Explore tagged Tumblr posts
((Apologies for the long radio silence both on here and in general on Tumblr and dA. But I'm still alive, just haven't quite found that motivation yet to write. The Geniequestria soft reboot I mentioned a while back might not even be the first thing on my mind as I would like to do something for I Dream of Twilight Sparkle next whenever I'm finally in the mood to write again.
But for now, here's a nice fan art I received from Xy-Merfox that was given to me today ^^ Much appreciated!))
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Gauging interest for something...
Hey everyone, I thought I'd put up something of a poll that might bring something of a change for both I Dream of Twilight Sparkle and Geniequestria.
Asks and/or Submissions have become so rare at least from my side of Tumblr. And I miss having some sort of community input. Right now both IDOTS and Geniequestria seem to be just on my part... putting up the next story... but I don't want the more small-talk and/or interaction to just disappear. As such...
What I'm considering, is opening sideblogs each for both IDOTS and Geniequestria. Where they are purely roleplay blogs with text only replies to questions and/or interactions. I know it may be odd to just now have a more public roleplay come into play for IDOTS when the blog is more than a decade old. But it also provides some opportunity to sort of flesh out further and/or put up some more awareness of the AUs that take up both I Dream of Twilight Sparkle and Geniequestria each.
Though one more thing I want to note before getting to the details. I am a bit... nervous about opening up roleplay to both so publicly. As I know some roleplays can end up with nasty behavior. If I feel like someone is starting to be too mean or too attempting to be controlling of where a story is going. I withhold a right to end an interaction at any moment. Please be kind and considerate as possible. If this turns out to be more trouble than it's worth, I also withhold the right to just deactivate the roleplay side blogs. But I certainly hope it never has to come to that.
If you're interested enough, I want to make them separate blogs so they don't clutter the main pages since I know some roleplays can come across many, many, many reblogs. Wouldn't want those who just want to see the stories and/or asks I've done for both, and have to climb through pages of roleplay. And as for how each would work...
If I Dream of Twilight Sparkle gets a roleplay spin-off blog...
It'd open up for many of the characters in the IDOTS/Ask Genie Twilight universe. It wouldn't just be with Genie Twilight, Spike, and/or Starlight. Recent stories has made it so a much larger cast is capable of being interacted with. Just name a character (Though preferably a recurring canon character, one of the few OC's that are involved in IDOTS, or significant one-shot characters that I've featured in recent stories) and I can see what I can do
Maybe even some room to expand towards the Genie Pinkie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Sci-Twi from Ain't Never Had Friends Like Us as well if it's requested.
These would be mostly wholesome interactions. Many of which that would fit in line with the show. Although certainly some subjects could go dark (Ex: Talking to any of the spirits of the deceased like Applejack's parents about death for example) in tone.
Also, if you've been paying attention to the recent Earnest Empathetic Change story. You'd see that there's a timeskip by about 10 years. You won't be restricted to these future versions of the characters however. If you want to specifically talk to a more... present day version of the character (As in Post-S9 and probably shortly after Secrets of the Dragon's Tear) you'd fully have that option.
Just pick a character you'd like to interact with from the IDOTS AU, decide whether you want the Post-Ending of the End/SOTDT version or the 10 year timeskip version of the characters depicted in Earnest Empathetic Change. And we can arrange something.
If Geniequestria gets a roleplay spin-off blog...
It'd fall under many of the same rules that are in the pinned post over on Geniequestria. Although one big difference is, there's no promises that the interactions are canon to the story if you're portraying a character that hasn't had a story yet on Geniequestria. They may at least influence something whenever a certain character is brought up. But otherwise many canon character interactions with a Geniequestria genie would be more like a what if scenario that may or may not come to play later. (For any G5 fans who are roleplayers, yes this opens up the what if scenario depicted in the story from last September when the Mane 5 were genified as a possible scenario)
And if an OC is interacting with a Geniequestria character. Especially if it's with one of the genies. The interaction is mainly going to be about getting them to genify your OC. Potentially, this could result in eventually a visualization of your OC as a genie made by myself. But I can't promise that'd come too quickly after we've interacted. And just like how I mentioned in the pinned post, if I end up visualizing your OC as a genie. I will do only one of them. Do not roleplay with me purely to get all your OCs genified with sprite art.
As for what characters would be opened up. Basically anyone who's currently a genie (Which you can check over here to see who is, though it's everyone but Nova and Ember currently. As those are friends of mine's OCs). You do have the option of interacting with some of the non-genies. But I'm unsure if anyone would be going to interact with an AU called Geniequestria if they weren't here to speak to the genies. I figure that's kind of the main draw for interactions, especially as more and more characters are genified.
Many of the same do's or do not's are in play as in the pinned post. No god-modding your OC out of genification, or no helping the remaining non-genie members of the Mane 6 after genification. OCs are still not allowed to impact the main story too much. Even if it's in-character for your OC to disagree with Starlight's methods per se. It's not up to them to get her to change. And fighting her post-genification would only lead to a stalemate. (And in most cases, your OC should feel too good to outright deny everything Starlight says. That's kind of the nature of genifications in Geniequestria. Even the most reluctant change their tune once they've felt the transformation)
The tone of Geniequestria to far more mature subjects that are normally too much for IDOTS. But I also must warn that I don't want to go too far off the handle. Even as it seems Tumblr has sort of let-up in some regards to mature content. What with the whole "Are you sure?" screens. I don't want to get involved with roleplays involving explicit descriptions of sex, nor any mention of genitals or er... certain bodily fluids. Try to keep it in tone with Geniequestria stories where yes, naughtiness gets very much implied... but never too explicitly described and/or happening offscreen.
Also, reminder that any filly and colt-aged character was aged up by a wish in an earlier part of the story. And all male characters are Rule 63'd/become mares before or at the same time that they're transformed into genies. Any and all characters involved in the genification part of Geniequestria will become adult mares as Genies. That's a strict rule that I hope can be abided. In short... No filly-aged genies, and no male genies once transformed.
Anyhow, I can now show the poll. I'd like your feedback if any of you would be interested in either of these.
#mod post#i dream of twilight sparkle#geniequestria#poll#roleplay#mlp roleplay#my little pony#my little pony friendship is magic#g4#generation 4#my little pony roleplay
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Formal Announcement of ending I Dream of Twilight Sparkle
Hello everyone, I am announcing that today. I am closing I Dream of Twilight Sparkle after 12 years. And unfortunately canceling that final story I alluded to before. Because each time I tried to start it, I just couldn't find the motivation or got too distracted by something else.
I think after 12 years my creative juices when it comes to ponies has come to an end. I think it's fair to say I've done enough. As just about every character I wanted to get a form of closure got it. Both Secrets of the Dragon's Tear and Earnest Empathetic Change I think alone already kinda serve as good finale stories in the closing years.
The story I had in mind to close things off would have simply been a timeskip of more than 1000 years where Twilight and Starlight have kept the peace. And IDOTS' versions of the G5 Mane 6 just being part of one of many, many, generations that got to flourish under Twilight and Starlight's rule. The G5 Mane 6 were going to be invited to Canterlot's castle. And got to personally speak with Twilight, Starlight, and the spirits of the rest of the G4 Mane 6, Sunset Shimmer, and Queen Chrysalis.
Sunny Starscout and the rest would then be sent on her way to Saddle Arabia where she'd get the opportunity to be asked if she'd like to have the honor of being the next Equestrian Genie after Twilight. The story would end on it being open ended on whether Sunny would accept or not. Cause regardless of how it went, I have no intention of moving on to a I Dream of Sunny Starscout blog or anything like that. So it'd be up to someone else if they wanted to pick up the mantle to start their own Genie Sunny story.
Kinda sucks that I'm canceling a G5 related thing as well when Hasbro itself is canceling G5 plans what with Tell Your Tale ending very soon. As while I will not lie, G5 never grabbed me the way G4 did. But I think the characters had potential. And if nothing else, Misty Brightdawn was perhaps the best thing to come out of G5 overall.
But back to I Dream of Twilight Sparkle. I've had a lot of fun with this blog and met many friends thanks to keeping this up for so long. Some I haven't seen or spoke to in years and may never see again but still appreciate the time I had with them, and ones I still maintain friendships with to this day.
I'm not sure I could ever say enough words for everything that's happened in the 12 years I was running the blog. But I think it's the right time to have it all come to an end. I have nothing more in mind for the universe of Genie Twilight that I really want to cover. I also formally canceled Geniequestria not too long ago. It almost feels like I'm leaving the fandom entirely. But I still plan on hanging around. There's just nothing I have in mind that's pony related from a creative sense.
So thank you to every follower, asker, and friend I've ever made through this blog. I will keep the ask button open on IDOTS for a good while in case there's people who feel obligated to say their goodbyes or any other kind of message. I may even answer them here, if they have a form of question or feature them anyway if it's a touching sort of message.
As for what I'm moving on to, my creative efforts are focused entirely on Cosmic Heart Zone. Which is a Sonic-themed blog about my favorite Sonic character Tails and Cosmo the Seedrian (A character that was Sonic X only in official continuities, but in this case an AU where she was involved in many of the main games). So if you're a Sonic fan, there's at least something you can still follow me for, as I have some exciting things in mind for this.
Otherwise I'll still have my mod blog if you want to talk with me about any subject that doesn't relate to I Dream of Twilight Sparkle or any of my other blogs.
It's been a long 12 years, feels so much longer than that almost. Once again thanks for every follower, ask, and interaction I've ever had from going on this long.
It becomes hard to let go of something you've ran even as just a hobby for over a decade. But I think now's a good time to do so now. Thank you all for the memories.
#my little pony#my little pony friendship is magic#twilight sparkle#genie#spike#rainbow dash#fluttershy#rarity#applejack#mod post
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Welcome to the I Dream of Twilight Sparkle roleplaying blog! Here you can interact and get text-only responses in more faster response time as opposed to pick-and-choosing for sprite comics and/or while I’m working on stories for either this blog or over on my other main blog, Geniequestria (Which in itself has a roleplaying sideblog too, over here!)
Perhaps the best part is this allows interactions with characters I’m just not able to put in Sprite comics for much. I expect for the most part in the near future most of my spriting will be for images for Geniequestria. I’m not saying I won’t do any more images for I Dream of Twilight Sparkle (In fact, I can promise that I will have something with at least a few images on the main blog soon enough).
The hope is to have some more active responses, as it seems at the very least the way I had it seems to just be outdated in this day and age. I didn’t want role-plays to overflow the main content that IDOTS has had. The important story stuff is still on the main blog, while most of the community interaction is elsewhere. (I would still appreciate asks being sent over there, but perhaps all the story I've done has made people believe I've shifted it entirely from being an ask blog. Which... in a way is true, It's just I haven't found use for the many asks I still have in the box. It's just that I developed a story that I could follow-up on without the need of asks)
I should at mention a few rules and/or important notes
- This being a more wholesome, mostly show-tone sort of blog. This means no violence/gore or situations of a sexual nature. If you want some of the latter, Geniequestria and it's respective roleplay blog provides more leeway with that. Though even that blog is not meant to go overboard with it.
- If you’re new to my stuff and don’t quite understand many of the lore and differences important to I Dream of Twilight Sparkle. (Cause I know asking people to read all of Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear can be a big ask. I know it’s quite long and I’m sorry something so essential to understand what much of going on is a big read) You can ask me directly whether through Tumblr messages or asking me on my mod blog to try to leviate any confusion. There is also 2 FAQ's, one that was for the early years of the blog, the other for specifically what was revealed in Secrets of the Dragon's Tear
- There is a huge cast of characters you can interact with in this blog. Just about any recurring character you can think of should be possible. Twilight, Spike, Starlight, and Sunset are probably my recommendations as the more central figures of the blog historically (The latter two more recently). But the rest of the mane 6, CMCs (Especially if you ask for their grown-up selves in the time skip) and more are options as well.
However, there are at least 3 that currently aren’t options because… well… they’re trapped in stone in both of the possible timelines currently. That’s Cozy Glow, Tirek, and Zathir. Technically Chrysalis if you count the Post-S9 version, Chrysalis would be exclusive to the timeskip. Though I would wait until Earnest Empathetic Change is over first. Another timeskip exclusive character would be Flurry Heart, as well, of course the Post-S9 version is still simply a baby.
But otherwise most of everyone else, including many spirits (Including such ponies as Applejack’s parents) due to Spirit Summoning being a thing in this universe. Just mention who you want to interact with, whether you want to see the timeskip or mostly shortly after Season 9 and Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear. So have fun!
To get started simply use the ask box to suggest which character you want to speak with. And then whether it's a question or the beginning of an interaction. We can go from there!
P.S. For out of character/planning. You may have the choice of using Tumblr messages, asking me on my mod blog, or we can friend eachother on Discord (Please ask first however!)
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Ember meets her Geniequestria self
Sal: Ember is back! For this particular post, it wasn’t easy figuring out a way for these two to interact without the text distinguishing one from the other, since I use pink text for Ember. But I’m sure I did ok here.
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About Geniequestria...
Hey guys, I thought I'd put up something I feel like I need to say. Don't worry, I am not CANCELING Geniequestria outright. I still intend to follow through as best I can on carrying out the story that I brainstormed with not just one, but three good friends of mine now.
But... I do need to say some things about the near future of this blog. This blog was supposed to be a collab project from the very start, though unfortunately I suppose life got very busy for one of my best friends to do their part past the pilot and Trixie's Genification. And while I've generally toughed it out from the beginning of the Our Town stuff until now. It's... tough having to do what was meant to be split between two people all on one person. And it's gotten to become a load to write the next story.
I think the main problem is I'm putting the same amount of effort into side stories that are somewhat meaningless to the overall main story arc other then the fact it adds more genified characters that may or may not have a part in the main story. And that takes time to carefully write while also considering I'm still working on some stories over on my main pony blog I Dream of Twilight Sparkle and also time for me to just have some fun playing games and talking with online friends.
What the main point I'm saying is, I may need to shift how side stories are done soon. I do have one or two side stories technically already written (Although one may be waiting a while as I want to get somewhere in the main story before getting to that one). What I mean like is side stories may have little-to-no dialouge. Sounding more like a recap of the moment certain characters are/were genified
I do of course intend to keep the main stories with dialouge and stuff, but sadly if I'm to get a better pace with the story. I may need to chop down the length of side stories by a great margin by simply getting into what happens/happened. And I'm sorry if that makes the side stories a lot less exciting. As stuff like Dr. Fauna's genification, and Coloratura's genification was ALOT of fun to make and work with friends about.
The only way I can really keep the side stories they way they are, is if I could have a consistent co-writer to help write some of the stories for me. But I don't want to drag someone into something in which I can't properly compensate them for their help.
At the very least, I'll promise to keep doing the sprite images I'm capable of doing for the side stories. But the writing in the side stories is going to have to be cut down if the majority of this blog is going to be solely written by myself. (Some recent stories technically weren't even all made by myself. I have had 2 friends roleplay the situation in order to create the chapter)
I still have some content based on the old way I did side stories to come. And you'll see those at some point, but if there's a lack of dialogue (But still with pictures) for an upcoming side story, you'll know it was written after this post. Many of the ones that are still full side-stories that are still coming have technically existed for months now... (Ex: The genification of Daisy and Lily? That was whipped up in a roleplay back in August of last year) and you can see why it feels like for me that I'm going at such a slow pace with this. I also don't want to burden anyone else's schedule with these.
So in short, side stories on Geniequestria might be getting cut down in length in order to hopefully soon pick up the pace of progress I want to make in Geniequestria. The extent of what Geniequestria's scope was just over time felt like a weight that goe heavier on my shoulders with each passing day. And I hope that leaving a little less pressure on what will by the end of this thing make up the bulk of this thing, will allow me to ease into progressing things better soon.
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Down in Roseluck's basement. Daisy and Lily have their hooves wrapped around each other as they shiver in fear. Just moments ago, their dear friend Roseluck was with them, but then in a freak instance. A magic flash enveloped their fellow flower pony, her screams traumatizing her two friends as she vanished before their very eyes. Now quite worried about the safety of their friend, they seek each other for comfort. It's been at least a good few minutes since Roseluck had disappeared
"L-l-l-l-lily, i-i-i'm s-scared! I... t-t-think the s-s-s-s-Storm King has k-k-kidnapped Rose!"
"I-I don't know what to do! This is a disaster!" Lily held Daisy close, fearing that they might be next. It took everything in her willpower to not faint like she usually would in a stressful situation. "W-why… why would he kidnap Rose!? What if… what if she's not the only one who was taken?! What if we're next!?" The horror of the situation was making her mind jump to some very dark conclusions. "W-w-we have to get s-somepony to help! Oh, but what if he's already gotten to Princess Twilight and the others too? I wish we knew if she was at least safe...."
As if on cue, and conveniently after Lily's wish. Another bright flash appears, both mares freak out and hug each other tighter in at least an attempt to save the other from disappearing or at the very least going with them. For if the Storm King is going to enslave them, best they try to have a friend with them. The flash soon disappears as fast as it came in, and they each peek one eye out. And see they're both in the basement still, relieved that neither of them were captured too. Though then they look at the center of the room, and they gasp.
"Hi girls!! I'm back!" Roseluck cheerfully smiled with her hooves raised in the air as she returned to her friends, seemingly safe, and oddly joyful as ever.
The sudden flash caused Lily to scream… that scream of terror is soon replaced by one of joy. Tears filled her eyes as she saw Roseluck suddenly appear in front of them. "ROSE!! YOU'RE OK!" Lily wiped her eyes.
They were both half filled with joy, but also quite unnerved. As Roseluck had not returned as she had looked before she came back. An exotic garb had adorned her face, ears, and hooves... and her lower half was completely gone! Where her hindlegs and tail would be was a floating, waving different kind of tail that started from Roseluck's hips and were anchored by a vase.
"We thought the Storm King had taken you, and that we'd be next! What happened and..." She now got a good look at Rose's attire and the fact that she was floating above them… along with the vase she was supposedly coming out of. Her mind once again jumped to conclusions. "NOOOOO! ROSE HAS BEEN TURNED INTO A FANCILY DRESSED GHOST! THE HORROR, THE HORROR!!!" She looked like she was about to faint once again.
Roseluck quickly flew to Lily's side. "No no no no! It's ok! I'm not a ghost! Nor am I dead, if anything, I'm the exact opposite! I'm immortal now! But girls, I have so much news to tell you!"
"News?! You mean like... good and bad news...?!" Daisy shivered
Roseluck giggled "No! It's more like I have good news... AND EVEN BETTER NEWS!" She beamed an infectious wide grin and raised her hooves in the air.
"So… you're not a ghost… whew… ok..." Lily calmed down a bit but this new appearance was still a bit off-putting to the easily skittish mare. "Wh-what kind of good and even better news do you have? And… how did you become immortal? Or get these new clothes? Did..." she gasps again "Did you MARRY the Storm King to garner a deal with Equestria?! A-and he's given you powers and a new outfit!?" Clearly she can't help herself but jump to conclusions, that or she's been reading too many romance novels.
Daisy raised an eyebrow, that guess was a bit over-the-top even for Lily's usual conclusions.
Whereas Roseluck giggles outloud. "Hehe, that's not it either! But I'll start with the regular ol' good news. The Storm King has been defeated! I don't know how exactly. But I just met and got word from this mare named Starlight that told me as well as Twilight and friends that the Storm King is no longer a threat! Equestria is in the clear!"
"w-w-w-w-w-WHHHHAAAAAAAT?! You m-mean... we're... s-s-s-safe?! But… wait… How is that ONLY the good news?!" Daisy has a skeptical face, feeling like like this has to be too good to be true
Lily did feel a bit sheepish about her out there guess. But this news was welcome indeed. Lily beamed, pulling the two into a big hug. "That's wonderful! We don't have to live in fear of him now!" She let out a very relieved sigh. "But I'm with Daisy, how could there be BETTER news than that!? Equestria's been in a tizzy since his declaration of invasion!"
"Tee hee! Coincidentally, it involves the same mare who broke the news! I don't know her past or anything, but she's absolutely amazing! She happens to be a real-life, honest-to-goodness genie! AND SHE TRANSFORMED ME INTO ONE TOO!"
"W-W-W-W-WHAAAAAAAT?! GENIES?!" Now that made Lily's guess seem normal by comparison. Even if the evidence seems to be staring right in front of them, the attire, Roseluck's missing lower half, and the vase on the floor that Roseluck seemed to be connected to.
At least Lily's guess was based on a Beauty of the Beast-type fantasy that can technically happen in Equestria. As there have been, albeit fairly rare, cases of Ponies romancing dragons and yaks. But genies seem completely out of the question. Even for a magical land like Equestria.
Lily's mind felt like it had just short circuited, this was almost too fantastical to believe even for her. "Genies are real?? YOU'RE A GENIE NOW?! CAN YOU GRANT WISHES AND DO ALL SORTS OF IMPOSSIBLE THINGS?!" Even with floating proof right there in front of them, it would take more time to really sink in. "So this Starlight must be absolutely incredible! Some kind of hero genie to work with the Elements of Harmony! That would also explain why you're floating from this vase!" She points towards Rose's vessel.
Getting a good look at it, she's quite impressed by the quality. "I have to say it looks quite impressive too! Got your cutie mark on it! Though it does look a little different… that's weird... Still! Imagine what we could do for our shop if we had more like yours to sell flowers in! I think they'd look great in them, and we could have the flowers painted on like yours too!" Something comes across Lily's mind "But I'm still confused, why were you taken in the first place?"
"Apparently, Twilight and friends wished from Starlight for me to be there, and they asked me to receive the Element of Kindness. Twilight apparently wanted me to substitute for Fluttershy for some reason. I admit that because of both the Storm King being defeated and becoming a genie has made me so happy... I forgot much of what Twilight told me! But regardless of the circumstances, I was blessed with overwhelming feelings of kindness! I passed down free roses to everypony I saw mere moments after receiving the necklace!" She beamed a grin, and had stars in her eyes.
"SO YOU'RE THE ELEMENT OF KINDNESS NOW TOO!?" Lily felt like she was going to faint from information overload, if she wasn't seeing Rose in front of her right now, she wouldn't be believing any of it. "I just… I can't..." She put a hoof to her head. "This is just so much to take in, Rose.... you're gonna give me a heart attack! Next you'll be telling us that you're going to be crowned a princess or something even more insane! I don't think I can take any more shocks!"
Daisy just about has a migraine from all this information filling her head, and much of her is admittedly a little skeptical of all of this being true. "I don't know, Rose... this seems all so farfetched... I think you need to back it up with some solid proof..."
Roseluck nods "Understood, it should be easy enough to prove! All I need to do… is to grant a wish from each of you. So go ahead, girls. What do you desire?" She smiles in anticipation for her first granted wishes.
"A wish? Yeah! That would give us both solid proof this is all real!" She puts a hoof to her chin. "But what do I wish for....?" Lily looks very focused, thinking on what might be good. (Do I get something for the shop? No… no, I'd like to improve that with all three of us working together, that's what makes it fun...wait I know!) As if a light went off in her head, Lily speaks up. "Ok Rose, you know how we always have our fair share of panic attacks? I always hoped that some day these fainting spells and freak outs would come to an end. SO, I wish you could make me less prone to fainting and being so freaked out from every little thing! I know it's not like something physical, but that should still work... right?"
Daisy herself seems deep in thought as she thinks what she should wish for first. "Say, wait, before I make the wish... you aren't like... limited to 3 wishes and then you're stuck in a cave for thousands of years are you?! Because if that's the case... I'd rather make no wishes at all..."
Roseluck shakes her head and smiles "Nah, don't worry Daisy! That was just a narrative limit for stories like Aladdin. As otherwise the heroes would win too easily, actual genies are far more free then you could ever believe! You two could have as many wishes as you want, so feel no need to pressure yourselves"
That comes as a relief to the both of them. "In that case, I'll start with something simple. I heard Lily mention your vase. And I have to agree, it's a beautiful vase. I wish we each had one of our very own!"
Lily smiles at Daisy, thinking that both of these wishes are good, one being physical the other being more internalized. And the explanation of how genie wishes really work makes Lily a bit excited for any future wishes to come. With Rose being their friend, they'd have access to infinite wishes, but she didn't want to take advantage either.
Roseluck takes some time to think over both these wishes. And after a brief self-deliberation, she begins to giggle madly. "Hehehehe.... ahehehehehe~. I was hoping you both would ask for a wish in this manner~. Cause I know just the thing... that will grow two seeds with one drop of water!"
Lily’s thought process was shaken as Rose began to laugh. It sounded almost… villainous. "R-Rose? Why are you laughing like that?" She'd never heard such a tone from her friend before. Her mind jumped to conclusions yet again "Don't tell me… were you… possessed by some spirit?! The storm king has returned to haunt you for taunting him?! Your laugh is scaring me!"
Roseluck immediately calms down her laughter "Sorry Lily, I didn't mean to scare you. I was just thinking how much I was going to enjoy granting these two wishes, and how happy the three of us will be… for all-time!~ But let's start off with Daisy's wish..."
Roseluck raises her hooves that glow with red rose-colored magic.
"D-don't scare me like that!" She did calm down a little but she was still on edge hearing her friend sound like that at all. Watching her use magic for the first time did put some of these thoughts aside. Being earth ponies, the thought of ever being able to cast a spell only seemed possible in their wildest dreams. She looked in awe at the magic coming from Rose's hooves.
Soon, two vases fade into existence right in front of Daisy and Lily. Each one painted the same color as their respective coats and a stopper of similar color to their manes and tails. Neither of them had the cutie mark insignia like it does on Roseluck, but they otherwise matched the exact shape and size as Roseluck's own vase.
Daisy approaches her vase with stars in her eyes. She could see a warped reflection of herself with how clean and smooth it was. "Wow...." is all Daisy could mutter as she observes the vase from up close.
"Amazing!" Lily trotted over to her own vase, there was a shine to it that she couldn't take her eyes off of. "It's so… pretty. Guess we'll have to paint our marks on it, huh? That could be a fun project! Oooh, and we could sell something like this for the shop! Personalized vases!" Before she let herself get distracted any further, she looked back to Rose ``Oh right! Now it's my turn right?"
Roseluck nods "Mmhmm, and believe it or not. The secret to your wish... will be found inside your vase~. And Daisy, I know you have some of your own fears even if you don't jump to conclusions as often as Lily does. But in a way, I still granted Lily's wish for you too! Inside these vases, are the secret to all of us never fearing anything ever again!"
Daisy raises an eyebrow in skepticism "Something... inside these vases... are supposed to clear any fear of ours for good? Even for a genie this sounds unlikely..."
"Why don't you open the vase for yourself then, Daisy? And take a look inside~" Roseluck smirks.
Daisy shrugs "Well... if you say so..." Daisy takes off the topper with her mouth and looks down into the barrel. At the same time, Roseluck secretly locks the door to her basement from the other side with a brief flick of a hoof behind her back.
The way Rose explained how her wish was granted confused Lily. "The answer is… inside the vase? I didn't think it'd be something physical that would just make us not so scared… but why not just bring it out here? I'm with Daisy on this one, it just sounds really unlikely..." She watches as Daisy opens her vase first. There's a faint 'click!' in the distance but with Lily and Daisy focused on the vases, they couldn't hear it.
In the rather dimly lit basement, Daisy can't see anything but pitch black with not much light shining in the vessel for her to see what's inside.
"What do you see Daisy?" Lily asked curiously
Daisy moves her head away from the vessel to look toward Rose
"It’s too dimly lit in here to see anything in there, Lily. But either way… I don't know about this, Rose... there doesn't seem to be anything i-i-i-i-iNNNNNNNN HEEEEEERRRRR-AHHHHHMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHMPPpphhh!"
The vase pulls in Daisy's nose, and quickly muffles Daisy's shrieks as her mouth enters. She puts her hooves on the edges of the vase instinctively to try to pull herself out, but that only helps the vessel faster as her own hooves follow her head and neck.
Knowing full well this was going to make Lily run straight for the door, or failing that, a corner of the room. Roseluck opens Lily's vase and points it towards her.
Lily screamed when she witnessed her friend's face and head stretch straight into the vase that Roseluck had created for her "DAISY!!! ROSE, WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!? WHY DID THAT HAPPEN?!" Her heart rate skyrockets, immediately panicking as her fight or flight responses take over. She fumbles about with her hooves, trying to run, but the door wasn't getting any closer… in fact it felt like she was getting pulled back.
"No, NOOOO!!!" She looked back to see that Rose had opened up her own vase, and it was sucking her in! Her blond tail elongated first, followed by her hindlegs. She looked like she was about to cry. "Rose, we're your friends! Wh-wh-why are you doing this to us?!"
"I understand your fear, Lily. But this is a necessary step in the process, and I don't mean in a face your fear kind of way. Allow me to at least clear your last feelings of uncertainty. I am giving you two none other than the kindest gift I can think to give… we will all be genies together! Making each other's wishes come true, and spreading this joy to others like a flower spreading its pollen... And with the power we will have, nothing will ever scare us again!" Roseluck knows that Lily's fear isn't going to make this easier. Roseluck was just about entirely willing throughout her entire transformation even before her hooves touched the vase, so she's not entirely aware of the vessel's ability to make even the most reluctant ponies bend to its will. But she hopes once Lily is released, she'll understand.
At the same time, Daisy's hindlegs and pony tail have been lifted off the ground. Daisy's hooves kick wildly for a moment before they slowed down as if suddenly Daisy began to accept her fate. For Lily, more and more of her tail is pulled within the vessel. Dragging her slowly towards the vase's opening. Her hindlegs swirl around each other and merge until Lily has the same sort of half-body column of smoke that Roseluck has had the entire time.
"That all sounds nice… B-b-but that's not what I wished for! I didn't ask to be a genie! It's not what Daisy wished for either! Please, j-just make this stop, Rose! This isn't like you at all!" Despite her tail and hindlegs getting sucked in already, Lily still tried to run, she knew it was futile but she had to try anyway.
She could see that Daisy had already been sucked in about halfway in, panicking similarly to her… then she stopped. "D-Daisy?! Rose, this is just horri..." The elongated tail that was her hindlegs connected to the vase at last, an electrifying tingle rocks through her body, her mind opening up like a flower in bloom. "Horri.... Hoooooo~ ....wh-what is this~? It's the... furthest thing from a horrible disaster..."
Her scared expression shifts to a pleasured looking one. Lily stopped trying to run as she let the vase now suck her in further. up past her hips. "R-rose, why didn't you start with this.... instead of… ooooh~... scaring us....?"
Roseluck lets out a small gasp seeing how quickly Lily turned around "Huh... I'm as surprised as you are if I'm honest, Lily... when I was being transformed. I wasn't even scared, I was still reeling from the effects of the Element of Kindness overwhelming me. I did remember it being particularly.... pleasurable when it got to where you are now. But I didn't know it'd be capable of calming you so quickly, so I apologize... Granted... I imagine the fact I didn't warn you when I thought you'd be kicking and screaming the whole way in is rather deceptive of me... but I promise I held no ill intentions. Just let your vase smooth all your fears and worries away~"
Next to Roseluck and Lily, Daisy's hindlegs straighten up in one last kick before they slip into the vessel. All that's left was Daisy's green ponytail, which quickly gets slurped up like a noodle by the vase. The vase's stopper falls onto the opening, sealing Daisy inside. Daisy's cutie mark, albeit slightly changed, starts fading onto the side.
Lily puts her hooves behind her back as she floats vertically above her vase. The sensation and tingling only increased the more of her enters the vase. She starts getting pinched down, her body making an upside down cone shape with her shoulders and head being the widest part of her body while the rest of her body seems to have formed a near triangle above her vase. She squirms as her forehooves enter the vessel, but not as an attempt to escape. The pleasure's simply making her shake in ecstasy.
Most of what Rose told her seemed to fall on deaf ears. Her mind was too absorbed by the pleasurable feelings to really understand. But she did hear the apology "It'ssssss fine now… I forgive… oooooh~… you, Rose." All of her fears, worries, doubts, they all seemed to just fade away as she was sucked further in. As she leaned her body back, the sensations continued to get stronger, until... "AAAAHHHH~!!" One last moan that echoes throughout the basement as the 3rd member of the trio completes her genification.
Like Daisy's vase, the top for hers seals it shut, the three lilies that made up Lily's cutie mark slowly took shape on the vase with all of them being stretched downward.
Both vases rumbled as they were fully sealed, the transformation having been complete. All that needed to be done now was for Rose to let her flowery genie friends bloom into a new phase of their lives.
Roseluck claps her hooves together and thinks to herself (That was fun! Can't wait to do this again but as a proper genie trio!). She then lifts open the stoppers, the vessels trembling before releasing two different shades of pink with green and blonde sparks rising all the way to the ceiling. The ends of the smokes form into the silhouettes of the two flower ponies, before the both of them fade in, Daisy's veil and leggings are green while Lily's are a bright white. The two let out long satisfied sighs as their emergence completes.
"That... was certainly a ride... but a ride I wouldn't mind going on again~" Daisy's eyes go lidded as she basks in the transformation she just received.
Lily bursts out of her vase, the magical clouds that emerged with her looking like pollen that had just been released. She takes a moment to really adjust to this, examining her new jewelry and white veils. The genie magic flowed through her freely, in her mind it felt as if she'd been unshackled from her previous thinking. There was no longer fear within her, but excitement. "Gosh, I feel like a whole new me! It really was scary at first, but now I think I could take on just about anything! But most importantly...." She swirls around the other two, pulling them into a hug "We can be together like this, forever!!"
Roseluck and Daisy return the hug. "I'm glad the both of you love it, too! Now how about we relax, and make the gardens of our dreams within our vessels... and tomorrow... I think we should make plans to visit Junebug~" Roseluck suggested with a smile
Daisy beamed putting her forehooves on her cheeks "Ooooo, yes! Junebug must absolutely join us for this! Flower ponies, pollinating the world with our wondrous magic!"
"You didn't tell us we could do that! Oooh I know just how I'll be setting it all up too! This will mean we can grow anything in any season without worry!" Lily's eyes lit up at this plan. "That's a wonderful idea! With Junebug with us, we can make the world a better, more flowery place! Why keep this all to ourselves?"
The trio then each enter their own vessel to construct a field of their favorite flowers all around them. Roses, Daisies, and Lilies respectively. When they were done, the trio entered eachother's vessels and marveled at every one of their best friends' fields. They'll have plenty to do and talk about, before they let in a 4th pony in on their wonderful transformations and endless, never-ending gardens..
#Geniequestria#side stories#roseluck#daisy#lily#flower trio#my little pony friendship is magic#my little pony#Daisy and Lily's Genification#genie#genification#vase
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While the non-genified Mane 6 went to comfort Twilight, and Starlight basked in her victory with a trip to the spa. Fluttershy went inside the hive that was Meadowbrook’s vessel. She would talk with Meadowbrook over what just happened. The mage from ancient times was initially hostile to Fluttershy’s appearance, since it was technically her fault this happened.
Though Fluttershy could tell that Meadowbrook’s attitude toward her was half-hearted. Meadowbrook’s tone gives away that while maybe there was a hint of disdain towards Fluttershy. It was obvious she felt more betrayed by Starswirl and the silence of the others of the Pillars, plus, she knew now what kind of power and pleasurable feelings being a genie gives her. Almost like she understood why Catrina was so obsessed with her own power. If a bit worried that simply something brainwashing her into believing it.
Fluttershy would get her to understand that it’s ok to still feel a little upset with her. But also figures what Starswirl said to her was bothering her more than anything else. She helps Meadowbrook understand that Starswirl is wrong. Though it will take some time for him to figure that out, maybe not even up til’ he is genified himself one day. Fluttershy also assures that the good feelings Meadowbrook is feeling is no mind trick. As if it was, why would it let her even debate with herself about it. Helping Meadowbrook see that she still has her own free will. She thanks Fluttershy for making her realize that.
For now though, she wonders what she should do next. And Fluttershy actually gives her a suggestion: Go to Ponyville’s hospital. The pegasus genie knows some pony there that would really like to meet her, and would be more than happy to show her how healthcare has changed since her time.
Fluttershy then tells Meadowbrook she has someone else she needs to cheer up, before politely leaving Meadowbrook on her own, The mage cheered up, and ready to spread this magic to modern experts of healthcare.
When Meadowbrook gets to the hospital, it’s deserted of patients and she sees what seems to be a nurse with a white coat and pink hair awfully puzzled about this. Holding a list of patients that needed urgent care that had reported that they’re feeling fine now. Better than ever actually. She sighs before sitting down on a waiting room chair.
Meadowbrook soon approached the Nurse, the latter gasping as she sees what seems to be a splitting image of someone she’s idolized ever since she was a filly. She initially thinks Meadowbrook is just a cosplayer. But as they talk, the nurse quizzes the mare. She realizes that she’s living a dream.
Mage Meadowbrook herself was in front of her, and the nurse could barely contain her excitement. She wonders why the mage isn’t in her more iconic dress, but just assumes the clothing change was perhaps some desert wear that Somnambula gave her. She introduces herself to the mage as Nurse Redheart and tells her how much her tales inspired her to get into healthcare.
They talk at length, eventually getting to the conversation about modern healthcare and how much has improved since Meadowbrook’s time. Including many ailments that had been fatal, or otherwise crippling are now rare or even nonexistent thanks to such miracle inventions as the vaccine. Which astounds Meadowbrook to no end. Wondering if such a miracle exists, does illness even exist anymore?
Which actually gets Nurse Redheart to sigh. Who tells Meadowbrook that as much as healthcare has improved, there are still some things vaccines can’t take care of. Mostly physical injury, and how sometimes ponies doubt the validity of such advances in technology just because of what it still can’t do. Or if it was applied too late to save somepony.
Inadvertently, Nurse Redheart wishes audibly that there was a singular vaccine for absolutely everything. Which gives Meadowbrook her chance, eager to use her new powers granted to her by Fluttershy. Meadowbrook tells Redheart that she may have just the thing and asks for an empty syringe. Redheart not understanding what Meadowbrook intends to do, but who is she to question this legend of healthcare.
Meadowbrook begins to imbue the syringe with magic, and tells Redheart to sit down as she’s about to apply it. Redheart raises an eyebrow before telling her that she’s already well-vaccinated for everything there is in this current age. The mage winks and hints that there is one ailment that indeed the nurse has to worry about… aging… as well as death.
Redheart’s eyes going wide and exclaiming that it’s impossible, though she’s then initially scared she means something like suspended animation in which Meadowbrook must have been in limbo. In which the Mage assures that’s not what she’s about to do. She insists for Redheart to trust her. Redheart isn’t too sure she can take the idea of curing aging and death even from her idol as nothing more than fool’s gold but decides to let Meadowbrook do what she wills.
As Meadowbrook slowly brings down the syringe, Redheart winces to prepare for the initial sting. Although surprisingly, when it’s inserted. There’s no sting at all, it smoothly goes in without an ounce of pain. She gasped, and even began to blush as she felt the opposite of a brief second of pain. It felt like more so she was getting an immediate dose of dopamine into her body. She coos and comments to Meadowbrook that this feels amazing. A power unlike nothing else welling up inside.
Though just seconds later, Redheart looks over to the hoof that the syringe had been injected in… and sees it was beginning to get sucked up into the syringe!
As much as still felt no pain, it still presented a moment of panic as more of her hoof was absorbed into the syringe. She tries to use her other hoof to try to stop the syringe only making things worse as the syringe started taking in her other hoof. She was now helpless as her head and upper body began to warp into the syringe too.
She screams for a few seconds before it starts to fade as her mouth enters the syringe. From there, the nurse’s entire body is sucked into the syringe as easily as blood is taken from the body during blood drives.
A satisfying sound is heard once all of the nurse is in the syringe, the red cross of the nurse’s cutie mark appearing on both sides of the syringe. Meadowbrook herself is amused and prepares to release her newly genified pony. She presses on it as if to release its contents in the air. And she softly puts the syringe onto the table. White and pink smoke quickly swirling out of the syringe until it takes the shape of the nurse, now connected to the syringe via a curvy, smoke tail.
As Redheart faded in, she felt renewed. She was no longer as afraid as she had been in the seconds she was being sucked into the syringe. A blood red veil adorned her face, same with her forelegs. She asks Meadowbrook what just happened, and why she feels like she’s in the best shape of her life.
Meadowbrook of course explains to her that she was now a genie and how much of Equestria is gradually becoming genified. Just like she is right now. Being a more science-focused mare, the nurse could hardly believe genies were real. But it was hard to dispute that she now had a smoke tail to her vessel, the syringe. And overwhelming power within her. Meadowbrook would say she’s generally all new to this herself, but no matter what. Being a genie felt great, even if the opinions of Starswirl have soured her positive feelings a bit.
Redheart understood now that genification was indeed the cure for everything. She also realizes this is what must have happened to those patients on her urgent care list. They must have become genies, and thus no longer needed such care. Though she laments a bit that she may be out of a job if nopony will ever need medical attention ever again should all of Equestria become genies. Though Meadowbrook pats her on the shoulder, reassuring her that even in a fully genified world. It will be satisfying to see the smiles of all former and would-be patients that nothing will ever harm them again.
Besides, up until every pony is genified. There will still be a need to give them the treatment she got from Meadowbrook… including the rest of the hospital staff. Which makes Redheart excited, as she surely wants to share this with every pony else working at the hospital. They both immediately go into the halls and start genifying every staff member they see on sight. The commotion would even attract Starlight Glimmer who happened to be near the hospital shortly after her trip to the spa. She gives a wink and grin of approval to both Meadowbrook and the newly genified Nurse Redheart. Proud of them for turning an essential part of society into another factory for the gradual genification of Equestria. If there were any remaining staff members left to genify, Starlight even got in on the fun. Before she takes her lamp to the waiting room and decides to take a rest.
#Geniequestria#side stories#starlight glimmer#nurse redheart#redheart#nurse#Nurse Redheart's genification#my little pony#my little pony friendship is magic#genie#genification#mage meadowbrook#meadowbrook#fluttershy#syringe#vaccine
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Starlight Glimmer was in a great mood, just about everything was going exactly to plan. Maybe some things are being slowed down then initially planned, such as Celestia’s approach to wait until the Gala for the mass genification of Canterlot. But given the entirety of the Crystal Empire, and Manehattan’s on their way there. There’s still no shortage of new genies, and there was no doubt in her mind that geniequality for all was becoming a reality.
That said, even the victorious need their relaxation time. There’s still so much to do, though luckily for her, there’s all eternity to do it. So as Starlight begins to plant roots in Ponyville as she gradually makes it her new home. (Or well, her home outside the true home that is her lamp.)
She decides to check in at the Ponyville Day Spa, run by the Spa Twins of Aloe and Lotus. She’ll find out if the twins' reputation in town are worthy of the praise they receive... of course, this doubly serves as adding a vital part of Ponyville’s commerce for genification activities.
She approaches the front desk in the waiting room, and rings the call bell a few times to catch the attention of the twins.
Not long after the bell was rung, one of the two sisters made their way to answer. Aloe, wearing a most professional smile, matching her beautiful pink coat and elegant blue mane.
"Why good afternoon, madam! How might I be of service?" she asked Starlight. Busy as she and Lotus were, she did not know of Starlight Glimmer's story, let alone her current ambitions.
Though the newcomer's fanciful attire, so to speak, certainly caught the spa pony's attention... How novel, and unique! How... exotic.
Lotus was not far behind, and approached with quite the same fascination as Aloe showed. "Oh, my! From far afield, are you?" she asked with a most courteous and curious smile.
Starlight bows her head politely to the twins "Greetings to the both of you! As for how I’m not from around here, you... could say that. I am a recent move-in to this town, and I wanted to fancy my first visit here. I've heard great things from those who have lived here much longer than I. I've even got an extensive look beforehand at a brochure that listed your types of Spa therapy. For this first visit, I won't be going too extraordinary. A mane styling + full body massage combo course, if you please"
In unison, the two spa ponies nodded with a gracious bow. "Certainly, madam. Right zis way," Aloe said, before the two led the genie-mare into the spacious and lavish spa rooms just beyond the reception. It was a quiet day today, it seemed, so waiting was not necessary for their latest guest. And their greatest, too, though neither yet knew it...
"My name is Aloe," said she herself,
"And mine is Lotus," replied her sister. "I'll be styling your mane today, whilst Aloe begins your massage." She gestured towards a massage table by the spa-side, all pristine and posh. Perfect for one such as Starlight, who thinks she certainly deserves some well-earned pleasures...
Starlight nodded and followed the twins to the table they had chosen for her. She climbs on up, and lays in a prone position on top of the table. "If you need me to remove my veil or leggings to make things easier, I can do that with my magic at any point during this session"
"We'll be certain to let you know, madam," said Aloe with a smile. Although she wondered briefly why that would be necessary instead of simply removing them by hoof... Of course, they did not know the significance of such garments.
"Now... just relax," came Lotus' delicate, dreamy voice. "As we show you ze marvels of unwinding. True rest and recovery~"
Aloe began to work her hooves softly and carefully into Starlight's shoulders, working with such practiced and majestic motions that all stress and tension began to fade away from them... Pleasurable pangs rippled faintly, all the way through Starlight Glimmer's body, as Lotus began to work on her mane.
"Ahhhhh~" Starlight was already seeing that the citizens of Ponyville's high regard for this place was far from unfounded. Aloe's hooves were as soft as a cloud but at the same time firm enough to relax any stiff muscles on Starlight's body.
Aloe herself felt something rather interesting as she felt Starlight's fur and skin. Something about it felt more smooth then most of her customers in the past. She observed as she rubbed the fur on Starlight's back. What she initially thinks is dandruff, is actually tiny sparks of pure magic. Now she's seen such sparks of magic during many sessions before, but that's only happened when they're asked to clean a unicorn's horn. It has never happened with anypony's fur, let alone as she would find... throughout their entire body!
As Aloe massaged Starlight, the volume of magic radiating from her was far more than just a curiosity. This was more than in even the more powerful unicorns she had ever tended to. She kept the pace and smoothness of her massage correctly, but her curiosity grew and grew for every moment she worked her talent. Her hooves descended, massaging and pleasuring Starlight's lower back, approaching her flanks.
"So, what brings you to Ponyville?" she asked, in a quiet and gentle tone, yet her inquisitiveness was not fully masked. The magic made her too curious!
"Oh, you could say I came here to find some new friends. After all, this IS the friendship capital of the world... is it not?~" She smirked. "My old home town was a tiny village, and while the community there is great. Especially nowadays, I might add~. I wanted to find another humble town, but with a much larger population to get to know. I have so much to share with everypony here... I can't wait until I've properly met everypony in town, and have given them the most tremendous gift of all~" Starlight elicits a soft moan as Aloe softly rubs her flanks and plot.
It was those last words that, for but a moment, caused the twins to pause. Lotus while she was tending Starlight's lavish mane, and Aloe while she rubbed and massaged her gorgeous rear…
"Tremendous gift?" asked Aloe, before her hooves returned to kneading Starlight's plot so dreamily. "My, zat certainly sounds... interesting!" Though her professional manner remained, as of course it would, the curiosity in her tone was now quite clear.
And perhaps, thanks to the twin’s wonderful work thus far, the genie mare might feel relaxed enough to divulge some of her intentions, or lead the two toward what must surely be their fate. This was a chance to relax, and yet... work always needed done, yes?~
Those hooves kneaded Starlight's shapely, smooth posterior as a baker would dough; freeing the stresses from every muscle...
Lotus had also noticed the magical sparks seeping through every brush of Starlight's mane as Aloe did through her fur. She quickly became about as curious as her sister about their newest customer.
Starlight heaves a long, relaxed sigh. Very much satisfied with the work of Aloe's massaging hooves. "Shall I turn over so you can massage my chest, or does your sister need me to be in this position a little longer for my mane?"
"Ah, yes, madam. I belie.... I believe my sister is quite finished," she said, looking over at Lotus.
Lotus came to, as if having been in a brief daze. "Oh, y-yes! Why yes indeed..." She, after all, had noticed the sparkles herself. And though her practiced hooves worked as majestically as Aloe's, she couldn't help but hesitate as she questioned the source of the magic. She, too, had never seen so much at once.
"And it may be best to remove your.. attire now, madam~" continued Lotus, though her mind reeled with the puzzling question as to just who this visitor was!
Starlight breifly gets off the table and floats up a mirror to look at her mane, most of the back remained the same but it was the front that was certainly different. It was now curled to the side rather than her more matronly look, the curl going over her horn rather than splitting her mane in half. She has a gentle smile seeing her new look, she still sort of prefers her older cut. But she wouldn't mind having this style again from time-to-time. "Oh, very nice work, Lotus! I'll have to remember this on occasion~"
She puts the mirror back, laying back down onto the table, and nods as Lotus instructs her to remove her attire. She charges her horn for a brief moment, and her veil and leggings all disappear in a flash. The only remaining part of her attire was her ear piercings, but those were welcome to stay on as ear accessories weren't too much of an obstacle. Starlight then turns herself over and lays flat on her back. So Aloe can finish up the full body massage.
And as Starlight positioned herself anew, the two spa owners continued their masterful massages. Hooves swathing and furrowing so finely over the fur on Starlight's front, letting pleasures cascade and blossom all throughout her magical being. Those suspicious sparkles glimmered all the more, all but dazzling the spa mares. Her forelegs and hindlegs alike were smoothly serviced, ensuring that pleasure rippled towards every inch of her being; hooves of pink and blue tending to a coat of luscious lilac.
"What a striking style your accessories have, madam," said Lotus of the vanished veil and leggings.
"Ooooooooo aaaaaaaah mmmmmmmmmmm~" Is all Starlight could audibly express as the sisters continued the massage especially as they rubbed all four of her limbs. Aloe's massaging hooves alone felt great, but the both of them working together was just a dream come true. There was only one other time she could recall where she felt greater than this, and that was... her transformation into a genie back at the Canterlot archives.
As she finally gets a chance to respond to Lotus' complimenting her attire. She turns her head and smiles, "Hehe... would you and your sister like a pair of your very own, perhaps?~"
"Would we? Oh goodness, I'm sure!" said Lotus with a musically light laugh. All while her hooves worked their wonders upon Starlight's beautiful body. From her front, to her legs, to her flanks, to her rear, to her tail, the lilac pony was awash in the marvels of their treatment.
"Hah, but with our ever-busy list of clients, we wish we could take ze time to get some," said Aloe.
"Agreed," said Lotus. "Indeed, madam, you picked ze ideal day to visit, when zat often-busy list found itself quite quiet for once."
But little did they realize what they just said, and to whom....
Starlight immediately responds with some sinister laughter, before sitting up. "Then perhaps... for your pleasantries you've given me today... I should reward the both of you... with a happy ending of my own making~" She then teleports off the table before levitating another table from nearby, reforming her veil and leggings before putting the table perfectly horizontal next to the one she was just on. She then gently places Aloe and Lotus on each of the two tables.
"Wh-What?" said Aloe, suddenly.
"Huh? But... we haven't finished your treatment yet," said Lotus, and both stared at their customer with newfound confusion. Not that either had much experience reacting to a change of tone quite like Starlight displayed, and their puzzlement turned almost to outright shock once they found themselves levitated onto those tables!
"Don't worry about that, maybe I cut it a little short. But I can assure that you two did a fantastic job, I feel fully renewed already. So just sit tight, relax, and let all your wishes come true~" Starlight then charges her horn and creates two pairs of disembodied hooves made purely of a magic, she places them on each of the twins. Turning them over if they weren't already prone, and then massaging them on their back.
Before either of the spa ponies could protest, they felt those ethereal hooves upon their bodies, touching and tending far more finely than could be believed... Those magic-wrought hooves moved with unprecedented grace, and all that stopped the two from submitting completely to their touch was the suddenness and shock of it all. And yet, they could not resist the relief those magical masterful hooves brought. "O-Oh my...." gasped Aloe.
Starlight continues to massage the spa workers in a similar manner that they had just done to her, rubbing their full bodies and loosening every muscle along the way. She turns them over to get their chests as well as their own hooves. All in the meantime, Starlight conjures up a fancy decanter-like bottle similar to the Day spa's bottles of moisturizer with two entrances on the top. She pops open both of the stoppers and lays the bottle on the floor below and in front of the two tables. Both of the twins are so enamored by Starlight's massage that they don't realize their pony tails are acting strangely...
"This is... Mmmhhh..." Lotus attempted, but the rush of relief helped drown out any concerns or questions she might have shared.
Aloe's body shivered with pleasure, drawing an erotic, dulcet gasp from her lips. "I've never felt so... so..." she too struggled to find the words. Were they to berate this sudden gesture from their client, question it, or merely welcome it?
All the while, though, their beautiful pony tails began to stretch and siphon towards the bottle... Pulling towards it, little by little, until both tail tips touched either spout.
Starlight then smirks as she then uses the disembodied hands and begins to specifically focus on the twins' hindlegs. but rather than simply rubbing them. she starts shaping them as if they were clay. She rubs on up til' she gets to the twins' shapely hips, then she pushes the legs together. A gentle circular rub is all it takes to slowly make the line separating their limbs disappear until they form a singular pink and blue curvy and wavy tail that replaces each of the twins' lower halves.
The twins' faces arranged into expressions of sheer bliss! "What's happening to u-us?... What is... Mmmhhhh!" moaned Aloe, her face stricken with such a bright blush!
"Who are y-you?... What IS this... this... Oohhhhhhh, zis fabulous feeling!?~" cried Lotus, her smile spreading wide.
As their lower halves were stroked, caressed, sculpted anew into long, luscious, luxurious tails, their gasps filled the spa like song. As if the loss of hindlegs and gaining of these strange smoky tails was the truest sensation of relief their spa had ever seen! Their eyes all but rolled back, as their tongues lolled lustrously from their mouths. Shapely equine hips swelled and widened, befitting those wavering tails. Tails that tethered to the bottle, connecting tight!
"Ahhhh, I admit it must have been a little rude of me to not introduce myself earlier. Especially to such a classy pair of mares like you two. But my name is Starlight Glimmer, I was once a simple unicorn... or maybe simple is putting it too lightly. as even then I rivaled even your local princess in power~
But on one fateful night not too long ago, I found myself discovering, partly due to said princess... a power so great. That I just had to share with all pony kind... remember when I mentioned I had a tremendous gift for everypony in Ponyville?~ What you are receiving right now... is exactly what I have in store for the rest of this friendly town. You shall join me, as a beautiful pair of wish-granting genies~.
Your spa won't be just a place for relaxation, you shall be granting ponies long-sought after dreams and giving them an experience... that will last for eternity~"
Starlight continues to massage the two slowly closer to their vessel as she monologues, beginning to work on the twins torso above their hips. By now the two were slowly being slid off the table by the vessel's and Starlight's power, their heads further away from the edge of the table they were adjacent to.
Aloe and Lotus couldn't bring themselves to fight the pleasure filling them, nor did they truly want to. As they slid slowly from the tables, their tails were smoothly pulled into their vessel…
"Genies...?" asked Lotus, dreamy-eyed and orgasmic.
"Oooh, just think.... Genies~!" giggled Aloe, similarly drunk on delight. Such sultry gasps they gave, as they were slowly sucked downward into their new vessel, pleasurably embracing the gift Starlight had in store for them. A new eternal fate and calling, and a growing desire to share such a thrilling transformation with ALL of Ponyville!
As the twins' upper torso was beginning to stretch, their forehooves begin to stretch and warp around their back, and travel from there until they were again at the front, doing it a few more times, the twins felt like they were both somehow being both hugged and massaged by themselves as their hooves spiraled around their bodies. The two were almost entirely off the table at this point, if it weren't for the magic of the vessel they certainly would have fallen off. But the vessel's grasp is strong enough to defy gravity as the twins' shoulders and heads still rest quite peacefully at the very ends of the tables.
Even as all that remained was their heads and shoulders, their looks of bliss didn't falter. Sheer pleasure, erotic and arousing, coursed through their bodies in no way felt before. Such novel, exotic, mystifying delight, resonating through their changing and siphoning forms.
"Ahhhhhhh~" they sighed, as those shoulders too were sucked into their new vessel. And with lidded eyes and dreamy smiles, their heads followed right behind...
As it happened, the last word to whisper from Aloe's pleasure-stricken lips was, "Genies....~"
Two simultaneous clinks ring as the entire being of the twins are collected within. The bottle then begins to change too, the clear and transparent glass becoming on one side pink, and the other blue. Something akin to the twins' very similar cutie mark fades onto the front, although the flower in their cutie marks being siphoned into or rising out of a vessel directly below it. The changed cutie mark emblematic of the forever changed destiny of the twins.
Starlight picks up the vessel, removes both of the stoppers. Before placing it back on the ground to prepare for the twins re-entrance as a pair of gorgeous genies!
Once Starlight removed the stoppers, there was but a moment of stillness... and then, from the fathoms of the bottle, there came such dreamy dulcet voices, giggling keenly. Up from the vessel's spouts blossomed plumes of smoke, pink and blue together, as Aloe and Lotus emerged right behind them! From either spout, the spa twins appeared wearing reverent smiles, as well as exotic veils and golden cuffs! Posing proudly, awash in erupting pleasure, the two spread their arms wide in utter reverence!
"Ooooohhhhhhh, YYYYYESSSS~!" cried Aloe, almost teary-eyed with joy.
"Now ZIS is pleasure! ZIS is satisfaction!" then said Lotus!
The two new genies were a sight to behold. Such beautiful mares, made all the more gorgeous by their flowing genie tails, and erotic genie garb. They, too, were now perfect!
The colors of the sisters' veil and leggings were the same as their corresponding mane and tail between the siblings... everything remaining in a perfect yin-yang between the twins.
"Now that's what I'd like to call... the genie treatment~" Starlight smugly commented to the twins, still reeling from their wonderful transformation.
Aloe and Lotus wavered slowly, majestic and fluid as a mirage, as they explored themselves. Lotus looked upon her shining cuffs with cooing joy, while Aloe looked down at her genie tail with a gleeful squeal!
"The genie treatment you say?~" said Lotus, voice breathy with lingering pleasure.
"Hmmm... A-heheh. I dare say we ought to practice it upon some patrons, such as..." began Aloe, hoof toying at her chin. "Say, our entire client list~" As she said it, her shapely genie hips gave a smooth, sexy sway.
"Why stop at just your waiting clients~. You should put a great big advertisement for 1 FREE Spa treatment. You may end up initially busier than ever before... but I bet you could coax your first wave of clients to help deal with the new influx of ponies that will be lining up soon" Starlight wickedly cackles a little
"Oh, but if I may speak a particular condition... if one of either Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, or Rainbow Dash enter. I need you to not genify them yourselves, and notify me beforehand. I personally want to give them the genie treatment they deserve... and if you can coax them into making a wish that can be interpreted as an excuse to genify them... I. will. be. there~" Starlight gives the twins a determined stare and a wicked smile
"Just about everypony else is fair game though. Genies have so much more freedom than those dusty old pony tales depict~. You girls enjoy yourselves, ta ta for now! I'll see you two again sometime~"
As Starlight explained and prepared to leave, the two spa ponies listened to her words. Wearing smiles as devilish and sly as her own, they nodded. Why Starlight wanted them in particular, they did not know, but Twilight and her friends would remain, of course, all for Starlight's taking!
As the lilac genie took her leave, Aloe and Lotus bowed in unison. "See you again, madam Starlight~!". And when Starlight left, she could hear them giggling with sheer joy behind her!
A wonderful massage, that shifted into the formation of 2 more newly satisfied genies. Starlight's days just keep on getting better and better. There truly was no better feeling than not just being a genie, but empowering others to gradually over time complete her ultimate goal of geniequality for all...
#Geniequestria#side stories#starlight glimmer#aloe#lotus#spa twins#aloe and lotus#Spa Twins' Genification#my little pony#my little pony friendship is magic#genie#genification#decanter
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Starlight opens up the DisChaos program from within her lamp. She had just invited some pony to contact other than Fluttershy. None other than the first pony she personally genified…
<Starlight> Good afternoon, Trixie~ I pray that you can see this message? <Trixie> I see it, Starlight! This is amazing! Trixie isn’t sure what to think of that mismatched oaf that is Discord, but I’ll say one thing. He knows how to make a service when he puts his mind to it! <Starlight> Mmhmm, this will certainly be useful for our plans. I still have to wait for said mismatched oaf to add the public servers that Fluttershy told me about. But once they do… it’ll be even easier to spread our message~ <Trixie> Hehehe, the Great and Powerful Trixie can’t wait! Though that reminds me… if you’ve talked with Fluttershy, and in an amicable enough way… is she a genie too now? Are all the elements genies? I admit I did have this worry that maybe they’d be… resourceful enough to find a way to reverse everything. They almost always do… <Starlight> Not to worry, Trixie. Fluttershy herself is indeed a genie. The rest still aren’t, but that’s the whole idea. It’ll be more fun to genify them one-by-one over time as they give in to us. With Fluttershy already genified, the elements are useless. Victory has been assured. We’re just taking our sweet time with every pony who doesn’t realize that yet. <Trixie> That’s great news! Trixie can’t wait for your plans to be fulfilled so we can enjoy our wish-filled eternal life together <3 <Starlight> Neither can I, Trixie~. Though pardon the slight subject change, but how did you and the others from Our Town do in Manehattan? <Trixie> Ehehehe! We started our genification spree with a bang! We genified none other than Countess Coloratura live on stage! And then we genified her entire audience! <Starlight> Oh ho! That must have been one heck of a sight~ <Trixie> It sure was! Although… it was nothing compared to what we did together back up in the Crystal Empire~ <Starlight> Yes, it’ll indeed be hard to top that moment for sure… though is that all you’ve done over in Manehattan by chance? <Trixie> Well… besides genify a cop that tried to block our entrance. Not really? I apologize, was Trixie supposed to do more? <Starlight> No no no, don’t worry. I promise what you’ve done is respectable enough. Who knows if you want to give anyone in the audience their special moment of genifying their friends and family. It’d also be hypocritical of me to be mad at you for taking it slow when I’m doing the same for Twilight and her friends. Also, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence have told me they plan to wait for the next gala before genifying most of the capital. <Trixie> Oh... thanks for being so understanding. Frankly, Trixie can’t see why there’s still some resistance to Geniequestria. I ought to see Twilight soon, and tell her my perspective. She hasn’t met the genified me yet after all. <Starlight> Hmmmph, don’t expect to convince Twilight very easily. She still insists there must be some terrible catch that has yet to manifest… <Trixie> Maybe not… but she needs to at least see how happy I am now. I could have never dreamed of anything like this prior to being genified. You make Trixie feel so special… can you really be as bad as they say you are with that in mind? <Starlight> Yeah, they believe just because I don’t conform to their ideals of friendship that I must be doing something wrong. Even the currently genified Fluttershy still thinks I must change my tactics soon… I’m slowly making Equestria greater than it’s ever been and yet they resist simply because I’m not “friendly” enough for them.
<Trixie> Ha! Trixie knows how that feels. I gave crowds a good show, but some heckled me because my boasting was over-the-top and I looked full of myself… including three of Twilight’s own friends! But Trixie is supposed to play it up for the audience! They may be known as the elements of friendship, but apparently understanding what a performance is isn’t part of friendship… …I guess to be fair it is true that I can be a little too proud of myself, but c’mon just look at me, especially NOW!
(Vector by ShutterFlyEQD)
<Starlight> Ohhh, yes~ You were a very pretty magician before, and you make for an absolutely stunning genie~ <Trixie> Oh you flatter Trixie too much~ But do go on anyway! <Starlight> We ought to have another ‘duel’ when you get here, too~ <Trixie> Hehehehe, Trixie is so tempted to just use my genie power to teleport myself there right away just so we can get it on right this second~. But I’m feeling a stronger urge to genify some more ponies in this big city first. But I promise I’ll tell you when I’m heading over! <Starlight> That’s ok, Trixie. I’m feeling the same urge to grow Geniequestria further… In fact, why don’t you gave a good look of how much is already Geniequestria territory~
<Trixie> Wow! We’ve spread that fast?! That’s great! What do the striped portions mean though? <Starlight> That just means the places currently in process of being genified. Naturally, that’s Ponyville, Canterlot, Manehattan, and Fillydelphia since that’s where most of the Cloudsdale refugees went. There could still be some ponies we still haven’t gotten in the more space I've labeled as our territory, but non-genies are more populous in the striped areas. We’re likely going to be tied up for a long while since these places are the most important places in Equestria. Maybe for the exception of Las Pegasus. But I was going to ask if you’d like to head over there once Manehattan is completely genified. <Trixie> Oh YES! PLEASE let me have Las Pegasus! I’ll share the reason why at some point, but let’s just say… it’s quite personal. I’d much rather tell you about it when we’re together rather than from a long distance like this. <Starlight> If that’s what you wish, Trixie. You should get whatever personally satisfies you most. I’ll make sure to tell the other genies that Las Pegasus is your mission. Though while we’re talking… you’ve been to Ponyville a few times, right? Is there a commerce that you think would be smart to target? <Trixie> Hmmm… did you and/or the Crystal Ponies already get Ponyville’s mayor? <Starlight> Wha…? Why does Ponyville have a mayor when they have a Princess in the vicinity? What’s the point? <Trixie> Well to be fair, Mayor Mare’s been the mayor there for long before Twilight became a Princess. And I imagine it’d be seen as quite rude to push out an elected leader for an unelected (Albeit still popular) ruler. Even if yeah… Twilight clearly has a lot more sway over her <Starlight> I see… that does give me an… idea for some fun temptation before transforming her into one of us. We’ve already gotten a few parts of Ponyville’s society genified like the Day Spa and the hospital. I imagine genifying town hall will do some wonders as well. Ponyville’s government would be under our control! <Trixie> Sounds like a plan! I’ll head off to let you go then. Ta ta! Can’t wait for our next ‘duel’~ <Starlight> Same to you, Trixie~. Enjoy yourself in Manehattan. For Geniequestria! <Trixie> For Geniequestria!
#geniequestria#my little pony#my little pony friendship is magic#genie#starlight glimmer#trixie lulamoon#DisChaos#map#equestria#startrix#shipping#DisChaos Logs#side stories
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Formal Cancellation of Geniequestria
Hello there, unfortunately I must put the word out there that the reboot I mentioned back in December for Geniequestria? ...Might not be in the cards either. I said I'd start it in early next year at the time, and... now it's August. I think it's clear to me I just don't have the motivation to continue Geniequestria as sad as it is.
I don't know if plans will change at all in the future. But for now I'm making it official.
Once again, you are all free to ask me what the plans were for the blog. Maybe even after the break, I'll tell on how the original vision of the blog's ending was going to be.
I apologize once again to all who loved Geniequestria and wanted to see more of it. But this was a project that I think needed to have more than one person working on it. Might have been even too much for 2 if I'm being honest.
I still plan on writing up one last story for I Dream of Twilight Sparkle. (When that happens, there will be no more new story posts. Any IDOTS content afterward will depend on new asks) And I might be starting a new blog/project soon. However, a heads up that this one will not be MLP related (But is related to a franchise I've been a fan of long before ponies was)
All I gotta say for now, any further questions you can send to my mod blog's ask box or on my profile on dA. For now, if you want to know how Geniequestria was supposed to end. Check after the break
So the end of Geniequestria, you'd like to know what would have become of the struggle Twilight has against Starlight slowly turning all of Equestria into genies?
Weil, the simple one line answer is: Starlight was going to win
...However, that's only looking at it from a simple glance. Sure, Geniequestria would come into fruition just as Starlight from the beginning has wanted. But over the course of each of the Mane 6 getting genified. Their influence would undo the corruption of Sombra's crystal over her. And Starlight would gradually be reformed and changed from her militaristic, dictatorship vision of Geniequestria
Here's how the rest of the Mane 6 (Besides Fluttershy of course) were planned to be genified in the original vision of the story:
Rarity: Finally give in to her desires to be a genie to wish to be one. But wouldn't ultimately do it until a noble cause arrived at her doorstep. The reason she would wish to be a genie is to fix Kerfluffle's leg (Kerfuffle avoided all pony hospitals because she knew they'd just genify her to fix it instead. But if Rarity actually only fixes the legs, it'd change her view that genies only aim to genify. And ironically would lead to Kerfuffle ask to be personally genified at some point later by Rarity)
Pinkie: Genified during the grand galloping gala that Celestia and Cadence set up. I'm not sure I ever figured out what her exact wish would have been to lead to her genification. But as soon as the party pony of genified. The mass genification would be well underway
Rainbow Dash: Rainbow would attempt to wish for Rainbow Power (the power up that defeated Tirek) as a desperate move. However, Starlight doesn't know what Rainbow Power is. So she interprets the wish as the ol' wish for power.
Applejack: After a long frustrating conversation with AJ, in attempts to get her to make a wish. Starlight would catch wind of a potential weakness in AJ's stubborness: Her parents. Now, Geniequestria genies cannot raise the dead. But what they CAN do, is open portals to alternate dimensions as a loophole. The plan was for Geniequestria Starlight to find an AU of Pear Butter and Bright Mac. In which all of their kids and Granny Smith died but they lived. And in all this happiness in the reunion, Applejack has a slip of the tongue saying she wishes they could be together forever. An easy wish to genify not just Applejack herself. But her parents too
And now finally...
Twilight Sparkle: After all her friends have been genified. And a joint plan with Chrysalis failed sometime after Pinkie was genified failed. Twilight would be left with dwindling chances and hope that she could turn the tide. She becomes desperate enough to free Tirek from Tartaurus.
Only for Tirek to eventually absorb so much genie magic. That it overwhelms him and he's genified too (Although he'd (Or well rather she, since of course he'd be Rule 63'd as well) get trapped inside a huge bottle that replaces the tower of Twilight's castle)
Twilight only had one last gasp yet. She works with Starswirl to get Grogar's Bell. Both her and Starswirl are powered up by it. By this point though, the corruption of Starlight would be just about gone. And together with the "Harem of Harmony". They'd defeat Starswirl and Twilight using the elements (With the mostly reformed Starlight wielding the Element of Magic temporarily). And at that point, Twilight just gives in. Wishing to just be together with her friends again. And she'd get that, once she's genified.
From there, there'd be a sort of post-story where the Harem of Harmony would go around genifying more characters related to them (Ex: Moondancer and/or Twi's family would be saved for after Twilight herself was genified) and even invade non-pony countries to genify them too.
Now of course I did leave out many other details that were planned beyond this but would have taken a while to type out. Might as well leave it to if anyone wants some more detail of how things were supposed to end.
Trust me there was a lot planned with this whole story. And ideas for side stories where many other characters would be genified. May have unironically been a part of the reason it just became more and more daunting over time. (You could probably almost ask me about how any pony you can think of was supposed to be genified and I'd have an answer lol) All these plans and ideas, so little time to really write them and flesh them out.
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((An old ask I just realized I can finally have a real answer to. I think this ask was literally about a decade old, heh
Thought I'd give it the proper respect with some visualization though. I apologize that's become somewhat rare for me now outside of Geniequestria's images. I'm almost done though with what may be the true last large-sized story. Maybe, just maybe. More sprite-using responses can return soon
It's a shame though that 15.ai seems to have shut down. Unless the person behind it is just doing another annoyingly-long hiatus with it. But there's no news about it either way, so we can't tell))
#my little pony friendship is magic#my little pony#twilight sparkle#genie#starlight glimmer#sunset shimmer#spirit#spirit summoning
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Are u dead? Or are you just not able to post anymore?
I'm still around! Just there hasn't been much for me to do even small-wise with I Dream of Twilight Sparkle. I DO have something that is slowly in the works. But I'll say it's only a text story. And I also don't have many asks that I find of use to me at least right now I did recently at least give some thoughts on the final chapter of G5 Make Your Mark over on my mod blog.
But I know I've gone quite radio silent on both here and Geniequestria and I apologize. I do want to eventually get to doing the aforementioned story on this blog. But I have been busy with other things I've wanted to do. My tumblr blogs were always a hobby, putting things out there when I want, whenever I want. I will at least say most of what I've wanted to do with IDOTS I've already done. And after this next story. Might enter a period where however much else goes with the blogs will depend on asks. I'll at least give some foresight that the next story will serve as a sort of finale of the blog but I'm open to still doing stuff for the blog even if the blog has had it's official ending story which would all depend on askers.
Don't forget that I also have RP-esque blogs for both here and Geniequestria quicker text only responses. But those depend entirely on ask interaction, and safe to say... haven't got much on either lol
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About Geniequestria... (Again)
Hey, I thought I’d give an important update on Geniequestria. I am afraid that I must make another change, this time much more drastic then what I said about a half a year ago
I’m going to be rebooting the story a bit. Going back to a particular point in the original version of the story and going to shorten the main story by so much less then what was planned. I’m afraid the original vision of the story just got too ambitious for one person like me to handle. For the most part, a lot of what happened already in the original story could still happen but it’s fair to say not everything would go the same way.
I apologize if any of you were invested to see where the story was going. And if it’s any comfort, I am open to all questions about what the plans would have been had I been able to carry out the much longer story. Now the shorter story that I hope to start early next year will still carry over some elements from the old story. But the main story will be so much shorter and will likely lack most if not all the drama of the original story.
To be precise where the story is going back to. It’s just before Starlight and Trixie’s duel. Most things before that point is for the largely the same. Though obviously there will be things characters learned in the original version that they won’t know… or shall I say… they may learn too late, if at all.
I should also say that the whole Starlight's Game portion is canceled because of this big change for a reason that will be pretty clear once the new story begins early next year
If you want to know anything about the original vision of Geniequestria’s story. I suggest you ask me over on my mod blog. I’ll also respond if any DeviantArt comments ask about the original version of the story as well.
I again apologize if this turns out to be a disappointment to anyone, but it became clear over time that I wasn’t going to be able to carry this all on my back. As everything I wanted to do might have taken close to a decade at the pace I was going. And I just don’t think I have that kind of time, and there’s not really a good enough reward for it other then likes and favorites. And even if I were to have monetized Geniequestria in some way, it’d turn what was just a fun hobby idea into a job. And I don’t have the self-esteem to think Geniequestria’s story is all that worth in money and/or the length of time it would take to complete.
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11 Years of I Dream of Twilight Sparkle & Plans for the near Future
Hey everyone! Just a message I wanted to make now that it’s been 11 years since I started the blog. I was going to have something special out for today, but I thought instead of simply delaying it for either as early as next week or sometime this month. Playing the Sonic Frontiers DLC among many other things got in the way of sharing what I wanted to do next in a manner fast enough to make it for the blog’s anniversery.
I should at least leave you all with this. I admit there’s not much left I have planned for the future of the blog that doesn’t depend on your asks/interaction to keep alive. I think Earnest Empathetic Change was the last lengthy story I have in mind. Anything else that comes after would likely be one-shots if at all. Although to assure you, that asks are very much still on the table.
Perhaps at the very least. I should share I plan to do next: There will be another timeskip coming, though it won’t be tied in with a story like EEC was. It’ll simply give an idea of where the IDOTS universe is by the time of The Last Problem’s own timeskip (The general idea is the same as in that episode, though there are some important differences too that I want to lay out).
The version of the characters from shortly after Season 9/Secrets of the Dragon’s Tear and the 10 year timeskip related to Earnest Empathetic change are still very much able to be asked if you’d prefer. You won’t be locked into getting answered by this coming timeskip if you feel the question works best for an earlier point in the timeline.
I would also like to tell you that a 3rd timeskip will eventually be shown too. Which I promise will be the last one. Although I don’t plan to show it until sometime next year. Hopefully earlier in the year rather than later. For the most part the timeskip coming this month will just get into more of a “Where are they now?” sort of thing. The timeskip in 2024 I may at the very least design a short story for. Other then that though, it’s really winding down to a real finale for the blog. But not in a way that permanently closes off the blog off to any asks/interaction. Asks have been slow anyway for years so it’s very possible that it may end up being a real finale anyway. But at some point, more I Dream of Twilight Sparkle stuff will count on all of you. As all that’s left is some feel-good stuff in the future for many characters.
The blog has lasted a long time, longer then a great many Pony ask blogs have. I’ve had a lot of fun and even if no more asks are ever sent. I want to say that I appreciate everyone who has ever sent an ask, collaborated, liked, reblogged, etc over the years. I hope in some ways I’m not entirely done even when I’ve laid out all the timeskips I want to do.
Remember that even if IDOTS ever grows too quiet for too long, I haven’t left Pony ask blogs completely. As I still want to try to get as much as I can through Geniequestria. But I Dream of Twilight Sparkle was where I started, it will always have a special place in my heart. I know Geniequestria’s not going to appeal to everyone who liked I Dream of Twilight Sparkle since its definitely much more geared to mature subjects. I didn’t want to abandon IDOTS completely just because I have Geniequestria now, as I feel that’s unfair to people who may not find Geniequestra to be their cup of tea.
It's just fairly obvious that I have more plans on Geniequestria currently then I do for I Dream of Twilight Sparkle. I feel I've told a majority of what I've wanted to tell on IDOTS, and I'm just getting started practically with Geniequestria (Although I am starting to be afraid the amount of ideas may take too long to ever get to before something happens that makes it difficult for me to continue doing ask blogs for much longer). However, I will always be open to doing something more for IDOTS if there's an ask/suggestion I'd love to do with it.
Remember that I did open a roleplay askblog not too long ago that's good for quicker answers in the iDOTS universe that doesn't take long to do anything with. That'll remain open for as long as I can.
One more reassurance that this is not a message about ending the blog entirely, but coming soon how much this blog gets updated may depend on you guys more than me heading into the coming year.
However uncertain the future is, I want to thank you all again for these 11 years. and I still look forward to my next post whether it's on here, Geniequestria, or elsewhere.
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The I Dream of Twilight Sparkle Index
Since Tumblr seems to have broken much of the sidebar functionality at least on redux sites. I thought I'd move all important links to it's own post.
I Dream of Twilight Sparkle FAQ #1 - FAQ for more general stuff from early on in the blog
I Dream of Twilight Sparkle FAQ #2 (Secrets of the Dragon's Tear edition) - FAQ related to a large story that impacts almost all recent posts since 2021
Mod Blog - Go here to ask the mod/me questions if you're ever curious or just want to get to know me (I also have a Discord account and/or server you can join if that's a preferable. Though I'll have that now as a simply ask me if you want to contact me there.
Ain't Never Had Friends Like Us - A group blog focused on specifically genie ponies. Although as of recent kind of low on new exclusive posts. I also reblog most Genie Twilight posts here
Geniequestria - A brand new genie pony story that's on the more more mature side starring a genie version of the evil Starlight Glimmer from Season 5. It'll never go as far as to show or describe explicit acts, but there may be plenty of implications of not so family-friendly stuff sprinkled throughout.
Episode Responses - Back when Friendship is Magic I did weekly episode reponses to most episodes between Season 3 and Season 9. Not all episodes were responded to especially Season 9-wise. But here's an index of each season's tag
Season 3 - Season 4 - Season 5
Season 6 - Season 7 - Season 8 - Season 9
Specials - These are particular important, special, or otherwise noteworthy parts of IDOTS history that I want to give special spotlight to. They range from important plot point stories, to simply fun moments between some characters.
Origin Story - How it all began! How Twilight became a genie, and chose to stay one in the first place
Twixie Genies Crossover (And Reunion) - Some crossovers between the unfortunately defunct Twixie Genies blog and my Genie Twilight!
Mane 6 Genie Simulation - Twilight putting the rest of the Mane 6 through the Genie Simulation for the first time. A temporary genie transformation that allowed them to feel what it's like to be a genie, without any of the responsibility of power.
Genie Sickness Arc - A month long arc that had Twilight become sick and eventually has to ask Discord to help
Motherly Revelation/Anniversary - The moment where Twilight and Spike adopted eachother as Mother and Son in the blog's continuty. Prepare for d'awww's.
I Dream of TwiDash - The moment where Twilight and Rainbow Dash realized they loved eachother very much and will have plenty of children an- Phbbbbt, not actually. This was an April Fools special I did for fun. Although, you could say I did actually go through with something like this for real over on Ain't Never Had Friends Like Us...
Mother's Day Special - A special starring Twilight's mother, Twilight Velvet. Some details I admit I'd retcon if I had done the story more recently. But at the time there was barely anything known about Twilight's mom. So alot of it was just personal headcanon of Twi's mom's personality and such.
Trixie Reunion - Trixie returns to Ponyville to inform Twilight of her intention to move here. Twilight and Trixie are on better terms between eachother then Twilight and Trixie were in Season 6 of the show. Hence why she had no problem with Trixie in the No Second Prances episode response.
Return to Saddle Arabia - The first major text story of the blog! Twilight and Spike return to Saddle Arabia for the first time since Twilight was genified. They find lots of new friends... but also a very dangerous enemy.
Genie Ember-lation - A simple Genie simulation sequence done between my Genie Twi and a friend of mine's OC
Secrets of the Dragon's Tear - An even larger text story that seeks to answer many unanswered questions leftover from the end of Friendship is Magic in the I Dream of Twilight Sparkle universe. And take things to a bold new direction that have impacted this blog ever since. Just a heads up, this is a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNG story.
Pinkie Pear Pie - Are Applejack and Pinkie Pie actually related in the I Dream of Twilight Sparkle universe? Read this, and you'll find out!
Starlight's Sisterly Simulation - Twilight performs the genie simulation on Starlight Glimmer again, this time without a reluctant Trixie.
IDOTS Stories - More one-shot stories (Though it also contains the chapters of Earnest Empathetic Change) that either take place or are related to events to Secrets of the Dragon's Tear
Earnest Empathetic Change - 10 Years after Twilight took sole rule in Canterlot, Starlight is tasked with reforming none other than Queen Chrysalis. Can she thaw the ice cold queen's heart?
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