#i loooove themmm
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cryystallos · 4 months ago
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normalenjoyer-png · 9 months ago
sorry i love how chilchuck is just holding marcille. i think that's so silly. these people are such good friends and that means so much to me
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kyriosc · 2 years ago
dcviated asked:
"What if they're disappointed? They sound so classy..." Raguna frets.
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Matilda's soft hums come to a halt when hearing of her partner's dilemma. She couldn't imagine why he'd be so nervous, she knew her parents very well and and they would definitely like him. Classy? Maybe in appearance but she wouldn't know of that. Mannerisms? Her mother a touch so but her father had been known to be too friendly at times.
She laughs at the thought of Raguna being swept up in her father's antics; talking from one topic to another, about work, family and who knows what else. The lady won't tell him that the feeling is mutual and her parents are also slightly nervous about meeting him.
Patting her thighs she awaits her lover's head on her lap before patting his head gently.
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"You'll be fine, Raguna, no need to worry. How about we have some grilled foods for dinner tonight? But maybe you should keep an eye on the charcoal this time."
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ryoun · 4 months ago
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We're fine.
jeongnyeon: the star is born ▸ episode 3
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lovrbooy · 1 year ago
charden if care
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usertoxicyaoi · 7 months ago
they'll be like "r u okay?" and i'll be like "no i can't stop thinking about this":
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nuivence · 1 year ago
so many things planneddddd tehehe, a pinterest, maybe a doc, layout redo (i was lazy making this)☝🏼 PROBABLY SOME OTHER THINGS too!!!! so exciting waaaa i missed this hobby
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mintytrifecta · 2 days ago
I am going to get. Four hours of sleep 👍
Oh boy what a fun long day working at a bakery in which I bake things in can't wait to go home and bake in my house where I bake cookies in
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dickgraysonsptsd · 3 months ago
Also, pleaseeee expand on incestuous teen titans!! Like the original 5 or all of them? :oo
ALL OF THEMMM and by all of them i primarily mean the original fab five and the ntt/tntt gang! based on who appears in titans 99/08 i would say my like core mental group of "Oh My God, That IS Incestuous" Titans is: dick, roy, donna, wally, garth, raven, gar, vic, kory. maybe i'm forgetting someone. if i am don't worry about it.
the "incestuous" comment specifically is from titans (1999) #13 when jesse quick calls the titans out for being "like a family... in all the worst ways":
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Jesse: When you told me the Titans were like a family--I guess I thought you just meant in the nice way--closeness, you know. Loyalty. But you're also a family in all the worst ways. You may all be great heroes in your own right--I know, I've studied some of you--but together you're disorganized, reactionary, and incestuous.
we're using incestuous in both the "you're a family who has romantic/sexual relationships with each other" way + the less literal secondary definitions (which is what jesse primarily means in context):
"designating or characterized by a relationship of exceptional closeness or interrelation, often one regarded as unproductive, unseemly, etc." (collins english dictionary)
"being so close or intimate as to prevent proper functioning" (dictionary.com)
"excessively or improperly intimate or exclusive" (merriam-webster dictionary)
it's obviously not literally incest for the titans to sleep together, but i loooove jesse using "incestuous" because of that overlap between "you guys are a so-close-you-literally-see-each-other-as-family friend group AND YOU KEEP FUCKING EACH OTHER" and "you guys are sooooo goddamn strange about each other and it makes it weird as fuck for everyone not in your... THING."
like they are suchhh messy weird enmeshed bitches! they are not reasonable or normal about each other! and the core titans are fine with that. all my saved panels re: this are about dick because i have literally 1 personality trait (liking dick grayson) but this is true of the other titans as well and their intensity about each other is present in all post-crisis titans runs that i know of.
for dick-based evidence, see titans (1999) #13, when vic vents to gar about dick keeping secrets from him:
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Garfield: Nightwing manipulates people all the time, man. It's a Bat thing.
and later, titans (1999) #43:
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Dick: Jesse hates me, Argent's scared of me, Donna hung up on me, and Wally thinks I'm nuts... and I just committed you all to fight a war in another dimension without so much as asking. Roy: Is that what's bothering you? Man, that's why we love you! You've been that way since day one!
for more direct "hey, are those guys a polycule?" implications, we get titans (2008) #2, when toni is talking to the elder titans and she asks "are you guys back together?":
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Toni: Are you guys back together? Dick: No, not exactly. Donna: Well, in a sense. Roy: It's complicated. Well, not complicated-- Garfield: Geeeez, people. It's not like we're sending out invites and picking out china patterns. Relax.
going back in time to jla/titans (1998) #2, we get a thesis statement for the titans as a whole:
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Dick: Unlike the JLA, the Titans aren't just about a promise to the world--it's also about a promise to each other... to ourselves. We swore on our childhood nightmares that we'd be there for one another. If I don't honor that I don't honor who I am.
and then the excellent "til death do us part" scene from jla/titans #3:
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Dick: Did you give up, Vic? Is that what happened? Because if you did, even for a minute, I've got a secret to tell you. You can't give up. And I don't just mean because it isn't a good idea. I mean your friends. Your family. This fighting the good fight thing we're all in together until death--whether you realize it or not. It's under your skin, Vic.
they. are. so. SOOOO. SOOO resembling incest as by excessive intimacy HOLY COW. ITS UNDER YOUR SKIN ITS IN YOUR BLOOD... TITANS TOGETHER FOREVER BABEYYYY
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p4xpatag0nika · 3 months ago
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me btw..
my name is tito, тито, moltchniki or махно (all of those are NOT my real names btw....)
idgaf about pronouns but you can use he/him
im from argentina but I LOOOOVE slavic culture
i like true crime (if you didn't notice it yet...)
my english is not good...
i do not have favs but uhh i like adam lanza, borovikov, nikita and artyom the ukranian maniacs and some other ngas
im not sure what ideology yet... i hate neos...
im christian btw
my bday is 22 dec!!1!1!!!1!1!1
dni: jews n ancaps
if you wanna talk feel free to add me in discord: p4tagonianf4rmer
well idk what more 2 write so
GOODBYE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!
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tastysweetmeat · 1 month ago
I love love love LOVE LOVE LOVE LOOOOVE MY GIRLFRIEND ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️I Love that they're like an evil cartoon villain ♥️♥️♥️ I LOOOVE them I love them I love themmm ♥️♥️♥️ they're SOOOOOO cute and sweet and soft inside even though they try to seem all scary and mean they melt in myhands like puttyyy hehehehe.....my nasty evil green menace ♥️♥️♥️♥️
They are all I can think aboutyytttt I can't sleep and I'm all gigglly and giddy hehehe cuz I love themmm ♥️♥️ UWWAAHHHHHH!!!!!
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lil-miss · 8 months ago
A thingy with @lil-miss's fem ZaDr girls! :333
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Song: Мою первую любовь звали ненависть - Алёна Швец (listen I am holding on by a thread)
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angelheartzz · 1 month ago
Hi! I really loooove centaur and deity dee, can I draw themmm? (More accurately, can I *post* them? I drew them in school already lol)
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madcatdaderpydrawer-blog · 1 year ago
Any hobbies, Crystal?
Crystal looks mournful* itttts been… soooo long… I caaan.. barelyy remmmember…
Paige carefully approaches the distraught women, clutching her toy to her chest. She stares at the monster for a moment* … you.. have a son, don’t you?
Crystal looks surprised, blinking owlishly at the small girl. A small smile spreads across her face* …yessss…
Paige smiles softly, sitting criss cross next to her* What did he like to do?
Crystal reminisces speaking wistfully* heee.. tooooldd jooookes. Heeee looooved themmm soooo muchhhh…
Paige: that sounds nice! I bet he’d make a great comedian
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stunie · 6 months ago
I Love how you writeeee 😭
I just have a request, if you can’t that’s okay :3
How would the WindBreaker guys *Ume coff coff* (or multi fandom too) react to catching you practicing (Aka singing and playing the guitar or piano) a love song you wrote about them?
Ahhh thank you again for your stories I loooove reading themmm <3
hellloooo my lovely nonnie i hope you’re doing great!!! you’re so sweet shendnnd thank you for reading my writing 🥺🤍 i don’t take requests as of now but i did have some thoughts!! if this is alright ^ ^
suo — he overhears you & listens right outside your door for a little bit. when he realizes it’s about him, a little smile tugs at his lips & he decides it’s about time to show himself
sakura — breaks out into a furious blush when he hears you practice. it sounds so pretty. after you you catch him eavesdropping, he tugs on the back of your sleeve & quietly asks if you can play something for him again sometime
umemiya — burst through the door right away. “is that for me? how pretty! you never told me about this.” he sits down on your bed, elbows on his knees and listens with a dopey smile on his face. if it’s something like piano, i can imagine him listening all day until the tune makes him fall asleep. he falls asleep with his chin resting on his hand, and if you wake him up— prepare for groggy umemiya who rubs his eyes and goes “eh? i didn’t mean to fall asleep…. did i miss the rest? can you play it again?”
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epiphainie · 9 months ago
omg could you share some of your thoughts about chim & hen please??
i loooove themmm soooo much. they're genuinely my favorite relationship on the show (only buck & bobby and buck & maddie come a little close). just today i was thinking about how we didn't have a hen & chim episode in a while and i was thinking of all the interesting things they could do with them next season re mara with chim officially being her guardian but her being hen's child still.
they remind me of that quote that goes something like "soulmates are not found, they're made" because i think they met each other when they were almost unformed (? for lack of a better word) and filled each other bit by bit - with hen inspiring chim and chim defending her and hen defending him and chim inspiring hen - till they become whole. a great case of two people both being of the same mind, of the same fabric, of the same soul color but also being opposite enough that they complemented each other.
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