#i love babysitting my nephew but lord
k-atsukibakugou · 4 months
i got up to episode 4 of jjk before i had to start DOING shit and i have to spend all day at my mums tomorrow and my head hurts i’m so upset
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koreyeet · 4 months
i wanted to give my nextgens an update with designs and slight changes to lore
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Howl (she/her)- Knuckles and Rouge's oldest daughter, acts like an only child and is pretty much Knuckles 2.0 where she refuses to leave the island for most things and is a huge nerd in echidna history and prides herself in her ancestors even though she technically isn't one of them, also she dies at 18 bc of some selfless sacrifice and becomes a ghost like Tikal.
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Meg (any pronouns)- Shadow's adopted son that took him way too long to acknowledge the fact and technically Rouge's adoptive nephew-son, he was found at around age 3 as a trash child on a mission Shadow and Rouge was on, Shadow didn't want him but when Rouge yelled at him to suck it up (mostly bc she had a newborn at the time) so he kept him until he found Meg's parents, 13 years later that never happened. There was also an incident where Shadow was trying to make Meg a citizen or something, tried to name him like Mario or something, Rouge scolded him about how bad his names are, then Shadow scribbled it out in crayon and replaced it with Mega (after Omega), didn't want to be scolded again and scribbled it out again, never submitted the papers and now Meg thinks he's named after the shark but in reality Shadow's not messing with Rouge and he isn't allowed to name anything else and his son isn't a registered citizen.
He's a chill guy who gets along with the strangest people, mostly hangs out with Howl to train or look after the M.E, and thinks of her as a sister, he also hangs out with Rouge and takes after her a lot especially when he presents feminine, she is the one that promotes that confidence, but with his "sister", Seven he is a bit spiteful towards her for the favoritism she gets and has been slowly drifting from Shadow bc of that, but he still has his best friend who he can vent to her about it.
-was born without hands so he now has cool prosthetics
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Seven (she/he)- Shadow and Zero/Infinite's unintentional tube child, the favorite one, she was the last creation done by Eggman before he died and her purpose was to be like a final weapon, but his plans where foiled, she emerged early/ was not fully cooked and the two edge lords where now dads. She was raised sheltered and is considered very well behaved considering her and her dads where created as weapons, she isn't all that strong only having the powers to project holograms and phase through walls, not really being told her origin and is really confused if she is a foster or their actual child, which eventually leads to a crisis about what she is.
-was the tax benefit motivator in the enemies to forced room mates because of house arrest to tolerating each other to allies to team mates to married for tax benefits to lovers arc
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Ruth (she/her)- Second daughter of Knuckles and Rouge, she takes after both her parents with brains and brawn, probably has the closest relationship with them and loves to accompany them in treasure hunts, she takes after Rouge the most in her love of gems, but is more into the non-polished dirty ones, she's decently skilled in stealth and combat from her mom's training and thinks the other two (Seven and Ringer) are just dumb.
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Ringer (he/they)- Sonic and Amy's oldest kid, imagine an adhd ridden child who has barely a filter and gets distracted so easily and that's him. He's a little menace who possesses Sonics speed, although not fully, and has the itch for seeing anything and everything. He's has a group with Seven and Ruth where they do whatever, girls nights, sleep overs, secret missions, sneaking out, etc. They get in trouble so much.
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Drill (he/him) - only son of Knuckles and Rouge, he's basically Bark but a child, he never talks, only glares, he is a dear to babysit though because all he does is sit there drawing in the dirt and wants to be left alone unless your Ghost, then he loves being around her. Eventually when he's like 16-17 he becomes her body gaurd when she gets her time guardian job.
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Ghost (she/her) - daughter of Silver and Blaze, she is mute and very anxious around anyone except her family, Marine, Drill, and Gardon, she was raised mainly by Silver bc he's a good malewife and inherited his psychokinesis, allowing her to float most places and create a wave lifting everything off the ground, her powers are very unstable, triggering every time she as a breakdown and since she was coddled so much she never really knew how to handle is so now she's just struggling.
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Herb (she/they) - daughter of Lanolin and Trois, works very closely with her moms and has a huge intrest in hero work and helping others, generally really happy and makes a bunch of friends unless she fails then se gets sad for a while. Her hair can act like an extra set of punching gloves.
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Hound (he/him) - oldest son of Lanolin and Trois, teenage angst because he got mugged as a 13 year old and is trying to find the perpetrator who took his sword, it turned into an investigation on finding an uncle everyone denies exists and he isn't vibing with this conclusion. Really uptight and snappy, he gets mad easily, especially at his sister, he's working close with Junebug and Cream on his case since everyone else tells him to give up or gaslights him.
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MJ (they/she) - Metal Sonic's creation - was meant to be minion to their scheme but ended up being like a child to him, but they didn't want to be apart of the scheme so they ran away to the restoration, failed to blend in, got taken in by his aunt Belle, had to convince her parent to not kill anyone, and is now just vibing. They tend to keep to themself, only being around the mechanic area and assisting their aunt with whatever she needs, not really going out there in fear of retaliation.
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Bug/ Junebug (any masc pronoun) - oldest twin of Espio, he's upbeat and hyper, kind of a combination of Charmy and Cream when they were younger, which is expected since they work for them as a junior detective and would rather take action now and solve the case rather then waiting for people to come to them, leading them to get into some dangerous situations, one that scarred both him and his brother, ever since then they've been mostly the same but even more stern about his work and goals.
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Zeki (he/him)- the other one, taking after Espio in the ninja shit, recently got reckless trying to save his sibling and lost an arm and partial vision in one eye so now Espio is being really protective of him. He's really serious about everything and compared to the other twin, he hangs out with his dad more and is really serious and prefers to think things through so something doesn't happen again.
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the2ndrobin · 5 days
Heeeeeey, this will sound weird but,
Would you mind babysitting my nephew's?? It's a girl and a boy, 4 and 3 yo.
They live in Crime Alley and they love u. They are your biggest fan. I can't babysit them rn cuz I'm not in Gotham and my brother doesn't pick up the calls. And I'm dying of worry.
I promise I'll pay you. Just, I don't have friends to ask that favour and you are kind of a vigilante/crime lord but you are good with kids and good in general and please please please
This is the second time someone has asked me to look after children and I promise you I'm not fir for this...
I suppose it's all for the greater good...
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10 first lines Tag Game
Pinched from @dayeongi
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written less than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway!
(I purposefully excluded my drabbles)
All of these can be found on my Ao3 here. From most recent to least recent:
Sorry, I Didn't Know I Had To Stay The Same
There’s always something unsettling about being moved part-way through the school year. Even when you’re used to moving, there’s the disruption of patterns, the new places, getting used to your new house, what food there is around. It’s an ordeal – especially when you’re still in high school and have no say in the matter.
Gaara trooped down the stairs of their father’s newest home, socks tapping lightly on the old hardwood. He always seemed to purchase extravagant places, even though Rasa himself never seemed to actually spend time there with his children and their nanny/tutor/bodyguard Baki.
2. we'll try to make peace with our patriarchs, too
Yashamaru knew exactly how he’d ended up here, unfortunately. Running through brushlands between the Land of Wind and the Land of Rivers, his youngest nephew strapped to his back, having to go slower than he was comfortable with in the night to accommodate Temari and Kankurou trying to keep pace.
As far as he could tell, they weren’t being tracked – but he wasn’t naïve. He wasn’t a skilled sensory ninja, and Rasa. Well, for Rasa the entire desert was his weapon. Where sand existed in abounds, they were in danger.
3. if i was a flower growing wild and free
Summers in Konoha were notoriously vibrant; when the sun shone, the leaves developed their bright green, which provided their cover and sanctuary for the year. In the aftermath of the Spring rains, the earth was fertile, and flowers spread and bloomed everywhere their seeds were carried by the winds from Suna in the west.
And in the Summer, in these times of peace, Lords Hokage Sixth and Seventh had introduced new festivals and holidays; reasons to celebrate lives, celebrate their achievements, and in general enjoy the things that peace offered them.
4. pick me up when i fall down
It wasn’t often, anymore, that Kiba needed his release when Kankurou wasn’t around. Since moving in he’d been able to handle waiting until his other boyfriend was around, but very so often he’d need it. And Shino used the word need specifically, because when it came to Kiba, it was very much a need, rather than a want or an urge.
And Shino was used to this – and while he saw no appeal in it, he was perfectly happy to help Kiba when he needed it. He helped Kiba get into headspace; making sure he was safe, helping him with ties, keeping water nearby, and providing a safe space and company while Kiba took care of himself.
5. so beautiful, no stars tonight
After working with James Jesse for a few months (or at least, babysitting James under the pretence of an ostensible friendship/working relationship), Dan had realised a few things.
Firstly, the man was a sucker for human contact. Any little one – hand on his shoulder, tap on his thigh, a ruffle of his hair as they celebrated a job well done. He’d lean straight into it, and if you weren’t careful you’d find yourself enveloped in brightly clad limbs, struggling to move for the tightness of his hug.
6. dear insecurity
David Singh was an anxious man by nature – and his falling in love with an ex-supervillain whose self-preservation skills were less than ideal did nothing to assuage this.
He once again reconsidered his decision to propose to the man (albeit the proposal hadn’t happened yet, but the ring was sitting ready where Hartley would never think to look – the back of the kitchen cupboards) when Hartley returned from saving The Flash, Kid Flash, and The Flash of China from Arkham Asylum.
7. For Want of Camraderie
Hartley Rathaway had never wanted to be a supervillain.
He had wanted to be many things – a conductor, a singer, a scientist, an ethnomusicologist, a mechanic. Hell, for a short while he had even entertained notions of taking over Rathaway Publishing House and following in his father’s footsteps.
But unfortunately for Hartley, fate had intervened, and he’d never had the chance to become any of those things. He’d been forced out of home and onto the street before he’d even finished college. Within the first year he’d gone from a vagrant on the streets of Keystone city to one of the Flash’s greatest (and most annoying) enemies. It hadn’t been on the agenda – but hey, it worked for him.
8. Be soft, gentle, and flexible over things
Bart was panicking.
Usually, he liked to think he was a pretty chill guy. He actively avoided drama. He was as nice as he could muster to everyone. Hell, he’d even avoided coming out for the sake of stressing people out (mainly himself, but whatever. It counts).
9. Coming Out
Bruce Wayne, despite the spying that he partook in to gather the weaknesses of his friends and enemies alike, really didn’t care all that much about other peoples’ personal lives. Obviously, he took note of some major things; marital status, employment, residence, and holidays were all things that he kept track of and tried to follow. It helped him in his vigilantism, of course, but it also helped him with his posturing as a playboy. If he couldn’t keep up with the current gossip then he’d never be able to fool them.
But generally, he took a “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach to those kinds of things.
10. Birdie
Bruce Wayne had, after losing his parents at a young age, subsequently learned that what comes after losing your primary caregivers is a lot more complex than television and movies would have you believe. He was convinced that due to his parents’ wills stating that in both of their absence he was to be left with their trusted employee Alfred Pennyworth, he would simply be able to stay at his family home and continue to exist – albeit in a different and much more hollow way.
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keicordelle · 11 months
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An Impossible Future
Fandom: FFXIV Rating: T Pairing: Estimeric Word Count: 4.8k Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff and Humor, Babysitting, Domestic Bliss, Family Feels, Sleepy Cuddles, POV First Person, POV Estinien Wyrmblood
Summary: No one in their right mind would leave their child in Estinien's care. He's never actually looked after one, but he knows without a doubt that he would be terrible at it. Until Aymeric brings home a little boy with white hair and pale eyes that he's been tasked with babysitting, and suddenly the role is thrust upon them both.
Is this what life would be like, if such a future were possible for them? Every night spent in love and laughter, their own little family full of domestic bliss? It's not feasible, of course; Lord Commander and Azure Dragoon are not positions given to fatherhood, but watching the soft fondness in Aymeric's face as he holds the boy in his arms, Estinien finds himself wondering for the first time: does Aymeric long for children? Does Estinien?
Even after the resolution of the Dragonsong War and resigning my post as Azure Dragoon, I had no shortage of things to fill my days. From training with the Temple Knights and actually fulfilling my duties as head of the Order of the Knights Dragoon, to reveling in domestic bliss at the Borel Manor (and in the tangle of the sheets around our naked bodies), there were a hundred things I could think of to fill my time.
Keeping watch over a child was not one of them.
I'd faced down dragons large enough to swallow me whole, had fought the Dread Wyrm himself with nary a quake in my step, and yet staring down at the little white-haired boy clutching at Aymeric's hand and looking up at me with those big blue eyes, the urge to flee was as strong as I'd ever felt it. 
"Aymeric... Are you certain this is a good idea? Who in their right mind would leave a child in my care?"
"To be fair, I believe he was left in my care, and your assistance is merely a delightful bonus. And, to answer your question, Andriard here is Handeloup's nephew, and he has asked me to look after him for the evening." I looked up at him, and he laughed. "You need not look so frightened. It can't be that difficult to care for a child."
In truth, I doubted either of us had any clue how difficult it was, since the last time I'd been around a child (excluding Alphinaud, who hardly counted as one anyway) was when I had been one, and I had reason to believe the same of Aymeric. But I had to admit that he at least looked like he knew what he was doing, with that reassuring smile curling his lips and his hand wrapped delicately around the boy's little fist. 
Read the rest on Ao3!
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runawaymun · 2 years
do you think baby aragorn would have called elrond 'dad'? i see this in a lot in fics, but i feel like elrond would be very hesitant, for two/three reaons:
he wants this child to know they have an actual dad somewhere, even though the father is dead.
he wants to respect gilraen's wishes in raising estel. estel is her child, after all.
he's technically estel's many-times-great uncle.
i personally can't see estel calling elrond dad. maybe i'm just weird, or maybe it comes from the fact that it's kind of weird to marry the biological daughter of the man you called 'dad' as a child.
what are your opinions though?
I think that Aragorn did grow up calling Elrond 'Ada', and there are a lot of reasons I have for this. I totally understand your reservations! They make sense (The Arwen one is a bigge for real).
Here are my reasons:
Safety & comfort! the whole point here is to keep Estel’s identity secret, and while everyone knows that this little boy is Edain and therefore clearly not Elrond’s kid, there’s an element of security. All of the inevitable questions being raised by this random unaccompanied Edain woman with her son? People asking, ‘okay, but who’s the father? where is he?’, and the simplest easiest answer is for Elrond to go “I’m right here. He’s mine. I’m fostering him”. Because Lord Elrond of Imladris is well known for taking in strays and that immediately alleviates the pressure on Gilraen. It shuts down all further questions because people just assume they’re Elrond’s latest group of strays...which really isn’t so far from the truth. 
Aragorn was just two years old when he came to Rivendell, and to be honest I can’t see Elrond being very hands-off. That’s his (many generations removed) nephew, and Gilraen is a very young mother. She’s twenty six. She needs help. He doesn’t mind stepping in to help her out and definitely at least babysits because he adores children and is very good at entertaining them. 
When you’re a child that small and you’ve got this giant man in his snuggly robe who’s letting you climb all over him like a jungle gym and reading you cool bedtime stories, has a knack for fixing skinned knees, and giving you your bath because your mom’s tired, ‘Ada’ is just going to happen naturally. Little kids don’t know the difference.
I don’t think Gilraen discouraged this. I hc she and Elrond as being very close and platonically co-parenting, and I think she wanted Aragorn to have a father-figure in his life. 
Arathorn is ‘Dad’, if you will, in Westorn. Elrond is Ada. They keep this very distinct for him and make sure he knows that he had a father who loved him very much  who died, but if Estel wants to call Elrond Ada and attach to him then they’re not going to deny it. They can’t even tell him much about Arathorn anyway until he comes of age. 
Elrond was always very cautious with making sure not to overstep. He never wanted to make Gilraen feel like he was trying to replace Arathorn or usurp her authority over her son. They communicate in very clear, healthy ways and come to agreements on how to best parent. 
In my head it goes like this: Gilraen will defer to or at least honestly consider Elrond’s wisdom in being 6000 years old and having raised countless children. Ultimately, Elrond cedes to Gilraen’s authority to make choices for her son. 
Per the Arwen problem, I totally get this but I think this problem is solved when you consider that Aragorn didn’t meet her at all until he was an adult. She never met him or interacted with him in the slightest when he was small, and their contact was fairly limited until long after he’d really left Elrond’s house and gone out into the world on his own two feet. 
So while Elrond, in that sense, is definitely still Ada, and definitely still the man who raised him, I don’t really think it would be weird. There’s no sibling dynamic, and a close ‘father-in-law’ relationship isn’t really a leap in dynamics from what a relationship looks like between a son and their father when they’re both adults in the real world. I think the transition was very natural for them. 
Plus Elf generations are already fucking weird, so...
TLDR, I really do think that Estel called Elrond Ada when he was a child, faded from it as he got older (also because it’s easier to refer to Lord fucking Elrond as Lord Elrond and not Ada so you don’t make every random person in the vicinity who knows anything about anything choke in surprise), but still calls him Ada if he’s sick/loopy/in pain and sometimes in specific situations when asking for life advice.  
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thatblackravenclaw · 2 years
You're The Best Thing
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author note: YOU GUYS HAVE NO IDEA HOW LONG I'VE BEEN WANTING TO WRITE THIS!!!! My excitement for this is beyond compare. I really really hope you guys enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Sam Wilson x fem!reader
word count: 2.7k (my longest one yet)
song: Never Knew I Needed -Ne-Yo
warning(s): cursing, SMUT!!!!!, p in v, fingering, protected sex, oral (fem receiving), fluff
background info: everyone is alive, Steve didn't go back in time and stay there with Peggy, but still chose to retire and pass the shield to Sam.
For the way you changed my plans
“Sam, I would like you to show the new recruit around.” Tony says to me as he walks into the kitchen.
“Why me? You know that I have more stuff to do now that I’m Captain America, right?”
“Which is why you’re perfect to show her around. Now get to it rocket man. She’s coming up the elevator right now.”
I sigh before turning back to Bucky.
“Can’t believe I’m stuck giving the newbie a tour.”
“Maybe she’s cute.”
“Maybe she’s a child. You know how Tony does recruits. Look at the spider.”
Right as Bucky opens his mouth to respond, I hear the most heavenly voice I’ve ever heard.
“I’m actually 29, but at least I’m not a bitter old man like you.”
I turn around to see her full lips turn into a smirk at me before walking towards us. I have never seen someone so gorgeous in my life. I mean Nat is gorgeous, but this girl is gorgeous.
Her hips sway as she walks towards the kitchen and I can’t help, but to stare. Good Lord.
I shake myself out of the trance I’m in. I must stay focused. I was able to fuck around a bit as Falcon, but just from the one sentence she has said to me, she has me wanting to change my plans up a bit.
“So, Captain America, too busy being you or can you show this child around?”
“I don’t know. Is it okay for this bitter old man to show you around?”
“If you continue to be bitter then maybe I should just explore on my own.”
She’s even able to match my banter.
“Come on. I’ll even let you have one of my juice boxes Stark packed with my lunch today.” She says to me before I can respond to her.
Showing her around wasn’t half bad. She’s amazing. She’s from New Orleans, which is only a bit over 2 hours from Delacroix, her power is being able to multiply herself, she helped take down the Red Room with Nat, and her favorite food is seafood, more specifically, Crawfish.
I tell her about Sarah, my nephews, make fun of Bucky for a bit and then I show her where her room is.
Her bags and boxes are in the room, so I decide to leave her to unpack.
“Tired of babysitting?”
“No, just got Captain America things to do.”
“Mm, well, you know where to find me.”
“That I do.”
For being the perfect distraction
1 month later
“I know it’s a whole team of us, but Steve never talked about how hard it is to be him”
I see y/n roll her eyes before she beckons me over.
“Alright come here old sport. Sounds like you need a music break.”
“I can’t. I need to get the paperwork ready-“
“No. You need to get your ass over here and take a music break with me, because you’re gonna die from stress and I will be the last person to have been with you if you do and I will get blamed for your death, so come here.”
I roll my eyes and begrudgingly walk around the couch to the middle of the living room. A slow song starts to play, but that doesn’t seem to stop her. It’s actually one of our favorite songs, A Sunday Kind of Love by Etta James.
I wrap my arms around her waist, and she wraps hers around my shoulders. She was right, I really did need this. Being in her arms calms me down so much it’s ridiculous. I’m really starting to like her which was not a part of my plans. I was supposed to do the Captain America thing without romance. Steve was able to do it. I needed to focus on being a role model to people like me. I needed to show Isaiah that what I did was not a mistake, but she just came in here and took the idea that I had and of everything that I wanted to have and made me see that there was something missing. Fun, Laughter, Friends, Family, Love.
For the way you’re something that I’d never choose
But at the same time something I don’t want to lose
3 months later on a yet another life threatening mission
“Sam, if I multiply I could go in and save those people!” I hear y/n say through my earpiece
“okay, but the fire is quickly spreading, and you could die.”
I wait to hear a response.
“y/n, do you copy? Do not go in until I give you the all clear.”
Static, then boom, explosion from the 4th floor. Where the victims are.
Please don’t let her be up there. Please let her have listened to me for once.
I feel Pietro run by me. I look over to the direction he was headed and see the people I think y/n was talking about.
I run over there and make sure everyone is okay before I turn to Pietro.
“Where’s y/n?”
“She was right behind me.”
I turn to look in the direction of where he came from and see her. As I start to run over there she disappears in thin air.
She multiplied.  
How could she be so reckless? Why couldn’t she just listen to me just this once?
I hurry up and fly to the 4th floor. I make it through the fire as best as I can before looking around for her. I search for about five minutes before I see her lifeless body on the ground.
No. No. I refuse.
I pick her up and fly to the ground. I hear everyone’s voices, but my only concern is her.
She’s still alive, but her pulse is slow.
I quickly bring her over to the medic and they put an oxygen mask on her.
I don’t want to leave her, but I still have a job to do. I check on everyone else and make sure that there were no casualties. Thankfully everyone is safe. I tell the other Avengers to go to the compound and I’ll stay with y/n.
Once her pulse raises back up to normal I see her eyes flutter open. She looks around confused for a bit before reaching over to take off her mask.
“Told you I could do it.”
The way you smile and how you comfort me (with your laughter)
I must admit you were not a part of my book
But now if you open it I may take a look
You’re the beginning and the end of every chapter
2 weeks later
“Okay, but think about it, if there’s two of me having sex with someone then its technically a threesome because there are three people present.” She says to me.
“It’s just you though. It’s not like your twin or something. It’s literally just you multiplied, so no.” I reply while throwing back another beer.
I honestly don’t know how she came up with this topic. I just came into her room to vent about how I upset I was to find not only Bucky with my sister, but Bucky on a DATE with my sister when y/n decided that she just HAD to ask me this question.
Hearing y/n laugh right now is really the only thing holding me together. It’s so contagious that you can’t help but laugh with her. Everyone else feels the exact same way about her, but I think I’m falling in love with her.
You’re the best thing I never knew I needed
2 more weeks later
She’s out on a solo mission. I have never missed someone so much in my life. Life around the compound is so boring when she’s not around. I don’t even remember what it was like around here before she showed up. She turned everything upside down in the best possible way.
I told Tony that I felt like this mission was too dangerous for her to do. She should have at least brought Nat with her. Not that y/n isn’t capable of doing things on her own I would just feel better if she wasn’t alone.
A week later
She’s on her way back. The mission went successful and she’s on her way back. I need to tell her how I feel. I had no idea how deep my feelings for her were until I had to learn to live my daily life without her.
“Your girlfriend is back.” I hear Tony say to me as he walks past.
“She’s not my girlfriend.” I respond before picking up my pace and running outside to the landing strip.
As soon as she steps foot on the ground I start running at full speed toward her. Once I get to her I hug her while picking her up. I don’t let go for a good minute. Her scent was so overwhelming (in the best way) and something I missed after two weeks of being without.
Who knew that I could be
So unexpectedly
Undeniably happier
I put her down and interlock our fingers while walking into the compound. I don’t let her stop to talk to anyone because if I do I would lose my nerve.
I decide to take us to her room since it’s closer than mine.
I sit her down on the bed and stare at her for a bit.
“Okay, you got me here. Now what? Gonna have your way with me Cap?” she asks me while wiggling her eyebrows suggestively and letting out a short giggle. I know she’s teasing, but some part of me wishes she wasn’t.
“I love you. You were not a part of my plans at all. I was going to focus on my job and just get shit done, but you came here and flipped my world upside down. You’re always around driving me crazy, and I like it.”
I pause to take a breath.
“When you were gone all I could think about was you. I hate being without you. I fought off my feelings for so long. You are not someone I thought I would fall for, but I did and now it’s so clear, I need you here, with me, always.”
There’s a pregnant pause before she starts talking.
“I’ve loved you since the moment I first talked to you Sam.”
Words I never thought I would hear come out of her mouth. I sit down next to her and kiss her. I quickly learn that her kisses are as addicting as her personality. I gently lean her back and continue kissing her without parting from her lips. I could do this all day.
I feel her hands creep under my shirt which I take as a sign and reluctantly part from her. I take off my shirt and reach to take off hers. I start kissing around to find her sweet spot and whenever I find it I suck a hickey on her while her moans are egging me on.
Once I get down to her cleavage I unzip her bra from the front. Her nipples looked like they were begging to be sucked on, so I did, and it was probably one of the best ideas I’ve ever done. She let out little whimpers and I felt her try to gain friction from anything under me.
“Don’t worry baby, I’ll make sure to give you everything you need.” I say while pulling away from her nipple and moving over to the other. I reach down to her bottoms and take them off and feel the pretty panties she’s wearing underneath.
I palm over her clothed pussy while sucking on her nipple for one more minute before moving stopping my hand movement and moving my mouth down past her navel. Once I get her panties off I’m faced with quite possibly the prettiest cunt I’ve ever seen. She’s wet, but I can get her wetter.
“Sam, please. Please don’t tease me. I need you.” I hear her say exasperatedly.
“I gotta get you warmed up for me baby.”
I kitten lick her clit and feel her hips buck up towards me when I move my tongue away from her. I continue licking her clit until I swipe my finger through her lips, and I feel she has gotten more wet. Once I’m satisfied with how turned on I’ve gotten her I ease a finger inside of her.
I stroke my finger in her slowly while continuing the stimulation on her clit. Her moans have gotten a bit louder now and I refuse to tell her to keep it down. I want everyone to hear how I’m making her feel.
Her hips buck up against my mouth and her moans get quicker, signaling she was close, so I start to suck on her clit while pumping my finger faster.
She lets out the most beautiful moan I’ve ever heard while shuddering through her orgasm. I place a small kiss to her clit and stand up.
While giving her time to recover, I grab a condom out of her top dresser and finish undressing. Her blissed out look and the way the shade the light coming from her lamp makes her look ethereal has my dick is brick hard and I can’t wait any longer to be inside of her.
I stroke myself while looking at her. Her pussy all sick from my mouth and her cum and her hands holding on to her tits. A sight for sore eyes.
I tap the head of my cock against her clit and watch her jerk from the overstimulation.
She looks up at me and nods her head to give me permission.
“I need words, honey.”
“Please, fuck me.”
And that’s all I need to hear before I slowly slide inside of her. I hear her let out a low “fuck” as I do so. Once I bottom out a stay there for a bit to get her used to my size. She feels so nice wrapped around me. The throbbing of her pussy making me want to cum right then and there.
She tells me I can continue, and I slowly start to thrust. She lets out quiet whimpers with each stroke.
I pick up the speed after a minute and with each thrust I feel her sucking me back in. She has her legs wrapped around my waist bringing me closer to her which in turns lets me hear her moans in my ear that she’s been trying to keep down.
Her moaning my name is so sweet that it motivates me to move faster. I lift off a bit so I can put some distance between us and rub light, quick circles on her clit before I hear her scream my name and squirt all over me.
Now that was a sight for sore eyes.
Once I feel her relax I move and sit on the end of the bed and have her to sit on my lap facing me and ease back inside of her. I lean back on my elbow while holding her waist with my other hand and start pounding into her.
It’s not long before I feel my impending orgasm.
“Sam, please give me your cum.” I hear her say while looking down at me.
“Fuck” I say with a rasp. I speed up a bit before I hear her talk again.
“Cum in me baby.”
And before I knew it I felt myself tense up and cum inside of her. I try ease her off of me, but she puts her arms around me, holding me tight.
“Stay inside me for a bit longer? Please?”
I chuckle at how flustered she looks and tell her that I need to throw away the condom before it leaks, and she needs to pee before she gets a UTI. She sighs knowing I’m right and we get up to go do what we need to do. About 3 minutes later we come back to her bed, and she lays in my arms.
“You know that wasn’t it, right?”
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hellogoodbye14 · 3 years
Okay I dunno if you take fic requests but I would love to read one from you based on this prompt 💕💕💕💕
Azriel complaining to Rhys about Nyx bullying him because he keeps asking for hugs and kisses and its harmful to his broody bat facade and "Cauldron Rhys I can't babysit him, HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY NO TO HIM!!!??" while Rhys laughs and the distressing effects of an adorable child on his spymaster.
I m just a sucker for fluff and fun and Uncle Az 😁😁😁
Ask and you shall receive fam ❤️ (also might have gone overboard with this but oh well!)
“Unci Assshh!”, yelled the adorable toddler from across the training field.
Nyx was walking - well more like stumbling- between Feyre and Rhys who each held onto one of his tiny hands to help him balance his walk.
His tiny wings ruffled with each excited step and Rhys just laughed at Nyx’s clumsiness and determination to get to the spymaster.
Feyre and Rhys let go as they neared Azriel and Nyx threw himself at Azriels right leg. Azriel chuckled and ruffled his nephews head. Nyx as usual tried to crawl up Azriels long leg and managed to get to his thigh this time. Azriel gently grabbed Nyx by the scruff of his shirt behind Nyx’s head, like one holds up a puppy. Nyx squeeled with laughter and reached out to play with the shadows around him.
“Hey little troublemaker”, said Azriel as he carefully moved Nyx to his shoulders. The toddler was now joyfully yanking at Azriels hair.
Feyre winced, “sorry Az, he’s been yanking at everyones hair these days.”
Azriel just smiled and said it was no problem at all.
His highlord then gave him a list. Yes a list. One he always gave if Nyx was left with anyone who had to babysit. He had the list at each of the houses. One specifically addressed to every.single.person. To say Rhys was a motherhen was an understatement.
Feyre just rolled her eyes at her mate and motioned Azriel to bend down so she could give Nyx a peck goodbye.
“Be good for uncle Az”
“Unciiii Asssshhhhh!” , the toddler yelled in excitement.
Rhys smiled at his son, “we’ll be back from winter court in about two hours at most. Thank you for doing it again. Oh also under any circumstances NO sugar for him.”
Azriel nodded as Rhys reached up and ruffled Nyx’s hair who in return waved at his father and said “byeee daaaaa!”
Azriel was about to turn and take Nyx flying when he bumped into Gwyn.
“Oh hey!” , but the valkyrie was already cooing at Nyx who now reached out his hands to be picked up by Gwyn.
“Look at you, you little munchkin!”, she grabbed his tiny fist and pretended to munch on them, “oh i could just eat you up.”
Nyx squeeled with laughter.
“Umm.. I’m still here you know.”
Gwyn looked up at a frowning Azriel.
“You get my attention at training everyday, this one is too adorable to ignore.”
Azriel shook his head and rolled his eyes. His shadows as always were reaching out to Gwyn, and Nyx was taking full advantage of it and playing with them.
Emerie came running out, “we need to go to Illyria for a bit, Nesta says they need help with the commanders meeting.”
Azriel frowned, “Cassian needs me to look over the trainees while he deals with the commanders?”
“I have Nyx. I can’t train them.”
“He said you only have to stay and overlook it. Give some pointers, not engage them in any training yourself. He’s swamped.”
Azriel reached out to Rhys and Rhys offered his approval to take Nyx with.
Gwyn frowned down at the toddler,
“Will it be safe for him to be there?”
“Feyre says Rhys has a shield around Nyx which equates to the shield around Velaris. Besides he’s with us, it’ll be fine.”
“What did Rhys say?”, asked a surprised Emerie.
Azriel smiled, “He wanted to come back and take Nyx but Feyre told him to shut up and stop being so over dramatic.”
Emerie laughed, “sounds like Feyre. Okay lets go.”
Luckily, the weather at Illyria was on the mild side today, Azriel regardless made sure Nyz was covered and warm. The toddler was taken with Gwyn, not that Azriel could blame him. Any time Gwyn tried to leave the ring, the toddlers face would scrunch up, alerting everyone that he will wail like hell if Gwyn leaves.
Azriel had Nyx buckled and wrapped against his torso, and the toddler squeeled, clapped, and offered “wooaows” at the training illyrians. The illyrians were surprised to see the high lords son but still offered smiles at the toddler, they however turned their gaze away from Azriels stare in fear. Well that was until, Nyx called out and demanded attention, “unciii asshh, kiss”.
The blades the illyrians used faltered at that and gwyn straight up laughed at Azriels red cheeks. He nonetheless couldn’t refuse the adorable violet eyes looking up at him and gave Nyx a peck on the cheek.
The request was repeated another two times, until Nyx started getting fussy. It had been over an hour and Azriel had settled Nyx down on the mat and gave him some snacks. Healthy Rhysand approved snacks. But no. The toddler wanted candy.
“Buddy I have no candy, and your dad said no”
“Unci Ashh pleeease?”
Azriel sighed and looked up at the heavens. He could never refuse this child anything. Lord help him. Where the heck would he find candy in illyria? Gwyn ruffled in her pockets and got out five different candies.
Azriel lifted an eyebrow, “really?”
Gwyn just shrugged, “what.. I get hungry after training.”
“Well aren’t you the answer to all my prayers”
Gwyn blushed at that.
Another hour passed and Nyx was fussy again, Az sat down at the bench and tried to rock Nyx to sleep but the toddler was not having it. He turned around to make sure all the trainees were far away taking their break and looked down at Nyx. He then begun singing light notes of a song Nyx always loved. As he sang, his shadows gently caressed Nyx and soon his nephew was asleep in his arms.
Azriel carefully without jolting Nyx stood up and turned towards the ring. A ring packed with trainees who were gawking at him as if he was an alien. Well they obviously heard their stern spymaster sing a lullaby. Gwyn had returned from Emeries shop with Emerie as well and looked at him funny.
She shook her head, “nothing. You have a beautiful voice Azriel.”
Azriel nodded his thanks and felt his cheeks burn.
“I’m taking him to the cottage, are you coming with?”
“Emerie is meeting Mor here in a bit. She’ll winnow us back.” Azriel nodded at the pair and turned to take Nyx inside the cottage. As soon as he got in, Rhys and Feyre had winnowed in.
“Is he okay? Didn’t trouble you too much?”, asked Feyre as she carefully took a sleeping Nyx into her arms.
“He’s fine and he was great.”
Feyre nodded and moved towards the kitchen to warm up some milk. Rhys gave a gentle kiss on Nyx’s head before she left the room.
“Why is there a chocolate stain on my sons mouth?”, said Rhys throwing an accusing look his way.
“Rhys, I can’t say no to him okay?! Its fucking impossible! He looks up at you with his puppy dog eyes and says please and I CANT SAY NO.”
Rhys just laughed.
“No I’m serious! And he is taking my rep to shit okay, I have a reputation to uphold. Everyone was scared of me, NOW THEY LOOK AT ME LIKE IM A CUTE LITTLE BEAR WHO SINGS LULLABIES!”
At this point Rhys was doubled over, holding his hand against his stomach. “Stop! lord this is too good. My high, mighty and terrifying spymaster brought down to a little bunny you said? By a toddler.”
Azriel sniffed, crossed his arms across his chest and rolled his eyes, “I said bear not bunny.”
Azriel could hear Feyre’s laughter from the kitchen as well, “not funny!”
“Oh my gods, its hilarious! I cant even right now”, she called out from the kitchen.
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aquafaith · 3 years
My lengthy, angry ACOSF rant review.
Spoilers, TW for mental, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.
I loved ACOTAR. I still love ACOTAR. I always will love ACOTAR. But every book afterwards made me give up more and more. ACOMAF romanticized an abusive relationship and assassinated characters for the author's convenience. ACOWAR was a bunch of boring and inconsequential death scares. ACOFAS was all-round dreadful. And each book kept shitting on and pushing away Lucien for no reason.
I'd like to preface this by saying I hated Nesta too. I hated the way she treated Feyre in ACOTAR especially, and I wasn't even too excited for this book because I wasn't that keen on Nesta as a character.
Nesta's POV and her backstory changed my perspective. It does not excuse her actions. All Nesta stans can hold these characters accountable for what they do - trauma is a reason, not an excuse. I, and many others, sided with Nesta because of the way she's treated by everyone else in this book. Also, if you're going to hate Nesta for not teaching Feyre how to read and letting her hunt at fourteen, (which I did, and are very valid things to hate), AT LEAST hold Elain accountable too.
This book. This fucking book.
Shall we start with the intervention? Feyre on her little power trip thinks that her boyfriend that hates Nesta and Nesta hates back, Nesta's ex-best friend, and her possible mate who she never talks to should be at this stupid fucking intervention??? Excuse me???
Remember in ACOMAF when Feyre wouldn't shut up about how rich Rhysand is? Feyre literally has four or five houses and is always talking about how much jewelry and lingerie she can afford because Rhysand is so rich??? Well, Nesta has a few shots. So you know what Feyre does? Humiliates Nesta at this "intervention", TEARS DOWN HER HOME, and forces her to go to the Illyrian training camp.
That was the god awful premise for this book.
Did you think Elain wasn't there because she was against the "intervention"? Nope! She was packing Nesta's belongings without permission.
Remember in ACOMAF when it's made a big fucking deal that locking up a traumatised woman is extremely damaging? Well, when Nesta decides she doesn't want to be in Illyria, Feyre locks her in the House of Wind. Nesta can't fly, so her only way of leaving is down the TEN THOUSAND STEPS, that Feyre KNOWS Nesta isn't capable of climbing.
Feyre's pregnant. In ACOFAS she randomly decided that she wanted a baby to remember Rhysand by if he dies. Which doesn't make any sense because they made that stupid fucking death pact in ACOWAR. It's just SJM superimposing her pregnancy onto her early 20's protagonist. Ignoring the fact that Feyre isn't ready for a baby and Rhysand CERTAINLY isn't, and with a war just ended and another looming and so much trauma and a DEATH PACT are all such horrible circumstances to bring a child into, Feyre is already pregnant. Remember when SJM made a big deal about Fae babies being so hard to conceive, and Feyre said in ACOFAS they wouldn't have to worry for a long time because it can take years to conceive your first Fae child? Well it's been no more than 3 or 4 months and Feyre's already pregnant. Yep.
Also the birth will kill her. Because of course it will. Rhysand KNEW this, and still agreed to try for a baby.
There's no solution. Abortions don't exist for some stupid reason, and a C section would apparently kill Feyre?
(Wasn't this book supposed to be about Nessian?)
In ACOWAR, Cassian was on the battlefield with his entrails around his knees. Someone had to literally hold his guts in for him, and he's fine, but you're telling me a C section would kill Feyre?
Don't worry, this is just setting up the AWFUL ending to this book.
ACOSF amounts to Nesta being gaslit into believing her abusers are right. Her friends and family slut shame her and shame her for her lifestyle constantly. Cassian says it took him decades to work through some of his trauma, and he tried to drink and fuck it away too, but suddenly when Nesta does so it's heinous? Nesta's barely twenty five and she's expected to cope better than these ancient immortals.
Hell, didn't SJM write ACOMAF? Nobody expected Feyre to pick herself up so quickly. The IC (excluding Rhysand) respected her boundaries for the most part and understood when it was grief, trauma, and turmoil that made her angry, sad, want to be left alone, etc. But that's all forgotten here.
Amren also compares Nesta to the people in, and says she belongs in, The Court of Nightmares. You know, the murderers, abusers and rapists? This innocent woman who had a few shots and a bit of sex is on par with them, apparently!
The sex scenes.
SJM is scared to say vagina so she says sex.
She says seed to mean semen.
Apparently the word cunt turns SJM on. I just found Cassian saying that kinda cringe because I'm Bri'ish so the word cunt really isn't a big deal.
Back to the baby killing Feyre, because this is definitely what we all wanted from this book as indicated by the change in covers and format and title... Rhysand decides not to tell Feyre. He tells her friends and family, and tells them not to tell her.
SJM loves sweeping Rhysand's abuse from the first book under the rug and claiming it's always about Feyre's choice... where is that here, MAAS? WHERE IS IT?
Anyway, when Nesta rightfully decides to tell Feyre (although it is kind of out of spite), Rhysand threatens to kill Nesta.
And I believed him. With the way he treats his """mAtE tHaT hE lOvEs sO mUcH""" and all the people he's mindlessly killed before, do you really think he wouldn't kill the person who gave Feyre an inch of autonomy?
So what does Cassian do? His lover who he cares deeply about and suspects is his mate has received a death threat from tHe mOsT pOwErFuL hIgH lORd iN hIsToRy.
Cassian simply gets Nesta out of the court.
He doesn't breathe ONE word to Rhysand about this. This Illyrian WARRIOR who fought with his GUTS HANGING OUT didn't dare step up to the hIGh lOrD who he considers his brother and sparrs and fights with all the time?
Cassian literally does nothing.
Was it not Rhysand himself who said Mated males are dangerous? Can kill anyone who looks at their mate? Can be dangerous simply leaving the house? Rhys and Feyre both pull the Mate card to justify their bad actions on the other's behalf... and Cassian just tried to get Nesta out of the court?
Also, this High King bullshit.
I swear to fucking god, if SJM DARES to make this abusive, power-tripping, mOsT pOwErFuL hIgH lOrD eVEr, husband-insert of hers hIgH kInG, I will fight her in the street.
My beloved Lucien is in this book. Only for him to be used and shat on.
I really liked it when he calmed Cassian down with just a look though. Yes please fox man.
Helion is also in this book. Nothing to do with Lucien.
Eris is also in this book. ERIS. Lucien's eldest brother. The same one who abused him for years, but according to SJM he's slightly better, because at least he didn't agree to kill Lucien's lover. He betrayed his daddy that one time, therefore Eris is good. Y'know, the same Eris who abused Mor? Left her laying on the Autumn Court border with a nail in her womb? Well SJM is going back on her own canon to redeem yet ANOTHER abusive male, while continuing to demonize Tamlin for things he only happened to do when SJM decided the villain from the first book was sexy.
Nesta and Cassian are Mates.
Remember when Mates were supposed to be a rare and sacred thing? Now SJM dishes them out like Oprah.
I don't want these characters to be mates. I want to see them slowly fall in love. But SJM is incapable of writing that so she forces them together with the mAtInG bOnD. That's literally the only basis for most of these relationships, Feysand especially.
The only relationship where the bond would make sense is between Helion and The Lady of Autumn. Who still isn't named. But I will die on the hill that they're mates, I can feel it between them.
I wanted someone to die in this book. I predicted that it would either be Helion or Tarquin, but Tarquin isn't even in this one.
And the ending.
SJM can't write a decent climax, so she kills both Feyre and Rhysand for the second time. Yep.
The baby is being born which stupidly kills Feyre, and thankfully takes Rhysand with them.
Nesta decides to save them. Bad choice. But she decides to save them! Because she's so powerful and she ATE THE CONTENTS OF THE CAULDRON and she's CONNECTED TO THE MOTHER.
Do you know what happens.
Nesta loses her powers.
The powers we've hardly seen, the powers that were briefly mentioned and used ONCE in ACOWAR, then we saw like two flashes of in this book? They're GONE now. GONE SO NESTA CAN SAVE HER ABUSIVE SISTER AND ABUSIVE HUSBAND WHO ABUSES THEM BOTH.
Nesta is just an Amren now. They both fought for their powers, and had to give them up to save people who didn't deserve it. Now they're anticlimactically trapped in powerless bodies.
Also, and I can't BELIEVE I didn't originally include this - do you know what else Nesta TRADED HER POWERS FOR?
Illyrian anatomy so she can carry Cassian's baby one day.
I am so fucking SICK TO DEATH of the narrative that every woman needs a man and children to be happy. SJM clearly loves this because she's literally only keeping Amren and Nesta alive now to be sex objects to their partners and nothing else seeing as their POWERS WERE RIPPED AWAY FROM THEM, and now NESTA TRADED THOSE POWERS TO HAVE A BABY SHE DOESN'T EVEN KNOW SHE WANTS? Nesta does NOT strike me as a motherly type. She's the wine aunt, she and Cassian are the couple that go on holiday a lot and and babysit their nieces and nephews, but nope. Nesta HAS to have children.
The Feysand baby is called Nyx. That's just so underwhelming, you go from these huge, multiple syllable names like Amarantha and Morrigan and Lucien to Nyx? I get it's supposed to be unique but it's not even meaningful. It's just more shit-flavoured icing on the hAHa nIgHt uWu cake. I prefer Renesmée.
Nesta is wrong somehow. She says she's sorry as she's saving them. FOR WHAT? For being a little rude to Feyre as all sisters are? And rightfully hating your sister's abuser?
Oh yeah, remember in ACOWAR when Nesta took care of a comatose, starving Elain for months? Elain is randomly okay now because she takes care of her mental health the stereotypical way of baking cakes, and not drinking and fucking, which she shames Netsa for.
Remember the slut shaming, demeaning comments that the whole iNnEr cIrClE made about Nesta? They all expect apologies from her. For some reason.
Nesta has done nothing wrong. She coped with her trauma and minded her business in her own ways, and she's expected to apologise to the people who control and emotionally abuse her.
Nothing that any of these characters did to Nesta is right. Nesta wasn't okay at the end, this wasn't Nesta's healing story. This is Nesta being shamed and degraded until she submits.
Oh I can't believe I forgot to write this in my first draft of this review, do you know how Nesta "overcomes" her grief about her Father's death and her conflicting feelings about him and his life and her guilt? When she visits his grave for the first time, she takes Nyx.
She holds NYX up to the grave and talks about how it's his grandson.
Speaking of, it's revealed that Nesta was abused by her mother and grandmother in this book? Something we were all looking forward to is seeing more of the Archeron's mother seeing as Feyre was so young when she died, but... nope. She gets a few vague mentions, and this newly revealed abuse is entirely glossed over. Nesta was also actively groomed by an older man at 14. But SJM glosses over this because of course she does.
Finally, the bonus chapters.
My edition came with a bonus chapter from Feyre's POV. It was pointless and I hated it.
There's another bonus chapter from Azriel's POV. Once I'd finished this book, he was one of the few characters I still harboured a shred of respect for.
Then I read his bonus chapter.
This exists to purely objectify Elain.
Whether you ship Elain with Azriel, or Lucien, or neither, this chapter is disgusting. He thinks about her coming on his tounge, and other things simply just to please him.
He then dares to suggest that "the Cauldron picked wrong" in choosing Lucien as Elain's mate?
No Azriel, SJM picked RIGHT in not giving each Archeron sister a bAt bOy.
Rhysand does the only right thing he's ever done by telling Azriel to stay away from Elain, but then he has to ruin it by clarifying that it's only so they can manipulate and use Lucien more.
Oh, and Azriel wants to kill Lucien.
Need I remind you that Lucien respects Azriel? Lucien is another victim of the Night Court's needless, baseless torment, and Azriel is no exception.
Lucien stays well out of Elain's way because she makes it clear that she's not interested in a mate, but Azriel wants to kill him simply for being her mate.
Lucien has done nothing. And I mean literally NOTHING to warrant any of this treatment. From the bAt bOyS, from Feyre, from his family, from SJM, from the deluded part of this fandom that think he's done wrong. NOTHING.
All I liked about this book was the Lucien scenes (which is a given), ((although I hated the way everyone talks about him behind his back)), Nesta's relationship with the house, Emerie and Gwyn, the evidence that Gwynriel is endgame and subsequently Elucien, and the book love. Everything else was horrible. Oh, and Nesta hates Rhysand. I love that for her, because everyone else bows at his feet.
Oh yeah, when Nesta DARES suggest that Rhysand is an "arrogant, preening asshole" which I think is a compliment, Cassian can't take Rhys' cock out of his mouth for one second, and has to get mad at her for having an opinion. Don't even get me started on Azriel in that scene.
If each book after ACOTAR made me slowly give up, this book made me give up altogether. I cannot go on to support this victim-blaming, abuse-forgiving, misogynistic series. I've given up on SJM, and the only characters I care about anyone are Lucien, Nesta, Helion, and Tarquin. I'll continue to read this series to see if SJM redeems herself, but I'll be downloading them for free. I'm not giving this piece of shit any more of my money.
I hope we don't get the Lucien book. I don't want her to slaughter my fox in the way she slaughtered LITERALLY EVERYONE ELSE.
Thanks for listening.
Edit: I put the review on Goodreads!
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up-to-some-good · 3 years
Part 6: ...and 1 time I did the opposite
I will warn you, this one is bad. If you want to save yourself some pain, don’t read below the cut.
Previous parts: 1 2 3 4 5
The Potters had been cooped up for over a year when they were finally given a break. It was Halloween, the anniversary of their first date, and Sirius and Remus offered to babysit Harry for one night so they could have some alone time. Dumbledore approved the idea and they couldn’t be more pleased. They loved their baby, but they needed a break.
“Don’t let him eat too many sweets,” Lily said, kissing Remus’s cheek.
“Lily,” he said calmly. “You’ve gone over the rules and routine about a hundred times and it’s pinned to the refrigerator. Go, have fun, stop worrying.”
She looked over at Harry, giggling from Sirius’s arms and sighed.
“I hate it when you’re right,” she said, joining James at the car. “I’ll see you three later.”
Remus waved and closed the door before turning back to his boyfriend, who was tickling his godson’s stomach and muttering nonsense at the giggling toddler. He would make a good dad, one day. Remus moved over to the pair and kissed Sirius’s forehead. Sirius handed the toddler over and turned to the kitchen.
“I’ll make us some dinner, you handle the baby,” he called as he walked away.
A few hours later, Remus finished drying the dishes and walked back to the living room where Sirius was with Harry. He was telling his godson about their first Halloween at Hogwarts, casting small pumpkins and bats out of sparks to illustrate the finer points of the story. Harry giggled and tugged at his hair, before swiping at the sparks and causing them to dissolve.
“Stop lurking, Moony,” Sirius said. “Come sit with us.”
He smirked before sitting with the two, joining in on the story telling until a clock somewhere in the house chimed eight times and both men gasped.
“It’s past your bedtime, Haz,” Sirius said, tickling his godson again. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
“No!” Harry yelled, barely getting the word out through his giggles.
“Yes,” Sirius said. “Uncle Moony’s gonna take you and get you all snuggled up, okay?”
“Story?” Harry asked, now looking over at Remus earnestly.
“Of course,” Remus answered, dropping his wand on the coffee table.
He took the boy into his arms and started up the stairs. Halfway up, he heard Sirius’s footsteps clunking quickly into the entryway and his blood ran cold.
“Remus! Take Harry and run!” he yelled. “He’s here!”
He heard the front door opening as he entered Harry’s room and barricaded the door. His wand was downstairs on the coffee table. Dumbledore had the invisibility cloak and Sirius had the mirror. He was trapped.
He heard a muffled voice and a flash of green light refracted under the door. There was a loud thud.
“Sirius,” he whispered, falling to his knees. “No.”
He heard footsteps on the stairs, to quiet to come from Sirius’s heavy boots and moved to brace himself against the crib.
“Mooey?” Harry asked, too quietly.
“I’m here, Harry,” he said, barely holding back his tears. “It will be okay.”
The door was blasted off its hinges and Voldemort stepped into the room. Harry started crying. Remus didn’t turn to comfort him – he had to protect him first.
“Please, don’t,” Remus choked out.
Voldemort sighed.
“Black is dead,” he said mildly. “I could use a spare werewolf, Lupin. Step aside and you will be welcomed into my army.”
“I’d rather die,” he spat.
“As you wish.”
A flash of green light illuminated the room. Remus Lupin fell to the ground. Harry continued to cry as Voldemort turned his wand on the boy.
“Avada kedavra!”
The curse rebounded and the room exploded, leaving a crying toddler in the wreckage of his home, alone.
Lily was laughing as James drove home. It was the first time she had felt so calm in months. Her laughter died abruptly as they pulled up to their street and she saw flames. She grabbed James’s thigh and he sped up.
Their house was in flames, a hole in the left side where Harry’s room looked into the street. James was out of the car in a second, running to open the front door and falling to his knees as soon as he opened it. Lily was right behind him.
“Pads,” he choked out, sobbing.
Sirius was in the entrance hall, dead. His eyes were wide open, and his wand was nowhere around. Lily thought back to him at Hogwarts, laughing loudly with his arms around James’s shoulders, at their wedding, dancing with Remus, on the battlefield, eyes fierce and wand drawn. It was strange to see him so still.
A baby’s cry drew her attention. She squeezed James’s shoulder before turning to run up the stairs, shaking as she stepped over Sirius’s body.
She found Harry in his cot, the sole survivor in the house. Remus’s body was in front of his crib from where he had clearly tried to protect her son. She picked up the toddler and rocked him gently, willing herself not to collapse next to Remus and sob until she couldn’t breathe.
Remus, who had helped her with Care of Magical Creatures when she was struggling, missing a Hogsmeade weekend with the marauders, who had walked her down the aisle at her wedding, the first person she told she was pregnant, was dead.
She walked back downstairs to find James standing at the door, clutching the frame for support. He turned when he saw her and rushed to take Harry from her, wiping the blood off of his son’s forehead to reveal a curse scar.
“If I ever see Pettigrew again,” he muttered. “I’ll kill him.”
The funeral was a painful affair. Neither Sirius nor Remus had any family beside the Potters. The whole Order attended and praised them as heroes, but it didn’t dull the ache in James’s chest. Sirius, his brother, was killed. Remus, the love of Sirius’s life, had had to listen to his body crumple to the floor before he succumbed to the same fate. It was all Peter’s fault. They had trusted Peter with their lives, with Harry’s life, and he had betrayed them, for what? Power? He couldn’t make sense of it.
He tried to comfort himself that Lily was alive, that Harry was safe, but he couldn’t help but wonder what would have happened if they had been home. He had lost almost everything and gotten so close to losing it all. It was unbearable.
Lily was quiet as they walked home. The house they were renting was empty. They had left Harry with Frank’s mother for the funeral and would pick him up later. For now, they needed a moment alone.
He knew something was wrong when he opened the door, year of war had given him instincts for that sort of thing. He didn’t have time to react before he and Lily were roughly tied up and brought to their knees, their wands taken.
Before them stood Bellatrix Lestrange, flanked by her husband and his brother. Behind them, a young boy stood quietly, thrumming with excitement. Bellatrix pointed her wand at James, one of the brothers pointed his at Lily. White hot pain rolled through James’s body, and he heard Lily cried out next to him. It stopped suddenly.
“The pain stops when you tell us where the Dark Lord is,” Bellatrix said.
Four wands now pointed at the Potters. No one would look for them for hours. They had no way out.
“We don’t know,” Lily panted out.
The pain started again.
James thought of Lily, laughing at Harry smashing the vase Petunia had given to them. He thought of Harry, mesmerised by his father’s animagus form. He thought about Sirius and Remus and his parents and everyone he had ever loved before he blacked out.
Petunia Dursley did not like the wizarding hospital – St Muggo’s or whatever it was called. It smelled like a normal hospital, but off – something unidentifiable in the air. Her nephew clutched on to her shirt, especially quiet for a three-year-old. She didn’t like bringing him here, but the letter from Dumbledore had emphasised that she must, and she was rather afraid of the wizard. She couldn’t understand why the Potters were here in the first place, and why they didn’t ever seem to get better; no one had ever explained it to her, and she didn’t bother to ask. She had enough on her plate between Dudley and her nephew.
Lily Potter didn’t recognise them when they walked into the room. Her husband – Jack? – never even acknowledged them, staring out of the window and humming some inane tune. Both of them looked terrible, their skin sunken and grey, their hair dull with premature grey hairs. Both had lost the light in their eyes that Petunia had seen years ago.
Harry babbled at his mother while Petunia read a magazine. Her sister didn’t say a word and didn’t seem to hear her son either. Today, Lily’s husband seemed to be paying attention, his eyes flickering between Harry and Lily with what might be mistaken for interest if he weren’t completely insane
After half and hour she stood up to leave. She stalked into the corridor with Harry holding her hand. He was big enough to walk now, so she ensured he did whenever possible. A sound from behind her made her turn around.
Lily stood in the hallway and reached out to her son. Harry walked wearily over to her. She took his hand and placed and candy wrapper in his palm, squeezing his hand around it, before kissing his head and wondering back into her room, humming.
It was something, Petunia thought with a strange feeling of relief, something that looked like recovery.
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I liked the idea that @mrspettyferr have. So I write a shortfic. Hope you like it! ps: English is not my first language, be kind Couples decide to play the famous snowball war in pairs: Feyre / Rhys, Nesta/ Cassian, and Elain / Azriel. They just didn't count that Elain and Azriel would have a big advantage since she foresees the proposal in time for them to formulate a strategy and they are both very good at moving in silence.
Azriel was sitting on the chair when Elain came into the room and slid into his lap. A smile on her lips like a promise of secrets. She had run to the kitchen as soon as they landed at the river house, dying to talk to her friends Nuala and Cerridwen. They hadn't had a chance to talk much since Elain moved permanently to the townhouse with Azriel.
Nesta and Cassian had not yet arrived from the house of wind and Rhys and Feyre were upstairs putting Nyx to sleep. Just the cauldron as known where Mor, Varian, and Amren had gone.
- I heard something. - Elain whispered as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
- With that smile, I assume it was a good thing. Azriel raised an eyebrow and kissed her cheek, making her laugh before talking again.
- Rhys and Cassian are going to challenge us to a snowball war in pairs. - Az laughed at hearing his words, throwing his head back. - Cauldron save us.
- I think they've been planning this for a long time. - She concluded. - But the proposal will be made during dinner today. - Ready to finish them off? - Az smirked.
- Certainly. - She joined her lips to his and he lost himself in the sensation, it was always like this as if the floor disappeared under his feet and time stopped.
- They are even more sticky than Rhys and Feyre. - Az heard Mor's voice coming from the hall and Elain walked away, turning red and trying to get up from his lap. He smiled, pulling her against his body and resting his chin on her neck as he wrapped his arms around her waist.
- The beginning of a relationship is like that. - Varian entered the room, carrying several bottles of wine and nodding in the direction of the two. They were probably breaking into Rhys's stock.
- She is just jealous since she is the last single in our group. - Amren also entered the room, being followed by Mor who grimaced when he heard his words. Az laughed, feeling happy that he could finally show his feelings for Elain in public and she relaxed in his arms, leaning against his chest.
- If you want I can introduce you to some people, Mor. - Nessa entered the room, with Cassian in pursuit and Mor blushed while everyone laughed.
- I appreciate the offer, but I think I can manage on my own. - The blonde threw herself on the sofa opening a bottle of wine.
- The party is just beginning, use wine glasses Morrigan. - Rhys came down the stairs arm in arm with Feyre and laughed when his cousin showed him the middle finger, turning the bottle directly in his mouth.
Soon they were all settled on the sofa and Rhys made the fireplace light and wine glasses appeared on the coffee table, using a little magic.
- These three I already noticed were in my wine stock. - Rhys gestured to Mor, Amren, and Varian. The latter raised his arms in surrender, casting a look at Amren.
- I'm sorry man, I was coerced. - Rhys laughed when Amren rolled his eyes.
- Today I'll let that go. - The high lord turned to where Cassian was lying on the carpet, his back resting on Nesta's legs, who was sitting on the sofa. - But I want to know why you two are late. - A malicious smile painted his lips.
- Cassian takes more time getting dressed than a bride. - Nessa spoke pretending impatience and the general shrugged before saying playfully: - Beauty takes time.
- Some already wake up with it. - Az murmured and slammed his glass against Elain's, making everyone laugh. Everyone went back to drinking while they waited for dinner and soon the alcohol started to do.
- Hey, couple. Have you managed to break some furniture yet? - Cassian smirked maliciously, turning to the chair where Azriel was with Elain and Nesta slapped his arm, but before Az could think of an answer, Elain was already saying: - I think you would not like to hear details, Cassian. - Az laughed against her neck, surprised by the cross answer, and noticed her skin warm-up, for sure she was blushing.
- Wow, Az. What did you do to my cute and innocent sister? - Nessa was laughing and Elain rolled his eyes looking at her. - Our girl grew up. - Feyre put her hand over her heart as if she had been moved.
- Hey, I'm older than you, Feyre. - Elain folded his arms to channel her sister but then smiled. - You who always had a distorted image about me.
- She's still a good girl. Azriel turned slightly to look at Elain's face. - She’s just a bad girl with me. - Elain blushed, even more, nudging him. - I would be careful with words, spymaster.
- Is that a threat, baby? - Az brought his face close to hers and she bit her mouth, making him want to put his teeth in there. - Perhaps.
- Get a room. - Cassian shouted as he threw a pillow at them and everyone laughed. The noise made Nyx wake up and soon the little Illyrian was being passed from arm to arm, receiving attention from all his uncles.
- That child won't even be spoiled. - Feyre said wryly, hugging Rhys around the waist while Mor and Cassian argued to see who would hold Nyx after Nesta. Az and Elain had already played with their nephew as soon as they arrived, even the baby fell asleep in Az's arms and now they watched the scene with a smile.
Dinner was soon ready, and everyone went to the kitchen, everything was wonderful and Nuala and Cerridwen joined them. Mor who had won the dispute over Nyx with Cassian now struggled to get the baby to feed.
- I will never have children. - The blonde sighed. - At least nephews I can return to the parents. - Everyone laughed as she handed the little one over to Rhys, who easily managed to convince him to eat.
- Just because we were going to ask you to babysit tomorrow. - Rhys shook his head and Nyx clapped his hands together, making Mor melt looking at him.
- What do you not ask me crying that I don't do smiling? - She laughed, helping herself to more wines. - Do you need time just for the two of you? - The blonde winked at Feyre, who laughed.
- It is actually for an idea that these two had. - Feyre gestured between Rhys and Cassian and Nesta winced, probably already knowing what they were going to say. - Here it comes.
Az subtly turned his head to Elain, pretending to fill her glass, and saw her wave only once, confirming what was coming.
- We want to make a snowballs war in pairs. And without offenses Mor, you are the only one without a partner. - Rhys completed and Mor pouted. - Okay, my company will be great, right Nyx? - The little boy threw food upwards, having a party and everyone laughed. Cassian turned to the others at the table. - Who's in?
- Get ready to lose. - Az leaned back in his chair, putting an arm around the back of Elain's chair. - We're in. - Elain completed with a smile.
- I liked the confidence. But it will not be easy to pass us. - Nessa replied, turning to wink at Cassian as if they had some trick up their sleeve.
- Neither us. - Feyre and Rhys exchanged a look and Az imagined that they talked for the connection in their minds.
- Unfortunately, we left too early for the summer court. Varian looked at Amren. - But who knows next year?
- No way. - She said and everyone laughed again. "I will be enjoying the heat while you bury yourself in the snow.
- Then it's agreed. - Rhys raised his glass - Be ready at 6 am.
After exchanging gifts and when everyone had already retired to sleep, Azriel and Elain went to her old room on the property. The snow had fallen outside again and Elain walked to the window.
- Do you think we can win? - She looked over her shoulder at Az and he smiled as he unbuttoned his jacket.
- Taking into account that I won in the last 199 years and only lost last year because I couldn't get you out of my head. I think so. - She walked over to him, a sweet smile on her lips.
- I did not imagine that I would distract you so much. - She replaced his hands on the buttons and pushed him on his back to the bed.
- You have no idea. - He sat up and pulled her to the bed too, making her place one knee on either side of his body and sit on his lap. - But things have changed a lot in a year. - He moved his hands up her thighs. - And considering how happy I am, I think we will win.
Elain laughed, finishing unbuttoning his clothes. - We should rest for tomorrow then. To sleep early ... - Az proceeded to undo the ties of her dress, leaving kisses all over her neck.
- What were you saying? - He whispered against her skin, with his hands working quickly, and soon the fabric was loose. Elain laughed, pushing him on his back on the mattress, raising her arms then, and causing him to quickly pull the dress over her head.
- Wow love. I don't think we're going to sleep early anyway. - Az said, surprised to notice the cobalt-blue underwear she was wearing and she laughed, kissing him afterward. - Happy Solstice.
The morning came even colder than the night before, and Azriel and Elain went over their strategy again before going down for breakfast. Az was in his regular leathers and Elain was wearing leather pants and a heavy coat to withstand the cold. Soon Nesta and Feyre entered the kitchen wearing their Illyrian leathers, as did Rhys and Cassian. Breakfast was fast, and it didn't take long to leave for the cabin, Nestha winnowing with Feyre, Cassian with Rhys, and Az with Elain, Mor stayed at the river house with Nyx.
The snow was soft and untouched when they arrived. Azriel, Cassian, and Rhys exchanged a smile before the latter began to explain the rules to the girls, emphasizing mainly that the use of powers was prohibited and that if anyone did, the pair would be disqualified. Everyone agreed and split across the field, each pair in one direction.
Feyre and Rhys seemed to communicate through that mental link and the high lady laughed without a doubt, something he had said to her. Cassian and Nesta stretched and warmed up their muscles and Elain smiled at Azriel, opening and closing his fingers to warm his hands into the gloves, he noticed the movement and pulled her close, taking her hands between his and bringing it to his mouth to blow hot air into them.
- Ready? - He asked, smiling and getting more closer. She nodded in agreement. - Let's finish them.
Az smiled holding her chin and giving her a light kiss. - That's it! - Elain winked at him and they pulled away and turned away, walking the same amount of steps in opposite directions and ready to start.
Rhys counted down and in the next instant, the battle began, with snow flying in all directions. Cassian went on the attack, a technique that he had been improving in the last years and that Rhys already knew very well. The high lord laughed as he faced his brother, not noticing that Az appeared behind him ready to knock him into the snow. Feyre was agile and ran from the balls Nesta threw, and Elain as a good spy managed to go unnoticed while throwing balls when no one was waiting.
In a moment of inattention, Nesta ended up hitting Cassian in the face with a ball that was meant to hit Rhys in the back and enjoying it while they laughed, Azriel made a big mountain of snow behind which he hid with Elain, going over the tactics of the next one.
Elain jumped when Azriel pulled her to the side and in the next instant, Cassian and Nesta were rolling through the snow in screams.
- Are they fighting or kissing? - Azriel asked confused, trying to decipher what was happening and Elain spilled his head, also curious.
- Fighting. - She spoke when she saw her sister hit Cassian's head with a snowball and sit on top of the general who was lying on his back, but in the next instant, Cassian had pulled her down and joined their mouths together. - Now they're kissing.
Az laughed softly, getting to his feet and pulling Elain up, and soon afterward they dropped the snow mountain on top of the couple who clung to the ground.
- Eliminated. - Rhys's voice came from across the field, as Elain and Az clapped their hands and watched Cassian and Nesta coming out of the snow and not caring about the game, walking towards the cabin.
- Two to go. - Az whispered in Elain's ear, pulling away as she smiled and ran the other way. The wind was rising, lifting snow and making it difficult to see, but both were used to using all their senses and being sneaky.
Rhys was the first to fall when Az came out of nowhere in front of him and dropped him in the snow. They rolled for a few minutes, so couldn't tell who was who, but in the end, Az got up in time to see Elain use practically the same technique with Feyre.
- Feyre, darling. - Rhys called out as he got up and shook the snow. - We lost.
Feyre walked over to him, taking a look at the cabin where Cassian and Nesta were most certainly destroying everything. - Let's go home?
- I have better ideas, let's enjoy that Nyx is with a nanny. - And smiling, they held hands and winnowing who knows where.
Azriel brushed the snow from his hair and turned to Elain, who was doing the same. She smiled from ear to ear and he repeated the gesture while calling her with his hand and she ran up to him, jumping in his arms.
- We won. - She wrapped her arms around his neck and he laughed, holding her by the thighs.
- We won. - Az closed the distance between them, kissing her deeply, so that her whole body warmed up, even in the middle of the snow. - Let's go home. We have to celebrate before I freeze - She whispered against his lips and he smiled, before kissing her again as the shadows swirled around them, taking them home. Did you like it? Let me know in the comments
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vbecker10 · 3 years
6, 9, 10, 11, 21, 22, 26 💕💕💕
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
Ahhhh.... this is hard
Physical - I've got super curly hair which I like, you can tell exactly what I'm thinking by my face (I have zero poker face which my friends love) and I really like all my piercings ( I've got 6 in each ear cause I was bored)
Non-physical - I'm funny (at least I think so), I'm really good at my job and I'm super organized
9. what calms you down?
Loud loud music and going outside. I love going for walks even if the weather sucks
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
Tomorrow, I'm getting out of work early so I can babysit my 2 year old nephew 💚
11. what’s your ideal date?
Anything involving cuddles. Thankfully my boyfriend is super cuddley and comfy. I could just spend a whole day laying on the couch watching movies and using him as a pillow
21. if you could tell your past self one thing, what would it be?
You need to take care of yourself more. So busy taking care of everyone and everything else, but I let my own week being get away from me.
22. what would you say to your future self?
Idk but I would want to ask if I met any of my goals
26. what movie would you want to live in?
I've honestly always wanted to live in the Lord of the Rings movies. I'd wanna be an elf but I'm more of a hobbit haha
Thanks!! 💚💚
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secret-engima · 4 years
Does Regis ever ask how Titus has papers for the boys? Whats Cor or Clarus' PoV of this? What are some things (fluff or humor) that the boys get up to? Because I can see them getting adopted into the Ulric Clan because of shenanigans and Nyx going 'Yes, these are my people' since LCs just remind me of Ulrics with magic. And how do the Galatians take to the nephew of the Nif Chancellor and clone of the Crown Prince? Since I'm imagining that Titus told some of them and the
rest are guessing anyway. And does everyone assume that Noctis and Nox's magics resonated since they're kinda sorta close to each other/are the same person? How does Regis take the news that the only reason that Noctis got healed is because Nox pretty much felt everything Noctis did? /Both/ of his sons were basically attacked by a daemon and he only knew about one of them at the time and didn't do anything to calm or reassure Nox? (Clarus: Only because you didn't know
About him, Regis. Regis: Thats no excuse, Clarus.) Does Iris get to be a Shield or did Nox latch onto Axis or one of his kids? Does Acastus find Prompting and drop him off with Noct/Cor? Does Nox hang out with Noct, Ignis, Gladiolus and Prom all the time or does the memories act up enough to make him feel weird about it? How does Regis take his brother and son's Sick Days? What about Dissidia? The 3 youngest Royals getting snatched and the group watching on Crystal
Vision? Dad Titus/Regis freaking out over their kids having been summoned to a death match? And how exactly does Titus see the boys? Sons, brothers, cousins? Oooh, more Trauma. Noct, Nox and Acastus w/others playing and end up in the Crystal room. Cue the boys lighting up, maybe passing out because the magic hits their young system really hard (its why Royals aren't supposed to be Presented until 18) and everyone freaks out, and news makes it to Regis and Titus that they
Are in the infirmary and the gist of what happened via panicked guards and rush there immediately and are jumped by panicked kids talking and crying about what happened. I didn't realize I had so many questions. But now I need to know. 👀👀 Please!🙏
Oh! Just remembered a little more! Does anyone pick up on the people/places that he shouldn't know? Do they assume that Nox got some of it from Noct, like with the Marelith? Or are they assuming LC/ Oracle DNA mix?
Me: Yes, Regis asks about the papers and Titus doesn’t OUTRIGHT admit he did an illegal but he does grudgingly explain that he needed papers in case the NIfs came looking and he ... knows ... a few people who can help ... “recreate” papers for refugees who lost theirs in whatever fire or tragedy drove them from their homes.
Regis mulls over that for ten long seconds then blatantly pretends he never heard it in the first place. Those “people” likely saved the life of his son and half-brother, he can let it slide this once.
I need Nyx Ulric to adopt these two now JUST so Nyx can tease that he’s related to Captain (then later when he learns that they’re Lucis Caelums he can quietly die in a corner because OH NO HE’S RELATED TO THE KING). Not sure how or when Nyx adopts them, but he absolutely does.
It probably happens when he's just a wee bit sloshed. Not enough to be incoherent or insincere, but enough that he doesn’t feel any fear offering to adopt the pair while babysitting them because Captain had to work late and Nyx is off the combat roster until his ankle heals. Once he’s sober he is a Panic™, but Captain takes it surprisingly well and Nox loves his new braid. Acastus just looks Amused™.
Lib slaps Nyx over the head because IDIOT THINK THIS STUFF THROUGH then gives him another drink because TWO MORE ULRICS. It’s a good thing Nyx is an Ulric Keeper in this AU, because he can teach them most of the Ulric Clan stories and dances and make them proper Ulrics.
Acastus loves introducing himself as Acastus Ulric Drautos, both because it’s fancy like “Lucis Caelum” is and also because it made both Titus and Nyx spit their coffee the first time they hear it.
The Galahdians ... have mixed feelings at first. But the predominant one is that it doesn’t matter that this kid is clearly related to the Chancellor (at first they all think the Chancellor bedded Captain’s Aunt, since they don’t know about the LC blood, and that’s why he looks like Ardyn) because Captain has clearly staked a claim on him. Galahd (in my HCs) is a Very Adoption Heavy culture and big on judging people by their current family rather than any previous blood ties, so ... mostly the Chancellor thing gets intensely ignored. Acastus isn’t an Izunia, he’s a Drautos (and then later an Ulric). So they will treat him as such.
But in private there is some debate on exactly what happened, for the Chancellor to vanish around the time his ... relation (son? They mostly assume son), shows up in Drautos’s care.
No few number of them think Titus stumbled on Ardyn with the two kids and killed the Chancellor to save them.
For Nox ... the Lucis Caelum blood is basically impossible to hide. This boy LOOKS like a literal carbon copy of the Prince but younger and he’s young so his control over his magic is ... not. Not that good. Especially not when there’s so mUCH of it.
All of Galahd listened to the Glaive who was on babysitting duty when Nox had a rare tantrum and skewered the wall with ghostly blades and all privately, immediately agree to Never Tell Anyone. Ever.
Well. To be fair, they do debate whether they have a duty to tell Regis, but again the Adoption Culture comes into play and they decide it’s up to Titus to spill that secret. A few Glaives do ask Titus about it (Titus nearly has a heart attack because SINCE WHEN DID THEY KNOW) and when they ask if they know who the mother was, Titus looks very grim and very, very quiet for a long time, then admits:
There is no mother. There never was.
They stare at him in confusion until Acastus, lurking nearby with too-sharp eyes, gives a smile that could cut and says brittlely that “amazing things that can be done with science these days you know. Truly amazing. Why, get a blood sample and a tank of the right solutions and you could probably grow anything you wanted”.
The Glaives are Horrified™. So is the rest of Little Galahd when it gets around and then is made a Clan Secret by all the Clans unanimously. The secret never leaves the borders of their little slum.
Also yes, people assume that Noctis’s and Nox’s magic resonated because Nox is a clone and it freaks them out.
Regis is Such A Guilt when he finds out how Acastus knew about Noctis’s injury. No it doesn’t matter that he DIDN’T KNOW NOX EXISTED. One of his son’s (his FIVE YEAR OLD son) was suffering. Was screaming in agony and terror and Regis didn’t do a THING about it and no amount of logic can make that better.
Nox latches onto Axis’s triplets in this AU so while Iris will be best friends with him, his Shield, Hand, and Sword are actually all made up of Axis’s three kids. Axis is a BIT of an internal Scream when Nox is at the age people start making noises about him building a Retinue and taking Iris as his Shield and Nox goes, “NO. I have a Shield already! A Hand and Sword too!” And stuff spirals out to reveal Axis as Clarus’s kid (Clarus takes it much better than Axis thought he would, tho Axis didn’t expect to see Lord Amicitia go deathly pale and sit down hard in the nearest chair).
Honestly Iris might be the future love interest in this AU you never know. It would be hilarious if nothing else.
Bold of you to assume Acastus didn’t find Prompto early and bring him home to NOX because “Look Beloved Nibling I Found You A Friend!”. Prompto is a confusion because Nox is like- 4 at the time. But Prompto likes babysitting and playing with Nox and hearing Acastus’s stories and Titus just kinda- sighs his way through the playdates until he realizes that Prompto has been staying in his house for about two weeks with no sign of the parents.
Titus, after much snooping later, sitting at the kitchen table of Grandma Ostium quietly pulling his hair out: HOW DO YOU ADOPT A THIRD CHILD. DOES IT COUNT AS KIDNAPPING IF THEY COME OVER AND STAY WITH YOU FOREVER AND THE LEGAL PARENTS NEVER NOTICE. ACASTUS WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME.
Acastus: I regret nothing. Do you want me to fake Prompto’s death? I’m sure there’s enough Prompto’s out there that nobody will notice if you gain a nephew called Prompto Drautos.
Titus, holding his face in his hands while Grandma Ostium laughs at him in the corner: NO, ACASTUS. DO NOT FAKE THE DEATH OF THE CHILD. How do you even know how to do that? Nevermind I don’t want to know.
Roughly a year later when Everything Gets Revealed, Titus and Cor: *intense staring contest over Smol Blond Child*
Cor: You don’t know where he-
Titus, growling like a cranky Behemoth that might very well bite off someone’s head: He’s a Niflheim created clone. I know.
Cor: ....
Titus: He's been living in my house for a year. I’ve seen the barcode. It’s not like I wasn’t raising one already.
Cor: His legal parents-
Titus: Is me. The Argentums were emotionally neglectful and didn’t even notice when he hadn’t come home for a week and a half.
Cor: *guilty angry silence*
Titus: ...Kid could use an uncle. If you want to man up and be part of his life.
(hgfhg this is post is getting long Imma try to speed through the last questions a bit)
Yes, Nox hangs out with the Chocobros when he can because he adores them (especially Brother Prompto and Team Mom Iggy) but he also has his own friend group in the Little Galahd community so it doesn’t strike anyone as odd really. Nox is a naturally loving child for all he’s shy and Iggy and Gladio are Noctis’s friends and Prompto is his adopted brother (and later Noctis’s best friend).
Regis does Not take the Sick Days well. It makes him alarmed and angry because Lucis Caelums aren’t supposed to get sick days from their own magic and it speaks of BAD THINGS that both of the presumably experimented on and tortured LCs have them.
I’m going to have to come back to Dissidia another time (someone remind me) because this post is too long to ramble here but it would be- it would be Great. Honestly. It would either be the 3 littlest, just Acastus, or just Acastus and REGIS for some brotherly bonding and any of them would be Great and Chaotic. Crystal-o-vision absolutely happens.
The Crystal Room is under 24 hour guard so I don’t think the kids could wander in by accident, plus Acastus would actively avoid the area because of his Trauma.
Now Acastus being presented when he turns 18 on the other hand... >:))))))
Short Version: Much shouting, much alarm, much angst from Regis and Titus and everyone and also the first Sick Day Acastus has had since he turned 17 and by far one of the worst he’s ever had in his (second) life.
I might to a longer version later but not right now.
For Nox’s oddities and odd knowledge they kind of assume both? At first they think it’s just him resonating with Noctis so deeply that there’s a transfer (cue angst from Regis because what is going to happen to Nox when Noctis fulfills his destiny as Chosen King???) but then when Nox starts knowing stuff Noctis doesn’t/can’t know, they start to wonder if the scientists ... Tampered with his DNA. If they got their hands on Noctis’s, which should have been impossible, then it’s not all that out there they got their hands on Oracle DNA.
Sylva is ... very alarmed and very confused when Regis secretly contacts her on a secure encrypted line to ask if there were any ... symptoms to look for in an Oracle child. Because- yes there were but WHY DO YOU NEED TO KNOW?
Regis: they wouldn’t happen to be *lists very specific things*
Sylva: ....Have you seen any Messengers nearby lately.
Regis: Carbuncle, a black puppy that disappears into thin air, and a bird woman who can summon wind storms. She calls herself Garuda.
Sylva, having a minor crisis behind her Queenly Facade: I am Very Sure I only have two children so please explain this. Right Now.
Regis: Well............. NiflheimclonedmysonandIthinkmixeditwiththednaofyouoryourdaughterandhehasseerpowersandImayormaynotbepanickingrightnowpleasehelpme.
Sylva, slowly running that over in her mind and figuring out what Regis just said:...
W H A T.
XD Honestly Niflheim might invade Tenebrae only to find the royal family gone because Sylva coincidentally packed her backs and took her and her children on a secret trip to Lucis to have a look at Nox, then since they’re there when Niflheim invades and a spy gets word on what just happened Sylva and Co just- stay there. Oracle Mom Death averted.
Also they absolutely think that it’s Luna’s DNA they used to make Nox because of how instantly Nox gloms onto Luna like a limpet- JUST like he did with Noctis and Regis, and how Luna gets this dazed look in her eyes as their magic tangles and she whispers, “I ... I know you. I know you, don’t I Little Prince? I met you in a dream.” Luna starts crying softly as she pets Nox’s hair and when Sylva asks in alarm why she’s crying, Luna blinks and whispers, “Because he was crying in the dream, and I couldn’t comfort him.”
Acastus lurks in the shadows, watching it all with ... very mixed feelings.
Oracles. He could have gone his entire second life without meeting anymore Oracles. Aera she looks so much like you is that what our daughter would have looked like and oh astrals I KILLED her. I killed the girl with your eyes and your smile and laughed about it later.
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reachfolk · 3 years
1, 6, 13, and 16 for Alexi and Ursula and shoot anyone else you wanna answer for
💛 from @korvanjund
thank you sm for the ask darlin!! i decided to also include my little haglet ophelia since i've been adding more to her storyline today, and it's about time i start talking more about my other character lol.
who are they closest to? how did they meet and what do they like to do together?
i already answered this for alexi here!
ursula: she's obviously very close with her wife, bothela. like i said in her chara sheet, the two met when markarth was under reach control and they worked together as healers. they spend most of their day running the hag's cure together and training their apprentice. when they aren't doing that, they mostly focus on their own little projects and research; bothela seems to somehow never tire of alchemy even long after the shop closes, and ursula likes to tinker around with dwemer texts and tech to see what she can find out. then they get back together and discuss whatever interesting things they learned. she's also super close to her niece and nephew! isobel doesn't love having the kids spend time with her, but the few times they are together, they love hearing all her stories from when she was in the uprising and just stories of the reach in general.
ophelia: she'd literally lay down her life for every single person in her coven dklfjskdj, she's very dedicated to them!! but of course, she's closest to her mother, helle. helle was in the forsworn uprising, and she had ophelia not long after markarth was secured. after it all fell apart, she raised filly to continue fighting for the reach, but the rebellion was never the same after madanach was imprisoned. eventually, the two (along with some of ophelia's closest friends from the forsworn) disbanded and formed an independent coven. ophelia supported her mother through the ritual to become a hagraven matriarch, and she's gladly willing to take on the same burden should anything happen to helle. helle taught ophelia a LOT about everything she knows about magic, and she's working on honing her skills as a seer to better guide the coven. although helle is the matriarch, her daughter is her right hand man of sorts and is just as responsible for everything they do. she runs around the coven doing just about anything that needs doing to help the members, whether it's hunting with hypatia, babysitting honey while beatrice is busy, or assisting esmeralda in her expeditions to old ruins.
on an average day, what can they be found doing after dinner?
alexandria: the short answer is: way too much !! the long answer: girlie has the worst case of insomnia ever and she compensates for that by using Way Too Many stamina potions, so it's usually her companions that even have to remind her to stop for dinner at all. even after dinner, she knows she wouldn't be able to sleep unless she majorly tires herself out, so she likes to run around doing more and more stuff. if her companions are too worn out from the day to do that, she likes to restock their potion supply or practice her spells. if after that she still can't quite fall asleep, she'll usually go on a late night hunting trip. there have been a few times when the local blacksmith tries to open shop and just finds her tanning leather at their station lol
ursula: she's quite the scholar, especially when it comes to the history of the reach! this goes beyond just the reachfolk; she also studies the history of the dwarves in the reach, the dragon cult, etc. she's published a few books covering the subjects, and is considered a leading expert on the matter. if she's not having a chill evening with her wife, she likes to continue working on those books, whether she's writing for them or just doing some research. she makes occasional visits to isobel's family, as the kids absolutely adore her, but those are few and far between.
ophelia: she's a little like alexi in that she does way more than anyone has any business doing kdsjfhd. she doesn't have the same ailment of course, but she wants to take off the pressures of managing the coven from her mother's shoulds, at least as best as she can. by the time they finish dinner, she's already thinking about where to go hunting for the next day's meal. she prays at the shrines to the old gods, who often send her visions to guide her. she checks in on each of the members and their individual duties and their work. she'll sometimes read honey a story before bed or sing her to sleep when her mother is away. she takes care of helle when she's in pain (i hc that the hagraven transformation can be pretty painful and draining, not unlike the briarheart transformation). when she does have a moment to relax, she likes to spend it by the river, soaking her feet and watching the stars.
what special abilities or talents do they possess? did they develop through training or were they born with them?
alexandria: she's always had a knack for alchemy, like i said in the other post! it was why her tutor encouraged her to apprentice at the hag's cure, where she built on that natural talent with a lot of hard work. despite her young age (around 22-27 depending on her point in the story), she's practically a master alchemist already. she'll insist she's not a master—"well i don't think anyone could ever know everything there is to know about alchemy. it's an evolving discipline and—" she's the worst lol. but the point is, she's one of the best ones you'll find around!! she's not an expert in things like sword fighting or marksmanship, but she makes up for it with her potions and poisons, making her a formidable foe.
ursula: she's pretty well rounded i think, having been a fighter and a healer for much of her life. she's also fairly good at alchemy herself. a lot of those things weren't really inborn, but she had a lot of great guidance from the other people that were part of the uprising. since it was in the works for many years, and ursula joined in during the early stages of its planning, she had a lot of time to hone her skills. by the time of the main story with lex, she's pretty much a master at restoration magic in particular, as that's the one she's used most in the 30 years since the city was reconquered by the nords. when the temple of dibella is closed, she's looked to as the town's primary healer.
ophelia: like i said before, she's a seer. it was always an inborn gift she's had, but her training with her mother as well as her devout worship of the old gods give her visions a significant boost. she's most devout to vaermina, who shows her visions of omens and looming threats to both her and her people in her dreams. she's actually the one that told alexandria to go to helgen, because she got a vision of what was going to happen and knew alexi was central to it. her visions can sometimes come in the form of metaphors rather than exact tellings of what'll happen, so she thought that alexi being personified as a dragon in these visions was some odd metaphor, as was helgen being burnt to the ground. needless to say, she later realized those visions were more literal than initially thought lol
how do they like their baths/showers? hot/cold, long/short?
alexandria: like absolutely scorching lol. when she bathes, she often uses a flames spell to get the water damn near boiling before she hops in. when it's revealed that she's the dragonborn, she makes a lot of jokes that it's because of her dragon blood, but tbh she's just Like That.
ursula: warm, but not as much as lex. she's still spry and healthy, but she is Old (tm), so she finds a warm bath nice and soothing, yk? especially since most of her work is on her feet.
ophelia: cold or lukewarm at best. she loves bathing in the karth river, and she appreciates it regardless of the weather. the karth is practically sacred to the reachfolk, and she finds the embrace of the cold water bracing and energizing! lord knows she needs that considering how much is on her plate.
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adamarinayu · 4 years
Can you tell us more about your author au, back in action au, and Notre duck au? Sorry if I'm asking for a lot but I just saw them on your AU list and they caught my interest 😅
Haha sure! I haven’t worked on any of them in a while but here we go! It’s a bit long, especially the Back in Action section....
In the Author AU, Donald is an author who works under a pseudonym, so that he and the triplets can have some normalcy in life while also being able to support them comfortably. He’s the author of a best selling series, which is the Paperinik series (maybe in this AU it’ll be called Duck Avenger, idk). 
He began writing the PK stories during highschool, and they were published as shorts regularly in a small magazine. Of course, being a teenager, it began as a fantasy- it was how he vented his frustrations. Gladstone, of course, figured it out, as did Della, but Scrooge had no interest so no one else outside of Donald’s closest circle (that is to say, Mickey, Minnie, Daisy and Goofy) knew. It soon grew to be a hero story, rather than a story about vengeance. At this point there are no nephews in the story.
After highschool, his story got picked up by a publishing company and Uno was his agent. He ended up including the character ONE based off of Uno, which Uno is equal parts amused and exasperated by (”Honestly, I thought you said you wanted to be anonymous.”). The two don’t officially become friends, however, until a couple of years later, when Della went missing. Donald had taken a surprisingly dark turn in the story which would have resulted in killing off the main characters, at which point Uno decided to intervene and talk to him. With Uno’s support and growing friendship Donald rewrote the story, keeping the darker tone but ending it on a higher note with all the characters alive and happy.
Donald also gave PK a family of his own, having him be a single father to three children (hinted heavily at them being adopted, after PK saved them as eggs), a decision which forever changed the direction of the books from being about a duck who fights because it’s all he’s good for, to being about a duck who fights because he has something worth fighting for. He and Uno obviously become very close over this time.
Gladstone reads every book that comes out. He always wins a free edition but insists on buying it, as his way of helping Donald out. He uses the tone of each book and the events that happen in them to determine whether or not he needs to come and kick a little sense into Donald.
Donald ultimately concludes the book series after Della comes back, with the story having a happy ending all around. Which definitely includes ONE getting a physical body and joining the family. Unsurprisingly he and Uno get married. Scrooge and the kids find out he’s the author of PK after Scrooge announces his studio bought the movie rights to the film lol. Della and Gladstone are just like “wow seriously, you guys didn’t see the writing clear on the wall?”
The Back in Action AU is basically, PK was a TV show and Donald was the titular character, PK. His co-star was Uno, who lent his voice and face to the character ONE (the names of all the characters in PK are changed, ofc, their real names are the actors’ names now, except for Uno and Xadhoom). The entire cast (yes, including Angus Fangus) were a pretty tight-knit family, of a sort. So while Della and Scrooge were adventuring (as he had left the adventure life behind, feeling as if he wasn’t contributing or seen as an equal among the group) he became part of a family of his own. Daisy also played PK’s love interest, though the two of them are actually more like Best Pals. They went to highschool together so. Daisy wasn’t in the main cast and was just a recurring character, as she had a main role in another series.
The triplets in PK were just babies, but PK wasn’t their primary caretaker. They were more like background characters, but occasionally PK would get roped into babysitting them and having to balance watching the children and saving the world because “oh god even if I stop the Evronian invasion if any of their feathers get singed my sister will kill me!” (Note, PK’s sister was only seen in photos and was a blonde, like in the original comics. You can hear her voice now and then though)
Donald was close with everyone (oh the bloopers he and Angus had.... and of course the Evronians, something ALWAYS went wrong with their costumes!) but Uno became his best friend (and his almost-more). The series was the most popular thing on TV for a while, and Gladstone and Fethry were so proud of their brother cousin and so sad that Scrooge and Della were missing the best moments of his life. Gladstone and Fethry are much more involved in Donald’s life than Della and Scrooge are in this AU. That isn’t to say they don’t all love each other very much, it’s just Della and Scrooge’s interests laid elsewhere.
Anyway, every series hits its end, and more often than not it comes much faster than planned. PK ended a whole season sooner than expected, due to the sudden buyout of their studio and the new owners choosing to shut PK down in favour of one of their own shows (couldn’t afford both at the same time, and their own show had a smaller budget). So the series ended on the cliffhanger of PK losing ONE and (Lyla’s character), the Evronians being defeated and PK choosing to hang up his cape because of just how much that final battle cost him. It was an ending that angered many people, extremely upsetting especially knowing that it hadn’t been the planned ending of the series.
The entire cast and crew split up, most still staying in acting but a few leaving. Donald went back to adventuring with Scrooge and Della while Uno went back to Italy with his brothers (Due and Tre, the former of which played a major part in 2-3 episodes) to work in their father’s lab. They ended up falling out of contact (not by their own choice, just due to the nature of their jobs). Then a few years later Della went missing and Donald was left caring for her three children- it was a bit ironic, perhaps.
In the 10-12 years Donald was taking care of them, a “sequel” movie and a spinoff came to be with different actors and stories, but neither were well received because they lacked the “spirit” and charm of the original series. Especially the spinoff, which was animated in a very Saturday-morning style.
The triplets don’t really know about the OG PK, only knowing it by the spinoff, or that their uncle used to be a big name actor. However, 10 or so years later it’s announced that PK is coming back.... with the original writers and actors (except for the kids). Including Donald Fauntleroy Duck, the actor who played the titular PK. They are shook.
The original children who played PK’s nephews were unavailable (”We were like 2 during all that, we really don’t care”) and, besides that, had already aged out of the roles (the comeback was a Ten Years Later kind of deal, and it had been more like 14 or 15 since the end of the show, so the original kids were already mid-late teens. Therefore, when the director discovered Donald was now caring for his three nephews (convenient that there were three) he suggested they play the role of the triplets. Donald left it up to the triplets, under the stipulation that they would have minor roles (as the triplets always did) and this wouldn’t interfere with school.
They actually made a whole new role for Webby in the show! Because the triplets agreed on the condition that Webby gets to join them. And that’s how Webby began to play the triplets’ younger sister. The director decided to take a page out of Donald’s real life and wrote PK’s sister out (this was also partially because the actress had died) so PK was now being a full-time father to his kids who had no idea who he really was.
But then Donald finds out that not only is Lyla there, not only is Angus there... so is Uno. Uno and both of his brothers. It’s quite a reunion. And of course everyone expects Donald’s most emotional reunion to be with Daisy, but no. It’s Uno. And Uno is the one he ends up on the front of a magazine with lol.
Also yeah they get married :3
Man I think I may have overspoke about this one XD But I really enjoy this one what can I say jkkghfdsjlk
Notre Duck!! That’s another one I enjoy though it isn’t as in-depth as the last. So basically Everett came to Earth, and it’s kinda like.... a Duck version of medieval times. He came here for inspiration, then ended up building Uno, who became like a son to him. However, when other flesh-and-blood ducks realized he was an android, they became fearful and called him a monster, and tried to attack and run him out of town.
After that, Everett hid him away in a tower attached to a church, where no one but the church staff would go. He didn’t want to lose his android son. But Uno watches the world below his tower change, dreaming of a day when he could go out there too.
One day he meets Donald, who is a street performer with an association to Scrooge McDuck, a king in a neighboring kingdom. Donald finds out very quickly that he is an android and doesn’t judge him for it, instead encouraging him to leave the tower because “life is about the adventure.” This, of course, does not sit well with Everett, who forbids Uno from leaving the tower or seeing Donald.
Donald is wanted by the lord of the city, who wants to use him against Scrooge (and earn favour with his own king). There’s no creepy old men lusting after young women and no slurs being used casually so.
Also anyway this actually spawned from me imagining Uno to the song Out There so yeah.
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Do you have like a list of prompts you’ve received? I’m kinda curious to see what other people have sent in.
Sure do! Let me know what you think or what you'll be interested in seeing posted first!
1.) this regular is so cute that I (purposely) wrote wrong name on their order so we could chat for a while" (changed it to Mammon forgetting MC's name cause I didn't want to write anything close to an actual name for MC so that it'd be easier for people to imagine it as their MC)
2.) "I know my boss said to not to serve this batch today bc it'll be for tomorrow's special menu but they look drOP DEAD GORGEOUS AND I CAN'T RESIST THE URGE TO HIT ON 'EM NOBODY CAN STOP ME"
3.) Mammon seeing a bug and freaking out, asking MC to take care of it would be really cute.
4.) MC stealing his clothes and wearing it
5.) MC telling Mammon how appreciative they are of him and how glad they are that they were put under his care over anyone else.
6.) "Wait are those - are those bruises?"
7.) mc’s love language is expressed by giving gifts - 10th Sept
8.) imagine MC giving Mammon a ✨ c u t e ✨ crow plushie - 10th sept
*7.) & 8.) are going to be combined*
9.) when Mammon and MC start dating, he 100% calls them "his treasure" (I don't think this was a prompt but I'm writing it) - 10th Sept
10.) dragon!mammon kidnaps royal!mc for ransom, but ends up discovering not all treasures are made of glitter and gold - long 10chap fic planned - after 18th sept no concrete date
11.) Pillow fort with Mammon?? Maybe a movie night??? Bonus if it's a horror movie and he clings to MC????? - 31st Oct
12.) MC gets possessed by a lower demon - 31st Oct (shortened here but original prompt is longer/more elaborate)
13.) Mammon flirting with the MC to steal their wallet. - 28th Aug
14.) "I've never seen that scar before"
15.) "You're the best thing that has ever happened to me"
16.)"Talk to me please"
*15.) & 16.) are set to be combined with 14.)*
17.) It was said before that since Mammon is the avatar of Greed, those he loves are very wealthy and those he hates go broke, so if his self esteem is really low it explains why he's broke and asking for money all the time. (Probably not a prompt but fuck it I want to write it)
18.) him singing & dancing to La Bicicleta with MC in the kitchen (I actually wrote an 'imagine' kinda thing as the reply for this ask cause I don't think it's an actual prompt but I liked it so much I wanna flesh it out into a short fic)
19.) Mammon with Crow feathers (it's more elaborate than this but too long to write here) (Not a prompt but like the previous one I wrote an 'imagine' type thing as a reply for the ask and I wanna flesh it out because GIANT BIRD DEMON BOYFRIEND™)
20.) Mammon consistently spelling MC's name wrong on their cup? Or Mammon leaving pick up lines on their drinks? - gonna do the second one cause again I don't wanna write anything close to an actual name
21.) Mammon coping with the realization that MC's never coming back to the original timeline?
22.) "this person is the love of my life but sometimes I wanna strangle em hoW DARE U DO SMTH ADORABLE DO U KNOW U R THE DEATH OF ME SWEET CHEEKS ILYSM❤️️"
23.) "I rlly hate the fact that ur babysitting ur niece/nephew (but I love this lil fella can we adopt them) but I overheard a couple say WE R A PERFECT FAM I'M-"
24.) “You bake when you’re stressed and sometimes you give me cookies, but recently you’re giving me whole baskets each day, now I’m not complaining but are you okay?”
25.) how's Mammon feel about MC dying from Belphie considering how he told MC at the beginning that if they were in danger, he'd be the one to save them, and if he couldn't save them, they should just die?
26.) him realizing he has a second with the new MC after his MC dies in lesson 16
*25 & 26 were one prompt but I broke it into two fics*
27.) Like, say MC makes it really obvious Mammon’s her favourite and Belphie tries to sabotage him, but it just keeps going wrong. (More elaborate prompt but shortened here)
28.) au where the demon lords are instead revered as local deities. Mammon falls for human MC. (More elaborate prompt but shortened here)
29.) really angsty mc x mammon fic. maybe something with mc sobbing “please don’t be mad at me” or “i can be better, don’t leave” due to accidentally swallowing a hysteria potion or something?
30.) "This is nice. You and Me. Against the world."
31.) "If anything happened to you--I couldn't..." "Will you stay with me? Tonight? I just--I'd feel better knowing that you're near..." "I can't stand the thought of seeing you hurt." All have massive Mammon-after-Belphie-killed-MC vibes.
32.) MC being troubled about dying and mammon being the only one to notice
*31.) & 32.) are going to be combined*
33.) “You’ve done the unthinkable, you know. You’ve made me fall in love.”
34.) mammon and mc are doing a movie night and mc fall asleep and they basically confess in their sleep without knowing it
Fics that don't have planned dates are going to be released on a weekly basis. The fic that I write & post will depend on which prompt makes my imagination go nuts each week. After sept 18 I'm hoping to write & post at least two fics a week.
** nothing is gonna have a sad ending or be a tragedy (I can't hurt myself like that) so at most it'll have a bittersweet ending
**MC will always be gender-neutral (they/them pronouns) and unnamed with no defining features. They will have somewhat of a consistent personality though because I always imagine my mc when writing these and I will probably use headcanons I have but nothing will be overly specific so that you can read the fics with your mc in mind
Because I like to suffer I'm still accepting prompts/requests despite all this so feel free to send them either through asks or dms or feel free to come scream at me about anything because I will scream back
That's it✌
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