#i like bringing my calico critters out with me
pinkcarabiner · 2 months
i actually really miss a lot of the 2020 aesthetics and trends because people weren't afraid to be cringe :(( people loved color and having unique style and now everything is beige and boring
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tiredfox64 · 3 months
I already sent this ask but accidentally sent it before I could fully type it out, I apologize 💀
But I was wondering if you could write a Lin Kuei x reader where she finds a stray kitten outside and takes it in to nurse it back to health. She probably keeps the kitten hidden in her room. Tomas probably finds out about it first and she’s just like “please don’t tell Bi-Han” So the two of them help raise the kitten and try to keep it a secret from Kuai Liang and Bi-Han.
Thank you 🩶💛💙
Calico Critters
Yip notes: No need to apologize! Ah yes, the cat distribution system is working just right. It been working for me for years
Pairings: Lin Kuei Bros x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: I hope you’re not allergic to cats
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You’ve always wanted to own a pet of your own. It didn’t matter if it was a shaggy dog or a wimpy tortoise. You wanted to love and care for something when the world could not give it to them. But your family was not big on owning pets. They would tell you they were too much responsibility and cost a lot of money which you understood. You thought you would have a chance to care for an animal when you were an adult but that hope dwindled quickly. Bi-Han would not allow you to be distracted by even a moss ball. Unless that pet was a powerful stallion, you weren't getting anything.
But the universe doesn’t listen to Bi-Han. The universe gives when the time is right and that time is now. It is your destiny and right to own a pet. And what better way to start your loving journey than with the sweet love and attitude of a kitty cat.
You just finished practicing for the day, the winds pricking your skin even with how hot you were. If you stay outside for any longer you’ll risk getting arthritis in your joints. And boy is that hell in the winter and summertime.
You were stopped by a sound that you thought was the wind at first. A squeaking that was unfamiliar to you. There was nothing in Artika that could make that sound. Not even a seal would make this high-pitched squeaking noise. You followed the direction of the noise, bringing you closer to a fern bush. You moved the leaves out of the way and came across interesting colors. Orange, black, and white with a pair of green eyes. Oh my goodness, it’s a kitten! The poor thing was shivering and being pushed by the wind. It seemed to be alone. There was no mother cat around or even any siblings. This one might have been the runt of the litter.
“Oh, you poor thing.” You said softly as you lightly picked up the kitten in your hands.
It, or more like she since this was clearly a calico, immediately started nuzzling in your hand to gain some warmth. You couldn’t do much since your hands were starting to freeze as well but it was better than the rough ground and thin ferns. You started looking around to see if there was anyone else around. There were luckily none to see what you were about to do. You moved your uniform around to find a spot to stuff the kitten into. The only place that worked was your chest area. You let the kitten snuggle up against your uniform as you started making your way inside.
Your arms were crossed over your chest area as you took quick steps toward your room. It didn’t matter if someone had something to ask you or was asking if you were alright, you had to get this kitten somewhere safe. You had to ignore Bi-Han as well. That was a risky choice, you know how much that man hates when no one listens to him. There were other things on your mind.
Finally, you got back inside your warm room and let the kitten out. She was still shivering but it reduced. You grabbed the softest blanket you had before rolling her up in it. She was like a burrito in the softest tortilla ever. The squeaking sound she produced ceased and she finally opened her eyes fully since there was no snow pelting them.
They were as green as the fern you took her from. Her irises were not slit but like big orbs. There was already a connection made. You are her savior, her new mother. This world is too cruel for such a pure being to live in. You must protect and keep this calico. She needs you. If you try giving her to another family you’ll break her heart.
Have I guilted you enough?
Screw Bi-Han and his rules! You’re keeping her. You just need to keep her hidden. Good luck with that.
Your family was right, pets are a big responsibility. You had no issue with getting supplies for your kitty like litter, toys, and food. But goodness that little mouth can be loud.
Meow! Meow! Meow!
She never stops. Her mind is too small and fragile to realize that she is creating sound herself. She speaks but is there truly meaning behind her words? No. Her brain functions but not fully. It will still be a while before she can comprehend that she has control over her mouth. For now, she will scream for the gods to listen to her cries. Or she will just scream at you to feed her more fish.
You tried bottle-feeding her some formula to help calm her down. It works for a little before she screams. She drinks, she enjoys, she screams. What more does she want, she doesn’t even understand trigonometry. Why is she having a crisis?
Meow! Meow! Meow!
Tomas stopped walking in the hallway. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Why did he hear a high-pitched meow coming from your room? What are you doing in there?
He walked closer to the door and placed his ear against it. He heard you speaking to someone, saying that they needed to quiet down and that no one could find out about them. There were more meows after that. He’s not going to wait for the answer to hit him in the face. He’s gonna investigate this for himself.
“What is that noise?” Tomas asked as he opened the door. His eyes widened once he saw something in a blanket and a bottle in your hand.
There is no easy way to explain this. You slowly turned around to show the colorful kitty in your arms. It was a relief to Tomas to see that you weren’t holding a baby but it’s still confusing. He was about to ask you why you have a kitten but you already started begging.
“Please don’t tell Bi-Han. You know he’ll tell me to get rid of her and I just can’t do that. Just look at her.” You held up the kitty burrito in front of Tomas.
“Where did you find a cat? When did you bring it here?” There were a thousand questions running through Tomas’ head but he did take a moment to look at her.
For once she quieted down. Her big, green eyes looked into Tomas’ soul. Those eyes were begging him not to snitch. They beg him to love her, care for her, to be a father to her. You were right, Bi-Han would tell you to get her out. Her small size or pure eyes would not win over his heart as it was doing with Tomas’ at that moment. Her little paws began clawing out of the blanket before stretching them to the sky. Her paws spread out and he could see the light pink toe beans that were so tempting to squish. Ah, it’s just too cute!
“You still need to tell me how you found it.” He reminded you.
You gave him all the details. You told him how you found her, what you did after, when you got all the supplies, and how long you’ve had her. You’ve only had her for a week and she’s beginning to desire more solids. You’ve been taking some of your fish from dinner and bringing it back to your room to feed her. Somehow no one has noticed until this point. You were doing well, she’s just a loudmouth.
“You seem to have your hands full. It’s like you became a mother overnight.” He joked.
She started taking big, wobbly steps on your bed. She climbs over the lumps in your sheets with determination. Her wobbly legs carried her to Tomas who was resting on your bed as you relayed everything to him. She screams and she is heard. Tomas laughs a little before trying to pet her. For some reason, she falls and begins to roll off the bed. He panics, rightfully so, as he tries to catch her in his big hands.
“Nooo, why would she do that?” He asked like he was truly heartbroken. He might have actually been heartbroken.
“She’s dramatic.” You replied.
Now she’s purring in his hands like she didn’t just cause him to have a heart attack. His thumb lightly pet her head and flicks her ears back and forth.
“Wait, did you even name her? You never once mentioned a name?” He pointed out.
“I was more concerned about hiding her than naming her. But I guess now would be a good time to think of a name.”
You two sat there for a good few minute trying to think of a name for this little scoundrel. This rapscallion who lies upon Tomas’ hands and receives pets from him. What to name a unique creature like her?
“How about Ionnah? I think it’s unique just like her.” Tomas suggested.
“Ionnah, huh? That sounds cool! I love that for her. Ionnah it is.”
She was already getting used to the name considering her head perked up once you repeated it. Now this secret lies with you and Tomas. You two are responsible for her. You both must hide her and care for her. Congrats, you have become cat parents.
She was easier to manage with the help of Tomas. He brought her more food and since he had more freedom to leave he took the time to get cat food for Ionnah. He even started to teach her to be a hunter like him. And by teaching that means letting her chase a cat toy in the shape of a mouse. Yup, that’s a lethal predator right there. She’ll be taking down some of the clansmen in no time.
But you two could not be more obvious. You do realize Kuai Liang sees all, right? You can’t hide anything from that man he will always get suspicious of something. He’s been seeing you both whisper to each other and giggle about stuff before sneaking into your room. Tomas always shuts the door quickly and locks it. Are you two…dating?!
Oh nah, he needs to know now. Why would his brother hide anything like that from him? He doesn’t like that at all. Kuai Liang kept a close eye on Tomas, almost mad dogging him until he would say something. It didn’t work because you and Tomas weren’t dating. You’re just parenting together which could be like dating if you fancy that.
Ah whatever, Kuai Liang needs to sharpen his kusarigama. And you both need to figure out WHERE THE FUCK YOU LEFT IONNAH!
“I didn’t realize I left the door slightly open. I was so tired after that mission.” You were crying into Tomas’ arms after you couldn’t find Ionnah.
“It’s going to be alright. We’ll find her. She couldn’t have gotten far with those tiny legs of hers.” He tried soothing you before taking your hand to look around the temple.
Ionnah was on a journey of her own. She may be small but she is mighty. She was looking around for some extra food since you and Tomas figured out you were feeding her fish multiple times a day without knowing. She likes her carp. But her green eyes saw something else that she was interested in and her slit pupils became wide.
She saw the rope that was connected to Kuai Liang’s kusarigama. The other end with the kunai on it was hanging off the table, the rope occasionally waving when Kuai Liang would move it to sharpen the other side. Those hunting practices Tomas was giving her kicked in and she bolted toward the rope with her claws out. She pounced on it, sinking her claws into it. She is so light that Kuai Liang didn’t feel anything pulling on his weapon. He only noticed something was wrong when he heard you sniffling near the doorway. Tomas’ eyes were angled down in shock as he was unsure of what to do to not make Kuai Liang look down.  Ah, too late he just did. That was when he noticed the furball made of white, black, and orange gnawing at his rope.
“Huh? How did that get here?” He questioned before leaning down and grabbing her by the back of the neck.
She immediately let go of the rope in response to the grab. Kuai Liang lifted her up to his face to get a better look. She looked perfectly healthy, too healthy to have just strolled into the Lin Kuei temple. Something ain’t connecting. He looked past Ionnah to see Tomas coming towards him with his hands out as if asking to pass her to him.
“Can we have her back please?” Tomas asked softly like that would stop Kuai Liang from asking questions.
“Explain.” He said bluntly.
You went over what happened again. You added on the fact that you begged Tomas not to say anything and he agreed to help you take care of Ionnah. All the while she continuously purrs in Kuai Liang’s lap as he pets her. She loves how warm he is. He’s like a sentient toasty blanket to her.
“I agree that Bi-Han would have told you to get rid of her. I would have agreed with him but now I see that she has not caused any distractions in your two. You both have been training still and doing missions. She has caused no issues.” Kuai Liang said as he looked down at her.
“So you won’t tell Bi-Han?” You wanted to double-check.
“No, I will not. But you might need extra help seeing that this slip up of yours could have gone wrong if she made her way to Bi-Han. I would like to help out. Plus, she is adorable.” He smiled softly as he smoothed out her fur.
This was awesome! Three parents for this little lady. One who is a 24/7 warm blanket for her, one who is constantly playing with her, and one who is a mother at all hours of the day. She is surrounded by so much love and warmth. Hopefully, no bitter cold will envelop her again.
You three have spent a lot of time in your room now. Every day after dinner you all go to your room to spend time with Ionnah. Every time the door opens she gets up from where she is and runs up to you while meowing. Her eyes are like boba every time she looks at you and her tail waves back and forth. She is that boost of serotonin that you all need.
Other than her mouse toy, Kuai Liang has figured out she loves rope. She loves climbing it and gnawing at it. He got her some rope that didn’t have sharp pieces of metal at both ends. She’ll start getting the zoomies when Tomas and Kuai Liang start playing with her. She will switch between the rope and the mouse before doing circles. You’d be there laughing at her cute antics. She’s gotten bigger and stronger since you first found her shivering in the cold. It warms your heart to see her enjoying her life with so much love around her. This is a better life than being stuck outside.
You’re still too suspicious. It’s the same thing except Bi-Han has noticed now. He notices how there are more whispers between you, Tomas, and Kuai Liang. He’s seen you all rush into your room. Though he didn’t come to the same conclusion Kuai Liang did, he was still suspicious. He believed the issue was in your room and he was right. That’s why he made you three go out on a mission so he could snoop around your room.
You were concerned about leaving Ionnah alone since Tomas and Kuai Liang would be with you. But Kuai Liang told you to lock the door and there would be no problems. He or his brother could help unlock the door once you guys get back. You thought that would be reasonable so you accepted the mission from Bi-Han. You did what you were instructed and locked the door. But do you think a lock will stop your grandmaster? Never.
When you guys left he immediately made his way towards your room. Of course, the door was locked but Bi-Han was quick to think of a solution. He made a pick made of hard ice to jam into the doorknob and it worked like a charm. He opened the door and Ionnah thought it was her parents. She leaped off your bed and began running towards the door until she saw Bi-Han. Her ears immediately folded down as she backed up. Her tail went down and she made that whining noise to alert that she did not feel safe. He is not her father.
Bi-Han’s eyebrows furrow in frustration as he watches her give him warning signs. She sure had an attitude.
“A calico…interesting…”
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“How could this happen again?” You started crying.
When you three came back and Kuai Liang tried to pick the lock he realized it was already unlocked. You three couldn’t find Ionnah anywhere. Not under the sheets, the bed, in the closet, under the dresser, or even in the drawers. You all ripped your room apart and could not find her anywhere.
“Do you think she could have snuck outside?” Tomas asked Kuai Liang.
“That is impossible, she hates the cold. She would not willingly go outside even to chase after us. She has to be in the temple still.” He said.
You all scattered around the place trying to find even a hint of her. There was no fur anywhere to hint at her being in a certain area. She did not respond to her name or even pspspsps. No meows or screams from her. You all met up in the middle again and none of you had any good news. But that’s when Tomas noticed something strange. He pointed to the fish pieces on the floor. There was a path of them all leading to…Bi-Han’s office! Oh gosh, he found her!
You three burst into his office expecting him to be holding Ionnah captive. Instead, you saw her lying on his desk while he worked on some paperwork. He sees he has to order more fish for the clan. Ionnah immediately picked her head up and jumped off his desk to run up to you. You picked her up and gave her many kisses, thanking the gods for keeping her safe surprisingly.
“I expect to hear that your mission was completed,” Bi-Han said casually.
You all were shocked. It was like he didn’t notice the kitten that was once on his desk.
“Brother, are you not going to ask-“
“Ask about the cat that you have been hiding away even though I told you that you were not allowed to own any pets,” Bi-Han said with a clear attitude.
You looked down all guiltily even though you have proven to be able to take care of a kitten. Tomas and Kuai Liang were not happy with their brother and his cruel tone. They were still confused about why he even had her in the room. He was ready to answer that though.
“I was wondering where the runt of the litter was. I was surprised to see it was a calico since they are rare. She does not look like her mother but she does have her fluffy coat.”
This confused you more until Bi-Han got up and walked over to a corner of his office. That’s when you notice the sort of fort made from blankets. He lifted one of the corners to show a bunch of kittens and one cat. That’s Ionnah’s family! She really was the runt of the litter!
You all got a closer look and saw that the mother was a Serbian cat with light gray fur. Her babies seemed to be a mix of Serbian and Russian blues. Some had darker fur while others had lighter fur. What they all had in common was the mother’s fluffy fur that was well-kept and her green eyes. Yup, that’s definitely Ionnah’s mother. Bi-Han placed the blanket back over to allow them to rest.
So Bi-Han was the one who took the rest of the family in? Who would have thought! Not even his brothers would have guessed that. What was he supposed to do, leave them out there to freeze to death? He can be evil and cruel but he’s not a monster. If he can manage a clan he can also manage a litter of kittens. There is enough fish to go around even for Ionnah which was the only way he could get her to leave your room. She would not allow his cold hands to pick her up.
“But I thought we weren’t allowed to have pets.”
“You are not allowed to have pets but I am allowed. I’m the grandmaster, it is my choice. Plus, they are useful when it comes to getting rid of mice.” The second point makes sense but the first is bitchy of Bi-Han.
“So…does that mean you are keeping Ionnah for yourself?” You asked in a sad tone, thinking Bi-Han would keep her for himself since he is the only one allowed to have pets around here.
“Why would I keep her when she does not allow me to touch her? There is no point. You can keep her but remember she belongs to the Lin Kuei.” It’s important that he adds in that last part.
You were extremely relieved to hear that and so were Tomas and Kuai Liang. That means Ionnah is still yours and you all get to do whatever with her. She can live with you and have other cats to spend time with if she chooses to. She’ll get all the fish she wants and if there are any mice around that’s an extra treat. Good thing Tomas was already training her. She’ll be the best mice hunter the Lin Kuei has ever had!
Yap notes: Speaking of cats here's my co-writer who sometimes distracts me:
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Also I do have calico critters that my bestie gifted me for Christmas which I gifted her a cat set as well:
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Also that card in the middle was cause i didn’t wanna put a divider or do a transition cause i got lazy and I just want more of my ice cream cake. Adiós!
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hello strawbabies, booberries, n caregivers!
lina | 18 | she/her | little/age regressor | little age 2-6, usually 3-4
this blog is a sfw agere blog.
about me
full time college student
chronically ill (fibromyalgia, celiac, and raynaud's)
neurodivergent (adhd)
dni if...
under 16
nsfw, k!nk related, anti-agere, dd1g/dd1b/abd1
any kind of 'ist' or hateful group
if a kid shouldn't see it, don't bring it to my blog!
my interests
animal crossing - i'm playing through new horizons and pocket camp! my favorite characters are the able sisters, and my favorite villagers are merengue, gayle, and sherb!
strawberry shortcake - i love all the shows, but i grew up on berry bitty adventures! my favorite character is blueberry muffin.
hello kitty - didn't watch any hello kitty stuff as a kid, but i am getting into it now and love it!
bluey - i love all the characters so much! they're all so fun!
cars - i wish i could live in radiator springs. my favorite characters are lightning himself and cruz!
squishmallows - i collect them! i have 20+, and i pick them not just because of their looks, but based on their stories, too! my favorites are melani the arctic fox (she has adhd, too!) and ryan the husky, specifically the version in the strawberry costume!
calico critters - i only have a few, but i'm hoping to get more soon!
squinkies - i make earrings out of them!
lego friends - i have a soft spot for the original five girls! the new show is fun, too, tho.
kpop - stayc is my ult, and my favorite song by them is run 2u! seeun is my bias, she's so pretty!
studio ghibli - my favorite is howl's moving castle! i love calcifer!
tags list
#linaslittlelifeblog - exactly what it sounds like! blogs from me when i'm in little space.
#stuffieblog - a blog posted "by" one of my stuffies!
more to come!
anon list
nothing to see here yet!
feel free to talk to me whenever and don't be afraid to ask questions about agere! take care of yourself, drink water, hug a stuffie, eat a snack. love you all!
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stickersheetbunny · 3 months
🌈 hello friends! 🌈
°•. ✿ .•° introduction post °•. ✿ .•°
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about me
🟥hi everyone, i'm stickersheetbunny but you can also call me stickersheet, bunny, bun, or refer to me by other nicknames like kiddo, little one or flower 🌻 :)
🟧i'm 19 years old, and i use she/her pronouns. this is my personal blog to post about age regression/age dreaming and share other cute things i like. i'm relatively new to both agere and tumblr and would be happy to be mutuals with others in the community so if anyone a similar age would like to reach out to talk feel free to message me ! (sorry if i take a while to respond, i try my best but do get anxiety sometimes)
🟨my little age ranges somewhere between 2-10, and when small i usually think of myself as having both a kid mode and a baby mode. i regress as a coping mechanism for trauma, but also for fun and as a way to reconnect with childhood for comfort. i would describe myself as being more of an age dreamer since i don't fully regress very often, but am still on the journey of figuring this out and hope i can be accepted here by everyone all the same !
🟩some random stuff i like in no particular order (subject to change as i'm always picking up new interests and fixations):
★ my stuffies, hello kitty and sanrio, postage stamps, music, sylvanian families/calico critters, bunnies, kids toys and colourful things, video games (typically older ones), cartoons, pastels and primary colours, dinos, playing at the park, looking at agere posts on tumblr (one of the reasons i started this blog!) and also anything cute to do with babyre/baby regression, or that makes me feel small
🟦thank you for reading! i hope that my posts can maybe bring people happiness and comfort in the same way that others have done for me, as well as helping give myself an outlet to share and explore this part of myself :)
!! SFW INTERACTION ONLY !! DNI: nsfw, kink, ddlg/abdl, anti-lgbtq/age(d)re/petre etc, ageplay, sexist, racist, ableist, anti-furry, terf
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yaspup9000 · 2 months
What's your favorite LPS? What about your favorite Sylvanian families/calico critters? If you can, provide pics!
oh god.. these are hard…
when it comes to calico critters I just love the mice families, mainly like these guys
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Norwood family
and the marshmallow mouse family
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When it comes to other non mice related families, I also like the fox families, reindeer families, penguins and rabbit families. I genuinely had fell in love with the seadog/tan dog family ever since I found tan/seadog mother Jane at a thrift store a few years ago.
now for littlest pet shop, that really depends because my favorite littlest pet shop when it comes to vibes was most definitely the sticker eye pets mainly this dog here
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When I was younger I genuinely thought this dog was doing the awsome face. (who remembers awsome face btw)
now when it comes to pet molds I genuinely have a lot of mold I genuinely like. Mainly the canines like dogs, foxes and even wolf molds. For rabbits I love the lop eared rabbits (btw basic fun should really bring back that mold btw) mice and hamsters are pretty good. Love the deer so much. I also genuinely love some of the newborn lps tho, mainly these bunny triplets from the rescue tails playset
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Between awsome face dog and these baby bunnies I most definitely want to have them again. I’m not gonna get too much into stuff but some of my other collection of lps and other stuff was thrown out without my consent nor me knowing which is.. kinda screwed up and I’ve been trying to make peace with it.
anyways I just have a long mental list of pets I generally like that it might be its own post when it comes to lps tier lists
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taybatwo2 · 9 months
And another Magic Mixies Pixling review:
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Wynter the Bunny Pixling (with really bad eye wonk).
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She’s unusual that she is the first in the Magic Mixies Pixling line-up to have no molded on clothing-aside from her under-roos (still hoping for a knee joint, but she’s a great step in the right direction).
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A close up of her sweet and wonky face. Again, she is lightly pixelated, but it is MUCH better than Mattel’s pixelation. She also has a very sparkly head gem too (while I believe the others have had no sparkly backing to their gems).
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She has only one set of ears (thank you!! I really don’t care for the two pairs of human/animal ears some dolls have *cough, cough* Enchantimals *cough.*). They even sculpted fur on the outside! It’s very cute. Also, you can see the pearly tinsel in her hair here as well (her hair fiber is super soft, like Rainbow High/Shadow High’s kiwi hair).
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Here are her accessories: a fur lined, sparkly snowflake cape, a flocked headband, some pink glittery shoes with heart and fur details, and her wand/scepter (my favorite due to the little rabbit ears on top and the little bunny tail on the bottom).
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Only part of her dress is hemmed, and there is a ribbon inside to help it from riding up.
Okay Wynter, wave your magic wand to bring up some similar bunny/rabbit themed dolls to compare yourself to!
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more under the cut
Turns out there are quite a few bunny themed dolls out there, compared to the few I own.
Of course, they are the very cute Calico Critters/Sylvanian Family Rabbit Families (if I ever give in and buy one I’m doomed). They’re flocked, smaller than Wynter and have less articulation:
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Then there are these Chinese BJD’s:
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I actually might give in and buy -the whole set- ONE of them from this series….because they are ALL so cute:
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Both sets are fully articulated and are strung with elastic. I believe they are a bit taller than Wynter.
Okay, back to some dolls I do have:
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Wynter with Angel-Hop the Zelf (both from Moose Toys). In every review, I have said that they really seem to have some similarities in the line (or look like they would be the Pixling’s pet/sidekick). Angel-Hop also has molded on fur.
There were two other bunny Zelfs, the large Snowflake (going with a snow bunny theme like Wynter) and Sugar Bunny.
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But, the Zelfs that looked the most similar to Wynter was: Crystal Gemz Angelala! …the light pink one on the left: Float kinda reminded me of her hair blend l, so he also snuck into the picture.
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Their heart gems are not the exact mold, but they look VERY SIMILAR TO ONE ANOTHER. Her brother from another species’ mother…..
Okay, onto the Shopkins Wild Style: Melonie Hops and Bunny Bow. Both characters are flocked and waaaay smaller than Wynter. Besides them also being made by Moose Toys, and being bunnies as well, there isn’t much similarity (Wynter finds them adorable).
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There was a Shoppie who went along with Bunny Bow, Rainbow Kate. I believe that she is slightly taller than Wynter, but has less articulation, and I don’t know if her clothes are removable.
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Okay, now onto some non-Moose Toys. How about Na! Na! Na! Surprise! by MGA? Now they have a lot of bunnies! Including my Aubrey Heart (who seems to have more in common with the Zelf: Sugar Bunny than Wynter). Aubrey is a cloth doll over a plastic vase and has five points of articulation and is a good deal taller than Wynter with her bunny hat on (which is permanent and seen to her hair). Both have really soft hair fibers…
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This line also had allll of these bunny themed characters: Bebe Groovy and Melanie Mod (a second bunny doll named Melanie/Melonie). I believe these were released in the same series too.
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Alice Hope (second bunny girl with the last name “Hops,” and will be the first of two Alice in Wonderland references in this post) and another snow bunny: Aspen Fluff.
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Finally, they had “Black Bunny,” from the Ultimate Series (they’re MUCH bigger dolls with removable hats and rooted hair ….and were stupid expensive…)
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Okay, the other behemoth of bunny doll characters are Mattel’s Enchantimals (which I believe are still putting out characters/play sets, just not in the United States). I never cared for them due to their molded on clothing and the human ear/animal ear combo (I DESPISE it SO).
They are the same height as Pixlings, but with smaller proportions, and more limited articulation (and with molded on tops and removable skirts like Pixlings, but not executed as well IMO). I don’t own any bunny Enchantimals, so here are more stock photos for yoooou. Also, their set of bunny ears remind me of the Rankin and Bass’ “Here Comes Peter Cottontail’s” rabbits:
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There is another pink bunny girl: Bree Bunny and ANOTHER snow bunny: Bevy Bunny (a skirt and tank top are NOT snow appropriate clothing).
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There are Brystal Bunny and Blyss Bunny.
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aaaand the smaller (also pink) bunny: Bedelia Bunny (no relation to Amelia Bedelia) and another purple bunny: Becker Bunny (who comes with an fairly cute Farmer’s Market Playset and looks to have the extra knee joints, along with a new cute ear mold). Apparently, they are all related….
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And I would be remiss if I did not include Mattel’s Ever After High Bunny Blanc (daughter of Alice in Wonderland’s White Rabbit)…..she looks much cuter in the very enjoyable animated series and this stock photo than she does in real life.
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autistic-fuckwad · 21 hours
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pinned post cause my old one is fucking depressing!!! be 18+ to follow please! i dont post porn but i do post suggestive stuff.
hi im Anchor! im 19. im otherkin, autistic + adhd and a whole lot of other mental shit, physically disabled, and fall under the trans man and nonbinary umbrellas. im gay as hell ( i love men + nonbinary people!!! im both lol ) so youll see posts abt that. my gender is an enigma, but i am not a woman for sure! i only use he/they pronouns, but i heavily prefer he/him. i like to talk abt myself in the third person a lot bc autism. that's why i'm autistic-fuckwad!
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i make art! the guy above is me but like. a bunny version. i also have tons of fandoms that i like but dont really talk abt! idk i dont really know what to put here if you wanna check me out from other places, here's my carrd!
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Mine sideblogs: @commander-frostfang - Guild Wars 2 sideblog. Named after my first character, but holds both Zohar Frostfang and Hyacinth of Malvale as my commaders. I post my gw2 art there, if i make any, and reblog posts abt gw2. I currently have played through the entire story on Zohar.
@5h4rku8us4rt - Art blog! kinda disorganized, not tagged well, will fix up in the future. still badass as hell tho. i post my art here so you can follow this to see when i post art specifically cause i reblog so much on my main blog. 5H4RKU8US is generally my username on other sites, i just tagged art to the end in the same style. it's pronounced sharkubus. @5h4rkd0llz - doll blog. heavy wip, ive been depressed. i collect rainbow high and calico critters, i also sew doll clothes. might do customs, might not. idk.
@5h4rku8us - Had to claim my main username somehow! im honestly using this to store my sona's art and post abt vtubing stuff. once i start making videos, i plan on uploading links to them here! honestly, kind of dead rn. it will happen in the future tho!
@sharksimsss - sims 4 cc blog. i hardly use this one so its just for myself and my bff to grab cc from lol @chroxri-corner - my own original species and world building blog! currently dead but not abandoned. im just depressed
i dont use my fr blog anymore but i didnt delete it so im just not sharing it here lol
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I block heavily and I'm not interested in arguing about my core belief systems. i dont hold opinions on most things so dont come into my inbox just to ask abt if i support giggleshitfart68 or not for being twinklekin. i support intersex people and believe in breaking the sex and gender binary. do as ye will as long as ye bring no harm upon others.
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pbandjesse · 12 days
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I did not go to work today. And I am really glad I didn't. I felt horrible. Not as exhausted as yesterday. But my whole body felt dizzy and bad and I was not having a good time. Jess thinks it was/is my blood sugar. Because every time I ate I would feel better for a bit. It was frustrating for sure.
I didn't sleep terribly. Sleeping with the long cat pillow has been helping a lot and I am not waking up in as much pain. But I felt very bad in every other way when I woke up.
James wasn't sure if I was going to go to work so they were waiting for me to get up. But when I let them know I had texted Alexi that I wasn't going to come in, they came and laid with me. Held me for a while. It helped.
I would eventually get up. But I just felt so out of it. I barely recognized myself in the mirror. My eyes just didn't look right. I took a shower and brushed my teeth and got dressed. But I just felt. Gross. Bad. Weak.
I would go downstairs and had cereal and I was sure that would help but it did not. James would leave to go to the dump to get rid of some of the styrofoam and larger boxes in the basement. And would hit up the hardware store to get a bracket to affix the shelf that Cate and Ross gave us.
And while they were gone I just tried to rest. I brought Crabcake and Sweetp outside and laid on the porch swing. I had some strawberry cranberry juice. I tried to just gently rock and tried to not feel so bad.
I would try very hard to accomplish a few things today when I would get a small burst of energy. The first half of the day this did not go well. I would go in the studio and we are rearranging so that James can move their desk and stuff down there. And so I wanted to start putting the books on the shelf so we can move the trunks and make the space for the desk. And I would get one tote bag of books done, have to lay down on the floor because I was so dizzy. Do another bag. Laid down. Just over and over until they were all done. Then went outside again.
James came home and would accomplish a few things. Bracketing the shelf. And I was outside feeling horrible. I brought a blanket out with me and was trying to find a video to watch but I was only finding 8 minute ones and I was just having a very hard time.
James would come outside to wrap the flowers from last week to dry. And I asked for a zofran, a Zyrtec, and a hashbrown dressed up like a baked potato. And they would jump right into that.
And it helped. It wasn't a perfect fix, but it did help. And I loved my hashbrown. It would have only been improved by a fried egg. I would actually have James make me this hashbrown a few hours later. It was so good.
Eating did help. And James would go for a bike ride. And while they were gone I kept trying to accomplish things.
I sat in the studio and sewed the sleeves of a few shirts. And moved the trunks to the other side of the room. I'm actually really excited about the layout of the room right now. There are still some changed we are going to make but I'm really pleased right now. And it would only be better later when James moved their desk in.
I spent a long time working on resetting my doll house. I took everything out and organized it. And then I used museum wax on everything so nothing will rattle or fall over. And I'm really happy with the update. I want to do a little bit of holiday decorations. Some mini Halloween and Christmas. I think it'll be fun. But I'm not in a rush to figure that out. It was just fun sitting and doing this task. And it was the best I had felt all day.
When James got home I was finishing the doll house. Getting the calico critters into place. James would work on bringing the desk downstairs. And I finished the dollhouse and got it set in the window. I hope passerbys enjoy it.
James would work on setting up the desk. And I made a shelf space for them in the new book shelf. And then went back upstairs to lay down.
James would bring me that second hashbrown. And made themselves pasta. And I tried to rest but I found it very hard.
It was a good thing I didn't fall asleep though because I had forgotten my rhumatologist telehealth appointment. Oops.
But it ended up taking absolutely forever again. Almost a full 50 minutes behind schedule. I called 10 minutes after my appointment time to make sure I wasn't wrong and that it was supposed to be in person. But nope they were just running late. I was getting pretty annoyed but the staff and the doctor are all so nice I get very very disarmed after I got off the phone with them. But it was a good conversation. I think I did a good job explaining what was up. My joints aren't bothering me to bad right now, but I think that I'm probably just not noticing it because I have so much other stuff going on.
But I felt a little better after that.
James was done putting laundry away and would move their dresser into our bedroom. And I hated it. It wasn't that it was in our room but it didn't fit where James put it and it made the whole space uncomfortable. I had to reassess it. But I was ready to get something to eat for dinner.
James took us to Jimmy John's. And it was honestly a really nice meal. We ate it there. And I was really craving the bread specifically. And it was a nice little meal together. We talked and enjoyed each other's company. I was feeling a lot better.
When we got home James was working on baking bread. And I came upstairs to look at the furniture. I was able to move my desk and the one storage box and it all worked a lot better. James shook their head at me for moving the furniture by myself. But I am very pleased with how it looks.
Next step is going to be sorting through baby/child things and starting to layout the backroom for that. I know it's still early so we aren't doing a ton but we are at least making some plans. And it feels good to have something to focus on.
I would eventually take a shower and washed my hair. I have been double washing my hair after I heard that if your hair doesn't foam you should wash it again, that it's because there's to much oil, and it's interesting how much it foams the second time! Makes me feel clean.
And now I am in bed. Resting. I am really hoping to go to work tomorrow. We are having a meeting about FOP (friends of puhtok) and how to get more people involved. I have some suggestions. I hope it's a good meeting and we have some kind of plan. Because it's a lot of older people. And they aren't great at getting more people involved.
And then I'm doing the printshop at the museum and I hope it's fun. It's supposed to be a pretty busy night. Big party. I just hope I feel more normal tomorrow. I haven't enjoyed how I've been feeling. It's scary to be so nauseous and weak.
Now though it is time to sleep. I love you all. Until next time. Take care of yourself!!
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Caregiver!Daryl x Little!Reader
This is set in the post-apocalyptic time period, during Alexandria because so cool and yum yums :D  Also, I call Daryl as his name at first, but then it transitions to Daddy, just gotta clarify that <3
As the sun rises the sun peeks through the blinds shining over your eyes, as you rouse you let out a big yawn and whine. You turn your head to look at Daryl, only to not find him there. You whine louder, now upset, and look for your stuffie. Not finding her either. With your morning now ruined (as if you ever liked mornings) you start to cry. Your wailing causes heavy footsteps to come to your shared room and as the door opens, in comes Daryl. 
“Oh honey,” He says in a babying tone, “come here sweetness.” 
He says grabbing you and placing you on his hip. He showers you in kisses and brings you to the bathroom. He grabs your F/C toothbrush and puts a pea of toothpaste. He hands it to you as you start brushing, bouncing you up and down he spins causing you to giggle. You finish brushing and you lean down to  spit out the toothpaste and wash your mouth. Daryl grabs your kitty face towel and runs it underneath the tap, he wipes your mouth, folds it, and wipes your face. He places it back on its holder and walks you down the stairs to the kitchen. 
He walks over to the couch and plops you down, you giggle and squeal as the sudden drop surprises you. 
“Alright baby, lemme finish our breakfast.”
 He brings out your basket of toys from various runs and places some on the floor for you. You drop to the floor and crawl towards the toys, grabbing your calico critters and lps. 
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As he walks back to the kitchen you start playing pretend with your lps, placing them into the little house and babbling, acting as if they’re talking to each other. 
“Ababababaaa!” You ramble out, grabbing more of them, making it look like a party. 
You crawl to the kitchen, witnessing Daddy (Daryl) reading from a paper that’s in Carol’s handwriting. You crawl quickly, bumping into his legs, he quickly looks down to see you reaching your hands out asking a silent “Uppies?”
“I’m sorry little one, Daddy can’t righ’ now. I’m cooking, go play with your toys.” He says in his usual gruff voice. 
You huff in annoyance but crawl back to your spot to continue playing. After ten minutes you hear Daddy go 
“Sweetheart! C’mere!” 
You gasp in excitement making your way to him, he crouches down, welcoming you into his arms. He gives you a big squeezy hug and a kiss on the forehead. 
“Ready for breakfast sweet pea?” He asks, looking down at you in his grasp. He places you into a cushioned chair and sits next to you. 
“Later on, you’re gonna have to say thank you to Carol alrigh’? She was the one who gave me this recipe.” 
You look down at the plate that consists of eggs (however you want them) and chocolate chip pancakes, that were (supposed to be) in the shape of a bear. You clap your hands and nod in excitement. He cuts the pancakes into tiny shapes and picks one up as you open your mouth. He feeds you and as you chew he starts to eat his own food. 
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annndddd.. thats all folks! Honestly I really wanted to make this longer, but I decided that this will just be a mini-series maybe? I'm so sorry it took me so long out with this, I was rereading my other one and decided that you guys deserved more! Love ya, stay safe <;3
~Babie Espie
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I'm really not a fan of folks who KEEP doing infantailization. I'm still getting dms and people are now telling me my blog is basically 'baby safe'. (whatever this means) and I don't know if people realize it's not a compliment. I'm tired of terms like baby, toddler etc. Being used as if it's meant to be a compliment to me. It's not... I'm a grown women. I have trauma, yes. I have a inner child I'm attempting to heal. But... But I'm still biologically a grown women. Even as someone with cptsd and stuff... I can say this. I am an adult. I get uncomfortable with infatalizaing terms being yeeted my way. I also don't like stuff that brings me comfort being labeled in a way that equally makes me uncomfortable. Like a lot of people have told me for a very long time I show 'grow up' and stop liking anime, I should stop liking calico critters etc. So to see people brand this stuff AS baby/kiddo related heightens this discomfort. It doesn't lesson it, it applies more shame. And yes the people saying these things might not realise the shame, as it's inner feeling for me. But I have it. Calling hobbies or things I collect, things I like as 'baby' 'kiddo' things is infantalization. Your taking me away from the being an adult, and moving me towards child. Your labeling my likes/wants as things CHILDREN like. -> "but you like baby clothing", regrading the lolita fashion I reblog. The fashion isn't "baby" related. It has cute motifs but that's all. Also if people looked into lolita, there's also classic and gothic, thus they have those motifs. There's even country lolita, which would have if you can guess, country style motifs. I just reblog more so sweet because sweet suits my blog. (Oddly enough I never wore sweet lolita. I preferred country/classic/gothic as I found the pallet flatter my pale skin and body shape more) But still lolita fashion isn't related to being a 'baby'. It's victorian inspired. -> "but you reblog pink which is a baby color", colors aren't related to infants. They are colors. It is that deep. A tea spoon of depth. That's all. So please don't instance it's a 'baby' color. It makes me uncomfortable. -> "but you like anime which is baby safe". I like shojo and shonen anime, and yuri. BUT almost all the animes I enjoy I wouldn't show them to kids because of the themes/subject matter. Even shojo some themes are just outside of the scope a child would understand. (*gestures to nana, back stage prince, etc* I like josie anime. Paradise Kiss is another one I wouldn't show a child personally.) I don't like the term/phrase "baby safe"/ "kiddo safe" etc, because it's infantalization. I also feel like I'm being upheld to some standard. Like what if I reblog demon slayer, or even a horror like Higurashi? Monster? What I reblog Parasyte? (Higurashi, Monster and Parasyte are horror anime's) It's going to make these people freak out the blog they labeled as 'kiddo safe' is now posting/reblogging something they don't believe fits there set assumption and aesthetic.
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georgiapeach30513 · 2 years
Kindly Unspoken, Part 9
Summary:  Christmas with the Barber’s
Pairings:  Andy Barber X Reader
Rating:  🥺🥺
Warnings:  none, 18+ ONLY
Word Count:  2.1K
Series Masterlist
*dividers created by @firefly-graphics​
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“What time did you tell her?” Amaris asks, leaning over the back of the couch to look at the front window. “Did you give her the right address?”
“She’s been here plenty of times,” Andy yells from the kitchen bringing the rest of the snacks into the living room. “Feet off the couch.”
“What do you mean she’s been here plenty of times? Like times without me?”
“Yes, she came here to inspect the house,” he sits down on the couch, and the little girl crawls over into his lap, looking at the coffee table filled with all the snacks.
“Does she celebrate Christmas?” Andy nods at her, starting to giggle. “How did you ask her?”
“I asked if she would like to come over later because you made cookies her.”
“It was your idea,” she hums. Wanting to lean over to grab a sugar cookie. She turns and looks at her dad, and he gives her a nod.
“Get one for me, too, please.”
She waits until Andy takes a bite before smiling at him, “Do you like Angel?”
“Of course I do. She brought you to me. Nobody needs to be alone for Christmas.”
“Yeah, but, do you like like her. Like…like her? Like…how Hayden likes Doll.”
“Did you have a good first Christmas in Boston?”
Amaris blows a raspberry out of her mouth, but doesn’t press her dad further.  She knows It only makes him shut down a bit more.  Her fingers tap on his arms, looking back behind her out the window again, “Daddy, you look handsome in your sweater.”
“And you look beautiful in your Christmas outfit.”
She fiddles around with the dress, giving him a smile, “Doll picked it out with me.  I bet it’s going to be so nice for Cozy to have a mom in her life.  And Sailor has a mama, too.  You know, moms just know what their daughters need.”
“Is this about Jessie?”
“No,” she answers quickly, shaking her head.  “How do you miss someone you never met.”
“You met her, sweetheart.”
“I don’t remember her, though.  I know she was great, and I’m sad that I don’t have a mom, but I don’t miss my real mom.  I’m just saying that Doll and Tulip are my aunts, and wouldn’t it be nice for me to have another mom?  One that I actually know?”
“Ah,” Andy sighs, leaning back on the couch.  “You want me to get married.  Am I not enough?”
“You’re fine, daddy, honestly.  I’m just saying that I can’t keep Doll here.  And I know that you provide for me, and you’re getting better at picking things out, but Doll does the shopping.  And Angel has really good style.  I’m just saying,” before she can add more, she sees your lights beam through the window and she jumps up.
Andy breathes a sigh of relief with the round of questions.  Talking about giving Amaris a mom was not an easy topic for him.  He hadn’t really dated since Jessie.  Not anything serious.  A few one night stands, but never someone he would consider a long life with.  “Amaris, just wait by the door.  It’s cold out, and you don’t need to stand there with the door open,” she drops her hand from the handle, and stands there twitching.
Waiting patiently, until she hears your little knock, and she slings the door open, circling her hands around your legs.  Pulling her off you, you give her a big tight hug, “Did you have a good Christmas?” Squeezing through the door, you shut it, keeping the cold and the snow out.  
“I did.  Come see my room,” she wiggles out of your arms, and starts racing up the stairs.  Turning around to look at you, “Well come on.”
“You better go on,” Andy says, coming up behind you to join the both of you.  “There’s been some changes to her room.”
“You guys work fast,” you whisper, going up the stairs.  “Wow.  It looks amazing in here.  How long did this take?”
“Well, Nini helped.  Hayden and Curtis painted.  Steve built me some more to my village.  Look,” her Calico Critters seemed to be her favorite.  Steve had provided her with hills on her table, making it appear just like a village.  “And this,” she points over to a corner full of stuffed animals, “This is mine and Sailor’s favorite.  The mountain of Squishmallows.  She lets me read her stories there.  And…oh!  Angel, we got you a present.”
Walking over to her very own little pink tree, she pulls out a small package, and you were almost taken aback.  “It’s not a lot.  It was dad’s idea.  I helped with the final product though.  I hope you like it.”
You thank them both, and start to open the package, gasping at the pastel highlighters in them, “You didn’t seem to have the right highlighters in your collection.  Amaris calls them Mild Lingers.  She has some herself.”
“Do you have them?” You shake your head no, surprised that Andy had noticed enough about your desk to know you didn’t have these highlighters.  “See,” she walks over to her desk, and opens up a notepad, using one of them, “There’s gray ones.  Now, we just gotta keep Coco from stealing them from you.”
“Yeah, he tends to do that to me.”
“The other day I found one of my baby bunny critters in his pocket,” she giggles at you.  “I tried to get him to set up the village with me, but he was stuffing the babies in his pockets.  I gotta be careful because Sailor likes to eat them.”
“So you like being close to your family?”
“Yes!  And Doll is having a little girl that they’re calling Cozy.  Well, Cozette, and Cozy for short.  Um,” she lets out a deep breath, and looks up at her dad, “Daddy said you were alone today.”
“Well, not completely.  I was looking for someone.”
“I don’t like people being alone.  Daddy and I made cookies.”
“They’re just those Pillsbury ones,” Andy adds.  It was still the most adorable thing.  Andy really enjoyed being a father, and was adapting to the life well.
“And, he said he likes watching Elf on Christmas.  And me, and Nini, and Doll, and Tulip, and even Hayden, because he can’t leave Doll’s belly alone.  But we made this yummy popcorn that has Christmas candy and sprinkles in it.  Daddy and I were trying to make the perfect hot chocolate recipe, and it’s okay, but I think we can do better.  But what I mean is, do you think you could stay?  Eat popcorn, and some okay hot chocolate, eat the cookies, and watch Elf?  Please?  Pretty pretty please?”
You look between the two, and while you didn’t want to impose on them, she did say please.  They didn’t look like they were going to be doing anything else.  And it warmed your heart that they, or at least she, wanted you to stay for Christmas.  “I’d love to, Amaris Mae.”
“Okay, you two go downstairs.  I’m going to get my pajamas on since you saw my outfit.  You want to pick out a Squishmallow to lay on?  I want the axolotl though.  Might I suggest the dragon.  She’s pretty comfortable.  Daddy likes the shark,” she goes ahead and picks up the shark and hands it to her dad, while you grab the dragon, and head downstairs with Andy.  
“Have you eaten?  Tara sent us home with a ton of food if you’re not into snacks,” you don’t know how you missed the living room with all the snacks on the table, but the two of them had created a pretty magnificent spread.  “The hot chocolate is in the kitchen, but I can heat you up a plate of real food if you’d like.”
“It’s fine, I had some frozen lasagna.”
“Oh, well…uh, next time don’t hesitate to ask.  Tara and Howard wouldn’t mind.  Doll’s ex boyfriend was even there.”
“That’s strange.”
“He’s her brother’s friend.  Here,” he gives you a fluffy blanket, and goes to the kitchen to start the hot beverage.  Moving around quickly.  “I don’t want to impose.  I’m just so thankful for all you did.  I have my daughter, and…there've been a few bad days.  Not many.  We’ve visited her foster parents, and that seems to help.  But she’s home and with me and her family where she belongs.  And I just…you should have a family.”
“I…Andy I didn’t have the best experiences in the foster system.  I was carted around to so many different houses, and I…I don’t want to talk about that time.  But it made me who I am.  Made me want to fight for these kids who are forgotten by the system.  Made me want to give these kids a better life than I was given.  And yeah, sometimes it’s made me a bit of a loner, but I don’t feel alone.”
“But you deserve the family that you’re giving these kids,” you look away from him.  He could be so intense.  You weren’t offended by what he was saying, just shaken up that someone would care so much about you.  Care about where you were.  Care to know that you were fed, and had good experiences, and made Christmas memories.  “Have you ever seen Elf?”
“I haven’t.”
“It’s my favorite.  Watch it every year,” he pours three mugs of hot chocolate, sliding one over to you.  “Tell me what you think?”
“Mmm,” you say, taking a sip.  “You know what I think it needs?” Amaris skips into the kitchen, already discarded her own Squishmallow on the couch, and she stares excitedly at you.  “I think it needs some vanilla, a dash of cinnamon, and some whipped cream,” Andy looks over to Amaris, licking his lips playfully, and goes through the kitchen grabbing what you need.
“You’re lucky,” the little girl giggles.  “Nini stocked our kitchen.”
“Ooh!  A dusting of cocoa powder.”
“That’s what I told you, daddy!” You fix up everyone’s mugs, but Amaris jumps up, and runs into the pantry, bringing out a container of chocolate chips that she puts on the pile of whipped cream.  “This looks professional!” She squeals.  She takes a long sip, and smiles at the two of you.  “You know, all three of us helped make this the perfect mug of hot chocolate.  Try it.  You’ll see.”
You had to agree, it really was the perfect mug of hot chocolate.
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Andy looks out the window when the movie is over.  Smiling over at his sleeping daughter before looking at you, “I don’t feel comfortable with you leaving.”
“What?” He points outside, and you see why.  Apparently it had started snowing while you were watching, and it was still coming down, covering the road, and your car.
“I don’t think your little Civic should drive through this.  There’s an extra room upstairs.  You could wear some of my clothes to sleep in.  I just don’t feel comfortable with you driving in this.”
“No, yeah.  Yeah, you’re right.  I just…I don’t want to push myself into yours and Amaris’ space.”
“Are you kidding me?” He gives a soft chuckle, softly tapping on her leg.  “She adores you.  She loves the women in her life.  I think she hates that…I’m sorry.  I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.  Curtis has a big truck…”
“No.  No.  Staying here is fine.  I’ll make…do you have bacon and stuff for French toast?” He gives you a nod of his head, his mouth turning up into the biggest smile.  Unbeknownst to you, Andy was struggling not to get too excited.  “I’ll make us some French toast in the morning.  I’ll figure anything else out after that.  Maybe some fresh fruit, and eggs.”
Andy felt too comfortable having you here.  He wasn’t fighting your company like he did with most women.  And he would be blind to not notice how good you looked in his home with his daughter in between the two of you.  “Right.  Let me get you something to wear, and I’m going to carry the sleeping beauty upstairs.  Thank you for tonight.”
“You did everything.”
“I mean, thank you for always being kind to my daughter.  You have a  good heart, Angel.  Come on, let’s find something for you to wear.  Gotta clean this mess up.  There’s always messes with a kid.”
“I can help.”
“No, you’re our guest.”
“I don’t mind.  Kids’ messes just mean they’re in a safe and happy home.  You’re doing good, Andy Barber,” yep.  He liked it too much.  He isn’t even mad that the snow was keeping you trapped here.  With a look outside, he hopes that it will continue to snow throughout the night.  He didn’t want to hold you prisoner, but it felt good to know that Amaris was going to wake up with you here.  Giving him and her the family he always desired, and he was getting the feeling the one you did, too.
“Merry Christmas, Angel.”
“Merry Christmas, Andy.”
Taglist: @tis-thedamn-season​ @marveloustaylortot​ @pono-pura-vida​ @sstan-hoe​ @peaches1958​ @infatuatedharleys​ @redbloodedgurl​ @thedarknessilove​ @whimsyplaty92​ @superforgottensoul​ @lilac-tea-time​ @seitmai​ @smile1318​ @andydrysdalerogers​ @cjand10​
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systastic · 2 months
Could we ask for a level 3 catgirl little? You were the first to come to mind for catgirls ^^ a picrew image would be lovely
YESYESYESYES!!!! another catfriend!!! aaahhh im so honored mew came to me nya!! if mew end up splitting her please please please feel free to let her come n talk to us!! imogen n i are both catgirls ~ and i love new friends meow - 🍥
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name :: penny (short for penelope), sophie, bella, rosie, grace, alice, poppy, merry
age :: 9 to 12
pronouns :: predominantly she/her, will use purr/purrs, cloud/clouds, frog/frogs, fluff/fluffs, and yarn/yarns when she remembers they can be used to refer to herself (which isn’t often- it’s a bit much for her to get a hold of)
roles :: charge, little, innocence holder, ògregulator, catgirlxenorole
species :: catgirl!!
gender identity :: she doesn’t rly think about it a whole lot! so she is sticking to female until proven otherwise
orientation :: aroace (cus shes a kiddo — this may change if she ages!!)
source :: brainmade
aesthetic :: dopamine, kidcore, wholesome meme
appearance description :: sophie has shoulder length hair that’s been whipped back into a very sporadic ponytail… though most of the hair has fallen out or just doesn’t fit due to her placement. she often wears overalls paired with a sweater of some description (usually a bye one with clouds on it) that has pins all over the straps. mild scars scatter her face and legs from all the outdoor activists and occasional fight she gets into — but don’t you worry, cus rosie packs a MEAN punch when she wants to! those doofus boys never stood a chance!!
personality description :: sophie can and will get excited over the little things she sees during the day. no one is safe from her relentless optimism!! are you sad? boom, have a look at this cute cat gif. feeling down? then look at this shiny rock picked up just for you! grace hoards all of these tiny, seemingly useless objects to either cheer up her friends, dole out as gifts, or to add to her personal mini-hoard. even strangers can be victims to her unrelenting positivity: if someone looks down, merry will pepper them with questions and fun facts and maybe even some drawings until they feel better. that’s what she’s good at! even if the person has to fake it so they can back away… but don’t tell her that, you’d break her heart.
likes :: cool rocks, cool animals she found in the woods, bringing her favorite people cool things she found, coloring, self portraits, asking lots and LOTS of questions, talking to cool people, making new friends with anyone she meets, schoolyard games, flash dress up sites, cartoons like curious george, the owl house (early season!), bluey, the backyardigans, my little pony, craig of the creek, moon girl, amazing world of gumball (not the “gross” episodes), doc mcstuffins, fairly odd parents: the new wish, star vs the forces of evil, steven universe (NOT future), calico critters, dollhouses, clouds, yarn balls, funky sweaters, overalls, winning fights against the neighborhood boys, and running around outside
dislikes :: getting into scuffles with the local kids and losing, being picked on, being told she’s stupid, being told she’s “too young” for something, mean adults, mean people, things with too many “bad” (dark) colors, purposefully confusing phrases or sentences, not understanding something due to her age (this especially comes into play when she tries to learn knitting to make her own sweaters)
front triggers :: unexpected occurrences (positive ones), randomly finding something super cool or strange in a weird location, the toy aisle, anything with a lot of colors, drawing and coloring things in, seeing a random cat or frog, when people in front or externally feel sad (she wants to help!!)
signoff :: 🧶, ☁️, 🌼, or 🐈
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picrew link here!
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1- When did you start shipping mcwoo (like what episode)
2- please tell me your weirdest headcannons, like, the ones that don't matter to the story and have little evidence, you just believe them because
AN ASK?!?! <- insane person
1 - Buried Pleasures 03x02, but that’s kind of the obvious answer lol. When I actually first saw a screenshot of them kissing I thought it was Photoshopped, but then I watched and was like “ok wow they did have sapphic kiss realness”. After thinking about it for a bit and watching their season 2/3/4 interactions I kind of had a Jimmy Neutron brain blast moment where I realized how interesting their dynamic is and ALSO!!! Lucy Liu and Calista Flockhart are just both really gorgeous and I’m very very gay.
I could talk about them for hours honestly and essentially the crux of McWoo for me is how they’re more similar to each other than they realize (and sometimes than the writers realize too).
2 - Ooh this one is interesting okay well a LOT of my head canons have to do with the story, sorry if the ones that follow aren't as exciting! But uhhh off the top of my head:
Georgia doesn't eat Chinese food except when she's with Ally and Renee, she just doesn't think to order it by herself
Nelle had INCREDIBLY long hair as a child. Like ridiculously long hair to the point where not getting it cut would raise eyebrows toward her parents style of parenting
Renee watches Saturday morning cartoons because she likes to laugh at the cartoon characters' pain
Ling is very distant from her dad. Idk
Georgia and John like collecting things. Like I can see them both collecting Calico Critters for some reason but setting them up in different ways. Georgia likes to make home/family scenes out of them because it brings her comfort, and John is just like "this is Bartholomew, he is a tiny felt cat that has brought me many a comfort throughout these years. In a prior life, I may have been a Calico Critter."
I feel like Elaine would host dinner parties for the firm at her house maybe
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Pet headcanons? I wanna see that! I wanna see the widdle babies!!!
Anyways, I’ve come up with a few scenarios in which hotel pansexuale ™ can have pets, mind you this is au material and may be subject to change and the mercy of updates.
They learn the concept of pet ownership from a book or somethin-???
Au stuff since in the good!ending au I mentioned once they owned chicken and deer- so maybe a few barn kitties Rush scooped up or a kitty Sally + Dupe owns (the fluffy fam are big fans of kibby. So says me.) or even a really soft, fluffy big dog. Soft things..are a gift for them.. the point is that they all share pet
Plus In my main au they raise Racoons that started after a breeding pair moved into the hotel via a hole in the wall, maybe Rush kept a few favorites…
I don’t really see Seek’s family owning that many pets..or atleast they’d try until Screech brings a rat or something home.? I could Seek owning a cat too..Figure? Chickens and ducks and other domestic fowl Definitely. It’d cluck to them to take care of them. Figure is definitely a fowl person.
Hide definitely gets an emotional support/Therapy dog though for comfort.
Maybe Seek owns one of those hairless cats. Like a pretty calico one.
Imagine it softly clucking or mimicking its flock’s noises in order to call them in for dinner.
Greed definitely owned a hamster, it took care of it even though it’s blind…but honestly? That wasn’t its most important possession out of all its hoard.
Depth. Depth was.
Depth probably would’ve wanted an underwater pet like an octopus or a jellyfish. Some critter that occurs naturally in the pool.
Jack? Hm..snakey snake. Reptiles. Mostly Snakes though.
Bushy in some flavor of au got a ferret. Deadass. No explanation.
Halt? Betta. :) Got that sexy sexy big tank for one little pampered Betta with healthy plants and floating algae balls to match.
“Nice Aquascaping!” Ambush says casually. “‘Watcha got in the tank?” “Betta.” Says Halt. “O-only a Betta..?” “Betta.”
Jeff…? Anything soft and snuggly..maybe a rabbit…? Okay, maybe Jeff needs a dog. Give this man a black lab or a golden retriever or..fuck it, even a sweet shelter dog and watch his heart grow. He needs it. He needs it so bad.
Dread owned doves while human which he cared for deeply. He loved the soft coos of mourning doves outside his home.
Gobby? Bug. Fucking pill beetles man. They rock. Let gobby have a little terrarium filled with pill bugs as a treat. Have him give them water via an Eyedropper.
A60 owns one of those little white dogs with brown tear shitstains on their eyes that are always on the very on crying and adores it.
A90 would probably like a turtle. Watching it swim would make it happy and bring its own swimmy instincts into high gear.
Yes, Printer skunk CAN swim btw. Not a literal water monster like Ambush/Sally but ahh..
A-120 would also like a kitten or maybe a lovebird thank you very much. Much to say, it’d probably like any pet.
Curious would probably like a hissing cockroach or maybe a Xoloitzcuintle dog, maybe a canary…Maybe a Pomeranian?? Mmmmmgmgmgmgngh in-decisive it would have a weird mix of pets.
Guiding light would probably like a pond of koi fish or perhaps an owl/falcon..? Something dignified.
Sorry if your sick about hearing about Rafflesia but they used to own a chinchilla when they were human. His name was Petunia. :)
Rue owned goats at some point..but he secretly loved the little quail chicks at the farm when he was young to the point he has occasional dreams about them..Soft..
Scatters this like pellets to my hungry little doors chickens pspssp feed now
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writing-good-vibes · 1 year
i will gladly talk about the silly little guys
you're so right, they are silly little guys !! our silly little guys !! 💗
honestly, i love just playing with them like dolls, making them suffer or just smashing them together in some pantomime of romance lol. and i'm sorry to all the barbie girlies (gn) out there, i only had one barbie and i never really played with her, but what i did fuck with was sylvanian families !! [was anyone gonna tell me they're called calico critters in america ??]
unfortunately this comparision got stuck in my head so brace yourselves for the sylvaniansonas i've picked for them below the cut, as well as a little break-down of why i generally like each pairing.
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corey: a chestnut dog. he's got curly-adjacent hair and a sort of youthful, go getter vibe. i think his fur would be a little bit darker, than this picture, but the length feels right. he's playful and wide-eyed and is not at all prepared for what his future is going to bring.
roger: a dalmatian. i feel like dalmatians are a little more classy and sophisticated, but still a large and intimidating breed, which is perfect for roger who is an upper-middle class gentleman. his dark patches might be greying a little bit, but he's handsome.
michael: a hound dog. strong and rugged. of course michael would be a little more gnarly, a little mangy maybe, with his fair share of scars and only one eye, but he's a hardy breed -- he'll survive to fight another day. i also kind of love how he and corey have the same central white patch on their faces, like corey is the slightly more plucky prodigy.
bo: a border collie. a very loyal and protective breed. it makes sense with bo being so orientated towards the family business (even if it's to a toxic degree) that he'd be a working breed. long fur means he can look a little dishevelled if not groomed, but there's something kind of majestic about him regardless.
because i've been watching soap operas for basically my whole life, i think corey and roger's affair is pretty much a storyline i would have come up with as a kid for my sylvanian family dolls. betrayal, heartbreak and villainy were staples of my imaginary world lol maybe back then i would have let theresa have her revenge but nowadays our silly little guys have to wallow in their own secret guilt.
i think the reason i love corey and roger so much is because even though there is the very serious and almost dark reality of them being together, it's also very fun to play around with them !! they have this very pop-culture romance, to me at least. there's so many ways you can play it; it's playful and dangerous and erotic and problematic and golden and dirty. it basically boils down to the contrast of fucked up suburbia (they're having this taboo affair, with both an age difference and power imbalance, corey is inexperienced and depending how you look at is, is being used because he's kind of just desperate for someone to want him) and a flirty summer romance (corey sort of has this idea of who roger wants him to be -- this playful, sweet young thing who's easy and insatiable, with rosy cheeks and who needs to be taken under this older man's wing, needs to be taken care of).
my love for corey and bo kind of comes from how they're both fucked up, and absolutely bring out the worst in each other, but ultimately they're similar (in whatever bad ways that might be) and it lets them be just a little bit vulnerable. they're violent and macho and their libido's are heavily adrenaline induced, it's rough and ready and it's what they both want before they let the bravado fall away. i sort of see their relationship as similar to the one corey would have with michael, only set on a much more levelled playing field.
now, corey and michael might be my most cherished pairing ever, which is saying a lot because i've been in this game for almost 10 years. ive talk about them so much in past posts that i won't rehash it too much here, but basically: corey found god and that god is michael. they're never going to be equals, they'll never have a normal, healthy relationship, they're always going to be on a knife's edge of michael's tolerance and corey's manipulation. but it's that intensity that makes corey fall head over heels, it's the unabashed danger and eroticism and power that makes corey weak at the knees. think unrequited love in an established relationship.
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skiniibuniii · 11 months
im gonna do that thing i do sometimes where i go through all my stuff and get rid of a bunch of shit. i do this kinda alot tbh and its my pathetic attempt to surround myself with things that bring me joy even though no matter how much clothes i donate and how many times i reorganize my lps and calico critters and stuffed animals i will never truly be surrounded by anything by other people's items and its not like ill be able to buy more things that make me happy anyway
anyway thats tonight's plans. at least itll be easier to pack when we move out one day.
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