#i like to dsee them <3< /div>
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natjennie · 2 years ago
if there's one thing I'm good at it's for coming up with ideas that would make really good fanfics and never ever writing them.
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missrandomdreamer · 3 years ago
drawing hardcore rambles
dSeeing all this new stuff on Reaper ( I've seen other people react to the new comic and now kind of afraid to read ingit and also just not sure how i have felt about overwatch lately) but regardless I missed my spooky boy :' (
Think I might draw him today
Also just really want to draw all my favorite boys interacting with each other cause just think it would be funny
Like I already drew Heisenberg and Anderson together cause the whole hating vampires and Frankenstein origin bit but want to draw those two with Regis from Witcher 3 (because obviously vampire baby), Eredin obviously because he is my tall elf boy who everyone looks tiny next too and who is also a spooky boy like Reaper and then Zevran and probably Guzma because honestly love that bug baby too
All right so im just gonna be drawing all these dudes interact >:D might just be busts of them though to keep it simple
Though it would be fun to do a height chart with all of them though I have no idea how tall Guzma is (know Eredin is the tallest out of all of them and Zevran is the smallest)
edit: found out Guzma is 6'07 haha Heisenberg is still friggin short compared to everyone (Except Zevran lol)
Imagine all the dudes with glasses changing glasses: Guzma Anderson and Heisenberg: Heisenberg would look like a professor wearing Anderson's: Anderson would look just stupid as hell wearing Guzma's and then Guzma would look probably pretty cool wearing Heisenberg's Heisenberg, Reaper, Anderson and Zevran comparing scars (maybe Eredin?)
Reaper and Eredin just awkwardly glaring at each other in there little spooky get-ups
Zevran and Guzma talking about disbanding there groups ?)
Anderson not picking up Regis is a vampire and the two just having a lovely chat until it leads to Anderson killing vampires and Regis is just like OwO; (even though Regis is basically like Alucard if I think about it)
>which raises random question would Alucard or Regis when in a fight?<
Heisenberg being like I could take all of you in a fight(cause metal weapons are useless) except Regis and maybe Guzma (cause bugs)
Guzma and Heisenberg talking about hating there family ?
if you guys have any suggestions let me know would love to hear them XD
(lord someone made this into a gif im so happy i love this shit little expression Anderson did: shit I miss him :' ( )
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like look at all these beautiful babies :' ) i love them so much
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bladekindeyewear · 6 years ago
Boots reads Homestuck Epilogue(s) Part 8 - Meat Page 41
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Okay, Dirk’s gonna monologue about, like... acknowledging his villainy without realizing it I guess?
And if I didn’t bother pursuing those goals, and thereby tacitly accepting the untold suffering that resulted from my inaction, wouldn’t that make me a bad person? If I try and succeed, I’m a hero, right? And if I try and fail, at least I made things interesting on my way to the grave. There would be a tragic nobility in that. And the way I see it, settling for anything less from my arc would be, frankly, pathetic.
So yeah, of course I know I “have to be stopped.” It’s part of the contract. What you sign up for when you assume the burdens of this sort of power. Where there is that which must be subdued and suborned for the greater good, there is that which will instinctively resist. That which intuits that whatever’s going on here is “wrong.” Otherwise, intervention wouldn’t even be necessary, would it?
Yeah, the Heroic and Just death parameters I outlined in the Ultimate Riddle post pretty clearly line up here that he’s fucking shit over in a way he refuses to truly believe is going to end up in his Just demise even if he knows it on some level.  Fucking over everyone’s wills like that?  Fuck you.
Only worthless people permit themselves the great luxury of a valorous sacrifice. 
Mhmm, he knows he’s going to get fucking owned.  Just a little sooner than he thought, I’d reckon.
...geez, I’m going to forget to fucking EAT again today if this epilogue goes on much longer.  Maybe I’ll have to blog the Candy part, like, tomorrow or something.  If I can convince myself to SLEEP instead of reading more, that is.
Thank God all the manipulation is reversing itself.  Keep playing into it and letting it happen you pompous ass, Dirk, it was inevitable.
Couldn’t pay me to be in that room right now. Not for all the agency in the world.
Yeah, agency is the word.  Dirk is aiming for infinite agency at the expense of everyone else’s.  His God-Tier powers crush others’ individuality and let him puppeteer them instead, and it’s what he’s been using all along to manipulate the situation in this story.
they will know what to do, when they are ready.
On the one hand, thanks alt!Callie.  On the other, seriously fuck you alt!Callie for taking Jade out of the story AAAAGAAAAAIN.  D:<
neither she nor her friends will have to worry about him anymore, so long as they remain on this planet and under my protection.
Um, that was phrased ominously potentially.
huddled on the floor, she repeats this pledge to herself. theoretically, he could be stopped before he leaves, if they hurried. they would need to know what to do, where to go, and to have the motivation to do it, but time is short. i could push them to, with a certain degree of intervention, but i will not. my unwillingness to do so is what separates me from him. and what corporeal life needs now is someone presiding over them who is nothing like him at all.
Also, thought that occurred to me at the end of this page... did Dirk potentially arrange John’s death here to keep his retcon powers from being able to stop him?
Epilogue Eight
Okay I’m churning through this all pretty quickly now that there isn’t a bunch of hyperdense prose in the way.  Excellent conversation between characters, furthering the plot along while engaging in very understandable hilarity.
I don’t THINK I’m reading this any faster than usual, but it FEELS like I am? Maybe because of the format, or maybe I really AM reading it faster to get to Dirk’s fucking comeuppance as fast as goddamn possible.
Pfff, cosplaying as Dave.
I love this whole conversation
ROXY: awwwwwww ROXY: u boys cute :)
Alright, Jane doesn’t kno-- wait, you’re not looping her in on this?  I thought she’d join in and get, like, a redemptive character arc.  Oh well, lesstimespentonthatthebetterhurryupandkickDirk’sass
Wait, so Roxy didn’t know John wasn’t coming back?  Calliope did though???
Is the only reason Dirk took Terezi along to keep her from giving them info, or... no, he said MORE of them would eventually come, what the fuck is he even planning?
they will believe they are on a quest to retrieve a wife and rescue a friend. but they will discover their true mission is of much greater cosmic significance than they imagined. the seer is firmly in the thrall of the prince and will not easily be pried away. and as regards the heir, though resuscitation remains a theoretical possibility for those still striving for it, the truth of his role is it has reached a greater sense of narrative finality than any of his allies will bring themselves to admit. his influence over canon has come to an end, as has this particular story. his ultimate sacrifice was made to put the missing keystone in place and avert the supreme dissipation of all that shall be considered to hold truth, relevance, and essentiality.
Okay, so they MIGHT have to accidentally create Paradox Space, and regardless by stopping Dirk they’ll be guaranteeing agency as a right to those who live both within and without the confines of... whatever existence even is anymore.
......This ship chase through Paradox Space of cosmic significance sounds disturbingly familiar to old pictures I used to verbally paint about the endgame, and I refuse to think about that idea further.
And we’re returning to black text, from the sound of what alt!Callie is saying.  Let’s do that.
POSTSCRIPT?  P O S T S C R I P T?!??!?!??!?!??
fuck my stomach’s clenching up again oh god
artillery what the fuck
aradia okay
“no being has ever commanded before” WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEA-- OH SHIT IS IT LIKE BLACK HOLE ABILITIES
davebot.  why a davebot?  davebot.
I’m feeling fucking sick.  Okay what’s about to happen.
Okay so this Dave is like from some other timeline split and got botsaved or something sure whatever
okay some of the others are going off into this... “OTHER UNIVERSE???” too???? or other paradox space or some fucking bullshit???
also scrolling up i missed “Jade was sixteen years old when she showed up, and she doesn’t look a day older now, though many hundreds of days have passed” o kay are these ghosts???
i can breathe again
fuck, these are like
im guessing these are... other ghosts or former-ghosts or basically everyone that huddled into the black hole, and aradias there because of course or something, this isnt dirk having won and reached his place or whatever
this is the jade alt who fell into the black hole and must have died hence her perpetually-young look, and now that shes in the black hole she has access to black hole powers
breathe boots breathe god damnit
okay reading, uh
a-all the action that matters f fuck i dsee the end of the page what thej fuck s how oculd it enduhyere kanaya has an enddless chase for her ff-fucking wife or while she’s being mind-raped by dirk orasdf jklfdk adn dshes gonan be in a stupdi metal body or
im really
really gonna need that candy after this
reading that last few paragraphs SHIT
yeah aradias going to go where all the exciting shit is happening in this new... black... hole... adox space or whatever, or wherever this is or
Where the hole gaped just moments ago, there now exists an imaginary line.
Above this line resides all that matters. Below exists all else. Never again the twain shall meet.
And... that’s the final line between Canon and Non-Canon.  Or whatever terms.
Andrew’s done.  The story’s done.  Everything else about their journey is for the imagination alone.  Did they save Rose from Dirk taking her through a portal or whatever to whichever Dirkverse he was conjuring up or whatever theory bullshit i REALLY DONT WANT TO THINK OF OR THEORIZE ABOUT EVEN EVER about what the fuck dirk was trying to pull with all this SHHHHITT!!!!!!!??//?
I... christ.  I need that Candy section.  And I need a drink.  Fuck this I was gonna break for dinner but I’m continuing once I get a beer.  I’m sweating and unhappy.  Like I should be after eating this many pages of raw meat, shouldn’t I?
Next post will be Candy 1 once I confirm that there’s nothing else I’m missing, no other part of this portion to save me from wanting to vomit in an entirely anxious and non-beer-related way.
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years ago
402 of 2022
1. What makes you a good person? According to the people around me, I'm gentle, soft-spoken, caring, non-judgemental, compassionate and hard working. It's flattering, but when I look at myself, I dsee a ball of anxiety that somehow wants to be everyone's friend and nothing else. 2. What can you work on to improve yourself? Anxiety for sure. I want to be less anxious for sure. Less shy in new situations. Less stressed. Less reserved. More open about my feelings. 3. What are your friends like? + What types of things do you guys do together? I have friends of all types, really. From optimists to pessimists, from crazy to serious. Just all. 4. What makes you happy? My husband, my cats, cats in general, beauty of nature, travelling, my friends, my sister, being alive, being able to work (or at least the possibility to do so in the nearest future), seeing kindness in other people. 5. What is your worst pet peeve? People who interrupt others. 6. What are GOOD coping skills that you use and find helpful? Being occupied with things, like cleaning the house. It helps reaally much. 7. What's an inside joke you have with someone? (You can explain it or not if you don't want to) Well, I'm known as Suikerklonje (sugar cube) among my friends. It's because I pronounce this word with a specific accent. 8. What is a movie that has a really good plot line but is terribly acted/ directed/ done? I've never been interested in movies much enough to actually bring myself to watch any of them, so I have no idea. 9. Do you have any pets? What are they? Names, etc? I have two cats. Victoria is 12 years old grey tabby, and Susanne is a 3 years old tuxedo. 10. How different would your life be if "that one thing" didn't happen? I wouldn't develop an eating disorder. 11. What is "that one thing"? Sexual abuse. 12. What's your most recent obsession? I don't have any. Sometimes I feel I'm too old for this. 13. What kind of music do you listen to? What artists / bands/ genre? Metal, particularly djent and sludge/post metal/you name it. Things that are heavy, dark and/or atmospheric. Music in languages other than English. Dutch hip hop. Some modern rap. Artists like Baas B or XXXTENTACION. Bands like Vildhjarta and HRFTR, or bands like Cult of Luna and Downfall of Gaia. Bands like Katatonia or Paradise Lost. 14. What is something you believed as a kid that is really weird? That people on photos are actually watching me. 15. What is your favorite conspiracy theory? Probably HAARP and Duga radars and their ability to control human minds. 16. What's the most desperate thing you did? I don't think I've ever been so desperate. 17. Do you have a good relationship with your parents? Very good with my dad, but he's been absent most of my childhood due to his job. My mum was pretty abusive. 18. What is your favorite meme? Why? I can't think of any at the moment. 19. Are there any habits you wish you could break? Biing my nails due to anxiety. 20. What annoys you the most? Certain types of people. Those who patronise, look down on others, condescend others, know-it-all type of people. 21. What is the funniest thing you've ever heard? Something local, I think. 22. Is there anything you're passionate about? People I love, photography, travels, radio signal identification. 23. How does food make you feel? (Not eating food, just food alone) I don't mind food and I even enjoy looking at food aesthetics. 24. Who is your inspiration/ role model? I don't think there's such a person. Maybe my *celebrity crush*, though. He has a degree in psychology, as far as I know. 25. What is a true story that sounds so crazy that it sounds fake? The case of Sylvia Likens, but it's very sad and pretty disturbing.
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ayngelface · 5 years ago
Sony H.ear On 3 Review | Are they better than the Sony WH1000X-M3?
Listen, hear real quick. Today I’m comparing the new Sony WH-910N H.ear On 3 headphones to the Sony WH1000X-M3. I’m going to break it down into 4 sections. Design, usability, sound quality and at the end awesome features. Are you ready…let’s go.
SONY wh-h910n h.ear on 3 - current price
So when I first unboxed the new WH-H910N Hear On 3 headphones I thought they looked smaller and felt lighter than the 1000X M3. After further inspection, I discovered the truth. Which is there’s not that much difference in size & weight. I put both sets headphones on a scale and there both around 220 grams. The XM3 maybe a couple of points over. But anyway… Let’s get the obvious differences out of the way first.
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The 1000X M3 are available in two colours matt black & a gold tan & the Hear on 3 come in 5 different colours with each one having different patterns on the padding. Some style points for the Hear on 3’s Also, the finish on the Hear on 3 is this kind of textured matt, where the 1000XM3 is kind of smooth & much more prone to fingerprints.
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The way the fold down the same making them compact, However you get a much more premium hard case with the XM3’s and just a canvas draw bag with the H.ear on 3. Something I like about the Sony Hear on 3 is the provided analog cable which matches colour of the headset. That’s not to say the XM3s don’t…but just colour…nice.
Button and port placements are almost identical, with the only difference being the location of the USB C port. The H.ear on 3 has it all in 1 place and the XM3s are on the opposite side. The Sony Branding locations are also different but quite subtle on both. Of course, the flagship 1000X M3 having a little more bling with the rose gold trim and branding on the band.
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The outer NC mics are in the same spot on the backs of the ear-cups. But the forward and back NC mics are slightly closer together on the Hear on 3’s just behind the hanger. The location of the voice call might appears to be in a better spot on the Hear on 3…a little be closer than the XM3. We’ll test that out un a min.
The Hinges and the Headband with reinforced plastic are pretty much the same. However, there is a big difference. it’s the drivers. The Hear on 3 has 25mm drivers and the 1000X M3 has 40mm. This will of course impact the sound quality and sound stage performance. I’ll get into that in the sound quality section of the video.
Although the Hear on 3 drivers is smaller. Sony has made some tweaks here to help improve the sound delivered by the 25mm drivers. If you look closely at the inside of the WH1000X M3 ear-cups, there’s a bit of soft foam padding around the driver. Whereas on the Hear On 3 there’s just a fine netting & the drivers will sit much closer to your ear. Sony says the WH-H910n Hear On 3 headphones can achieve the same sound pressure as conventional 40mm drivers. We shall see. (In the sound quality section) Another difference here is the size of padding on the ear-cups. The Hear On 3 has significantly more…which could arguably make them more comfortable for some people.
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So the number one and most notable difference here is the 35Hr battery life delivered by the Hear On 3. That’s 5 Hrs more than the 1000X M3. It’s also worth noting the 1000X M3 can deliver up to 38Hrs with ANC off and the Hear on 3 just 45Hrs. So that’s an interesting fact. This is something you should factor that in when making your purchase decision.
Touch controls are present on both. Swipe right or left to skip tracks. Up and down for volume. Tap to play pause, double-tap to answer calls and long push to wake your assistant. Lets not forget that placing your palm over the right ear-cup will activate the outer mics and mute your music so you can here what’s going on around you.
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Sony have improved the placement of the voice call mic. It now sits bit closer to where your mouth would be when wearing them.
To see if the Mic quality has improved on the new Sony H.ear on 3 headphones watch the review video for audio samples.
When it comes to noise canceling. I’ve gotta say its virtually identical in my opinion. They both use Sonys class-leading QN1 chip and the same amount of NC mics. Honestly they so close. Both are amazing when it comes to ANC. Of course, the app functionality is the same. One cool thing you can do is customize the C button on the Hear on 3 within the app to wake Alexa, Siri or Google assistant & if your wondering yes you can do the same thing with the 1000XM3 by recapping NC/ambient button.
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Comfort you’d probably think this would be a win for the Hear On 3 headphones just off if the amount of padding. But for me the clamping pressure is a little stronger…maybe that’s because they’re newer than my XM3’s…but if you asked me I say the XM3 are just a bit more comfortable.
If you have quite a small head you might find the headband too large…If you look at them side by side you can see the headband is quite a bit taller. for example, for me I use them. I wear them without extending the headband at all. Both headphones fair with for prolonged usage. Yes, your ears may heat up a little in warm environments.. but neither one considerably more than the other.
Sound Quality
So 4 tracks, five different genres. Let’s go. Watch the Sony H.ear On Sound Test video to see exactly what tracks I used in this review.
Hip Hop - So when it comes to the overall volume. They are very both very close to max volume. The difference I can hear now listening to the H.ear on 3 is there seems to be an emphasis on clarity. In the mids and Hi’s. The bass is certainly more powerful on the XM3.
Electronic - Again both amazing clarity. For this type of music, the H.ear on 3 performs well. Deep enough bass but not too much it’s overpowering the rest of the music. However, I gotta say I feel the soundstage is significantly wider on the XM3’s. The bass is more powerful and maybe a bit too powerful…but of course you can tweak that in the Sony Headphones app.
Rock - This has to be the closest category so far. Again the soundstage goes to the XM3. However, the H.ear on 3 delivers awesome clarity here. This is a well-suited genre for these.
Classical - So this category is all about the clarity of the vocals and soundstage performance of the orchestra. The XM3 wins on a soundstage but the Hear On 3 is impressive here with its fantastic clarity…but overall the XM3 edges out the victory.
Awesome Features
Hear on 3 • awesome colour range & build quality • Above average bass levels despite the smaller drivers. • 10mins 2.5hrs
The next 3 apply to both XM3 & Hear on 3 • crazy amount of customisation via the app • 360 reality audio support • Support Hi-Res Audio & LDAC • DSEE HX Audio Up-scaler • class-leading adaptive ANC
WH1000X-M3 • Adaptive noise canceling (XM3 barometer) • Immense Bass levels & wider soundstage • current price cheaper than the Hear on 3
So ultimately it comes down to you… do you want a more striking colourful look. Plus 5Hrs more power when using ANC. If so the Sony H.ear on 3 are perfect pairs for you. Or is 30Hrs battery enough for you & you don’t care about the new striking colour and patterns on the ear-cups and care more about the overall sound quality… Then you should go for the 1000 XM3.
If you guys liked this review I’d appreciate a thumbs up. And if you’re shopping around you might want to take a look at the Bowers & Wilkins PX7 they’re a strong competitor to both of these headphones…thumbnails on the screen right now. Go check that out. If you just subscribed, you’re now one of the finest subscribers known to man. See ya in the next one…don’t be late.
h.ear on 3 - Current pice
SONY WH-H910N - H.Ear On 3 Headphones Unboxing Video
The new Bowers and Wilkins PX7’s are here. Here is an Honest Review with an in depth look at design, usability, sound quality & awesome features. Is there a new ANC king in the headphone market? Watch this and you tell me.If you’re trying to decide between the Libratone Track Air Plus Vs Sony WF1000xm3 this video is for you! In this video we look at the design, usability, quality & most importantly the awesome features!A lot of reviewers talk very highly about the Lypertek Tevi earbuds. So I took it upon myself to find out the truth for you guys. Watch this in depth review on the #Lypertek #Tevi headphones to find out if they are the best earbuds under $99.OK so there’s a lot of people throwing Beats Studio 3 Wireless headphones under the bus in their reviews. I wanted to find out for myself. So check this out… my beats studio 3 wireless review & 5 reasons why you STILL should consider Beats by Dre as a serious contender.So the New Airpods Pro are here but are the Huawei Freebuds 3 better? Well I made this video to help you guys decide. If you interested in checking out the prices here they are : Huawei #Freebuds3 [EU] : https://amzn.to/2owZrUN Huawei Freebuds 3 [US] : https://amzn.to/2C0Li56 Apple #AirpodsPro [EU] : https://amzn.to/2q2DLAn Airpods Pro [US] : https://amzn.to/2N226iC 🧨💥 SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR!So you got no Headphone Jack? No Problem - Qualcomm AptX Adaptive codec is here! Check out what this awesome new codec can do in this #WhatGear #Qualcomm #AptXAdaptive video. Website link coming soon! SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR! Source: https://www.whatgear.net/technology//sony-hear-on-3-review
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cosmichemist · 5 years ago
Sony H.ear On 3 Review | Are they better than the Sony WH1000X-M3?
Listen, hear real quick. Today I'm comparing the new Sony WH-910N H.ear On 3 headphones to the Sony WH1000X-M3. I'm going to break it down into 4 sections. Design, usability, sound quality and at the end awesome features. Are you ready...let's go.
SONY wh-h910n h.ear on 3 - current price
So when I first unboxed the new WH-H910N Hear On 3 headphones I thought they looked smaller and felt lighter than the 1000X M3. After further inspection, I discovered the truth. Which is there's not that much difference in size & weight. I put both sets headphones on a scale and there both around 220 grams. The XM3 maybe a couple of points over. But anyway... Let's get the obvious differences out of the way first.
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The 1000X M3 are available in two colours matt black & a gold tan & the Hear on 3 come in 5 different colours with each one having different patterns on the padding. Some style points for the Hear on 3's Also, the finish on the Hear on 3 is this kind of textured matt, where the 1000XM3 is kind of smooth & much more prone to fingerprints.
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The way the fold down the same making them compact, However you get a much more premium hard case with the XM3's and just a canvas draw bag with the H.ear on 3. Something I like about the Sony Hear on 3 is the provided analog cable which matches colour of the headset. That's not to say the XM3s don’t...but just colour...nice.
Button and port placements are almost identical, with the only difference being the location of the USB C port. The H.ear on 3 has it all in 1 place and the XM3s are on the opposite side. The Sony Branding locations are also different but quite subtle on both. Of course, the flagship 1000X M3 having a little more bling with the rose gold trim and branding on the band.
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The outer NC mics are in the same spot on the backs of the ear-cups. But the forward and back NC mics are slightly closer together on the Hear on 3's just behind the hanger. The location of the voice call might appears to be in a better spot on the Hear on 3...a little be closer than the XM3. We'll test that out un a min.
The Hinges and the Headband with reinforced plastic are pretty much the same. However, there is a big difference. it's the drivers. The Hear on 3 has 25mm drivers and the 1000X M3 has 40mm. This will of course impact the sound quality and sound stage performance. I'll get into that in the sound quality section of the video.
Although the Hear on 3 drivers is smaller. Sony has made some tweaks here to help improve the sound delivered by the 25mm drivers. If you look closely at the inside of the WH1000X M3 ear-cups, there's a bit of soft foam padding around the driver. Whereas on the Hear On 3 there's just a fine netting & the drivers will sit much closer to your ear. Sony says the WH-H910n Hear On 3 headphones can achieve the same sound pressure as conventional 40mm drivers. We shall see. (In the sound quality section) Another difference here is the size of padding on the ear-cups. The Hear On 3 has significantly more...which could arguably make them more comfortable for some people.
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So the number one and most notable difference here is the 35Hr battery life delivered by the Hear On 3. That's 5 Hrs more than the 1000X M3. It’s also worth noting the 1000X M3 can deliver up to 38Hrs with ANC off and the Hear on 3 just 45Hrs. So that's an interesting fact. This is something you should factor that in when making your purchase decision.
Touch controls are present on both. Swipe right or left to skip tracks. Up and down for volume. Tap to play pause, double-tap to answer calls and long push to wake your assistant. Lets not forget that placing your palm over the right ear-cup will activate the outer mics and mute your music so you can here what’s going on around you.
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Sony have improved the placement of the voice call mic. It now sits bit closer to where your mouth would be when wearing them.
To see if the Mic quality has improved on the new Sony H.ear on 3 headphones watch the review video for audio samples.
When it comes to noise canceling. I've gotta say its virtually identical in my opinion. They both use Sonys class-leading QN1 chip and the same amount of NC mics. Honestly they so close. Both are amazing when it comes to ANC. Of course, the app functionality is the same. One cool thing you can do is customize the C button on the Hear on 3 within the app to wake Alexa, Siri or Google assistant & if your wondering yes you can do the same thing with the 1000XM3 by recapping NC/ambient button.
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Comfort you'd probably think this would be a win for the Hear On 3 headphones just off if the amount of padding. But for me the clamping pressure is a little stronger...maybe that's because they're newer than my XM3's...but if you asked me I say the XM3 are just a bit more comfortable.
If you have quite a small head you might find the headband too large...If you look at them side by side you can see the headband is quite a bit taller. for example, for me I use them. I wear them without extending the headband at all. Both headphones fair with for prolonged usage. Yes, your ears may heat up a little in warm environments.. but neither one considerably more than the other.
Sound Quality
So 4 tracks, five different genres. Let's go. Watch the Sony H.ear On Sound Test video to see exactly what tracks I used in this review.
Hip Hop - So when it comes to the overall volume. They are very both very close to max volume. The difference I can hear now listening to the H.ear on 3 is there seems to be an emphasis on clarity. In the mids and Hi's. The bass is certainly more powerful on the XM3.
Electronic - Again both amazing clarity. For this type of music, the H.ear on 3 performs well. Deep enough bass but not too much it's overpowering the rest of the music. However, I gotta say I feel the soundstage is significantly wider on the XM3's. The bass is more powerful and maybe a bit too powerful...but of course you can tweak that in the Sony Headphones app.
Rock - This has to be the closest category so far. Again the soundstage goes to the XM3. However, the H.ear on 3 delivers awesome clarity here. This is a well-suited genre for these.
Classical - So this category is all about the clarity of the vocals and soundstage performance of the orchestra. The XM3 wins on a soundstage but the Hear On 3 is impressive here with its fantastic clarity...but overall the XM3 edges out the victory.
Awesome Features
Hear on 3 • awesome colour range & build quality • Above average bass levels despite the smaller drivers. • 10mins 2.5hrs
The next 3 apply to both XM3 & Hear on 3 • crazy amount of customisation via the app • 360 reality audio support • Support Hi-Res Audio & LDAC • DSEE HX Audio Up-scaler • class-leading adaptive ANC
WH1000X-M3 • Adaptive noise canceling (XM3 barometer) • Immense Bass levels & wider soundstage • current price cheaper than the Hear on 3
So ultimately it comes down to you... do you want a more striking colourful look. Plus 5Hrs more power when using ANC. If so the Sony H.ear on 3 are perfect pairs for you. Or is 30Hrs battery enough for you & you don't care about the new striking colour and patterns on the ear-cups and care more about the overall sound quality... Then you should go for the 1000 XM3.
If you guys liked this review I'd appreciate a thumbs up. And if you're shopping around you might want to take a look at the Bowers & Wilkins PX7 they're a strong competitor to both of these headphones...thumbnails on the screen right now. Go check that out. If you just subscribed, you're now one of the finest subscribers known to man. See ya in the next one...don't be late.
h.ear on 3 - Current pice
SONY WH-H910N - H.Ear On 3 Headphones Unboxing Video
The new Bowers and Wilkins PX7's are here. Here is an Honest Review with an in depth look at design, usability, sound quality & awesome features. Is there a new ANC king in the headphone market? Watch this and you tell me.If you're trying to decide between the Libratone Track Air Plus Vs Sony WF1000xm3 this video is for you! In this video we look at the design, usability, quality & most importantly the awesome features!A lot of reviewers talk very highly about the Lypertek Tevi earbuds. So I took it upon myself to find out the truth for you guys. Watch this in depth review on the #Lypertek #Tevi headphones to find out if they are the best earbuds under $99.OK so there's a lot of people throwing Beats Studio 3 Wireless headphones under the bus in their reviews. I wanted to find out for myself. So check this out... my beats studio 3 wireless review & 5 reasons why you STILL should consider Beats by Dre as a serious contender.So the New Airpods Pro are here but are the Huawei Freebuds 3 better? Well I made this video to help you guys decide. If you interested in checking out the prices here they are : Huawei #Freebuds3 [EU] : https://amzn.to/2owZrUN Huawei Freebuds 3 [US] : https://amzn.to/2C0Li56 Apple #AirpodsPro [EU] : https://amzn.to/2q2DLAn Airpods Pro [US] : https://amzn.to/2N226iC 🧨💥 SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR!So you got no Headphone Jack? No Problem - Qualcomm AptX Adaptive codec is here! Check out what this awesome new codec can do in this #WhatGear #Qualcomm #AptXAdaptive video. Website link coming soon! SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR! Source: https://www.whatgear.net/technology//sony-hear-on-3-review
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so-goodbye-smile · 5 years ago
Sony H.ear On 3 Review | Are they better than the Sony WH1000X-M3?
Listen, hear real quick. Today I'm comparing the new Sony WH-910N H.ear On 3 headphones to the Sony WH1000X-M3. I'm going to break it down into 4 sections. Design, usability, sound quality and at the end awesome features. Are you ready...let's go.
SONY wh-h910n h.ear on 3 - current price
So when I first unboxed the new WH-H910N Hear On 3 headphones I thought they looked smaller and felt lighter than the 1000X M3. After further inspection, I discovered the truth. Which is there's not that much difference in size & weight. I put both sets headphones on a scale and there both around 220 grams. The XM3 maybe a couple of points over. But anyway... Let's get the obvious differences out of the way first.
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The 1000X M3 are available in two colours matt black & a gold tan & the Hear on 3 come in 5 different colours with each one having different patterns on the padding. Some style points for the Hear on 3's Also, the finish on the Hear on 3 is this kind of textured matt, where the 1000XM3 is kind of smooth & much more prone to fingerprints.
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The way the fold down the same making them compact, However you get a much more premium hard case with the XM3's and just a canvas draw bag with the H.ear on 3. Something I like about the Sony Hear on 3 is the provided analog cable which matches colour of the headset. That's not to say the XM3s don’t...but just colour...nice.
Button and port placements are almost identical, with the only difference being the location of the USB C port. The H.ear on 3 has it all in 1 place and the XM3s are on the opposite side. The Sony Branding locations are also different but quite subtle on both. Of course, the flagship 1000X M3 having a little more bling with the rose gold trim and branding on the band.
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The outer NC mics are in the same spot on the backs of the ear-cups. But the forward and back NC mics are slightly closer together on the Hear on 3's just behind the hanger. The location of the voice call might appears to be in a better spot on the Hear on 3...a little be closer than the XM3. We'll test that out un a min.
The Hinges and the Headband with reinforced plastic are pretty much the same. However, there is a big difference. it's the drivers. The Hear on 3 has 25mm drivers and the 1000X M3 has 40mm. This will of course impact the sound quality and sound stage performance. I'll get into that in the sound quality section of the video.
Although the Hear on 3 drivers is smaller. Sony has made some tweaks here to help improve the sound delivered by the 25mm drivers. If you look closely at the inside of the WH1000X M3 ear-cups, there's a bit of soft foam padding around the driver. Whereas on the Hear On 3 there's just a fine netting & the drivers will sit much closer to your ear. Sony says the WH-H910n Hear On 3 headphones can achieve the same sound pressure as conventional 40mm drivers. We shall see. (In the sound quality section) Another difference here is the size of padding on the ear-cups. The Hear On 3 has significantly more...which could arguably make them more comfortable for some people.
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So the number one and most notable difference here is the 35Hr battery life delivered by the Hear On 3. That's 5 Hrs more than the 1000X M3. It’s also worth noting the 1000X M3 can deliver up to 38Hrs with ANC off and the Hear on 3 just 45Hrs. So that's an interesting fact. This is something you should factor that in when making your purchase decision.
Touch controls are present on both. Swipe right or left to skip tracks. Up and down for volume. Tap to play pause, double-tap to answer calls and long push to wake your assistant. Lets not forget that placing your palm over the right ear-cup will activate the outer mics and mute your music so you can here what’s going on around you.
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Sony have improved the placement of the voice call mic. It now sits bit closer to where your mouth would be when wearing them.
To see if the Mic quality has improved on the new Sony H.ear on 3 headphones watch the review video for audio samples.
When it comes to noise canceling. I've gotta say its virtually identical in my opinion. They both use Sonys class-leading QN1 chip and the same amount of NC mics. Honestly they so close. Both are amazing when it comes to ANC. Of course, the app functionality is the same. One cool thing you can do is customize the C button on the Hear on 3 within the app to wake Alexa, Siri or Google assistant & if your wondering yes you can do the same thing with the 1000XM3 by recapping NC/ambient button.
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Comfort you'd probably think this would be a win for the Hear On 3 headphones just off if the amount of padding. But for me the clamping pressure is a little stronger...maybe that's because they're newer than my XM3's...but if you asked me I say the XM3 are just a bit more comfortable.
If you have quite a small head you might find the headband too large...If you look at them side by side you can see the headband is quite a bit taller. for example, for me I use them. I wear them without extending the headband at all. Both headphones fair with for prolonged usage. Yes, your ears may heat up a little in warm environments.. but neither one considerably more than the other.
Sound Quality
So 4 tracks, five different genres. Let's go. Watch the Sony H.ear On Sound Test video to see exactly what tracks I used in this review.
Hip Hop - So when it comes to the overall volume. They are very both very close to max volume. The difference I can hear now listening to the H.ear on 3 is there seems to be an emphasis on clarity. In the mids and Hi's. The bass is certainly more powerful on the XM3.
Electronic - Again both amazing clarity. For this type of music, the H.ear on 3 performs well. Deep enough bass but not too much it's overpowering the rest of the music. However, I gotta say I feel the soundstage is significantly wider on the XM3's. The bass is more powerful and maybe a bit too powerful...but of course you can tweak that in the Sony Headphones app.
Rock - This has to be the closest category so far. Again the soundstage goes to the XM3. However, the H.ear on 3 delivers awesome clarity here. This is a well-suited genre for these.
Classical - So this category is all about the clarity of the vocals and soundstage performance of the orchestra. The XM3 wins on a soundstage but the Hear On 3 is impressive here with its fantastic clarity...but overall the XM3 edges out the victory.
Awesome Features
Hear on 3 • awesome colour range & build quality • Above average bass levels despite the smaller drivers. • 10mins 2.5hrs
The next 3 apply to both XM3 & Hear on 3 • crazy amount of customisation via the app • 360 reality audio support • Support Hi-Res Audio & LDAC • DSEE HX Audio Up-scaler • class-leading adaptive ANC
WH1000X-M3 • Adaptive noise canceling (XM3 barometer) • Immense Bass levels & wider soundstage • current price cheaper than the Hear on 3
So ultimately it comes down to you... do you want a more striking colourful look. Plus 5Hrs more power when using ANC. If so the Sony H.ear on 3 are perfect pairs for you. Or is 30Hrs battery enough for you & you don't care about the new striking colour and patterns on the ear-cups and care more about the overall sound quality... Then you should go for the 1000 XM3.
If you guys liked this review I'd appreciate a thumbs up. And if you're shopping around you might want to take a look at the Bowers & Wilkins PX7 they're a strong competitor to both of these headphones...thumbnails on the screen right now. Go check that out. If you just subscribed, you're now one of the finest subscribers known to man. See ya in the next one...don't be late.
h.ear on 3 - Current pice
SONY WH-H910N - H.Ear On 3 Headphones Unboxing Video
The new Bowers and Wilkins PX7's are here. Here is an Honest Review with an in depth look at design, usability, sound quality & awesome features. Is there a new ANC king in the headphone market? Watch this and you tell me.If you're trying to decide between the Libratone Track Air Plus Vs Sony WF1000xm3 this video is for you! In this video we look at the design, usability, quality & most importantly the awesome features!A lot of reviewers talk very highly about the Lypertek Tevi earbuds. So I took it upon myself to find out the truth for you guys. Watch this in depth review on the #Lypertek #Tevi headphones to find out if they are the best earbuds under $99.OK so there's a lot of people throwing Beats Studio 3 Wireless headphones under the bus in their reviews. I wanted to find out for myself. So check this out... my beats studio 3 wireless review & 5 reasons why you STILL should consider Beats by Dre as a serious contender.So the New Airpods Pro are here but are the Huawei Freebuds 3 better? Well I made this video to help you guys decide. If you interested in checking out the prices here they are : Huawei #Freebuds3 [EU] : https://amzn.to/2owZrUN Huawei Freebuds 3 [US] : https://amzn.to/2C0Li56 Apple #AirpodsPro [EU] : https://amzn.to/2q2DLAn Airpods Pro [US] : https://amzn.to/2N226iC 🧨💥 SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR!So you got no Headphone Jack? No Problem - Qualcomm AptX Adaptive codec is here! Check out what this awesome new codec can do in this #WhatGear #Qualcomm #AptXAdaptive video. Website link coming soon! SUBSCRIBE TO WHATGEAR! source https://www.whatgear.net/technology//sony-hear-on-3-review
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topicprinter · 6 years ago
Launching a new product or update? Definitely consider using Product Hunt.With History Search I went through the phases of Early Idea To Revenue.Product Hunt has become an essential component for me, that’s why I’ve trimmed several months of preparation and notes into a few easy to understand key-points:What is Product Hunt aboutHow to Build an Early Beta AudienceHow Do You Know What’s the Right Time to Launch — on Product HuntHow to Get Your Launch Story Right — with a clear messageHow to Leverage Your Launch to Get Press CoverageAlso included are lessons learned about:What type of content do you need and how to align your messagesTips and facts about small things that could break or make your launch (for example OG images and file sizes)How to structure and plan the launch day (I’ve included an Airtable with our examples and planning—for you to copy and reuse)Most importantly, how you can use your launch to think together with hundreds if not thousands of people.Finally I cover the 3 things I found most valuable, and will try to focus on even more in the future.I'm adding a link because it contains a lot of images and gifs — and copying them over would be a bit of a nuisance. The article mentions and is focussed around a product I created and launched myself. You'll notice its not a promotion but serves the purpose of giving real-life examples. In the article you'll also find the link to an Airtable I used to plan our launch with real-life examples.Hope you guys like it, put in a lot of effort to make it useful. Feel free to ask any question below, I'm ready to answer share things I learned :DSee: https://medium.com/swlh/product-hunt-101-how-to-launch-your-product-from-early-idea-to-revenue-c3f01864cdde
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topicprinter · 6 years ago
Launching a new product or update? Definitely consider using Product Hunt.With History Search I went through the phases of Early Idea To Revenue.Product Hunt has become an essential component for me, that’s why I’ve trimmed several months of preparation and notes into a few easy to understand key-points:What is Product Hunt aboutHow to Build an Early Beta AudienceHow Do You Know What’s the Right Time to Launch — on Product HuntHow to Get Your Launch Story Right — with a clear messageHow to Leverage Your Launch to Get Press CoverageAlso included are lessons learned about:What type of content do you need and how to align your messagesTips and facts about small things that could break or make your launch (for example OG images and file sizes)How to structure and plan the launch day (I’ve included an Airtable with our examples and planning—for you to copy and reuse)Most importantly, how you can use your launch to think together with hundreds if not thousands of people.Finally I cover the 3 things I found most valuable, and will try to focus on even more in the future.I'm adding a link because it contains a lot of images and gifs — and copying them over would be a bit of a nuisance. The article mentions and is focussed around a product I created and launched myself. You'll notice its not a promotion but serves the purpose of giving real-life examples. In the article you'll also find the link to an Airtable I used to plan our launch with real-life examples.Hope you guys like it, put in a lot of effort to make it useful. Feel free to ask any question below, I'm ready to answer share things I learned :DSee: https://medium.com/swlh/product-hunt-101-how-to-launch-your-product-from-early-idea-to-revenue-c3f01864cdde
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