#i like his cute little expressions while talking and eating 🥹🥹🥹🥹
accio-victuuri · 1 year
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family dinner with shengyang { SBMS Episode 7 } ☀️
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Cute Lucifer, Lilith, and baby Charlie headcanons
Under the cut so I don't dash stretcher spam someone
Was absolutely overjoyed when Lilith told him he was going to be a father. Probably got teary-eyed let's be real.
Immediately started planning stuff with Lilith even though they had nine months, he wanted to be prepared.
Really hated seeing Lilith feeling ill and not feeling good in general. Helped her with whatever he could.
It got to the point that he became a little too helpful and overprotective. Lilith had to quickly remind him that she could still do plenty of things.
Before they decided on names, he'd call the baby "Duckling"
Originally thought it would've been strange talking to Duckling before they were born but sort of fell into the habit of it. Started telling hem about everything.
Charlie definitely recognized both of her parents' voices when she was born because of this.
Lucifer and Lilith going baby clothes shopping! Once they found out they were having a girl, Lucifer had the urge to buy all the cutest little dresses.
Attempted to build the crib but didn't understand the instructions (Lilith had to help)
Multiple instances of reality sinking in for him that he was going to be a father which caused some anxiety about if he'd be good at being a father or not.
He and Lilith were there for each other about each of their worries, which helped.
Reading a lot of baby books helped too.
Panicked more than Lilith when she went into labor but quickly managed to pull himself together because he didn't want to make it worse.
Was by Lilith's side the whole time, never wanted to leave her. Most supportive husband.
Definitely cried a little when Charlie was born.
Fun fact one of the first colors babies see is red, which means Charlie really paid attention to her dad's eyes 🥹
He came up with the Char Char nickname soon after she was born.
Loved to hold her, loved all the "baby cuddles" as he put it.
Got so much cute aggression/overwhelmed with love that he'd bury his face into Lilith's shoulder (while they were all cuddling together) and mutter about how he couldn't take how cute Charlie was.
His favorite thing to do was kiss the cute little circles on Charlie’s cheeks.
Lucifer always volunteered to take care of Charlie when she woke up in the night or at the very least brought Charlie to her mother so Lilith wouldn't have to get out of bed to feed her.
He loved all the important skin-to-skin time, holding a sleepy Charlie against his chest and hear her calm breathing.
Both parents made sure to keep a baby book and write in it constantly as well as taking baby photos.
There was no reason for either of them to wear their usual fancy clothes so Lucifer and Lilith were out here wearing t-shirts and sweat pants on a regular basis.
Lucifer got really excited when Charlie entered her babbling stage. Would always talk to her despite getting babbles in response.
Lucifer and Lilith singing lullabies to Charlie is a given.
Lucifer and Lilith having a friendly competition to see if Charlie would say Mama or Dada first.
Charlie ended up saying Duck. (Lucifer considered it a win)
Her second word was Mama. And then Dada was third.
Lucifer actively holding back tears when he'd hear Charlie’s happy giggles.
Lucifer doing the parent thing of pretending to eat her little fingers and feet to make her laugh.
Lucifer: "Charlie can crawl now!" *realizing his baby can basically free roam now" "Charlie can crawl now... oh no"
They extra baby proofed the castle when that happened.
Lucifer and Lilith cheering and encouraging Charlie when she took her first steps.
Lucifer and Lilith trying not to laugh when Charlie would try new foods like ice cream or a lemon.
*Charlie lovingly aggressively patting Lucifer's face* Lucifer: "Charlie, I know you're a baby and you're not good at this yet, but you're going to take my eye out"
Whenever Charlie does a certain thing, Lilith and Lucifer discuss who she learned it from.
Charlie copying her father's expressions a lot and Lilith laughing saying how similar they are (Lucifer doesn't see it)
*that one scene from Modern Family but it's Lucifer and Lilith trying to get Charlie out of the car after accidentally locking her in*
Lucifer flying while holding Charlie and letting her "fly" around the castle.
Lilith is always like "Not too high!"
Lucifer carrying Charlie around in a baby carrier or sling(?)
Lucifer coming up with excuses every time he brings Charlie to a meeting.
Lilith very gently playing "toss little Charlie like a sack of potatoes" on the bed or anywhere with a lot of cushions (Lucifer almost always has an aneurysm watching this despite nothing bad happening)
Charlie always getting plenty of cuddles and kisses from her parents :')
Lilith: "Luce, you can't cry every time Charlie cries..." Lucifer 😢 "watch me"
Charlie’s parents always telling her bedtime stories.
Lucifer: "Charlie fell asleep on me and now I can't move"
Charlie having glow up stars on her bedroom ceiling that work as night lights.
Lucifer out somewhere with Charlie: "It's getting late, I better get this one home" Charlie, sleepy but fighting it: "No.. no, no, no" Lucifer amused: "Yesss"
Charlie going to her parents every time there's loud thunder or something and them holding her and making her feel safe.
Charlie having bad dreams and insisting on sleeping in her parents' bed when she's scared. (Lucifer can never tell her no)
Little Charlie trying to get her parents' attention: "Look! Look! Watch!" *does a little spin and a hop* Lucifer and Lilith clapping: "Good job!!"
Lilith: "Charlie, we color on paper, not the floor" Charlie: "No I just 'tending" Lilith: "But you are coloring the floor, do you want some paper?" Charlie aggressively shoving the crayons away: "All done!"
Charlie always coming up with the craziest games to play. Lucifer is constantly confused but goes along with it.
Lucifer and Lilith telling each other crazy things Charlie did at the end of the day after she's gone to bed.
Lucifer getting emotional every now and then about how fast Charlie is growing up. :( Lilith's feels the same and they try to comfort each other.
Ending on a happier note, Charlie drawing pictures for her parents. Lilith keeps them on the fridge. Lucifer keeps some framed in his office.
That's all I have for now.
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sibsivsig · 7 months
god, i LOVE your blog, thank you for writing for shisui 🥹 i’d like to ask shisui and any other characters you want and the moment they fell in love with their girl friend
Thank you for your kind words <3. Just as many other people, I was desperate for more Shisui content, and well, be the change you wanna see I guess.
Shisui X F!Reader
When he fell in love with you
When you didn't see him as an Uchiha, a prodigy, Shisui of Teleportation but just as Shisui
Almost everyone only sees him as a shinobi, a protector of Konoha
They see his abilities, what he does for them, but not what he is
So when he realised that he was a person in your life and not a ninja, his heart couldn't help but beat a little faster
He could barely believe his ears, others seeing him as a person was uncommon, unexpected, refreshing
"Do you want dessert?" Y/N asks her friend sitting on the opposite side of the table. "Sounds good. But how'd you know I have a sweet tooth? I never told you after all." "You just give off the vibes, is all" the female answers as she took out her wallet to pay for their shared meal.
"Is that so weird? You look a bit... surprised? Startled? Shocked even?", she chuckles a little, looking at Shisui's widened eyes.
"No, it's just that people usually assume nothing unhealthy has entered my mouth ever since I became Jonin. It's a refreshing change of pace", Shisui grins, taking one of the Dangos the waiter brought during their conversation.
"That's weird. I mean, yeah, sure, shinobi usually have a very healthy diet, but that doesn't mean we only eat vegetables and meat."
"So," Shisui begins, "any plans for the rest of the day?"
Y/N thinks about it for a few seconds and then shakes her head. "No, I honestly just wanted to go home and relax. I have a pretty long mission starting in a few days, so I wanted to enjoy my peace and quiet while it lasts"
"Yeah, I had something like that in mind too. Some hotsprings and then a calm evening with some tea and a good book"
"Makes sense. I hate doing anything before a tiring mission. Waking up sore or tired is not something you want before an A-Rank" Y/N comments, moving around her finger on the edge of her cup.
"Oh, you have something in your face by the way. Right there", she pointed at the corner of her mouth. Shisui grabbed his napkin and and wiped it away. "Wha- That's meat! How long has that been on my face?" "Quite some time, but you looked kinda cute with it so I didn't want to tell".
Y/N giggles at Shisui's face, distorted in disbelief and surprise.
"Thank you for the invitation, Y/N. I really needed this", Shisui looks down at the finished plate of Dango, the whole afternoon replaying in his mind. The fact you knew he liked sweets, how you understood that he needed a break, how you laughed about his messy face and his expression.
Why was his heart beating so fast? Why did his stomach feel so weird? He didn't eat anything bad the past few days. Could it be that...?
"Is everything alright? Your face is so red all of a sudden, not that you're dehydrated or have a fever" his friend say worried, bringing her hand to his forehead, but before she could touch him he stopped her hand by gently holding her wrist.
"No, no, I'm fine. Please don't worry about me." He doesn't want her to find out, not yet. First he needs to make sure she feels the same and choose a better timing.
"You always say that. You always shake my worries off, say that you're fine and move on. But I am worried, I know what it can do to people to bottle everything up and try to deal with it alone. You're not a superior being to us all, you still need help every once in a while. If not from me then at least from Itachi, but I know that you're not talking about it with him either. Shisui please, stop saying you're fine before your soul cracks."
Wow, he did not expect that. That you looked through him this easily, that you looked right past his walls right into his soul. Your expression one of fear and worry.
"Okay, I swear that the next time I have a problem I'll come to you, no matter what it is", he holds up his hand with his pinky outstretched.
Y/N follows the action and with that their promise is official.
"Thank you, Shisui. I care a lot about you and it'd kill me to know that you're suffering in silence."
Shisui's heart does a little jump. Perhaps she loves me too? Was the only thing his brain could think about. He was good at reading you, but then, how good were you at hiding feelings?
After that they say their goodbyes and head to their homes. The whole way home multiple thoughts were swirling through Shisui's head.
But all he knows is that he loves you, but telling you can still wait.
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whateverisbeautiful · 7 months
♥️ Ranking Richonne
#9: The Two Of Us (S7E12)
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This is one of those scenes that dreams are made of. 🤩 It's perfect. Rick and Michonne happy makes me so happy, and that’s what we get in this super important proposal scene. It's the moment Rick and Michonne make it clear that they are Mr. and Mrs. Grimes until the end of time. 🎉 And this is my favorite scene from Say Yes. So one more time for Richonne’s tender, funny, sexy, heartfelt, and gorgeous love letter episode and this scene right here that embodies all of that 🥂...
First, I love the candlelight glow of this scene. They both look so beautiful and perfect together while enjoying a honeymoon date. I also like knowing that the staging was deliberately set up to channel the classic rom-com Sixteen Candles. Rick and Michonne's story is a romance through and through. 👌🏽
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(and this ep was even giving rom-com with certain funny moments like the honorable mention "You can handle 8" scene where Michonne teases Rick about leaving her 8 walkers to kill as opposed to his one. 😋)
This Say Yes dinner date always makes me think about an honorable mention s4 finale scene when Rick and Michonne sat together after dinner with faces lit by a fire as they expressed forgetting "what this feels like." And now, here they are in s7 enjoying a candle-lit dinner and allowing themselves to feel the deepest love for each other. Won't He do it!
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This is seriously one of their most romantic scenes and I’m smiling from the moment I first see them eating those MRE's with the cute dinner date setup to the very end when Rick surprises Michonne with another MRE. 🤗
I love that they’re all smiley when talking about the food at the top of the scene and then they have this leaders' conversation about what the plan is after they kill Negan. They communicate so tenderly and attentively even when talking "business."
And it is always the sweetest thing to hear Michonne express so much belief in her man when she tells Rick he should be the one in charge of the new world they’re creating. Rick has a lot of supporters, but no one believes in Rick more than Michonne. 😊
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Michonne saying, "It should be you" just melts my heart, and I think it melts Rick's heart too cuz he reacts with this genuine smile and a little laugh. Rick says, "Not me" and Michonne again uplifts him, believing so strongly that he’d be good at it. She respects him so much and I love that Rick got to see that here.
And then it’s always great that she adds, "If it’s something that you wanted," giving him the choice. And Rick is honest that he doesn’t think he would want to be the sole guy in charge.
It’s refreshing seeing Rick have the space to express both what he does and doesn’t want for himself in this episode. Because he knows with Michonne he can be honest and human in every way.
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So then Rick pauses as he prepares to tell Michonne what he most wants for his life and for the future. And I love that he gets specific with it, saying “The two of us, you and me, reordering things together...” 🥰
Then the shot stays on Michonne’s glowing gorgeous face as she realizes just what Rick is really saying by saying this. 🥹
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And I love Rick's nervous breath before he gears up to express to Michonne just how much she is what he wants. After that breath, he looks into her eyes and says with conviction, "I want that. If it's something you wanted."
It’s a proposal, y’all. 🤩 What every proposal really equates to is someone telling the love of their life, 'I want it to be the two of us building a life and a world together' - and this is exactly that. And from his delivery, Rick knows this is a significant proposal.
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It’s really sweet the vulnerable way Rick adds 'if it’s something you wanted.' He's always cared so much about Michonne's wants and at this moment this is him hoping that he is something she wants. Especially since she is so much of what he wants.
Michonne smiles and reassuringly says, "yeah" because the two of them together have always been what she wanted too. She knows they’re going to do life side by side from here on out, the way they have always done and the way magnets are meant to.😌
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How these two respond after this exchange says they know what they’ve just expressed. This moment is so much more than just agreeing to lead together. They know they’ve agreed to spend the rest of their life as a married couple. Hallelu 🥳
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And it’s so sweet how Rick and Michonne both smile here with this little twinkle in their eye because, in all the craziness of this world, they found their soulmate. They found a love supreme, and I appreciate that they took this moment to just openly celebrate that. 
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Then of course I love that they seal this proposal with a very passionate kiss. And I swear the way Rick and Michonne look at each other after every kiss is always as passionate as the kiss itself. 😍
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Also, I used to always think this was a sweet wedding-ceremony-like kiss - and it definitely is that commitment kiss...but then someone pointed out how Rick is kissing her, and I realized this is also an “if there wasn’t a makeshift table between us, it would go down right here and now” kiss. Lol I forgot just how passionate it was, but I'm all the way here for it. Richonne stays kissing like their life depends on it. 🔥
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And I adore Michonne kissing his hand after and then her little bashful smile as she sees the adoring way Rick looks at her. 🥹
And the way Rick is just captivated by her and then looks away with a smile, practically dizzy from this blissful union - Their every look, line delivery, and move in this scene was just the exact perfect choice. I'll never get over it.👌🏽👩🏽‍🍳💋
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Michonne makes Rick laugh by cutely saying she’s going to eat 5 more dinners, and Rick again pitches that they should stay out longer. And honestly, me and him were on the same page cuz Rick and Michonne really deserved more time to have just to themselves. So Rick...
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I love how he’s adamant they can take their time and tries to subtly slip in extending the trip not just one more day but even "another after that." Rick can never get enough of her and I love it. 😊
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Michonne watches her man, knowing there might be more to the story with how he's feeling. But also the way she’s looking at him, you know the pitch to stay out is enticing. And it's cute hearing Rick say, "we found the only way in..." as in - we fell through the roof. 😂
Even when Michonne says a hesitant "we should get back," Rick still is like...
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He's still sticking to the fact that it’s all good if they stay out longer. To which I was like, this man is perfect and correct.
And then it is just maximum cuteness when he tries a new approach and says he’s been meaning to show her that one MRE. And his playful delivery of the "...together" part. It’s all just gold.🤗
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I love that Rick's romantic heart is always thinking of how to gift Michonne and that moments like this show that they know each other well enough to know just what could put a smile on the other's face.
I mean, even later in this very episode, in a lovely honorable mention scene where Michonne runs into Rick's arms for the embrace of life after thinking walkers got to him, that whole predicament was spurred by Rick wanting to gift Michonne that deer.
And then, even when Michonne is simply relieved and grateful he's alive, Rick still whispers that he owes her one. Did I mention Rick Grimes is Man of the Year every year? 😋
(also y'all, looking at this 7.12 hug just reminds me how that TOWL reunion moment between Rick and Michonne is about to be pure passionate perfection🔥)
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It's just a fact that the man loves finding ways to make her smile. And Michonne’s smitten smile when she takes the MRE shows Rick has fully won her over and stole her heart for the umpteenth time. 
How great is it that this pulsating love between them never ever waned throughout the series, it just kept increasing each season. 🙌🏾
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I love that in an episode focused on Rick and Michonne, they knew to include a romantic candlelit dinner scene where the two express wanting their future to be spent together.
It's a big deal because even just thinking about the future wasn’t always something these characters could do since it had to be about just surviving to the next day.
And it’s great that now, having some time to even think about what the future looks like, Rick makes it clear that when he sees his future, he sees Michonne.
He wants Michonne by his side going forward, no matter what else the future holds. And Michonne wants the very same thing. That's marriage. That's love. 🥰
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So yeah, the whole dang scene is just heartwarming times ten, and I love that we’ll always have this incredibly beautiful moment as part of Richonne's journey.
Like despite an apocalypse and despite Negan's reign, we still got a whole honeymoon episode that more than delivered. The Richonne ship is seriously an abundance of riches. 🤩
This proposal scene establishes that Rick and Michonne are lifelong partners in love, 🗣 they are husband and wife, and, in every way, they are each other's future.
After going canon in season 6, things really amped up with Negan and the Saviors being introduced and all that, and so this was really one of the first times we got to see Rick and Michonne just enjoy some alone time as an official couple. And, of course, the whole scene and whole episode was everything and further proof that Rick and Michonne loved each other, wanted each other, and belonged together.
And it also affirmed that Richonne would stay together, be it in person or in spirit, forever. 😌
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leejenowrld · 9 months
could you write a scene where jeno & y/n talk about their future with kids?? like asking how many kids they wants, how they want to raise them up etc up to your imagination! i think it’ll be cute since jeno has already made it clear he WILL marry her 🥰🥹
something quick and cute i wrote whilst sitting in my terminal <3
Amidst the soft glow of fairy lights, you and Jeno found yourselves wrapped in each other's warmth on the couch, immersed in a date night that felt like a haven. The emotional yet comforting family movie played on the screen, ‘Instant Family,’ a masterpiece. it unexpectedly unravels a cascade of feelings within you.
Sobbing into Jeno's chest, he shushed and comforted you with warm hugs and tender kisses to your temple. The movie's resonance lingered until you stopped shaking, tear-stained eyes meeting his as a frown crept onto your face.
"What's wrong?" he asked, a small smile playing on his lips.
"I don't know why, but that movie made me think about us, our future."
You’re both 25, engaged, living in a new home, and growing more in love with each passing day. The topic of having kids had always been part of your conversations, and in the intimate glow of the moment, you couldn't help but ask, "When do you see yourself having my babies?" No filter, no hesitation, just the transparent openness that defined your relationship.
Jeno thought for a moment before responding with a soft smile. "I want to get married first and enjoy our life as newlyweds, but let's say you fall pregnant now, or any time soon, I wouldn't mind." Grinning, his words brought a small tear to your eye as you marvelled at the depth of your love and the journey you'd taken together.
The conversation naturally flowed into discussing the number of kids you wanted. Jeno contemplated, "Maybe 2 or 3. I think more will eat my brain, but I want a cute family." Your smile mirrored his sentiments, knowing you shared the same mindset about these things. Curious about his preferences, you asked if he wanted a boy or a girl. "I just want healthy and beautiful babies who all look like you," he confessed.
“You’re crazy! They’re all gonna look like you, I will speak it into existence.”
Playfully arguing about whose features the babies should inherit, Jeno expressed his love for the idea of a mini-you, while you envisioned adorable duplicates of him. As the banter continued, you cooed, "I can just imagine our future son and you being attached at the hip." The idea of having a daughter was something you both agreed on, with Jeno declaring, "My little princess. I'd spoil her so much. Say we had 2 sons and 1 daughter, you and our daughter would be my main priority in life." The conversation unfolded like a sweet glimpse into the dreams you were building together, creating a tapestry of shared visions and boundless love.
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strniohoeee · 11 months
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader, angsty and cute and sad🥹
Synopsis: Y/N really liked Matt, and when Nick talks her into expressing her feelings…will she?🫂
Warnings⚠️: This is cute and sad, and simply for my self indulgence😭 no warnings actually
Song for the imagine: Look after you- The Fray
Read part 2 here🫶🏽
Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret.
I had been friends with the triplets for 8 months now, and to say we were inseparable was an understatement.
I met Chris first through Madi, and immediately he and I bonded over our interests in music and fashion. But once I met Nick and Matt. It was Matt and I who became even more close than Chris and I
At times Chris would even claim that Matt was stealing me.
“She was my friend first” Chris would say when Matt would be showing me something on his phone
“Yeah well she’s mine now” he would say wrapping his arms around me, and I would always giggle at them bantering over me
After getting to spend more time with them. They introduced me to their car videos and vlogs, and to my surprise their fans loved me. We would always send each other tiktoks of the 4 of us in “friendship goals” edits.
The more I was in the videos, and the more Matt and I’s friendship blossomed we would start to see shipping edits of us, and accusing us of liking each other or already dating one another. At first we would laugh and express that we were all friends
However the more Matt and I hung out the more I Started to like the boy. He was always nice to me. We would go out to eat, go shopping, go see a movie, take long drives at night, and when we both had relationship problems we were always there for one another. Being each others shoulders to cry on
But this behavior started to take a toll on me, as I was starting to really like Matt, and I started to wonder if these friendly touches and glances were more than what they appeared to be to the naked eye.
Nick had a feeling I started to like Matt when my glances would linger, and my face would be tinted with a pink blush at his compliments, and how my smile grew wider when I saw him. At first I denied it, but after a while I was going to Nick for advice
He genuinely thought Matt liked me because he was never this way with his friends that were girls. Nick would try to get me to admit my feelings to Matt, but my biggest fear was rejection. Then he would slowly start making comments around us
“Aww you guys are so cute” he would say when I would be filming a tik tok with Matt and he would be leaning over my shoulder lip syncing with me
My fave would blush, and Matt would always says to stop
I always wondered if those stops were from him not wanting to be exposed for liking me, or because he genuinely liked me as a friend.
It was a Wednesday when we were filming a car video, and the triplets were doing a Q and A, and they really wanted me to join because there were a lot of questions for me as well.
About 10 minutes into filming Chris stumbled upon a question
“Oh this is a good one, Y/N the fans want to know if you’re seeing anyone right now” Chris asked looking back at me
“Sadly no. There’s no one on my roster” I said shrugging my shoulders at the camera
“Oh this one says who’s hotter Chris or Matt @ Y/N” Nick read
“I would say Nick” I said laughing
“WHAT” Chris said looking back at me with a dumb face
“Sorry guys, Nicks the man for me. I mean look at those dreamy eyes and that blonde hair” I said batting my lashes at Nick
“Fucking no” Chris said, and Matt just started laughing
After a few more funny questions and the brother bickering Nick found another juicy question
“Oh my gosh this one says how long have Y/N and Matt been dating” he asks laughing
“Guys enough with these accusations. She is just a friend that is all we are” Matt said looking into the camera
My heart dropped a little bit at the way he got upset with that question. But I get a good poker face on
“Yes guys! Matt and I are just friends” I said with a straight face
After a few more questions they ended the video, and we headed back to their house.
I went to Nicks room with him and sat on his bed
“Are you ever going to tell Matt how you feel” Nick asked in a whisper
“Probably not. It’s very clear that he sees me as a friend” I said looking at Nick
“I don’t know. These things he’s doing he’s never done for just a friend” Nick said back to me
“Maybe I’m different. We can just stay friends, you know. I just have to get over this crush I have” I replied back
“No I think you need to admit your feelings to him, or else this will eat at you” Nick said
“NICK I hate rejection and embarrassment I can’t do it” I told him rubbing my eyes
“You have to do it” Nick said
“Mmmm okay fine” I said giving in
“Okay PERFECT GO NOW” Nick said grabbing me and pulling me off his bed
“NOW?” I shrieked
“Yes now please do it” Nick said giving me a pouty face
“FINE FINE” i said walking out his room
I walked over to Matt’s room and knocked on the door
“Come in” he said
“Hey” I said shutting the door behind me
“Oh hey Y/N” he said after looking up from his phone
“Can I chat with you about something important” I asked as I sat on his bed
“Yeah of course! Are you okay?” He asked sitting up against his head board
“Oh yeah I’m fine. It’s just been heavy on my mind” I told him
“Talk to me” he said giving me his full attention
“I’m not sure how you’ll take this, and if I’m completely reading into this the wrong way please let me know” I told him looking into his eyes, and he nodded for me to continue
“Matt, I like you. Like really fucking like you, and I thought it was a stupid schoolgirl crush, but I can’t get you out of my mind no matter how badly I try to. When I’m with you I feel a way no other man has ever made me feel, and I just can’t live with myself if I don’t just flat out tell you” I told him looking at his face looking for a reaction
“Oh Y/N….” He said his face riddled with silence, and my heart dropped to my stomach. I know where this is going, I know that look. It a look of “how do I let her down without hurting her feelings”
“I’m so sorry but I don’t feel the same way. I never ever meant for my gestures to come off as anything other than friendly. I love you dearly, but you’re my best friend. I never meant to hurt you, and I’m sorry if my intentions were not clear from the beginning” He responded looking into my now watering eyes.
“Oh…I’m sorry Matt. I clearly read too much into your gestures. How stupid could I be to think a man being friendly meant he liked me” I said starting to cry and vigorously wiping my eyes
“Hey! Hey, you're not stupid. This isn’t your fault! This is my fault completely” he said coming off the head board and reaching for me
“No it’s not! This is my fault. You’ve made it clear from the beginning that we were just friends” I said bursting into tears
“No no don’t cry” he said coming over to rub my back
“How can I not cry? The one time I bite the bullet and face my biggest fear it backfires” I told him fully sobbing
“Don’t speak like that! I love you, and I will always love you, and even though I don’t want to be with you romantically that doesn’t mean we can’t stay in each others lives” he said whispering to me
“Matt. I can’t stay in your life. This will hurt me. This will eat at me” I told him finally looking at him
“What are you saying?” He asks me with hurt in his eyes
“I think that we shouldn’t be friends. Because these feelings I have for you will never go away, and I can’t live with being near you, and not being able to have you” I told him wiping my eyes
“You can have me! You will have me” he told me
“No I won’t Matt. Not in that way, and I have to accept that, so please Matt release me” I told him
“I can’t let you go” he said grabbing me and hugging me, and I hugged back just as tight
“You have to Matt. You have to let me go” I told him pulling away
“You’re my best friend” he said back to me
“I was, I can’t keep you in my life anymore” I told him getting up from his bed
“No please Y/N. Don’t do this” He said standing up
“Matt. You’re being mean you can not keep me when you do not want me” I told him grabbing his door knob and walking out
“Please Y/N don’t do this” He said following me out
I ignored him and walked down the stairs. Wiping my tears as I went to the kitchen to grab my purse and phone
“Woah Y/N what happened” Chris asked, and this caused Nick to look at me
“I have to go guys, and know that I love you guys so much, and I guess I’ll talk to you when I talk to you” I said turning around and shoving past Matt and walking out the door. Walking out of their lives, and most importantly walking out of Matt’s life
As I drove home I texted Nick everything that happened, and that even though I loved them I couldn’t bear to see Matt.
I told Nick that I could no longer continue to hang out with them.
Nick and Chris were so sad, but they understood my pain, and Nick, Chris and I occasionally texted to check up on each other
4 months later
I hadn’t seen the triplets in 4 months, and it was hard. My love for Matt only seemed to grow as I yearned for him, but I wouldn’t allow myself to open that healing wound again.
I also hadn’t posted on instagram for 4 months. Nor was I active on any social media as much as I used to be. I occasionally saw edits and comments of fans missing me, and wondering what happened to me, and how I just fell off the planet, and the triplets carried on with their career without saying anything.
These past four months I had been working on myself mentally and physically. Even though I was still hurting I started to feel like myself again.
I had a mini solo photo shoot, and decided that with those pictures that would be my comeback to social media
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❤️nicolassturniolo, christophersturniolo, matthewsturniolo and 80,000 others
Y/NUsername: In another lifetime, you were mine🪻
nicolassturniolo: holy shit is this REAL?
nicolassturniolo: I miss you soo much🫶🏽
nicolassturniolo: wake up the queen has posted again
christophersturniolo: Did my best friend just hard launch her comeback?
christophersturniolo: Pull up to our house I’m missing your hugs😔
christophersturniolo: DADA😩
christophersturniolo: why the lighting so dark I can’t see you🤓☝🏽
About 20 minutes later I got a notification matthewsturniolo had posted after a long time
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❤️christophersturniolo,nicolassturniolo and 440,000 others
christophersturniolo:hmmm caption seems sus🤔
nicoloassturniolo: oh god…..here this lover boy go🫤
christophersturniolo: don’t fuck it up
I decided to like his post, and realized how cute Matt had gotten. As I liked the post I got a text, and I opened it
Matt Stromboli🤭
How about in this lifetime?🪻
I smiled down at his text, and went to answer him.
The End
I’m wondering if I want this to become a part 2 or not 🥹 I hope you guys liked this as much as I loved writing it🥹🥹
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bonny-kookoo · 10 months
Heyyy, can we get a drabble of someone older jk and MC baking for Christmas but she started acting like a brat so they get a little distracted👀
Ps. This couple is so cute!! You’re writing for them is absolutely amazing🥹
you're all horny but its fine because same
"Noo, Jungkook now it looks all wonky!" you whine, adjusting one of the cut out cookies on the baking tray, fixing it's head. "You need to be gentle." you pout, making sure they're all appropriately spaced so they don't get stuck together later on when they bake.
"I am gentle, what are you talking about?" He laughs, trying to snatch another taste of the sugary sprinkles next to you- but you're faster, smacking his hand off, the sound of another slap echoing in the kitchen, making you gasp and turn to look at him, scandalized.
He'd just slapped your butt. Full palm, consciously aimed.
"I'm gonna have to chase you out the kitchen if you can't behave, mister!" you threaten, pointing a finger at his chest. "You keep eating the dough, or the decoration, or you mutilate the poor gingerbread men!" you scold, while he just stares you down with a smirk on his face, thoroughly amused.
"May I remind you that this is my kitchen?" he asks, arms caging you in as they lean against the kitchen counter behind you, your back pressed into it. "I can do whatever I want in here." he lowly tells you, but you don't back down, instead crossing your arms.
"Well looks like I'll have to bake in my kitchen back home next time then." you talk back.
"But that means you'd leave me all alone again." he playfully acts, showing you his best display of puppydog eyes he can, leaning closer.
"You're a big boy, you can be on your own for a day." you tease back, making his expression change. "I'd even bring you the cookies when I come back." you say, when he presses himself into your front.
"but what if I want a treat right now?" he purrs against your neck.
"then you'll have to wait until the-" you start, getting caught off guard when his leg pushes itself in between your legs, putting pressure on your core.
"but I don't want to wait." he denies. "I want it now." he almost threatens, before he kisses right beneath your ear, making you officially cave in.
Awfully glad that the cookies were never put in the oven- because they would've surely burned before he finally got done with you.
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ithinkabouttzu · 2 years
Txt as Boyfriends
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Genre: Fluff, romance
Description : Tomorrow x Together members as your boyfriend
Warnings : None
- The fun couple
- He is such a cool boyfriend
- and He loves you sm
- def very protective over you
- Would never admit but he loves the thought of matching outfits with you 🤭
- As the oldest member, loves having someone to have deep talks with and being able to express himself
- He shows his soft side to you ONLY
- You know that one og couple in the friend group that had been dating forever? Yep that’s you two
- He also loves to spoil you even if that means it hurts his bank account 😩
- The parent couple 😭
- Dating binnie would be very peaceful and like an old type of love
- gives you his jacket when you’re cold, opens doors for you, makes you breakfast in bed.
- You’re his queen and he will show it to you every single day
- He loves to see you interact with the members or his family it makes him MELTTT
- Being the leaders gf really means you’re the rest of their girlfriends too.
- If you give bin a hug, then you have to give all 5 a hug. (that’s just how it works)
- Loves giving you small gifts here and there.
- It’s the little things for binnie :)
- The ride or die couple
- VERY loyal to you
- It takes him a while to be completely vulnerable/comfortable around you but when he does - he’s ready to risk anything for you
- This relationship is very passionate and intense (in a good way tho)
- If something serious is going on, you two can’t sit beside each other bc you’d end up laughing
- (Y’all are so funny together fr)
- He loves teasing you and joking with you about stupid shit but he always gives you big kisses and hugs and reminds you that he just IS joking
- You guys are really just best friends in love
- He would put you on a pedestal and NEVER do anything to hurt you 🥹
- The hot couple
- Dating Tae would be like dating your best friend
- very competitive between each other and make little bets to see who wins first
-"Bet you can't beat me in COD, y/n"
- Tae is Very sweet to you and loves to spoil you.
- such a simp for you and would let you do anything you wanted to him. doing his makeup, nails, letting you pick what to eat, literally anything.
- He is so committed to make you smile, even if it makes him look like an absolute fool
- Y’all’s go-to is staying home and watching movies together with lots and lots of cuddles
- LOVES to spoil you and if you want to go shopping? Just let him know and he’ll give you his card
Huening Kai
- The cute couple
- Puppy love fr
- I feel like you two would be like high school sweethearts (even though you guys didn’t meet to after school)
- You would probably be one of his first girlfriends, so I could see Kai being very shy around you at first
- He literally treats you like a fragile antic that could break at any moment (he’s so gentle with you)
- Wants you to be his first everything
- Will surprise you with little gifts and dates just because he feels like it
- Will do ANYTHING to make you happy and just wants to see you smile :)
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wegc · 9 months
THE AMOUNT OF little angry red emojis in here ohhhhh ur so so cute 😡😡 that certain is someone is meeee!!! (i hope)
A LENGTH THAT LONG??? i would actually love u forever. ☹️ not that i don’t already hehe….but i would be over the moon!!! i dooooo care to send one how could i not when my precious author is being so adorable 😡😡
AH today’s 2 kids show with hyunibini made me cry but i thought about how changbin sometimes waits around for hyunjin if he’s out late and 🙁🙁 it’s so sweet now picturing him waiting at home if you are out late with friends and you arrive and he’s just all cutesy and grabby hands as soon as you open the door and he does that little whiny voice and is POUTY and he looks so cute it’s impossible not to squish his cheeks while he just stands there a bit sulky but also content and happy now that you’re back….im melting he’s the cutest sweetest baby :( :( would also bury his pretty face in ur neck and mumble something like “binnie missed his bunny” while giving kisses IM CRUMBLINGGHEJD anywho. carry on hehe sorry for my little ramble i did not mean for it to be so long oopsies whoopsiesss🥹 don’t forget to eat well and stay warm and hydrated today 😡-🍧
it is you😡 currently preparing myself for the masterpiece u just wrote😡
and YES AHSDJ I WATCHED IT and all i could think about was clingy and protective changbin who is constantly asking about your day, who you’re with, and how you feel :( this DEVASTATED me hello you are so right!!!
he’s so sleepy from practice and also slightly on edge considering that it’s currently midnight and you’re still not home, but at least you’ve checked in with him now and then, so he’s not too worried. nonetheless, practice was rough, his throat sore and voice hoarse from hours spent at the studio, and all he wanted to do was sleep—only in your arms, however. he can't rest until you’re home.
when you unlock the door, you can’t stop your eyes from softening at the sight of changbin seated on your couch, his head tilted back and eyes closed in mellow ease, a serene expression gracing his face. you could tell that he wasn’t sleeping but was rather waiting for you to come home, your suspicions being confirmed as his eyes fluttered open at the sound of your keys jingling.
he momentarily ignores his exhaustion when he stands up to greet you with a cheeky smile before quickly embracing you and groaning into your neck, whining and playfully grumbling about how long you took and how he ‘might’ve died from worry!’ you know he’s only joking when you pull his head back to look at him, and his cheeks are rosy, a giddy grin plastered upon his mouth which begins to attack your face with kisses.
his face would shortly bury itself in your neck once again and his hands would firmly grip your thighs before picking you up and carrying you to your shared bedroom, snickering at your loud squeals. thus the cuddle session begins and all he does is tease you in his annoyingly cute high-pitched voice and gush about how he’s so glad his y/n is home, how he’s too obsessed with you so you better not stay out that late again!!!
his teasing eventually passes when he yawns and decides to brush strands of loose hair away from your face, softly asking you if you had fun, eagerly listening to you recount your day with a sleepy grin. it’s hard to not squeeze his cheeks and kiss him silly as he presses small pecks onto your jaw while listening to you talk, asking keen questions before eventually falling asleep with his head buried in your chest </3
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the-roo-too · 1 year
hi! idk if youre taking requests or not but if you are can i get a fluff alphabet with danielle from new jeans? thank you in advance if youre able to <3
i’m always taking requests pls feed me i’m starved
the bae fic is in the works i promise
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candy -> mo jihye ver
aka the fluff alphabet
admiration (what does she absolutely adore about you)- danielle is a little ray of sunshine, she doesn’t adore something particular about you, she adores you <33
body (what’s her favourite body part of yours)- is hair a body part? she loves to play with your hair! <3 like making braids etc. if you have shorter hair she just likes to brush her hand through it 🫶 (don’t go all ‘what if i don’t have hair’ on me pls i’m failing chemistry)
cuddling (how she likes to cuddle)- she is taller than you because god said so. therefore, danielle will fight (throw a pillow at you) if you don’t let her be the big spoon. conclusions? she’s the big spoon
dates (what’s her ideal date)- okay but take dani to a park and just sit on a bench while watching the birds and clouds <33 she’s deffo big on taking you out and naming the shapes of the clouds 🫶
emotions (how does she express her emotions around you)- i actually don’t know how to explain this one, you just feel her all i guess? like, danielle is very open and i wanna say she has big emotions but i don’t know if y’all know what i mean 😭
family (does she want one)- 100% yes. dani wants a family but she wants to have one after newjeans and whatever you’re doing. she thinks if you’re both taking the responsibility of creating a family, you should be able to give it all of yourself :((
holding hands (does she like to hold hands)- omg yes 🤭🤭 and she likes walking around and swinging your hands too!!! dani likes if you go on short walks with her in her free moments and you just talk and hold hands :((
injuries (what would she do if you got hurt)- she would cry 💔 my girl would freeze for a second before having a breakdown, what she’d supposed to do? it fortunately would only take her like two minutes before she’d actually help you
jokes (does she like to joke around)- a little humour is healthy for the both of you 😚 but danielle would never pull any of those ‘break-up’ pranks on you >:(( she wouldn’t want to hurt her bby </3 so the members are legally allowed to kick ur butt if you do a prank like that on her 👹
kisses (how does she like to kiss you)- very gentle 🤭🤭 she deffo wants to hold hands when you kiss :(( omg kissing in the rain with dani 🥹🥹
love (what’s her love language)- dani the typa girl to make you lunches 🫶 you work with her? girlie has two lunchboxes always packed so you can eat together :(( you don’t work with her? you get a kiss when she leaves in the morning and she puts your personalised lunchbox on the table with a little cute note 🤭
memory (what’s her favourite memory together)- it’s kinda cliché, but remembering how the two of you first met makes danielle go all soft :(( it’s funny because you mostly remember how in awe she was (you didn’t even knew you were the cause!) and she just remembers how cute you looked that day <33
nighttime (how does sleeping with her look like)- okay, hear me out ☝️ you’re laying face to face on your sides, you have your arms wrapped around danielle while she lets you lean your head on her arm, draping the other one over you 🤭
oddity (what’s a quirky thing about her)- i genuinely believe she listens to everything you say and takes it seriously. remember that one time during your third date when you suddenly mentioned you really like frogs? well, guess who just got you a froggie terrarium
pet names (what does she like to call you)- sunshine! that’s deffo your contact name tbh. ‘my sunshine ☀️’ 🤭🤭🤭
quality time (how does she like to spend time with you)- ima be honest, she just like to cuddle. put on a cool movie and cuddle with dani 🫡 w a t c h l i t t l e m e r m a i d w i t h h e r 👹
rush (does she rush into things)- no, absolutely not. well, most of the time. dani really does thing things though but… when it comes to you, she can get impulsive 🫡
secrets (how open is she with you)- being open is very important in a relationship, her words not mine. she does keep a couple secrets but it’s mostly surprises or work related stuff, really
time (how long did it take for her to confess)- three dates, danielle initially thought she’d hold on longer but you were just too cute for her to resist! she was in love the moment you stepped into her life
upset (what’s her reaction when you’re upset)- she asks who dimmed her sunshine 😭 she probably offers some cuddles to help, or ice cream! while i don’t think she’d really fight someone (but i can see some exceptions), her members definitely would protect you too
visibility (is she afraid of the public opinion)- of course. she’s more afraid of the people she’ll meet rather than the ones online :(( maybe because it would show how little ‘fans’ are real
warrior (how often do you fight)- fight? with danielle? unless it’s her throwing a pillow at you because say you wanna be the big spoon this time, there is no fighting. it’s just not allowed legally
x-ray (is she able to read you)- duh, of course! she knows your needs better than you yourself do. she’s like a mom in that sense <33
yes (how would she propose to you)- a huge romantic! she’d get her members to help her distract you and get everything ready. i feel like danielle would propose somewhere sappy, like where the two of you first met
zen (what makes her feel calm)- doing domestic thing with you is just what dani needs to make her day better 😭 that and cute lil walks through the park (while holding hands ofc)! doing things so close to earth is just so precious to her :((
part of [the fluff series]
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italeean · 5 months
And this event sounds so fun so I had to send in something (no pressure ofc ^-^)
Description: I literally had to go around asking my friends to describe me bc I couldn’t think of much besides that I’m an introvert and pessimistic about myself lmao. So from the intel I’ve gathered: I’m shy, friendly, kind, care a lot about those closest to me, and worry too much about things. My interests are pretty boring, all I do is play videogames (mainly rhythm games nowadays) and watch anime occassionally, although I can get very passionate about them. I don’t have much of a preference to the people I surround myself with, as long as they can handle my more reserved nature and respect my boundaries.
I am a lee leaning switch :3
And I’d like to choose genshin impact as the fandom. I started playing not too long ago and it’s been my new hyperfixation.
With a romantic relationship with a male character!
Oh and my name is Sakura!🌸
I hope I did this correctly kahdjahdjahsh
Have a good day/night‼ And take your time!
Sakuraaa 🥹💕 After months of inactivity, I'm taking back the reins of this event and I'm more than ready to match you up with your special someone hehe ✨️ Thanks for your patience, e spero ti piaccia il mio lavoro 💚🤍❤️ (and I hope you'll enjoy my work) 🍡 *hands you the dango to eat while you read*
🔮 Without further ado, your match is... KAZUHA
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🔮 Why did I choose him for you?
1. You say you're pessimistic about yourself, and this little ray of sunshine is the perfect way to bring some light in 2. He's delicate and soft-spoken, which won't make you feel overwhelmed by endless talking 3. He's super perceptive, which means he'll understand how you're feeling without you having to tell him, which can be hard sometimes when you're an introvert 4. If you play rhythm games, he might play a tune with leaves to match the rhythm you're playing in the game! That would be so cute... 5. Even he's usually a ray of sunshine, he can have his bad days, especially when he thinks about Tomo, and you'd be able to support him quietly thanks to your personality and your emotional baggage 6. Kazuha is a generally quiet person, so expect many, MANY successful sneak attacks... and if your sides or ribs are sensitive, you'll be in for a bumpy ride 7. He's the personification of gentleness, so he'd be sure to inquire about your boundaries without you even needing to tell him anything 8. He likes the sound of your laughter even more of the song of the wind between the leaves, so tickling you is one of his favorite ways to "bring some light into your pessimism" 9. I feel like he'd LOVE to blow some air into your ears or pepper kisses on your neck if those spots are sensitive 10. He also does mind a few pokes if he needs to be cheered up... and if you do that to get his attention, he'll get the hint and proceed to tickle you as much as you'd like!
🔮 Tickle scenario
Kazuha couldn't ask for a better morning than this. Azure sky with some fluffy white clouds, the music of nature made by the wind that caresses the leaves, lying on the grass in silence with his eyes closed...
... and you.
You and him had started dating a few months ago. He was the best thing that had ever happened in your life, and he thought the same about you. You two didn't need loud love, your relationship could be compared to a warm, soft cocoon. You expressed your feelings through little gestures and by being there for each other.
Unless you were bored.
Don't get me wrong, Kazuha loved every aspect of you, but when you were bored, you were quite the handful. Little pranks, pokes, silly jokes... you would try everything to distract him, and that's what you wanted in that exact moment.
Calling him was an amazing option, since he was a samurai with an astounding control of all his senses, but where was the fun in that? You surely could do much better, so you got up, making as little noise as possible, and approached him with your hands shaped in claws ready to attack.
His eyes were still closed, perfect. You just needed to attack. 3... 2... 1... Now!
Or so you thought...
As soon as your fingertips came in contact with his ribcage, you felt something gripping your wrists and in a fraction of second, you were on the grass, facing the blue sky and a white-haired guy with an ominous smirk that you had learned to fear.
"Were you trying to wake me up, love?" He asked in a sweet tone mixed with a hint of playfulness, "Alas, your reflexes seem a little sluggish, like a lethargic bear cub." He tsked with no annoyance in his voice, just a little mocking.
"Maybe you're the one who needs a little awakening, aren't you, little cub?"
Before you could make up even the faintest argument to object, his hands started zapping your sides with ruthlessly, relentlessly and with the meticulous precision provided by the knowledge of every single spot that made you squeak, squeal or even snort.
"Ka- wahahahait nooo..!" You begged, but your pleas fell on deaf ears, as the tickle assault only increased in intensity. You attempted to swat his hands away, but that was futile as well. His reflexes were much faster than yours.
"Not good, your reflexes don't show any sign of awakening yet. Such a lazy little cub..." He joked, enjoying the blush that invaded your cheeks because of the nickname, "Do we really need to take extreme measures to make the lazy cub arise?"
Your eyes widened in shock and glee, and your laughter became much more nervous. "No no nohoho w-we dohohon't... we don't need to..! Please we do-" Not even Kazuha's refined lexicon had a term to define the high pitch of your scream, and the samurai knew this was his stop signal.
He raised his hands and helped you sit up while you were gasping for air, using his Anemo vision to create a gentle, refreshing breeze for you.
When you recovered, you looked at him with a gaze that meant war and pronounced the words: "I swear to the Seven Archons, I'll get you back."
Your warmongering glare was met with a smug, playful one. "Come at me then, cub, and show me your awakened reflexes" He chuckled, getting ready for a day full of combat.
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fieldofdaisiies · 1 year
Modern Azriel trying to cook for his wife and ends up destroying and making the mess of whole kitchen 😂❤️ and cute banter between them 🥹🫶
oh that is sooo cute, love it and turned it into a little drabble, here we go❤️:
"Azriel!" you express, your eyes wide open when you watch your in flour and all kind of things covered. Azriel is standing in the middle of the kitchen, his arms held away from his body. He looks like a little lost puppy, his lips are pouted while he silently regards the mess around him.
"I wanted to cook for you," Azriel breathes, and slowly lifts his gaze to you. He feels shame coat his insides. He wanted to take work away from you, wanted you to have a relaxed evening and now he made this huge mess. He is a grown up man who cannot even cook a little meal? Azriel feels utterly embarrassed and wants to start talking but you cut him off.
Even though there is this huge mess in your kitchen you still appreciate his efforts and have to laugh when you walk up to him, slipping out of your shoes. "Oh, Azriel."
You neglect the flour beneath below your feet and close the distance between you and him, slowly sliding your hands up his chest, bouncing on your tip toes so you can kiss his lips. "I am sorry," he whispers against your lips. You answer him with a soft, but sweet peck.
"Don't apologise, I really appreciate it," you tell him and kiss his lips again.
"But I think I caused more trouble than–"
"I still appreciate it. And you look hilarious, so this is a bonus. My always so stern and brooding fiancé covered in flour from head to toe." A shit-eating grin spreads over your face and you wink at him. Azriel holds your hips and brings you closer to him again.
"You are such a cruel thing," he purrs and kisses your ear. "Will you help me clean up."
You ponder a little, but then nod. "Of course and then we cook together, finish what you have started." For Azriel this sounds like a good plan – spending time with you always sounds like a good plan.
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ggumiedream · 6 months
~ Headcanon fluff ☁️~
If an introverted person dates Lucas Till, who's an extraverted fella,.
A/n: HI! This is my very first time creating an HC. I'm on my Lucas Till phase, and that's why I planned to create one. It's from my own perception or idea about lucas, so yeah, and English is not my first language, so please bear with me. Hope you like it! 🥹🫶.
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● He's a goofball of sunshine; he never fails to make you laugh or smile so easily.
● He really does respect your privacy and your comfort zone so much that he always asks your permission for the things he wants to do with you or expresses concern about you.
● He never let you feel alone on every public or social occasion you attended with him. 
● "Ah! Yes, we read that article on a social media website, right, love?" He always includes or joins you in some group conversations in a way that you'll be comfortable. 
● If you're really not in the mood to talk with others, he'll just accompany you on the side and create your own social gathering with just the two of you. 
● Many cute and derpy selfies together that end up making you laugh your heart out because of his funny faces. He loves to hear your cute laugh so much.
● He'll cling on to you the whole time you're watching anime (for anime fans) or movies or TV shows on your phone like a koala bear, as he also joins you and gets engaged in what you're watching. He even put one of your earphone plugs in his ear.
● He'll lessen his clinging when you're in public because he knows that it will make you feel uncomfortable, but holding hands is truly an exception. He'll never let go of your hand, except if he needs to use both hands for something.
● He loves the idea of spending his day off with you by his side, peacefully watching or reading a book while laying on the couch or bed, and his arms are wrapped around you as he takes his time to sleep, to read a book, or to join himself in what you're doing.
● He always advocates for you to live a healthy lifestyle, like, for example, exercising every morning.He won't push you too far, but instead he'll encourage you to take a small jog first, with him in a park, or take you to a gym where he'll exercise and help you perform such gym activities little by little.
● He also takes you to the set of his new projects, like a shooting or a taping. Then, he'll introduce you to his workmates and let you become familiar with them with no pressure until you feel comfortable around them.
● He loves to see you around his workplace, waiting for him quietly while reading a book, watching on your phone, or watching him work instead.
● After taking part in the shoot, he'll run to you like a little child with a big smile on his face that you really love so much. Then he hugs you tightly as you congratulate and compliment him, saying that he did a great job. It helps him to improve his self-esteem.
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● He'll also take you on late-night walks around your neighbourhood and eat with you at some simple food stalls that you really like. 
● He always asks your permission about something before he initiates doing things with you or for you. 
● "I think someone's having fun," he teases you with that cute smirk on his face whenever he sees you start to get talkative, which makes you blush and pinch his sides as he whines cutely, which ends up making you both laugh because of your ridiculousness.
● He walks you home in your apartment or gives you a ride in his car, always having this tiny hope inside him that you'll invite him to stay for the night.
● He'll grin so happily every time you insist on him staying in your apartment or if you accept his offer to spend your night in his.
● You'll spend the night cuddling while sharing how each day went out or if you experienced or saw some funny stuff that will end the both of you laughing your hearts out.
● He just wants to spend his days and nights with you like this. Simple but genuine. Forever.
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Can I request Amory fluff please? Gn reader, thanks!
ily Anon💕💕 Thank you for the cute request, hope this counts as fluff. As close as yandere content can get to it, in any case 😭🥹💕💕💕
Amory Fluff
CW: mentions of blood, food, and… food with blood in it, extremely unprofessional behavior, invasions of privacy
Info: gender neutral reader
Amory stands and stretches with his arms above his head, smiling a little to himself when he catches you looking at the sliver of skin exposed by his shirt rising with his arms.
You make a fake little yawn and scrunch your eyes closed when you notice him looking at you.
How cute. He yawns too, then hides his smile behind his hand. “You tired, dollface? We have been going over your tour plans for a few hours now.”
You look a little startled, like you’d already forgotten you were pretending to be tired. “Oh, uh, yeah. Guess so.”
“Mmm, me too~! Want me to get some food and take some time to relax?”
You wrinkle your nose, thinking of the burning smell you’d wake up to whenever Amory tried to make breakfast. “Sure… as long as it’s not something you made. No offense.”
He waves his hand dismissively. “I’ll make you the best pancakes in the world one of these days, but why don’t we just order something now?”
You hum in agreement. Amory walks away to order the food, and you run to the restroom, splashing water on your face and trying to calm down. Since when had being around Amory been so difficult? You used to be able to hang around him so easily, talk about anything…
Now it’s like you couldn’t even look at him without feeling so flustered and warm. You cursed yourself in the mirror. You were a professional, dammit! You could hide a crush, just as easily as you hid your true emotions, or even a sprained ankle, onstage!
Amory smirked to himself, thinking of you while summoning your favorite food. He would have ordered it the human way if you’d been around to see, but he hated the idea of other people touching your things.
He was the only one who should be touching your food. And your other belongings… like your diary. It was so cute how you trusted him not to look through it, that you left it unlocked and right on your bed when you were out of the room…! Almost like you wanted him to find it after all… to see your little confession for him.
A crush was so small compared to what he felt for you, but it was a good start… Amory tried not to get too excited, biting down on his knuckle to quell the gleeful giggle that threatened to bubble up his throat.
The taste of ichor spilled over his tongue, and Amory grimaced. Well… at least he could use it to boost your health, your luck… He let just a few gold-tinged red drops spill into your bowl, before licking the wound as it healed.
There was one thing though… you’d also expressed a desire to rid yourself of your feelings for him. That simply wouldn’t do. He was so close to winning you over the human way, the painfully slow way that ground down his patience day after day… He had to figure out how to keep drawing you in…
“Food’s here~!” Amory called. He sauntered back to the office you’d been talking in, drinking in the way your posture straightened when he entered the room. You yawned again, disguising your expression.
Awww, trying to hide your feelings~! How adorable.
“You poor thing… your mean, mean manager’s overworked you today, hasn’t he? You look so exhausted, little dove.”
You blinked, already getting flustered from the sugary-sweet tone he’d put on.
Almost too easy, Amory thought, satisfied. How far would you let him push it…? His impatience overrode his better judgement.
“Here, you need to rest, don’t you? Come here,” he patted his lap. “I’ll bring the fork to your mouth. Just sit and eat.”
You barked out a surprised laugh, snapping out of your flustered stupor. “What the hell, Amory?”
He laughed too, though it didn’t quite reach his eyes. He wiped away a nonexistent tear. “Haha, got you for a minute there, didn’t I? Here you go.”
Amory handed you the bowl of food, feeling his skin burn pleasantly when your finger brushed against his. Amory swallowed the bitter tang of disappointment with you avoiding more of his touch. At least he’d put some of his blood in it… that way, even though you hadn’t let him hold you, he’d still be with you in some way…
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lexa-griffins · 2 years
Hi lovely 💕 I absolutely loved your Valentine's Day headcanon for your seven minutes in heaven clexa 🥰 I loved how simple yet deeply romantic their date night was. I found it so sweet how Lexa created a giant fort for their soft night where they just reiterated how head over heels they are for each other 🥹 I laughed when Clarke brought out the special condoms too and Lexa found them to be absolutely cute. They are so in love with each other 🥹
Like you said, they are still in their honeymoon phase with each other where their relationship is perfect and strong. However, I know you really love adding angst to your stories so may I ask what angst you have planned for our two lovebirds that may pop the bubble? Maybe they have their first fight with each other over something trivial? They make a big deal over it because they're still teenagers and don't know how to properly communicate yet
I think you mentioned in an earlier ask about Lexa getting annoyed that she's not climaxing during sex and feels that sex is now just a chore to get Clarke off. I love this idea where Lexa starts to believe that sex is becoming too one-sided now since Clarke still has trouble lasting long enough. Lexa doesn't want to hurt her girlfriend's feelings and confidence that she's "bad at sex" but after several months together, she was hoping that Clarke would improve but that clearly isn't the case. Lexa doesn't know how to bring this up to Clarke without implying the obvious and ruining what they have.
Do you have any headcanons on how this may play out? I love nerd Clarke and popular Lexa but I want to see them suffer a tiny bit 🤏
Heya 🥰 so glad you enjoyed it! I think if Lexa was to take Clarke out somewhere too public she'd probably get a little overwhelmed and the blanket fort was too adorable to pass on!
The angst /will/ be about that last part! While they do have little petty fights they are both really good at taking a little space between them and apologizing. Most of the time its something so small it takes them no longer than half an hour of silence before they are all over each other and saying sorry for whatever it was they did.
But sex is a very sensitive topic for Clarke, she kind of shuts down and gets really defensive over it. They barely talk about it, which to Lexa can be a little awkward because she is pretty sex positive and would prefer to just be honest about things and work on solving them while Clarke always takes everything a little too personally. And while Lexa loves to have sex with Clarke she does think Clarke got too comfortable with Lexa not minding not cumming during it. And Clarke knows and is good at eating her out and fingering her but Lexa is starting to not enjoy the idea that her orgasm is foreplay for actual sex or that Clarke seems to be kind of rushing her to cum so she can get inside of her. Lexa doesnt have any questions that Clarke loves her but at some point either Lexa says something that might make Clarke feel horrible about herself and her capabilities at sex or the further they go into this relationship the harder it will be for Lexa to say something without sounding like she's getting bored of her.
And admittedly, Lexa should have waited for a better time to bring it up, when they are perhaps dressed and clear minded and not with an annoyed huff right after Clarke cums that she immediately regrets once Clarke looks at her with the biggest puppy dog eyed expression. The volley season is about to start and Lexa is just frustrated with things. So when Clarke asks her whats wrong Lexa sighs and tells her how she wishes sex wasnt so one sided as it is right now... and like she expected, Clarke immediately starts to recoil, grabbing a pillow to hide her crotch and trying to hide herself. And that kind of annoys Lexa. She loves Clarke so much, she's been trying to hard to make her feel beautiful and wonderful and all she's asking is for this one little thing.
But like you said, they are kids and they sometimes dont know how to communicate. And Lexa, in her frustration, says something she really shouldn't... "Costia always made me cum."
Clarke is collecting her clothes and getting dressed trying not to cry while Lexa, usually the one who puts on a brave face, has tears rolling down her eyes and is begging Clarke to understand that shes not saying shes bad at sex or that she wishes she was like Costia, not at all! She loves Clarke and she wouldn't trade her for the world. All Lexa wants is to not feel so taken for granted.
That makes Clarke slow down before grabbing her phone. Has she been taking Lexa for granted? It always felt Lexa knew so much more about relationships and sex that Clarke should be the one given leeway to learn but shit, did Clarke really decide the entire relationship should be focused on her?
She can think when Lexa is looking at her naked and crying, she just wants to go home and be alone. But she doesnt want Lexa to think this is her running away. So she steps closer to her and kisses her forehead. Clarke hates the way Lexa sobs when she does. Fuck, this love shit is hard. "Ill call you tomorrow okay?"
Lexa nods, knowing trying to prevent her from leaving will only result in them actually fighting in a way that will only lead to screaming, "okay. I love you." She sobs again when clarke doesnt say it back.
The next morning instead of feeling ready to face Lexa, Clarke is pissed. Why hadnt Lexa said anything earlier?! Has Lexa only been pretending she likes sex with her? Clarke really was stupid to think she'd ever be able to keep Lexa happy and satisfied for long. So, she goes to Raven, expecting her to agree with her, after all, Raven isnt even the biggest Lexa fan.... she did not expect to get almost yelled at by her and told to get her head out of her ass.
"That girl loves you Clarke, dont be fucking dense. She didnt say you dont know how to use your dick or that you suck at sex, all she asked was for you to think of her as much as she thinks of you!"
The way Murphy nods his head without looking away from his phone only makes Clarke feel more like an asshole.
Clarke catches Lexa just as she's coming back from practice and unlocking her front door. Lexa feels sorry for her the second she sees her, looking like a kicked puppy begging for forgiveness, "can we talk?"
Once in Lexa's room, they both sit on opposite sides of it, Lexa awkwardly on the bed while Clarke turns nervously on the desk chair. They have not been awkward with each other since that day at the party and this feels so uncomfortable for the both of them. Lexa wants to go and hug Clarke and ask her to forget about what she said. She just wants to kiss Clarke and have this behind them because she has never felt as miserable as she felt in the past 16 hours.
"Clarke, im sorry-"
"No, /im/ sorry. I should be the one apologizing. I know you day i do that too much but its warranted here. Ive been so wrapped in my own head wanting to get better at sex and instead of focusing on what i could better to make you feel good ive just been focusing on what made me feel good." Lexa is shocked by how sincere Clarke is. No fake excuses, no defensiveness, just admission of what she did wrong, "i havent been a very good girlfriend i dont think. But if you still want me as one, I promise I'll do better. I dont want to lose you Lexa..." shes crying now, staring at Lexa like if she breaks up with her she'll lose her reason to breathe.
Lexa is on her lap in a flash, leaving kisses all over her face until Clarke cracks a smile, "im sorry i didnt say anything before and chose such a fucking terrible moment to say anything I was mad, and frustrated and-" clarke interrupts her rambling with a kiss and Lexa quickly loses herself on it.
As they pull away Clarke smiles, "you have nothing to apologize for babe"
"Thats usually my line, isnt it?"
"Yeah well, we clearly have to start switching things up around here."
Lexa chuckles and leans in for a kiss before she is suddenly lifted from the chair by Clarke, her kegs immediately coming to wrap around her waist
"Speaking of switching it up," Lexa laughs as she's playfully thrown onto her bed, Clarke climbing on top of her and smashing their faces together for a kiss, hands quickly reaching for the band of Lexa's shorts, "im hungry 😏"
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monstrsball · 2 years
for the otp ask game 3, 8, 17, 29, 30 for any of your suga ships!! (so sorry if that’s too many!! you don’t have to answer them all!!)
hope you are well 💖✨
otp question meme
these are not too many!! i’m doing well, just trying to deal with the cold the best i can. i hope you’re well too, thank you so much for the ask <3
i went back and forth a lot but ultimately decided to do iwasuga because i feel like i haven’t talked about them in a while. i hope that’s okay?
3. Most common argument?
hmm... suga gets a little annoyed when he asks iwaizumi for his opinion on whether they should reorganize the living room/get something for their place/etc and he just says “if you want to”. iwaizumi says that he doesn’t care as long as suga is happy (which is true most of the time tbh). suga only pushes it when he can tell that iwaizumi actually does have an opinion but isn’t expressing it. it’s more light bickering than a full argument though. they’re pretty good at handling conflict.
8. Nicknames? & if so, how did they originate?
they mostly use each other’s given names but occasionally suga will call iwaizumi ‘haji’ and iwaizumi will give him ‘kou’. they’re both pretty simple!
17. Who says I love you first?
iwaizumi i think!! he’s a softie actually <3 he says it while suga is like half asleep so suga doesn’t even realize what happened until later. and then suga feels bad bc iwa told him he loved him and suga said “oh ok” and then passed out. he was worried for nothing though because iwaizumi thought it was cute and funny. (suga’s friends and family think it’s hilarious when they share the story later)
29. one headcanon about this OTP that breaks your heart
i try not to think of things that break my heart for them but the long distance hits them kind of hard. iwaizumi has started an internship and suga has started student teaching so they’re both really busy and it’s hard to find the time. and they’re both worried about being a “distraction” for the other so they briefly consider breaking up. (spoiler: they talk things out and don’t break up)
30. one headcanon about this OTP that mends it
their birthdays are always a lot of fun. since they’re only three days apart, they spend a lot of time together during those three days. they’re both pretty lowkey about their birthdays but they also love to spoil each other so it works out fairly well. they also usually have a joint event with their friends and family!! sometimes it’s a party, sometimes they just go out to eat. one year they took a trip to argentina with some of their other friends to see oikawa (oikawa paid for their tickets 🥹)
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