myrishspell-blog · 5 years
Statement of Intent: Mastery Journey This journey is a start to a lifetime achievement. I plan to own and operate a music venue that will offer lessons to disadvantaged students and create long lasting relationships in the community. In doing so, this will bring a sense of hope and security for these students, giving them solace that any dream they dream is possible. Over the next 12 months, I intend to implement a plan of discipline and passion that will help me move to the next active step in my journey: pursuing a job within my field. As I pursue this degree online, I also plan to actively seek mentorship that will guide me through how to achieve this. I will continue to perform and teach but I will also explore options for a new job in my field such as executive assistant, a&r specialist, or creative director. I do not have experience in these fields but obtaining my master's degree can compensate for that as I will have more concrete knowledge on this subject. Taking this step will leave room for growth and hands on experience that will be applicable to my business.   I hope to learn valuable skills that will push me to the next phase of my journey. Understanding how to interact with business and negotiate contracts will be of great use to my goals. Learning how to develop my brand will also help in understanding my target market as well as developing a loyal relationship with customers.  Valuing my own personal development and working to better myself throughout this experience will boost my self-confidence and allow me to learn more about myself and how I manage situations. In gaining this insight, I plan to achieve this childhood dream of being my own boss and spreading wealth all around me via performance and music education. Mastery Journal: Project Management Planning this project has opened my eyes to even more possibilities on how I choose to execute this goal. My original objective is to create a music venue where students are able to participate in master classes with visiting artists. During the week, the students facilitate the jam sessions, and on weekends, artists visit to perform a concert and teach a clinic to members of Rea’s Corner. This idea is still in the works, but when creating the project plan, I envisioned the concert being exclusive in order to build rapport and tenure for the venue. Releasing the performing artist details hours before the concert/clinic is scheduled will create a unique environment for everyone participating. It will be exclusive to members, building a relationship that will carry the business on its shoulders. This course made me open my eyes to different possibilities of what could be Rea’s Corner. Working throughout this plan has taught me how plans can be modified and should be until you’ve molded exactly what you plan to offer the world. The tools taught in this class will definitely be a guide in bringing this project to life. Understanding the different PM methodologies will cater well dependent upon your project. I feel running a music venue works well with Agile methodology as there is something always subject to change. Furthermore, testing it at each stage guarantees that you’re correcting mistakes as soon as they are made. The turn-around for this allows you to quickly identify the problem so that it doesn’t tremendously affect the timeline of the project. The skills I have learned during this class will transfer over to my day-to-day routine. This class has taught me that planning is essential to productivity. Creating work breakdown structures and management plans are things to consider when achieving my short-term goals. It is a step in the right direction , and I’m looking forward to using the skills I’ve attained to push the dream forward . Mastery Journal: Business Finance This course was beneficial to me as it opened my eyes to content I hadn’t considered regarding my business. It also created ideas for me to consider in opening my venue. For example, I didn’t think too deep into the financial side of things because Ive always planned to hire an accountant. However, it would be nice to be familiar with the jargon of the business so I know whats happening. As a musician, too many people are only musicians and not business savy. I plan to be both. This class also opened my eyes to different ways the business could be started. I am a person of little patience, and I believe sometimes I overreach in believing whats possible in a certain amount of time. For the longest, I’ve had the vison of my business operating as a venue/studio from the very beginning. This is still my vision, but realistically I think I need to start my business solely as a venue to see how well received the business is in the beginning. Before this class, I never thought to start my business operations at home. If I start the business as a venue, it can start off as me renting a building once a month for a jam session for local artists while I still teach my private lessons at students’ homes. In that time, I can build rapport with the student’s parents as well as a relationship with the students. Also, I could gain a name around the community as someone hosting a session once a month for artists to share their creativity. By starting off slow, I am able to give myself time to truly gather what I want to see in the future for my operations. School is here to push us further and open your mind to ideas you wouldn’t have thought otherwise. This class did exactly that. In the future, if this is the best option to start my business I would certainly test it to see how it goes.  If it doesn’t and I’m able to blossom right into my dreams, that’s awesome too. Just having the open mind to control patience and have several options will also be to my advantage as a person and business women. Mastery Journal: Digital Marketing My originals goals for this course were to effective run social media platforms, break barriers within my target market, and utilize brand development within social media. I believe some of my goals were met by this class. I learned how to optimize search engines to consistently get hits on my website. Learning about long tail phrases and how they impact search results helped me gain a better understanding as well as the use of keywords/phrases. In researching about competition, I learned what strategies worked for my business as well as what not to do. This course also gave me valuable information about my target market. As a teacher, I have more insight on the students I will be working with in New Orleans. Learning about the city’s demographics and challenges within their charter school system put a lot in perspective, and now I know how to approach my market and develop a plan that will gain access to them. I also gained insight into who my secondary market was. I was so focused on providing this venue for students that I totally forgot who my audience would be for concerts. Now, I know how to market towards music lovers as well. This information contributes to how I consider my marketing plan to include both markets. I found the marketing calendar to be very helpful. I’ll be able to keep track of performance - what we get accomplished and what we don’t. I am not great at planning, and this honestly will change my personal lifestyle as well. Also, learning about the different programs available for emaial marketing was interesting because I am able to relate it to what happens in life. The weekly email I receive from different companies about promotions track their performance just like I would. they track the amount of emails that are opened plus potential sales from promotions. It was cool to get the information and relate it back to things I see everyday. This class was helpful in my journey towards my degree. I learned worthwhile information that will play a role in how my business progress. Mastery Journal: Negotiating & Deal Making Going into this course, I expected to learn how to successfully reach a deal based off of respect and both parties receiving what they intended. So far, this course has helped me understand the jargon associated with negotiation and deal making. For example, I wasn’t aware of certain terms like bargaining positions or underlying interests. The different communication styles were very helpful to learn because now I am able to approach a negotiation with those in mind. I am able to observe how the other person in interacting so that I make the best choice in responding. Furthermore, learning about avoiding negative emotions can save so much time and respect within the negotiation. For example, if a person is responding in an unprofessional manner, I can mitigate the situation by acknowledging their point of view. Hopefully in doing so, they feel respected and we are able to reach a mutual agreement. This class can definitely help in real-life situations. Whether it is personal or business, it is good information to have so you’re able to handle the situation in a professional manner. For example, this past weekend I went to the French Market in New Orleans where I applied the information I’ve learned in this class. Observing the merchant’s communication style and understanding his position within the negotiation helped us reach an agreement where we were both satisfied. I also found that in learning how to negotiate, you have to make sure that you are not taken advantage of. You also have to acknowledge that there is a way for both parties to get what they want out of the negotiation. If these two factors are kept in mind, negotiations can be less stressful and easy going. This class has been eye-opening and I’m excited to go into negotiations with the jargon learned and the ability to make decisions confidently. Mastery Journal: Product & Artist Management This course helped direct me towards my passion. Not that I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but this confirmed it. I enjoy playing trombone, but I enjoy the business side of music just as much. This class pushed me to think more creatively about my business. For example, I was very lost in choosing what to do for my product planning project. However, it was the perfect time to brainstorm so that I may have grounding ideas when it is time to launch my business. It opened my to possibilities I hadn’t thought of, and I am grateful for it. During the course of the class, there was an assignment to evaluate two talent agencies. It was interesting to learn how two different business excelled at the same rate. I decided to compare a huge company to one that is just starting out, and despite their differences, both are successful. This exercise helped me understand the importance of experiences and connections. This second business that just started excelled so quickly because they knew what they were doing. They had failed enough times to know how to approach the business. As a small business owner, it is my responsibility to understand the industry and how i fit inside of it. This course will be great to reference when starting my business post graduation. I believe it has shaped my ideas how it could function if approached with the right intentions. Mastery Journal: Advanced Entertainment Law Upon entering this class, I expected to learn about different cases that related to entertainment law. I wasn’t expecting to research them myself, however it was more fulfilling. This in itself taught me how important it is to research information yourself so that you are sure that you have a reliable source. For example, if I contracted someone to write a jingle for my company, I would have to know if they used a sample in the recording so that I could acquire the proper licensing for that. It is my responsibility to know those details so that I hold myself accountable. This class was very useful to future endeavors. Whether I’m registering a trademark or in court for copyright infringement, I am now aware on how to approach it. So many musicians are oblivious to how the business side of the industry works, so it’s imperative to not be taken advantage of. This class also helped me in identifying different types of liabilities that my company could be responsible for. I gained understanding in how to be cautious when offering a service. The example used of the contest review shed tons of light on how you should approach your customers/future prospects. Learning about intellectual property and how it can be misused in crucial in this industry as well. In selecting the cases to research different court opinions, it was beneficial to see how the industry changed over time and how those different opinions were decided because of that era. Therefore it’s necessary to understand the history of intellectual property. Using what I’ve learned in this class will only further my success within the business. Mastery Journal: Entertainment Media Publishing & Distribution In taking this course, i thought we would discuss the generic ways of obtaining a record deal and how distribution works through a record label. I was shocked and when learning how to distribute and publish media as an independent artist. Learning about the different distributors definitely help in determining who I should use. For example, I’ve heard so much about TuneCore because it is so popular. So many artists I know use it. There have been several times where I plan on setting up my account with TuneCore to distribute my music. However, now that I know about DistroKid, it is to my benefit to use their service. It was a lesson in learning just because it’s popular, doesn’t mean it’s the best choice. This class has also taught me jargon I was not aware of. For example, writing the query letter was kind of difficult because you had to make it interesting enough for the viewer to continue reading. It was great practice in case I ever find myself having to write one. Preparing a press kit is something I’ve had to do for a while now, but there’s no such thing as too much practice. This course helped reiterate certain documents I would need in order to book a gig and introduced some new topics I have no experience in. Nonetheless, I’m excited to use this knowledge in the real world. Mastery Journal: Business Plan Development My original goal for this course was to go in depth about things in the business plan. For example, now that I know my target market, how do I reach them? What resources am I able to use to make my idea a little more tangible? Writing a plan will help me keep track of progress, but I would’ve liked to focus more on how to make these “plans” a reality. One part of this class that I really enjoyed were the motivational videos we watched of Jayson Whitmore. I think it’s very important to remain humble before and after your success. I think it’s crucial to your continued success. His approach on professionalism was synonymous with personality or a lifestyle trait. It’s something that should stay with you for your life. Showing up on time, being prepared, and having a good attitude should be things you strive for everyday, so to incorporate them in your lifelong dreams shouldn’t be a problem. It is definitely something I will take heed to. As an undergrad, I studied the same material, but I feel I have a clearer understanding of how I want to pursue my business. This class helped me shape my ideas at a more mature level, and that I am happy for. Mastery Journal: Final Project: Business Plan This program has shined a light on my ability to endure in the face of adversity. If I’m being candid, this program was a struggle for me. Although my grades were affected, I learned how to be resilient and push myself to focus when I was struggling mentally to maintain day to day life. Nonetheless, I’ve learned much about distribution. I’ve learned how to negotiate. I’ve learned how to understand my target market. I’m excited to release my music because of the information I was given through this program. I’m also excited to relay my first impression upon people. Because of this program, I am more prepared and learned about things that make me excited to get up in the morning to do my job. This class in particular brought all of the pieces together. Understanding integral components in the business plan is what will help me in my process of starting my business. For example, knowing that finances are what investors are interested in (which is valid) will make sure I approach this venture in the right manner. I’m thankful for this journey, and excited for my future.
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myrishspell-blog · 5 years
Mastery Journal: Business Plan Development
My original goal for this course was to go in depth about things in the business plan. For example, now that I know my target market, how do I reach them? What resources am I able to use to make my idea a little more tangible? Writing a plan will help me keep track of progress, but I would’ve liked to focus more on how to make these “plans” a reality.
One part of this class that I really enjoyed were the motivational videos we watched of Jayson Whitmore. I think it’s very important to remain humble before and after your success. I think it’s crucial to your continued success. His approach on professionalism was synonymous with personality or a lifestyle trait. It’s something that should stay with you for your life. Showing up on time, being prepared, and having a good attitude should be things you strive for everyday, so to incorporate them in your lifelong dreams shouldn’t be a problem. It is definitely something I will take heed to.
As an undergrad, I studied the same material, but I feel I have a clearer understanding of how I want to pursue my business. This class helped me shape my ideas at a more mature level, and that I am happy for. 
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myrishspell-blog · 5 years
Mastery Journal: Entertainment Media Publishing & Distribution
In taking this course, i thought we would discuss the generic ways of obtaining a record deal and how distribution works through a record label. I was shocked and when learning how to distribute and publish media as an independent artist. Learning about the different distributors definitely help in determining who I should use. For example, I’ve heard so much about TuneCore because it is so popular. So many artists I know use it. There have been several times where I plan on setting up my account with TuneCore to distribute my music. However, now that I know about DistroKid, it is to my benefit to use their service. It was a lesson in learning just because it’s popular, doesn’t mean it’s the best choice. 
This class has also taught me jargon I was not aware of. For example, writing the query letter was kind of difficult because you had to make it interesting enough for the viewer to continue reading. It was great practice in case I ever find myself having to write one. 
Preparing a press kit is something I’ve had to do for a while now, but there’s no such thing as too much practice. This course helped reiterate certain documents I would need in order to book a gig and introduced some new topics I have no experience in. Nonetheless, I’m excited to use this knowledge in the real world. 
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myrishspell-blog · 5 years
Mastery Journal: Advanced Entertainment Law
Upon entering this class, I expected to learn about different cases that related to entertainment law. I wasn’t expecting to research them myself, however it was more fulfilling. This in itself taught me how important it is to research information yourself so that you are sure that you have a reliable source. For example, if I contracted someone to write a jingle for my company, I would have to know if they used a sample in the recording so that I could acquire the proper licensing for that. It is my responsibility to know those details so that I hold myself accountable. 
This class was very useful to future endeavors. Whether I’m registering a trademark or in court for copyright infringement, I am now aware on how to approach it. So many musicians are oblivious to how the business side of the industry works, so it’s imperative to not be taken advantage of. This class also helped me in identifying different types of liabilities that my company could be responsible for. I gained understanding in how to be cautious when offering a service. The example used of the contest review shed tons of light on how you should approach your customers/future prospects. 
Learning about intellectual property and how it can be misused in crucial in this industry as well. In selecting the cases to research different court opinions, it was beneficial to see how the industry changed over time and how those different opinions were decided because of that era. Therefore it’s necessary to understand the history of intellectual property. Using what I’ve learned in this class will only further my success within the business. 
0 notes
myrishspell-blog · 5 years
Mastery Journal: Product & Artist Management
This course helped direct me towards my passion. Not that I didn’t know what I wanted to do, but this confirmed it. I enjoy playing trombone, but I enjoy the business side of music just as much. This class pushed me to think more creatively about my business. For example, I was very lost in choosing what to do for my product planning project. However, it was the perfect time to brainstorm so that I may have grounding ideas when it is time to launch my business. It opened my to possibilities I hadn’t thought of, and I am grateful for it.
During the course of the class, there was an assignment to evaluate two talent agencies. It was interesting to learn how two different business excelled at the same rate. I decided to compare a huge company to one that is just starting out, and despite their differences, both are successful. This exercise helped me understand the importance of experiences and connections. This second business that just started excelled so quickly because they knew what they were doing. They had failed enough times to know how to approach the business. As a small business owner, it is my responsibility to understand the industry and how i fit inside of it.
This course will be great to reference when starting my business post graduation. I believe it has shaped my ideas how it could function if approached with the right intentions. 
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myrishspell-blog · 5 years
Mastery Journal: Negotiation & Deal Making
Going into this course, I expected to learn how to successfully reach a deal based off of respect and both parties receiving what they intended. So far, this course has helped me understand the jargon associated with negotiation and deal making. For example, I wasn’t aware of certain terms like bargaining positions or underlying interests. The different communication styles were very helpful to learn because now I am able to approach a negotiation with those in mind. I am able to observe how the other person in interacting so that I make the best choice in responding. Furthermore, learning about avoiding negative emotions can save so much time and respect within the negotiation. For example, if a person is responding in an unprofessional manner, I can mitigate the situation by acknowledging their point of view. Hopefully in doing so, they feel respected and we are able to reach a mutual agreement.
This class can definitely help in real-life situations. Whether it is personal or business, it is good information to have so you’re able to handle the situation in a professional manner. For example, this past weekend I went to the French Market in New Orleans where I applied the information I’ve learned in this class. Observing the merchant’s communication style and understanding his position within the negotiation helped us reach an agreement where we were both satisfied.
I also found that in learning how to negotiate, you have to make sure that you are not taken advantage of. You also have to acknowledge that there is a way for both parties to get what they want out of the negotiation. If these two factors are kept in mind, negotiations can be less stressful and easy going. This class has been eye-opening and I’m excited to go into negotiations with the jargon learned and the ability to make decisions confidently.
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myrishspell-blog · 5 years
Mastery Journal: Business Finance
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myrishspell-blog · 5 years
Mastery Journal: Digital Marketing
My originals goals for this course were to effective run social media platforms, break barriers within my target market, and utilize brand development within social media. I believe some of my goals were met by this class. I learned how to optimize search engines to consistently get hits on my website. Learning about long tail phrases and how they impact search results helped me gain a better understanding as well as the use of keywords/phrases. In researching about competition, I learned what strategies worked for my business as well as what not to do.
This course also gave me valuable information about my target market. As a teacher, I have more insight on the students I will be working with in New Orleans. Learning about the city’s demographics and challenges within their charter school system put a lot in perspective, and now I know how to approach my market and develop a plan that will gain access to them. I also gained insight into who my secondary market was. I was so focused on providing this venue for students that I totally forgot who my audience would be for concerts. Now, I know how to market towards music lovers as well. This information contributes to how I consider my marketing plan to include both markets. 
I found the marketing calendar to be very helpful. I’ll be able to keep track of performance - what we get accomplished and what we don’t. I am not great at planning, and this honestly will change my personal lifestyle as well. Also, learning about the different programs available for emaial marketing was interesting because I am able to relate it to what happens in life. The weekly email I receive from different companies about promotions track their performance just like I would. they track the amount of emails that are opened plus potential sales from promotions. It was cool to get the information and relate it back to things I see everyday. 
This class was helpful in my journey towards my degree. I learned worthwhile information that will play a role in how my business progress. 
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myrishspell-blog · 6 years
Mastery Journal: Business Finance
This course was beneficial to me as it opened my eyes to content I hadn’t considered regarding my business. It also created ideas for me to consider in opening my venue. For example, I didn’t think too deep into the financial side of things because Ive always planned to hire an accountant. However, it would be nice to be familiar with the jargon of the business so I know whats happening. As a musician, too many people are only musicians and not business savy. I plan to be both. This class also opened my eyes to different ways the business could be started. I am a person of little patience, and I believe sometimes I overreach in believing whats possible in a certain amount of time. For the longest, I’ve had the vison of my business operating as a venue/studio from the very beginning. This is still my vision, but realistically I think I need to start my business solely as a venue to see how well received the business is in the beginning. Before this class, I never thought to start my business operations at home. If I start the business as a venue, it can start off as me renting a building once a month for a jam session for local artists while I still teach my private lessons at students’ homes. In that time, I can build rapport with the student’s parents as well as a relationship with the students. Also, I could gain a name around the community as someone hosting a session once a month for artists to share their creativity. By starting off slow, I am able to give myself time to truly gather what I want to see in the future for my operations. School is here to push us further and open your mind to ideas you wouldn’t have thought otherwise. This class did exactly that. In the future, if this is the best option to start my business I would certainly test it to see how it goes.  If it doesn’t and I’m able to blossom right into my dreams, that’s awesome too. Just having the open mind to control patience and have several options will also be to my advantage as a person and business women. 
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myrishspell-blog · 6 years
Mastery Journal: Project Management
Planning this project has opened my eyes to even more possibilities on how I choose to execute this goal. My original objective is to create a music venue where students are able to participate in master classes with visiting artists. During the week, the students facilitate the jam sessions, and on weekends, artists visit to perform a concert and teach a clinic to members of Rea’s Corner. 
This idea is still in the works, but when creating the project plan, I envisioned the concert being exclusive in order to build rapport and tenure for the venue. Releasing the performing artist details hours before the concert/clinic is scheduled will create a unique environment for everyone participating. It will be exclusive to members, building a relationship that will carry the business on its shoulders. This course made me open my eyes to different possibilities of what could be Rea’s Corner. Working throughout this plan has taught me how plans can be modified and should be until you’ve molded exactly what you plan to offer the world. 
The tools taught in this class will definitely be a guide in bringing this project to life. Understanding the different PM methodologies will cater well dependent upon your project. I feel running a music venue works well with Agile methodology as there is something always subject to change. Furthermore, testing it at each stage guarantees that you’re correcting mistakes as soon as they are made. The turn-around for this allows you to quickly identify the problem so that it doesn’t tremendously affect the timeline of the project. 
The skills I have learned during this class will transfer over to my day-to-day routine. This class has taught me that planning is essential to productivity. Creating work breakdown structures and management plans are things to consider when achieving my short-term goals. It is a step in the right direction , and I’m looking forward to using the skills I’ve attained to push the dream forward .
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myrishspell-blog · 6 years
Inspirational Post
“Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity” - Will Smith
Takeaway: Never settle. The moment you think about giving up is the moment you should choose to push further. 
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myrishspell-blog · 6 years
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myrishspell-blog · 6 years
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myrishspell-blog · 6 years
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myrishspell-blog · 6 years
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myrishspell-blog · 6 years
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myrishspell-blog · 6 years
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