection on propaganda and the use of narratives.
The Priory of the Orange Tree: high fantasy, featuring dragons, a F/F romance and pretty complex world building. The author reuses typical fantasy tropes and roles in a fresh way. Very readable in spite of its length.
Empire of Sand: inspired by Mughal India, this one focuses on culture and religion and has great slow burn romance (TW: abuse, slavery). It’s pretty slow paced, but the payoff is great. Also a good "YA crossover”.
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms: first book in a companion novel trilogy, following a young woman who finds herself at the center of a vicious political struggle, as she’s suddenly become the heir to the throne. 
Black Sun: first book in a new series by Rebecca Roanhorse, inspired by pre-Columbian societies and cultures. It mainly focuses on religious and political conflicts. TW for abuse, mild body horror and suicide (not very graphic). Nice inclusion of lgbt rep across the whole cast + one of the main characters is blind. Great world building!
Historical Fantasy
The Night Circus: perfect transition from YA to Adult for a reader, The Night Circus is a gorgeous historical fantasy romance. The author’s writing is amazing, the descriptions and the subtlety of the main characters’ relationship are to die for.
The City of Brass: political/historical fantasy tome featuring Middle Eastern mythology. It follows younger MCs (honestly another series that could be a good way to approach adult SFF) and has great character growth throughout the series. The first book has some more trope-y elements, but the payoff is worth it. 
The Golem and The Djinni: historical fantasy (if you loved The Night Circus you could like this one), following two mythical creatures as they navigate New York in 1899. Slow burn romance, rich descriptions, fascinating combination of Jewish and Syrian folklore.
Gods of Jade and Shadow: a fantasy bildungsroman set in Mexico during the Jazz age. Another great way to approach adult SFF as it follows a young girl on a life changing adventure. It features Mayan mythology and a god slowly becoming human.
The Ghost Bride: set in Malaya in 1893, it follows the daughter of a ruined man as she receives the proposal to become a ghost bride. Lovely setting, rich in culture and extremely atmospheric.
The Bear and The Nightingale: a coming of age story inspired by Russian folklore. Another great way to start reading adult SFF: it’s very atmospheric and fairy tale-like. Also frost demons are better than men.
Queen of the Conquered: first book in a fantasy duology(?) set in an alternate version of the Caribbean at the time of Scandinavian colonisation. It follows Sigourney, a biracial woman (her mother was a slave, freed by her father) and the only islander who is allowed to own and use kraft and therefore has a position of privilege, which she constantly abuses, while telling herself she’s doing it for the islanders’ benefit. The book is hard to read, because the MC is no hero and her POV can be quite challenging to get through, but if you’re up for it I’d totally recommend this. (TW: slavery, abuse, death).
The Lions of Al-Rassan: this one has minimal fantasy elements, much like other Kay books, as it reads more like an alternate history. Using Moorish Spain as a template, it deals with the conflict between Jews, Muslims and Christians. Much like Under Heaven and most of his historical fantasy it shows common people being swept up in dramatic events. 
Urban Fantasy
The Divine Cities trilogy: starting with City of Stairs, it follows a female diplomat and spymaster(!!). The whole trilogy features an interesting discussion about godhood, religion, fanatism, politics, without ever being boring or preachy. It has complex and rich world building and a pretty compelling mystery.
Foundryside: heist fantasy following a thief as she’s hired to steal a powerful artifact that may change magical technology as she knows it. Also, slow burn F/F romance.
Jade City:  a wuxia inspired, gangster urban fantasy. Great family dynamics, very interesting political and economical subplots. 
One for My Enemy: sort of a modern Romeo and Juliet, but set in New York, starring two magical gangster families. The female characters are to die for.  
Trail of Lightning: inspired by Native mythology and the idea of subsequent worlds. It has a kickass MC and a good mix of original elements and typical UF tropes. You could like this if you liked the Kate Daniels series.
American Gods: a classic of the genre, pretty much brilliant in how it reuses old mythology in a modern setting.
Spinning Silver: a very loose retelling of Rumpelstiltskin, with a gorgeous atmosphere. It mainly follows female characters from different social and economical backgrounds and reuses the original tale to challenge the antisemitic ideas around the role of the moneylander.
The Queens of Innis Lear: fantasy retelling of King Lear, very atmospheric and gorgeously written. Slow paced, but very satisfying build up, lots of backstabbing and miscommunication. (heads up though, one of the MCs is coded as aroace and I found the rep pretty bad on that. The book does feature casual bisexual rep though, which was great)
Lady Hotspur: genderbent retelling of Henry IV, set in the same world as The Queens of Innis Lear. Lesbian and bisexual rep. Heavy on political subplots, features ambitious women growing into their roles.
Deathless: sort of a retelling of Koschei the Deathless set in the first half of the 20th century. Brilliant reuse of Russian folklore to weave together politics and history. It does have pretty brutal descriptions of war, morally gray characters, unhealthy relationships and overall a lot of mindfuckery.
Space Opera
A Memory Called Empire: space opera inspired by the Mexica and middle period Byzantium. It focuses on topics like colonialism and the power of narratives and language. It has one of the best descriptions of what it’s like to live in between spaces I’ve ever read. Also very interesting political intrigue and has a slow burn F/F romance (and a poly relationship recalled through flashbacks).
Ninefox Gambit: a Korean-inspired space opera with a magic system based on math. It’s honestly quite convoluted and difficult to follow, but it also features some of the best political intrigue I’ve ever read. Plenty of lying, backstabbing and mind games. It also features lesbian and bisexual rep and an aroace side character (TW: mass shooting, sexual assault).
The Light Brigade: militaristic space opera set in a not-so-defined future in which corporations rule Earth and space in general. The book follows a newly enlisted soldier as they go through gruelling training and experience the side effects of being broken down into atoms to travel at the speed of light. It’s a heavy book, featuring raw descriptions of war, and quite difficult to follow (non-linear timelines...) but it’s also an amazing critique of capitalism and political propaganda (TW: death, mass shooting).
Gideon the Ninth: pretty much lesbian necromancers in space. Very loose world building, but a fun mystery full of banter. Can be quite confusing in the beginning, but a relatively easy and fun way to approach science fiction.
The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet: character driven space opera featuring a found family journeying through space. A fun read, that also deals with topics such as sexuality and race. Quite easy to go through, as the world building and plot aren’t particularly complex themselves. Also features a F/F romance. 
Science Fiction-Fantasy that I can’t fit anywhere else
Vicious: college roommates put themselves through near-death experiences to obtain super powers, only everything goes wrong. Follows a great band of misfits (and pretty much everyone is morally gray).
Middlegame: a brilliant and complex tapestry of alternate timelines, following telepathically connected twins trying to escape the alchemist that wants to use them to obtain godhood (TW: attempted suicide).
Piranesi: the long awaited return of Susanna Clarke, Piranesi is an odd, mysterious book set in a house with infinite rooms and endless corridors, apparently inhabited by only two people. 
Bonus Novella recs: novellas are amazing and don’t sleep on them!
The Empress of Salt and Fortune: an Asian-inspired fantasy novella, it gives a voice to people usually silenced by history. It follows a cleric (non binary rep) as they chronicle the story of the late empress, retold through objects that she used in her life. It focuses on bonds between women and the power that lies in being unnoticed.  
The Black God’s Drums: an urban fantasy novella, based on Orisha mythology and set in an alternate, sort of steampunk, New Orleans. 
The Haunting of Tram Car 015: alternate steampunk Cairo populated by supernatural entities. It has a compelling mystery, starring a great lead.
This Is How You Lose the Time War: epistolary set during a time-travel war, F/F romance and gorgeous prose. 
The Citadel of Weeping Pearls: a novella set in the Xuya universe (a series of novellas/short stories set in a timeline where Asia became dominant, and where the space age has empires of Vietnamese and Chinese inspiration), but can be read as a standalone. It’s a space opera featuring a disappeared citadel and the complex relationship between the empress and her daughter as war threatens her empire.
To Be Taught, If Fortunate: an incredibly heartwarming and yet meaningful novella about research and the meaning of it. It’s the tale of 4 astronauts on a crowdfunded mission to explore space, to observe and report without conquering. It’s written in lovely prose and is very casual in its lgbt rep.
The Deep: very good novella set in an underwater society built by the descendants of African slave women that were tossed overboard. It’s not an easy read at all, as it deals with trauma, both personal and generational ones. 
Bonus short story collections recs
A Cathedral of Myth and Bone: 16 short stories featuring myth, legend and faith, that mainly focus on women reclaiming their agency. 
The Paper Menageries and Other Stories: features plenty of different fantasy and science fiction subgenres. The Paper Menagerie in particular is an extremely moving tale.
Conservation of Shadows: science fiction-fantasy short stories that focus on topics like colonisation and the role of art and language. 
Graphic Novel
Monstress: series set in an alt 1900s matriarchal Asia, following a teenage girl who survived a war and shares a connection with a monster that’s slowly transforming her. (TW: slavery, death).
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thetreeturnedoff · 4 years
alright! hyperfocus was on my side tonight so i compiled a list of all the caretakers from @hetalia-caretakers for them since people were asking for a list and one hadn’t been made yet (also side note y’all should totally go check out that blog, it’s amazing). i’m planning on updating this list as more people are added, too, and if anyone spots any mistakes here please let me know so i can fix them!
first, here’s the list of the caretakers with names and pronouns:
america - jerry (he/him), madeline/maddie (she/her)
china - zhang huijiong (they/them)
cuba - maria elena (that’s just a first name) (she/her)
england - bruce (he/him), alicia (she/her)
finland - adelaide (she/her)
france - michel (they/them)
germany & prussia - edith (she/her)
iceland - gabriel (he/him)
japan - naomi (she/her), hotaru (she/her)
latvia - agnese (she/her), twins aivars (he/him) and anita (she/her)
liechtenstein - ana (she/her)
n. italy - dante (he/him)
norway - eleanor (she/her)
romania - alina (she/her)
russia - maeve/maeves (she/her), irene (she/her)
sealand - harold (he/him)
s. italy - juno (she/her)
s. korea - jin ae (she/her)
spain - santiago (he/him)
switzerland - leila (she/her)
next, countries with unnamed caretakers:
all the micronations - (he/him)
greece - (she/her)
greece & turkey - (they/them)
sweden - (he/him)
and for fun, some honorable mentions:
alina’s dog - anghel (she/her)
bruce’s mom who sends bruce off with cookies to give to england
jin’s cat - gilmack (he/him)
jerry’s cat - sugar (she/her)
below this i’m also putting the appearance and personality descriptions that we have because i’ve seen people talk about that before. i’m really just taking quotes and sometimes rephrasing them to make more sense here, but i’m also providing a link to the post it’s coming from so you can see the original context. because this is coming from multiple anon messages, it’s entirely possible that i’ve gotten things wrong, so if anyone (especially the creators) find anything i did get wrong i’d appreciate being corrected.
first, appearances:
adelaide (finland)
taller than finland, standing at around 5′8; hair is shoulder length and curly, and brown with blonde highlights; eyes are hazel [x]
eleanor (norway)
much shorter than norway [x]
5′9; dirty blonde hair and brown eyes [x]
gabriel (iceland)
around the same height as iceland, give or take an inch or two [x]
roughly 5′4; brunette hair and hazel eyes [x]
gilmack (jin)
fattest boy [x]
harold (sealand)
a “middle aged dude” [x]
redheaded with a relatively short style; average height, around 5′9; brown eyes; wears glasses even with decent vision to prevent his vision from deteriorating; a bit thin and lanky, but with a little muscle; visible signs of not sleeping [x]
jerry (america)
5′7.5, or roughly 172cm [x]
argentinian, but born and raised in new york; has brown eyes, black hair, and tan skin; wears glasses and has a “typical cute, tired nerd look”; very skinny and pretty underweight, but he’s just naturally like that, it has nothing to do with him not eating [x] [x]
jin ae (south korea)
short and brunette [x]
maddie (america)
young and 5′ [x]
filipino [x]
maeve (russia)
“has a death glare that makes flowers wilt” [x]
somewhere around 4′11 [x]
sugar (jerry)
grey with green eyes [x]
drawings of caretakers:
maeve, michel, jeremy, naomi, irene, and maddie
jerry and maddie (and alfred)
maeve and irene
maeve and maddie
and now personalities (and some other facts):
adelaide (finland)
probably scared of finland because he sleepwalks with a gun or something [x]
"helps Finny with his Santa job every year and loves it" [x]
agnese (latvia)
started out sweet and outgoing, and now she and latvia are drinking buddies; keeps trying to keep up with drinking with latvia, despite him being immortal [x]
alina (romania)
"absolutely the snarkiest person you will ever meet"; "will absolutely bully romania into behaving, too varying degrees of effectiveness" [x]
ana (liechtenstein)
"[liechtenstein's] easy to lose due to both of them being easily distracted, so Ana's life is a constant game of hide and seek" [x]
anghel (alina)
"[alina's] main method of tracking romania" [x]
belarus’ unnamed caretaker
"flips between "oh you're angry don't worry I'll leave you alone for a bit" & "drop the knife belarus, don't play that shit with me"" [x]
denmark’s unnamed caretaker
“just as chaotic as Denmark himself” [x]
edith (germany and prussia)
super lax, and lets germany and prussia do whatever; gets into frequent trouble for not doing her job [x]
while supposedly watching prussia, she plays on her phone the whole time, loses track of him, or “helps him with whatever crime he’s trying to commit”; is definitely addicted to candy crush [x]
eleanor (norway)
"carry a spray bottle of water for when [norway] gets sassy with her"; "essentially “screw the rules you’re gonna do it no matter what I say”" [x]
gabriel (iceland)
he and eleanor are enemies because she feels like he’s too strict with iceland; he refuses to relax the rules he has for iceland [x]
"has threatened to quit because of how whiny Ice gets" [x]
has a long list of rules from both iceland’s government and norway that he enforces with iceland [x]
gilmack (jin)
laziest boy; “lives up to his name [name means roadblock]”; “will always be in front of your feet, or in the way, or be a bed hog” [x]
hotaru (japan)
actually enjoys her job, for the most part; “internally screams” around other nations because she only knows how to handle japan [x]
irene (russia)
“just rather confused” [x]
jerry (america)
probably has ptsd [x] [x]
has hit a point where he just kinda goes along with everything [x]
is aroace; is good at playing classical piano; "anxiety is through the roof, as are his caffeine levels"; "most unlucky guy in the world" [x]
gets random instances of super strength on occasion [x]
jin ae (south korea)
headstrong; “will thwap South Korea with a newspaper if he acts out“ [x]
leila (switzerland)
"sort of a pushover, but can be an amazing older sister figure when [switzerland] needs one" [x]
“not the interrupting type” [x]
maddie (america)
"made [america] back down with a single glance" [x]
is probably a black belt [x]
maeve (russia)
russia is the one scared of her; she doesn’t take russia’s shit [x]
“terrifying” [x]
“would just generally do questionable things, such as eating red red meat at 3 am with all the lights off”; actually volunteered for the job [x]
“small feral woman [who] can and will climb onto everything to get what she needs” [x]
maria elena (cuba)
"super chill, but super strong"; "Whenever Cuba and America get into a fight, she's usually the one to hold back America"; "She's a combo of the mom friend and the wine aunt" [x]
naomi (japan)
seems lazy or like she doesn’t care but actually just constantly gets lost; is always losing track of japan or getting turned around or distracted; probably pretty anxious too [x]
santiago (spain)
“stressed 24/7″; can’t really be upset with spain though [x]
really relaxed with spain as long as he’s alone, but things can get out of hand when he’s with portugal [x]
sugar (jerry)
mean to everyone but jerry; anything but sweet; also basically jerry’s emotional support animal [x]
sweden’s unnamed caretaker
can find sweden in ikea when sweden’s in there [x]
ukraine’s unnamed caretaker
just as emotional as ukraine is [x]
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solarcitymelodies · 4 years
Wowza sorry y'all about the random massive Rockafire spam, I'm pretty sure ??most?? People on here? know me for just Knight Rider because that's the only thing I've ever REALLY posted about--
but I Do Not Care it's RAE hours right now so uhhh here's some headcannons that probably aren't Canon compliant very much because I just got into RAE like last week
So like. I feel like Mitzi is a Good Amount younger than the rest of the band like she was in highschool when she joined, the rest of em were all Adults™ and she was a little bit nervous about it because...... ADULTS™
She was just lookin for a place to get her singing voice out there, because ya girl REALLY wanted to perform, and showbiz happened to have a slot open, but she did not expect all of the members to be older than her (although looking back, she realized she probably should have expected that)
It was intimidating at first but Billy Bob and Fatz were just the absolute sweetest and they introduced her properly to the rest of the band because she was like "oh I barely talk to them because I get nervous :(" and the resident dads p much said "aight we can do all the talking for you then, how about that?" And badabing badaboom she's now attached to these two and like honestly who isn't or maybe that's just me but ANYWAYS I feel like the band would become a second home/safe space for her
Yeah fr some reason I have BIG long headcannon for her joining the band but the rest of them? Nobody knows how they got there for all I know they just Showed Up One Day
Also I came across this
Which got me thinkin about what my headcannons were as far as sexuality/gender stuff
And I find the concept of Billy Bob being Very Much Straight And Ignorant but trying his hardest to be a good ally SO funny like if someone came out to him he'd probably be like "oh!! I don't understand why you would choose that lifestyle but I respect you!!" not realizing how incredibly stupid he sounds sjkrjh like I don't think he can very easily wrap his head around how people are just. not cishet. so he's like "OH then it must be a choice, right? like you can choose to be gay but you're born straight. Right?" and everyone just shakes their heads in the background but he does earnestly try his best and my man would rather DIE than disrespect someone's pronouns I know this for sure
Fatz is pretty similar, straight ally and a lil confused but he's got the spirit, you know? He still least knows being gay (as well as,,, m o s t sexualities that aren't straight, although some he doesn't get/know about at all) isn't a choice but he hasn't quite grasped that being trans is also not a choice. He will respect your pronouns to hell and back but by god he doesn't get it,,, he's trying though and he feels very accomplished in himself that he's starting to get the hang of using they/them even though he slips up a lot
The rest of the band encourages the HELL out of these two because they're. Trying their best and making an honest effort which is more than a pretty good chunk of people would give
Rolfe, Earl, and Dook are the reasons Billy Bob and Fatz are trying so hard to understand it lmao
Rolfe took it upon himself to hang up a MASSIVE gay pride flag backstage, being the flaming homosexual that he is, and the rest of the squad quickly realized "oh he's GAY gay he wasn't kidding" because at first they literally thought he was joking as he was actually just being openly and obnoxiously a raging mlm (and like I mean no shade to him this isn't me tryna to make fun of it because my dumb sapphic ass almost crashed my car once because I saw a pretty girl walk down the street. And by "once" I mean. Yesterday.) Anyways yeah that's when the rest of em Realized and were like "OH" but after the massive pride flag was hung up that prompted Dook to come out and they were all like "???? YOU TOO????"
Dook is a non-binary ICON he's a demiboy and goes by both he/him and they/them and probably would have a bunch of pride pins I think,,, I'm not really sure of his sexuality though!! honestly he kinda gives me bisexual vibes but Who Knows . Not me. He has a HELL of a time trying to explain his gender to the rest of the band (except for Rolfe because like. He's a part of the community so he knows) and basically he was met with "so you're just a dude but ✨spicy✨?" and it was like, "no, but I have no idea how to explain it in a way that will make sense to you, so. yes?" And that explanation seemed to suffice for most of them
Mitzi went in knowing NOTHING about what being non-binary was so she asked a l o t of questions about it, which Dook just kinda dealt with answering (he's heard most of it before, and it gets tiring after a while. if you're nb or trans or honestly any part of LGBTQ+ you know what I mean) but he thought it was really sweet of her to be so determined to learn about it and eventually she did get a grasp on it ish, so she was able to understand why it wasn't just ✨spicy male✨ (the conversation pretty much went "well if i was just male, don't you think I would label myself that way instead?" "....oH TRUE!!!") and she ended up a VERY passionate ally, and she'll ask occasionally about how to be better at it, bein a queen as she is 👉👉 also definitely started questioning her sexuality after a while and just went with "maybe bicurious" and Rolfe, Dook, and Earl were all like "ONE OF US, ONE OF US"
Earl has never once spoken about his sexuality in his life, because 1. He's very aware that's an awkward conversation to have with a puppet, and 2. He's aroace anyways, which is basically what people assume even if they don't realize it just for their own peace of mind, because seriously, puppets and any identity that ISN'T aroace creates a really uncomfortable mental image for... Most people, pretty much. So it's not like he ever needed to say anything about it, which is convenient for him because he wouldn't want to say anything either way. not worth the risk of embarrassing himself and making everyone feel awkward
(side note ish though Rolfe 100% came out to Earl first and was met with "I already knew that but okay." Rolfe was mildly offended)
And spEAKING OF EARL he's VERY much sentient but he can't say he's particularly enthusiastic about it because Rolfe has to carry him around everywhere
He can move on his own but it's limited and generally annoying to maneuver around with his tiny body so he just says screw it half the time and stays on Rolfe's arm or hitch a ride on Random Object, but like... Yeah, the majority of the time Rolfe just has to deal with only having one arm available and a puppet directly next to him making fun of him at every possible chance
They high-key have chaotic and unorganized college roommate vibes (like they're actually roommates because... Where tf is Earl supposed to go?? So Rolfe took him in) and idk if this is really like a part of my headcannons or if I just think it's funny so I keep entertaining the idea of it but I think it would be Fantastic if Rolfe had no idea how to cook but Earl somehow did so this idiot is trying to take instructions from a puppet, who can't physically show him what to do, and it's like Hell's Kitchen live featuring a furry and a sentient stuffed animal
Aaaaamd going off of my Rolfe and Earl headcannons still Rolfe for SURE has some sort of executive dysfunction issue. ADD or ADHD I'm not sure (probably ADHD) but he definitely has it also this totally isn't just me projecting how dare you accuse me of that
And!!! More about Dook!!!! I don't know how or why I thought up of this but I cannot possibly imagine him any other way now-- he's autistic and space is his Big Huge special interest, and if you ever ask him about it you have to be prepared to get infodumped or possibly even shown a PowerPoint presentation, because GOD he loves space!!! He wants everyone to know all about it!! He knows not everyone thinks it's as cool as he does so he tries to keep his mouth shut but when someone asks about it he can't help himself and will infodump a LOT, also haha drumming stims go brrrr, playing the drums isn't really a stim but he likes to just take his drumsticks and whack em around in the air and get that good ol Wavy Arm Action (wavy arms is best stim change my mind you can't it's GOOD)
Also i bbbbelieve earlier I reposted somethin about someone else headcannoning that he has echolalia, which I don't really know enough about to say anything on it?? But even if he doesn't have echolalia he'd probably repeat phrases over and over until he gets tired of them (which is,,, something I do lmao, it's either memes I get stuck in my head or things I've heard from various medias I like the inflections in (like one tiktokker I saw was talking about their tourettes and their vocal tics and one of them was "uh oh! How unfortunate!" and now I CAN'T STOP SAYING IT)) but like uhhh yeah :))) repeating phrases that get stuck in your head for various reasons for the win
This is already really long so I'm just gonna vibe out thanks for coming to my Ted talk feel free to ask questions I probably won't be able to answer a lot of em though because my headcannons are a Mess hehe >:)
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ayy-spec · 4 years
Anything to Add?
The final question in this survey was a write-in section for people to leave any additional comments. 113 people responded.
Important/Particularly Interesting Comments
• I hope this goes well for you because you seem nice and if you have any advice for new to the community 15 year olds like me, don't be afraid to share because I'm trying to embrace my sexuality as much as possible but it can be hard when I don't know where to go or turn to to find what I'm supposed to do and where to ask questions and just fully embrass this part of me and it can be hard when I don't even know many if any aspecs so representation is great and it is helpful to hear your experiences and how you handle certain parts, so just keep doing what your doing because it is making a difference [note: 🥺🥺😭]
• i often consider myself more as just aroace rather than aro and ace seperately so i prefer seeing the blue and orange aroace flag over the individual aro and ace flags
• I don't really shorten my identity often with aroace, only when im feeling very romance repulsed and its been a while since I felt romantic attraction. I am a pan-demiromantic asexual. My pan label makes me feel more connected to the lgbt+ community bc it feels like my nonbinary and intersex status doesn't count either. I know I belong in the queer community, but the lgbt+ community is so sexual orientation focused.
• Thank you for having a wide variety of labels to choose from in the options!! I don't see the term aegoromantic very often on things, it feels nice to be known I guess haha
• Thank you for this, i recently started thinking about being in arospec and it was so relieving, all this time i thought something was wrong or maybe i was broken. I'm still trying to learn more about it, and I'm grateful for people willing to teach and help
• didn't realize I hadn't experienced sexual attraction until I finally did and was like "OH, no wonder all my other relationships felt like I was playing pretend"
• I dont often tell people I'm gray aroace. Not because of shame or it not being "as important" (I'm a gay trans dude) but I think because I just feel its a very intimate part of myself, as well as my romanticism and sexuality (in terms of like asexuality) feeling as though it doesn't always need a label. I'm fine just being myself most of the time, a lot of labels can be tricky for myself I think. I'm happy the label exists nonetheless though because Its nice to know I'm not the only one who feels like this.
• I'm queer! But if I'm getting down to the bones of it, I'm pan/ace. Still relearning how to be proud of that, after The Grand Clusterfuck years back.
• even though I would be considered to have an alloromantic orientation, alloace isn't really a term I feel any strong connection or attachment to
• i'd like to add that i do consider myself alloaro and use that label openly but i'd also not consider myself 100% allosexual. i'm questioning my sexuality but even if i do end up feeling more solidly ace-spec i'd still use the alloaro label
• Idk who else does this or if this is interesting enough to write down, but I thought I would! I use Aroace as a label. Other, smaller labels inside that would probably fit me better! Aroace feels too big, like it doesn't *really* define exactly who I am. But at the same time, I prefer using it because more people know what Aroace means (at least compared to myrromantic and myrsexual). I use Aroace so the public can define me. I don't typically use it around my close friends 'cause they already know my idiosyncrasies and where I really am. They already made their own definitions for me, so I don't have to make one for them!
• I'm still figuring myself out, so I leave myself at the blanket terms and hopefully everything'll work out in the end
The rest of the responses are below:
Comments Alerting Me About Typos (that I was then able to resolve)
• There's a typo in your "sexual orientation labels" question, because you have Aroflux listed and not Aceflux, but I didn't want to confuse things so I put Aceflux (which I do use) under Other. I also am polysexual (I flux between polysexual and asexual but I am always aegosexual) but didn't know if I should but it under Other anywhere since it's not an acespec label. I consider my polysexuality tied to me being aego/aceflux though, which is why I mention it here.
• the sexual orientations options are the same of the romantic ones ( for example, there's arovague and arospike in the sexual cathegory)
People Clarifying/Expounding Upon Their Own Identity/Experiences
·  to clarify: i'm unsure whether or not i am demi or aceflux; so i use graysexual since both labels technically fall under that as an umbrella term.
• I’m still a confused gorl and I really only know that I don’t like sex it sexual acts but I do like romantic and sensual acts
• Sex/romance repulsed and I have aesthetic attraction
• I'm also animesexual and fictosexual (and romantic I guess but I don't like using the SAM for myself).
• I have never seen most of these labels, haha, I expect one of them is the one I always forget that's for being aro due to past trauma but people always assume it's romantic/sexual trauma so I don't use it and thus have forgotten it...but that's the essay I'm not usually up for writing: was biromantic but then had several awful life events on top of each other and had a complete breakdown and have been aro since. Unclear if it's permanent but it's been 14 years now. [note: I believe this person is thinking of caedromantic]
• I tend to use the word ace more than asexual because it's shorter, but I don't feel more favorably about one than the other.
• i can't tell the difference between platonic vs romantic attraction, and am unsure if people i have "liked" in the past was romantic, platonic, or a fake stemming from peer pressure.
• Also Gender-Neutral/Agender
• I’m gray-aro but identify more with being biromantic even though I know I’m aro-spec. As for sexual orientation, I’m just completely ace xD
• The fact I'm still trying to figure out my gender makes it harder to pinpoint exactly what my orientations are :( but I usually say I'm queer, and if it's safe: Bi Ace, and if I can get more specific: biromantic grey-asexual
• I also use a platonic label (biplatonic). I use it not in a friendship way, but more like in a QPR way.
• Thank you for doing this! My identity on the aro/ace spectrums has shifted a lot over the years and while I’ve just settled on aroace and queer for the most part, this community is so diverse and under appreciated. People who find joy in/identify with micro-identities are valid and deserve representation!
• I'm still figuring out my romantic orientation but it's looking less allo by the day lmao
• My romantic label is very fluid, but in terms of sexual labels, very sex repulsed Asexual
• Content with just Aspec cause it's difficult to pinpoint anything but cool with both asexual/ace and aromantic/aro
• I think of my romantic orientation as halfway between aromantic and homoromantic
• I'm a polyamorous ace, if there'd be a way to include that sometimes that'd be neat :)
• I am still questioning my identity
• I used to identify as 100% ace but now I have no idea other than that I seem to be pan-ace in some way shape or form so my identity is ???people???
• Sex/romance repulsed and I have aesthetic attraction
• to clarify: i'm unsure whether or not i am demi or aceflux; so i use graysexual since both labels technically fall under that as an umbrella term.
Queer Rights
• Trans rights, baybee 🤠🦂
• I just hope a-spec and aro-spec people will experience less negativity and hate this year <3
• Aspec rights!!
• aspec rights, baby
People Being Nice to Me  (I appreciated this thank you everyone!!)
·  :)
• Have a good day
• Uhhh, cool survey, nice to see a lot of labels.... good job! Nothing I have to add, it was great
• Have fun chief, thank you for your work
• Thank you for creating!
• thanks for the survey! I don't know too many aspec in person so I love participating in things like this about the ace/aro community!
• Thank you for what you’re doing
• just hi :)
• thanks!!
• I really love your blog! Reading your posts always makes me happy :) [note: thank you!]
• Good luck, have a nice day !
• I hope you're having a good day :)
• you're lived and valid af!! have a great day!!!
• Thank you for all your hard work i really appreciate it ☺️
• Drink some water Right Now OP
• Nope, :> hope the best for you.
• Cool survey, 10/10 would survey again.
• 💛
• Have a nice day uwu
• Nope! Have a nice day!
• Thank you for making pride flag edits! They're really nice! [note: thank you!!]
• nope, but this is really cool!!
• ❤️
• Have a good day.
• I think this survey idea is super cool! Definitely a great way to see what sort of aspec people are on tumblr :)
• You are doing the lords work
• Thank you for asking us.
• good luck!
• This is really cute idea :)
• I hope you're having a nice day!
• Good luck in your endevours!
• Thank you for making our community visible!
• Have a good day :3
• Have a good day!!
• Keep doing great stuff!
• Thank you for all the positivity I get from your blog! It's super helpful, keep it up :) [note: thank you!!]
• thanks for doing this. recognition is always nice
• Have fun <3
• Lots of love 💛
• This is a cool project, thanks for doing it and good luck! :)
People Saying They Love Me (and I love you, random a-specs)
·  i love you OP!!!!!
• love you, hope you have a great day
An A-Spec Person Being Rude to Other A-Specs
• If you enjoy sex with your romantic partner then you are not asexual
A Person Who Is Not A-Spec Being Rude To A-Specs
• sweetie im sorry that you're so insecure that you feel like you have to make up new identities to feel better about yourself. if you are a lesbian or bisexual please know that you are welcome in the community, but other than that making thousands of microlabels like this makes a huge joke out of what was once an important and respected group. nobody takes us seriously anymore because of this shit. does labelling your identity like this really help you with anything? demisexual and fraysexual and all this are just fancy words for normal human feelings that everyone has. there is no need to microlabel it.
· [variations of “no” (12)]
• not sure that helps lmao but still hope it does. all the best
• Axolotls (or as I like to call them, asexulotls) are amazing and I love them [Note: the man in question]
• Sorry, I can't remember the names of any blogs that do edits
• Ok random but the colors of the aro/ace flag? The blue and orange one? They’re gorgeous.
• I'm not so sure if I should use the aroace flag, I feel comfortable using both aro and ace flags, but I don't like the colors for the aroace flag :c [note: these are in chronological order, it’s a total coincidence that these comments are together]
• Curious to see where the survey goes
• It would be cool if you could also do some aplatonic-spectrum edits!
• there were fully half of the terms on that list that i had never even seen before. like, everything below litho down to no label was entirely new to me. at some point i will look into those! (but not right now, my brain is full enough at the moment)
• actually had to look up the majority of these orientations. Thank you for the opportunity to learn!
• Gonna reblog and follow and hopefully learn a bit more, about others and myself
Note: The only comment that is not listed in order is the first comment, which I put at the top because I found it the most important. It’s so important that kids and teens have space to explore their identity and learn about themselves. The reason I made this blog in the first place was because I was 19 and working on figuring out my gender and sexuality. Now that I’m a bit older and understand things better, I’m so glad that I’m able to help people in this way. 
I make it a point to be very openly queer in my life and at work because I need LGBTQ+ people, especially youths, to know that we’re here. I’m lucky that I live somewhere that I can be visibly queer and speak about it openly. We are everywhere, and there’s more of us than you think!
Something that I really like about the comments at the top is that they show how diverse we are, and how people use words differently. Some people feel like they’re more aroace than aromantic and asexual separately, and others consider their romantic and sexual orientations to be completely different things.
I definitely relate to the person who identifies are myrromantic and myrsexual with their friends but just says aroace when speaking with people they don’t know as well. I believe a lot of people use different words depending on who they’re speaking with.
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skylights422 · 5 years
@ace-and-aro-wlw-positivity created a Q&A for aspec authors/writers, and as an aspec author, I am excited to participate and answer as many of their questions as I can. Under a cut since it became really outrageously long.
1. What was your inspiration for your character(s)? Are they modeled on yourself, a person that you know, or a character that’s already been established?
Typically I’d say my characters are a mix of general inspiration from other stories/characters and then bits and pieces taken from myself. I try not to make any of them like a clone of myself or another character, try to mix it up, possibly with mixed success but that is the goal.
2. How much, if any, has your character(s) changed since they were first created? What caused this change?
Oh wow, okay I have characters I still use from grade school and middle school, and those characters have changed/grown a lot. Most notoriously (to me) though are my two fellas Euphranor and Kadri. I created them while daydreaming in middle school while watching those science videos in class about how I could make a more parody-like version of said videos, Kadri being the energetic and comically sadistic teacher and Euphranor being the constantly irritated and foul-tempered student. The core of their designs and personalities haven’t totally changed (Euph is still a hot-head and Kadri still likes to troll him), but they’ve become far more nuanced as characters as their story become more involved and serious. They’ve also become softer characters, with Euph having a Heart of Gold and Kadri being a bit morally grey but generally compassionate and friendly. I think the cause of this change and others comes from a mix of things, for one I simply got older and what I wanted out my characters changed a bit. But also I think it’s because I spent so much time with those characters in my head that I couldn’t help but develop them more fully, which in turn made me want to give them a good story. Also, everyone is definitely more queer now then how they started, largely because I became more aware and comfortable with my own queer identity and spent more time in queer spaces (though with Euph I actually just realized he had to be gay because I every het relationship I envisioned for him fell totally flat and yet imagining him as having crushes on guys just seemed to work better/make more sense, and that was an earlier decision).
4. Do you intend on publishing your story one day? Why, or why not?
I definitely do! I have many, many stories I want to publish, as books or comics or tv shows or films. I’ve always wanted to publish some of writing since it’s one of my main passions and have always taken inspiration from the stories I consumed. I just love writing and would want to be able to do it as my main career, the key will just be figuring out how to focus on one project long enough to finish it. xD
5. Surprise fact! Give a random fact about your character(s), whether it’s their favorite color, food, or even song!
Euphranor loves to sing! He hums to calm himself down and even full on sings to vent his feelings sometimes. Kadri loves literature and video games, and blackberry pie is his favorite food.
6. Admit it, you have a folder on your computer of the various types of picrews you’ve created for your character(s). Would you mind posting a few (or five)?
*VIBRATES* MY TIME HAS COME. I absolutely have way too many picrews of my fellas so I won’t post them all, just two each for the core four of my main novel project. First, Euphranor:
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(yes he is a Hufflepuff)
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(also since I dragged the Hogwarts houses into this Kadri is Ravenclaw)
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(I put her in Gryffindor)
And finally, Fiera:
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(Right now I have her in Slytherin. She could also be in Ravenclaw though)
7. Time to get serious for a bit. There’s been heavy debate on having non-human characters identify as ace, aro, non-binary, etc., but never actual humans. As someone who’s aspec, how would you explain to someone who’s allo why this can be and is seen as hurtful?
I mean, as a sci-fi fan I definitely love if the non-human characters are queer coded, but it’s definitely important to include human representation as well, and I think there are a few simple reasons for that. One is that queer people are, in fact, humans, and therefore our stories deserve to be told as they are in reality as well as how they could be in fiction. The other is only writing us as inhuman implies you consider our identities as fictitious or too strange for a human to have, and queer people already have to deal with other forms of erasure and invalidation in real life. (Also, not everyone is a fan of sci-fi/fantasy, and they should still be able to read stories where they can see themselves)
8. It’s a sad reality that many stories in mainstream media don’t have characters that are aspec, not to mention without resorting to harmful stereotypes. Besides there being nothing wrong with IDing as aspec, why did you choose to have your character ID as such? What would you tell other authors who’re interested in writing characters that are aspec, but are afraid of offending the community?
I have a huge list of aspec characters, which definitely started happening more once I was aware of my own asexuality (and later, aromanticism), since I realized that I could make my own aro and ace characters and then just went wild with it lol. It’s also easier for me to write since I can actually draw from personal experience somewhat for it. Beyond representation having aro and ace characters also allows you to explore more facets of human emotions/the human experience, so that’s always fun.
As for how I would advise allies looking to write a-spec characters, my main advice would be to remember that we are an incredibly diverse group of people, and so while no one a-spec character will resonate with every a-spec reader, an a-spec character written in good faith will definitely speak to some of us. Write them as an character first, and when it comes to things like how their attraction does or doesn’t work and what they want out of relationships, figure out what works best for them. Really, if you’re concerned your character would be offensive in some way you can always make a post asking about it, many of us are happy to offer constructive advice and appreciate that someone is wanting to put in the effort to write about our experiences. Reading or listening to anecdotes from an array of a-spec people is also a good way of getting ideas of how to portray us, and there are various resources for that (the tags, AUREA collects anecdotes from arospec individuals, and probably more than I can think of offhand)
9. If you’re comfortable with sharing, what is your characters’ identity? Do they use any microlabels? Does theirs reflect your own?
Unsurprisingly I have many characters who are aroace (Fiera is one of them), and Ena is bisexual and gray-aromantic. Kadri was originally supposed to just be bi/pan but has become increasingly aspec, will they end up gray-aro as well as grey-ace? Will they end up as a pan oriented aroace? I don’t know yet, but they sure are a pan a-spec. My most recent project has exclusively aro-spec protagonists, Valentine is aroace, Cedar is demiromantic, Raelene is cupioromantic, and then Clematis and Hadyn are presently just Aro and might stay that way. My aroace characters are often styled after my own aroace experiences, while other a-spec characters aren’t as much.
11. Why do you think that not just representation is important, but GOOD representation? Can you offer any examples?
Well, I think there are a few ways to make ‘good rep’. There is the ‘this character helps bring awareness/educate about the community’ and then there’s ‘this character just resonates with certain a-spec people a lot’, and the main reason I think it’s important is because rep should be for the people they’re representing. So if rep hurts the community or totally fails to be relatable to anyone who’s actually a-spec, then it missed the whole point and is doing just as much to leave the community feeling left in the dust as no rep. Of course things do get complicated when the community is divided on whether the rep is good or not, which I imagine will be a common occurrence, and many examples of rep probably fall into the grey area between Good and Bad, but generally people should aim to tell stories that will help more than hinder the people you are telling your story about. (Although I also think that the long term end goal is to get to the point where there is enough representation that it doesn’t matter if some of it is ‘bad’ or not, since I feel like that is the true state of normalization, but that is sadly not yet the case)
12. What’s the genre of your most recent story? Do you always write in this genre? If so, what other works do you have? If not, why did you pick it?
My most recent story (with Valentine) is fantasy, inspired by shoujo style anime series like Cardcaptor Sakura, while Euph’s story is more dystopian urban fantasy? His exact genre has shifted around a lot and will probably continue to do so. In general, most of my works are fantasy in some way or another. A few are more sci-fi or horror based, but definitely the majority are fantasy whether that be magical girl type stories, urban fantasy, superheroes, or dark fantasy.
14. What’s a brief biography of your character? Is their history, personality, and/or looks similar to your own?
I’m going to go with Fiera here. The short version of her backstory is that she and her older brother were born to neglectful parents, and while their grandmother was attentive emotionally she also lived far away. Her brother discovered magic, long thought forgotten, but killed himself shortly after, leaving Fiera alone and confused. She then made a point to dedicate herself to studying the theory and history of magic in the hope that she may someday understand why her brother would take his own life so suddenly like that. She has a down to earth personality and is very observant, and has a great deal of ambition and focus for tasks. She naturally has a more lighthearted and curious personality, but has become more somber since the death of her brother. While she always struggled with sustaining personal relationships, it’s only recently she started using her power of observation to be more manipulative and always keep a cool, pleasant demeanor. She has a love for fashion and sewing, as well as an interest in chemistry.
She isn’t really based on me at all backstory or appearance wise, and only slightly takes after me personality wise. Our main similarity is that we both can be quietly observant and don’t tend to get outwardly angry very often, and that we are both aroace. But I am nowhere near as focused as her, am terrible at lies/manipulation, and have different interests. I’m also way more prone to energetic rants and blunt statements than she is.
15. What are the themes of your story? Is it a lighthearted adventure, or are we talking deep, ocean-sized levels of angst? Why, or why not, did you choose them?
The tone of Euph’s story is kind of all over the place due to how often I’ve tweaked it, but there are certainly oceans of angst for all the protagonists. There’s just also decided remnants of the wacky humor from when the story was predominantly a comedy, and a lot more scenes of the characters just relaxing or goofing off than might be typical in a high tension drama adventure. My story with Valentine is generally much more lighthearted, though there will be some deeper moments for character development (and also because I want it to have a slightly gothic vibe, just Because)
16. How long have you been writing? Has your style changed from when you first began to now? What are some tips you’d give to those who’re interested in writing a story of their own, be it professionally or as a hobby?
I’ve been writing in some capacity just about as long as I can remember, and so my style has definitely taken various shifts depending on how old I was and what I was taking as my main inspiration at the time. Sometimes I went for more sarcastic and whimsical narration regardless of the events happening of the story, sometimes I went for a more quick modern-ish style, sometimes I would focus more or less on descriptions or dialogue. I don’t really know where I’m at right now though.
What I would advise to anyone wanting to sit down and write is to be patient and kind with yourself. Nine times out of ten what sounds epic in your head will come out at first as clunky and all over the place. But that is pretty much the whole purpose of first drafts; the clunky first draft crawls so the second draft may walk so the third draft may walk a little faster so the final draft may run. The other thing I would advise is to absolutely experiment, and see what works best for you. There is every kind of writing advice out there imaginable, much of it contradictory, so really you just have to mess around with styles and perspective and dialogue and see what happens, which stuff you liked and which stuff you didn’t.
17. What’s your process for writing? Do you plan your story out first, write whatever you want then edit later, or both? How might this help others?
My writing process is pretty much a mishmash of writing whatever comes to me, then planning, then writing, then using a bunch of character building exercises to have fun but make no progress in the plot, then neglect the project for months, then write some more or maybe plan. I don’t know how much this would help others, though I have found when I set goals with deadlines and some external pressure (nanowrimo, reward system implanted by friends, etc) I am far more productive, so perhaps that is something others could try if they struggle with staying on track?
18. Your book’s become quite popular, easily reaching the New York Times Bookseller list, and now, you’ve been picked to lead a writing workshop. It goes swimmingly, and afterward, someone comes and tells you that your book not only inspired them to write a story of their own, but also helped them discover and accept their identity. What’s your reaction?
Mostly I would just be flabbergasted, but also extremely pleased and honored to have been able to provide any kind of help or assistance to my readers.And I would feel very happy for the person, since that sort of inspiration is great to come by.
19. Are there any published stories out there that feature aspec characters that you also read? Do you have any suggestions?
Unfortunately not that I can think of! I am peripherally aware of some ace characters, but they aren’t in stories I personally consume. I hope to find more though!
20. Just for fun, write down a paragraph of your most recent writing. It can be an action-packed scene, some witty dialogue, or a colorful description that you really enjoyed. (Be sure to properly tag any possible triggers!)
Well, my most recent finished work would be the clunky first draft of my novel. So, here’s a silly conversation that entertained me to write:
Once they had bought the food, they went back to the park to eat. 
“You know, Fiera, I have come to a realization.” Kadri said.
“Oh? What’s that?” Fiera asked.
“Store snacks are not as filling as restaurant food, nor as refined, but they are decidedly addictive.” he said, munching on Twizzlers.
“Yep. That’s what makes them store snacks. Plus, I couldn’t get any really nice stuff. I’m not made of money.” Fiera explained.
“Which brings me to my next question, how exactly are you financing our meals? You don’t seem to work a job of any kind.” Kadri said. Fiera was almost surprised that he knew about jobs, but decided not to ask about it. 
“You’re right, I don’t. But my parents leave me about sixty bucks a week so that they can do what they want without me starving to death in their absence. After yesterday and just now, I’m down to like eight bucks, and the next payment comes in three days, so after this stash goes it's dollar store snacks only.” Fiera explained.
“I see. Fascinating. And these drinks you bought us, why are they vitamin drinks?” Kadri said,looking over a vitamin water curiously.
“Because we definitely aren’t going to get any vitamins from chips and candy.”  Fiera said simply.
“There is logic to that, I suppose.” he said. There was silence for a few moments.
“Um… Kadri?” Fiera said after a while.
“Yes, Fiera?” Kadri said.
“You know you can’t eat a whole bag of Twizzlers in one go, right?”  Fiera said.
“I don’t see why not. If it is not going to give me the nutrients I need, it may as well provide me with the maximum level of pleasure it is capable of.” Kadri said.
“Yeah, but you’ll get sick. And we have limited supplies.” Fiera countered. Kadri looked at the bag of Twizzlers in alarm.
“These are poisonous in large doses!?” he exclaimed.
“What? No, not poisonous, they just make you sick because they’re candy. All candy does that if you keep eating it.” Fiera said.
“Commoners lead dangerous lives, it would seem. I shall never forget this betrayal.” He said to the bag of Twizzlers, putting it down and taking the vitamin water instead. 
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I needed to re-make my headcanons list so here we go: Mlp characters with gender, sexuality, and body type headcanons. Also have some ‘what race they’d be as a human’ headcanons and maybe a few other things tossed in too;
Pinkie Pie
Panromantic Pansexual
Genderfluid(DFAB). Depending on the day, it will be either she/her, he/him, they/them, or even sometimes they don’t even know.
5′ 10″(177.8 cm)
Definitely fat, but has plenty of muscle and is active as hell. 
White, mostly Irish, but has a small amount of Native American in there.
Hella ADHD, fidgets with things all the time, messes with her hair, waves arms as she talks, tends to chew on things(pencils/pens, necklaces, headphone wires, etc.), so she keeps lolipops and hard candies on her so that she doesn’t ruin things.
Twilight Sparkle
Biromantic Bisexual
Demigirl(DFAB). she/her or they/them pronouns
As a Unicorn: 5′ 10″(177.8 cm), as an Alicorn: 6; (182.88 cm)
Decent weight, some muscle from sparing with her brother on occasions. She eats a lot but burns through calories like hell because she’s always using magic.Probably a little chubbier in Season 1, since she sat around all day, but she’s become more active since then.
She used to need glasses as a kid, but refused to wear them. Since since she was Celestia’s student she could take her time to decipher blurs. Becoming an Alicorn fixed her eyesight somewhat.
Gray-romantic Gray-sexual
Cis female(never bothered to question her gender though)
5′5″(165.1 cm)
Average weight for her height. 
Chinese and Japanese
Loves making clothes for all bodytypes. Encourages everyone who comes to her shop that they look amazing. Specifically makes things for larger bodytypes instead of the ‘uh, just make it bigger??’ thing.
Aromantic Asexual(sex neutral)
Agender(DFAB) she/her pronouns because she’s used to it(but doesn’t mind other pronouns)
6′ 4″ (193 cm)
Lot of muscle from farm work, but it’s the legit muscle and not the defined body-builder muscle. Can lift a lot
75% Native American, 25% white. pretty much looks like a combination of the two.
AJ defies a lot of the ‘country girl’ stereotypes. For example, she’s quite smart. She’s good with math, and stars know how many apple-related facts she could ramble off.Also, she’s, like, the least homophobic/transphobic person(pony?) ever. She will fight anyone who is, even if they’re family members.
Rainbow Dash
Heteromantic Heterosexual
Cis female(has actually explored her gender(and sexuality for that matter), but has come to the conclusion that she’s a girl)
5′ 8″ (172.7 cm)
Obviously athletic with plenty muscle, but not the heavy-lifting ones like AJ has. Rainbow’s more like a gymnast or a dancer. 
Everyone thinks she’s the gay one because stereotypes, but she’s just a major ally. Honestly it kind of works when she accompanies closeted friends to LGBT events, since it takes the pressure off them. Also, Rainbow’s smarter than everyone thinks. Like, yeah she doesn’t remember things she finds boring, but she can list every single feather in a wing, and knows her way around weather.
Homoromantic Homosexual
Trans Male(DFAB)
5′6″ (167.64 cm)
Very small and thin. ‘perfect model’ type body. not much boobage but considering he’s a trans guy he’s okay with that.
I don’t have a specific race headcanon for Flutters but probably not white.
Within the show’s timeline, Fluttershy is still in the closed about his gender. The only one he’s told is Rainbow Dash who is very supportive. I have wrote a fic with EQG Fluttershy coming out to her friends, and timeline-wise it’s during his senior year at CHS.
Sunset Shimmer
Homoromantic Homosexual
Cis female
5′8″ (172.72 cm)
little bit of muscle
Unsure of race but not white
Remember the fire wings from ‘My Past is Not Today’, and also Daydream Shimmer? She has those, but they’re sort of phantom-like. Basically you can only see them if you look for them. Or if you have Aura Vision. 
Starlight Glimmer
Heteromantic Heterosexual
Cis female
5′6″ (167.64)
average bodytype
Has experimented with her sexuality before but no she only likes guys
Demiromantic Pansexual
Agender(more of ???? really, but uses it as it’s the best label) (DMAB) okay with any pronouns.
His adult height will be 6′2″ (185.42 cm)
average bodytype
Really confused by gender but rolls with it.
Sweetie Belle
Demiromantic Demisexual
Genderfluid  (DFAB)
Adult height is 5′6″(167.64 cm)
Little chubby, but has a lot of stamina.
Chinese and Japanese
Theatre kid
Biromantic Asexual(sex repulsed)
Agender(DFAB), they/them pronouns
Adult height is 5′7″ (170.18 cm)
Athletic like Dash, but also a little extra muscle. 
They do eventually get to fly. It’s nowhere near anything Dash can do, and even by average standards They’re pretty bad. Their speed and endurance are terrible, but they can at least make it to the clouds on their own, and can glide fairly well.
Biromantic Heterosexual
Cis Female
Adult height is 5′ 9″ (175.25 cm)
Not as outright muscular as her siblings, but can still lift plenty.
75% Native American, 25% white, looks more Native than white. 
Best at building. Gives a helping hand to whoever needs something made
Princess Celestia
Demiromantic Asexual(sex positive)
Agender, she/her pronouns
7′4″ (223.52 cm)
Decently muscular. Can kick your ass.
Not sure about her race, but definitely dark skinned
Celestia lets very few others get close to her. She rarely shows her true emotions. 
Princess Luna
Biromantic Homosexual
Agender, she/her pronouns
Normal Height: 7′ (213.36), de-powered(season 1): 6′ 5″ (195.58), Nightmare Moon: 7′ 4″(223.52 cm)
Little bit of chub. 
Dramatic as fuck
Princess Cadence
Demiromantic Pansexual
Cis Female
5′ 8″ (172.72 cm)
Thin and light
Unsure of race
Shining Armor
Biromantic Bisexual
5′ 11″(180.34 cm)
Listen, my man, he’s a fucking Guard. He has muscle and can kick your ass.
Technically he’s Prince of the Crystal Empire, but he’s more co-Captain of the Crystal Guard
Panromantic Demisexual
When asked about gender, he’l just give an unsure shrug and a wiggly hand gesture.Uses he/him most often, but okay with other pronouns
7′ 5″ (226 cm)
He’s a mix of, like, every race, and has such an even balance of features that he can pass as whatever he wants to.
Tbh full-human(non-magical) Discord totally fucked up his left wrist as a teen and wears a wrist brace all the time.
Big Macintosh
Biromantic Bisexual
Cis male
6′8″ (210.82 cm)
Lot of muscle. 
75% Native American, 25% white, looks more white
Still always quiet
Diamond Tiara
Panromantic Demisexual
Adult height is 5′10″ (177.8 cm)
Little bit of muscle, little bit of chub
Unsure of her exact race but dark skinned
You can pry her metalworking abilities from my cold dead hands
Silver Spoon
Heteromantic Heterosexual
Cis female
Adult height is 5′ 7″ (170.18 cm)
Kinda fat
No specific race headcanons. Possibly white
Best chef 
Trixie Lulamoon
Homoromantic Homosexual
Cis female
5′ 5″ (165.1 cm)
Unsure of race but probably not whiite
Hates that she’s shorter than Twilight. Had internal rage when she showed up after Twilight’s Ascension because she’s now even taller than her.
Prince Blueblood
Aromantic Pansexual
Cis male
5′7″ (170.18 cm)
Average body type
Unsure of race
Less of a dick than he appears to be, but uses his rep to help Aunt Celestia.
Now we’re getting to ‘I don’t want to write a goddamn paragraph for each character’ section, so have bullet points. Maybe I’ll expand if asked.
All three Sirens are gay. Hella gay. Adagio is 5′10″(177.8 cm), Sonata is 5′8″(172.72 cm), Aria is 5′6″(167.64 cm)
Cheerilee is bisexual
Flash Sentry is Bisexual
Derpy is demiromantic demisexual
The Cake Twins are Demiboy and Demigirl (respectively to their assigned Gender) and also hella gay. 
Transmare Snails 
Bisexual Snips is 
Twist and Alula are gay and also dating. 
Pansexual Pipsqueak 
Rumble is biromantic Asexual 
Thunderlane is Pansexual  
Fleur DIs Lee is Aromantic and Asexual 
Gay Breaburn because it’s a classic 
Bisexual Soarin 
Night Glider, Double Diamond, Party Favor, and Sugar Belle are all bisexual
Lyra and Bon bon are gay and dating(but totally make fun of the ‘oh we’re best friends. Just gals being pals’ thing)
Octavia is homoromantic asexual
Vinyl Scratch is pansexual
Indigo Zap is agressively straight
Lemon Zest is pan
Sour Sweet is a gay trans girl
Sugarcoat is AroAce
Sunny Flarre is graromantic graysexual
TImber Spruce is demiromantic Demisexual
Gloriosa Daisy is hella gay
Ask for any others Or for heights of characters I didn’t give heights for
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