#i love arsenal i love sports sometimes life is so<3
granitxhka · 2 years
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sportsthoughts · 6 months
Sorry if I missed this lore drop previously, but how'd you get into the Pens? I love your gifs and positivity that you bring to the lb!
Buckle up anon. I thought about one line answering this but I enjoy the phrase 'lore drop' so much I think you deserve the deep dive. It'll take a while to get to the pens but you asked for lore so...
I have been sportsthoughts on tumblr since 2015 ish - maybe slightly earlier - and this has always been a sportsblr/sports rpf-y type blog in various iterations.
This blog was originally used for liveblogging UK Premier League and La Liga football matches. I have always been a huge football fan (my childhood team is Arsenal - north London forever ❤️ etc etc) and when I moved away to university at 18 none of my new friends were into sports and I really missed watching games with my family.
Finding other likeminded fans online who were also watching games and liveblogging them was such a beautiful experience and I have amazing memories of 2015-2018ish when I was a very active football blog, spent a lot of the time in the Arsenal/FC Barcelona communities here and had some beautiful trips to Barca.
I do have a sideblog where I still dabble in that space but in truth I very rarely liveblog football anymore because nowadays it's returned to being something I watch with friends and family so I'm not on my phone during games.
Here's where the pens come in - sort of. I've scrolled back through my AO3 bookmarks and can see in 2015 I also got into sports RPF for the first time. There are some incredible football RPF fics out there (let me know if you'd like some recs!). Somehow - probably through raiding people's bookmarks - in early 2015 I ended up reading a Sid/Geno fic called And Never Been Kissed and I was absolutely hooked. At the time of reading this I had:
1. Never watched a game of hockey in my life (side note, I don't think I can understate how little hockey coverage there is in the UK. Even the most ardent sports fan would probably not be able to name a single NHL player or team. Not even Sid! Not even Gretzky!)
2. I had no idea, nor any desire to look up who these people actually were. It was just like reading really well written original fiction.
For the next 7 years I thoroughly enjoyed hockey RPF and created (in my mind) entire personalities and appearances for Sid and Geno, along with all the other 'characters I came across regularly in hockey fic. Sid, I got pretty close to the mark. Geno, not so much. One day I will try and find some reference pictures for what I thought they looked like because it’s quite hilarious. When I re-read fics I love from during that time I laugh because I remember my Sid and Geno and how different they were from reality.
So, hockey was sort of in my life from 2015 but exclusively in the form of fics. I would scroll through the actual hockey bits of works because I didn’t understand the rules and why every single fic was an AU where professional sports people were allowed to fight each other mid game.
At this point I’d left university, and because I no longer liveblogged football games, I found I really missed sports fandom. Another sport I grew up watching and loving was Formula 1 so when lockdown hit in March 2020 I started liveblogging F1 races to pass the time (and still do sometimes - now over on @vroomlive). I loved/still love F1blr, but it didn't quite fill my fandom itch because:
1. We joke about it, but F1 is a deeply unserious sport run by a dire organisation (Liberty Media). They change the rules every week and it's managed badly to the point of being comical. There have been a few major cock ups over the years (including the 2021 championship literally being taken away from the rightful winner and given to someone else. To put this in hockey terms: imagine a completely valid goal being overruled in the last 5 minutes of the Stanley Cup final and then the ref deciding to give the other team a 5 on 3 powerplay Just Because) all of this is quite disheartening for long term fans - and has resulted in quite a fractured and angsty fandom.
2. There are only about 20 F1 races a year - so it's just not a sport that's on regularly. I love sports, and I want to watch sports all the time - so a sport that only gave me content every third weekend or so just wasn't really enough for me.
At this point, when I was feeling rather sports fandom bankrupt, the wonderful work of Sid/Geno writers and the influence of the tumblr dashboard converged. I worked this out by scouring my AO3 bookmarks - in April 2021 I read a Sid/Geno fic called Game Plan that I fell head over heels for. I’m still not quite sure what about this fic grasped me so deeply but I started reading a lot more hockey RPF.
Around the same time an F1 blog I followed started posting about Mat Barzal All. The. Time. I had no interest in this man and did not know he was a hockey player but over the course of about a year I became vaguely exposed to hockey content on Tumblr through that blog, and at some point in early 2022, saw Sid on my dash for the first time. I don’t remember the exact post but I remember seeing the name, doing a double take and thinking oh Shit! That’s Sidney Crosby from fanfiction! I was flabbergasted because in my mind Sid was in his early 20s tops, so seeing this early thirties, bearded, fat bottomed man on my dash and realising that that was Sid was such a shock. 
My hockey lurker era lasted from mid 2022 to early 2023 and I spent a lot of time, um, lurking. That sounds so creepy. I suppose I had never thought about actively joining a fandom before because my fandom engagement (one direction > football > f1) had all happened really organically so actually choosing to join a space as an adult was quite an interesting process.
By summer of 2023 my husband’s job changed again meaning he works away from home most weeknights and suddenly my late nights were extremely free because I’d hang out with friends and then go home at 10/11 to an empty house which I hated. I really found myself wanting to make fandom friends and have an at home hobby I could do late at night before going to bed so taking on a sport that happened 12am-2am (timezones!) seemed like a good fit. 
Alongside this on a totally separate track was my longstanding interest in fandom - most of my professional work/research is pretty standard psychotherapy stuff but I’ve done a little bit of work over the last few years looking at sex therapy (not as sexy as it sounds) and I have a real interest in the role that fandom and especially shipping/fic plays in shaping and expressing sexuality. It’s a bit of a back burner research topic for now but I suppose over the years researching fic and expressions of sexuality via fandom and shipping has just made me fall in love with fandom itself a little bit.
Plus having lurked around the edges of hockeyblr for a while I was just like, yeah, I really want in on this, this seems like an awesome community. The reason why I chose the pens was pretty straightforward - I felt like I knew Sid and Geno and after exploring the real life hockey, I, like most of us, was quite struck by who Sid is as a person and was just completely enchanted. Another side note - hilariously, when my husband first saw a picture of Sid last year he immediately said “Oh, he looks like me!” - do with that information what you wish. 
I really eagerly awaited the start of the 2023 season and without sounding too soppy, had already fallen in love with you guys before I ever watched a live hockey game. Every fandom has its difficult corners (pensblr included!) but I can honestly say - especially after the chaos of spending my teenage years knee deep in 1D fandom and my early and mid twenties in various parts of sportsblr - being part of this space has been the most lovely, fun, friendly, lighthearted, positive and beautiful fandom experience I’ve ever had. I feel like it’s the goldilocks zone of all the previous fandoms I’ve been in and I love it.
So yeah! That is the extremely long winded answer to your question, anon. I hope this is the ‘lore drop’ you were looking for lol
TLDR: I stumbled my way through sportsblr until I accidentally ended up here and I’m never leaving.
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15 OC Questions!
Thanks for the tag @ninjasawakenedmystar !
Tagging @jgvfhl @bluejay-in-write @arrthurpendragon and anyone else who wants to do this!
Rules: answer the questions as either your OC or yourself!
I'm answering these as Grim Kennet during TCWGANV (Around the end of The Clone Wars. So in 19 BBY)
1. Are you named after anyone?
No. I don't know why my name was chosen. Grim is quite a strange name for somebody. But I guess it fits my life since I've been thrown into The Clone Wars.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Um. Probably not that long ago. There's a lot that happens now, and I'm at the final year of the war. I have no idea when Revenge Of The Sith will begin. I just know that'll happen soon.
3. Do you have any kids?
Absolutely not. I'm a kid still! Even if I don't feel like it sometimes with everything I've been through.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Yes. A lot. It's an important part of my sass arsenal.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
"Oh that's what they look like in real life!" If there was no live action version of them. For example: Ahsoka. Also I noticed she was very pretty. Uh- I said nothing about that.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
I enjoy both. But right now I find happy endings better. It's comforting to see them. Especially when I'm becoming less and less hopeful that this story will have one.
9. Where were you born?
Earth! Which doesn't exist. Help me I'm literally the only human from Earth in this entire universe. And it turns out there are differences. Which causes problems sometimes.
10. What are your hobbies?
Drawing! I love drawing things from my old universe. It lets me keep a part of the life I lost with me.
11. Do you have any pets?
No unfortunately. I would love one, but I'm not sure if they're allowed in the Jedi Temple. Although I have tried to adopt some, but Master Kenobi said no. We have to deal with the war and I have too much training to take care of a pet on top of everything else. Maybe when the war is over and I'm a Knight.
12. What sports do you or have you played?
I never played any sports on Earth and I don't have any time to play sports here. So does my training count?
13. How tall are you?
Five foot. Which isn't that short, I don't care what Skywalker says about me being "Tiny". I'm not that short! Everyone else is just tall! Yoda is short but I don't see anyone making fun of him.
14. Favourite subject in school?
In Earth school it was English and history. But here in Star Wars it's definitely studies with the Force. It's so interesting! There are so many cool things you can do with the Force! And the Force itself is so cool! I love how bright the Force is too, like stars at night...not that's related to my studies or anything that's just how I feel the Force.
15. Dream job?
Jedi Master! Imagine....Master Kennet. It has a great ring to it.
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tyleroneills · 1 year
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Name: Tyler O'Neill
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Style/Color: Tousled/Black
Height: 6′3
Clothing Style: Between casual and grunge
Best Physical Feature: Eyes, they're very expression and change color depending on what he's wearing
Fears: Going through the rest of his life alone and unloved
Bad Habits: Drugs, temper, overall recklessness
Ambition for the Future: Start up a business and have a family
Biggest regret: Ruining Brooke Maddox's life
First Thoughts Waking Up: Another day of bullshit
What They Think About the Most: All the daily struggles
What They Think About Before Bed: Depends on the day, but mostly Brooke
What They Think Their Best Quality Is: Intelligence
Single or Group Dates: Single. He doesn't like most people
To be Loved or Respected: 100% loved. He doesn't need respect. He just wants someone to care about him
Dogs or Cats: Dogs. They're more affectionate and loyal
Lie: Lying is definitely in his arsenal. It's another tool for his survival
Have scars/birthmarks: He has scars almost everywhere. The most noticeable one is on his left eyebrow
Believe in Yourself: Yes. He knows what he's capable of
Believe in Love: Sometimes
Want Someone: Yes
Been on Stage: Does a courtroom count?
Done Drugs: Yes. He's tried everything
Changed Who You Were to Fit In: Yes. He joined lacrosse and football and hung out with the popular crowd in high school but never felt like it was "him"
Favorite Color: Black
Favorite Music: Alternative rock
Favorite Show: Friends, but he tells everyone its Breaking Bad
Favorite Movie: Rocky
Favorite Animal: Wolves, because they're loyal, mate for life, and dedicate themselves to their family
Favorite Drink: Black coffee, vodka
Favorite Food: French/Italian
Favorite Place: France
Favorite Sport: Football
Favorite Season: Fall
Favorite Holiday: Mischief night
Day Your Next Birthday Will Be: October 30th
Age You Lost Your Virginity: 13
Does Age Matter: No, as long as everyone's adults
Best Personality: Affectionate
Best Eye Color: Brown
Best Hair Color: Blonde
Best thing to do With a Partner: A night of debauchery
I love: Tattoos, fast cars, leather
I hate: The government
I feel: Rejected, alienated, destructive
I hide: How I really feel
I miss: Her
I wish: I had/could have a normal life
What do you look like? (Include body type, frame, hair, eyes, skin): Tall, fit, covered in tattoos and scars, dark messy hair, intense hazel eyes, tan
How do you dress most of the time?: Leather jacket, black fitted jeans, black boots, a black tank top when its hot out
How do you “dress up”?: Black bomber jacket over a button-up shirt
How do you “dress down”?: Sweatpants and tank top
What do you wear when you go to sleep?: Black or white boxer-briefs
Do you wear any jewelry?: A middle finger ring, a necklace of Virgin Mary. He's not overly religious, but likes to believe someone is watching over him. Growing up without motherly love, he was drawn to the idea of Virgin Mary who's described as a devoted mother who will protect her children and lead them to salvation
In your opinion, what is your best feature?: Intelligence, he's only gotten this far in life because of it
How many siblings do you have?: He doesn't know. Maybe 5, maybe 0
What is your father like?: Don't have one
What is your mother like?: Don't have one
Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.?: In a dorm room at Westham University, it's a little small, but it's nice and organized. He's used to living with lots of people so sharing a room with just one other person is considered a blessing
Are you emotional, depressed, ect?: Emotional, yes, depressed, yes, angry, yes
Would you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else? Why?: Straight, but comfortable with his sexuality. He's had a threesome once with another guy and wasn't turned on by the guy's naked body, but he also wasn't grossed out sharing a girl with him. It's just sex
How ticklish are you? Where are you ticklish?: No. His stomach and balls. He can be really squirmish when getting head
What do you do when you are bored?: Go for a car ride, take some drugs, gatecrash a party
What do you envy most?: People who have normal lives. Family, friends, plans for the summer.
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marmosa · 4 years
oi, is it hot in here?
Fred x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: none
A/N: my best friend came over yesterday and showed me a snippet of one of her george fics and then immediately hyped me up to write this one. girls and gays i present the aquamenti spell, enjoy ;) (this is so out of pocket, could you tell i was going thru it). also if anyone wants more george content please let me know, i’m a fred girl through and through, but i have no shame in showing some love to george <3
“Fred, just because we’re allowed to legally use magic now, doesn’t mean we’re legally obliged to,” [y/n] mumbled, flat out glaring at him as he pouted at her from across the library table, trying once again to convince her to duel with him.
“Just because we’re not required to, doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be tons of fun. Come on [y/n], you know just as well as I do that you’re dying to try out some new spells,” Fred pleaded, reaching across the table and pushing the book she was using to shield her face from his relentless puppy dog eyes down.
“Even so Weasley, you’re going to get yourself in a spot of trouble you’re not going to know how to get out of. Just because I play coy doesn’t mean I wouldn’t absolutely smoke your arse if we did duel,” she hummed surely, straightening her posture to emphasize her sudden breath of confidence.
“Win? I doubt that,” Fred shrugged, leaning back in his chair, a mischievous idea bubbling to the surface of his mind, “No, you’re not bold enough to win.”
“I- me? Not bold enough?” [y/n] sputtered, incredibly offended at his insinuation but still trying her best to stand her ground, “I know what you’re trying to do y’know and I know you’re also full of shit. You wouldn’t last a second against me.”  
Fred glanced over at her, a smartass look on his face, “I think I could last at least two seconds, maybe five, maybe six, maybe a million, but you’re too much of a stick in the mud to find out.”
“I’m not a stick in the mud, I’m just smart enough to not let myself get dragged into your chaos- as fun as it is sometimes,” [y/n] mumbled the last bit, trying not to inflate his ego anymore than he needed, despite feeling no shame in admitting that his antics were usually paired with an inescapable rush of adrenaline.
“Yeah, whatever you say sweetheart,” Fred rolled his eyes, missing the quick crack in [y/n]’s composure at the pet name that practically rolled off his tongue with ease, “just don’t come crying to me when you get bored one afternoon and need someone to duel.”
[y/n] furrowed her brows and felt her competitive need finally snap, “Listen here you dim-wit, if you want a duel so bad you’ll get a duel, but don't you come crying to me when I hand you your arse on a silver-lined platter.”
Fred sat up excitedly, tapping his fingers against the table, “See, there’s that competitive [y/n] I was hoping for. I appreciate the threat, but you might want to save that fire for the duel, you’re gonna need it.”
“You’re a twat, you know that?” [y/n] grumbled, crossing her arms and sinking back into her chair.
“Only for you,” Fred winked, a shit-eating grin plaster on his face, “see you at the dueling grounds.”
“Yeah, yeah, get out of here,” [y/n] waved him off, biting back a smile.
“Aha! So you showed up in the end,” Fred cheered, dashing over and scooping [y/n] up in his arms, swinging her from side to side as she hung on for dear life.
As soon as he set her down she glared up at him like he’d just forced her to ride the worlds most dangerous roller coaster, “just because I was reluctant, doesn’t mean I’m a downer. I’m always true to my word Freddie.”
“Ahh,” He hummed low, crossing his arms and shrugging, tapping his chin inquisitively, “I suppose so. But what about that one time when you promised me that we’d go up to the tower and then you bailed-,”
“I had a potions exam to study for and my brain felt like it was melting, don’t you dare turn one on me. Last time I checked you were the one who bailed on me when we planned to go rob Filch of his-,” [y/n] started but was cut off when Fred pressed one of his hands against her mouth, shushing her with the other.
“You don’t want anyone to hear do you? That could get us in an enormous amount of trOUBLE- EW!” Fred hacked and jumped backwards, wiping his hand furiously against his jeans, “you’re a sick, sick woman.”
[y/n] grinned triumphantly, wiggling her eyebrows at his disgusted expression, “don’t lie, you loved it. Now come on, we came to duel, didn’t we?”
“You’re really testing my patience, [y/l/n],” Fred chuckled lowly, “but you’re right, get into position so I can completely ruin you.”
“I’d like to see you try,” [y/n] hummed, winking at Fred as she shuffled into her spot, drawing her wand and bobbing it in her hand.
The duel began and the two made no waste of time jumping at each other, throwing charm after hex at one another, testing out every single spell in their arsenal (well the one’s that wouldn’t painfully injure or kill either of them anyway). It was electric, the wild passion for their craft buzzing excitedly behind their eyes, present in the way they danced around each other, avoiding spells and quickly returning them.
[y/n] felt a laugh bubble out of her chest when Fred disarmed her, dashing off to retrieve her tool, ducking as he fired another spell right over the top of her head. Fred couldn’t help but follow suit in laughter as she turned around and flung a disarming spell of her own, managing to hit him and send his wand flying farther away than he probably would’ve liked.
“Come on now, [y/n], you wouldn’t harm a totally helpless boy,” Fred pleaded teasingly, inching to the side while trying to maintain eye-contact with her, mostly for his own safety than showmanship.
“I told you when we started this Weasley, I wasn’t going to go easy on you,” [y/n] called out, jerking out her arm, “Aquamenti!”
Water sprung forth from her wand, shooting directly at Fred and knocking him clean to the floor, positively soaking him from head to toe. He sat up immediately, his mouth hanging open in shock, still processing what entirely had just happened.
“I won,” [y/n] muttered, cheer surging through her in unexpected waves, “I won!”
“Shut up!” Fred groaned from his spot on the floor, pushing himself up off the floor, the cold slowly but surely seeping into his bones, “I don’t wanna hear it.”
[y/n] bit back a smug grin, crossing her arms across her chest and tipping her head back as if she had just won a crown far too heavy for her head, “Sorry, what was that about me losing?”
Fred glared back at her, his narrowed eyes nearly on the brink of being completely shut, “Shut. Up,” he repeated, enunciating his pauses.
“Aww, is someone sad with the outcome,” [y/n] cooed, spinning around to face him as soon as she had retrieved his wand, her triumphant spirit being shoved aside as a more uncomfortable emotion took hold.
“Shut up and hand me my wand ya git,” Fred mumbled, snatching his wand back from her, “we get it, you won.”
[y/n] couldn’t help the heat that was crawling up her neck, suddenly hyperaware of the situation she was currently in. Why’d she chose that spell? Why’d she chose that spell in this random room, away from others, when he was wearing a crisp white dress shirt that was now clinging to him like a second skin- god she could see so much.
Fred glanced over at her with creased brows, confused at the sudden spot of silence, wondering what had gotten little miss triumphant to go so quiet. When he saw her shuffling through her book bag, an amused little smile wormed its way onto his face- oh he was going to have fun with this.
“Why so quiet all of a sudden, sweetheart?” Fred drawled, biting back a grin at the way she tensed her shoulders.
“No particular reason, just felt bad about rubbing in my victory s’all,” [y/n] replied, still shuffling through her bag for a, uh, pack of gum she could have sworn she had had earlier.
“You? Feel bad? About a dueling victory against me? Sounds like a lot of rubbish to me,” He shook his head, grabbing her shoulder and tugging her to her feet, “There’s something else.”
[y/n]’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, straining to avoid glancing down at his toned chest, “There is absolutely nothing else. Scout’s honor.”
Fred sported a smug grin as he leaned down to be eye level with her, his eyes raking over her face, noting her balled up fists shaking at her sides and her abnormally wide eyes, “Are you sure, you look awfully tense.”  
“I’m not tense,” she waved him off, feeling near the verge of combustion trying to control herself. It didn’t particularly help that he was staring at her like that while her mind raced through the hundreds of ways this interaction could go, her heart hammering in her chest at the suggestiveness of her thoughts.
“Come on, you can tell me, I won’t say anything out of line,” he bargained, trying his best to coax her out of whatever dumb act she was playing at.
“Again, I am completely fine,” she reassured him, rocking on the balls of her feet, trying to subtly put some space between them.
“I’m not so sure that’s true,” Fred lilted, titling his head to the side slightly, “what, is something about me bothering you?”
[y/n] felt her stomach drop, so he did know, of course he knew, she wasn’t particularly inconspicuous about her dilemma, but she refused to let up now, “There is nothing about you that’s bothering me, Freddie.”
“Oh, so what I’m hearing is that you like what you see?” he teased, darting his tongue out to wet his lips.
“I-wait, now hold a minute-,” she began only to lose her voice as he backed her into one of the many pillars in that room, her palms pressing flat against the cool stone.
“See, I still don’t quite believe you,” he whispered, pressing his forearm over her head, placing the other on his hip as the water he’d been drenched in had practically sealed his pockets shut.
“And why not?” [y/n] struggled to maintain her composure, her resolve diminishing by the second.
“Because someone who’d didn’t like the view wouldn’t be staring at it so plainly,” He concluded, shamelessly eyeing her up and down.
[y/n] didn’t know if she wanted to curl up into a ball and die or yank him down by his collar and let him absolutely ravish her then and there, her mind was too clouded to pick one. Luckily, Fred seemed to be significantly more level-headed than she currently, which meant he made no waste of time taking the reigns of the situation.
“So, what if I did agree with you what then,” [y/n] muttered, looking down at her shoes, trying her best to avoid his piercing gaze.
“I’d say that you’re in luck because,” he placed his hand under her chin and tipped it back upwards, forcing her to look at him, “I’m enjoying my view just as much.”
“Well then, what’re you gonna do about it?” she quipped, shamelessly darting her eyes between his eyes and lips.
“I’d say kiss you, but only if you want it,” he replied, moving his hand up to cup her cheek.
“I do. I do want it, please Fred,” she pleaded, not even caring if she sounded desperate anymore, throwing her pride to the wind.
“You don’t have to tell me twice.”
Fred leaned down and captured her lips in a heated kiss, his hand finding its way to the small of her back, pressing her off the pillar and into him. It quickly became something desperate, longing, all their pent up tension finally spilling out of their overfilled cup. [y/n] felt up his chest, smiling to herself as she concluded that it did feel as nice as it looked.
He made quick work of hoisting her up, linking his arms under her thighs and pressing her back against the wall, relishing in finally being able to touch her the way he so desperately wanted to for all those years. She did the same, tangling her fingers into the wet hairs at the nape of his neck, basking in the warmth coming from him despite his soaking wet clothing.
“Do you want to stop?” Fred asked softly, pressing a few soft kisses to her jaw and neck, “we don’t have to go any further.”
“As lovely as continuing sounds,” she breathed, smoothing his hair out of his face, “I don’t think we’re geared for that right now. And you need to get changed of those clothes before you catch a cold.”
“Good lord you sound like my mother,” Fred groaned, knocking his forehead on her shoulder.
“Did you really just bring up your mother right now,” [y/n] asked incredulously, wiggling her way out of his grip and back onto her own two feet, “that’s weird man.”
“I wouldn’t have if you didn’t bring up my need of a change of clothes!” Fred exclaimed, throwing his hands up in the air to emphasize his point, “Besides, who’s fault is that?”
“Someone stupid probably,” [y/n] shrugged, picking up her robes and tossing them square at him, “wear those so you don’t get colder, if someone asks, you took a dip in the lake.”
“That’s even more unbelievable than just telling someone straight up what we were doing,” Fred replied, flat out, pulling on the robes that we’re obviously too short for him.
“Well too bad, loser of the duel has to follow the winner’s rules,” [y/n] shrugged, offering him a smug smile.
“Can we go back to a couple minutes ago when I’d managed to shut you up?” Fred quipped, crossing his arms as he pouted at her.
“Nope, no can do, you kissed me Weasley which means I have nothing more to be embarrassed about,” [y/n] sang, taking his hands and swinging them along with hers.
“Well I take it back!”
“Please no,” she frowned, sinking her shoulders.
Fred sighed and pulled her into a hug, his words muffled against her hair as he mumbled softly, “I could never say no to that face.”  
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mysticmoon02 · 4 years
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Learn the language that feels good for you in managing diet talk from family members or friends. This takes time and practice, but you have no obligation to engage in diet talk, especially when working on moving away from it. In these instances, it can be helpful to simply change the subject or leave the table and take a break. You can try a few things out as responses when someone close to you brings up dieting or “good versus bad” foods, such as:
• “I’m actually working on accepting my body as it is. Could we talk about something else?”
• “All foods have value even if they aren’t as nutritional. I’m gonna grab another cookie, want one?”
• “I’d rather connect on something besides shaming my body. How is your family?”
If exercise feels like a necessary evil in your life and you find yourself feeling obligated to get to the gym and guilty when you miss a workout, you may not have a joyful relationship to movement. In some cases, taking intentional time off from planned movement can be very beneficial in healing your relationship to exercise. Perhaps this year you give yourself a contained amount of time to rest and recharge without the “shoulds” of moving your body in an organized way.
Later, you can experiment and try on different forms of movement. It helps to think of things you enjoyed as a child and repurposing them into activities as an adult. If you used to be a dancer, try a swing dancing or Zumba class. If you enjoyed roller blading, perhaps join a roller derby team. If you loved sports and competition, find a league in your town and meet some people while doing so! Think outside of the box and experiment until you find something that fits.
One of the most liberating (and fun) aspects of learning to eat intuitively is allowing yourself space and grace to discover which foods make you feel nourished and satisfied. Perhaps this year you set an intention to eat one new “off-limits” food per week or month until the process becomes more comfortable.
4. Focus on the people in your life who support you and make you feel whole.
When you’re constantly focused on dieting and exercising, close interpersonal relationships can fall by the wayside. Freeing yourself from diet culture allows you the brain space and energy to put towards relationships that truly matter to you. Reach out to old friends, have the conversations that matter, tell your family members how you feel about them. Work to cultivate relationships that feel nourishing and empowering, whatever that may look like for you.
Inevitably, things will come up that feel difficult and uncontrollable; resolve to care for yourself without condition and take stock of what helps you to care for yourself and destress. Sometimes self-care looks mundane such as cleaning your space, washing your hair, cooking a nice dinner, or calling a friend. It can also be more geared towards “Millennial self care” including bubble baths, face masks, journaling, meditating, and adult coloring books. Your needs are constantly shifting and the way in which you care for yourself one day won’t be the same as the next, but having enough tools to have a self-care arsenal can be incredibly helpful.
Social media has the power to build communities, uplift people, and start movements, yet so many of us continue to follow people we don’t feel aligned with. Clean up your feed by unfollowing those diety fitness accounts that make you feel less than and reimagine your feed by diversifying it. Follow people from different backgrounds and with different perspectives than your own. Support people of color, Indigenous peoples, those in larger bodies, those who are disabled, queer, trans, and everything in between. It can make a world of difference when you find yourself mindlessly scrolling at the end of the day.
There can be a grieving period when you finally turn away from diet culture and perhaps realize that the gym, fitness, and nutrition were never true passions of yours, but shrinking your body was. It can be beneficial to play around and fill that void with new hobbies and activities that have nothing to do with food or exercise. This year, do the thing you’ve been wanting to do but haven’t yet whether that be starting a blog, learning piano, joining a club, volunteering, painting, etc.
We are the most connected we have ever been, yet it’s easy to feel disconnected in our tech-driven world. This year, resolve to be more present for your life and reduce your screen time. Take stock of your screen time and question whether that time could be better spent elsewhere. I’ve found it helpful to put my phone on airplane mode for the first hour that I wake up and an hour before I go to sleep and when I’m out with friends, I try to leave my phone at home.
The power of good quality sleep is greatly underestimated and so many of us don’t get enough of it. Perhaps this year you focus on creating a healthy, consistent sleep schedule and improving your sleep hygiene. This will allow you to show up better in every aspect of life and is worth striving for.
Body love is not attainable for so many of us and that’s okay–in the New Year, maybe you seek to make peace with your body. When negative thoughts come up, notice them, thank them, but then choose to dismiss them. It’s important to get curious about the thoughts and beliefs we hold true in order to shift them.
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virtuosin · 4 years
Headcanon:  Regarding Sona’s abilities in Odyssey
Sona’s abilities in Odyssey differ a fair amount from her abilities in mainverse. The biggest converging point is that in her mainverse, she’s a sorceress--a magic user born with these magical qualities, whereas in Odyssey the source of her powers comes not from magic, but Ora. You could say that Ora is the magic of the Odyssey verse, but it really isn’t. Or rather, it’s much more than that. Ora is a coveted source of energy--it is THE source of energy. Any living organism in Odyssey has Ora with it. Ora is essentially the life essence to all things which linger in all living things. HOWEVER, Sona is quite unique in regards to her Ora. She was born with an ASTRONOMICAL amount of it, to the point that she can control it innately in many different forms (which I’ll entail below) whereas most people cannot do. It’s rare to find those born with so much Ora, let alone those capable of exerting it in a way that can be applied to the world around them. It’s why Ora enhancements/prostethics and Ora-fueled weapons and vehicles are so popular. Ora is the universal energy to the world and--unfortunately--is being harvested for all the wrong reasons. With that said, let’s tap into Sona and her control over Ora. Firstly, Sona is able to commune with Ora. This is something that hasn’t been seen in 100+ years. She can speak with Ora and have conversations with it. The Ora itself (as I write it) is more or less a sort of hive for all the Ora which returns to the natural cycle of life/death/rebirth. They speak very formally and sterilely, going by ‘they/them/we’, for it’s not a singular identity. But this curious connection allows Sona the ability to ask advice, to vent some of her frustrations, as well as gives her another set of eyes watching her back while things get heated on the battlefield. The Ora is like a companion orb which can ease into and out of her body like water, though it has enough sense to hide itself most of the time. This connection also burdens Sona with the ability of ‘future sight’, something which haunts her greatly. Sometimes when she goes to sleep, she instead is spirited away to a future timeline and bears witness to horrific scenes--of a universe culled of all life by the hands of a monster wielding a scythe. Sadly, this ability cannot be controlled and it always rotates around the same event; the Ora Gate. It is almost always a traumatic scenario forced upon her that she must experience all the way through, always ending with a painful death that she 100% feels and is incredibly jarring to her when she wakes. These visions are not incredibly commonplace, however when they happen she always hides away for the day, not wanting any to see such raw pain from her. As far as combative abilities go, Sona is capable of a great deal. She fights using her own Ora, which she has a vast amount of. Moreover, she also regenerates her Ora, making it a useful tool in her arsenal. She can use it much like she uses her abilities in mainverse; gift of alacrity, healing, shielding, bolts of energy to pierce enemies. She also has the capability to sunder her enemies, stunning them momentarily by seizing the Ora in their bodies which causes them to stagger briefly. She also can ‘scan’ an area; taking time, she can focus on the natural flow of Ora around her and sift out certain sources of Ora. This can be a bit ambiguous depending on distance and familiarity to the signature of Ora, as all Ora in an individual is unique in its own right. However, it should be noted that she has to be mindful. While she has an untapped wellspring of Ora to use, she doesn’t exactly have combat experience and can easily burn through too much Ora at once without realizing this. In threads, she has done this, to the point where she’s on a recovery period of 1-3 days depending on the severity, leaving her without the use of her abilities in that timeframe. This can become inconvenient at best and horrific at worst, for it leaves her body weaker and leaves her unable to assist those near her with healing/fighting. Branching off this point, Sona has the ability to levitate (not fly) and speak--by that I mean she can create a telepathic connection and she can also ‘project’ her voice aloud with her Ora, though she cannot physically speak on her own due to a disorder in her throat. These are things that require such a miniscule amount of Ora that they are done without thought or without much impact on her Ora supply. However, if in dire straits, she will avoid all Ora consumption at all costs, perhaps save for her ability to speak. Even if in the company of others who can comprehend sign language, she hates not having a ‘voice’--and despite being physically mute, she wants to be heard in some manner. As an aside to that notion, she can sing and absolutely loves to. The Ora companion also has the ability to house itself into her zither, creating beautiful masterpieces with her which act as a creative outlook and a means to decompress after stressful situations, such as enduring the visions. They’re quite a wonderful pair and weave harmonious melodies, to the same heights as mainverse Sona. Sadly, living a sheltered life, she would never have the chance to become a maven in Odyssey. And finally, she can ‘disguise’ herself by masking her Ora abilities. By doing so, her markings disappear and her eyes become duller, less vibrant. In this way, it keeps discerning eyes off her. Yes, yellow eyes are still strange, but in this setting EVERYONE is decorated in outrageous colors, so she blends in quite well. Far better than sporting her ethereal golden glow that makes her stick out like a sore thumb, eh?
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hey-hamlet · 5 years
BNHA AU Ideas : Quirkless Erasure
Also on AO3!
In some worlds, Midoriya Izuku is the first quirkless hero. But not in this one, not by far.
Because his homeroom teacher is the hero he's always looked up to: UA's first quirkless Pro Hero.
Izuku isn't the only quirkless one, and Aizawa gets into the hero course via emotional devastation against his opponents.
anyway so: quirkless aizawa bc i need that
everyone thinks he has a quirk like emotional manipulation of something but no he's just fucking savage, he gets into the hero course bc he blasted the absolute shit out of mic
everything’s on youtube it’s one of the most viewed videos of all time
this aizawa's eyes are permanently gold bc i headcanon it's his quirk that makes his eyes black, not the colour they flash
"you yell because you have a constant fear no one is really listening to you. you play the class clown and don't try too hard so when you look back you think "i failed because i didn't try" not "i failed because i wasn't good enough""
"bro,,, bro what the fuck did i do to you"
aizawa isn’t even salty he’s quirkless tbh
"you're pushing this on me because it hurts, right? your loud, flashy but damaging quirk means the only thing people think you're useful for is heroics. did you want to do this, or is this the only way society will let you feel comfortable in the role it presses in on you"
"well being quirkless is rough but at least i cn be whatever i want to be"
mics just shell shocked mics not even using his quirk and everyone’s just uwu he’s erasing mics quirk
all aizawa does is walk is close and mutter "society thinks im worthless, which is rough. but you have to put your life on the line or you're nothing better than a villain to the people"
and just, lightly pushes him out of bounds
pls mics just in Love this guy tore him to fucking pieces but Damn
aizawa  helps him up off the floor
"so im probably not wrong but im a little sorry for saying it on live tv"
mic "youre amazing"
aizawa just goes bright red and starts sputtering
aizawa: the emotional devastation hero weakness: genuine compliments
consider 1A teacher aizawa just still made of emotional devastation, nezu made him promise not to use his powers of destruction on his children unless he was expelling them 
this is a quirkless izuku au too, mirio got ofa, allmight encouraged izuku to be a hero after the fight but had no quirk to give him and he manages to make his own way into the hero course
so izuku is a little analyst, gets mostly hero points but uses sharp rebar and poles to smash in the sensors of some robots, getting him a few non-rescue points either. Aizawa is watching like "oh interesting a non-combat quirk" and beside him allmight is vibrating with excitement
"he might actually do it!"
"who might do what"
allmight turns sheepishly to aizawa
"young midoriya on camera 6, he might just be the first quirkless student to pass the enterance exam to heroics straight up"
and aizawa can hardly watch anyone else for the rest of the exam, he adopts this kid on the fucking Spot
hes on the edge of his fucking seat, when nezu sends out the zero pointer. "this kid only needs 10 more points, just ten more" and izuku turns around to look at the 0 pointer and aizawa is like "fuck kid i hope you know what youre doing"
he manages to shove a piece of rebar into the treads, stoping it in its place. it tries to swat him like a bug but he just dives out of the way, picks up ochako and sprints and aizawa is like "holy shit holy shit these bastards better give this kid hero points for that"
like they are assigning final hero points and aizawa has to awkwardly put his hand up "i,,, should probably be excluded from giving midoriya hero points because i went from 0 to bias very very quickly"
allmight just nods sagely
"young midoriya be like that sometimes"
pls aizawa tries to act extra tough bc he can’t let anyone know he’s Adopted this child
for all izuku's brain hes useless w social stuff and thinks aizawa hates him but everyone else k n o w s
also izuku is the only person in 1A who knows ab aizawa's "quirk" and hes like, constantly vibrating w glee around the guy
aizawa walks in the first day, hears bakugo asking how this "quirkless bastard" got in, grabs bakugo w his scarf and yeets him into vlad’s room
"ok students, looks like we are a class of 19. any other comments before we start?"
and like everyone is so lost no one questions it
bakugo is screaming bloody murder until vlad "kindly" tells him ua has a strict no discrimination policy and aizawa would have been well within his rights to expel him
please nezu is like "uwu take one of 1B to make the classes even" and vlad is like "no ive already bonded tough cookies" vlad just adopts bakugo instantly
monoma and bakugou become bros, the baku-squad is 50% a thing, but its mostly 1B students but with pinning kiri. kendo and bakugo both keep monoma in line, monoma and kendo keep bakugo in line
during the sports festival shinsou is like "you must have a blessed quirk to get into the hero course"
and izuku just has this "really. this si what we're doing now" look on his face. hes just gesturing to shinso in exasperation, trying to make eye contact w aizawa hidden up in the commentary box
all you can hear from the box is aizawa quiet snickering as mic tries not to give the game away. he yeets shinso out of bonds and just hauls him back to his feet
"im quirkless you nonce"
"yeah, oh. what, gonna be embarrassed a quirkless kid kicked your ass?"
"nah i just feel bad for being a dick"
"ok you are the only valid person ive ever met, come meet my not-dad"
"wait what"
izuku fireman carries shinso into the announcers booth and just presents him to aizawa
you can just vaguely hear "no not kid" "but he'll be perfect" "kid this is live ask me after the festival" "but! hed be perfect! and you could train him to carry on your legacy of soul-crushing burns" "... hmmm"
"do i get a say in this?" "no" "nope"
there’s a counter “days since someone last cried: 0”
please its like "times cried durring all sports festivals" "average cry events" "number of times cried this festival"
aizawa being even more of a dad than canon, like hes a mess he sees on sad kid and he's like "wow that's my kid now"
he makes them soup when they get sick and leaves it outside their doors, refuses to admit its him doing it
soup cryptid
please mic is like 100% in love with him and had been for years but aizawa still has internal bias against the quirkless and thinks he's not good enough for mic so he cant make himself see the flirting for what it really is
“haha he’s just being friendlyL
“aizawa i literally want to marry u”
“awww ur so nice u mean as friends tho right?”
in this au ive decided that quirkless heroes are a thing, but pretty rare, in japan they are all underground bc villains go after them a l o t. there are some public ones in america but they tend to,,, die,,, pretty quickly
and bc there are some quirkless heroes everyone acts like discrimination isn't a thing anymore and quirkless people should shut up while quirkless people are still getting killed and committing suicide at like 500% the rate of people with quirks
also the suicide rate is,,,,, significantly higher in japan but no one ever talks abt it bc japan the “ideal place for people with quirks” so that surely means nothing could ever go wrong
izuku does the "its your power" speech in like 3 parts, before, during and after the sports festival bc he needs he bones w no quirk
stain asks izuku what his quirk is and izuku does the "wouldn't you like to know, weather boy"
",,, where are your parents"
"one abandoned me straight up and the other is giving it a red hot go right now, try me coward"
izuku but everytime he roasts a villain he does it in vine quotes
tl;dr in the au inko is like,, not ok w izuku being a hero and she's trying to do the "leave the school or you can't live here any more" ultimatum and it's not working for her
bc izuku said "ok bye then" and now lives out of his backpack. no one knows. he just like,, sleeps on the train
and iida is like "owo could i come over to your house" and izuku is like
"aaaaa its on fire. yep. made of arsenic and always in flames, why dont we go to the park"
everyone in 1a is like betting on what his house is like. they harass katsuki in 1b but he refuses to talk
hes like "hell no i got thrown into another class for talking ab that nerd eat my left tit"
they only fucking work it out when aizawa and allmight go to izukus house to talk ab dorms and there is literally no one there
aizawa asks izuku ab it like "kid you need to update your forms with your current address" and hes like "oh worm, she moved? wack."
“u,,,,didn’t know,,,,”
“nah lmao i sleep on the bench in a park near here”
“my boy,,,,,l
"what, ochako lives alone!"
"yeah, in a fucking house, kid"
aizawas just: this is literal child abuse i’m ur guardian now
allmight "hes my kid too dont be greedy"
"fuck off all might you already have mirio" "and you already have shinsou!" nighteye, from around the corner "ill take him!" aizawa and allmight "NO"                                  
mic adopts him nezu just sitting in the distance "well, its my school. i get the kid" one whole school full of adult heroes "NO ITS MY SON,,," izukus like crying "wait,,, you guys aren't sick of me? wild" while sobbing
afo out of nowhere: i’ll take the child :))) everyone collectively: N O
for self-indulgence, izuku is the youngest in the class for this au so they all call him their little brother
consider: quirkless aizawa is very similar to normal aizawa but he does practise self-care, he just tries to make it look like he doesnt because hes like that
if i dont take care of myself ill never be able to stand up to the heroes w quirks but also do i deserve normal good human things
tl:dr: he can cook well and is trying to teach izuku that 2-minute noodles and apples arent hero fuel
inko is like: "uwu i wont change what i cook for you so you'll just have to make do owo" in like, a pathetic attempt to get him to stop training so izuku runs off protein bars, electrolyte drinks and raw vegetables
just like, his bento at school. its only raw mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes and 2 full carrots
the only time he gets like a kinda valid balanced meal for a hero in training is when he pops by bakugous place and mitsuki forces him to stay for lunch
izuku is like "oh hi bakugo i have ur book-" "HI ITS LUNCH GET IN PIPSQUEAK"
hes just thrown into a chair, bakugo isnt even confused. izuku is like ",,,, so vlad gave me your book bc your house is near mums." "fair enough. hope you like miso salmon"
izuku just looks stary eyed
"f i s h ??? warm food bakugo id kill for you"
"deku wtf"
"i had nothing but 3 scoops of protein powder and 2 tomatoes today"
"i had to eat the protein podwer with plain water kacchan. protein sludge followed by two raw tomatoes. i would commit real actual murder for you"
mitsuki always packs an extra bento after that
so like when it’s dorm time izuku gets rly stressed out bc he doesn’t know how to cook for himself??? bakugous in the 1b dorms and even if he wasn’t he definitely wouldn’t cook for him
1a goes on a fucking shopping trip, chaperoned, obviously
and they’re lining up and aizawa sees that izukus cart is only filled with like??? instant noodles and like two (2) fruits and he’s losing his mind bc yes okay he’s a child but he’s also a young hero and he’s going to get a heart attack by 20 if he doesn’t fix his diet
aizawa is like "izuku, you cant eat that" and izuku just goes "oh ok" puts the noodles back and comes back with a tub of protein powder and like 11 vegetables and a bag of kale
okay this is an improvement kinda, how do u cook it
izuku just has a totally blank face
"i was just gonna like,,, eat it"
"uh, yeah, is that not how u eat vegetables?”
"thats a potato. and some leeks. thats a fucking onion"
"it wont kill me though"
"thats,,, that not how you pick food kid."
“but vegetable??? good????”
"kid do you even fucking like any of this"
"wait, im supposed to like?? my food???"
yagi in the fucking health food isle hearing this is 50% laughing but 50% crying
aizawa: “izuku ur supposed to eat a well balanced and tasty meal”
izuku: *surprized pikachu face*
please even todoroki is like ",,, at least fuyumi could c o o k"
oh god imagine having a worse diet than shouto todoroki from 1a who eats nothing but cold soba and drinks juice
also please aizawa is like "kid i thought you just happened to be thin but now im seeing thats not the case"
bakugo in the distance "like inko ever fed him enough anyway lmao"
aizawa "WAIT WHAT"
whys bakugou shopping with 1a? its actually all 40 of the first years just descending on this poor little store. it’s this little mom and pop grocery store and a billion hungry hero hopefuls just burst through the door like 𝒄𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒏 𝒏𝒖𝒈𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒔
izuku is like "oh its too expensive" and aizawa is just holding a bag of rice, aizawa is like "its cheaper than the protein powder you have"
and izuku is like "yeah i mean its empty calories and im not paying that much for empty calories"
"thats what you taught us sensei!"
"i can put some back if you want?"
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posarmeklen · 5 years
Birth of the Antichrist
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Hahahahahahahahaha. Hahahaha haha. Ohh ha ha ha ha. Sooooo, anyone want a list of some things that would most likely probably happen during/before/after/surrounding Jacknife's tender and special moment? No? Ok, here it is: - It would totally take place in the Doctor's de facto "hospital room" of sorts seen in the episode "Mayhem Donor". I was planning on going for that other hospital-like area in the prison from "Special Needs", but I figured this was a slightly less suitable place for the delicate process of labor, thus making it MORE appealing. - And offering up his space was the LAST of the Doctor's involvement with the pregnancy. He more or less took care of Jacknife while he rode out the end of his pregnancy at Superjail - mad scientist, obstetrician, same thing. However, the Doctor got SO fed up with Jacknife's terrible behavior during their appointments, such as Jacknife kicking him in the throat while on the exam table in hopes of snatching some rubbing alcohol up high on a shelf, that he relinquished every duty dealing with that son of a bitch and his demon spawn. So that left only Jailbot to attend the delivery for ““““moral support””””... and Jared, who the Warden ordered to tag along. It's not like Warden would be game to do that dirty work himself. Jared's already a basket case, never mind that he seems to be terrified of Jacknife, so suffice it to say he wasn't excited out of his mind for the new arrival. - The offspring actually reared his ugly head a month too early mainly because of Jacknife's poor lifestyle choices becoming disappointing prenatal habits. And it JUST SO HAPPENED that Jailbot couldn't help tending to a duty outside the confines of Superjail a day before the momentous surprise. Really... it was a terrible, terrible coincidence that no one likes to see happen. Therefore, with Jailbot MIA, that left Jared alone to "bond with" Jacknife for a good half of the experience. - The morning before the birth, Jacknife experienced one last big gust of chaotic energy. A not-so-calm before the storm, if you will. Feeling totally himself (the strange and ominous pains from last night were somehow gone for the moment!), his personality really sparkled through: sat around a table with a gaggle of the main inmates (this was part of a parental education plan set in motion by the Warden, to which every step had magnificently backfired; in this particular case, the objective was to teach Jacknife the general social skills he sorely lacks and might have needed to be a loving and agreeable parent), he cheated at poker, somehow got into an altercation with Lord Stingray, and physically drooled over an X-rated magazine that he snatched out of someone's hands as the guys half-jokingly gave him the sage advice of getting all his titty goodness in now before he came face-to-face with his bundle of joy. (Barely anyone REALLY thought he would ACTUALLY take on the responsibility of parenthood. They set the bar low after they saw what happened with "that Ultraprison broad".) Alas, Jacknife later leapt straight onto the table to reach for something in a way a pregnant person should not, and there reverberated a mighty splash! An already straining large-sized prison uniform was now drenched, and everyone knew the magic was surely moments away. - During the first moments in the "birthing center", Jared feared for his life as Jacknife, the cause for his terror, prepared to bring new life into the world. Soon enough, though, the ambiance took a turn. Jacknife got that dad sold my toys for booze look on his face. Water works were impending. Jacknife sniveled grossly as Jared reassurred him that he was sure he could do this, because he had already been through SO MUCH WORSE. I mean c'mon! "What's 7 or 8 pounds squeezing through a too-small hole?!" That was Jared's method of uncomfortably consoling someone whom he feels like HE needs consoling when in the presence of. He was freaked out. (Joke's on them. The abomination would slide comfortably over the 10-lb mark.) "Arrggggghrrrrr!!" Jacknife replied. (Their heartfelt moment was cut short from him tensing and sitting up at the discovery of another contraction.) - At long last, a rushed Jailbot burst into the room, demolishing the door as he zoomed into his rightful spot. Not before Jared sped up to him and began speaking inconspicuously through clenched teeth though. "Jailbot! Thank goodness you're here! He's...crazy...!" - As depicted above, Jared verbalized the strangeness of the situation while speaking words of encouragement to the convict. Meanwhile, Jailbot whipped out a metal tentacle arm with an accordion fan attachment from his limitless internal arsenal to fan the shit out of the very overheated Jacknife. - See that scowl on his screen? Take a good look. That's a >:[ of concern. Jailbot was at first absolutely ecstatic about getting to watch Jacknife experience childbirth - since it's of course world-renowned as the worst pain of one's life and putting Jacknife through pain is that sadistic machine's specialty. However, as the orifice that Jacknife would soon birth his child out of gradually opened up, so did Jailbot's heart............ <3 and he began to feel twinges of worry and well wishes for Jacknife and soon-to-be baby. Aaaaawww. - Jacknife flipped Jailbot off because classy and he can't say "You did this to me". - Jacknife also screamed bloody murder. In other words, it sounded like a typical Superjail intro. - Later on, things got super srs. Of his own accord, Jacknife changed position a bunch of times while displaying an uncharacteristic expression of focus because even absolutely feral career criminals "listen to their bodies" and "just know" during labor. Apparently. - Jailbot was the one to receive the dignified honor of Catching The Baby, after which he magically brandished a large pair of scissors and cut the cord too. At once, Jacknife flopped down flat on his back and let out an exasperated sort of groan out of sheer relief and exhaustion. But, in an instant, Jared made eye contact with him from behind Jailbot and tried to be a good sport: "Well, you're not pregnant anymore!" To which Jacknife responded by sitting up like a shot and grinning maniacally ear-to-ear at his newfound freedom. - Ever since it was revealed that Jailbot was the culprit of the knocking up of Jacknife through means such as accidental scientific intervention (of course before an encounter with Jailbot's vibrate mode under the stars), it was a total mystery to everyone as to what on God's green earth the product could actually be. Boy or girl? And aside from the traditional sex-guessing, (sub-)human, robot, or sinful in-between? So when a little mistake with nothing but the best of both worlds VIEW HERE came to say hello, Jacknife groaned in shock at the appearance of his new son, but it was all Jailbot could do not to be overjoyed at nature's wondrous meld of himself and his favorite felon. He was a bit concerned beforehand about the aftermath of a scandalous union between prison staff and inmate resembling him, but not when it *felt so right like this*. Now, all they had to do was remove the infant from jail premises asap. - The rest of the staff (well, the Warden and Alice) entered after the initial festivities. They all (the staff) got misty. Even Alice. It's because their Jailbot was officially a new parent now. They grow up so fast. - Meanwhile, Jacknife sat up in bed grudgingly and carelessly holding his spawn. With everyone totally enveloped in the feel-good event of the century, the four staff members simultaneously turned their heads toward him and smiled down at him encouragingly. Jacknife reciprocated the gesture by growling at them in resentment. - So it was then that Jailbot had an idea to diffuse the tension: He slid open an internal compartment and classically passed out cigars to the attendees of the room. After presenting the Warden, Jared, and Alice with theirs, he paused meaningfully when he got to Jacknife and reflected on the few times over the past couple months where he had to pry cigarettes and other non-pregnancy-friendly substances from his grubby hands. Now that the fetus was out, he felt more than happy to make a crook's day with a tobacco product. Jacknife was over the moon when he saw a metal claw outstretched to him grasping something to smoke, beaming as his jaw went slack and tongue lolled right out. And in order to free his hands to grab the cigar, he made a sacrifice as we sometimes must and tossed the infant off the side of the bed. Poor Jared happened to be standing there and BARELY caught the fortunate robot child totally improptu as he frowned in a panic with his teeth chattering away. Activate Jailbot emoticon for pissed. - And speaking of Jared, he addressed Jailbot and Jacknife and asked what the hell they were gonna do. Good question. :/  The violent mute duo were somehow legitimately excused from SJ for only a couple days so they could hang at Jacknife's place and do their equivalent of discussing their options. (They JUST came to the conclusion that they should not, could not, and ultimately would not actually parent their offspring together. Imagine that!) Jailbot came up with a modified means of transport for the journey away from Superjail (oooooooohh! That lucky robot's about to soak up the wrong side of the tracks!) since there was currently a third passenger in the equation, and who would trust Jacknife to hold a baby with two hands while sitting on a chair, never mind with one as he flew through the sky? That's my question. It turned out Jailbot conveniently morphed into a boxy vehicle with a seat and metal safety bar in front, like something out of an amusement park, and Jacknife sat inside with the kid. What do you know, the little shit got airsick because it was his first time and he graced Jacknife's flesh with some fresh bile. Gross man: "Eeeeeeeewww!" -  During the precious family moments, Jacknife's lack of grace as a parent was spelt out clear as day, as Jailbot temporarily assumed the brave role of single robotic father, more or less (although the "microscopic quotient of selfless love" Jacknife's been rumored to possess came out to play once in a blue moon in such manners as Jacknife scaring the ever-loving shit out of his offspring by pulling wacky faces at him from an already unsightly mug). Now, someone also had to nourish the fruit of their loins from the warmth of their own bosom, all the while said someone wished he could be the spectator instead of the participant and the participant could be someone with bazookas big enough to fill a bra. But alas! You can't always get what you want. Oh yeah and I'm not sure what becomes of the baby afterward yet. But let me tell you. He's goin' places.
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kattitudereads · 4 years
50 questions you’ve never been asked
Tagged by @theatre-steph. Thanks, Steph! 💖
1. What is the colour of your hairbrush?: Red.
2. Name a food you never eat?: Mushroom. The taste and texture? 🤢
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold?: Too warm. And I hate being hot, lol.
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: Editing an essay for my physics class.
5. What is your favourite candy bar?: Ghirardelli’s Dark Chocolate and Raspberry.
6. Have you ever been to a professional sports event?: A Yankees game in NYC. Aaron Judge almost hit the ball right out of the park, and it was awesome.
7. What is the last thing you said out loud?: “Our bathroom is flooding!” (My landlords were doing laundry upstairs and it overflowed into and then over my bathroom sink.)
8. What is your favourite ice cream?: Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Fudge Brownie.
9. What was the last thing you had to drink?: Water.
10. Do you like your wallet?: Yes! It was a gift and the pattern is the stained glass scene from the animated Beauty and the Beast. There’s also a matching purse.
11. What was the last thing you ate?: Homemade Beer Cheese Baked Mac and Cheese. 😋
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: I haven’t bought new clothes in like over 4 weeks.
13. The last sporting event you watched?: The Super Bowl. I read through most of it. 😂
14. What is your favourite flavour of popcorn?: Does kettle corn count as a flavor? 😅
15. Who is the last person you sent a text message to?: One of my best friends.
16. Ever go camping?: No, but I’m dying to.
17. Do you take vitamins?: Everyday.
18. Do you go to church every Sunday?: I do not.
19. Do you have a tan?: I actually tan very easily, so I always have some variation of a farmer’s tan. I should just give in and go tanning so it’s all even, but I really don’t want skin cancer. 🤷🏼‍♀️
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?: Right now, Chinese food sounds better. I really want an egg roll. 😂 Another day I might say pizza.
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw?: If it’s in a glass, yes. Can or bottle, no.
22. What colour socks do you usually wear?: I’m obsessed with cute socks, so they’re all sorts of colors and patterns, lol. Today I had Luna (from Sailor Moon) socks on.
23. Do you ever drive above the speed limit?: Yes, but rarely. I’m a grandma driver.
24. What terrifies you?: Bugs!!! 😱
25. Look to your left, what do you see?: A pile of books I’m reading. Hand sanitizer. Aquaphor. Tissues. Headphones. Cough drops. A notebook and pen. Basically an arsenal. 😂
26. What chore do you hate?: Dishes without a dishwasher.
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?: I get excited because it’s so different from what I’m used to hearing in my daily life, haha.
28. What’s your favourite soda?: Cream soda. Oooo and Butterbeer soda, which is like cream soda, just more butterscotchy. Also Pepsi over Coke. Fight me. 🤪
29. Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?: Drive-thrus. I hate going in.
30. Who’s the last person you talked to?: My partner. He’s listing random movies to see if I’ve seen them (I have not and don’t want to and I’m trying to read and answer these questions, so can he please shoosh? 🤣)
31. Favourite cut of beef?: I’m not a huge fan of beef, but if I do eat it, I prefer super thin and well done steak. I have no idea what cut. Basically, whatever’s the thinnest, lol. I don’t like when it’s fatty. 🤢
32. Last song you listened to?: Someone You Loved. I’m obsessed with Lewis Capaldi’s voice. 😍
33. Last book you read?: Recently finished The Last Magician (SO GOOD), The Enchanted April (would have DNFed if it wasn’t for a book club), and The Neverending Story (I loved it...and learned the movie only covers the first half of the book!!).
34. Favourite day of the week?: Usually Friday, but what even is time now?
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards?: If I think about it, sure. And slowly.
36. How do you like your ☕️?: Light and sweet. Sometimes black with sweetener.
37. Favourite pair of shoes?: My nude ankle boots. I wear them everyday.
38. The time you normally go to sleep?: I’m a night owl, so late.
39. The time you normally get up?: Usually, I need to be up for work at 5 AM everyday (I teach kids overseas, so yay time zone differences). Sometimes I go back to sleep when I’m done teaching.
40. What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?: Sunsets. But a good sunrise can be cleansing.
41. How many blankets on your bed?: Currently four. My cats like them. 😅
42. Describe your kitchen plates: Square and turquoise and brown and black...the pattern is meant to look like a rough gemstone.
43. Do you have a favourite alcoholic beverage?: Midori Sours are my favorite. I also love Moscato.
44. Do you play cards?: If by cards you mean Cards Against Humanity, then yes. Poker? Nope and no thanks. I find it boring.
45. What colour is your car?: It’s called Black Currant. It’s like a dark purple.
46. Can you change a tire?: Nope. My sister-in-law did try to show me when I was younger...but I didn’t pay attention. Hence why I have AAA.
47. Your favourite province?: It’s states here, so...Hawaii (dying to visit) and The Berkshires in MA (they have the BEST hiking trails. So gorgeous!).
48. Favourite job you’ve ever had?: My current one. I’m a remote ESL teacher.
49. How did you get your biggest scar?: I was trying to put a collar on one my two rescue kittens. She was really skittish and still needed to be better socialized, aaand she bit me. It went really deep. I was in the hospital for three days and had to keep the wound open for a month. It was gross. 😂 I still can’t bend my finger all the way down, lol. She was worth it, though. After some time and patience, she’s now the most affectionate lap kitty and loves to talk to us. 💖
50. What did you do today that made someone else happy?: Stuck up for a friend, like you do.
Tagging: @howmuchistoomuchgsw (and anyone else that wants to do it!)
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ivalice-tifalucis · 5 years
Alright speaking of football, I really and completely dive back into this again. I notice the last time I watch football religiously (like waking up at early morning almost every week just to watch Barca’s game) which was around 2013, I wasn’t active on tumblr yet. I did occassionally reblogged football stuffs. I watched important games like few El Clasicos or Champions League finals. I did sporadic live blogging during the last World Cup. But now that I’m back like really back I notice things are different.
First, women’s football. I once ramble in someone’s post about the inequality of women’s football compare to men in USWNT. I said that women’s football didn’t really develop until 1970s while men’s football was starting to develop since 1900s and so it will take time for women’s football to get more developed. The difference that I notice is that now more mainstream media especially in England, where the center of football is, promotes their women’s team more. I notice Barca also do that for quite a while now, I just couldn’t believe that others do the same!! What I love even more is that if you take a look at let’s say Barca Femeni (who just got a new stadium fyi) or Liverpool’s women videos on youtube, the comments are mostly positive and most come from fanboys. They wish the female team all the best and to succeed, even include them in some banter. People also discuss how to improve women’s football since no matter what female will always going to be physically inferior than men and football is very physically demanding. Like many people suggest that women’s football need to have different regulation with the game. This shows that people care about female football. People also comment on footballers daughter who was just playfully kicking ball with “wow imagine if she becomes a footballer too” like these kinds of comments and discussions didn’t exist 5 years ago.
Second, the wheels are turning. Like a circle of life, there’s also circle of football domination. Last time I’m in, Barca was still a club that everyone are afraid of. Today, we are so poor it makes me sad. Liverpool comeback is just one of those moment. No, not the worst football club yet. We’re just becoming clown now, it’s embarassing. La Masia is also such a mess. That little boy Takefusa Kubo is now Real Madrid young player???!!! I hope we will get better soon (after the board members sacked!!!). I even missed out that Real Madrid won 3 UCL in a row (I only notice 2 until I went to Bernabeu tour and realized they have 13 trophies now 😑). Premier League dynamic has changed a lot. No more big 4 teams, they now have Leicester City too as dark horse. I was shocked when my brother told me they were about to win Premier League like what even the hell was that club?! Manchester United is sucking hard, Chelsea is shifting from rich club who buy everything to so so club to club who grow talents, Liverpool is only few weeks away from ending their 30 years of no league title (no longer a club who only talk about history), Manchester City is undisputedly giant crazy rich team along side PSG. Arsenal is the only one who stay the same, because Arsenal. Germany is suddenly not so good anymore.
Third, best player in the world. Apparently my favorite players are now old and soon will retire (some even have). The banter has shifted to discussion and general consensus that *insert player A* is great player instead of trying to compare A with B. Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo fans have finally find consensus that both players are the best ever. Sergio Ramos is now the best defender ever??? (Make sense tho the guy captained Real Madrid who won 3 UCL in a row, forget the fact that he loves collecting red card so much). Gerard Pique also the best now. Neymar since his departure to PSG has become mediocre, sad. Frenkie de Jong, I root for him to be successful. Who else hmm... Jamie Vardy is top scorer (I like him in a way that his life is motivating that sometime good things don’t come immediately like his life and career is quite insane for pro footballer standard, he supposed to not even become a football superstar!!). Mohamed Salah, I heard a lot about him because I have a cousin who is Liverpool die hard fan and media talk about him, he’s great (and sorta feel proud for him because he’s conservative moslem from Egypt, sadly a politically unstable country, and arab which is great for representation. He manages to lift the image of arab people and moslem especially around Merseyside just by being great). Another talent from Liverpool would be Virgil van Dijk that gd soft tall man and good defender but most important is Trent Alexander-Arnold (corner taken quickly which breaks my heart and amaze me at the same time). Kevin de Bruyne is what Pep really love in midfielder and indeed what a talent he is. Erling Haaland is looking good, I hope he’s not just one season wonder. Manuel Neuer is no longer as good as he used to be since terrible injury (now I understand his bloop in WC 2018) but now there are more sweeper keeper just not as crazy as him. He definitely set standards for future goalkeepers.
Fourth, retired players. One by one, players that I watched while growing up have retired. I saw Puyol and Xavi retired. Then Iker Casillas, the most recent one to retired after heart surgery scare last year, now a candidate for RFEF President. Iniesta is soom gonna be retired. David Villa, Fernando Torres. My favorite Spain NT players are now all retired ☹️. Schweinsteiger, Lahm, Robben, Mertesacker. Mertesacker is now Arsenal youth coach??!!! Mikel Arteta is now Arsenal’s coach. Other star players from Premier League like Frank Lampard (now Chelsea’s manager), Steven Gerrard, all have retired and become football manager. And a bit unrelated because I never actually see him playing (because I only start properly watch football since 2010 and by that time he had retired and I only heard stories) but Gary Neville as Valencia’s manager for short time?? 😂 (of course I would know that’s important information for all Carraville shippers). Everytime I hear news about footballer retirement I would be reminded again that I’m old.
Fifth, shipping. If you don’t notice this already, I now ship Jamie Carragher with Gary Neville which is not surprising since I always low key ship Gerard Pique with Sergio Ramos anyway. Apparently I always have a thing with pinning rivaling defenders who are hot headed, reckless, and hate each other at first until one day they don’t. And I swear that’s the most random ever. I’m not even Liverpool fan and never really into Man United (although my brother is sorta fan because he knows much about MU). But it all starts from me going around Liverpool’s tag on tumblr and found Carra’s instagram live. After watching all of their videos in Sky Sports on youtube, consider my self as a carraville. I even always try to find live streaming from Sky Sports for every Premier League matches that I watch. I must say, they’re the ones that make me want to go back to football fandom again.
All in all, I will never stop loving FC Barcelona. I may watch other games, less Barca games maybe because they’re not that enjoyable to watch these days. But now I understand, the feeling of watching Barca loses is different. It just so heartbreaking 😭 my heart only belong to that team. I’m so happy I finally got to be in Camp Nou even though I just lost my wallet at that time.
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i4z-0892-il · 6 years
Back in the Game
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Summary: You were a Hunter once upon a time, but you’d left that life behind. But when the past comes back and knocks on your door, what’s a girl to do?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word count: 3077
Warnings: Language
A/N: I live for feedback, comments and reblogs!
If you like my work consider buying me a Coffee, or leave me some Feedback!
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
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What is normal? For most people it’s going to work, meeting with friends, going home, maybe binge watching that new show in Netflix that everyone in the office keeps raving about. “Oh my god, you’ll love it, there’s this twist at the end- and you just have to watch it!”
For others it’s hyper focusing on the things that make them tick:
“The faucet was leaking this morning. Again.”
“Do you know what my Mother said to me last night?”
“I just don’t know if I can keep doing this. He said it’d never happen again, but here we are again.”
Normalcy is something that’s determined by the person living it. Normalcy is supposed to be cookie-cutter houses in suburbia, with 2.5 kids, a steady 9-5 job with an honest income and absolutely no monsters. No fear of the dark, no paranoia about what was really lurking in the shadows or waiting to jump out at you from around the corner. It was going to the park and enjoying a nice day, it was stopping at the farmers market to pick up some fresh local produce. It was anything but the nightmare your entire life had been. And you had gotten so weary and sick of it that you couldn’t will yourself to keep fighting anymore. The battle never stopped, there was always something else somewhere else and someone else that needed saving. You could no longer justify why it had to be you.
It was something you’d rolled around in your head- an Apple Pie Life. Something that started as just a silly thought. Something that was less consideration than it was a passing fantasy. It was nestled in the back of your head, until enough time had passed that it was a blaring horn at the forefront of your mind on a near constant basis. It wasn’t like you’d planned for it to happen, it just sort of did, and then you couldn’t shake it.
The longer it floated around in your head the more disdain you had for the Hunting life. There were parts of it you stayed for, as long as you could. But after a while you couldn’t ignore it, after a while you couldn’t bring yourself to pretend like there was nothing wrong anymore.
Leaving that life was a dream that most hunters had- except for the really disturbed or the ones who’d simply accepted it to be their fates. But leaving it, actually leaving it behind, giving it up for good was another story entirely. It was a decision that was more difficult to make than you’d ever anticipated, and one that was met with more heartache than you’d hoped. It’d been years but you could still hear his voice ringing clear in your mind like you’d just left.
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“How can you be so selfish?”
“Selfish? Selfish to want a life outside of this nightmare? Selfish because I want to live?”
“Yes!” He yelled, the fury lighting his emerald eyes on fire. He didn’t even know what he was saying. When he got like this the anger took over and clouded his judgment. He just didn’t want you to leave. That was the long and short of it. He’d lost enough people he couldn’t stand to lose you too.
“No, Dean it’s not! You can come with me.” You pleaded, begged, gripping the collar of his shirt trying to force some sense into him. “We can both go, and make a life together.”
“I can’t do that, and neither can you!” He argued, shrugging out of your grasp, recoiling as if he was disgusted by the notion. “How can you even think that’s an option? There’s always going to be something out there that needs to be put down Y/n!”
“Exactly! There’s always going to be something, but it doesn’t have to be us! There are other hunters and we can’t save everybody.”
“We have to try!” He was yelling at you now, practically screaming, invading your space and making himself bigger, more imposing. You knew it was because he was afraid, he was always angry when he was afraid.
“It’s not our responsibility to save everyone!” You were yelling back, getting right back in his face. He was nearly a foot taller than you but you weren’t one to back down, and you weren’t going to be intimidated into staying. You were yelling because you were furious, and you were furious because you were scared too. And you always got angry when you were scared, you’d never figured out how to handle that feeling.
“It is! It is our responsibility-”
“Why? Why, Dean? Because you’re the only one who can do it? Because the Winchester’s are the only ones out there risking their asses to keep people safe? There are other hunters and there will always be other hunters. And there will always be people we can’t save and I can’t do this anymore!” You screamed, and he shut up. Patience ran its course and you had none left to spare, not even for him. Not even when you saw that broken look on his face, a look that ripped your heart to shreds. You’d gone into this hoping to have a discussion, hoping to just talk to him, maybe he’d come with you. You should have known better. Dean was just as pig-headed and stubborn as you were and he was so attached to this life he could scarcely envision himself doing anything else. He’d always thought it’d be Sam and Him with you at this side til the end, whatever that end might be. “I just can’t live like this anymore…”
He’d known that you were dissatisfied with your life for a long while, never once had he considered you’d actually pull the ripcord and leave. It hurt beyond measure that you’d do it, that you’d walk out of his life. It meant he might never see you again, and he had hoped that what the two of you had built together in those dingy hotel rooms and in his car that it would be enough. That he would be enough for you. But there you were- telling him that he wasn’t. That he wouldn’t cut it for you. That he couldn’t make you happy.
“So that’s it then? You’re just going to pack up and leave, pretend like nothing’s out there? Pretend like you don’t know what’s in the dark?”
“I have to try, I want a life Dean.”
“You have a life! You have one here! With me-” He cut himself off, his voice wavering, fearing he’d crack if he finished his sentence. Of two things he’d been sure:
One. He’d save as many people as he could, kill as many evil sons of bitches as he could and he’d go down swinging.
And two. That you were content with him, that he made you as happy as you did him. Now you were telling him that he was dead wrong, and he wasn’t sure if he could handle hearing it.
“I’m sorry…” You said. That was that, there was no convincing him to go, he’d made it clear he was staying. For him the job would never end, for him there was still too much work to do. For him this was it, he was a hunter, and he’d resigned himself to the life, even if it claimed him. “I can’t stay. I can’t stay and watch you die, and get hurt. I can’t stay and be hurt. I want- I need more than this. The nightmare has to end.”
“Fine. Go.” He snapped with a sneer and a chuckle. He wouldn’t say it outright, but the implication was clear. You didn’t care about him, and you might never have. Shaking your head and clenching your jaw you pointed a finger at him accusingly.
“Don’t you do that to me. Don’t you dare, I love you. I don’t want to leave you, I want to leave all of this!” You defended, waving your hand around you. An arsenal splayed out over the bed where you made love. A gun under the pillow where you should have slept peacefully. Salt at every door and every window where there should have been none. A hotel room that should have been a place to go when you were on a vacation, or away from home it wasn’t supposed to be your home. Guns, machetes, holy water, wooden stakes in the trunk where there should have been tools and sports equipment, anything but what was in it. A car that served as shelter just as much as transportation. And every night some new nightmare waiting for you, never knowing if you’d live to see another day. And if you were lucky enough to survive you’d drink your pain. It was torture. And he couldn’t- he wouldn’t listen to what you were saying. You were hurting him, and that was all he could see. You didn’t just want away from hunting, you wanted away from him.
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“You want to go so fucking badly- so fucking go!” He shouted pointing to the door. There was malice in his eyes, he was going to hate you for this. He was going to find a way to hate you for it, because it would be the only way to move past it. And you were going to do the same.
“Fine.” You snipped yanking your bag over your shoulder, computer bag in hand, fingers lingering on the doorknob. Was this what you wanted? Once upon a time you’d wanted Dean Winchester more than anything in the world. He made you happy, held you through your night terrors. He drank with you, and sang with you. Stitched back the pieces of yourself, sometimes literally. He fucked away your pain, and kissed life back into you. There was no one else you wanted by your side, no one else you’d want watching your back. And because of him you had hope, because of him you wanted to live. And you wanted out because he showed you that there was happiness to be had, but this life would rob you of it every step of the way. Didn’t you deserve a fighting chance?
“If you walk out that door-” He started, stopping only when you turned to face him. Your face was blank, but the tears gathering in your eyes gave you away. You didn’t want to go, but it didn’t matter at that point, he wasn’t hearing you. Either you stayed and he’d continue to love you, or you’d leave and he would hate you. And he was going to give himself a reason to do it. “If you walk out that door, you’re throwing everything away. You don’t ever come back..”
You were supposed to drop your bags, and run back into his arms. You were supposed to kiss him like your life depended on it, and take it all back. You were supposed to stay. So when you silently shook your head, and opened the door his world fell apart.
“I’m so sorry.” You choked, closing the door behind you, not meeting his eyes again, because if you saw that one perfect tear roll down his cheek… it would ruin you. Like you’d ruined everything.
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The first month was the hardest, the first weeks were torture, but the first days were something out of a nightmare. You’d never cried so much in your life, not through broken bones, not through stitches or pain. It was the grief of losing Dean that did it. It took everything you had not to call, telling yourself he wouldn’t answer even if you did. It might have been a lie, he might have answered, but you were too afraid of it going straight to voicemail, too afraid of him ignoring you to find out. He hated you, you’d given him one hell of a solid reason to hate you, and he told you that you couldn’t go back. And if Dean was anything he was a man of his word.
You’d made your choice. Now you had to live with it.
The thinking about him constantly was what drove you nuts, thinking about what he was doing. Worrying about how much he was drinking, if he was eating, or sleeping enough. Fretting over how careless he’d be on a hunt, knowing he’d throw himself into the job recklessly, because that’s how he dealt with anything unpleasant. The nights you truly loathed yourself for leaving you’d sob over old texts and voicemails, and wonder how you could have ever left him when he loved you so much. The urge to text or call or just send out a line of any kind but knowing that you couldn’t was gut wrenching every time you thought about it. Did he ever think of calling you? If he did you never knew, he never reached out to you. He wouldn’t. You left him there in that hotel, you walked out that door and left him there.
You’d thought about keeping in touch with Sam, but the temptation to ask about Dean would be ever present and that wasn’t fair to Sam. And it wasn’t fair to you. So you let him go too.
Eventually, after much wallowing in your own self-pity you began to find your footing. You were free to go anywhere, do anything, and be whoever you wanted. You had the option to choose where you wanted to start your life, your new life.
You chose Strasburg, Virginia. It was a small postage size stamped town, nothing but locals who’d grown up there and never left. It was quiet, and warm, and it was going to be home. You liked driving it’s long empty back roads through fields of corn, and apple orchards. You liked it’s humid summer nights filled with fireflies and crickets chirping. Your favorite thing was the Blue Ridge Mountains and driving along it’s expanse, seeing the fog roll in over the mountain tops, and the sun set in vibrant and beautiful colors behind them. Eventually it began to feel like home.
One of the more difficult parts was finding honest work, and then doing it. The monotony of the day in and day out was like a form of torture itself, but after a while the routine brought a sense of comfort, and though you never walked out of the bar with what you’d consider great tips, it did bring you a sense of satisfaction. No more fake ID’s, no more money laundering, no more credit card scams. You paid your bills like an honest civilian.
The hardest thing was letting go of old habits, you could take the girl out of hunting, but you couldn’t take the Hunter out of the girl. There was still salt around every entry point in your apartment for months. There was a pistol hidden under your pillow for longer than the salt, and you’d only managed to allow it to migrate to under your bed, not comfortable enough to let it live in a nightstand or a lock box, both just a hair too far from you for comfort. Ignoring the signs was like ignoring the need to eat, it was second nature and you almost couldn’t help it. More than once you’d had to talk yourself out of going to investigate disappearances on your own. It got to a point where you couldn’t even open a newspaper, preventing yourself from falling into the same old tricks. Someone else would do it, someone else would find it and take care of it. It wasn’t your responsibility anymore, this was what you wanted.
After a while, you weren’t even sure when it happened really, but it did, when he would flit through your mind you’d resent him. Truth was you had to, you had to dislike the idea of him, because the alternative was loving him and living without him. He just wouldn’t listen. He was the selfish one, not letting you go, not wanting you to live a life, an actual life. Not wanting to let you go on without him. How fucked up was it that he would force you to stay in that life, knowing that life would be the very thing to kill you both? Why couldn’t he just listen? Why couldn’t he go with you? If he’d had it his way you might have been dead already.
Then one day, sitting in a chair, a book in your lap, coffee in your hand, and that cool autumn breeze rolling through the window, you were content. Happy even. No monsters. No lore. No Apocalypse. No demons to fight, no problems to solve, no victims to save. Just your book to finish reading, coffee to finish drinking, and a warm, soft bed to sleep in. And it was all yours, it wasn’t much, but it was yours. It was a home, it was your home. With your mismatched dining set, and furniture with holes. It was yours. You’d even made nice with the neighbors, and a had a couple friends that you’d visit on occasion. It was unintentional but you kept them all at a distance, they asked too many questions, and you didn’t want to have to lie anymore. So you kept to yourself, coffee and books, content for four years.
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It was Wednesday in November. There was an icy chill in the air between the spaces where the rain fell. The sky was gray and overcast and gave the morning that sleepy, stay in bed feel that only dreary days like it could give. Days like this made even the small task of getting out of bed a monumental chore, and you found yourself groaning every step of the way. It would feel like 8:30am all day, and you were prepared to settle in on your couch and binge watch something on Netflix, and you wanted try your hand at knitting one of those blankets where the yarn was as thick as your wrist, and the result looked like a dream come true. You started with coffee, an addiction you’d never be able to kick, not that you’d want to anyway.
The knock at your door startled you, nearly dropping the cup in your hand, not expecting visitors. Pulling the door open your breath caught in your throat as your eyes landed on a pair of familiar green ones.
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Forever tags-
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armstrong48-blog · 5 years
Wrestling: No Longer a Mystery
There's a feeling that in the event the truth does eventually emerge, it may upend everything we know. Becoming learning-focused means putting the procedure ahead of the item. Sometimes, you've got to do things that aren't that fun to achieve your objectives. Well, you have to drill repeatedly if you would like moves to develop into second nature. You've got a particular possibility to play such a video game all by yourself and also have a considerable quantity of fun in this approach. It's about disciplinebeing disciplined enough to plow through the procedure and make it take place. What You Need to Do About Wrestling Before You Miss Your Chance You don't need to be worried about it because this completely damage is not going to bring it any result. Your dog is not going to understand that they're managing a little child who doesn't wish to hurt him. Simple, there's no magic pill to earn the concussion go away. Periodization is frequently associated with weight training but can be utilized to train other athletic attributes also. Such exercises are for when you're attempting to shed weight so as to be in a specific competitive wrestling category. If you must cut weight that you should begin a couple weeks or a month in advance if necessary. Choosing Wrestling There are lots of shady dealers out there. Their chemistry for a team is legendary. The matches are predetermined but of course that's the whole intention of the company. It doesn't matter the apathy both of these candidates are satisfied with. It was also a very simple way to be certain that he'd dominate over his former Shield brothers, aligning with the men and women in charge, to receive the best matches and the opponents with the highest-profiles. The individual was turned over to the right authorities. The Unusual Secret of Wrestling The full point of this exercise is to have a rise from the crowd and it is irrelevant whether it's cheers or boos. His solution was supposed to create his own form of the barbaric duo in Demolition. The reason this is sensible to know about is mainly because you might find that yourself bored playing the identical game and having options would be wise so that you're able to alter the kind of game you're playing. The thought is simple, you beat the defenders till they are not able to get up and attack you. I simply don't like that he constantly receives a shot. Major man smooth like a large baby penguin. In addition, I hope not one of the regulars end it. Sasha pulls Becky from the ring. Valkyrie Spears Grace on the ground. Wrestling - the Conspiracy Writing a book isn't easy, but neither is wrestling. We'll also be running a complete live blog of the function which is going to be available here. We did not receive the story we were promised. All these wrestling stars have various trademarks most especially the way that they dress and how they smack their opponents. Owens is only short of a million at the right time of writing. Whether you like him or not you need to admit he is extremely gifted and definitely looks the component of a top superstar. Wrestling is among the only sports that everyone on the planet can understand. Every one of these sports are going to have its exclusive demands. In earlier times athletes weren't too concerned about a concussion. A Startling Fact about Wrestling Uncovered Whatever might be the experience, jot down all of the information down. Ideally, in case you have chosen the proper exercises, participants ought to be able to experience a complete cycle 3 times. Another thing to think about is that bad parents don't always raise bad children. Inside this section you must jot down all of the critical abilities, specifically linked to leadership activities, communication skills, teaching, together with initiative skills etc.. The program is composed of a string of exercises each performed at various stations in the gym. Always believe in yourself and you can also reach your objectives. We're not there to just enforce the rules. Make certain you inspect thoroughly and properly maintain to guarantee safety. If you take a close look at practice in Russia, every practice at each club throughout the country has a particular structure to it, while the US is all around the place. The Foolproof Wrestling Strategy When you speak about wrestling most individuals think about World Wrestling Entertainment also referred to as WWE. Therefore, attempting to use periodization for wrestling may appear impractical. Women wrestlers who tune out all of the horny boy stuff which goes about. Wrestling is so closely associated with life, he explained. Brock Lesnar is easily among the most protected Superstars in WWE history and he's got a WWE huge contract which likewise will come with limited dates. When it has to do with wrestling, it's often in comparison to the UFC and NCAA wrestling. A whole lot of wrestlers have a tendency to jump around to and from other promotions but The Undertaker proved to be a massive portion of WWE for his whole run there, 27 decades. WWE serves not just to promote fights, yet to entertain by storytelling. WWE however isn't the only wrestling promotion on the landscape. The Argument About Wrestling In some cases, the defender is equipped to flatten the attacker to the mat like a pancake, thus the name. You are going to be more able to dodge or slip from a tight hold. If you keep in 1 spot, you're putting yourself into a place to be taken down by your opponent or pushed from the mat. A previous alternative is to construct a structure to hold out the costume in the correct form. If you prefer, you even can trample it to the ground. In 1848, Exbroyat produced a big rule that forbade holds beneath the waist. Sacrifice often goes together with dedication. Wrestling to a degree of greatness requires commitments from all possible pieces of your entire body and mind. Unfortunately, it's not stored within the body. Choosing Good Wrestling You need to have a fair command over the neighborhood language at least languages. Inside my opinion, you should attempt to keep periodization simple. Not lots of expressions, usually. It leveled me up indirectly in various ways too. You've got a particular possibility to play such a video game all by yourself and also have a considerable quantity of fun in this approach. This will permit you to bring another facet of the sport in your arsenal of abilities and techniques. The Foolproof Wrestling Strategy Folk wrestling styles aren't recognized as international trends of wrestling by UWW. If your kid is younger or his school does not own a wrestling group, you can discover a regional independent wrestling club. Outlast the competition with the proper wrestling headgear. On the flip side, more than 1 macrocycle might be used over the course of a wrestling season as you could have more than one significant competition which you want to peak for. There's a whole lot of wrestling fan denial. This won't be the case with AEW on a roster that already boasts a number of the best wrestlers on earth and Cody. Every WWE Superstar ought to be given time to come up with their character and prove they are capable, regardless of what the circumstance. The Divas can not merely kick but in the ring, but a lot of them can even manage different wrestlers and even run companies regarding the area of wrestling. WWE however isn't the only wrestling promotion on the landscape. The Ultimate Wrestling Trick Post called that a minimal point. You may think about where in NYC you wish to go to narrow things down. Provided that the story lives on TV, it's entertaining alone. Meanwhile Terri Gold gets all of the air. Be certain to speak to his coach for anything else you will want to understand. WWE's inability to develop transcendent icons is a step over the real issue they are too stubborn to handle. Moreover, autograph events are often held in order to permit fans to fulfill their favorite wrestling superstars up-close and personal. Not necessary, but you need to be related to sports. In earlier times athletes weren't too concerned about a concussion. Life, Death, and Wrestling If you want it, you might have a try! Sandow marks a terrific pop. If you wind up with the incorrect dimensions, just inform us and we'll help you exchange it for the best size. If you have feet, we've got a full array of wrestling shoes in all styles, colours and sizes for you to select from. This is just a slice of cloth that's wrapped around like underwear. To receive added information on john cena cardboard cutout please Visit Website. Remember, wrestling shoes are notoriously tricky to discover the ideal fit. However, while his brothers continue to be around, we're never likely to love Roman Reigns. Valkyrie Spears Grace on the ground. What You Must Know About Wrestling He wore face paint, he'd spit mist into the opinion of his opponent. He's also a fresher face who's on the up. When the wrestler has developed a good square stance, he or she is able to work on a staggered stance, also referred to as an offensive stance. A previous alternative is to construct a structure to hold out the costume in the correct form. Good stance plays an essential part in enabling a wrestler to stay stable on the mat. Some might envision themselves standing on the cap of the podium in 1st location. Grip training should only be carried out at the conclusion of a workout. The Death Mask's present moveset is largely designed with quick, snap maneuvers that could surprise opponents from unexpected angles and offer impact without using an exhaustive quantity of strength. Unfortunately, it's not stored within the body. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Wrestling Is Wrong You'd have to eat plenty of red meat to coincide with a single serving of powdered creatine, but it is surely present. Athletes ought to be given only sufficient time between sets to get properly set for the exercise they're going to execute. Proteins help to construct muscle. If you need to earn weight, plan ahead, and attempt to get rid of body fat, not muscle. You may have to work on technique initially and boost your volume and intensity as time passes. So it is crucial to receive a steady dose of protein each and every day. The Key to Successful Wrestling Even in the event the early phases of a career, it comes down to the company which is kept. Their chemistry for a team is legendary. It may sound easy, but by spending a little quantity of the match posing you will greatly enhance the caliber of the photos taken of you. But these are all necessary so as to thrill the spectators. 1 important element is to be certain your child regularly mixes with different children. Not exactly my 1st alternative, but it's better than other choices. A Startling Fact about Wrestling Uncovered It is possible to learn that information online and discover what is there. Ideally, in case you have chosen the proper exercises, participants ought to be able to experience a complete cycle 3 times. If you're uncertain about whether it's the case that you or your little one should wrestle, this guide delivers a number of reasons which should help you create your final choice. In the last few years, mixed martial arts have come to be ever more popular for kids and adults of all ages. However, because the years went on I started to comprehend what teaching Middle School children is about. This sport was once thought to be crucial training for most Greek soldiers. We're not there to just enforce the rules. Make certain you inspect thoroughly and properly maintain to guarantee safety. We are constantly looking for volunteers to assist with the other districts. The Tried and True Method for Wrestling in Step by Step Detail Meal replacement drinks are a lot better since you don't need to consider what foods to eat along with them. Athletes ought to be given only sufficient time between sets to get properly set for the exercise they're going to execute. As it takes more time to digest complex carbohydrates, you feel fuller longer and don't will need to eat as much. A kid should never be required to ask what things to eat to shed weight. Such exercises are for when you're attempting to shed weight so as to be in a specific competitive wrestling category. If you're really cutting lots of weight this season, you might not be in a position to obtain strength because the body requires a surplus of calories from food to be able to feed the muscle. Life After Wrestling To retire a legend and act as though you're still an excellent guy to the fans is much more. It needs to be the proper moment, it needs to be the best product and it must be the proper distributor. It sold lots of magazines. Meanwhile Terri Gold gets all of the air. Be certain to speak to his coach for anything else you will want to understand. Whether you like him or not you need to admit he is extremely gifted and definitely looks the component of a top superstar. If there's a school that the business endorses, athletes may benefit from attending the suggested wrestling school in order to enhance their odds of stardom. Not necessary, but you need to be related to sports. Some athletes find it can help to meditate or listen to hypnosis recordings to have them focused and prepared to wrestle. The Wrestling Game So long as you receive a reaction, its working. The only way we are presented with a challenge is when our child gives evidence in the shape of problems she's involved in. Well some of us will try to inform you. I really like that folks love things. The people that are in charge are simply not interested in letting them tell great stories. Wrestling - the Conspiracy In some cases, the defender is equipped to flatten the attacker to the mat like a pancake, thus the name. You are going to be more able to dodge or slip from a tight hold. It is an excellent means to score 5 points when you're losing or to have an essential pin. To put it simply, it's intimidating. The conventional square stance, often known as the defensive stance, is generally the sturdier, but it's also harder to move from quickly. You have to be in control to receive a pin. And what the Death Mask is a person who won't care about stepping toes so as to receive his due. The Death Mask's present moveset is largely designed with quick, snap maneuvers that could surprise opponents from unexpected angles and offer impact without using an exhaustive quantity of strength. Wrestling headgear is mostly utilized to reduce cauliflower ear brought on by repeat ear trauma. Facts, Fiction and Wrestling They get the itch they visit a different business and keep working. Your dog is only going to take note that this modest human is making him feel uncomfortable. The reason this is sensible to know about is mainly because you might find that yourself bored playing the identical game and having options would be wise so that you're able to alter the kind of game you're playing. Bubba finally receives a tag and downloads. I simply don't like that he constantly receives a shot. I don't understand how to demonstrate the respect I feel this man deserves, because certainly once you start to see a legend begin to deteriorate it's challenging to keep in mind the man he was. In addition, I hope not one of the regulars end it. Sasha pulls Becky from the ring. Then consider your wrestling shoes. Vital Pieces of Wrestling When that occurs, the wrestler wins the match. Again, victory is all but inevitable. There are a few great wrestlers at those weights, Cleary explained. Braun angry Big Dog not wish to have match. While Lesnar will be searching for revenge, there are a number of other clashes in the night to seek. A whole lot of wrestlers have a tendency to jump around to and from other promotions but The Undertaker proved to be a massive portion of WWE for his whole run there, 27 decades. The Divas can not merely kick but in the ring, but a lot of them can even manage different wrestlers and even run companies regarding the area of wrestling. Lets look at a number of the WWE roster. Where to Find Wrestling Have men and women in your community speak for your benefit. It is possible to also do a search for people in your region. Taking your child from the school environment to teach her at home is a substantial step, and one which shouldn't be taken without full consideration of the implications. I'm celebrating those who do. For the 69th consecutive calendar year, we hope you take pleasure in the action! When it has to do with chiropractic businesses, going to the one you like and enjoy heading to is crucial. What's more, you can want to get a less intense practice the evening prior to a significant competition so you're recovered and fresh to wrestle hard the following day. Deciding on what's most effective for you. We are constantly looking for volunteers to assist with the other districts. Ok, I Think I Understand Wrestling, Now Tell Me About Wrestling! As an investor, you wish to purchase stocks with the maximum probability of succeeding. Absolutely, price of admission is totally well worth it. It was a means to hedge his bets, the quickest way to get to the top. It doesn't matter the apathy both of these candidates are satisfied with. 1 important element is to be certain your child regularly mixes with different children. The individual was turned over to the right authorities.
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jfbuckley · 3 years
United 3-2 Arsenal
This was one of the “free” matches for subscribers to Amazon Prime. I had therefore planned a viewing at home, to be attended by the blog’s football correspondent, but unfortunately “tech” almost always looks better on paper than it is in real life. Not for the first time I encountered tech difficulties, and as I couldn’t guarantee viewing on my “big” screen, my football correspondent was despatched to watch at the snooker club, whilst I had to be satisfied with watching on my “small” screen, ie my phone.
My correspondent has submitted his report, which I post below in all its glory. However, before that, here are three points that I’d like to make:
1. A large “Ole” banner floating over the crowd prior to kick off. Some might criticise this as undue sentimentality, but I thought it was spot on, and a nice touch. Ole is a club legend for his playing days and did well in his initial managerial reign to cheer things up after Mourinho. Subsequent events showed that his coaching skills were not upto Premier League standards, but he obviously loves the club, he did his best, and the proper fans will always love him.
2. “The incident”. I agree with my correspondent, the decision was rock solid correct. It would be easy to blame Fred, but I’m surprised this doesn’t happen more often. Questions, if any, should be asked of De Gea. He is a big, strong, burly man, an athlete, but he went down like a sack of potatoes because someone stood on his foot. I don’t doubt that it hurt - ouch!!! - but surely he should have made every effort to stay on his feet until danger had passed?
3. Fred - subject of much ridicule and even some abuse from United fans. Yes, he has deserved some of it, but he has also done a lot of good things and rarely got credit. He runs all over the field, full of energy - sometimes he messes up, other times not. Today he played a beautiful deft touch to assist one of the goals, great football. The fact should be remembered that he is picked regularly to start for Brazil, and they are no mugs. As for the penalty. VAR showed it was a genuine penalty, but it could be easily said that Fred left a trailing leg and that he went down very easily - both probably reasons why Ref Atkinson originally disallowed it.
night games against major opposition at old trafford tend to create a vibrant atmosphere - with a couple of decent results (if not great performances) since ole's departure the fans were up for the encounter with the old enemy arsenal - in the audience was the new manager in waiting ralf rangnick
united's recent home league results have been 0 - 1, 1 - 1, 0 - 5 and 0 - 2 so maybe it was understandable that the team was initially tentative - arsenal sensed an opportunity and forced early corners - from one the ball was cleared out to arsenal who in the person of smith - rowe shot into an empty net - where was de gea - the answer was lying prone in the 6 yard box - apparently he'd been trod on by fred - it looked a bit unfair but VAR decided it was a goal and personally i couldn't disagree
united were rocked and did not respond well - passes went astray, balls were miscontrolled and there was little attacking threat - no one contributed more to the catalogue of errors than fred but in fairness the lad doesn't hide and just before half time he picked up a pass in the arsenal penalty area - he cleverly switched the ball to the unmarked fernandes and united were level - fred could claim 2 assists so far
buoyed by the equaliser united made a positive start to the 2nd half and after 52 minutes rashford got away down the right and his cross was turned in by ronaldo for the 800th goal of his career - arsenal responded and scored an almost identikit goal 2 minutes later for 2 - 2 - de gea did well to save a gabriel effort from a corner
the play went to and fro - a great watch for the neutral - with 20 mins to go sancho found fred (that man again) and he tumbled under a sliding challenge from odegaard - ref atkinson said no but VAR intervened - ronaldo shot down the middle as ramsdale dived out of the way - 801 and counting
arsenal pressed for a point - saka had the best chance but his shot was heroically blocked by .... yes you got it - good old fred
in the end united held on for the win - carrick could step aside having led united to 3 unbeaten matches - it was a surprise that he announced after the match that he had decided to follow ole out of the door but i suspect that he sensed rangnick might want his own staff and so he was doing the decent thing and leaving on a high note - carrick has always seemed a decent bloke and united fans will wish him well
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andrustara · 3 years
Premier League Fixtures | Sky Sports
Epl schedule tomorrow - EPL Fixtures This Weekend |
If you have the Premier League then your app should be pristine video quality. They have eye money and the resources. NBC Sports gets a little lazy with the video quality because they know that no other tv network in the United States has any plans to buy the rights to click at this page the PL anytime in the near future. Can somebody please teach the idiots at NBC about what full match stats are. This happens quite often.
She never persists and changes the subject or cuts to a commercial epl schedule tomorrow. How lucky are you guys!!! Due to the virus, soccer watchers are at the mercy of network TV. Fun at first but boring.
A second sighting could be most instructive. Also, when the League starts epl schedule tomorrow, why not run the words the fans sing across the bottom of the screen. Is that a good idea. Rex Hearn, 89, Manchester City supporter since 7. Surely after all these years some enterprising fan has collected them in book form to which epl schedule tomorrow may refer. We understand! Rex Hearn. Love that we have epl schedule tomorrow start of a fixture list.
Just wondering about your source? Hi Ian, epl schedule tomorrow clubs and NBC Sports as well as other media outlets wait until tomorros is officially announced before publishing the schedules. Thanks again. It says that it is on Telemundo in the official Premier League app and I am just wanting to make sure that it is true. Sometimes the official Premier League app has informative post wrong listings. Yes, the Peacock games on Sunday will be on Gold as shedule.
Brighton-Newcastle will be on Peacock and Gold also. Replays for tojorrow matches will be available after 9 pm ET. I tried the Gold this year, but never had enough discipline to not look up the scores until 9 pm. I will not sign up for package next season. In total, Peacock Premium will present more than 1, hours of Premier League live match schedul epl schedule tomorrow programming — the most robust offering epl schedule tomorrow available in the U.
Included are full-event replays for all matches on-demand after 9 p. Here in the U. IT makes it very easy to track your wagers, post the odds, track different sportsbooks to select the best odds. Do you know if there is anything like that published in the U. I would love to subscribe to it as it would make wagering on the games less time consuming and more enjoyable.
I would imagine if there is they also might publish for the German, and other Premier level leagues. Thanks for any help you can give me.
Sky Sports picks the games for their television broadcasts, which sometimes require approval from police scheduoe games that are derbies or matches that are considered to be more dangerous requiring additional police protection for fans. The process takes time. I blame all three of them because they have cheated a huge number of Premier soccer fans from a great deal of pleasure.
A pox on all three of these selfish organizations! They took it away, now you have to pay to get it? I think you call epl schedule tomorrow extortion!? At least this Saturday and Sunday I actually will get 3 each day; unless that changes between now epl schedule tomorrow then!!! Can epl schedule tomorrow find a phone number to call Peacock for live help? I mentioned before to very wary of giving them sdhedule credit card information.
EPL Fixtures This Weekend
Rip off artists. So apparently, if epl schedule tomorrow want to watch the reigning EPL champs, you need Peacock at the moment. Maybe in November I can watch Liverpool. Epl schedule tomorrow noticed that!!! A real shame. Like I tell everyone, it was fun while it lasted! Looks like Christopher Harris was right. NBC is screwing over its cable subs a bit more this year. Chris: thanks for the link.
I caution people again to be wary of this vendor. Do you want the shock epl schedule tomorrow being wrongly charged? The hassle of dealing with an organization that hides its phone number?
Whose chat line appears inoperative? Other contact info made difficult to obtain? Even the investigator writing up the case noted difficulty reaching them. Do you have the time and disposition to deal with such problems for such a poor service? Will report outcome. Obviously it looks e;l an error occurred with otmorrow experience. Many companies make it difficult epl schedule tomorrow find their phone number.
I already pay for Peacock Premium but, unlike every other non-HBO service, it is difficult to watch Peacock outside of the home. My friend has an old Roku and a Amazon fire stick, so the app is unavailable. And she is a Comcast customer. But if you are paying for it then it should be available wherever you want to watch it.
But NBC is making it very difficult for me to share my love tomorroww the game with others. A quick update on my Peacock tribulation. Good news. Thanks to Chris H.
The sign up process was clunky, user unfriendly, and I had no confirmation that it epl schedule tomorrow thru. So I tried again but this time more cautiously opting for visit monthly, as my confidence in Peacock ebbed.
Premier League TV schedule and streaming links
Bingo… access to the Prem! I received the monthly charge, but later also got charged for the whole year for the failed sign up. My error was that, in my initial frustration to get activated, I must schesule entered my email incorrectly. So they were also charging me for that service, feeding to nobody or someone lucky! It was epl schedule tomorrow result of a harried fan being careless out of frustration, but why not install a system that would require email validation?
Looks like Peacock Premium subscribers have been screwed over?? How greedy is that? Just using it to force in new Peacock viewers!! I hope they lose the next Premier League contract. I only say this because there are many epl schedule tomorrow cutters that hope this same thing happens — but only so they can actually watch a top level match like this one via schedle stream only service like Peacock. Not as long as providers know that their traditional cable networks still draw a significant revenue stream, yet also can do so via their separate stream-only service.
EPL is most watched euro soccer league in the US and any provider will do what they can to maximize their revenue possibilities. If you epl schedule tomorrow a later model of the Roku devices with their latest software you can screen mirror to epl schedule tomorrow Roku. You then control the start and end of the game from your iPad but the video and sound comes from your TV.
I Have just bought a gen6 IPad and maybe this will do better. tomrorow pay for Peacock Premium on my old pad, how do I get to install epl schedule tomorrow on my new one without having to pay twice? Rebecca You should definitely be able to see an option to just login to Peacock app with your current profile do not sign up again epl schedule tomorrow the new iPad so helpful site to not be epl schedule tomorrow. Rebecca since Peacock allows multiple streams at the epl schedule tomorrow time your old iPad installation will not epl schedule tomorrow you from installing the app epl schedule tomorrow the Apple App store and than being charged again.
Just install the app and provide login credentials like email address and password. As far as your freezing problem is concerned it could be that your WiFi connection to the iPad is not very good. Make sure that your WiFi connection is excellent 5 bars. Other users did complain that Peacock does buffer the stream too many times to their liking.
So distinguish between buffering and freezing, epl schedule tomorrow will show a twirling circle. I always have to make sure not to connect to my Scyedule 5GHz epl schedule tomorrow as somehow that one is not as good as my 2. If I pay for the product I should be able to access the epl schedule tomorrow whenever I want to, how I want to and at a time that best suits me.
LTx In other topics here it was hotly debated what you mentioned. Several factors contributed to the lack of features in the Peacock App. There was no clear strategy how to present to the tomodrow the games as is evident by the dividing the matches between NBC, NBCSN and Peacock and than again a change in strategy by dropping games from the On-Demand Peacock streaming.
It all reeks a bit of an amateurish approach. Liverpool v. Now I am paying for less??? Makes you dizzy trying to figure it out each week. There is an error on the scheduling. On Sunday the 7th you show Wolverhampton v. Leeds and on Monday the 8th you show Leeds v. Crystal Epl schedule tomorrow. As s Leicester City fan I was miffed there was no game scheduled so went to their site and see they are epl schedule tomorrow to play Sunday v.
Otherwise keep up the good work! Man City game on Peacock will have spanish comm by the Telemundo crew epl schedule tomorrow for the first time. Life, for me, is more complicated with Peacock streaming more of the big games. Do the brave thing everyone and cancel Peacock! Then they will blog epl schedule tomorrow implement a scheeule model.
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Competition: Schedulr League. Saturday, April 10 am EDT. Free Trial. Browse Offers. Rex Hearn January 21, Vasil February 22, Dave L May 13, Jack July 2, Payasos February 23, Chris March 23, Rex Hearn August 7, I love your humor,! Rex Hearn 88, City fan since 7!! Sam May 29, Bruce Duffy February 17, I totally agree with Rex. FIX IT!!!! Echedule Eaker March 8, Tom March 15, Christopher Harris March 15, Mike August 12, Is there epl schedule tomorrow venue that allows for subscription?
Thank You. Mike Borelli. Christopher Harris August 13, Doc March 25, Azer March 26, JP March 26, Doc March 28, Burnley 0 0 West Ham United. Chelsea 0 0 Fulham. Crystal Palace 0 0 Manchester City. Everton 0 0 Aston Villa.
Manchester United 0 0 Liverpool. Newcastle United 0 0 Arsenal. Southampton 0 0 Epl schedule tomorrow City. Tottenham Hotspur 0 0 Sheffield United. West Bromwich Albion 0 0 Wolverhampton Wanderers. Arsenal 0 0 West Bromwich Albion. Aston Villa 0 0 Manchester United. Fulham 0 0 Burnley. Leeds United 0 0 Tottenham Hotspur. Leicester City 0 0 Newcastle United. Liverpool 0 0 Southampton. Manchester City 0 0 Chelsea.
Sheffield United 0 0 Crystal Palace. West Ham United 0 0 Everton. Wolverhampton Wanderers 0 0 Brighton and Hove Albion. Burnley 0 0 Leeds United. Everton 0 0 Sheffield United. Crystal Palace 0 0 Aston Villa. Manchester United 0 0 Tomorrod City. West Bromwich Albion 0 0 Liverpool. Chelsea 0 0 Arsenal. Newcastle United 0 0 Manchester City. Southampton 0 0 Fulham. Tottenham Hotspur 0 0 Wolverhampton Wanderers.
Brighton and Hove Albion 0 0 Manchester City. Burnley 0 0 Liverpool. Epk 0 0 Leicester City. Crystal Palace 0 0 Arsenal. Everton 0 0 Wolverhampton Liverpool full match highlights этом. Manchester United 0 0 Fulham. Newcastle United 0 0 Sheffield United. Southampton 0 0 Leeds United. Tottenham Hotspur 0 0 Aston Villa.
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robin-boywonder · 6 years
thirteen reasons why. season 2 episode 13.
what happens to tyler and his solution to fix it. i’ve never had a show make me feel physically sick before. i understand that these things happen to kids or teenagers everywhere. but to see it played out on a screen is horrible. this entire season of this show makes me feel so sick and dirty. 
bryce getting away with everything because he’s rich and white. well not really getting away with everything but getting the bare minimum punishment after hurting all of these young women. 3 months of probation for raping at least three different girls just because he had no prior record. boo hoo, he got his scholarships taken away. his daddy paid his way into another school for a fresh start where he can go on and play sports and get more scholarships and get away with raping more girls. 
justin’s life is a tragedy. he has no parents, he’s addicted to heroin. he got slapped with a heavier charge than bryce for being an accomplice. how do you pick up the pieces after that? he should’ve done better for jessica. she deserved better from him. if you love someone how do you sit back and let someone take advantage of them like that? he knew what bryce was doing to her, he heard it. he should have busted through the door and stopped it. he came back and tried to fix things but is that too little too late? what would have happened if clay and tony didnt find him? 
zach. i cant imagine the burden of having friends like that. he saw what was going on but kept quiet. this season he redeemed himself in my eyes. i just wish he would have been better. hannah deserved better from him. they would have been good together. she understood him better than anyone. he needed her. he understood that he was messed up and he found stability in her. fuck what his friends thought. they were shit ass friends anyway. and he found better after them. he lost his dad and he pushed away the girl he liked and that liked him because of fear of what his friends would think. and then he took her words. its devastating. 
clay. clay needs to open his eyes. he was so wrapped up in hannah that he didnt see everyone else around him hurting too. yes, everyone else needed to tell their stores to get hannah’s story out, but they also needed to tell their stories for themselves, to get the weight of all of the heavy shit they were dealing with off of their chests. she wasn’t the only one who was hurt, everyone else was too. the only difference was the way she acted on her pain. 
this show is too much for me sometimes. i read the book when it came out and it will always be one of my favorites. i understand the reasoning behind adults wanting to ban viewing this in school but some things need to be talked about. this show is it. kids really do go through shit like this on a daily basis. fear of talking about things that are uncomfortable is unhealthy. if i was in high school and i watched this show i think i would have came out different. i don’t think i bullied people like this show but i know i was mean to others and others were mean to me. school shootings are real and happen much too often in america. what clay says when he’s talking to tyler is true. “if you really think this'll change a goddamn thing and not just be another fucking tragedy that adults cry about for a week and then forget, if you really think this is gonna be different, then do what you gotta do.” is this what we do? we let a child get an arsenal of guns, let them kill other children, blame everyone else and then move on a week later? we need to be better. its terrifying for me to think of bringing children into this world if this is a normal thing that happens. how can we be better than that? 
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