#i love be cool scooby doo
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ilovefredjones · 1 year ago
it’s insane to me that you WOULDNT consider which iteration the gang are in. like their interpersonal dynamics change with each show/film, eg the gang in the sword and the scoob are NOT the same gang as mystery incorporated. each interpretation has their own strengths & weaknesses and better/worse traits for the characters, but the story being told changes parts of the gang and therefore how they interact with each other & their dynamics as a whole
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cinnaminstar · 1 year ago
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Everyone go play sea of stars right now please🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Do it for pretty assassin lady
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nemmet · 2 years ago
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i can’t believe that be cool scooby doo is a show that actually exists (/pos)
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dinosaurwithablog · 8 months ago
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You gotta love a guy with a Scooby Doo baseball bat!!! ⚾️ I like Gunnar Henderson because he uses a Scooby Doo bat!! That's freaking awesome 😊😍 very cool, Gunnar!! 😊
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frogsndogs · 4 months ago
If Be Cool Daphne and Mystery Inc. Fred met, they would be the best friends.
Daphne's Daphne Du Jour would immediately be traps, she would go all in, picking up rope and reading trapping magazines and going to study at the trap museum. Fred wouldn't even care if she somehow becomes better at it than him, bc he would be so excited to have a person to talk about traps with.
And when the day is over and Daphne switches to learning Portuguese or roller skating or something Fred would be a little sad but he would still be very supportive of whatever she's doing next. He would make her a scrapbook of all of her wacky hijinks (bc in MI he canonically scrapbooks) and then her Daphne Du Jour would be scrapbooking with him.
They would commiserate about how it feels for your interests to not be understood and just wanting to be whimsical in such and anti-whimsy society and when Fred tells her about everything his shitty parents did she puts the fake beard back on and says "I'm you dad now."
Do you see my vision?
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keh-art · 1 year ago
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anyways be cool is still the best thank u for asking
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broke-on-books · 2 years ago
We NEED more sarcastic Velma comments actually. We lost something with the death of "What a Ham!" for real
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tubapun · 9 months ago
It's so wild that they almost ended on the episode where Fred gets Emotional Closure with his criminal father but instead they ended up ending on an ep that's 2 11 minute chunks, one of which is FNAF and the other is an ep that was clearly meant to be a season long arc featuring a classic villain
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stick-by-me · 1 year ago
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The gang's all here!
New follower sticker for: @babbiepuppie!
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sp-growingpains · 7 days ago
IM SO GLAD U LIKED THE ART!!!!!!! also gdfgdfg regarding the rick and morty pants!!!! lowkey still kinda wishing i went with putting the lab rats or crash and bernstein logo on it (the latter of which i scrapped bc it was too big and the former i only thought of after posting) since i could see her enjoy those as a kid too well fdsgsdfg but hey shes allowed the silly scifi show, as a treat!!!!! -kennymcchronicle
Hey you!! Sorry it took me so long to get to this! The past couple of days have been doing everything in their power to beat me up!
No! I loved it! I loved both the shirt and the boxers. You're such a sweetheart, and I can't wait to throw art back at you!! Once the witches curse releases me!
But that did get me thinking about what Jean would watch as a kid!
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threephantomrey · 11 months ago
tbh what also kinda pisses me off in the Scooby fandom is the like 4 people online that are so mad about the hate that 13th Ghost and RTZI get and get so defensive over these movies because of it that they’ll say things like “oh look at these grown adults getting so mad about retcons🤣” and claim that people who don’t like these movies just hate fun. and they’ll say things like “well the fandom ASKED for a 13 Ghosts sequel and now they’re CRYING about it because they wanted to see a demon get stuffed in a box but that didn’t happen cause we got another thing instead boohoo get over it” like bro first of all, you are NOT helping the reputations of these movies AT ALL. if anything, you’re actually making their reputations worse than they already are. and you can’t force people to like stuff and also, making fun of fans especially 13 Ghosts fans for not liking something/being disappointed about 13th Ghost’s ending because they wanted the 13th Ghost to be recaptured is incredibly rude. i like RTZI and i love 13th Ghost and i love the 13th ghost’s redemption thing and i like the villain reveal and i think it’s a good ending but OH MY GOD you can’t be that mad about people wanting the 13th ghost to get recaptured in the chest, literally the entire 13 Ghosts show was about the gang recapturing the ghosts from the chest after Shaggy and Scooby let them out that was the whole plot OF COURSE people were expecting the 13th ghost to be caught. they’re allowed to want that!!! they’re allowed to express their disappointment!!! so to sit here and say “well actually it’s THE FANS FAULT” is incorrect and rude and stupid. you guys are so mean. i understand being mad about the amount of hate that these movies get like i get annoyed about it too sometimes believe me i’ve talked about it before. but YOU CAN’T SAY THINGS LIKE THAT!!!! or that one confession i saw that was like “well maybe if you guys didn’t voice how much you love ZI, we wouldn’t have gotten RTZI so maybe think about that” which is also stupid and is also just being very rude to the fans. you are disrespecting other Scooby fans and also giving yourself and others 13th Ghost and RTZI fans a bad rep! also i hate when they try to convince other fans that no actually 13th Ghost was better than the series and the series was garbage or that no actually RTZI was better than the original. like my guy, you can think that these movies are better than the originals and not like 13 Ghosts or ZI and voice your opinion online but don’t @ the fans and try to force them to think the same as you and be disrespectful towards them just because they didn’t like a movie that YOU liked. it’s okay for people to not like a movie/feel disappointed about it i promise you it’s not that deep😭
in conclusion: let’s just all chill and support other Scooby fans and come up with theories about 13th Ghost and RTZI and make fun little jokes thank you❤️🙏🏻
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nemmet · 2 years ago
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guess which show i’m finally watching in its entirety
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miblue · 1 year ago
Scooby hot take.
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Incorporated is the reason the scooby doo fans perspective of the show has gotten as fucked up as it is.
For a show that has been on the air sence 1969. Had at minimum 11 reincarnation, this was the one that broke it. Warped everyone's perspective on who these characters are and what the show is supposed to be like.
Because of incorporated, is why we got Velma. A broken, unfunny, uncharming, terrible mystery, and lack of actual for thaught and or care put into it.
A simple tight friend group, going on adventures and pulling masks off over the top goons trying to scare for money, solving mystery and eating snacks. Has morphed into a group of random people, super glued together because the formula demands it, making horror/Gothic or modern references. With aliens and real monsters and LORE vomiting in my lap.
Listen. Scooby doo has never been a perfect series, there are great ups and horrible downs with it all through out the years. But this current direction is going to kill it. Kill it hard into the ground until it's unrecognizable.
Incorporated is not as good as you think it is. Watch scooby do, where are you. Or what's new scooby do. And tell me, those are the same characters.
Fucking scrapy doo was a better choice then what was made in the show.
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disgruntleddemon · 1 year ago
Y'know, there's always jokes about Daphne and Freddy splitting up to look for clues together, which they do sometimes, but really, the split is usually Daphne/Freddy/Velma and Shaggy/Scooby
Like, to the point where any deviation is noticeable lmao
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broke-on-books · 2 years ago
I'm obsessed with Scooby theme songs btw. It doesn't matter which one I could listen to them all for hours. Love the new ones, love the old ones, love them all.
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lavender-0-menace · 2 years ago
anyway scooby doo story bc it has been rotting in my brain for months
so basically the mystery inc gang are in high school and have known each other since elementary school. they’re really good friends, but don’t exactly run in the same social circles bc its high school. fred’s a cheerleader, daphne is on the football team, velma is a nerd, and shaggys a stoner (scoobys like shaggys service dog for his allergies. he can’t talk but shaggy talks for him?? think of it like kristoff and sven). they hang out a lot on weekends and once a week after school for their mystery book club (they all bonded over mystery books bc they all have mystery-related special interests bc they’re all autistic). shaggy and velma are step siblings btw, their parents married when they were 7 and 6 respectively. anyway the whole catalyst for the story is velma’s girlfriend gets kidnapped right before their anniversary and the police arent really doing anything bc homophobia. obviously this won’t stand bc the entire mystery inc is queer in some regard and even if they weren’t, that’s their besties girlfriend??? so they are solving the mystery while also solving some life problems.
other story points
shaggy and fred are pining for each other and velma and daphne are so done with both of them, since they hear both sides
daphne will tackle a ghost at one point if i actually write this story. that is a promise.
daphne is a huge girly girl, think barbie but like linebacker barbie
fred is the only one who can drive
velma had a huge crush on nancy drew when she was younger
they’re all autistic and gay bc fuck you
daphnes parents are assholes but they fund pretty much everything, from gas to scooby snacks
velma’s interest is classic mystery novels and films, fred’s is thriller mystery books, daphnes is non fiction mystery books and films, and shaggys is true crime podcasts/youtube channels
shaggys is allergic to red meat, chicken, seafood, and milk. he eats vegan food, has a service dog, and takes supplements
velma is a teachers favorite, and gets away with a shit ton of stuff bc of it
velma and fred have hair dying parties (velma dyes her hair red, fred bleaches his)
velma’s girlfriend is the keyboadist in hex girls (they’re not famous in this au they’re just a local indie girl band)
daphne is aro/ace
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