Layouts + Lockscreens + Bookmarks
147 posts
Layoutfreakk & Shooukku🔮Layouts🔮Lockscreens🔮Bookmarks🔮💜For requests or just chatting through ask 💜🔮All lockscreens, Layouts and bookmarks are made by me so give credit please🔮Ask me a question! Submit!
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
happy birthday golden maknae 💖 
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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190/365 days of kim seokjin
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
What’s In My Bag: Back to University Edition
It’s not uncommon that I see masterposts/lists about what to bring to school that has 30+ items, and to be quite honest its not very realistic. While some items are more useful to some than to others, I found I had a smaller number of things that proved to be quite useful to both me and my friends. Some of these items are more directed to girls than guys due to me being a girl and not completely sure if guys have specific things they like to use
- Laptop (to type out notes)
-  Spiral Ring Notebook (if you don’t like typing your notes i recommend writing your “rough” notes in a notebook, and/or in case you need paper or your friend needs paper for notes) 
- Pens (black, blue and red)
- Highlighters ( I personally had a pack of mildliners but having 2 different colours is useful)
- Sticky Notes (i used them to write notes in textbooks)
- Pencil Case (you gotta keep your stationary somewhere)
- Planner (if you use a physical copy)
- Textbook (I only ever brought my books with me if I was studying or if the prof specifically said to bring your book(s) to class)
- Gum/Mints
- Hand Sanitizer (way more useful than you may think)
- Hand Lotion
- Body Spray/Perfume
- Chapstick
- Tissues (didn’t have these because I don’t get sick often but really wished I had them)
- Feminine Hygiene Products
- Advil/ Tylenol 
- Hair Tie
- Earphones
- Phone/Laptop Charger
- Reusable Water Bottle
- Snacks/ Food
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
💞Back To School Glow Up💞
Alright y'all, with school season comin back, here are some prime hoe tips to get y'all ready to slay.
1. Develop a skincare regimen at least once daily: wash, exfoliate*, mask*, toner, essential oils, moisturize.
*once weekly, to avoid overshocking your skin.
2. Tea tree oil is bomb for acne and acne scars. Apply that shit.
3. Coconut oil and castor oil for brow/lash growth every night.
4. Go through your closet, and toss clothes you don’t wear. Invest in more neutral colors and fits to configure a wider variety of cute ass outfits.
5. Don’t be afraid to thrift shop; places like TJ Maxx and The Goodwill have bomb ass brands for cheap.
6. Get your books/supplies ready a week before. Prepare yourself.
7. Have all of your test dates/assignment due dates in your phone before classes start. Make sure to request off days of work the nights before major assignments and exams if you can help it.
8. Things to keep in a bag in your locker: pads/tampons, an extra pair of panties, a spare change of clothes & shoes(in case of a wardrobe malfunction), hairbrush and hairtie, nail file & clippers, makeup remover wipes, concealer, masacara, gum, water bottle, extra pens, some spare cash, phone charger, and earbuds.
9. Keep a water bottle in ya bag at all times. A hoes gotta be hydrated.
10. Keep up with ya studies (see my School and Studying Tips post for more details on how to boost that GPA)
11. A week before school starts, develop getting sleep schedule for school by going to bed half an hour earlier every night. This’ll make waking up earlier less of a hell, trust me.
12. Have a go-to makeup look for school that takes 30 mins or less as a default, if you beat your face in the morning.
13. Replace coffee with tea for a more healthy caffeine fix before class.
14. Prepare yourself a decent breakfast before you go to bed, so you can easily grab and go in the morning. Breakfast kickstarts your metabolism and decreases cravings throughout the day, and generally boosts your mood and brain power.
15. If you wear a uniform, make sure that shit is comfortable and actually fits you. Make sure nothing hangs off of you, cuts off circulation, itches, irritates, etc.
16. Need a break from studying? Work out. Burn some calories, clear your mind, and stimulate your brain with some exercise. Swear to god this keeps my grades up and my body lookin fly.
17. Invest in a hair mask (any pharmacy or makeup outlet will have them), or make one yourself. They make your hair super soft and shiny for flipping it when you walk past that group of girls who hate you lol
Thats all I can think of for now hoes, get good grades, I believe in all of y'all✨
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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jungkook’s birthday countdown — his love for his parents ♡
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
September printables and downloads!
Here are links to all my September based content:
2017 monthly printables [three designs, four colours]
Marble and coloured desktop wallpapers [monday + sunday start, five colours]
Marble and coloured phone wallpapers [monday + sunday start, five colours]
Tropical leaf desktop wallpapers [monday + sunday start, three colours]
Tropical leaf phone wallpapers [monday + sunday start, three colours]
Floral desktop wallpapers [monday + sunday start, three designs]
Floral phone wallpapers [monday + sunday start, three designs]
Black minimalist desktop wallpaper [monday + sunday start]
White minimalist desktop wallpaper  [monday + sunday start]
Black and white minimalist phone wallpapers  [monday + sunday start, two colours]
Hope you like them! I’d love to see them in use, so please share and tag me in an pictures on Tumblr or Instagram (@emmastudiess) :-)
Also, if you want to check out my YouTube and Etsy store (get 10% off any purchase using ‘back2school’ discount code!) x
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
girls don’t like boys girls like books with complicated plots and mythology
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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hey i don’t know if this has been posted here yet but it’s really important info! please share!
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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우리 막내 생일 축하해 💖
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
some things to do when you’re sad:
have some tea
eat something sweet!!
open your windows
go for a walk, it doesn’t have to be long, just get some fresh air
take a bath or a shower
listen to your favourite music
talk to a friend
draw, paint, journal, make art!!
pick some flowers
read a book or a magazine
clean your room
go on a picnic
make a herbarium
watch your favourite movie/tv show
make a list of things you love
hug your pet
water your plants
make a zine
write a letter to your best friend
or to your future self
stare at the sky
go to the beach
wear something comfy!!
or nothing at all
take care of yourself
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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are u surprised i haven’t posted a changkyun spread yet?? well here u go the loml im changkyun | ig: jiyeonstudies
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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ig: studylustre // line art by @pacifistpadme
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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Made this to remind myself. 
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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layoutfreakk · 8 years ago
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jungkook’s birthday countdown — happy birthday to the most relatable person ♡
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