#i like men who would gladly eat their heart out if their s/o asked them to
leewritestoomuch · 6 months
I’m sorry for all the requests but Dr.stone brain rot is killing me 😭:
May I order a headcanon (once facking again) where their s/o’s family was extremely poor in the past, so when Ryusui made currency they spent the least amount of money, rarely eating out of habit and trying to not make the same mistake their family did before?
If there was a Tsukasa part I believe that would only fuel his anger more for the rich and greedy ngl 😭
Anyways, if you do my request once again. Thank you from the absolute bottom of my heart! And remember to always take care of yourself pookie <3
- Sincerely, 🍙 Anon
Reader’s Family was Poor in the Past
Hi!!! Thank you for the request! :) and do remember to take care of yourself too! Sorry this is so late to when you sent this in 😭 there is so much in my inbox, I jump around.
I chose Senku, Gen, Tsukasa, and Ryusui for this.
Senku Ishigami
He wasn’t too concerned with what everybody was doing, but your behavior doesn’t go unnoticed.
He watched as you picked through almost thousands of drago and only spent a few, and it almost seemed like you were scared to.
Ryusui had practically thrown drago at you because you were nearby and he complimented you and gave you plenty of money, so why were you spending SO cautiously like you were down to nickels and dimes? (I know nothing about Yen so I don’t know if there is an expression equivalent in Japanese)
You have nothing to really save the money for, so why were you debating so hard over spending it on a shirt. You wanted the shirt, didn’t you?
Eventually, he’d found out from somebody that knew you that your family was poor. He had thought something like that must have been the case, but now he knows for sure.
He’d likely encourage you to spend a bit more. Either that, or he’d bluntly tell you there is no reason to keep the money so close to you anymore.
Gen Asagiri
If he had that much money, he’d be blowing it.
You had thousands of drago that Ryusui had just handed you. And you were clutching onto it like you’d be robbed of it and be left for dead without it if you loosen up just a little.
You hesitated to get cotton candy, despite how much you said you missed the taste.
He watched you and soon noticed your behavior was like those who were less fortunate to have to ration to survive.
You didn’t need to do that here, the money isn’t that important. At the end of the day, the hunters in the kingdom of science would bring home food rather people paid them for the meat or not.
The community doesn’t run off of money, so your behavior is unnecessary. So he’d probably talk you out of it.
He’d come stand beside you, talking to you softly.
“Money isn’t that important here. You don’t need it to pay for a house. And the beasts of people we have here do the hunting for us, and never once have they asked for money. Nor would they deny you food if you couldn’t pay. You can save some… but maybe spend half? Plus…” he leans in to whisper, “Ryusui would gladly pay for you if it ever came to it. I’m sure a man like him will never run out of money.”
Tsukasa Shishio
Dragos have been around for a while, but you’re still clutching onto them like it’s life or death.
Francois doesn’t make you pay them for food. The hunters (him, Hyoga, etc) don’t make you pay them for meat or anything.
So your behavior has got to be engraved into you.
He might be on the side of kingdom of science, but deep down, this rise of currency and capitalism bothers him.
watching you struggle to let go of money makes him angry.
The world they used to live in had brought you to this point, and that pisses him off.
He knows what that’s like. He fought for money. He became famous for money. All for money for Mirai. Just so his sister would live.
He had to pay people to keep his sister alive.
And old men paid for the rights to land and he had no grounds to even do anything about getting beat down by one for picking seashells. That man OWNED those seashells.
He doesn’t know exactly what you went through, but he’s got an idea.
He doesn’t say much, but he makes sure to give you plenty of food and he’ll buy things for you and give them to you.
Honestly he’s so sweet.
Ryusui Nanami
Spend money, get bitches. Yk. (This man would hate the word bitches for sure. But I had to say this. Like side note, but he’s an advocate for the word to be offensive when leaving a man’s mouth)
Ryusui gave you thousands of drago and stepped back. He expected you to spend it, give to the economy, etc.
But you held onto it like you were gonna need it soon.
He doesn’t really know what that’s like. He’s always had lots of money.
Well, once he had a smaller allowance, but even that would be a lot to most other people. He doesn’t realize this so much, not until he sees you.
He’s confused at first.
What else is there to do in life than get all that one wants when they want it? Get your money up, keep your money up, spend your money up. Yk. The 3 pillars to life. (This is not what they are)
He gives you more money.
But you try to deny it.
He insists. Then he watches you clutch onto it like you’ll need it all in an hour.
He probably goes over to encourage you. Telling you to see things how he sees it.
And then you probably explain why you just can’t. You’re scared you’ll end up like your family was as a kid.
He begins to see what you mean, and he’ll probably spend some money on you.
“Don’t be scared. There isn’t anything to worry about money about here. Even if everything had a cost soon, I’d pay for whatever you needed. And all these people would surely do you a favor even if.”
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wellthebardsdead · 3 years
Everything I Wanted Sojiro X Fem Reader
Pasted from my old account. My works are by no means perfect and are riddled with grammatical errors but I do this for fun so, enjoy ~Bambi
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~I had a dream... I got everything I wanted...~
How did it come to this?... why did it come to this?... you’d spent your whole life trying to be a good person, a model citizen, the daughter your parents always wanted, a perfect girlfriend and future wife to your boyfriend... you tried to become what everyone wanted...
~not what you’d think...~
You looked over the lip of the rooftop down at the city streets below. The rain made everything sparkle in the warm glow of neon light, it poured down your face mingling with your tears. Your hair wet and stringy, your blouse and skirt soaked... you took off your shoes and climbed over the railing before standing on the edge...
As your grip began to loosen up you heard a deep, firm, but gentle voice call out for you over the ambiance of the rain and the city life below. “Y/N!”
~and if I’m being honest it might have been a nightmare... to anyone who might care...~
You could hardly contain your excitement as you rushed into your apartment carrying the large garment bag, your dress was finally ready, it wouldn’t be long before the wedding.
To everyone who knew you, your life looked perfect, the model daughter of two successful entrepreneurs of a tech company that was recently sold allowing them to retire in luxury.
You were everything they wanted you to be. Beautiful, smart, poised, and kind. You lived in a nice apartment with your fiancé, a handsome and wealthy businessman who doubled as your manager at your parents now former company, your manager, his name was Hitoshi.
You’d worked so hard to build up this life, you thought it was perfect, if this is what everyone wanted for you this must be what you want right?...
After fumbling with your keys you bustled into the apartment. Your fiancé had already left for work. As you walked into the bedroom your heart fluttered seeing a red box, you set your dress and a folder of paperwork down and opened it to find an expensive set of lingerie, you gladly tried it on, it felt a little tight... You didn’t mind, you were losing a bit more weight before the wedding anyway. Maybe this was a surprise for the honeymoon he’d forgotten to hide, or maybe he’d left it as a bit of motivation for you.
Either way it looked nice. You took it off and placed it back in the box before putting your dress away in the closet. You had just enough time left of your lunch break to freshen up and head back to work.
After making sure you were presentable you left.. forgetting the folder of documents you’d left on your bed...
You worked as a secretary at your parents now former business, they offered you higher positions many times but you wanted to earn those positions, they were extremely proud of you for your decision. You worked hard, and you were due for a promotion very soon, one that’d move you to your fiancés department. You were so excited that you’d get to work along side Hitoshi.
As you approached the building you smiled seeing painters renovating the outside. They were applying the new owners logo, Shimada enterprise. You’d have to thank the new CEO for allowing your parents to retire.
You stepped inside and walked past the receptionist desk, it was empty again... There was a new girl working, Ichika. You weren’t sure of her last name but she’d been there a few weeks, and she had a bad habit of slacking off. You sighed spotting 24 missed calls on the phone. You some files on her desk before walking to the elevator and riding up to your office.
There were a couple men in the elevator, one a young gentlemen around your age, a nice blue and black vest, a white button up and smart black slacks. His hair was short with a slightly long fringe and he had well groomed facial hair. The other man was taller, dressed in a black suit, black hair greying slightly around the sides yet his face looked rather youthful, strong jawline, sharp eyebrows and a piercing gaze.
The two nodded at you in greeting and you returned the same with a smile assuming they must be business associates. They returned to their conversation and you checked through emails on your phone until the lift reached your stop. You couldn’t help but eavesdrop a little, apparently they turned up and the receptionist wasn’t there, after 5 minutes of waiting they decided to head up to find whomever was managing all the departments today...
As you stepped off you swear you heard one of them say to the other that you were cute. Your face went bright red and you booked it off pretending you didn’t hear.
Before heading to your desk you made your way to your fiancés office. As you approached it you saw Ichika step out giggling back at the doorway. She jumped seeing you standing there. “O oh miss L/N!! I was just dropping off some pap-” she stammered out before you cut her off. “That’s not part of your job. You’re meant to hand them over to me first for revision and then I hand them to whomever the recipient is. You’ve missed 24 calls possibly more in the time it took me to get here, and on top of that what appeared to be two business associates were left waiting at the front desk for you! Go back to your desk.” You say firmly. You were getting sick of her finding excuses to leave her desk like this.
She quickly scurried off past you, something about her... there was something that just rubbed you the wrong way. You stepped into your fiancés office and smiled seeing him there, he heard you come in and turned on his heal, “hmm forget something ich- Y-Y/N!” He stammered out surprised. The tone of his voice caught you off guard, “of course it’s me. Why do you keep allowing her to drop work to run files up to you? The phones have been ringing off the hook today and she wasn’t there to answer them.” You say annoyed.
“Ah come on Y/N, she’s new.” He says walking to you planting a kiss on your lips. “She’s been here for over 3 weeks, she has no excuse I’ve warned her plenty of times. Just because my parents no longer own this business doesn’t mean I’m going to allow the quality of our service drop.” You say before kissing him back. You caught a whiff of Ichikas perfume... maybe she just applied a little too much and brushed against Hitoshi, yes that had to be it...
He sighed. “If you say so.” He shrugged, “I’ll have a chat with her.” He smiled. You smiled back before kissing him again. “Thank you, she’s been making my job hard enough as is.” You sigh. “Thank you for that little surprise too by the way. It was very comfy~” you giggle. He blinked looking at you a little confused before it clicked in his brain. -shit!! I forgot to hide it!- he thought. “O-oh yeah baby! Ah damn it I was going to hide it for our wedding night. Did I leave it on the bed?” He says rubbing his head.
You nod and giggle. “Mhm, don’t worry~ I’ll pretend I didn’t see it.” You say placing a finger to your lips and winking. He chuckled and hugged you close giving you another kiss. “Thanks baby~” he smiled. “I gotta get back to work now, I’ll be home late tonight.” You sigh. “I’ve got a heap of new contracts I have to sort out.”
He nodded and smiled, “I’ll see you when you get home, no need to rush. Text me when you leave Kay?” He asks. He’d suddenly gotten into a habit of asking that whenever you’d be working late... you assumed it was just because he was worried for your safety working so late at night. You nod and smile, “I will.” You say before kissing him once more and walking out to your office.
The day dragged on and soon the afternoon turned into the evening. It was getting late and you were getting hungry.
As you finished the stack of paperwork you went to move onto the folder of contracts... it wasn’t there. You panicked looking through your bag, your desk, as you scanned your memory it clicked... the bed. You’d left it on the bed at home...
You sigh getting up, you’d have to go and get it. At least it’d give you an opportunity to get something to eat, and see your love...
Picking up your bag you called for a cab and headed to the elevator. You jumped as it opened to see one of the men from this morning, the one in the black suit. “Hm oh didn’t mean to startle you miss.” He chuckled a little, he had a deep voice, it matched his powerful exterior perfectly. “O-oh no no it’s fine!” You say flustered before stepping in and hitting the ground floor.
“You’re here awfully late. Do you often stay after hours?” He asked checking his watch. You shrug a little, “hm, not really sir. But these past few weeks I’ve unfortunately had to take up extra work due to the new receptionists underperformance.” You sigh. “Oh w-where are my manners! I’m Y/N L/N!” You stammer out bowing politely.
He chuckled, “it’s nice to see at least someone here is working hard then, it’s a pleasure to meet you miss L/N, I’m S-” the lift suddenly jerked violently and the lights shut off. You stumbled forward and prepared to hit the floor but instead you felt a pair of strong arms grasp hold of you keeping you steady. “Are you alright?” He whispers. He smelt so nice, a mix between citrus, sandalwood, and undertones of cherry blossom with a hint of musk.
You nod as he helped you up right. “I’m fine sir, th-thank you for catching me.” You were thankful for the lack of light, you could feel how hot your face was with blush right now. “Don’t mention it.” He says softly.
After another moment the lights clicked back on and the back up system kicked in. The power must have shut off... the lift opened at the ground floor and you were right, there was a huge storm outside, it must have cut power off to most of the street. At least with the backup generator you could keep working. “Would you like a lift?” He asked as you two approached the doors.
You went to answer as suddenly your cab pulled up outside. “Ah no thank you, this is my ride.” You smile and bow politely. “Goodnight sir.” You say before rushing out to the cab. You never did get his name.
As you got into the cab and drove off an omnic walked to the building holding an umbrella. “A new acquaintance Master Shimada?” It asked as he stepped under the umbrella lighting a cigarette. “Not yet... but... I’d like her to be.” He says as he walked to his car.
The taxi pulled up outside your apartment, you paid in full plus a generous tip asking them to please wait for you to come back before rushing inside. You’d forgotten to text Hitoshi you were coming but you figured it’d be fine. The power was out here but you could see light coming from the bedroom. Turning on your phone flashlight you spotted the folder on the kitchen counter... along with the now empty red box...
You turned the flashlight to see your fiancés shirt and pants on the floor leading through the hallway bedroom... you quietly walked towards it when you heard it, moaning... a woman moaning...
Creeping closer you peered through the opening in the doorway, big enough to see through, small enough to hide you from view... you stifled a shocked gasp as you saw your fiancé, with Ichika. She was dressed in the lingerie set and laying on her back between his legs...
Tears poured down your face... you turned and walked out taking the folder with you... you got back into the cab and returned back to work...
The driver was thankfully kind enough to give you the return drive for free after seeing the distraught expression on your face. You thanked him and returned back to your office... as you sat down at your desk you started to sob... you buried your face into your hands and you just sobbed.
It was around 2am when you finished the paperwork... you heard your phone buzz, Hitoshi. “Baby it’s late, when are you coming home?” You felt sick reading that, you replied simply. “On my way, we need to talk.”
You packed up your work for the night and turned off the lights. The rain had become little more than a drizzle at this point so you found yourself walking along the lonely streets. The power had come back on and the neon lights of store fronts sparkled in the puddles that lined the pavement. It helped distract you from the inevitable pain that awaited you when you got home...
You stifled back sobs as you quietly packed up your desk into a cardboard box. After arriving home last night you fought with your now ex-fiancé... he’d decided to leave you for Ichika. He threw you out after making you pack up all your belongings minus the furniture... and your wedding dress and engagement ring... -you don’t need need them. And they’ll look far better on her anyway! I spent too much money on this wedding as is to just cancel it- his words replayed in your head.
She’d be enjoying your wedding, wearing your dress, and your ring...
And to add insult to injury he’d given her your promotion too... and as a result gave you her job instead... now here you were moving your belongings down to reception all the while trying desperately not to cry...
You approached the elevator to see the doors closing, and inside Hitoshi and Ichika... they looked at you, and smirked... “hold the door!” That voice. You turned to see the man from last night approaching.
Hitoshi immediately panicked and held open the lift. “Y-yes sojiro san! I I mean Mr Shimada!!!” He stammered out. Your ears perked up, Shimada... this was your new employer!!
He stepped into the lift before looking at you. “Ah good morning Y/N. Aren’t you coming?” He asks gesturing to his side. You glance at your ex and his mistress before looking back at Sojiro... he had a nice smile... you stepped in and stood at his side.
Sojiro could sense something was very wrong... he wasn’t an ordinary man... -hurt... shes... hurt...- a deep booming voice sounded in his head. He glanced down at you to see your shoulders shaking and your lip quivering as you held back tears. And for whatever reason the two in the lift with you were the ones causing you this distress... -betrayed... betrayed... kill... kill...- the voice sounded again.
As soon as the lift doors open you stepped out quickly without another word and went to the receptionist desk. Sojiro watched you quietly begin to unpack your things before casting a glance at your ex that could cut holes through his soul... he watched him rush off with his new lover in hand...
He looked back at you... This shouldn’t be any of his concern but... His heart wanted you... -sad... help... help her....- the voice whispered... “I will... just be patient...” he whispered back.
A few weeks had passed by.
Youd gotten yourself your own place, a tiny and empty apartment... it was all you could afford on your new salary. Your bed was a futon, you had a small coffee table that acted as your kitchen table too, and a tiny kitchenette and bathroom...
You tried contacting your parents to ask them for help but to your horror they sided with your ex. They said you clearly hadn’t been performing well enough as his future wife so it’s only fair that he’d replace you... you hung up without saying another word...
Your life had crumbled around you, the life you’d spent your whole existence building. The one you were expected to build, the one everyone wanted... but was it what you wanted to begin with?... What did you want?...
Every day at work was a misery, Hitoshi and Ichika seemed to be intentionally throwing more and more your way, jobs that weren’t even any of your business were now your responsibility... they were trying to make you quit. And at this stage you were really considering it.
The only saving grace was your lunch break... youd find yourself up on the roof all alone. You’d eat there staring at the city life below. All those happy lives... It wasn’t long though before you had unexpected company. One afternoon you were surprised to find Sojiro had stepped out for a smoke, he asked to join you and you said yes.
He was so easy to talk to, despite his intimidating exterior he was so kind and honestly a little goofy in your company. He had the most gentle smile when he looked at you.
Sojiro wanted so badly to know more about you, to ask why you were hurting, to whisk you away from it all and take you somewhere safe. Every time he was close to you that voice in his head would sing out wanting you to be nearer.
He found himself at his desk late one night filing through paperwork, but all he could think of was you... curiosity got the better of him and he looked at your file. His heart fluttered seeing your face... he felt like a fool for hoping someone as young and pretty as you would want him, he hadn’t loved another since his wife had passed away giving birth to his second born. He was lonely, he buried himself in his work and any free time he had was devoted to his sons... but they were grown up now... and his heart was aching for love.
He looked through your file with interest. You were the daughter of the previous owners, the fact that you never mentioned it to him boggled his brain. He should have guessed that by your last name but even still he thought you would have mentioned it once at least... Maybe you didn’t want special treatment he wondered.
What didn’t make sense to him was why you were moved to a lowly receptionist job. You were practically over qualified for your old position too, heck you were more qualified for your ex’s position than he was.
His ear twitched hearing a low chittering noise from behind him. “Yes I know... isn’t she pretty.” He smiled reaching back and scratching the scaly cheek of a large black dragon... -help... her... help... love...- It groaned.
“Shhh I know... I know...” he cooed softly as it rested it’s head on his shoulder before changing to the size of a large snake and draping itself around his neck. He gave it another scratch before continuing to read your employee file... his eye caught the document below yours, Ichikas.
He read through hers and scowled, there was no way in hell she was qualified for your job, he could feel his dragon tense up before it snarled at the screen. “Shh... don’t worry... we’re going to fix this.” He cooed.
You sighed stepping into work, you had trouble sleeping last night after the storm woke you up. Summer in Japan was beautiful but the humidity often lead to some extreme weather. And last night the thunder and lightning practically shook your tiny apartment to its foundation. Thankfully it had died down to just a downpour, but it was supposed to be picking up again this evening...
Shaking off your umbrella you walked to your desk and blinked. A stunning arrangement of flowers all heavily significant of love sat on your chair, along with a box of chocolates. There was only a card that said “To my dearest Y/N, I hope this gift brings you reason to smile..” No signature... you didn’t recognise the handwriting either. Even still... it wasnt a cheap assortment, someone must care.
The gift was just what you needed to put a little spring into your step. You proudly displayed the flowers for all to see and you picked one of the chocolates to enjoy, you’d save the rest for when you went home.
You wore a smile on your face throughout the day, and it only got bigger as everyone who approached the desk commented on how pretty they were, and how lucky you are. Despite the rainy weather outside this was a much needed ray of sunshine in your life.
It was nearing your lunch break, you hadn’t seen Sojiro today. Normally he’d accompany you on the lift, or stop by to say hello... you felt dumb for missing his absence but... he’d become the only positive you had left in your life now... you’d developed feelings for him... you thought maybe... you wanted him...
The rustling of leaves and petals caught your attention. You looked up to see Ichika plucking flowers from your gift. “H-hey cut it out those are mine!” You shout standing up. “Oh get over yourself Y/N! It’s just a couple for my desk.” She says waving her hand before reaching to take another. You grab the flowers and move them away. “You mean my desk that you fucked my ex to get you homewrecking cow!!” You shout.
She scowled and scrunched up her nose. “Woooow real professional Y/N. Bringing personal life into work. Why don’t you act your wage and-” a deep voice suddenly cut her off. “Get back to work.” Your heart fluttered, Sojiro...
You both looked at him as he approached. “Y-yes sir I was just telling her t-” Ichika stammered out as he stepped between her and the desk. “I was talking to you.” He scowled. She practically shrunk under his gaze before skulking away.
He watched her leave, his stance proud and fearsome, it softened as he looked at you. He always looked so relaxed around you. “Are you okay Y/N?...” he frowned.
“Y-yes...” you lie. No. No you weren’t okay. Your whole body was trembling and tears were already pouring down your face. He took your hand in his and handed you a tissue to dry them. You were so distraught you didn’t even realise he was holding you as he led you to the lift for your lunch break.
There was an undercover area on the roof, with a table and chairs, it offered a nice view of the cityscape despite the rain. While everywhere else was drenched, here it was bone dry. You calmed down after he sat you down, even still your lip quivered as you hiccuped pitiful little sobs.
He dried your tears after a moment and handed you a sandwich from a cafe you liked. He’d gotten into a habit of bring an extra one for you knowing that money was tight at the moment. “...I’m sorry you had to see that...” you whispered. He glanced at you as he lit a cigarette, “don’t be... if I’d heard another word leave her mouth id be apologising to you for witnessing me punch her.” He says taking a drag.
“You wouldn’t have to apologise to me for that...” you smile sadly, your eyes red and tired... always so tired now... he wanted to see you happy, rested, enjoying your life... he wanted to give you the life you deserved... you were everything he wanted. But he was afraid you’d reject him because he was older... or if you did accept him... would you accept all of him?... The gentle businessman facade was only a part of who he was...
“I don’t think I’ll be around here much longer anyway...” you say suddenly as you take a bite of your sandwich. His stomach dropped. “What? Why?” He says sounding more upset then you were expecting. “I just... I don’t belong here anymore Sojiro... I see my ex and that.. bitch every day... my parents don’t even want to be associated with me anymore.” You sniffle.
“Then I’ll fire them.” He says simply. “what? N no please! Don’t...” you say softly. “Just.. because my life didn’t work out doesn’t mean thei-” you try to protest but he cut you off. “Your heart is too kind for your own good Y/N... very well... but if this continues then I’ll have no choice.” He says stubbing out his cigarette butt as you finished your sandwich. You nod and placed the empty wrapper in the bin. “I understand...” you say softly.
You hated your ex, you hated Ichika, but you were too kind a person, you didn’t want revenge, you just wanted them to leave you alone... “y/n...” Sojiro says as he gently took your hand. “I... have something I want to as-” a younger mans voice sounded from the lift. “Tou-san! There you are! The meetings already started!” You recognised him, he was one of sojiros sons, the oldest. You’d seen him the day you met Sojiro in the lift. Hanzo you think is name was.
Sojiro sighed pinching his brow. “I’m afraid it’ll have to wait. I’ll talk to you later y/n. Come on.. let’s head back in before it gets too heavy.” He says softly. You nod and stand up, still holding his hand. He held his coat over you as you two ran back to the lift. His son gave you two a look, not one of disapproval, more of a knowing glance. As if to say when are you two getting together...
The three of you chatted until they had to get off at their floor. You said your goodbyes and returned to reception. You were feeling better, talking with Sojiro always cheered you up. As you walked to your desk though the spring in your step died... the flowers were gone...
You rushed to your desk to find them in the bin, crushed with all the heads cut off. And the chocolates all eaten. There was a sticky note on the box that simply read ‘thanks for lunch :)’ it was Ichikas handwriting... next to it there was a mountain of folders, and another note that read, ‘I want this done by tomorrow morning...’
You held back a sob, your chest hurt, it was getting hard to breath... you cowered under your desk ignoring the phone as it rang. The walls were caving in, your face felt tingly and your head tight, your hands cold and numb with sweaty palms. You’d grown up your whole life dealing with anxiety attacks, the pressure to be perfect was overbearing. You should be used to them but they were never this bad before.
-ground yourself... think of something you like, something you want...Sojiro...- you thought... immediately the pressure in your chest released... you thought of his scent, his eyes, his smile... his hand holding yours... you had to talk to him...
After a few moments you composed yourself... it was over... you got up and sat in your chair, emotionally and mentally drained... they say everyone no matter how happy has their breaking point. And you were at yours...
~Thought I could fly~
It was around 9pm... you’d finally finished. You started to pack up when a loud slap made you jump out of your skin. You look up to see a large folder of paperwork in front of you and Hitoshi and Ichika walking away laughing. “This too, I want it on my desk tomorrow by 7am!” Hitoshi says waving at you. “Oh and, thanks for the chocolates~” Ichika laughed as they stepped out heading for their car... you fell back into your seat... defeated...
You just sat there... watching as the downpour outside turned into a storm... it was 11:30pm when you finally stood up. You walked to the bathroom and splashed cold water onto your face in an attempt to look presentable... you saw your reflection...
Your hair was a mess, your eyes tired and heavy, your lips cracked and bloody from chewing at them, and your skin pale from stress and stained with tears. You stared into your sad eyes, “failure...” you muttered to yourself... Once the ‘perfect’ daughter your parents always desired, the once perfect girlfriend, the once star employee... all gone... all that was left was your bare self,... and you didn’t even know who you truely were.
You’d lost everything, everything you’d worked so hard to build up, the perfect life everyone wanted... but was it truely what you wanted? what did you want?... you wanted to escape...
The bathroom door creaked as you exited and headed for the lift...
~so I stepped off the golden mm,.. nobody cried...~
You didn’t hold onto the rails as the lift carried you up, you didn’t so much as flinch as it stopped either, you stared right ahead. There’s no such thing as a perfect life... and if there’s such thing as a perfect person it wasn’t you.. you’d failed everyone... you were never the perfect daughter... nobody would love you... nobody would miss you...
~Nobody even noticed, I saw them standing right there...~
The rain bucketed down in sheets... you looked up at the clouds as lightning flashed and the thunder roared like the cries of an angry beast... you threw your head back and started to laugh as tears poured down your face, you screamed at the storm as it did to you...
You walked to the edge...
~I kind of thought they might care...~
You looked over the lip of the rooftop down at the city streets below. The rain made everything sparkle in the warm glow of neon light, it poured down your face mingling with your tears. Your hair wet and stringy, your blouse and skirt soaked... you took off your shoes and climbed over the railing before standing on the edge...
As your grip began to loosen up you heard a deep, firm, but gentle voice call out for you over the ambiance of the storm and the city life below. “Y/N!”
~I had a dream, I got everything I wanted. But when I wake up, I see, you with me~
You look back to see Sojiro running towards you... He stopped just feet away, holding out his hand to you. “Y/N it’s alright... I’m here... come here...” he called softly.
“I’m going to do it!! Don’t try to stop me!” You screamed at him, “I’ve tried so hard to be everything everyone wanted me to be! I tried to do everything right! I’ve fucked it all up! It’s my fault he left me! It’s my fault my parents disowned me!! I’m not what they wanted!!” You cry.
He took another step closer, “Forget what everyone else wants of you Y/N!! What do you want?” He asks... What did you want?... you look down at the city below... “do you want this?...” he asked.
“No...” you reply. “Come down then... come to me...” he cooed... -he’s what I want...- you think...
~And you said...~
“Come here Y/N... as long as I’m here no one can hurt you...” he says stepping closer again.
As you turned around your bare foot slipped on the cement, and your grip on the railing released... you looked at him as you fell...
~I tried to scream... but my head was under water...~
It felt surreal, you fell with the rain. It was as if the droplets were suspended in mid air as you whizzed past them. The wind lashed at your drenched body and whistled through your ears, all you could hear was your heartbeat.
~they called me weak... like I’m not just somebody’s daughter...~
It didn’t feel real... you watched as suddenly Sojiro jumped off the edge after you... and in seconds he held you tightly in his arms.
You swear you saw a flash of black scales before suddenly the world went black...
~Could’ve been a nightmare...~
You opened your eyes briefly as you were shifted into someone’s lap... you were in a car. You recognised that scent... Sojiro... you were safe.. you let out a soft sigh as you felt him shift his coat around you and rub your back... your eyelids fluttered closed again and you faded back into unconsciousness...
The sound of bird song woke you up... you opened your eyes to find yourself in a very traditional buf luxurious looking room. The bed you lay in at first looked like an ordinary futon but that was only the blanket. The bed itself was imbedded into the floor like the worlds softest nest.
There were two doors, one that must lead further into the building and another that was open, it lead out to a beautiful garden. You saw sparrows and red breasted robins bouncing about on the porch eating seed. The sunshine danced in the ornately groomed trees and sparkled on the ponds surface, It was picturesque.
“Ah! Good morning miss L/N. I’m so happy to see you’re awake! Master Shimada will be so happy to hear you’re alright.” A female omnic voice... you look back at the doorway to see a very elegantly designed geisha like omnic enter with a tray. On it a lovely breakfast and some juice.
“Oh hello... I... where am I?” You ask as she set the tray in your lap before going about her tasks. “Hanamura castle of course. Master Sojiros home.” She giggled. It took a moment for that to register in your brain. The man you’d been conversing with as if he were your best friend, the man who saved you last night, was practically royalty.
“Wha?...” was all you could manage out. She could only giggle, “I understand it’s much to take in. Master Sojiro wanted to be here for when you woke but he had some business to attend to at the new enterprise, oh! Speaking of which. He wants you to stay in bed today... but if you wish to go to work he has a car for you to take.” She says as she began to comb your hair.
The idea of staying in bed after last night sounded perfect but... “may I take the car please? I have so much work to do I can’t rest...” you say softly. The need to be perfect, the need to please others... it had been beaten into your mind... you were hardly holding yourself together right now...
Even still the omnic didn’t argue. She got you dressed into a blouse and skirt that costed more than anything you’d ever owned and she escorted you to the car. “Are you sure you don’t wish to change your mind?” She asks after helping you into the car. “I don’t know what I want anymore...” you say meekly. If she could frown that comment would have made her do so with worry... “I’ll inform master Sojiro.” She says bowing before closing the door.
The driver started the engine and the next thing you knew you were off. You’d only ever been to hanamura a few times, it seemed to always be blanketed in pink. The land of eternal cherry blossoms all year round until winter would come and coat everything white.
You’d always wanted to live here... but your parents wanted you to live closer to the business, closer to them... but now... maybe you could live here after all. What did Sojiro mean by wanting you to stay in bed? Why did he bother saving you? How did he save you for that matter? Why these nice clothes? These gifts? Did this mean he wanted you?... no... he was just pitying you... you were sure of it...
The car pulled up in the underground car park, it was mostly used by the engineers who designed prototypes for your company, you’d rarely been down here at all in your time with the company. The omnic driver stepped out and opened your door for you before you had the chance to. “Th thank you...” you say softly. He helped you out and nodded. “I’ll be down here when you’re ready to leave madam.” He bowed.
You nodded and thanked him once more before heading up to reception... you blinked seeing Ichika sitting at your desk looking pale as a sheet. “Where’s my stuff?...” you ask softly, your voice so quiet and tired.
She nearly jumped out of her skin seeing you. “I.. I I i” she tried to speak... she looked like she’d seen a ghost. “Y/N!” Sojiro suddenly called from behind you. You didn’t think it possible but Ichikas face went even paler...
He rushed over and gently embraced you as you turned around... you melted into his touch, so desperate for positive contact. “What are you doing here? You should be resting.” He says softly but sternly. You look down at your feet and nod. “I-I had paperwork I never finished last night for Ichika and I left my bag here too I-I’m sorry.” You stammer out.
You jumped as he cupped your chin in his hand and made you look up at him, “it’s alright... your stuff is in my office dear. If you insist on working I have a few things I need organised. But I’d like you to please take it easy today.” He says as he stroked your cheek with this thumb.
Your face went bright red at the contact, you nodded. “Y-yes mr Shimada.” You squeak out. He chuckled, “why so formal now?...” he smiled. “Come along Y/N, I’ll get you settled into my office then I have to attend a meeting with some... unsavoury individuals.” He says glancing at Ichika who’d been gawking this whole time. She jumped and immediately got back to work...
He took your hand in his and pulled you close, your face was beat red now, you walked beside him obediently to his office.
After getting you settled with the paperwork you had to organise he suddenly placed a blanket and pillow on the large sofa he had near the bookshelf. “if you get tired please rest. One of my sons will come by to check up on you around lunch time.” He smiled. God, his smile.
You nod and immediately get to work, “y/n...” he suddenly says. You look up and almost jump out of your skin. How did he cross the room that quickly? and without you noticing? “I hope Ive made it obvious enough that asking this question would be foolish of me but...” before he could finish the door opened. “Tou-san. They’re waiting for you.” A young man entered, Sojiros youngest, Genji.
He had green hair and wore a nice suit similar to his fathers but had a tie matching his neon hairstyle. He looked similar to Sojiro, definitely had the same nose and eyebrows, though his eyes seemed a lot more bubbly than his fathers. He must get them from his mother.
Sojiro sighed and nodded. “Very well.” He looked back at you. “I need to speak to you after I’m done. I might be a while. So if you need to rest please do.” He says gently taking your hand and squeezing it before walking out. Genji looked at you and gave you the same look Hanzo did but, he looked a little more giddy than his older brother had. He bowed politely before closing the door.
The day ticked by slowly. Genji returned around lunch time as promised with something for you to eat. You two chatted as you ate, he was a lot more talkative than his father but just as easy to get along with. He mentioned that everyone in the company had heard of what happened last night, and they all knew Hitoshi and Ichika were to blame. That’s what the meeting was about apparently, a full staff briefing of workplace harassment followed by a private sit down with your abusers in question.
You wondered why you weren’t attending the full staff one but it made sense you didn’t, you weren’t well right now... and it seemed Sojiro wanted to keep you as far away from Ichika and Hitoshi as possible.
After eating Genji said his goodbyes once again before leaving you to your own devices... you looked at the paperwork... it had to be done but. Sojiro wanted you to rest... you wanted to make him happy... you wanted him. So you climbed onto the sofa and cuddled the blanket close. It wasn’t long before you were asleep.
-sleep... safe now... no one can hurt you...-
A deep but gentle voice sounded in your head. You looked up and saw those scales, the ones you remembered from last night... you followed them down to a pair of sharp claws. Then up to a large snarling lion like face... a dragon... “Safe...” it spoke. “What?...” you reply.
It lay it’s head down to be eye level with you. “You’re safe now...” it whispered, it sounded almost like music. “As long as I’m here, no one can hurt you.” It repeated.
You reached your hand out and touched its nose making it sniff at you, “am I dreaming?... who are you?.. why am I here?...” you whisper. “You’ve suffered much your whole life... they tried to mould you into what they wanted. So much so that you’ve forgotten who you are... what you want... if I could change the way you see yourself... you wouldn’t wonder why you’re here.” It said nuzzling your hand.
~they don’t deserve you...~
You opened your eyes feeling a warm familiar hand on your cheek, it was just dark outside now... you blush seeing Sojiro smiling down at you, “did you sleep well?” He whispered. You nodded in response. “It’s time to go home now...” he sighed, “y/n... Will you come home with me again?... and live with me permanently?” He says softly.
It took a moment to click, he really did want you... you thought you were still dreaming, but it felt too real. “I... do you want me to?” You ask softly. He smiled and stroked your cheek, “the question is... do you want to?” He chuckled a little. “I... I...” you pause... “I want you.” Silence.
“I I mean! I want to be with you! That sounded too forward I’m so sorry I’ll go n-” you ramble out before his lips cut you off.
You let out a surprised gasp before your eyelids fluttered shut. You leaned into the kiss and he pulled you close and held you so gently it brought tears to your eyes. This was it... this is what you wanted. As you wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders he scooped you up and cradled you like his new bride. “I promise... I’ll look after you...” he whispers. You nod in response.
He gently lay his coat over you and carried you from his office. He stepped into the lift and hit the basement level, the car park. You rested your head against his chest and hummed softly as he pressed his lips to your forehead. “What would you like for dinner dear?” He asks as the elevator suddenly stopped on the ground floor. “I... um...” you tried to think but your thoughts were silenced as the lift opened.
You blinked seeing Hitoshi and Ichika standing there both looking pale and terrified. Behind them, Hanzo and Genji stood quietly. Genji had seemingly ditched his suit jacket, his tie hung loose around his neck, and in his hand he held a baseball bat. -oh! He must be into sports!- you think innocently.
Sojiro gracefully stepped to the side allowing your ex and his mistress in, followed by his two sons. The ride down was painfully silent, you noticed Ichika and Hitoshi growing more and more agitated by the second... yet Sojiro and his sons remained calm as ever, smiling even.
You blushed a little as Sojiro held you closer, you couldn’t tell from this angle but it was clear he was looking at your ex, as if to say look at what you lost, she’s mine now. It made you feel so special.
As he shifted you, you caught a glimpse of something on his neck, tucked away under the collar of his shirt... a tattoo?... part of one... Tattoos weren’t uncommon in Japan, but they were heavily associated with the yakuza... no... maybe he got it as a memorial for his wife? Maybe it’s her favourite flower? Maybe it’s to show his love for his sons? Any of these were valid reasons. He couldn’t be a criminal, he couldn’t...
You glanced at hanzo... you could see a hint of blue ink on his exposed wrist... then Genji, you could see what looked like a green dragon through the fabric of his shirt... -calm down. I’m sure it’ll be okay. I’m sure they must have an explanation for this- you think.
The elevator reached the ground floor and the doors opened. Immediately Hitoshi and Ichika stepped out and began walking a little too quickly to be normal, they must have gotten a big talking to from Sojiro...
Hanzo and Genji both looked at each other, before glancing at their father... Sojiro nodded, and the two stepped out after your ex and his mistress... you felt a knot forming in your stomach...
Sojiro stepped out still holding you tightly as he texted the driver to come around to the lift entrance. “I know a place not far from here, I think you’ll like what they serve there.” He says smiling at you... you didn’t notice. You were too focused on Genji suddenly bringing the bat down hard on Ichikas back knocking her down before swinging up and hitting Hitoshi.
Your voice died in your throat watching the scene unfold. Hanzo pulled Hitoshi to his feet before punching him across the face so hard it broke his jaw. Genji swung it down on his legs breaking them in several places. Ichika got up screaming and pulling at the two trying to save your ex...
From the shadows of the car park several tattooed men in suits stepped out, they all looked at Sojiro... he nodded. Genji and Hanzo both stepped back, dropping Hitoshi’s now dead body to the concrete allowing the thugs to take over and deal with Ichika. You watched in horror as they flogged the living hell out of her... her screams burned into your mind...
“Y/N...” Sojiro whispered gently turning your head to face him. His expression wasn’t angry, but it wasn’t happy either, it was serious but... soft as it always was when he looked at you. “They don’t deserve you. Or your pity... they’ll never bother you again.” He smiled.
You nod, your whole body was trembling, you couldn’t make a sound. You were in shock. “Come, lets go home and then will see how you feel about dinner.” He says as the car pulled up. The omnic driver stepped out and opened the doors. Hanzo and Genji got in first, as Sojiro sat you in your seat you caught a glimpse of Ichikas face, still alive, still screaming, bloody, broken... they’d wiped that smug smile off her face for good... you felt guilty, but... part of you felt so good...
Sojiro got in and closed the door, his body keeping you from seeing anymore. He placed his arm around you and held you close. And here you sat, in an expensive car, with three extremely dangerous men. You look at Hanzo and Genji who were busy cleaning the blood off of themselves, you heard Genji muttering about it staining.
Hanzo looked up and smiled catching your gaze... it’d seem both the boys approved of your relationship with their father... you smile back and tiredly rest your head against Sojiro once more... Maybe... this would be okay...
~I had a dream... I got everything I wanted~
The car pulled up back at Hanamura castle. The boys jumped out first and rushed off inside to get cleaned up, undoubtably they had more than a little blood in their clothing.
Sojiro stepped out and lifted you back into his arms. He’d been silent the whole drive. He took you back to the room you’d woken up in, it was pretty clear now that this was in fact his room. “...I’m... sorry you had to see that Y/N...” he says removing his tie after he set you down on the bed.
You couldn’t answer, you couldn’t even find the words to after what you’d witnessed... “Y/N...” He says softly.
After a moment you willed yourself to look up at him. He was shirtless now, his body was god like. Perfectly toned muscles, smooth skin adorned with scars, and a giant black dragon tattoo that started at his neck and twisted around his torso. You assumed it kept going down to his leg but his trousers cut off your view. It was the same dragon from your dream... you were unsure if you should ask him about it but.. right now you weren’t sure about anything really...
You blushed and looked down shyly. He chuckled a little at the cute display of bashfulness. “Look at me Y/N...” he says kneeling down in front of you. You sheepishly obeyed looking at him. You locked your eyes with his gaze and felt entranced, you couldn’t look away... you didn’t want to...
“I’m sure it’s obvious what I actually do for a living by now my dear... but I assure you... I’ll keep you far away from any of my yakuza dealings... I never meant for you to see that... my temper got the better of me, I should have held off but...” he clenched his jaw, “They hurt you...” he sighed.
You trembled remembering the ordeal, but, after a moment you settled. Sojiro did that to protect you, to save you... he didn’t have to but... part of you couldn’t help but feel they deserved it. Even still, your lip quivered as tears threatened to pour.
He suddenly leaned in and kissed you. You gasped in surprise, but after a moment all your doubts, all your fears... everything melted away... you leaned into his touch as he pulled you into his lap deepening the kiss. His hand trailed down and rested on your waist, he wasn’t looking for sex, not tonight... Tonight he just wanted to hold you and keep you safe.
After a few blissful minutes you both broke the kiss gasping for air. Your eyes were dewy and your lips pink and swollen from the passionate embrace. “Let me look after you Y/N...” he says pressing his forehead to yours. “Let me give you everything you deserve... everything You want.” He whispered looking into your eyes.
You nod and lean in kissing him softly before pulling away. “Please... look after me...” you whisper. He kissed you back. “I will...” he sighed as a smile crept onto his lips once more.
It was comfortably silent for a moment as you rested your head against his chest, the skin on skin contact felt so nice, you didn’t realise how deprived of it you were. Your stomach suddenly growled and your face reddened as Sojiro laughed. “Oh, right, dinner!” He chuckled. You’d give anything to hear him laugh more often.
“Let’s get ready, the boys can come along too, they want to know more about their future step mother.” He smiled. Your face went a deeper shade of red and you buried your face into his neck shyly. You were so happy you couldn’t handle it.
He smiled and planted another soft kiss on your forehead. “Care to share a bath with me?” He whispered. You nodded maybe a little too eagerly. He couldn’t help but chuckle. He scooped you up and kissed you once more on the lips before whisking you away to the bathroom.
It’d still be a long while before you’d be better, but Sojiro would be there every step of the way to hold your hand and assure you you were loved. But for now, it’d seem you finally got everything you wanted.
~But when I wake up I see...you, with me...~
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secondhand-trash · 5 years
Other students masterlist
|Shinsou Hitoshi|
Dead Romantics (modern magic au)
The young necromancer spent his entire life being all by himself, and now he had no idea what to do when an enthusiastic classmate went out of their way to be his friend.
I Take Thee (Shinsoubowl Week Day 1)
You remembered the promises you made to each other in your vows as you waited for your husband to come home.
Tough Competition (Shinsoubowl Week Day 2)
Nothing like a bit of friendly rivalry to get the tension going and affection to blossom.
The Usual (Shinsoubowk Week Day 3)
Shinsou was by no means a coffee drinker. But if it meant that he could see the cute barista who worked at the coffee shop by the corner, he would gladly pour that disgusting cup of liquid down his throat every day.
Good People (Shinsoubowl Week Day 4)
You had lost your hope that there were genuinely good people in the world a long time ago. So no, just because this hero was nice and didn’t want to fight you could not convince you anything.
Battle Scars (Shinsoubowl Week Day 5)
It was rough to see your lover coming home soaked from head to bottom and with a huge cut on his chest, but it pained you even more to see him so deep in self-blame.
Soft Spot (Shinsoubowl Week Day 6)
Shinsou’s plan to get some good rest was ruined but how could he say no when his classmate asked him for help in search of a lost kitten?
The Wizard’s Castle on the North (Shinsoubowl Week Day 7)(fairytale au)
Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a wizard who lived alone in his castle on the north of the kingdom. The people of the kingdom hated the wizard, and so the king made an order that whoever could enter the wizard’s castle could be married to his heir and become royalty.
Hearts to Give
He had no idea that it was you who put a paper heart on his desk every day but it was fine, you’ve got plenty of hearts to give anyways.
Winner Takes It All (nsfw)
Shinsou felt the need to defend himself here, because he had no idea what the prize was before he actually won.
10 Things I Hate About You
You hated Shinso Hitoshi, mostly because you could not believe yourself when you said it no matter how much you tried.
“You have 1 new message”
Satin & Lace (nsfw)
The only thing better than a man in lingerie is two men in lingerie.
General romance stuff with Shinsou (hc)
Shinsou with a kuudere-like s/o (hc)
Talking to his wife’s pregnant belly (hc)
General nsfw stuff (nsfw)(hc)
Shinsou with a s/o who is allergic to cats (hc)
Shinsou’s s/o struggling with mental health (hc)
Shinsou with a low self-esteemed s/o (hc)
Shinsou with a s/o who goes mute when upset (hc)
Pro hero Shinsou with a pro hero s/o (hc)
General nsfw stuff 2.0 (nsfw)(hc)
Helping his s/o cope with the loss of a close pet (hc)
Soft hcs (hc)
Shinsou’s s/o being stressed over school (hc)
Sex with s/o with selective mutism (nsfw)(hc)
Taking care of s/o who is on their period (hc)
Sleepover with Shinsou (hc)
Camboy Shinsou but is he really??? (kinda nsfw???)(hc+drabble)
“I’m sorry, I think you got the wrong number.”+ “You know what’s funny? No matter what you’ve done, I’ll still fall for you all over again.” (drabble)
Falling off while cuddling (drabble)
Surprising Shinsou with a kitten (drabble)
Overhearing s/o’s “friend” making fun of their weight (drabble)
Leaving a bite mark on s/o’s cheek (slight nsfw)(drabble)
Shinsou with a crush that acts flirty towards everyone (drabble)
A statue comes alive when its soulmate held its hand (soulmate au)(drabble)
Purposing to his s/o (drabble)
Waking up to see his hair all sprawled out (drabble)
Cuddling with Shinsou (drabble)
Seeing s/o with a cat quirk naked after transforming from cat to human (drabble)
Trying to fuck Shinsou into sleeping (nsfw)(drabble)
Taking care of his drunk s/o (drabble)
His s/o mistaking that he might be cheating (drabble)
Teasing cat quirk s/o with catnip (nsfw)(drabble)
Overstimulating cat quirk s/o (nsfw)(drabble)
The smell of softener filling your senses as you have blankets wrapped up around you (drabble)
When you smell the cookies baking in the oven after your arms are sore from beating the mixture till white and fluffy for 30 minutes (drabble)
“So you’re just gonna abandon me?” (drabble)
“They warned me about you, I should have listened.” (drabble)
Feeling him up from behind while he was cooking (nsfw)(drabble)
Fisting (nsfw)(drabble)
Thigh riding (nsfw)(drabble)
Going into heat after being hit with a cat quirk (nsfw)(drabble)
Making reader ride a fuck machine with his quirk (nsfw)(drabble)
Fucking his s/o in front of a crowd (nsfw)(drabble)
Walking in on him moaning your name (nsfw)(drabble)
Thigh fucking (nsfw)(drabble)
Eating s/o out because they were not giving him attention (nsfw)(drabble)
Spiderman kiss while he hangs down the ceiling (drabble)
Worshipping his muscles (nsfw)(drabble)
Tutor Shinsou rewarding you (nsfw)(drabble)
Accidentally tying yourself up with his capture weapon (nsfw)(drabble)
Glade in a forest under the starry sky (drabble)
Coffee shop (drabble)
Comforting s/o (drabble)
Shinsou falling asleep with the cats (drabble)
Meatball Shinsou (nsfw)(drabble) > bonus drabble
Cooking with his s/o (drabble)
Tired Shinsou (drabble)
You dreamt of him (drabble)
A Teenager In Love (drabble)
Random snapshots of random animals at random times because they know you like that animal + brings you up naturally in a conversation you are not in (drabble)
Checking your phone late at night and see them go online the moment you open their message (drabble)
He slept on the couch once because the cat was napping against his arm and he did not want to wake it up (drabble)
The pet shop worker (harvest moon au)(character route archive)
La Petite Mort (ghost!Shinsou series)
|Amajiki Tamaki|
Your First Name, My Last Name (modern magic au)
There was something extremely important the fae would like to ask you, the only issue was that he didn’t know how.
A Day at the Fae’s Cottage (modern magic au)
Just another day at the shy fae’s cottage deep in the woods.
Tamaki taking care of sick s/o (for Red<3)(drabble)
The smell of softener filling your senses as you have blankets wrapped up around you (drabble)
Birthday present (nsfw)(drabble)
|Togata Mirio|
Party Night Fever (nsfw)(college au)
You got more out of a party you dreaded than you thought you would.
The scent of cinnamon filling the kitchen (drabble) 
|Monoma Neito|
Soft hcs (hc)
417 notes · View notes
tf2-hoe · 4 years
For the self harm request you did, I was wondering if you could do the rest of the mercs. I totally understand if you feel uncomfortable writing it
Offensive and Defensive Headcanons - Self Harm Scars
Part 1
Hey, I am going to assume the link I posted is what you’re referring to, if not, then PM me and I will write up a new one!
He had her in his lap, hands around her waist
She tasted like sugary candy, and he just couldn’t get enough of the taste
He wanted more
His hands grazed her sides, inviting, but not invading
Or so he thought
Her hands flew to his chest, allowing her to launch away from him
She sounded petrified, and Scout was worried to death that he had just made a fatal mistake
“Hey, you gotta tell me what’s goin’ on.”
“They’re disgusting and I hate them!”
“What do you hate?”
She rips off her shirt to reveal circular indents covering her hips like moon craters
Scout’s silence was deafening
How was he supposed to react to this?
“Do you have any idea how disgusting these are?! How horrible I am for doing this? How many cigarettes I went through to do this? I hate it! I hate myself! I am-”
His arms held her far too tightly for her comfort, but it was all he could do to keep himself from screaming
“Disgusting? Horrible? What are you talking about? That bull you went through doesn’t mean anything to who you are now. If you want it to, then fine, but you clearly don’t sound happy about it, so I’m assuming you didn’t like what you did to yourself. That doesn’t mean anything! All that matters that you’re here and alive. I want you alive, I want you here with me. Please, never feel ashamed like this again. I love you.”
Heavy holds her close to his body, practically absorbing her warmth
This was all he ever wanted, and it felt like a good time to initiate something more intimate than just holding each other
At first he started kissing her neck and smiling when she started to giggle
His hands held her thighs just a touch firmer to keep her close to him
"Do you want to be closer?"
"We are close."
"No, as close as two humans can be with each other."
Her entire body went rigid, and it took all of her willpower to not peel away from him right there
"You do not have to! I was only suggesting."
"...I want to, Misha, but there's a few things you need to know about me first."
"I trust you, and whatever you tell me, I will not blame you."
She stands up slowly, turning to him with a subtle shiver that, for her sake, Misha did not point out
"I'm not a pretty woman, Misha, far from it. I'm dirty, broken, and I'm in a lot of pain all the time."
His eyes were wide with panic, trying to decipher entirely what she's getting at
Was he translating something wrong? Surely this doesn't mean what he thinks it means!
"A long time ago, I figured out a way to help myself."
A false hope grew before shattering like glass as her shirt lifted up to hide just under her breasts
Pinpoint scars scattered her hips, and even her stomach, like stars to the sky
He felt horrified
How does someone react to this?
"A-And I know it's not what you wanted, and I know somebody with mental problems is just going to be a burden to you. I-I didn't want to stab myself, but I couldn't stop."
Her tears broke his heart, and he raced to scoop her up like a child
"Shame is nothing. Why let it control you after all this time? After everything you've been through, it cannot rule your life any longer. I am not angry, nor sad, nor upset. I am scared for you, not for those scars or how they came about. I am worried about you because you're all that matters, not those scars!"
He rocks her softly in his arms, prepping himself to help her recover from a lifetime's worth of pain
He just couldn’t resist the woman he had before him
Delicate, kind and absolutely gorgeous
Why would he ever try to deny what he feels for her?
So why not push it a little? Take some risks?
He learned very soon why communication is important
The second he held her hips so he could kiss her, her hands peeled them off in a panic
She threw herself away from him, disturbed at the sensation of his hands on them
“Dear? What is it?”
“Y-You aren’t supposed to see it. The hammer, the marks, the bruising, the scars... You can’t see what I did.”
“Did what? What is it?”
His heart only pounded harder when she hesitated with her words
“I don’t want you to see them.”
“I’m not going to judge you, beautiful. Show them or not, I won’t judge you.”
“I swear on my Scrumpy.”
The heartfelt words got a chuckle out of her, allowing them both to ease a little
“Alright, just... give me a second.”
Demo looked away to give her some space and only turned back when she gave the word
Her pants and shirt were lying on the floor in a neat, neglected pile, but his attention was not on her body
Pink, splotchy bubbles connect and cover her delicate hips like a thick spiderweb
“There’s a reason I don’t like being around Pyro.”
“Why would you ever...?!”
“I look disgusting, huh?”
“No, no! I’m just scared, dear. I think I’m allowed to be, after all.”
He winces at the wet stains forming on her face
“I’m worthless.”
“I hate myself.”
“I’m just-”
He doesn’t mean to scare her, or to make her upset, but her pain is eating him alive
“Is that what you felt? That pain? That agony? No wonder you’d turn to something so violent...”
He gently offers his arms to her, in which she gladly hides herself in them
“There isn’t something I can say to make the pain go away, or something I can do to make these scars go away. I don’t know what you want me to say about them, or what you want me to do about them. All I can say is that I promise to be here for you, for better or worse.”
There were few times they would ever let themself get as vulnerable as they are now
They felt her hands roaming their body, causing them to gasp at the sensitive sensations
They almost wanted to protest at the strange touch, but they instead grasped her waist
“P-Please, don’t.”
The fear caused them to remove their hands and question her
“It’s bad, you’re not going to like it.”
Pyro shakes their head, pressing their head to hers
“...You’re too sweet, Py.
She sighs, looking at how willing they are
“Alright, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.”
Upon removing her shirt and averting her eyes, Pyro sees small strips of scars covering her soft skin
“I had an obsession with my body... It was too much for me, and I figured it’d be easier to just... peel it away. Gross, huh?”
Her nonchalant tone fails to hide the shame in her eyes
A person of no words, they simply hold their S/O close to their chest
Sometimes their hands will graze over the sensitive marks on her body, but only to show that those scars are her skin, and therefore are her
He had her against a wall with her legs around his waist
She had the sweetest smile as she pressed her head to his chest
“You look beautiful, you know that?”
She felt something wrong when he said that
And just like that, her illusion was shattered
She wants her lye and her knife
She can’t breathe, all she can do is claw at her sides to destroy the uneven markings
All Soldier could do was hold her hands until she could calm down enough to get her to Medic
He felt frozen and unable to react for the first time in his life
“Jane, please.”
“What? What do you want me to do?”
“Make it stop.”
“Make what stop? You have to tell me, cupcake.”
“I need to fix my body. I need these ugly marks to go.”
“What marks?”
Her deafening voice caused him to back away
It was here that Soldier could get a good look at her body, allowing him to take in the old, acidic scars covering her hips
“I was made the wrong size, Jane. I had to fix it somehow... Now I’ve made it worse... The skin is even worse, now.”
“Wrong size?”
He’s trying to take this one step at a time, but all of this information makes him feel like he’s falling down a flight of stairs
“I was 110 pounds, I wasn’t skinny enough. I’m still not skinny!”
“Why does your weight matter so much?”
“Why does it matter?! The skinnier you are, the prettier you are, that’s how it works!”
“No, it isn’t. In ancient Greece, a woman with more weight than average was considered beautiful because she had access to food, which was considered a luxury.”
“What does that have to do anything?”
“You would be a goddess to them, is what I’m saying.”
He gently takes her into his arms, feeling her shivering, nervous body
“The only reason people think skinny is better than anything else is because during World War II, women took up jobs that men couldn’t. Even though more weight was beautiful, the standard shifted because it was thought that the less weight a woman had, the more capable she was of replacing a man. In the end, all it takes is a big change to get everybody to bandwagon and pick a side. That’s all any “opinion” really is, is just a bunch of people gathering up and deciding what’s going to be the new trend.”
“...so what you’re telling me, is that you being a historian nut has a purpose?”
Soldier grins a little as he hears her relaxed tone
“When has it not?”
”You really want this, honeybee?”
“You don’t sound confident. Are you sure you want this?”
“I do, I’m just a little nervous.”
“Don’t feel pressured, hon. I’ll wait as long as you want, and if you don’t ever want to go that far, I understand. This is a choice from two people that requires the consent of us both.”
“Can you help me with something?”
“I want to get close to you, but there’s something that I’ve been hiding from you.”
Engineer backs up to give her space
“I won’t be mad, darling. I just need you to help me understand.”
“I have skin missing from my body, and it’s unpleasant to look at.”
“Do you want to show me, or would you rather we wait, instead?”
Her shirt being tossed across the room was his answer
The missing chunks of skin around her waist mapped out strange, thick caverns in her thighs
He couldn’t help but touch them before asking if he even could
“I found a chisel when I was a kid... I didn’t really think about the consequences then, or what it would do to me. All I could think about was that chisels mean carving, and carving means getting the perfect body type.”
“Perfect body type?”
“...I lost 20 pounds just by removing what I didn’t want.”
Engie felt sick as he held her, and his eyes stayed away from the scars
“Was it weight?”
“I don’t know... I just liked hurting.”
“If you ever feel like that again, you got to tell me. If not me, then Medic, not him, then someone. Don’t go through this alone, you deserve better than that. I want to help you, I want to keep you safe and happy. This must have been so hard for you to tell me, and I’m so proud of you... Please, let me take care of you, and let me get you some help. I can’t promise to make the pain go away, and I can’t say that it will go away, all I can do is try, darling. Just give me a chance, sweetpea.”
HEAVEN HAVE MERCY THIS TOOK FOREVER! This is officially the longest request I’ve done, and also one of the reasons why I can’t accept requests this long again. They can be far longer than I anticipate, and it takes up more time than I have, which leads to requests being delayed or ignored. But nevertheless, the new method I’m using with max three at a time seems to be working well!
Thank you for the submission, and I hope you’re doing well.
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clareisa · 5 years
I’ll protect my Queen - mafia!AU -「I.M - Im Changkyun」
Request (requested by @xxkittenbebexx): Changkyun mafia Au, a death threat is aiming his S/O during their fiancee celebration party. Fluff could lead to smut as you want
A/N: Hope you like this one as well!♥
- gifs are not mine, credits to rightful owners
- English is not my first language, so please, excuse my mistakes
♥AUs Special Writing Season ♥
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  The mansion of MX family, how they were calling themselves, was today busier than it normally is at regular days. People, that could be only dreaming to take a look into the most beautiful villa in the neighbourhood, were today running around, stress taking over them, decorating the massive building for the special event that will be taking a place this evening. The French villa was impressive by itself with all of the luxury details on walls, heavy and expensive furniture from all around the world but the exotic flowers, shinning chandeliers and the live orchestra practising for the evening were creating extraordinary and blissful atmosphere. 
  And why such a madhouse and need of everything to be perfect? Well, one of the founders and the youngest brother in MX family was going to announce that he choose a woman that will be next to his side from now on until they’ll meet again in the afterlife. That he is finally ready to officially introduce the fourth queen of the underworld of Seoul, after his three older brothers Hyungwon, Kihyun and Minhyuk did as well. And this one is going to be the biggest and the best party in the world that is highly hiding from innocent society.
  The veil of the night dropped on the city of Seoul and the villa of MX family opened the gates for special guests from all around the country and world as well. The air was filled with mystery and excitement. No one besides the seven founders and house servants ever saw the future wife of the youngest brother. 
  You were looking out of the window behind the curtain carefully so no one could see your face. Nervously you retracted the curtains fully, put your hand on your heart trying to calm down the fast beating of your heart and the buddle on nerves in your stomach. Carefully you moved in front of the golden mirror. Your eyes ran up and down your form trying to get used to the view in front of you.
   Hair slicked back making your face and neck perfectly visible and serious looking. Scarlet red lipstick making your lips plump, eyeshadow making your eyes bigger and more cat-like and highlighted cheekbones was perfectly complementing each other perfectly. Looking at the choker-like pearl necklace made you smile because it was hiding the deep red Changkyn’s marks from last night. The long off-shoulders dark emerald green dress was hugging your figure perfectly. The Bardot neckline was showing your prominent collarbones and the slit starting in the middle of your thigh was making your right leg visible. Covered in luxury but you somehow felt naked. 
  The sound of the big mahogany door of your shared bedroom slowly opened and your lover peeked throught the gap. You turned to him, he fully opened them, entered the room and closed behind him. 
  Dark midnight black hair falling to his forehead, sharp eyes and perfectly fitting suit on his lean but defined muscular body made him the man that every woman desired but he was only yours and you both couldn’t be happier about it. The big smile appearing on his handsome face makes you a little more confident in your own skin. His dreamy gaze eyeing you up and down in complete trance made all the stress disappear in a second. 
  “You are absolutely gorgeous, my love.” he said looking back into your eyes. He slowly walked to you and as he was close enough, his hands wrapped around your waist gently while your arms wrapped around his neck. 
  “You really think so?” you asked giving him a small smile. 
  “Of course, my love. I can’t wait how all women will be jealous of your beauty and grace, all men jealous of me because I’m the one who has angel by his side and just all people being blinded by your dazzling aura.” Changkyun slowly caressed your cheek in a loving manner. 
  You chuckled and looked away for a moment trying to avoid the tears, “You should stop being this perfect or I’ll ruin my makeup.” you looked at him again with, now, bright smile. 
  “You can’t cry now. Save that tears for tonight when all guests will leave.” he winked showing that arrogant sly smirk of his that could drive crazy. You playfully hit his chest but avoided eye contact by hiding your face to the curve of his neck. Changkyun chuckled and kissed the top of your head while caressing your neck saying: “You don’t need to worry. I’ll protect you for the rest of my life. I would be happier if none of that people would ever see you but I can’t make you isolated.” 
  He leaned a little back and took your cheeks to his palms, “You gave up on your daily life because of me and my lifestyle. So at least I’ll make the best of this lifestyle for you.” you nodded smiling at him and he kissed your forehead. 
  “Let’s go, shall we?” he offered you his hand which you gladly took. You swallowed all your nervousness. In the end, you were with Changkyun, nothing bad can happen to you with him by your side. 
  The walk through the corridors was surprisingly quick and you both were already on the top of the staircase ready to walk down like a royal couple. You took a deep breath looked to Changkyun’s eyes and nodded with a small smile. Changkyun gave the small orchestra a signal with nodding and they started playing some classical piece. All heads immediately turned to your direction and you two started walking down the grand staircase. As your lover said earlier, almost all women were eyeing you with jealousy that you were the one standing next to Changkyun. Some were even poking their men in a jealous manner to stop them from starring at you. The only gazes that were calming you down belonged to other six brothers and wives of three of them that become your best friends since Changkyun introduced you to them. 
  All guests followed you to the garden where the grand dinner was prepared. They all sat down only you two were standing. “Let me introduce you all to the woman I’m planning to stay beside until the day I die. As you all know we got engaged just yesterday.” he said and everyone immediately cheered. Family expansion was always a big event in the mafia world.  
  Changkyun looked at you, holding his glass of champagne. “I fell for her dearly. I was never this happy in my whole life.” you smiled at each others, “And I’m even more careful than before. I’m ready to protect this woman with all of my life and since she’ll be soon part of your family as well I expect the same from all of you.” his face smile but voice colder than ice. 
  “So now please welcome my queen, the fourth queen of Seoul underworld. Cheers!” he lifted up the glass and everyone shouted the sam response with raised glasses. You both took a sip from the expensive liquor and bowed to all people in front of you in 90 degrees as act of respect. They bowed back as a symbol of welcoming you gladly in the family. 
  The dinner was going smoothly. Everyone enjoyed the food and now they were dancing on the build dancefloor in the garden after you and Changkyun got the first song just for yourself as the official new engaged couple. You were enjoying the celebration a lot so far. People who you were introduced to you were despite their high-class snobby looks were very warm-hearted and gladly welcomed you. 
  One of the waiters came to you two and put a beautiful cake, “Mr Im, this was sent as a gift from guests that couldn’t come tonight. Please enjoy. It should be a favourite flavour of our queen, red velvet.” he smiled and slowly walked back to the mansion. You were looking at him as he was walking. You knew all employees of the mansion but you never saw this one. 
  “You should cut the cake. It is your favourite so let’s cut it and eat it until Hoseok hyung and Hyunwoo hyung will come and eat it all.” he chuckled. You nodded, still not so sure about the waiter. You stood up and started cutting the dessert. It was really weird, it felt like it was filled with something else than the normal cake. As you finished the first cut you wanted to peak what was inside. As you pulled with the knife to the side something red wet and sticky immediately leaked out of the cake right on your leg. 
  You shouted in shock and jumped back when you saw the intestines leaking out and streaming down your revealed leg. You froze, your bottom lip was shaking, you couldn’t move. It wasn’t, of course, a real cake. It was just a top of the cake with carved inside where someone put a lot of rotten human intestines. 
  Changkyun was immediately standing up. “Close all the gates! All the doors! Now! No one will get out of here until I’ll find that jerk and stuff his mouth with this!” his voice was scary and angry. Everything immediately closed and everyone stopped talking and dancing. 
  “Babe?” you heard your lovers voice next to your ear. You looked with teary eyes at him. “It will be okay...Just look at me right now, okay?” he said and you slowly nodded. He took the napkins and slowly, still looking into your eyes, took off the parts of the intestines still stuck on your leg down. You could feel some of the rotten flesh slowly sliding down your skin. But the smell... the smell almost made you gag but the calming eyes of your fiancee were keeping you from breaking down. 
  “Now we will go and wash you, okay?” he smiled a little. You swallowed and nodded. He softly lifted you up and bridal style, not caring about your legs being bloody. As he was walking he called for Jooheon and told him: “Don’t let anyone leave. Check everyone and their invitation card and find that fucker who brought that cake to us.” Jooheon nodded and all the security, all brother and even their wives started searching for the culprit. 
  You hid your face to his shoulder gripping his suit tightly in your shaking hands. He quickly took you to your bedroom and entered your bathroom. He quickly helped you out of the blood-stained dress and helped you to stand in the shower. He took the showerhead and carefully cleaned you three times, especially your legs. 
  After he finished he dressed you into your favourite pyjamas and tucked you into your shared bed between the fluffy nice smelling sheets. Your breath became calmer but your eyes were still closed tightly not wanting to open them. You felt how Changkyun sat next to you on the left side. He was looking at you with a sad expression. His phone rang and he picked the call seeing Jooheon’s name on the screen. 
  “Yeah?” he asked. 
  Jooheon on the other end said, “We found him. It was a spy from our Busan rival.” he said. You could hear it all and you choose to focus on their voices instead of the vivid memory of this evening. 
  “Good. You know what to do... change up with others every two hours. I’ll take the final shot in the morning. I think we will be sending the same gift our Busan friends sent to us. But our package will be fresher.” your lover said in a cold voice and hanged up. You gulped. You knew what he meant by that and you were always kinda scared of him when he took care of such a “businesses”. 
  You felt his body came closer to you, wrapping his hands around you tightly and put your head on his chest. He took your still shaking hand and started placing butterfly kisses all over your palm and fingers and then he put it on his hot soft cheek. 
  “Love, you can open your eyes it’s just me.” he whispered but you shook your head no. “Please baby. It’s just us two.” he said and slowly placed a gentle kiss on both of your closed eyelids. As if his lips were magical you slowly opened your eyes and saw his handsome face with a sweet smile. He was still holding your palm against his cheek, kissing it occasionally. 
  “I’m sorry, it’s my fault, love. I should have known better.” he sighed sadly.
  “It’s not your fault, Changkyun.” you smiled at him a little.
  “They will get what they deserve. Don’t worry. But I should have known something would happen.” he tried to contain his anger. 
  “You did everything, love. I’m okay. I should start getting used to this. I know it will get only worse and I want to be ready, not break down like today.” you said in now much calmer voice.  
  The man next to you couldn’t help himself and kissed you. Maybe it was partly from pity or anger but most of it was from pure love and intentions to help you feel better. You gladly welcomed his soft lips on yours and kissed him back with the burning love you have for him. Your hands went to his dark locks and gripped the roots. His hands went to your thighs and started massaging them intensely. His skilled hands went under your silk top sending shivers because his cold hands touched the hot skin of your tummy. 
  He broke the kiss and looked into your eyes, “I just wanna make you feel good, love. You don’t have to agree. I just want you to forget everything and focus on just the feeling, the pleasure. Be greedy tonight and don’t care about anything but you. What do you think?” he asked carefully. 
  You didn’t know if it’s right but you would welcome to think about something else than what happened. And Changkyun always knew what you need. So you slowly nodded making your man smile. He kissed you once again and when he broke the kiss he already got that playful but lewd spark in his eyes along with his suggestive smirk. Changkyun laid on his side, his hand slowly going between your legs and gently separated your legs apart, holding your inner thigh. His fingers started ghosting around your sensitive area, pulling the material of silky shorts to the side making you gasp a little when the tip of his fingers brushed your folds.
  “Let me take you from hell to heaven, my love.”
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varsitycult · 4 years
Shapeshifting: Solaris and True Alienation
          In Stanislaw Lem’s 1961 novel of the same name, Solaris is an alien planet that “materializes physical simulacra”— any members aboard the space station slowly circling the planet will begin to have interactions with figures from their pasts, those figures that left the greatest impact on their psyches. The ocean itself manifests many forms that fall under different categorization, such as mimoids, symmetriads, etc., which arise mostly as singular architectural feats and ever-evolving foamy, stretchy-then-solid, growing-and-shrinking structures that can be many miles in dimension; those that study these phenomena are called solaricists.            The study of Solaris developed from a more esoteric theorization of what the ocean actually “is”:
“For some time one popular view, eagerly disseminated by the press, was that the thinking ocean covering the whole of Solaris was a gigantic brain more advanced by millions of years than our own civilization, that it was some kind of “cosmic yogi,” a sage, omniscience incarnate, which had long ago grasped the futility of all action and for this reason was simply maintaining a categorical silence towards us.” (Lem)
          This evolved into a decidedly scientific investigation of how Solaris ‘works,’but no matter how many studies were done and how much a desire for First Contact might’ve been present aboard, the ocean didn't attempt to reveal anything about itself — to the crew, it seemingly only sought to essentially conduct psychological experiments on them by creating “empty” doppelgängers of critical figures from their pasts who cannot die.
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          The book centers around Kris Kelvin, an at times neurotic, at times deeply detached psychologist. In his youth, he knew and was in a relationship with a young woman named Harey, who ultimately ended up killing herself after Kris ended their relationship and implied she was weak. Once Kris begins seeing, speaking and interacting with the simulacra of Harey, he questions his own sanity, and conducts experiments to prove to himself that he is sane — and when in the lab, realizes the other crew members have done the same. We never learn the details of the other crews simulacras beyond an interaction in the beginning of Kris’ stay, and fleeting glimpses of identifiers — but it is implied that they’re haunting enough to drive the crew to madness and suicide, such as in the case of Gibarian, a former professor of Kris’ and fellow crew member who committed suicide right before Kris arrived on the station.
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           Harey is Kris’ appointed simulacra, or shapeshifter, if you will. What is a shapeshifter? Basically an entity with the ability to change into a different shape or form; It can be the act of a human turning into an animal (commonly seen in creatures such as werewolves, vampires and the like); an animal shapeshifting into a person; a person into a plant or object; and on, including gods turning into clouds, gods turning other gods into any myriad of animals or objects, etc. Shapeshifting is key in shamanic practice and totemism, and entails transformation into a different  f o r m, precipitated by an altered state of consciousness within the shaman, aided by substances, rhythmic driving, and the like:
“[S]hamanism and hypnosis … use … the same dissociative state of consciousness, which in shamanism is referred to as the shamanic journey, or ecstatic flight, and in hypnosis is called the hypnotic trance, or simply trance. Neurophysiological and empirical evidence support the view that the shamanic journey achieved without the use of hallucinogenic substances, that is, with the aid of musical instrumentation, chanting, and similar phenomena, elicits the same EEG profile as the hypnotic trance state. In addition, experiential phenomena characteristic of the shaman’s ecstatic flight, such as shapeshifting, contact with imaginal agents, and the like, can likewise be achieved in hypnotic trance” (Walter).
 For this entry, shapeshifting is one conscious entity shifting into another entity who is, by necessity, conscious to some degree. We find shapeshifters from stories that span the world and millennia — such as the character of Merlin from Arthurian Legend:
“In the Arthurian cycle, the wizard Merlin enchanted Uther Pendragon, making him look like the husband of Igraine so that she would gladly sleep with him. Merlin knew through augury that this mating would conceive the child who would later become King Arthur. One tool for accomplishing such shapeshifting was the spell known as fith-fath, used to transform one object into another and also to confer invisibility.” (472, Walter)
(I just really enjoy the word fith-fath)
          In the Cherokee tradition, there’s the story of the “Stone Coat,” a monster covered with scaly armor from head to toe who could take human form; Stone Coat ate the livers of his victims while in the shape of an old woman, after puncturing their skulls with a crooked finger (136, Young). Stone Coat took the form of an orphan, who then ate other children’s livers, and was subsequently banned from town. Knowing Stone Coat is approaching, 7 menstruating women lay along the path in wait — he vomits blood crossing them, and, knowing he is dying, asks the people to build a fire and burn him. As he burned, he sang songs, songs that eventually became traditional Cherokee songs; “His death, he said, would unleash disease in the world, but the songs he taught them would cure it.”
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          In the case of Old Norse, with regards to Berserkers, shapeshifting more closely approximates a shared state of consciousness generated among animal cultists, leading to murder and rape under the influence of rage:
“It is proposed by some authors that the berserkers drew their power from the bear and were devoted to the bear cult, which was once widespread across the northern hemisphere … To "go berserk" was to "hamask", which translates as "change form", in this case, as with the sense "enter a state of wild fury.”
          In Asia, the kitsune (🇯🇵), huli jing (🇨🇳), or kumiho (🇰🇷) are mythical foxes with 9 tails, that are at least 1,000-years old and have attained the boon of shapeshifting. These creatures are known for turning into young women who eat the hearts or livers of young men. In Korea, the kumiho is always malignant, while the Japanese and Chinese variants are morally ambiguous. Across cultures, if a kitsune can last 1,000 days without killing or eating a human, they can become fully human.
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          There are myriad reasons why Solaris is a unique shapeshifter experience, considering shapeshifting so often relies on either mythical entities with mythical powers, or altered states. With Solaris, we have an “entity” who can never be perceived directly, and we never learn how Solaris does what it does — Lem intentionally chose an ocean as to avoid personification and thus satisfaction of “First Contact.” Solaris creates an experience of True Alienation — because Solaris can “[see] into the deepest recesses of human minds and then [bring] their dreams to life,” but the observer knows that wish-fulfillment is impossible, making the experience of Solaris a deeply disturbing one which highlights the limits of our physical systems and of our human comprehension.
          We never come to understand the intent of the manifestations that haunt the crew observing Solaris, though later in the book, Kris ventures out onto the planet itself for the first time ever, after Harey has finally died indefinitely of her own accord; This experience changes his perception of the planet itself, realizing it is actually slightly timid, if not a bit naive, observing and reacting to new information, interacting momentarily with Kris’ hand. In the absence of understanding, there was forgiveness of the planet itself, and the psychological torment endured by Kris and the simulacras.
          Often, whether in literature about shamanic rituals or on galaxy-🧠 backwater forums, you will find discussion of shapeshifting paired with possession. Shapeshifting and possession are parallel phenomena, though possession is internal. Harey is both real and not real simultaneously; Harey knows she is and knows she isn’t; and Harey can never be far away from Kris, at least in the beginning. If Kris is not visible to Harey, she will enter a fugue state until she is reunited with Kris again, at times causing herself fatal physical harm to remove obstacles to him — this possession “reveals” Harey to truly be Solaris itself, her body receiving a hard reset via near-death experiences.
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          In the beginning of the novel, Harey has a truly amnesiac response to notions of “the past” — she quickly creates an excuse for her behavior or her origins whenever she materializes on the station. As time goes on, Harey noticeably becomes perturbed by her inability to know herself and comes to realize that she is not “Harey”at all. As opposed to following the natural progression of a developing consciousness, arguably going from tabula rasa “nothing” to “something,” Harey goes from believing she is “something” to knowing she is “nothing,” a figment created by the parsed memories of another living being, in a way mirroring terrestrial Harey’s timeline.
          Solaris functions as the embodiment of what Rudolf Otto called the Mysterium Tremendum et Fascinans; the numinous, the unknown. Under electron microscope examination, blood samples from simulacras are devoid of electrons, instead being composed of neutrinos, and a specialized machine is ultimately needed to kill Harey at the end of the book because of this. Nothing like Solaris has ever been seen before, let alone conceived of by human minds, and when 106 members of the space station die in one freak accident while exploring a spontaneous formation on Solaris long before Kris ever arrives, humans subject it to nukes in “retaliation”. Humans had a stronger desire to destroy the unknown than to allow the unknown to exist at all. But Solaris was seemingly unscathed, and afterwards, public interest in Solaris waned, and the simulacras began to appear onboard the station.
           What makes the unknown of Solaris more exaggerated is its observation, even experimentation, on the crew. It is always learning about You — You cannot learn about It. And we can never know if it is learning from its experimenting, if its experimenting is leading to something, some conclusion, at all. It becomes a true black mirror, reflecting back at the crew that which has psychically harmed or affected them the most to try to understand that hurt, because hurt sticks the most :’ ).
           Very often in shapeshifter stories, the concluding action is to kill the shapeshifter because it is deemed malevolent. Shapeshifting is obscure, it is dark, and it is unknowable except to those shapeshifters with access to it. Shapeshifting physicalizes the Shadow, and conceptualizes the existential chicken-and-egg of knowing decay, death and rebirth are inevitable, just maybe not in the ways we’d hoped — bask in the Shadow and temper the compulsion to kill the darkness.
Lem, Stanisław. “Solaris,” Walker, 1964.
Walter, Mariko, and Eva Jane Neumann. “Shamanism: An Encyclopedia of World Beliefs, Practices, and Culture,” ABC-CLIO, 2004.
Young, William A. “Quest for Harmony: Native American Spiritual Traditions,” Hackett Pub. Co., 2006.
& Wikipedia lul
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himbowelsh · 4 years
i keep seeing your valetine’s day prompts and i adore them! if you haven’t already, could you do one for the ginger father figure dick winters? thank you for making so much content!!!
valentines day alphabet  ( accepting! )
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A   :   AFFECTION.   how does your muse show affection?
Dick is very careful with his affection; he’s naturally restrained, so the liberal physical contact so popular with some men doesn’t come easily to him. He can’t just...  hand out hugs or compliments like they’re candy, because that’s not how he was raised, and not how his brain was wired. Dick’s affection has to be earned. Once someone’s crept their way into his heart, however, it’s always there   ---   in little smiles, dry teasing, the way he’s able to be at ease around someone in the quiet moments. Dick’s affection is a tranquil thing, but it leaves the recipient feeling like the most important person in the world.
B   :   BOUQUET.   does your muse like flowers? which ones are their favourite?
He’s a traditional man. Maybe he can’t raise a garden himself, but he’ll get a nice bouquet for every occasion.
C   :   CHOCOLATE.   does your muse like chocolate? which one is their favourite?
He read somewhere that dark chocolate is healthy for you, so he tries to eat it sometimes, but can’t stand the taste. Not much of a chocolate fan  ---  but has a weird soft spot for peppermint bark.
D   :   DATE.   what is your muse’s ideal date? where / who with / etc?
No dinner and a movie for him  ---  he’d like to do something that’s not so predictable, something that offers the chance to get to know his date better. Dick might take them for a walk around the local trails, soaking in nature; or he might try for horseback riding, just to see how his date handles themselves. If they’re not a natural rider, even better, because he can help them  (and maybe it’s also an excuse to get closer). Dick wants to see a different side of his date, the side they’re not always able to present to the world. This isn’t first date material  ---  for the first few dates, he takes them out for respectable dinners and movies   ---   but, given the choice, he’d prefer something a bit adventurous.
E   :   EMBRACE.   does your muse like hugs? what are their hugs like?
“Dad Hugs” are the best word for them. Dick’s hugs are steady and comforting, however infrequent they come around. He’s not much of a hugger, so...  he’ll only really hug if someone needs it. Like, “borderline sobbing” needs it. Even then, he might settle for patting their back. Dick feels awkward giving hugs, but actually has a talent for them.
F   :   FLIRT.   is your muse good at flirting? how do they flirt?
Oooh, no. No, no, no. Don’t leave this man alone to flirt, because he physically can’t do it. The closest he ever gets to flirting is his banter with Nixon, and that’s just because they know each other so well. There’s not a flirtatious bone in Dick’s body. He’ll literally go up to someone, stone-faced, and be like “hello, my name’s Dick, would you like to have dinner tonight?” That’s the best he’s capable of, and anything smoother might injure him.
G   :   GIFT.   is your muse good at gift - giving or do they struggle to get it right?
He’s...   very practical with his gifts. Weirdly practical. He’s given almanacs as gifts before. He bought his sister a box of pencils once. He nonironically buys socks? (They’re an important thing to have, especially in the winter! All the Easy men know the importance of socks!) He won’t get something anybody hates, but his gifts are certainly nothing to get excited over. Sometimes, of course, they can be very heartfelt.
H   :   HEART.   is your muse quick or slow to give their heart away?
He’s not slow, he just...  doesn’t make a habit of it. Dick’s a private person, so before he gives his heart away he’d have to really get to know someone. He’d need to feel like he had a measure of them, and they of him; he wouldn’t really give his heart away until he began imagining a future together, a next stage from wherever in the relationship they’re in now. (He doesn’t realize just how much Nix means to him, for example, until he starts thinking about what rent must cost in New Jersey.) When Dick starts planning, he’s in for the long haul.
I    :   I LOVE YOU.   does your muse find ‘i love you’ easy or hard to say?
He doesn’t say it often  ---  it’s much easier to show, instead of tell  ---  but when he does say it out loud, he means it sincerely.
J   :   JEALOUSY.   does your muse get jealous in a relationship?
Nah, not really. He’d annoyingly levelheaded about things like this, and never the first to jump to conclusions in any situation. Dick has...  good self-esteem? (What kind of witchcraft?) Moreover, he trusts his partner implicitly, and it would take a lot for him to even consider they might be unfaithful to him. Dick would have to see his partner literally on top of someone to truly feel betrayed.
K   :   KISS.   is your muse a good kisser? why / why not?
He doesn’t have a lot of experience; that’s the only thing that separates a good kisser from a great kisser. Given practice, Dick could easily be a great kisser. As it is, he’s unsure of himself, seeking guidance from his partner before crossing any lines they’re uncomfortable with. He’s very careful with them, as though they’re something fragile; his hands remain in a gentlemanly location at all times, even if a determined partner is trying to get him to lose his cool. He keeps to the lips, not exploring anywhere else, but his kisses are...  intent, determined, and always heated by a smouldering flame that hints at something more.
L   :   LOVE.   who does your muse love?
Dick is very closely bonded to his family and his community; that’s simply the way he was raised, and he can never deny the influence they’ve had on his life. Dick loves his parents deeply, and would do anything for his little sister Anne; he loves the family he stayed with overseas, the Barneses, who practically became surrogate parents to him; he cares deeply for his men, and his friends even moreso. Nixon holds a very crucial place in his heart; even if he were to get into a romantic relationship with someone else, so long as he’s nearby, Nix would be a very persistent third wheel, and Dick wouldn’t mind it. He’s simply...  used to having Nix there.
M   :   MOONLIGHT.   is morning or night a more romantic setting?
Why does this man have so much energy in the mornings? Is this...  is this legal? Is he okay?
N   :   NAUGHTY.   what is your muse like in bed?
He’s got a lot of self-control; even in the bedroom, he can’t relinquish it completely. Dick doesn’t like to come undone. It would take a lot of effort from his partner  ---  and even then, he’s mostly silent in the bedroom, letting his fierce grip on his partner’s body and the tiny sighs that pass his lips do all the speaking for him. Now he’s free to let his lips wander, and they do, all over his partner’s body  ---  he’s a kisser during sex, and will gladly kiss any exposed area of skin. A generous lover, always placing his partner’s comfort over his own. Not always sure what he’s doing, but makes up for it by having very steady hands. Willing to explore more kinks than one might think, even if he hasn’t revealed (or discovered) his own yet.
O   :   ODE.   does your muse have a way with words?
Not really. He’s...  straightforward in his speaking, without many embellishments. Dick can speak his heart perfectly well, but never says anything he doesn’t mean. Writing is a whole other tray of crackers; he can agonize over a paragraph for ages, and it’s definitely not a skill that comes naturally to him, but he tries.
P   :   PARTNER.   what does your muse look for in a partner? looks / personality?
Dick wants someone clever, with an inquiring mind and a multifaceted view of the world. Someone...  who challenges him in ways he didn’t realize he needs to be challenged, and who doesn’t admit defeat easily. He’d do very well with someone with a firm set of beliefs, or at least morals which guide them; as someone with a solid sense of his own identity, he might like someone the same way. Maybe a little bit messy, to counter his organization; a little funny, to measure out his dryness. Someone with a smile that can make the sun shine brighter on darker days. Someone who wants peace, above all other things, and can always look ahead into a future where the world is kinder.
Q   :   QUESTION.   would your muse ask the big question or expect their partner to?
No, he’ll ask  ---   honestly, the other way around never crossed his mind. Dick’s very straightforward about it, and fights off the Anxiety Bear with a stick until finally popping the question. After all, if he wasn’t sure his partner wanted this too, he wouldn’t ask; he waits until the time is right for them both, until they’re at a stage of life when getting married feels right. Then, over dinner, he’ll casually pull out a ring, and just ask right there at the table   ---   will they have him?
R   :   ROMANCE.   is your muse a romantic or a cynic?
He’s...  not certain, to be honest. Romance feels like an enigma to him, and there’s always the nagging thought in his mind that he’s not doing it right  ---  Dick Winters isn’t built for flights of fancy. He likes to get flowers, he likes to look after his partner...  but he doesn’t have the imagination to plan big romantic adventures.
S   :   SWEETHEART.   did your muse have a childhood sweetheart?
Honestly, he didn’t even date in high school. The closest he ever got...  oooh, he doesn’t like to talk about this. He had a cousin. A distant cousin, twice removed, but their parents were close and they lived close by so they were the nearest family members... Grace was in love with him, but Dick politely did not return her feelings. When Grace, as a precocious five year old, declared she and her four year old cousin were destined to get married, Dick just blinked at her and didn’t argue. Unwilling to upset his cousin, he never pulled away from the kisses on his cheeks, and let her drag him around as her “suitor” for a year before she eventually got bored with it. (And that’s the story of Dick’s first failed marriage.) His parents fondly bring up this story at family gatherings, embarrassing grown-up Dick and Grace to no end. He’ll never let Nix hear about it, because the jokes would be endless.
T   :   TRUE LOVE.   does your muse believe in true love?
He honestly wouldn’t be able to say. Love...  isn’t so complicated, in Dick’s mind. Either it is, or it isn’t. Any form of love can be true love if it matters enough to someone...  and if love is real, then obviously true love must be as well. Why set a certain type of love apart from all the rest?
U   :   UNREQUITED.   has your muse had their heart broken?
Nix once ate the last biscuit in the officers’ quarters before Dick could get one, and he took it pretty hard. (Lowkey no, he’s never been in love enough to break that way.)
V   :   VALENTINE.   how does your muse feel about valentine’s day?
He never celebrated it as a kid, and never had anyone to celebrate it with growing up, so...  it’s not something he’s thought much about. Will labor for hours trying to get reservations at a nice restaurant, though, if that’s what his partner wants.
W  :   WEDDING.   would your muse get married? why / why not?
Yes, of course. He honestly never considered anything else. That’s just...  the way it’s done, isn’t it? You meet someone, you fall in love, you marry, you raise a family...  Dick has a conventional view on romance, and it would take an outside-the-box partner to get him to see differently. While he craves a peaceful, quiet life, that doesn’t necessarily involve romance; he’d be a happy man if he never married at all, but should he fall in love with someone, he’d naturally proceed to marriage after a while.
X   :   XOXO.   does your muse use / like pet names?
Not very good at them, usually doesn’t try. He shortens people’s names when he’s especially fond of them (”Lew”/”Nix”) but that’s as far as he’ll go. Pet names always feel awkward on his tongue. (Some days, he’ll splurge on the occasional “sweetheart”, but that’s it.)
Y   :   YOURS.   does your muse get protective easily?
For sure. Part of Dick’s job is sending people under his command into dangerous situations, fully aware that they could get injured; he’s learned to numb himself to the desire to protect the ones he loves most, because in many cases it’s just not possible. Doesn’t mean that instinct isn’t still there, though. Dick will try to diffuse a tense situation however possible, be it talking it through or separating the conflicting parties. He won’t start swinging, that’s not his style...  but Dick’s got an air of authority, and will use it to quietly intimidate the hell out of anyone messing with the people he cares about.
Z   :   ZZZ.   how many people has your muse slept with?
Haha...  hah...  ha. Hah. He’s, uhh, he’s...  look, you know, he’s not going to answer this. He’ll just give that patented Dick Winters Look and walk away without a word. What is the answer? That’s no one’s business but his own. (Pro tip: ask Nixon, because he’s the only one on earth who’s got the facts.)
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hypnotica-ships · 3 years
So, thanks to some A+++ enabling from the discord server, I've decided to post my BNHA self insert fanfic. I haven't really talked about my insert, but I plan to sometime in the future, but for now I"ll leave ya'll in the dark.
This whole thing was made just to make me and my friends feel good and give us some much needed self indulgence.
Word Count- 1,550
Hypnotica- My S/I
Grafight- @fictional-characters-are-hot's S/I
Slasher- @alwayslovestruck's S/I
It's been 3 hours.
4 hours since the hero team Discorded was asked to help out with a capturing some drug smugglers.
3 1/2 hours since they found the drug den.
3 hours since Hypnotica sent in Grafight and Slasher to covertly search the place.
3 hours since he's heard a response.
It was a loud, shrill scream that made his blood go cold. Expecting the worst, he decided to find some loiters and use his quirk to get some backup.
After being only able to scour up 2 shadows for his mask alts to posses, he realized the longer he spends time looking for people, the more harm could come to his friends...*family*. Dolly, taking the form of a Harpy, and Dylan taking a shape of a Lion man, will have to do for backup. Hoping that it won't be needed, he finds an open window and heads into the den.
"Look! They're opening the crates. That must be how they ship the quirk enhancing drugs."
"Slasher. I can't see shit, it's too dark in here and I don't have dope cat eyes like yo-....wait a sec..."
The younger of the heroes takes out a sketch book and quickly draws our some night vision binoculars and they suddenly 'pop' out into a physical object. After giving a thumbs up, in order to stay quite, Grafight uses the goggles.
"Oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiit....that's a lot of powder. How the hell do they sell it all?"
Slasher just shrugs it off and continues watching the group of men, tail swaying as they do.
All of a sudden, all of the men stop moving. A few moments later they all turn to the gurder that the hero duo were perched on.
"Hey! Lookey here fellas, some new 'test subjects' to try the new mix on."
"Oh as if you'd even come close to touching us! You won't even get a chance to lay a finger on us. Right Grafight?"
"Right! Good luck fuckers!"
"Slasher! Grafight! What's going o-...."
"We won!'
Hypnotica was greeted by the sight of Slasher triumphantly standing with one foot on top of a human mound of passed out thugs while Grafight was looking over the crate of drugs, kicking one of the thugs that started move on the ground.
"Wha- Then who the hell screamed?!"
Grafight, grabbing the thug she kicked by his collar and threatening to punch him again.
"This guy did. I think he's like...the kingpin or something. Screams like a little bitch though."
"We managed to take these guys out super easily, like it was nothing! Can't believe they were talkin' smack like they could beat us..."
Still a bit shaken up from his worry, Hypnotica headed over to check out the crate. Noticing a strange metal box buried slightly underneath some of the drugs, he pulls it out and begins to question the kingpin about it.
"This your tracker? Is this the thing that you use to keep an eye on your 'supplies'?"
"You better answer. Grafight is pretty liberal with bodily harm."
Slasher says as she walks over to look at the box better, poking it with one of her claws.
"Punching time?" Grafight asks looking up at Hypnotica.
"Not yet. He needs to be conscious to answer our questions."
"Talk then, asshat."
"...doesn't matter....we....we were gunna..."
"Gunna what, idiot?!"
"d....die...die anways..."
"...Punch him Grafight."
Hypnotica grumbles while Dolly pried open the box with her talons.
"...I don't think he meant, like, *80 times Grafight...*"
Slasher now worriedly watches as the kingpin get's absolutely destroyed by fists.
Hypnotica seems frozen as he looks down at the box, unmoving, and holding his breath. Cocking her head, Slasher notices that somethings wrong with him.
"Hey....you alright big bro?"
Finally stopping her onslaught on the kingpin, Grafight looks over to Hypnotica.
"Cat got your tongue or something?"
Still not saying a word, Hypnotica turns the box so the others can see. In the box is a small glowing green tube with wires attached to it, there's also a countdown screen slightly below it. It's only got 3 seconds left on it.
As her tail drops, so does her heart, with only a few second to accept her fate Slasher meekly gasps as she starts to speak.
Grafight finishes Slasher's thought, right before everything goes white.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sirens are blaring as the green mist clears from the rubble of what's left of the warehouse. Various bodies are strewn all about, policemen and EMTs were able to arrive on the scene fairly quickly. Not that it mattered, the damage was done. From the looks of everything, there was no survivors, all thugs and kingpin were either crushed by the rubble or suffered from some strange type of asphyxiation. Death seemed to encompass the area, until one of the EMTs discovered a lion like shadowy figure seemingly protecting a group of still breathing bodies. The figure soon dissipated leaving a strange mask in it's place.
The bodies were still alive, but barely, and they needed medical attention and fast.
"-Sources say that the 'hero' team were incapable of apprehending the group and had to resort to extreme measures to stop the-"
"Horseshit! Why would we set off a bomb? We had it covered already, it wouldn't kill them to get their facts straight..."
"Calm down Gummybear, the doc said you shouldn't strain yourself..."
It's been 4 days since Grafight was released from the hospital, suffering from 2 broken arms, rendering her unable to use her quirk...among other things. Fatgum, her partner, had insisted to stay by her side until things healed, neglecting his own hero duties in the process.
"The doc can shove it as far I care! These newscasters have no right to spew out garbage lies like that! It's gunna hurt our rep.... Sure we might not be the nicest, safest, smartest heroes in the game, but we aren't villainous either!"
"...You...you do have a point, but don't worry about it, I"m sure one of the others will give them a piece of their mind and sort things out. Right now you and I have dinner to eat!"
Grumbling as she rose from the couch, Grafight followed her partner to the kitchen, sitting down at the small round dinning table that the family usually shared. This dinner was different though. The table had a nice white satin cloth draped over it, with 2 light candles on top. It seemed that this time these two will be dinning alone.
"Take a seat baby, I'll go grab our meal."
"It better be something good, the meals at the hospital were utter shit..."
She lets her sentence trail on as a covered plate is placed ever so gently in front of her.
"Oh? Did you plan on surprising me? ....Babe, my arms, I can't open it."
"Yeah, my bad, here ya go my sweet Gummy."
Fatgum slowly removes the cover for maximum surprise effect. Once it's off, Grafight can't help but smiley widely as she notices one of her favorite meals, but with a culinary twist. Hotdogs sliced up into star shapes, surrounded by a circle of mashed potatoes, topped with melted cheese, a dash or salt, and a glob of ketchup in the middle of it all.
"So? Ya like?"
Grafight's eye's start to tear up, but her smile still stays plastered on her face. Fatgum notices right away and goes to quickly grab some tissues.
"Oh Gummy, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you! I just...I just thought I could do something special for ya...I...I-"
"Oh baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe! I love it! Omg, I love it so much, you're the best, you know that right?"
"I...yeah....no. Wait. YOU'RE the best, you're so strong and special to me, I...I"m just so happy that I didn't lose you...you mean the universe to me."
"Stop...I'm already crying, let's just...let's just enjoy this meal together, okay?"
"Okay. I"m starving anyways..."
Fatgum takes his place across from Grafight, and starts to devour his meal.
"Oh! Yeah, my bad, let me help ya."
The two enjoy their meal together, never breaking their love filled eye contact.
"Slow down Mochi, you shouldn't be over-exerting yourself."
"But Kano, I want to dance! I really like this song...cough cough...it's a total....total banger, and I deserve to have some.....fun after what happened. Everyone else has been so....gloomy since then....I just....want to bring some life.....back into the house is all...."
"I know, I know...but, you won't be able to do much joy-spreading if you can barely walk to the mailbox without getting winded halfway there."
"Hmph, stupid bomb chemicals getting.....getting into my lungs...fucking up my whole system...did they ever figure out what...what was in that tube...anyways?"
"They still haven't called us back about the results yet, but they said the inhaler they gave you was working well enough for us not to worry. So we won't, right Mochi?"
"...Yeah...I guess...I just hate...feeling weak like this...I wanna cry but.... I don't want the others to...to see....they've been through enough....I don't wan them to worry about me...me too..."
Kano takes a moment to think, after a moment he takes Slasher's paw and leads her into the living room.
"Sweety...what are you doing?"
After he gets Slasher to relax on the couch, he walks over the Hypnotica's advance sound system and grabs a homemade looking CD. Putting it in he looks to Slasher.
"The good doctor said YOU shouldn't exert yourself, but....he never said anything about me."
As soon as the music starts, Kano begins to dance in a way that's all to familiar to Slasher. It's a dance they've grown to call the 'Humpty Dance', and no one else in the house can quite get it right like these two.
"Oh Kano! This....this makes me so....happy! Keep...keep going! Maybe...maybe you could...put in some...Slipknot next? Pwetty Pwease?"
"Anything for you my Mochi."
Slasher enjoys the show Kano puts on for almost 2 hours, by the time he gets done, Kano is just about as winded as Slasher has been recently. The two then cuddle on the couch, just taking in each other's slow and labored breathes.
"You will most certainly not."
Sir Nighteye slams his hand down on the counter to emphasize his point, making Hypntoica jump a little.
"And why the fuck not? The need to get their facts straight. I will not stand for all of this fucking slander."
Sir sighs and pushes his glasses up, trying to calm himself down.
"I understand that, but 'kidnapping the newsroom executive' is not the most ideal way to go about it. You can barely walk, even with the crutches!"
Motioning to Hypnotica's broken left leg, and the sprain in his other. Hypnotica just huffs and looks off to the side, still with an angered expression plastered on his face.
"So. Fucking. What? Okay, maybe kidnapping is a bit extreme, but..."
Sir's own angry expression starts to soften as he notices the tears that begin to fall from his partner's face. Wondering how long he's been holding it in.
"...I can't let my family take the blame for a stupid mistake that I made!"
Hypnotica's body begins to shudder as more tears fall, Sir walks over to him and embraces him in a way to try to calm him down.
"It's not your fault...all of you did what you could to try and handle the situation."
"That doesn't excuse all of the death and destruction that happened, and not to mention all the hurt my family is going through because of it!"
"No. It doesn't. But how is any of that your doing, hmm?"
"Shh, just stay, and relax. I'll make up a fully detailed report and send out a few copies to some of the stations. They'll most likely use those facts since my name does carry some weight..."
While still holding him with his right hand, Sir uses his left to tilt Hypnotica's chin up to meet his eyes. After a few seconds go by, he rests his head on his partner's.
"...Trust me dear. Everything will turn out just fine."
"I promise. I saw it."
"A trusted source, who has decided to stay anonymous, has confirmed that the deaths in the Discorded Warehouse accident were not the before mentioned teams fault, but the fault of-"
"Thank you! Finally, a news channel that checks their facts. Even though I'm fine with a few deaths under my belt, but whatever I guess."
"Oh! Look Gummy! That's me! Saving all of those orphans was quite the task, I'll have to tell you all about it later."
"Kano my love! Let me help you with those dishes, there is far to many for one man to clean."
"Thank you Mochi! I kinda went all out with the meal this time, it was a celebration for everyone recovering so quickly....well, mostly everyone..."
"I call bullshit. Of course right after I get healed I trip down the stairs and end up right back to square one."
"Guess that means I'll have play nurse bit longer my dear."
~~*Cue Laugh Track*~~
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emomint · 5 years
mafia!au got7: when their s/o finds out their in the mafia - hyung line
a/n: this is sucked ass so hard, i hate it so much; also i literally cannot remember if jackson is apart of the hyung line or not - emomint 🥀
mark tuan.
mark was remarkably good at hiding his occupation. from the moment you met him all he claimed to be was simply a businessman. even after 2 years of dating and a year of marriage, that’s all you knew him to be. but you never really had a reason to question it.
now 14 months into marriage, you were out of your honeymoon stage, your suspicion began to kick in.
he would come home late, take a shower, eat dinner, then go to bed.
you planned to confront him because he said he would be off tomorrow, for the first time in weeks.
“mark” you said, joining him in the dining room, where he sat eating the same dinner you ate hours ago.
“baby, why aren’t you sleep at this hour” he said, before he began chomping
“we need to-“
the windows in the dining room began to bust and mark pulled on the floor under the table. before you could comprehend what was happening, gunshots began to rang throughout your house.
mark pulled the pistol from the holster made under the table.
“mark, what are you doin-“
“trust me” he said, wrapping an arm around you.
the two of you took off running, towards the garage, when you reached for the door knob.
mark harshly inhaled, before turning and repeatedly shooting the man.
“mark, please” you screamed as fresh tears poured from your eyes.
“come on” he said, placing the same arm around you.
“your gonna have to drive” he says, tossing you the car keys.
slowly you started the engine, as the garage door lifted.
outside stood hundreds, if not thousands of men...with guns.
“oh my go-
“run them over” mark says, pulling another gun from under the seat.
“what? have you lost you-
“y/n if you don’t run them over, we’ll die” mark says harshly
your foot slammed onto the gas, causing the car to jolt out of the garage, running over the men who hadn’t gotten out of the way quick enough.
time skip
it felt like the two of you had been on the road forever...in silence. when mark hissed in pain.
“fuck” he said touching his side, where blood oozed out freely.
“mark, you were shot” you say, swerving over to the side of the road.
“i’m fine” he says, reaching in the glove compartment for the first aid kit. but you beat him to it.
“no your not. i cannot believing this is happening” you said sadly, as he turned over, giving you better access.
“first our home, then they shoot you” you say, slightly pouting
“y/n baby, i’m alright, we’ll be okay. before all of this chaos, what did you want to talk about” he said holding your hand
“mark, what do you do for a living”
“i run a busi-
“i know that, but your either always really busy or someone else is getting your attention”
“no one has my attention but you” he blurted out.
“i’m in the mafia-no, i am a mafia boss” he continued, turning his head away from you
“i love you and i’ll be understanding if you want to leave” he said, huffing
you slap him in the face.
“you idiot, i’m not leaving. when i got married to you, i promised to be there for better and for worse.” you said, pecking his lips
“but if you ever keep a secret like that from me again, and for such a long time. i’ll gladly go somewhere else” you said, putting the car back in drive
“i love you so much” he said, rubbing the back of his hand down your arm.
“i love you too, but your an idiot”
“your idiot?”
“i will elbow you if you don’t shut up”
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im jaebum.
you currently sat in your twin 3 year old daughters play room, having a tea party. when he, your husband, barged in.
“daddy” the two girls cheered, running to their father
“hey princesses. daddy has missed you both so much.” he said, picking them both up, giving them a bone crushing hug
“y/n, i need to speak to you for a moment. girls we’ll be right back.” he said, hugging them once more, then walking out as you followed.
the moment you made it into the bedroom, he began packing.
“i have to get you guys out of here for a while”
“get us where? what are you talking about jaebum” you said becoming even more confused as the moment went by.
“a war can kick off at any moment and i will not have you three around it. you three mean the world to me.”
“war? jae, what the hell are you talking about” you said, joining him pack.
“it’s mafia stuff. i don’t want to get into it.” he mumbled, concentrating on getting your clothes into the luggage.
“mafia!” you yelled
“im jaebum, what you doing dealing with the mafia.” you continued
“not dealing with, more like a boss.”
“look, can we talk about this, once this is over. you can punch on me and call me whatever. but until then, please, just let me keep you and the girls safe.” he said, wrapping both of his arms around your waist.
“fine...asshole” you said, walking away
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park jinyoung.
the two of you met at a café, during your lunch break.
he approached asking if he could sit at your table, even though you were the only two people there - excluding workers.
making conversation with you, within 30 minutes, he had asked you on a date.
the first date went amazing, which lead to a second date.
and that’s how you found yourself at an extremely restaurant, you’d never heard of before on your fifth date
“so um..y/n, i admire you very much and i...i really see myself with you in the future” he said, sipping his wine
“but i do have to tell you something important about....my occupation”
“okay...i’m listening”
“i’m a mafia boss” he says nonchalantly, making you laugh
“good one, and i’m a billiona-“
“princess, i don’t appreciate you laughing, i just might bend you over on this table, so everyone can see the bad girl you are” he whispered dangerously low, pulling the gun from his jacket, sitting it on the table
“jinyoung, please say sike” you said causing him to laugh
“i’m afraid, then i’d be lying. i know, it makes a difference from before, but trust me when i say, it’s not all like the movies. just give it a chance.” he said, giving you a small smile.
“sure, i didn’t really have anything to do anyways.”
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jackson wang.
“y/n, sis, you know i love you. you like family to me and that’s why i am telling you this. to protect you.” your friend rambled on
“just tell me” you said
“jackson...jackson is a fucking mafia boss...you know the one always on the news...got7” she said, making your heart drop.
“i overhear-
“get out of my home” a voice boomed, causing the both of you to turn.
there stood a shirtless jackson.
“leave or i’ll have you escorted out” he says
“no, you don’t have too-
“it’s okay, i have to get to work anyways” your friend reassures you.
quickly she walked out of your shared home.
you then walked passed jackson, but he caught your arm.
“don’t touch me.”
“a fucking mafia boss, really jackson” you yelled
“yes Really” he yelled, obviously annoyed
“of course, how else did you get this house, those cars, this ring.” you screamed
he slammed his body against yours, attacking your lips.
“shut up.”
“it’s filthy money, but you love every bit of it.” he says, before sucking on your neck.
“you kept it a secret” you continued as he softly licked on your collarbone.
“i didn’t and still don’t want you worrying that pretty of yours.”
“forgive me?” he asked, biting his button lip afterwards
“ah fine, i can’t resist” you said, jumping into his arms
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credit to the owners of the gifs
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Pairing: Modern!Ivar x Reader.
Warnings: I’ve been thinking of reallyyy sad stories lately, but rather than kill the reader or give her some disease lets keep it lightly. :)
Word Count: 1.2K
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“Do you love me?”
“Say you love me.”
“I love you.”
She would ask that, she didn’t want to sound clingy, probably why the moments she asked those simple four words were always when they were the most intimate.
How beautiful she is. Ivar could never grasp why she was with him. Y/N would always laugh when he said something as cliche like “I’m so lucky to have you”,“you’re so beautiful, what are you doing with me?”.
The truth was that Y/N found Ivar extremely handsome. She could watch him all day if required. She loved his eyes, his lips, his facial hair which never seemed to grow, his soft hair, his jaw.
But she also loved his personality. He was such a complicated person! Proud, stubborn, jealous, selfish, but… he was funny, so damn smart, sweet -only with her-, surprisingly romantic, and truly cared about her.
Both were too scared to start something when they first fell for each other. Ivar could be a flirt but his cockiness was surely a defense mechanism for his insecurities.
And Y/N had too much trust issues to trust a guy. Maybe it could be her father’s responsibility for cheating on her mother, hell, even her mother’s fault for cheating on her father! 
Maybe it was all the men’s fault for cheating on their s/o and acting like it was okay… like it was some animal instinct that overpowered them.
But she allowed Ivar in, how could she not? Never a guy has made such sweet displays for her. Flowers? Only the most distinct, at first Ivar would write down each one with a number, the number of times she refused his “date advance”. 
Y/N thought it was amazing.
Once -while friends- they went to the movies, some geeky film was about to be released and of course, Ivar brought the tickets beforehand. In the place some blondie was too interesting on Ivar, Y/N could feel the girl’s anticipation to talk with him. He wasn’t stupid and had realized the girl’s glances, but he couldn’t be bitter and flirt with someone else merely to make Y/N jealous.
“If she keeps looking at you I’m sure a hole will burn in your head.” She mumbled while decided what she wanted to eat.
Ivar -on his cocky self- chuckled at her words. “Is someone jealous?”
Y/N scoffed, even though it was the naked truth. “Ivar, we are not together, I just don’t want you to leave me alone to go have your fun. Go grab her number if you want, but if you leave me here alone I’ll put you in a wheelchair rather than crutches!” Pointing down to his crutches he smiled at her answer. 
Only his uncle Floki could make those types of jokes, he hated his condition and all the hardness in living that it accompanied. However, when the words left Y/N’s sweet lips with that jealous reaction, he couldn’t be mad, only amused.
And somehow she could always say anything to him. Ivar was observant and loved her deeply.
After what seemed like ages Y/N finally let him in.
And it was amazing.
                                … Meeting each other family took a bit longer than the ’normal’ couples take. 
Y/N’s family lived far and Ivar really wanted to take her home and make all of his brothers drool for her, but he didn’t want to make her see the whole drama his relatives had, he didn’t want her to see Ragnar and Aslaug weird relationship, nor how stupid Sigurd was, or even having to watch over Hvtserk near her.
Gladly she didn’t start complaining about the wait, so when the right time came, Ivar took all his courage and took her there.
Ivar’s family adored her, even between the brother’s drama she always loved their interaction, and even if it pissed Ivar a little, Y/N knew his problem with Sigurd was individual “child jealousy” of his mother attention. They didn’t hate each other as both liked to believe so much.
Ivar has never felt so much like he did with her.
Dream was the word Ivar could only imagine when Y/N danced for him. Her small satin dress covering her smooth skin, he loved how her hips moved so graciously how she could seduce him even without trying. He was sure that no one had ever loved someone as much as he loves her.
He could do anything for her.
On Ivar’s work, he was almost chewing his cheek at how he was controlling himself to not fight with his co-workers. 
But Y/N often spoke with him that he couldn’t have an outburst on his job, that unfortunately everyone has those particulars assholes to annoy us on while working.
He was really close to yell at the man when his phone made a ping sound letting him know a message has arrived.
Hey baby, I hope you’re okay and you haven’t yelled at your co-workers! I’m watching you, mister! ;)
I’ll have to make a small trip with Lisa, she had a problem with her parents and she needs me to help her. I’m sorry but I really have to go. See you in a few days.
Ivar, I love you.
Ivar found it weird, Lisa’s family lived in another country, why she would make such travel in a hurry? 
Of course, Y/N was a good friend, but she didn’t do such spontaneous things.
He tried to call her but her phone was off, he tried to calm his nerves down and finished his work. She had warned him after all, it wasn’t like she went without telling him.
At their apartment, he saw a few notes here and there, one in the fridge telling she left some leftovers for some days. 
Another in the bathroom reminding him to buy shampoo and one on their bedroom saying “You won’t die if I stay a few days away.”
Silly girl.
But even if Ivar was suspicious of the sudden new he needed to trust her, he couldn’t be the crazy boyfriend who didn’t trust his girl.
However on the next day, he found it completely weird that she didn’t call him, she sent a text saying she was okay and safe but she couldn’t call him, he asked why but she just asked him to trust her and quickly stopped answering his texts.
Really really weird.
Was she cheating on him? Was she really traveling with her friend? His mind couldn’t stop making ideas up. Bad assumptions up.
Gladly Ivar had a great memory so he remembered Lisa’s apartment when Y/N went there a few months prior, he had to go there and see if Lisa was home, if his girl was there or if she was actually out of the country.
The way there wasn’t the best for his legs, the elevator wasn’t working and it would surely pain him deeply later on, but if Ivar was something, that thing was determined.
Finally reaching the 4th floor he knocked on the door praying the Gods for no one to be home, but after a few seconds, it quickly opened with Lisa showing him a confused face. “Ivar? What are you doing here?”
Fuck. “Hey, um, is Y/N here?”
“No, actually I haven’t talked with her for weeks now. Why? Did you guys had a fight?”
She lied, what the fuck was happening?
Knowing it wasn’t for the best to let her know about the situation he made a small smile. “Yeah, we did, I thought she was here. Thanks.” He hurriedly left not waiting for her response.
All the -painful- way home Ivar overthought his whole relationship, why would Y/N lie to him?
He couldn’t place a reason for it, the only thing that was hammering on his thoughts was the word: Cheating.
But why would she cheat on him? 
Wasn’t he a good boyfriend? Does she suddenly feel ashamed of his crutches? 
Was she tired of his hard personality? 
Wasn’t he satisfying her in bed?
And most important… with who?
She wouldn’t be so low to cheat him with one of his brothers, right? Not Bjorn, not Ubbe, but what about Hvitserk and their stupid laughs on ridiculous jokes? What about Siggurd always saying how much better she could make?
Wait, it couldn’t be his father, could it?
Ivar’s mind was around doubts and adding all of his insecureness wasn’t helping much.
He didn’t even realize he reached his house until he saw his neighbor going for a walk with his dog. The whole walk he was pinned by fear and rage that he didn’t even count his steps.
To not help much his case he called her with no answer, he texted her with no answer either.
What could he do? He didn’t know where she was, or with who she was.
“What is happening, snuskebasse? Why are you lying to me?” He mumbled alone in his bedroom.
His heart cracking each thought he had.
After five longs and painful days, he received a text.
Hey Ivar. I’m going home we need to talk.
Ivar couldn’t answer, he couldn’t possibly ask what she wanted to talk about? Why would she leave him?
There she stood, a single suitcase in her hand and a tired face.
Ivar wanted to hug her, to get in his feet and to say how worried he was… but no! 
He was mad.
“Hey Ivar we-”
“Who is he?” Without letting her finish her sentence or even getting up from the couch, he asked.
“Do I know him? The guy you’re cheating me with, the fucking guy you ran away and lied to me saying you traveled with Lisa to Germany? Really Y/N?”
She didn’t argue, only let the suitcase on the floor and rubbed her face. And with her silent stare, Ivar knew the end was near.
Letting a sarcastic chuckle Ivar’s frustration over the last weeks started to show with full force. “You’re selfish! Throwing all we have away for someone else. What is that, uh? Am I not satisfying you enough? Or is the crutches? I bet it’s, I bet you’re tired of walking around with a cripple!” For more dramatically Ivar sounded, she knew he was self-conscious about his state, of course, he did therapy to help with his anger fits and self-loathing but seeing the most precious thing getting ready to leave was about to break his cold heart.
Making all his therapy process going to hell.
Y/N stood there, looking tired and staring at him. She knew he would be mad, she was mad at herself for lying so blatantly. “Are you done?”
He nodded, taking deep breaths and trying to control a possible tantrum.
“I’m not cheating on you, I never did, I never will.” She took her jacket off and walked to the couch.
Ivar looked at her carefully while she approached him, so HE was the problem then. “Tell me.”
“I’m not trying to break up with you, if that is what you think.”
He nodded and let a small sign let his nostrils.
“I… I needed some time to think, I didn’t want to lie to you but I really needed some alone time without you getting worried.”
Was she sick? Why was she so sad? 
She sat by his side and looked at her lap taking a deep breath, her gaze met Ivar’s and she nodded her head almost telling herself it was the proper moment. “I’m pregnant.”
The time seemed to stop for Ivar, such a brilliant man and that was the only thing he hasn’t anticipated to leave her beautiful’s lips.
It made sense for him now, Y/N was always predicting the worst. Always waiting for the day he would grow tired of her and leave, or only try to have some “fun” and fool around with someone else. 
She didn’t want to have a child because she was afraid she would have to do it all by herself.
“Y/N… baby, I’m-”
“I don’t want it.” Her answer was firm but her lips were trembling with nerves. 
“I-” Her eyes filled with tears, even with the past days being of pure anxieties and sorrow, she still has tears left. “I can’t have it, Ivar. I- I-, I’m so scared.”
He couldn’t control his eyes when it glanced at her belly, his child was there, growing each day. He wanted the baby, wanted a boy or a girl to cherish and take care.
And only the thought of a baby so pure and ethereal as Y/N meant a lot. 
It was his.
But he needed to focus on her.
“Will you try ab- abortion?” He didn’t want her to do that, he would try to change her mind if she said yes but he knew it was her choice.
“I- … I don’t know! I mean no I won’t. I can’t! But Ivar, I’m so so scared.”
“You think I’ll leave.” He said softly, she looked at him startled, but she shouldn’t. Ivar always knew her. “You know I would never abandon you, especially not with our child.”
She nodded, her heartbeat going faster and faster by the second. Apparently, the time to “cool off” didn’t help as she has thought.
Ivar gently held her waist and thigh and pulled her to his lap, Y/N hugged him tightly and started to sob. Ivar was her home.
And she was terrified he would leave her, especially with a child to take care of.
“Shh shh, pretty girl. It’ll be okay.” His hand started to caress her scalp softly trying to bring her some comfort.
Some minutes of pure comfortable silence passed before Y/N straightened her back and looked at the deep blue of his eyes. “I’m sorry I lied…” She murmured.
Ivar chuckled at the thought of how angry he was 20 minutes ago at her, now it seemed really stupid the way he allowed his demons to make him think the worst of his baby. 
“I forgive you. Y/N,” He raised his hand and touched her cheek softly, she leaned in and kissed his palm. “I know you’re worried I’ll leave or that you will have to raise that child alone but I promise you that I won’t let you down! I won’t let our child down!” He placed his other hand on her belly, Y/N smiled at the vision. 
Of course, she didn’t have a bump yet, but seeing Ivar’s hand touching a place where half him and half her was growing was a new comforting feeling.
Y/N nodded and smiled at him, lifting her pinky she pouted. “Promise?”
He chuckled at her cuteness, interlacing his pinky with hers he nodded. “I promise.” She leaned in and kissed him lovely. “And you know me, I might break-”
““A bone, but I can never break a promise!”“ She responded with a smile on her lips. "I know you too well!” She giggled.
“You do.” He gazed at her, the light of his life. “We got this, snuskebasse.” He affirmed his hands holding her face softly. “We do.”
<3 <3 <3
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overstalking · 7 years
Aaaaah!!! Requests are open yay!! This is the anon that requested the Shimada brothers taking an s/o who they have a sister kink for. Could we get something with that?
I didn’t put any nsfw stuff because I know some people wouldn’t be comfortable with it. 
Hanzo & Genji: 
Never could you have imagined that the Shimada brothers would do anything to hurt you. Sure, they could be incredibly intimidating to the other recruits around the base but they always made it a point to be kind and warm towards you. It’d been a little odd at first, not sure why they would sneak you the good snacks or get you out of punishments for your group’s disorderly conduct. When you asked Doctor Angela about it she made the assumption that they must’ve seen you as something close to a younger sister. Now that they were bonding again they felt the need to protect someone. After they had helped you a few times around the base they must have thought you needed the guidance and took it upon themselves to give it. 
You never minded it until now. 
It’d been more than a few months since they started butting into your life and you had started an actual friendship with them. At this point, you didn’t mind it when Genji would loop an arm around your waist in greeting and didn’t fuss when Hanzo would ruffle your hair or scold you for hanging out with certain recruits. 
You were so sure that they were just looking out for you, and Angela knew Genji so well that you didn’t think about this being anything other than some platonic feelings. Since it seemed like they wanted to treat you like their little sister you went along with it, one day chirping out, “Hey big brother!” when you were trying to get Hanzo’s attention in the hallway. At first, you thought you had made some sort of error because he froze where he stood, not moving for a few seconds. But when you caught up to him and asked him if he was alright he smiled big, cheeks flushed as he reached down to gave an affectionate swipe to your chin as he assured you that everything was wonderful. The next day Genji was insisting that you call him that as well and you didn’t see anything wrong with it so you did. 
When Hanzo invited you to go out to lunch with them you accepted immediately and told your friends something came up, humming as you met up with the two men in front of your dorm. Instead of heading out to one of the local restaurants, like you thought you’d be doing so you had dressed up a little, they revealed that they had cooked up a lunch for the three of you. The fact that they had taken the time and effort to make you something warmed your heart so you gladly followed them to Hanzo’s room, giggling a little when Genji linked your fingers with his and commented, “You look absolutely gorgeous today.” The comment made pink bloom across your cheeks, knowing he would have said something like that but you never really got used to it. 
It smelled wonderful when you entered Hanzo’s dorm, not surprised that it was a lot larger than your own. “Make yourself comfortable, little one,” the older Shimada said as the three of you slipped your shoes off and he went off to the kitchen, pulling a glass bin out of the oven. You and Genji settled down on the long couch, laughing when the young Shimada tugged her close so you could lean against him after he took his visor off. You threw your legs over his lap to relax further and closed your eyes as Genji reached up to run his fingers through your hair. It was only a handful of minutes before Hanzo came around with the plates of food in his arm, waiting for you and Genji to take yours before he went back to grab his own. 
After settling down on the couch, Hanzo moved closer so you could lean back against him; using the brothers as a sort of recliner as you began eating. The three of you sat in comfortable silence for a while but you could notice that Hanzo was bouncing his leg like he was anxious about something. You’d been wondering if you should ask him about it when you were half way through your meal, mulling over it while you chewed on a piece of chicken. 
That’s when you started feeling dizzy. 
A little whimper left your lips as you slumped against Hanzo, the bowl settling on your lap as you closed your eyes; hoping that it was just a migraine or something. “What’s wrong, dear one,” Hanzo whispered, the weight of the bowl was off of you and someone’s arms were wrapped around you; basically cradling you in their arms. You couldn’t even force your eyes open, feeling like they were glued shut, and you barely managed to speak. 
“Head… Ow, it hurts. Tired,” Your words were slurred. 
The arms around you shifted so that Hanzo could pick you up, the slight swaying made you want to throw up. It made you whine louder, your body felt heavy and you couldn’t even lift your arms. The last thing you heard before blacking out was Genju humming out, “Don’t worry, your big brothers will take care of you.”  
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nei-ning · 8 years
Alphabet Meme
Tagged by @felhesznelenev ~ Thank you so much! :D
R U L E S: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
T A G G I N G:  @niuniente, @sassatello, @msobscure, @dashtumbles, @sakycchan, @kajuned, @fandomartist-art, @fluffpuff-penguin, @devilsnevercry1388 and @foziz105akanightshade (not tagging Felh’s since I tagged him at the beginning already!) PS: Feel free to ignore this if you don’t want to do this!
a - age: 30
b - biggest fear: Big hairy spiders and high places.
c - current time: 21:50 / 9:50pm
d - drink you last had: Orange juice
e - every day starts with: the same way as always :’D But I try to teach myself to have “This is going to be a great day!” thought right away when I’m awake.
f - favorite song: Argh, just one!? Um, I really have come to like LeBrock’s “Call Me”. (This is so Raph 2003 song <3)
g - ghosts, are they real: Hell yes they are :D I mean why wouldn’t they be? Just because there’s something what “we can’t see” with our physical eyes automatically means they don’t exist?
h - hometown: Currently Siilinjärvi (literally means Hedgehog’s lake)
i - in love with: Myself <3 Since healthy self love is very important. I also love so many great fictional characters who have been so great spiritual teachers to me over the years. I can’t thank them enough!
j - jealous of: Nothing. That’s what I’m teaching to myself. There’s NOTHING why I should be jealous about. Like people who have money more than I have; Instead of being jealous I say and think; “I may not have all that money to buy stuff or chances to travel a lot YET, BUT I WILL HAVE THEM.”
k - killed someone: Not yet (if bugs don’t count and dreams) but if the situation would demand it I could go and kill easily.
l - last time you cried: In Friday at big sis’s place after coming home from the celebration of Chinese New Year. While I was out and watching those Chinese women and men performing their dances and fights with loud Chinese music, it just... Felt so like home (almost cried there too many times). So strongly familiar and when I tried to explain that to my sis, I started to cry because of that “home” feeling what I still have inside of me. I believe I have had a past life / lives in China and that’s why their show was so strong and touching to me.
m - middle name: Anneli
n - number of siblings: 2
o - one wish: Able to start some martial art, become so damn good at it that I might could become a master / teacher to students <3
p - person you last called/texted: Called my sis (her phone wasn’t on tho xD) and texted to some random lady who had confused my number with some other person’s number. She sent me extremely happy text back thanking me for being so kind and sending her nice text back! It made me so happy! ^__^
q - questions you’re always asked: Some help tips every now and then about things like drawing, spiritual stuff etc. and always I gladly help as good as I can.
r - reasons to smile: Life overall! It’s wonderful to have a life, right? All the dreams and possibilities what we have a chance to make come true, eating chocolate, sleeping all day and staying awake all night, learning new things about yourself, listening your heart, doing whatever you want, doing small things like opening the door to other person and receiving a thanks, smile to a stranger and get smile back, listening good music what makes your soul sing, spending time with friends, having pets to cuddle with etc. There’s so many reasons! Focus on all the good stuff and you get even more reasons to smile! <3
s - song last sang: In Saturday in a train I was humming 2016 turtle movie soundtrack :’D
t - time you woke up: 12:00 (middle day)
u - underwear color: Panties with light brown + orange with black leopard spots :DD (and pink tanktop)
v - vacation destination: No vacation since I’m on vacation all the time (the luxury of jobless people’s life :D) but I really wish to be able to go to Scotland or London this year!
w - worst habit(s): Comparing my arts and skills to others more skilled persons skills but I always remind myself I will become great artist too some day.
x - x-rays you’ve had: Few x-rays about my feet before and after little toes surgery and one x-ray about my teeth (dentist found one extra tooth inside of my palate many years ago).
y - your favorite food: Don’t have any actually but I really love Thai food in my favorite restaurant, Tamarin <3
z - zodiac sign: Virgo with ASC Cancer and MC Aquarius.
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