#i like characters who play cute but are nasty inside lol he definitely reminds me of klara
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l0verseyes Ā· 10 days ago
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GF X PKMN SERIES 7/10: ā­
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queen-erika-the-songful Ā· 5 years ago
001 Barbie! xx
As you wish! Theyā€™ll mostly be from Barbie movies but Iā€™ll probably include other Barbie media as well
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you my:
Favorite character:
I guess itā€™s obvious, but Erikaā€™s always been #1 in my heart. Sheā€™s brave, loyal, and on a personal level got be through a lot of rough times. But if I had to choose another, it would be a tie between Starlight (Barbie of Para-Den) and Mariposa.
Least Favorite character:
Probably Ryan from Life in the Dreamhouse. He just wonā€™t shut up about how much Ken sucks and how cool he is and how heā€™ll steal Barbie away. At least most of Raquelleā€™s shenanigans were about proving she was better than Barbie in general, not just as a romantic partner. Plus she was way funnier and *gasp* showed remorse every once in a while.Ā 
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon):
1. Every combo of the Princess and the Pauper OT4 (Julian x Anneliese x Erika x Dominick) because they all work so no you canā€™t make me choose!
2. Every combo of the Mariposa OT4 (Willa x Carlos x Mariposa x Catania) because again I ship them all so you canā€™t make me choose!
3. Starlight x Sal-Lee. I mean itā€™s a classicĀ ā€œtough girl lets her guard down for this one personā€ idea that I adore, plus through Starlight Sal-Lee ends up opening up to everyone else as well, meaning sheā€™s taking influence from Starlight. I also think they just have a lot of good chemistry. I wish SLA had it sequel so we could see more of their interactions.
4. Tori x Keira x Liam. I think I actually like this one more than Anneliese x Erika because they get so much more time together onscreen. And omg that time together is just oozing in adorable interactions. The winks, the sly smiles, the gushing, itā€™s just too cute. I also just think Liam is so sweet with Keira and you can tell from theĀ ā€œPerfect Dayā€ montage and the scene with Tori in the carriage that he really loves Keiraā€™s company. I like to think that Keira ends up casually dating both of them for a while - because sheā€™s a BICON! If you really wanted me to choose just one between them though, sorry Liam, but Iā€™d be Troi x Keira all the way.
5. Iā€™m including Summer x Raquelle here because like Iā€™ve said before I love the chaotic energy theyā€™d have. I think if they ever got together Raquelleā€™s ambition combined with Summerā€™s competitive nature would lead into hilarious schemes of proving that there's "obviously" the best couple and Summer getting all defensive if Raquelleā€™s goals arenā€™t going her way.
Character I find most attractive:/
I have to admit, I think George (Dreamhouse Adventures) is pretty handsome. I think I just have a thing for men with dark hair and glasses.
Character I would be best friends with:
Oooh, so many to choose from! Okay, if I just pick one it would probably be Marie-Alicia (Alice). Weā€™re a lot alike in some ways, shy about our passions, softspoken but not afraid to throw down, and struggling with confidence issues. I would love to spend calm afternoons with her sitting by the windows in Millicentā€™s Fashion House, working on my latest videos and musical aspirations while she worked on new designs. And then maybe weā€™d go for dinner or coffee and treats after!
a random thought:
Iā€™m donā€™t think Iā€™ll ever be over Barbie Live! In Fairytopia and Barbie LIVE! The Musical being limited releases with no proshots (proshot just means filmed musical/play). I mean come on even BARNEY had a proshot for one of his shows, so why not Barbie too?? Not only would everyone have gotten to see it but it wouldā€™ve helped to make back money for the production as well.Ā Ā 
An unpopular opinion:
I love ALL Barbie movies and I don't think they "went downhill" after Three Musketeers. Sorry y'all.
My Canon OTP:
Barbie x Ken because Iā€™m basic but I mean can you blame me??? Theyā€™re adorable in Life in the Dreamhouse, and Iā€™m actually loving the slowburn in Dreamhouse Adventures despite how overused the trope is. Theyā€™re just so comfortable with each other and itā€™s clear how strong their bond is, even just as friends. Love them.Ā 
My Non-canon OTP:
Merliah x Kylie but honestly, you canā€™t convince me they arenā€™t canon. I mean come on, Merliah has NO male love interest and Kylie and her are a classicĀ ā€œrivals-to-loversā€ trope. They kind of remind of me of Annika and Aidan at the beginning of Magic of Pegasus actually, because those two idiots were really trying to hide any attraction with snark and it just didnā€™t work. Thatā€™s how I see Merliah and Kylie; they pretend to be all tough and dismissive because neither wants to admit theyā€™re actually head over heels. Plus I mean Kylie almost DIED to protect Merliah and the whole ocean, could you really blame me for shipping them after that?? Aw man theyā€™re one of the best f/f ships out there.Ā 
Most Badass Character:
Iā€™d say of all the badass characters in Barbie, Iā€™ll choose Rosella. She learned how to provide for herself on the island, she can *parkour* (lol), and most importantly she never gave up trying to help Apolloniaā€™s animals no matter what. Even when everything was against her, she stood up for what she knew was right. Also, she never said one bad word against Luciana. I know that may not seem like much but too many movies with love triangles pit the women against each other and Iā€™m just not fond of that unless one of them is supposed to be really nasty or villanous.
Most Epic Villain:
Iā€™m going with Preminger because he honestly scares me. Similar to someone like Adagio Dazzle, heā€™s almost always one step ahead and easily molds the situation to fit his needs. Every time a wrench is thrown into his plans, he finds a way to adapt and continue being the one in control. Heā€™s undoubtedly clever and cunning.
Pairing I am not a fan of:
i know Iā€™ve said this before but UGH Kara/Super Sparkle x Wes Rivers. I donā€™t care if heā€™s supposed to be herĀ ā€œLois Laneā€, heā€™s a wannabe newshound who exposed her identity without a second thought to boost traffic to his blog. That is the NUMBER ONE thing you do not do to a superhero because it can and WILL endanger not only the life of the hero herself but also anyone she knows. Heā€™s not a journalist, heā€™s just a one-man papparazzi with a phone instead of a camera. Absolute worst Barbie movie love interest.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another):
Barbie in Puppy Chase. First, she brings the puppies with them to Hawaii for no good reason. Seriously, thereā€™s a lot of work that goes with bringing pets on a plane, so unless it was Chelsea that begged her to take the puppies, which I seriously doubt, there was no reason to waste any time/money on doing that. Secondly, she didnā€™t reserve a car beforehand. Thatā€™s...just common sense. Third, she completely ignored Chelsea every time she said that it was HER trip, for HER competition, and SHE wanted to go straight to the hotel. There was time to see the horses and whatever else, sure, but they shouldā€™ve done it AFTER checking in at the hotel. Not to mention, what if their room had been given to someone else because they were no-shows? This movie just made Barbie look like an insensitive idiot and I canā€™t forgive that.
Favourite Friendship:
One of my favorites is definitely Erika Juno and Princess Olivia. I made a longer post about it a few years ago. I really like how they teach each other and how they grow thanks to each otherā€™s influences.
Character I most identify with:
Right now, Starlight & Erika. Iā€™m jittery, unfocused, and at times really unconfident. At the same time, I also feel trapped inside and music is really my escape from both the world and my own sorrows.
Character I wish I could be:
When I get older, I hope to be like Aunt Millicent - theĀ ā€œcoolā€ aunt that inspires her siblingsā€™ children, like how Millicent inspired Barbie to be a strong woman. I mean Iā€™dl ike to be inspiring to my own children as well, but I chose Aunt Millicent specifically because Iā€™m not sure if I myself will ever be ready to have a child, so right now Iā€™m preparing more for being the best Aunt I can whenever my little sibs have kids.
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peachywander Ā· 5 years ago
Around this time, 5 years ago, was when I first watched The 7D, and I'll tell you how I found out about it and how much it meant to me.Ā 
It was somewhere around early-mid june 2015, aka the last days of school from 6th grade. I was in my room, bored to death because I just wanted to watch new cartoons. So I simply started browsing. But there was a liiiiittle problem... I did not like. Any. Of. Them. I thought they were either uninteresting or terrible. To give you a hint, I watched some cartoons from nickelodeon that had...nasty stuff to say the least. I was like: cartoons these days are that bad? Oh my gosh... (Mini side story, ignore if you want)
My hope for finding something new to watch was gone forever lol. I thought it'll be back when I saw Fairly OddParents again on air after like 5 years in my country. No, there were just new episodes from season 7 or 8. I grew up with FoP, but with the first 2 seasons only. Oh oh!! It's that one show I watched 5 years ago! Can't wait to rewatch it! Guess what. I found those new episodes horrible too! :) And nowhere as funny/ cute as the season 1 I grew up with... Maybe I'll watch more, who knows? Maybe it gets better, idk. "C'mon, dude, you are clearly much better than this!" And then I gave up. Y'know what? This show died. I'mma go watch season 1 later because that was miles better. Bye. (End of mini story xd) After I watched whatever I watched, I went to Disney Channel, and The 7D was on. Let's see what's this. I'm sure it won't be any better than what I've already saw. There was the Goldielocks episode, I don't really remember, but I do remember that after it, I fell for this cartoon. It was different, I really liked everything, the animation, the characters, the humour wasn't nasty like...the other shows...and reminded me of Looney Tunes or any (g)old cartoons similar. Honestly, I started my day with watching The 7D since then (I started school in the afternoon and yeah) and i was all happy n cheerful inside during the whole day. The toon really lifted my mood. The characters now. All of them are super likeable and not a single one I despise. My favourite was Bashful. During that period I used to be very shy and quiet, and I usually relate to shy characters (Like I did with Fluttershy for example), so obviously he got my attention first lol Another thing I loved about the show were the dynamic between the chars. My favourite was Grumpy and Happy's dynamic. They always made me laugh cry lmao. How could I forget about Grim and Hildy?? They were so adorable together! They reminded me of Cosmo and Wanda (in their early days on the show) as in they were sappy and always talked about how much they love eachother. I got bitter again because that cartoon got screwed kdgkfl Guess what happened when I found out about that one game on the app store? Yes. I played that game day and night lmao. Also I loved the little introductions of the chars. The love for my show got big and big, so at the end of the year I wanted to reach the fandom. And so I did. I found a lot of nice people in here! ... honestly I never expected to love Sneezy as much as I did after I joined the fandom. He was pretty popular so I was like Oh it's that sneezing dwarf that I really haven't paid attention to? I thought he's kinda cute...he really grown to be one of my fav characters. I wanted to see him do more on the show, though. I made a lot of friends in the fandom, and was also my first fandom on Tumblr. There was also an artist that drew fanart of 7D and their artstyle was so cute, and I remember I wanted my artstyle to be as cute as theirs so I just kept on drawing. And since then I got to more and more fandoms. And then I heard of the cancellation. I felt how a part of my heart broke. And I got angry, cause there should have been some 20 episodes more but they got cut because Disney had other plans. Thanks, Disney. I remember the staff got a Tumblr account and they engaged a lot with the fans, even with me. I got head over heels when they reblogged some of my posts and answered my questions. They were really nice to their fanbase! And then...it ended. Until this day I still keep on visiting old 7D posts, and get reminded of how much fun I had. And how it made me keep on drawing/ becoming the artist I am right now. It started as a relief because it wasn't as nasty as some recent cartoons I watched at that time, to something that made me cope with anxiety/sadness whenever I had it. Now I'm teary eyed lmao. I'm a very nostalgic person by nature, so I get rlly emotional of things that remind me of the past. I'm definitely gonna rewatch this show soon, I keep saying it. But it's hard to make some time because a super important exam is in less than an year for me and I have to choose wisely the college I'll go to. But when I'll do, I'll pretend I'm 12 years old again. Yeah... I-It's weird. I keep thinking, bro, I first started to watch the 7D like...2 years ago. But no. 5 years. It felt like yesterday I was 12 and preparing to go to school, and watching the 7D at the same time. So yeah, I miss the 7D. A lot. Sorry for this super long essay lmao, but I just really love this show so much. Thanks to the people who woked on 7D, the fandom and everyone involved! I'll never forget you! šŸ’–šŸ’–šŸ’–
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courage-a-word-of-justice Ā· 6 years ago
Morose Mononokean II 4 - 7 | Mob Psycho 100 II 4 - 7 | My Roommate is a Cat 4 - 6 | Double Decker! EX 1 | Egao no Daika 5 - 7 | Shield Hero 4 - 6 | Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka 4 - 6 | Royal Tutor movie
Morose Mononokean II 4
Aw, another little fuzzball to steal away my heart? Iā€™m being spoiled, arenā€™t I?
For some reason, this episode was meant to be really emotional, but I felt pretty restless while watching it. Probably because I was thinking about playing Merc Storia all that time.
Mob Psycho 100 II 4
Didnā€™t expect Shinra to be back after his previous appearanceā€¦
Notably, youā€™d expect Matsuoā€™s name to have the kanji for ā€œpine treeā€ in it, but it doesnā€™t - it has the kanji for ā€œdemonā€ and then one more.
I loved it when FLCL and SGRS went into manga mode, but for some reason, the transition into manga mode didnā€™t land as well hereā€¦hmm.
ā€œIā€™ll go inside herā€¦With an out-of-body experience.ā€ - That sounds majorly wronggggggggggg, Mob, yā€™know? Even with context.
I find it interesting Mob perceives himself to be nakedā€¦as in, unguarded. Heā€™s fine as he is and doesnā€™t need to changeā€¦in some ways, anyway. He could probably do with a few more emotions, but you get what I mean.
Wha-wha-wha-whoaaaaaaaaa. You mean, Mogami just got rid of Mobā€™s powers??? That is a nasty cliffhanger!
My Roommate is a Cat 4
Just seeing Hiroto near Kawaseā€™s armpitā€¦so unfazedā€¦itā€™s kinda funny, but only mildly.
Tuxedo catā€¦ergh. The differences between American and British English never ceases to trip me upā€¦I mean, the term makes senseā€¦itā€™s just the differences between the types of English Iā€™m annoyed at.
If you observe the OP, youā€™ll see Haru has that collarā€¦Iā€™m not sure if thatā€™s meant to be a spoiler thenā€¦
Haru basically has the mindset of Kaguya and Shirogane, which makes this hilarious (and yet itā€™s still justified due to being a believable mindset for a stray!).
S-Smug dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get out of the way of Haru-chan!
Shield Hero 4
ā€œDraw your swords!ā€ ā€“ Wasnā€™t there a rule saying Naofumi canā€™t use a sword anyway? Plus, Motoyasu has a spear, not a swordā€¦
Balloon? Now, thatā€™s funny!
Using magic to intervene is the cowardly action, methinks, Myne.
I find it interesting Naofumi sees Raphtalia as a little girl ā€“ itā€™s a perception of vulnerability, potentially weakness ā€“ when things are shown through his perspective.
Falling Through Starlight is beautiful, yā€™know that? Be-a-uuuuuuuuuuu-t-i-ful!
Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka 4
Interestingly, Francine kinda looks like Mami (Madoka Magica).
Wait, is this woman Miura? (Sorry, Iā€™m just wondering why Abigail ā€“ the blonde evil magical girl ā€“ would choose to use yakiniku to threaten peopleā€¦)
Oh dearā€¦itā€™s that train question (save one or save many).
Neding authority before you can actually do anything legalā€¦now that sounds like Double Decker.
ā€œChefā€? I was mortified when it came to the rusalka sceneā€¦but I think we already know why Povar is a chefā€¦
CQC? Close quarters combat? Ooh, Iā€™ve never heard it abbreviated before.
Well, I like how Povar and Rusalka Man (canā€™t spell Russian to save my life) always keep their salaries in mind. Makes them easier to see as evil.
Egao no Daika 5
Oh, this series has two moons? Kind of like Double Deckerā€™s two suns, yeah?
I just realised Lilyā€™s the only one with a skirt on her suitā€¦
Morose Mononokean II 5
I donā€™t think Iā€™ve seen a Fuzzy-centric episode ever since the first time we met the furballā€¦
That hand on neck thing is apparently a CIA technique if I interpreted it rightā€¦just, itā€™s applied to a purple/white lion, so itā€™s hard to tell whether itā€™s the real thingā€¦
Fluffy tadpole is best tadpole. All fluffy things are cute to me, even the lethal onesā€¦I guess.
Seriously, if someone doesnā€™t call the animation of the Executive sakuga, I donā€™t know sakuga! That crow is some fancy animation!
Hanaeā€™s mother is scarier than most youkai, given she can give me a nasty jump scare!
Mob Psycho II 5
This episodeā€™s called Discordā€¦which maks me think of the chat program of the same nameā€¦weird, huh?
Notably, itā€™s Dimpleā€™s voice coming from Mobā€™s mouthā€¦hmm.
That episode was real coolā€¦itā€™s too bad by turning off the volume at the wrong time, I missed the Sajou no Hana songā€¦
My Roommate is a Cat 5
Roku, Nana, Hachiā€¦haha.
I noticed Haru has smaller eyes than Hachiā€¦aside from the collar of course.
Awā€¦reunion too cute. I honestly think that this show has a fairly effective use of ā€œfilling in the gapsā€, as it were, and thus making good use of cuts.
Double Decker! EX 1
Yep, weā€™re back with Double Decker!!! Iā€™m glad to see it back, really.
Waitā€¦ohhhhhhhhh. So Double Decker! doesnā€™t just refer to the bus in this show or the system. It means ā€œ2 Detectivesā€ in Japanese (in a codeswitching sort of way). It was wordplay all along! Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! I get it now!
This Deana assassin stuff must be a lieā€¦
(after the commercial break) Cā€™mon, Kirill, buddy. Youā€™re drunk, yā€™know that, rightā€¦? Right??? Update: Oh, not drunk, dreaming. My mistake.
Oh, I was just saying that My Roommate is a Cat dos a nice job ā€œfilling in gapsā€. Didnā€™t realise Double Decker did it as well. Also, how the heck is Doug unpopular with women???
Soā€¦Kirill actually got hired based on his feminine looks? Geesh, that Travisā€¦
The thing I missed about this show was not being able to play the ED after an episode, so Iā€™m glad to have it back!
Spec Ops Asuka 5
Having Kurumi fix up Nozomiā€™s arm kind of erases the consequencesā€¦but thatā€™s what Kurumiā€™s for, right?
Barber Scissorsā€¦? Is this what happens when you take Kill la Kill way too seriously?
Wowee. Dinā€™t think Sacchuu was capable of dealing nasty punches as well.
Thereā€™s gotta be some sort of parallel between Abigail and the queen vs Asuka and Kurumiā€¦
Post-credits segment. Keep watching.
Shield Hero 5
Headbutt to the nuts! Oof!
When it comes to races, the one tune that comes to mind is one from the Dog Island (track 22 from this YouTube playlist).
I swear there was CGI during the raceā€¦on Filo.
Please donā€™t make jokes about Naofumi liking lolis, people. This is not that type of showā€¦
Mononokean 6
Is it just me, or has this epiode been relying on the use of blue speech bubbles for humour more than normal?
Itā€™s Mononokean: Sports Anime edition!
For some reason, I find the name ā€œtrashboatā€ hilarious. It was probably just ā€œponkotsuā€ (piece of trash) in practice, but the variation in English is really something to beholdā€¦
Ashiya sleeps like an old man, LOL. It must be cosy in that bedā€¦
Moja is just adorable in whatever scene it appears in! Even Moja being dragged down a stream is cute~!
Relaxing your shoulders, huh? That reminds me that thatā€™s a destress technique I havenā€™t used in a while. My headā€™s been spinning while I was trying to watch this episode, so I should probably get back to trying to do that stuffā€¦after this episode, of course.
Price of Smiles 6
You think Spec Ops Asuka looks bad? Look at Price of Smiles melt in this ā€œYuni! You should recover!ā€ scene.
For some reason, this one dude (I forget his name) being a father surprises me. He looks like the type to be singleā€¦
The female version of the name ā€œNoelā€ is Noelleā€¦get that right, people!
Laylaā€™s right when she says one of the main causes of war is the struggle for resources and wealth.
Mob Psycho II 6
I noticed instead of a Mac or something, the computer is a ā€œOneā€ computer.
The board says something a lot more complicated than Saitamaā€™s routineā€¦which means One likes exercise. Maybeā€¦probably.
ā€œCodomoā€ phone, LOL.
The last time I heard of tofu in anime that I rememberā€¦was Boueibu. Something about Ryuu killing a man with tofu.
Somehow it didnā€™t occur to me until the eyecatch was over but the blockā€¦was tofu!
How do you even get drunk when thereā€™s no alcohol in the drink??? (LOL)
Oh! Shinra again!
ā€¦Also Jodo Kirin!
Shield Hero 6
Naofumi is giving 0 f**ks about the dressmakerā€™s love of Filo.
Why is Filo CGIā€¦? It looks unnerving, to be honest with you.
My Roommate is a Cat 6
Eleventh gradeā€¦16? 17? Heck, Yugo looks 27, not 17!
Notably, ā€œComic Polarisā€ is the name of the magazine that publishes the manga of this. Hence ā€œNovels Polarisā€.
Heck, Subaru. In the internet age in particular, people write to affect others. I should know, as someone who did just that just a few years ago!
Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine movie
Yay, weā€™re back! Crunchyroll bringing over movies is definitely increasing my workload for these commentaries, so with all the new things Iā€™ve added to my lists of priorities as of late, I wonder if I can keep upā€¦
Hitting us with CGI in the first minute of the movieā€¦oh man, how far does CGI go these days???
Honestly, in my brain Wagner (Classicaloid) = the twins (this movie) = the Beppus (Boueibu LOVE! LOVE!). Theyā€™re very similar in terms of personalityā€¦
In the same way, Bruno = Schubert from Classicaloid (but swap oneā€™s Sensei for the otherā€™s Senpai).
Licht = Motz.
It seems like someone liked ponytail!Licht enough to keep him here. So it really wasnā€™t just me, huh?
Seriously, whatā€™s this ā€œGod of Warā€ stuff anyway???
Man, vocal exercises? This takes me back to my piano-playing daysā€¦I was a sightreader and only had to do one of the two (out of sightreading and vocal stuff), but there was someone else who had to do both.
This piano is bugging me. Its white keys are black and its black keys are white!
Somehow, Heineā€™s small top hat suits him. Itā€™s probably because he wears a small beret in that same position usually.
More CGI background charactersā€¦*sigh*
Hmmā€¦soft power at its finest(?)
Seriously though, why did that evil Duke guy appear in this movie again??? He has zero use plotwise. Sure, he was important in the first season and if we ever get a second heā€™ll be important there, but here? Nada!
Have you noticed Heine is in all those dance positions a girl would normally be in??? Hmm! Interesting! But stillā€¦if thereā€™s one thing I ever missed from the animeā€™s experience, it would be-oh, scratch that! This is my cue to watch the cheesy live-action dance ending! I missed it so much!
Egao no Daika 7
Seriouslyā€¦who is Eins talking to??? Whose emperor???
They still havenā€™t revealed what this new guyā€™s name is, even after his introductionā€¦well, technically he was introduced at the River Deese, but we still didnā€™t learn his name then. (Did we?)
Spec Ops Asuka 6
Is Mia just this showā€™s version of Kyouko (from Madoka Magica, but American of course)???
Oooooookay, that (with the kissing and stuff) is so not what foreigners are like, peopleā€¦
Oh, goodness. Have I really been living with this stuff (girl x girl teasing, with Kurumi in particular being one of the more extreme examples Iā€™ve seen) in my magical girl anime for years now? I mean, Suite PreCure is laced with the stuffā€¦
If ordinary rigor mortis business is at work, then Iā€™d say the heater is to speed up the rotting of the corpseā€¦
LOL, thereā€™s Halloween-classā€¦and then thereā€™s Voorhees-classā€¦how appropriate for Disas.
ā€œOnly one of the Magical Five wouldā€™ve known about that phrase.ā€ ā€“ My bets are on Peipei, but weā€™ll find out for sureā€¦someday.
Mononokean 7
As much as I found the pillow fight scene with Fuzzy in it funny, I swear Abeno is a bit too sadistic for my own good. What is it with some women and their sadistic kinksā€¦?
Abeno calling Ashiya ā€œhunk of junkā€ makes me think Ashiya isnā€™t much of a Sousuke (from Classicaloid), but they do have a lot of similar character traits, now that I think of itā€¦hmm.
For some reason, I think Abeno knew the conditions of the deal and what the deal entailed in advance, hence the training camp.
Seizaā€¦means sitting on the floor in the position Ashiya was in (knees to the floor etc).
Mob Psycho II 7
ā€œCheeseburger Tornadoā€, LOL.
When Reigen got angry at the TV, I was just like, ā€œItā€™s Shield Hero (Mob Psycho version)!ā€ I.e. you con the conman and not turn the conned into a conmanā€¦or something like that.
Those microphones are so obviously CGI, peopleā€¦
I know Iā€™m a fan of Yuzuru Tachikawa, but episode 5 actually didnā€™t do too much for me, to be honest (even though it was visual spectacle, which is Tachikawaā€™s strong suit). However, while episode 7 looked less punchy overall, it was miles betterā€¦
ā€œFirst-press limited edition? That is the absolute best decision.ā€ ā€“ What is that referring to??? Update: Itā€™s referring to the BDs...or DVDs...or both.
Update: Forgot to add Double Decker to the title and tags.
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chromemuffin Ā· 7 years ago
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Quan Zhi Gao Shou / The Kingā€™s Avatar Manhua (Chapters 0-5)
What I really enjoyed right from the start of the animation was the realistic nature of the game and characters. I only play games sporadically myself, and usually handhelds at that, but even I could relate to Ye Xiuā€™s journey to the top of the new server. I mean, usually you just take for granted that the main character is aiming for the top of something, but itā€™s difficult to relate to saving the world or leading a gang of misfits across the land fighting monsters. Climbing to the top in a game, however? Weā€™ve probably all tried it in some way or another, even if we failed along the way (I still havenā€™t completed the National Pokedex in any Pokemon game, ok).
This also could have been stated at the beginning of a review for the whole series, but this is a long one, the novel translations arenā€™t even complete yet. So itā€™s here now as a preface.
And now itā€™s time for my far less composed liveblogging! This is not going to be as detailed as my Shoukoku no Altair one by a long shot, I think Iā€™d collapse of exhaustion before I finished.
Chapter 0: Cause
It is both unnerving and relaxing to not obsess about language nuance like I do when I read Japanese stuff. On the other hand, it feels weird being back to the state of not understanding more than a few words here and there...
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Colored panels are the best. The color (cold tones) to black & white to color (warm tones) back to black & white is a neat contrast.
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Iā€™m honestly really excited to get all these names and teams straight. I watched several groupsā€™ subs for the early episodes and all the names were translated differently, leading me to have no clue who anyone was or which team they belonged to except the currently teamless Ye Xiu lol.
Chapter 1: As we drink, the lute signals to go to war
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Look at that smug smirk. Ye Xiuā€™s relationship with Su Mucheng is just really nice with how supportive they are of each other.
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Damn it, I said I wasnā€™t going to go panel-by-panel! But I like the contrast between these two shots. One is as he is turning away, after having reassured Su Mucheng that he will be returning and it really is fine that his old team literally kicked him to the curb. The other is once he is turned away. He seems fine in the first shot, sort of indifferent, while the dark shadow over his eyes in the next panel suggests differently. But heā€™s not one to complain.
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Unexpected comedy shot lol. I appreciate the life in the internet cafe, everyone excited about Glory and the new server haha. In the animation, it was very quiet when he walked in, and they had to 3D animate it.
ā€œAs a female Launcher player, Mucheng never stopped smiling even when she blew up her opponent to pieces... Itā€™s actually quite scary when you think about it.ā€
haha. Heā€™s more expressive in the manhua. It lets you have these cute little musings in between scenes that the animations never have time for.
lol he just goes and hijacks her account. who does that.Ā ā€œthe battle started already so I finished it for you. but donā€™t worry, I won!ā€ that. isnā€™t the point.
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Hi scary demon Ye Xiu! Side note: theyā€™re doing a good job giving the background characters different features.
Also, thanks to not looking at the characters for their names, I keep getting Ye Xiu and Ye Qiu mixed up. I...really need to go find out how itā€™s written.
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Not going to feature all of Chen Guoā€™s fun expressions, but so far there have been a lot of them and theyā€™re great. (edit for Chen Guoā€™s name which I derped on and forgot at the time of writing this post. lol the manga doesnā€™t mention her whole name - Chen Guo - until a few chapters later. I think the other patrons call herĀ ā€˜Sister Chenā€™ and the reader finds out her given name when Ye Xiu does. but in the novel, I think the narrative switches over to her at some point, so you find out her full name before Ye Xiu does...)
I love sayings, and how they are so weird when translated literally - Japanese ones are like this, too, because a lot of them are Chinese in origin. My favorite is probablyĀ äŗ€ęÆ›å…Žč§’.
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I hope this is a translation thing because damn, what a way to sugar-coat the truth.
Chapter 2: Since ancient times, how many have returned from war?
I wish I knew the references to classical Chinese poetry/literature, it makes the series 10x more fun when you know the origin of some of their usernames and such.
Ok, overdoing it much, Sun Xiangā€™s posse? You donā€™t need to be extra nasty about it to his face.
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I always really liked this expression of his reluctance, this human emotion from a guy who looks rather calm and composed (or sheepish, occasionally) most of the time. He takes things in stride, but here you definitely get the bitterness of his situation.
And now he has to laugh it off with a smile! He does a good job of keeping it together throughout this whole deal though.
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lol what kind of expression is that.Ā ā€œI like working nights!ā€ why the cat face/ears. why. that was such a quick interview lol.
ā€œActually, we arenā€™t lacking people, the advert you saw was from a long time ago.ā€
Thatā€™s...actually, interesting. So Chen Guo is hiring him anyways? Or am I missing something in the translation?
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You are a surprisingly funny man, Ye Xiu.
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This is me. (it saysĀ ā€˜Verify faster!ā€™)
lol Ye Xiu looking at the beginnerā€™s guide. I never read the instructions though, even for a complicated games Iā€™m new to, I just sort of jump in and hope I donā€™t die in the first few stages. Pretty sure the only game I had to actually read the instructions for was Final Fantasy Type-0? Itā€™s difficult getting into a good rhythm without reading the in-game tips for that game...plus, some of the more advanced techniques are hard to pull off.
Chapter 3: Donā€™t laugh at those who lie drunk on the battlefield
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If I had time, Iā€™d totally make edits, buuut I do not and photoshop is on my other computer. but when did he get those noodles...?
lol and he just outs himself right on the spot.
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That is one dark expression, I love it. The retirement thing is definitely a sore spot for him.
ā€œyouā€™re a professional. but also an amateur.ā€ lol must be so weird to be Ye Xiu
ā€œDonā€™t fake it, actually youā€™re not even retired. You didnā€™t get a spot and got kicked out, right?ā€
Ouch. Hit it where it hurts, why donā€™t you. Though she isnā€™t aware of who he actually is yet. He did indeed get kicked out, and itā€™s probably worse because he did have a spot previously, he was at the topĀ even.
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Starting avatar! I love the character designs in this series, across the animation and manhua.
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ā€œSuddenly I miss those games that let people pass through each other!ā€
HOW COULD THEY WITH SO MANY PEOPLE PLAYING. It reminds me of the Sims flailing their arms because you stuck a cabinet in the wrong spot and they canā€™t get through.
ā€œSuch a civilized way to kill monsters, Iā€™m not used to it.ā€
ā€œThis only happens when a new server opens, youā€™ll definitely wish you can queue again in the future.ā€
I really like the side comments. I donā€™t play multiplayer games, but the comments definitely breathe some life into it.
LOL.Ā ā€œHow to endure the shame? I was once known as Gloryā€™s textbook level expert and now I have to use a beginnerā€™s guide to do beginnerā€™s quests.ā€ You can feel his soul dying little by little in these panels...
I love how many titles he earned...ā€Does no commercialsā€.
And, of course, him trying to reveal who he actually is, only for her not to believe him.
lol this comment:Ā ā€œItā€™s so hard to play in first person view!ā€ Thatā€™s actually how I feel, I dunno, I mostly play handhelds and older games. I flipped out when I tried to play Final Fantasy: Dirge of Cerberus in first person, before I figured out there was actually a third person view...Iā€™m just really lame when it comes to games, ok.
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Ooh, itā€™s here! The umbrella! What an odd choice of weapon, usually theyā€™re the joke weapons. Well, itā€™s better than the bus stop sign from Persona 3.
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Iā€™ve read spoilers about who this guy standing behind him is, and I am not ready to actually come across that part in the novel.
Side note: I like the avatarā€™s design better here than in the animation. Wonder if he changes outfit later on...
Chapter 4: Green Forestā€™s Sleeping Moon
ā€œLet me help you, Iā€™ll give you the drops as well.ā€Ā ā€œIā€™m [a] male.ā€ Lol. I really do love these little dialogues.
I also love the usernames, I really am hopeless with it comes to naming things myself.
Hello, Sleeping Moon! I remember you! Sort of.
I love how Ye Xiu totally has a plan going into this, and his thought process is written out. Itā€™s a mundane detail, but I like it. (Iā€™m the type of person who doesnā€™t read the instructions provided by the game, but will go look everything up online because regardless if I played the game before or not, I like having a Plan when I go into it...Iā€™m impatient, Shadow of the Colossus is the only game I actually take time to explore.)
The two modes of communication for Glory also make it interesting...Both text and audio. Itā€™s fun having both.
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haha these drawings have so much life in them
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Including these.
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Way to look awesome and dramatic with your umbrella in hand.
lolĀ ā€œYou planning to advance into a Cleric? Why donā€™t you just be our caretaker for good?ā€ dying inside, I tell you, dying inside
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Knowing the spoilers like I do, THIS ISNā€™T OKAY. no sad flashback scene so early on. cā€™mon.
I like how Sleeping Moon keeps talking to him like heā€™s a newbie, too. Itā€™s pretty funny.
Chapter 5: You reap what you sow
Finally, a chapter title Iā€™m familiar with!
The naaames: Sleeping Moon, Just a Passerby, Not Just Cannon Fodder, Lord Grim, and Fallen Sun
I like ā€˜Just a Passerbyā€™.
Hey, you even get to say some last words after your HP hits 0 haha.
ā€œDonā€™t you know that if you die in a dungeon in Glory, you canā€™t come back?!ā€ lol Iā€™m side-eyeing all the otherĀ ā€˜if you die in the game you die in real lifeā€™ stories...
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They gave Sleeping Moon some really awesome expressions, gotta say.
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ā€œBut your acting isnā€™t at all convincing.ā€ Actually, this is vaguely terrifying.
Also, I appreciate how Ye Xiu is calling him out on this whole plan and how he meant to cheat everyone while Ye Xiu is basically doing the same. haha
Iā€™m not going to screencap it all, but the sequence of the boss slowly killing Sleeping Moon like the cat it is, and Ye Xiuā€™s reactions, are gold.
The umbrella is also really cool of course.
And here starts the drama on the 10th server! Itā€™s honestly great, and quite true to real life haha. Well, real life can probably be weirder than even fiction...
AAAND thatā€™s finally it! 5 chapters + the 0 chapter done! Oh geez that took forever...Anyway, I love all the little details the manhua can fit in that the animation canā€™t and I look forward to reading the novel version of these chapters sometime soon.
onward ā†’
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childofaura Ā· 5 years ago
Rating the anime Iā€™ve watched in 2019: A really short list
Kinda just felt like doing this, 2019 has been a REALLY interesting year in anime. I didnā€™t watch a whole lot of stuff, but I wanted to kind of go over what I did watch. So Iā€™ll talk about what I thought and rate it 1-10.
1. Dororo.
The OP was AWESOME. The animation in the first half of the series was really smooth, but there was a slightly noticeable dip in animation later on. Not huge, but still there. Actors were FANTASTIC, and the little girl who plays Dororo is so cute! Characters were incredibly well written and varied, Hyakkimaru still struggled despite his honed reflexes and training, and Tahomaru was so morally divisive, it was great. Somber tones really bring out the nasty forbidden underside of the Shogunateā€™sĀ ā€œlasting peaceā€. Though the ending with Tahomaru, Hyakkimaruā€™s mother, and his father figure all dying in the fire was rather... disappointing, Hyakkimaru forgiving his father and Dororo deciding what to do with the large sum of money left behind, to use it for the greater good, wraps everything up.
Dororoā€™s a solid 8/10.
2. Rising of the Shield Hero
I ended up checking this one out after hearing all the controversy it was stirring up, because I wanted to see what it was. Like always, theĀ ā€œcontroversyā€ was a big tepid pile of nothing, and I got to experience an isekai that operates under a different mood with different dynamics. Animation quality is consistent and good, and thereā€™s a LOT of female characters that are well rounded and strong, like Raphtalia, Melty, the Filolial Queen, Glass, etc. Scenery is beautiful, and Naofumiā€™s growth into trusting again is nice to watch. Also the soundtrack is so enjoyable, Kansas is my favorite song. Cons, though few, are still there: the pacing can be a little funky at times (Mainly what comes to mind is that AWFUL filler episode where they fight the Church from the molten pit, and donā€™t move AT ALL. Worst episode ever), the physical growth of some of the characters like Filo is jarring (In two days she grows horse sized, after they had that montage of taking care of her) even with an explanation. The last thing that rubs me the wrong way (Itā€™s not really a con in general, just a con for me) is Raphtaliaā€™s crush on Naofumi. Itā€™s simply that they spend the first few episodes building their relationship as a father/daughter, then they try to shift to romance after establishing that first familial relationship.
Rising of the Shield Heroā€™s an 8/10.
3. The Promised Neverland
AAAAAAAH HOT DAMN I LOVED THIS ONE. It was completely out of my range of what I normally watched at the beginning of 2019, BUT I LOVED IT SO MUCH. The animation is eerie, especially the facial expressions and how smoothly they move. The children are so darling and thinking about how they might have possibly died in S1 broke my heart, as well as me hoping they didnā€™t, lol. Every episode leaves off on this wonderfully tantalizing cliffhanger, so binging the episodes are a must. Characters like Mama and Sister Krone are terrifying, though in the latterā€™s case I love how clever she was, and was sad when she died. Her Japanese actress definitely blew it out of the water and had a lot of fun with the character. Iā€™d say the only (not really a con, but) thing that weirds me out is how close the charactersā€™ mouths are to their faces, but thatā€™s a stylistic thing and I wonā€™t fault them for that. The children are strong and resilient and I canā€™t wait for the next season.
The Promised Neverlandā€™s a 9/10.
4. Demon Slayer
I got into this one late, and I hate myself for getting into it late. But nonetheless, Iā€™m so glad I watched it and I can say with confidence itā€™s up there with FullMetal Alchemist: Brotherhoodā€™s level of excellence. Tanjiro is such a kind-hearted boy who constantly puts himself through physical torture for his only remaining family; Nezukoā€™sĀ ā€œhypnotismā€ to see humans as family feels more like placebo because she just genuinely has compassion for people, especially when she looks at Ms Tamayo and Yushiro as family when theyā€™re also demons. All the characters are deeply involved in this story with either known or hidden (Zenitsu) strengths that allow them to conquer their struggles. The style is unique and the character designs are pretty, and HOO BOY THE FIGHTING ANIMATIONS, THE STYLIZED TECHNIQUES. MWAH! MUCH LOVE! I love the soundtrack so much, it almost reminds me of the Pokemon moviesā€™ orchestra pieces. The story is well paced, and no issues with filler. Showing how even demons deserve compassion is a beautifully unexpected twist in this show.
Demon Slayerā€™s a 10/10
5. To the Abandoned Sacred Beasts
I do love this series dearly, and while the good outweighs theĀ ā€œmehā€, I still have to address the issues. BUT FIRST, THE GOOD THINGS: Characters in this show are incredibly in-depth, even the soldiers. The designs of the Incarnates are fantastic, terrifying and imposing. Schaal is a strong young girl who sets off with just a suitcase and a rifle and, after meeting Hank, decides to get inside his mindset to see why heā€™s doing what he does, and why he had to kill her father. Hank is a man in constant suffering who has to see his best friends losing themselves to insanity, knowing that theyā€™re not the people they used to be but questioning whether heā€™s really doing the right thing regardless. All the soldiers have their own focal point in the episodes they show up in, showing their unique traits and attitudes, and how it links to the monsters they are now. The concept of Incarnate soldiers is parallel to veterans with PTSD. While Lizaā€™s a bit of a ridiculous fan-service character, thereā€™s really no complaints because the fan-service in this show is balanced; they show Hank unnecessarily shirtless a LOT (Though honestly Iā€™d be fine if they let him wear his shirts more). But the cons. There are a decent amount of them. Animation is clunky and lower budget. Pacing is not easy to keep up with, as the split between Hankā€™s mission and the main conflict with Cain interrupt each other quite jarringly. Schaalā€™s father seemingly rises as a zombie again to serve no other purpose other than Schaalā€™s character growth, as we could assume that a LOT of the other monsters like Keynes, with the fire of justice, would also come back to life. Liza doesnā€™t really seem to do much or contribute much as a character; she came close when she volunteered to take up the Incarnate Extermination Squadā€™s equipment by saying she knew how it worked but she literally. Just. Held up a shield for the commander (forgot his name, Cainā€™s little bro) to jump off of. She needs to do more. Love the series and I love watching it, but itā€™s a mixed bag.
To the Abandoned Sacred Beastā€™s a 7/10.
6. Fire Force.
Well... this one is definitely gonna be tough to deal with, because I only got maybe 8 or 9 episodes in before I had to break away. So Iā€™ll break it down simply.
Pros: Animation is SOLID. ABSOLUTE. FLUID AND DYNAMIC. Itā€™s literally Midoriya vs Todoroki, but in EVERY EPISODE. Some characters are fascinating and enjoyable like Shinra, Maki, Joker, and Hibana. The concept of Infernals, people who just burst into flames without warning, are a solid idea to run on. The OP is a banger. The soundtrack fits the mood perfectly.
Cons, and a lot of them: There isnā€™t a whole lot going on in terms of variety, itā€™s mainly fighting Infernals in the city. It picks up eventually, but slowly. While some characters were enjoyable, others were either flat or downright unbearable to deal with; flat characters like Obi (Heā€™s not a bad character, but he feels... generic) and Iris (Also not bad, sheā€™s strong in what sheā€™s had to deal with and being kind regardless, but itā€™s just standard quiet girl.). Unbearable character is really just two so far: The lieutenant, who gets borderline abusive (both mentally and physically) with Maki (Like I get it dude, you had trauma with fire and Infernals but you donā€™t need to be an abusive shit), and Tamaki, ESPECIALLY Tamaki. Sheā€™s rude, screechy, treated Shinra like utter shit when they first meet, and respects almost no one outside of her district for no real reason. And she also falls into the next con: The one-sided fan-service. Now I will defend the right to fan-service with everything I believe in, but Iā€™m still allowed to have my opinion on it, and the way it goes in Fire Force is just... so awful. Fan-service jarringly interrupts what are supposed to be heavy emotional or important scenes (Iris sitting on the ground with nothing but a towel, Iris getting her clothes burned off by Hibana, Tamaki sticking her butt out after getting hurt by her district partner, Tamakiā€™s clothes being burned up and being against the wall with that weird-ass kitty pose with her wrists, etc.), Tamakiā€™sĀ ā€œlucky lecheryā€ is supposed to be funny somehow but it makes literally no sense, and oh cool she ends up sexually harassing the dudes with it, too. I could understand this level of fan-service if it was like a harem anime or a cheese-cake-ish anime or whatever, but itā€™s- itā€™s a shounen. Thereā€™s nothing that really shows you thereā€™s gonna be this weird level of fan-service.
I respect everyone who loves Fire Force, but itā€™s just not my cup of tea. Thatā€™s all.
Fire Forceā€™s a 6.5/10.
7. Vinland Saga
THIS ANIME. THIS ANIME IS PERFECT IN EVERY WAY AND YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE MY MIND. The first OP PERFECTLY encapsulates just how much of a hellish live Thorfinn is about to live. The animation (Being from the same company as Attack on Titan and Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress) is SUPERB where the characters move with weight and purpose. Seriously, have you seen how the characters jump forward? With their legs and arms forward? Itā€™s a little detail but itā€™s so great. Characters are multi-faceted and it gives me strong feelings about how awful they are but how clever or strong or brilliant they are. The pacing of the anime is perfect; something plot-important happens in each episode, the characters travel long distances to give you a feel of movement, and thereā€™s not a single episode that could really be consideredĀ ā€œfillerā€. Dynamics of these characters work in fascinating ways at times. The actors absolutely own their roles; Askeladdā€™s actor nails that perfect nonchalance where he seems surprised but you know heā€™s truly not, Thorfinnā€™s older actor knows how to scream his lungs out in anger. The main star, though? Thorkell, hands down. That guy is absolutely having fun with his character.
Vinland Sagaā€™s a solid 10/10.
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