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Independent Trunks blog. crossover, oc and multimuse friendly.
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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Why was he surprised at this? She always ran hot..despite her element. Quickly his sword was unsheathe to slice the flying table in half before it could cause him any harm, he senses the energy within her at its boiling point, even the temperature around them rose incredibly. He understood her anger, who would want to be compared to Frieza..but he was never to dart around the truth when it came towards the lives of others. ━━   ❝   𝐘𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭. 𝐈 𝐟𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐦𝐲 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞.  ❞ Sadly enough her insults do not come anything close to the things Trunks calls himself daily.
“I have literally nothing left as the space itself does not exist. But don’t even think for a second that you’ve got anything worth fighting for. Those 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘵𝘴 you claim proudly aren’t yours. Look the two of us aren’t that different from one another. We’ve both witnessed the world’s cruelty and done what was necessary to survive it.” Now he sheathes his sword and remains within a battle posture, he knows now the truth he’s spoke wouldn’t go unpunished and he’s prepared for it. But maybe he can still persuade her with words.
After all, if he counters her with enough truth she might fight him blindly. “You always told me that Frieza came along and he did this and that, he did not just destroy your home he took away your culture, your faith but can’t you see?! You’re doing the EXACT samething. You’ve been fueled by that hatred you have over Frieza that it’s blinded you, you didn’t realize that you became the VERY THING that haunted your nightmare. And I’m telling you..No I’m begging you, put a stop to your conquest because I can more than guarantee you this cycle of blood and hatred will only repeat itself.” He’s seen it far too many times on his missions as a matter of fact.
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He knows without a doubt RIGHT NOW, there’s someone at a very young age living under her cruelty and very soon that person will be molded into the catalyst that would doom her. Trunks was only trying to put a stop to that cycle, for as far gone and evil as she is there is a part of him that cares about her and does not want to lose her. Damn, he must have been more broken than he ever believed to be. “Funny? Does it even look like I’m laughing to you?! You think I WANT to be the one to dredge up these terrible feelings of yours!? I just know as a person with that same anguish it’s terrible to not address it..take solace at the fact that at the very least your place still exist in your memories..your past experience, the people you loved, the stories you’ve shared..they’re all still a part of you. As for me…I find it harder and harder to remember what my Gohan looked like..or memories of my mother that I SHOULD remember but aren’t there anymore. That seemed to be the consequences of when God decides to erase your timeline.”
"I've already gave up in trying to change'll never change the way you are..but don't you see what you're doing doesn't make you any different from Frieza?! You birthed kingdoms out of fear, death and blood. You don't have subjects..just planets with civilizations afraid of you. One day that fear is going to give birth to someone that can stop you..and I've seen it time and time again. But it's not too late for you..I'm not telling you to abandon your 'saiyan' pride but I'm begging. Be a ruler, not a tyrant. Be a queen that people will put their lives on the line for and not a dictator that needs to be stopped."
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One way to get under Maiz's skin quickly was to imply the way she dealt with the Saiyan Genocide (through conquering and ravaging other planets) was wrong. That, she, somehow was wrong for clinging to life-- a choice THAT WAS NOT HER DECISION TO MAKE. Yet, twice, the choice was made on her behalf. Once by her mother, Karne, who sent her away in the first place out of genuine, maternal love. Then, by the no longer kind-hearted Kokytans, the inhabitants of the planet she crash-landed upon when the Galactic Patrol shot her spacepod out of the sky.
The second way-- as she discovered during her time with him-- was to be compared to Frieza. She's never met the tyrant in person, yet the name alone stirred up unpleasant, uncomfortable feelings in her. Being reminded of the native language, spiritual practices and religious customs many Saiyans were stripped of brought her heartache. Three years before her birth, the last holy temple was destroyed on Frieza's orders; this event led to the official creation of Team Bardock and marked the end of their once-proud Race once and for all (which happened ten cycles or 'years' later). The Revolt of Eelnana, as it was called then, occured over a timeframe of ten days and ten nights. It only lasted that long because at that point, the Saiyans were deeply fractured, divided by those who wanted to make their lives easier (Colonized/Modernized Saiyans) and those who thought Frieza had long-since gone too far (Traditionalist Saiyans). The Saiyans who advocated for the temple's destruction, the stupid, arrogant bastards they were, had no idea FRIEZA WAS INSATIABLE. (No matter what they did, nothing would've been enough. Absolutely nothing).
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"Dtioi," she snarled at him in their native tongue. There were many ways to insult someone in Ancient Saiya. Many ways to insult someone's intelligence, fighting capabilities or thinking/reasoning skills. She was no stranger to underestimating Trunks or 'playfully' calling him stupid or foolish for many things he's done and said. Of course she mellowed out with time, or began to-- but whenever he tried to engage her in a serious conversation about the way she went about conquest, none of the progress he made with Maiz was visible. In fact, the way she reacted tended to be the same; knee-jerk anger and rage at him for daring to criticize her. Callous DISMISSAL. Sharp put-downs, whether it was with her tone of voice, her choice of words or her hands, elbows, legs and feet. SHE DISTINCTLY REMEMBERED TELLING HIM TO NOT DO THIS ANYMORE.
Without warning, an object was flung in the time traveler's direction. A round, wooden table complete with a small plant and expensive looking tea cups and a pitcher. Unfortunately, there were all made to break with excessive force so even if the man caught the table, the fragile things would fall and shatter rather loudly. And easily. "--AS IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT IT'S LIKE FOR ME!" Her voice was louder than usual, louder than expected. "You couldn't even save your precious little timeline and you're here, lecturing me about my planets?! AT LEAST I HAVE SOMETHING LEFT TO MAINTAIN, you useless CREATURE!" Her fingers twitched with discomfort and disgust at the comparison eating her alive. Reason and logic flew out of the window, displaced by blind fury-- the type that leaves a lasting scar, the types that destroys, much like the legend of the Super Saiyan. Her body shook, unable to contain all of the feelings drudged up. For the first time, she displayed the true face of her anger; a legitimate manifestation of it.
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Her dark complexion lightened several degrees to where she looked red; steam rolled off of her in visible, tangible waves. The breaths taken by her were heavy and labored. She clenched and unclenched her fists as an unconscious self-soothing technique but it didn't work. Instead of exuding a chilly aura, the ki around her flipped to the other extreme -- heat. She was suddenly the same thing as a SAUNA with thick smoke; suffocating, unrelenting, uncompromisingly dense and threatening. The ship lights above her flickered and sparked. The walls gained cracks and dents in them, despite them being made out of material to prevent this situation from happening.
"Do you think it's FUNNY to tell me I'm anything like the monster that MADE ME THE WAY I AM?!"
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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Huh…he KNEW he sensed more people beneath the surface, granted Trunk would have never guessed that there was awhole other civilization beneath the city he found himself in. It was a jump here from the edge of town and then he quickly descends from the skies towards the bottom of the surface past a rather thick plate that separated these worlds. At the very least now Trunks had an idea of what these ‘slums’ he’s heard about look like.
To be honest..he couldn’t help but feel right at home down here. Everything was rather reminiscent from the life he used to live. Him and the rest of humanity were forced to live beneath the earth in bunkers and sewer systems from two threats, it was a dark existence and he couldn’t help but feel pity for those that lived down here..however, once he crossed the wilderness and arrived within town he was shocked to find that the general public had been rather welcoming.
There were often others asking if Trunks himself was a mercenary because he proudly brands a sword on his back as he wasn’t an answer he could quite give at the moment considering there MIGHT be a time when he would have to don the identity of a mercenary to make ends meet, actually maybe it WOULD be wise to take up such an identity so the next time someone would ask him the question he would say yes in hopes he might be able to get a job.
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But for now there was nothing left to do but explore and so he wandered and wandered crossing different sectors until arriving towards what looks like a bar. “Ah..there’s bound to be people here that would need a mercenary’s help.” With excitement, Trunks enters the vicinity and its interior looked like what a bar would genuinely look like..with the exception of a little girl. “Is she lost?” He asked himself as he approached the little one but discovered his presence might have startled he smiles to look less imposing until he arrived closer and heard what she had to say. “Ah, your father’s absolutely right, is he around? I’d maybe like to speak to the way my name is Trunks. At least now you know my name, it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Both hands were now at his side as he bows courteously before the little girl.
@peoplcshope. ☃︎ ┊𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘 JOLLY !!
christmas is coming weeks away , marlene decided she wanted to do something special for tifa by decorating the bar with holiday decorations. but she started hesitates for a moment when realizing she needed help. she wouldn't be able to do this alone. there was a lot of stuff she needed to for it, espiecally ' 𝘢 𝘤𝘩𝘳𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘮𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘳𝘦𝘦 ' that would love to have shine with lights, tensile & ornaments throughout the bar. already marlene had an good idea how it should look that was getting her excited with many smiles. but who would help her decorate & get everything she needed?
it’s not that simple , on who would help her. normally it would jessie but she was out running errands. for certain she knows she had wait for someone to help her. but she was getting little shy with being nervous if it might end with someone she never met before she had to depend on. it was causing her own breath to hitch as her eyes wandering around until she saw the view of stranger walk in the bar. her eyes alerted quickly, running her small-like feet across the room to hide behind the bar, peering her eyes at him.
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" who ... who are you – ? daddy taught me never to speak to strangers. never. " she says with gentle-way tone as she was watching him closely behind the edge of the bar. chocolate-colored eyes looking forward ahead.
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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❝ I was trapped in a thousand nights with 𝐧𝐨 𝐞𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐞 N I G H T M A R E S taking me over!!
Oh I died like a million times through the waves I break, The nightmare's finally over!! ❞
𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐈'𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐚𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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“Motivation? I can’t really tell you if I’m honest.” He fixes the scarlet hat that remained at the top of his head. “You can say I just woke up with the idea of wanting to spread joy to kids on a large scale. I spent the better part of seven months in preparation..well gif wise anyway. Tons of toys went into this entire operation, care to join me? You can be Santa’s helper.”
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"Is that so? How impressive!" She's still visibly amused by his costume, but she doesn't doubt his ability to deliver all of those gifts. In her eyes, being able to spread the belief of Santa so diligently is the essence of Christmas Magic. "I appreciate your dedication, but you are the last person I thought would take up such a task. What motivated this?"
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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winter and christmas prompts / accepting / @dragvnsovl
❛  i've prepared some mulled wine if you want to come in.  ❜ //From Tater
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Mulled wine, that was definitely a tradition that had been lost to time, at least for Trunks Every Christmas spent after he was fourteen had become just another day hard at work. Yes there were small moments spent with his mother but other than those few hours he’s never really had the ‘entire christmas experience’ for quite some time. So long in fact that everything revolving the holiday became all too foreign to him. Presents, christmas trees, mistletoes, snow ball fights..these were all events that he’s seen on patrols but haven’t particularly partaken in personally.
That IS until now, this year Trunks had so much to be thankful for in the form of this beautiful woman. Tater helped him reconnect with the joy of life. Whilst life itself was a concept he cherished in others it was not something he loved for himself as there really was nothing to tether him into ‘enjoying’ his life rather than simply living to protect those that still DO live. But that kind of thought process was behind him and he began cherishing the little things along with his beloved.
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So yes at the prospect of getting something that Tater prepared himself had gotten him a little giddy that he nodded with a rather big smile on his face. “Yes please, I’d love to have some really. That eggnog you made last week alone makes me want to try it again.”
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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He wondered why she had called him here, granted he didn't mind if it meant there was a chance of getting to know her better. After all she did not existed in his timeline after he could imagine to her he was such a stranger to her. A time traveler from the distant future, yeah Trunks would understand if there was some 'disbelief' in her heart however, he remains within the vicinity even taking a seat as he listened to her speak on the phone.
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"Oh.." He spoke with a whisper as he reaches forward and took a hold of the fruits she peeled. An orange, when was the last time he's gotten one of these? It had probably been months so he smiles rather brightly after that initial bight. So ripe, and juicy. A good harvest like this was seldom in the future as most farmers don't often live long enough to harvest their crops.
【 @peoplcshope 】 。° ⸺ something small.
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Still on the phone with a business client, Amame waves Trunks' attention over. With a reach, she hands him a few slices of the orange she'd been peeling at her desk, a clear look of have some! sorry for making you wait in her eyes as she tries to hurry the call along.
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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That tone of voice, for some reason he sensed she did NOT take him seriously..she of all people. "I don't need magic, I'll fly and deliver them myself. I already ran the numbers and calculated I can make a trip around the entire city in at least ten minutes."
continue? / @dearestgoldwitch
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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Given his father’s past Trunks had foreseen a lot of audible resistance towards the reality that he is exactly Vegeta’s son. Hell when he mentioned his father would barely speak about his past he KNEW that was definitely his father, to know Vegeta would hardly talk about his past would suggest the person was close to him, there weren’t many saiyansif ANY at all that Vegeta would consider himself close to. “I’ve actually read about you from past archives.” He looked up at the saiyan before him. “Didn’t mention you being a giant what do you do in..well here?”
continue from here / @dragvnsovl
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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Whoa..she was giving him them just like that?? So easily? And so many too. “Oh man, you don’t know how much this will help us out. So many people are injured and some even beyond what medicine can do at that point and now Trunks has the means to get them all back on their feet, both the injured and the extremely sick. Words could not express the happiness that Trunks felt the moment she handed him those pods. 
Hmmm now she gave him a choice, leave with what he has now or wait an extra day to receive more. Because the fuel source was extremely hard to come by in his time it WOULD be smarter to at the very least return once he’s gotten more than his fair share of medicine. “I’ll stay for one more day.” It was a decision that was hard to make but as the world’s sole’ protector he felt that perhaps it would be wiser to return with even more spoils that first planned.
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“Yeah, I’ll definitely stick around for a day if it won’t be any trouble for you. Seriously Amame I’d don’t know what I would have done without you.” He just did the fighting but more often than not it was the people like her who are the real heroes.
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❝ I certainly do! -Senzu has become a sort of specialty of mine, actually! ❞ There's a bit of excitement as it's requested, Amame quickly ushering about the little worn down lab to grab a few samples she'd been testing for some time now. She would spare Trunks the boring details of her studies for now, zero hesitation in handing over several capsulated med pods.
❝ These here are prototypes meant specifically for illnesses and diseases. If we head back to my lab, I can get you our most generalized senzu pods for injuries and pain. ❞ Amame is a flurry of movement, packing away items on the countertops and ending her flourish by sliding her coat back over her shoulders, smile beaming in Trunks' direction. ❝ They can't quite heal broken bones just yet, but they'll get awfully close! ❞
Amame had no apprehension about helping Trunks and his timeline whatsoever. She'd been given a few warnings now about tampering with time, but who was she to deny those in need? Especially on such a scale as Trunks'. It was part of the reason she worked so hard to make sure there was medicine for all types of ailments now. She wanted to be ready to help the world should anything ever happen to their's.
Headed out of the lab, she trails one gentle and sentimental hand over the security panel, turning to make sure Trunks was close behind.
❝ We have enough produced at the lab for a population of twenty-five thousand. Will that be enough or would you like to wait one more day for me to manufacture more? ❞
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
❛  i'm so excited for the holidays already!  ❜ ❛  winter is my favorite season of the year. everything looks just so pretty.  ❜ ❛  you look like you're freezing. come on, let's warm up inside.  ❜ ❛  eat this, it's a new cookie recipe i've tried.  ❜ ❛  you have snowflakes in your hair.  ❜ ❛  let's just stay in, light a fire and watch some movies.  ❜ ❛  the holidays aren't so bad with you around.  ❜ ❛  isn't it a little bit early to start decorating already?  ❜ ❛  i'll be going home for the holidays ... do you want to come with me?  ❜ ❛  i've never seen snow before.  ❜ ❛  i know it's a little early but i figured i'd give you your present already.  ❜ ❛  here, you can have my scarf.  ❜ ❛  you've never been ice skating before?  ❜ ❛  if i'm slipping, i'm totally blaming you.  ❜ ❛  do you have any plans for the holidays?  ❜ ❛  i've prepared some hot chocolate / eggnog / mulled wine if you want to come in.  ❜ ❛  we should give our snowman a name.  ❜ ❛  are there any traditions you have for the holidays?  ❜ ❛  i can't wait for it to be summer again ...  ❜ ❛  want to go gift shopping with me?  ❜
[ mistletoe ] sender and receiver standing under a mistletoe together [ cocoa ] sender bringing receiver a mug of hot chocolate [ skating ] sender and receiver going ice skating [ snow angel ] sender and receiver making snow angels and having fun in the snow together [ fireplace ] sender and receiver cuddling up in front of a fireplace [ decorations ] sender and receiver decorate for the holidays together [ cookies ] sender and receiver bake some cookies together [ presents ] sender giving receiver their holiday present(s) [ snowball ] sender throws a snowball at receiver [ lights ] sender and receiver admire the lights together [ tree ] sender and receiver pick out a christmas tree [ secret santa ] receiver has to buy a secret santa gift for receiver [ snowed in ] sender and receiver are snowed in together [ sledding ] sender and receiver go sledding [ traditions ] sender and receiver celebrate christmas / hanukkah together [ snowman ] sender and receiver building a snowman [ gingerbread ] sender and receiver make and decorate a gingerbread house [ skiing ] sender and receiver go skiing [ music ] sender catching receiver singing and dancing to christmas songs [ caroling ] sender asking receiver to go caroling with them
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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That was just like her to take the entire dating experience, holding her closely one last time before pulling away to let her get dinner started. “Alright, when you’re done leave the dishes to me, it’ll be my way of helping you out because I can’t just have you doing all the work.” That wasn’t the way teamwork functions after all. He wasn’t THAT good of a cook like her so he feared he would only get in the way if he dared to step into the kitchen alongside her. 
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What he could do however, was prepare the living room for the two of them. The glass table was positioned near the sofa. Next was the movie..exactly WHAT will they be watching..sniff, his nose took a whiff of the air within her apartment and caught the sweet scent of the food she made, mmm what a glorious scent he thought as Trunks could not help but gaze at his beloved..if only for a moment to take in just how fortunate he is.
She hummed contently as they embraced, her little cottonball tail wiggling a few times as she settled closer. The question had her giving him a small squeeze as she thought it over as she began to rub at his back. "We could probably do both. Have a nice dinner with some wine then movies and snacks, perhaps with a bit of mulled wine since it is getting colder out."
She always loved their little date nights, even if they were just at home. She wouldn't have it any other way so long as she got to spend time with him and relax. She began peppering soft and lingering kisses to his lips and cheeks as she observed him with loving eyes. "I can go get started on dinner now before it gets too late."
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Whatever he wanted to watch after dinner, she would be more than okay with whether it was movies or a TV show he was interested in. She loved enjoying their time together and just being able to be close.
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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"You're not kidding.." There was not a hint to suggest that she jests either when it came to a ghost that gave you items should you obtain its spirits. "What do you mean fake art is haunted? All of that really happens here?"
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🌸 → ❝ Spooky stuff. Once every few nights, there's a ghost who gives you stuff if you find his spirits. Some of the fake art is haunted. Oh! And we got a store called Nooks Cranny that's selling Halloween stuff! ❞ ( @peoplcshope )
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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“I guess seeing would have to be believing.” The way Sorey’s face just looked and that little head tilt told Trunks that perhaps the scientific term left more to learn for those who weren’t exactly familiar with the way things worked. “What I mean is you could fit something like an entire house inside of a tiny capsule. It’s all about breaking the mass down by the very molecule, converting them until they’re practical as small as an atom.” That must have been a better explanation, though he does not wear his losses like a badge of honor those dark times were still moments that shaped him. “Thank you Sorey, the only thing I can do now is keep fighting and hope I’d manage to protect everyone.”
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"Mass compression technology...?" Tilting his head to the side, he couldn't help but give a bit of a puzzled frown as he didn't understand exactly what that meant, though it did sound pretty impressive. "I bet they must be really spectacular to see in person," Where he was from, such advanced technology like airships were things that people could only dream of, so to be able to see one in person truly sounded like a special experience. Frowning sympathetically, he nods his head. "I'm sorry for all that you've lost but to be able to carry on and still try to rebuild shows tremendous strength and perseverance, I think."
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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I had to find you meme / closed / @mamismultimuse
they said if i left, they wouldn't hurt you. (Aerith to Trunks)
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“Aerith..” He searched for her endlessly around the area, she’s even managed to keep herself well hidden within the city. His body was still banged up from that fight against of those blasted Turks..he thought maybe it was perhaps time to start equipping materia since he powers does NOT work the way he’d want them within this world. He did not know what was interfering with his own abilities..Trunks found he could hardly shoot an energy blast to destroy a boulder let alone a large monster.
But of course the time traveler could live with that, he could live without shooting beams from his palms, he could even live without turning into a super saiyan again..what he could NOT do was go on without seeing that smile on her face, without being greeted by her cute yet playful voice. “Aerith!!” He calls out for her desperately through the crowd once more..but still no response. It wasn’t until he spotted a familiar shade of pink did he rush himself through the crowd. 
“Sorry.., excuse me..oh pardon me.” The saiyan respectfully spoke upon squeezing through others until he finally managed to corner her, Trunks was right. It HAD been Aerith he saw..but why did she run away from him? Did she not wanted to see him? Was she just tired of his presence? Because if that were the case he would turn around and she’d never have to see his face ever again. However, after giving her adequate time to talk to him and give him a reason for her sudden disappearing caught him by surprise.
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So the reason she had been avoiding him was because of a deal she made and given the conditions he could only assume it was made with those rotten Turks..or Shinra themselves. “I think I’ve let you seen me get hurt too often. I’m sorry that I made you think you’d have to make such a deal..just to keep me safe.”
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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I had to find you meme / accepting / @eternalbxtterfly
i thought i did a pretty good job covering my tracks. *smirks*
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“You did..actually, it took me so long before I could have found you.” Her being part mechanical didn’t help as she does not emit energy like fully organic beings so looking for her the old-fashioned way had been for the lack of a better word: ‘hell’. But finally, he was face to face with her and that was the last time she’d ever get the slip ever again. “I’m here to stay..your burdens are my unfortunately for you you’re stuck with me.”
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Trunks spoke as he stood beside her more than ready to set out and complete the task that she found fit to simply keep from him and shoulder all on her own. Whether he had to fight a god itself, Trunks knew where he belongs and it was next to her, beside her is where he’s finally felt that joy of living..or found a reason for him to ‘be’ in the first place.
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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I had to find you meme / accepting / @acoldsovereign
"i needed to see you."
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“Needed to..see me?” What was she talking about..he’s only been going for..maybe not more than three days, a pilgrimage to train this new power he’s obtained but throughout his concentration, he was met with Maiz that has quite a worrisome look on her face. Hmmm, maybe he DOES know what this is all about, she was probably just bored and she wished for a sparring partner because there’s NO WAY she could have missed him.
That would have been considered an earthling emotion he assumes. So a battle was definitely what she wanted. “Alright, don’t worry you don’t have to say a thing. Whilst he could NOT achieve the form at will..not yet, his body needed that adrenaline so THIS might actually be a perfect opportunity. “Let’s go.” Trunks spoke up and his hair changed instantaneously. 
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From its long but neatly kept lavender it now changed into an unruly long and spiked golden mane that spread across his back. “Come on, I’ll even let oyu have the first move.” He remained in the form for awhile but..something was different, she hasn’t even raised her own ki or took a fighting stance..she simply stood there. “Umm..Maiz, are you sick?”
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peoplcshope · 1 year ago
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I had to find you meme / accepting / @itmeanspeace
did you expect me to just wait around for you to show up?
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“That was the plan..I didn’t want you to get mixed up in my fight.” Trunks spoke out, these demons that had appeared..strong and somehow they even knew him. It made him wonder if these enemies were friends of that Dabura character him and Shiloh along with the late supreme kai dealt with a few years ago. Whoever they were, they proved to be quite the challenge for him..damn so much of the city that had been restored now laid in rubble.
But the enemies were defeated and better yet she was safe from everything else. It was rather ironic that the moment he forged a relationship with her he’s kept her at a rather far length from all of his battles. His heart knew she was powerful, even stronger than himself right now but his mind simply overpowered his feelings and urged him to keep her in a safe place. 
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“I’m sorry I kept you away from this but it was the only way I knew how to keep you safe. Gohan, Kibito..Mr Shin..I don’t exactly have the best track record with partners. Please understand that I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you’re as far away from my fights as possible.” Granted he’s afraid that likewise, he’d have to deal with her stubbornly refusing any form of protection.
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