#i love anakin skywalker & anyone who hates him can catch these hands
veayrss · 9 months
Summery: waking up in mid air falling to your death in a world that is definitely not earth? Then seeing anakin skywalker and obi-wan kenobi?
Warnings: Swearing
𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭: 𝐀𝐧𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧, 𝐎𝐛𝐢-𝐰𝐚𝐧, 𝐘𝐨𝐝𝐚, 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐮
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭:𝟏.𝟑𝐤
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝟏, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝟐, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝟑, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝟒, 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝟓, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞...
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I walk in, eyes looking everywhere and at everyone. This is a dream come true, something I always wanted and wished would happen. I see senator bail talking to boba fett. Outside I seem calm but on the inside I'm totally fangirling. As we made it to the big front doors I stopped walking and just took a moment. Obi-wan and Anakin stop as well and watch me staring at the doors.
“So.. this isn't fake. This is real?- oh my god.'' I bend over, holding my weight in my knees and breathing heavily. Obi-wan and Anakin look at each other with questioning looks and Obi-wan clears his throat, “Uhm, Ms L/N are you okay..?” he asked me, his tone full of concern yet i can hear a bit of amusement.
I take in a deep breath and put one hand up shaking my head, “yeah, yeah, yeah, i just like- need a moment to collect myself.” I gulped loud, I could hear Anakin sigh, annoyance filling that sigh and I shot up making him look at me and probably think I'm even weirder than he thought. “Let's go.” I mumbled quickly after making awkward eye contact with Anakin, making Obi-wan sigh with a slight chuckle.
He opened the doors with the force, I watched in amazement.
Anakin watched her with a look of wonder and curiosity, his eyes never left her since he saw her, he couldn't explain why but he felt drawn to her. She looked like one of a kind, it was clear she wasn't from any planet he's heard of, been to, explored. So he is very excited to find out where she came from. He found it amusing and adorable at how amazed she was with the temple, though he didn't find what was so amazing about it. He thought it's probably because he spent his young days here and was used to it.
But watching her look around all amazed just because of the temple he wants to show her around the planet, show her all the world's he's traveled to and show her all the amazing things he found there.
As they walked into the councles room and walked in last, Obi-wan went first, me second. He stood off to the side, hands being his back just like obi-wans
“State your name.” Master Windu damned, making you straighten up your posture and slightly nervous. “Y/N L/N Sir.” you answered, tone more mature then how you answered when Obi-wan asked.
He nodded his head leaning back on his chair, “care to explain why you were falling from the sky?” he asked you, his glare cold and his tone reminds you of when your parents catch you doing something you're not supposed to.
You sucked your teeth picking off the red nail polish you applied just last night, “well, you see I'm not even sure how the hell i got here personally myself.” you started off, clapping your hands together rocking back and forth on your feet, “one moment i'm in my bed, the next i'm freezing my ass off because i'm falling from the damn sky. Then these lovely gentlemen-” you looked off to the side waving at Anakin and Obi-wan, then brought your attention back to Windu and Yoda, “saw me and saved me.’ you finished bringing your hands to your side and smiling awkwardly.
“How did you know who they were or about us?” he asked, making you chuckle nervously, your hands started to sweat as you whipped them off your sweat pants. Anakin hated how Windu was making you nervous and uncomfortable, he doesn't understand why but he feels protective over you, want needs you to feel safe and secure, he doesn't want anyone make you feel any less, you are just a damsel in distress, to him in his point of view your his damsel in distress.
“Okay. this might- this will make me sound like a fucking crazy person, but hear me out” everyone seemed intrigued now, especially anakin and Obi-wan.
Though despite all of your silly actions and weird behavior Anakin couldn't help but find it cute how every time you talked you moved your arms and hands.
“See this is my theory it is probably right, where i am from you all,” you pointed at everyone making sure they get the hint, “are fake.” you smiled, putting your fingers together, everyone seemed startled by this information and most seemed as if they didn't believe it,
“You may go on.” yoda spoke for the first time upon your arrival and you got this sudden boost of confidence because the little green man seemed to be more on the intrigued side of this whole thing.
“Okay, get your popcorn folks because this is about to get crazy.” you said taking a deep breath, Anakin smirked at the fact of how you're so dramatic, but it makes him want to know you even more.
“Im from another dimension- yes i know that sounds fucking bonkers, its coming out of my mouth. But where i'm from, my planet -its called earth by the way- you all are fictional characters, you're from one of the world's best movie trilogies. Like I know everything about you all. I know what will happen in the future. I know what happened in the past and what's going on right now- maybe.. But beside that point-” you rambled, making everyone shocked, surprised, everything.
“See anakin- you're currently 19. Obi-wan you're 29. And where I'm from, the people who play you their names are Hayden Christensen and Ewan McGregor.'' As you went on explaining everything everyone started to believe you more, after you finished the room was silent, so quiet i bet if you put your mind to it you could hear the beats of everyone's hearts.
“Okay, if what you're saying is true, how do you go home?” Obi-wan spoke up, scratching his chin thinking hard. You shrugged, you looked over at anakin. He was staring at the floor before looking up at you, he seemed as if he was going to speak and then he did. He asked a question you wished no one asked, especially him.
“What happens in the future?” you stand there, the room became silent again catching everyone off guard but also wanting to know what you were going to say, even Obi-wan had this look of curiosity.
“Look Anakin, no matter how much i want to tell you and fix all the wrong, make all the rights even better i can't. There's lore. I cannot ruin that. There are things that are so important that one fix, one mistake, will ruin everything. Trust me when I tell you I want to tell you all, everything in detail, but I can't and it's killing me, but I just can't.” you spoke a tone of sadness yet determination, flashes of the future running in your mind.
anakin turning into the darkside, his fight with obi-wan before count Palpatine found him and put him in that dark broadening suite, him and ashoka, luke and leia, Padme, everything.
Anakin nods, understanding, but you can feel how disappointed he was. “Right you are young Y/N. The future has in store for us, we cannot ruin.” you looked behind yourself and smiled at yoda.
Anakin only watched you, everything tuning out as he saw your H/C hair, it looks so soft he wants to play with it. Your side profile looked as if the best artist throughout the galaxy made it, your beautiful E/C shining through the bright evening sun, seeing your eyes close as you smile at yoda, your lips turning into a smile showing your teeth made him jealous and envy yoda for getting that sight and not himself.
He doesn't understand why he's feeling this way. It's as if every thought, memory, fantasy of Padme was erased. The only woman that took over his mind right now was you yet he just met you? He knows your time spent here with him and his Master is going to be very chaotic, he feels as if even if you said you can't change the future by telling him and everyone else you already have just being here, and the thought of you leaving already breaks his heart.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Commander Buir
Follow-up to this post. Not in any particular order, just spitballing ideas, with contributions from several friends on discord.
Like presumably it takes long enough for them all to meet up again that Anakin and Cody do, in fact, end up treating each other like family, just so I can have that good good "well, guess I'm Dad now" energy. Shmi isn't entirely sure what's going on but she's not a slave anymore and her kid seems to like this rando mando, so.
Anakin gets to have a mom and two dads, though one of the dads is arguably younger than him.
Also when they all meet up again and Cody explains the "General Skywalker got shrunk" thing, there are three reactions: (General) Obi-Wan: Oh, Anakin. Obi-Wan: [gestures to take him, ends up with an armful of clingy padatoddler] Anakin: You can't blame this on me, Obi. Obi-Wan, a little teary, because babies cause emotions: Of course I can, you absurd human being. ------ Rex: That's... my general. Anakin: I am, Captain. Rex: Cool cool cool I'm gonna go stand where I can't, uh, break you. Anakin: I'm not THAT fragile! ------ Ahsoka: [gasp] Skyguy is SKYKID! Anakin: Padawan, this is-- Ahsoka, grabbing him and cuddling: Oh my goodness you're adorable this is the best day ever. Anakin: This is humiliating, Snips, put me down. Ahsoka: Never.
Anakin hates being a toddler because of the lack of independence but Cody keeps picking him up when he's cranky and just holding him until he falls asleep and that's... nice.......
- The brain limitations aren't quite as bad as the situation with Sokanth and Ylliben in the other AU, but - Even if his brain is mostly adjusted he’s still got a tiny body with different needs that he’s not used to. Like, he needs to sleep more but he’s got more energy than usual when he’s awake and it’s all weird.
Cody carrying around toddler Anakin like "God you give me ulcers but you're adorable, you little shit."
Inconveniently tiny body aside, Anakin has a pretty great time in this au. His family are all together and safe and within reach. His wife isn't around, but toddler brain means he doesn't have the Romance Drive, so that's not as bad as it could be It could be significantly worse.
@atagotiak asked: Does Anakin get annoyed about being called cute? - To which I say, He bites the first few times but Shmi tells him that's Naughty so he stops. - Babies are cute so you packbond with them before they’re annoying, Anakin is cute as a self defense mechanism - He’s extra annoying so he needs to be extra cute
You know how you need to keep an eye on toddlers so they don't, like, fall down the stairs or put something toxic in their mouth? - They need to keep an eye on Anakin specifically so he doesn't rewire the ship they're in while they're in hyperspace. - He has less self control on account of being smol. He still has all the mechanical knowledge! Just less comprehension of y’know, consequences.
Anakin, with a sippy cup: This is demeaning. Ahsoka: Your hands don't work great enough to avoid accidents yet. Anakin: It's still embarrassing.
General Kenobi can't just kill Maul, not when Maul is baby right now (sixteen, which is baby enough) so he just. Kinda. Kidnaps a baby Sith. (It's fine. He's fine.)
General Kenobi (not to be confused with Padawan Kenobi) decides to declare Maul his new padawan because someone has to deal with this teenager, and Plo already claimed the rest of Ahsoka's training. And Anakin's three, so.
"What do we do with Maul?" "Eh, I can handle him. I dealt with teenage Anakin getting arrested for illegal pod-racing twice a month, I can work with this."
Maul bites, but only slightly more often than Anakin, it's fine
Ahsoka definitely bullies Maul whenever possible
Consider: Rex holding very still because Anakin wanted to be tall, so he climbed Rex. Being unexpectedly climbed is better than being unexpectedly yeeted. It's still extremely nerve-wracking. - Cody is perfectly capable of running around with a backpacking toddler General, but Rex freezes like a statue. - Ahsoka finds this hilarious
You know how little kids like to be thrown around and swung in circles and stuff like that? This must get even more ridiculous with force users. Can throw a child real high and catch them safely. - Rex panics whenever Ahsoka throws her chibified Master
Literally everyone except Rex loves being yeeted. Even Maul can appreciate a good tactical yeet no shut up he's not having fun this is TRAINING - Rex is Suffering - Cody, a very Tired Dad, deserves to mock his vod'ika a little, as stress relief - Rex, a certified Little Brother, shoves Cody off something tall. Jokes on him, Cody thinks freefall is fun too.
Tia asked: So the people who didn’t exist yet got flung bodily back in time and Anakin did the mental time travel. Why did Obi-Wan not become Padawan Kenobi? (I mean “because I want it that way” is def a good enough answer I’m just wondering if there’s any reason.) - Which, well, it really was mostly "I want to" but here's two options, both of which come down to Blame Daughter and Father. 1. They figured a responsible adult Jedi Master was needed to convince people. 2. Nobody was supposed to get de-aged but Daughter figured they needed to make Anakin less liable to kill things for a few years. - Also IDK the Force God-Manifestations also took away any risk of rapid aging and early death from the clones because uhhhhhhhhhhh I said so
Rex and Ahsoka are fumbling their way through a relationship where ages are just really confusing and awkward, so they're keeping it to just kisses and cuddles for a bit.
Cody is so tired he doesn't even realize anyone's hitting on him until it's been three years of co-parenting with Shmi and his General. - Somehow Anakin knows Cody is in a relationship before Cody does. Cody has never been so embarrassed. - How did he manage to be less observant than Skywalker? -- it was sabotage; all his brain cells were taken up in managing said Skywalker -- Because Skywalker was up at three in the morning whacking a training droid with a stick so he didn't have the energy for Relationships
Also Shmi's come-ons are super subtle, while the General's are... well, Cody's gotten very used to ignoring anything ambiguous on that end because fraternization rules, and also because Obi-Wan flirts a lot with everyone. So.
Please imagine Cody and General Kenobi walking around with Anakin tucked into a toddler sling while they do whatever work they've ended up with at the Temple. - Yes, Cody is helping the Jedi figure out the best plan of attack to take down this slave ring because his grasp on tactics is phenomenal and he knows how to deploy people at greatest efficiency, but also he's got a nosy toddler on his hip who keeps offering his own insane-but-competent ideas. - General Kenobi ends up with a Council Seat just on account of, like, being the kind of person he is. As often as not, he's got Anakin tucked into his robes, chewing on the ear of a stuffed tooka or something.
IDK what Shmi's doing but apparently Legends had it that some of the administrative and support positions in the Temple were held by non-Jedi civilians? So probably something like that.
General Kenobi: Ahsoka's babysitting. Anakin: I'm her master, I don't need babysitting, this is-- General Kenobi: Fine, then you need supervision, so that you don't blow up a training salle again. Anakin: And you think Ahsoka would stop me? General Kenobi, eye twitching: Fine, I'm leaving you with Plo.
Even if he’s mentally an adult Anakin always needs supervision Look at canon! Anakin was left without supervision for like two days and he became a Sith
Quinlan gets distracted by how attractive General Kenobi is and tells Obi-Wan "dude, you're gonna be so hot once you can get rid of the stupid haircut" and Obi-Wan pushes him into the nearest pond.
They end up with this weird "Uncle Jango" situation (uncle to Anakin, via weird brotherhood-ish to Cody) because Rex and Cody are just like "Uhhhhhhhhh yeah okay" about him eventually, and Jango just like. Drops by. Trying to Earn Affection Of Blood Kin by bringing weird gifts for them and their (ugh) Jedi.
"Okay, Rex'ika, I stopped by Shili--" "What?" "--and apparently this is a delicacy there, so just... your girlfriend will like it." "She's not my girlfriend." "..." "Okay, I can't call her my girlfriend. Jedi have rules about that sort of thing, and--" "This will make your Jedi happy, probably. Just take it, kid."
Baby Anakin got his arm back but for some inexplicable reason still has The Eye Scar. He matches Buir.
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comfortwriting · 3 years
Through Thick and Thin - A.S
Anakin Skywalker x Fem Reader
masterlist, requesting rules, guidelines, taglist
About: When Obi-Wan learns of Anakin's turn to the dark side, he goes to Y/N to try and find him; what he gets instead changes everything and Anakin gets the answers he's been waiting for.
A/N: this is my first time writing in months, please be kind! Need to get back to my flow lol
Word Count: 2057
Warnings: murder, death, blood, mention of parent loss.
"He killed younglings, Y/N!" Obi-Wan stressed, pacing around the room "Tell me where he is, I beg you."
You stared at your husbands Jedi Master, contemplating if you should tell him the truth - betraying your husband and revealing his whereabouts or to lie and protect him. After all, you knew what Obi-Wan was going to do.
You knew that Anakin was capable of taking lives, especially the lives of women and children after he murdered the Tusken Raiders - you weren't afraid of him when he confessed and you certainly didn't shame him for it; you could understand his anger, his hate, his need for revenge.
Anakin's back was facing you, he stared at the wall, hot tears streaming down his face.
"I killed them." he paused, catching his breath "I killed them all. They're dead, every single one of them."
Anakin slowly turned around to face you, his face stained with tears, his eyes glassy and red.
You stared at him, trying not to judge him for what he had done - knowing that if you did, you would be the biggest hypocrite known to man.
"And not just the men," Anakin inched closer to you, shaking his head "but the women and the children too."
You froze.
Women, like you.
Children, like the ones you adored at the Jedi Temple, children you dreamed of having with Anakin.
Part of you died hearing his confession, but you remembered how you felt when you were finally left alone in a room with your fathers killer. You too would've killed his wife and the other women and children in their village. You would wipe them all out.
"They're like animals, and I slaughtered them like animals." Anakin started to raise his voice, his pearly white teeth shining in the light "I hate them!"
Anakin dumped himself to the floor, bringing his knees to his chest, more tears falling from his eyes; you placed your hand against his face, wiping away his tears with your thumb.
"It's okay to feel angry, it's okay to hate them after what they did." You said softly, casting circles on his cheek with your thumb.
"I'm a Jedi," his eyes searched yours, his hand reaching for yours, holding it tightly "I know I'm better than this."
You sighed, kissing his hand softly "Don't let what you've done define you, Ani."
"How can I come back from this?" He asked in frustration "How can I move forward if Obi-Wan is holding me back!"
"You find a way," you encouraged him "even if it means going against him... and the council."
"You're going to kill him, aren't you?" You asked quietly.
Obi-Wan didn't answer, he swallowed hard and looked at the pale lilac carpet.
"Why do I get the feeling you're going to be the death of me?"
"Don't say that Master... You're the closest thing I have to a father... I love you. I don't want to cause you pain."
"He has slain younglings, Y/N! I saw his callousness with my own eyes!" Obi-Wan raised his voice, "Anakin has sided with Palpatine! He's the sith lord!"
You started to laugh, waving your hand.
'Of course, Obi-Wan and the council are pinning this on Palpatine, making him the bad guy.' you thought.
"It's funny," you speak up swinging your right leg over your left knee "you and the council painting Palpatine as evil."
The Jedi Master stared at you in horror and couldn't believe the words coming out of your mouth - his heart splitting into tiny fragments, the young girl he raised was defending the chosen one - the young boy who had grown up with bouts of pent up hate and anger, and turned to the dark side.
"Palpatine is the only person other than me who truly cares for Anakin, who never lectures him for his feelings, who never holds him back."
Obi-Wan felt sick.
"I don't know where he is," you lied "even if I did, I'm not telling you."
"Don't make this harder for me than it needs to be," Obi-Wan warned you, remembering the Jedi Code, pushing his memories with you and Anakin aside.
You didn't flinch, instead, you sat back down on the sofa, staring at the beautiful sparkling wedding ring on your finger.
"I don't want to go back," you sighed, dragging your feet through inches of deep, sparkling snow "I've missed being home."
Anakin nervously fidgeted with the ring box in his pocket, practising his words over and over and over, making sure he got them perfect, his body freezing, his hair full of snowflakes.
"I'm so thankful you came here with me, Ani." You smiled, "My dad would've loved you."
Realising that Anakin wasn't following you, you stopped in your tracks and turned around, finding your boyfriend down on one knee.
"From the day we met, I have never been able to shake you from my mind and heart."  
Your eyes filled with tears and your goggles started to steam up.
"I never got to ask for your father's blessing, but that won't stop me."
You focused on the ring, realising it was the same one that your father always showed you as a child, with his plan to give to you in hopes that you would pass it on to your children.
"Y/N, my love, will you marry me?"
You nodded your head, removing your glove, exposing your warm skin to the freezing air that instantly started to nip at your skin.
"Yes," you smiled, more tears falling from your eyes "I will marry you, Anakin."
"Your father would be ashamed of you, you're becoming the very thing he hated, you're sleeping with the enemy!"
The rage you once felt started to ignite deep inside you as Obi-Wan tried to sour one of the greatest moments of your life.
You stood up, and walked over to him, staring him down.
"You know better than to bring up my father, Obi-Wan."
Anakin tried to catch his breath, stumbling backwards in extreme pain, the sound of your screams ringing in his ears. You were hurt, probably dead with the amount of pain Anakin was experiencing.
His heart started pounding, his ears ringing, feeling sick to his stomach - you couldn't be... could you? who could've done this? why?
"I have these nightmares..." Anakin opened up to you "what I see, happens."
You stroked Anakin's head, your fingertips massaging his scalp, your lips brushing against his neck.
"I had them about my mother before she died, I wasn't strong enough to save her."
You stopped massaging his scalp, and pulled away, looking into his blue eyes - full of tears that pooled up over his waterline.
"You are strong and you get even stronger the more you learn and experience," you paused "I was strong - not strong enough to save my dad, but now I probably would've had a better chance of doing so. We move forward."
Your fiance nodded his head, pursing his lips and kissing you softly, still emotional when he pulled away from the kiss.
"I don't want to dream of you like that- I don't want the nightmares - I can't... I can't lose you..."
You shook your head, cupping Anakin's face in your hands "You won't lose me, Ani."
Anakin didn't know but he would soon find out, killing the last of the separatist leaders on Mustafar, he boarded his ETA-2 Jedi Starfighter and set off in a hurry; desperate to find you.
You were in utter shock.
Your hands trembling, your forehead burning, the room closing in on you yet expanding at the same time and your throat like sandpaper from your constant screaming.
It all happened so fast - Obi-Wan striking for you, your leg being severed off faster than you could realise until you fell down and all you could feel was agonising pain, and the smell of burning flesh filling the room, the blood boiling in your veins.
You sat on the floor, your back propped up against the back of the sofa, dragging yourself across the floor proved difficult since you stopped practising your upper body workouts.
Looking across the room, your eyes landed on Obi-Wan, no longer breathing - how you did it? you didn't know - you managed to take control, more power than you ever had in your life, your fury spitting inside of you begging for release.
Do you feel guilty? Now that you think about it, no.
Obi-Wan attempted to end your life and he would take Anakin's life too.
Bringing the back of your hand up to your forehead, you wiped away the beads of sweat, your chest rising and falling.
Anakin jumped out of his Starfighter, his hood shielding his face, his long strides bringing him closer and closer to you, his eyes no longer a beautiful shade of blue, but like the two suns on Tatooine during sunset.
She can't be. Y/N can't be dead. Not now. Not ever.
Getting closer and closer, Anakin could sense death, pain, and suffering.
The door swung open as Anakin stormed in, searching for you frantically until his eyes landed on your amputated leg in the middle of the room, his face drained of all its colour.
Your screams came back to him, the searing sound of Obi-Wan's lightsaber severing your leg, the loud thud as you fell to the floor and then the walls shaking, everything shaking, your yells, Obi-Wan's voice breaking before his body dropped lifelessly to the floor.
Anakin glanced over to his Jedi Masters lifeless body and stared, his eyes burning holes into Obi-Wans back, wanting nothing more than to revive him just so he could have the pleasure of murdering him for what he had done to you.
You peeked your head out from behind the sofa, "Ani," you winced, "I'm back here."
Anakin rushed to your side, his eyes pouring with tears as he searched your face and body for more injuries; the sight of your wound hurt him deeply.
How could Obi-Wan do this to you? How could anyone do such a thing to the chosen one's wife?
"Are you-are you-"
"Ani," you tried to calm him down breathlessly "just my leg, nothing-nothing else."
Anakin scooped you into his arms as gently as he could, you held onto him for support, moving one of your arms around his neck, your tear-stained face hiding in his chest, his heartbeat thumping against your ear comforting you.
"I thought you were dead," Anakin croaked, carrying you away, his robes hiding you in his arms.
"Obi-Wan came to me, he needed to know where you were so he could kill you," you admitted, "he told me that you killed younglings."
Anakin slowed down, you pulled your head out of his chest and looked into his eyes.
"Did you believe him?" Anakin asked, his tone harsh.
You paused for a moment, slightly afraid that Anakin might drop you.
"I know that you have killed children before," you replied quietly, "he told me that Palpatine is the sith lord... that you are his apprentice-"
"What do you think of Palpatine?" Anakin's eyes rummaged through yours.
She can't turn against me - she won't. I won't let her.
"I think that he's the only other person aside from me who has ever encouraged you to show your emotions, to use them to make you stronger."
Anakin's eyes fixed on your face like glue "what if he is the sith lord, and I have joined him? what would you think of me"
You sighed, closing your eyes, imagining the perfect life with your husband; you and him never in harms way, children of your own growing up without a clue of what it's like to lose a parent, to be a slave.
"I would encourage you to overthrow him, and together you and I can rule the galaxy,"
You opened your eyes, everything coming back to you, your father's death, how it felt to slaughter a whole family.
"make things the way we want them to be."
Anakin gripped onto you tightly, a prideful grin spreading across his face.
"Everyone turned against me but you." He said softly, kissing you.
"What if you hate what I become?" your boyfriend stressed, pacing up and down.
"I could never hate you, Anakin," you walked over to him, linking your arm with his metal one"I'll be with you through thick and thin."
tags: @autobotrosestark
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darthkruge · 4 years
Anakin taking care of you while you’re sick 👉👈
Anakin Skywalker x Sick!Reader Headcanons
Warnings: Sickness, mentions of vomiting but nothing detailed
Words: 1.5k
A/N: Anon, I hope you feel better if you’re sick!! Also so many of my friends aren’t feeling well, either! I know @beskar-tano and @artiza-n have been feeling shitty and @buckysbeloved and @anakinlove were feeling a little worse for wear, too, if I remember correctly. Wishing all of y’all (+ anyone else who might be feeling under the weather) fast recoveries!! 
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Let me start this off by saying that Anakin does not get grossed out. He’s surrounded by dying soldiers everyday and when they’re deep on missions? Safe to say they don’t always have access to a nice refresher. So if you ever try and say you’re disgusting or he can’t see you because you feel too gross, he’s having none of that.
First, he reassures you that you’re beautiful. And it’s true, too. You could literally be on death’s door and Anakin would still think you’re the most gorgeous person he’s ever seen. And second, he’s just completely unphased. 
He will literally stay by your side the entire time until you feel better and then for at least a good 48 hours afterward, wanting to make sure you’re back to your normal self. 
The only time he’d leave is if you asked him to. He knows that sometimes you just feel really shitty and need to be alone. Most of all, he wants you to be comfortable. But if you do ask him to leave, he keeps close. He won’t go on missions and keeps his commlink on him at all times, just in case you need anything. And if he doesn’t hear from you in a while, he checks in to make sure you’re okay.
If you’re just being stubborn and/or it’s difficult for you to accept help even though you desperately want it, he can see through that. He knows you so well, he can tell if you actually want space or if you just don’t know how to ask for his comfort. And if it’s the latter, he gives you really easy outs. He’ll put it on him, saying “I’d feel a lot better if I was here, my love. I want to make sure you’re okay, is that alright?” 
If you have a favorite piece of his clothing, he lets you wear it. This is not just when you’re sick, either. But if you’re not feeling great, he makes extra sure to wash it if it's not already clean and brings it over so you can have it. 
Anakin gets nervous when you’re sick; he feels helpless and you’re normally so strong and now you’re weak and in pain and there’s nothing he can do to make it go away. To compensate, he’s constantly doing stuff for you. It helps him keep busy and he feels like he’s helping you, so it’s a natural solution.
Will bring you absolutely anything you ask for. And if you say you’re fine and that you don’t need anything, he’ll probably still bring you stuff. He makes sure you’re always stocked up with tissues, food, water, medicine, blankets, etc. 
I headcanon Anakin as a good cook, at least with a few core recipes. One of the recipes he made sure to memorize is a really good soup. He asked you what your favorite one was one time randomly after you’d been dating for about a month because he wanted to file it away in his brain for whenever you’re sick. And now as soon as you give even one cough or sniffle, you better believe he’ll make it for you. 
He basically babies you the entire time. You’re not lifting a finger until the sickness goes away. He’ll bring stuff to you or, if you’re cuddling with him, he floats it over with the Force. And if you absolutely need to go somewhere, he carries you. 
He’ll rub your back or anywhere else you might be feeling achy. I’ve talked about it before and I shall reiterate: Anakin is amazing at massages. He uses his warm, flesh hand first to start to work into your muscles, getting them ready before using his metal hand to apply a bit more pressure and work out the knots. 
If you’re throwing up, he’s in the refresher with you. He rubs your back and pulls your hair out of your face, giving you soft encouragement the whole time. “Get it out, it’s alright. You’re gonna be just fine, you’ll feel better afterward, okay? You just need to get it out of your system, love.” It’s quite soothing, especially if you’re the kind of person who hates vomiting. 
Afterward, he knows that you might be feeling really clammy and weak. If you want, he’ll gently wash your skin to get the sweat off. He’ll let you lean into him as you brush your teeth or, honestly, he’s fine doing that for you, too. 
Anakin will wait with you on the cold, tile floor for as long as you need. As soon as you feel okay enough to move or you fall asleep, he scoops you into his arms and carries you back to bed.
And if you’re throwing up at night or just overall feeling too sick to sleep, he stays up with you. He’s not going to let you be alone. 
He’ll also tell you stories or just talk to you about whatever comes to mind to distract you. He doesn’t want you to spend all day just thinking about how horrible you feel so he tries to take your mind off it and entertain you whenever possible.
Once, when Anakin was making you some food in the kitchen, you decided to try and get up and go to the refresher alone. You made it a few steps before you were hit with an overwhelming wave of dizziness and lightheadedness and just quietly called Anakin’s name, unsure if he would even hear you. It was practically a reflex. But he did and he ran over immediately, bracing you against him to steady yourself as he called a chair over to him with the Force, firmly sitting you down. 
He was so terrified when he saw your face draining of color and your body begin to crumple to the floor, he just hugged you and kissed the top of your head. He asked, “Why did you do that?! What would have happened if I didn’t hear you?!” 
“I just… you’ve done so much for me and you were already making me food and I don’t know I thought I could do it…” You answer lamely, tears pricking in your eyes as you realize not only how flawed your logic is, but also that you made him worry.
Anakin notices and quickly hushes you. “It’s okay, I’m not mad. Just scared me, that’s all. But angel we’ve talked about this! I want to help you, I like that. And besides, if you’d fallen and cracked your head open you’d need a lot more help than a ride to the refresher, huh?” 
You just nod against him and pull him closer to you. Because you’re sitting, he normally stands between your thighs and you hug his waist, pressing your face into his middle. He’ll hunch over a bit, rubbing up and down your back and your arms while pressing kisses to the top of your head. 
If your throat is sore and it hurts to talk, you’re not talking. Anakin actually has a little fun with this one. Don’t get me wrong, he hates that you’re in pain, but he likes to tease you a bit. He’ll be like “Y/N, do you think I should swap Obi-Wan’s face wash with shampoo?” and you’re shaking your head but he just says “Oh, I guess I can’t hear any objections...” 
But then you’ll croak out a “Anakin, no!” And he’s immediately “Shh! Don’t talk, you'll hurt your vocal chords!! I wouldn’t have done it anyway!! Stop talking!! Not until you feel better!!” 
If you have a headache, he’ll let you rest your head in his lap. He uses the Force to close the blinds and turn off the lights and makes sure to talk in an extra quiet tone. He’s calmly petting your hair with his flesh hand while massaging your scalp with the metal one. He’ll also massage your temples, doing so until you feel enough relief to sleep. 
He also constantly brings you cold compresses for your forehead, especially if you’re feverish. He gets you to lay down in bed and then he’ll sit beside you, one hand holding the compress to you and the other gently tracing patterns on your skin. 
Sometimes, you’re sick and emotional and the pain is really overwhelming. He gets this and if crying is going to help you, he wants you to. He’ll hold you in his arms, still, not wanting to worsen any of the symptoms by rocking you. And he’s so encouraging.
“Let it out, my love. There you go, it’s okay. I know it hurts, I know,” He’ll coo, “Baby I know, I’m so sorry. I’ve got you, you can cry, it’s okay.” 
And once you’re done he continues to hold you, cuddling you for the rest of the day.
Also, Anakin will literally hold and kiss you the entire time. Mans is not worried about catching anything from you. And if you ever say “No, Ani, you’ll get sick!!” He just “no I won’t” 
But, if you’re really serious, he’ll refrain from kissing your lips. That’s okay, though! More forehead and top of the head kisses for you <3
He’s just really accommodating and kind. He hates seeing you sick and in pain and just wants to shower you with love and care and affection until it goes away.
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tennessoui · 3 years
omgggg yes number 45 gimme some number 45 obikin PLEASE
ok,,,,,,this is no. 1 Soulmates + no.45 in love with best friend's partner but it kinda got away from me so it's almost 2k and also like there's world-building im awful at snippets. This is obikin but also mentions of qui-gon/anakin BUT it's a fake relationship. it's not in the story, but the premise obi-wan doesn't know is that anakin needed coruscanti citizenship to get their healthcare for his mom, and qui-gon decides to help him out by marrying him to give him automatic citizenship i uh might continue this if people like it because it was fun to write whoops
“We met at the spaceport three days ago,” Anakin says with a demure little smile, curling further into Qui-Gon’s outstretched arm. The soft lamplight glints off the golden band Anakin’s wearing on his finger. Obi-Wan has had a hard time looking anywhere else since arriving in his old master’s quarters, has had a hard time thinking of anything else except that he’d always imagined Anakin wearing a more bronzed shade of gold.
It had been a shock to hear that while Obi-Wan had been out on a mission, Qui-Gon had returned to Coruscant with a husband in tow. Yes, alright, short courtships aren’t rare anywhere in the galaxy, especially between soulmates.
But Obi-Wan knows intimately well--better than anyone else in this room--that Anakin and Qui-Gon aren’t, in fact, soulmates.
Mace seems to be thinking the same thing because he states, with a slight question in his voice, “I was under the impression that your soulmate had passed into the Force, Qui-Gon.”
“We’re not soulmates,” Qui-Gon corrects placidly, arm moving away from Anakin’s shoulders--Obi-Wan can breathe again--so he can fiddle with the cuff around his wrist, which hides the faded name of his mate. “But now that the Jedi Order has lifted its marriage ban for non-Soulmate couples, I thought, why spend the rest of my life alone?”
Anakin catches Qui-Gon’s hand and places a kiss on the back of his fingers. Obi-Wan is going to scream.
When Anakin looks up to the assembled Jedi watching, he doesn’t look at Obi-Wan once. It’s the worst thing in the galaxy, the fact that other than very briefly an hour ago, Anakin hasn’t looked at him at all. It’s been five years. “And I’ve met my soulmate, but they…decided they didn’t want to stay with me, that they didn’t want me.”
Obi-Wan inhales sharply at this and forgets to bite his tongue. “Maybe your soulmate had other obligations that they had to fulfill,” Obi-Wan bites out.
He’d thought Anakin ignoring him had been awful, but that’s nothing compared to the pain of having him look at him with eyes as cold as Hoth. “I think I’d know more about my soulmate than you would, master Jedi. Ah, I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name.”
Obi-Wan almost tells him to check his wrist if he needs a reminder about Obi-Wan’s name, but the words get stuck in his throat.
It’s probably for the best.
Obi-Wan’s spent five years and the duration of a war hiding the name of his soulmate from the Jedi Order, and he can’t say it now. His other half has made it quite clear that he can’t say it now.
“Excuse me,” Obi-Wan says, standing suddenly. He knows he should stay, should sit through the rest of the intake interview the Council gives to all non-Jedi sentients that marry a Jedi, soulmates or no, but he can’t. He’s the youngest person to sit on the Council in written history, he’s survived a war, trained the stubbornest Padawan of her generation, and this--this--looking across the table at Anakin Skywalker, dolled up and petty and full of hatred for him as he wears another man’s ring, Obi-Wan’s former master’s ring--this is going to be the thing that kills him.
Luckily, no one tries to stop him as he leaves. Maybe they think he’s just reacting to the fact that his fifty-eight year old master came home with a twenty-five year old husband. Maybe everything he’s feeling is written out on his face. Maybe he should never have tried to hide Anakin away. Maybe he should have called for extraction from his deep cover mission as soon as their hands had touched and their soulmarks had appeared. Maybe these past seven years should never have happened.
Force knows Obi-Wan would sleep easier if he had never walked into that Tatooine bar. If he had never met Anakin Skywalker.
He tries to meditate in his favorite spot in the Room of A Thousand Fountains, but it’s an impossible task. Mostly, he sits in a classic lotus position and broods.
A few hours later, when Obi-Wan thinks he’s recovered some of his composure, the person who’s always been able to ruin it sits himself down in front of him with a lot of unnecessary noise.
“When you talked about this place, I thought it sounded like the biggest waste of water in the entire galaxy,” Anakin’s voice sounds...normal. Like they’re picking up the thread of a conversation they had just dropped a moment ago, as if five years and a wedding and a war don’t stretch between them.
But if Anakin wants to talk to Obi-Wan like they had before, he’ll try his hardest to meet him there. Slowly, he opens his eyes. Anakin’s lounging back, still wearing the ceremonial robes of a Jedi’s bride, the loose blue silk barely hanging onto one of his shoulders. Obi-Wan wants to close his eyes again, immediately. “The greenery wouldn’t be able to survive without the water.”
Anakin nods, looking around as if slightly disinterested by it all. When he’d been eighteen, he’d soaked up every story Obi-Wan could tell him about the Temple, about the Jedi. Those piercing blue eyes find him again. It’s as if he knows Obi-Wan’s thoughts, because he smiles in the most humorless way. “I used to think I’d live here, and then I could see for myself if the beauty was worth the excess.”
“And?” Obi-Wan asks. It’s all he can get out of his throat. It’s very clear what Anakin isn’t saying. That he used to think he’d live here with Obi-Wan. That they'd be--that they'd be.
“Now I understand that there’s no winning that argument. What one man sees as a waste, another might see as a treasure.”
Obi-Wan can’t do this. He thought--maybe he could--but. He can’t. “I’m sorry,” he says quietly, moving to stand on his feet. “I hate to leave, but I must attend to--”
Anakin scrambles to his feet and latches onto Obi-Wan’s covered wrist. “Do you?” he asks intently, his hold tightening. “Did you?”
“This--this is most inappropriate, Chosen Skywalker, please remove yourself from my person.”
Anakin, blast him, moves even closer. Obi-Wan wonders if he can hear his heartbeat from that far away or if it’s just in Obi-Wan’s ears. “You have to tell me,” he demands. He’s always demanded things from Obi-Wan. Stories, and kisses, and comfort, and promises. Obi-Wan had given him everything he’d asked for, up until the very end.
Unsurprisingly, nothing has changed.
“Tell you what,” Obi-Wan snaps, yanking his wrist away from Anakin’s touch. Even through the covering, his skin feels burned. “Tell you that I hated having to leave you? Tell you that I’ve thought about you every night since then? Tell you that there was a war, that I had to fight, that I didn’t choose to go? That I had a duty to the galaxy, to the Jedi, to my family?”
“You had a duty to me!” Anakin snarls back, squaring his shoulders and shoving forward into Obi-Wan’s space. “I was your soulmate and you left me and I waited and you never once called me, never once tried to visit! And then the war ended and you never came back!” His voice breaks and the flood of words Obi-Wan desperately does not want to hear breaks with it for just a second. “Why didn’t you come back? I don’t...I don’t care that you had to fight. I knew I couldn’t leave with you, not until I had freed my mom. But you just. You left.”
“I’m not the same man I was, Anakin,” Obi-Wan says softly. His voice shakes and he has to turn his head away from his soulmate’s watery blue eyes. “The war--it changed me. It hurt, to fight and kill and strategize on how to more effectively fight and kill the next day. Four years of that, and I knew at the end I wasn’t fit to be anyone’s soulmate, least of all yours.”
When Obi-Wan had first met him, Anakin had been laughing. His head had been tipped back, curls falling over his shoulders. The noise had been loud and honest. He’d been radiant in the Force. It had taken weeks for Obi-Wan to really believe something so bright could be the other half of his soul.
“I wanted to,” Obi-Wan whispers. “Every night I wanted to, and it only got harder after the war ended. I never stopped wanting to. Wanting you.”
“How am I supposed to believe you?” Anakin asks. Obi-Wan wants to ask him why it matters if he believes him or not, but Anakin’s words from earlier float back to him. They decided they didn’t want to stay with me, that they didn’t want me. He can’t let Anakin continue to think Obi-Wan didn’t want him, not when he wanted him so badly he ached from it.
With shaking fingers, he moves to pull down the collar of his robes, just far enough that he can pull out the japor snippet he’s worn around his neck since the day Anakin gave it to him. He slowly lifts it over his head and presents it to his soulmate. Anakin’s eyes are wide with wonder as he stares down at the necklace, worm almost smooth by how often Obi-Wan had rubbed the carving with his thumb. “Always, Anakin,” Obi-Wan murmurs, reaching out to grab Anakin’s hand and dropping the wood carving into his palm. He carefully folds the man’s lax fingers around the necklace.
Hating himself for doing it, but needing to do it anyway, he brushes his lips over his fingers in a ghost of a kiss. Beneath his mouth, the wedding band feels warm from Anakin’s body heat. It’s a shockingly cold reminder.
“May the Force bless you and your Chosen, and reunite you at every end of your every day,” Obi-Wan whispers the Council’s official blessings for newly-wed couples into Anakin’s skin.This is the last time he’s ever going to touch him. He doesn’t want to let go.
He must. He does.
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75 and 94 with Sith Anakin :)
Thank you so much for requesting this because this has to be one of my favorite Anakin stories I’ve ever written. It’s super sad, but I still hope you enjoy! :D
This was not how you wanted today to go. It wasn’t supposed to be a difficult mission. Get the supplies, and get out. Was it a dangerous place? Of course, but everything was these days with the Empire marking their territory wherever they went. But never in your wildest dreams had you expected there to be Inquisitors hiding there, and never had you expected to have to deal with two. As good of a Jedi as Ezra was becoming, he wasn’t able to take on one by himself yet, and you had done the best you could to make sure he was out of harm’s way before surrendering. 
You knew Kanan would kill you for it if you ever saw him again, but you cared more about Ezra staying alive than getting killed yourself. 
They had stripped you of your lightsaber and cuffed you, leading you to a star cruiser that they mentioned belonged to Lord Vader. They seemed to enjoy talking about what he was going to do to you, and how they hoped they would get to watch.  
Having heard of Lord Vader, the atrocities he had done, the only thing you could do was hope that you could find a way to annoy him enough to make your death as quick and as painless as possible. After all, you didn’t fear death anymore. 
Not when it would bring you back to the love of your life. 
You showed no resistance as you were shoved into an interrogation chair and strapped in, all fight drained out of your body. What was the point? Unless the Ghost Crew could pull off another miracle, you were about to die. You just had to make sure you didn’t give up any Rebellion secrets while you were doing so. 
Eventually the two Inquisitors left you with your thoughts, and you took this moment to close your eyes in meditation, saying a final goodbye to those you loved. Obi-Wan, your oldest friend who had saved your life more times than you could count, Ahsoka, the girl you had watched become a warrior with the kindest heart you knew, Rex and Rutt, the two clones who had laid down their lives for you. Then there was the newest, but some of the most important members of your family. Hera, the sister you never knew you needed, Zeb who always could make you smile no matter what the situation, Sabine, the selfless and talented woman who always put others first, Ezra, the young and incredible Jedi you had been helping to train, and then there was Kanan. Sweet, amazing, Kanan who had done more for you in the past few years than you could remember. 
A tear dripped down your face as you could almost feel the man through the Force, a flicker of anxiety and turmoil from miles and miles away. You knew he wouldn’t want you to give up, you knew he would try to save you, but if it was time . . . It was time. 
Your only regret was knowing that you were leaving behind the most important -
You heard him before you saw him, his boots were heavy on the shining black floor. The darkness surrounding the man in the Force was suffocating, and you dropped your head, trying not to drown in it. “A Jedi, surrendering . . . I never would have expected it.” Was all he said from behind you, the voice diluted with a modulator from the mask you knew he wore. 
“What did you expect? Me to let you kill my friend? I suppose that’s what the Empire would do.” You responded, your voice shakier than you would have liked. 
He chose to ignore your words, his footsteps pacing back and forth behind you, allowing you just a glimpse of black and the silver flash of your lightsaber in his hands. “Where did you get this lightsaber?” Vader asked. 
Was that the question that he wanted to open with? You would have assumed there would have been some threatening, the usual, tell me what you know about the rebellion, where is the secret base, blah, blah, blah. Not where you got your lightsaber. After all, that answer was so obvious you didn’t feel the need to respond. 
“Do I need to repeat my question?” Vader asked once more, his voice calm, and didn’t even give you a chance to respond to him. You felt a pressure around your throat, growing stronger with every passing moment until you couldn’t get any air into your lungs. You started coughing, your hands trying to fly to your throat, but unable to strapped down at your sides. Tears of panic formed in your eyes as you struggled against an unforeseen force, but then as quickly as it had arrived, it was gone, leaving you gasping for air. “Where did you get this lightsaber?” 
You were scared. You hated to admit it, you knew that Jedi weren’t supposed to feel it, but you were. The darkness Vader seemed to emit almost smothered you in your entirety. You had never felt someone so dark, and your fear, as it always had when it reared its ugly head, made you lash out. “Where do you think I got it? A market? I made it! Went to Ilum, found a crystal, constructed it myself -” You choked out before he interrupted you. 
“You’re lying!” The sudden burst of emotion in his voice shocked you. From what you had heard about Vader he was always calm, precise, even when he was in the midst of torturing someone. “I know the woman who made this, and she is dead!” 
“Oh, so I’m dead? Good to know. It’ll save us a lot of trouble here then won’t -”
You felt a hand grip your hair, tugging it up sharply until you were face to face with the mask Vader hid behind, and in that moment . . . something changed. 
The dark, terrifying, intimidating, Darth Vader gasped out your name in a low, weak voice and collapsed to his knees in front of you. 
This version of Vader frightened you even more than the one you had seen earlier. “W-what are you doing?” 
He didn’t answer you. For several moments, he stared at you through those black lenses, and you wondered how he could even see you through them. You knew he was though. You could feel his gaze piercing your skin like a glacier, sending chills all the way from the top of your head to the tips of your toes. You didn’t want to look at him any longer, hating the way it made you feel, and that was when his head dropped. You watched him with confused eyes as his gloved hands went to his helmet and began to lift it off, something you knew he never did, to reveal a head of dirty blonde waves, the ends of them brushing the shoulders of his dark robes. 
Then, he lifted his head, and you were met with achingly familiar eyes, even with their change of color. 
That was when the fragile pieces of your life came crashing down around you. For several years now, all you had ever been sure of, was that Anakin Skywalker was dead. Your Force connection with him had been so strong. It was the only explanation for it blinking out of existence the way it had, ripping what felt like a part of your soul along with it. Obi-Wan had told you that he was dead. That the Emperor had killed him. 
Yet here he sat, on his knees in front of you, looking as fragile and distraught as you felt. You had stared into that handsome face too many times to confuse it with anyone else. You knew every single inch of that man, he had been seared into your memory, and there was no doubt in your mind that despite everything you believed, it was Anakin in front of you. 
“The Emperor . . . he told me that you were dead. That Obi-Wan had killed you.” His gloved hand went to your cheek, touching you as if you were made of glass. “If I had known . . .” 
His touch, something that you had longed for, dreamed of for so long, tore you apart. It couldn’t be real. It couldn’t be happening no matter what you were seeing. Was Vader putting these thoughts in your head somehow? There were three people in the whole universe who knew how deep and strong you and Anakin’s love had been. How could he have found out something so personal to torture you with? Because that’s what this was, the deepest torture you had ever had to endure, and you knew, if Vader kept this vision going he could get whatever he wanted from you. As long as he let you stay here with Anakin. Tears started filling your eyes once more as you looked at him, his face even more vibrant than it was in your memories. “I wish this was real,” you whimpered, your fingers itching to touch him, but unable to in your secured state. Instead you leaned into his touch, nuzzling against his gloved palm. “All I’ve ever wanted was to see you once last time.” 
Then something incredible happened. Anakin reached out, and undid your restraints, catching you in his arms as you collapsed. “This is real! I am real!” He said, squeezing you so tight in his arms he could have broken your ribs, but you didn’t care because it felt so good. You were right back where you belonged, safe, comfortable and free in Anakin’s arms. 
Free . . . 
He had let you out of your straps. Vader never would have let that happen, even in a vision. It would be too dangerous. Your eyes shifted to the helmet that lay at Anakin’s side, and your world collapsed once more. “No . . .” You murmured, shaking your head. “Please no, no, no,” you murmured the word over and over again, tears dripping down your face in a stream as your hand reached for the helmet, holding the cold metal in your hand. You pulled back enough to look into those eyes, those red and orange eyes that now seemed so different. “Anakin, please tell me you’re not Vader. Tell me you’re not the one -”
“It doesn’t matter,” His hands cupped your cheeks, forcing you to look at him. “It doesn’t matter, don’t you see? You’re alive, and now we can put everything behind us! We can do what we always dreamed of doing -”
There was so much desperation in his voice you felt your heart shattering again. It was too much, trying to reconcile the man you grew up with, the man you loved, with all the things that you knew Vader had done. “You’ve killed so many . . . Killed Jedi . . . People we knew . . . destroyed villages . . .” You couldn’t look him in the eyes anymore. Your emotions were drowning you, burying you underwater with each and every new atrocity that you remembered Vader had committed and bringing you to a conclusion that left a giant, gaping wound in your chest. “Anakin, you’ve become a -”
“No!” The anger and frustration in his voice had you cringing. “Don’t you understand?! I had nothing! Ahsoka was gone, Obi-Wan was gone, you were gone! What was I supposed to do?” 
“Not turn to the dark side! Anakin, you’re breaking my heart all over again . . . How could you do those things?” You sobbed, trying to pull away from him when every bone in your body craved to keep being held by him. 
His grip became tighter, crushing you to his chest. “You were dead, and it was the Jedi’s fault. They deserved everything they got.” 
His words shook you more than anything else he had said. He had done all this . . . Because of you? He had turned to the dark side, destroyed villages, people, tortured hundreds . . . because he thought you were dead. 
Despair ripped through your body, as you came to the realization that all of this was your fault. If only you hadn’t believed Obi-Wan when he told you Anakin was dead. If you had gone looking for him yourself instead of escaping to Tatooine to hide from the Empire, none of this might have happened. “But I’m not dead, Anakin . . . I never was.” You looked up once more, meeting his gaze through your tears. “What other lies has the Emperor been telling you?” 
You watched as he absorbed your words, but his face was unreadable. 
“Lord Vader!” A panicked voice broke through the bubble the two of you had created and you flinched as Anakin’s hand shot out and sent the intruder flying backwards against the wall and pinned him there. 
“What do you want?” Anakin hissed at him from behind the chair, and it was then that you realized why he had pushed the guard back in the first place. He hadn’t wanted him to see the two of you. 
“Rebels!” The man croaked out, and you glanced over to find Anakin’s hand clenched in a fist, choking the man the same way he had done you. As soon as Anakin saw where your gaze had gone, his fist immediately uncurled. “There are Rebels on the ship. They’re trying to take the bridge!” 
You couldn’t even be grateful. You knew who it was. Kanan’s Force presence was getting stronger with every few seconds that passed, but all you could feel was pain, and not just your own either, now that you knew Anakin was alive, you could feel him. Not like earlier, when you had both been Jedi, the dark side shrouded him in too much blackness for that, but you could feel something . . . pain and confusion that echoed yours. “Stay here.” He instructed you, reaching for his mask. 
You grasped at his arm, stopping him. “Ani,” you gasped out, the first time the nickname had been directed at him in years made him stiffen. “Please don’t. Please. I’m begging you not to hurt them. They’re trying to save me, that’s it.” 
Anakin stared at you and for a moment his gaze softened, but as soon as you had seen it, it vanished again. “You have always been mine. I’m not going to let them take you away from me again.” Anakin leaned forward and you shivered as you felt those soft, familiar lips press against your forehead. “I’ve lost everything. Now that I know you’re alive, I won’t lose you too.” 
He stood up, pulling away from you, and placing the mask back on his beautiful face. “You were always mine too, Ani . . . Can you still say that?” You whispered to him. 
Anakin didn’t respond, merely stood there and stared down at you for a moment before leaving you, shutting the door behind him. 
You collapsed onto the cold, unforgiving floor, you fist hitting it as you screamed and sobbed out your pain. Never had you realized how cruel fate could be. First it had tortured you with his death, and now it had done something even worse. To have him dangling in front of you to snatch him away again was pure torture. It seemed as if you had now lost him even more than you had all those years ago. You were so lost in your own grief you didn’t hear the door opening, didn’t hear the call of your name until you were hauled off the ground and upright. “It’s me! It’s me! We’ve got to get you out of here!” The familiar voice said, shaking you somewhat to grab your attention. 
Finally, your vision cleared enough, and you saw the man crouched in front of you, concern in every line of his face. “Kanan . . .” You gasped out, flinging your arms around his neck. “Please, please get me out of here.” You pleaded, clinging to him as if he was your lifeline. 
“Hey, it’s okay,” You heard him say, gripping you tightly in his arms. “We’ll get you out of here. The Ghost is waiting.” And without another word, the man lifted you up into his arms as if you weighed nothing. “Sabine! Clear a path!” He called out to the woman you hadn’t even noticed. 
Relief filled your body for the briefest moment until you remembered something. If Kanan and Sabine were here . . . “Who’s on the Bridge, Kanan?! He’s going after them! They’ve got to get out of there!” You almost screamed in panic, flailing for a moment as you tried to get out of his arms. 
“Nobody!” He tightened his grip on you. “It’s R4 and Chopper! They made a distraction, and then they went back to the ship. Everyone’s safe, we’ve just got to get you out of here.” 
You collapsed against him in relief, burying your face in his shirt as you clung to him and closed your eyes. You didn’t want to see anything. You didn’t want to risk seeing him because you knew he must have felt you leaving. Your suspicions were confirmed as Kanan ran up the ramp to the Ghost and it began to close as soon as you were all clear. 
He screamed your name, loud and broken through the Force, and it forced your eyes open, staring into those black lenses from across the ship once more until the ramp blocked your view and Hera shot the ship into hyperspace. 
Kanan had heard it too. In fact, Ezra, who had joined the two of you, was covering his ears. “What the hell was that?” He asked, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him, all you did was hold on to Kanan, burying your face in his shoulder as more tears fell down your cheeks. 
Never had you felt so broken, so tortured, so weak. You had been crushed by everything that had occurred, and you had no idea what to do about it. The only thing that managed to pull you out was a fragile voice. “Mom?” 
You lifted your head from Kanan’s shoulder, shock filling your eyes. “What are you doing here?!” You made Kanan put you down, running over to the little boy and gripping his shoulders, checking him over for any injuries. 
“He stowed away.” Kanan answered you. “He overheard that you were kidnapped and wanted to make sure you got home. We never let him out of the ship though, I promise.” He assured you. 
“Who was that man? That was screaming at you? I felt weird when I saw him . . .” 
Leaning forward, you pressed your forehead against your son’s for a moment, and then pulled back, looking into those familiar blue eyes that you had seen the dark version of moments earlier. “Don’t worry about it, Ani. Why don’t you go with Uncle Ezra for a bit. You two can practice lifting stuff, okay?” 
Anakin nodded, concern still on his little face, but he allowed Ezra to lead him back up the ladder. You brushed your tears away as you watched them go, turning back to Kanan when you felt his warm hand on your shoulder. “I’ve never seen you like that before . . . What did Vader do to you?” 
You placed your hand on top of his, giving it a squeeze. “I’ll tell you later, but first we’ve got to get back to base. I’ve got to talk to Ahsoka.”
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fictionwordcounts · 3 years
Home [Anakin x Reader]
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Word Count: 2000+
Summary: You're on the desolate planet of Dagobah, and things are a far less than exciting. However, someone crashing close to your home changes everything.
Requested on Wattpad.com at StarkWars084
You were whittling away at a stubborn piece of wood when you saw a ship of some sort fall from the sky not far away. You jumped up from the small chair you had made and examined the smoke trail in awe. Nothing exciting ever happened on this disgusting swamp planet and you absolutely had to go to the crash sight.
Smiling to yourself, you climbed down your tree house and headed off in the direction of the crashed, mysterious object. Wading through the thick mud was easy and you started walking a ways off, but stopped suddenly. You reached toward your back only to grasp empty air-- you'd left your weapon at home. You were furious with yourself for forgetting such an important tool. The planet you were on was nowhere shy of dangerous creatures. Looking over at a large stick on the ground, you decided it would have to do. You grasped it tightly and continued on until you found a broken ship submerged in quick sand. If anyone was alive in there, they certainly weren't now. It was a shame too. You were hoping to find someone (You didn't care who) to make life more interesting. You would have settled for anything in fact.
The sand prevented you from investigating closer, but it was just as amazing from where you were. Sure you had seen ships before, but that was a long time ago, before you came here. The ship was swallowed up quickly by the hungry sand and you strained to see the last bit of the tail disappear. You were about to leave when you noticed footprints leading off from where the plain had been. A sound from behind you made you jump, and you spun around with your makeshift weapon in hand. A man with shoulder-length dark hair and clothes caked in sand stood there. His eyes were kind and calm despite the large stick only inches from his face.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you," he stated. Even if it wasn't his intention, he had scared you a great deal, and you found yourself unable to lower the stick. He slowly raised his hands and started pushing the weapon down, and you let him since you couldn't do it yourself.
"Who are you?" You asked him once you had found your voice.
"It's alright, I'm Anakin Skywalker. I'm a Jedi, and I can help you off this planet," he answered. "I could take you as far as Coruscant, if you like."
You bit your tongue and changed your mind. I'm not okay with anything! you decided, I wanted anything but a Jedi. The Jedi were the people you had tried to escape in coming here. You had thought you wanted to be one at one time, but they had rejected you when you had failed their ridiculous trials. Now there was one here, though you had chosen to live on one of the most remote planets you could find. You were angry with him though you knew it was not him alone that had denied you the position.
"Well, I'm very glad you've found a way to get home," you said, trying to maintain a steady voice. "You can do so alone. I wish you luck." With that, you spun around and headed back to the home you had made. Sloshing footsteps and swinging branches told you that he was stumbling right behind.
"Hold on!" He called after you. You were nearly running, and you would've kept going, but this was the only social interaction you would get for who knew how long. You rolled your eyes and slowed so he could catch up. "It's dangerous out here alone," he warned.
You slowly turned around and rolled your eyes. "Is it?" you scoffed and took in a deep breath while you tried to get your thoughts together. "Listen, I do appreciate the offer, but I have no interest in heading back to anywhere the Jedi Council is."
"What do you mean back?" he questioned. "You mean you've been there before?"
You glared at him. "Do the Jedi now find things easy to forget?" you felt yourself shaking and tried desperately to stand completely still. You're not mad at him, you told yourself. You knew you shouldn't be mad at all, but it grew more difficult the more he spoke.
"I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about," Anakin apologized. "But at least let me take you to a safer, more populated planet." You almost laughed now.
Gesturing to land around, you responded, "Even if I wanted to leave, how would we?" Anakin looked around.
"I'd find a way," He insisted. You knew there was really nothing he could do, but you liked his determination.
Still, you weren't sold on the idea of returning. "Well," you started hesitantly. "If you're going to find a way back, you'll need a place to stay." You gestured for him to follow you. He was surprisingly good at navigating through the mud. He knew exactly where to step and where not to. You guessed it was the Force showing him the way. It had for you, too, before you memorized the land. When you got to the lake that was not far from your tree house, you made Anakin scrub off all the sand off his arms and neck.
When you made it back to your home you showed Anakin the way up the tree. "You built this?" He asked you once he was at the top.
You nodded proudly. "It took me a while, but it finally came together." You ran your hand across the railing you had put up. You were rather proud of your work and had a right to be. It was sturdy and homely which was perfect for where you lived. "You could probably stay just outside my kitchen for now. Tomorrow I'll have to make a proper bed for you."
Anakin nodded to show he understood then looked questioningly at you. "If I'm going to stay here, I need to know your name."
You had completely forgotten to introduce yourself! You scolded yourself inwardly. "Y/N," you told him.
He smiled "Thank you for offering your home to me, Y/N" You knew he was just being polite. He wouldn't have the comfort of a bed like the one you had made, and you couldn't make one now. You didn't have the items you would need, and it was getting too dark to gather any.
"I recommend you don't leave the house until dawn," you suggested. "The creatures here love the dark."
"I wont," he assured you. Even though he was a Jedi, you knew you couldn't leave him to figure that out on his own.
You would help him the best you could. You didn't hate him. In fact, you found it hard to dislike him. But it was impossible to ignore his title: Jedi. Just thinking the name made you shudder.  You wished him a good night, and Anakin took his robe off and lay down on one of your pillows. He pulled the robe over himself to stay warm and you went to your moss bed. It was actually a nice, comfortable bed that took you a while to complete. You looked over at Anakin who was still awake, staring up at the sky, and your stomach twisted. He wanted to go home, but you couldn't help him do that. The best you could do was make sure he didn't freeze, starve, or get killed by ravenous animals, so that's what you would do. You would keep him alive until he could get back home.
You woke up earlier than usual and dressed quickly. You decided to go hunting in hopes of finding some meat to balance out the root stew you would make. As you slipped the cotton shirt over your head, you realized that you didn't have any extra clothes for Anakin to change into, and his clothes were still covered in mud that had dried over. Surely, it wasn't a comfortable way to live. You walked over to Anakin who was fidgeting and stirring in his sleep. You would have to make him a change of clothes as soon as possible.
You grabbed your spear and knife and climbed down the tree easily. You wanted to do this quickly so you could start working on the other projects Anakin's arrival had made for you. You waited at some rocks near the lake with your knife in hand. Nudj, you knew, were lizard-like creatures that stayed around this area. You had only killed a few before, but they weren't bad. When a brave nudj climbed the rocks you quickly threw your knife and pierced it's skin. It thrashed for a second before falling still. You knew the alarm it let out would warn the others and keep you from getting anymore from there. You retrieved the knife and nudj and headed to a different patch of rocks. You repeated this pattern four more times until you had three of the lizards to take back. You jogged back to the tree and climbed up. Anakin was awake.
"Good morning," you called to him. His face was pale and there were beads of sweat on his forehead. "Are you okay?"
He nodded. "Yes, I'm fine." You looked him over worriedly. Treating disease was not something you could cram into today. Deciding to leave him be, you started preparing a stew from roots herbs and the nudj you caught earlier. Anakin came up to you and watched for a little bit.
You turned to him while the stew cooked. "Have you figured out how you'll be getting back?" you questioned.
He shook his head. "No, I haven't, but I'll find a way," he answered confidently. Surely he knew he wouldn't be able to. The only thing that flew on the planet were the bogwings, and you didn't want to mess with them.
"I'll have to make you a change of clothes," you told him. "I'll do that after we eat." You turned back to the food and stirred it.
"Thank you," Anakin said. You pointed to a small pot you had sitting by.
"If you're going to stay here though," you announced. "You'll have to help and boil some of that water."
He smiled and took the full pot to a small fire you had going.
After you and Anakin had finished eating, you walked over to a bin where you kept thread and fabric. You hadn't expected to use it really so you were happy you found a use for it. You sent Anakin to wash the dishes, but it didn't keep him busy for long. He came to where you were working.
"Tell me about the time you were with the Jedi council," he requested.
You stiffened. Of course, he would be curious, but you didn't want to talk about it. You just wanted him to have a magical solution to leave and do so. You hesitated, trying to play out the conversation in your head.
"When I was younger," you started. "All I wanted to be was a Jedi. I looked up to them and my parents did too." A lump formed in your throat. "They noticed me, finally, and I trained for a long time until I became a Padawan. I wasn't long after that my parents were killed. I couldn't preform as well as they wanted me to. I could only think about them, hoping they would come back. It devastated me, and at times, I even felt resentment--hatred. You know that's not acceptable for Jedi." You inhaled deeply and wiped a tear from your cheek with your fingertips. "They expelled me, and I left. I was angry with the council." You gritted your teeth. "I was angry with Master Yoda."
Anakin looked puzzled. "Master Yoda is very wise," he defended. "I'm sure he had a good reason."
You wiped your face and looked at him reasonably. "Master Yoda has it all wrong," you argued. "There has never once been a Jedi who has kept to the code completely. Our emotions make us human, and those that embrace that are the ones he wants to get rid of. He can't turn us into his mindless, emotionless robots to fight his battles for him."
Anakin was silent. The whole time you were talking your hands were working on the outfit for him.
"But never mind," you attempted a smile. "I finished your outfit." You turned around while Anakin switched his clothes. When he was finished you turned back to see your work. You laughed out loud. The clothes looked absolutely ridiculous. They were baggy and blended into each other making it look like one piece.
"Well, it's a start," he teased, smiling. "At least now I'm not covered in sand from head to toe."
You made a note to yourself to practice your seamstress skills later.
You had just finished the bed for Anakin when the sun sank behind the trees. He slept on it well the first night, but he grew restless from nightmares that not even the most comfortable of beds could fix. You often had to sit by his bed with a cold cloth to calm him. He told you they were of his mother. He had to watch her die over and over again every night and it made him miserable. You did the best you could, but that wasn't much. There were nights when he would wake up suddenly, and you would have to speak quietly and soothingly to him until he could fall asleep again. At first it bothered you, but it troubled you more now.
Anakin had stayed with you for two weeks before a ship landed right next to the lake where you were gathering water one day. You dropped the bucket and ran to the ship. The door opened and a light-haired, bearded man emerged confidently. His eyes were tired but that didn't change how he acted.
"Hello there!" he called to you. "Allow me to introduce myself: I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi. Could you give me a hand with something?" Stunned you nodded and beckoned him forward. "I'm sorry about landing here without permission. I didn't think this planet was populated. I'll leave soon, but I seem to have lost something and I need help finding it," he explained.
"What did you loose?" you asked him, though you could already guess. Obi-Wan looked at you warily.
"His name is Anakin Skywalker."
You froze. When Anakin arrived, the thought that he might have someone looking for him hadn't even occurred to you. He was back at the tree house preparing food for the both of you. You weren't sure if you should get him or not. As if he heard his name called Anakin came running up from behind you.
Obi-Wan perked up. "Anakin!" He called cheerfully. "I'm glad you're alive, Anakin. You had us all worried." Despite the fact that this man had brought Anakin a way home, he didn't look all that happy.
"You shouldn't have come for me, Master." Anakin said. "You could've saved supplies and time going on without me."
"Anakin don't talk like that," Obi-Wan commanded. "You are my friend, and I will not leave you like that."
Obi-Wan looked at you. "I thank you for any help you have given my young apprentice. You will be paid in whatever currency you find acceptable." He turned back to Anakin. "Let's go, Anakin. Master Yoda will be happy to know you're alright."
Your heart sank. Anakin had found a way to leave after all. This is what you wanted. You reminded yourself. Once he's gone, life will be normal again. Boring and normal. You didn't want him to go now, but what could you do? It was Anakin's decision, and he was already following his master. You stood there waiting for the ship to take off, but it never did. In fact the door opened once again and both of them walked out.
"Is everything okay?" You questioned with a small glimmer of hope that the ship might not start. Anakin was looking much happier now and Obi-Wan more upset.
"It appears," Obi-Wan spoke first. "That Anakin will be staying with you," he explained.
You looked at Anakin who was next to you now.
"Are you serious?" you asked quietly, though your heart was beating rapidly.
He looked up at Obi-Wan. "Thank you for your training, Master," he said respectfully. Obi-Wan nodded blankly.
"I don't know what I'll tell the council," he said almost talking to himself.
Anakin smiled. "I'm sure you'll think of something," he assured. Obi-Wan looked up and smiled.
"Yes, well, I'll still have to pay you, Y/N," he said. "I'll go and get whatever supplies you'll need." He looked at Anakin again and laughed. "And good heavens hopefully some proper clothes." You both laughed merrily. You felt wonderful and couldn't stop smiling.
Obi-Wan left and Anakin hugged you tightly.
"You're really staying," you whispered.
He chuckled. "Yes, I am." He pulled away and looked into your eyes. "You were right, Y/N. I shouldn't try to push any emotions aside anymore." He rested his hand on your cheek. "I love you, Y/N." He grabbed your hand. "Let's go home."
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chokemeanakin · 4 years
Yoooo if you’re taking requests could you do some anakin with a short, shy/insecure reader who isn’t a spitfire just because they’re short? I just love height differences man 🤩 ty if you decide to do this!
Thanks for the request! This stuff is right up my alley tbh. I hope this meets your expectations babe 😘
ps we love all of our beautiful tall queens too
Anakin Skywalker x Short/Shy/Insecure Reader Headcanons (gn)
You would always be a little intimidated by Anakin because he is One Tall Boy, plus he's very powerful, confident, and famous within the Jedi world. You felt like he could easily squash you like a bug if he wanted. But then you got to know him, and he was so sweet to you, everything that used to intimidate you sort of just melted away into infatuation.
You had a crush on him for so long, mostly because there was no way in hell you were telling The Hero with No Fear you had feelings for him. He was a Jedi after all, forbidden from attachment, and you knew your confession would just crash and burn. It didn’t stop you from freaking out every time you saw him in the hallways, or in the caf, or on the streets of Coruscant.
He’s very easy to talk to. He likes to tease, and that caused a lot of panicking early on as you got to know each and become friends, but soon you learned to notice when he was just pulling your strings. And since he’s so open about his own feelings and life, it made it easier for you to talk to him about your own. He accepted everything about you with open arms.
Of course, Anakin knew you had feelings for him all along. He has force perception, after all, and could sense the ridiculous amount of anxiety you would get whenever faced with him. That’s why he did all in his power to make you feel comfortable around him, to get you to come out of your shell and open up to him.
He never called you out on your feelings because he knew how embarrassing it would be for you. So he told you first, and was very patient while you admitted the same. 
While your relationship progressed, you continued to open up with him but you were always going to be a little reserved and shy about things. It’s just who you were. For example, it was hard for you to get intimate with him and it took some time before you could even try. You would just get too nervous and in your head about everything.
You never had the best self esteem and you were ashamed for him to find out. You tried to hide it but over time he found out… he’s very perceptive and picked up on it quite fast. Again, he didn’t call you out for it. Instead he made it his purpose to go out of his way to give you little compliments every day, to make sure you know you’re beautiful and valued and loved. If he sees you closing yourself off, he’ll give you a hug and kiss the top of your head and assure you over and over again how beautiful you are and how much he loves you.
He is fine with taking things slow, and never pressures you. Honestly he thinks it’s kind of cute how bashful you become sometimes, how even after all this time of knowing each other he still has the power to make you nervous. He likes having that effect over you.
That being said, it’s so easy for him to get you flustered, and he takes every opportunity to do so. He has this way of speaking where when his entire attention is on you, his eyes stay trained on your face and he speaks slowly and languidly, and he tilts his head and smiles with the corner of his mouth-- like he’s sizing you up as prey. It gets you all antsy and squirmy, you often have to tell him “stop looking at me like that” and he just laughs and asks, “like what?”
He knows exactly what he’s doing
His voice just does things to you. The slow, elegant way he talks. His voice is deep and smooth like velvet, sort of raspy. He has this habit of whispering dirty things in your ears at random and when that happens… instant flaming cheeks. Your eyes get all wide and you stare into the distance in shock, mind replaying his words over and over again. He just pulls away and goes on with his day, smug smirk plastered on those beautiful lips.
Another way to get you easily flustered is if he does tiny stupid acts of kindness for you. Just little things that no one really thinks about, but when he does it it means the world to you. This includes bringing you your favorite drink on a random day just because he knows you like it, or getting you those flowers you were eyeing the other day, or leaving breakfast on the bedside table for you when you wake up, starting a bath for you after a long day, or bringing an extra pair of gloves with him in case it’s cold and you forgot yours. It’s these little things that make your cheeks get all red and your eyes all watery and you need to sit down cause no one’s ever treated you as good as Anakin.
Eye contact is hard for you. He can’t help that his eyes are just strangely intense, but he is good about getting you to look at him with a finger under the chin, or ducking down to catch your eye, or “look at me baby.” Instant butterflies.
Touch is his love language. You, on the other hand, were never used to much physical contact because you would never let anyone close. Suddenly, you had this boy who wanted to hold your hand, hug you, play with your hair, hold you, kiss you, pick you up and spin you around, everything. It took you some time to be able to do all that and be comfortable with it, and Anakin really showed how patient he could be with you which only made you like him more.
He constantly asks if you’re okay with certain things, or if he can do this or that. He just wants you to be comfortable around him.
Soon enough though you reciprocate each of these actions and more, and he couldn’t be happier. 
When you’re in private, he has to be touching you in one way or another at all times. Holding your hand, holding your waist while you’re baking, guiding you places with a hand to the small of your back, stroking your hair away from your face while lying down, resting his hand on your knee (or thigh if he’s feeling that way) while he’s piloting, ect. 
Loves to tease you for your height. It doesn’t bother you cause you know he doesn’t mean it in a harsh way. He does things like hold stuff over your head just to watch you reach and grab for it, purposefully hides things on tall shelves so you have to ask him for help, and one time he even put a booster seat on the co-pilot chair for you. That earned him a punch in the shoulder.
He doesn’t mind you being short though. He likes how when he pulls you in for a hug, you’re at just the right height where you can bury your face in his chest. Cuddling is so easy cause he can just wrap you in his arms and you’re the perfect size to curl up into him and be comfortable. If you wanna be the big spoon you wrap your arms around his neck and pull his head into your chest and press up against his back as much as you can. You kinda just look like a backpack.
He hates losing you in crowds though. If you’re not holding hands and he loses sight of you, he panics because you kind of have a tendency to just get swallowed up by large amounts of people. Not just due to your short stature, but your timid personality sometimes allows you to get pushed around. You can count on him shoving his way through the crowd to find you if you can’t make your way back. That’s why he always tries to hold hands if possible.
Needless to say, he’s very protective of you. If he hears anyone raising their voice at you, or insulting you in any way you can count on him to step right in to your defense. Remember what happened to Clovis? He has no problems reliving that incident if it comes to it.
Kissing is also a little difficult. Most times he has to bend down in order to reach you, other times you stand on your toes. Forehead kisses are his go-to.
It feels so good when he’s sitting, though, and you’re finally the same height or taller than him. You love being able to hold his face for once and take control of the kiss. He likes it too ;)
He always turns into such a soft boy around you. You’re so good and pure to him that he hates the thought of any evil and darkness corrupting you. He does everything in his power to shield you from the horrors of war that he has to face every day. He also loves taking a break from being that cocky, arrogant, reckless young Jedi around you. With you, he can be anything he wants, as you always see the best in him. Furthermore, he can share all of the emotions he has to hide from the Council with you-- fear, anger, sadness, love. You’re his pillar of strength that keeps him from leaving the order or turning to the dark side.
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obwjam · 4 years
the tiniest jedi: the hidden enemy, part 2
a/n: part two is here!!! i completely lost my focus in the middle of this but i finally was able to crank it out lmao this was originally going to be three parts but it’s gonna be four now or else this chapter would be like 8k words and uhh no thank u sir
>> part one
Rex had never felt this awkward in his short life. He did trust General Skywalker. He was programmed to follow orders. And despite the shock of seeing someone so small, he believed that the Jedi wouldn’t send someone to the front who wasn’t fully capable of handling themselves.
And yet, doubt nagged at the back of his mind. It didn’t really compute how someone so tiny could fight like Anakin. Or Obi-Wan. Or… any Jedi, really.
But above all, Rex had a duty to lead his men. If this General Nor’al was their commanding officer for the day, then he was going to respect it. Even if the rest of the 501st griped about it, he knew they would ultimately fall in line and do their duty.
He just hoped he wouldn’t have to bring back any bad news.
Briefing his ARC troopers went about as well as he expected it to. They were a little confused at first, wondering why Rex was pinching his fingers in such a way when he described the new general, and there were skeptical faces when he went over the plan.
“So you two will be on standby here and here, laying down cover fire while I get her as close to the tank as possible,” Rex explained. “At my word, we rendezvous here and Hawk will pick us up with the gunship.”
“Sounds like a good plan,” said one trooper. “But the catch is…”
“...she’s about as tall as a kriffing Zilkin,” another finished.
Rex cleared his throat, snapping his men back to attention. “Look, I know it’s a bit of a… strange situation. But General Skywalker is counting on us to make this work, and the information we get from that droid will save countless lives. It’s important that we execute this plan flawlessly.”
As Rex went to meet Obi-Wan and Jayla, he could only wonder how Cody was handling it all. Even though he wouldn’t be part of the stealth mission, he was no doubt aware that this tiny Jedi existed. Well, if Cody can look past the obvious, Rex thought, then I can too.
“Well, that went better than I was expecting.”
Jayla rolled her eyes at Obi-Wan’s comment as she stretched out on a small section of the table in a break room. Cody was leaning against the corner of the wall, helmet off. Obi-Wan insisted he be there while they wait.
“Are you kidding? That might have been the most awkward interaction I’ve ever had in my life,” Jayla sighed. “That’s saying a lot, you know.”
“Aw, cut him some slack,” Cody shrugged. “He was caught off-guard.”
Obi-Wan cracked a smile. “We owe that one to Anakin.”
“As much as I love blaming him, you did the exact same thing when I first met Cody,” Jayla tutted, standing up. “Remember that, Cody? It wasn’t that weird, was it?”
Cody snickered. In his mind, it was that weird, but he wasn’t going to admit it. It was sometime after the Battle of Geonosis, he couldn’t quite remember when. He didn’t participate, but he could feel the pain in the quavers of his brothers’ voices whenever they discussed it in passing.
It was strange that Obi-Wan wanted to meet him outside of the battlefield, and even stranger that their meeting place was the Jedi temple. Did he want to discuss battle strategy? Expectations? Requirements? He wasn’t made for small talk.
He glanced nervously around the halls as he knocked on a door he hoped was the right one. He could hear mumbling.
“Do come in,” a prim voice called out from the other side. Oh great. He’s one of these Jedi.
Cody walked in cautiously, unsure of who and what to expect. Obi-Wan was sitting cross-legged on a pillow with his back to the door. There was a knee-high table in front of him with two cups on either side. Obi-Wan was talking, too softly to make out, and presumably, to himself. Cody raised an eyebrow.
“Sorry, sir, if this is a bad time…” he stared, but Obi-Wan held his hand up.
“Not at all. I should have warned you that we might have a guest.”
Cody was about to open his mouth when he caught something in the corner of his eye. Something was moving on the table.
Cody’s hand flew to his blaster and he cocked it up in seconds. “Sir, don’t move. There’s something--”
“Commander!” Obi-Wan huffed as he stood swiftly. Cody’s eager eyes darted from Obi-Wan to the table, where… where a very, very small person was standing being a cup, wielding a lightsaber. Looking like a deer in headlights, Cody lowered his blaster.
“Sir--” Cody started, taking a step forward. He stopped when he saw the tiny figure flinch.
“Jay, it’s alright,” Obi-Wan said softly, taking a knee beside the table. “I asked him here.”
“That’s one of the clones?” the tiny girl asked warily, glancing up at Cody, whose face was bright red.
“This is Commander Cody, my new second-in-command,” Obi-Wan stated. “He’ll be leading the 212th Attack Battalion.”
“Oh.” She put away her lightsaber as Cody put his blaster back in its holster. “I-I’m Jayla Nor’al. I’m Master Yoda’s padawan.” She took a few shaky steps from behind the cup. “I’m sorry for the scare.”
Cody blinked. “It--it’s alright. Sorry about the blaster.”
Obi-Wan smiled. “Well, now that that’s all out of the way. Why don’t you take a seat, Commander. I hope you like tea.”
Cody smirked at the memory. “You Jedi sure have a thing for surprises,” he said cheekily. “Just give Rex some time. He’s a good soldier. He’ll get over it quickly.”
“I just hope he trusts me out there,” Jayla mumbled.
“Oh, I have no doubt he will,” Obi-Wan reassured. “The question is, will you trust him?”
Jayla’s eyes fell to the table. She hated the way Obi-Wan seemed to read her mind at the most inopportune times.
She didn’t get a lot of time to dwell on it as the door whooshed open and Rex cantered in. He first noticed Cody before his eyes fell right to Jayla. I should probably stop staring now.
“Captain,” Obi-Wan smiled as Rex removed his helmet. “Thank you for joining us.”
“Of course, sir,” Rex said stiffly. Seeing him with his helmet off, Jayla wasn’t sure what to make of him. If they were all, well, clones… why did this one look so different? Maybe it was the blond hair, or how worn down he looked. Or maybe it was the slight wideness of the eyes and the small pursing of his lips.
“I thought it would be beneficial for us to go over the plan once more in a quieter space,” Obi-Wan started. Rex, who was deliberately staring at the wall ahead of him to avoid looking down, broke his concentration when he could feel the heat of Obi-Wan’s gaze on him. “Captain, do you have a map of the terrain?”
“Yes sir,” Rex said, pulling the holoprojector from his belt. Without thinking, he set it down on the table. His eyes flashed down in concern, but Jayla calmly took a few steps back and found her way to Obi-Wan’s hand again.
“Well, the tac droid will be in this tank here,” Rex pointed. “It’s always the most heavily guarded, but we suspect they’ll be more clankers around it than usual.”
“My battalion and the rest of the attack squad will be over here, pushing through on the main road to the city,” Cody said as the map widened. “They’ll be hundreds of us. The chance of them noticing a few men splitting off is low.”
“General Nor’al, you’ll be with me,” Rex said. “I, uh, I don’t know exactly where you’d like to, uh, ride… but once you finish getting the information we need, meet me at the extraction point here. Hawk will come down with a gunship and we’ll be on our way.”
Jayla cleared her throat as Obi-Wan handed her a comically large piece of tech. “When I get in, I have to disable the tac droid first or else it’s gonna be impossible to do anything. Its weakness is in its neck, so as long as it’s engaged, I’ll be able to scale it without it noticing.” She heaved up the piece of tech, which was about the size of a rotary blaster to her. These were the moments that Obi-Wan tried hard not to smile and Jayla tried hard not to get flustered. “I’m going to plug into the droid at the base of its head. It shouldn’t take more than a few minutes for the download. I’ll cut a hole out the back of the tank and meet you for extraction,” she finished, glancing up at Rex. His face was stoic.
“Well, I think we’ve got a good grasp on this,” Obi-Wan said with a smirk. “Must be a nice change of pace for you, Captain. You hardly ever get the chance to follow a plan.”
“Whatever I need to do, General,” Rex replied. He jumped a little when Cody appeared next to him and put his hand on his shoulder.
“If you don’t mind, Generals, we’ll head down to the hangar for our equipment check,” Cody said. Obi-Wan nodded.
“Thank you, sirs,” Rex said, his gaze lingering on Jayla for a few extra seconds. Rex didn’t need the powers of the Force to know they were both thinking the same thing about each other. The signs of apprehension were universal. But for him, at least, the moment he stepped onto the battlefield was the moment his mind went blank and he was only concerned with achieving one goal. If she had the respect of both Kenobi and Skywalker, then what was the source of his unease? Why couldn’t he stop thinking about her, staring at her, worrying about her?
He was glad Cody got him out of there.
“So,” Obi-Wan said when the two clones left. “Where are you going to ride?”
“I was really trying not to think about that,” Jayla groaned. “You know, you didn’t have to bring him in to go over the plan again. I’m the one who came up with it.”
“You can never be too prepared.”
Jayla took a shaky breath. “And do I really have to go on the gunship with everyone? I don’t want anyone to stare.”
“How else are you planning on getting down to the planet’s surface? A free fall?”
“I think I’d rather,” she mumbled. “Well, do I have to--”
“--you can stay with me until we reach the ground,” Obi-Wan assured, his face softening. “It’s alright.”
Jayla released a breath she had been holding and plopped down, leaning against the curl of Obi-Wan’s fingers.
“Rex is one of the finest,” he said in a hushed voice. “He’ll take good care of you out there.”
“I’m not the one who needs taking care of,” she snapped. “I’m fine.”
“I can sense your worry.”
Jayla sighed. There really was no fooling Obi-Wan. “I just… I don’t want to mess up. I don’t want to… I want to make sure everyone gets back alright, you know? This is my mission. I’m responsible.”
Obi-Wan furrowed his brow. He figured the completion of the mission would have been her main focus. Gently, he raised the index finger on his free hand and stroked Jayla’s back. She flinched at his touch, but quickly melted into it. “As a Jedi, you are more than capable. As a leader, there are few who can inspire people like you do.” He paused to let her smile. “There are things in war you can’t control. Casualties are one of them. The men you lead in battle today will not be the same as the ones tomorrow.”
Jayla couldn’t find anything to say.
“You’ve gone over this one plan more times in the last thirty minutes than Anakin has with any plan his whole life.” That one earned a full laugh from her. “And when things inevitably go wrong, you will adapt. You are ready for this.”
Jayla looked up and met Obi-Wan’s clear blue eyes. In them, she only saw admiration. In him, she only felt confidence. She cracked a small smile, sat up and folded her legs criss-cross. She closed her eyes. The Force pulsed excitedly around her.
She was ready.
“How’d’you know her so well, anyway?”
Rex and Cody were just about at the hangar bay, and Rex was eager to know why she seemed to trust being around Cody but shied away from him.
“General Kenobi does a lot of negotiating in addition to his fighting,” Cody laughed. “She’s with him quite a lot on those trips. I imagine it’s deliberate on his part. Gets her used to being around clones and all that.”
“Well, that explains why I’ve never met her before,” Rex snickered. “General Skywalker never negotiates.”
Cody smirked. “But I wouldn’t say I know her well. She… doesn’t take to people very easily. Still has never let me take her anywhere, despite my plentiful offers. I’ve only ever seen her with Kenobi or Skywalker.”
“Must be a Jedi thing,” Rex snorted. Of course she has a thing against clones.
“Well, if the Jedi are all she’s ever known, I can’t say I blame her,” Cody countered. He could easily see Rex’s irritation in the form of his clenched fists. “The galaxy is not built for people her size. Especially a galaxy at war.”
Rex hummed. He had… never really thought of it that way. “Have you seen her in action before?”
“A few times, when negotiations went south. She moves quicker than anyone I’ve ever seen, that’s for sure. And if she gets scared, she doesn’t show it. I don’t think I’d be able to do what she does if everyone towered over me like a kriffing building.”
Rex pursed his lips, trying to visualize for the first time what it might look like if his brothers stood a hundred feet taller than him. He shivered at the thought.
“Rex? You alright, vod?”
Cody had stopped walking. They were at the hangar. Red swallowed.
“I’m… I guess I’m just surprised someone so small could be such a powerful Jedi.”
“Trust me,” Cody said, slipping his helmet on, “you’re not the only one.”
Rex humphed as he followed suit, joining his small group of ARCs near the larger 501st. Close by were Obi-Wan and Anakin, chatting amongst themselves. He almost didn’t notice Jayla on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, legs swinging as she laughed at something Anakin said. Well, she certainly looks happier.
“Just hang on tight, and you’ll have nothing to worry about!” Anakin said as they climbed into the gunship.
“There’s a reason I’m trusting Obi-Wan instead of you here,” Jayla snipped, regaining her balance as Obi-Wan reached his arm up to grab a handle. “He wouldn’t jerk his shoulder really hard to make sure I was secure enough.”
“Are you telling me he’s not preparing you properly? That’s interesting.”
“Tell me why they stuck me on this mission with both of you,” Obi-Wan groaned, pinching the brim of his nose.
Jayla grinned. “Maybe it’s punishment.”
“No crime is worth this.”
Rex sniffed a laugh under his helmet. She’s just like a mini Anakin.
With a ferocious whoosh, the gunship doors sealed shut and the engine fired up. As quickly as the jokes had come before, any semblance of lightheartedness was gone now. Jayla tightened her grip on Obi-Wan’s robe, Obi-Wan cupped his free hand in front of her, and Anakin stood alert, keeping a close eye on their surroundings.
Rex couldn’t keep his eyes off her, either. When the gunship lurched forward as it took to the air, even he could see how white her knuckles were. She kept her eyes trained on a single stationary item in front of her, trying to stay steady and ignore the small glances she was getting from the 15 other clones packed inside. She stayed fairly still through it all, but every jerk of the ship as it picked up speed and entered the atmosphere caused her face to contort into a sick grimace. Rex could only imagine how many of his other daily experiences were like a nightmare to her.
Jayla could feel Rex’s gaze on her. Something about that was comforting as they rumbled toward the surface. Even over the wind, she could hear the sharp pitch of blaster fire. There was a lot of it.
Her stomach keeled when the gunship made its slow descent to the ground. It was time.
“Jayla?” Obi-Wan spoke as soft as he possibly could over the noise. “I’m going to give you over to Rex now. Are you ready?”
Jayla could only nod as Obi-Wan moved his hand in front of her and she stepped on. She wobbled when Obi-Wan took a few steps forward to meet Rex, who was trying not to seem so flustered. Anakin’s hand was resting on his lightsaber.
Obi-Wan made the split-second decision to place her on Rex’s shoulder pauldron. There wasn’t a whole lot to grab onto, so a wide surface would make it easier for her to stay steady. He knew she wasn’t going to like being in Rex’s hand, and he could sense Rex’s unease with that possibility.
With a little bit of hesitation, she leaped off Obi-Wan’s hand and onto the pauldron, taking note of how it felt like walking on a training mat instead of the hard plastoid she assumed it was. Rex turned his head as best he could not only to make sure she was secure, but to get a better look at her. It was hard to see what she looked like from so far away, but she was mere inches from him now. He didn’t really know what he was expecting, but he was still surprised to see she looked… human. Her long hair was pulled into a loop, like a ponytail but the end was tucked back into its elastic. Her ears were slightly pointed, but almost by a negligible amount. With the sleeve of her tunic blowing around in the wind, he could barely see the tiny markings of a tattoo on her wrist. She was definitely fit to fight — her arms were toned and her face looked battle-hardened. Well, save for the way her wide eyes seemed to tremble as she stared at the ground from her new vantage point.
“Are you okay, General?”
General. It took a moment for Jayla to realize Rex was addressing her.
“Hm—yeah— yeah, I’m good,” she said, staggering her legs for better balance. There was absolutely nothing to grab onto. If all else failed, there was always the ammo box pinned to his chest. “Just—try not to make any sudden movements. Or lean forward. Or fall.”
“Can’t make any promises, General,” Rex replied, dead serious. He splayed his fingers and held his palm out flat. “You sure you don’t want to—“
“I’m fine here, Captain,” she grumbled. “Let’s get going.”
She wasn’t sure what to expect when the doors to the gunship opened, but never in a thousand years could she have been prepared for it.
The towering buildings of Christophsis merely faded into the background for her; like mountains too far off in the distance to properly understand their size. The whole planet had a green hue to it, but the air was thick with red and blue blaster bolts whizzing by in either direction. Jayla could barely get a sense of where she was by eyesight alone. When she finally snapped out of her entranced state, she shut her eyes and let the Force tell her what she needed to know. Droids to her left. Hundreds of them. Thousands. Battle droids, destroyers, super battle droids. All arranged in an impossibly precise formation. To her right, the GAR. Hundreds of clones with heavy breath and piercing shouts in organized chaos. Every few seconds, she felt a sharp pain, like the poke of a needle on her back. Someone got shot. Someone got back up. Someone didn’t.
Through it all, Jayla was still able to hear Anakin's upbeat voice. “Good luck out there, General!”
Jayla managed a laugh, watching with a small smile as Anakin and Obi-Wan ignited their sabers and jumped head-on into the oncoming fire. Rex hopped out of the gunship with two other troopers with the same swooping shoulder pauldrons. Jayla immediately fell to one knee and threw her hand down for extra support as Rex charged forward, finding shelter behind what appeared to be a large piece of metal.
He turned to his troopers and pointed across the way, where there was an elevated structure along the main road. “Positions!” The two ARCs nodded and sprinted over. “That’ll be a good place to lay down some cover,” Rex said to himself as he flipped down his HUD.
“There.” He pointed to a row of tanks several hundred yards away. “The tac droid’s in the middle one.”
Jayla nodded, forgetting that Rex couldn’t see her. She quickly began carving out the best path to get them there safely, which unfortunately required a lot of places where they would be fully exposed.
“I hope those guys are a good shot,” she called out. “Or else we’re toast.”
“There are a lot of clankers out there... stay low and hold on tight, sir,” Rex said, giving her a moment to adjust her position. He flinched at the sudden sound of a small whoosh. Her lightsaber.
“Let’s go, Rex.”
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writer1 · 4 years
A Jedi's wolf
Part 1
Anakin lays in his bed, thinking about his boyfriend, Rex. It's been fifteen long years since he's seen him, Rex was with Ahsoka during order 66.
They both separated since it was safer, Ahsoka them met up with Anakin a few years later. Ever since they reunited, Anakin and his Padawan have been trying to get ahold of Rex. But it's all for not.
Anakin misses him so much, ever since his near death at the hands of Palpatine he's been trying to find Rex. It was hard at first, Palpatine did some real damage before Master Windu saved him.
Palpatine cut off all of his remaining limbs, Anakin still gets severe phantom pain on bad days. He still wears the glove on his left hand though, he thinks it looks cool. And he can make people think that it's his only remaining limb, he had a lot of fun with that when Kanan asked for "a hand" with the ghost.
Ahsoka's bee very secretive these past few days though, first it was this person she sent the ghost crew after, now she won't tell him who it is, skittering around the details about them.
Anakin hears a knock on the door, he pushes himself up. He brushes his fingers through his long hair, trying to make himself look at least a little bit presentable. Ahsoka told him that she would be sending the new Rebel up to talk to him, he has no idea why she always sends them up to talk, but she does.
"Coming!" Anakin yells out as he checks himself in the mirror, he looks good enough. He walks over and swings the door open, ready to say the usual welcome to the Rebellion speech but what he see's freezes him in place.
It's an older man with a bald head and fluffy white beard, Anakin doesn't know who it is for a minute but then it clicks.
"Rex?" Anakin asks quietly, he prays to the force that he isn't wrong, that this isn't just a brother that looks more like Rex. The man nods, looking equally as shocked as Anakin.
"Rex!" Anakin slams into him full force, wrapping his arms tightly around Rex, never wanting to let go again. He lets out a sob, unable to hold it back.
Rex pulls him even closer, tears falling down his face as he kisses Anakin's tears away.
"You're alive." Rex whispers quietly as he kisses Anakin, he can't believe it. He's thought that Anakin died for years, Rex looks down to see the new cybernetic arm. He pulls away, cupping Anakin's cheek.
"What happened! Who hurt you!" Anakin looks down, he knows that it's going to be different.
"Palpatine. It's not just my arm either, he got both my legs too." Rex feels rage boil up in him, but he pushes it down.
"I'll kill him if I ever get the chance." Rex grumbles and Anakin pulls him in for a kiss, it makes Rex smile.
"Come on, I'll show you around. Then we can thank Ahsoka for this." Rex nods, and grabs Anakin hand as he's lead out of the room, happy to be home.
It's been a few weeks since Rex had joined the Rebellion and he's loved it, Gregor and Wolffe ended up joining too.
Rex has been helping Anakin through his bad days, but he's been trying to figure out how to tell Anakin his secret. He's a Werewolf, it happened during the siege of Mandalore.
Ahsoka helped him, but he had her promise not to tell anyone. Including Anakin, the only people who know are Ahsoka, Gregor and Wolffe. They've all tried to convince him to tell Anakin but he's to scared, he doesn't want Anakin to hate him.
He has a mission with Anakin, the ghost crew and his brothers, he just hopes that it goes well.
"Come on, Rex!" Rex sighs as he shoots down the stormtroopers, they were found out and everyone is fighting. They are in the middle of a fire fight.
"Anakin! Where are yah going!"
"I'm going to make it to the base, we need those supplies." Rex grunts, this mission was supposed to be simple, get into the empires base using stealth, get the supplies and get out. But it never goes the way it's supposed to go.
"I'm going with him, make sure he doesn't get himself killed!" Everyone nods as Rex goes running.
"Are missions with Skywalker always like this?"
"Pretty much." Ahsoka answers Kanan as Rex goes running after Anakin.
He falls behind and he searches the base, shooting down and fighting any stormtroopers that Cross his path. He knows that Anakin is going for the large hanger bay, if he opens up the door Hera can pick up everyone else and fly over, they'll hopefully have enough time to get the supplies and get out.
Rex runs into the hanger bay, but what he sees makes his blood boil in rage. Anakin is being beaten by stormtroopers, but not just stormtroopers.
There's another Werewolf with black fur, he must have been part of the empire before he was bit. The Wolf has clawed Anakin's chest, leaving deep slash wounds and all four of his cybernetics have been destroyed. He can see Anakin breathing and hear his tiny whimpers.
Rex knows that he has to protect Anakin, and he knows that's there's only one way that he'll have a chance too. The troopers see him, they don't think anything of him, but the Werewolf knows better, he can smell what Rex is.
Rex starts to concentrate, making himself transform. The Wolf let's him, he's bored and wants a challenge. Killing human Rebels can only be fun for so long.
Rex groans in pain as the transformation starts, he doesn't even bother to take his armor off. He'd rather it break than give them anymore time to hurt Anakin, his voice grows deeper everytime he groans as he kneels on the floor.
His body grows bigger, armor starting to bend. It hurts even more when the armor tightens around him, but the problem is taken care of when it starts to pop off, chestplate first.
Anakin is in a world of pain, that Wolf like beast came out of no where. He senses when Rex walks in, he's had a force inhibitor, the thing stabbed him with the dart.
But it's a lower kind, he can sense everything but can't harness it. As soon as he senses Rex all Anakin feels is fear that this thing will kill him.
Anakin hears the groans of pain but hasn't sensed the Wolf move, so he fights through his agonizing pain and turns on his stomach. He sees Rex start to transform, armor popping off and his eyes widen. Anakin has no idea what's happening.
Rex keeps growing bigger, fur sprouting out all over him. He has no idea that Anakin's watching, and wouldn't care if he did know.
Rex squeezes his eyes shut to block out the pain as his mouth elongates into a snout. The pain lessens and he can finally catch his breath as the transformation finishes, he stands up and shakes himself off.
Rex has grey fur with specks of white with a large area of white fur where his beard once was, he has a large fluffy tail that sways back and forth. He looks over at the black Wolf angrily, glancing down to see Anakin staring back at him in fear and shock.
Rex feels so bad for scaring him but that doesn't matter now, the other Wolf launches himself at Rex. Anakin watches as both werewolves fight, he can't believe what his boyfriend has become.
He wonders how it happened, and when it happened. Anakin. Tries to stand up to help Rex fight, but he screams in pain and falls back down, his cybernetics are ruined.
Rex hears the scream as he sees Anakin trying to get up, only to fall back to the ground in pain, he loses it and attacks the black Wolf with no mercy.
The black Wolf slashes Rex with its claws in so many places but Rex ignores the agonizing pain, biting the Wolf's throat. He can taste the blood as he forces the Wolf to the ground, and it takes its last breath.
It transforms back into a human, Rex recognizes him as one of the leaders of the Empire's fleet. He stands up as the rest of the stormtroopers run in fear, he limps over and open's up the bay doors then hurries to Anakin.
"Anakin? Ani, are you okay." Rex picks Anakin up gently, cradling his broken body in his large arms, his ears are pressed tightly against his head and he lets out a whine, Anakin looks up at Rex with wide eyes.
"Rex?" He asks and Rex nods.
"Y-Yeah, it's me. I'm here." Anakin looks up at Rex in fear and shock, he tries to speak but finally passes out from the severity of his injuries, all Rex can feel is fear.
"Ani! Anakin wake up! please." Rex whimpers out the last part as he presses his forehead against Anakin's
Hera gets the ship in the hanger bay and everyone jumps out, the ghost crew pull their guns and lightsaber's out, aiming for Rex.
"Wait! Stop it's Rex!" Ahsoka runs in front of him and so does his brothers, Gregor walk's back to check on them both.
"You okay Rex."
"Check Anakin first." Rex tells him, he doesn't care how injured he is, Anakin comes first.
"Okay brother, I'll check your Riduur first." Gregor takes Anakin as Hera comes running out of the ghost to check on Anakin and Rex, the rest of the ghost crew are either loading the supplies or keeping guard.
"Rex, you and Gregor get Anakin into the ghost. We have medical supplies on board, we're almost done here." They both nod, and Rex picks Anakin up.
He may be injured but his Wolf form helps him power through it. Rex limps into the ghost followed by Gregor, Rex sits down on the ground as Gregor grabs the medical supplies. He sets Anakin on his lap, wrapping his tail around his crossed legs.
Thank the force the kaminoans did one food thing and taught all troopers basic medical knowledge. Rex looks Anakin over, it's pretty bad.
"He's going to be okay Rex." Rex nods at Gregor, unable to speak. Gregor starts bandaging Anakin up and Rex prays to the force that he'll be okay.
Tagging: @ahsokatano-thetogruta @captainrexisboo @pro-fangirls-unsocial-life
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Boys I’m obsessed with
You know those people you just look at and you’re in love. Oh yeah...it hit’s different. For me It’s mostly their personality or attitude that make me fall head over heels, but you certainly can’t deny that the’ve got the looks too. Here are a few boys I am obsessed with. Enjoy my darlings;)
Kol Mikaelson 
It’s sooo easy to fall in love with this original vampire, am I right? He is soo fucking hot, his smile is drop dead gorgeous and his accents is hot af. 
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Anakin Skywalker
Next in line is Anakin fucking skywalder. Oh my goodness, I don’t know what made me so obsessed with him. His attitude maybe? Or his looks? Doesn’t matter if I’m being honest. I was forced to watch ALL the Star Wars Movies with my lovely boyfriend and he probably regretted it afterwards, because I was talking all about how great Anakin was...All. The. Time......ooopsie. 
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Did anyone of you watch ZNation? No? You have to! It is such a good series and I fell so hard for 10 thousand. He was soo fucking cute and his smile just made my heart melt. Oh god and to be honest 10 K would be the only person I would want by my side in a freaking apocalypse. 
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Damon Salvatore 
Sarcastic? Check. Hot af? Check. Bad boy gone soft? Check. Ok, I’m falling...Every TVD Fan will agree with me: Damon Salvatore is one hell of a guy. I loved him starting in season one and I love him since. 
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Jess Mariano 
Any Gilmore Girls fans around here? Nope? What a pity. Best show ever. I loved it so so so much! My mom and me always watched it together and I would cancell my friends just for watching 2 freaking episodes on TV with my mom every night. It’s been a while since then but I will never forget it. Ok now let’s move on to my favourite guy: Jess Mariano. Always and Forever Team Jess. He and Rory are endgame. Can’t tell me any different. He has such a good humor, his sarcastic lines are EVERYTHING and he was a really handsome guy in his teenage years (I’m not quite a fan of beards I must say). 
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Please Tommy...Please. I am fucking crying right now. Read the books. Watched the movies. And I am soo in love with Newt. He is soo fucking cute and such a great character in the Maze Runner Series. He deserved everything. Considering my type is dark hair and (mostly) brown eyes it’s surprising I am so obsessed with Newt. Doesn’t matter. Newt is cute ;) 
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Alec Lightwood and Jace Herondale 
Yayy...Shadowhunters is one of my favourite shows and The mortal instruments (plus TID + TDA) are my favourite books. Ok, let’s get into it. I LOVE Jace in the books, I am totally obsessed with him. I also love him in the show, but book-jace was just better. I mean he is hot and all, but idk i just really liked book-jace. Alec Lightwood on the other hand: I liked him in the books but i LOVE him in the show. His development as a character is just better portraited in the show (at least that’s my opinion). But since he is gay and with magnus, I just can’t find him THAT attractive. I mean he is, but just not in a I-want-you-to-fuck-me-senseless kind of sexy. Still, those two guys are just perfection. Non sexual obsession can still be obsession :D  And Jace is hot, but he is blond so not REALLY my type. Still two very very handsome guys. 
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Kai Parker
oh don’t even get me started. I guess psychopaths are just my thing. He is soo fucking funny btw so how could you not enjoy watching every fucking scene he is in? I always hated that they killed him in TVD. He had sooo much potential, especially since he melted with Lucas and kinda got a heart you could say. It could have been such a great character development and a freaking epic storyline, but no, they killed him.... Still not over it. As if Damon, Stefan or any other guy in this f***ing show was any better than him. I mean come on? Ok well he killed his family that’s another level of crazy but Stefan killed his father too so i guess that isn’t a reason to make someone the bad guy....Still don’t get it and never will but here you go: My obsession with Kai Parker.
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Jughead Jones
There, I said it. Riverdale is maybe not my favourite show, but it just fucked with my brain and I didn’t go through this rolercoaster to not stick with it until the very end ;) Bughead is fucking endgame, you know it guys. I fucking loved every scene of Betty and Jughead together and I hope they don’t break them up, atleast not for good. Moving on to my favourite Riverdale-Boy: Jug. Love him, just love him. Not a fuck-me kind of way but a fuck-Betty-and-I-will-love-it kind of way. Those two are always together in my head so no chance for my weird fictional boys fantasies. Nope, but still: Jughead Jones is my favourite, I just don’t like Archie I-have-no-shirt Andrews and his behavior, so going for the weirdo. And let’s be honest: The way he smiles is just soo adorable.
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Ok...Let’s move on to my weird obsessions.
Peter Pan 
I’m going to be honest with you guys: I have NEVER watched Once Upon A Time and I don’t think I ever will, but I watched some scenes on YouTube. And there it is: My obsession with Peter Pan. The bad guy. The king of Neverland. The fucking guy that just catched me with his charisma. The way he is so confident, knows exactly what he wants. I can’t help it but think about how fucking hot it would be to be the only Lost girl, getting his attention and being dominated by this bastard. I don’t know but he would sure be dominant in bed. Just imagine him: choking, demanding... Considering he used to be a character I loved as a child (the Disney Version at least) it is quiet weird, but who tf cares about that? 
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Ok that is enough for now...Hope I didn’t make you unconfortable my darlings ;) I guess I just have a type, you know...Dark hair is just a must have for me and I do love every eyecolor but dark blue, dark green or brown just hit different. Anyways let me know if you watched any of the movies or shows or read any books that were mentioned here AND if you are equally obsessed with any of those guys.
Love you, my darlings. xoxo
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evabellasworld · 3 years
Storm of the Republic
Chapter 26
AO3 Link | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26
Summary:  When Tup murdered General Tiplar during a battle, Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex dispatched Ahsoka, Fives, and Yara to solve the mystery that was plaguing the Clone Army. Meanwhile, Senator Padme Amidala contacted Commander Fox, Commander Tori, Riyo Chuchi, and Dipper to help her continue investigating the death of Palpatine, suspecting that Dooku was behind the evil plot. But when Dooku send an ISB agent to stop them, the team had to race against time to search for the truth, which could alter the course of the galaxy.
“So, how are we getting inside?” Tori asked, sitting next to Fox in speeder. “Like, what’s the plan?”
Fox turned to her in a blank eye, his brows furrowed. “Do you ever pay attention, Tor? Like, are you always daydreaming whenever you’re being brief about something important?”
“You never even told us,” she crossed her arms as she tapped Dipper’s sleeves, catching the ARC Trooper’s attention. “Dip, please tell me what Commander Fox said about this stealth mission?”
Dipper lifted his shoulders, holding a datapad in his hands. “He only told us that Riyo and I were the ones who will sneak into the Chancellor’s penthouse and grab the files from there. You two were supposed to watch the speeder in case things go wrong.”
Pouting her lips, she focused her gaze towards the view of the city, which was much livelier than last night. There were people pacing up and down the streets, going about with their daily life, while the lights from skyscrapers and houses were lit. Tori couldn’t believe what she was seeing.
There were schoolchildren clad in uniforms rushing towards their classrooms while office workers had their blazers and blouses on, carrying their datapads and briefcases. This was like how it was 6 months ago, before the war came to the capital of the Republic, which the Empire tried to crumble with their iron fists.
As long as they were people fighting for the Republic, then it still exists to Tori, Fox, Riyo, and Dipper. Riyo saw the smiles on the citizen’s faces, which made her lips curled downwards. She enjoys seeing others happy, but somehow, she doesn’t share their sentiments.
Are they really content with their life? The former senator pondered, glancing at the little Rodian boy, who was enjoying his ice-cream underneath the sunny day, which reminded her of home.
Riyo misses the paddy fields on Pantora. Her father used to harvest a massive field of rice, and brought a sack of harvest for the entire family. It wasn’t much, but she enjoyed the rice that was grown just kilometres away from her village home. If her father was lucky, he would also bring some eels, which tasted juicy.
“So once Dipper and I got the files, does that mean we’re leaving Coruscant?” she asked Fox.
“Yes, dear, we’re bringing Senator Amidala with us after this,” Fox affirmed. “We can’t stay here for too long. It’s not safe for all of us here.”
“So, what do we do with the files? Padmé did suggested us to show them to the Imperial Senate.”
“I know she did, but the general’s order was to get the senator out of the planet and head back to base. It’s too risky to head into the Senate building. We don’t even know what’s waiting for us down there.”
“Foxy has a point,” Tori agreed. “This planet is under heavy surveillance. If we are caught, then it could compromise not only the location of our base but also the number of our army as well. We’ve lost so many soldiers in battle, and we can’t afford to lose anymore.”
Riyo frowned from their answers, making Fox sighed. “Look, I understand you want to help your friend, and I’m all for it, but we also need to think about us as well. I know it seems selfish, but we can’t always have it all.”
“I understand, dear,” she gave a weak smile. “Let’s hope our plans go smoothly. We don’t want anyone interfering with it.”
Dipper chirped. “Don’t worry about it. By the time the Imps realized it, we would already be long gone by now. I have a good feeling that we will successfully escape from Coruscant with ease.”
“Fingers crossed on that. I really don’t want to be interrogated by the Imperial secret police. From what I heard, no one made it out alive.”
“Speak of the devil, and he will come to you,” Tori scolded Riyo. “We don’t want any sort of trouble during this mission.”
It better not, Fox hoped, as he drove in mid-air, searching for Palpatine’s penthouse through his scope. He had been there many times before, and memorised every single room in his building, including the bathroom. He was in charge of security along with Thorn, which was important for him to know the building schematic. He never said his last goodbyes to Thorn, or spent their last moment together before the latter was gone.
On the other hand, he wasn’t particularly sad that Palpatine died, but if those files mean turning the tide of the war, then he has no other choice. I hope his misdeeds were recorded, so that everyone knows what a terrible man he was.
As Fox noticed the penthouse’s balcony from afar, he slowed down the speeder, driving away from the highway. “We’ll be arriving in 5 minutes,” he informed them. “Get into position.”
“Yes, Commander,” Dipper saluted, as he gave a wink at Riyo, who was clutching her hands together. “Don’t worry. I’ve done this kind of mission before. You’ll befine, Riyo. We believe in you.”
“May the Force be with all of us,” she prayed, as they arrived in front of the lobby, which was on the ground floor. With silence surrounding them, the former senator noticed plenty of overgrown weed between the bricks on the grounds.
No one was inside the apartments, except for the complete void inside. There were people here when the Chancellor was still alive. Did the Empire forced them out as well?
Fox and Tori glanced at them, giving them a nod. “Good luck, and be careful,” Tori said. “We don’t know what’s in there.”
“We will, commander,” Dipper acknowledged, as he gestured to Riyo to follow him inside the abandoned apartment.
As they stepped inside the lobby, both of them noticed the red carpet was torn, covered in fungus. The paint on the walls was peeled off, and the fluorescent lights were hanging on the ceiling, waiting to crash on the floor.
“It looks scary in here,” Riyo commented, glancing at the vacant receptionist counter. “What do you think happened here?”
Dipper observed many blast marks in the room's corner, clicking his tongue. “Whatever it is, I doubt the tenants here left voluntarily,” he replied as he turned towards the lift and pressed the button, much to her bewilderment.
“Are you sure this lift is working?”
Before he could answer, the lift door opened, with the background music playing and the golden lights working. “Well, looks like your question is answered, Ri. After you.”
“Thank you, kind sir,” she smiled and walked inside, pressing the button that leads all the way upstairs. “I’m surprised there’s still something working here. I wonder who switched on the power?”
Dipper felt uneasy as they arrived at the penthouse, which was well kept, despite no one living there for months. He felt the cooling air coming from the air-conditioning and the scent of nutmeg lingering, prompting him to draw out his blaster.
“Riyo, I don’t think we’re alone,” he warned her. “Stay closer to me.”
“Alright then,” Riyo bobbed her head, holding a blaster as well. “The files could be in his studies, but we have to be careful not to trigger the sensors.”
“That’s why I’m here,” he took out his Onderonian army knife, as he tiptoed towards the study room, where everything on the bookshelves were arranged in order.
Riyo remembered how the place was. She attended a party in the Chancellor’s penthouse, where many of her colleagues were there, along with close associates. There was champagne and wine, and she only had a sip of the sweet alcohol. She also had some cream puffs at the party, and offered them to Fox, who was in charge of security. He enjoyed the pastry, and Riyo would love to make them for him, when there’s a place to bake, of course.
“The sensors are on the top shelf. Maybe that’s where the files are.”
“Good eye, senator,” Dipper praised. “I’ll disable it for you.”
“Alright,” she took a deep breath, as she wore her rubber gloves, which won’t leave any trace of fingerprints. Riyo never done a stealth mission before, and she will not fail their team.
Stretching his arms, the ARC Trooper flipped the switch behind the small, black sensors, deactivating it. Using his screwdriver on the pocket knife, he slowly removed them from his shelf, tossing them aside. Riyo searched through every file from the bookshelves, starting from the letter ‘A’.
Audits for Coruscant, Audits for Alderaan, Banking Clan accounts, well, that’s a lot of files that start with the letter ‘B’. Bursary Market, Core World populations…
Dipper tapped his foot as Riyo was still searching through the files. He never thought it wouldn’t take long, but he was mistaken. He always thought anything involving paperwork was easy, but it was otherwise. Counting files from ‘A’ to ‘Z’ was quite a challenge for the both of them, and time is not on their sides. Now I understand why Commander Fox hated paperwork so much.
“The Death of the Young twins, Grand Army of the Republic Protocols,” Riyo muttered underneath her breath, wiping her sweat on her forehead. “Project Cyborg, Project Starfleet, wait, I think I found it.”
“You did?” his face lit up. “Can I see?”
“Yeah sure, the file was named The Assassination of Chancellor Palpatine,” she showed him. “It was pretty easy to find it, if you ask me.”
“Yeah, sure,” he groaned, his clammy hands still gripped on his pistol. “I still think this was too easy. I have a funny feeling something bad is going to happen to us soon.”
“We should head to the lift,” Riyo reminded, hiding the files underneath her blazer. “We can’t keep Fox and Tori waiting.”
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
⤷ about me
my birthday is on august 18
my ride or die is @darthkruge​
i love star wars
obi wan kenobi is my fav jedi! & him and anakin skywalker are my favorite characters
my favorite sw movie is rogue one, and my all-time fav films are interstellar, top gun (both!!), arrival, and the dark knight
i have a dog whom i named after the wookie himself! chewie :) he sleeps with 4 layers and prefers to eat rice for dinner.
i'm a rising college sophomore studying marketing and design!
i love rice (you’ll probably catch me talking about rice quite a lot lmao)
i’m 5′2
buy me tickets to top gun, disney world, my favorite foods, or a lightsaber, and you’ve officially won my heart
i’m extroverted
i’m an ESTJ
my enneagram type is 8!
i can kill a fly with just my bare hands and a tissue. don’t try me.
⤷ faq (+ some other important q’s answered)
who do you write for? 
obi-wan kenobi
han solo
poe dameron
cassian andor
luke skywalker
anakin skywalker
din djarin
pete “maverick” mitchell
bradley “rooster” bradshaw
jake “hangman” seresin
javy "coyote" machado
mickey "fanboy" garcia
reuben "payback" fitch
robert "bob" floyd
ethan hunt
benji dunn
steve rogers
bucky barnes
sam wilson
peter parker
and here’s who i will NOT write for:
kylo ren
any inc*st/large age gap/etc ships
do you take requests?
yes i do! if requests are open please feel free to do so. currently they are closed. i am on hiatus at the moment, but i most likely won't be opening requests for a while.
why aren’t you posting my request? why isn’t it up yet??
please keep in mind that i have a life of my own outside tumblr! i’m currently juggling a LOT so  if i don’t get to your request right away or decide not to write it i promise you i’m not being rude! i either just need some time to get my creative juices flowing, or i may just be busy atm. life is so crazy rn please don’t blame me fasdfasdf
however, if you continue to consistently bug me about your request being posted, i won’t post it. if you are rude in any way about the process, i will block you.
with that being said, i reserve the right to turn down requests. (whether said request is something i just can’t write, don’t feel comfortable writing, etc)
where is (fic name)? why can’t i find it? why did you delete your old fics?
if you can’t find my fic, i either just took it off my masterlist so that people wouldn’t find it as easily, or i deleted it altogether. 
as for why i’ve deleted some of my fics, i just didn’t feel comfortable keeping them up here. some of them were partially plagiarized (and i feel embarrassed at the fact that they’ve stayed up for this long. how did my dumb self not realize that lmfao) so i took them down; others i straight up hated so i removed them. 
can you add me to your taglist(s)?
you can click the taglist link in my bio, or just fill out the form here! or simply message me and i can add you myself! if i end up doing series in the future, i’ll be announcing separate taglists for that, and they’ll be added to the taglist form :)
can i add you to my taglist? can i tag you in things?
please please please tag me in stuff! :)) i’m currently tracking the tag #usersua. as for taglists, i’ll add myself to them on my own accord but whenever i announce that anyone can add me to theirs, because i’d love to catch up on some fic reading (i’ll do this from time to time) then you can!
⤷ do not interact if 
–over 32 and under 13, unless i follow you first
–racist, sexist, tr*mp supporter, pedophile, etc
–if you’re toxic (this should b a given though)
–ffs pls tag your nsfw posts if you’re 18+. although i'm not a minor anymore, i'm personally not comfortable with seeing tons of smut on my feed. i’m so sick and tired of this so if you continuously don’t tag appropriately i will block you, without hesitation
⤷ what i will not write
–male!reader (&before you come into my inbox bashing me for this i don’t feel comfortable writing it. i have 0 zero experience and would rather not write about it at all than accidentally upset someone)
–plus size!reader (same reasoning goes for as to why i won’t write male!reader. focusing on a specific body type for a fic makes me uncomfortable as i suffer with body dysmorphia myself)
–student/teacher, assistant/boss, any sort of power imbalances
–mental health issues & suicide. these are topics that hit close to home for me so it makes me uncomfortable to even consider writing about them. (i’m willing to write minor/brief mentions of anxiety and such because i deal with it on the daily, but that is the sole exception i’ll make)
–terminal illnesses
–love triangles
–any other topic that i am not educated enough on or anything that makes me feel uncomfortable, because i don’t want to portray the wrong message by posting it
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ohgodmyeyes · 4 years
Dream Boy
Pairing - Ferus x Anakin
Warnings - Smut, explicit sex, NSFW, slightly dubious consent
Summary - After catching Ferus staring at him one day in the library, Anakin decides to meddle with his fellow Padawan at what may very well be the only time he displays any semblance of vulnerability.
2650 words
(xPosting this story here because I didn’t realize how shamefully uncommon this pairing is. The internet as a whole needs more Ferus/Anakin. I might have close to zero followers on tumblr, but I’m determined to do my part for these boys anyway.)
"What's the matter, Ferus? Like what you see?"
"Of course I don't— now quiet yourself, Anakin. I can hardly hear my own thoughts."
 The boy was insufferable. He was careless and brash, and it seemed as though he scarcely ever took the time to think before speaking or acting. He was inordinately powerful, incredibly talented (unfairly so, for as little effort as he put into excelling), and treated far better by his Master than Ferus thought he deserved.
He had also, somehow, transformed over the course of the past few years into the most beautiful young man anybody was likely to ever lay their eyes on— and yes, of course Ferus liked what he saw. Hell if he would ever have admitted it, though.
"Damnit," Ferus cursed, as he rolled over onto his side. He was alone right now, alone in his bed; however, sleep on this particular night was not coming easily to him. Or, rather, it was— but it was being ceaselessly interrupted. Interrupted by him.
It had been this way for weeks, really... since long before the cheeky little remark from Anakin in the library which had no doubt exacerbated the problem. Sometimes the two of them would be standing before one another with their lightsabers drawn, and sometimes they would even duel. Those dreams weren't so bad; they didn't cause Ferus to sit bolt upright in a hot sweat with his own arousal shamefully plaguing him. The other dreams, though...
Those dreams only served to frustrate him; vex him— upset him. Ferus hated to feel upset, because to feel upset with no recourse was a symptom of blatant immoderation.
Tonight, they'd been wrapped up in each other's arms; naked, too— entirely naked, lips pressed together and hands grabbing, caressing, feeling. Feeling everything. Ferus did not want to feel Anakin this way; didn't want to feel victimized by his own desires. He shouldn't have desires, not ones like this. He was going to be a Jedi— he had no room for wanting, particularly not the kind of wanting that Anakin had begun to inspire in him. It was inexcusable.
Inexcusable, but present. Undeniably, unabashedly present.
He let his mind run for a moment, thinking that perhaps if he did it would run itself out; run itself into the ground. Then, he could sleep. He could allow his body to prepare itself for the day ahead of it; get the rest he needed, and forget about Anakin for as long as the boy would allow. (Of course, he never allowed it for very long.)
He closed his eyes, and let the thoughts come to him; thoughts of hard kisses, and discarded robes. Thoughts of clicking teeth, and blunt, dirty fingernails scraping down his back. Thoughts of those shoulders, that chest, that ass. He'd never seen Anakin undressed for more than a few moments at a time, but those moments had been all he had needed; all he'd needed to create an ostentatiously persistent image in his mind of that infuriatingly beautiful, naked boy. Why did he have to be so beautiful? Anakin didn't even seem to know he was handsome; in fact, he took it for granted the same way he took everything else as a given. It made Ferus angry, while at the same time making him throb.
How dare Anakin make him throb.
He cursed again, because his technique had proven ineffective. He was unclothed in his bed, as he always was, although right now he wished he wasn't. If he'd worn something to bed, it would have been easier; easier for him to disregard his misplaced attraction— easier for him to go soft and go to sleep and wake up the next morning having accomplished the feat of disregarding Anakin for another few hours. He wanted nothing more than to disregard him.
He couldn't, though; not tonight— and so against his own will; against his own typically principled integrity, he reached down beneath his sheets and began to stroke himself. He did so reluctantly; disdainfully. He was glad no one would ever have to know, because if anyone had known he was touching himself to thoughts of Anakin Skywalker, then he might as well have just gone ahead and died. His feral attraction to the younger boy made him want to crawl beneath a rock and never come out, such was his objection to Anakin's disposition.
He moaned, which he hated; after that, the very tip of his engorgement started to leak onto his own stomach, which he hated even more. He squeezed tightly and started to pick up his pace, because he wanted this to be over; over as soon as possible.
That was when he heard a voice... and not just any voice.
"You lied to me," said Anakin, stepping out of the shadows. He wasn't dressed; why would he be dressed? He didn't need clothes for what he planned on doing tonight.
"Get out of here!" Ferus cried, glad of the fact that his sheet was still pulled up. His shock, he thought, should have quelled his body's excitement; however, it didn't.
"I was right, wasn't I?" Anakin was smirking; Ferus hated his smirk. It was as intolerable as the rest of him.
"I'm sure you think you were," Ferus started, "but—"
"You were dreaming about me again," Anakin said matter-of-factly, already having started to skulk up to the side of the bed to look down on the young man who purported to dislike him.
"I was not— I mean, my dreams are none of your—"
"Shh. Wouldn't you like them to come true? Wouldn't that make you happy?" Anakin spoke coyly; demurely. It went with his smirk. He climbed up onto the end of the bed with his knees and started to crawl; he crawled until he was straddling Ferus, and the two of them were face-to-face. He could feel Ferus' shame poking up from under the sheet, brushing up against him. Anakin liked that he could make him feel this way.
Ferus should have shoved Anakin and he knew it; should have shoved him right off the bed and off of himself and onto the cold, hard floor. But he didn't. "Anakin," he said instead, "if you're the one who's been—"
"Of course it was me," grinned the younger of the two. "It's always been me." He'd been sneaking into Ferus' dreams for a while now; it wasn't a skill he'd mastered yet, but it was certainly one he'd been working at developing, for this precise purpose. "I see the way you look at me— everyone sees it."
Surely that couldn't be true. Ferus disdained Anakin; disdained everything about him. "I don't know where you ever got the idea that—"
"Shut up," Anakin interrupted, and all of a sudden those lips and those teeth and that infuriating, constantly-wagging tongue were upon Ferus; probing, pressing, and clicking about just as they had been in the dream— dreams— he'd tried so hard to will away. Could this merely have been one of those? Could it be that Ferus was still asleep, and that none of this was real? He'd have much preferred that, of course, but...
"Let's get this sheet off of you," Anakin said, after pulling away. He sat up high on his knees after that so he could remove the only thing between the two of them; the only thing stopping their bodies from pressing wantonly against one another. Once he'd shifted to discard the fluttering swath of white entirely to the floor, he crawled back down the bed a bit. After flashing Ferus an antagonizingly lovely grin, he enveloped the source of the older boy's frustration with his mouth.
"Anakin!" shouted Ferus, but he didn't move— didn't kick or recoil or roll away.
"What?" asked Anakin, through his mouthful of cock.
He didn't get an answer to that, so instead he went to work. He bobbed and licked, and swallowed at the tip as he forced his mouth down as far as he could make it go. He swirled his tongue around Ferus' head when he came up, and let his teeth clip his shaft as he went back down. He had been hard and wet since before Ferus had noticed his presence, and this only intensified his enthusiasm: He could feel himself thrumming and pulsing, and dripping eagerly onto the bed.
Ferus had never liked him; had always resented him. It was all pure jealousy, Anakin thought, of his power; his skill. Some of the other Padawans feared him, but Ferus had never seemed fearful— just willfully and unrelentingly indignant. Anakin wasn't much more fond of the older boy than the older boy was of him; however, even he had to acknowledge that both his appearance and lofty sense of utter superiority were strangely entrancing.
Besides that, he couldn't think of a better way to get under Ferus' skin than to force him to acknowledge that he wanted this.
Soon he became certain of the fact that Ferus was not too far from losing control of himself; from letting this end altogether too soon. He didn't want that, and besides, he hadn't had his own turn yet: He hadn't come here for the sole purpose of sucking on Ferus' dick. That would have been boring.
"Not yet," Anakin scolded, and he pulled his head back, exposing his rival to the room's cool air. That made Ferus shout again, and buck his hips. "You love this, don't you?" Anakin teased, pumping himself with his hand as he sat back up on his knees. He'd slicked his own cock generously after undressing, prior to Ferus' having woken to those unwanted thoughts of his. He was more than ready to take what he'd actually come for.
Ferus was starting to feel frightened, but not of Anakin— no, he was frightened of himself. Anakin was right; he did like this. He liked it very much, to the point where those lips pulling away from his cock had upset him perhaps more than his dreams had in the first place. He wanted to come, and he wanted Anakin to make him do it.
He hated himself for feeling that way, but it was what it was.
"What are you going to do, Anakin?" he asked, staring up at that body he'd already fantasized about more times than he cared to count.
"I'm going to fuck you, Ferus— would you like me to fuck you?"
At those words, Ferus felt himself pulse. In lieu of answering, he adjusted his body; pulled his knees up beside his ears. He felt like screaming, crying, and going off all at the same time. Everything about this was emblematic of the exact lack of restraint he loathed.
"Someone's eager, aren't they?" chuckled Anakin, venturing to tease Ferus' hole with one of his fingers, to which the older boy let out a desperate whimper. "You hate me for being right all the time— do you hate me for being right about this, too?" At that he gripped himself by the very base of his cock, and leaned in closely to prod at Ferus with his erection.
Now that they were nearly nose-to-nose, Ferus found it in himself to growl, "You're damn right I do."
That made Anakin laugh again, and finally begin to ease himself inside. He went slowly; he had no desire to actually hurt Ferus— he was, essentially, just here to make a point.
Once he was buried up to his sack, he took a deep and shuddering breath, because while he'd always called Ferus a tightass behind his back, he'd never known just how accurate the descriptor actually was. "You feel like heaven," he breathed, and then he started to buck his hips.
Ferus wanted to cry out; indeed, his instinct was to shout, but he didn't want to give Anakin that kind of satisfaction. Instead, he clenched his jaw and pursed his lips and stared upward as he felt himself be ravaged from the inside. It felt incredible; better than his own fingers, and better than anything he'd ever slipped into his pocket to play with in what should have been the privacy of his own room.
"Touch yourself," commanded Anakin. He knew Ferus wanted to.
"This is in direct violation of—"
"Shut up," Anakin demanded once again, this time with a particularly hard thrust. Ferus obeyed; stopped talking, and reached between the two of them to start to stroke himself just as he'd been doing beneath the sheets, before he'd registered Anakin's presence. How the hell had the boy hidden from him in the first place, anyway? He supposed that was a question for another time.
They went on like this for as long as they both could bear it; soon, Anakin felt his own climax coming on. He bit down on his lip, moaned through his teeth, and burst heartily; more heartily than he ever had when he'd been alone, in his own bed. He looked straight into Ferus' eyes as he did; saw them squeeze shut as he, too, reached his own shuddering peak.
"Anakin," Ferus growled, as he felt his own essence shoot all over the smooth, taut skin on his stomach.
"Ferus," Anakin cooed, revelling in the sound of his own name as he leaned in more closely to steal another kiss.
Their tongues danced as they each finished; finally, Anakin withdrew his cock, but he didn't quit probing Ferus' mouth. Simply put, it felt far too good to stop right away. Eventually, of course, he had to; he was very nearly out of breath. Ferus, for his part, had only just realized that he was holding his.
As they separated, Anakin sat back up on his knees, perhaps a bit unsteadily. He noticed Ferus scowling, and so he asked with a broad grin, "What's wrong? Don't you like it when your dreams come true?"
"Not this dream," Ferus barked, and he finally hoisted himself up from between Anakin's knees and into a seated position. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to shove Anakin away as he ought to have when this debacle had initiated itself; however, there wouldn't have been any point in doing that: He'd already had nearly every ounce of his control over himself wrenched away; he wasn't about to concede his anger, and give up the rest of it. Then he'd be no better than Anakin.
As it turned out, though, he didn't have to do anything— before he could think of what to say next, his intruder had jumped off of his bed and gone back to that darkened corner from which he'd first come into view. His clothes, apparently, had been sitting there in a pile; Ferus watched as he started to put them back on.
"What you just did was inexcusable," he said, with as much dignity as he could possibly muster.
"You mean what we just did," retorted Anakin, as he adjusted his robes and smoothed his pants.
Ferus clenched his fists, but didn't say another word as Anakin laughed at him one more time, turned, and sauntered casually out of the room; back to his own quarters, and to his own bed. He would certainly sleep well that night— not only did he feel more physically satisfied than he perhaps ever had, but Anakin also simply loved being proven right.
Ferus would rest soundly, too. In spite of his anger, and in spite of everything that had just happened (seemingly in the blink of an eye), he finally felt relieved; palliated— for tonight, at least, he knew he would be free of his dreams... those dreams.
Even so, as he listened to Anakin's footsteps disappear down the corridor, his disquieting words from the library echoed in Ferus’ mind: "What's the matter, Ferus? Like what you see?"
He feared he'd never again be able to convincingly deny that he did.
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danger-xylophones · 4 years
Changed Your Name (Captain Rex x Jedi! Reader)
This can be seen as a sequel to Uncharted or predating it
Summary: You and Rex don’t always have time to call but you do find ways to talk
Warnings: none except for some slightly suggestive language, I put it into a text conversation format and I used female pronouns
Word count: 2383 words {masterlist}
Three exclamation points. This was how this conversation started. Now, Rex would like to think that he has holochatted with you enough times to get a grasp on the bizarre shorthand you used. You had explained to him that the people of your planet primarily holochatted (or ‘texted’ as you told him it was called on your home planet) using shorthand. So, naturally, Rex made it his duty to figure out how to communicate the same way. However, the captain wasn’t particularly good at it and he still had a lot to learn. Case in point: the three exclamation points. What did those mean? Were you in trouble? You were supposed to be on leave right now. Suddenly, the captain’s earlier anxieties returned. He never liked leaving you alone on Coruscant (even if you weren’t really alone, you had your entire battalion along with the Jedi) but now he was extra concerned because there was little he could do to help you as he was off-world and currently setting up camp for the night.
[Captain Rexy]
What? What’s wrong? Are you hurt? Was there an attack? 
Cyare, what’s going on?
The captain was on the verge of a crisis and suddenly very grateful for the helmet aiding in disguising his growing panic. 
Rlx, Rexy, m fine. But look-
You sent him a picture and Rex sighed in a cross between affection, relief, and soft frustration at his needless worrying. The picture wasn’t of great quality, a little grainy and very dark which told Rex you were out at night. However, before he could begin to panic because you were out at night and anything could happen to you, Rex took notice of the corner of a sign indicating you were in the alleyway beside 79’s. Most likely, you had headed to the clone hang out with your boys and had simply stepped out for a breath of fresh air. Rex knew that you weren’t a people person and that you could easily be overwhelmed even by your own men. 
Rex could also see the tip of your thumb slightly covering part of the picture which told him that you had taken this picture in a rush. But what had caused that rush was in the center of the image; a little tooka kitten that looked to be a light shade of blue with darker, almost black spots dotting over its face and back was sitting on top of your boot-clad foot grinning up at him seemingly through the image. 
Can we keep him? 
he’s so cute
he jst plopped down on my foot
[Captain Rexy]
Why not? 
[Captain Rexy]
You already have a tooka that goes on missions with you. 
Yeh but this would be OUR tooka
[Captain Rexy]
As tempting as that is, no
[Captain Rexy]
Still no.
[Captain Rexy]
We could name him Rex Jr. too
Rex couldn’t help but shake his head and sigh whilst ignoring the way his face warmed. You were always like this whenever you saw an animal you deemed cute. He remembered the first time you had shown him the tooka you adopted early on in the war and Fritz told him the story of how he argued with you for maybe five minutes before you eventually went ahead and adopted it anyway. You named it Snake due to the markings it bore which gave it a reptilian look and it was the unofficial mascot of your battalion. And the damn thing hated Rex. So, the captain wasn’t ready to share your affection with yet another living being. 
[Captain Rexy]
But he could be the mascot or the 501st
[Captain Rexy]
We can’t keep him. 
End of story.
…[Cyar’ika] changed your name…
[Cptn Stick-In-The-Mud]
How did that happen?
…[Cptn Stick-In-The-Mud] changed [Cyar’ika]’s name…
Didn’t know you thought you were texting Anakin this whole time
A chuckle escaped Rex as he read your response, catching the attention of some nearby troopers and the general in question. The captain was quick to disguise his chortling as a random coughing fit so he wouldn’t have to explain himself. Anakin, however, still sent him a raised eyebrow that Rex quickly waved away before returning his attention to your ongoing conversation when the general was distracted by a ding coming from his wrist.
…[The-Most-Annoying-Jedi] changed your name… …[The-Most-Annoying-Jedi] changed their name… …[General Ice] added [Anakin Skywalker] to the chat…
[General Ice]
Tell your captain to stop arguing with me
[Anakin Skywalker] 
Oh, so it’s you that’s got my captain so distracted.
Rex, stop arguing with Y/n.
Rex pulled a face underneath his bucket before sending an incredulous look at Anakin who was smugly smiling back at him. He would have liked to say that he was taken aback by you adding Skywalker to the conversation but you’d done this before. 
[Captain Rex]
But, sir, she’s being unreasonable.
[Anakin Skywalker]
How so?
[General Ice]
I want Rex to make this little guy the mascot of the 501st
You sent another picture. In this one, it was clear that you were back in 79’s, crammed into a booth with Commander Fritz on one side and Bolt on the other, and peaking out over the top of your shirt was the little tooka. The little furball was smiling again, this time in contentment as he was undeniably warm and safe. The captain felt the familiar worm of ugly green wriggling around; he should be lying against your chest, not that little monster. 
[Anakin Skywalker]
He’s adorable
[Captain Rex]
No, not you too
Why don’t you keep him?
[General Ice]
I would, gladly, but look at him-
Another picture, this time of only the tooka as he was curled up in the palm of what was probably Fritz’s hand. 
[General Ice]
Look at  his lil ol’ face 
Yet another, zoomed in on the creature’s face. 
[General Ice]
Plus he’s blue
And I already have Snake
[Captain Rex]
And that brings me to the very first objection I made
[General Ice]
That was not
[Captain Rex]
Yes, it was, general
Your reply didn’t come through immediately and for a second, Rex was worried he had angered you by using your title. He knew that you didn’t like being referred to by it. But, his fears were laid to rest when your response came through. 
[General Ice]
Ok, so, maybe it was
But still-why can’t he be your battalion’s mascot?
He’s friendly, protective, trustworthy and v loyal
Jst like the men of the 501st
[Anakin Skywalker]
Those are all valid
Why can’t we keep him, Rex?
The captain suddenly felt like walking into the ocean. By now, he had taken off his helmet and switched to his datapad as he sat by the fire beside the other general he was now about to argue with. 
[Captain Rex]
General L/n had the added luxury of Snake being partially trained when she  found him
None of the men in our battalion would have time to train the little guy.
On top of that, General L/n has her own apartment where the tooka can stay.
You do not, General, so, he would have to stay aboard the Resolute.
Or, he’d stay in the temple or the barracks where he’d only be underfoot. 
The captain leaned back in his seat, eager to see the response to his well-crafted arguments. Anakin’s eyes were busily flicking over the screen of his own pad as he tried to think of a comeback and Rex could just imagine you making that ridiculously adorable face you always make when you know you can’t win an argument but are determined to try. Your eyebrows would knit together and your lips would form into a minuscule pout, after that, your nose would crinkle just a little bit as your eyes would focus on something unseen. Then, suddenly, you’d snap back to reality with your rebuttal on your tongue. Maker, he missed your face. 
[Anakin Skywalker]
I hate to say it, Ice, but Rex has a point. 
We can’t take him.
[General Ice]
It’s alright
But we have to do something for the little guy. 
He was just shivering on top of a trash can when I walked by the alley. 
He perked up when I made him realize I wasn’t a threat
And he’s so skinny, he could die and it’d be my fault.
There you go again, letting the facade of the ‘Ice general’ melt away to reveal the compassionate, loving girl Rex held so close to his heart. A wave of guilt suddenly crashed over the captain and he wanted nothing more than to hold you. Rex caught Anakin’s eye and they both seemed to share the same guilt though Rex wasn’t certain the general understood how far his feelings delved.
[General Ice]
Wait, didn’t Padme say she wanted to get a tooka?
[Anakin Skywalker]
Yeah, how did you know?
[General Ice]
I overheard part of your holo call like a week ago
I recommend making sure your door is shut before you do those btw
Do you think she’d want the little guy?
[Anakin Skywalker]
Maybe, how old do you think he is?
[General Ice]
Not sure, I’d wager around two and a half months old
[Captain Rex]
And you’re sure he doesn’t belong to anyone?
[General Ice]
[Anakin Skywalker]
I think that’s perfect! 
[General Ice]
Thank you, actually, for taking that off my conscience
I’ll take him to the vet and get him all checked out tomorrow
For now, he’ll be living in my room in the temple
Oh, and I request visitation rights
[Anakin Skywalker]
Pfft, I’m sure Padme won’t mind
[General Ice]
Oh, and one more thing.
[Anakin Skywalker]
[General Ice]
Padme needs to make him the official mascot of the 501st on Coruscant.
Rex’s face dropped as he stared apathetically at his datapad, by now most of his brothers had retired for bed and thus he could be a bit laxer with his facial expressions. Of course you would figure out a way to undermine him. Anakin could be heard laughing to the captain’s right and Rex just bowed his head in defeat. 
[Anakin Skywalker]
Alright, I’ll let you two lovebirds get back to gross couple talk now
[General Ice]
It’s not gross!
And you can’t say that when you have ‘gross couple talk’ with Padme at two in the morning!
[Anakin Skywalker] 
How did you…?
[General Ice]
Shut. your. door. and. WINDOWS. hotshot. 
My room is right next to yours, peedunky.
…[General Ice] removed [Anakin Skywalker] from the chat… …[General Ice] changed their name… …[Y/n] changed your name…
I’m sorry.
Y’know, maybe I should start dating Fives-
He at least likes to have fun
Rex snorted unceremoniously, seeing right through your bluff. 
Please, we both know you’d strangle him when he got a little too handsy
You knew that we couldn’t keep the little guy
…[Cptn-Stick-In-The-Mud] changed [Y/n]’s name…
I know
I just got excited at the idea of having a little one for us to take care of
Rex’s face grew warm once again. The two of you had talked about your future together and whether or not you eventually wanted children. You’d been on the fence about it...until now.
I wish I was there to hear you say that in person
…[Cyar’ika] changed your name…
Believe me, I wish you were here too
Oh...Rex’s armor suddenly felt a little too tight. The captain couldn’t help but smile at your boldness as he struggled to craft a flirty reply.
[Cptn Sexy]
There isn’t a moment where I stop missing you
Ner mesh’la alor’ad…
That’s so sweet
…you changed your name…
Why did you change it? 
It’s accurate
…[Cyar’ika] changed your name...
[Cptn Sexy]
...you changed your name…
Cyar’ika, please
You’re catching on
...you changed your name…
[Captain Rexy]
(*.* ) 
…[Cyar’ika] changed your name…
Whatever makes you happy.
Oh, believe me, this does
I miss you-please hurry home
I’ll try, ner cyare, I’ll try
I know you will
You sent another picture. In this one, you were already in bed, hair fanned out over your pillow with the duvet pulled up to your nose but the covers weren’t enough to hide the dazzling smile. Just above your head was the infamous tooka, Snake, sound asleep on the pillow. His deep red fur looked glossy and freshly brushed and the black markings on his face added a seriousness to his furry little image. You must have snapped this picture mid ear-twitch because one of his black striped ears was blurry. In the curve of Snake’s body was the younger tooka you had found who looked like he had received a bath and a brushing for his fur looked less matted and much shinier than in any other picture. Both of the animals were completely passed out and it was easy to tell that you would soon be following their lead. You just had to turn off the lamp on your bedside and Rex knew that you would be dead to the world for a few hours till you woke up curled around his pillow with the tookas wedged between you. You looked happy but Rex could still see the longing in your eyes. 
We’ll see you when you get back. I love you, always. 
…[Cyar’ika] changed your name... 
[Cyar’ika] Good night. 
[Riduur] Good night, ner riduur. 
 And as night settled on the captain like a heavy blanket and Anakin ushered Rex to get some rest, he couldn’t help but think back to the image of the little tooka curled into Snake and the adoring smile you sent both the animals and him. He knew you loved him and he knew you loved those two. And suddenly, the idea of sharing your love with a little one didn’t seem so impossible. 
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thesoobfiles · 4 years
one stubborn senator – a. skywalker
Words: 2.1k
Summary: Senator (L/N) of Kyoi knows what she wants and she wants Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker; however, she’s also very stubborn and refuses to acknowledge her feelings for the prophesized Chosen One. Will her false front crumble when a certain Skywalker is assigned to be her escort?
A/N: this story is inspired by write-i-do’s drabble, ‘The Senator’. i suggest reading it because it’s great and maybe you’ll have a better grasp on this one. i might have used some of it (i hope that’s ok) in order to keep true to the drabble… also, Kyoi is not a real Star War planet. anyways, i really hope you guys like it, especially @write-i-do. since it’s based off your drabble and i don’t want to disgrace it with this madness… enjoy!
Anakin thought he was a generally lucky person; however, his luck seemed to change whenever you were involved. Whenever he wished to talk to you, you were always whisked away by another; whether it be Senator, clone or Jedi. He thought he had finally caught a break when he was assigned to be your Jedi escort.
Anakin waltzed up to me and began his introduction, “Senator (L/N), it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m-“ He was quickly cut off with my snippy remark.
“Anakin Skywalker. Yes, I’m aware; I’ve seen the holo-net before...” I said, unimpressed, “Decorated General, poster boy of the Republic as well as close, personal friend of the Chancellor.”
“What kind of Senator would I be if I didn’t know who you were?” I asked, a bit coldly; however, Anakin couldn’t help the blush that bloomed across his cheeks.
He cleared his throat, trying his best to hold some semblance of professionalism, “With the pleasantries out of the way, shall we get going?” I looked downwards at his extended hand and turned away with a huff.
“Why did the Council send you anyways?” I asked, making my way to the door, “It’s not like I can’t take care of myself; plus, I think you’re much more useful on the battlefield.” I said as I finally exited the room and left behind a much frazzled Jedi.
Little did he know, your distant behavior didn’t express how you truly felt; it was a front to hide your adoration for him.
I hope my cold demeanor wasn’t too much... Just wait until my Senator friends hear about this one! How lucky I am to have the Anakin Skywalker assigned to me! I thought with excitement as I made my way onto my ship, Anakin not far behind me.
He walks on the ship and heads for the cockpit, throwing a glance your way. You’re sitting on the bench attached to the wall with your legs crossed one over the other and your eyes closed; a mix between a scowl and a blank expression over taking your features. He continues his trek to the pilot’s seat and sits down, defeated.
Even with her face in a scowl, she is the most beautiful creature I’ve had the pleasure of casting my gaze upon. He thought while preparing for take-off.
I wonder the purpose of her prickly exterior… Anakin began to ponder, whenever I see her conversing with others, she always has a magnificent smile on her face and her eyes twinkle with joy… Perhaps the next time we engage in conversation, I can try and sense what the issue is… Anakin decided as he notes the ship is approaching the Kyoi system.
He puts the ship on autopilot as he heads to where you’re seated. Your face is still contorted into the blank expression from earlier as you appear to be… meditating? Your hands rest on your knees and you rest crisscrossed on the floor.
Has she been sitting this way for the entirety of the trip?
“Senator, we-“
“We’ve entered the Kyoi system, I know.” I respond with my eyes still closed, “Did you know it’s considered rude to interrupt meditation, Master Jedi?” I say as I open my eyes and tilt my head up, Anakin’s face coming into view.
“I apologize, I’ll-“
“No, it’s fine. The aura has dissipated anyways…” I reason as I leave my spot on the floor to walk up to Anakin, “and yes, I have.”
He furrows his brows in confusion, “You have what?”
“I have been sitting that way for the entirety of our journey.” I reply coolly as I make my way to the cockpit, sitting in the co-pilot seat and overseeing the rest of the trip to Kyoi.
“I didn’t say that out loud… How did you know?” Anakin asks curiously as he reclaims the seat of the pilot.
“The ability of telepathy is rare among my people. Many years ago, telepaths were hunted and killed for being… different.” I say, looking out the large window that separates the cockpit from the vast, emptiness of space, “Our ways have changed since then; however, there are still those who hold strong grudges against telepaths.”
“Do you wish to expose me, Master Skywalker?” I ask, turning in his direction. His mouth hangs open before he quickly closes it.
“No! Of course not!” He rambles out, “I was just unaware of this part in your history…” He trails off.
“Not many are; consider yourself lucky…” I say as I flip the switch that opens the door of my ship and leave him with his thoughts.
He does not remain there long as he hurriedly joins my side.
We exit the ship and head for my residence near the crystal caves.
The walk is filled with silence and Skywalker’s mind runs like a faucet; thought after thought entering his mind.
I wonder how much longer the walk to her home is... I’m not complaining, just curious…
The terrain here is wonderful… This is truly an amazing place to live, unlike Tatooine… I wonder if the crystal caves are anything like Ilum…
I wonder what I could do to change her attitude towards me…
Oh, an interesting thought indeed; but, in order to hide my affection, I’m afraid my attitude won’t be changing anytime soon, darling.
-like? Wait, I forgot she was a telepath… what if she’s listening?!
Anakin’s eyes glance over at me and my eyes are trained on the path in front of us. His gaze returns to the front and his thoughts continue. However, I’ve decided I shouldn’t abuse this power; I wouldn’t want anyone listening in on my thoughts…
While (Y/N) has left Anakin to his thoughts, Anakin has not left (Y/N) to hers.
Almost home, a little longer on this path and we’re there. Wait. We. Anakin and I… Oh my stars, I never took into consideration that he’d be in my house... THE Anakin Skywalker, in my house; how unnerving…
I wonder how much longer I can really keep this up… Why waste time hiding my adoration when I can just say, ‘Anakin Skywalker, I love you.’…
Actually, that might come off a bit high strong and this is only our first meeting… But, he’s so amazing… It’s honestly hard NOT to adore him… He fights selflessly for the Republic and his compassion knows no end; not to mention he’s crazy good-looking.
Anakin raises his eyebrow and smirks in the Senator’s direction; however, she is none the wiser and is completely lost in her thoughts.
I mean, wow. His shoulder-length hair looks so soft and lush I just want to run my fingers through it all night… Seriously, what kind of hair products is he using?
Anakin holds back the urge to laugh.
He also smells amazing. I have no idea how, but he does. He spends his days fighting, probably sweating buckets, and he still smells great. Do all Jedi’s smell this good?
Probably not; Padmé actually insisted I try this new body wash because ‘It’s better than the cheap crap the Jedi make you use.’
And his skin is practically flawless… I have no idea how, but I’ll have to ask what his skincare routine is…
Also thanks to Padmé; she’s vowed to provide me with all of my toiletries from now on because she despises how much chemicals are in the ones the Jedi give us…
He looks up to see that they are within a 10 foot radius of Senator (L/N)’s home.
I’m impressed. She does a really good job of making it seems like she hates my guts. It’s crazy how she can keep such a straight face when her thoughts run rampant like this…
It’s a shame the Jedi are so conservative…
She walks up to the door and places her palm on a rock next to the door; it’s flat and embedded into the structure as if nothing was there.
Those robes probably cover up the most delicious muscles and no one would ever know…
I’m dragged out of my thoughts and stop walking in when Anakin bursts out laughing. I furrow my eyebrows and look at him with confusion as he doubles over with laughter. An unexpected noise, but a pleasant one. Who knew Anakin Skywalker’s laugh was such as blessing to hear?
“You, Senator, are a master of deception.” Anakin manages between laughs as he tries to catch his breath.
“How so, Master Skywalker?” I ask curiously, walking the rest of the way in my house with Anakin right behind me.
“How can you look so stern yet think such thoughts?” He asks with a smirk as he shuts the door behind him.
My eyes widen at the accusation and I swallow the lump in my throat, “What thoughts?”
“Shall I repeat them for you?” He asks with that glorious smirk on his face.
He holds up one finger, “My compassion knows no end,” My eyes widen once again.
He lifts another finger, “You wish to run your fingers through my hair all night,” I can feel the heat beginning to form in my face as he slowly walks towards me.
Another finger joins his other two, “and my personal favorite, how these horrid Jedi robes could possibly be covering up the most delicious muscles and no one would ever know.” He finishes with a triumphant grin. By the time he’s finished, my entire face is flushed and my heart is beating out of my chest. I collapse on my couch and bury my face in my hands.
“How embarrassing! Having such thoughts about a man who is forbidden from forming attachments…” I mutter from within my hands. I feel the couch cushion on my right sink and an arm wrap around my shoulders.
“If it’s any consolation Senator, I think you’re compassionate as well. Fighting for your people not on the battlefield, but in the Senate chamber.”
“And your hair looks as soft as it is feels.” He says as he takes a piece and twirls it around his fingers.
“And fortunately, your people are not as conservative as the Jedi.” He finishes as his fingers stroke the skin of my upper arm. I remove my hands from my face, sit up and look in his direction, “Are you flirting with me, Master Skywalker?”
His signature smirk returns as his beautiful blue eyes look straight at my (E/C) ones, “Would it be so bad if I was?”
“Oh no, quite the opposite in fact; however, what about the Jedi code?” I ask, concerned.
He looks thoughtful, facing forwards and he stops stroking my arm.
I would leave the Jedi Order for you.
“What?!” I exclaim and push him away, his hand dropping from my arm, “No, you can’t do that.” I say, crossing my arms.
“You’ve probably trained your whole life to be a Jedi! You can’t give that up; especially not for me!” I say, surprised by his words.
“I’m only 21, Senator. My whole life only consists of 21 years and 12 of those years were dedicated to becoming a Jedi.”
“That’s more than half of your life!”
“So far…” He counters, “I’ll hopefully live many more years and I wish for those years to be by your side.” Anakin looks over at me and grabs my hands.
I look him; I look into his captivating blue orbs and really think about how he’d give up everything to be with me and we’ve only just met.
“2 years.” I say. He raises his eyebrow in return and I elaborate further, “If you still love me in 2 years, you can leave the Jedi Order and I’ll accept what I assume is your proposal.”
“Deal.” He replies with a toothy grin.
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