#i literally did this whilst actively shitting i have already put far too much energy into posting it
myersesque · 1 year
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behold ! my magnum opus
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deanstwistedsoul · 4 years
They had everything they could want...
... Until they didn’t.
Katsuki and Ochako finally got their daughter... for a little while
Ochako gave their youngest son, Haruki, one more glance before she pulled the door to. She could definitely feel the wariness of the day finally getting to her and she was ready to change into pyjamas, fall into bed and sleep until one of their kids demanded their attention. A yawn escaped her as she nudged their bedroom door open with her hip and she made quick work of changing her clothes and  climbing into bed. Attending a birthday party for one of their friends kids had been a great idea, bring Haruki and Ichiro, let them run around, burn some energy off and tire themselves out whilst her and Katsuki caught up with their friends and old class mates. 
She sighed happily as she fell onto her bed, face hitting the cool surface of her soft pillows. There was a soft pad of feet and the quiet swish of their bedroom door closing and Ochako hummed as the bed dipped with the press of his knee between her legs, his warm hands ghosting across the backs of her thighs. "Kats," she whispered. He didn't say anything as his hands skirted higher, lips following the same paths with slow butterfly kisses. He was silent as his fingers inched underneath her shirt, slowly pushing it up until he could settle his palms against her waist. His teeth nipped at her back, the flat of his tongue swiping across her Venus dimples and she chuckled. "Ichiro?" 
"Sleeping like a damn rock." His fingers tightened their hold on her waist and she bit her lip as she was suddenly turned onto her back. She didn't get chance to see the look in Katsuki's eyes as he settled himself between her legs to rest his cheek against her stomach. Ochako raised a brow at the sudden change and carded her fingers through his hair, letting her nails drag against his scalp every now and then. It wasn't often the number three pro hero settled against Ochako in a strange silence that was thick with something on the tip of his tongue. He'd been quiet as they'd left Deku's place, quiet as he buckled Ichiro into his seat and near silent as he drove them home. She tried to think about what could be on his mind and if anything had happened at the birthday party. "I want another one." Oh. "A girl." Oh. Katsuki had spent most of his time at the party surrounded by their friends daughters, fingers dragging, tugging, braiding and styling their hair to their demands. He had a knack for hair styling, something he'd probably gotten from his few times spent at his Mother's fashion shoots, and all the little girls knew it and took full advantage with wide eyes, pouting lips and high squeaked pleas every time there was any kind of group event. And now his silence made sense. They hadn't talked about having another since Haruki had been born, maybe having spoken about it once or twice when he'd outgrown his baby clothes. "And this one's got to be fucking blonde."
She cackled at that, having enjoyed Katsuki's huffs when both Haruki and Ichiro had been born with her chocolate hair. Ichiro even had her eyes whilst Haruki at least had Katsuki's crimson gaze, which in Katsuki's opinion wasn't even right. "Too damn soft." They were both without a doubt Ochako's and both Mina and Eijiro had teased Katsuki that his genes seemed to be weak compared to Ochako's. Eijirou had come out of that argument with a few new bruises and a death threat from Katsuki. "Even if we did have a third, there's no guarantee."
He lifted his head to press a kiss to her stomach, "If she knows what's good for her she'll be a fucking girl." 
"Katsuki!" Ochako laughed, "You can't threaten our hypothetical daughter."
Katsuki sat up onto his knees, lips curled into a smirk as he bracketed her in by her waist, "Fucking watch me." He turned his gaze back down to Ochako's stomach. "You hear me you little shit? When your Mom finally decides to agree with me, you're going to be a good baby and be a fucking girl or there'll be problems."
Ochako shoved one hand to his face as she squirmed with laughter, her other hand coming up to try to muffle the laughs so as to not wake their two sleeping sons. "Katsuki."
He grinned as he crawled up her body and pulled her hand away from her mouth, pinning it to the bed. "You didn't say no."
She stuck her tongue out at him and finally felt her giggles dying down. "I didn't say yes either." 
"Cheeks," he growled, lips curling into a dangerous smirk. After a few quiet seconds his features softened and he captured her lips in a gentle press. "I'm serious." 
She hummed and brought her free hand up to cup his cheek, thumb brushing over a shrapnel scar he'd gotten two years ago that highlighted his cheek. "I'll think about it."
"Well?" Katsuki blurted as he stared at the monitor that showed the ultrasound of the third addition to the Bakugo household. 
"Katsuki," Ochako chided, flipping her hand back to swat at his shoulder. 
Their sonographer ignored his attitude with a smile to her face. Thank God there were people who could put up with her husband's attitude besides her. "I'm trying my best Mr Bakugo, however the little one is very lively."
"Yeah," Ochako hummed, "tell me about it."
Katsuki glared at Ochako's stomach, "Quit moving you damn brat."
The Sonographer peered over at Katsuki with an amused smile before she turned back to the small screen. "Unfortunately, we don't have the time to sit around and wait for Bakugo Junior to settle down. But, it looks healthy and it's clearly very active. I don't see any problems so far."
Katsuki's eyes narrowed, "Little shit."
Ochako swatted his shoulder again and allowed the cream to be cleaned from her stomach. "Thank you. That's what's important right now." She could feel her husband's glare and ignored him with a grin. Their son or daughter was healthy, lively, active and a nightmare for their father already. As she righted her clothes and stood back onto her feet Katsuki accepted the printed ultrasound with a glare at the picture. Ochako knew that he wouldn't be upset if their third child turned out to be another boy, but a part of her was also hoping for it to be a girl. The drive home had been filled with curses from himself, more so than normal, and Ochako answered the waiting questions from their friends with a shrug emoji and a comment of, "Kid wouldn't stay still." Momo sent her well wishes and said she completly understood. Even hers and Shoto's ultrasound had been as much use and both expectant parents wished each other better luck at their next scan. 
Haruki and Ichiro ambushed them the moment they got home, Haruki wrapping his arms around Ochako's waist with wide eyes. "What is it? What is it?"
Ichiro rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet with an excited grin, "Is it a girl?" 
"We don't know," Katsuki huffed and he scooped their eldest up and held him over his shoulder in a fireman's lift. "You been good for your grandmother?"
"They've been wonderful," Mrs Uraraka said as she approached the couple. 
"Thanks, Mom," Ochako said and she hugged the older woman. 
"So, when's it due?"
"July 2nd," Katsuki said. Ichiro laughed behind him as he held the boy by his feet over his shoulders. "You good back there kid?"
"Good!" Haruki turned his attention to Katsuki as well and he jumped up, his hands outstretched. "Hang on, Ruki." He let go of one of Ichiro's legs to wrap his arm behind him and drag the nine year old against his side. He reached down and hooked Haruki in his other arm and marched them across their living room to drop them onto the large couch. Both boys jumped up and at their Father again and as he managed to grab Haruki his phone rang. "Crap," he muttered and he dropped their four year old onto the couch again with a grin as he pulled his phone from his pocket. "I got to go," he said and he ruffled Ichiro's hair and turned back towards his wife. He pecked her lips with a "Good luck, stay safe," from her and he pressed a hand to her stomach. "Remember," he pointed at her stomach, "girl." And he was out the door after a quick peck to Mrs Uraraka's cheek. 
Mrs Uraraka turned to her daughter with a knowing smirk, "Is he still scared of your father?" 
Ochako chuckled as she took the jucie box from Haruki's hands and opened it for him, "You mean since he threatened all future generations of Katsuki's if he ever hurt me? Yeah, he's still scared."
There was a press of lips to her neck and a pair of warm arms circling her shoulders. "You should be resting," Katsuki mumbled as he reached for the sponge and plate in her hand. 
"I can clean some plates!" 
He hummed and she could feel his smirk. Katsuki settled the offending items down and wrapped his arms around her, sliding one hand over her round stomach. "Cheeks, let me take care of you both. That's why I'm here." She puffed her cheeks out a huff. It was nice that Katsuki would happily make her sit and rest herself whilst he took care of the house work, and he did exactly that as much as could around hero work. He'd reduced his hours so that he could their sons lunches, get them to bed, prepare dinner, clean the house, grab groceries and keep the household running whilst Ochako literally put her feet up. She wanted to argue that she'd been pregnant before and knew what she could and couldn't do, but she also knew that this pregnancy had been the worst so far. Horrendous morning sickness, kicking in her stomach at all hours of the day and night, heartburn, leg cramps, being overly sensitive emotionally, being overly cranky, back ache, lethargy. This was the worst pregnancy of Ochako's life and she was ready for it to be over. 
"Fine," she huffed, feeling her emotions crank from content to pissed immediately. And now she really needed to pee, again, for the fourth time in that hour alone. 
"Hey!" Katsuki shouted and she slipped her hand out of his grip. Yes, she was being irrational, but she was the one carrying what some of the other girls had jokingly dubbed the spawn of satan since she'd complained about all of her issues. The only person who had even come close to experiencing torture was Kyoka who had made Kaminari cry and hide in Sero's house for a week. 
"I'm going to rest!" she yelled. "Like you said!" 
She froze at the whisper of her name and felt panic bubble inside of her chest. Why did he sound scared? He'd seen worse from her and it was a few seconds before she turned, letting out a sigh that made he entire body sag. When her eyes locked onto him she froze again. His eyes were fixed on the floor by her feet, wide and concerned and he seemed pale. Instinctively she rubbed her hands over her stomach and bit her lip as she finally felt something trickle down her leg. "What-" she whispered and she tried to look down at herself and spotted a hint of red. "Katsuki?" she cried and her emotions dropped into her stomach. 
His eyes locked onto hers and for a moment they just stared at one another, then he moved first, ushering her over to her shoes as he snatched his phone and keys. "We're going," he said.
Tears pricked at the corners of Ochako's cheeks as she propped one hand against the wall to steady herself. "Katsuki," she whimpered, scared at what that thin line of blood meant. She pressed a hand to her stomach, worried her bottom lip between her teeth and pressed ever so slightly against her stomach. Of all the times for their baby to stop moving, now was not it. "I can't feel it," she cried, "Katsuki it's not-" 
He cupped her face and pressed his head to hers, "It'll be fine. You've been feeling the brat all morning. It'll be fine." 
She sniffed as she latched a hand around his wrist, "One more month." And she felt another trickle on the inside of her leg, making her let out a cry.
He kissed her temple and snagged their coats and a couple of towels, "It'll be fine. Everything will be okay." 
Thank god the kids are in school, she thought dully as Katsuki bundled them out of the door, phone pressed to his ear. She couldn't even focus on where she was walking without his arm around her and she was left to cradle her stomach with her head pressed against the window. Katsuki was saying something to her or the phone or both, she didn't know. All she did know was that something wasn't right and she regretted her earlier thoughts for all of this to be over. 
By the time they'd made it to the hospital she could barely feel her legs and Katsuki had had to carry her through the emergency doors, yelling for somebody to help them now. 
"Little terror trying to kill your Mom. What are you thinking?" Ochako blinked blearily at Katsuki's soft voice and she screwed her eyes shut at a wave of pain coursing through her. She wasn't even aware she'd hissed or made any sound until there was a hand in hers and she blinked up to see Katsuki tiredly smiling down at her. "How you doing?" he whispered. 
"I hurt," she mumbled. 
The corners of his lips twitched and he perched on the edge of the bed to press a kiss to her temple. "I love you, I love you so fucking much. You're incredible, you know that?" 
Ochako hummed and let herself lean against her husbands side, making a point to ignore the tears in his voice. The last time he'd sounded so emotional was when she'd ended up in the hospital two years ago due to a villain incident. She'd had a nasty blow to the head and had been unconscious for three days and a scar for her efforts. After what felt like forever, with Katsuki holding her against his side, pressing kisses to her temple and cooing, she finally cracked her eyes open and peered over at the tiny bundle in his other arm. Warmth bloomed in her chest and she felt a new wave of tears tickle the corners of her eyes. 
"I got my fucking girl," Katsuki beamed and Ochako laughed as she melted even more against his side. "Fucking demon of a child for what she's put you through, but a girl." 
"I want to hold her." 
Katsuki withdrew his arm to shuffle in his seat before he handed over their daughter to her mother. Ochako's smile widened into a watery grin as she peered down at the tiny baby wrapped in an obscene amount of blanket. She reached a hand up to brush a finger over the obviously very blonde tufts of hair and she gasped when their daughter- daughter- opened her eyes and made a noise as she wriggled and Ochako cooed with renewed emotions. "She looks like you." 
Katsuki chuckled, "It's about fucking time. Shitty hair can kiss my ass now." 
Ochake laughed and fell against his side, eyes fixed on their daughter's red eyes that matched her Father's fiery own. "What do you want to call her?" 
There was silence for nearly a full minute before Katsuki said, "Okimi?" 
"Okimi," she repeated and the little girl in question wriggled her arms free into a tiny stretch and curled back up, eyes closing in content. Ochako hummed and nodded her head, "Okimi Bakugo."
Ichiro treated Okimi like she was made of glass and Haruki didn't want to pick her up in case he hurt her. Ochako was thankful that there were no undelrying health issues so far from the little girl's nearly five week early birth and Katsuki was totally wrapped around her tiny fingers, even if he did deny it. Which is why Ochako often found Katsuki either sprawled on the couch, tiny bundle on his chest or slouched in the rocking chair in the nursery, Okimi drooling an impressively large wet patch into his shoulder. 
If the pregnancy had been bad then the first year of her life had been hell. Okimi liked to wake up almost every hour, crying and screaming until she usually got a full feed and anytime Katsuki grumbled or swore at the "fucking greedy gremlin" their daughter usually stopped her crying long enough to blink up at him, twist in the blankets and giggle, arms beating back and forth in her cute little Ground Zero or Uravity onesies. Ochako had put her in a Deku one once and Katsuki had almost burnt the thing when he'd seen it, until Okimi promptly threw up all over herself and the onesie, making the blonde hero laugh and snap an image to Deku. "This is what my kid thinks of you already." The punch to his arm from Ochako had been worth it as he'd cleaned her up and changed her clothes. 
But Ochako wouldn't change any of it for the world as she watched Haruki surround Okimi with his favourite stuffed toys whilst Ichiro insisted on feeding his little sister. She just knew she would grow up with two brothers who would fight the world for her. 
Even as Okimi started to grow and talk, she had every boy in the family wrapped happily around her finger. Ichiro always picked her up when she asked for it, Haruki handed her whatever stuffed teddy she asked for. 
Things everybody had learnt about Okimi Bakugo through play dates and meet ups:
- Likes spicy food just like Katsuki
- Found it hilarious when her Dad yelled
- Hates socks
- Always pulls them off
- Always getting Ichiro to float her with his quirk, much to her parents dismay and horror
- Best friends with Aito Todoroki (who was only three months older than her)
- Climbs into Katsuki's lap to eat his food
- Her first word had been "Cheeks" much to everyone's amusement
- Loved sleeping in the same bed as Haruki
- Could climb out of anything and had terrfied her parents more than once ("How the hell did she get on top of the fridge?" "Ichiro?" "He better not have!" "THE BABY GATE WAS LOCKED! WHY IS SHE AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS!")
- Disliked Deku (Katsuki found this to be hilarious)
- Had a strange like for Denki
- Always sad when her play dates with Aito and Hiroyoki Kirishima ended
- Hates carrots
- Knew the art of ignoring her parents with a shit eating grin
Ochako let out a breath as she fastened the hand cuffs into place, a deep frown furrowed in her brows. Lately it felt as though villains, even low life ones, had been causing more trouble than usual. They'd been more active and it felt as though something big was coming. And it wasn't just herself who had noticed this, it had been the other heros too. All those years ago the League of Villians had managed to just scrape an escape from the heroes and liked to resurface every now and then to show that they still mattered and with every resurface came deaths, chaos and destruction. 
There was an explosion behind her and she glanced over her shoulder to see her husband blasting another villain into the ground, yelling at him to "Know your place, asshole!" before he cuffed him to a lamp post and looked around them. There had been numerous incidents all through the city, all through Japan that had popped up simultaneously, putting all heroes on edge and in silent agreement to be in radio contact with each other, just in case. 
"We're good!" Denki shouted breathlessly. 
Ochako hummed as she surveyed the damage. They'd managed to get civilians out of the area before anything major had happened and the damage was minimised to just two streets and three buildings. "We're all set over here," she let everybody know. 
There were sirens in the distance and she prayed that everybody else was fine, counting her thanks as everybody's voices started to trickle over the lines. Katsuki was behind her, yelling at some civillians who'd started to surround them and clamour for autographs and she let out a sigh. Some things didn't change. 
"All clear!" Eijiro shouted.
"Has anybody heard from Momo or Shoto?" Tenya asked. 
Ochako's stomach twisted a little at that. She'd been hearing Momo all through the fights and now that she thought about it, she'd been strangely quiet for a while now. 
"If they're fucking playing nookie I'll murder them bo-"
"Ochako, Katsuki," Shoto shouted at them over their comms and Ochako did not like the sound of urgency in his voice. She felt her stomach knot again and looked over at her husband and she could tell that his shoulders were tense in anticipation. "There's been an incident at the nursery."
"What?" Katsuki growled.
The nursery Okimi and Aito attended. "Shoto?" Ochako whispered.
"Momo's already on her way. We tried to call you-" Ochako scrambled at her pockets, upset, hurt and pissed when she found her phone to have a large crack down a very black and unresponsive screen. Katsuki never took his phone with him on the job and was even less likely to when she was with him. "The police are there and-"
"Police?" Ochako echoed and she double checked that the villain in front of her wasn't going anywhere. 
"We're coming," Katsuki mumbled and Ochako nodded, trying to ignore the fear creeping into her stomach. Had one of the villains attacks gotten too close to the nursery? What if their kids had gotten hurt? And if their kid was hurt what about anybody else's? Oh god Okimi- "Oi," Katsuki's hand on her shoulder pulled her from her spiralling thoughts and she swallowed a lump in her throat as she took off after Katsuki. Their agencies could yell at them later for the misuse of their quirks to get themselves across town, she couldn't care less at the minute and as they turned the last corner she almost lost her balance and fell over. One side of the nursery was collapsed, the adjoining playground damaged and the floor torn up. Momo's signature ponytail was visible in front of the gates, little four year old Aito clutching tightly to her shoulders with his head of red tinted white hair buried in her shoulder. Shoto was off to one side, his hero costume torn from the recent attacks, talking to a police officer. The nursery teachers were huddling other children together as parents trickled in to scoop their baby up and clutch them tightly to their chest. Ochako froze, eyes looking over all of the children as she failed to spot a familar head of yellow hair. Katsuki was already marching forward, pausing when he noticed that she was following him and reaching back to tug her forward. "Icy-Hot! Where's Okimi?" 
It was the officer who approached Katsuki, his hands raised and his face twisted into- pity? Ochako felt tears prickle her eyes as she stepped past them to look at the children again. She couldn't see Okimi. Where was their baby? Their daughter? Why couldn't she see her? "Mr Bakugo, I'm sorry can we-" 
"What?" Katsuki barked, voice just on the edge of verballly maiming the guy.
Shoto was still on the periphery, eyes glancing from one half of the married couple to the other and Ochako didn't like the look in his eyes. Something wasn't right. "Okimi!" she shouted. Her eyes glanced over to Momo who caught her gaze, stared at her before she looked ready to cry as she slapped one hand over her mouth. "Baby?" Ochako tried again. 
"Villains attacked the nursery," Shoto blurted. Brown and red rounded on him and years of being their friends made Shoto invulnerable to the murder in Katsuki's shocked gaze and the panic in Ochako's wide eyed stare. Shoto glanced away and clearly had trouble with the words that he was trying to say. Ochako tentatively reached out and he snapped his eyes up with anguish before he managed a cracked, "Th-they took h-er." 
They took her. They took her. They... took... her. They... ... took... ... her... Ochako was numb. They took her? Villains took her daughter? She couldn't even find her voice. Villains took Okimi? Why? What could they- she was four. A kid. Took h-? 
Katsuki snatched the front of Shoto's costume and dragged him to himself, "THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?" 
"Katsuki," Shoto started and Ochako glanced up at her husband to see the corners of his eyes were wet, he ground his teeth together in a loud snarl and the muscles of his arms shook. "I- I'm sorry." 
"Mr Bakugo, please-" 
Katsuki knocked the officer's arm away from him as he pinned Shoto in place, anger radiating from him as he shook, the tears finally breaking free as they slowly slid down his face. "What. Did. You. Say?"
"Villains attacked the nursery," Shoto said slowly, "and took your daughter." 
His grip on Shoto's costume loosened just enough for the number two hero to pull himself out of Katsuki’s grip. “Wh-why?” Katsuki whispered, eyes losing their wrath and softening into fear as he stared past Shoto’s head. “Why the fuck-” his voice cracked and Ochako couldn’t hold herself together any more, tears running freely down her face. She shook her head as the officer repeated the harsh truth, yes, villains had attached the nursery and had taken Okimi. The police had already been informed and other officers were taking statements from the nursery staff. There were no other children missing and this seemed like the work of the League. They would do their best to find their daughter.
Ochako had stopped listening after Shoto’s statement, hands clutching at her hero outfit with sobs that shook her body. Her little girl, her daughter her baby. She couldn’t think, she was numb, she could feel anything but empty and oh god why would they take theirs? Why Okimi? Why- She was pulled into a very warm, firm chest and she didn’t care who it was as she wrapped her arms around them and sobbed. Was this why there’d been so many crimes lately? Was it all building up to this? Her sobs wracked her body as she tried to convince herself that this wasn’t real, it couldn’t be. What could the league possibly want with a four year old? What- Her knees gave out and she could faintly hear Katsuki whispering brokenly in her ear, words too quiet for her to make out. Her mind was too loud to focus on any thing. Ichiro and Haruki. Okimi. Her parents. His parents. The press. Their friends. Okimi. Her bedroom. The league of villains. Okimi. “Why?” she cried into the chest that held her, which she learnt was Katsuki’s. “W-why?”
“We’ll find her, Ochako,” Katsuki breathed hoarsely and she could hear the doubt in his voice. They hadn’t had a lead on the League in years, what were the chances they’d get one now? “We’ll find her.”
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rainandhotchocolate · 5 years
Tension - Part 2
A/N Here is fun ol’ part 2! It’s a bit of a filler/ character building chapter, but I hope you still enjoy :) 
Part 2
Rain pounded on the windows of the library, a chill starting to creep into the castle as winter began. Y/N had always liked the rain, it meant that she could convince the house-elves in the kitchen to make her hot chocolates and cosy herself into the Slytherin Common Room with a blanket for the whole evening.
Thunder rumbled loudly, and Y/N couldn’t help but smile, thinking about finishing Slughorn’s essay on sleeping potions curled by one of their charmed windows. Remus knocked her shoulder, glaring at her.
“Can you please pay attention to me for one second?”
“Jeez, is someone on the edge of their cycle,” Y/N rolled her eyes exaggeratedly but Remus looked like he was about to growl at her.
“I asked you a question.”
“Yes, yes, sorry, I don’t know.”
“You should know, McGonagall said she was going to quiz us next week and I’d rather not get destroyed by the Gryffindors again, who, by the way, I literally never see in here, do they even study?”
“Ok, ok, calm down, I promise I will study before class ok?” Y/N reassured him, “And anyway, you’re ten times smarter than those twats.”
“I just wish they didn’t think they were gods gift to mankind, and with that little one following him around all the time boosting their egos…”
“Yeah I kinda feel sorry for him,” Y/N grabbed another book from the pile, “How bout I quiz you alright?”
“Yeah, yeah ok. Hit me.”
They studied for the rest of the afternoon, only heading to grab the end of dinner once Remus was satisfied. Y/N watched as Remus picked at the chunk of mashed potato he had on his plate, whilst she ate some chicken and broccoli, holding off a little for treacle tart later.
“You feeling ok?”
“Oh yes, you look super fine Moon-boy.”
“Would you shut up with that,” Remus always was angrier around the full moon, but there was a little part of Y/N that enjoyed teasing him just a little. She wondered if one day she might get a smile out of him during the full moon, but so far she hadn’t quite broken through.
“Alright, well go lie down, I’ll meet you later, ok?” Remus nodded, standing up slowly, keeping his eyes down and walking out of the Great Hall.
“He’s sick again?” Y/N turned to see a Severus watching him closely as he left the hall, eyes narrowed.
She ignored his consistent stares and continued her dinner. Severus was always suspicious when Remus didn’t turn up at their dorm every month, and Y/N was sure he would figure it out before long. She doubted that their elaborate lies regarding different wizard-borne illnesses would stop him from researching further, though it was fun confusing him with the occasional charm to put Dragon pox scars on Remus’ face.
“Shove off, Snape,” Regulus pushed him sideways on the Slytherin benches and sat next to Y/N, “Getting a good feed there?”
“I’m a growing girl, Reggie.”
“You did always love those family dinners,” He winked and stole a potato of her plate.
“Oh yes, my favourite,” Y/N avoided rolling her eyes, knowing that Regulus was still in the Black’s good graces, even if he joked around about their similar family traditions. She quickly finished off her dinner and grabbed her bag, “See you around, Black.”
“Adios, Malfoy.”
He winked at her and she rolled her eyes, following Remus’s route out of the hall and towards the dungeons. It was nearly 7 pm and getting steadily darker outside, meaning that Remus would have already been escorted to the Shrieking Shack, or as he called it, his fun personal torture chamber. 
Y/N went up to the dorm and slipped into bed, waiting for the rest of the girls to come in and fall asleep before she got up/ Y/N glanced around the room to ensure the rest of the dorm was snoring loudly. She had a bag stashed underneath her bed with supplies for the evening, sneaking them out of the dorm and into the Slytherin Common Room.
She paused, waiting on the edge of the staircase, scanning the room carefully until she was sure it was clear to sneak out of the front door and out of the dungeons. She followed her way along the edge of the staircases until she reached the first-floor corridor, keeping her hands along the wall to avoid having to light up her wand and wake the portraits. 
Finally, she reached the portrait of Gregory the Smarmy. She pushed it aside and stepped through to a small hole to crawl through, leading to a small set of steps leading downwards.
They led to the side of the castle and into the gardens where she could easily sneak toward the Whomping Willow. Y/N could already hear the screams coming from inside, taking a deep breath before she stretched her back and turned into her Animagus form. It was still painful getting used to it, and she winced as she got down on all fours and stretched out her back before following the passage down and into the shack.
She waited in the entrance for a moment, keeping her breathing short and quiet to try to hide from Remus. Remus and Y/N had a deal when it came to her aiding his transformations. She had to wait a few hours until he had already transformed and eaten, basically until he was calm enough to not hurt her. 
Whilst Y/N had protested, telling him that he should have someone with him when he changed, but with there only being one of her there was no one to tag team if things got hairy.
Once Y/N could only hear Remus huffing, and the sound of him walking over the wooden floorboards, or potentially broken furniture, she crept out towards the shack, her feet padding softly on the ground, not making a sound.
She made a soft growl, warning him of her presence in advance before letting herself be seen by the huge wolf panting in the corner. It had taken over a year, and a butt-load of research, before Remus’ wolf form had allowed for Y/N to enter without a small fight. 
They had found that since Remus was technically the larger and physically stronger of the two, it would require Y/N to ‘submit’ to him, which made Y/N extremely irritated at first. But now, as long as Y/N didn’t try to pull rank, they were able to be together inside the shack and keep each other company, letting Remus exert energy by play-fighting instead of hurting himself.
Remus wore out around 3 or 4am, curling up in the corner and falling asleep, growling softly every few minutes. Y/N found a spot in the other corner to ensure he didn’t accidentally scratch her in the middle of the night and fell asleep quickly, very worn out from the evening’s activities. 
Hours later, light began to stream through the dirty windows and Y/N woke up quickly, looking over to make sure Remus had changed back and grabbed one of the blankets she’d left by his side.
He gave her a weak smile as Y/N turned back, pulling on a coat and pair of pants behind a chest of drawers before going out to join him.
“Ready to go?” Y/N held out a hand, and Remus stood up precariously, leaning on her side, shivering in his blanket. There was blood dripping out from underneath it and she silently cursed, hoping that he hadn’t cut himself too deep. 
She helped pull him out of the passageway from the shrieking shack and tapped the root of the Whomping Willow to stop thrashing around in front of them.
“So that’s how you do it” A voice gasped loudly, coming from just beyond the tree’s roots. Y/N looked around wildly, attempting to pull her wand from her rucksack and face whoever was watching them.
“Sirius, and posse. Of course,” Y/N huffed, lowering her wand as Remus leaned harder on her shoulder, the cut clearly deeper than Y/N had anticipated, “Look can we have whatever this is later? I need to get Remus to Hospital Wing ASAP.”
“Need a fun break from the full moon huh” James cocked an eyebrow, wand still raised at the two of them. Y/N narrowed her eyes at him, reaching back towards her wand.
“What is this an ambush?”
“We were just curious what mister Lupin does every month, on the full moon,” Sirius smiled uncomfortably, watching the two of them closely.
“Well it sounds like you’ve figured it out, aren’t you the smartest bean in Hogwarts. Can we not let Remus die here please?”
“He’s not going to-,“ James started, but as if on queue Remus passed out, falling fast onto the grass.
“Shit- could you guys please put away your wands and help?” Y/N glared at them and they paused, looking much less macho than they did a minute earlier.
“Yes, of course” James finally broke, elbowing Sirius. They both went down to help Y/N pick Remus up. They didn’t say another thing until they heaved him up into the castle and to the Hospital Wing to a waiting, and very confused, Madame Pomfrey.
“What on earth are all of you doing here?” Madame Pomfrey pushed them all away from Remus has they set him down on a bed, “Do you know how dangerous the grounds can be at night?”
“Yeah, in the full moon,” Sirius muttered, and Y/N kicked him in the shin.
“Ok, I need you all to leave and let this boy rest, you can visit him this afternoon,” Madame Pomfrey shuffled them out of the hospital wing quickly. The boys turned to face Y/N almost immediately, making Y/N say in exasperation for whatever they were about to say.
“What are you thinking?”
“He’s dangerous!”
“Why do either of you care?” Y/N was taken aback, expecting much more hate and less concern, “This is really not your problem.”
“He could hurt someone!” James looked bewildered.
“Why do you think he leaves the castle every month!” Y/N stepped forward, eyes flashing at the two boys, “You have no right to come harassing him like this, do you even know what he goes through? Did you ever stop to think how painful it would be to have your entire body contort into something twice your size? Stop digging your nose into things that don’t concern you.”
“We were just trying to -.”
“What? Help? Save Hogwarts from an unknown beast? You know I bet if Remus was in any other house you would have bothered to research more into his condition before you jumped to conclusions.” Y/N hissed at them, turning on her heel and storming away from the two of them, leaving them flabbergasted.
“Who knew a Malfoy could care about something other than themselves,” Sirius raised an eyebrow, watching after her curiously.
“Well not all purebloods are alike are they mate,” James elbowed Sirius grinning, “Come on stop staring at her, let's go see what Peter’s up to. Maybe he’ll help me practice catching the snitch.”
“Drool over you more like it,” Sirius cackled, following James towards the Gryffindor Common Room, but he was still thinking about the fiery look Y/N had given him moments before.
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parts-of-spop · 5 years
forgive me if this is something you were already planning to write and thus don't want to talk about it here, but do past catra or adora ever meet their future selves? are they jealous of how close they seem to be with their counterparts?
Hey, friend! I doubt I’ll ever get too in depth with these AUs due to just...  life so I’m happy to talk about them no worries! This is gonna drag on so apologies in advance but erm... yeah. I’m gonna put a read-more here to save you all some trauma. (Scratch that, read more won’t work but I will add one asap)
The long and short of it is yes but in the time traveller Adora AU, she doesn’t properly interact with her future self until later. The future version is suspiciously lacking a certain sword so it’s not too hard for her to blend in around a battlefield (not to say future Adora is with the Horde but she is definitely biding her time because Entraptra’s genius is invaluable and she could really do with a hand with a certain something). On the other hand, in the time travelling Catra AU (I just really like time travel AUs), her future self actively sneaks into the Fright Zone to find herself and the first time they meet, she’s doing paperwork in Catra’s room and offers to keep doing so on the condition that Catra doesn’t visit SW. I placed this during S2 so she’s still in a cell and Catra’s future version is happy to use a bit of bribery to keep her younger self from spending too much time down there. She’s only partially successful because Catra is stubborn but she kinda already knew that.
Sorry this is gonna get much longer but onto the second part of your question. This will contain ‘spoilers’ but since I’ve not got time or energy to write these monsters, I don’t suppose it counts so please take these concepts and enjoy.
Firstly, Adora went back because Catra was ill. Earlier in the war, she’d taken an ‘accidental’ tank blast from her own side when Hordak started questioning her usefulness and whilst she eventually recovered (him quietly impressed in some messed up way and thus allowing it since it also preserved his image) they were all unaware that the reason he’d really let it slide was because it was designed for the long term. He knew it’d make Catra sick. It was designed to plant a disease in her. Eventually, she’d fall ill and no one would be any the wiser as to why and thus no one would question the flag they stood beneath.
Except, Adora goes back. Catra is dying and she knows she either needs a miracle cure or to stop Catra taking the shot. She has to. She has to because she promised her Catra that she wouldn’t do this to save her and she did anyway and a broken promise has to mean something.
Time travel takes a lot of energy and Adora broke the runestone in her sword in order to make it happen.
Adora gives up She-ra in order to save Catra. And maybe they’ve won the war and She-ra isn’t exactly needed right now but it’s still huge.
Here’s a snippet of Catra putting the pieces together:
“You… you didn’t throw away the sword like you said… did you?” Catra asks, voice low, as she watches Adora trail her hand along the length of the blade, slow and reverent.
Then her touch falls away and she sighs.
“I… didn’t have time to… figure something else out...” She says in a whisper.
“For what?” Catra presses, brow knitting.
“For time travel,” Adora says before looking over to her. “I… used the stone to get me here but… I had to break it for it to work.”
“But… you’re a Princess. Your stone is-”
“Far less important to me than you,” Adora interrupts, fire in her voice and Catra swallows.
“But… Etheria… the stones are needed to make balance. Entrapta said-”
And Adora interrupts her again, this time with a laugh as she looks back to the Sword, bright and gleaming and shining with energy.
“Yeah… My friends weren’t exactly pleased at the idea...” Her humour wanes, “Neither were you actually.”
“I wasn’t?” Catra coaxes and Adora takes a deep breath then heaves a sigh, shaking her head.
“No… In fact, the last thing she did before I left was… make me promise… not to do it,” She admits and a deep, aching sort of shame paints her face. “And I tried to… understand, to keep my promise but… she… she was so ill… so so sick and I couldn’t...” She trails off, voice cracking and her eyes clench shut. “I couldn’t… watch her die. I couldn’t and… it didn’t matter what it cost; my sword, my life, any of it, I just… couldn’t imagine living in a world where she wasn’t with me.”
Catra watches a shudder roll through her.
“And I don’t know if she’ll remember any of it, if the timeline has changed too much or whether she’ll just be better and… and I don’t know whether… whether she’ll forgive me for it.”
Catra sees restless hands fidget with the ring and then she huffs.
“Well… maybe I’m not her yet, maybe I never will be but… I would.”
Adora looks back up, a hope so sweet it hurts to witness gleaming in her eyes.
“You would?”
Catra smirks.
“You kidding? You said ‘fuck Etheria’ for me… It’s pretty flattering.”
And Adora laughs.
She laughs warm and pure and relieved and Catra’s smirk softens to a smile as she watches her light up.
So anyway, Adora loves Catra a lot and to make a very long story short, when current Adora meets her future self (not in ideal circumstances, her future self is bashed up bad) she has her Catra telling her that it’s her and that she came back to help Catra and Adora really just goes... ‘yeah, sounds about right’. Glimmer is there and is like ‘??? WHAT?’ and Adora just shrugs at her, sending a glance towards Catra and trying not to look as conflicted as she feels as she says ‘Catra and I are complicated...’ and Catra is trying very hard not to feel flattered so she just huffs out a ‘no kidding, princess’ and that’s about when unconscious future Adora wakes up and says ‘oh by Etheria, am I not dead?’.
Sorry, I didn’t make the long story short I’ve just thought about this way too much but basically, Adora is a little jealous of the possibilities for herself and Catra in the future more than the reality because she doesn’t know enough about it to dare to hope that her and Catra could ever be that close again.
Jokes on her though because they are hella married.
And Adora doesn’t feel jealous of her future self per say but she does really wish her future self wasn’t so comfortable just slinging an arm around her Catra and sitting that close and whispering things like they used to and okay yeah maybe she’s jealous.
She’ll get over it.
On the flip side, it takes Catra eons to warm up to this future version of the Adora she knows because she’s far too happy and more importantly, far too happy to see her. It’s confusing and stressful and she doesn’t trust her.
Also future Adora forgets to take off her wedding ring when she arrives which is... a lot for Catra to deal with like you’re married?! Who married you?! How dare they??? and she’s 90% convinced it’s Glimmer or something so she’s really angry but Adora doesn’t tell her that it’s her because Catra doesn’t trust her yet and she’s worried it’ll frighten her away.
So Catra’s left simmering over somebody else marrying her best friend and future Adora is like ‘I have ruined everything forever better not speak and make it worse’ and it’s... a process to unpack that. Catra does eventually pull it out of Adora who does a ‘heh as if I’d marry anyone but my best friend’ and Catra’s brain short circuits because ‘you said you had kids??’ and Adora (probably bleeding to death in a big heroic gesture, smiles through bloodied teeth) and says ‘yeah... they’re magicats... they’re beautiful’ and well... that’s a big moment for Catra because oh my shit this is Adora oh my shit this is my future wife and we have kids and oh my SHIT she’s bleeding everywhere!!
It’s a lot.
To kinda... counterbalance that a little, future Catra’s first appearance is literally saving Adora’s ass and whilst she teases the hell out of her, she also takes care of her and is as gentle as possible with her battered form.
She’s very vulnerable and honest with Adora.
And it takes a while to find out why...
She climbs into the bed, slow and steady, as has become her nightly ritual and she smiles when Adora doesn’t whip the knife from under her pillow that night.
She stiffens a moment only to relax, rolling over to face her, blinking sleepily as she settles down beside her.
Adora smiles.
“Hi,” She greets and Catra purrs softly.
“Hey Adora,” She replies, raising a hand to stroke back a stray lock of blonde hair.
“How’s your mission going?” Adora asks and Catra thinks for a moment.
“Not as planned… but it’s going somewhere,” She says gently and Adora hums, encouraging her to continue and she chews her bottom lip a moment. “Turns out changing the course of the future is trickier than I thought. I think the universe is trying to… correct it, steer it to how it was for me but… there’s changes.”
“Space time nonsense, right?” Adora murmurs and Catra smiles a tad at the sleepy tone.
“Yeah… but it’s okay. It’s nice being here,” She replies honestly.
“With me?” Adora quips teasingly and, drowsy as she is, she doesn’t notice Catra tense in the dim light before she forces herself to slacken.
“Yeah… with you,” She agrees, voice a bit too tender but Adora doesn’t question it.
Nor does she question when Catra tucks closer into her, nuzzling under her chin and draping an arm around her waist.
She squeezes her against her.
“Don’t you miss your Adora?”
Catra clenches her eyes shut as they start to prickle.
“Every day...” She returns, “But this is still nice...”
Adora was killed in battle and up until that point, Catra had been convinced that nothing could take down She-ra. She’d almost forgotten that beneath that, Adora was not nearly so invulnerable.
They never get closure. They’re on opposite sides of a war and Catra only realises how terribly in love she is when she sees Adora fall from across a battlefield of carnage and she realises that she’s forgotten how to breathe.
Present Catra isn’t jealous because her future self is a woman who achieved everything Catra thought she wanted... and she’s miserable.
On a brighter note, present Adora gets to enjoy nightly cuddles and a sense of safety that lets her sleep like a baby with her favourite person -future version or not- wrapped around her.
Okay, dang I think I answered the questions... eventually. Sorry again this is so long I just... get so excited about time travel AUs.
Also thank you for asking about it! Feel free to hmu with anything else you’re curious about! This was fun!
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uruhaxrukifanfics · 6 years
Can you write their first kiss?? If you haven't already. I love your little fics sm!! 😭😭
Undercover work was Takanori’s least favorite assignment as of lately. And it wasn’t simply because it paired him with Kouyou, their newest asset to the department that had worked his way from being an incarcerated son of a wanted Yakuza oyabun – a criminal Takanori had busted his ass to catch – to a liable source that could aid them with their latest big lead that could bring this home. A liable, willing source that was now his newly assigned partner and, quite literally on paper to make it believable, his “husband.”
If murder were legal, Yutaka would be six feet under in a grave plot with Kouyou in another not too far off. What could have possibly posses Yutaka to pair him with the infuriating man? It was beyond him. It wasn’t like Takanori didn’t understand why. When they weren’t at each other’s throat with banter and teasing meant to rile the other up, they were a match made in heaven. With Takanori’s old track record for theft and eye for manipulating tech and Kouyou’s skilled deception only a well-seasoned con-man could have they were a force to reckon with. Yutaka needed them. Takanori holding his tongue and complying was the least he could do.
Even if it meant wearing a wedding band on the fourth finger of his left hand in a marriage that was a sham for the sake of work. The case.
Visible authenticity to the outside world was all that mattered if they wanted to home in closer to their suspect target. From the leads they had so far, they were potentially eyeing a kyodai rumored to be laying low and out of from under the raider under a pseudonym. The closer they got to him, the closer they got to infiltrating the syndicate. And the moment the did that, the sooner the could capture the wanted oyabun.
It’d been rough, the first few months into their ‘marriage’, sharing a house that didn’t have an inch of framed wedding photos or air to deem it home. If they slept in the same bed, their backs faced each other’s, the bedside empty come the rise of the morning sun. Takanori snored when he sleeps, Kouyou teased, and Takanori retorted that Kouyou had unforgiving morning breath, only to barely resist throwing his coffee mug at Kouyou’s head when Kouyou had the audacity to raise his eyebrows and smugly ask how would he know if he wasn’t trying to make a move on him in his sleep? But to the outside world? They were sheer perfection incarnate.
“I put my hand at the small of his back saying excuse me in the crowded coffee shop - that same coffee shop I pass by all the time yet hardly ever went in except that day - and for a moment I thought, shit, with how quickly he whirled on me, he was going to rip into me for touching him. But he looked at me,” Takanori fought the urge to gag or downright laugh in Kouyou’s face at the loving gaze Kouyou pinned him with whilst smothering down the little foreign flip in his stomach, “and something inside me just… knew. Fate chose us for one another.” 
Quite the fucking contrary. Their ‘serendipitous chance’ was an all-out brawl in a Las Vegas casino (that he was still banned from, mind, for the damage done much to Yutaka’s blood pressure-raising horror) where Takanori’s leads led him to Kouyou’s whereabouts at the time, illegal activity up the ass to elongate his track record for the rest of his life, and walked away with a limp in his step, bruises that took weeks to heal, and Kouyou in handcuffs, just as worse. Love wasn’t anywhere near on their agenda, but selling the façade was the goal. So, Takanori smiled and rested his hand over Kouyou’s, allowed him to intertwine their fingers and soak up the dreamy sighs of admiration as Kouyou pressed a chaste kiss to the back of his hand, right where his wedding ring rested, whilst  holding his gaze with a concealed, mischievous smirk.
Kouyou was good at what he did, Takanori would give him that. An outstanding liar deserving of a standing ovation, his talent of charismatic charm shining brighter than any star Takanori had ever seen when it wasn’t used to work his last nerve behind closed doors. And if it had, Kouyou had gotten pretty damn good at laughing when catching Takanori’s wrist to pull him into his chest before Takanori could go anywhere else, sniggers in his ear telling him to stay. And Takanori would with little to no fight, a moody grump pliant in Kouyou’s hold made to work from the warmth of his lap with Kouyou’s chin propped on his shoulder to watch and offer his musings. His reason being? Kouyou sucked out what inch of energy he would have to be bothered.
It was the damn house. It felt more of a home with the passing months as they added little things with time in between. Their marriage certificate was framed on the wall in their bedroom over the bed. From sleeping with their backs facing each other to Kouyou being more than comfortable enough to lazily roll across Takanori, mumbling in his sleep, half asleep and out of his mind, grinding his goddamn morning wood into him with a little husky hum riding the precipice of pleasure, “You’d look so good in thigh-highs, you know. The lacy sheer ones, with little belts at the thighs to keep them up.” 
To this day Takanori still wasn’t sure what Kouyou had said was intentional or if he was genuinely talking nonsense in sleep, but the weight of morning wood pressing against him with Kouyou’s face in his neck was unmistakable. He didn’t have the slightest bit of regret taking advantage of the position and making quick work to roll and let Kouyou fall in an unceremonious heap on the carpeted floor. If he thought about the husk of Kouyou’s voice in his ear, or how warm Kouyou felt over him for days, weeks to come, it wasn’t any of Kouyou’s business no matter how crabby he was for the ‘cheap shot’ snuck in on a defenseless man while sleeping.
Almost a year in and it hadn’t been the last. Takanori had grown tired of threatening to fling Kouyou off him and Kouyou had become smarter, loosely wrapping himself around Takanori and holding him to his chest when he strayed too far towards the edge of the bed in the middle of the night where Kouyou fussed he’d hurt himself one of these days if he rolled off. It wasn’t like he could help it, just like Kouyou couldn’t help if he got migraines when he went so long without wearing his glasses. 
As a team, it was an inconvenience to them both when it boiled down to working, but Takanori made him hot lemon tea regardless, annoyed out of his mind despite the curl of concern in his stomach when Kouyou curled in on himself to shield away from too bright lights and the snap of his scold. Kouyou never listened to a word he told him. He was furiously stubborn with a habit of making inappropriately humoring quips at equally inappropriate times but didn’t speak a word to bring attention to how his hand reached out for the hem of Takanori’s shirt without looking up at him. Like an unseen queue, Takanori sighed and joined him in bed to gentle massage Kouyou’s temples until he fell asleep and stayed. More times than not, Taknaori wasn’t too far behind him for a midday nap, anyway. It only made sense.
There was an endearment to Kouyou Takanori didn’t know could possibly exist. A con-man he was, an exquisite liar, Taknaori could see why Yutaka offered Kouyou the deal he had. But Kouyou was more than the prized leverage they needed. The thorn in his side he’d come to get used to. He was the smell of home cooked meals and rich aroma of freshly brewed coffee while Takanori’s eyes tired from working endlessly on his laptop. He was unexpected bouquets of snort-laughter at lousy jokes and inappropriate innuendo that well deserved the nearest object thrown at him. He was the tune of an unheard song that his fingers danced to up and down Takanori’s spine when he thought Takanori to be asleep at 4AM, pressed into his chest saved from finding his end from his precarious placement near the edge of their bed. He was the carelessly left behind wet towels after a too-hot bath on the carpet that drove Takanori up a wall and barely concealed morose with a touch of a far away small smile every time he overheard Takanori over the phone talking with his mother.
Kouyou danced on the fine line of truth and lie like he was born for it and kept him on his toes. He was a case all on his own Takanori wasn’t sure he’d ever be able to crack no matter how hard he tried, but as Kouyou lured him into slow dancing in the middle of their living room with only Kouyou’s low, distracted singing in English – honey, saccharine and rich with just a hint of an accent slipping in here and there – huskily murmured in his ear the only music they had to keep a tempo, Takanori decided maybe, just maybe, he wouldn’t mind trying.
“My funny valentine…
Sweet, comic valentine…
You make me smile with my heart.
Your looks are laughable, unphotographable,”
Takanori’s head turned. Their noses brushed soft and easy and his jaw slicked in surprised awe, something warm in his stomach as Kouyou brushed the faintest kiss across his lips with the tiniest smile.
“Yet you’re my favorite work of art.”
Maybe. Maybe.  
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bartsugsy · 7 years
then why would you want aaron to be with him? or do you not like aaron either?
Aksjsjsks oh u know me anon, a true aaron hater 😂😂😂
im dying
i think, i mean first of all, aaron obviously loves and wants to be with robert, but can’t be at the moment because there’s a baby and also tbh because robert needs to get his god damn shit together
aaron… clearly doesn’t care that much about the immorality behind the shit robert pulls. aaron’s morals are sort of just as fucked up - in mean, they met THROUGH CRIME. they’re both sort of awful. rob is a lot more shameless about it but aaron robbed home farm and kidnapped lachlan all by himself, for instance 😂 he’s a true dingle, that one. since they got back together, aaron’s concerns have usually been, in canon, more along the lines of: pls don’t let robert put himself in jail and also does robert love me enough
on the first point, see: ssw and “i could lose you”, the police questioning rob about withdrawing the money to pay ryan, the argument over breaking lucky out of jail.
on the second: everything about the rebecca saga - i think aaron actually understood that rob was using her for her connection to the whites and the chance to get some more money (see: the talk in the back room after finding out about the kiss) but that didn’t stop him from feeling uncomfortable about it and so the question was always this awful mix of - does he love me enough to stay faithful and does he love me more than he loves money and scheming?
and that’s been the sticking point. canon has shown robert actively dropping scheming with rebecca/making money for aaron (aaron’s birthday) and also obviously there was that whole BURNING 10K thing smh - robert does love aaron more than he loves money and power but at the same time, oh boy does he love money and power! and he makes some fucked up choices around them.
the actual issue of why they broke up is more around obviously rob knocking up rebecca - which happened more because rob was genuinely angry at aaron, angrier than he’d been in such a long time. i’ve spoken about this so many times, but as far as robert was aware at that moment, he’d spent all this time struggling without aaron, unable to sleep, pouring money into a lawyer to try and get him out early and here’s aaron, disregarding all of that, taking drugs and threatening his chances of early release
and aaron going to prison? that’s something aaron did by himself (and ok also finn) that hurt robert and liv. a lot. that’s something that affected them both horrendously that was aaron’s fault. i have a friend whose dad punched someone at work which led to him getting fired and his mum literally up and left him - that level of violence against others really can break up relationships. aaron put someone in hospital and went to prison for it and robert chose to stay and didn’t hold it against aaron - until that one moment of weakness, where everything was a little too much, and he allowed himself to really be angry at aaron for putting them in that situation - and he fucked up massively. because he’s an idiot. and also probably because he has some issues around putting aaron on a pedestal sometimes and seeing aaron itching for more spice and being really very, horribly, awfully human was very very difficult for robert at that moment.
like. aaron put someone in hospital and robert barely said a word to aaron about it. that’s insane. and mirrored in a lot of ways in aaron’s initial reaction to staying with robert after the reveal and finding out about the baby. they both have the worst communication issues and also they are both so desperate to stay with each other that they overlook things that need to be talked about and dealt with. and that’s what’s been getting them in trouble since the moment they got together properly.
anyway, i’m literally more sympathetic towards the ons than i am basically anything else robert has ever done e v e r, which is ironic because that’s the one thing that fucked up robert’s life and ultimately pushed aaron away.
and ok let’s look at what aaron knew, from his side, that was expressed in canon, in the most simplistic form we can:
robert was angry at aaron for taking spice and slept with rebecca to hurt him, regrets it massivelyrebecca is now pregnant and not getting rid of the baby and also not leaving the village or going anywhere robert doesn’t want the baby but also is sort of fucked up about itaaron wants to be with robertaaron thinks robert would be a good dadaaron wants robert to spend time with his child if that’s what robert wants (because he very much loves robert)aaron doesn’t want rebecca to spend time with robert and does not know how to handle the fact that the baby is a reason why that has to happenin fact, rebecca being around is a constant reminder of the worst parts of robert and all those parts that he gave into earlier this yearand she has clearly expressed to aaron that she wanted to steal robert from him aaron has no real reason to trust that robert wouldn’t end up with rebecca despite everything because aaron is only human and its natural to be insecure about ur partner spending time with an ex who they kissed and also slept with in the last yearaaron wants to believe that robert only wants himaaron pushed most of that resentment on rebecca moreso than robert because that was an easier option for himultimately, he also resents robert and it doesn’t take much pushing for him to take that anger out on robert as well as rebecca, with almost deadly consequencesthe whole situation, likely in conjunction with the fact that he’s already experienced a lot of trauma earlier that year in prison which we are reminded of with the jason call back when aaron tries to buy spice again, is horrific for aaron’s mental healthaaron removes himself from the situation - both because he himself is struggling and because he almost killed robert - he says that he doesn’t need this and neither does robert.
i know i’ve seen a lot of people say that robert was the one who was bad for his mental health but it was so so so much more the situation as a whole than it was robert - and the situation was borne out of robert’s horrible decisions and god damn is that why robert needs to sort himself out and stop making horrible decisions on impulse whenever he’s feeling emotions that are hard to handle
- aaron needed to do it, because aaron was in a place where he was reacting with dangerous levels of violence every time he was upset at or about robert
and now robert needs to do it, because…. well, look at the little fucker, throwing himself into getting control of home farm as if that’s going to fill the emptiness in his chest, without any regard for anyone else’s safety or feelings. it’s a miracle no one has died yet (again) as a result of robert’s recklessness and carelessness over the lives of other people - and there have been enough close calls. this isn’t like… a cry of help to aaron though? this isn’t about rob trying to get aaron back lmao. it’s about him thinking he’s lost aaron for good and so deciding to do exactly what he was doing before aaron came along - which was slowly getting home farm and all the money and power that comes along with it. only this time, he’s acting almost deranged, because… well, he’s having a breakdown isn’t he?
for aaron and robert to get back together, aaron needs to continue to be in a place where he won’t resort to violence and robert needs to wake up and realise that being careless about people’s lives and doing what he’s been doing etc etc isn’t a good way to live + whatever else they’re gonna have him face up to lmao
but like? if robert stops being a dick and chasing after money and power at the expense of all the good things in his life (which - if anything could ever teach him that that’s not as emotionally fulfilling a way to live as being with your family and the man you love, i feel like this situation might)? i don’t see why aaron wouldn’t be happy with robert? they’re in love with one another and people can change and better themselves and lbr aaron literally said himself that he still thinks of himself as being in a relationship with rob because emotionally they’re both totally committed to one another.
robert may be a terrible human but he loves aaron and he’s spent a lot of time trying to be better for aaron - he’s saved aaron’s life over and over, is someone aaron wants to spend the rest of his life with, is someone aaron slips work to spend his entire day with, makes aaron laugh, loves aaron’s sister, someone who decorated an entire insane and beautiful house for them to live in, is someone who couldn’t sleep in their bed without aaron in it, someone who thinks that aaron is beautiful inside and out, someone who threw a surprise wedding for aaron because he was panicking about going to prison and needed something to ground him a little, someone who devoted all of his time and energy to supporting aaron through one of the toughest fucking periods of aaron’s life without asking or needing anything in return
robert is awful to most people but most of the time he tries like hell to be the best he can be to aaron and most of the time? he succeeds
sometimes he doesn’t and those are the moments where we internally slap him upside the head but like… that’s also how relationships work, usually
(but also thank christ rob is getting the redemption coma or whatever bc he needs it)
and aaron loves him back - even after everything, aaron defends robert to people, he truly believes in the best parts of robert because he’s seen them, as well as the worst parts - and he’s forgiven the worst parts because that’s what aaron does and that’s not a bad thing or a weakness or something he needs to be gently pushed out of, that’s a beautiful quality in a human being tbh fuck everyone who doesn’t appreciate and respect aaron’s capacity to forgive whilst still sticking up for himself and making sure no one walks over him, because he absolutely would never let anyone walk over him, not even robert - aaron knows his own mind and his own heart and he’s going to do whatever he’s going to do, fuck what anyone else thinks and if that means believing that robert is deserving of his forgiveness, i don’t think that’s something that makes him weak nor is it necessarily even something that takes something away from aaron, that’s hard for him to do or makes him lesser in any way. idk i’m a forgiving person and i get how against the odds easy that can be sometimes, even if it’s not necessarily the best idea always 😂
but it’s just that that decision to be together again doesn’t necessarily have to turn into the hell that 2017 was for them both
🤷🏻‍♀️ they can be better than that and they can genuinely make one another happy - they just need a better run at it, with less awful impulses towards violence or infidelity or what have you
(and also it’s a soap and their relationship is hella entertaining)
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