#i like forgot my hc appearances since it had been so long
occasionalsuzuran · 2 years
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Ringo is a good listener, however a plot like AA's paired with Maguro's intensity when infodumping is enough to leave anyone dizzy
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jben073 · 9 months
Grace Chasity headcanon rambles!
Some silly Grace hcs for @nighthaterfrfr!! I tried to mostly avoid any of mine that you mentioned something similar to in yours bc we had a good deal of overlap! :D
(Just to preface, one of my biggest headcanons is that Grace is autistic so there’s a good chance that some of these may be influenced by that! I did try to pick ones that are more applicable to canon though! [But if anyone wants any of those, I have about a million :3])
When Grace was a young child in elementary school (or Sunday school), she very innocently kissed Alice Woodward and felt something™. (She entirely represses this memory for YEARS.)
^ During her eventual sexuality crisis, despite not having talked to Alice for years outside of polite conversation if they ran into one another, Grace reaches out to her for support/to ask questions because she was the only out queer person that Grace knew and trusted enough not to out her. (Alice big sister mode activated.) 
^ (They’re so silly, they’ve literally never interacted outside of a throwaway line about them knowing and possibly disliking each other but to me they're friends who fell apart and eventually find each other again when they're both more grown as people.)
^ Also, ignore me indulging my other biggest hc which is that Grace is a lesbian.
Grace took piano lessons as a child and is actually quite good because she wanted to be the pianist for her church’s masses when she got older! She stopped taking lessons in high school, but she keeps up with playing in her free time to maintain the skill and occasionally help out with music at her church.
^ Richie constantly tries to convince her to learn anime openings and music from games that he plays for him (he begged her to learn Megalovania for weeks until she finally gave in).
She has never celebrated Halloween because her parents think it’s satanic so Ruth and Richie (who definitely still go trick-or-treating in high school) make a point to bring her some of their candy on the following school day.
^ She definitely doesn’t cry about this gesture later when she goes home!!
She is an absolute monster while playing board games, like she gets REALLY aggressive about them.
^ (definitely influenced by Angela's chaos on smosh games, especially the “be a little more gentle!! >:(” clip)
She can’t go to sleep (intentionally) without getting a kiss goodnight. At home, her parents kiss her on the forehead before bed and if she’s at camp, she has to get a kiss on the head from Girl Jeri if she wants to sleep well.
^ It disrupts her routine which makes it harder for her to wind down!!
^ I like to think that before the events of Abstinence Camp, she thought of Boy Jerry and Girl Jeri as older sibling figures.
She has never been to a sleepover because she’s never had good enough friends to be invited to one :(
^ The nerds + Steph very quickly remedy this!!
^ (quick ramble related to the last hc) During the first group sleepover, Steph wakes up in the middle of the night to get a drink, realizes Grace is still up, and after Grace sheepishly admits her dilemma following Steph’s prompting for an explanation, Steph very casually plants a kiss on her forehead and then goes back to sleep. Grace’s face is beet red after this and now she can’t sleep for an entirely different reason.
^ They're in love to me!!!
LIB related
(Based almost entirely on Blinky’s line about watching Grace and the nightmare about Max/Richie that implies she has the gift.) 
^ Grace has been connected to the Lords in Black since long before we see her, Steph, and Pete summon them in NPMD.
^ Much like Lex was friends with Webby as a child and forgot, Grace was friends with the LIB when she was young but grew out of it.
^ (I have a whole little overanalysis/hc set of things for this hc if anyone wants to hear :3)
After she starts using the Black Book, her appearance starts to very slightly change so that she always looks just a tiny bit off.
^ Her teeth are just a touch too sharp, her ears have the slightest point to them, and her eyes almost seem to shift in colour (depending on which LIB is influencing her).
^ But hey, it must just be a trick of the light!! She's so normal!! Dw about it!!!
She will occasionally feel the sudden compulsion to bite others (Nibbly is feeling silly!!)
^ She does not act on this… most of the time :3
One more silly one to end on
She once owned a Tamagotchi and became so deeply stressed over the state of this virtual creature that she made herself sick from anxiety. 
^ Karen and Mark confiscated the toy very shortly after this.
Anyway ramble's over now but my 45 page google doc of Grace hcs continues to grow every day bc I am fixated hard on this silly little show :3
edit: had to add the '^' thing because the bullets didn't indent properly for some reason!! every one that has that is attached to the previous one without it!
also idk why on mobile the sleepover hc and the Alice hc got cut short?? The sleepover one is supposed to say that now she can't sleep for an entirely different reason and the end of the second bullet says (Alice big sister mode activated).
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agaypanic · 4 months
ethan morgan with a short reader hc???? (gn or fem pls!)
Ethan Morgan With a Short Reader Headcanons
Request Something!
I think Ethan would love having a short s/o
He’s the shortest guy in the group 
I headcanon somewhere ranging from 5’6 to 5’8
Yea that feels right
But anyway, both of you being short makes you fit together so well
You were used to the boys towering over you all the time. Rory may have been just a few inches taller than you, but his tendency to float or fly made him seem larger. And Benny had always been a lanky giant.
But Ethan was the perfect height, at least in your opinion. He was the shortest boy in the group but was still a few inches taller than you, which you liked. You didn’t have to crane your neck to look at him, and he never had to bend down to hug or kiss you.
“Aw, you guys are like little dolls or something.” Benny teased as you and Ethan met with the group, hand in hand.
You looked at each other, both confused and slightly amused. “We’re not that small, Benny.”
“I don’t know.” Rory egged on. “I think Debbie Dazzle was bigger than you guys.” The blonde sighed, starting to look reminiscent. “I miss Debbie Dazzle.”
Everyone stared at Rory, but you were the one to speak. “You miss the doll that was brought to life, and then tried to suck out all of our energy and turn us into dolls so she could stay alive?”
“What can I say? I like complicated women.”
Sharing clothes with Ethan works out well
Bc even tho he’s scrawny, most of his clothes seem pretty loose
But half the time, his shirts are a bit long, so since you’d be shorter than him, you might still drown in his clothes a bit
Still comfy tho
“Damn.” You muttered, going through your backpack before looking up at Ethan. “I think I forgot my pajamas.”
“Wanna borrow some of my stuff?” He asked, already moving towards his closet. You nodded, and soon, your boyfriend tossed you a shirt and some basketball shorts before leaving his room to let you get changed.
After changing and setting your old clothes by your bag, you looked into the mirror by Ethan’s bed and laughed. You were somewhat drowning in the fabric of his shirt, and his shorts ended at your knees. As you bounded down the stairs to the living room, you wondered how you’d look if Ethan was as tall as Rory or Benny.
Hearing your nearing footsteps, Ethan looked away from the TV and grinned at the sight of you. Even though you’ve worn his clothes before, a blush always appeared on his cheeks. “Comfy?”
“Very.” You responded before settling down next to him on the couch and accepting the remote that he was handing to you.
You know how sometimes with short reader headcanons, the character reaches for stuff on high shelves for the reader?
Or purposefully puts stuff up there?
Ethan kind of does that.. But since he’s only a few inches taller than you, his help isn’t very effective sometimes
Ethan kept waving his hand around and lifting onto his toes, trying to reach the top shelf of a bookcase. You and your friends were at a mall, and you practically dragged your boyfriend to the bookstore to grab some books for your TBR list. You found a book that you’d been wanting for ages, but it was on the highest shelf.
You had already attempted to grab it a few times, and now it was Ethan’s turn. 
“Babe, should we just go get someone?” You asked, watching him struggle.
“No, I’m almost there.” He said adamantly, but you both knew he wasn’t.
Suddenly, there was someone laughing behind you. You and Ethan turned around to see an amused Benny.
“Need help?” He asked before sipping the smoothie he had gotten from the food court.
“Shut up.”
“Yes, please.”
Benny walked up to stand between you and Ethan. He raised his hand, grabbing the book you were after with extreme ease and handing it to you. “By the way, we’re gonna go to Applebee’s for lunch in, like, an hour.” Then he walked away, presumably to the comic section. 
Happy that you now had the book you wanted, you took Ethan’s hand and walked through other sections. 
“I almost had it,” Ethan grumbled, but you both knew better.
“I know, baby.”
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vampyresovereign · 3 months
Hi hi hi!! <3 <3 <3 I love your account and your music hcs for the characters especially Savanaclaw thinking about Jack listening to Ice Cube and Eazy-E is so funny to me to imagine. KDot too oh yes <3 If requests are still open could I ask for a GN!Reader as his gym partner. Kinda like he thinks MC is so weak with bones like jelly so he tries to motivate us to work out with him... Even if we suck at it haha!~!
YES QUEEN/KING OF COURSE ILL WRITE THIS FOR YOU!! I honestly was kind of scared cause I thought i put TOO much unnecessary thought into what everyone's music taste might be (like you could tell i was geekin out over music ngl) so I'm really glad you liked the headcanons. mb this took so long, here's your request<3333 -isa<3
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Pairing: Jack Howl x GN!Reader Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Quick Synopsis: You accompany Jack on a little trip to the gym, inspired by a snarky comment from coach Vargas. Tags: Use of Y/N, reader is not Yuu, no specific physical description of reader, reader is embarrassing as hell but it's okay cause Jack is patient with them, might be inaccurate/i've never been to a gym
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“Alright everyone! Class is over, get out of my face!” 
Coach Vargas practically screamed from the middle of the field. You watched, sitting criss-cross applesauce on the freshly cut grass as your fellow classmates grabbed their brooms, walking and talking in groups on their way towards the locker rooms.
Maybe it was because the weather forecast advised sunscreen since it was over 80 degrees, or maybe you were just stressed out from other classes, but something made phys ed today much harder than usual. 
You were startled when the coach suddenly appeared behind you, placing a hand on your shoulder. 
“Your endurance is getting stronger, L/N,” He started. “But you still have a long way to go.”
“What do you mean, coach?”
“Well, for starters..” He removed his hand from you, taking a second to lift his arm and flex the bicep in front of you, as you raised an eyebrow.
“..You know, something many don’t know about broom riding is that most of your energy actually concentrates in the arms. You need to be able to balance yourself and hold onto the stick, y’know? And to be honest with you, kid..”
He pointed towards your arms.
“That’s something we need to work on, don’t we? Hit the showers.”
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You shouldn't have taken that comment so seriously, coach was known for being pretty vain and shallow when it came to physical appearance. But unfortunately, he had a point.
You constantly skipped leg day and couldn't lift a dumbbell with more than 3 plates.
Though you were dwelling on it, you decided to try and put those negative thoughts away. Your next period was lunch, and you had even more stressful classes to deal with after that.
Lack of muscle was the least of your problems at the moment.
As you walked towards the cafeteria, lagging behind another random group of people, you spotted a familiar pair of fuzzy white ears in the crowd, walking the opposite direction.
You felt your eyes spark in recognition, immediately calling his name out.
Jack's eyes widened, ears pointing up for a few seconds in surprise. He walked towards you, scratching his head. "Hey Y/N, what's up?"
"You know the cafeteria is that way, right?"
It was then you noticed the giant duffel bag slung across his right shoulder.
"I know. I'm not goin' to lunch."
"Why not?" You inquired.
"Decided to hit the gym at around this time from now on 'cause it gets way too crowded after classes are over," He said.
"So.. You're just not gonna eat anything?"
"Of course not," He scoffed. "I got a few protein bars and shakes in my bag. I'll be fine."
You hummed in response, you had totally forgot that working out was Jack's whole thing. As he adjusted his bag, an idea suddenly popped into your mind.
"Hey, can I join you? I kind of wanna try exercising for a little bit."
He looked at you, slightly shocked. "For real? You never seemed interested before."
"Well, I guess I wanna try something new today. How about it?"
He placed a finger on his chin in thought, before placing his hands on his hips.
"..Sure, I guess."
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Before the two of you headed to the gym together, you each went back to your respective dorms to grab comfortable clothing.
You didn't know what exactly to wear, so you settled on an old tracksuit you hadn't worn in the seven knows how long.
When you walked in, there were obviously some people there, but you had strolled past them and followed Jack into the section where the bench presses and mats were, suddenly feeling nervous.
Jack very quickly got to work, setting his bag down next to a random bundle of equipment, and adding about 5 plates to the light dumbbell.
You stood next to him awkwardly as he leaned his back down on the bench, wondering if this came off as creepy.
He glanced at you as he sat the dumbbell to rest, raising an eyebrow. "You know, there's a set right behind you, right?"
"..Oh. Sorry, this is my first time here, I'm just kind of trying to figure out what to do through you," You blurted out, a wave of embarrassment washing over you.
You moved to the set he had just mentioned, which also happened to be directly across from his, grabbing pretty much the same amount of plates on the way there.
You held back a grunt as you held all of them in the palm of your hands, wondering what the hell Jack was eating to be able to carry this amount effortlessly.
You leaned back on the bench, trying to replicate the same position you saw Jack in as you curled your hands around the base of the dumbbell. Taking a deep breath and lifting it up, you were good for about 4.5 seconds.
The realization of how heavy the equipment was immediately crushed down on you, literally. You dropped the dumbbell on your stomach, curling up and holding onto your belly for dear life when the instrument fell on the floor.
You heard Jack get up from behind you to assess the incident.
"The hell happened?" He asked, placing his hands on his hips.
"I don't know how you do it, man."
He grabbed the dumbbell from off of the floor, sighing. "Y/N, beginners don't start with this amount. It's kind of common sense."
"It looked simple when you did it.."
"Yeah, because I've been honing these skills for years." Jack removed about 2 plates from each side of the dumbbell, handing it back to you on the bench. "Here, try to lift it now."
You nodded, proceeding to do as he said.
"..Still heavy, but do-able."
Jack smirked.
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You spent the rest of your time at the gym attempting to try a little bit of everything with Jack at your side, teaching you what to do. You felt a little bit bad that he used up all his training time essentially babysitting you, but he assured you it was no big deal.
The only problem was that when your time to train together was up, every single part of your body felt sore. Even your eyes.
Jack let out a laugh, a rare thing, and slapped you on your back.
"This was a great sesh, wasn't it?"
You stumbled a few paces forward from the impact of his hand. "..I would say yes, but I still gotta go to my afternoon classes after this."
"Hah. You better get used to the grind, we're doing this tomorrow. And the rest of the semester, actually. Breaks are on weekends."
You stared at Jack like he had three heads.
"Don't look at me like that. We're partners now. No turnin' back," He grinned.
You awkwardly laughed in response, excited to hang out more with Jack and expand your muscles, but not too excited about the process anymore.
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i don't even like jack like that but this was very fun to write. apologies again for the wait gang. -isa<3
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usakkhae · 1 year
Yesterday I couldn't sleep so I spend all night thinking about headcannons for Brunever but then I forgot:[ But now I remembered! So.. some of my hcs about them!
I like to think that Brunim has tiny wings but if he had bigger ones like real life bats, I imagine him covering Forever with it while Brunim is feeding cuz he doesn't like anyone seeing Forever exposed that way
Brunim usually bites and take off his fangs from Forever's neck very carefully so he doesn't hurt him but he always bites him in the same place to make the mark last longer( ofc it hurts a lot but Forever enjoys it even if he complains a lot about it). And if they are separated for a long time, a scar sure will appear.
Forever sometimes scratches Brunim's back/neck while he is feeding so both of them have little scars reminding one of each other:D
After Forever arrived in the Quesadilla Island, the bite marks and the LOVE shirt are the only things that he still has of his old lover.
Brunim got the habit of scratching his neck scars after Forever disappeared because he is afraid of it fading.
They both are equally obcessed with each other but Brunim is way more possessive and jealous then Forever.
Because of Skydoido2(and Brunim sometimes talking about the qsmp in his streams), I imagine them having some kind of magical bond that permit them to sense/feel each other even in a long distance but it was weakened by the Federation.
Even with that, Brunim still can see some things (even if Forever can't) and that's how he found out about Forever going after Philza and being Bbh and Max's crush.
After a while, some weird magic happened (or something like that idk I'm not trying to make sense here lol) and they somehow encountered each other in their dreams while being in a weird floating island(Skydoido2)
Brunim and Forever are the kind of couple that finds some reason to fight . They have some "breaks" in their relationship and spends all the time trying to make the other one jealous or just straight up ignoring each other until they can't handle being separated and get together again.
When Forever somehow ended in the boat with the other brazillians they were in the middle of one of these fights and that's why he was so quick to go after Phil when he saw him.
Even with that, they are still engaged and Forever has been planing their wedding in his head for months now and that's how he helped Cellbit with his marriage.
Brunim hates to feed with someone else's blood and when they aren't together he just refuses to do so. Since Forever is in Quesadilla for a couple of months now, Brunim was starving and had to force himself to find another source of food.
The vampire preference for Forever's blood goes beyond their relationship, with him finding it more tasty because Forever is half elf. (Can go in the same way with the hc of Forever being a werewolf/wolf hybrid In my opinion)
Forever got used to the taste of blood because of Brunim always kissing him after sucking his blood.
Forever always used to complain about Brunim biting him without warning and living with bite marks all over his body but now he misses it.
And that's it for now.
If you have some headcannons too I would love to hear because we don't have enought content about them>:D
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fieryjeanne · 1 year
Do you have any fem sengen headcanons 👀
Hullo there!
To be honest, I don’t think I have ever given them much thought 🤔 I usually tend to imagine fem sengen more or less the same as canon sengen (or my hc’d canon sengen if that makes any sense 😂). However, if I give it some thought, there might be some little differences (depending on how different their reality is from ours and their canon).
I wouldn’t be surprised if fem Senku would have been more frequently underestimated than “canon Senku”. However, she would be quick to shut everyone’s mouth as soon as she gets the chance to prove just how smart and capable she is. Since she went to the same school all her life, she probably doesn’t need to constantly prove herself, they all know who Senku Ishigami is, but if she has to go somewhere else (say going to Africa to research Ebola), she’s quick to build a reputation. It’s not that she cares much about that, she simply wants to make science unbothered.
The main critique she would have to face is her lack of manners and how “unlady-like” she acts. Even if she behaves the same as the canon Senku, the expectations are different and that, added to her lack of care about her appearance, would probably lead to her hearing comments such as “what a waste of a cute face”. She doesn’t care about this either, or at least not usually. She might have had a moment of self-doubt at some point of her life. Two if we count her “she likes me, she likes me not?” thoughts once she realizes she might have (potentially, maybe) developed feelings for Gen.
She probably had a harder start in her career as she had to ensure her place as a magician/mentalist instead of getting treated as a magician assistant (this idea is based on something I heard -can’t remember where, maybe Lucifer- and a quick search for “sexism in the magician community” on Google 😂).
She also probably, probably, recurs a lot more to the manipulation tactic of “playing dumb” and “acting all sweet and innocent” (similar to what Amaryllis does). She doesn’t have to like it, but she knows it gets the job done. In the long run, she uses this technique less though, as most people already know who she is and how scary she can actually be.
There is one thing that might have counted as a previous HC I had but I completely forgot about it until now which is fem Gen being like Haruka from Sailor Moon or Kashima from Gekkan Shōjo Nozaki-kun. I like the versatility canon Gen has and I suppose that would be the equivalent for fem Gen.
Again, everything is pretty much the same 😅
Despite the initial doubts Senku might have had, she eventually concludes that she can use her brain to make her way to Gen’s heart (as if she hasn’t already), but still gets embarrassed the first time Gen genuinely calls her “pretty” or “cute” (she might have said it teasingly before, so it was easier to dismiss, not that it makes her words any less truth).
Gen's “charm technique”, Senku originally finds it irritating, not because she buys the act but because she thinks Gen is actually really capable and doesn’t need to play dumb to get what he wants. Eventually, she learns that, much like Gen, she doesn’t have to like it to recognize its effectiveness. At the end of the day that is what really matters, right?
Probably will continue thinking about this as I sleep, but that’s all I got for now.
Thank you for the ask! It was fun 💚💜
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jerzwriter · 1 year
What's happening...
So, the fandom is very small, and demand for content is extremely low, but I still wanted to put this together... perhaps it's more to wrap my own head around future projects. But in case anyone is interested, I figured I'd share.
Open Heart: Ethan World
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I'm wrapping up A Different Fate and What Happened in Vegas. The former will be done very soon (I hope this week), and I intend for Vegas to be completed no later than August.
I'll be focusing on getting Ethan & Kaycee hitched this summer. They'll be having a "surprise wedding" and some other exploits along the way.
Dr. Eva Mendez (F!OC) will finally be introduced as an LI for Ethan in my Tobias x Casey world. I plan on concentrating more on that universe, so we'll be seeing more of her and Ethan there.
Open Heart: Tobias x Casey World
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I've long wanted to close the gaps in their story and haven't been able to do it. So I plotted a way. This will be a series of stories that will fill in the gaps, starting with the end of the chemical attack, bringing us to how they finally ended up together (after all this time, I can't believe y'all still don't know how that happened! lol). This will be in sequential order, but since it's filling "gaps" it will be a little... unique.
Once this is completed, I'm wrapping up their long-abandoned wedding (and Ethan and Eva fit into that). Then we'll see a little more of their future.
My secondary focus for T/C will be the angsty alternate universe What's Forever For? There, they are recently divorced, even though neither truly wants to be. What obstacles will they face as they try to co-parent their son? Can they transition from husband and wife to friends? Will others step in to complicate things between them? Will they ever find their way back to each other, or will they determine love doesn't always mean you end up together?
Oh, nearly forgot! @choicesprompts is running a rewrite challenge to place our characters into scenes from other movies/books, etc. Well, I have a little something planned for Tobias & Casey, and it will be based on this...
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Wake the Dead:
The conclusion of Eli's past story will be up within the week. It should have been done, but warning, it's sad... and I have had too much sad things going on IRL to concentrate on this, but now I want to wrap it up.
Once that's completed, I will focus more on Eli x Zoe, as opposed to Eli alone. There will also be more appearances from the other friends at Olympus. I know it's not a terribly popular pairing, but I adore them and these days, that's good enough!
Crimes of Passion:
I don't know exactly what lies ahead for Trystan & Carolina, but I assure you... there are things ahead for Trystan & Carolina. I adore these two and am having so much fun learning more about them. As CoP2 continues, I'll see where my HC for this dynamic duo goes.
One thing you may notice is missing is Reset. I've been back and forth on that, and honestly, I don't know where that stands right now. It would be a huge effort, and motivation is lacking. The most I can say is I'll keep you posted.
In lieu of what used to be Six Sentence Sunday - if you'd like to see snippets for any of the above, let me know via comment, reblog or ask, and I'll hook you up!
I know we're much smaller, and this is all fun and self-indulgent at his point - but for those of you who are still here and still support my work - I want to let you know just how much it means. Thank you... from the bottom of my heart.
Tagging all my lists separately. If you wish to be added/removed/or put on a different list - reach out to me via DM or comment here. Thank you!
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celestialomnipotence · 9 months
Hi, I was wonder if I can make a request for a oneshot or hc idea on security breach.
I was an idea of reader being an animatronic kind of like mangle on how they were a pull apart and put back together toy for young children, with their attraction being near the daycare.
Name ideas could be like "{reader}'s Friends and Play!", or {reader}'s dress up station". Something with a play on words with dressing up or play.
Because they are like one of those take apart and put back together toys were you could swap certain parts of the toy like hair, clothes, accessories, etc. And kids would come to the readers play area of have fun changing the design of the reader. It's being marked twords younger kid key it being by the Daycare.
But we all know kid could be a little to forceful or rough with reader, leading them to break and having to go to part and serves/maintenance almost everyday to get fixed. But since it cost money and time to fix reader, the Pizzaplex just desided it would be better to just discontinue reader and close off there area under the pretense of repairs.
But reader area never opened back up. And like the Glamrock + the Daycare Attendant just gradually forgot about reader. Than one day one of them just stumbled apon readers area and it just like closed off, with the inside being really dusty with tarp covering everything. Everything but reader who's slouched in a corner, broken looking like mangle with different part of her body making up her body in placed they shouldn't be.
It just feel like it would be hella angsty and a good oneshot for some angst and burn.
Get back to me as soon as you can, thank you for reading this^^
Pull apart-Put together Animatronic Reader pt 1
Kyo- Took me a long time to get to this but im finally doing this one! This will be multiple parts since im editing a post and cant draft it
So some details about Reader and a small synopsis
Reader is NB (I do not write for women, i apologize)! Just to make things simple and inclusive. As for readers appearance, they’re actually an advanced endoskeleton that can have part placed on to turn into many kids of animals with a few references to other animatronics! Not only that, but hair, accessories and clothes can be picked out!
Sadly the kids started cracking and destroying the parts and workers, not wishing to deal with these issues anymore, closed off the area and lied to everyone else… Until someone found reader.
Pick Apart my Heart
Late at night once again, Moon was out of the daycare again. He had the tendency to be out and explore but tonight was a bit different. There was an abandoned section near the daycare that appeared to be wiped from his database.
It seemed like an odd assumption but they once forgot to wipe him and Suns memory once before about a boarded off section. Surely it was the same this time.
Moon didnt need to destroy anything to sneak in as he crawled through some cracks in the boarded up door.
The room its self was big and… Similar to the daycare except covered in a thick layer of dust. Similar to Roxys make-up station, there were rows of dusty and tattered clothes, animatronic parts, hairs, accessories and…
Moon then noticed you, curled up in the corner. An odd sight, either you were shut off or havent moved in ages. A thick layer of dust covered your endoskeleton. Moon slowly approach but the click of his parts gave away his movements. Thats when he noticed the lights turn on in your eyes. Your… mismatched colored eyes?
Of course you hadnt been shut off but, you had personally shut of your optic circuits to fake a sleeping like state. Although since your heard noises, you turned them back on.
Looking up, you noticed… Moon. Hope bubbled up inside you before you spoke up. “Oh, its you, I never expected any of you guys to come in here.”
Moon looked… confused, as confused as he could look, before speaking himself. “How do you know us?”
It then seemed to hit you. Either their memories of you were wiped or blocked. One way or another you had to figure out if Moon and Suns are blocked. Surely theirs arent as their circuitry are more complicated than the other.
“I was an old put together animatronic here. Y/Ns Put-Together Play-Together. I dont have any of my parts on though, im too broken to do that anymore.” You caught yourself mumbling the last part as.. Your blob of parts shifted into what could only be assumed as you… In a state between sitting and standing.
Your neck was broken along with a leg where your arm should be and an arm where your leg should be. Although the leg you had in the correct spot was twisted backwards…. Along with a black cat tail similar to how Montys bends lodged where the tails attach.
Moon seemed to examine it all before finally responding to you. “Y/N… You sound and seem familiar. How are you functional?”
“My circuits and wires were built to bend and put in places kids couldnt take apart… My neck was broken by a teenager though, a dare by their peers and the reason I was put away.”
Moon seemed to think or.. Maybe even process what you said as you… Crawled towards him.
“We were friends before Moon. Surely you would be able to remember me? I was friends with… Well everyone here!- Theres no way all of you dont remember-“
You felt panic sink in now… What if everyone elses memory was wiped and everything you had was lost??
Moon then spoke again. “Look I dont remember you. Were closed tomorrow and I cleared a path so… Talk to someone else. Maybe Sun when the lights are on.”
It then hit you… Moon was always slightly harsh and straight forward… Maybe you could trick him into the daycare and force the lights on… Or maybe find someone else…
Moon seemed to back off to where he entered from. “Im going to head back to what I was doing, your exits here.”
As he left, you began debating your choices.
Trick Moon to turn into Sun and regain their memories or…
Find someone else. Either Monty or Music man are your next best chances.
Kyo- Make your choice for part two! Theres a week on the poll and I have each path planned. What do you think is best? Or do you just wanna see your favorite? (Yes! I will get to everyone else too just bear with me)
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sakura-nyah · 2 years
Hi Nyah! Hope ur doing well <3 Here's a request since I haven't asked in a while! Can you write HCs for Kaz reassuring his S/O who is afraid of him leaving/feels kinda unlovable? Sorry if it's angsty, my mental health has been iffy lately and I could use a bit of comfort, hehe..Hope you had a good trip btw! ^_^ -🌱
I don't mind the angst at all, 🌱Kaz Anon! I'm happy to write this for you! My mind was going crazy with things to think about during this!
Do take care of yourself tho, 🌱Kaz Anon if possible. I understand the feeling of mental health being iffy and what I do to fix it is mainly listen to music. Its my best way of helping me feel better with anything. Of course, don't listen to sad music if you're sad! That can be bad on yourself! But if needed, I'm here for you. You can message me any time! Yet if you're uncomfortable with that, you can send me Anon asks just venting about your problems. Of course, I would not post them. I'd delete the asks after reading them since its all personal things!
The Headcanons are under the Read More <3!! This got a tad bit long but hopefully they're to your liking! If not, just tell me and I'll redo the Headcanons! I don't mind at all!
Kazuichi Soda reassuring his S/O who is afraid of him leaving and feels is unlovable.
✿ When your feelings appeared to you about your fear, it didn't take Kazuichi long at all to notice something was troubling you. Even if you had your feelings hidden so well to the point even you eventually forgot about them, Kazuichi would still have sensed something because he's so in tune with everything about you.
✿ He'll talk to you right away. He's worried about what is wrong and what is causing it. He wants you feeling your best and this boy will do anything in his power to make you feel your best.
✿ Now, even though he will talk to you right away, he'll actually lead a conversation into the direction of talking about what's troubling you. Instantly talking to you about your troubles could catch you off guard and make you panic. He doesn't want that at all.
✿ Kazuichi will sit down with you, lay down with you, whatever you're most comfortable with, and stay silent for a few moments. He's making sure you're comfortable before he begins the conversation. His voice is so gentle as he speaks.
✿ "I wanted to ask, how have you been feeling?"
✿ I said he was in tune with everything about you but at this moment, somehow his senses have never been so alert. He's worried about triggering you.
✿ He'll wait for your response. Nothing in the world matters right now except for you. However long you take, he'll wait. He will, however, throw in some more words as a hopeful comfort while he waits for your response.
✿ "If you ever felt sad or anything, you could tell me, ya know? I care about you and knowing there's a chance you're hurting, it makes me feel bad. I want to help. When we fell in love, I promised myself to always help you. That includes everything.. Why?"
✿ He originally was waiting for you to answer but hes on a roll now that he wants to finish. Something in him knew this is what you needed to hear.
✿ He hopes his voice carries the passion he has for you.
✿ "Because I love you."
✿ Kazuichi never sounded so serious about any statement he has ever made to you or to anyone. He looked at you. If you looked back and into his eyes, you could see the love in them.
✿ "A couple is called a couple because it means two, right? We're a couple. You can't have one without the other. We're in this together."
✿ He's holding your hand now. His grasp is gentle but strong. If you don't like to be touched, this one time he will step over that boundary. Not because he is trying to make you uncomfortable or hurt you, but because his touch will hopefully show his love to you.
✿ "I'm with you with any pain you could have. Happy pain, sad pain, angry pain. I'm with you because I love you. Like what people say! I love you to the moon and back!"
✿ He's smiling now, trying to hold back a laugh.
✿ "But my moon is so far away that you can't even see it!"
✿ His face softens and his voice becomes a whisper, only for you to hear. Theres no one else around at this moment but still, his words right now are for you only.
✿ "I love you, Y/N."
✿ He didn't know how you felt, yet he still said these words. He said them because he knew being as truthful as possible (even tho he wouldn't lie to you, unless he was doing something such as holding a surprise birthday party for you) is what is best. You're not in the best of states and so he's giving you his rawest emotions and words.
✿ If you end up shaking, crying, doing both, or something else because your emotions are coming forward, if you let him, his arms are around you in an instant. His hold will be strong but not hurtful. He will be your wall. Right now, nothing will get to you as you're in his arms. Nothing can overpower Kazuichi when he's holding you. This time, if you prefer to not be touched he'll let your hand go and speak instead, saying small words such as "You're alright. You're alright. I'm not leaving. Let it out."
✿ Hopefully you'll talk to him about how you were feeling and what was troubling you. He's happy that you're opening up to him. He's proud of you. So proud. He'll actually remind you randomly how proud he is for you opening up to him. He'll also remind you how much he loves you. He'll do this for days and days and days.
✿ What he said were words of true love and emotion. You didn't even have to say anything and his first thoughts were to remind you how loved you were. He can't leave you. You're the other 1 to his 1+1 =2. You're the other half to his couple. You put color and light into his life. You put an emotion in him that's stronger than happiness. Nothing can ever top it. Nothing will ever be better. Nothing will ever change his love for you. Nothing.
✿ Because of the feelings you had, Kazuichi has decided with himself to have a daily and nightly check up with you and how you're feeling, physically and emotionally (He once said "That's rad!" when you told him you were feeling good and now it stuck. He's saying rad at everything.). He'll be there for you for however long as you need, whenever you need, about whatever is troubling you. The love he has for you is just...its incredible. Its so beautiful. People say perfect doesn't exist but try telling him that and he will argue forever on why that's false and that there's someone in his life to prove that perfect does exist.
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deathdestructiondoom · 10 months
Here some general things about my g/t Au Sekai of Various Au that i definitely did not gatekept in my drafts for 4-5 weeks in the darkness.
And because i tagged all of them, i know some people doesn't like this this type of content so you can view under the cut.
• Leo/Need chants Steven Universe's Giant Woman song around Honami in her giant form.
• Shizuku also embroiders Shiho's clothes, by Shiho's clothes i meant the tiny ones.
• An literally invited VBS to her room. Despite it being literally 10 inches tall...
• That's how they found that she’s a Tiny.
• Emu likes to be picked up. The higher the better.
• Toya is the opposite. Despite being tiny, he liked the floor thank you very much.
• Ichika loves to give her girlfriends finger pats.
• I said it and I'll say it again. Akito is Ena's personal uber.
• One time someone told MMJ to kick off Minori since she was a "pest" and Airi told them to More More Jump off a cliff.
• Mizuki thought that Akito was a Tiny. Oh were they super duper wrong.
• Not g/t but Kohane drinks vinegar. Like straight vinegar. Idk why i thought of this but i have been. For quite a long time.
• Rui is very curious on how humans taste and Nene is mortified.
• When Akito first spoke to VBS in his giant form, they were flabbergasted with his voice. It was already that deep normally, it couldn't get any deeper.
• An doesn't enjoy being picked up as much as Emu but she sure as hell loves to be on someone's hair as long it's not Toya's.
• Minori doesn't appear in her Tiny form a lot in the livestreams at first due being scared of backlash thanks to...*ahem* the obvious discriminations towards Tinies. But now after Airi literally went off with that one person she now appears in her Tiny size more.
• Everyone in the stream gushes about how adorable she is on stream.
• Shizuku fusses over Shiho alot more than canon since Shiho is a Tiny. Said Tiny is not pleased.
• (HC ADOPTED FROM JUNI @/honey-and-lemon-gt) Tenmama bought Saki a dollhouse when she was little and she absolutely loves it.
• It comes with a weird cat toy and a cheap plastic figure that is totally not Snow White (/j).
• Shiho and Honami were invited alot while Ichika just sits outside. Poor Ichi ;-;
• Whenever she is at Kanade's, Honami oftens shifts into a Tiny to clean the little crevices and shifts taller to clean the ceilings.
• While An, Emu, Shiho and Saki usually uses their enhanced Jump Boost and Increased Stamina to move around their normal human houses. Ena doesn't get that luxury as a human so there are lots of little staircases in the Giant Shinonome household or use Akito as uber.
• Samo is ½ inches tall.
• Akito loves to pickup his tiny friends (Not Toya for obvious reasons) for no reason.
• Nene is insecure about her size and has believed that she would never make friends due to it.
• She was quickly proven wrong the moment Emu entered her life.
• Haruka gets protective of Minori whenever Minori's tiny. It's just that she's so smol.
• Kid Rui once held Kid Nene as if she was a newborn.
• Emu got lost o n c e in Tsukasa's hair.
• He had a panic attack, almost tried to shave his hair bald if it meant finding Emu.
• Tsukasa often buys Saki alot of tiny embellishments and miniature items so she could decorate her dollhouse.
• When they're in the rollercoaster in Kohane's Buddy・Funny・Spend Time ♪ event story, An and Minori were in their Tiny form as Kohane and Haruka desperately clutched onto them the entire ride so they wouldn't yeet off the coaster.
• An pulled a Ratatouille on her friends once.
• When Mafuyu went to Ena's in her 3rd Focus Event (I forgot it's name but it's the I-Nandesu event), she lied to her mom that Ena's house is very far away so her mom wouldn't restrict from going to Ena's house, which is. On the Giant Section
• On the same event, Ena also lied to Mafumom that instead of being Shinei's daugther, she is Shinei's student. Since the ugly ass witch would suspect her being Shinei's student less rather than being directly related to him.
• Airi is super protective as a Giant. Anybody who badmouths MMJ will get a fist from this gal.
• Tsukasa is very experienced in dealing with Tinies considering that his sister is a Tiny and his totally-not-illegally-adopted little brother is a Sizeshifter.
• Akito treats Ena more roughly than other people smaller than him due to Cain Instincts™
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• Whenever Saki faints in her Tiny form, everyone in the vicinity goes nuts.
• Kohane is also really good at dealing with Tinies. Proof being Minori, Shiho, An and Toya
• Mizuki bluescreened the first time they went over to Ena's.
• They still tease Akito regardless of him being a Giant.
• They also pull off a Ratatouille on him.
• They also pull a Ratatouille on Rui too.
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rainy-circle · 2 years
What are your Zora headcanons for the old farts (affectionate) like Seggin, Trello, Muzu?
putting a cut here because this got long. no surprise there
OKAY SO HCs for all three/the Zora elders in general:
All Zoras automatically become a member of the Council of Elders once they reach a certain age (390 in my notes, don't ask me why that specifically I don't remember), but they can become a member as early as 300 if the other Council members approve and they want to be.
In game there's only 6 members, but in the process of making family trees for everyone I ended up inventing a lot of grandparents, so in my notes there's like... I think at least 20 kicking around?
all three were once married but their spouses have since passed, for differing reasons I'll get into!
(I made myself promise that I'd only add a name to a Zora in the family trees if they actually came up in the story, because if I did name all of them I would've driven myself insane. So their spouses don't have names currently but idk maybe one day in the future they will!)
Muzu's actually quite a bit older than King Dorephan, but the two of them have known each other and been friends for a long time - they had a bit of an intergenerational friendship when Dorephan was young/a kid and Muzu was a teen/young adult. Muzu was the Domain's main librarian and young Prince Dorephan was shy and hung out there a lot and a friendship happened eventually.
Muzu's wife was a stoneworker and helped do a lot of the little repairs that we see Fronk and Ledo doing in-game. She's probably part of the reason the Domain has such a cool art nouveau style to it. (Maybe she is even the stoneworker who made the Zora Stone Monuments that Link has to go find, which also means she's the one who just straight up forgot to sign her name. I find the thought of Muzu being married to a woman like that hilarious.) She passed away peacefully during the time Link was in the Shrine of Resurrection, at the age of 394.
They decided at some point that they were happy going without children of their own, preferring to help raise the rest of the Domain's children as kind of aunt and uncle figures. I imagine this decision, plus Muzu's long standing friendship with Dorephan, is what made Muzu particularly close to Mipha, and why her death hit him so hard.
Seggin has one of the smallest family trees because it's literally just Him + Wife = Bazz. I think at one point I did toy around with the idea of Bazz having a sister and Tottika and Torfeau being his niece and nephew, but for one reason or another I decided to make him a single only child. I feel like because of this Seggin is absolutely one of those parents who's like WHEN ARE YOU GETTING MARRIED. I WANT GRANDCHILDREN.
In addition to making family trees for everyone I also sort of gave each family a motif animal that their headcanon appearances are based off of, because who says the Royal Family gets to have all the fun. Seggin and Bazz are based off of eels, and Seggin's specific animal is of course, an electric eel. That's why he's the only Zora in the Domain who can handle firing electric arrows.
I had Seggin's wife down as a kind of scientist who studies mushrooms, but like. I'd have to boot up the game and see what kinds of mushrooms grow around the Domain, if any?? Do they sell Rushrooms in the shop or am I just making that up. ANYWAY, she died during the incident detailed in the "King Dorephan Stands His Ground" monument, when a rogue corrupted Guardian rampaged through the Domain. Losing her to a bit of corrupted Shiekah technology + his status as a retired knight + the above point about being the one electric eel Zora = his determination to bring down Vah Ruta without outside help.
In my very earliest versions of my notes I wanted to give one of the 6 canon elders a husband and I originally had it as Jiahto, but I guess in the various revisions I forgot that and Jiahto definitely has a wife, so FUCK IT it's Trello now, Trello's the one with a dead husband.
I can't remember if it's canon that Trello is also a retired knight or if I just headcanon'd that to fit with his son and granddaughter. Either way I imagine Trello's husband was a healer, and that's how they met and fell in loooooove.
This may be my headcanon colouring things, but if I remember correctly Trello seems kinda... grumpy and sullen in the game even after you cleanse Vah Ruta, and find the Ceremonial Trident. This is yet again tied to grief and survivor's guilt. See, Trello actually had two sons, and both Rivan's older brother and Trello's husband died in one fell swoop when the Calamity happened. I imagine Trello and Rivan's relationship can be a bit strained sometimes because of it.
TL;DR - there is a LOT of survivor's guilt and grief in, I imagine, pretty much any settlement that survived the Calamity, but it's particularly bad amongst the elders of the Domain because they just live so long and witness so much. They're all generally good, caring, family-oriented Zoras, but like, considering all the shit they went through and how helpless they were to stop any of it, it makes a lot of sense to me that they decided to pin the blame and guilt on Link.
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everafterkeiji · 3 years
well, I've been following you for a few months and I really adore your hcs, tokrev x reader stories, and I know that you are currently with requests closed but I had to write it down before I forgot lmao, I wanted to know how the characters of tokyo revengers would react (preference in mikey, chifuyu, baji maybe mitsuya) having a s / o fem that is very popular among boys AND GIRLS, I mean that girls confess to her, some prepare bentos for them or on Valentine's Day he has many letters and chocolates / cookies, sometimes even more than them, and as it would be if they ever hear when a girl is confessing to her or find letters in her bag from girls, obviously the reader is a bit used to it but they do not know if reader would agree to go out with a person of the same gender and they are worried , you can ignore this request is just ago that has appeared in my mind and I think you have similar jobs but they are just boys and the truth is I WANT TO DRAMA WITH A BISEXUAL FEM READER LMAO, I needed to write it and ask u! have a nice day / night <33
oh to be yn😔 i liked this request a lot so thank u so much for sending it in!! sorry if this took long but have a lovely day too ♪ヽ(・ˇ∀ˇ・ゞ) ♡ thank u so much for loving my work!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ also it was mentioned that reader could be bi so( ´◡‿ゝ◡`) also ily babe thanks for decluttering my head again @strawberiya
PAIRINGS: Mikey, Baji, Chifuyu, & Mitsuya x fem! reader
GENRE: fluff, humor
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♡ 𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘 has his head slanted when a shy group of girls were murmuring with pink tinted cheeks on his way with Valentine decorated bags and before he can confidently stand to reject them, those same girls walked pass him, letting out a few squeals when they meet the one they've been waiting for which leads the blonde to blink, as well as Draken.
He turns around to see what was the chaos about and that's where he saw his lover being smothered in praises and gifts while you were politely bowing to thank them which makes them even more flustered. To his side, Draken lets out a cackle at the misinterpreted situation as Mikey huffs.
"Well if that isn't funny." His best friend mocks.
- He doesn't mind at first because it's what you deserved anyway. With all that mounts of love, if he was in your place, he'd feel pretty good about it but he scratches that imagination off because he's too comfortable in trusting you.
- Though, he is pretty irritated when you're carrying bucket loads of gifts and it sucks that they weren't given to you by him. He wanted to be the one to be able to give that all to you—not some mere classmates he doesn't even know.
"I could buy you all of that." He huffs, crossing his arms to his chest while you kissed his cheek.
"And you know I'm fine with whatever, Mikey."
- He would sometimes think it's actually a good deal because he gets to eat almost all the chocolates, munching on it when class is ongoing, opening your backpack just to steal some. "Babe, I don't think I need to bring money for school again." He says, nudging you, still a chip in his mouth. "How come?" You asked.
"Your fans have us covered for breakfast and lunch."
- Speaking of your backpack, he can't help but notice how there were stacks of envelopes on a certain corner with different designs on each of them. He knew it wasn't his business to pay attention to but it sure makes him pout at how you were being admired by lots of people but it doesn't faze him for the mean time because whatever was written there, he can agree since he too was a fool for you.
- Back to food, you were a walking magnet for it. When you're out in PE, thirsty and panting, there's at least three people offering you their water bottles and Mikey was left with none of that. You decline their kindness because you had a bottle of your own and everyone else awes when you let the blonde drink from yours as he pokes his tongue out to the audience because he knew he won.
- Some girls would approach Mikey, handing him folded paper while he points to himself as they nod and he was sure that it felt like a fever dream. "Are you.. confessing to me?" He questions and when they began to shake their heads, he sarcastically smiles at them, gently grabbing the envelope now that he got the message. "Yeah yeah I'll take this to Y/N."
- On his way, he encounters a few shared words coming from a girl and your nervous chuckle makes known of your existence to him. He peaks through the corner, his ears growing at the sound of gossip but when he heard he nothing but compliments to you and the genuine feelings of the girl, he realizes how you get this on daily. "I'm gonna say no." You kindly answered her as she nods and gave you a bento instead.
"That looks so good." Mikey suddenly says, looking at the food in your hands and the two of you turn to him while he waves awkwardly.
- The next time someone confesses to you and said person was a male, he will jump into the situation when he spots you two. Slinging an arm over your shoulder, a subtle glare with a squint to his eyes as he uses it as an intimidation mechanism.
"Uh.. Mikey-san-"
"No continue." He urges him, while you pursed your lips to hold back that smile of yours when you felt how he was trying to prove a point. The classmate of yours clears his throat, actually obeying Mikey's words and continuing to shower you in compliments but abruptly stops when he hears a hum from your boyfriend. "Yes, I know Y/N is pretty." He adds, agreeing to the younger boy.
"Can we be friends, Y/N-san? I want to know you more!"
"No." Mikey answered for you before you could even say the same thing. Both eyes traveled to him while you can only bid a glance knowing it was the right answer. "But can we-"
"No. Y/N-" he points to you. " 'S Mine. So back off, bye bye."
- He feels like he's walking beside a superstar. You were greeted by everyone you passed by and Mikey wonders if his purpose was to be a bodyguard. "Y/N, come with me. They might rob us." It was similar to when he'd start a Toman meeting, walking in the middle as the others bow down to him.
- He adjusts himself to get used to it because it was a craze—something that wouldn't go away even if he existed and besides, you weren't interested in any of them, quickly turning them down and returning the letters with your response but it does make him wonder about the possibilities that if you two broke up, could you possibly date those same people who liked you?
"Oi." He calls out to you, a stubborn pout to his lips while you turned to him. "Yeah?"
"Would you.. date them if we..break up?"
"Date who, Mikey?"
"Those girls and those boys who confess to you." He mutters, as if he was ashamed to ever ask such a question. You let your hand rest on his shoulder while the other was to his hair, running it through since he removed his updo. "Mikey, I wouldn't date them even if we did separate. Although I don't prefer much, I'm always going to pick you." With your words, he does give in—relieved at the thought of your loyalty.
"So that's it huh? You're really gonna let me break up with you?" He argues, crossing his arms to his chest with a scowl, marching away from you while you laugh.
"Mikey come back!"
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♡ 𝐁𝐀𝐉𝐈 didn't pay much attention to the stares that you'd get together but when you were just strutting down the hallways, skimming through your notes to get pass a quiz you fell asleep to study on, that's where he notices a shit ton of hearts forming in their pupils, pushing each other to greet you while you look up and smile at them in return.
But even if the halls were scattered in admirers, your path led right to Baji who was awestruck as you embraced him. "Morning, hun!" You brightly greet him and there were tense eyes drawn to him from the front, glowing in envy how he was the winner. He pulls away, a smirk, happily kissing your temple, letting his arm drop to your waist then he looks back to the audience, a grin to showcase how it sucks for their situation.
- He can see through their intention and that gives him an advantage and an angel on his shoulder to tell him he shouldn't beat them up. He can't even argue with himself—the knuckles weren't mean for silly crushes but again, the counterargument was that it was you being confessed to.
- He trusts you a shit lot but it doesn't mean he worries less. It wasn't that clear at first because he belittled just how these people were in terms of their admiration to you but when he sees how there's a line, resembling a fan event, just to talk to you—he silently loses his mind.
- He will make them jealous since that was his only tactic to give a response to what he thinks with all of this going on. "Look at me, please." Baji says, tapping ur head while you followed through as he uses his thumb to wipe away the smudge of food on the corner of your lips and like he expected, there's a chorus of groans and comments saying "I wish that was me."
Which makes him pull away with a smile. "Got it, babe!"
- He would definitely question why you're not eating from the food of the cafeteria. "Well—someone made this for me... I just didn't want to waste their efforts." You excused, biting on the onigiri that a girl cooked for you. Baji scoffs. "That's probably not even as good to my meal! Can I have a try?" You nodded, handing it to him while you and Chifuyu eye his reaction.
The minute he took a plunge in it, his eyes drop to the table at how it tasted, a smile threatening to paint his lips and you and the blonde let out a loud cackle before your boyfriend returns it to you, trying to look unimpressed. "So—was it that good, babe?" You teased him, holding onto his shoulders with a few chuckles slipping through you.
"Definitely not... but can I.. eat that when you don't like it anymore-"
- When somebody confeses to you, Chifuyu would hold him back sometimes. It would be at spontaneous moments where you're just on your desk, fresh from a nap while someone sits on his chair, trying to let their feelings be acknowledged by you but when they had the guts to reach for your hand since you were still trying to shake up your senses, that's where his best friend lets go of your boyfriend.
"Oi, oi! Y/N just woke up, quit making moves on my girl."
"Hm? Kei? Oh—sorry, I didn't hear you, what was it?" You yawned, rubbing your eyes at the person in front of you but from your blurry view, you can only picture out Baji being bowed at multiple times.
- Another instance is when he usually creeps up on you when you're being handed a letter along with a few hints that they wanted to initiate something. His head is peaking through the wall, making sure he hears every word being shared but he realizes he looked like a maniac so he comes out from where he stood.
"Y/N-san you're kindness is—is—"
"What about it? Is it cool? That's Y/N for you." Baji says, entering the scene with hands to his pockets while you smiled. "I appreciate you for being honest but I have a boyfriend." You answered the boy as he sighs out of disappointment but takes the answer.
"Y'know I can confess to you right here, right now—even better than he did." Baji taunts.
- Now, if someone stepped the fuck up and there's balloons, heart shaped chocolates, literally a galore just to tell you how they feel, the three of you are dumbfounded—mind flying to space at how he prepared it all for you. "Y/N! Please take the chocolates even if you reject me!" The boy begs, while the social pressure was surrounding you. Baji notices this and walks right up to the other person, taking the box from his hands, giving it to you before he's patting your back.
"I know you don't like those stuff so don't worry. "
-Due to how many of them are there, it can't be helped that their envy for your boyfriend was flooding their minds to the point they talk bad about him, more so when they tell it to you straight. "Baji-kun won't treat you right."
"Excuse me? You don't get to say shit about him when he's the best that there is." You defended him and an interested Baji shows up from behind you. "But-"
"If you think telling me you're gonna do better than Keisuke then you can leave. What good is a confession when you're disrespecting my boyfriend?" And without a word, he turns his heel, walking away to escape your gaze while you let out a sigh and you were faced with a grinning Baji.
"I'm the best? I think that's you, Y/N."
- Returning back to how much he trusts you, the worry does die down when each of their gifts were received with no feedback that you'd pick them over him but he'd still be curious when it comes to you dating someone else. "Babe? I have something to ask you."
"Sure, Kei."
"Do you ever think about dating other people?" You leaned your head to his shoulder, clinging to his arm as you hummed, thinking about your response. "I'm fine with dating anyone but it won't matter if I'm not gonna end up with you."
"And as if I'd let you go." Baji comments, pressing a kiss to your forehead with a smile.
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♡ 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐅𝐔𝐘𝐔 has always known about it but he tends to be caught in a mess between being proud of you or being cautious because he's seen it in action too many times. "It's Valentines and you're getting more letters than I do." He pouts while you held his hand. "Oh hush, y'know your letter to me back then is still the superior one here but I gotta go to the bathroom first." You teased, remembering the day you said yes to him before letting go of him to leave as he chuckled until there's a tap to his shoulder.
".. yes?" He lets out when he sees a shy girl handing him a letter with flustered cheeks. He's looking left and right just to make sure this was reality. "I-well-I have Y/N." He stutters, new to the whole gesture while the girl nods, raising an eyebrow. "I know you have Y/N-san, that's the point." She answered which gave off a very bad impression to him so he reaches for his tie, using it to to clear his nervousness at how serious she was.
"Please—Y/N! Please accept this letter of my confession!" She suddenly shouted when you came out of the bathroom while both pairs of eyes widen. You shyly take it in your hand while Chifuyu is amazed and at shock so he mutters,
"... Huh?"
- Since then, he's keeping a scoreboard. He only has one point because you were the only one that was giving him sweet gifts for the day but when it came to you, you're up to 15—give or take.
- He feels intimidated. How come you're so... Bright? You were like a light that was attracting all sorts of people and even as you walk by, you're being stared or greeted by lower and upper classmen combined. Though, when he looks at you, you're not bothered and it adds to his curiosity.
- He tries to be comfortable with it but when he goes through the hallways, he can sense that there are hands waiting to grab you but what surprises him is that you'd always walk with him, hands intertwined and a smile to your lips because you were with him and nobody else so that eases him for the mean time.
- On the other half of what he thinks, he does find it cute. While the others were struggling to catch your attention, he was merely sitting down and you're already beside him in a snap. He won't lie and say he doesn't claim some sort of power from it. It was also the fact that they were throwing compliments to you here and there—that's the part where he agrees the most knowing you deserved everything.
- Occasionally, he will show off his privileges. When it's raining and some people were waiting for the opportunity to offer you their umbrellas, Chifuyu is already smirking at how perfect it is. "Crap, I forgot mine." You cussed after looking into your bag. Your boyfriend has a coy smile on as he grabs his own umbrella before a group could even step up to talk.
Pulling you by the waist as he opens it, just by the sight of your smile—he knew no one else could do it like him. You sling your arm to wrap around his stomach. "Thanks, Chifuyu." You bid him while he looks at all the slumped faces of the others. "You wish that was you, huh?"
"What was that, Chi?"
"Nothing, babe!"
- He'd even get Baji to join in, which was miraculous that he even agreed. These two were up to no good anyway so when their walking to their classrooms, they're going by a script. "I heard you were gonna take Y/N to a picnic today." Baji says, emphasizing on the picnic while Chifuyu has on a smug smile.
"Yes, yes, indeed. We're gonna have soo much fun."
- He will steal your food but he's sending a tiny glare to the people at the cafeteria when he finds an exact favorite chocolate of yours. "How come they got all of them? Hmp." He huffs but he still threw one into his mouth while you chuckled.
- He, along with Baji, would scout the corners of the school when you're out to get something because he knew someone would be hot on your trail so when the two of them find you with a boy, standing oddly calm, they feel like they nailed their search. "I've been admiring you for a while and I'd really like to know you more." The boy said, which still was a bit surprising to you knowing he was also popular.
"I have a boyfriend so I will say no." You answered. He lets out a defeated sigh but before he could leave, you know those butterflies made from paper that can fly around and shit, he gives you one of those which unfortunately made you smile at how cool it was. Chifuyu scoffs in the background, even Baji was amazed, which leads your boyfriend to come out.
"Unoriginal." He argued just for you to hear. "Y/N likes it simple." He added while you held onto his shoulder.
"That is true."
- He would question if he should step up his own game. Everyone who likes you seems to outdo him and its weirdly pressuring him so the next time you have a date after school, he's switching from his uniform to a way fancier get up than his usual taste. So when you walk out of the stall from changing your own clothes, your eyes went straight to him.
"Chi, you look so good. Are we going to a restaurant?"
"No, just to movies, cutie."
"Hm, you sure you're comfortable in that?" You asked him, noticing how awkward his arms fit into the tight turtleneck and how fidgety he was at the neck, adjusting it so he doesn't choke. You shake your head, coming his way, handing him a jacket you used earlier. "Just wear this. Don't get me wrong—you're as handsome as always but I know you wouldn't want to sit two hours in that."
"You're right. Thanks, babe." Chifuyu says giving in with a kiss to your cheek.
- He wouldn't ask you if you were willing to date other people—that's gonna make him overthink the entire day so he settles for subtle signs of your possible answer. He also doesn't want to make you uncomfortable by how he thought of such a question so he'll stay low for now.
- Somehow, he does get the answer he's looking for when you're looking at the letters in your room, sighing at how many they are. "They sure are nice with all of these." You ranted but you leaned your head on his chest, smiling when he wraps his arms around you.
"But you're always the one, Chifuyu."
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♡ 𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐔𝐘𝐀 finds it adorable but he belittles just how your beauty was impacting onto his classmates. One time, he was simply leading the sewing club, checking everything they asked him to do, observing like usual but that was until a certain row of seats were lightly nudging each other when he walked pass them, endless chorus of mutters he can't comprehend since he was focused on helping someone. Much to their anxiousness, they actually stand behind him, tapping him on the shoulder.
He turns around, eyeing the envelope decorated in hearts in their hands as he sighs, realizing what was it about. "That's cute but-"
"Can you please give to this Y/N-san! We admire her so much!" They shout, bowing at him, shyness coming through their systems at how they asked your boyfriend. He stood frozen for three seconds, trying to register what happened but in the end, he smiles when he sees you open the door to their room, eyes intent on searching for his.
"Why don't you tell her yourself?" Mitsuya suddenly suggested, pointing to the door where you stood, waving at him as he ushers the two girls to go to you.
- He doesn't find it annoying or worth spending his jealousy on it. He finds himself in some of your admirers, looking like an absolute tool to be that in love with you and he definitely understands why they're all flustered to approach because he was the same.
- Because of the girls that were in his class that'd talk about you when he's with them, he feels like the sewing club began to be a fandom just for some of the members there. He's chuckling at every question they ask about you as if he was the president of your simp group. "Really? I bet Y/N-san looked amazing on your first date, Mitsuya-kun!"
"She was more than amazing. I even had my first kiss with her." He boasts while there was a mix of awes and envious sighs.
- He's going to encourage them to speak up to you. He finds it funny how they were hesitant to be around you so before you could leave him to go to your own club, he insists that you stay for some fan service. "Love, come here, I wanna show you something." Mitsuya says pulling you in the room as they take notice of your appearance, they're ushering to surround you two which makes him chuckle.
"This is so well done, Mitsu! Did you do this?" You asked, feeling through the fabric of the dress. He shakes his head, grabbing Kai from the audience to introduce you to her. "She's the designer."
"Oh I know you! Your work is amazing." You said, smiling at her while there are stars in her eyes as she holds your hand. "T-thank you!"
And no you didn't get to go to your club because you were caught up in the room with them.
- He's used to it by now. The girls weren't a problem to him seeing how they look up to you and all that but it even seems that his on their side. "Y/N's favorites? You wanna know?" He teases while they nod. "Fine fine, I'll tell but don't go stealing her and leaving me out."
- When it comes to guys confessing to you, he doesn't find it troublesome unless they're really pushy. He's spotted many letters in your locker, in your bag, even on your desk so if they settle for something like that, he won't have a problem with it.
- That is when someone gets too cocky to the point they're making too many moves and your uncomfortableness is invisible to their eye but it could never be like that for Mitsuya. When he sees you walking away but they insist that you pay attention to them, he's already pulling the guy off of you.
"I get that you like my girlfriend but pay some respect while you're at it." He comments with you behind him. "You okay, darling?" He whispers, turning to you when the boy left.
"Thank you, Takashi."
- He'd be the type to edge the boys that'd confess in front of you. He's in a corner, arms crossed while he eats a snack and it looks as if he was judging the boys performance. "You told her she looked beautiful twice. Don't you have any other compliment? Talk about her eyes then." He comments, pointing out a mistake while the other boy was dumbfounded.
- Everyone does take note of you having a boyfriend so it does shock him when suddenly they're giving him gifts too, especially when he thought they were meant to be given to you but was actually for him. You're just leaning on the door with a smile while he carries a paper bag from one of them. "Well aren't you famous?" You joked as he kisses your nose.
"You're one to talk, princess."
- He doesn't worry about you two breaking up or will he ever think about it because if he did, he can already feel the heartache that would consume him so he doesn't need to ask you for your preference from the number of possible suitors but he will make sure you're his regardless of what happens.
"Y/N, love, you dropped a letter. That's the last of your mail from your locker, you should give it a read." He says, pointing to the envelope to the floor so you pick it up, familiar at the handwriting as you read it, and every now and then—a smile tugs on your lips while he watches.
"Well, some guy named Mitsuya Takashi from TLE asked me to be his girlfriend." You commented, slinging your arms to his neck while he looks over the empty classroom. In return, he wraps his own to your waist, pulling you closer. "So what's your answer, Y/N?"
"I think he'd be an amazing boyfriend. Don't you think?"
"Oh absolutely."
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TOKYO REV : @strawberrieas @kwrg @raya-sano @kimrena-stuff @heavensbeloved @rosewood1999 @beezebub @l-luci @bekky06 @keiisukebaji @manjiroarchiviste @smileysmileysmiley @tendo-shairdye @toshiswifey @thispenguinrocks @kleesboom
OVERALL: @stesphy @itsmeaudrieee @crapimahuman @meguroshi @floydenai @dai-tsukki-desu
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magicalmadrigals · 2 years
Dos Oruguitas
The idea for this came about because it is my hc that “Dos Oruguitas” was a song Pedro wrote for his babies while Alma was still pregnant with them and it gave me the idea to explore how it came to be! This is my first time writing for Pedro and Alma, so I really hope that you like it!
Nodding to himself while sat at the piano, Pedro picked up his pencil and made a note of the chords he had just played before he forgot them. He had been working on this for a while now, a song for both his wife and their unborn babies, and he had crumpled up more sheets of paper than he cared to admit, but it seemed as though it was all coming together at long last and he was so excited.
Music was a passion of his, it had been since his seventh birthday when his pa surprised him with the most beautiful guitar he had ever seen, and there was no greater blessing than being able to share that with the love of his life. Alma had inspired all his songs since they met, there was so much to adore about her, and he always made sure to incorporate her into them in any way he possibly could.
It had been about six months since she told him their family would be expanding by three, a shock to say the least, and a good chunk of his time since then had been dedicated to working out which sort of song he wanted to compose to mark such a momentous occasion. He knew it needed to be something beautiful and memorable, something truly special, and he was confident he had achieved that.
So lost in thought, he failed to hear his wife making her way up behind him and almost leapt from the stool when she wrapped her arms around his neck. He felt more than heard her chuckle as she pressed her lips to the top of his head and he smirked, reaching up to take one of her hands in his own and kiss the back of it. “You know you’re meant to be resting.” He murmured gently against her skin.
“Ay, Pedro,” She tutted. “You’re one to talk, sitting here at three in the morning...”
“I know, but I couldn’t sleep. I wanted to get this finished.”
“Can I ask what it is? I think I deserve to know since this room has seen more of you than I have over the past few weeks. Remind me who you’re married to?”
Turning in place on the stool, he looked up at her for a moment before bringing a hand to her stomach and stroking his thumb against the proof of their babies. “I am married to Alma Madrigal, the worst reina del drama the world has ever seen and the most beautiful creature I have ever met,” He revealed. “How was that?”
“Truthful, if not a bit offensive,” She laughed. “So, are you going to tell me?”
He gave her an overexaggerated groan. “Why can nothing ever be a surprise?”
“Because, I think you and I have had enough surprises to last us a lifetime.” She patted her bump, smiling when one of the babies moved underneath her hand.
“Si, I think you make a good point,” He nodded before taking his hands from her waist and turning on the stool slightly, the two of them sharing a smile when he patted his knee before she walked around him and sat down on it, wrapping her arm around his shoulders to keep balanced. "You should know, it isn’t perfect.”
She shrugged in response. “Let me hear it and decide that for myself.”
He didn’t even try to resist the urge to kiss her, slipping his arms tight around her for a moment and leaning in to capture her lips with his, and he revelled in the gentle hum that came from the back of her throat as his lips clung to hers when he started to pull away. His love for her was unparalleled, he knew of no other word to describe it, and he was determined to remind her of that fact all his life.
He wasted no time in beginning to play the song he had composed once he was sure she was comfortable, allowing her to sink back against his chest while she listened to him play, and he rested his chin on his shoulder as his fingers danced up and down the keys. He risked a glance in her direction every now and again and the permanent smile that appeared to be etched into her face delighted him.
“I know this has been a work in progress for a while now, but that’s all I have for the time being,” He explained when he reached the end and leaned back a bit, letting his hands settle on the underside of her bump as her head dropped back against his shoulder and she looked up into his eyes. “It must be perfecto - you and our babies inspired me to write it - so I want to take my time with this, amor.”
Reaching up to rest a hand on the side of his neck, she traced the line of his jaw with her thumb before pulling him down into a chaste kiss and brushing the end of her nose against his when she peeled back. “I think it is muy hermosa as it is,” She told him in a voice no higher than a whisper. “It only needs some lyrics and then it will be as perfecto as all the others. You can do that another time though.”
“Should I take that as an order to come to bed?” He asked with a smile.
“Si,” She rose from his knee. “I would like to sleep beside my husband tonight.”
He reached for her hand then, kissing her knuckles. “Your wish is my command.”
Standing from the stool, he put an arm around her waist and started leading her across the room to the door before opening it and allowing her to step out ahead of him. He held back for a moment, looking at the piece of paper still sitting on the piano, and smiled before closing the door and following her to their bedroom.
This one, much like the people he had written it about, was going to be special.
There was no doubt in his mind about that. 
No doubt whatsoever. 
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ixcap · 3 years
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so i sort of made a fantasy ew au...? i was writing a draft that i might probably publish about the main four going on some adventure into a forest and it's something i wanted to make??? for quite a while??? does that make sense :|
um, here's some character descriptions for tord and matt since i have yet to make edd and tom's designs XD
Tord Olsen
so first things first, tord isn't actually his real name, it was a nickname that had been stuck for a very long time since he kinda felt awkward hearing his birth name out loud.
he's like some kind of species of demon?? honestly, i have no idea
tord met matt first and he has a very close relationship with him
he's the youngest of the bunch, simply about 24 years old.
no one knows he is transgender and the only person he told is matt. also, he is bi
he is a huge nerd about magic and stuff that interests him. if you want to know something, tord is absolutely your guy.
he is kinda insecure about his capabilities.
somehow, he lost his right arm and had a scar on his nose bridge from a very traumatic incident. tord doesn't want to talk about it.
tord doesn't care about pronouns
he can use spells, specifically fire and ice magic, but he prefers to use handmade weapons he built for himself.
oh yeah, tord can build stuff with just one arm, pretty impressive, right?
he doesn't talk much because he is often uncomfortable around people he doesn't know, which makes people assume he's mute.
he enjoys any kind of food.
he loves to do pranks with edd
tord hates that everyone keeps staring at him, considering that demons like him aren't common in every part of the region, except for his hometown.
his relationship with tom is neutral. he does not carry any negative feelings about him, though it varies depending on what his actions are
tord will do whatever it takes to help his friends, even if it means hurting someone, he's doing it for a good reason. so yeah, the dude's morally grey
if you hurt matt in any way, he will murder you in your sleep
(don't fucking say he looks like tubbo. i beg you pls 😩)
Matt Hayes
he is a prince, obviously
a vampire prince
one night, matt was running away from home bcuz he thinks that his life is boring and wanted some adventure, that's when he and tord met.
he thinks tord is wonderful (and rather endearing to look at)
a dramatic asshole, always entering the room with a flare in his step.
he can float! :0
matt is not afraid to bite you when he feels threatened. he is not a pussy
he's genderfluid and pansexual.
he's the second youngest by 26
even though he is a prince, he was taught how to use his powers and learned to wield the sword at a very young age by the royal guard—all because he thought it was pretty cool
his pronouns are he/she/them, but he mostly uses he
matt can defend himself and will suplex you with his strong bod.
since he's a vampire, he can transform into a bat. he takes advantage of this ability to mess with edd.
just like my previous hc with matt, he does love to make tord go crazy with absurd facts.
he doesn't use that many spells. the main reason? he often forgets to chant them.
matt has a short-term memory problem, but not that terrible. still, people believed he's stupid.
matt is not dumb. he can outwit you—heck, even bamboozled you that you might regret underestimating his intellect.
he still cares about his appearance yet not to the extent that is considered extreme.
he loves to wear dresses, especially the frilly ones where he could twirl in them.
matt is a bit of a spoiled brat.
he hates sunlight and fortunately, he can use his cloak to cover himself.
basically, matt is a missing person in his kingdom, which means that his family is searching for his ass. at least don't dress so fancy, dumbhead
matt is chaotic neutral
matt freaks the fuck out whenever tord gets hurt. he cares very deeply about him and practically the real legit friendship he has with someone besides those fake-ass plastic friends back home.
i forgot to mention that his eyes turn red—like bam! when he's in full vamp mode
lol, that's all. hopefully, i had enough time to draw. stay tuned! :p
(edit; i was half asleep since this was posted late, so i'll add some additions i didn't put in last night)
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zukuist · 4 years
stood you up [hcs]
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“it sounds exactly as it looks like. they stood you up on a date, and they realize the damage.”
includes: todoroki shouto, midoriya izuku, togata mirio (part one)
your name is shortened to y/n, they/them pronouns used (quirk up to the imagination)
notes: ANGST 😳 IN MY BLOG?? never thought i’d see it but.. here we are. i plan on doing part 2 with other characters.
todoroki shouto
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he wakes up on a saturday, as per usual.
and he’s kinda— no scratch that, he’s very irritated
because the other night— endeavor was bothering him about ‘not training properly’ and he was accusing him of slacking off.
which.. he’s not
his father also gave him a scolding (which lasted for hours.),
but nothing too bad. it was enough to make him irritated. so uh oh. todoroki’s really something else when he’s irritated.
and endeavor also blew up his phone with badly written text messages, telling him to train today.
so likely, he also woke up quite irritated.
he just wanted to drown himself in training and school work to forget about it.
completely forgetting the date HE said he’d take you on that afternoon, the date he planned a week before.
because he FINALLY got the courage to ask his crush aka you out. with the help of midoriya
like.. you pass him in the hallway— and before you were able to speak, he just kinda..
glared at you and walked away, not exchanging any words with you. he really needs to cool down
which was.. huh. 🤨 okay then. but you excused it because todoroki had a resting bitch face at some moments
it’s 5pm now, and he’s chilling in the common room— and he finally calmed down, and he’s back to his usual demeanor
midoriya walks in the common room, and he’s like “hey todoroki! how was the date with y/n?”
because midoriya helped orchestrate the date, he wanted to know
todoroki’s just like “fuck.” he forgot, and he also may have glared at you by accident.
realization is shown on his face, and midoriya is left apalled— begging him to “go find y/n quick!”
todoroki literally goes 🏃‍♂️💨 to the meeting place, which was the park in this case
and he can’t find you— so he scans the entire vicinity, and he can see you walking back to the dorm in a distance
immediately, he runs after you— calling for you to just wait and hear him out but you don’t turn back,
because you just want to lay in bed and sleep for 5 days
and besides.. he’s the last person you wanted to see right now
he grabs you, which makes him stop in place— “y/n, please just—”
“oh what now, listen? you were the one that asked me out, todoroki. and you just..” bitterness is in your tone, and he can’t even be mad.
your voice falters, and you were mad at first. but you’re just exhausted at this point
you guys haven’t spoke all day
“i’m sorry, i’m so sorry,” he apologizes, looking at your appearance.
you look beautiful, and he just wasted it by forgetting the occasion. he doesn’t want to imagine what you’ve felt in the last several hours
“my father scolded me last night,” he grips on your hands, brushing his thumb on the back of your hand,
“and it was for a long time. and i was just so frustrated by it, i even looked at you weirdly and forgot about the entire date i planned out for weeks. and i’m sorry. i understand if you don’t want to—”
“just stop, okay?” he looks up, and you don’t seem that mad anymore. “i understand. i just wished you told me about it, y’know?”
it doesn’t seem enough, so he pulls you into a hug, “i’m sorry. may i.. take you out again tomorrow? i promise i’ll make it right.”
you give him a chance, after all— you know he truly cares about you.
midoriya izuku
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in this case, y’all are already together
but he wanted to take you out on a date— because you guys have been so busy, that you just had no time for any proper dates
so.. he wanted to take you out during the break, finally relieved by the hectic activities for a day.
out of everyone here, he’s the least likely to forget things like dates, anniversaries, etc.
but izuku being that person that’s always like “i have to keep training and training to master this quirk!”
he might have gotten.. overboard with the training. making him completely forget about the entire occassion.
during days like this, he’ll try to split his time by training for 2 hours and studying for the same amount
but homeboy got distracted 💀
too distracted to the point he didn’t even look at the clock once
and now it’s nearly 5pm (y’all were supposed to have lunch at 12)
when he heads out to go get a glass of water in the kitchen, he runs into bakugou on the way
bakugou looked displeased. and he hasn’t seen him look this displeased since middle school
“aren’t you forgetting something?” he says that in his usual tone, and izuku can only stare at him questioning
“your shitty thing with y/n. they walked in here looking like someone shat in their cereal.”
oh no
how could he.. forget?
izuku immediately storms off to your floor, knocking on your door
“y/n? y/n, can we please talk?” his heart is racing with worry, and he’s not even sure if you’re gonna answer the door
you begrudgingly open the door, but you’re not facing him— you’re still dressed in the clothes you wore going out
and it looks like you’ve been crying
“dear,” izuku wants to console you, but you don’t want to recieve his hugs right now— especially after he stood you up
“this is our only day off, izuku.” you try to make your voice sound normal, but it’s not really working
“i know, i’m sorry. i’m so sorry y/n. i forgot about the entire thing while i was training, and i know i made you feel bad. i’m just so sorry.” he apologizes to you over and over again
you don’t look at him, so he cups your face with his calloused hands—
his touch soft on you as he wipes your tears “please talk to me.”
you huff, “i know how much you want to train your quirk, and be the best at all times. i’m not mad that you want to do that, but i just wished you spent time with me, even if it’s just for a minute.”
izuku listens, and you’re right. you guys haven’t been the best with quality time,
and it wasn’t fair of him to just go out and suddenly forget the date he arranged.
“i’m sorry.”
“stop apologizing,” you sigh, “just bring some snacks so we can watch that movie you’ve been raving about.”
his expression lights up, and he dashes downstairs to retrieve the items
oh and.. how bakugou knows about y’all’s date? he totally suggested it
togata mirio
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mirio has always been the best boyfriend for you
never forgetting anything, infact- he’s usually the one that’s always early to the dates
because he’s so excited to hang out with you!
but because of his quite friendly nature, he’s practically a chick magnet
girls swarming him whenever they could, doesn’t even matter that they don’t have to date him— they just want to talk to him
and while he’s nice to these girls, he’s not disloyal to you at all— and that’s why you don’t mind it,
because you trust him
okay but.. you don’t mind it when girls swarm your boyfriend, until it gets in the way
like.. one time he was supposed to be at a date with you— but he got surprised by a bunch of girls
and not wanting to be rude to them, he entertained them
and he considered cutting the conversation short but.. they just kept going and going
until he’s an hour late. y’all were supposed to get lunch together.
eventually, the girls go away— which so happened to be around the time tamaki and nejire started looking for him.
“mirio!” nejire called out for him, tamaki right next to her “how was the— wait, did you have lunch with y/n?”
mirio blinks, and that’s when he realizes that he messed up.
tamaki sighs, and he can only pat his shoulder— “mirio, i k-know you’re a nice guy, but don’t let yourself get distracted.”
nejire can only agree, “afterall, y/n’s the one you’re dating, not those other people.”
they urge him to go find you, and when he does find you— you’re sitting on a bench, not looking amused at all.
“hi mirio,” you deadpan, “how were those girls you were talking to?”
mirio knows he messed up, he really does! “i’m so sorry, y/n!” he tries to explain himself “they got me.. carried away.”
“mirio, i know that you’re nice. i let them talk to you because i trust you. but when you go out and do things like this.. it’s strange! really.”
you want to not be angry, since this was bound to happen— possibly the day where mirio just forgets about you entirely
“i’m really sorry.” he sighs, disappointed with himself, “i really love you, and i’ll only ever date you! but i should’ve dismissed them much earlier.”
your gaze softens, and you cup his cheek with your hand “it’s okay, mirio. i’ll let it be just this once, but please promise me that it won’t happen again.”
mirio nods “yes, yes! i promise. it’ll never happen again.” he smiles, reassuring you
“now let’s get something to eat. i haven’t eaten yet.”
“right, right.” mirio laughs, the tense atmosphere dissipating
mirio tries to be more direct with dismissing them from now on, especially when he has to be somewhere with you.
©️izukulie 2021, bnha|mha belongs to horikoshi kohei. do not steal❕
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ninja-scenarios · 4 years
Omg I'm so excited for this!!!
Is it okay to request some HCs for Dazai, Mori and Fyodor with a fem!S/O who's a Vet and she's very sweet and soft and has a Healing ability, but she is prone to overworking to exhaustion and has a hard time refusing people?
I hope it's not too specific, but if it is, you can tweak it in any way you like so that you'll enjoy it 🤗💖
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, have an amazing day!!
Ahhh I love BSD so much!!! Thank you anon 💕
Dazai, Fyodor, Mori with a hard-working S/O
(The scenario with Dazai is with a female s/o, Mori and Fyodor are with a gender neutral s/o)
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Dazai 💘
Your back hurt when you straightened out in your chair. The joint in your shoulder popped for good measure and left you grumbling under your breath. Not the best way to start home time.
However, your mood lifted like thick heavy theatre curtains the second your keys unlocked the entrance to your shared home.
„Welcome home, darling~!“
The lovely scent of soup filled your nose, ridding you of the sour afterthought of your headache as soon as you laid your eyes on your lover.
„How was your day?“
Dazai stood at the stove, wearing one of your aprons. However the man didn't give you any time to respond, because the second you opened your mouth he shushed you and made sure you sat down at the table.
„You must be tired, dear. But don't fret, dinner's ready!“
The steaming hot bowl of soup was placed in front of you with Dazai kissing the top of your head and then taking a seat.
You wanted to thank him and ask about his day, you really wanted to. But the moment your brain noticed the food, it completely short circuted. It took all of you not to wolf down the spicy soup as you dug in, remembering that it had been eight hours since your last meal which had consisted of a muesli bar.
With all the work at the vet you tended to overwork yourself and completely forget about your own needs.
Your stomach rumbled in approval as the last drop of soup vanished into your hungry mouth, leaving the bottom of the bowl completely blank.
„Baby, thank you so much for cooking! I-"
Dazai jumped up before you could finish.
„Ahh! Darling, I almost forgot! There's desert, of course.“
Yet before he could leave to spoil you any further, you grabbed his arm with lightning-fast reflexes. You were a doctor after all, who had her own clinic. What a boss ass bitch. You just couldn't control yourself around food.
„You stay here!“ You exclaimed, before burying yourself in his arms. His comforting scent filled your nose, his hands coming to rest on your waist naturally. „I don't need desert as much as I need you.“
If Dazai had glanced at his darling lovingly before, now his warm brown eyes were lighting up even brighter with undying love.
„Really? You mean it? Oh, darling…“ Was he blushing?  „Why so romantic all of a sudden~?“
„Desert can wait. What I need now is you and a hot shower.“
Dazai chuckled when you pulled him down into a kiss. His big comforting hands found your shoulders, gliding them down to your butt to lift you up.
Your legs wrapped around his waist while you felt him navigating to your bathroom through your shared kisses.
Naturally, your skilled fingers found his bandages which they loosened hastily.
„So do you want me before, after or during your shower, doll?“
Fyodor ⚠️
`Finally home!‘
It had been a long day at the clinic. You were tired.
Fyodor had given you a key to his apartment after 7 months of being a couple. Even though it had taken time for him to open up, you felt the excitement melt a little bit of your exhaustion as you used it for the first time to open the door.
After the first step you suddenly halted. You had to alert him in some way that you'd entered the appartment lest he had a shock at your sudden appearance. But you didn’t want to say ‚I'm home' which would surely sound too clingy for the first time you used the key.
So you settled for awkwardly calling his name.
„…Fyodor? Eh… Are you there?“
The more suprised you were when you heard him call back from the living room.
„Y/n, are you home already?“
Home. Ignoring the sudden swarm of butterflies warming your belly from the inside, you stepped into the living room for a familiar image.
Fyodor hadn’t moved from his spot on the floor, a warm blanket wrapped around him while he oversaw something on an array of computer screens.
You came to give him a peck on his temple.
„Are you still working?“
„Don't bother yourself with it, doll.“ He stretched his hand to stroke a strand of hair behind your ear. His nimble fingers lingered on your neck and you had a hard time turning away from his eyes.
„I see you’re tired. Always so hard-working, aren't you? Why don't you sit with me?“ He unwrapped one side of the blanket, indicating for you to join him.
Heart still beating fast from his kind gesture you took a seat on his lap, resting comfortably against his wonderfully warm body. He wrapped the blanket around the both of you, going back to his work.
For a second you were reminded of the reason he sat here with a blanket and warm clothes, of his weak anemic body. Yet you assured yourself that Fyodor was capable to take care. Still, you worried.
Yet when your head met his neck, you noticed how tired you really were. It had been a long night at work and you wanted nothing more than to rest.
You fell asleep to Fyodor petting your head, feeling safe and sound. Feeling like home.
Mori 💉
For any new recruit to the port Mafia, it came as a shock when you let yourself into the building like you owned the place and proceeded to self-assuredly navigate through the hallways as if you were taking a stroll, to plop down right on top of the boss' very own bed.
However, you couldn't care less about the newbies who had to pick up their jaws from the floor.
It was only natural for you, being the boss' lover.
Today you were dog tired, having worked over time because one of your employees had called in sick and leaving you with a ton of work.
It should have been about an hour from when you'd fallen into bed and immediately went to sleep comforted by his familiar scent, when Mori finally showed up.
The oh so mighty head of the port mafia was astonished upon noticing you, his violet eyes widening slightly, before proceeding to walk on tip toes and making as little noise as possible until he arrived at your bed side.
Just when he was about to lean down to place a kiss on your head, you opened your eyes with a cheeky grin.
„Ahh why are you doing this to me? If you were awake why didn't you say so?“
Nothing was funnier than reminding your powerful lover that he was a mere slave to your smile.
„Because you're always so fun to tease.“
Mori furrowed his brows yet you pulled him down by his collar to press a few loving kisses to his lips. His eyes changed immediately, fading with a love-drunken glow, as well as his cheeks. His stubble scratched just the slightest bit but you were used to it by now.
He took a seat on the side of the bed, a warm smile grazing his lips when you proceeded to climb into his lap.
„I take it you worked over time again?“
You merely hummed, toying with the top button of his dress shirt before unbuttoning it.
„You know, my love, I could always send someone else to help you out. If it's money you need-"
„Thanks, but no. I can take care of my own matters. I'm not afraid to put in the work.“
The shirt was stripped away, reveiling the sight to your lover's chest.
„I know, darling, I know. I just don't want you to overwork yourself all the time.“
You locked eyes. Your finger found his pulse against the side of his neck. It was warm, beating in a comforting rythm.
„You can help me otherwise.“
Mori raised his eyebrow in question. You didn't put him on the rack for long.
„Kiss me.“
He wasted no time, cradling the back of your head as he captured your lips in a kiss. You let your fingers continue to wander over his skin while he grunted softly.
Mori made sure you stayed in his lap when he turned you around, hovering over your form while his lips kept attacking yours more and more feverishly as the moments went by.
You moaned softly, tightening the grip of your thighs.
„I love you"
„I love you too, darling"
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