#i like hcing canon era in a way that fits with the timeline of the brick
midasinc · 3 years
do you by chance have any canon era courfius hcs
i do but i might bum you out in the process (this is also more of a timeline than hcs, sort of like with montparnasse/courfeyrac)
canon era courfius:
-i think in canon era courfeyrac is a closeted bisexual and he dabbles with men on the side, but he really overcompensates in public with women so people don't think he's of a certain persuasion. he's incredibly paranoid about it and he has reason to be
-marius pops into his life and it really fucks with him because this dude migrates into his own lodgings and confides in him and courfeyrac thinks he's incredibly handsome and yes he dresses oddly and is easy to tease and all of his friends despise him, but there's something earnestly endearing about marius
-when marius comes round saying this and that about an "ursula" that he's in love with, courfeyrac is admittedly distraught that somebody else has caught marius's attention and that it wasn't him. it was something that he often dreamt about in classes and even at night, but now this dream was being shattered right in front of him
-still, courfeyrac has appearances to keep up so he helps his friend. he instills hope in marius as much as he teases and he takes him out and about paris to find other things to do than mope around because he can't find this woman of his dreams and it hurts.
-they do share the same bed. it makes things difficult sometimes. courfeyrac won't be able to sleep and he turns and sees marius's cheek squished against the pillow and it makes his heart ache
-sometimes marius borrows his hats or cravats or even a blouse and courfeyrac is just vibrating at this point. it's a miracle that he hasn't punched a wall. he has it so bad and it's killing him
-the increasingly close revolution enjolras is determined to have keeps him busy, at least. he does his tasks and helps enj and combeferre and it keeps him from wallowing. wallowing is his last resort because courfeyrac is not a wallower
-if we're going by brick timeline im just gonna switch some stuff up because after marius's grandfather says absolutely not to his possible marriage with cosette, he goes to courfeyrac's apartment and wallows (lol) on the bed and when he wakes up courfeyrac is there with the others about to leave and asking if he's going to the funeral. we can edit this a little and have the funeral at a somewhat later date and courfeyrac is there to try and mend marius's broken heart
-"she's going to be gone forever" / "maybe it wasn't meant to be" / "it was"
-marius is just very huffy and upset and his head lays against courfeyrac's shoulder. courfeyrac just plays with his hair and lets things be quiet for a moment. marius doesn't pomade his hair the way courfeyrac does- it's soft and dark and unstyled. he threads his fingers through the front of his hair to reveal marius's face. the pad of his thumb brushes against his cheek, just gently tracing the line of marius's face
-marius glances over at him with his big ol dark eyes and lashes and courfeyrac has never been good at hiding secrets anyway. his head softly bumps against marius and he tilts his forehead to see him better
-"you still have me, you know"
-marius is frozen when courfeyrac first kisses him, mostly in shock, but after a moment he relaxes into the touch. they kiss and it's good and it gains momentum and marius is the one to push open courfeyrac's lips and courfeyrac brings a hand to marius's waist and hoists himself onto marius's lap and there are hands on his waist now and courfeyrac breaks their kiss so he can move onto the side of marius's mouth, then his jaw, and then trail down his neck but-
-courfeyrac gets pushed off as marius scrambles to get off the bed
-"i don't- you're-" marius isn't sure what else he can stammer out, but he's beet red and instead just takes his hat and leaves the apartment
-courfeyrac wallows.
-courfeyrac goes to the barricades with the rest of his compatriots.
-he's disappointed in himself most of all, truly. he shouldn't have done it, he shouldn't have been so forward. marius might be here if he hadn't. marius was in love with a woman and not courfeyrac and he might as well accept that
-marius is confused. he loves cosette, he knows that much, but he had never thought courfeyrac was... it didn't make sense to him. i also think he's a closet bisexual but perhaps a bit too closeted in canon. it happens to the best of us. he's chosen cosette this time but when she's gone he sees no reason to live. when he goes to the barricades, it's because of that. he doesn't expect himself to threaten to blow them all to hell, but it happens. he's confused, he's angry, and he's willing to make a stand after all
-courfeyrac sort of gets the wrong idea and thinks that maybe marius is back for him. marius saved his life, marius is here to save his life and be here with him. that's why he greets him so enthusiastically. marius is rigid, though, and courfeyrac begins to get the hint
-it's in the night when he sits alone on what used to be a rather nice table. the sky is turning an inky black and feuilly is humming and prouvaire is reciting poetry and courfeyrac feels irrevocably empty
-marius comes and sits with him, and things are quiet for a moment. courfeyrac doesn't want him to speak, but marius had never been able to pick up on others' desires
-"i'm sorry" / "you have nothing to be sorry for" / "i cannot betray cosette" / "i figured as much"
-marius is unsure of how to make courfeyrac feel better
-"in another lifetime," courfeyrac says with his chin rested on his palm, "do you believe that you might love me in return?"
-perhaps. courfeyrac is kind and amusing and generous. marius had saved his life because he cares for courfeyrac and wouldn't want to be in a world where he'd have to see him die. courfeyrac has been his kindest and most loyal and, truly, his only friend. perhaps in another lifetime, things would be different. perhaps in another lifetime, marius wouldn't be spoken for
-he leans over and kisses courfeyrac's cheek before leaving and finding eponine in the alley
-at the final battle, marius is hit and comes to terms with the fact that he is dying. he is frightened, he is terrified, but he can see courfeyrac fighting on. he hasn't noticed yet that marius has fallen. he thinks that it might be okay. he's sorry that cosette will never have gotten to be with him in this lifetime, but perhaps in the next, he will see courfeyrac again
-marius wakes up in the real world, however, and courfeyrac does not
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