#i logged in a year or so ago to try and keep up with the new daily quests
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ms-demeanor · 2 months ago
I've seen you say a few times that it's a good idea to have a password manager; could you explain why? I always feel like I'm missing something when it's mentioned because it's phrased as if there's an obvious danger that password managers protect you from, but I'm honestly not sure how they help keep passwords secure.
The obvious danger is human nature. Humans are bad at creating passwords; your passwords are almost certainly easy to guess, repeated across different accounts, or both, because that is just how the vast VAST majority of people create passwords, because humans are bad at creating passwords. Everybody knows "the rules" for creating passwords (don't use the same password on multiple websites, don't include personal details in your passwords, don't use very common words or letter or number sequences in your passwords, don't tell other people your password) and people break all of those rules anyway.
A standalone (not in-browser like firefox or chrome password manager, though those are better than nothing) password manager stores your passwords, generates complex passwords for you, and can also be used for things like storing notes on passwords (like "did I put my MFA on my email or my cellphone or an app for this password?" or "here are the made-up answers to the security questions I used for this website because I definitely didn't use real answers or answers I'd used on previous websites" or "these are the bills associated with this credit card").
With the way the current security landscape works, there are two things that are extremely important when you are creating a password:
The overwhelmingly prevalent way that people get "hacked" these days is through credential stuffing.
Let's say that your private data was revealed in the Experian breach a decade ago. It revealed your name, email address, and phone number. Now let's also say that your private data was revealed in one of the many breaches from social media sites; that one revealed your name, email address, phone number, password, and security questions.
If someone wants to try to gain access to one of your accounts - let's say your bank account - if they have your name and phone number (usually extremely easy to find online), they can cross-reference that information with data that has been revealed in previous breaches - now they've got your name and your email address (which you probably used to sign up for your online banking and have ABSOLUTELY used as your login for accounts all over the place) and at least one password that you've used somewhere.
But the thing is, they don't have one password. They have every password associated with that email address that has ever been revealed in a breach. If you go to the site haveibeenpwned.com you can enter your email and see how many times your email address has appeared in a breach. You can compare that with the number of passwords that were revealed in those breaches and you can ask yourself "what did those passwords have in common?"
Because I can tell you, my Tumblr password from 2013, my Kickstarter password from 2014, and my Disqus password from 2017 (all revealed in various breaches) probably had a lot in common.
So, now the hacker has: your name, your email (which is probably your username), and various passwords they can try to use to log in. Did you use the same password for Facebook and Twitter eight years ago? Did you use parts of that password for creating your bank password? If you heard that twitter passwords were exposed in a breach you probably changed that password, but did you change the bank password that you built on the same structure? Probably not.
So what people will do is gather up all of this information and guess. They'll try your 2017 Disqus password to see if it will get access to your bank account. They'll try your 2020 Gravatar password. They'll try your 2024 Internet Archive Password.
And the reason they do this is because it works.
And the reason that it works is because we are all fucking garbage at remembering unique, complex passwords so instead of creating actually unique, complex passwords most people pick one memorable word or phrase, one memorable number, one unusual character, and *MAYBE* one feature of the site they're creating the login for and they use that template forever (1988Tumblrmacabre!, 1988Facebookmacabre!, 1988Ticketmastermacabre!) OR they create one password that they think is complex enough and use it across multiple sites with minor tweaks ($n0h0mi$hRu13z, sn0h0mishRul13z!, $n0h0mi$hWA) as needed for the sites' password requirements.
So most of what password managers do that is a drastic security improvement over people creating and memorizing passwords is that they create passwords that are functionally impossible to guess and functionally impossible to memorize. The problem with memorizing passwords (which is what you're doing if you're creating a bunch of passwords that you type in all the time) is that you can't actually remember all that many passwords so you'll repeat those passwords. The problem with creating passwords on your own is that passwords that humans create are pretty guessable. Even if you're doing a passphrase that's a long string of words you're probably working with common words ("correct horse battery staple" as opposed to "truculent zygote onomatopoeia frangible") and your password is more guessable than you'd really want it to be. Password managers don't do that, they generate gibberish.
Perhaps you are that rare person who gets out a set of dice and a notepad and rolls up every character for your password and memorizes it and never repeats, and if that's you, you could still benefit from a password manager because a password manager makes it easier to change that unique complex password when it is inevitably revealed in a breach.
So, okay, let's check in with where we're at:
Password managers mean that you don't have to memorize your password, which means that you don't need a password that is easy to memorize, which means that they can create passwords that are extremely complex and are therefore very difficult to guess. This protects you from crackers who will try to brute force your password.
Password managers mean that you don't have to remember extremely complex passwords for every account, which means that you are less likely to repeat your password in whole or in part across multiple accounts. This protects you from credential stuffers, who will try to use your password from one account that was revealed in a breach to open other accounts that were not.
Because password managers can generate and store complex passwords essentially instantly, you can replace passwords nearly effortlessly when there is a breach (no need to 'come up with' a new password, no issues with learning or memorizing it).
There are, however, advantages beyond that.
One major, MAJOR advantage of a properly-used standalone password manager is that it makes you safer from various kinds of phishing attempts and link hijacking. When you are setting up a password in your password manager (PWM from here on), you should be on the website that you want to log in to. The PWM will give you the option to save the domain that you're logging in to. That means the PWM will remember the correct URL for your Tumblr login so when you go to the tumblr login screen in the future, it will offer to fill those fields. What it will NOT do is offer to fill those fields if someone sends you an email that spoofs tumblr support and wants you to log in at "tumblr.co" or "tumblr-support.com." Knowing this, and knowing that you should be putting your credentials in through the PWM fill option rather than copy/paste, is a GREAT way to protect against phishing that is often overlooked and definitely under-discussed.
Another advantage is that a standalone PWM will let you store secure notes with your passwords so that you can do things like keep track of recovery codes for the website, or generate gibberish answers to security questions. Security questions and answers are often revealed in breaches, can't be reset by the user as easily as a password, are repeated across websites MUCH more than passwords, and can be used to take over an account and reset the password. You shouldn't be giving real security answers, or even fake-but-repeated security answers; you should treat each of those like a password that needs to be complex and unique, which means that they need to be stored someplace (like a password manager).
I also personally use my password manager to store my car insurance information, my driver's license info, and payment details for easy entry, making it convenient for a lot of thing beyond password storage. (Bitwarden. My password manager is bitwarden. I recommend Bitwarden. go to ms-demeanor.com and search "bitwarden" to learn more.)
As to how they keep your passwords safe, aside from ensuring that you don't enter your credentials into a skimming site, a good password manager is well encrypted. Your password safe should be functionally impossible to crack and what people tend to not realize is that a proper password manager (like bitwarden) doesn't keep all your passwords in one encrypted safe, each one of your passwords is in its own encrypted safe. If someone hacks Bitwarden it's not like using a huge amount of effort breaking into a bank vault and finding a big pile of money, it's like using a huge amount of effort breaking into a bank vault and finding a big pile of bank vaults. Each password within your vault requires decryption that is functionally impossible to crack (at least with a good password manager, like bitwarden, the password manager I recommend and think that people should use).
Additionally, just as, like, a side note: password managers never accidentally leave caps lock on or forget which characters are capital or lower case and don't require the use of two hands and focused attention on the keyboard. You're never going to mistype your password if the password manager is filling it, and you would not believe the number of people we support at work who require password resets because they are typing their password wrong and don't realize it.
Password managers make better passwords than you can and they make it possible to instantly create, store, and enter complex passwords, which prevents password cracking and makes people less likely to reuse passwords. They are heavily encrypted and should be functionally impossible to access, and each individual password within the manager should also be encrypted if you use a good password manager. Password managers also prevent people from entering their credentials on scam sites by only filling on matched domains. Standalone password managers (not browser password managers) also allow users to create and store unique security questions and account details to prevent bad actors from gaining access with stolen security answers. The password manager I recommend is Bitwarden.
If people used password managers to create, store, and use unique and complex passwords, and if they did regular backups of their system I think that probably about half of the InfoSec field would be out of a job.
Please use a password manager!
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punkshort · 7 months ago
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Thank you Anon for this request!
A Deeper Purpose
Pairing: Joel Miller x f!reader one-shot
Summary: Living in Jackson during the apocalypse doesn't do anything to curb your desire to have a child. The problem is, most of the men in town are unavailable... except for one.
Warnings: smut (18+ MDNI), unprotected piv sex, breeding kink (given the request, obv), language, friends to lovers, mentions of anxiety, infertility, pregnancy, angst, pining, alcohol
WC: 3.4K
dividers by @saradika-graphics
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When you first asked him, he thought you were crazy.
He stared at you in complete disbelief, his gaze flickering down to the drink in your hand, trying to recall how many you had to propose something so insane. But it was only one.
"Are you fuckin' serious?"
"Mhmm," you said confidently. "I've thought about it for a long time. I want a baby and the men in this town are either taken or have the mental fortitude of a child," you joked nervously. "You're neither of those things. Besides... I trust you."
His eyes softened for a moment and he dropped his gaze to the table. You had known Joel for the better part of five years, and while at first he was brash and gruff, throughout countless patrols and fights against infected where you had to have each other's backs, you had grown rather close. Neither of you ever crossed the line past friendship, and you had never even thought about it until recently when your anxiety was keeping you up late at night, wondering if you would ever find a man and settle down to start a family.
It was a luxury in this life, to be sure. The population of Jackson wasn't very large, but in five years you had come to get a good read on most of its citizens. And you kept coming back to the same conclusion: the man for you was not there.
So after much thought and self-reflection, you worked up enough courage to get a drink with Joel after your route and ask him if he would be willing to give you a baby.
You followed up by telling him you would be solely responsible, that you would do all the work and he could be as involved in the child's life as much as he wanted to be, if at all, while he sat there dumbstruck.
Now he cleared his throat and scratched the back of his neck nervously as he weighed your proposal.
"Can I think 'bout it?" he finally asked.
"Oh, god, of course!" you exclaimed, eyes widening in surprise that he was considering it at all. "However much time you need."
But that was almost a month ago. Each day that passed you became more anxious, more impatient, and it was beginning to sour your mood.
On that particular day you were checking out the park rangers outpost hidden deep within the Wyoming forest. The building was up within the trees, providing the park rangers in the past a bird's eye view of the forest, and now it gives Jackson the same.
Joel was scribbling something in the log book while you strolled aimlessly around the cabin, opening and shutting drawers loudly, already knowing what was in them but just looking for something to do.
"Somethin' on your mind?" he mumbled over his shoulder, his focus still on the book.
"No," you said defensively, but when you angrily began to struggle with a window that refused to open, it became clear you were lying.
"Here, lemme help," he offered, dropping the pencil and walking to your side of the room.
"I'm fine, I don't need your help," you snapped, though you obviously did.
His hands gripped your shoulders and forcibly moved you out of the way before he took hold of the window and gave it a quick jerk, loosening the window in it's frame and finally allowing fresh air in.
He smirked at you and you rolled your eyes before breezing past him.
"This attitude 'bout the window or 'bout what you asked me?" he challenged, stopping you dead in your tracks. Slowly, you spun around, unsure what to say.
"The window," you finally answered, then shifted your weight and shrugged. "Okay, maybe a little of both."
"Mhmm," he said, advancing toward you. "Thought so."
"Well... have you thought about it or are you just trying to come up with a nice way to say no?"
He frowned and propped his hands on his hips. "Now why d'you think it's a no?"
"Because you haven't said a single word about it in a month," you told him like the answer was obvious.
"Well maybe the answer's yes but I don't know how to casually bring up into polite conversation that I'm ready to knock up my goddamn friend!" he argued.
You stared at him, jaw hanging open in disbelief.
"Wait, really?" you whispered.
He nodded and scrubbed his palms over his face. "Yeah, I mean... if you still wanna or... whatever," he grumbled.
The first time was bad, to put it mildly. Your kisses were all teeth, chins and noses bumped together awkwardly. You had hoped once you got down to it that it would have gotten better, but you were wrong. Your rhythms were all off, you hit your head on the end table, and Joel nearly fell off the couch at one point. Needless to say, you didn't come. It was a miracle he did by the end of it.
Afterwards, you both sat there, catching your breaths and wondering if you made a huge mistake.
No, it wasn't a mistake. It was always a means to an end. Ultimately, it didn't really matter if the sex was good or not, the end result would be the same.
"I'm not usually that bad," you finally said, breaking the thick silence. He groaned and tipped his head back to rest on the couch.
"Me either. I swear, I ain't lyin'. I never usually..." he trailed off, rubbing his chin, deep in thought. "We'll try again. Back home. In a bed. That's the problem. It's gotta be, right?"
"Yeah," you nodded, not fully believing him but at that point, what could it hurt?
The next time was the following day at your home. It was a little better than the first time, but not by much.
"It doesn't matter, Joel," you assured him, tugging your blanket over your chest.
"Matters to me," he said defensively. "I'm too in my head or somethin'. It's still weird, don't you think?"
"Yeah, it's weird," you agreed.
"It's too planned out. Maybe it's gotta be more natural. More... spontaneous."
"Yeah," you agreed.
A couple evenings later one of the other men on patrol was having a bonfire at his home and invited a handful of others, you and Joel included.
Ten or so people sat around a roaring fire, tossing back whiskey and playing cards or swapping war stories. The alcohol made you feel warm and relaxed, your limbs as loose as your tongue when you joked around with the others, joining in on the teasing when a seasoned patrolman admitted to shooting off a crossbow at a leaf that fell just a little too loudly in the woods.
Then you felt a hand on the small of your back and you turned, your eyes glassy and face warm from the booze and the laughs. Joel stood beside you looking just as at ease as you and he gave you a knowing look.
For once, you were on the same page. Neither of you said a word.
You made your excuses, said your goodbyes, and slipped into the night. It was quiet, the rest of the town asleep, so it was easy to hear Joel's voice carry over the wind a few minutes later when he announced his departure, your heart skipping an excited beat in your chest.
He didn't hurry to catch up with you and you were glad. It helped. The anticipation built up on the walk home, and for the first time you felt a warmth bloom between your legs. Your fingers shakily worked your front door when you heard his steps growing closer, the crunching of gravel growing louder and louder until your door swung open and the squeak of old wood under his boots as he walked up your stairs echoed in your ears.
You didn't bother to turn the lights on. His hands were on your waist instantly, kicking the door closed behind him as his mouth crashed against yours with a groan. All you could hear was your shared breath and the rustling of fabric, each of you working to strip the other of their clothes as quickly as possible.
Maybe it was the alcohol, or maybe it was the spontaneity of it. Whatever it was, it was better. Oh, so much better.
Somehow you had made it to your bed and you had never been more grateful to have a small ranch home in your life. When he first pushed inside, you moaned and arched your back off the mattress and his teeth gently grazed your collarbone, sending a wave of goosebumps over your skin. Instantly, you found a rhythm. Your hips rolled to meet his at the perfect time, his hands squeezed and pinched your breasts while his tongue invaded your mouth, only sliding down to cup your ass when he sensed it was becoming too much.
"More," you moaned into his mouth, heels digging into the backs of his thighs. He alternated between snapping and grinding his hips, the mix of sensations quickly bringing you over the edge.
You could feel the excitement in his body when he finally made you come. Like he was reenergized and focused, like he had finally accomplished what he set out to do.
"Come for me, Joel," you whispered in his ear before nipping at his earlobe. You could tell he was close by the way his muscles tensed and the deep groans emanating from his chest.
"Yeah? Want me to come in this tight little pussy?" he growled, the dirty talk sending a jolt of surprise through you. Before, he had been so quiet. This was new.
"Yeah," you whispered back, "want you to fuck a baby in me. I want everyone to see what you did to me."
He groaned so loudly you wondered if it could be heard from outside. His teeth sunk down into your shoulder when he came, muffled words being spoken into your skin as he shot thick ropes of his seed deep into your womb, only slowing when his legs began to shake and he collapsed on top of you with a huff.
"Fuck," he gasped, still trying to catch his breath on top of you. "That was..." he trailed off with a chuckle and you felt him swallow tightly. "That was much better."
"Yeah," you whispered, your eyes sliding shut as your fingers gently raked through his hair. You didn't even realize you were doing it or how intimate it seemed considering your arrangement, but he didn't seem to mind. In fact, he leaned into it a bit as he waited for his heartrate to slow.
Once he collected himself, he propped himself up on his hands and slowly eased out of you with a hiss.
"Can you hand me-"
"Yeah," he said, already knowing you were asking for the small, firm pillow you used last time to prop your hips up, and gave it to you. With a groan, he got to his feet and went to your bathroom while you tucked your knees against your chest, hoping you were getting the angle right.
When he emerged from the bathroom, he handed you a wet washcloth to use when you were done, then began to dress.
He glanced at your face, then your hips propped up in the air.
"You need anythin' else?"
"No, I think this'll do," you joked, and he chuckled before he stood.
"Alright then. See you tomorrow?"
"Yep," you said with a smile, then watched him as he left your bedroom and listened while he slid his boots back on and quietly shut the door behind him, leaving you all alone.
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"Fuck, it better work this time," you muttered as you bounced up and down on Joel's lap, your hands digging into his shoulders for support as you slid up and down on his cock. His hands held your waist, guiding you while you rode him on his couch, his eyes transfixed on where you were connected.
"Gotta relax. I told you, it ain't gonna work if you stress yourself out," he replied, eyes still glued to the way his cock emerged from your clutch even wetter than before.
"It's been six months, Joel," you whined, but he shushed you by slanting his mouth over yours. He didn't want to admit it, but he didn't mind when you came to him each month with a look of dejection when your efforts inevitably failed. He felt bad for you, don't get him wrong, but he had grown very fond of the one week every month you found yourself wrapped around his cock.
His thumb found your clit and he felt you tense and your mind went blank. Perfect.
"'S'right," he murmured, watching your face go slack, "just turn off that pretty little head of yours for a minute and lemme take care of you."
You nodded, eyes sliding shut as your hips began to work faster, rolling and grinding down on him until your nails dug into his skin and you cried out his name. Fuck, he loved hearing that. It didn't take much more for him to come, his hands gripping your sides so tight, he was afraid he might leave bruises as he thrusted up into you, giving you every last drop of his release.
"Goddamn," he whispered, head falling back onto the couch as he panted for air.
"Shit," you gasped, voice a little cracked. "Shoulda finished with me laying down. It's gonna leak out when -"
Without a word, he wrapped his arms around you and, still plugging you with his cock, twisted around so you were laying flat on the couch and he was hovering above you.
"Much," you giggled, playing with a stray curl over his ear. You gazed warmly at one another, neither of you saying a word as your pulse slowed and his cock softened.
"Thank you for doing this for me, Joel," you whispered, your eyes drifting all over his face, taking in every little detail.
He nodded and swallowed then forced himself to look away. If he didn't, he was worried you would see too much.
He slid out of you and grabbed a pillow, handing it to you blindly before standing and strolling to his bathroom. After he cleaned up, he leaned over his sink, hands curled around the cracked vanity, and stared at his reflection in the mirror with a pit in his stomach.
How did he let this happen?
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He should have known. The morning before you came over, he had a bad feeling. Like something had shifted in the air, something had changed without his permission and it left an empty feeling in his chest.
The overly excited knock on his door as he sipped his coffee almost made him want to pretend he wasn't home, that you weren't about to bounce into his kitchen holding two white sticks with a huge grin plastered across your face. But he didn't, and you did.
Either he really sold his reaction to your news well or you were too elated to notice his heart being ripped from his chest.
It was over. You were pregnant, and you no longer needed him. You would no longer come by every month and keep his bed warm. You would no longer share breakfast with him or talk to him about the books you were reading. He would go back to being utterly and completely alone.
It took a good month or two, but he adjusted back to his normal life. You still did patrol runs with him, which he protested, but when you finally began to show around five months, you agreed to stop and found a different job in town, instead.
That made his chest crack back open. Now he hardly ever saw you. It was bad enough he didn't get to be with you, taste you, fuck you anymore, but now he didn't even get to hear your voice. Occasionally he would see you in the dining hall or in the street and you would always talk to him, but it wasn't the same. Meanwhile, you walked around Jackson with his child growing in your belly, your shirts straining against the swell of your womb, the life he put inside you blooming before everyone's eyes. And all he wanted to do was claim you, right there in the center of town for everyone to see. For everyone to look in awe at what the two of you had created together.
One evening he was sitting alone in front of his fire, sipping whiskey and staring blankly into the flames. He had a decent life, considering the circumstances. So why couldn't he just be happy?
Then a rap came at his door. Urgent and loud. He placed his tumbler down and quickly went to open it, surprised to find you waiting on the other side.
"Hey," you said breathlessly, one hand over your round stomach. His eyes dropped down to take you in before he met your gaze again.
"Are you alright?"
"Yeah," you replied with a look on your face that told him you didn't realize he would obviously panic about your wellbeing at this point in your pregnancy. "Sorry, I just - can I come in?"
"Yeah, 'course," he said, stepping aside to open the door wider. You toed off your boots and shrugged off your jacket, allowing him to take it from you and hang it up before you wandered into his living room. Your eyes fell on his abandoned glass and you smiled.
"I miss drinking," you said longingly. He grinned and, leaving the whiskey where it was so as not to tempt you, sat on the couch.
"What're you doin' here so late? Is the baby okay?"
"Yeah," you nodded, tearing your eyes away from the glass and sitting down near him on the sofa. "Baby's good. I just was thinking about you and I wanted to see you."
He perked up at that, he couldn't help himself. "Oh, yeah?"
You grinned and bit your lip shyly before looking away. "I miss you, I guess."
A smile spread wide across his face. "Aw, how sweet."
You swatted an arm out to smack him on the shoulder and he laughed, his heart finally feeling like it was mending a bit.
"Jerk," you muttered, and he laughed again.
"I missed you, too," he finally admitted, his cheeks rosy from the fire and the whiskey as he gazed at you, the reflection from the flames making your skin glow. Maybe it was that pregnancy glow that everyone used to talk about. Or maybe you always glowed and he just never allowed himself to notice until it was too late.
He watched your throat work, swallowing dryly while your fingers fidgeted in your lap and he realized you were nervous.
"What if I told you I missed you as more than just friends?" you whispered, your eyes pinned to the floor, unwilling or unable to meet his gaze.
His breath caught in his throat. Surely, he must have misheard you. But then you finally turned to look at him, tears welling in your eyes, and his heart lurched in his chest.
"What if I told you I'm in love with you?" he bravely whispered back.
Your eyebrows pinched together and your face crumpled before you reached forward, curling your arms around his neck and pulling him close, your lips pressing together earnestly before opening your mouth and letting his tongue lick behind your teeth.
He wasn't sure how you both made it upstairs and into his bed. He couldn't remember peeling your clothes off, one by one, revealing more and more of your changing body to him for the first time. But he did remember seeing your bare, swollen belly underneath him while his hand slowly slid across your skin in wonder. And then he felt it. A little flutter. A little jolt. And he looked up at you in surprise.
"She's kicking," you explained, and his eyes fell back to your stomach.
You nodded, placing your hand over his lovingly. "I think it's a girl."
He smiled as tears began to cloud his vision, then bent forward to press a kiss against your stomach, letting his lips linger so hopefully his unborn daughter could feel him there and feel the love he had for her.
You had to pull him away by his shoulders, the both of you laughing softly, unable to believe how much things had changed in just a year.
Because not only were you a couple months away from finally being a mother, but you also realized you were very, very wrong all those months ago.
The man for you was, in fact, right there all along.
Please follow @punkshort-notifs and turn on notifications for fic updates ❤️
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elssero · 7 months ago
streamer !
♰ nsfw, pro hero denki x f!reader, male masturbation
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pro hero chargebolt logging onto twitch on his day off too see his favourite pretty streamer play her favourite games or talk about whatever’s currently trending.
it’s his favourite past time, he spends all week looking forward to his day off so he can catch up on all your streams he missed this week.
he gets especially giddy if you actually stream that day so he can watch it live.
at first his infatuation with you is innocent, your a rising streamer just like he’s a rising hero!! your situations are so similar in that sense, your both adjusting to your new found fame and your both rising the charts of your respected careers very fast.
he admires you! you seem to interact with fans and the media so easily so that he just can’t help but be drawn to you ! it’s not his fault ! but it helps that your exactly his type.
he feels incredibly lucky to be able to catch one of your streams live, your currently around thirty minutes into a just chatting stream, your doing a q&a more so aimed at new fans who don’t know all that much about you yet.
but he knows, he knows you answered questions extremely similar to the ones your answering now in your q&a two months ago but still he can’t help the wide grin that appears on his face everytime you giggle, or at the little smirk you give the camera when you answer a question that could be deemed a little risky.
he watches the whole stream with anticipation, despite being able to correctly guess all the answers your giving, he is genuinely interested in what you have to say, he swears!! it’s not his fault the bludge in his pants keeps growing everytime you re-adjust the way your sitting or when you move your arms to type something on your keyboard and the action pushes your tits together slightly. he’s really is trying his hardest to ignore the growing feeling in his sweats but it’s getting sore !
not wanting to lose control completely he begins to palm himself over the material of his sweats, just slight rubbing down on himself to help the ache he feels from watching you do something as normal as answering a few questions from your fans.
your forty-five minutes into the stream now and a donation pops up with a question that you’ve never answered before, denki immediately straightens up, beyond eager to hear the answer to the question.
“hey pretty! first of all i love your streams but i need you to settle a debate for me! of all the new young heros that have had their debut this year which is your favourite?
you immediately giggle and thank the donator for their donation and their compliment, the question seems to still you for a second, you look deep in thought and denki is on the edge of his seat awaiting your answer.
you suddenly break out into a huge grin and begin to answer the question “firstly i think their all very inspiring! being able to use your quirk to help people in the way they do is very admirable i can’t help but always feel safe when i hear news of yet another save from our hero’s”
denkis breath hitches, he feels like he can’t breathe, you think he’s inspiring. you admire him.
“however, if i had to pick a favourite i guess it would probably be chargebolt” you take a second to think before you continue “i’ve seen a few of his interviews and i would say he’s clearly very charismatic, he seems like he would be easy to get along with!”
he watches in a trance as you giggle at the end of your sentence before taking a breathe and biting down a small smirk you say-
“he’s also very cute so that helps too!”
denki swears he could’ve came in his pants right there and then. you just admitted to all of your viewers that he’s your favorite up and coming hero. you just admitted to all your viewers that you think he’s cute.
he’s scrambling to reverse your stream to hear you say it again, to make sure he isn’t dreaming, when he hears it come out of your mouth for the 3rd- no 4th time he’s sure he isn’t hearing things.
he feels like he’s going feral, you his favourite twitch streamer, someone he’s been watching from afar getting his rocks off too for months just said that he’s your favourite. just like how your his favourite too!
his dick twitches in his sweats and he doesn’t even hesitate to take it out like he normally does, any guilt he’s ever felt for touching himself to the idea of you is completely out the window, he wonders what you’d think if you saw him now, your favourite pro-hero scrambling to get his dick out while he watches your stream… would you enjoy it? you did say you thought he was cute… maybe you would enjoy it.
the thought has him almost drooling. his dick is twitching in his hand as he moves his hand up and down his cock at a pace he’s never done before. he’s so pent up that he feels like a teenager again, quickly jacking himself off in search of a realise he knows is already approaching.
he’s moaning at this point, completely drowning out what your now saying.. something about your outfit? he doesn’t know but what he does know is that you looking absolutely breathtaking while saying it.
he wants to last he really does but he can’t help it, not when your looking into the camera like that, almost like your looking directly into his eyes, encouraging him.
he thinks about it for a second, he thinks about you whispering in his ear, telling him to cum for you.. urging him to finish himself off to the sound of your voice.
he bottoms out with a whine of your name, shooting thick ropes so far they hit his laptop screen, he’s panting, regaining his breathe as your voice starts to become more clear from the foggy state he was just in. he doesn’t feel guilty, not like he usually does, instead he feels a sense of pride.. or maybe contempt?
he clips the part of your stream when you talk about him, adding it to a file he has saved “my favorite streamer<3” he cleans the cum from his laptop as he fully calms down, head still a little spacey from the moment he just had. his phone is blowing up with notifications, hundreds of tweets tagging him in the clip that someone had already reposted, in just a few minutes it’s clear that people think positively of what you’ve said about him with many people agreeing and he feels that all familiar sense of pride.
you notice it too, you gasp at the sudden rise in viewers, thanking everyone for their support and ending the stream abruptly. normally he would feel a little disappointed but nothing can move him from his high right now. he waits a couple minutes in a state of awe, he can’t believe it. truly.
just as he begins to stand up, deciding to order a little victory take out for himself he gets a dm on twitter from an account he follows.
yn: hi chargebolt! i’m not sure if you’ve seen the clip circling around but i wanted to send you a quick message to apologise for any trouble it’s causing you or your team! if you need me to put out a statement i’m happy to do so, all the best!”
okay now he can’t believe it. you just dmed him, mere minutes after he’d came like a sexually frustrated virgin to your stream, he’s convinced he must be dreaming, but the once again growing tent in his pants proves that he’s not.
chargebolt: “don’t worry about it sweetheart, there’s much worse things that i could be dealing with today, i don’t think i’ll need you to put out a statement but i’d happily treat you to dinner instead?”
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viceroywrites · 7 months ago
deja vu - part 1
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i decided to make a full-fledged multi-chapter fic out of this idea that i posted a few days ago with a cyoa ending potentially
thanks so much to everyone who showed so much love for it and hope you enjoy this series!
this is my first time writing for gravity falls so i hope to do it justice!
planning out your road trip through the pacific northwest, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to the town of gravity falls.
little did you know that this town held more memories than you could have possibly imagined.
too bad you didn't remember any of them.
stan x fem!reader/ford x fem!reader
original fic idea | part two
tag list: @awitchersbard / @theilluminatidragonqueen / @jazzypop-op/ @maryclanders/ @chaimshelii /
@starship606/ @swimmingrascalbatdragon / @stanfordsbaby
He wasn’t in bed.
You woke up in the middle of the night to find the space beside you empty, the blankets cool to touch, indicating that a warm body had not even slipped into the sheets. Begrudgingly, you slip out of the warm comfort of your bed to search for your lover.
Your bare feet pad against the wood floorboards, creaking with each step you take. Your fingers balancing a candle that you used to illuminate the way, too lazy to try and turn on the lights. 
You descend down to the basement, pushing open the metal door that reveals an intricate lab full of oddities and gadgets with a triangle shaped portal looming just behind the glass window. You let out a yawn, approaching the figure that had his back turned towards you. His six-fingers spin the pen in his hand effortlessly as he rests his chin in the palm of his hand.
Your soft yet groggy voice calls out as you place your hand on his shoulder, “Ford, come to bed. Your research will be here in the morning.”
Stanford jumps at your sudden touch before relaxing when he hears the sound of your voice. He puts his pen down, placing his hand over yours with his thumb running soothingly over the back of your hand, “I’ll be there soon, just head back upstairs. I just need to finish this last equation that's been driving me mad the whole day.”
“Stanford…” You say with an edge to your voice, knowing that he could easily stay up the rest of the night working tirelessly on this portal that he had been working on for the past few months.
“Alright… I concede. You win this round, my dear.” Ford sighs, turning to face you finally with a tired smile. He gets up from his seat, pressing a soft kiss against the top of your head before following you up the stairs but not before looking back at the portal.
You had the dream again.
It always starts the same. Walking down a staircase, the floorboards creaked with each step you took. Your eyelids feel heavy almost as if you’re resisting the urge to fall asleep. Your feet carrying you down to a basement. The warm flames of the candle you hold illuminating the way.
Your fingertips push the cool metal frame of the door to reveal a figure sitting in front of a desk, facing away from you. Your hand reaches out to touch their shoulder and as they turn around to reveal their face to you, you awaken.
Your eyes open abruptly, staring at the dark ceiling as your alarm echoes through the empty room. Slowly sitting up in bed, you instinctively reach across to turn off your alarm and turn on your lamp before your hand reaches to open the drawer of your bedside table, feeling around for something. Your fingertips brush against leather and wrap around the item, pulling it out to reveal a journal.
These dreams happened almost every night over the years. It had gotten to a point where you started logging them, just trying to find any pattern or meaning behind them.
You turn to the page labeled ‘The Basement’ - adding another tally mark in the margins that you used to keep track of the frequency of each dream. You close your eyes, trying to conjure up any distinguishable features from this mystery person but nothing new arises. 
Sighing, you shut the leather-bound journal, putting it to the side.
Now was not the time to be worrying about your cryptic dreams, you were supposed to be getting ready for the trip you had been planning for the past few months. 
A road trip through the Pacific Northwest, starting in Northern California and making your way up to Seattle.
You hop out of bed to start getting ready for your journey ahead. After completing your morning routine and slipping on some comfortable clothing for the long drive, you make your way to the kitchen, grabbing the map that was stuck to the fridge with a magnet from your alma mater, Backupsmore. 
Having already packed your bags into the car the night before, your feet make a beeline out the door, wanting to hit the road before sunrise to give you enough time to hit the places you wanted to visit on the way up to your final destination for the day, Portland. 
Unraveling the map in your lap, your eyes scan over it, reviewing over the route you had planned out today. Your gaze lingered on one particular spot you had circled closer to Portland that was unlike any of the stops you had chosen.
Gravity Falls.
You couldn’t explain what drew you in to choose this town to stop in out of all the surrounding towns near Portland. You knew that you had an old friend, Fiddleford, who had moved out to this area to do research. You had even visited him once during his time out there. However, you hadn’t heard from Fiddleford in years, correspondence seemingly dropping off as he stopped answering your calls and your letters always ended up returning to you.
Trying to push aside thoughts of your lost connection, you put your car in reverse, pulling out of your parking spot and heading out onto the open road. The winding roads take you through the lush forests that enveloped the region. As each hour passed, you could see the sun slowly starting to make its way up the horizon and decided to stop to watch the sunrise at Redwood National Park. 
After the brief stop that you used to stretch your legs and grab a cup of coffee, you make your way back on the road. Your original plan was to stop at almost every National Park on the way up to Oregon but after hitting a pocket of traffic that put you behind a whole hour, you decide to skip a few stops and make your way directly to the town of Gravity Falls, figuring it would be your last stop with the remaining amount of daylight you had left.
Unfortunately, you had hit another bump in the road, pretty much derailing the first day of your methodically planned out trip.
Your car had suddenly stopped in the middle of the forest about five miles out from the town.
Cursing under your breath, you step out to assess the cause of your delay. Your hands pop open the hood of your car, breathing a slight sigh of relief when you don’t see any steam or smoke. Figuring that the most likely cause is the battery dying on you, you pull out your phone, trying to look up the nearest towing company to hopefully bring you into town to get it looked at.
As you’re waiting for the screen to load due to the poor signal out in this forested area, a gruff voice calls out, asking if you need a hand.
You look up to see a red convertible with the phrase ‘El Diablo’ etched on the side on the other side of the road. Its owner, a man with gray hair, glasses and a stubbled yet chiseled jawline, wearing a black tank, a shiny medallion that sat on his exposed graying chest hairs, and a brown leather jacket, stares back at you, one hand on the steering wheel while his arm dangles lazily outside of the rolled down window.
You pause, taken aback as something about his features seems… familiar. You quickly snap out of your stupor, realizing you’ve just been standing there in silence.
"Uhm… yeah if you have jumper cables, I just need to get my car running to get to the next town and hopefully get a replacement battery,” You reply, figuring this option would be way cheaper than hiring a whole tow truck.
"Of course, I have jumper cables, toots - look at my car, you think I haven't been stranded out here myself." The stranger chuckles, making an effortless U-Turn with one hand before pulling his car close to yours. Your cheeks warm at the nickname given to you by this man you met literally seconds ago, This guy’s a total silver fox.
You step to the side to give him access to hook up the jumper cables after he fishes them out of his own trunk. You both stand in silence while he attaches the cables to your car before his deep voice cuts through, "So uh, what brings you out here? You just driving through?"
You almost chuckle at his awkward attempt to make small talk, "Sort of. I'm doing a whole road trip through the Pacific Northwest. I was gonna check out this town ahead, Gravity Falls, before I make my way up to Portland."
The older man blinks, expecting you to just be passing through the town at this time of a day. Normally, tourists only stop into town in the early hours of the day on their own journeys up north. His lips spread into a grin, pulling out a business card from his leather jacket. "Well, if you're stopping by, you gotta check out the Mystery Shack! One stop shop for mysterious oddities!"
You take the business card with a giant question mark on the front. He retreats back to his car, turning on his engine before nodding over at you as a signal for you to start up your own engine. You slip back into the car, slipping the card into your pocket before turning on the ignition. You breathe a sigh of relief as your car stutters back to life. Glancing up, you see him grinning back at you before the two of you step out of your respective vehicles.
“Thanks again for your help… sorry, I didn’t catch your name. I’m Y/N.” You say, extending your hand out in gratitude. The silver fox’s large hand envelops yours, shaking your hand firmly, “Stan Pines, nice to meet ya. It’s no problem, wouldn’t want to leave a lady like yourself stranded in the middle of the woods.”
“Do you say that to all the ladies that end up stranded in the woods?” You can’t help but tease, earning a hearty chuckle from Stan. “Well, let’s just say that’s not a common occurrence out here. So you thinkin’ about stopping by the Mystery Shack?”
You pause, stuffing your hands into your pockets as you thumb the edge of the business card Stan had given you. On one hand, you should probably be heading back on the road to make it to Portland and this Mystery Shack sounded like a tourist trap. On the other hand, the sun was starting to set and you weren’t keen on driving through the forest in the dark. Maybe it would be best if you stayed the night in this quaint town and start again the next morning. As you look up at Stan, you make your decision, deciding to appease the man who helped you so graciously.
You also had to admit you found him quite charming and curiosity got the better of you.
“Sure, lead the way.” You say with a casual shrug. Stan grins, “I’ll make sure you get a personal tour of the Mystery Shack. No need to worry about other tourists.” Your eyebrow raises in amusement before slipping into your car, “What, you know the owner?” You blink at the smirk that spreads across Stan’s lips, “Sweetheart, you’re looking at the former owner, Mr. Mystery himself.”
You bite back a giggle, “No wonder you were laying it on thick, just trying to get more tourists to visit, huh?” Stan rolls his eyes mirthfully “Hey, I was trying to lend a helping hand… though I have a good sales pitch, don’t I?” He grins, shooting finger guns towards you with a wink.
This’ll be interesting. You think to yourself as you follow behind Stan in your car, pulling into the empty lot of the Mystery Shack. You snort, seeing how the S dangles off the side spelling out Mystery Hack, before pointing it out to Stan as he exits his car. His features grimace as he grumbles out, “I noticed” before beckoning you to follow him, twirling his keys on his index finger.
Stan proceeded to give you a detailed tour of the Mystery Shack, spinning elaborate tales surrounding the variety of taxidermy animals that he had mismatched together. Despite the absurdity of it all, you can’t help but get sucked into his tales, seeing the clear passion and excitement he had for this place. You burst out into laughter at the sight of the Sascrotch to which Stan beamed at, “Good one, right? Probably one of the highlights of the Mystery Shack.”
You weaved your way through the shack, though there were certain sections of it that looked oddly familiar. Almost like you had walked down these hallways before. A wave of deja vu hit you as you walked through the doorway into the gift shop. “Usually this is the part where I try to sell people on an overpriced souvenir but I have a feeling that the whole schtick isn’t gonna work on you, is it?” Stan admits.
“Probably not but I’ll take a look around and see if there’s anything that catches my eye.” You chuckle, making your way around the space as your eyes scan the various trinkets. Your fingertips run across the mugs with question marks painted on them. You decide to use this opportunity to make small talk as you mill around the gift shop while Stan leans back against the counter, “So, you said you’re the former owner? Who owns it now?”
“One of my former employees, Soos. Kid’s been working for me since he was… well a kid. Only person with as much passion as me about this place.” Stan says, glancing over at the Employee of the Month picture that still hung behind the counter that showed a younger Soos. “What made you step down as owner?” You hum, thumbing through the t-shirt rack. 
Stan smiles fondly, “Me and my twin brother actually just got back from traveling, we’re only in town for the summer. It was always our dream to travel the world together by boat, and we finally got to make that happen.” You look up, smiling at how warmly he spoke of his brother. Stan catches you staring and crosses his arms defensively, “What?”
“Nothing,” You say, shaking your head before thumbing through the assortment of keychains and stickers that were displayed. “So twin brother, huh? What’s he like?”
“You’re sure asking a lot of questions… not sure if I should be flattered but it feels like I’m being interrogated by a government official.” Stan comments with a grin. You pause with dramatic effect before looking up and admitting, “Well technically, I do work for the government.”
Stan freezes, his stance becoming defensive as he looks you up and down, “Oh shit, really? Man, these cover-ups are getting better and better but I swear I haven’t broken any laws… recently at least.” Your warm laughter fills the room, finding the look on his face priceless, “Relax, I work for the National Parks.” Stan’s posture relaxes at the realization and he rolls his eyes, “Alright, you got me good. So what do you do? Are you like a park ranger or something?”
“No, I’m a geoscientist. I pretty much study rocks and fossils. Kinda boring day to day but sometimes I’ll come across a precious gemstone and keep it for myself… even though we’re not supposed to take anything off a dig site.” You admit sheepishly, rubbing the back of your neck. “Using the government’s resources to your own advantage? I like the way you think.” Stan chuckles.
You pick out a magnet to add to your fridge when you return as a reminder of your side quest at the Mystery Shack. Stan rings you up though you notice a significant markdown in the original price after he insists on giving you the employee discount. As you walk out of the gift shop outside, you round the corner back to your car. 
Little did you know that you would run into the man that you once loved as someone with a long tan trench coat was outside fiddling with a device with his back turned to you. Stan elbows you in the arm to catch your attention, "That's my poindexter brother that I mentioned, Ford. He's always working on some geeky invention."
"You know I can hear you, Stanley?" Ford sighs, turning around to face you two.
Time slows down as he meets your eyes, memories flooding back to him before landing on the last memory he had of you - your back turning away from him, your hand slipping through his fingers after he chose to continue with his research despite your pleas.
He freezes, seeing the woman that left him all those years ago, "Y/N?" He calls out to you.
You blink, staring back at this man that you had never met before calling out your name.
Stan is just as confused as you are, looking between the two of you. 
You tilt your head in confusion, “Uhm… sorry, have we met before? How do you know my name?”
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author-ssi · 6 months ago
Daddy ~KNJ
➜Pairing: Kim Namjoon x Reader
➜Genre: Smut, (Slight) Fluff (in the beginning), One-Shot
Warnings: MAJOR Daddy kink (in case, it wasn't clear already from the title), reader is basically drooling over DILF Namjoon, age gap (Namjoon in his 30s, reader in her 20s), breast play&fingering&praise (Namjoon is an absolute service dom - don't even try to change my mind!), vaginal sex (reader rides Namjoon) [18+ MDNI]
➜Word Count: 3.7k
➜Summary: Namjoon had been searching for someone to care for his son for months and months, to no avail. Until the moment he saw you crouched on the ground, helping his son tie his shoelaces with a smile so pretty on your face. That's when he knew you'd be perfect for him... and, for his son too.
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"Seungmin-ah, it's time to go to bed! Come on, sweetie".
If you were keeping count -which you were- that'd be your 5th attempt to usher the cheeky three-year-old over to his room.
"But Koya doesn't want to sleep yet... Look, he is full of energy!".
Seungmin swings the plushie around, almost hitting you in the face with it. You let out a huffed chuckle glancing at the clock on the wall.
It's almost 9 o'clock and he's the one who's full of energy...
You'd expect that after running around and playing with him all afternoon long, by the time his bedtime came, he'd be sleeping like a log.
"I'll tell you and Koya a fairytale so you both can go to sleep".
You pick him up and sit on his bed, laying him down and pulling the blanket over him.
Thankfully, he settles down, cuddling his Koya, close to him.
Taking the book of fairytales from the bed table, you flip over to the page of his favourite, Kongjwi and Patjwi.
... Or as you prefer to call it Korean Cinderella with a twist.
Seungmin claps his little hands excitedly, burying himself further inside his blanket, focusing his attention solely on your words.
Reaching out to offer him an affectionate pat on the head, you begin to recite the fairytale, smiling fondly at the thought of how much your life has changed ever since you got the job of babysitting this adorable little toddler.
~Four Months Ago~
Judging from how hard it had been for you to get an apartment in NYC, you were already prepared to face the same difficulty in finding yourself a job.
Little did you know, it'd be as easy as taking a walk in the park.
Walking in the park, that one cloudy afternoon, was all it took for you to run into little Seungmin and his dad.
And oh, his dad...
Mr. Kim Namjoon.
A Korean-American.
CEO of a public education company.
Single father to Kim Seungmin, after his wife left him a year ago and ran off to Europe with another man.
Honestly, who in their right mind would even think about leaving this man for another?!
You still remember how in awe you were upon seeing him...
His tall frame towered over you and his son as he stood above you, clad in a black turtleneck that perfectly highlighted his muscled chest and wide shoulders.
His face bore youthful features and yet his eyes brought out a sense of wisdom and maturity.
The polite smile he wore, not only betrayed the dimple that appeared on his cheek but his refined manners too, as he offered you a hand to help you stand back up.
Looking up at his entrancing eyes, you accepted his hand and slowly rose to your feet.
"Daddy, look!".
The little toddler's voice finally enabled you to tear your gaze away from his father.
Seungmin pointed at his small feet, with a bright smile on his face.
His father furrowed his eyebrows puzzled, which rushed you to explain.
"His, uh, his shoelaces were untied and he was running around...
So I thought I'd tie them for him!
You know, so he wouldn't get hurt-"
"Thank you for doing that".
The man offered your hand a small squeeze in gratitude, before finally introducing himself.
You hadn't even noticed he was still holding your hand!
Hastily returning the handshake, you forced yourself to withdraw your hand introducing yourself as well.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr Kim".
It felt proper to address him like that, since he seemed to be quite older than you...
Mr Kim slightly cleared his throat and offered you a small nod before turning to his son.
"Why don't you tell the pretty lady who helped you, your name as well, hm?".
You sucked in a breath and bit your lip in a desperate attempt to hide how much that affected you; a man as handsome as him addressing you as pretty.
Thankfully, the cute toddler in front of you was the perfect way to get your mind off of it as he raised his hand towards you.
"Hi, I am Seungmin!".
You noticed he was offering his hand for you to shake, just like he had seen you do with his father.
"Hi, Seungmin!
It's nice to meet you, I'm Y/N".
You resisted the urge to swoon at the sight of his small hand enveloped in your own.
So cute!
"And what else do you need to say to Y/N?".
"Thank you".
You shook yourself insisting it was nothing and adjusted your back on your shoulder, mentally preparing yourself to bid farewell to the two of them.
"Let me buy you a drink, Y/N; as thanks for helping Seungmin".
Your eyes widened at Mr Kim's unexpected suggestion.
"Oh no, you don't need to do that-".
"I insist".
Well, how could you refuse when he looked at you like that?!
And so, you ended up playing with Seungmin at the playground, while Mr Kim went to get the both of you something to drink.
You were pushing Seungmin on the swings when Mr Kim returned with a hot latte in each hand, offering one for you to drink.
Next thing you knew, you were sitting on a bench with probably the most attractive man you'll ever get the chance to lay your eyes on, drinking your latte and watching over his son continuing to play at the playground.
"Thanks again for helping Seungmin out.
I was too busy talking on the phone...
I should have been keeping an eye on him but work is just-".
He groans in frustration, before letting out a long sigh and turning to you.
"Never mind that now, tell me about you".
You purse your lips in thought, rummaging through your brain in an attempt to find something about you that's interesting enough to share with someone like Mr Kim.
"I'm just a girl, trying to survive college while looking for a job".
You shrug before taking another sip of your latte.
Meanwhile, the moment those words left your mouth, Mr Kim turned to face you with a knowing smile.
"Well, that's a happy coincidence".
And that's when you were offered the job of babysitting Mr Kim's son. And even though, you truly loved looking after little Seungmin, you couldn't help being even more thrilled by the prospect of spending even just a little time around a man like Mr. Kim.
~Present Day~
"And so, the new Mayor married Kongjwi, the owner of the shoe.
Now, you'd think that they got to live happily ever after…
But that's not the end of this story!
Jealous of Kongjwi's happiness, her stepsister Patjwi drowns poor Kongjwi in the stream.
Patjwi then disguises herself as Kongjwi and starts living at the palace as the mayor’s wife.
However, one day Kongjwi appears in her husband's dream and tells him about her tragic fate.
The mayor is shocked to learn this and starts desperately searching for his wife's body.
After months and months of endlessly searching, he manages to discover Kongjwi's body in the stream.
He cries cradling his wife's body close to him before leaning over to offer her a kiss farewell.
Yet, with that kiss, Kongjwi is brought back to life.
Once they both return to the town, the Mayor puts Patjwi and her mother in a dark prison and that's when he and Kongjwi finally live...
Happily ever after!".
You huff merrily closing the book and putting it back to its place before turning to Seungmin.
Alas, the story didn't seem to bring the toddler the drowsiness you'd thought it would, so you decide to simply leave him to play around in his bed hoping that at some point he'll tire himself enough to sleep.
You take the baby monitor with you and walk out of the bedroom, trying hard not to laugh at the kid scolding his plushie for not going to sleep.
Heading over to the kitchen, you start making yourself a warm cup of tea.
After carefully, pouring yourself a cup, you settle on the living room's couch and check the baby monitor sighing in relief when you see that little Seungmin has finally fallen asleep.
As you take a sip of your tea, you open your phone to check your Instagram for any messages.
After replying to your bestie's "where are you?" with a simple "babysitting", you quickly engage in conversation with her since the both of you have nothing better to do right now.
Soon, her texting gives way to an incoming call, which you're more than happy to answer.
Time goes by without you taking notice until you realise that you've finished your tea.
Abandoning your snuggling on the couch, you walk back to the kitchen in order to wash the used kettle and mug, having put the phone on speaker and placed it on the table behind you so as not to get water spilt on it.
"So... Is the Daddy hot?".
You roll your eyes at her sudden, crude question with a slight scoff.
She was never the kind to hold back on those types of conversations and thirsty comments, yet this time you decide to humour her and just play along.
Let's just say, I wouldn't mind calling him Daddy too".
You hum cheekily and your best friend gasps.
"That much huh?".
"Oh trust me... He's a Dilf ".
You bite your lip, slightly embarrassed by yourself calling him that.
Your best friend lets out a hum and you're certain she also has a teasing smirk on her face.
"Hmm, no wonder you were so thrilled over a babysitting job".
You shake your head chuckling, as you stretch your body to put the kettle back in its place on the top shelf, before starting to wash your mug next.
"No no, I really love looking after his son. Seungmin's the sweetest!
Having Mr Kim around is just..."
"A bonus".
She finishes your sentence for you, giggling.
"But really, why don't you shoot your shot?
You know, flirt with him, show off your boobies".
Her saucy tone makes you roll your eyes.
"I'm not showing off my boobs to my boss!".
"You were the one who wanted him to be your Daddy...
Anyway, what I'm saying is-".
Waiting a moment or two for her to continue, you place the clean mug in its place.
When she doesn't, you assume that the signal must have been cut off so you wipe your wet hands on a towel before turning around to grab your phone and call her back.
Your eyes almost pop out of your skull and your body freezes on the spot at the sight of none other than Mr. Kim himself leaning against the table where your phone is placed, his hand hovering over its screen.
"M-Mr. Kim! I-I didn't realise you were back home!".
You stumble over your words, feeling your cheeks burn red from the embarrassment.
The only thing that's left for you to do now is hope that he probably hasn't been home long enough to hear the entire conversation, or else you're most definitely fired.
Mr Kim smirks, the amusement clear on his face.
"I thought you'd prefer calling me Daddy".
You gasp, wishing for the earth to open up and swallow you whole right now.
He heard everything right from the start...
Well, there goes your job!
"I-I... It's not what I meant-! I was just, uh, joking! I-!"
You know your attempts at justifying yourself are futile.
You know that there's nothing redeemable you can say for yourself.
But you don't want to lose this job!
Yes, you need the money too but spending all that time with Mr Kim and Seungmin...
You can't bear the thought of never getting to see them again!
Your staggered breath catches in your throat once you realise how close to you Mr Kim has gotten.
He has placed his hands on either side of the kitchen counter, trapping you between them.
"Mr Kim-".
You look up at him in question, only to get lost in his eyes.
His large palm comes to caress your cheek, his thumb slightly stroking the soft skin.
"Mr Kim".
A low groan rumbles in his throat as he presses his mouth against yours, more fiercely.
You utter again, before his lips suddenly connect with your own and your mind goes blank.
"Do you know how much I had to hold myself back whenever you called me that?".
You let out a small gasp when you feel his other hand start to fondle your breast.
A wanton cry slips past your lips when his fingers brush over your pebbled nipple.
"Do you know how many times I wished you showed these off to me, and me only?".
His words barely register, you mind still remaining blank from the unforeseen pleasure.
You latch your hands onto his wide shoulders as he lifts you off the ground, wrapping your legs around his waist and having you sit on the kitchen counter.
"Do you know how long I wanted to hear you call me Daddy?".
His hand pushes your hair back, revealing your neck for him to bury his face into, leaving a trail of wet kisses on your warm skin.
You slightly throw your head back, your mouth parting in pleasure, while your hands run through his dark hair.
Both of his hands slowly start kneading your breasts as he lifts his lips from your neck, drawing them close to your ear.
"Go on baby, say it...
Let me hear that pretty voice of yours call me Daddy".
Your brain short-circuits at his words.
You honestly can't fully process what's happening right now.
Yet the words leave your mouth with no hesitation.
It's as if a switch flipped in Namjoon's mind.
"Oh yes, that's it, baby".
He growls, quickly discarding your blouse and bra off of your body before leaning down to capture one of your nipples in his mouth.
You mewl as he starts to suck on it and your legs press against his hips, urging him to touch you where you need him most.
"Daddy, please".
He lets your nipple out of his mouth with a 'pop' and he stands up straight, slightly towering over you.
His hand disappears inside your pants, touching you over your panties as he looks down at you, his eyes clouded with desire.
"Is that what you want Daddy to do, baby?
Rub your pussy for you".
You pant closing your eyes as you nod at him urgently.
"Words, baby... I need to hear you say it".
"Yes, Daddy please rub my pussy".
And that's exactly what he does...
And he does it so well...
"Eyes on me, baby".
His deep voice coaxes you to open your eyes and gaze upon him.
Namjoon marvels at the sight of you, panting and trembling in pleasure but it's not nearly enough to satisfy his need for you.
He needs to see you come undone now, just by his fingers.
Gingerly pushing your panties to the side, he licks his lips before he inserts two of his long fingers inside you.
"Oh, D-Daddy!".
You let out a gasp, feeling yourself already full with just two of his fingers.
The thought of what it would feel like to have his cock enter you next, sends shivers down your spine.
His other hand rests on your hip and when he begins to move his fingers slowly in and out of your wet slit, Namjoon holds your body still as you can't help but squirm from the building pleasure.
"Now baby, I want you to focus on my voice".
You don't get the chance to respond to his words.
A breathy moan rips past your lips, your nails desperately digging into his back when you feel him curling his fingers inside you.
Namjoon lets out a pleased hum before he leans over to huskily whisper in your ear.
"I'll start counting and once I reach seven, you're going to let go and cum for your Daddy, like the good little girl you are".
His fingers start to pick up speed, while he continues to move them in and out of you.
His other hand starts roughly groping your breast again, making you whine softly.
"Three... Four...".
His fingers curl intensely inside you, sending jolts of pleasure throughout your whole body.
"Five... Six"
"Daddy, I'm going to-!"
You let go.
A sweet, little cry resonates in the kitchen when you cum on his fingers, but Namjoon keeps moving them, steadily letting you ride out your orgasm.
Once your body relaxes, you let yourself lean towards him resting your head on his chest with a small hum.
Embarrassment threatens to creep up on you as the gravity of the situation comes down on you.
And yet, when your mind runs back to Namjoon's previous words and touches, you instantly admit to yourself that there's no going back for you now.
You want him.
Namjoon grabs your chin, forcing your eyes to look up at him.
He relishes your blissed-out expression and smirks when he detects the insatiable desire still reflected in your eyes.
"Tell me what you want, baby".
His deep voice tears up all your remaining inhibitions.
"You, I want you inside me Daddy".
You run your palm through his clothed chest before starting to unbutton his shirt.
Namjoon lets out a low chuckle, shrugging his suit jacket off of his shoulders.
"Such a good girl, using her words for me".
He swiftly lifts your body off of the kitchen counter and carries you over to the living room.
Your legs stay wrapped around his waist as you finally remove his shirt off of him.
Having his strong arms hold you like this, your sole focus remains on discarding his clothes.
Licking your lips at the sight of his well-built body, you let your hands wander all over it, mapping out his chest, his waist and his shoulders.
Namjoon sighs in satisfaction, before carefully placing you back on the ground, leaving you to stand in front of him topless.
He slowly takes a sit at the edge of the couch behind him and his hands reach out, pulling down your pants and undergarments for you.
Soft moans release from your lips, as he starts to ravish every part of your body with wet kisses and sensual touches.
You whine, your knees slightly quivering from his heated affection.
"I know baby, Daddy will give you what you want...
Just wanted to take a moment and cherish that beautiful body of yours".
He mutters glancing up at you with lust-filled eyes.
He raises his hips slightly, taking off both of his pants and boxers with one swift movement before leaning back on the couch, resting his arms on the back of it.
One of his fingers points to his lap and your gaze zeroes in on his erected length.
"Go ahead baby, I'm all yours".
You gulp, hesitating for a mere moment before your neediness overcomes you, urging your body to move on top of him.
His hands immediately find their way to your hips, holding onto them firmly to help guide you, as you slowly sink yourself down to his cock.
"Don't rush, we've got all the time in the world".
Namjoon's hushed whisper is soothing and it momentarily distracts you from the slightly painful stretch of his cock.
But the moment you bottom out, a pleasurable heat spreads through your entire body.
Your hips slightly stagger as you itch to start moving them against him but Namjoon's hands keep them still.
His face draws close to yours, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, his hot breath mingling with your own.
When he pulls away, his forehead touches yours as he looks deep in your eyes.
"Now, give Daddy a good ride".
Your back arches when his hands roll your hips setting up a steady pace for you to follow.
Once he's made sure you're able to keep up on your own, his hands wrap around your waist hugging your body close to him.
The way he holds you is so erotic; it makes you melt in his arms, hugging him back and letting him relish your unrestrained moans while you ride him.
Namjoon lets you chase your orgasm, simply enjoying the feeling of having you so intimately close to him.
His fingers run down your spine eager to watch goosebumps appear all over your skin.
Yet what takes him by surprise is your walls fluttering around his cock as well.
Namjoon groans throwing his head back, pleasure painting over his expression.
The sight of him losing his composure because of you urges you to pick up the pace, bucking your hips faster against his.
"Oh baby, you make Daddy feel so good...
Come on, won't you cum again around Daddy's cock, like the good girl you are?".
"Ah y-yes Daddy, I-I'm gonna cum!".
His half-lidded eyes are focused on you and you only.
The intensity of his gaze is enough to send you over the edge.
You bite your lip, in an attempt to muffle the shriek that leaves your mouth before your orgasm finally washes over you.
The pleasure your second orgasm brings you is even more intense than your previous one...
So much so, that when the afterglow settles in, you can't help but let your body slump on top of Namjoon's.
Snuggling against his slightly heaving chest, you gather up the courage to look up at him bashfully.
"Um... Mr. Kim-".
Your call for him gets interrupted by his mouth claiming yours in yet another passionate kiss.
Kissing you roughly and deeply, he doesn't draw back until he leaves you breathless.
His fingers brush through your hair tenderly but the look in his eyes is strict and his tone is absolute when he whispers to you.
"I thought we'd already established that from now on, you're only addressing me as Daddy".
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darkestcorners · 6 months ago
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Hi guys👋🏼….It’s been a while hasn’t it? ( like 2 years give or take heh)
I want to start off by saying that I am in fact alive and yes, I WILL be finishing Polarity. If anyone still cares about it I hope? 🤞🏼 fingers crossed. I know it’s been so long and I’m sure lots of you have lost interest and I completely understand trust me, I did end up committing the old carnal fanfic author sin of falling off the face of the earth after leaving y’all with a cliffhanger 🙂‍↔️
But I just want to let y’all know that an update is coming this week! As for why I’ve been gone, to keep it short and simple, I went through something really traumatizing and I really didn’t have the headspace for anything other than getting myself together and my job . I quite literally haven’t logged into this account since 2 years ago. I’m overwhelmed by the amount of messages you guys have sent me and I’m in awe of how many of you have expressed your love for my works. I have been reading through them all day and I’m still close to being finished heh, it reminded me of how much I’ve missed your messages. ❤️
I want to also apologize to all of those who were genuinely concerned about me, I hope you can understand I didn’t mean to leave you hanging like that. I appreciate all the sweet messages you have sent me, I will try to reply to as much as I can. So much has happened, I had to reread my own work because of how much of a blur my life had become and how even this site felt like a fever dream. But I am also working on a new fic, which was what pushed me to ultimately come back and pick up this hobby that I had not even thought I would be able to fully enjoy again. I have such great timing dont I? considering it’s coincidentally Jungkook’s birthday lol.
But anyways, I won’t bore you anymore. Thank you all so much for being here and enjoying my stories. Hopefully you can enjoy the upcoming update of Polarity ! :) ❤️❤️
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thewintersoldierdisaster · 1 year ago
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a/n: i played myself on this one. posted that little barzy blanket thief headcanon post a million years ago and then i had to write this! the pro shop doesn’t sell the themed comfy, which i think it should but whatever. couldn’t resist writing this one and it just got away from me. full disclosure this was written before christmas but i didn’t want to post it in the middle of posting the other christmas fics so i held it back for a little bit! enjoy!!
word count: 6.2k
tw: brief unprotected sex, fingering, dirty talk, protected sex
summary: mat’s a blanket thief and tries to make it up to you
In theory, the king sized mattress that you’d bought for the new house was meant to stop Mat from stealing all of your blankets in the middle of the night. What with king sized sheets and blankets and comforters to go along with the king sized mattress, the thought was that Mat would have more than enough of his own coverings without having to take yours too.
Wrong. So wrong.
Every night for the first week in the new house, Mat rolls himself into a little burrito of blankets, cocooned up in the warmth that you’re missing. He’s oblivious to it too, which is extra annoying for some reason. It’s not even like he normally sleeps all rolled up in the covers. Usually Mat’s a restless sleeper, all that energy trying to escape even when he’s asleep, and he’s starfished on the mattress or rolling from one side to the other. Only after games or travel days does he pass out like the dead, after, of course, working you into the mattress and making sure you both have at least one orgasm.
For whatever reason lately, even when he’s got an off day, he’s been sleeping like a log, moving only to pull the covers over his shoulders and rolling them around his body.
“Mat,” you hiss his name, pulling at the comforter. He doesn’t budge at all. “Mat!”
If anything, he wraps himself tighter in the blankets.
You let out a frustrated little growl and pull harder, planting your foot flat against his outer thigh, or where you assume his outer thigh is, and kick a little, trying to get some leverage. Mat grunts a little in his sleep and shifts his lower body away from you, taking the blankets with him.
You flop back against your side of the bed, exposed to the elements and freezing. Stupid fucking Mat and his “the bedroom has to be at sixty-five degrees so we get the best possible sleep” arguments. A chill runs down your spine and you scowl to yourself, yanking at the little bit of sheet you managed to keep him from taking, wrapping it around yourself and snuggling up close against his back for a little warmth.
The next morning, as usual, Mat’s awake before you and you’ve got the covers back, having subconsciously pulled them over your body when he left the bed. Groaning at the thought of having to leave the warm bed, you drag a hand over your face before slowly getting up and padding to the bathroom to brush your teeth and wash your face. Feet shoved into Ugg slippers that have seen better days and pulling a sweatshirt over your head, you make your way down to the kitchen where you find Mat making himself eggs at the stove. You lean a hip against the kitchen island, watching him for a few minutes, the way his muscles work as he’s cooking, bare back displayed just for you. His sweats hang low on his hips and you want to press your hands against his lower back.
“Staring’s rude, Squeaks,” he says on a laugh. Without turning from the stove, he gestures to the counter with the spatula in his hand, “coffee’s hot.”
“Stealing all the blankets from your poor frozen girlfriend is also rude,” you reply deadpan, reaching up for your favorite mug and pouring yourself a generous serving of coffee. You doctor it up with sugar cookie flavored creamer and wrap your hands around the ceramic to warm them up before taking a sip.
Now he turns to face you and his eyes go wide and his eyebrows lift up his forehead. “Ah, shit. I’m still doing that even with the bigger bed?”
“Mhm,” you confirm with a roll of your eyes. “I’d say we should upgrade to a California King, but you’d probably keep doing it.” An amused smirk plays on your lips and Mat grimaces.
He sets the spatula down and flips off the burner before coming over to stand in between your legs. You keep your mug held up by your chest as a barrier. “I’m sorry, babe,” he brushes the tip of his nose against yours. His hands fall to your hips, sliding up underneath the fabric of your sweatshirt. His palms are warm and rough against your skin and you shiver a little. His hands slide up your sides, thumbs brushing the undersides of your breasts and you can’t help yourself from pushing your chest further into his hands. “You should’ve woken me up, I would’ve given you the blankets back.”
A startled laugh bursts out of your mouth and Mat looks briefly offended. The pads of his thumbs freeze on your nipples.
“What?” He asks, flicking a nipple with his fingernail. You press your thighs together. “I can share.”
“If you,” you start, stuttering a little as Mat’s fingers roll over your nipples, “think that it’s just that easy to wake you up, you’re delusional.”
Mat huffs a laugh and you yelp when he pinches down hard. The menace. He knows he’s a heavy sleeper. You reach behind you to set your coffee mug down on the counter, afraid that the hot brew is going to spill everywhere. “Aw, come on,” he teases, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek, “it’s so easy to wake me up.” His hands continue their work under your sweatshirt and you feel your panties growing damp.
“Mmm?” You hum, letting your knee rub up against the outside of Mat’s thigh slowly, opening yourself up to him. “I kicked you twice and not even a peep.” Your hands come up to lock around Mat’s neck. Your fingers play in the shirt bristles of Mat’s hair and you wish, not for the first time in months, that he would let his hair grow in again.
He lets his hands slide down your sides again, one over your stomach and one around your back. “Your mistake,” he says, pulling you closer so your core is flush up against the hard ridge of his erection. You grind against him mindlessly, tension building low in your stomach, already forgetting why you were annoyed. “I don’t respond to kicking,” his hand works its way underneath your sweats and grabs a palmful of your ass. The other hand remains frustratingly warm against your lower stomach, the tips of his fingers just barely brushing against the elastic of your panties. “Gotta be nicer to me, baby.”
“Oh yeah?” You breathe, wiggling against him, scratching your nails absently against his scalp. “What do you suggest?”
“I dunno,” he shrugs, kneading your ass with one hand. “Could’ve wrapped that pretty mouth around my dick.”
Fire pools in your stomach even as you giggle. “And how would I have penetrated that cocoon of blankets you stole?” You ask tartly, raising an eyebrow. Before Mat can answer, you continue, “besides, blow jobs are a reward for good boys.”
Mat’s ears go pink, but he smirks at you. “Just like getting your pussy licked is for good girls?”
Your cheeks heat and arousal floods between your legs, a little gasp punching from your lungs. You try to press your thighs together, but Mat’s hand is lightning fast, sliding under the band of your panties and cupping you in one warm, broad palm. You squeal at the sudden contact, grinding down onto his hand. “Maaat,” you whine his name, his fingers stroking gently between your folds, teasing at your entrance. He uses his grip on your ass to drag you closer to his chest and you allow him, knees feeling weak as his fingers play with you.
Your hands drift down to his biceps, gripping them for dear life to keep you upright. “Stop teasing,” you hiss, the tip of his middle finger sliding inside of you. You clench around him, chasing his hand and your pleasure.
“So fucking wet, babe,” Mat grins, dropping his forehead to yours. His hand never stops moving, drawing you closer to the peak of your pleasure. “So good for me.”
All the blood in your body rushes to your cunt at the praise and your back is arching, pressing Mat’s fingers deeper. He holds the pad of his thumb firmly over your clit and squeezes your ass, slanting his mouth over yours to muffle the moan that escapes when he rubs against your clit. Your toes curl in your slippers and your head falls back, legs trembling with the force of your orgasm as it washes over you. Mat’s fingers guide you through the aftershocks for a few lazy moments and you drop your chin to your chest, breathing hard.
“Why was I mad at you?” You mumble, laughing breathlessly. You wiggle your hips, starting to get overstimulated and uncomfortable with Mat’s hand still down the front of your panties. He takes the hint and pulls his hand out of your pants. His fingers are wet with your arousal as they brush against your lower stomach and you shiver happily.
Casually, he sticks his middle and ring fingers in his mouth to suck them clean, releasing them with a wet pop. “‘Cause I steal blankets,” he replies, without really thinking. He realizes his mistake a beat later, hazel eyes going wide and jaw dropping open. “Aw, fuck. If I haul you up on the counter and eat you out will you forget I said that?”
“Nope!” Your giggle turns into a shriek as you try to escape Mat’s lunging hands. He digs his fingers into your sides, tickling you mercilessly. “Nooo! Mat! Stop! No tickling-“
“Gonna make you forget about the blankets one way or another,” Mat laughs, holding your squirming body tightly. Your ass presses against his crotch and he hisses, biting gently on your shoulder.
“Never! If I forget, you’ll just steal them again,” your words are stuttered from laughter and you fight Mat’s hands. He’s stronger and manages to wrestle you to the kitchen floor, pinning your wrists above your head, straddling your lap, knees on either side of your hips. His sweats ride low and the chain around his neck sways with the momentum. His cock bobs behind his sweats and you swallow harshly. Mat grins down at you, flattening his body to yours, his cock pressing insistently against your stomach. He kisses the edge of your jaw as you wiggle under him.
“You look pretty warm to me,” Mat teases, rolling his hips against yours. The hard heat of his erection makes your thighs tremble.
You wrinkle your nose at him, fully aware that he has the upper hand in your positioning. “You’re going to be late to practice,” you say, even as your hips lift to his subconsciously.
“Always plenty of time to fuck my girl silly,” he says lightly, bumping his cock against your cunt again. “As long as she forgives me for being a blanket thief.”
“Mmm,” you whine, heat prickling up your spine, “you’re forgiven. Just…I need you.”
Mat’s teeth scrape at your jaw and one hand lets go of your wrists, moving between your bodies and tugging your sweats and panties down in one swift move. The cold kitchen tile against your bare ass has you yelping and instinctively bucking your hips off the ground, up into Mat’s hips. He soothes a hand over your inner thigh before pulling his sweats down enough to free his cock. You crane your neck to look down at him, grinning when you see the tip of him, groaning when he bumps it against your clit. Shocks of pleasure ripple through your body and you whine again, heels kicking against the floor, dripping for him.
“Gonna give you everything, ‘kay?” Mat mumbles, gripping the base of his cock and guiding it to your entrance, letting the tip slip inside of you. His head falls forward on a groan and you grind down on him, trying to get more.
“Just not - can’t come inside,” you babble, bucking your hips up into his. “Not without a condom.”
“I’ll pull out,” he promises and you know he means it. You’re on birth control and neither of you is ready for kids. “Gotta fuck you good. Make you come on my cock and gonna finish in your mouth.”
His words are punctuated with harsh thrusts that have your back sliding against the floor. Your free hand roams Mat’s body, scratching against his chest and arm, fingers tangling briefly in the chain around his neck. You egg him on, reaching down to dig your nails into his hips. “C’mon, Mat. Harder, please!” You beg, meeting him thrust for thrust.
“Fuck. Fuck, so good. You’re so perfect, baby,” Mat grunts, leaning down to kiss you and changing the angle so he hits harder and deeper inside of you. “Gonna fuck you everywhere in this house. Every wall, every floor.”
Your body tenses up with pleasure, gasps and moans leaving your lips along with Mat’s name. Your orgasm builds heavy and fast in your stomach, clit throbbing from the drag of Mat’s pelvis against the swollen, sensitive nub. “Gonna - Mat, please!” You cut off in a wail when his free hand finds your clit and pinches it, sending you over the edge of pleasure, sparks dancing in your vision, arousal leaking from your cunt down the curve of your ass. Your hand slaps against the floor, fingers scrabbling for purchase as he continues fucking into you, the hard, hot drag of his bare cock making you stupid.
Mat’s hips continue pistoning into yours and you’re faintly aware of the slapping of skin against skin underneath his babbling. “Jesus, so fucking pretty when you come. Love that face, love that I made you make that face,” the words fall from his mouth without him even focusing on them, too busy working his cock in and out of you.
You watch his shoulders tense up, feel his thrusts falter a little and you know he’s close. “Mat, not - no baby,” you remind him, pushing at his shoulder, hand slipping down to his chest, stomach, hip.
“Fuck,” he groans, pumping into you once more before pulling out completely, the sudden loss of him inside of you leaving you feeling too empty. You slide your own hand from his hip and let your fingers skate over your clit lazily, not really working yourself towards another orgasm, but just easing the empty feeling. Mat’s hand grips the base of his cock, jacking himself once, twice, three times before his entire body goes taut and he comes all over your sweatshirt covered chest, too far gone to even give you a chance to try and get your mouth on him. “Sorry, baby, sorry. I’ll buy you a new one. I couldn’t—“ he mutters around the groans and slick sounds of his palm sliding over his cock.
When he’s done, the hand holding yours above your head loosens and Mat flops down onto his back next to you. His cock is softening against his thigh and you have a literal puddle of his cum warming your skin through the material of your sweatshirt. Your ass is cold against the tile, wet where your arousal had dripped down the curve. You roll your neck and look at Mat, watching his chest heave while he catches his breath. His cheeks are pink from exertion and his limbs are completely limp.
“We’re disgusting,” you comment on a laugh, afraid to move.
“Why didn’t you say the tile was so cold on your ass?” Mat replies, lifting his hips so he can pull his sweats back up. You watch with a little pout as his cock disappears under the sweats, a little wet spot forming and turning the fabric a darker grey.
“I was a little busy getting railed on the kitchen floor,” you deadpan. “That I’m going to have to clean with, like, bleach now.”
Mat rolls onto his side, props his head up on his elbow, and gives you such a mischievous, shit-eating grin that you kick out your foot to make contact with his shin. “What’s with that look?” You comment, wiggling your sweats back up over your lower body. He whines a little.
“Just thinking about how hard up we were that I had to fuck you on the floor,” he laughs, his fingers coming over to tug on a piece of your hair.
“If anyone hears about this,” you warn, half-joking, half-serious, “I swear to God that I will never give you a blowjob again.”
A laugh startles out of his chest and Mat promises he won’t say anything, defends himself that he doesn’t usually talk about your sex life with the guys anyway.
“That includes Beau,” you warn him, carefully wiggling into a sitting position, wincing when Mat’s cum slides down your chest and pools in the fabric of gathered on your lap. “This is so gross, Mat.”
“He’s my best friend!” Mat yelps. “I tell him everything.” You whip your head in his direction, eyes wide and mouth dropped open a bit. There is no way Beau knows everything about sex life. Mat backtracks, his hands up in surrender, “not everything. I didn’t mean everything. He knows a lot, but not about the time we almost killed each other in the shower or the time I almost —“
You clap a hand over his mouth, muffling his ramble. “Enough. Oh my god. You seriously need to get a filter,” you can’t help the little disbelieving laugh that works its way out of your mouth. Shaking your head, you mutter to yourself, “to think this all started because you’re a fucking blanket thief.”
Mat opens his mouth under your hand to defend himself and you can physically see him gearing up for a long ramble, so you shake your head. “No, nope. Go get yourself cleaned up for practice. I need to get myself in a completely different headspace for the day,” you laugh. “Fucked on the kitchen floor was not how I pictured my week starting.”
Mat licks your palm so you’ll pull it away from his face. You grimace at him and wipe your hand on his bare chest, the faint smattering of dark hair over his chest tickling your skin. “Don’t say that’s gross, Squeaks,” he teases, leaning in to kiss you, “I’ve had my tongue all over that body.”
You narrow your eyes at him, “it’s the principle of the licking. Now leave me, I have to figure out how to get this sweatshirt off without making more of a mess and it’s not going to be cute.”
He laughs at you and gets to his feet, dropping a kiss to the top of your head. “Whatever you want, babe. I’ll be back down in a few to finish making breakfast.”
You’d almost forgotten that Mat had been cooking when you came downstairs. Thank God he’d turned off the stove. As he heads back upstairs, you drop back onto your back, arms spread out to your sides. What a fucking morning.
Mat’s out of town for a few days, a mini road trip that has him gone from your bed for nearly a week, and so you get the bed and blankets all to yourself. You’ve more or less forgotten about Mat’s thieving habits when you have the thick comforters wrapped securely around your body.
So when Mat comes home on a Saturday afternoon, lugging a giant shopping bag along with his suitcase and duffel bag, you’re a little curious and a lot confused.
“Plane snacks?” You tease after accepting a hello kiss from him.
“Those didn’t even make it out of the Tampa airport,” he grins, setting the bag on the couch. “This is even better.”
You lean over the back of the couch and watch as Mat pulls a blue and orange something out of the bag. He shakes it out and you recognize it as the extra long Islanders-logo patterned, hooded Comfy that’s being sold in the pro shop at the Northwell rink. Mat holds it out in front of him with a little “ta-dah!” and a big, cheesy grin on his face.
“What is that?” You ask rhetorically, hand reaching out of its own accord to touch the fleecy fabric. It’s soft, you’ll give him that.
“It’s one of those Comfy things, for you to wear when I steal blankets,” he laughs. “I haven’t forgotten what happened last week.”
Instinctively, your gaze cuts to the spot on the kitchen floor that you’d scrubbed three times with bleach. Mat’s eyes follow yours and his grin turns into a feral little smirk. “Haven’t forgotten that either,” he continues. “But try it on.”
“This is ridiculous,” you say, grabbing for the hooded blanket. Pulling it over your jeans and t-shift, your voice is muffled, “you could always just stop making a cocoon out of the blankets - oh!”
It’s extremely soft, the Comfy. The hood is oversized enough that the hem of it flops over your eyes, obscuring your view of Mat, and keeping your head nice and warm. The sleeves hang a few inches past your hands and the bottom of it comes to your mid-shin. It’s like wearing a space heater. You wrap your arms around yourself and sway a little, giggling.
“I actually love this?” You can’t believe it. There’s so much room and you know that if you were sitting on the couch you could tuck your legs up under the fabric and still have plenty of space. “Okay, we still have to train you not to steal blankets, but this is a nice temporary solution.”
Mat’s laugh is delighted and you flip back the hood to look at him. “You’re adorable in that,” he says, coming around the back of the couch to get into your personal space. “Gonna share with me?”
“Absolutely fucking not,” you giggle, dancing away from him, the fleece swishing around your legs. “This is my reward!”
“For what?” Mat cocks an eyebrow at you.
“Putting up with you,” you retort, hands on your hips, knowing you look insane in your new getup.
Mat grabs for the fabric, snagging it between two long fingers and pulling you into him. “Babe,” he kisses your cheek, “you give just as good as you get.”
You cuddle up against his chest, head tucked under his chin and arms wrapped around his waist. “Missed you,” you mumble into his shirt.
“Missed you too,” his arms tighten around your back. “How about we do something fun tonight? I’ll take you out for dinner too.”
The Comfy works wonders even though Mat continues to steal the blankets. More often than not, you’re wearing the giant hoodie to bed, tucking your legs up underneath and curling up in a little ball.
Mat loves the stupid thing too - if you’re wearing it while laying on the couch, he’ll crawl up underneath it too, laying on top of you, chest to chest, like a giant weighted blanket. The head hole isn’t quite big enough for both of you, so usually the top of Mat’s head is bumping up against your chin while he rests his cheek against your chest, groping and mouthing at your breasts.
“It’s hot under here,” he complains, voice muffled. He’s kneading one of your breasts in his giant hand, lazily grinding his half-hard cock against your thigh.
“The Comfy is only meant for one person,” you sigh. You’re getting sweaty and worked up from Mat’s body heat. “It’s a giant fleece blanket, what did you expect?”
“Dunno,” Mat says against your shirt, licking your nipple through the thin cotton. You arch your back, pressing your breast into his mouth. “Wasn’t really thinking.”
He bites the underside of your breast and you wince, even as a spark of pleasure fires low in your stomach. You’re surprised that you don’t have a permanent mark there - Mat’s a biter.
“Story of your life, Mathew,” you murmur affectionately. “How about I take the portable sauna off and you fuck me into the couch properly?”
Still under the Comfy, Mat tries to sit up, gets tangled in the fabric and before you know it, you’re both falling off the couch and landing on the floor in a pile. Your knee drives into Mat’s thigh, your elbow in his stomach and he grunts with pain. Your head takes a glancing hit to the edge of the coffee table and you see stars briefly. “Fuck,” you drag the curse out for a few extra seconds. Mat’s wiggling underneath you, trying to get out from the confines of the fabric.
“Are you okay?” You ask, trying to roll off of him and help pull the fabric away from his body. Mat’s face is bright red, but he looks okay.
“No one can ever know about that,” he says seriously.
You laugh and he breaks, cracking up too. “How about we never discuss our sex life outside of the relationship cone of silence?” You hold out your hand for him to shake.
“Deal,” he shakes your hand once, snorting a laugh. He leans up into a sitting position. “Can I still fuck you into the couch?”
“I think I’d be kind of insulted if you didn’t,” you pull the Comfy over your head and toss it off to the side before crawling into Mat’s lap so you can wind your arms around his neck and kiss him deeply. Mat’s hands roam up your back, under your shirt, pulling you closer to him. You rock your hips, grinding down over his cock and Mat moans into your mouth. He braces one arm around your lower back and gets up on his knees to lift you onto the couch, pressing you back into the cushions. He settles into the cradle of your hips, your thighs coming up to wrap around his waist, ankles crossing at his lower back.
He grinds his cock against your cunt and you whine into his mouth, breaking the kiss to say, “want it hard and fast, Mat. Don’t be sweet, just fuck me hard, okay?”
Mat’s pupils are blow so wide you can’t see any of his hazel irises. He nods like a bobble head, “yeah, fuck yeah, baby. Whatever you need.”
He makes quick work of your pants, leaning back on his knees to get both of you bare from the waist down. His jaw goes slack when he sees just how wet you are for him, his hands holding your thighs open so he can just stare for a bit. “Jesus,” he mutters and your cheeks warm. You kick at the back of his thigh, startling Mat.
“If you don’t get a condom on in the next thirty seconds,” you say, fighting past the blush that’s heating your entire body, “I can’t guarantee that I won’t just take matters into my own hands.”
Mat laughs hoarsely and springs into action, reaching for one of the little side drawers on the coffee table. A strip of condoms is hidden away there just for times like these. Your hands are already sliding down your stomach to tease at your throbbing clit. Mat catches sight of you and smacks your hands away, the condoms in his other hand. “Oh no way,” he growls. “I still have twenty seconds.”
You laugh and start a little countdown, making Mat’s fingers fumble on the foil wrappings. He scowls at you and shifts so one knee is pressed firmly against your cunt. You break off into a surprised moan, head thrown back against the couch cushion, “Mat!”
He shifts his knee, moving it slightly so your throbbing clit catches against his leg hair and you whine, grinding down harder on him. “You’re not gonna touch yourself,” he warns, finally getting the condom open and rolled down his straining erection, “are you, baby?”
“No, no,” the words stutter out of your chest as Mat keeps moving his knee against you. Your hands fly out to clutch the couch cushions and Mat grins down at you.
“This pussy’s mine,” he says, planting one foot on the floor and keeping one knee bent on the couch so he can stabilize himself. You whine at the loss of contact from your cunt, but the noise gets choked off in the next second when Mat grabs your hips and thrusts into you in one swift punch of his hips. His hips smack against yours as he bottoms out and you cry his name in a babble of breathless chants.
“Told you,” he grunts, pumping into you and using his grip on your hips to push and pull you closer, your ass hitting high up on his thighs. “Mine, fucking mine.”
Your legs lock around his hips, thighs trembling, heels pushing against the top of his ass. “Oh - god, more! Mat!” Your fingertips turn white from how hard you’re grabbing at the couch cushions, your body sliding up with the force of Mat’s thrusts. Your breath hiccups out of your lungs, fire burning in your veins. Every hit of his cock against your g-spot has you screaming his name.
“Fucking -“ Mat grunts, jaw slack as he watches where his cock splits you open, disappearing into your soaked cunt. “Gorgeous. Fucking all for me, baby.”
You need more, just a little more to push you over the edge. Mat usually pays attention to your clit, helping you finish, but he’s pounding into you hard and fast, just like you asked, so you reach a shaking hand down and circle your fingertips around your clit, arching your back with the added stimulation. Mat growls over you and bats your hand away, not stopping his pace.
“Told you no touching,” he huffs, pulling your hips flush against his and holding you there, his cock throbbing inside of your cunt. “Ask for it, baby.”
Tears slip out of the corners of your eyes and trail down your temples. You whine, “wanna touch my clit, Mat. Need it.”
Instead of touching you, Mat’s hands tighten on your hips and circle them slowly over his cock, your clit pressed tightly against the dark hair at his base, making you moan, eyes squeezed shut hard enough for you to see stars.
“Come on, baby,” Mat mumbles, watching you fall apart. “Come for me, gonna make you cum. Right here on my cock.” He pulls his hips back, all but the tip of him leaving your body and you babble at him, trying to grab at his wrists to pull him back in. “Who’s gonna make you cum?” He asks, snapping his hips back against yours, harsh and fast.
“You!” You wail, dragging out the word for several seconds, barely breathing as Mat bullies the orgasm from your body, holding your hips to his as you clench around him, shaking in his grip. Pleasure loosens all of your limbs as you gush around Mat, crying his name.
He strokes his thumbs over your hipbones and pumps into you a handful more times, but you’re barely aware of him filling the condom with a shout of your name, your head fuzzy with post-orgasm haze. Mat breathes heavily over you, slumping slightly to the side as he finishes, loosening his grip on you. You blink sleepily up at him, a lazy, satisfied smile forming on your lips. “What?” He asks, voice raspy and smoky.
“Just really like your face,” your smile turns a little wicked, “‘specially when you’re cumming.” You wrangle your features into a caricature of his orgasm face. “Looks like this.”
Mat pinches your hip and pulls out of you, wincing when he takes the condom off and ties off the end. “Yeah? Yours looks like this,” he throws his head back dramatically, squeezes his eyes shut, and drops his mouth open, letting his tongue flop out like he’s a corpse on a terrible soap opera.
You bark a laugh, kicking at him. “I do not!”
“Do too,” Mat grins, leaning down to cup your jaw and kiss you with tongue and teeth. “Good thing I think you’re the fucking hottest woman on the planet.” He climbs off the couch to toss the condom and you watch his ass as he walks away. It should literally be a crime to have an ass that tight. Your clit gives a pathetic little throb as you watch him, used and abused but so ready to go another round. You slip a hand between your legs, rolling the swollen nub between your fingers gently.
“Can we implement like naked weekends around here?” You ask, popping your head over the back of the couch. Mat’s laughter echoes through the kitchen.
“You know I’m never gonna say no to that,” he replies, and then in the next second, his t-shirt is flying through the air and landing on your head. “In fact, let’s start now.”
You get in late from girls’ night - it’s close to one in the morning - and you know Mat’s asleep. He’d texted you around midnight, a typo-filled message that essentially said he was going to bed, but if you wanted to wake him with a blow job he wouldn’t be opposed to it. You’d snorted a laugh at the message, hiding your screen from the other girls while you typed back a definitive no. He’d replied with a pouting selfie that you ignored. You figure he’d gone to bed shortly after that since the boys have a game later in the day.
The house is dark when you get home, just a few of the under cabinet lights on in the kitchen so you don’t trip on anything.
You make your way slowly up to your bedroom, unsteady on your feet, discarding your shoes and clothes as you go. All you want to do is curl up in bed and pass out.
There’s a lump of blankets on one side of the bed that tells you Mat is passed out under there. Sure enough, when you get closer, you can see one of his bare feet poking out from the bottom of the covers. You smile faintly to yourself, getting rid of the last of your clothes and rummaging around in a drawer for a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. The alcohol has your body feeling overly warm so you don’t bother with retrieving your Comfy from the closet. You’ll manage with whatever blankets you can wrestle away from Mat.
The bed is nice and warm from Mat’s body heat and you settle happily on your side of the bed, cricketing your feet a little to really warm things up. Mat hasn’t wrapped himself all up yet, so you scoot closer to him, planning on pressing your chest against his back and spooning him, but instead of feeling bare skin or the cotton of a t-shirt, your fingers are met with a familiar fleecy material.
“What the fuck?” you forget to whisper and your voice is loud and echoes around the room. You squint and pull back the blankets that are partially covering Mat’s head.
The royal blue and orange of the Islanders’ logo comes into view and your jaw drops when it finally clicks that Mat’s wearing your Comfy to bed. The hood is secured over his head and his hands are tucked into the sleeves.
“Oh my god!” You shove at Mat’s shoulder and he startles.
“Hnghh?” He grunts, rolling onto his back, yawning.
“You took my Comfy!” You jab at his arm and Mat’s eyes crack open.
A faint, sleepy smile curves his lips. “Hey, babe,” he mumbles, reaching a hand out for you. “Have fun with the girls?” He stretches, blankets shifting around.
“Don’t ’hey, babe’ me!” You grumble, pulling at the blankets. “You literally gave me that because you take my blankets. Now you take my Comfy?”
Mat yawns again, jaw cracking. He doesn’t look apologetic at all. “It’s warm,” he whines, grabbing your hand to pull you closer. “And it smells like you.”
You go to him despite yourself, scooting over and curling up against his side, tucking your shoulder under his armpit. Your legs brush against his and you frown. “Are you naked in my Comfy, Mathew?” You yelp, pulling at the fleece fabric. “You cannot be serious!”
“I have boxers on!” He laughs in protest, swatting your hands away from him. “I’m not gross.”
“Yes, you are,” you grumble, growing sleepy again. “I want a new one now that you’ve taken this one.”
He slings his legs over yours, arms holding you close as he kisses your forehead. “I can share, Squeaks. I’m a generous boyfriend,” he laughs against your hair. You press closer to his warmth, burying your face in his chest.
“You failed sharing in kindergarten, Mat,” you tease quietly. He slaps your ass gently and you giggle, curling up closer to him.
“So mean to me,” you can hear the pout in his voice. “Definitely not sharing now. Gonna buy my own Comfy.”
When Mat comes home from practice three days later, he’s toting another giant bag that he hadn’t left the house with.
You eye it suspiciously and he’s laughing like a lunatic as he pulls out another Comfy, declaring, “we match, Squeaks.”
“Oh my god,” you laugh. You didn’t think he was actually serious about getting his own.
Mat pulls the fabric over his head and does a little twirl for you, holding his arms out. “How do I look?” He asks, striking a dramatic pose, pushing his lips out in an exaggerated duck face.
“Like the hottest oversized fleece hoodie model in the world,” you reply, reaching out to grab the fabric and pull him in for a kiss.
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fashion-runways · 1 year ago
okay it's been over a year and i keep saying i'm going to make a new post and it's too exhausting to even think about the whole thing so i keep pushing it-- here's the link to the old post if you want a more detailed thing i wrote back then.
anyway, a year ago, out of the blue, our apartment got raided by the police, they broke our front door, they broke a bunch of shit inside, they took a bunch of our stuff, they barely gave us answers or an explanation, they took my dad and made it seem like he would have to sign some stuff and answer some questions and come back, but it's been over a year (since june 2022) and he hasn't come back, and his case is still up in the air. they're barely working on it. they didn't pay for all the shit they broke, they haven't returned all the shit they took, we had to spend a lot of money on that, i had to take a loan to buy a new computer so i could keep working and studying, on top of spending even more money on basic needs for my dad in jail and lawyers, plus blood pressure and anxiety medications, plus he's old and he was scheduled an eye surgery that he obviously couldn't go to so he's like, practically blind in one eye now, also new clothes for him to wear there (there's a bunch of rules for that), honestly i already lost track of how many things we had to pay for. it's been incredibly stressful and it still is even now that we've gotten used to it. he's been detained for a year for something that they still don't even know if he did and the case is barely moving, i don't know if they're like... i don't know, waiting for the man to die in there since he's already old so they don't have to admit they don't have enough proof for all the mess they made? i don't know. like i said back then, please don't ask me for details on the case or show up in my inbox trying to play tiktok true crime and guess what he did/didn't do. it happened a few times and it's extremely triggering, please don't. please.
this blog is basically my job. it's my primary source of income, i don't have anything else, no matter how many interviews i go to, in the country/city i live and in the state our economy is, if you don't have contacts it's impossible to get a job. i'm always signing up to free programs to learn new things while i don't have a job, try to make my cv bigger, but it doesn't matter. if you don't have someone saying “please hire my friend/family member” or you don't have 500 years of experience, they won't. so like i said, donations people make to this blog are how me and my mom (and my pets) stay afloat. it's what we use to pay for food, general groceries, transportation, electricity, wifi, water, gas, health insurance, stuff for my dad in jail, meds for my mom who has diabetes, food and meds for my pets. i don't go out much, i haven't gotten a haircut in a year, i barely spend money in anything that makes me happy except once in a blue moon when i stop feeling guilty lmao i had a redbubble account also that helped a little too, but last week it got suspended without an explanation as i was uploading new designs, so i don't even have that now. i made a new account on teepublic, but all my designs in high quality are locked behind redbubble and i can't even log into because of the suspension. it's... complicated, and it's a lot, but it is what it is.
i'm always keeping an eye out on new collections, new designers, new cool things. like i said, i love fashion, i studied fashion, and i know a lot of you use this blog as inspiration whether it's for yourselves or for your art, so i don't want to post all similar stuff all the time, i want to post all kinds of styles and brands as much as i can. which is why when i say if you like this blog, if you want to support me, sending even the smallest amount of money helps me keep going. living in latin america, the exchange rate is kind of insane, so truly any amount of money donated helps. unfortunately, i never stop needing money to survive and help keep my family afloat, but in the past year more than ever.
as usual, my kofi link is this one: https://ko-fi.com/fashionrunways and my (new) teepublic link is this one: https://www.teepublic.com/user/dinah-lance. if my redbubble account gets reinstated, i'll add that link eventually too. and as always, thanks for loving this blog and for loving fashion like i love fashion, even when i post crazy looking stuff, and thanks for helping. you have no idea how much your support helps, but it really does, i don't even know if i'd be alive right now if it wasn't for this blog.
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akookminsupporter · 13 days ago
Jimin and Jungkook talking—or better yet, teasing us—really took me back to that last Wlive they did with Joon and Tae, when they were teasing us about AYS. It’s that same chaotic energy, where they drop just enough hints to get us all curious but refuse to spill the details. And now, once again, I’m sure the average Jikooker is sitting somewhere, wondering what kind of stories they were referring to and why they’re suddenly ‘worried’ that we might go somewhere.
Like… go where exactly? What is it that we’re supposed to be running away from? Or towards? Are they concerned we’ll collectively lose our minds and ascend to another dimension? Do they think we’ll all log off en masse? (Unlikely. Jikookers have survived worse. We don’t log off.) Or are they, for some reason, imagining us physically running somewhere? The way they worded it was so dramatic, and considering how… well, dramatic they can be, I wouldn’t put it past them to exaggerate on purpose just to wind us up.
Now, I don’t know about you guys, but the first time I read that whole conversation it sent me in a completely different direction. Hobi said that he’d heard some of these stories before and they made him laugh so hard his stomach hurt and I swear, my first thought was that they were talking about something so funny that we’d all end up running to the bathroom because we’d be laughing so hard, we’d pee ourselves. That was genuinely my first assumption ajajajajajjaaj. I don’t know if that’s me oversharing, but I promise you, that was my immediate thought process when I saw their conversation. Like, they weren’t just hinting at something mildly amusing—they were acting like these stories were comedic gold.
And honestly? Knowing Jimin and Jungkook, I can totally see it. These two have always had a way of getting themselves into ridiculous situations, whether it’s by accident or on purpose. They’re the type of people who will be completely serious one second and then somehow descend into absolute chaos the next. The number of times they’ve been caught making each other laugh uncontrollably, to the point where they’re falling over, hitting each other is endless. So, I can only imagine what kind of things they’ve been through that they personally find hilarious.
But what really gets me is the way they spoke about it. Like, the absolute drama of it all. The way they said it was so unnecessarily intense. It’s such a Jimin and Jungkook thing to do—acting as if they’ve lived through some wild, untold saga when in reality, it’s probably just them being absolute menaces and laughing at the dumbest things. And yet, here we are, hanging onto their every word, waiting to hear what exactly happened. I just know that whatever these stories are, they’re going to be peak Jikook behaviour. I. CANT. WAIT.
Now, Switching topics for a moment—because I need to talk about this—if there’s one thing that has been proven time and time again, it’s that ‘Jikook karma’ is very real. I mean, we’ve seen it play out so many times over the years, and it just keeps happening.
Like, take what happened recently. A few days ago, I saw some Jikookers talking about how the vecinas were up to their usual nonsense, this time about a restaurant. Apparently, the restaurant itself had to step in and clarify some things, which, of course, immediately made the vecinas furious. And what did they do in response? They started sending hate to the restaurant owner and blaming BHM for everything under the sun—again. Like clockwork.
But that wasn’t even the only thing going on. For some reason, the vecinas and Solos also decided to revive their weird obsession with trying to prove that Jimin and Jungkook don’t spend time together. They went back to claiming that the two of them don’t share a dorm—or whatever it’s called in the military—and that they don’t even see each other, which is just… fascinating, considering the fact that Jungkook himself already said otherwise. So, in other words, they were basically calling Jungkook a liar.
And what happened next? Classic Jikook karma. Because not only did Jimin confirm that he and Jungkook do share a dorm (or sleep in the same place, however, you want to phrase it), but both of them also casually mentioned that they’ve been through so much together—so many incredible and probably hilarious moments—that they can’t wait to tell us about them… even though they’re not sure if they can tell us. Like, they want to share, but maybe they shouldn’t. I mean, if that’s not the ultimate ‘Jikook karma’ moment, I don’t know what is.
Now, back to the fun part of all this—because I need to focus on that instead of the nonsense—Jungkook absolutely killed me when he said, "June 11th!" basically implying that the day they’re discharged from the military, they’ll spill everything. The way he just threw that date out there so confidently was hilarious, like, that’s when you’ll know everything! I love him, but yeah… I don’t see that happening.
I don’t know if being a Jikooker has made me pessimistic because deep down, I feel like we’re not actually going to hear these stories they were bragging about today. Like, I want to believe it. I want to trust that they’ll actually spill, but something tells me they won’t. They’ll either decide last minute that it’s too embarrassing, or they’ll just keep hyping it up without ever giving us the details. And honestly? That’s fine. We should be used to it by now. If anything, it’ll just be another inside joke for the fandom. After all, it took almost four years for us to finally hear about the ‘rainy day fight’. Four years. So if we have to wait another few years to hear these new stories, well… I guess we just have to be patient. Again.
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erenjaegerwifee · 8 months ago
Run Baby Run
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Survive the Night: Day 2
Paring: Neteyam x Fem!Avatar!Reader x Lo'ak
Warnings: MDNI 18+, NON-CON, Fingering, predator/prey, explicit language, bondage, gagging, rough sex, biting/marking, mentions of bleeding/blood, blowjob, double penetration, anal
Word Count: 4.1k
✨Disclaimer: All of my characters are aged-up! Please if you are not comfortable reading them DO NOT INTERACT. However if you do at your own risk, any negative comments will be deleted and the tumblr will be blocked. Thank you!
Event Masterlist
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The RDA just landed back on Pandora about one month ago. Only now did they decided to wake up all the avatars from cryo. They are meant to aid in finding new land to build the main outpost on. After all, they do want to be cautious this time around, it has been 20 years since the last time the humans have been on the green bioluminescent moon.  
You walk with your group of four through the forest trying to find a clearing for the RDA to dig up and start building on. There were many groups that were given specific parts of the moon to map out, collecting data for future use as well. Unfortunately for you, your group was placed in the Omatikayan territory. In their forest 
This section of the forest was not meant to be used as they will not interact well with humans after the last time they were around, which to you is understandable. What you do not account for is the predators that roam the forest. Your team consist of two ex-army soldiers, a scientist and a doctor, you. 
Two big men with guns should be enough to keep you safe, but that just isn’t true on an unfamiliar planet. You skip over tree roots as you make your path through the dense bush, occasionally turning back towards your grow to make sure they are still close behind you.  
You make jokes and laugh as you move through but everything comes to a stop when an arrow with green and yellow feathers hit the chest of one of your men. You watch his body drop to the floor and spin around looking in the direction of the arrow. However, the na’vi blend in amazingly with the surroundings, you don't see jack shit. 
The other man holds his gun up aiming at his surroundings ready to shoot anything that moves. The scientist calls in for back up but no one answers, something must be jamming your signal. Thats so odd, how can something stop your communications this deep into the forest, one of the main features of the tech that was designed to be used on Pandora was it only have one specific device to jam communications like that, and only humans have it so how is it out here? 
Your thoughts get cut short when the other man is shot in the back, arrow sticking out of his chest when he falls onto his front. You make eye contact with the scientist before your both becomes panicked, “Is your tracker on? You can back track it and go back to the ship” you ask her your tail sways anxiously in the air. “Yea I got it” she whispers and grips my hand as we look around. I give her hand a squeeze silently reminding her of the protocol we were supposed to follow. 
If the group ever gets into an altercation, the remaining team is supposed to scatter into different directions, because the less people we lose, the better for the RDA. “Ready?” you glance at her seeing her nod, “Go!” you shout and run in the opposite direction from her. You run as fast as you can away from the na’vi even though you can’t see them. You have no intention of dying today. 
You quickly make your way through the unfamiliar terrain, jumping over small logs and continuously running into big leaves. Honestly, it is upsetting you quite a bit at this point, are you not supposed to be taller? Why is everything hitting you in the face.  
You are harshly pulled back to reality by the sound of heavy footsteps running after you. Not one pair, but two. ‘Fuck’ The adrenaline running through your body makes you pick up speed, as if that was even possible and you feel like you are flying in your feet. You don’t even take a second to look back, too scared at what you might see. The last thing you need is two giant blue creatures chasing you with knives. 
In the distance you see a fallen tree ‘this must be the remains of hometree from all those years ago’ you beeline straight for it. ‘No way they would come in here this must be too painful for them.’ You didn’t take into consideration, some of the na’vi never had to go through the pain of losing hometree.  
When you make it to the base of the tree, you glance behind you no longer hearing footsteps or seeing anyone, you still choose to hide out inside. The planet was getting darker but not so much that the bioluminescent effects came into view yet. When you walk in, as expected it is total darkness, besides the faint light that can be seen on the other end of the tree, which is now a tunnel. Grass has grown on the inside bottom of the tree and you are pretty sure you can make out the silhouette of vines handing from the top. You sit close to the entrance you came in and took the backpack off your back.  
Rummaging through it to see if you have anything useful, you find a mini flashlight and some rope while you were searching for your tracker. But low and behold, nowhere in sight. It must have dropped out the side pocket while you were running but you didn’t want to risk going back out there, at least not yet.  
After a about 3 minutes of sitting with your legs to your chest, arms wrapped around them. You hear shuffling outside; the rustling of leaves makes your nauseous. The footsteps are back, they found you? Oh no you are about to die. You put your head down in the space between you praying to every form of God you know, Eywa included for the great mother to spare your life. 
When the sounds stop you raise your head and scramble to flick the flashlight on, pointing it outwards in front you. Your view is blocked however when 4 muscular, blue legs come into view less than a meter away they stand, just starting at you. You love the flash light up their bodies, taking note of the rock-hard abs and strong veiny arms on both na’vi men, but what scared you would have to be the grins they were sporting, fangs on full display. 
 The taller of the two was smirking down at you, his hair was braided and lose down his back, it was long properly as long as your hair. The other was ginning down at you sickeningly scary; his hair was also braided but pulled loosely into with a hair tie, a couple braids feel over one side of his face.  
‘You’re about to die’  
“Well well, brother look what we have here” the shorter one speaks up, he is speaking English, his tone was so condensing perfectly matching his facial expression. Yon only now realizes, this one has five fingers, like you.  
“Please just let me go...” tears wield up in your eyes your vision becoming blurry as you look up at them from your sitting position, “I'll never come back to the forest again please” your eyes shift from one brother to the next trying to hit a soft stop somewhere but you know they most likely don't have one for anyone who is a part of the RDA but you still try.  
“Lo’ak look at this, it is about to cry” the taller one chuckles darkly when he kneels down to your level, his four fingered hand comes up to your face swiping away the stray tears that fell down your face. The other man who you now learned is names Lo’ak, laughed at you.  
“Such a nice little figure too huh bro” he replied they were still ignoring your pleads as the chuckled at your terrified form. He kneels down next to his brother and gripped your calf and pulling your leg harshly away from your body. You underestimate his strength when he pulls you and your entire body drags on the grass making you scream. Either way, he doesn't let go, only gesturing for his brother to pull on your other leg.  
Your pleads get louder and you accidentally drop the flashlight, it hits a rock breaking the light so now its darker, safe for the new found bioluminescent vines and grass that have grown on around the fallen tree. They chuckle and laugh at your scared gasped as the area got darker. You launch forward at their hands on your legs and try to get out of their grip, but they were too strong.  
You give up trying to pry their hands off you and opt for kicking and screaming instead, they grips did not falter but you try anyway. “Please, please let me go!” you shout out. The taller of the two speaks, “No I don’t think we’ll be doing that, so can you stop... It’s getting annoying” his voice is deep, stern. If you weren’t so frightened for your life, you might think it was hot. “Yea just relax a bit, and maybe we might let you go when were done” Lo’ak spoke.  
“What? After what-” you were cut off by the taller pulling out a knife from the side of his loincloth and gripping your t-shirt at the top. “Wait!” you try to use both your hands to keep his hand away as you cry, “Eywa, Neteyam you are going to give the girl a heart attack, we can’t fuck a dead girl” he grins wickedly making Neteyam laugh. “WHAT?!” you scream, his words catch your attention and you loosen your grip on Neteyam’s wrist involuntarily giving him an opening to cut your top down the middle ripping it off. You pull your hands to cover your chest even though you were wearing a bra. 
Both men effortlessly remove your hands from blocking the view as you squirm to get out of it, “Wait- I wait- Boys can’t we talk about this?” you try to reason with them but they ignore you once more. “She’s quite pretty, even when she cries, Lo’ak you did a good job picking this one” He tilts his head to the side to look at his brother before turning back towards your smaller form.  
“Eywa yea, we are going to have so much fun with this one” Neteyam lets go of your wrist and moves to grab the rope that was sitting next to your backpack on the floor, “can’t do anything if her squirmy ass doesn’t stop moving.” 
Lo’ak moves to sit behind you bringing your body flush to his chest holding both your wrist together in front of you. Neteyam straddles your legs so you can’t kick him away as he wraps the rope tightly around your wrist. He pulls it tightly making red angry marks appear on your blue skin, you whimper and try to pull away but you are a bit slow, fighting them will not get you out of this situation, they were faster and stronger than you, clearly well-trained warriors.  
Neteyam waste no time cutting off your belt and unbuttoning your pants, while Lo’ak holds you still. He rids your body of everything but your undergarments and now you lay in between two massive native men tied up and half naked. Maybe if they weren’t threatening your life, you wouldn’t have such a big problem with this.  
“Lo’ak look at this” he pulls your legs open wide for him, holding onto your skin so tightly, you were sure he would leave marks. Lo’ak moved from behind you now situated next to his brother pulling your legs further apart to see what his brother was seeing. A small wet spot, barely noticeable but it was there, “if I didn’t know any better, I'd say you like getting tied up and fucked Avatar.” Lo’ak chuckled, “and we haven’t even touched you yet” this brother spoke up as if they were finishing each other’s sentences.  
You wiggle and squirm but nothing you do seems to stop their actions. Eventually your pleading starts to irritate them so, they pull off your underwear and stuff the fabric in your mouth muffling your protest and only laugh at you when you try to speak. Lo’ak’s fingers immediately move to your pussy, it wets his fingers when he runs them through your folds, Neteyam’s hands join his making you mewl in protest, you did not want to admit if it felt good.
Your thoughts are pushing away however by the feeling of 4 fingers being inserted at the same time. Your scream at the stretch and pain you feel, but it's muffled by the fabric. You shift trying to make yourself more comfortable but nothing helps. You cry out when they start taking turning pumping in and out of you, their fingers getting soaked up in your essence making it drip down into their palms. 
Your back arches at you watch them stare at your private parts, practically entranced by the amount of slick they are getting out of you. Thanks to na’vi anatomy, you know the slick the women produce is much more and much thicker than that of humans, to accommodate the massive size of the males' genitalia. Your body betrays you when you feel yourself opening up for them to fuck into. You cry and whimper as they hit that amazing spot inside you that you could have never seems to reach. 
“Please-” your voice is muffled and getting drier with every breath you take. “Please? Your begging? Fucking whore, what do you want huh? to cum you think you deserve that?” Both mean speak harshly to you but you can’t find it in yourself to decipher who said what. You aren’t even sure if you are begging to come or if you are begging for them to stop. Either way you continue your whimpering and pleading until you finally gush on their fingers.  
This doesn’t stop them however, the don’t stop when you're thrashing in their grip but just smugly look towards you observing your overstimulation. Eventually they do give up and pull out of you, both men sticking their fingers in their mouth sucking off your excess juice. Honestly, the sight turns you on but you don’t want them to know that.  
Your pulled to reality once more when they undo their loincloths simultaneously, cocks spring up into the air you glance back and forth between both men. They were fucking huge, you have only seen what the na’vi male genitalia look from photos but goddamn, its fucking huge, unless it’s just them. Neteyam ties his hair back into a half up half down hairstyle to get it out of his face, and Lo’ak pulls his knife out and cuts open your bra, exposing your breast to the cool air of the night. 
Your tits bounce slightly and your nipples harden in the air, Lo’ak throws his knife aside before bringing his face down to bite and suck on them, you mewl as he does your head hits the ground under you and both your hands still tied together rest on his shoulder, your legs are pinned by his body but at this point, you have stopped fighting and ready to get over this.  
It may be the only way to keep your life. Neteyam pushes Lo’ak off the bottom half of your body as he spreads your legs and pushes into you without any warning. You thought their fingers were much, you had no idea what you were in for. He doesn’t give you time to adjust when he bottoms out, but starts bulling his cock into you, you fuck you like he’ll never get the opportunity to fuck anyone ever again.  
Your muffled screams meet their ears but they once again ignore you. Lo’ak grabs your thrashing tail in his hand and give it a firm yank making you yelp. He chuckles when your movements calm a bit due to the pain he just inflicted. His mouth moves away from your now purple swollen nipples and up to your neck. Neteyam bends down to the other side off your neck as he fucks into you and they both suck and kiss leaving deep purple marks. You just know it is going to look like someone strangled you.  
You whimper and moan at the feeling of their fangs grazing your skin, what you don’t expect is when they bite down hard on your soft skin. You are once again screaming into the muffled fabric, your nails grip and scratch on one of their shoulders but you aren’t sure which one. You feel the warm blood running down your shoulder and neck, the bite hurts, but when they start lapping at your new wounds it becomes more bearable. They pay no mind to you as they continue biting and sucking on your skin, creating bite marks in their wake from your neck to your stomach. 
Lo’ak pulls away from your body admiring their work and Neteyam starts grunting in your ear, he’s gonna come. The thought of him coming on your body sends you spiraling and you come on his cock not being able to hold it, his cock just feels so good fucking into you. When Neteyam releases he groans in your ear, you swear it is the sexiest thing you ever heard, you don’t even realize he come deep inside you before pulling out. 
Your hole is gapping and both brothers watch the cum ooze out of you slowly. Lo’ak taking his fingers and pushes it back in, curling his fingers up to the stop Neteyam was just bruising with his cock, the feeling makes you whimper but it doesn’t last long. 
Lo’ak lines himself up and pushes his cock into you now, you didn’t even get a second to rest. He doesn’t wait much like his brother when he starts pounding you into the floor. You moan and mewl as he fucks into you, almost as hard as his brother but not quite that much.  
Neteyam moves to kneels next to your face, cock hanging heavy over your eyes as you watch him stroke it up and down. This are by far the sexiest men you have ever been with, and the stamina, you aren’t even sure you can keep up but you are sure they are gonna cut you until you pass out.  
He taps his cock head on your lips before pulling your underwear out from your mouth and throwing it to the side, with the rest of your forgotten clothes. he grabs your hair on the top of your head and pull your lips over the head of his cock, he thrust into your mouth pulling your head to meet his thrust and throws his head back while he does it, feeling your tongue trace the veins on his cock. When you near your next release you moan around him, sending vibrations through his body. Your anils now dig into his muscular thigh as you try to find something to hold on to. When you do gush on Lo’ak’s cock, he follows not far behind cumming inside you with a sweet moan, it's almost submissive the way he throws his head back. 
After he comes down from his high and pulls out, he stares at your pussy watching your gaping hole pulse and clench around nothing. He pulls his eyes away from the sight and watches you suck on his brother’s cock; he strokes his cock that is already hardening again and speaks to him in na’vi, saying something you didn’t understand. 
Neteyam smiles down at you wickedly as he pulls you up and away from his cock. “Get up evenge (girl)” he says as he pulls you to stand up by your hair. You have no idea what they said but it was so hot listening to them speak in their native tongue. When you are pulled up, your knees buckle almost instantly and you fall forward on to Lo’ak. He barely moves, standing strongly and catches you in his arms. 
He lifts you like you weigh nothing and your legs come to wrap around his thin waist as he brushes stray hairs off your sweaty face. Neteyam comes and press his chest up against you’re back and pushing your chest into Lo’ak’s. You have no energy to hold yourself up so you rest your head on his shoulder. Your eyes feel drowsy and you blink slowly. 
 “Ever had anything up in here sevin (pretty)?” Neteyam ask you while his fingers brush over your puckering ass hole, he drags your mom mixture of cum down to the hole and push one of his fingers in. “No! No please” you feel as if all the tiredness left your body when you jump up trying to get away from his touches but Lo’ak holds you tightly. 
You should have known this was a trap, they were nice to you for no reason when they picked you up like a baby, you should have known they wanted to do something. Neteyam reaches around your body and cut the rope that was bounding you. Your wrist now sported red ligature marks about 3 inches thick, they really made sure you wouldn’t get away.  
All your fussing was for nothing when his finger squeezes into your tight hole deeper, your hands fly to Lo’ak’s back and you grip him as if he could somehow save you. Your nails dig into his skin when Neteyam inserts another finger pumping it a few times before you relax and he pulls out. Lo’ak inserts himself into your overstimulated cunt bottoming out inside you, but this time he didn’t move. 
Neteyam lined his cock head up to your other whole pushing it inside slowly, you felt both of their cocks touch inside you even though it’s in different holes. You head falls back on Neteyam’s shoulder as you babble and plead for them to stop. You hit and scratch at loak while tears fall down your cheeks as you cry your cute ‘nos’ and ‘please stops’.  
They find it sweet how much you are still trying to fight them down and not getting anywhere. When Neteyam bottoms out in your tight hole, you breath heavily as you try to adjust to him. When Lo’ak starts moving Neteyam slowly follows and their cocks move the way their fingers did earlier, they take turns thrusting into you. You cry and plead for them to ‘go slow’ but they pay you no mind, only wrapped up in their own pleasure.  
Eventually they are pounding into you, eyes shut tightly as you feel yourself loosen up enjoying the feeling of both men inside you. One particular thrust has you moaning loudly and they continue hitting that sweet spot. You blabber out nonscience bouncing up and down on both cocks, you have never been stretched out like this before, you’ve never been fucked like this before.
Your mouth agape trying to catch your breath as they use you to chase their own orgasms, the words they spew at you goes in one ear and out the other, you cannot even make out what they are saying, you aren’t even 100 percent sure they were speaking English. When you do cum on Lo’ak’s cock it's with a loud wail, you feel your own cunt pulse, gripping him inside you triggering his orgasm and Neteyam shortly after stuffing you full in both holes making you pass out in between their bodies. 
When you awake you feel a warm body wrapped around yours as you lay on a soft blanket. You observe your surroundings and see Lo’ak sitting a couple feet to the side of you in what looks like a hut, which means Neteyam is curled around you. You raise your head confused as to why you are here, they never killed you, but they also never took you home. You hear the distinct sound of chains moving when you try to stretch your foot and you realized. They have you chained like some kind of vicious dog by your ankle, attached to pole in the center of the hut.  
“Ah you are awake avatar, what is your name?” Neteyam’s chest rumbles as he speaks to you. “I'm not telling you” you feel like you throat was scratching as you swallow some no existent spit. Lo’ak hands you a cup of water and you chug it, “name girl” he says sternly. “y/n” you mumble. 
“Oh, that’ll fit perfectly on your new collar” he gestures to the piece of fabric he was planning on sewing your name into. You aren’t ever getting away from them. 
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✨ I hope you enjoyed reading! Likes, reposts and comments are always appreciated!
@strongheartneteyam @rivatar @delusionalwh6re @nilahsstuff @xylianasblog @quicktosimp @xrollingmyeyesx
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foone · 11 months ago
I'm surprised there's not more supernatural spaceship media. Like, your average little cargo ship is jumping around the outer rim trying to cut some time off their delivery route and they pick up a distress call, so they have to answer it.
(under a readmore cause this got a little longer than I expected)
They warp in to the approximate coordinates and there's a colony ship orbiting a gas giant, stuck in the shadow of it, basically frozen over. It's centuries old, but these sleeper ships from the pre-ftl era were built to last, so it's still broadcasting the SOS. It's not responding to radio, so they need to board it.
Normally this'd just involve turning off the SOS. The ship is clearly dead and not responding to any hails, the crew must be long gone and the reactor is just keeping the SOS going. But this is a sleeper ship, so it's possible there's just no one awake. Stuck in longsleep for god knows how many decades, waiting for someone to stumble on their signal...
So they board it, activate the computer, and it tells them that everyone is dead. The ship launched, and over the 358 years it's been traveling for, every single cryo chamber has been either opened or never had any lifesigns in it in the first place. The last event logged on the computer is 136 years ago, when the acting captain set the ship to orbit this gas giant, and turn on the distress signal. Since then, nothing.
But there's still power on the bridge. There may be something there. So they climb up the decks, passing the grim sight of endless rows of cryochambers lined up like tombstones, all showing red lights of lifesign failure. As they get closer to the bridge, the time of deaths get later. The ones on the first deck were close to the launch date, and the ones near the bridge are nearer to that 136 year ago deadline.
This wasn't a hardware failure. Something killed all these people, one by one, over 220 years.
They get to the bridge. The computers are all powered down, but the power management system is still active. Two of the decks still have their cryochambers powered, but it's the ones that were supposed to be empty. There's no lifesigns in them, so the little computer in the power diagnostic system has been recommending they be turned off to save on energy. Naturally it's been recommending that for three and a half centuries. One of the crew members almost absent-mindedly agrees to the prompt, and those cryochambers deactivate. They were empty anyway, right? The sound of humming from the bridge mostly fades away, as a few hundred cryopods on the deck below power down.
The boarding crew powers off the SOS beacon. They'll alert the authorities to the ship's location when they get to a port, surely someone wants to investigate what went wrong here, or at least do an archeological study. This place is beyond an antique at this point... Wait. What's that?
The power computer says there's still one active power draw, about 1.2 kilowatts, in the captain's quarters. That's too much for a personal computer, but just about right for a single cryo pod. Maybe the captain or someone is still alive? That pod isn't on the network, so they can't see the lifesigns from here.
They head over, and the bulkhead door is still cracked open, with a thick cable running in through the gap in the door. Whoever wired this up clearly didn't have time to correctly reroute the power systems, they just lugged a cryo pod in here and basically ran an extension cord to a nearby terminal.
They pry open the door, and there's a softly glowing cryo pod in the middle of the surprisingly spacious room. It makes some amount of sense, generally on these ships the captain would be the one who has to wake up and deal with any situations that arise, while the rest of the colonists are content to sleep until they reach their new home.
They look in the pod, and there's a man lying there. He's not the captain, though. They saw his photo on the bridge. This is someone else. Some one quite pale and gaunt. Maybe they were suffering malnutrition before they put themselves in the pod?
The pod is softly beeping. It's reactivating, apparently triggered when they opened the door. The pod shows no lifesigns, so it's not worth worrying about, the panel sliding over to reveal merely a well preserved corpse.
And then he smiles. "I'm so glad to see you! When we ran out of food we we're afraid we'd never see another human again. And even through those environment suits, I can tell you're so deliciously human." he licks his lips, and the boarding crew spots his prominent canines.
There's a noise halfway between a howl and a shriek from the floor below. The man in the cryopod leans up his head. "ahh, I see you've woken up my children as well. Marvelous. I hope you brought plenty of friends for us to snack on."
The head of the boarding party lifts her arm to call their ship, tell them to get out of there or drop a torpedo into the colony ship's reactor. Before she can bring it to her face to call, there's a flash of motion. Before she can even realize what's happening, the man(?) in the cryopod is up and holding her wrist away from her face.
As she cries out at the sudden pain, the other members of the boarding party spot movement down the hall. A lot of movement. A wall of thin pale people are running towards the captain's quarters, climbing over each other and pushing each other aside, like a pack of wild wolves who just smelled prey.
The boarding party steps back into the room and slams the emergency close. At least in here they only have to deal with one of those things.
The door hits the cable and bounces off with a loud alarm. It fully opens again, ready to let the hungry mass in.
So... Have you ever noticed how much a cryopod looks like a coffin?
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moonselune · 5 months ago
Saw the Inbox was open, so got a request for Astarion, Wyll, and Karlach if that's okay? Could we get Tav giving them a massage? Maybe they noticed that they seemed tense, or they had a hard fight not too long ago. Or maybe they have been working hard on something. Either way their lover decides to pull out all the stops to help them relax. I just think getting a massage from someone they love would mean the most for those three. For Karlach she's gone so long without any touch whatsoever that a loving gesture like that would mean the world to her. For Astarion he's spent 200 years not getting a gentle kind none sexual touch that I think getting a massage from someone he loves, and having the massage done simply due to wanting to help him would be pretty emotional for him. As for Wyll he makes a lot of comments about his new bumps, ridges, and horns once he's transformed that it seems like he is worried about how he will be viewed by everyone. I think getting a gentle touch from someone he loves, and them being open that they love every part of him would do a world of good for him.
aweee this is so wholesome
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The camp was quiet as the night settled in, the fire crackling softly, casting warm light across the nearby trees. You sat on a large log, absently staring at the flames as your mind wandered. The day had been long, and the battle not so long ago had taken its toll on everyone—especially Karlach.
She had fought with everything she had, as always. Her unrelenting strength had turned the tide in the group's favor, but you could tell that it had drained her. She’d seemed tense afterwards, her usual infectious energy dimmed by exhaustion and something else—something deeper.
Karlach hadn’t said much after the fight, brushing off any offers of help with her usual bright smile, but you could see it in the set of her jaw, the tightness in her shoulders. You knew she was trying to hide her discomfort, not wanting to burden anyone else with it.
But after so long without any physical touch, her Infernal engine keeping her separated from the world for years, you knew that offering her comfort in the form of touch was exactly what she needed right now.
Your heart ached just thinking about it. Karlach had been deprived of touch for so long, and though she could now finally enjoy it again, she was still hesitant—almost afraid to ask for it. You stood up, determined, and made your way toward her tent.
As you approached, you saw her sitting at the edge of her bedroll, her back to you. She was rubbing her neck, clearly trying to work out the tension, but her broad shoulders remained stiff. Her dark hair was damp with sweat, sticking to the back of her neck, a testament to the effort she had put into the battle.
“Karlach?” you called softly, not wanting to startle her.
She turned her head slightly, her red eyes catching the glow of the campfire. Her smile was as bright as ever, though a little tired around the edges.
“Hey, babe,” she greeted, her voice warm but with an undertone of exhaustion. “Everything alright?”
You smiled softly, stepping closer. “I could ask you the same thing. You look tense.”
Karlach chuckled, though it was a little forced. “Yeah, you know, just… still buzzing from the fight. Hard to wind down sometimes.”
You stopped just behind her, taking in the sight of her muscular frame, the tension evident in every line of her body.
“I was thinking,” you said gently, “maybe I could help with that. How about a massage?”
Karlach froze for a moment, as if the offer had caught her completely off guard. She glanced over her shoulder at you, her eyes wide, searching your face for any hint of insincerity. But all she found was genuine concern and affection.
“A massage?” she repeated, her voice soft, almost incredulous. “For me?”
You nodded, stepping around to kneel in front of her. “You’ve been through so much, Karlach. You deserve a little kindness, a little… love. Let me help.”
Her breath hitched slightly at your words, and she blinked rapidly, as if trying to process the offer. The idea of someone willingly wanting to touch her—especially after everything she had been through—was still something she was getting used to. Her time in Avernus had left her starved for contact, and even now, with her engine stabilized, she hesitated to ask for it.
“I… I’d love that,” she finally whispered, her voice thick with emotion. “But only if you’re sure. I don’t want to—”
“Shh,” you interrupted softly, reaching up to gently brush a strand of hair from her face. “I’m sure. Just relax, okay?”
Karlach let out a shaky breath, nodding as she turned to sit with her back to you. Her shoulders were still tense, but she trusted you completely, and that trust meant the world to you. You moved to sit behind her, your hands hovering over her shoulders for a moment before gently resting them on her warm skin.
The moment your hands touched her, Karlach let out a soft gasp. It wasn’t just the sensation of your fingers—it was the fact that she could feel you, that you wanted to touch her. It had been so long since she’d felt anything like this, so long since anyone had cared enough to offer her something so simple, yet so profound.
You began to knead her shoulders slowly, working your thumbs into the tight muscles. Karlach’s body was solid, sculpted from years of battle and hardship, but under your touch, you could feel her slowly begin to relax. Her head dipped forward slightly, and she let out a long, quiet sigh.
“Gods, that feels… amazing,” she murmured, her voice soft and full of gratitude. “I didn’t realize how much I needed this.”
You smiled softly, your hands continuing their gentle work, moving from her shoulders down her back, working out the knots of tension. “You carry so much weight, Karlach. You never let yourself rest.”
She chuckled quietly, though there was a hint of sadness in it. “Old habits die hard, I guess.”
Your hands stilled for a moment, and you leaned forward, resting your cheek against her shoulder. “You don’t have to carry everything alone anymore, you know. I’m here. We’re all here.”
Karlach was quiet for a moment, her breath shallow as she processed your words. Slowly, she turned her head, looking over her shoulder at you with an expression so vulnerable, it nearly broke your heart.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve someone like you,” she whispered, her voice barely audible. “But I’m so damn glad you’re here.”
You smiled, pressing a soft kiss to her shoulder before resuming your massage. “You deserve all the love in the world, Karlach. Don’t ever doubt that.”
Karlach didn’t respond right away, but you could feel the way her body relaxed further under your touch, the way her breathing deepened as she let herself surrender to the moment. She had gone so long without affection, without comfort, that even this small gesture meant everything to her.
By the time you finished, Karlach was nearly limp with relaxation, her muscles no longer tense and rigid. She let out a contented sigh as you finally pulled your hands away, leaning back against her bedroll.
“You’re amazing, you know that?” Karlach murmured, her voice soft and full of warmth.
You chuckled, brushing a hand through her hair. “I could say the same about you.”
Karlach shifted, turning to face you fully. Her eyes were soft, filled with gratitude and something deeper, something that made your heart swell. She reached out, pulling you into a gentle embrace, her strong arms wrapping around you as if she never wanted to let go.
For a moment, neither of you said anything, simply holding each other in the quiet of the night. It was a moment of peace, of connection, something Karlach had been missing for so long—and now, she had it with you.
“Truly, I don’t know what I’d do without you,” Karlach whispered, her voice thick with emotion.
You smiled, resting your head against her chest, feeling the steady rhythm of her heart beneath your cheek. “You’ll never have to find out.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The evening air was cool as it drifted through the camp, the last rays of the sun fading into twilight. The fire crackled softly, casting a warm, flickering glow over the tents and figures scattered around the campsite. You sat quietly by the fire, your eyes drifting toward Astarion, who was sitting a little distance away, his back to a tree. He hadn’t said much since the battle earlier, his usual playful banter and flirtatious remarks replaced by a quiet, almost brooding silence.
You could see it in the way he sat—his shoulders tense, his jaw clenched, fingers absentmindedly tracing the hilt of his dagger. It was a stark contrast to the usual confident, even cocky demeanor he carried himself with.
It wasn’t just the physical toll of the fight weighing on him, you realized. Something else was gnawing at him, something deeper. You knew how much he hated feeling out of control, how the years under Cazador had shaped him, made him wary of letting anyone too close unless he was in charge of the situation. Now you were in the lower city, those feelings were most likely bombarding him.
Your heart ached for him. You had been together for some time now, your relationship blossoming slowly as Astarion learned to trust you—learned to accept the tenderness you offered him, despite his instinct to shield himself from vulnerability. But even so, moments like this, when he seemed trapped in his own thoughts, still reminded you of how much he had endured, how long he had gone without the kind of affection most took for granted.
You stood up, quietly making your way over to him. He didn’t notice you at first, too lost in his own thoughts, but when you gently placed a hand on his shoulder, he flinched slightly, his body tensing further before he realized it was you. He looked up, his ruby eyes meeting yours, a flicker of surprise and something else—something softer—crossing his features.
“Darling,” he greeted, though his voice lacked its usual lightness. “What’s the matter? Come to make sure I haven’t brooded myself into oblivion?”
You offered him a small smile, kneeling beside him. “I’m more worried about you. You’ve been quiet… and tense.”
Astarion’s lips twitched into a half-hearted smirk, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Oh, you know me. Always dramatic, always brooding about something. It’s nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.”
But you didn’t miss the way his hand clenched a little tighter around the dagger, the subtle tension in his muscles. He might try to play it off with a joke, but you could see through the act—see the exhaustion beneath it, both physical and emotional.
“I can help, you know,” you said softly, placing your hand over his. “If you’d let me.”
Astarion raised an eyebrow, though his curiosity was piqued. “Help? And how exactly do you propose to do that?”
You smiled gently, your thumb brushing over his knuckles. “A massage. You look tense, and I think it might help you relax.”
For a moment, Astarion just stared at you, his expression unreadable. It was clear the idea caught him off guard, the offer of something so simple, so innocent, something that had no ulterior motive behind it other than wanting to ease his discomfort. He blinked, his eyes narrowing slightly as if he were trying to gauge whether you were serious.
“A massage?” he echoed, his voice laced with both skepticism and curiosity. “Why, darling, I didn’t realize you were offering such intimate services.”
You could tell he was trying to turn it into a joke, to deflect from the vulnerability of the moment, but you weren’t about to let him brush it off so easily. You leaned in a little closer, your voice soft but firm. “I’m serious, Astarion. Just… let me take care of you. No expectations, no strings attached. Just because I want to.”
His expression faltered for a moment, the mask slipping as he studied your face, searching for any sign of pity or insincerity. But all he found was the same quiet concern, the same affection that you always showed him. Slowly, almost reluctantly, he nodded.
“All right,” he said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. “But if you try anything cheeky, I’m holding you responsible for my utter lack of self-control.”
You chuckled softly, shaking your head as you moved behind him. “Just relax.”
Astarion sat up a little straighter, his shoulders still tense as you gently placed your hands on them. You could feel the tightness in his muscles immediately, the way they were coiled with stress and tension. You began to work your fingers into the knots, starting gently at first, gauging his reaction. His skin was cool to the touch, but you could feel the way his body responded to your touch—the way he slowly, hesitantly began to relax beneath your hands.
At first, Astarion remained quiet, his breathing shallow, as if he didn’t quite know how to react to the sensation. It was clear that this kind of touch—gentle, caring, without any ulterior motive—was still unfamiliar to him. For so long, any physical contact had been either violent or manipulative, a tool used against him rather than something given out of love.
But as your hands continued their work, massaging his shoulders and down his back, you were careful with his scars, you didn't want to highlight them, to ruin the moment for him, but eventually you felt him begin to loosen up. His breathing grew deeper, his posture less rigid, and a soft sigh escaped his lips. His head dipped forward slightly, and for the first time in what felt like ages, he let himself truly relax.
“Gods,” Astarion whispered, his voice filled with something akin to wonder. “I didn’t realize how much I… needed this.”
You smiled softly, your hands moving to gently knead the muscles at the base of his neck. “You deserve it, Astarion. You deserve to be taken care of.”
Astarion let out another quiet sigh, his body leaning back into your touch as if he couldn’t help himself. He was silent for a long moment, and when he finally spoke again, his voice was softer, more vulnerable than you’d ever heard it before.
“I’ve gone so long without…” He trailed off, swallowing hard. “Without this. Without… someone who cared enough to offer it.”
Your heart ached at his words, at the raw emotion you could hear in his voice. You leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to the top of his head.
“You have me now,” you whispered. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
Astarion closed his eyes, his body completely relaxing into your hands now, as if the weight of the world had finally been lifted from his shoulders. He leaned back against you, letting you hold him, his head resting against your chest as your arms wrapped around him from behind.
For a long time, neither of you spoke, simply content to be in each other’s presence, to share this moment of quiet intimacy. Astarion’s breathing was slow and steady now, his usual guarded walls lowered, if only for a little while. You held him close, your fingers gently stroking through his hair, and you could feel the way his heart began to beat a little slower, a little more peacefully.
“Thank you,” he whispered after a long while, his voice filled with emotion. “For this. For… everything.”
You pressed another kiss to his temple, your lips brushing against his skin. “Always, Astarion.”
You knew that no matter how hard it might be for him to accept, no matter how many walls he still had up, you would be there for him—offering him the love and comfort he had been denied for so long. Because he deserved it. And you would make sure he never had to doubt that again.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The moon hung low in the sky, casting a gentle silver light over the camp. The day had been long, filled with battles and plans, but even in the moments of respite, Wyll had barely allowed himself to rest. You noticed him sitting by the fire, his back straight, his body tense—always ready, always vigilant. It had been days since you'd seen him truly relax, and it was beginning to take its toll. His usually warm smile had been dimmed by worry, and there was a weight in his shoulders that hadn’t been there before.
He had been working so hard to help everyone, to be the hero he believed he needed to be, but something else lingered in the way he carried himself. It was subtle—the way he sometimes avoided his reflection, the way his hand would linger on the ridges and horns that now adorned his forehead and arms. Wyll’s transformation had been jarring, and though he tried to hide it, you could tell it weighed on him.
You stood and made your way over to him, sitting down by his side. He glanced at you, giving a small smile, though it didn’t reach his eyes.
"Hey," you said softly, reaching out to gently touch his arm. "You’ve been working hard again, haven’t you?"
Wyll chuckled, though it sounded tired. "Someone has to, love. There’s always something that needs doing, always someone who needs help. I can’t just sit still when there’s work to be done."
"You’re allowed to rest too, you know," you said, your thumb tracing small circles on his arm. "You don’t have to carry everything on your own."
He let out a small sigh, his hand moving up to rub at the ridges on his forehead, his fingers brushing against the small horns that had appeared after his transformation. There was something hesitant in the way he touched them, as though he still wasn’t sure they were truly a part of him.
"I’m not the same, am I?" he said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I look in the mirror sometimes, and I don’t even recognize myself anymore. The horns, the… bumps. I wonder if people will see me as a monster now."
His words hit you hard. Wyll, the man who had always been so confident, so noble, was doubting himself—doubting how the world would see him. You could see it in the way he held himself now, as if he was trying to hide parts of himself, as if he was unsure whether he was still the same person.
You shifted closer, gently taking his hand in yours. "You’re not a monster, Wyll. Not even close."
He gave a small, almost bitter laugh. "That’s kind of you to say, but it doesn’t change what I see when I look in the mirror. These horns, this… fiendish body. I can’t help but wonder how long it’ll be before people stop seeing Wyll the Blade of Frontiers and start seeing a creature instead."
You frowned, your heart aching for him. He had gone through so much, sacrificed so much, and yet here he was, doubting his own worth because of changes he couldn’t control. You leaned forward, your voice gentle but firm.
"I see Wyll. I see the man who fights for what’s right, who stands up for the people who can’t protect themselves. I see the man who would sacrifice anything for those he loves, who’s kind and strong and full of light. That’s who I see."
Wyll turned to you, his eyes searching your face, as if trying to find some semblance of truth in your words. Slowly, you moved behind him, placing your hands on his shoulders, feeling the tension in his muscles.
"Let me help you relax," you said softly. "You’ve been carrying so much. Let me take care of you for a little while."
Wyll hesitated for a moment, but then nodded, leaning back slightly as you began to gently massage his shoulders. His body was tense, muscles tight from days of strain, but as your hands worked over his shoulders and down his back, you felt him slowly begin to relax under your touch.
Your fingers worked gently but firmly, kneading the knots in his muscles, and with each pass, you could feel the tension melting away. Wyll let out a soft sigh, his body sinking further into relaxation as you continued.
"You’ve always been so strong, Wyll," you said quietly, your hands moving to massage the base of his neck. "Not just physically, but in everything you do. You care so much, and you give so much of yourself to others. But you don’t have to carry it all alone. I’m here too, and I love every part of you—horns, ridges, everything."
Wyll’s breath hitched slightly, and you could feel him tense up again, though this time it was different. There was emotion behind it, a vulnerability that he rarely showed.
"You… you really mean that?" he asked, his voice quieter now, almost unsure.
You smiled, leaning down to press a soft kiss to the top of his head. "I do. Every part of you is worthy of love, Wyll. You’ve given so much of yourself to the world, and now it’s time for you to let someone love you for exactly who you are."
Wyll was quiet for a long moment, and when he finally spoke again, his voice was thick with emotion. "I didn’t realize how much I needed to hear that."
You continued massaging his back, your hands moving down to his lower back, working out the last of the tension. Wyll let out a deep sigh, his body fully relaxing now as he leaned back into your touch.
"You’re not alone, Wyll," you whispered, your hands still gently working over his skin. "And you never will be. I love every part of you, and nothing will ever change that."
Wyll turned his head slightly, looking up at you with a soft, grateful smile.
"Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth. "I don’t know what I did to deserve you."
You smiled, your fingers brushing through his hair gently. "You don’t have to do anything, Wyll. Just be yourself. That’s more than enough."
For the first time in what felt like days, Wyll truly smiled—a genuine, soft smile that reached his eyes. And as you sat there together, the weight of the world seemed a little lighter, if only for a moment.
You continued to massage his back, your hands gentle but firm, and Wyll leaned back into you, his body completely at ease. He wasn’t just the Blade of Frontiers anymore. He was Wyll—your Wyll, and that was more than enough for both of you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Gods now I want a massage. Hope you guys enjoyed it !! - Seluney xox
If you want to support me in other ways | Help keep this moonmaiden caffeinated x
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intoxicated-chan · 1 year ago
𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏 ║ ❝𝐉𝐞𝐬𝐮𝐬 𝐈𝐬 𝐌𝐲 𝐕𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐞❞
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(A/n) ➳ First chapter!! I straight up need lessons on how people flirt because I fought and I still think the flirting is VERY TERRIBLE so be warned. Enjoy!!
Word Count ➳ 2.4k
Content Warnings ➳ Talks of having children/marriage, pregnancy, alcohol use (Not drunk), TERRIBLE FLIRTING, public bathroom sex, p-in-v, unprotected sex (WRAP IT), pet names (darlin’) swearing, nearly getting caught, mentions of violence…
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Your hands come under the hot water for a second before yanking them back in pain, a wince had left your lips and sighed. You turned the handle on the sink to the right, waiting a couple of seconds before you put your hand under the water again.
This time, the water became warm. You picked up the soapy and water logged sponge to continue cleaning the white plates that were covered in syrup from this morning, just two hours ago.
Shane was the first to come to your apartment, like usual. He helped you with setting up the table, cooking the sausages and eggs while you handled the pancakes and hashbrowns.
Rick, Lori, and Carl came next. Carl ran past you before you could even acknowledge it was them, he happily shouted for the pancakes and was a little disappointed. But as soon as he was picked up by Shane and put on his shoulders, his laughter filled your small apartment.
“The hashbrowns just need a couple more minutes.”
You remembered saying, letting them in and helping Lori as she was obviously pregnant. Around thirty four weeks.
“Just a couple more weeks.” She let out a groan as she was able to take off her shoes. “Then we’ll have this little sucker out of me.”
Lori and Rick agreed to keep the gender a secret, not even they know since they had already agreed on names as well.
Isabella for a girl and Liam for a boy.
You took her sweater and hung it on the coat rack. Rick had begun to pour juice into the glass cups, making sure Carl didn’t knock them over when he threw himself at the chair.
“Carefully buddy.”
“Pancakes are comin’ in!” You hurriedly walked in with the hot pan in one hand and a stack of pancakes in the other, Shane was right behind you with the plates of scrambled eggs and cooked sausages.
That was just two hours ago.
Now, Carl was by your side, standing on a step stood with a damp rag in hand. He took each plate that you handed to him, wiping them down and carefully putting them in the dish rack.
Shane walked back to the table where Rick and Lori were still sitting, he watched as Lori tried to stifle her giggle, covering her mouth as her giggling became louder as Shane came into her view.
Shane, gathering the last few cups, asked with a grin. “What are you two scheming now?”
“Oh you know, the pregnancy, the hospital plan, and us-” Lori leaned in closer, whispering. “-Deciding when you’re going to ask (Y/n) out?”
He took a glance back at you, still focused on the dishes. “One day Lori. One day.”
“It’s been five years, I’m tired of your whinin’.” Rick retorted, leaning back in the chair and throwing an arm back.
“Where are the cups Shane?” You called out to him. “And what are y’all whisperin’ about?”
Shane went to tell Lori to hush but she spoke first, speaking over him. “That you guys make the perfect couple!” She slowly stood from her chair and made her way over to you. “A perfect marriage with kids running around, y’know?” Lori teased you.
You exchanged a quick looked with Carl who just looked back at you with curiosity. He couldn’t feel your discomfort.
“Well… I-I don’t know.” You hesitated, trying to avoid the question and find the right words.
“They do seem perfect for each other.” Rick commented.
“Can’t you imagine it?” Lori added. “A cozy home, kids playin’ in the yard with our kids. Sounds like a dream.”
You forced a smile when everyone turned to you, hiding your uncertainty. Sure, Shane was attractive, anyone would die to be with a man like him.
But settling down, marriage and having kids just didn’t sit right with you. You preferred excitement in your life, just like your high school life. Not knowing what was going to happen next, the unpredictability in your life made it even better.
Shane noticed your silence, he placed the cups in the sink and nudged you. “You alright?” He murmured to you, ignoring Rick and Lori’s conversation.
You took a couple of seconds before nodding. “Yeah, yeah, just thinkin’ about high school.”
“Feelin’ nostalgic?”
“I am.”
But Shane could sense the discomfort in your voice, something he didn’t want, you being uncomfortable around him.
“Don’t listen to ‘em. They’re jus’ jokin’.” He flashed a smile.
You poured soap on the sponge and gave it a squeeze, starting on the outside of the glass before going inside of the cup.
“Maybe Lori and Rick are right. You and me, might be somethin��� special.” He said, a playful tone clear in his voice.
You kept the same smile on as before. “You know how they are. Tryin’ to play matchmaker.”
“They could be onto somethin’. We’d make pretty good parents.”
“Look Shane, I’m not really sure about all that. Can’t we talk about it some other time?”
He adjusted his stance, now crossing his arms. “Alright, alright.”
“Did he really say that?” Andrea questioned you, wide eyed as she handed you a glass of wine that Amy poured you.
“I still can’t get it out of my head.”
“What did you say?”
You brought the wine to your lips, giving it a swirl before taking a sip of it. “I said if we can talk about it some other time.”
Amy clicked her tongue a couple of times. “Should’ve made it clear from the start.”
The three of you sat on your couch, a movie played in the background, something about an assassin in retirement but it was long forgotten when Amy noticed you couldn’t focus on the movie.
You bit your lip, setting your glass down next to you. “I know, I know. But it felt like I couldn’t.”
Andrea stood up abruptly, stopping Amy from replying. “You can’t be drinkin’ all night. We’re goin’ out.” She stated proudly, hands on her hips as a wide smile spread across her lips. “Get dressed (Y/n), we’re hittin’ Atlanta!”
You opened your mouth but Andrea put her hand in your face. “No arguments.” She marched into your room, with you and Amy following, Andrea was rummaging through your clothes. “Even if it’s just for a couple of hours, you need this.”
Amy joined in with Andrea, looking through your drawers. “A night of fun and-” Pulling out a pair of matching bra and underwear. “Pleasure~”
Once you were all dressed up, Andrea drove you all to the club that Amy once went to, commenting on the amount of men who rode motorcycles.
And she was right, motorcycle upon motorcycle lined up in the front of the club. You all excited the car in laughter and nervousness.
“How’s my makeup?” Amy asked, looking at herself in the car’s mirror. “Shit, I think my eyeliner is uneven.”
Andrea pulled her by her arm, “Who cares? We’re here to have fun!”
You all entered the club with ease, you all were immediately crowded. After all it was a saturday night, drinks were flowing and music blasted loudly that you could barely hear yourself.
But you all remained together as you drank, except Andrea as she was the driver. But that didn’t stop her from having fun with you.
She practically forced you onto the dance floor after a couple of drinks as she thought it would help and it surely did.
Blinded by the flash on Amy’s phone, she recorded you all dancing and screaming your lungs out on the song that played.
You definitely needed to listen to the sisters more cause this was a night you needed, it wasn’t like morning brunch with the four of them.
You felt that familiar excitement in your veins, and your body dancing on its own… You didn’t consume many drinks, maybe because you wanted to remember this night, not by videos and photos, but by your own memory.
You laughed as Andrea helped you move to the calmer side of the club as she recognized your tiredness.
“Never knew you could pull those moves!” She shouted over the music, leaning close to you.
“Neither did I!” You threw your head back, snickering. “Can you order me some water?!”
“Okay!” She turned her back to you and faced the bartender.
You panted, trying to catch your breath. You felt your phone vibrating and pulled it out, seeing a call from Shane.
It was like the music went silent, everything around you froze as you stared at his name… You watched it ring, his name on big on the screen.
You looked up from your phone to call for Amy or Andrea but you spotted someone else.
A man with a black leather jacket. ‘JUDAS’ was printed on his back in white lettering with white dots circling the name and the skull and bones.
He sat alone, a drink in his gloved hand. Black sunglasses rested next to his arm and a black and white bandana was wrapped around his neck.
“Water!” Andrea’s booming voice knocked you out of your stare, taking the water, Andrea noticed you’re staring and immediately found who you were looking at.
“Think he’s in a band?” Amy laid her head on your shoulder.
“No way, looks too gloomy to be in a band.” Andrea retorted. “Nice clothes though.”
You dismissed both of them. “Leave him alone.”
“Alone? Girl, he looks like your type! Go for it!” Amy scoffed and pushed you.
You shoved your phone back into your purse and walked towards him, glass of water in hand. If the drinks gave you confidence to dance, surely it will help now.
You took the empty seat across from his and crossed your legs, one over the other. “Cool jacket.” You complimented. “Where’d you get it from?”
He eyed you for a moment before he looked away. “Ain’t yer business.”
That caught you off your guard… “Must be a tale worth tellin’ or you just like scarin’ people.”
“A very long and winded tale. And scarin’ folks… There’s more than one way to scare somebody than usin’ a jacket.”
“I ain’t easily scared. Makes it more fun.”
“What’s so fun ‘bout some jacket?”
You shrugged. “Maybe it’s the challenge of findin’ out who you are.”
He clicked his tongue, setting down his drink. “Ain’t gonna be easy darlin’.”
You leaned in closer. “Good thing I like challenges.”
(May I have some tips on flirting, please. I’m very desperate…)
You and Daryl didn’t waste time when he brought you to the bathroom of the club. He hiked up your dress and ripped your underwear off you, not without commenting on the choice first.
You threw your head back, your legs tightened around Daryl’s waist.
He had you pushed up against the wall, his face shoved into the crook of your neck, leaving wet kisses.
He desperately thrusted into you, breathing heavily. He fucked you up against the bathroom stall.
Both of his hands held your ass, leaving you to cling onto him.
You were left stuttering over your words. “Like that.” You said, over and over again. “Just like that! God, just like that!”
For a second, your breathing stopped and you froze, your eyes immediately shut as you came around his cock.
Yet you didn’t complain when he still continued fucking you. You felt a smile form as he fucked you past your orgasm.
“Ya gotta keep quiet.” Daryl panted in your ear, his hot breath sending shivers down your back. The music was still loud, even in the bathroom.
You tried but his cock kept slamming into your g-spot. You were unable to contain your gasps and moans.
“Shut up dammit.”
“I-I’m sorry.”
“Sorry ain’t good enough.”
You shoved your face into his shoulder, feeling the leather of his jacket, smelling his cologne and cigarettes.
He didn’t stop nor slow down, thrusting into you like his life depended on it, using you as a stress relief.
You felt the same coil once again, feeling it throb, pooling in your abdomen.
You were dragged out of your daze and pulled away from him, nearly falling in the process. “The hell?” Daryl luckily caught you.
But you hushed him, slipping your flimsy underwear back on.
It was Amy. “(Y/n)? Andrea said she saw you comin’ in here.” You heard her footsteps coming closer to the stall you were in.
“Stay here.” You mumbled to him, soothing your dress and coming out of the stall before she could reach it.
She let out a sigh of relief. “Thank god, I thought you were dead when Andrea said she saw you comin’ in here with the guy.” She looked over your shoulder. “Where is he?”
“Um, we talked and I… I got his number.” You lied, still trying to reel back.
“Really?! Oh my god! You gotta tell us!” She grabbed you by the arm and dragged you out of the bathroom. “We’re headin’ home!”
“What? Why?”
“Andrea, punched a guy.”
“Is she okay?!”
“Oh yeah!” Amy smiled and pointed to Andrea who was waiting by the exit. “Let’s go home!”
You closed the door behind you, Andrea dropped you off since she had to get Amy home quickly, she had a feeling she was going to vomit.
You kicked off your heels, sighing and your feet felt the relief of no longer wearing those heels.
You began to take off your earrings and walked to your bedroom when you heard knocking.
You carefully came to the door and slowly opened it, having a clear confused look on your face. Even more when Daryl stood there.
You looked around first before coming back to him. “...How did you find where I live?”
Daryl held up a bag, your bag. “Left it in the bathroom. Ran out ‘fore I could say anythin’.”
You took the bag, still wary. “Well, thanks. But how did you know where to go?”
Daryl shrugged, a relaxed expression on his face. “Saw yer ID. Figured it ain’t far.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Stalker tendencies, Daryl?”
“Just lookin’ out for a damsel in distress.”
You giggled. “I’m sure losing my bag ain’t bein’ in distress, but points for effort.”
“I’ll be in town for a couple months, see ya ‘round?”
“You wanna come in for a bit? I gotta thank you for gettin’ my bag.”
“Ya gonna run off again?”
Daryl stepped closer. “Maybe?” He grinned again.
You grabbed his hand and led him into your apartment and shut the door before. You didn’t have a second to react before he was already on you.
This was definitely a night you did not fucking regret.
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© Intoxicated-Chan 2024, I do not allow my work to be copied, translated, modified, adapted, or put on any other platform without my permission. None of the photos used belong to me!
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Taglist ➳ @deansapplepie , @ladylincoln , @gamingfeline , @lady06reaper , @alanamarie , @daryldixmedown ,
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» » YOU’RE HERE « « ⊰ Chapter 2 ⊰
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ryuzakemo128 · 2 months ago
MDNI 18+ Omegaverse Part 3
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cw: isolation, cold weather, injuries, lovely things, overprotective price. mature language. angst.
Omegaverse Parts: Part One + Part Two + Part Three + Part Four
wc: 1311
Price noticed you were no longer on the base, all that working trying to find you all gone to waste because of General Shepard. His frustration grew each day you were gone. Each day you weren’t around the four. Did it matter that it was only a week? Fuck no.
What did the General hope would happen? Delay the inevitable? What kind of foolish man did they take Price for? When he found out you were sent down from a helicopter in the dead of night to Siberia? His blood began to boil. His temper began to rise higher levels.
The man was a monster, and you were his latest victim. The medical results came in. Not that you would ever get the chance to see them. To know what you are. Why people were so keen on taking you or killing you, or both. Not just a weapon, either.
“You can’t do that. You have no right to enforce that. It’s against protocol to send out an unknown operative.” Price argued. He tried making him see the error of his actions. He had to. Not many others were willing to stand up for you. He had to save you.
“Protocol can go to hell, Price. She’s special. The intel says so. We need her. And I will do whatever it takes to ensure she’s safe and on our side. Even if it means throwing her to the wolves and seeing if she comes back to us. That’s an order, Captain!” Shepard’s voice was cold, final. The conversation was over.
The medical evaluation you received years before your imposed, forced exile had always eluded you. Your results never even reached your own hands. They left you there in the middle of the forest with your Barrett M82, SIG Sauer P226, colt python, and a Bowie knife made from Damascus steel. 
Siberia wasn’t meant to be kind nor loving to you. It was supposed to have killed you long ago. They assumed you would be dead by now. Hoped to be rid of you by now. A detriment to what they wanted. Too much of an improbable, uncontrollable unknown. A freak.
The log cabin you made into your home was relatively small, easy to miss, and hard to find within the gusts often sweeping across the snowy landscape. The trees keeping the location of the log cabin a hushed secret. A stone fireplace and varying large cast iron pots and pans. 
Stolen from military vehicles you spotted along the road to a base in the area. Indirectly helping task force 141 from afar. Nikolai said, “Looks like some of their supplies were taken, no signs of a struggle, no signs of combat, and whoever it is. Knew exactly what to take.”
Captain Price remarked incredulously as he frowned deeply, “What do you mean by taken? Nikolai, they’re either stolen or they’re lost. It can’t be any more or any less simple than that. I don’t think ghosts exist to steal supplies from the back of enemy trucks. We would know otherwise.”
“Oh, but Captain, the world is a mysterious place, full of secrets and unexplained occurrences. Maybe, just maybe, there is something, or someone, out there we haven’t accounted for.” Nikolai cooed a little too cryptically for his own good. Possibly even too mysteriously for Soap’s liking. Like he knew more.
The snap of the bear trap's claws clamping onto your leg set out by Nikolai, “See? The little mouse came out to play.” He set out a nice steak within enough reach to tempt you. Purposefully trying to make you do something stupid enough to try stealing it from him.
Price managed to take a closer look at you, Nikolai’s mouse, who bit Price for trying to touch you without consent. Feeling your wolf like teeth into his hand. Digging into his flesh, not hard enough to break bones. But hard enough to leave behind a deep enough bruise.
Your jaw locked in, making it impossible for him to remove his hand. With every movement of his met with a low growl ripping through your throat. Refusing to let go. Price didn’t know what to think. But Nikolai seemed to have his thumbs up, soap and are distressed. Where’s Ghost?
Who knew ghost would be the one to find your log cabin first? There he was. Standing outside your log cabin, staring at the crate you were parachuted down from the military helicopter. Smelling your intense sweet smell of your previous heat. The scent still remaining on the fur blankets.
The place you still go into when your heat comes around again. Tally marks along the walls marking how many times your ‘heat’ came around. The thick, soft fur blankets soaking in the hot water in the giant metal tub in the shed. Which also served as your bath tub. 
Learning your scent could attract far more dangerous predators than you. You bathed once a day when you weren’t in heat. Twice a day during the period of your heat. Once in the morning, and once in the evening. As you found it to be rather productive for your benefit.
Price sniffed around the crate you used to live in before shifting to your cabin permanently. The scent of yours is stronger than any of theirs. Their combined scent could match it. But singularly? No. They’d be drowned inside your scent with enough ease. Like a Megalodon swallowing someone whole.
“I can’t believe we missed this. This is a fucking goldmine.” He whispered to himself. “Nikolai! Soap! We’re not the only ones who know she’s here. She’s been living here, right under our nose!” He waved his comrades over, getting their attention and to come closer to what he found. 
Their footsteps grew louder as they approached. Soap’s eyes widened as he saw the state of your living conditions. The way you’ve adapted. The way you’ve survived. It’s a miracle, really. “How long have you been out here?” He asked, his voice filled with a mix of amazement and horror.
You were patching your leg up and bathing in hot water, hoping to sterilise and clean the wound. It was the sight of your naked body that made them rather peculiar. You were a miracle wrapped inside the cold, tendency to bite people’s hands if they touched you without consent.
Your clothes discarded into the corner of your cabin. Soaking in cold water to get the blood from your clothes. The atmosphere of your log cabin, warmer than what you felt on the inside. After the stitches, your leg is wrapped in clean cloth. You were about to get dressed.
The door slammed open like the gusts of wind came through like a shout rather than a soft, sultry whisper. The four of them must have found you quicker than you suspected. Another 12 months living, surviving, on your own. 
The first to enter your cabin was someone you didn’t expect to see again. Considering the two of you yelled at each other like you wanted to rip each other’s throat out. “What the fuck do you want?” You spat, your teeth still clenched from the pain of your wound.
“To bring you back. You’re in no state to be alone, you’re in no state to be left to pick up leftovers to live off again. I don’t want to hear your protests because frankly, I don’t care. You’re coming with us.” Price's voice was firm, but there was a hint of concern in his eyes as he stepped into the cabin, the warmth of the fireplace hitting him like a welcoming embrace.
You stared at him. Shocked. In total state of shock. Price heard the meek, “I can go back now?” Soap helped you get dressed and patched up. Ghost packed up your things, because he knew it was valuable
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celli-ohs · 4 months ago
I Can't, I Have Rehearsal
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pairing: socially awkward!park sunghoon x fem!reader
genre: high school au; crack, comedy, fluff
synopsis: What happens when you get seated right next to the most handsome boy in your entire grade? Well you thought it'd be a great excuse to get to know him better, but the guy won't even talk to you! After a mishap in the science lab, you come to find out that Park Sunghoon, the cold-hearted prince of EN High, isn't in fact rude, he's just afraid of women.
before you read: character profiles
warnings: language, cooties, wild subplot, loser enhypen
word count: 2.03k
taglist (open):
note: part 1 of my and scene! series, loosely based off en-drama.
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Log 2: Tuesday - March 5th, 2024
“I can’t believe you almost fainted,” Sunoo looks concerned as the six of them are again walking to school.
“I know, good thing I had that choco pie in my pocket,” Jaeyun smiles. “Thanks,” Sunghoon nudges his arm.
“I can’t believe you ate nothing all day and thought you wouldn’t faint.” Jongseong scoffs. “I always knew you were stupid, but that’s something Riki would do, not you.”
“I can hear you, you know?” Riki frowns. 
“Good, maybe that’ll get you to eat your goddamn vegetables next time.”
Riki opens his mouth to argue back, but Jungwon suddenly hisses.
“He’s back! Do something!” The younger boy’s eyes are wide as they catch sight of Heeseung randomly following the group.
Jungwon pushes not Jongseong, but Jaeyun, who stumbles as he approaches Heeseung. 
“Hey man,” He calls out awkwardly. 
“Oh! Jaeyun! Look, I brought this to show you!” As Heeseung digs into his bag, Sunghoon notices Jaeyun’s demeanor change from stiff to relaxed. 
Whatever Heeseung pulls out, it makes Jaeyun gasp. “Naur way!” He exclaims excitedly. 
“Damn, I thought he’d have more balls than Jongseong, guess I was wrong.” Jungwon pouts. 
In turn, Jongseong glares at the younger boy.
“You try telling him no! Look him in the eyes- his big, round, doe eyes that shine like he’s constantly on the verge of tears. You won’t be able to, trust me.” Jongseong spits. 
Jungwon rolls his eyes. “Jeez, fine whatever, I’ll just make Riki do it next time.”
Riki holds his hands up in defense. “No can do.”
“What? He’s got you too?!” 
“You just don’t get it Jungwon, that’s a homie right there, even if he’s a little weird and obsessed with an animated furry.” Riki shakes his head.
“Why are you talking like that? You need to stop hanging out with Riki C, he’s rubbing off on you.” Sunoo sneers.
“Riki C is cool! Unlike you.” Riki argues. Sunoo just rolls his eyes. 
“Hey,” Sunghoon finally speaks up. “Do any of you want to join the calligraphy club?”
“Fuck all of you.” Sunghoon groans, walking faster. As he walks away, he hears Riki cackling.
“Dude!” Jongseong calls out. “You know I've got baseball after, they’re really strict too, they wouldn’t let me.”
“I would love to ditch taekwondo to do nothing for you, but they all kinda suck so they need me there.” Jungwon sighs. 
Sunghoon turns around to his friends with a desperate look of pleading. “Sunoo?”
“I’m trying out for the theater club, sorry Sunghoon,” Sunoo gives him a sad smile. 
Sunghoon didn't even wait for Riki to answer, the boy was still laughing, wiping away fake tears.
“I asked Jaeyun yesterday, he said he can’t since he’s the new soccer vice-captain.” He mumbles as he slows down to allow his friends to catch up.
“You know, girls aren’t that bad. I mean what happened to you- that was years ago, you were seven.” Sunoo reminds him.
Sunghoon ignores him, waving him off. “You don’t know what it’s like.”
“Yo Sunghoon!” Riki runs over, throwing an arm over his shoulder. 
“Get off of me.” Riki doesn’t move as Sunghoon tries to shove him off. 
“Why don’t you try asking Heeseung?”
Heeseung? Now that could actually be a great idea in disguise.
A loser like Heeseung could drive you to resign from the calligraphy club, and allow Sunghoon to keep the club and old library.
He spins around, joining Heeseung and Jaeyun. 
“-totally come over and we can build a set-“
“Hey Heeseung, I have a question.” Sunghoon clears his throat. The older boy looks up at him curiously (he really did have big eyes).
“Sure, what’s up?”
Nervously, Sunghoon wavers.
“Would you- uh like to join the calligraphy club with me?”
“Oh,” Heeseung wears an odd expression, one Sunghoon would later recognize as pity. 
“Sorry, I’m trying out for the basketball club this year. Calligraphy is kinda not my thing.”
Riki’s laughter echoed through Sunghoon’s skull all morning.
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Sunghoon’s busy scribbling down notes in his workbook when you tap the side of his desk with your pencil. 
“Hey, Sunghoon,” You whisper. He freezes (because for some weird reason he still believes that if he doesn’t move, you won’t see him).
“Sunghoon,” You try again. 
Okay, so you can see him. He clears his throat, and slightly, slightly tilts his head towards your direction.
“What time are we meeting tomorrow?” You whisper. 
As soon as possible and as little as possible.
“Right after school. Thirty minutes.” He grunts.
“Only thirty minutes?! How about an hour?” You try to barter with him. An hour?! He can’t be alone with you for an hour.
“Thirty minutes isn’t enough time to learn calligraphy.” You explain quietly. Out of the corner of his eye, he can see your hand as it grips your pencil. They look so much smaller and fragile than his own.
“Fine, an hour,” He concedes. He guess he did need to teach you the basics. He’d probably breeze through it in a couple of minutes, then let you do whatever.
“Cool, thanks.” You finally lean back into your seat, giving the boy some space. 
“-partnered up with the person beside you for the chemistry lab later today. Don’t forget to wear goggles and an apron.” Ms. Hong announces. The word partnered catches Sunghoon’s ear.
“Looks like we’re partners for chemistry too,” You say, sounding enthusiastic. “Are you any good?” 
Sunghoon doesn’t respond, because he can’t believe his fate.
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“Are you a psychopath?” Riki asks Sunghoon as he eats his lunch. 
“Don’t talk with your mouth full, it's gross.” Jongseong moves to smack his arm.
Riki ignores him, dodging his attack. “Like how the hell do you hate your seatmate, she’s hot!”
Sunghoon finally looks up from his plate to give Riki a nasty glare. 
“I don’t hate her. I just- did you just call her hot?” He’s a bit bewildered as all eyes fall on the youngest in the group. 
“What? I got curious, okay? I took a peek in his class when I went on a bathroom break earlier.” Riki explains. “And you cannot blame me for thinking she’s pretty, she is! Jaeyun, you've seen her!” He huffs, pointing to the other boy opposite him. 
“I mean yeah,” Jaeyun looks embarrassed as he admits this. For some reason, this has Sunghoon’s cheeks heating up.
“I don’t hate her, I just find it hard to talk to her.” Sunghoon explains. 
“Have you ever even tried talking to her though?” Sunoo points out. “Wait- actually, have you ever tried looking at her?” 
The table quiets as all the attention is now on Sunghoon. 
“I have! Remember I told you guys we made eye contact?!” He defends himself. 
“Okay but did you get a good look at her? What’s her hair color?” Jungwon asks suspiciously. 
Sunghoon purses his lips, squinting as he fishes through his memory. Unfortunately for him, the moment you two locked eyes was so traumatic for him, he practically deleted it from his brain. 
“...Bla-rown?” His friends all sigh, rolling their eyes.
“You’ve gotta get over your weird fear of women, it’s not like they’re all going to disappear one day.” Jongseong shakes his head. 
“Are you gay?” Heeseung pokes in. (When the hell did he get here?!)
“No, I’m not gay.” Sunghoon groans. “And I know I need to get over it, but it’s kinda hard when you know every single girl at school hates your guts.”
There’s an odd silence that overtakes the table, something Sunghoon doesn’t notice because of how distraught he is.
“Does he not know-” "Shhh!" Jongseong quickly shushes Heeseung. 
“We’re afraid it’ll get to his head, we haven’t figured out a way to tell him yet.” He mumbles under his breath. Heeseung nods cautiously.
Jaeyun awkwardly chuckles, patting Sunghoon’s shoulder. “It’ll be okay man, baby steps, maybe try looking at her back or something today.” The others nod in agreement, giving small encouraging words.
“Or maybe just stop being a pussy and-” “RIKI!”
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Chemistry lab couldn’t come any sooner.
Sunghoon stands awkwardly to the side as you put on your goggles. When you turn to look at him, his eyes shift to the floor. 
“How do I look?” You ask.
He shrugs, putting his goggles on as well. He was genuinely trying to look in your direction, it was just hard to undo all the training his brain had adapted to. 
But Sunghoon knew he had to do at least one thing today: learn your hair color. That was his challenge he’d set up for himself (after becoming embarrassed at lunch).
He had to be able to do at least that. Hearing his friends and their concerns about him had Sunghoon reevaluating his life choices. Jongseong was right, he couldn’t avoid women forever.
And it’s not like he actually hated women… believe it or not Sunghoon has had a crush on a girl before, after his incident he might add. (It did not help that she rejected him and that kind of worsened his fear… but that’s beside the point.)
So as you’re busy going over what equipment you two need, Sunghoon is trying to work up the courage to turn his head around.
“I’m gonna be right back, we’re missing a beaker,” You tell him, stepping away to find your chemistry teacher. Once you’re gone, Sunghoon makes eye contact with Jaeyun, who is staring straight at him, not hiding his disappointment at all.
Go talk to her! His eyes read. Sunghoon shakes his head aggressively. 
You’re unbelievable! Jaeyun throws his hands into the air, sighing as he turns around back to his own table.
“I found us an extra beaker,” You sneak up on him, Sunghoon jumps at the sound of your voice. You don’t seem to notice him acting weirder than normal and continue to do your work.
After returning to your seat, you begin to lead the two of you through the procedure: measuring all the liquids out, writing down numbers, heating up substances on the bunsen burner. 
And Sunghoon quietly follows your directions, allowing you to hand him certain beakers and graduated cylinders that need to be weighed and recording data you call out.
In reality, he’s hyping himself up in his mind, trying to force himself to look up just enough to get a good look at your head. He begins to tune you out, much too worried about himself to focus on the class.
But maybe he was too distracted, - because it’s not until you’re less than a centimeter away from him, leaning over the table to grab a test tube does he notice the little distance between the two of you.
Suddenly his brain implodes, and in an attempt to save himself, Sunghoon leaps back. Only for him to trip on his own chair and land right on his ass, bringing his seat down with him.
You gasp, quickly pulling his chair away as Sunghoon begins to feel the pain from his fall.
“Are you okay? Here, let me help you up-”
Sunghoon flinches when you reach out to him, eyes wide as your delicate fingers try to grab ahold of him. 
“Sunghoon,” You scoff, sweeping your hair out of your face as you bend down, hand still open for him. “You act like I’ve got cooties or something,” You joke, laughing to yourself. 
But Sunghoon doesn’t laugh, he’s frozen, stiff with fear that you of all people have found him out. You stop laughing.
“Oh my god, do you actually think I have cooties?” You come to the realization, mumbling to yourself. 
This would be the second time (new record as Jungwon would say) Sunghoon meets your eyes. And just like he’d suspected you’re revolted by him. 
Not able to take the pain and humiliation, Sunghoon scrambles up and runs right out of the classroom. 
“Sunghoon! Wait!” You call out to him, but nothing could stop him from the immense feeling of shame as he ran off to hide.
He might not ever be able to return to school again, snatching Riki’s dream of being the resident high school dropout, but at least Sunghoon can say he now knows the color of your hair.
Maybe... he didn't get a good look.
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Log 1: Monday - March 4th, 2024 | Log 3: Wednesday - March 6th, 2024
I Can't, I Have Rehearsal masterlist | and scene! series masterlist | kpop masterlist
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yvaineseleneposts · 28 days ago
We never talk about it
Requested: no
A/N: based on the song Sharpest tool by Sabrina Carpenter
Pairing: Nico Hischier x reader
Words: around 1k
Warning(s): a little sad story
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It started with a simple text. A "Hey" on a random Tuesday. Nico always did that—showed up when I was just starting to move on, like some ghost from the past refusing to be exorcised.
I stared at my phone, my fingers hovering over the keyboard. Ignore him. You don’t need to go through this again. But, like every other time, I gave in.
"Hey," I replied, knowing damn well where this was going to lead.
We had been something once—something undefined, something thrilling, something that left me constantly second-guessing. I met his friends, laughed at their stupid inside jokes, and even spent nights tangled in his sheets. But then, just like that, he’d disappear. He’d act like none of it ever mattered. Like I didn’t matter.
I should have known better.
"You know you’re not the sharpest tool in the shed, right?" I teased one night, lying on his couch, his arm lazily draped over me. His phone face down on the couch next to him. He said it was just a habit, but I knew better. I just never wanted to admit it.
Nico laughed, shaking his head. "Wow, way to boost my confidence."
"Hey, I’m just saying. You forget things easily. One second, we're good, and then—poof—you’re gone."
He didn’t respond. He just pressed a soft kiss to my temple and changed the subject. That was the thing about Nico. He never wanted to talk about it.
And then one day, he took a left. Out of nowhere, he was gone. Again. No explanation. Just radio silence.
A week turned into a month. The empty texts and late-night calls that used to fill my phone became just…nothing. I didn’t hear a word until the guilt crept in—until he decided to send a soft, "Hey" as if he hadn’t just shattered me.
I should have ignored it.
But I didn’t.
"What do you want, Nico?" I finally asked after weeks of keeping my emotions bottled up.
"I—I don’t know," he admitted.
And that was the worst part. He didn’t know. He never knew. And I was an idiot for thinking he ever would. I spent so much time trying to decipher him, trying to find meaning in the spaces between his words, in the pauses between his texts.
Did he miss me? Did he ever care? Or was I just something to pass the time?
The worst part was, I could never ask. We never talked about it. Because if we talked about it, we’d have to face it. And Nico wasn’t ready for that.
I found out through a friend.
"He was at his ex’s place last night." That single sentence made my stomach drop. It shouldn’t have hurt. He wasn’t mine. He never was. But it did.
"Did he say anything about me?" I asked, hating myself for even caring.
She hesitated. "He…he said he found God."
I let out a humorless laugh. "At his ex’s house?"
She shrugged. "I don’t know, maybe he’s just trying to figure things out." Figure things out. Right. That was always his excuse.
It happened overnight. One day, I was the person he turned to when he was lost, when he needed someone to anchor him. The next, I was the villain in his story.
His silence was the loudest thing I had ever heard. I tried to talk to him, to get some kind of closure. But he wouldn’t let me.
I opened up to him. Told him things I never told anyone. And he made me believe he cared. Then he logged out. Disappeared. Left me dumbfounded. And still, we never talked about it.
The silence was a strategy, I realized. Because no matter how much time passed, he was still there. Top of mind. Always.
I hated him for that. Hated myself more for letting him hold that power over me. But I wasn’t going to waste another year wondering if it meant something to him. If I was just another casual mistake. I wasn’t going to be an idiot anymore. So I finally did what I should have done a long time ago.
I let him go. And this time, I didn’t look back.
Months passed, and the ache dulled. It didn’t disappear, but it became manageable.
Every now and then, I'd check my phone, half-expecting a message. But I stopped hoping.
One day, I ran into him at a coffee shop. He looked at me, eyes wide, like he had seen a ghost. I nodded, a polite acknowledgment, and walked past him.
For the first time, I didn’t feel the urge to talk to him.
Maybe we never talked about it, but I had my answer now.
Some things don’t need to be said. Some stories don’t need an ending.
They just…end.
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