#i like the part where he says he tried to quit smoking but started eating cigarette butts instead
909th · 9 months
john waters’ tour of his baltimore apartment - 1986 might be the best piece of footage ever recorded
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xxsabitoxx · 1 year
Pale Blue part 1 {Teaser}
Geto Suguru x AFAB Pregnant Reader
Warnings: This story will be multiple parts covering heavier topics and questionable morals. It also contains explicit sexual content, descriptions of pregnancy (like morning sickness) and other things.
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September 2007
The air almost feels stale as you get your routine done in the bathroom, the test is still sitting in the small can beside your sink. It’s presence is heavy, to the point you question if you should take it out with you despite only having a couple tissues accompanying it. You decided against it when she knocked again. “Just getting dressed.” You mumbled softly, listening for her small “Hmph.” At least letting you know she heard you. Your uniform still felt foreign on your skin, it had for the last three weeks but you tried to ignore it. “About time.” Shoko smiled as you emerged, Satoru beside her. “Oh? You’re both here?” Your tone was questioning but not mad. 
“Yeah, Yaga said we should take the day to be normal or something like that.” Satoru drawled, circular glasses sliding down his nose as he rolled his eyes. “Us? Normal?” You snorted, pulling your door shut as Shoko began walking down the hallway. “He just doesn’t know what to do with us at the moment.” Satoru offered in a low tone, Shoko would scold him for speaking like that, especially to you. The thing is, he wasn’t saying anything that you hadn’t already thought of yourself. “I don’t know what to do with us either.” You could assume Yaga was being vigilant, the guilt of not seeing what was happening with Suguru was weighing on him too. 
The flick of Shoko’s lighter was heard as you stepped into the morning air, laughter bubbling in your chest as you looked at her. “It was killing you, wasn’t it.” Yaga had been cracking down on her bad habit, trying to limit her by saying no smoking in the dorms. “Just a little.” She teased back, inhaling deeply before blowing the gray smoke past her lips. “Shoko, gimme one.” Your eyebrow cocked as Satoru stuck his hand out. Her eyes met you for a moment before begrudgingly handing the lighter and pack to him. “New habit?” You commented softly, watching as he stuck a cylinder between his lips and held his hand up to block the flame from the wind. 
Satoru shrugged, inhaling a bit before blowing out, moving to hand the pack to you. You hesitated, the test in your dorm trash can still lingering in the back of your mind. “I’m good.” You took them anyway, handing them to Shoko. Neither of them said anything but they shared a knowing glance, they couldn’t be mad at you for trying to quit a bad habit. “So where are we going?” You didn’t like the prolonged silence as the two of them puffed away. “I didn’t think you’d want to go anywhere, but if you want we can go get breakfast.” Shoko’s eyes flickered over both you and Satoru, as if she was looking at two temperamental children. 
“Breakfast sounds good.” Satoru offered, shoving one hand in his pocket while the other plucked the cig from his lips. “It does.” You added softly, stomach turning at the very thought of food but you couldn’t let them know that. You had lost your appetite shortly after he left, but you still forced yourself to eat at least one substantial meal a day. The nausea that had settled in your gut most days usually deterred you from anything else but plain rice and maybe some soup. Still, it was food and the only thing you could keep down at that. “Alright, I’ll call for a driver and we can go get something to eat.” Shoko pulled out her phone, clicking on a number she saved. 
“You’ve been eating, right?” You jumped a little, eyes sliding over to Satoru. His tone was low, just low enough for only you to hear. “Yeah, I’ve been eating… you?” He looked the same, tall and lean with broad shoulders. Satoru nodded, pushing his glasses up to sit on the bridge of his nose. “The car will be at the gates for us in five minutes so let's get going.” Shoko started walking, like always you and Satoru followed behind her like ducklings. Satoru’s question still lingered in your mind, his ability to read your thoughts nearly rivaled Suguru. 
You had to wonder just how much those six eyes of his could see. 
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🎶 Pale Blue Playlist 🎶
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sophrosynesworld · 3 months
Black and Blues (Pt. 3)
Part One:
My feet slam against the trail, each step pounding out a futile rhythm against the crushing silence. The rocks crunch beneath my sneakers, a temporary distraction from the storm inside my head.
But my mind won't quiet.
“You don’t need to quit. You love your job.”
“Katsuki, I have to.”
Was it my fault? I replay every conversation in my head, dissecting every word, searching for signs I missed—clues that could have warned me, things I could have done differently. But there’s nothing, just endless questions with no answers. My lungs burn as I push harder, vision blurring with the tears I refuse to let fall. I could run his business, I could do the interviews, but on this side of the glass, everything feels impossible.
Helpless. That’s what I am.
We know the risks—we train for this, every single day, to make sure those mistakes don’t happen. But it’s been over 24 hours, and we still don’t even know his last steps. Katsuki was always the strong one. He was supposed to be the one fighting for me. We knew what we were getting into; we understood the dangers
Mina opened her home to me without hesitation, convinced it was the safest place for me to be. But she’s taken on so much—organizing meal trains, managing a steady stream of heroes who come and go, each one more exhausted and defeated than the last. They all tell me how sorry they are, how they’re doing everything they can.
But Mina’s house, my second home, full of laughter and late-night drunken conversations, feels emptier than it ever has. Every casserole dish and dessert left on her counter is a reminder of someone’s love, but it all feels hollow. Their words are kind, but registers as white noise. “He’s strong,” they say, “He’ll get through this.” But it only twists the knife deeper. They don’t understand—none of them do.
Nighttime is the worst. When the apartment goes quiet and everyone is gone, the weight of his absence suffocates me. I curl up in bed, clutching his hoodie, burying my face in the fabric that still smells like him—smoke and sugar, Katsuki—and I cry until my body feels empty. Every shadow in the room reminds me of him, and I want to scream until my throat bleeds. But I can’t. I can’t even turn on the lights.
Izuku tried to protect me, to shield me from the worst of it, but I saw it anyway. He looked… gone. The fire in his eyes snuffed out. I didn’t recognize him. The Katsuki I know would have fought, would have torn the room apart with his bare hands, but this version of him—he didn’t even flinch when they hit him.
He didn’t scream.
“Why’d you stop?” Kirishima’s voice breaks through the noise in my head, and I turn to see him jogging up behind me, his face tight with concern. He’s trying to be strong for me, but I see the cracks.
“oh, sorry,” I say, my voice trembling. I pick at my nails, my head bowed, staring at the ground. “I just… got lost.”
“In what?” His question hangs in the air, and I can’t bring myself to answer. I don’t have the words. I don’t even know how to start explaining the mess inside me.
“I don’t know what to do anymore, Eijiro,” I finally whisper, my voice barely audible, strangled by the tears I’ve held back for too long. “I don’t know how to help him.”
He steps closer, reaching out, but I recoil, the fury boiling over. I whirl around and slam my fist into the nearest tree, the bark digging into my skin, but I don’t care. It’s nothing compared to the pain that’s eating me alive. “I’m tired of the lies, of people treating me like I’m going to break. I need to know the truth.”
Kirishima flinches, his eyes brimming with a sadness that makes my chest ache. “I’m sorry. I wish I had answers. I wish I could do more.”
“Then why don’t you tell me anything?” I shout, tears streaming down my face. “You’re all in those rooms, making decisions. You know where he is, what they’re doing to him, and no one tells me a damn thing. I’m his wife, Eijiro. I have a right to know.”
I pace back and forth, every breath a struggle, every word a plea. “I can’t keep pretending. I’m losing him, and I can’t even fight for him. I saw the video. I saw what they did. He didn’t even look like himself anymore. They hit him, and he just… took it. Katsuki never just takes it.”
Kirishima’s gaze meets mine, and I can see the pain mirrored in his eyes, tears threatening to spill. “You really think I’d let them keep my best friend if I knew where he was?” His voice cracks, thick with emotion.
“I’d tear this city apart to get him back if I could. We’re doing everything we can, but we don't know anything. They’ve benched all of us, not just you.” He pauses, his voice dropping to a broken whisper. “I’m still a hero, but right now, I feel just as powerless as you. You’re not the only one drowning in this, soldier.”
I shake my head, my voice breaking into a sob. “I'm sorry."
Kirishima closes the distance, pulling me into his arms, and I let myself crumble. “I just want him back,” I whisper, my voice lost against his shoulder. “I just want my husband back.”
We stand there, holding onto each other as the world continues to spin without him, every second feeling like a lifetime of heartbreak.
Part Four:
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I'll take it one day at a time - M.H x Reader // pt.7
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A/N: this took a while to write soz my loves TW: hard drugs especially in this one, please take care of yourself! Also very NSFW minors do not interact. I had a fun time writing it and an even better time listening to @beforeyougo-turnthebiglightoff (absolute cunt) tell me i'm evil❤️ Enjoy yourself my loves!!
wc: 5k
part eight
It hurts 
Everything hurts. This impossible pain that was eating you alive from the inside out. You missed him, it was like a part of you had been ripped out of you. Since the day you met you hadn't spent more than two or three days apart, and even that was by force of either his parents or yours.
You kept replaying that day in your mind. The way he had looked at you, his eyes wide and teary, begging you to let him explain. Maybe you should have stayed, made him tell you exactly what had happened. What made it all worse was that Ruby was a part of all this. She had given it to him in the first place, the thought made your stomach churn.
The past few days had been spent laying in your bed, curled up in a ball under dirty covers. He had lied to you. The lights were dim, barely illuminating the numerous piles of plates that littered the surfaces in your room. Your mother had tried multiple times to get you out of bed, but you just ignored her, not being able to find the strength. 
Hann had come over, meeting your mother in the process. She had directed him to your room, saying something about your boyfriend leaving you. Completely false, since you hadn't said anything to her. She liked to assume things, taking on whatever narrative helped her feel better.
The door creaked open, light flooding the otherwise dark room. 
His hand brushed against your arm as he sat down at the foot of your bed, his eyes filled with worry. You didn't speak at first, refusing to make eye contact. It hurt too much. 
“Darling, where is Matty?” The pet name made your heart wrench, reminding you of him. The pit in your stomach just dug itself deeper, and it felt like a thousand knives were stabbing into you always. 
You shrug your shoulders, honestly not knowing where he was. Matty had called and called, texting you hundreds of times begging you to talk to him. By the second day, you had already switched off your phone, chucking into a corner, forgotten. 
“No one knows where he is, George is having a proper meltdown.” he continues, his voice slightly shaky, the anxiety in it evident. He tells you how they had tried his house, and it turning up empty. Mattys parents were away, and nobody knew how to get ahold of them. 
“Adam.” was all you could muster, not having spoken in days. The creak of the bed is deafening as you turn around to face him, looking up. “He..” your voice cracks, tears welling up in your eyes. 
“...he did something. Heroin.” you manage to finish your sentence before breaking out into tears again, clutching his arm. “He promised he wouldnt do it again.” the sound of Mattys voice filled your mind, broken promises and lies.
“I believed him.” you force out, your eyes pleading with Hann to say something. 
“Jesus Christ, are you serious?” The question is rhetorical. He knows. 
The day is spent with Adam comforting you through crying fits and feelings of blame, even bringing you water and food. 
You ask for a spliff, that being the only thing you knew would calm your nerves. Not having done anything else since your fight with Matty, you were starting to feel small symptoms of withdrawal. Cold sweat, dizziness, you had even thrown up once or twice into the bin next to your desk.
Hann, like the angel he is, pulls out a baggie of weed, rolling you a spliff. You ask him to open the window to let the smoke out, not quite in the mood for a hotbox. He obliges, and the warm air that is let into the room feels nice. The light helps too, letting you see the absolute state your room was in. 
The haze of the weed calms you down, your crying down to only silent tears rolling down your face as Adam tries to speak to you. You don't listen, his voice sounds distorted and far away. At some point, he gets up to leave, telling you to switch on your phone. When you don't react, he searches for it, finding it underneath a pile of clothes. Turning it on, he sets it onto the nightstand, pressing a comforting kiss to your forehead as the door closes behind him.
You were alone. 
With the spliff almost down to the filter, you chuck it into the rubbish, noticing Adam had cleared the vomit from it. It dwindles out, burning a small whole into the plastic of the fresh bin bag. Staring at the wall for what felt like an eternity, you hear your phone start to ring. 
You think it's Adam calling, making sure you were eating the sandwich he had made you, so you pick up, not bothering to look at the ID. The receiver picks up only silence for the first few seconds of the call, then heavy breaths fill your ears. Matty. 
Your heart jumps at the sound of him breathing on the other end of the line, dread filling you instantly. Something was wrong, you could feel it.
“I-'' he cuts himself off, a laboured groan leaving his lips. “I don't..” 
Something starts in you, and you jump to your feet. Eyes darting around the room to locate your keys, you tug your shoes on while holding the phone between your ear and shoulder. 
“Where are you?” you say, trying to remain calm. “Matty, where the fuck are you.” you repeat, your voice sounding more urgent. 
His answer is barely audible, but you understand. 
“I'm at Carolines..- please- I can't..” the line goes dead, the dial tone as loud as sirens in your head. 
You push past your mother, ignoring her requests to know where you're going. This wasn't the time, you had to get to him, now. 
You were never particularly athletic, always opting to cut P.E in favour of smoking a spliff behind the bushes with one George or Matty. Breathing heavily, you sprint down the street towards the old paper factory, dodging cars and people like it was an olympic sport.
Out of breath and sweaty, the last bolt up the flight of stairs leading to the terrace was difficult, your legs almost giving out on you multiple times. The door to the platform was already open when you finally made it to the top. 
Your heart stops when you see curls peeking out from the side of the sofa, falling limply over the material of the armrest. A soft groan echoes through the air, pained and tired. 
The sight of him will be burned into your mind until the day you die. Matty is half laying half sitting on the cushions, an old pillow holding him up, his skin deathly pale, even more so than usual. Tears run down his face, track marks littering the inside of his forearms. 
“I’m- i’m s-so sorry, I didn't-” his words are weak, still coming from a very bad high. You start to take care of him, just like you did in that bathroom all those weeks ago. The needle is still in his arm, dirty and used, he winces when you pull it out, chucking it off of the balcony. 
“We need to- you need help, Matty, I'm serious.” His eyes widen at your statement, his free hand reaching up to grab you. “P-please, don't call anyone.” he starts, visibly shaking. “I dont- i just want you.. no one else.” he’s scared. You've never seen him scared before, the fear visible on his face. 
“Just hold still, let me-” You have no experience in cleaning wounds of any kind, but you try your best, finding a pack of tissues in your bag, wiping down his arm. 
His hands are still shaking, and they feel cold to the touch. It breaks your heart to see him like this, scared and cold, not knowing what to do. 
“Please don't tell anyone.'' He forces the words out of his mouth, making eye contact with you. 
“I won't. But this is the last time.” you answer, stroking his upper arm comfortingly. He looks wrecked, dark circles under his eyes, hair obviously unwashed. He was wearing the same clothes he was when you last saw him
“Do you have anything else on you?” you ask, holding out your hand. You weren't letting him do this again. Never again. 
He nods, taking a kit out of his pocket. Inside, another needle, a spoon, and a small baggie. Taking it out of his hands, you walk over to the edge of the terrace, shaking the sandy coloured substance out onto the street, letting it fly into the wind to disappear. 
The needle was broken in two, also thrown over the edge of the terrace. Gone 
Matty let out soft groans as he moved to properly lay down, asking you to sit with him. You do, lowering yourself onto the ground next to the sofa, your hand reaching up to stroke his face. His tears still stream down his face, and you wipe them away, smiling at him. 
“I'm moving in with you.”
“I missed you.”
Both of you spoke at the same time, your voices overlapping. He raises his eyebrows at you, words forming in his mouth before dying. 
“Okay.” he nods, accepting your decision. 
“I’ve told Hann. We’re getting you clean, I don't care if you want to or not.” 
“I love you.” the words slip out of your mouth, hitting him just as hard as they did you. He squeezes your hand, leaning down for a kiss. He doesn't say it back. The two of you sit there, staring into each other's eyes. Mattys breathing becomes more regular, and so do his pupils. 
“Don't do that ever again, please.” your voice is small, audibly shaking. 
“I won't.” a wave of deja vu washes over you
He won't. 
What are we?
“Fuck you are! You're not going anywhere” your mothers shrill voice pierces your ears, and you shake your head. Packing your things, you walked around grabbing the remaining clothes out of your wardrobe, stuffing them into a suitcase. 
Your mother had tried to stop you, but she couldn't. Having turned 18 a while ago, you were free to go wherever you pleased. Mattys house was already filled with a bunch of your stuff, and you had been sleeping over there more often than in your own bed. What was the difference?
“If you leave now, you're not my daughter anymore.” she said quietly, almost expectantly. 
You roll your eyes.
“Never really was, was I?” that was all you needed to say. All you've been wanting to say for years. Her eyes widen, and you turn around as the hurt spreads onto her face. 
The door shuts with a loud bang, the sound echoing through the neighbourhood. 
The days dragged by as Matty became more and more restless, making it entirely your problem. No amount of weed could calm him down, jittery and shaking. The itch was there for you as well, albeit not as strong as Mattys, who was close to crying by the looks of it. 
But he had promised you, and was intending to keep said promise even if it was extremely uncomfortable, the headache that was spread throughout his head wasn't helping either.
The two of you had spent the day in each other's arms, a blanket draped over you. The TV was quiet, the lights flickering over Mattys face softly as he pulled your lips into a firm kiss. 
‘What are we?’
You push the thought out of your head, letting yourself be kissed. His hand drew small circles onto the side of your arm, ever so often stopping to lightly pinch at the skin, making you jump. You felt his smile against your lips, the feeling only comparable to some sort of divinity. It was soft moments like these that made you forget everything else. The fighting, the drugs, the others.
You had called Hann, letting him know that you and Matty needed space. Withholding most details, like the state you had found him in, you assure him of Mattys wellbeing, stating “He’s going through it, but I've got it under control. Denise doesn't know, and don't tell her when she comes back.” His mother was set to make a return sometime in the next couple months, you overheard her tell Matty on the phone.  
The kiss deepens, with Matty attempting to slip his tongue into your mouth, and you let him. Since this started happening, it had always been you that had control of the situation, not letting him even get a taste of power before pushing him down, telling him to “Be good for me, yeah? I'll give you what you want, just…” 
His hand threads itself in your hair, and you gasp at the slight tug he gives it. The look in his eye when you finally glance up makes your breath hitch. Pupils completely blown out, he looks at you with an expression that can only be described as pure lust.
He pulls away for a split second, his eyes asking you a silent question. You nod.
Immediately, his hands are occupied with pushing your shirt up, hands palming your tits, and you feel rough calluses against your skin, making you moan. It seems like all of the oxygen had been sucked out of the room when he pressed a searing hot kiss onto your ribs, slowly working his way to run his tongue across your peaked nipple, making your back arch back into him. 
He lets out a low, almost animalistic groan as you grind against him, your hips rolling onto his steadily growing erection. A flicker of pride flashed through you at the thought of you being the reason he was worked up after a few kisses and a look. You smile, raking a hand through his hair as he kisses down your stomach, quickly stopping him before he could go and lower. 
“Can we switch?” you ask, batting your eyelashes, a faux innocent expression. He nods vigorously, letting you climb on top of him. 
The look he gave you when you started to grind down onto him is priceless, wide eyes and parted lips staring back at you. You kiss down his neck, leaving aggressive hickeys in your wake, marking him up. He adjusts underneath you, and you reach a hand up to his chest, raking your hand over the expanse of it. The nipple piercing catches your eye, the black metal almost shimmering in the light. 
“O-oh my go- fuckk-” his moans fill the air when you tug on it, a sharp pain reverberating through his body, and you feel him twitch against your leg. Your teeth find the piercing, biting down and pulling again, drinking in the noises he makes in response. Hands find his sides, thumbing at his ribs, trying to distract from the pain coming from his chest. 
“You want me?” you ask, smugly, seeing his expression rapidly change. He looks blissed out, and you haven't even properly touched him yet. The next words to come out of your mouth make his breath hitch and his hips buck upwards in desperation. 
“Want me to suck you off? I promise I'm good.” you mock his words, grinning at him in the same manner he did. The sight of you perched on top of him and your question almost made him cum in his pants, again. 
“P-please, i promise i won't touch- just.. please” his voice cracks as he says the last word, morphing into a drawn out moan, the sound going straight to your core. 
“But- i want you to get off first.” he never ceases to surprise you, his statement making you perk up, raising an eyebrow at him. “You can, you know..” he vaguely gestures at his thigh, eyes avoiding yours. A laugh escapes you when you realise what he meant, an extremely unsexy snort leaving your lips. 
“You want me to.. Seriously? Grind on your thigh?” he cringes at the way you say it, flexing his legs under you. “Well, yeah, you're pretty and I like to.. watch you?” he sounds unsure, like you're about to laugh at him again. The compliment takes you by surprise, butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
You don't speak anymore, instead sitting up straight, towering over him. Mattys breathing becomes even more irregular than it already was, his chest rising and falling up and down rapidly. “Okay, i'll do it.'' Your voice is breathless and small, but his reaction is thankful, hands finding your hips comfortingly.
Your fingers toy with the hem of Mattys shirt, which was now pulled back down. He nods, giving you permission to take it off of him, softly moaning as it brushes against his nipple, still sensitive and raw from your previous attack on his chest. 
Your lack of pants in the first place helped you settle onto his thigh comfortably, the shirt you had on covering most of you. You could feel his gaze on you, watching your every move. An experimental grind onto his jean-clad thigh made a spark of pleasure lick up your spine, a soft moan leaving your lips as you make eye contact with Matty. He urges you on, hands creeping up to cup your tits again, softer this time. 
You grind down harder, feeling a dull pleasure spread throughout your body. Matty lets out a quiet groan at the sight of you using him to get off, getting even harder than he thought possible. Speeding up, you settle into a distinct rhythm, your hips ever so slightly guided by Mattys hands resting on them. 
“You look so pretty like this.”
He sounds genuine, his eyes raking over your body with a look of adoration. You smile, letting out a moan as he tensed his thigh slightly, upping the pressure against your clit. Lowering down to catch his lips in a desperate kiss, you can feel yourself get closer to the edge, Mattys tongue licking into your mouth only spurring you on. 
“Fuck- Matty.” you look down, seeing Mattys eyes still on you makes something ignite within you, the rubber band in your core tightening even more. His hands play with your nipples, thumbing at the skin, leaving light kisses on the back of your hand. His expression is sickly sweet, almost cocky. You cup his face, kissing him roughly as you feel yourself throttling towards your orgasm. 
A hand finds his cock, firmly palming him through his jeans, making him groan into your mouth. You can feel a wet patch forming on the front of his pants, soaking them with precum. A particularly pathetic moan and skilled twist of your nipple from Matty makes you fall apart on his thigh, legs shaking as you grind your way through your climax. 
Your breathing is heavy when you finally start to come down from your high, Matty jumpy and twitchy underneath you, watching you collect yourself. There's a wet patch on the front of his jeans where you had just been, perfectly matching the one he had caused all by himself. 
“Is this all f’me?” you ask, your hand stroking him through the material of his pants, watching him clench his fists at his side. You bat your eyelashes at him again, and he lets out a short string of please’s and begging. The sight in front of you is absolutely delicious, Matty panting and squirming, his curls sticking to his forehead.
“Relax for me baby, let me take care of you.” you coo, watching his reactions closely. He throws his head back, hitting the pillows as he lets out another loud groan. Your hand moves to the zipper of his jeans, slowly unbuttoning them. The tent in his boxers is obvious, his cock straining against the thin material.
Your nails graze his thigh, digging into the skin. You knew he liked a bit of pain to his pleasure, and you were going to give him just that. 
His hand finds your hair as you pull down his boxers, letting his erection spring out. Precum dribbled down the side, coating his cock in a layer of shine. Your hand wraps around him, giving him a light squeeze. The moan he lets out is heavenly, and you stroke up and down the length of him, thumbing his slit. He shudders, his hand tightening in your hair. 
“Please- do something.” you listen to him, reaching down to drag your tongue up the underside of his cock. Sputtering and moaning, he mutters out “T-thank you, fuck, thats so good.” 
You do the same again, taking him into your mouth. He feels heavy on your tongue, precum spilling out of the tip. 
“I’m not gonna last- i’m sorry I-” you cut him off with a graze of your teeth along the inside of his thigh. His thighs tense as your hand grasps the base of his cock, stroking what your mouth can't take. You bob your head, groans of pleasure leaving his lips as he bucks up into your mouth. He tries to apologise, and you tell him you’ll stop if he does that again. 
Nodding, he watches as your hand tugs at him, your bright nails a stark contrast to the leaking head of his cock. The sight is erotic, the way your red-rimmed mouth moves up and down his length, taking him deeper each time.
“I can’t- i’m going to-” he tries to pull you off of him, but you resist, instead speeding up your movements, desperately trying to bring him to the edge. Your eyes are watering and you can feel spit dripping down the side of your chin, but that didn't matter to you. You needed to feel Matty come undone in your mouth, and you were so close.
He whined, bucking up into your mouth, biting back yet another apology. 
“F-fuck-” is your only warning before he spills into yor mouth, hot ropes of cum painting the back of your throat. His hand never left your hair, gripping onto it for dear life as you worked him through his orgasm. 
Sticking out your tongue to show off what he had done, Matty screws his eyes shut at the sight, a groan leaving his parted lips. You swallow.
“That was.. So fucking good.” you giggle at the praise, crawling up to kiss him deeply. He can taste himself on your tongue, moaning softly into the kiss. You reach down to play with the piercing on his chest. The sounds he made were too heavenly to make you stop. 
The hickeys you had sucked into the skin of his neck and chest made you gawk at him, admiring your work. 
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” he smirks at you, cocky. You take out the camera you kept in your bag, which was conveniently sitting on the glass table adjacent to the sofa. Angling the camera so you could capture everything, the flash goes off three separate times. It blinds him the first time, making his eyes shut at the light. 
The second picture is better, with Matty looking at you instead of the camera, a provocative grin spread onto his face. He was always a sucker for attention, absolutely relishing in it. The picture perfectly caught the deep purple of the marks you had left on him, contrasting his pale skin perfectly. 
The third picture though, was your favourite. Your hand had made its way to his nipple, pulling at the piercing right before snapping the photo. His face contorted in a mix of pain and pleasure, mouth slightly open with his eyes almost fully closed. He sure was a sight for sore eyes, the expression igniting a fire in you. 
Leaning down to kiss him, you chuck the camera somewhere behind you, hearing it hit cushions on the other end of the sofa. The moment was soft, tender, like a fond memory. 
One thing ruined it all. A nagging feeling at the back of your mind you just couldn't calm.
"What are we?" 
It had taken days of convincing to get Matty to go with you. Ross and Adam had invited you to dinner, and George was also going to be there. He was reluctant to go, not wanting to face any of them. After hours of pleading and a makeout session, you stood by the door and watched as he put his shoes on. 
 You both walked hand in hand down the street, taking a shortcut through an old junkyard. Hann was probably just as nervous as Matty was to see him again, and you told him as much. Matty just shrugged, eyes glued to the ground in front of him. 
The ring of the doorbell as you pressed it made him finally look up. Ross answered, eyes softening and he saw you both. He pulled you in for a hug, pressing a kiss to your shoulder. Matty was twitchy and frankly, scared, to see everyone again. The way he had acted made him cringe inwardly. 
“Hey Matty.” Ross spoke as he pulled him in for one of his big man hugs. Matty hugged him back, finally smiling. It was okay, everything was going to be okay. 
The conversation had been hard at first, with Hann going on his ‘drugs are bad for you’ rant again. Matty sat and listened, and so did you, squeezing his hand under the table when Adam finally finished, getting up to put on the kettle.
George was sitting on the couch, eyeing you as you went to plop next to him. Everything seemed normal, except for Hann’s incessant rambling and checking if everything was alright, which was pretty regular now that you really thought about it. 
The night was spent laughing and watching Pulp Fiction on the telly. It felt like old times, before everything had gone to shit. You smile fondly at the memories of Matty and Ross almost killing each other over trivial games of FIFA, clawing at each other until Hann finally pulled them apart. 
You watch the others, absolutely engrossed in the movie, with soft munching coming from the direction of Ross and his bag of prawn cocktail crisps. He had an obsession with the flavour, reluctant to try anything else. George had even offered him a tenner to swap with him his cheese flavoured ones, and he flat out refused. 
The night was calm, with you leaning against Mattys chest for the majority of the movie. You felt his breathing and heartbeat in his chest, it calmed you. Everything felt alright, and you could feel your eyes droop closed. The last thing you remember was Mattys hand stroking your hip lightly as you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, breathing in the scent of his cologne.   
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yurislotusgarden · 1 year
Hii! could I request ranpo and chuuya with a fem s/o who makes cute bento boxes for their lunch at work? (I was curious on how this would go, feel free to add any details you want!)
My bento!
ʚїɞ Separately! Nakahara Chuuya, Ranpo Edogawa, Sigma x F!Reader
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 1764 (Chuuya - 537, Ranpo - 664, Sigma - 561)
ʚїɞ Have Sigma as an extra bcs my ass forgot it was meant to be Ranpo instead of him after I was done with Chuuya's part
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None! Just pure fluff, pet names are used (barely), reader’s gender is not specified that much
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Nakahara Chuuya!
ཐིཋྀ He loves the bentos so much, well more like the fact that you take time to make them for him
ཐིཋྀ Tries to always eat them
ཐིཋྀ Once, when you started making them, he didn’t eat the food because he was so busy that day, and when he had a little free time, Chuuya decided it was a better idea to go on a stress smoke break (He tries to limit smoking to the minimum he can if you don’t like smoking/the fact that he does it. He knows it’s because you care about his health)
ཐིཋྀ It ended with you fussing over him eating almost nothing that day and he doesn’t like causing you stress or making you worry so he makes sure to eat those bentos😭
ཐིཋྀ He may be an executive but this man is not embarrassed at all to eat those bentos in front of people, no matter how colorful or cutesy the food looks
ཐིཋྀ Food is food, he’s not gonna not eat cause you to worry just because the bento is one that doesn’t look like someone like him would eat
“Lad, may I ask where do you get those bentos from?”
It was a long time since Kouyou noticed Chuuya’s bentos, and she tried to ignore just how much she wanted to try one. The only reason why she didn’t is because she doesn’t know where he is getting them from.
The young woman looked at many shops in Yokohama and saw a few places with similar bentos, but it was easy to see that none of the stores were the ones where Chuuya kept getting his lunch from.
…She really wanted one for herself, especially with how obvious it was that they were delicious, kept quiet about it tho.
Chuuya turned towards the older woman, whom he came to see as an older sister over the years.
“They’re not bought from a shop.”
“You don’t buy them?”
“Not a single one of them. Actually,-”
Kouyou was confused. Where did he get a bento from every single day? She knows the younger of the two probably wouldn’t bother spending his free time making food for lunch definitely a day before, even if he did, it wouldn’t be so colorful or detailed. There were even rice balls decorated as bears and stuff, it obviously took time to make one. But if he wasn’t buying them,  then the only other option that came to her mind was-
“- [Name] makes them for me.”
“She does?”
“Yeah, and she’s yet to make one I dislike.”
It all makes sense now to the red-haired woman. You have more free time most of the time compared to Chuuya, and you were probably aware of the eating habits he had before.
The fact that you take time, quite a lot it seems if Kouyou was to guess, the bentos are even detailed, in a very cute style if she was to say, made a smile appear on her face.
“Mhm, you wanna try?”
“How could I refuse such an offer?”
The food was even better than she thought. Kouyou made a mental note to ask you if you would have a problem with making two bentos from time to time.
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Edogawa Ranpo!
ཐིཋྀ Another reason as to why he’s dating you -you give extra homemade sweets to the Bentos-
ཐིཋྀ He doesn’t even need to try to remember to eat it because he ends up eating it before lunch anyway -the reason behind you making more than one bento usually-
ཐིཋྀ He fucking boasts to everyone about the food😭
ཐིཋྀ “See what I have here? HAHA! Something you don’t and probably never will!” ← totally not Ranpo to anyone else -and totally not him to Dazai and Atsushi about the fact that they will probably never have homemade food like him-
ཐིཋྀ Don’t make the bentos with him in the kitchen unless you have prepared double the amount of food you plan to use. He uses any opportunity to snack on the not-ready-yet bentos
ཐིཋྀ BUT! He will share with you if he notices you’re hungry or just generally wanna eat it <3
“C’mon give me just a little piece!”
“Nope! [Name] made it for me! Make your own if you want a bento at work, Yosano-san!”
“I can’t make such a bento Ranpo-san!”
“Not my problem!”
With a pout, the brunette turned his chair away, trying to eat his food in peace. It’s one of his favorite bentos! You put his favorites in this one! The only thing he doesn’t like in it is the veggies which Ranpo would ignore or throw out but he knows that he won’t get his favorite candy made by you anytime soon if he does (the others will snitch if he throws them out, especially Dazai and Yosano they did that the one and only time he did so. He learned a lesson from that after you didn’t cook his favorite like you said you would that morning)
Ranpo could practically feel the eye-roll done by Yosano. “It’s not like it’s the only bento you had today.” It’s true, he ate a similar one 2 hours earlier. “Doesn’t matter. It’s my bento either way.” A sigh came from the woman.
And right when one would think his problem was solved, another arrived. 
“Ranpo-san! What an interesting bento you have there!”
“Go away Dazai. I’m not giving you a single piece of my food!”
“Oh c’mon! You can spare a little!”
“Nope! Especially not when it’s [Name]’s cooking!”
Seriously, can’t they leave him alone? He knows your cooking is good, everyone at the agency knows that! But he wishes that you’d never let Dazai taste your food. The bandaged man has horrible eating habits, you both know that, and yet he always tries to get his hands on Ranpo’s bentos. The audacity!
Ranpo could tell that Dazai's annoying mouth was about to open again before someone interrupted him.
"I can make bentos for you too if you like them so much, Dazai-san"
Isn't that his angel who came to visit him at his oh-so-tiring job? Lovely timing, if Ranpo was to say, but there was one problem.
Among ‘hello’s and ‘hi’s from others upon noticing you, gasps could be heard, from 2 men specifically.
"You would do that for me?!"
"Excuse me?!"
What is this?! There's no way that you’re gracing anyone else with the perfection that are your his bentos!
“Hm?” It’s easy to see for anyone in the room that you were confused.
“[Name]-chan, if you could be so nice, could I ask for a bento with cra-”
“No no no! Shut up Dazai! She’s not making you any bentos! In your dreams!”
In the end, while Ranpo and Dazai at first thought that you wouldn’t make the taller brunette a bento after your conversation at that moment, you indeed did as a surprise. 
The best detective in the world didn’t like that but he allowed you to after bribing him and reminding him that if you can get Dazai to eat, you will, no matter if Ranpo will allow you to make a bento for him or not.
Dazai's happy scream the next day could probably be heard throughout the whole building.
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ཐིཋྀ He didn’t think he’d be able to adore you more than he already does, and yet you found a way to make him do so
ཐིཋྀ He tries to eat the bentos every day but it isn’t that rare that he forgets about eating altogether when faced with a mountain of paperwork or problems in the casino
ཐིཋྀ He loves how they look and taste. He, at one point, will ask if you can teach him how to cook. Like not even necessarily a bento, just to learn since he doesn’t want the kitchen to end up in flames one day, he’s aware he sucks at cooking
ཐིཋྀ He probably would be a little embarrassed by eating it. Not because of how colorful or cutesy they are, but because of the looks he gets from people who see it. 
ཐིཋྀ The stares aren’t criticizing or anything, others just don’t expect that their boss/the manager of the casino would eat food that looks like that
ཐིཋྀ Someone was probably jealous because he has homemade bentos like that and they have some store-bought sandwiches 💀
“It’s mine actually. Sorry, I forgot to take this from here earlier.”
The man standing in front of the bar was shocked.
He’s been sitting there and drinking not too much for some time now. At one point he noticed the bartender taking out a bento from under the bar, the lid see-through enough to see the food inside. He has to say, the detail and overall look were very cute, it definitely took time to make it look so.
The man had thought that the bento was made by someone for the bartender (In his mind it was a fair thought as he didn’t think that one could buy a bento like that anywhere close to a place like this. Especially if you work there).
The slightly shorter man changed his thought upon noticing that the bartender didn’t touch the food he had taken out (later on the lunch break he took out something else to eat)
Around 2 hours after the lunch break, -the bento still untouched, he noticed- the man decided to finally ask, curiosity winning over after all the time spent at the bar seat.
“Excuse me, who is the owner of the bento? I couldn’t help but notice that it hasn’t been touched at all.”
And he really chose the worst time to ask that question didn’t he? Right as the person to whom the bento belonged to, came.
“I-It’s yours sir?”
“Yes, why?”
How is he supposed to answer? That he didn’t think that such a cute-looking bento -that if he could he would consider stealing, it looks delicious and definitely better than his sandwich- can belong to the ever so stoic and calm manager of the sky casino?
“No reason! Was just that curious, that’s all! after all, the bento was lying here for the past, almost, 3 hours by now.”
“Ah, understandable then”
The bi-colored-haired man turned to the bartender, who was already giving the box over to him.
“Thank you for keeping it here for me, Shuichi-kun”
“no problem, Sigma-san. [Name]-san also told me to tell you-”
Yeah, the man needs a break from the confusion and shock for the next week.
And Sigma? He’s just happy you leave the bentos somewhere he can take them from when you know he’s busy.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated <3
Do not copy or translate my works on/to any site
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minhosbitterriver · 3 months
hi it’s 👽 i saw that you wrote about a reader that smokes weed in your felix oneshot and i was just wondering what type of potheads you think skz members would be
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POTHEADS — stray kids
스트레이 키즈 ⨳ genre/s: headcanons (?) ⨳ warnings: obviously the members of skz are stoners, mentions of anxiety, stress, feeling overwhelmed, let me know if i missed anything please i’m high ⨳ rating: 18+ ⨳ word count: 1.8k ⨳ summary: green decides what kind of stoners the stray kids members are. 
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🍃 방찬 — BANG CHAN. 
I feel like he started smoking weed after he heard it helped relieve anxiety and stress as well as  insomnia. He keeps a bong in his bedroom right under his bed so he can give it a few hits right before bed. Chan also seems to me like the kind of person who would walk around with a handful of neatly-rolled joints in a small tin box that also carries a lighter. It’s often that Chan would excuse himself and walk towards his car just to smoke a joint to calm his mind as soon as his anxiety started to get the better of him, and he would return to work red-eyed and freshly sprayed cologne that everyone pretended to not notice. 
When he’s high alone he almost always finds himself staring at the ceiling with a blank expression for a long while, just feeling the blissful emptiness of his own mind. He also just sleeps heavily, like sometimes he’ll be immediately knocked out after a hit of his bong or two. If he’s high while working he finds it easier to focus and really get into the zone of the most routine parts of it, and sometimes being high really helps him think better when it comes to writing. It’s mostly just a hit or miss. 
However, when he’s high along with friends, it becomes a different story entirely. He’s just so energetic, so talkative and giggly — there’s a reason he’s so popular amongst idols. He treats the world like a wonder that delights him every single time. Whatever story you tell him, it is received with great enthusiasm and it’s the very thing most like about him. 
On the downside, smoking as much as he does really causes memory loss for him, and it’s a struggle he accepts if it means a good night’s sleep. He actually did try to stay sober for at least a month and found that he hated who he became without weed since he didn’t have anything to console his anxiety or to knock him out for the night. 
🍃 리노 — LEE KNOW. 
Minho doesn’t exactly give me stoner vibes, but I do think he enjoys eating edibles (a.k.a. Felix’s brownies) every once in a while to take the edge off or to relax with the boys. If he’s feeling a little more adventurous, he’ll smoke from whatever the others are smoking from — bong, pipe, joint, whatever. Generally speaking, though, I wouldn’t consider him to be a full-blown pothead since I don’t think he’s the kind to enjoy the feeling of not being in control of his awareness often. 
Regardless of if he’s alone or not, I think he would be the kind of guy who would just eat constantly. As a matter of fact, don’t even talk to him if you don’t have something to feed him. It’s ridiculous, honestly. When he is eating, though, he’s so giggly. Jokes that he wouldn’t laugh at, he finds to be the funniest damn thing in the world — just no thought process going on, just giggles. 
🍃 창빈 — CHANGBIN. 
Changbin started smoking as a teenager and this is a hill I’m willing to die on even though there’s literally nothing that I could say to justify this opinion — I can just picture him sneaking out of the house and school to smoke joints with his buddies and then enjoying the nauseous thrill of getting away with it when he’d return to where he’s supposed to be. I think this might be when he discovered his passion for rapping, I think he was goofing around with his friends singing and rapped a little too well. He probably became curious about it and started doing research and trying to write some verses for himself. 
Perhaps he tried to quit around the time of his debut, though, since he wanted to remain sober and sharp during this extremely crucial period of his career. He did so well for a long time, you’d never tell he used to get high all the time back in his teenage years. But then he recognized the familiar scent of weed in the dormitories with the other members and quickly found out it was because of Chan — that was enough for him to return to his old ways, his leader was doing it while being the company’s golden child. 
Presently, I believe Changbin only smokes out of a bong. He’s at that point in life where he doesn’t really care about leaving something so obviously related to weed out in his room, so he keeps it in the bathroom cabinet that he uses by himself in his own apartment. There’s not a moment he’s home but not high, it’s the first thing he does when he wakes up, comes back home, and goes to sleep. That bong is always packed, and he genuinely loves it that way. It just makes him feel like he’s traveled back to the days he was young and naive, writing only for himself and rapping in exchange for the laughter of his friends. 
While high, he’d also feel starved all the time. It’s not uncommon for him to be eating so much after getting high — which explains the constant jokes the other members make about him loving to eat so much, he’s always high. He’s also very loud and giggly, and just loves making other people laugh. However, if you catch him alone, he’d likely rope into you a very intense conversation in which you confess your darkest thoughts and feelings though he never judges and keeps it to himself. 
🍃 현진 — HYUNJIN. 
Being such a devout artist and enjoyer of the arts, I wouldn’t be surprised at all if he stumbled upon like-minded people who happened to also spend time smoking weed. He’d love it from the first puff of smoke, freely allowing his mind to fog up as he melted into every tingle of his skin that seemed to follow the beat of the music playing in the distance. This would be the moment that would forever change the course of his life as he soon found himself obsessed with perfecting the art of rolling a flawless joint. 
He would often add various types of flowers into his joint just to enhance his experience. The beautiful mixture of the very different types of flowers was absolutely intoxicating, and it always inspired him with an abundance of creativity that he always spilt into either the blank canvases he’d buy in dozens or the hundreds of half-filled notebooks he collected everywhere. 
I feel like Hyunjin and Changbin would enjoy smoking together a lot. Changbin already likes having deep conversations when he’s like this, and I feel like Hyunjin would also enjoy having these types of conversations as well as the philosophical ones. And I think Hyunjin would like smoking with Felix, too, since they’d always end up listening to soft music that makes them feel like they’re levitating while describing every thought that crosses their mind. 
Sometimes he would accidentally get too high, which then causes to become very anxious. For this, he always carries various crystals in his pockets for him to fiddle with as a way to ground himself. But overall, I’d kill to smoke with him so we can be artists together and then maybe even share our works and have a whole discussion about it all. It just sounds so peaceful to me. 
🍃 한 — HAN. 
Han was encouraged by Chan to start smoking, that much I would say. He’s just so overwhelmed with anxiety, constantly feeling as though he were a cup full of water that is just about to spill over. So Chan invited him into his world of soothing serenity as he’d smoke him out for a while. Eventually Han just started getting his own pipe and his own weed. 
His memory is absolutely shot as of now, but it’s okay because he’s not so overly-conscious of the fact that he’s constantly perceived by other people so he’ll consider it a win anyway. He would constantly smell like weed, which the other members find irritating because they’d panic about someone finding out they all smoke. He just always gets a little too high and forgets that he’s not supposed to be a pothead. 
🍃 이용복 — FELIX. 
I’m not sure when exactly he would start smoking, but I do know he would be the kind of guy to mindlessly always be smoking people out when he smokes. He just enjoys having company when he’s taking the edge off, he definitely sees socializing as smoking and vice versa. It’s very rare to catch him hanging out with a friend and not smoking with them. 
Whenever he finds out about a tour or a long trip away from home for work, he’s always sure to bake some treats so he can still get high without drawing too much attention to himself with the smell. He’s just paranoid, but it’s fine. Felix also just likes bragging about his baking skills since nobody ever really tastes the usual twinge of weed, it could really pass as a normal brownie until it hits you an hour later. 
Yeah, he’s always high, I’m so certain of it, he’s just very good at hiding it. 
🍃 승민 — SEUNGMIN. 
Seungmin was probably very bewildered when he found out his members smoked weed, always watching them get high while he sat in a corner quietly. He’d be so curious to know what it felt like, but the members didn’t let him even hold a lighter before he was old enough to. That doesn’t mean he didn’t constantly irritate the members while trying to take a puff whenever they smoked together. 
As soon as he was considered an adult, he bought himself so much weed along with a brand new bong as well as a whole box of prerolls to celebrate. He did stop smoking it pretty soon after, though, because he realized the risks of damage to his throat if he continued so he now settles with the edibles. 
He’s very goofy when he’s high, too, always throwing sly jokes left and right as if his life depended on it. He just likes making others laugh since the silence feels too loud. I’d also dare say he becomes very sleepy easily as well, so he’d probably be the first to knock out in the middle of a smoking session. 
🍃 아이엔 — I.N.
Jeongin definitely had mixed feelings about his members smoking when he found out. He was raised with the very emphasized idea that smoking and doing drugs will definitely lead to your own demise so he was definitely very concerned for his members. However, everyone was very surprised when he actually asked to smoke for his birthday to celebrate his becoming an official adult — he just wanted to at least try it out before he condemned something. 
Him getting into the sticky world of potheads was probably even more surprising. Jeongin is mostly a social smoker, but sometimes he enjoys rolling very uneven joints for himself to smoke when he’s particularly overwhelmed. Overall, he’s very much quiet when high, always observing everyone else with an occasional laugh every now and then. It almost feels like he’s watching a scene from a movie, he’d say. 
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posted: 06 • 30 • 2024
💬 a note from green;
This was honestly so much fun to do while stoned myself, I genuinely want to smoke with all the members of SKZ so badly. I’m also so psyched to find fellow stoner stays on here, let’s all smoke together please and thank you. Thank you so much for the request! Sending you all the love!
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( ����️ ) permanent taglist: @agi-ppangx
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imshymorph · 7 months
Remember how i said i’d post about Ghost? Well, here it is, but i’m not sure how soft it is. It’s hurt-comfort with about 99% hurt and 1% comfort. enjoy :) a/n: this one is kinda long, a little over 1.7k words. i’d like to say it’s properly proof read but i’m exhausted so i might’ve not done a great job.
Simon was in the small balcony in his flat in Manchester, cigarette hanging from his parted lips as he looked out at the empty streets below and then to the dark clouds above. It had to be close to 3am, he had gotten back from a mission less than a week ago. Hadn’t slept or eaten properly before shipping out two weeks prior either.
He tried to convince himself he was fine, he had gone for longer with as little sleep and food. Had managed all kinds of tortures and traumas, he’d handle this too. He refused to acknowledge the way his body had started to feel heavier, how he almost felt delirious. Not even sure when he had come out with the intention to smoke. Time stopped making sense a while ago.
- - - - -
When he heard a sound coming from inside his shoulders tensed, even if it could have been anything really. Or even nothing at all, seeing how exhausted he really was. But he still turned, trespassing the balcony’s frame as his tired but well trained eyes studied the inside of his living room. Nothing seemed amiss.
When he was about to turn again to go back out, he heard some shifting and then a voice. “Thought you said you were quitting, Riley.” His whole body tenses, his hand reaching up to take the almost fully burned through cigarette off his lips.
“Who is there?” He asks, his voice rough and gravely from disuse and tiredness. His eyes took in every inch of the room, much more alert than before. He couldn’t identify where the voice was coming from.
“You don’t know me? Think harder, Si.” He did know, of course he did. But it couldn’t be. There was no way he was hearing your voice.
If he had been tense before, it was like he was completely frozen now, body trembling. It couldn’t be you, but there was no other explanation. He swallowed thickly, needing a minute to focus again. The cigarette had fully consumed itself and slipped past his trembling fingertips to the hardwood floor under him, he didn’t even notice. “Doll? It can’t… Where are you?”
“Right behind you, darling.” You said softly, and he felt like his heart would up and leave his chest when your arms wrapped around his waist from behind. His breath stuttered as your chest pressed to his back, more when your lips kissed the space between his shoulders. “I missed you.” you said softly, and despite the way your words were muffled against his back and he was exhausted, he heard you as clear as day.
A shiver ran through his spine and in just a second he had turned around, wrapping you in his arms and tucking you against his chest, away from the rest of the world. “Missed you too, doll.” he barely murmured, “thought i… I didn't think I'd see you again.” he rasped out, his throat clenching and eyes watering as he held you.
“We promised we’d always find each other, right?” Gods, your voice was as sweet and soothing as he remembered. His embrace tightened and maybe it was the lack of sleep, lack of eating, how much he had missed you or all of them at once. But before he could even realise, he had buried his face in the crook of your neck, his tears slowly wetting your skin and the collar of your shirt.
“There’s no need to cry, Si, darling. I’m here now.” you whisper softly, and the way your hand buries in his overgrown hair, no longer kept buzzed, just makes him cry harder. He had missed this, missed you. All of you. “I’m always with you.”
“I miss you.” He murmured, voice gruff and strained against the skin of your neck. “Every single day, doll.” A soft and hiccupy sigh left him when your hand started to rub his back, the familiarity and comfort of the movement helping him recover his breath.
“Look at me, darling.” You say softly, rubbing his shoulders as his head slowly pulls back from its hiding place. Your hands then slide up his neck and to his cheeks, gently cupping them, drying his tears with your thumbs. “It wasn’t your fault, Simon. Don’t blame yourself, darling.”
Maybe it was your words, your tone or your touch. Hell it was probably all of them at once. But hearing that reassurance leave your lips made his head lower as he pulled you into his chest again. This time his face buried into your hair, smelling the scent he could only find left on your pillow. His eyes closed tightly as the memories rushed back, his hold around you tightened and he cried harder.
You pulled him close, your hands gently guiding his head back down to the crook of your neck. Just like you had done so many times before, when he had woken up after a horrendous nightmare. “I don’t blame you, Simon. No one does.” You reassure softly, keeping a hand on the back of his neck, grounding him. “Don’t do this to yourself, my love.”
He remained silent for a bit, your touch and voice slowly grounding him, pulling him from the memories that plagued his mind. “I should’ve been there. Should’ve known.” He whispers, and his voice is so shaky and weak that it feels like your heart is being shattered.
“Simon, you would have done more if you could have, darling. There was no way for you to know, no way to prevent it.” You reassured, one hand always on the back of his neck, thumb gently rubbing the side of it. The other one around his waist, having found its way under his shirt to make direct contact with his skin.
“I know” He murmurs, focusing on your touch, your smell and your warmth. Focusing on how you looked as stunning as the time he had first met you. Focusing on how he had you with him, then and there. “But still… I miss you so much.” he said in a shaky whisper.
“I know, darling. I miss you too, everyday.” You whisper back, your lips pressing on his forehead and a wave of warmth filling him from head to toes as consequence. “I know it’s hard, I know you’re scared. But you have to keep going, Si.” Your words, the softness and love they carried for him made him feel like he was laying under the shadow of a tree on a warm spring day. “If you can’t do it for yourself, then do it for me, my love.”
He didn’t reply for a long time, just stayed in your arms. Hearing your even breathing, feeling your stable heartbeat under his fingertips that rested on the pulsepoint on your neck. He just took a moment to feel, to feel you with him, to feel all the pain and the relief. All the love and the fear. “I’ll try for you, doll” he eventually managed to whisper.
“You’ll manage, I know you will.” You whisper softly, close to his ear so all he could hear and think of was you. “And someday, we’ll meet again. Don’t know when or where. But I know we will, Simon.” you reassure, his eyes closing as the both of you swayed softly from side to side.
“When we do,” He whispers after a comfortable silence, “I won't ever let you go. Not again.” He holds you a little tighter, his focus on you and solely you, his flat around him long forgotten as he swayed with you.
“We’ll stay together, darling. There’s nowhere else where I'd rather be but with you.” You whisper softly, and the light squeeze you give to the back of his neck only makes him melt into you. “I’m yours, always will be.”
He held you tightly, his head raising for your neck so he could kiss your forehead. “And I'll always be yours, always.” he murmured, his lips still brushing your forehead as he did. He had to stay like that for a few more seconds before he could manage to properly look at you.
The amount of love and adoration that your gaze held for him made him turn into mush. He could never understand, probably never would. But somehow he had managed to make a place for himself in your heart, even if he didn’t deserve it. And when he saw your face again, looking at him in such a sweet way, he felt like he was being torn apart just to be put back together by your soft touch.
“We’ll meet again, Si, on a sunny day.” you whispered softly, your hands moving to cup his cheeks. “Until then, keep going for me.” Your thumb brushed his cheekbone, your eyes always so kind looked into his.
“We’ll meet again.” He whispered back, his eyes closing as you pulled him into you once more, swaying the both of you. The soft motion started to make him feel more and more tired, the lack of sleep finally taking its toll as his breathing slowly evened out, his hold on you a bit more lax yet heavy.
“I love you, Simon.” You whispered, pulling him into the most loving kiss he had ever felt. His head leaned back against your shoulder as you held him close. And as he slowly drifted off into sleep, all he could feel was the touch of your lips on his, your body around him and the soft whisper of your love.
By the time Simon woke up it was almost midday. His brows furrowed as he felt around the bed, what used to be your side of the bed cold. His eyes slowly opened as he took in the room, as empty as it had been since your funeral, nearly everything hidden in the closet or under the bed so he wouldn’t be constantly reminded of what had happened.
He let out a deep sigh, moving to your side of your bed and tightly hugging you pillow to his chest. His eyes closed again as he pulled the covers higher, and a smile appeared on his lips when your i love you resonated in his ears.
He’d do it, he’d keep going only so he could meet you again.
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scoops-aboy86 · 8 months
literally so happy to hear you have wide open asks.... I LOVE the idea you brought up about Steve gaining weight just kinda slowly and steadily because he loves to eat and is tired of denying himself....... and how might Eddie respond to this newly relaxed and bigger Steve?
Hi, hello! Yeah, Steve needs a break, man. Those regularly unscheduled beatings take a toll, he’s just tired. I read something once that referred to him gaining weight after the Upside Down stuff is done for good as his “peace body” and that lives in my brain rent free. 
I hope this answers your question because I kind of got carried away:
Eddie loves relaxed Steve, especially as he unlearns some of his own “jocks bad nerds good” and “popular bad outcast good” dichotomies that he’s built up as part of his armor over the years. Steve, he realizes, is not just a good dude, but a chill dude too. 
Sure, he’s a little fussy about his hair, and sometimes his clothes—complains a little when his polos start not quite fitting the way they used to, although Eddie personally can’t see any problem with that. Steve is just hot, okay? He was hot in gym class in those little green shorts, in basketball games in those little white shorts, and he’s just as hot (if not even prettier) lounging back with a joint in one hand, a soda in the other, and a little sliver of belly peeking out the bottom of his shirt. Because he’s happier now. Cozy. Eddie takes any opportunity he can get to lay his head on Steve’s lap because he has just the best thighs. 
Meanwhile, Steve—who’s only fussing because he’s had a thing for Eddie ever since “dontcha, big boy” launched him into a sexuality crisis last March, and he’s used to getting dates because he looks good, so he wants to look good—just sort of melts any time Eddie leans or lays on him. This has occasionally made him late for work or picking up Robin or the kids, but more often it just means that he asks “Can you get me…” a lot. Which is difficult for him to do! Because he’s used to the idea that he can take care of himself, and he can take care of other people, but why should other people have to take care of him? But he can and has sat still for hours if it means that Eddie gets in a decent nap, or is enjoying the movie that’s on, or whatever. If he has to go to the bathroom, he’ll hold it. Robin teases him that her dad is the same way about the family cat… which kind of indirectly leads to Steve learning that Eddie loves head scritches. (He totally white lies to her and says that Eddie asked him to do that, but actually he did it one time without thinking and Eddie asked him in a slightly hoarse voice to do that again. And then got up shortly afterwards to go to the bathroom, allowing Steve to stretch his legs and take a bathroom break of his own.)
And it’s only a matter of time, what with the gradually waning nightmares as it finally sinks in that the danger is over, the not being on alert all the time, the fact that Steve is no longer a teenager or on any sports teams, the recreational smoking, the metalhead lapcat… Only a matter of time before Eddie settles into place and feels where Steve’s tummy is starting to encroach on his spot. 
It’s after a small party (just the older UD crew) when everyone else but Robin has already gone home, and he’s just high and sleepy and a little tipsy enough to roll over and snuggle in without thinking about it, nuzzling that sliver of tan skin and chest hair and just breathing Steve in with a happy sigh. His body feels floaty enough that he vaguely thinks that Steve must have carried him upstairs to his bedroom, and this is Steve’s pillow or something. 
Steve is frozen in place, eyes absolutely huge, staring across the living room to where Robin is watching this happen from the kitchen doorway with an amused smirk on her face. When Eddie brings his hand up to hug the “pillow” closer, Steve mouths “Help me” at her. 
She shrugs and spreads her hands like, “What do you want me to do?”
He tries to use eyebrow movements and hand gestures to remind her that of the three of them she’s smoked and drank the least, so she should have the functioning brain cell right now, not him. Because he’s pretty crossfaded too, and fairly full after getting the munchies and going to town on the pizza they’d ordered for the party, and now there’s a cute dude cuddling his belly and it feels good and he’s going to have a reaction soon—
“I don’t need to know about that,” Robin shout-whispers vehemently, and backs into the kitchen mouthing “la-la-la-lesbian” and “I can’t hear you.” Steve vows to write her out of his will. Not that he has one, but still.
Eddie rouses a moment later because his brain is starting to catch up to the fact that it’s not fabric he’s drooling on here. When he half sits up he’s face to face with a very flustered Steve, who is chewing on his plush bottom lip and Eddie wants to, like, help him with that. And then he looks down, and probably part of what woke him up is that his nuzzling has pushed Steve’s shirt up a little more than usual, and also yep, that’s a boner.
They make eye contact. 
“Can I kiss you?” Eddie blurts out, because he definitely wants to and he thinks, based on the boner and the fact that Steve hasn’t shoved him away yet, that maybe Steve does too. 
“You’d better,” Steve blurts back, cheeks flaming, because he already has Eddie’s spit drying on his skin. He’s totally flustered and doesn’t even have time to run a hand through his hair before Eddie is straddling his lap, cradling his face gently in both hands, and drawing him into a clumsy but earnest kiss.
They spend the rest of the night kissing and cuddling and talking on the couch, still a little giggly from their highs and Eddie snagging more things for Steve to eat whenever Steve seems even the tiniest bit hungry, because he just looks so happy whenever he’s relaxed and enjoying his food. And if he sneaks some belly rubs in there too, no one else has to know.
Permanent tag list: @hotluncheddie
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clowntown0129 · 5 months
in other words, heres a list of twst characters and what kind of lives they would have in project moon the City! im set on most of these but would love feedback on what other people think 🥰🥰🥰 more under cut because good lord. still need to think of the districts they all live in 😭
the Adeuce duo dont realize it but they end up working at the same Allas workshop and often get into trouble despite Deuce trying to be a good employee and make his mom happy:( Ace says fuck that. glove with the power of a small tornado to face
Trey being a baker in district K but unfortunately gets caught up in more syndicate business than he would like to admit (he still lives a normal ordinary life he promises)
Cater being a plain office worker in and hates his job but god damnit if he isnt gonna act like he looooves it!! he often gets called up often by Seven assoc. members because hes got connections to get info quick. also once did a totally legal experiment for a totally not shady organization where he was promised money but instead just snuck out with four clones of himself that all live in a friends like scenario in his (their??) apartment but would kill each other if it comes down to it. how the Head hasnt found out yet boggles him every day
Riddle being a super strict office manager thats studying to become a judge (weird ties with a syndicate?? at the very least knows azul)
Leona being the second son of a super important family that runs a huge company but hating constantly being in second so he runs away and starts his own syndicate (NAME PENDING idk if i just want to call it savannaclaw that seems…lazy). everyone in his syndicate all get metal prosthetics to make them look like animals. leona ofc has his own lion ears and legs.
Ruggie being part of a very poor family in the backstreets and having to do everything to survive including eating corpses on the streets before the sweepers can get to them. worked at Pierre’s Bistro for a bit before he quit and joined Leona’s syndicate because it seemed more stable. if he hadnt found Leona’s syndicate and made a somewhat better life for himself, he mightve gotten kidnapped by a sweeper and turned into one himself. he tries not to think about it
Jack coming from the same district as Vil but hearing about Leona’s syndicate and more specifically Leona—thinking that this guy is super cool and strong to take others under his wing!! he joins the syndicate and slowly realizes that this kinda fucking sucks
Azul and the tweels running a restaurant called the Mostro Lounge but it’s actually just a front covering the fact that it’s often used as neutral grounds between different syndicates for deal making. along with that, the three take on jobs like they do in game and all have hidden prosthetics that let them turn into their merforms at will. Azul doesnt like using it often because it makes him kinda clanky
Kalim being one of many heirs to either a huge company or like an actual ruling family (districts similar to district S im looking at you) and having not yet been exposed to all the horrors of the City yet
Jamil being a butler sworn to Kalim ever since birth. he has some sorta equipment on his legs that emits smoke to temporarily blind his opponents along with typical butler equipment
Epel being a (begrudgingly) recent Cinq assoc. fixer who actually finds the dueling aspect pretty fun. he doesnt like how Vil gets him to act cute afterwards even when theres literally blood on his clothes
Rook being a Shi assoc. fixer originally but joining Cinq assoc. when he sees Vil his beauty his grace his Roi du Poison his most precious wecious pookie be—
Vil being a director of a sub section for Cinq assoc. along with being a fashion model. a guilty pleasure he often indulges himself in is being a hero—the last one on the stage—as he wins another duel for the day
Ortho being a robot built in his image after he died right after White Nights and Dark Days. one of his core parts is a memory chip with all his memories locked into it using Jcorp tech
Idia being the heir to a company called Tartaros—its original purpose just being viewing over workshops and making their own specialized equipment. now its purpose is to gather any rogue abnormalities and lock them up to be studied
Silver and Sebek being Claws in (suspended) training that work as Malleus’ bodyguards. they both have the Claw arms but only have access to one serum each—Sebek with a serum that makes him lightning fast and Silver with a serum that stores and multiplies his power every time he falls asleep
Lilia being a bloodfiend that was captured by the Head and has been serving as their one man army ever since. hes been semi retired to act as Malleus’ caretaker and constantly uses tech to make his bloodfiend traits less noticable
Malleus being the son of ????. all the higher ups want him either want him completely under their control to use or dead and honestly either plan is still on the table. since hes naturally in his dragon form and the Head hate non-humans, theyve forbidden him from shapeshifting into his human form else they kill him. he sneaks out often in his human form anyway with the other diasomnia guys using a mask similar to Roland’s mask to make perceiving him as Malleus impossible to do
i should come up with all the equipment and enhancements these guys have. holy shit
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britany1997 · 2 years
The Lost Boys watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
(Part Two- Seasons 4-5) (spoilers for BTVS)
Part one
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•They take another break after the season 3 final. Angel leaving the show broke Dwayne’s heart just a little
•They start season four and Paul’s like, ‘there’s a vampire frat???? Where can I pledge?!
•…never mind
•They don’t have a good feeling about this Parker guy (really they just don’t like to watch her fuck human guys, but 🤷🏻‍♀️)
•They think Dingos Ate My Baby is really cool
•Marko and Paul think they should start a band too!
•Dwayne and David are like, we don’t play instruments?????
• “you guys ruin everything”😠 -Marko
•David’s like, ‘fine, we all sing you guys want to start a quartet? Is that what you want????’
•Paul thinks that sounds like a good time tbh
•But he senses David was being sarcastic…so they keep watching.
•SPIKE IS BACK???? Fuck. Yes.
•He’s got a new crazy vampire babe?? This guy is their hero
•Dwayne is like, I can’t believe Spike literally tried to kill Buffy but Parker’s the biggest villain of this episode
•They all love Oz
•They don’t care that he’s a wolf, they’d vibe (ok, David cares a little)
•Paul swears up and down that man smokes weed. He’s like, no person is that calm all the time
•Paul watches Oz cheat on Willow and he says “it’s giving Parker”
•The military got Spike????? THAT CAN HAPPEN???
•They had never considered this possibility before
•They’re like damn we might have to lay low for a couple weeks, like “the murder capital of the world” is probably on some government radars
•Dwayne says he only supports an army totally independent of and opposed to a capitalist state
•Paul’s like, can we just watch the show? Geez
•They are absolutely terrified by the prospect of a chip that can stop you from killing
•Marko is furious
•They take another break after this episode, that last one was the vampire equivalent of a Saw movie
•They come back after their massacre break
•David’s like, this better be a Spike heavy episode
•Spike’s kinda in his ‘no bitches🥺’ era right now tho
•They skip Pangs. As they should.
•Next episode Willow casts a spell so that Buffy falls for Spike
•They like Willow
•They do NOT like Riley
•They thought Xander was the biggest Vampire cock block and now Buffy’s flirting with this army guy????
•Hush freaks them out
•Dwayne is clenching his teeth throughout the episode.
•Like they may be vampires but these freaky guys cutting peoples hearts out in silence with smiles on their faces? Hella creepy. They are not fans
• “No Spike don’t stake yourself you’re too sexy ahaha”-Paul
•He even makes a Hawaiian shirt look good
•Like why he keep it unbuttoned like that, he knew what he was doing
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•David listens to them thirst over this guy that looks quite a bit like him with a smirk on his face praise kink
• ‘oh man the military organization are the bad guys? Who could have predicted this incredibly surprising turn of events’🙄
•Spike can’t catch a break
•Marko is SO pissed he can’t eat Riley
•All this seasons problems could be solved if Spike could eat Riley
•Faith is back and it’s erotic
•Paul watches this episode chanting “kiss kiss kiss” under his breath
•They do not kiss:(
•Faith stole Buffy’s body???
•They get to that one scene with Spike in the Bronze where Faith (in Buffy’s body) tells Spike, “I could squeeze you until you popped like warm champagne and you'd beg me to hurt you just a little bit more.”
•Paul’s like, ‘I would sell my soul just to hear her say that to me’
•David’s like, ‘you already sold your soul for eternal life dumbass’
•Paul is grumpy™️
•The next episode features Riley and Buffy having constant and uncontrollable sex
•It hurts Paul to see people living his dream
•The boys pat him on the back sympathetically
•Oz comes back and Marko’s like, ‘She likes GIRLS dog boy! You blew it!’
•They love Willow and Tara🥰 unproblematic couple
•Spike is a MENACE Marko loves him
•finding new and innovative ways to be evil😈
•The military is really putting chips in people left and right (new fear unlocked for the boys)
•Paul should NOT have smoked before the dream sequence episode
•Dracula cameo in the next episode
•They did him dirty with this portrayal, he’s not that ugly in really life
•Like that’s sort of their great grandfather??
•She let him drink from her?? Again, it hurts to see everyone else living their dream😔
•Dracula has not one, but three crazy vampire girlfriends
•Marko is seething
•Buffy kills Dracula and they’re like, so are the hot vampire chicks free👀
•Harmony’s back? Nice.
•They’re already tired of Dawn.
•She has a crush on Xander so they know she’s got terrible taste
•Spike has a plan to get that chip out of his head, Marko’s like, “fucking finally” he misses bloodthirsty Spike he was hot
•Spike does not get the chip out of his head
•He DOES have a wet dream about Buffy
•Paul’s like, ‘he just like me fr’
•This next episode features Spike in his orignal ‘No Bitches🥺’ era
•They all look at David when ponytail, glasses, poetry Spike comes on screen
• “I wasn’t like that.” -David
•They like, ok and all side eye each other👀
•Angel (sort of) makes a cameo in this episode and Dwayne smiles
•He missed him🥺
•They watch 70s punk Spike steal his coat off the body of a dead slayer
•They’re like is that how you got yours David
•He’s like yes
•He found it in a dumpster, but the boys don’t need to know that
•Spike is boyfriend material fr, Buffy’s trippin’
•They don’t like when the monsters are gross
•They came here for a sexy time and a sexy time only😤
•Riley’s going to vampire clubs to let vampires drink from him? Dwayne says: “men will do anything but go to therapy”
•They watch her set the vampire den on fire with their jaws on the floor
• “I really think I could fix her you guys, I just need one night” -Paul
•They roll their eyes at Riley’s bitching
•Just let him fly away on that helicopter Buffy, you can do better
•Spike is killing vampires now?? Wtf???
•Paul’s like, ‘we’ve done a lot of things to get laid. Remember Michael?’ They stare at David
•David’s like you right you right
•Glory’s a god? Damn
•They like ayo baby let us worship you
•real talk, there’s not many characters on the show they don’t find incredibly attractive
•Dawn, Xander, and Riley are pretty much the only ones that didn’t make the hot list
• “but what about Giles?” He sings and plays guitar, he looks damn good in a suit, he’s a total daddy, he’s on the list.
•Spike is a simp
•Takes her on a little stake out date and everything (smooth)
•Buffy rejects him?
•They like give him a chance Buffy he would treat you so well (and let him bite you a little geez)
•Marko’s like, ‘there’s more vampire sex coming right? It wasn’t just the one time’
•Paul’s like, ‘I read the season six plot summary, yes😈’
•Woah crazy vampire girlfriend’s back
•Things are gettin kinda freaky
•They had missed the bondage in this show fr
•Buffy’s mom dies?!?!
•This episode hurt them
•As little as they care for human life, they all had mothers once, even if they can’t remember anymore
•Humans are so fragile
•Angel returns to comfort Buffy, Dwayne thinks he’s husband material
•Spike has those nerd guys build him a…Buffy sex robot???
•Dwayne’s team Angel
•Paul’s like, “haha that’s so crazy of him” he immediately googles if he can get one
•He cannot. Probably for the best.
•Willow has to watch Tara’s brain get drained from her skull???? No!!!!
•They love Willow and Tara!!!
•They don’t care how hot this bitch is (they care a little) Buffy better kick her ass
•oh damn ok Willow’s gonna kick her ass
•They’re running away now?
•Spike pulls up with a giant Winnebago, they love him
•Paul’s like, ‘you think we can drive during the day like that if we black out all the windows?’
•Dwayne’s like, ‘you know you’re never allowed behind the wheel of a car ever again’
•Paul pouts
•The bad guys steal the kid?
•Things got real dark real quick
•Paul’s like ‘remember when the biggest problem in this show was what to wear to the prom?’
•Buffy and Spike are friends again! Yay!
•Willow a badass fr
•Oh my god they might really kill this kid
•It can’t end like this
•They need another break after that finale (Paul is inconsolable)
There will be a part 3 for seasons 6-7!! (And season sex six is spicy, Paul’s excited)
Tag list❤️🖤❤️:
@misslavenderlady @6lostgirl6 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @crustyraccoon @riz-coolgirl @skeletonea
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holly-louisexox · 1 year
Ribcage X Andy Biersack- Part 11
"There's one thing you should know about me Delia Vincent, I don't date. Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way."
He was adamant in his choices...
...But then things changed.
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Not my GIF
"Okay Jinxx, I just need you to quickly play something on your violin to make sure the sound system is working. After that, if you guys could just go straight into Shadows Die I can adjust the violin accordingly." Delia explains as Jinxx stands tuning his violin before giving Delia a thumbs up to acknowledge he had heard what she had just said.
"Hey, I bought you a latte, extra caramel, the way I know you like it." Shevy grins walking into the sound booth where Delia was currently sat.
"Thanks Shevy, you're a lifesaver." Delia smiles back before gleefully accepting her coffee.
"So have you spoken to Andy today?" Shevy smirks slightly.
"Nope, he's still avoiding me." Delia shrugs trying to not care when in reality, she was anxiety and guilt ridden about the whole thing.
It had been a week since the whole Delia getting drunk and sharing a bed with Andy situation had occurred. Thankfully CC, Jinxx and Jake did not know about it, if they did they were keeping the jokes away from it all. In that week however, Andy had been avoiding Delia it seemed.
"I honestly do not understand him. He was eyeing you up the whole time we were at that club. Yes he was with some random women like always but even then he didn't seem too interested in her." Shevy explains trying to make sense of it all for her own sake, if not Delia's sake.
"Well he clearly isn't interested otherwise he would have spoken to me." Delia shrugs again trying to not let the conversation get to her.
"You like him, don't you?" Shevy asks gently; as much as she was trying to be a good friend to Delia, it was pretty clear that the pair of them had something going on, Andy was never normally this confusing about people.
"that's the issue Shev," Delia sighs before continuing "I don't like him, he's a complete asshole. I liked the version of him I saw the other night; where he actually gave a shit about someone who wasn't himself. We were actually laughing, he actually seemed happy, normal even."
"Yeah, I do feel like that guys wears a mask a lot to be the star the fans see him as." Shevy sighs slightly. "Maybe trust try and talk to him? Have you tried doing that?" Shevy suggests.
"You're kidding right? That's going to be super awkward. Plus he's always with the rest of the band anyway." Delia is clearly taken away from Shevy's suggestion, as logical as it same be.
"I'm just saying, next time the opportunity arises go for it." Shevy shrugs slightly "Anyway, I need to go get their show outfits ready so I'll see you later hun."
"Yeah no worries, see you in a bit." Delia smiles slightly.
Why did guys always have to be so confusing?
"Great show as always lads!" Shevy smiles as she walks into the backstage room everyone was sat in; everyone but Andy.
"Right so we ordered in pizza cause me and Shev completely forgot to pick up after show meals, hope you guys don't mind." Delia continues as she follows Shevy holding 5 different types of large pizza; one being vegan for Andy to enjoy. Yes it was also 5 pizzas for the 7 of them, CC and Jake had been known to basically inhale a large amount of food after a show; where the both of them put all that food Delia would never know.
"Any of you guys know where Andy's gone?" Shevy asks the rest of the band when she eventually also notices him missing.
"He's being a twat." Jinxx states simply.
"Okay, please do explain that one." Shevy rolls her eyes slightly; honestly she wasn't sure if she wanted to know the details, but the dude also needed to eat.
"The guy started vaping again the other day, god knows why after he's quit smoking for so long." Lonny explains whilst clearly being worried about his band mate.
"For fuck sake. Okay, well, at least it's not cigarettes I guess?" Shevy responds sounding slightly stressed. "Delia can you go and talk to him please? You might get through to him without him making it personal. If one of us goes to lecture him he'll go off on a tantrum."
"I'll try but I'm not exactly his favourite person ever." Delia laughs lightly before putting the pizzas down on the table. "Dig in guys, before it gets cold."
"Let me guess, you've got some sort of weird and funky flavoured thing that no one will ever remember the name of?" Delia asks trying to make a joke to lighten the mood slightly whilst also making Andy aware of her presence.
"It's menthol." He replies not even looking in her direction.
"And here I was hoping it would be some sort of funky flavour to laugh about." Delia smirks slightly- she was not sure where this confidence or lame humour was coming from but at least it was making her feel less awkward.
"What do you want Delia?" Andy kills Delia's mood by looking at her and talking in his signature monotone, that confidence lasted long didn't it just?
"I just came to tell you that we got food, you must be hungry." Delia explains awkwardly. "Also, the others kind of agreed between them that sending me out would make it less personal. They're all worried because you've starting smoking again."
"Honestly, I didn't expect to make it past 30 cause I used to smoke a pack a day and drink like a camel but here I am. I don't really care anymore." Andy tries to sound defensive but instead his words come out some what hurt sounding.
"Look, I know we don't see eye to eye, and I know things have been shit for you, but is it really worth potentially throwing everything?" Delia tries to reason with him. He seems vulnerable right now, maybe this is how she'll get through to him. "I know you're like this because of Juliet, is it really worth letting her win in this way?"
"Oh great. You just had to bring her into the fucking mix didn't you?" Andy snaps. "Look, you may think that you're this great person who can fix everything, but guess what? This is the real world and shit does not work like that even if you hope it does. You're so fucking stupid Delia. You know what, I don't care. When this tour is over I never want to see you again."
And just like that, Andy is storming off back inside. That could 100% have gone better, although it also could have gone much worse, right?
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lemoncatsworld · 1 year
How you met them part 2!
Ticci Toby
You met him around high-school you weren’t friends with him but he was in one of you’re classes he usually got the special aid classes but he did get some normal classes even tho he would tic in most of them and some would laugh at him for that but you didn’t really mind
shortly you saw that he wasn’t coming to school you always had interest in him always looked at him one seat after you in you’re 4th period what was so interesting about him?
Days turned into months and school tried calling his family to find out that he was now a wanted criminal he had murder his whole family
The news speeded out fast at the school you where shocked then ever
2 years later
You decided that you where hungry so you went into the drive in at a near by burger shop you ordered you’re meal you found yourself looking at a forest next to the burger place had a dark forest it looked like a black hole you where creeped out then ever
When you got you’re order you drove off and stayed at the parking lot near a smoke shop eating a cheeseburger until you saw a man with a odd looking mask with brown messy hair in an ally you thought it was a homeless man so you didn’t judge and just decided to eat away until you saw at the window again when you saw the “homeless man” looking at
You with more of a an tense look and you put you’re burger down and looked with a weird eyed show
The smoke shop green lighting light turned off.
You jumped and immediately turned on the car until you saw a man Infrot of you’re car… he seemed familiar like.. someone you knew in youre grade school you squinted your eyes to see that it was him.. it was Toby! But maybe you where wrong maybe it was a random homeless freak that had some issues in the head on a dark night 
Until he picked up an axe and ran broke you’re window, you screamed the axe nearly hit you you got out the car and ran as he ran for you, you ran into a store and immediately told people and the coworkers called the cops… that’s the last you saw of the strange man you could have sworn it was the boy from you’re grade school or maybe it was just a freak
He did make odd sounds tho.. like ticking sounds and kept gabbing random words up and you only remember one person who did that and it was Toby
Nina the killer
You and Nina been friends sense her crazy obsession with the famous Jeff the killer guy
“When are you gonna get over him girl” you said
Nina looked at you with a goofy look
“Never he’s so cute! I wanna be just like him ugh I could kiss himmm”
Nina seemed like the type to never get over her obsessions and that was quite right
Night before you where having a sleepover before her birthday
You where so excited you bought her new clothes and her favorite snacks you also bought her a notebook with pink cover and black striped, pink was always her favorite color
As you arrived at her house you knocked on her door.
She didn’t respond
You knocked again
No answer
Until she opened the door and said “have you seen Jeff..”
Here we go again with this Jeff guy
“No! I haven’t Jesus when will you sto-“
“Go away then,loser!”
She shut the door on you and you gasped,what the hell just happened she was you’re best friend and she never did that before
Her obsession became worse by day
You dropped off the gifts and left the next day she didn’t come home for her birthday instead you went to her house and saw it was empty you looked at the notebook you saw the pink notebook.. you opened it in shocked.
It was all Jeff and written saying how she was gonna carve her face and she was gonna track him down no matter how long it takes
You dropped the notebook down and was so afraid you backed a few steps away you saw real pictures of the Jeff the killer
“Isn’t he just so dreamy”
You heard an odd tone that sounded more high pitched and childish
It was Nina
But.. she was bleeding from her mouth
You where to late!
She carved her mouth and started laughing uncontrollably she had a sharp knife covered in blood from who knows what…
“You’re fucking insane! You need help now Nina”
“ I don’t think so!”
She ran after you with the knife, you got a chair and knocked her out and ray away from the house you soon called the cops
A new case of a murder who you use to be you’re best friend was now on the loose… her name was now Nina the killer I guess she got what she wished for.
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Part 3 / last part
excerpts from Giuliano in conversation with Ruth and Angie McCartney
Previous parts:
(Part 1: Paul attacking Ruth over a TV appearance, Jim's prudent gambling, Paul and Linda being awful houseguests)
(Part 2: Jim and Angie nearly breaking up, (strange) forms of generosity, Paul paying an adult type compliment)
Train, wife, dog (Note: The anecdotes of being abusive towards Linda and kicking the dog are not included on the released version of the tapes I listened to. They are there by this referance only.)
I’ve gone down to pick them up off the train. And when I actually boarded the train, there was a terrible scuffle going on, where Paul was pushing this elderly man. He was a guard on the train. Yes, physically pushing him. They had come with the dogs and wanted them to just romp everywhere. And this old guy had apparently come and told them: ‘You know, you shouldn’t have had that there.’ - ‘I’ll do what the fuck I like!’ It was one of those. And Linda was standing behind Paul, going: ‘Go on! You tell him, Paul!’ Laughing. She thought it was funny that Paul was nearly knocking over this elderly gray haired man. I saw this with my own eyes, Geoffrey. […] GG: How about any other physical abuse by Paul to anyone? We got Linda now, we got this old bloke. … Kick the dog.
Puff for Mommy
The bed was a new mattress that was on the stone concrete floor of the garage. It had a blanket and two pillows without any covers on.… We made a bed up. On the was up Jim was saying: ‘You know their eating habits and times are very different from ours. So let’s stack up.’ … Jim and I used to sneak out at night and sat in the car and eat chocolate because we got so hungry sometimes. It wasn’t really the kind of setup where you felt comfortable to make yourself a cup of tea or a piece of toast. The polite and the correct thing to do was to wait until Linda was ready to cook. … Linda would probably cook once a day and there was a time when we were sitting around the table and they had a glass skylight. And it was open and flies were coming in and there was a jug of milk on the table and the flies were falling in. And I was ‘Oh, God, we have to throw this milk away.’ Jim was so fastidious, you know. And Linda said: ‘Oh Ange, don’t be so fussy!’ …  And Mary was so little and she was inside of Paul’s jacket and they were both smoking a joint and passing it to each other. And then Linda put it to little baby Mary lips and was saying: ‘Come on, baby. Come on puff, puff, puff for mommy!’. As a joke obviously, but she thought this was a pretty hilarious, hysterical thing to do. - What was Paul doing? - Laughing.
Watch Your Fingers!
I said well, I guess we blew it. These things happen you try in business and it’s not working out. We tried to start a small business, we’ve been unsuccessful, but undaunted we will carry on. It was 1980. I said basically ‘shit happens’. I was 20 years old and still working on my career. … And he said well, you know. This is when he gave Ange his speech about bottled fruit. ‘Why can’t you stay at home and be a widow like other widows? And auntie Mill and auntie Gin…’  GG: You know what I would have said to that? I would be perfectly willing to do that, if someone would to underwrite my living. But if they won’t and God doesn't drop me a million dollars I got to do this shit. … He gave the same old tired out bullshit speech about you never gonna make it in the business. This dancing and choreography nonsense is just the phase. You’re not talented. You haven’t got anything going for you other than my name. … ‘Me, me, me, me, me. Enough about me. What do you think about me?’ … He already told Ange to scrub floors and bottle fruit and his solution for me was.. - I couldn’t believe this coming from the mouth of a man who was the father of three daughters. - He said: ‘You are quite attractive with the light behind you, with a little make-up on …, you are up and down in the clubs. Why don’t you hang around after a show? You know, there are a lot of rich arabs hanging around these days with millions of dollars and Rolls-Royces. Why don’t you do get yourself a rich boyfriend, you know, do what you women were made for?’ And I just had enough. He was virtually telling me to go and be a hooker. … The last words he ever said to me were: ‘You can’t put the phone down on me, I’m Paul McCartney.’ And I said: ‘Watch your fingers.’ and hung up. And that was it, that was the last time we’ve spoken. Pointless. It’s either his way or no way.
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geniequestria · 2 years
It has been a few days since Cloudsdale had been conquered by Luna, Tempest, and Gleaming. Thanks in part to the newly genified Spearhead (Who now goes by Bayonet) and Lightning Dust. The latter of which took down the hard resistance from the most elite members of the Wonderbolts.
The course of action now was for all the genies there to inform Cloudsdale was now ‘safe’ to return to. And to lessen such suspicion, they didn’t genify the many returning citizens immediately. Maybe some genies planned to bottle some of them while they were home, but some realized there may be others that will someday be genies that may want particular ponies here to genify for themselves.
That included ponies like Fluttershy’s family. Her mother and father, named Posey Shy and Gentle Breeze respectively. As well as Fluttershy’s lazy brother who uses the aftermath of the whole ordeal to tell his parents he’s been left traumatized and needs a few months to recuperate at home before he’s ready to try anything major… though really he’s giving himself a buffer to think of the next excuse to avoid responsibilities and take advantage of his parents’ meekness.
Zephyr right now is enjoying some time on his own, sunbathing on a cloud outside. Though it’s not long before some chirps near him draw his attention. He opens his eyes, and right next to him is a small yellow bird with a pink pattern. “Oh hello, little birdie! Did you come up here to enjoy some sunbathing with… The Breeze!” He beams a smug grin. The bird simply chirps some more. Zephyr shakes his head. “I’m sorry… little birdie… but I’m not my sister. I wish I could understand you like she does. But anytime she tries to teach me how, it never works...”
Shortly after what Zephyr just said, the bird oddly seemed to smile almost like it was waiting for something like what Zephyr just said. The bird stretches its wings and they begin to glow, soon Zephyr’s head is enveloped with magic. The tall stallion puts his hooves on the side of his head as he feels something overwhelm his head as if something was moving in his brain. It wasn’t a painful sensation, but it felt weird all the same. Like a brain freeze from eating too much dessert at once, but not quite as cold. Soon the feeling fades away, and Zephyr starting to feel a little more normal again.
“What in Celestia was that… did you do that?” He looks incredulous at the bird. He knew of many weird magical creatures, many of which he just heard about what Fluttershy’s seen. But he himself almost never gets out of Cloudsdale long enough to see any of them personally, perhaps this bird was one of them. But what exactly did it do to him, he wondered. He hoped it wasn't something that harms him in anyway.
The bird then starts chirping again, but soon the chirping starts fading… or rather changing to actual speech. “Z-z-z-ze-Zephyr!”
Zephyr falls over on his back as he’s taken by surprise by the bird saying his name. “GAAAH! WHAT?! Did you just talk?! AND YOU KNOW MY NAME?!”
The bird then just giggles, and even delves in a bit of sarcasm that goes over the stallion’s head. “Why of course we know you! Even the animal kingdom is well aware of such a refined stallion as yourself”. The appeal to his ego works fast, as he is completely flattered. Though he coughs before saying “Well thank you, I suppose I shouldn’t have doubted the effect I have on others!”
Though as Zephyr showers in the pseudo-praise he got, he realizes something about the bird’s…. voice. It was soft, and very familiar… almost just like… “Wait a moment… your voice… and your colors… SIS?! IS THAT YOU?!” The bird then smiles again before a big puff of smoke pops up where it stood. And right in front of him, was his sister with a smug grin on her face, and an attire that Zephyr’s never seen her wear before.
“Hello Zephyr! I take it you, Mom, and Dad had safe travels back home?” Fluttershy asked politely.
Zephyr’s still a little stunned, but he answers his sister. “Yeah… our trip back was perfect. Granted, it was a little odd that every one of those escorting us home were female guards… wearing some pretty abnormal attire… which come to think of it matches what you’re wearing right now… but those guards were pretty cute too… if my heart wasn’t yearning for a certain wonderbolt-to-be I’d have almost asked one on a date, heh heh.”
Fluttershy just rolls her eyes.
Once Zephyr stops laughing from his own somewhat half-joke, but also the hint that it was something he probably actually contemplated at the time. He then actually gets to asking Fluttershy about what he had just seen her do. “So… uh… sis…. Since when could you turn into a bird? I know we ponies are magical and all. But I didn’t think we could unlock the powers of a changeling…” As he thinks about Changelings after mentioning them, a sudden thought comes to mind: “Wait… Are you even my sister in the first place?!”
Fluttershy sighs and  shakes her head. “Yes, I am really me, Zephyr…”
“How can I be sure you are you though?” He raises a skeptical eyebrow
“Well, how about you ask me something that only I would know but a changeling couldn’t?”” Fluttershy offered up to him
Zephyr takes some time to think about it, but then he raises an eyebrow and smirks. He’s got an idea. “Very generous offer, sis… assuming you are her… can I really ask you anything?”
Fluttershy nods her head, Zephyr smirks once more before outright saying “Tell me something about Rainbow Dash that you know, but a changeling wouldn’t know as easily”
Fluttershy immediately expresses a disgruntled sigh and facehoofs. OF COURSE he’d try to use this as a way to try to boost his chances with Rainbow Dash. She does think about what to say, before coming down onto something she knows will work… even if it will upset him.
“Fine, you want a fact about Rainbow Dash that only her closest friends currently know?! Heck, why not spice it up and I’ll tell you TWO things. The first being that Rainbow Dash is not currently looking for a relationship, and the other… even if she was… she’s. only. interested. in. MARES!”
Zephyr’s eyes go wide as his face goes into a frown. “Wait what?! NOOOOOOOOOOO!” He drops to his knees in utter dismay. “You… you could have told me sooner, sis! Maybe... maybe I should have tried asking out one of those guards from before then…”
“Sorry, Zephyr. I just didn’t have the heart to tell you before. But it’s something you needed to hear, and I'm finally confident enough to tell it to you straight.” Fluttershy pats her brother on the shoulder.
He drops his head and sighs. “I… well… I can’t be too upset at you… you were thinking of my feelings the whole time and I appreciate that… but dang it! Now I kinda wish I was a mare now… Even a 1% chance would keep me going rather than absolutely none…”
Fluttershy’s ears perk up with what Zephyr just said. (“Did he really just say what I think he did… already? Maybe I should have expected this, but wow was that easy…”)
Fluttershy lightly giggles. “Zephyr, I may actually have something that could help you with that”
Zephyr raises an eyebrow “You’re not suggesting I go through surgery to actually become a mare… that takes too much time… and effort…”
Fluttershy shakes her head. “Nah, you won’t need all that. All you’ll need is… this!” She raises a hoof up and poofs up a shampoo bottle with Zephyr’s colors. Which only makes her brother even more confused.
“...Is that supposed to make me smell like a mare? Unless Rainbow Dash has been blind the whole time I don’t see how that’s supposed t- WAAAAAA-MMMPPPhhhhhh!” As Zephyr was talking, Fluttershy had opened the bottle and put it near his face and before he could even realize it, his face and his whole head was absorbed into the bottle. He flails his hooves and flaps his wings, but Fluttershy just smirks and then lifts both the bottle and Zephyr into the air with Zephyr now vertically above the bottle. Zephyr’s entire body waves, stretches, and funnels into the bottle. Fluttershy grinning as the last parts of her brother gets bottled up. 
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She smirks with the satisfaction of bottling up her brother. She could have only turned Zephyr into a mare first before making it simultaneous with Zephyr’s genification. But she felt she wanted to do this a little more quickly.
She sets the bottle down on the cloud floor they were standing on before opening it up. The shampoo bottle convulsing until…
Aquamarine smoke rises above the bottle, blond colored sparks popping and swirling with it. After it rises with some height, a silhouette of a pony appears but not of the slender, and tall stallion that Zephyr was. But a more normal sized mare, and a clearly longer mane. Not quite as long as Fluttershy’s own, but significantly more than what Zephyr had before. As the color fades in, the color of her veil and leggings were the same purple-ish color as her eyes.
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Zephyr felt relaxed, though still rather confused since she didn’t even get an explanation. “Sis… what… is this? And… why does it feel so good? Wait, this is the same attire those guards had earlier… does that mean…”
Fluttershy nods her head thinking Zephyr may have got it already
“...I’m a Royal Guard now?!”
Fluttershy facehoofs, even now a genie. Zephyr isn’t all that bright yet.
“Zephyr, you realize that something’s happened both times you said the words 'I wish', plus you saw me shapeshift from a bird back to my normal self. I’ve already proven to you that I’m not a changeling. But to make sure you get what has happened, I am a genie now Zephyr… and so are you now”
Zephyr gasps “Wait… a genie? So… I have MAGIC now?!”
Fluttershy nods and smiles.
“Oh. My. Celestia! THIS IS SWEET! I can do anything... And I can say I did it all on my own!” Zephyr quickly poofs up a mirror to look at himself. He gasps again, seeing her new mare appearance. “Whoooooooa… I actually look great! I’d date myself if I could!~”
Fluttershy reacted with a bit of disgust. But to get the subject off that image, she asks Zephyr about a possible name change.
“Now that you’re a mare, us genies are actually offering to give new names to those who are genified and used to be stallions. I don’t suppose you have a name in mind, do you?” Fluttershy asked.
Zephyr tries to think of something, but this is a bit hard for her. “I’ve… never been the best with names. How about you think of something for me, and I’ll see if I like it.”
Fluttershy takes some time to think of something for her brother-now-sister. Before settling on a name. “My brother-turned-sister, would you mind going by the name… Aura Winds?”
The newly genified stallion-turned-mare thinks over with the name, and it quickly begins to warm up to her. “Aura… Aura… Aura. Winds… I think I could live with that!” The mare that was once Zephyr accepted her new name.
“Good! Now… how about we head inside, and give this gift to Mom and Dad?” Fluttershy suggested.
“Wait, is there like something going on where everypony is turning others into genies?” Aura wondered
“Pretty much, yea. You don’t have a problem with that, do you?”
“Naaaah, it sounds pretty interesting actually. Wouldn’t mind seeing Rainbow in such garbs like this~” She about daydreams of seeing Rainbow Dash as a genie.
Fluttershy again shakes her head “I must warn you though, we’re not allowed to genify her yet. The pony who started this thing is saving that moment for later. Oh, and while you are a mare now. You still don’t even have a 1% chance of getting Rainbow to love you, it’s more like 0.1%. Our magic can’t make somepony fall in love with ponies they didn’t already have feelings for”
Aura looks disappointed, but she soon shrugs. “I’ll still take 0.1% over 0%. At least there IS a chance now!~”
Fluttershy rolls her eyes, but also kinda giggles. “Alright Aura, I’ll tell you real quick how to gain your hindlegs and tail real quick. And we’ll walk on inside”
As Aura is instructed about getting to walk on 4 hooves again. She surprisingly gets it pretty quickly, when before even the simplest things she would struggle with. Fluttershy would clap for her sister, and they head inside for a special visit to their parents.
They soon find both their mother, Posey Shy and their father, Gentle Breeze by the small room outside their home where Gentle keeps his collected clouds. He is inside, though their mom is just outside. She’s the first to see them walking by.
“Oh! Hello dear! It’s nice to see you visit u- A-WUHHHH?! Zephyr?! Is that you '' Posey takes off her glasses and wipes it off in case this was some weird trick of the eye. But when she puts them on again, there Zephyr was... still clearly a mare, and she could tell this wasn’t just a different pony. The color scheme was just too similar, and if there was any more doubt, she still recognized Zephyr’s cutie mark even if it was a tiny bit different.
Aura just nodded her head “Yep, it is indeed me, Mom!”
“My Celestia… hold on a second, your father needs to see this too!” Posey quickly goes in to fetch her husband to see not just Fluttershy is visiting, but a pretty drastic change done to Zephyr.
“Fluttershy? Zephyr? What brings you he- WHHOOOOOA!” Gentle Breeze could see the vast change that Zephyr has undertaken too pretty quickly. “Wha… what in Equestria happened here?”
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“Hehe, I think my sis can explain. Heck, I don’t think she’s given me the full story yet either…” Aura turns toward Fluttershy
She nods, and takes some time to explain everything that’s gone on. Including more context of what her family had already heard in terms of the Storm King’s suddenly abrupt defeat. And of course everything about herself and many others becoming genies, including Zephyr, and introducing her new name to them. 
“Well… this sure is alot to take in… but as long as you two are happy with it. We’ll support it!” Posey graciously said.
“And Zeph… I mean… Aura, I must say that Fluttershy’s magic really worked in making you look great as a mare. Though I do have to wonder if you even wanted that in the first place?” Their father asked
Aura just shook her head “Nah, it’s no biggie. Like I told my sis already, if it means I even have a little chance at Rainbow Dash. Then I’ll take it!
And even aside from that… All this magic in me makes me feel I can actually do everything I’ve ever wanted to do on my own just as Fluttershy’s magic has instantly improved her confidence!
I… may even think of finally going out on my own soon… just as my sis once did…”
Both of them gasp, although they could never have the heart to tell him. They’ve long waited for the day that Zephyr would try to live on his own. But know all too well that with both his attitude towards giving up on anything that’s hard, that leaving him out would only eventually lead him to be stuck on the streets alone.
“My my… this really has helped you so much, and I could definitely tell at many points how much Fluttershy’s confidence has gained just telling us everything that’s happened…” Gentle Breeze smiles, feeling proud of both of his… daughters now.
“Now I kinda wish that I could receive the same confidence boost you two got! Both of us could need a boost like that lately…” Posey happily stated, not realizing what those words just binded her and her husband to.
Fluttershy then turns toward Aura, they smirk at eachother as they’re both thinking the exact same thing: It was time.
“Mom and Dad, we’d be more than happy to help you with that~” Fluttershy and Aura then lift a hoof and levitate two of the empty jars meant for collected clouds. Fluttershy points the lid toward their mother, while Aura does the same but for their father.
The two parents are confused at what their daughters are about to do to them. Though it becomes somewhat more apparent as Gentle Breeze’s head, neck, and forehooves start stretching toward the glass that Aura was holding. Posey reacts in shock and shrieks in horror seeing her husband get shaped so abnormally.
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She tries to fly out, but her own ponytail and her hindlegs begin to follow suit. 
By the time she’s close to the door, she feels a force preventing her from moving any farther, and when she looks back… she sees everything below her hips is nothing but a smoky, curvy tail heading towards the glass that Fluttershy was holding. Not to mention, her husband was already about halfway inside.
“S…st…stop! What are you doing to us?!” Posey says to both Fluttershy and Aura in her panicked state. Both of them giggling a little before responding one after another.
“The same thing Starlight did to me…” 
“And what Fluttershy did to me, too!”
“You’re going to become genies like us!”
“And you’ll gain the same increased confidence in the process!”
Posey still wasn’t so sure. “B… But that’s not what we wished for?! C..can…can’t you just grant us confidence… without making us genies?!”
“We could… but… we feel that this way, you not only get what you wished for. But so much more than that. Just relax, mother… you’ll soon feel what we’ve been talking about… and you’ll see why it changed both of our lives for the better~” Fluttershy winks.
Gentle Breeze only had the bottom of his hooves and some of his tail left, if looked closely, his eyes could be seen from within the bottle, half-lidded with a blush amongst the mixture of his colors
Posey just about wimpers, what can she even say at this point? They can’t do anything against these new powers… but Fluttershy nor Aura would hurt them… right? She’s still scared, but her mind wanders onto some curiosity on what she would gain from this.
And then what were her hooves entered the spout.
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“AaaAAAAaaa!” Posey immediately overwhelmed with a rush, her face blushing bright pink. She relaxes now, unfolding her wings and her eyes go half-lidded.
Fluttershy smiles “There you go, mother! Our apologies for scaring you, it’s just not easy to calm ponies down about being sucked into vessels smaller than themselves. I’m sure most ponies instinctively think of how impossible this should be, or even if they could believe it… they may think they will be incredibly cramped and in a more claustrophobic situation.
But don’t worry yourself… once inside you’ll find what is more so an endless void that you’re able to decide for yourself what is inside later. Though we will be freeing you and father out shortly. From then on, you two will be able to enter and exit at will!”
All that was left of Gentle Breeze outside the vessel was the end of his hooves which are quickly slurped up by the glass. Aura then closes it. The newly mare-ified genie beams a smile, having enjoyed giving her father what is surely to be the same gift of both genification and a gender change as well, she wonders what he’ll look like as a mare once they open the vessel back up. The container begins to lose its opaqueness as it becomes themed on Gentle Breeze’s colors.
Posey was just cooing and moaning as she was carefully pulled into her own matching vessel. She hardly says a word, still not even knowing what to say. Fluttershy whispering to her to help her out.
“Mother… just feel the magic flow through you… let it pleasure your very mind and soul… and let yourself speak out what you want to say… I’m sure you have many thoughts overflowing your brain… this is how it changed us… don’t be afraid, you and father will feel so much better once this is complete. And the best thing is… it will be built to last. We can show the world what we’ve been too meek to share until now.”
Posey let the soft whispers of her daughter lift her spirits, the tingly feelings getting more intense as the pegasus mother was shaped more to fit in the vessel with her forehooves binded voluntarily to her sides. She switches between heavy breaths and moans as the magic welling up in her helps her find the courage to say what she wants to say.
“I… I…. Iiiiii OooooOOooooo! I… l-l-l-LOVE THIS! F-f-Fluttershy… A-a-Aura!”
She was now only down to her neck and her head, The intense feelings really overwhelming her.
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“AAAAAAAAAaaaaaAAA! YES! YES! Let’s show the world who we really waaaannteeeeeed to beeeeeeeeeeemmmmmmmmppppphhhhhh!”
Both parents were now contained in the glass containers. The colors shifted to Posey’s colors just as it did for Gentle Breeze. Fluttershy with her own satisfied smirk for another genification, she had previously genified Meadowbrook. But something felt more personally satisfying at having her family join her in geniehood. Aura was feeling likewise, the power in her hooves to not fail at every given task and share this power with others left her fulfilled like never before.
“Fluttershy, can I say you’re the absolute best sister ever? Because you really are!” She gives a tight hug towards Fluttershy, who gladly returns the favor.
“Thank you, Aura! Though I’m just doing what I think is best for everypony here, it worked out for me. And I know it’s worked for you, and will do so again for our parents. Speaking of which, let’s release them now! So we can be one happy, and more confident family together!”
Aura nods, and they both lift the stoppers off at the same time. The two glasses were shivering before…
Light green and pale yellow smoke swirl above the glasses, with light pink and raspberry sparks respectively pop around as the two emerge.
The parents fade in, Posey looking how she was but with a green veil and leggings that matched her glasses. Though Gentle Breeze certainly was far more drastically changed, the swirl mane no longer like whipped cream on top (Although the curl on top stayed), but now covering half the former stallion’s face in a style more similar to, though much shorter then Fluttershy’s mane.
The parents breathe a long, relaxed sigh. They each open their eyes, and Posey looks on over to her husband. And she just about squee’s seeing this new version of Gentle Breeze.
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She quickly flies on over to her husband-now-wife’s side and hugs her. Gentle eeps in surprise, but soon smiles for Posey’s warm embrace before gently hugging back.
Fluttershy and Aura’s hearts both go aflutter watching the two.
When their embrace ends, the both of them look down towards their daughters. “T-t-thank you… so much Fluttershy and Aura… this… feels so… l-l-liberating” Gentle hugs herself.
“You’re very welcome! Though… now that you’re a mother too. I need to offer you the same deal I gave to Aura after she changed from being Zephyr. Do you want to change your name in any way?” Fluttershy offered
Gentle thought for a moment, maybe even a little longer than most when deciding their new name. “Hm.. I… don’t know if I want to change from Gentle… but I might be willing to change my last name to Winds, just as Aura has. I can go from Gentle Breeze… to Gentle Winds” The mare that was still Gentle, but more windy than breezy softly smiles.
Both Fluttershy and Aura nod in agreement. “That’s an excellent slight name change! After all… ‘Gen’tle is pretty ‘gen’der neutral, he he'' Fluttershy giggles at her pun.
Fluttershy and Aura then fly up to their parents to give them each a hug of their own. A group hug ensues between the much more confident family. And they celebrate the promise of being a family together for all eternity…
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jonesy-and-max · 10 months
part 19: Jonesy & Max
Jonesy watched the stars in the clear night sky. It was a beautiful night, despite everything that had happened, this late October Friday weather had been perfect. Thinking about the bigger picture had been a coping mechanism for Jonesy since she was ten years old. If something embarrassing or stressful threatened to overwhelm her, she tried to “pull out,” as she put it. She thought about how she was just one small human being in a state, in a country, on the planet earth, in the solar system, in the galaxy, in the wider universe. The stars in the sky and the infinite vastness of space didn’t care about what she was going through. Her problems were so small, so meaningless in the face of eternity. She would lose herself in that endless sea of creation and suddenly things wouldn’t seem so bad. Everything would just feel so ephemeral to her and it would give her a strange sense of comfort. A relief. Knowing that time would pass and the knots in her stomach would someday be a distant memory, or forgotten altogether.
Clang, clang, clang.
Max’s steps up the metal ladder alerted Jonesy to his return. Jonesy lifted herself to greet him. She had been lying on the battered and beaten old couch that the two of them had brought onto the roof of Popcorn Video last summer. They had seen it in a movie (or show?) once and thought it would be dope as fuck to have a couch on the roof. They could hang out or bring girls up there, it would be like their own private clubhouse. They had found a good, comfortable, and appropriately weathered couch, but when they had managed to get it behind the video store they were confronted with the reality of the situation. The logistics of getting a couch up a small metal ladder had not occurred to them. Jonesy and Max are many things, and stubborn is absolutely one of them. Working in tandem and with many setbacks the couch had been delivered to its rooftop resting place. It was all worth it in the end. It was, in fact, dope as fuck to have a couch on the roof of the video store. They didn’t manage to get any girls to join them, but they did smoke a metric fuck ton of weed up there and eat lunch sometimes.
Max held in his hand a six-pack of PBR and two bags of Munchos to snack on. Jonesy made room for him on the couch as he set down the provisions, cracking open a couple of cans for Jonesy and himself. He handed her the can and she took a few chugs before setting it down and laying her head on Max’s lap, eyes to the stars once again. Max drank his beer and sighed, looking out past the street at the town lights in the distance.
“Oh!” Max snapped his fingers, “I almost forgot!”
He dug around the back of his jeans and pulled out Jonesy’s cap. He put it on her face, she laughed and gave it a kiss.
“Hello, beautiful!” She sat up straight and placed it ceremoniously on her head. 
Jonesy swung around, replacing her head with her legs across Max’s lap. She took another couple drinks from her beer and sighed.
“So…” Jonesy started.
“So…” Max offered.
The two of them looked at their beers, fascinated by nothing. They had never been through something like this before, between the two of them. Neither of them knew quite where to begin. So, they began where all good reconciliations should start. They both looked up from their beers, catching each other’s eyes.
“I’m sorry, dude.” They said in unison.
“No, I’m sorry!” Again, at the same time.
“No, dude, I’m so sorry about the Gina thing. That was fucked up, I should’ve told you…”
“I’m sorry I freaked out!”
“You had every right to freak out!”
“Yeah, haha.” Jonesy took another drink, finishing off her can.
“You know I would never…” Max began, suddenly feeling exposed, “Jonesy. You’re, like…you know…Well, you know.” He hoped she would just understand and not force him to say more.
“I know?” Jonesy raised an eyebrow.
“Oh, come on! You know!”
“No, I don’t know, Max!” She wasn’t going to let him off the hook.
Max took a deep breath that turned into another long sigh. He rolled his eyes and ended up pointing them at the sky, avoiding Jonesy’s gaze, “You’re, like…the most important person in the world to me, dude. I never want to hurt you.”
Jonesy smiled, she swung her feet off of his lap and snuggled in close next to him. She laid her head on his shoulder and felt his body relax. He was soft and warm and comfortable on the cold autumn night.
“You’re right, I did know, haha.”
Max laughed and put his arm around his best friend, holding her close.
“So,” Jonesy asked, “How was the movie?”
“Ha!” Max shook his head, “I left after, like, halfway through.”
“You left??”
“It just wasn’t the same without you.”
Jonesy righted herself and looked at him. She could feel tears welling up behind her eyes. He gave a bashful smile and a little shrug. She gave him a little punch in the shoulder and wrapped her arms around him in a big hug, nearly pushing him off the couch.
“Okay, okay! Haha!” He hugged her back.
“You know,” Jonesy wiped the tears from her eyes, “I, uh, talked some stuff out with Gina before I left for the Silver Mine.”
“Oh?” Max tread carefully.
“Yeah,” Jonesy laid back on the couch and let out a groan, “I…think she…actually might have real feelings or whatever for you. So…I don’t think she’s just being an asshole.”
“So…does that mean…you’re cool with, like, us maybe…”
“No! I’m not cool with it!” Jonesy bristled, “But, if she makes you happy (for some inexplicable reason), then, I can try to be not uncool…with it.”
Max brightened and gave Jonesy another big hug, “Dude!”
“Okay, okay!” She laughed and rolled her eyes. “But, there are ground rules! I don’t wanna hear about any…stuff…and I don’t want to see any gross kissy kissy crap around me. Fair?”
 Jonesy and Max nodded at each other, fist bumping twice in quick succession in agreement.
“So, what about you and Jamie?”
“Yeah, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say I royally fucked that one up permanently.”
“Oh come on, just cause you might’ve broken her nose and puked all over her boobs??” 
“Um, yeah, exactly for those reasons!”
“Oh, pshaw! She’ll get over it. It’ll be just a hilarious story you tell your kids someday.”
Max took two cans of beer, placing one between his legs to help with the swelling, the other he cracked open and indulged.
“You’ll see. Mark my words. She’ll be back.”
“You’re insane!” Jonesy laughed. “But, I did get my first kiss ever, from a girl, and it was from Jamie fucking Reynolds…”
“And fingered! That ain’t nothin’, dude!”
“So, despite every stupid fucking thing that happened today…That was pretty fucking cool.”
“Hell yeah!”
The two of them clinked their cans of beer in celebration of Jonesy’s triumphs.
“Oh!” Jonesy felt the rim of her cap, “I almost forgot!” She pulled off her hat and whipped out her last joint of Squirt.
“Is that squirt?”
“You know it, dude! My last one and the universe is telling me it’s time to light this baby up!”
“Huh? No, I mean your pants. I forgot to ask if you pissed yourself again, or what?”
“Oh…yeah when Jamie fingered me I came so hard, I just kinda blasted all over the place.”
“Bwahahaa!! That’s amazing. Gross.” Max pushed her.
“Fuck off!” Jonesy pushed him back. “You wanna smoke this or not?”
“Grease me up, woman!” Max said in his best Groundskeeper Willie voice.
Jonesy took a long drag and passed the joint to Max. She held it as long as she could before releasing a cloud of smoke into the night. She watched as it swirled and drifted, dissipating into the stars. She closed her eyes, opening them slowly, coming to rest on Max. He quietly hummed a song she couldn’t put her finger on as he exhaled his own cloud. It mixed with what was left of hers, a sweet perfume of earthy aromas hung in the air. Max scraped his sneakers along the roof of Popcorn Video and leaned back into the couch, smiling, content. He passed the joint back to Jonesy who took another hit. They had been together like this, side by side, a hundred times before, but today something was different. Neither would be able to express just what it was, but it was good and it felt right. It was at that moment that Jonesy truly understood that Max would always be there. Right there next to her, by her side. She felt like she might cry again, but instead she just smiled to herself and tried to remember him exactly as he was in that moment. 
“Hey, Max.”
“Yeah, Jonesy?”
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thepropertylovers · 1 year
Front Porch Hangs
This weekend, in an effort to be outside more so that PJ could get some rest, the kids and I spent a few hours outside on the front porch.
The other night, PJ woke up around 1 am and started violently throwing up and didn’t stop for the rest of the night. It was absolutely awful and I felt so bad for him. He thankfully didn’t throw up at all Saturday, but was so weak and bed-ridden from feeling nauseous that he didn’t feel well enough to eat anything or get off the couch much.
Here’s the good news, though: he’s feeling about 80% better today. Still, I know he feels like absolute crap. Remember when I got the stomach flu last year? Worst week of my entire life. It still gives me nightmares, and I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy, let alone my husband.
All that to say, I tried to keep the kids out of the house as much as possible this weekend so he could get all the rest as he needed. We went to the park, ran errands at the post office and the pharmacy, and hung out on our front porch. That last one was my favorite activity of the weekend, and here’s why.
You see, growing up in this house, everyone always hung out on the front porch, no matter the weather and no matter the season. It was a conversation hub where everyone just migrated to, day and night. After dinners, we would spend hours out there on the swing just talking and letting our stomachs rest. My mom would smoke her cigarettes on the porch first thing in the morning but also as the sun was going down. At Halloween, the front porch became the center of the universe as we passed out candy to trick or treaters and welcomed people into our house for homemade chili.
For reason unbeknownst to me, we don’t spend as much time on the front porch as we did when I was little. The time we spend outside is mostly on our back porch, which is quite large and right off our living room, so I guess it’s a matter of convenience. In a weird way, it was like discovering (rediscovering?) a part of our house that we hadn’t really paid attention to before and falling in love with it.
It of course helped that the weather was most delicious this weekend, with cooler temps and a wonderful breeze keeping us alert throughout the day. The kids ate orange juice popsicles for the second day in a row, laughed and swung on the porch swing, and built little houses out of rocks and leaves, all while I reminisced on all the times we spent on the porch growing up. It was bliss, and allowed my guy to get some rest.
I hope we choose to spend more time out there this summer!
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