#i looovve wrong floor
winter-jay-official · 6 months
Fuck it I want more opinions what r peoples fav indie horror games
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Dust Covered Eyes (Fanfic)
 Wendy meets the family :)
Two months. It was absolutely crazy to Lydia that her and Wendy had been officially dating for two months now. It took some awkwardness at first with neither of them being sure at first if the other wanted something more than friendship despite the obvious signals they were sending each other. It was a grey area for the first two weeks where they would hold hands in the hallways at school, or Wendy would randomly run and hug Lydia from behind. Their friends would remark that they would make a cute couple, or how they were practically an old married couple already but being young they weren’t sure what to make of their relationship. It the end it took Lydia calling Wendy frantically about how she hadn’t picked out a Halloween costume and when she asked Wendy what she should be the response was “my girlfriend.” to which Lydia blushed and agreed but on the condition that she still got to be it when Halloween was over. Ever since then they had been a perfectly happy couple. 
They were hanging out at Wendy’s house one afternoon watching some cheesy show that neither of them were really interested in but were just using it as an excuse to be with each other that afternoon. Wendy’s mother ran off to go pick up a pizza that they had ordered for dinner that night leaving the two of them alone. Being teenagers left at home with no parents around that only lead to one thing….they impulsively built a blanket fort around the television and brought Wendy’s dog with them while they made a mess on the floor after throwing popcorn at each other. About thirty minutes into the episode Lydia was leaning on Wendy and she lamented, “Your mom is really cool.”
Wendy just kind of laughed in response, “She’s alright I guess. I wish she wouldn’t be so embarrassing whenever you came over.”
“Oh trust me my family is so much more embarrassing.”
“I would believe you but you still haven’t had me over your house yet. I haven’t even gotten to meet most of them!”
“You got to meet my dad and Delia.” Lydia pointed out
Wendy giggled, “Oh my god at the ice cream shop like over a month ago! I’d hardly call that a good first impression, I was wearing that stupid uniform and my hair was a disaster that night. I mean I’ve been dating their daughter for plural months now, don’t you think I should properly meet them and all? Come on, I’m charming, I’m polite. I’m like a well-trained dog, you don’t have to be embarrassed to show me to them.”
“I’m not embarrassed of you! I’m embarrassed of them, my family is far from traditional. I’m just worried it will throw you off how overbearing they can be.” 
“Lydia, my mom literally texts you. You don’t have to be worried about me getting weirded out by overbearing parents.”
“It’s a little bit more than my dad and Delia,” Lydia held back a shy smiled, she figured that the longer she put it off the more awkward it would be to tell Wendy about her entire family. She took in a deep breath, “Okay I’ll tell you but you have to promise not to laugh at me. I’m being one thousand percent serious, okay? Do you promise?”
Wendy snickered, “Okay I promise, what’s the big secret anyway?”
“So I live with my dad and Delia, that’s established you already know that, but I also live with three ghosts and they’re like a family to me now too. The two ghosts that live in the attic, they’re named Adam and Barbara, they’re really nice and they’re kinda like a second set of parents to me I guess? And then there’s this other half-ghost half-demon, his name is Beetlejuice, he’s at the house more often than I’d prefer. I guess he’s like a brother to me? That or the really annoying cousin at family reunions who always asks if you have games on your phone. Oh and also there’s the cats, but you already knew about them.” Lydia paused looking at Wendy for any kind of response, just bracing herself for the worst. That Wendy would laugh in her face and think she was so stupid and a liar and not want to be with her anymore. Lydia sat up off of Wendy to get a better look at her face and was just shocked by the expression. Wendy had a goofy grin on her face like she was about to laugh, but not in a mocking kind of way. Lydia relaxed a bit but still wanted the verbal response. 
“Liddy I wish I could say I was surprised, but you are exactly the kind of person to live in a haunted house and love it. Okay, okay, so you live with ghosts? That’s...okay, well if they’re like a family to you I want to meet them all! You brought my mom chocolates the first time you met her what do ghosts like?”
“You’re okay with this? Like no questions at all?” Lydia asked completely blown away at Wendy’s lack of doubt, “Like nothing at all? You’ve just accepted the fact that I do in fact live with ghosts?”
“Duh? Why would you lie to me about something like that, and so elaborately? I’d believe you less if you told me that you had a typical white picket fence family”
“Wow, alright then. Good to know that you trust me.” Lydia smiled
“I do have one question though.”
“Beetlejuice?” Wendy asked with a wrinkled nose, “What kind of name is that?”
Lydia laughed, “We usually just call him BJ and trust me he is just as chaotic as his name is.”
Still astonished about how well Wendy took the reveal of her whole family situation Lydia immediately went to work trying to prepare everyone at the house for them all meeting Wendy. She was oddly nervous at the whole situation and she wondered if Wendy felt the same way when she ha Lydia meet her family. They were all so awkward around her at first, the only person who wasn’t trying desperately to not embarrass themselves was Wendy’s little brother Silas who upon meeting Lydia for the first time promptly told her that he “hopes drinks lots of milk because she needs to get taller.” Wendy was absolutely mortified but Lydia thought it was hilarious, the boy was about the same age as Skye so she didn’t take offense to the jab at her shortness. 
The most difficult person to get on board, as expected, was Beetlejuice. They were hanging out in the attic painting their nails like almost every Saturday, it had become a sort of tradition of theirs when Lydia started school and wasn’t home as much. It gave Beetlejuice a chance to tease Lydia, and a planning opportunity for any pranks they were going to do that week.
“Come on, just do it for me!” Lydia begged
“I don’t even know what what’s her face wants to even meet me? It’s weird that you want your ex to meet your new girl.”
She punched him hard in the arm, hating it every time that he teased about how they technically were married at one point, “Shut up! God no, you said yourself it was a green card thing stop being weird.”
“I’m joking! I’m joking!” He replied covering his face with his arms while Lydia tried to smack him with a pillow, “You’re like the annoying little sister that my mom never had.”
“Little sister?” Lydia scowled, “I’m sorry please remind me who had to rush home from school one day because you lost your ice cube and then had to explain to you that a puddle hadn’t replaced said IceCube but that ice...in fact, melts.”
Beetlejuice fake sniffled, “I’m still mourning you asshole”
“Look can you please just act semi-normal around Wendy? I will literally pay you money if you behave.” 
Beetlejuice considered this, “I don’t want your money kid, besides wouldn’t Walton-”
“Wendy..I’m gay?”
“Wouldn’t Wilhomena want to get to know your real family? You know you really shouldn’t change your personality for someone just because you think it will make them like you, it makes you seem desperate and the last thing I would want is to make a terrible first impression on this girl you’re madly in love with.”
“I am NOT madly in love with her!” Lydia shrieked knowing there were tints of pink on her ears
“That’s not what I overhead when you were pathetically musing to Barbara about how “beautiful, and smart, and funny” this girl was. That doesn’t sound like just gal-pals to me.”
“She’s my girlfriend!”
“So you are madly in love with her?”
“No I….I just-”
“Come on just admit it. You looovve her, and you want the whole world to know.”
“I guess I love her…” Lydia mumbled, hoping Beetlejuice wouldn’t hear. She guessed wrong
“What was that? You love her? That’ll be something fun to share when I meet this chick for the first time. Girls love honestly, remember that
“Beetlejuice you CANNOT tell her I said that. Come on I am actually begging now, I will DIE if you say that to her. I don’t know if she feels the same way, we’ve only been dating for two months!”
���Relax relax, don’t have a tantrum. I’m not going to tell Winona how bad you’ve got it for her.” Beetlejuice looked at his fingernails examining the color he had picked, “But I can’t promise I’ll behave.”
Lydia smacked him again before adding a quick thank you for promising to not ruin her life and relationship by revealing how Lydia felt. It was a lot easier to get everyone else on board. Delia, Adam, and Barbara were thrilled that Lydia was bringing a girl home and while her dad tried to put on a tough “nobody is good enough for my baby girl” act, Lydia knew how happy Charles was that she was happy. As the day got closer to when Wendy was going to come over for dinner Lydia felt anxiety coursing through her chest. Everyone was trying to reassure her that everything was going to be okay but she still couldn’t help but worry that everything was going to go horribly wrong. Wendy had such a typical family and Lydia didn’t want to scare her off with her unique family, but she also didn’t want to hide this part of her life from anybody that she dated. She loved her strange and unusual family, they were always there for her, always supporting her, and they would always hold a special place in her heart. 
“Liddy I’m sure I’m going to love them.” Wendy assured her as they walked up to the door of her home, hand in hand, “If they’re anything like you I’ll love them.”
“Okay as long as you’re sure because we can just go hang out at your house again if you’re having second thoughts. I just want to make sure you’re not nervous about this.”
“I think that you’re the nervous one, just relax alright?” Wendy put her hand on Lydia’s face and Lydia stood on her tiptoes as she leaned in for a quick kiss, “It’s going to be perfectly fine.”
Lydia took in a shaky breath and lead Wendy in through the door and around the house. Everyone was already sitting in the kitchen and she could tell how badly Barbara was holding back the urge to gush about how adorable it was that Lydia had a girlfriend. Lydia gave her a stern look and Barbara glanced away while she tried to gain composure. She noticed how everybody was there but a certain demon was absent. She wasn’t sure if she was mad or relieved that Beetlejuice wasn’t there. On one hand, she wanted Wendy to meet the family in one sitting so she didn’t have to go through the awkwardness again, but on the other hand, now Lydia didn’t need to worry about Beetlejuice ruining everything by playing some elaborate trick or revealing to Wendy what Lydia had said in the attic
“Guys this is Wendy. Wendy this is my family.”
“You weren’t kidding when you said they were ghosts.” Wendy whispered, “I knew you weren’t lying but like actually seeing ghosts...with my own eyes. Wow.” She turned her attention back to the family looking at both of them eagerly, “Hey!”
Charles was the first to greet her he walked over the table and went in for an awkward handshake, “I’ve been hearing a lot about you, Wendy. It’s a pleasure to get to meet the girl my daughter’s been spending most of her time with, more so than she spends doing her math homework.”
“Dad!” Lydia hissed
“I’m kidding! Wendy, it’s really nice to meet you, well for the second time. Can I just say 
you sure know how to make a good ice cream sundae.”
“Oh thanks, Mr. Deetz, when you work for tips you kinda become a perfectionist at those kinds of things.” Wendy laughed to herself, “So you must be Delia?”
Delia looked the girl up and down before announcing, “She has a good energy Lydia, I like her.”
Lydia tried to laugh the remark off sheepishly but Wendy didn’t seem to mind the remark, and went on to compliment the crystal necklace Delia was wearing saying how she wears a similar one when she is taking tests because she thinks it’s lucky. Lydia made a mental note to not joke about crystal magic around Wendy again as she introduced Wendy to the pseudo-ghost parents. 
“This is Adam and this is Barbara, they live in the attic.”
Still in awestruck that she was meeting actual ghosts Wendy stammered out some form of greeting but Barbara went right in for a hug while Adam, similar to Charles, tried and failed miserably to pull off some kind of strict dad greeting. Wendy’s eye widened in amazement when she realized that the ghosts were solid but definitely not alive. “This is literally the coolest thing ever.”
Barbara smiled, “Yeah we think it’s pretty neat too. It’s fun to switch between solid and not, makes getting down the stairs so much easier when you can kind of just fall through the floor or appear in the kitchen at will.”
“I bet!” Wendy went to sit down at the kitchen table and Lydia sat down next to her. Charles ran into the kitchen to bring out the dinner he made. He had never been a good cook so Lydia was nervous about what was going to come in but Adam assured her that he closely supervised Charle’s cooking. They started eating dinner just making polite chit chat, asking about how Wendy was doing in school, asking about her family, and plans that the girls had for the upcoming weekend. Everything was going very smoothly and Lydia couldn’t have been more pleased that Wendy was getting along with her family. She would have considered it a perfectly relaxed evening if a certain demon had randomly appeared in the middle of dessert.
“Sorry I’m late everyone, but in my defense, I wasn’t ever planning on coming on time. I wanted to be fashionably late.”
Lydia tapped her fingers on the table impatiently, “You’re literally two hours late!”
“Fashion is always changing Lyds, look it up.” Beetlejuice hovered over to the table and piled a stack of cookies onto his plate which he promptly proceeded to practically inhale much to Lydia’s dismay but Wendy’s amazement.
“It’s Wendy right?” Beetlejuice asked in a tone that Lydia honestly didn’t hate, she briefly thought maybe the introduction would go alright by Beetlejuice standards, “I’m Beetlejuice or BJ, or ghost with the most. Whichever you prefer kid. Just don’t call me Lawrence, I’ll kill you if you call me Lawrence.”
“He’s kidding! He’s kidding!” Charles frantically tried to laugh it off as a joke when he saw the fear in Lydia’s eyes
“Nice to meet you BJ, Lydia told me a bit about you.”
“I could say the same thing.” Beetlejuice gave a teasing wink to a now fuming Lydia, “I have to say, Chuck, the cookies were a bit dry. Hey, Wendy want to see a magic trick?”
“NO!” Lydia shouted
“Sure?” Wendy replied, giving Beetlejuice all the permission he needed to animate all the plates and make them spin around the table and fly around everyone’s heads. Wendy’s grin grew bigger as the display went on and Lydia relaxed a little bit when she realized that Wendy was enjoying herself and that she wasn’t about to run out of the house screaming. Lydia gave a remorseful smile to Beetlejuice thankful that he found a way to still be himself but not embarrass Lydia in front of her girlfriend. The rest of the night went on full of laughter and fin conversation. By the end of the evening, Wendy thanked everyone for the delicious meal and wished them a goodnight when they went upstairs to go to bed. Lydia had already told her parents that they were having a sleepover in the living room, her father wasn’t exactly on board at first not feeling comfortable letting Lydia spend the night with her girlfriend but when Lydia compromised by promising to stay in the living room Charles reluctantly agreed but had Adam and Barbara on tap to check in on them periodically through the night.
Lydia and Wendy were sitting on the couch, sharing a blanket as they scrolled through Netflix trying to find a show or movie to have in the background while they either talked or played games with each other on their phones. Lydia had a winning streak in pool against Wendy and though every time Wendy threatened that the streak would come to a dramatic end Lydia always ended up winning, and Wendy pouted for five minutes before challenging her again. They were both getting tired around three in the morning and after bidding a truthful goodnight to Adam and Barbara Lydia came back downstairs with blankets and pillows for them to sleep on. Wendy took the couch and Lydia took the loveseat partly because it was polite to give the guest the bigger sleeping place, and Lydia was tiny enough to fit on the loveseat comfortably. They were still whispering to each other while they tried to fall asleep but the topics were becoming more and more incoherent the closer to sleep they got.
Wendy asked, “So like how did this all happen? Like how did you realize you were living in a haunted house?”
“It’s a complicated story that involves Adam and Barbara trying to scare us into moving out, Beetlejuice tricking me, and me briefly getting lost in the underworld.”
“You say that so casually.” Wendy snorted, “You literally have the most interesting life out of anyone I’ve met. They only interesting thing about me is how my older brother Levi got super drunk at my Bat mitzvah and fell off the stage and into the cake.”
Lydia chuckled, “Wasn’t he only like seventeen?”
“Yeah! That’s what made it even funnier, my mom and dad were so pissed at him. I was mainly just upset that my cake got ruined. Silas didn’t discriminate, he ate it right off the floor.”
“Seems typical of him.”
They both laughed and then there was a silence before Wendy whispered, “Can I ask you a question?” Lydia nodded hoping Wendy could see it in the dark, “If Adam and Barbara are ghosts….is your mom a ghost too? It’s just that you never mention her being around the house and if ghosts are real, I would think that she would haunt the house too I guess?”
Lydia instantly tensed up, “No my mom’s not a ghost. Not that I know of anyway. It’s kind of complicated, my mom is probably in the Netherworld which is like the afterlife I guess? Once a ghost goes to the Netherworld they can’t come back, Adam and Barbara are only still in the house because they never went there.”
“But that Beetlejuice guy he comes back and forth from the Net-Netherworld?”
Lydia rubbed her eyes sleepily, “Yeah that’s kind of complicated too. He’s half-demon and his mom is kind of the lady in charge of the Netherworld so I guess he just sorta figured out how to go back and forth as he wants? I can summon him from the Netherworld if I wanted to, and I tried to with my mom too but it doesn’t work.”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I brought it up. I know it’s a hard thing for you to talk about, I was just curious. I shouldn’t have asked.”
“No, it’s okay.” Lydia wiped away a stray tear in her eye, “You don’t need to apologize for asking. I know the whole situation is really confusing and I asked the same questions when I was figuring it all out too. I miss my mom a lot, I wish she was still here even as a ghost just so I could talk to her one more time. I mean she’d love you, I never got the chance to tell her, but I know she would just love you.”
Wendy shifted on the couch to sit up and look over at Lydia who was very evidently trying to hold back tears. She slid out from under her blanket and went over to the loveseat to pull Lydia into a tight hug. When they broke the embrace Lydia rested her head on Wendy’s shoulder and held her hand in her lap, “I’m sorry, I didn’t want to get all emotional.”
“Does it still hurt to think about her?”
Lydia shrugged, “Sometimes, a lot of the time it just hurts to think about all the stuff she’s going to miss in my life. I was only fourteen when she died, I still had so much more that I wanted her to see. She’s never going to see me graduate, or get married, or even have kids one day. It’s the small things sometimes, like this whole you meeting my family thing. I wanted it so badly to go perfect, but it just felt like somebody was missing. She’s never going to get to meet the people that I fall in love with, or give me those cheesy warnings about dating. Everyone here tries their best and I really appreciate it but times like that I still wish my mom was alive.”
“I wish I could have met her too. She is so important to you, and I’d have loved to get to know her.”
“She was pretty cool.” Lydia said with a soft smile
“Well now I know where you get it from.”
She rolled her eyes playfully, “You know you don’t need to charm me anymore, you already got me to date you.”
“Sorry babe I can’t turn off the charm, I’m just a chick magnet that way. I can’t help it.”
“Remind me again why I put up with you?”
“Because you loovvee me.” Wendy teased before giving Lydia a quick peck on the lips
“Yeah I suppose that’s a valid point. Now seriously you can’t share the couch with me my dad will freak if he wakes up to this tomorrow.”
Wendy begrudgingly slinked back to her couch and after a few more minutes of just talking to each other Lydia heard the soft snoring of the other girl and knew she had fallen asleep mid-conversation. Lydia pulled the blanket close to her face trying not to blush whenever she thought about how Wendy knew she loved her. 
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lil-meows · 6 years
Bts reaction to buying you wrong fitting lingerie:
@ellaa333111 requested:  Heey~ Can you please do a BTS Reaction to them buying you lingerie and it doesn't fit you like it is to small or big. BY THE WAY I AM IN LOOOVVE WITH YOUR BLOG ♡♡♡♡😍❤
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“Umm. Jin” you call out from your bathroom, door slightly ajar. “Hurry up let me see” he whines but all you could get out is a giggle. “Babe I think you meant to get this for your side hoe” You fully open the door now, watching as his confused face contours into a small laugh. You make your way towards him, legs as far apart as possible to stop the panties from sliding all the way down. At first, he’s too amused to say anything, hiding his smile behind his hands, so when you shrug, bra completely slid down your shoulders to your waist, he falls back in a feat of giggles. “God that’s like 20 sizes too big!”
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“I’m home!” Yoongi called out, excited for the surprise you had in store for him. You had texted him earlier taking a picture of the new lingerie he got you, telling him he’ll be able to see it on you if he got home early. However, a dead silence was the complete opposite response to his arrival than what he had expected. “In the bedroom, Min yoongi” You called out, and he gulped. You only called him by his full name when he’s done something to upset you. He pushed the door open and took a look at your unamused expression before looking at the rest of your body. You were wearing underwear, but somehow still naked. “So?” you tapped your foot. “We’ve been dating for years and you still bought me an A cup?” Yoongi stifled a nicker, looking you up and down. The bra was so small, and so tight, it looked painful, not to mention that it wasn’t hiding anything. Technically, all your breasts were out. As for the panties... “shouldn’t you drag those up?” he laughed, pointing at the panties that stopped mid-thigh. “I can’t” you made an attempt at tugging them up, but you only heard a tearing noise. Yoongi took off his jacket, his laughter dying down and his smile shifting into a smirk, “then take them off...”
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You’ve never seen him this excited before. “Open it!” he ushered you towards the pink and black striped bag. You took all the wrappings out to find what’s hidden underneath. “It’s so pretty!” you squealed. White and black lingerie, with so much lace. “can I try it on?” you asked eagerly “That’s what I got them for babe” 
A few minutes later you call him into the bedroom, slightly giggling, But when Hoseok came in, he couldn’t decide if his wrong sizing was wrong in the first place. You spun around in front of him, the hem of the panties digging into your hips and a generous amount of underboob on display. “I love it!” You joke, pulling him out of his lustful trance to apologize for his mistake.
RM/ Namjoon:
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“What the fuck Joon” you call out, and he looks through his fingers. “what the..” he starts, watching as you struggle to move around without your panties sliding completely off. “...fuck, yes Namjoon what the fuck” you bite your lip to suppress a giggle but your tone gives it all away. “I’m not a double D Joon” you whine, stomping a foot, making all the clothing you have on fall to the floor. You both stand in silence, staring at the pink undergarments on the floor before staring at each other, and breaking into laughter.
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“Jimin was this a set? like were these two piece on the same hanger?” you ask while standing in front of the mirror. Jimin, with his hands covering his face as to not ruin the surprise, lets out a muffled “yes”. You sigh and turn to face him, little did he know his surprise was ruined the minute he purchased the items. “open your eyes Jimin”. At first he looks excited, but the scowl on your face makes him confused, you look absolutely beautiful. “Just to let you know, anything we have planned for tonight shouldn't involve taking these off” you point at the panties then look at him “They’re basically glued to my hips at this point” “No way, the bra fits just fine” he says pulling you towards him to test the truth of your words. He tried to tug a finger behind the waistline and earned a pained whine from you. He lets out a breathy laugh, kissing the top of your head. “I’ll get the scissors”
V/ Taehyung:
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“I’m not complaining I mean...” you take a look at Tae’s disappointed expression and continue. “I love the colour, honestly it brings out my eyes” You attempt at making him feel better but now he just looks confused. “No it doesn’t” he scowls and you whine. “OK maybe it doesn't but honestly babe,” you turn away from the mirror and step close to him, letting go of your bra, making it slide all the way to your waist. “who needs underwear anyway” and at that, Taehyung finally smiles, mind set on the bigger goal for tonight.
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“Oh god, turn around let me see” Jungkook managed to say between giggles. you spin around to show him the magnitude of the problem. “You didn’t even clasp it from the back” he laughs even louder this time. You groan loudly at him not finding the situation as amusing. “It doesn’t even clasp” you make an attempt at it for the last time before dropping your hands and looking at him irritatingly. “Now what?” you put your hands on your hips. Bra doing a good job of covering everything above your breasts, not so much for everything else. Jungkook takes a deep breathe and motions for you to come closer. “Now you take it off, I can’t take you seriously when you look like this”
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Master Plan
Simm!Master x Reader
@yourxaveragexslythergit asked: Hello dear! Can I have 38, 41, and 45 with my fav simm!master please? Much appreciated love
Thanks for requesting lovely! While I never have written in the perspective of the Master before, I had quite a bit of fun exploring what I think his characterization may be within my writing world. I’m glad to have had the opportunity and see where I can grow with him from here! I hope you enjoy this, it’s mostly silly fluff. Pop by again! Happy Holidays! xoxo
Title: Master Plan
Word Count: 2,022
“No! Take me back now!” You shouted while attempting to keep a grip on the Tardis console. “Not a chance Y/N!” Was all you were able to make out as you were thrashed about into the time-space continuum. Your mind was racing and heart was pumping a mile a minute as you tried to grasp onto what was happening around you. It wasn’t your first trip in the Tardis, and it definitely wasn’t the rockiest. However, this was the first trip in the Tardis that you weren’t with the Doctor…
“Master! Take us back! We can’t just leave him!” You protested, creeping your way along the console to one of the main levers in an attempt to reverse your projection and get back to Earth. The Master beat you to the lever and put his hands over it, keeping it in place. You vainly attempted to pull it but it was no use, he wasn’t going to let go. “Ahhh!” You yelled out in frustration, “I could kill you right now Master!” “Ooo say it a little slower darling, I love hearing my name come from your lips with such vigor.” He proclaimed as he watched you try to budge his hands. “First off, it’s not our Tardis to take. Second, if you aren’t going to let me take us back, then where, or when are we going?” You pulled on his hand and arms as hard as you could, but there was no moving him. “First, what makes you think that I just took the Tardis without the Doctor’s permission? Second, it’s a surprise!” He countered, taking your forearms in his hands to move you away from the console as it continued to propel through space.
“You’re the Master, you don’t ask permission for anything. And last I checked, you were under the Doctor’s supervision, but now it’s up to me to bring you back. Who knows what you’re planning in that head of yours.” You uttered, snagging your arms out his hands. “Oh, Y/N, Y/N you think so little of me. I promise there are no tricks this time.” He avowed, using his hands to do a ‘cross my heart’ motion, but you weren’t buying it. This was the Master for goodness sake. The other Gallifreyan. The other Time Lord that the Doctor had known. The person who was always up to something, and the one who was usually two steps ahead. He was the yin to the Doctor’s yang. The epitome of what a nemesis or anti-hero would be. And he was…he was just…infuriatingly sexy. You shook your head in hopes to shake out the thoughts you were thinking of him before returning to the situation at hand.
“Look. Master, I don’t know what you’re planning or what you’re wanting to do but all I know is we need to get back to the Doctor. He is in charge of this Tardis and we need to go back. If you think that I won’t try to stop you, then you –“ “UUGHHH! Blah, blah, you’re gonna stop me come hell or high water blah blah, I won’t see it coming blah blah blah BLAH!” The Master hollered over you. “Look! Y/N! I know you might think I don’t have a nice bone in my body, but if you give me a chance I can promise you that you will see another side of me. If you give a chance.” You gave him a puzzled look, arms across your chest not sure how to feel about this spurt of somewhat kindness. He raised his eyebrows at you to press the question on you as you were trying to decipher what his true intentions may be. “I will give you a chance if you tell me why you took me and where we’re going.” You bargained, keeping your distance from him.
He gave you a smirk as his light brown eyes danced with excitement. “Well that’s easy, they’re both the same answer; I’m taking you out. On a date. With me.” You stood with mouth agape, stunned by his answer. “Something dysfunctional, something exciting! Just the way –“ “Just the way you like it?” You interrupted, trying to shake off the information you had just heard. “Hmmmm no! Actually, just the way you like it Y/N.” “I don’t know what –“ “Don’t go on to say that you don’t want to. I see the way you look at me when I’m doing something fascinating. You can’t take your eyes off me! This whole time if you really wanted to stop me you absolutely could have. You know this console just as much as the Doctor or I do, so why didn’t you? Because your intrigued, you’re delighted, you are thrilled to see a bit of recklessness. If I didn’t know any better, I would say you just might be in love with me.” The Master looked down at you, a smug smile spread across his face. Before you knew what you were doing, you viscerally slapped him sharply right across the face.
The Master’s hand quickly went up to rub the new stinging place on his cheek, exclaiming loudly at you as he turned back to face you. The Tardis had landed, but you hadn’t noticed with your mind racing and heart pumping hot blood through you. Not only were you struggling with keeping your cool and not killing the Master, you were also struggling internally with yourself. As much as you hated it, the Master had seen right through you…you did have some sort of feelings for him. However, you had been suppressing them for a while, and you weren’t about to go change your mind just because he calls you out and thinks he can take you on a kidnap date.
“How dare you! How dare you assume that I’d want anything to do with you in, in that way! I mean…no I, I can’t be in love with you! That isn’t how this works, this isn’t how our paths cross or our stories continue! I’m the Doctor’s friend, and I’ve been traveling with him, and just because you are on the Tardis to travel with us doesn’t mean whatsoever that I would ever, EVER be in love with-“ The Master shut you up by crashing his slightly chapped lips onto yours. Your eyes were wide open and filled with shock at his boldness, not sure what to do for a split second. You ended up pushing the Master back into the console before going up to him to whack him on the arm repeatedly. “Ow! Okay! Okay! Ow! Y/N, Y/N I’m sorry!” he hollered while covering his face and body. “You! Are! Infuriating!” You exclaimed with multiple emphasized smacks. “But you looovv---“ “Don’t say it!” You threatened, the Master chuckling as he leaned against the console. Your cheeks were growing redder and redder by the second, and it wasn’t just because you were angry…you were slightly embarrassed.
“So, so what Master? What is your plan then? Get me to fall in love with you on a date?” You questioned crossing your arms across your chest. He shrugged his shoulders and gave you a wink that made your stomach flutter. “If that’ll do it then yeah sure.” You scoffed at his response as you began to pace the metal floor. “This can’t be…this has to be a, a joke! Master. Look, so yeah maybe I have grown accustomed to you being in my life, and maybe I find you to be more than you let on but that doesn’t mean we can just stop everything and blast into time and space for a date.” You articulated, the Master watching your every move while you attempted to work this out to be something way more complicated than it needed to be. And that’s why he found himself quietly laughing at the whole situation. “You are so good at complicating simple things Y/N. Instead of trying to put pieces of many different puzzles together, couldn’t you actually just see that this isn’t a scheming plan?” “What do you mean?” “Couldn’t this, what I’m doing just be me taking you on a surprise date to avoid the silly questions that you humans always like to dish out and maybe the Doctor actually knows about this?” You glared at the Master as he divulged so much to you.
You wanted to believe him more than anything. It would mean that your feelings for him and the connection you had wasn’t all just in your head. But this was the Master. “And why Master, would all of this be as simple as that?” “Because to put it simply Y/N; I have feelings for you! That’s it!” The Master admitted, giving you a large grin when you spun around and met his gaze. “You…you can’t..you don’t…I don’t…” “Come on now then spit it out.” He jested, but seeing that you were going to remain stammering or speechless, he continued instead. “I know I may be known as this evil, conniving, crazy alien man, but there’s more to me and you know that. You’ve said so yourself. You are the first human to give me the time of day to see past anything that may be wrong with me.” You had made your way to the bars of the Tardis and were leaning over it as you listened to him, again, stunned at what you were being told. The Master crept up behind you and placed his hands on either side of yours on the bar to lean in close to your ear. “Besides, I’m a Time Lord. I know all there is about companionship. You could be mine if you wanted…if this worked out.” He cooed before taking a couple steps back. You stared at the wall across from you, and you don’t know what pushed you to do it, but it felt like you needed to. A wave of confidence flew through you and before you or the Master could say another word, you grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him into your lips. Your kiss was hard, it was needy, and it was…reckless. Just like the Master had said. The Master had said everything you wanted to hear, but you had found yourself believing him. There was something different in his eyes and voice when he had explained it all. A sincerity and desire that he hadn’t dared shown to anyone before, maybe not even the Doctor….
When you broke away, you both searched one another’s faces for the answer on what to do next. You had surprised him, and for a quick moment you could see his walls come down as he processed what you had done. You couldn’t help but smile and start to laugh at the both of you. You both were so complicated and flawed, at times it felt to both of you that any chance of a somewhat normal relationship. Yet, here you both were about to try. “So, are we just going to stand here speechless or are we going to go on that said date spaceman?” You queried, biting your lip while giving him a smirk. The Master’s eyes burned with yearning fire and jumped at the first sign of opportunity to actually go through with what he had planned with you. “Absolutely! Come on now Y/N, there’s millions of universes and planets out there, I want to show you around.” “Lead the way Master.” You linked your arm in his before he opened the big wooden doors to let yourselves out. You looked at the Master one last time before both of you took one last breath and stepped out into the new world in front of you. In that moment you had taken the leap, you took the chance to try this with the Master, and he is going to try it with you. Arm in arm, and leaving a path of desired fire and excitement as you make your way through this crazy life. It was thrilling. It was new. It was reckless. It was a new life, with the Master.
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sargentsnowy-blog · 7 years
Welcome back your 11 year old author!!!! Lets see…
Still have a lot of ideas. So lets get started.
Today, I’m gonna remake the episode Sleepover into a Starco related thingy mi gig. Lets get it…
Star pulled her brownies from the oven and smiled as her friends took them. They looked happy, but didn’t seem it. But she didn’t care because they thought they were good. And she was even more happy when StarFan13 ate the rest of them.
Star grinned at the girls, ready to get started with the fun after they got Marco. Where was Marco anyway? Suddenly, as if on cue, piano jazz came from the living room. Intrigued, Star and the girls walked to the living room. They then saw Marco, playing the keyboard, speaker towards the kitchen. Clearly, he wanted them to hear it.
He wore a jean vest over his gray undershirt, usual black jeans and had on sunglasses. Secretly, Star was mesmerized by him. Not playing the jazz piano, but how he looked in the jean vest. He should wear it more.
“Oh hey girls, just playin the piano.” Marco greeted. He grinned when he saw Jackie. Star gave a nod, hoping there would be some progress with him and her friend.
“I didn’t know you play Marco, yeah hah!” Jackie moved her shoulders back and forth, smiling at grinning Marco.
Marco lowered his glasses and saw Jackie staring at him, impressed. Jackie, his all time crush was looking at him, impressed. Marco got up and flipped up his collar.
“Hey Jackie, didn’t see yah there.” Marco groovely backed towards the the girls, but tripped over a stair that lead to the dining room. Opening his eyes, he witnessed the face of Star bending towards him. Her hair fell all around him, circling him in a soft cove. Yellow light hit his face since her hair was blonde. No one could see his face accept Star, and Marco was appreciative.
“Are you okay?” Star asked, concern filling her whispering voice. “I made sure my hair fall over you so Jackie didn’t see you embarrassed.”
“Thanks, Star,” Marco replied, sitting up quickly to where Star had to lift her head a bit. “Your hair is long and soft, so good use of it.” Star smiled at his compliment, lending her hand to help him sit up. As he got up, Ponyhead, Janna, StarFan, and Jackie asked if he was okay. He nodded.
“Want some brownies? I made sooooommme!” Star sang happily to Marco. He grinned at her.
“Brownies?” Marco leaned on the table where Jackie was eating a brownie. Her face said she wasn’t enjoying it, but she fooled Star. “I stick to the protein shakes. Keeps me lean and brean.” He was pretty sure brean wasn’t a word, but… what ever. He flexed his arm. Even if it did look noodly, it was pretty muscular.
“Heh hah, You got it baaaa-baaad!” Ponyhead flew up to Marco’s face and flipped his hair a bit. “And since you’re so good playing the field, I have a game that would be perfect for you!”
Marco stared, confused at what sat in front of him. It was a… box… He raised an eyebrow as Star spoke the words he was thinking.
“Ponyhead, it’s a box…”
“Ah! It’s so not a box! This game is called truth… or punishment. Its all about telling your friends your deepest… darkest secrets.” And with that… Marco was out. He got up with a “bye” and was on his way. He heard Star chasing after him yelling his name.
Pow! Marco hit the door hard as the blast shot him in the middle of his back. He slumped to the floor. Star instantly picked him up and grinned.
“What’s wrong, Marco?” Star looked at him with those ocean blue eyes, not even puppy pouting, yet he gave in to her eyes.
“It’s just… somethings are better kept… secret… Ya know?”
“Nope!” Star squished his cheeks together, grinning. “Come on… play for..me?"Marco groaned.
"I hate you,” he said playfully.
Star pouted, her walking towards Marco as he sat down in the circle. “Why you lyin? You looovve me!”
He couldn’t help but grin at her comment. She sat beside him, giving him encouragement to any question asked. Ponyhead floated above everyone as she turned off the lights and held her tongue to the box. Suddenly, the box… spoke?!
“The truth you shall tell, or all will face the punishments… SWEAR AN OATH OF TRUTH! PINKIE SWEAR TO ME!”
Janna grinned at the box, putting her pinkie in, “The truth.” StarFan followed. Then Jackie. Ponyhead stuck her tongue into the hole and then it was Star’s turn. “The truth…” She then looked at nervous Marco. Putting a hand on his wrist, she whispered to him.
“You can do this… you got your bestie here!” And with that, Marco nervously poked his finger in the box’s mouth. “The truth…”
The box closed itself and spoke. “Question one… what…”
Marco nervously looked at the box… awaiting his demise.
“…is… your…”
Star gave a grin to Ponyhead, leaning in towards the box.
“… favorite color?!”
Everyone leaned back, looking confused at the question. They expected something… more… secretive…
“Pony?” Star looked at her second bestie.
“Oh… the first questions are probably gonna be easy! The next question is probably gonna be like ‘have you ever killed a man.’ Nah still easy.”
“Okay, than you go first?” Star looked at Ponyhead with wide blue eyes.
“Ponyhair color! Dun!” Ponyhead announced happily.
“WHA?!” Marco looked throughly confused.
“It’s a popular color on Mewni.” Star answered with a blank look.
“Star…” StarFan leaned over Ponyhead with curiosity. “… what’s your favorite color?”
“I’ll have to go with yellow.” Star answered.
“OMG! ME TOO!” StarFan pushed over Ponyhead and grabbed hold of Star’s hands, laughing with her.
“What about you, Marco?” Star looked at Marco with a grin. She already knew the answer.
Then Jackie answered. “Neon green.”
Then Janna. “Black is my favorite.”
After all the answers were given, the box yelled. “Someone’s lying!” It released red lighting looking tendrils that began tickling them to death. Pure torture. All they could do was laugh fakely and cry out who lied.
Finally someone jumped in and told the truth. In was non other than… Janna. “Okay! It! Was! Me! I… love… pinnnk… it’s my favorite!”
“Truth!” the box yelled.
“Pink?!” everyone exclaimed.
“I just hate contributing to gender stereotypes.” Janna replied.
“Janna likes pink and fights the patrioticarky.”
The box rose high in the air, encasing Star’s room in itself.
Star looked shocked, confused, happy, dazed, and excited mixed all into one. “That… was… awesome!”
“Its like we’re in the game…” Marco pointed out nervously.
“Next question! What… did… you really think of… Star’s brownies?”
“Psst! Everyone loved them!” Star exclaimed happily. Everyone nodded in agreement, slightly nervous.
“Actually, I didn’t have a brownie, guessed I missed out.” Marco grinned at the faces of the girls.
“Yeah Marco, because the were really delicious!” Jackie said, her face growing. The form she was in made her ugly, and Marco did not appreciate that. Especially when his hands became webbed and he received a trunk.
“What’s happening to us?!” Star and StarFan yelled in unison. Marco gagged at how the box made Star the total opposite of her beautiful self.
“Someone is lying! And this is what lies look like!”
The box unfolded a mirror from itself, letting the crew see theirselves. They screeched at their horrid faces, not taking the look anymore. The group turned away.
“Someone tell the truth… now!” Marco yelled. He didn’t like how is face looked at all.
“Wait… who didn’t like my brownies?!” Star asked, panicked.
“I… uhm… hehe…” Jackie mumbled.
“Uhm…” Ponyhead looked away.
“Fine!” Janna held up a peace sign. Her face looked like that pig off angry birds, so she quickly wanted to go back to being herself. “I lied… those were like… the… worst brownies… ever!”
“Heh?” Star looked upset.
“Yeah… I lied too. Those brownies tasted like dirt!” Jackie said, looking downward.
“If I had a stomach… I would be very sick to the stomach right now.” Ponyhead admitted.
“Well I loved her brownies!” StarFan yelled, but then they grew uglier. “OKAY FINE I LIED! THE BROWNIES WERE TERRIBLE!!!!!!!!”
And with that, they all looked back into their normal selves. Star held her knees, still upset no one enjoyed her horrific brownies.
“That’s it! I don’t wanna play this anymore!” She said.
“Yeah… I’m sorry I brought this stupid game anyway. Come on… let’s go to the bounce lounge!”
Everyone agreed, walking towards the exit only to be pushed back where they were sitting.
“No one leaves! Not until you answer to final question! Who… do you… love?”
Marco felt his heart beat wildly. He had to tell the truth or they could all die! Star on the other hand was breathing in and out. The pattern kept going faster each second.
“We can beat this! Okay… let’s go guys!” Jackie yelled. She grabbed Janna’s hand and Ponyhead’s neck. “We can beat this!”
The box flew to her face. “Who… do you… love?”
“I love my mother! Solved!” Jackie grinned as it moved to Janna.
“John Klets.” She smiled slyly as the box floated to Star who was breathing heavily.
“Oskar Greason!!!!” She yelled… trying to not prove herself lying.
“Myself!” Ponyhead smiled.
“OskarFan 27!” StarFan grinned as it moved to Marco who had his head down, breathing heavy, heart pounding.
“Jackie. Jackie Lynn Thomas…” he admitted.
“What??” Jackie looked lost and confused. Marco liked her?!
“Someone’s lying big time!” The box screamed. The room glowed red, making them nervous.
Suddenly, the wind picked up and started the blow at everyone, ripping off Marco’s Jean vest Star adored.
“Who lied?!” Star yelled above the wind.
“Yeah?!” Marco screamed with her.
“Who do you love?! Not who you are in love with!! If you don’t say it… I’ll prove it!”
Large pillars reached up from the ground, causing everyone to dodge them. Ponyhead ran into one, her nose hurting after a while. She still flew on.
Suddenly, Star was taken up by a pillar. She screamed for one person in particular…
“Marco!!!” She screamed.
“Star!” He yelled back running to the pillar. All of a sudden, the red light turned green and the pillars stopped coming up. Star fell right into Marco’s arms and the box began to speak once more.
“ TRUTH!!!!!!! Star Butterfly loves Marco Diaz and Marco Diaz loves Star Butterfly.” The box announced, a smug edge to his voice.
“What?!” Marco and Star yelled in unison, staring at each other in awe and silence.
“You love me?” Marco asked Star, his face slowly turning red as he realized she was in his arms.
“Yeah…you love me?"Marco gave a weak nod. A princess… from another dimension… loved him… the safe kid… That’s a rare story.
"You may leave.” the box yelled before the room turned regular. The box dropped onto the ground and everyone stared at it.
That very box just admitted that Marco and Star loved each other. Then, the group looked at the pair. Their eyes were darting to the box than each other.
“Bye everyone!” Star yelled happily to her departing friends. Then, Jackie turned back to Star.
“He had a crush on me?” She asked earnestly.
“Yeah…” Star whispered.
“That changed after last night! He loves you girl!”
“I kinda knew that… but as a friend way… not like the haven’t found I love you way…”
“Haha! Well… call me if things are too awkward! Oh… by the way… he’s behind you.”
Star turned around to see Marco standing there, his face pinkish. She felt her hearts softly glow. Her body turned around to see Jackie waving slyly her way, to far away to call without waking the neighborhood.
“So…” Marco rubbed his neck. “I heard you love me…”
Star smiled at his joke. “Yeah… I heard you love me.” She grinned when his face turned crimson.
“How about a… date tonight… see if we’re right together…”
Star felt surprise, nervousness, excitement, many
different emotions. But that all mixed in with her happiness.
“Of course!” She cheered before pecking him him on the lips. She then skipped away from the steaming Marco crying out, “I’ll be waiting for that date!”
And scene! Wow… this took me… 2 hours to make after checking it. Welp… time to sleep.
Copy and pasted from Random Starco One-Shots on FFN.
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