#i like being around other international bc it’s nice getting the cultural exchange like for example they don’t do veterans day w poppies in
bibleofficial · 10 months
i went to the grocery store w omar & he said ‘i love bigots’ & i was so confused like bro who slighted u ?? 😭😭 but NO he was talking abt BAGUETTES
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markantonys · 2 years
lord of chaos chapters 7-23
“you [elayne] have a lion’s courage and maybe a fisherbird’s sense” that’s my girl!!!!
elayne and nynaeve always wishing they were as brave as the other is so wholesome
thom and juilin are not around because they went on a trip to amadicia. after being overworked dads to elayne and nynaeve for 2 books they decided to get married and are now enjoying a nice honeymoon conducting espionage together, good for them!
“the dragon reborn had no interest in the flyspeck village where rand al’thor had grown up; he was far beyond that” and then a few pages later when he sees the two rivers girls “[wondering why verin and alanna were poking around] was hardly most important anyway. these girls were from home.” 😭😭😭
if i were to record all the rand moments that hurt my heart in these chapters then i would just be copying out his entire pov sections into this post, so i will attempt to limit myself
i hate how desperate the two rivers folk are to make perrin their lord. wasn’t their whole culture about wanting to rule themselves and not having any respect for nobility? smh
alanna non-consensually bonded rand as her warder!!! holy shit!!!!!! given that i’ve been spoiled on so much, i think this might be the biggest shock i’ve had so far. i knew alanna was somehow sus bc people kept saying “i can’t believe the show made me like alanna” lmao but i was NOT expecting this!!!! how on earth is this plotline gonna play out???
poor poor rand. his freakout is so understandable and justified, but it hurts to see him losing it at the two rivers girls and scaring them. i doubt this would happen in the show since show!bode is too young to be brought to the tower for training, but imagine show!mat’s reaction to hearing that rand channeled on his sister and scared her so much she cried 🗡️💔 rand would be a dead man walking
“best that [the girls] wanted to stay clear of him. best for them. he just wished he could have talked a little while longer about home. a little while longer with them seeing only rand al’thor.” 😭😭😭😭
“it would be so wonderful to channel whenever she wanted. she never even noticed the tears that began leaking down her cheeks.” 😭😭😭 i wonder if nynaeve will ever get unblocked, surely she must for her own character development if nothing else, but on the other hand her block is a good way of making sure she isn’t too OP since she’s one of the most powerful channelers in the book (aside from rand, who has the taint on saidin keeping HIM from being too OP)
gawyn in his dreams seeing himself as less handsome than egwene thinks he is and her as more beautiful 🥺 fuck me that’s cute ok?
nevertheless egwene’s sudden internal declaration of love for gawyn is insane. last i heard she was conflicted between him and galad, and even then only very far in the back of her mind. she’s barely ever thought about him!
skipping a few chapters ahead but it’s relevant here: we learn that galad is rand’s half-brother (which i’d already been spoiled on), however, i’ve heard that the two of them never meet again for the rest of the series. so WHAT is the fucking POINT??? this is the problem with having so many characters and plotlines spread so far across the world. all the relationships become missed opportunities or dropped threads, or incredibly rushed to force a bond between characters who interacted twice 3 books ago. i would kill to have fewer plotlines in exchange for more characters being in a single plotline together more often. argh!!!!
**vague spoilers in this bullet point for information in future books that i’m not supposed to know about yet but do** “[in egwene’s dream] two ravens alighted on [mat’s] shoulders, claws sinking through his coat into the flesh beneath. he seemed no more aware of them than perrin had been of the hawk and falcon, yet defiance passed across his face, and then grim acceptance.” 😔😔 baby boy you deserve better (from the vague spoilers i’ve heard about your fate anyway). it is interesting that ravens are a seanchan thing as well as a dark one thing, if i didn’t know otherwise from spoilers i’d probably think that all these ravens in mat’s future meant he would become evil and join the dark one
“that awful amnesty of [rand’s] had been announced in cairhien, but surely no man would choose to channel.” do you think they can help it any more than you can, egwene? do you think it’s any less a part of them than it is a part of you? another entry in the male-channeling-as-metaphor-for-queerness list
the wise ones saying egwene has become like a daughter of their tents 🥺🥺 i will be very sad when she has to leave them and return to the aes sedai
“[gareth] might be cold toward [elayne] now, but once he had had a warm smile for a child and a pocket that always held hard candies.” poor elayne wants a dad so bad!! i hope she gets to meet tam al’thor someday. she probably won’t but she deserves to.
“[nynaeve] shoved her chin up in a ridiculous fashion so she had to look down her nose to see elayne” jsdkfjg ELAYNE i love you and your lack of self-awareness
“with the dragon scepter across his knees, rand lounged on the dragon throne” the Rand Bisexual Sitting counter has ticked up by 1
“my lord dragon, lord of the morning, prince of the dawn, true defender of the light, before whom the world kneels in awe” what a sexy list of titles
rand constantly thinking of moiraine’s advice 🥺
“even mat had the sense to stay away from a woman if he thought he would harm her” i feel like this is the nicest thing anyone’s ever had to say about mat’s approach to romance lmao poor mat
i am so conflicted about berelain. it’s hard to look past her predatory behavior towards rand and perrin back in tsr, and yet other women are so awful and slut-shamey to her that it makes me want to stan her out of spite. “[the wise ones] treated her as a woman of sense and respect, which made no sense at all to egwene...the mayener flaunted herself in scandalous clothes and flirted outrageously” maybe the wise ones aren’t so petty and shallow that they focus on the way berelain dresses over her intelligence and leadership skills, egwene.
i think i would like to see berelain get a real love interest who actually loves her heart and mind and not just her appearance. that would be very nice for her.
“he pulled one of the gilded chairs around to face her and sprawled in it, booted feet stretched out in front of him” Rand Bisexual Sitting counter up 1 more
“he looked so tired. and hard, hard enough to make the smile appear odd. he seemed harder every time she saw him.” “she had changed so much from the girl he grew up with...he had to think of her as aes sedai. it was saddening.” 🗡️💔 i didn’t care all that much about rand and egwene’s relationship in the show and i cared about it far less in the books, but man it hurts to watch it deteriorate
“whatever the car’a’carn wanted, nothing must happen to the only son of  a maiden ever to come back to them.” AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH
“rand thought that he would sleep well that night” LMAO famous last words
“[bael] had two [wives], which mat always said was either a dream or a nightmare and he could not decide which” rand really wants us to know what mat’s thoughts on polyamory are
we finally meet the famous elder haman! and loial’s mom! now i see where loial gets his hastiness from. speaking of loial, i miss him so much!!!
sad state of things indeed that going back to shadar logoth makes me nostalgic for the good old days. i want my ef5 back together goddammit!!!! i feel like my liveblogs for the whole second half of the series are just going to be me complaining about how split up everyone is
“rand stared north and west, not toward emond’s field, but toward the farm where he had grown up. when he turned away and opened a gateway to caemlyn, it was like tearing his own arm off” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 out of all the rand moments that have hurt me, this one is towards the top. my whole chest is aching!! physically!!
mat’s thoughts about how hard it is to keep elayne and nynaeve out of trouble being interrupted by someone asking if he’s ever wondered what it would be like to be a warder SHOULD be foreshadowing and i am so MAD that it isn’t. i see your mat being rand’s warder AUs and i raise you mat being elayne’s warder AU! gimme!!
“if any two women needed looking out for less, mat did not know them” mat drank his respecting women juice “but no two were more likely to get a man killed because they would not listen to reason” mat spat out his respecting women juice
he’s so cute tho he’s like “i hope they’re okay. but also i hope they’re in trouble and wishing i was there to help them. not TOO much trouble though, i don’t want them to get hurt or anything! i just want them to miss me that’s all” when will these 3 admit they’re besties
every time mat’s habit of collecting cool rocks and feathers and shit is mentioned i receive +1000 emotional damage. and despite how accustomed he’s gotten to wealth, it’s still cool rocks and feathers and shit that he likes to collect instead of expensive items. he is my baby boy.
and olver collects things like that TOO AAAHHHHHH STOP!! MY HEART
“now he had saddled himself with a boy” accidental baby acquisition realness! mat, hugging olver tight and actively seeking out adoption papers: i can’t believe i’ve been saddled with this boy
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katsukisblackteddy · 4 years
Can you do HCs of Shinsou, Amajiki, Bakugo; teen!Aizawa with a South African s/o who has people saying some annoying comments to her just bc she's from Africa. Like someone says that they're sorry that she struggled with poverty (girl is from a super wealthy family that can buy their family), or say some gibberish with clicks and asks her to translate (s/o can speak five languages: English, Zulu, Xhosa, Afrikaans, and Japanese; understand others. Xhosa has clicks). They ask her if she had...
cont’d request: Pt.II - to hunt for her food (Umm, no. Cape Town has supermarkets and she knows what pizza and Japanese food is, guys). Someone just can't believe that South Africa has TV and internet, while s/o literally has a cell phone with all of the social media and has friends/family from South Africa. When class is over, someone asks why isn't she wearing "African" clothes (bc Africa is country, not a continent) when s/o is just wearing basic clothes. People be stupid.
“Don’t Be Stupid” - Headcannon for Shinsou, Tamaki, Bakugou, and teen!Aizawa
Hey! Thanks for requesting! Hope this is okay :)
Pairings: Shinsou, Tamaki, Bakugou, teen!Aizawa x reader Pronouns: she/her Warnings: ignorance, cursing
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Hitoshi didn’t really give a flying fuck about what others thought, mainly because most of the time people didn’t even want to be around him because of his “villain quirk”
But just because he didn’t care what they thought about him, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t fuck somebody up if they messed with you
Shinsou is a quiet guy for the most part, but he was super perceptive
So when he heard that the little ballsack haired toddler from class 1-A was spreading rumors about you, he was angry
You had no problem explaining to people about your home country of South Africa, especially if they asked nicely
But one day when you were walking past Class 1-A when school had just ended, intent on meeting your boyfriend outside to go walk to the park together, you heard Mineta spewing shit about you and South Africa
“Yeah they’re a bunch of savages over there! They literally hunt for food with spears and everyone is poor and they use goats as money.” Mineta said
You stood by the door to see what they were going to say before you chimed in and told them what South Africa was actually like.
“Mineta that’s literally cap and you know it.” Kaminari chimed in with a roll of his eyes. 
He had been spending so much time around you and Shinsou that he started even using your slang unconsciously.
It made you smile a bit.
“Kaminari you’re dumb as rocks. How would you know?” Mineta defended himself.
“Anyways, apparently because they’re so poor they steal a lot too. Maybe that’s why my jacket went missing after I was around (y/n)...Like I said they’re a bunch of savages, she probably doesn’t know any better.” 
Now it was time for you to chime in. 
“Why the fuck would I want your ratty ass jacket anyway? I don’t steal and that’s not what South Africa is like. Denki knows because I told him about it. I’m not poor, I just don’t flaunt my wealth, and if you really want to know I could buy your entire family with my own net worth.” You remarked, crossing your arms over your chest with a huff.
Bakugou sat in the corner watching the whole exchange with a small smirk on his face...he enjoyed confrontation too much.
“Oh and we do have supermarkets where we buy our food from.” You add as an after thought. “If you wanted to know about South Africa, you should’ve just asked like a normal person instead of spewing shit. Have a nice day.” You left the classroom after that a smile growing on your face as you heard Kaminari and Kirishima scold Mineta for talking shit behind your back.
Yeah...that was the last time he did that because after Shinsou heard what happened he found Mineta the next day and threatened him so bad he peed his diaper.
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Tamaki was a pretty reserved guy and when you two began dating it surprised mostly everyone because you two were so different
Honestly, Tamaki literally looked at you like a goddess and it annoyed him when people were just plain ignorant
Usually when he was annoyed he would rant to you about it or Mirio or Nejire, and then he would go sit in a corner blushing about how he feared he was oversharing
um...N E WAYS...
You had been a transfer into the class when they were second years after your father decided to expand his international company to Japan, meaning you had to leave your home in South Africa
You were upset at first but you quickly made friends with the Big Three and Leonardo Subarashi, who was also from South Africa. 
So it came as a surprise when one of your friends, Tsuki Vinsmoke started talking shit about your homeland even when two of her friends were from there
“They literally live in huts with dirt floors. Maybe that’s why they’re so dirty and poor.” Tsuki laughed with two of her bitch friends, standing right near you
You turned to look at her with a frown on your face, practically daring her to say something else.
“I don’t even know how those two got here. They don’t even have phone service over there.”
“Hey (y/n)?” She said a little louder, as you turned around again, placing your pencil down and momentarily ignoring your school work.
“What Tsuki?”
“Why don’t you wear African clothes? Like those weird scarves and cloths or whatever? Are you ashamed that you came from dirt poor people? I would be.” Tsuki wore a nasty smile on her face as her eyes seemed to sparkle with malice.
“There’s no such thing as African clothes Tsuki. People wear the same clothes here that they do in South Africa...why would I be ashamed of such a culturally rich homeland? I’m proud to be South African, and besides I’d suggest you do some research before you start talking to me about being poor, especially since I’m way richer than you.” You gave a fake sincere smile before glancing over at Tamaki and your friends who gave you a thumbs up as if to say Destroy her.
So you did...in the end you got sent to Principal Nezu’s office after you made her cry and she lied to your teacher saying you had threatened her life like a dirty savage
Tamaki had to hold you back with some help from Mirio before you decked her
Nezu didn’t really care and gave you a donut from the order that had been in his office before sending you back to class
Needless to say, Tsuki got suspended for being racist and perpetuating a hateful environment in the classroom and nobody else messed with you, not even her little friends who sucked up to you after Tsuki went on suspension.
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Why would anyone even bother saying stupid shit about you when you were just as hot headed as your explosive boyfriend? I don’t know, but they did
Of course everyone from class 1-A was smart enough not to start anything, but it seems Monoma wasn’t as smart
The annoying overly entitled blonde from class 1-B, had started out by asking you simple questions about your homeland, things like:
“What’s it like there?”, “Is it always sunny?”, “Have you seen a rhino or lion before?”
Then they started getting kind of ignorant and annoying.
“Hey (y/n)? Can you speak African?”
“No Monoma because Africa is a continent made up of many countries, each with their own languages.” You explained, wasn’t he supposed to be smart? “What are you doing Monoma?” You asked, with a raised eyebrow as he started to make strange noises at you.
“Shit for Brains, leave us the fuck alone.” Bakugou grumbled from beside you after he finished chewing his food. 
“It’s you language right? Can you understand what I said?”
“No dumbfuck. You sounded like a dolphin.” You remarked as a few of your friends laughed lightly. 
“I’m surprised you understand...I heard your people aren’t very smart...you know products of their environment, it’s unfortunate really. I’m sorry that you lived in such poverty, but you should consider yourself lucky, now you get to live in dorms and sleep in a real bed and not on a dirt floor.” Monoma went on and on and you were growing increasingly annoyed as you friends sat there in shocked silence.
“You know what Monoma?” You said with a fake smile as you spun around. “I’ve never met anyone as ignorant and stupid as you. I’m not poor and I never was, I slept in a real bed with an actually comfortable mattress unlike the ones here, and I much smarter than you ever will be I speak five fucking languages and I can understand more than that in others. Would you like me to tell you to fuck off in another language since you can’t seem to understand Japanese?” You asked as you raised your eyebrows with your arms crossed over your chest, as if waiting for his answer. 
He stayed silent. 
“That’s what I thought. Maybe you are smart after all?” You added teasingly, watching him be dragged back to his table by Kendo.
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Shota Aizawa never really had many friends, usually more laidback than others were comfortable with, but the ones he did have were the complete opposites of him
Hizashi and Shirakumo were loud pranksters, while you and Midnight were talkative and enjoyed messing with him.
Most of the time he ignored the pigheaded bully that was Sensoji, because he usually only picked on Shota, but when Sensoji realized that you were Aizawa’s real weakness, he started to hound you.
And Shota was NOT having that
It all came to a head after he battled against Shota during a training session.
“Your useless just like your quirk Aizawa.” Sensoji sneered at your boyfriend, glaring down at him. 
“Your nothing but a waste of space.” Sensoji added seeing the way that his insults didn’t really phase Shota.
“Hey leave him alone! What is wrong with you!” You intervened pushing the broad shouldered boy away from Shota.
“What are you that weak that you need your little safari ass backwoods girlfriend to save your ass?” Sensoji laughed along with one of his equally stupid Class 1-B classmates.
“Don’t fucking talk about her!” Shota yelled back, his eyes glowing as if it was a warning.
“Or what? It’s not like she’ll understand? People like her back in her country of Africa are stupid as fuck. They build their homes out of oversized tin cans and they don’t even have phones.” 
“Sensoji you’re the stupid one! Africa is... A CONTINENT NOT A COUNTRY!” Hizashi jumped in, activating his quirk halfway through his sentence.
“And they don’t live in tin cans.” Midnight added.
“I live in a nice home, one that’s probably bigger than yours. Just admit that you’re jealous of Shota and me and move on!” You pressed your finger into his chest on each word, glaring at him as if to say say something else and see what happens.
“Grow up!” Shota and Shirakumo added before Sensoji rushed away when he saw the teachers coming over to see what you all were arguing about.
“Yeah that’s what I thought! Run away like a little bitch!” You added with a growing smile.
“Language (y/n)!” Your teacher scolded, but even that couldn’t bring down your smile as you, your boyfriend, and your friends laughed about the incident.
You all still even joked about it years later.
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memoriashell · 4 years
hey i really like you ( can we go out? )
Characters /  Pairing: Fukawa Touko / Naegi Komaru, techincally some background Ishimaru / Oowada, Makoto gets a few lines, and Syo’s present for a bit in the begining.
crossposted on ao3
Notes: hello here's your late day five of @tokomaruweek​ week!! valentine's day prompt!!
the format for the texting section might look a little funky on tumblr since there’s no easy way of aligning right side / left side text but hopefully it’s obvious enough who’s texting what.
heads up i'll be skipping day 6 for now probably! i’ll come back to it when i’ve finished the rest of the week, i just might get stuck on it for a hot minute and i’d like to get the rest of the week out of the way first since i'm already behind.
anyways it's probably also noteworthy to mention that this drabble works on the basis you have a basic understanding of the cultural differences in how japan celebrates valentine's day. i was originally going to try and incorporate white day into this drabble instead of just mentioning it but i wasn’t super happy with how this one was turning out anyways and figured it was best to just get this out as it is!!
i also feel like i should clarify bc that i realize the way i characterize toko in everything this week has made it seems like she hates kiyotaka’s guts but honestly i think they’d be real close!! i really like them as two outsider kids who can relate to each other. they are two sides of the same narrative coin and in this essay i will /j anyways please understand she rags on him from a place of ( platonic ) LOVE. and also bc they r both my cc’s i could never be that mean to either of them. well. no meaner than canon is to them.
edit: forgot tws. nothing super huge bc it's mostly fluff, but it does refrence bullying ( although would you consider faked love confessions / etc as bullying? it's just cruel :( anyways. )
Summary:  valentine's day has never been good for ugly girls ( and hopeless romantics ) like her. 
Valentine's Day. Every girl’s least favorite day.
Or, well, at the very least, her least favorite. Uh, one of her least favorite holidays? Then again, it’s not like Touko really has a ‘favorite’ in the first place, so maybe her point is moot— but she’s getting side tracked here.
One would presume that a romantic like her, an author who writes romance for a living, would live for a holiday that's practically centered around love and romance, but they would be wrong. It’s a miserable reminder of a day for her who has practically been scorned by the idea of relationships. It is a bitter reminder of failed loves and societal norms that she’s never been able to meet.
( Ugly. Rude. Awkward. Unsociable. So what if they’re right? Who is she to tell them they’re wrong? )
If it is not for the fact that she is pretty sure Ishimaru will be at her door if she doesn’t show up, she would probably skip class today. Oh, to be a confident gay man on Valentine's Day and not a closeted lesbian who feels the need to meet heteronormative societal norms. It’s unfair because not only is he ( mostly ) unaffected by this kind of holiday, he’s probably one of the people who care the least about the delicate social intricacies ( and romanticism ) of a holiday like this one. If nothing else, so she can’t say she envies the position this puts Oowada in, because Ishimaru would probably just see this as a learning moment. Anyways before she sounds too envious of her peers for getting their shit together, she just wants it to be unknown that she thinks it’s really unfair that he would get to judge her reasons for wanting to skip school.
( Actually, if she fessed up the deep-seated issues related to why she’d rather not have to be present on a day like today, the last thing he’d do it judge but that’s not really something she wants to acknowledge right now )
Moving on.
Despite the fact that, internally, she is making a fuss about a holiday, she suspects that most of her class probably doesn’t really care about these things. That doesn't mean she feels any less pressured to conform. It’s not like any of them would want chocolates from someone like her anyways, so it’s not like she really needs to be worried...
It’s not the end of the world, stop being such a debbie downer! Syo butts in, ever so helpful. By which she means is very, very unwanted and unhelpful. All the same, they ( unfortunately ) have a point and if she has to put up with this shitty day then at the very least she’d like to have breakfast before someone sees fit to break down her door.
You technically don’t have to do anything. Syo sounds almost too enthusiastic to help with the ‘issue’ at hand.
Using you to escape my problems isn’t always a viable strategy. Touko rebukes. Nor is it a choice, usually.
Only because you try and make yourself as miserable as possible by making things worse for you.
She has nothing to say to that, and instead focuses on braiding her hair to be passably presentable.
“Fukawa-san?” Oh, what she wouldn’t give to not have to hear her name today. Granted, Touko doesn’t think hearing her name being called on any given day is usually a good sign, but it still feels too early in the day to willingly put up with anything and shoots a glare at Naegi, standing in front of her desk. It probably doesn’t help that he sounds nervous for some godforsaken reason, but that’s technically not out of the ordinary, and she’s pretty sure Syo has something to do with that. “Sorry, uh...I was going to try and catch you at your locker this morning, but I guess I must’ve missed you, huh?”
She gives him the most deadpan, withering stare she can muster at the moment as if to say obviously. She’d even turned up to class early because she figured that dealing with whoever else would be in class would be more manageable than having to deal with anything going on in the halls ( because Hope’s Peak is not a normal school and god knows if something can go wrong, it will, and she is not having any of it today ). She assumed that if she looked busy, anyone with any common sense would leave her alone, but Makoto is not the brightest, clearly.
It still kind of throws her for a loop, however, that he chooses to approach her today, of all days. If she were anyone else, or if this exchange happened in any other context, she is sure that him acting like this on Valentine's Day would seem like it was setting up for a love confession. If it weren’t for the fact that Naegi already had a partner so, that’s probably not an issue— not that that would be a theoretical issue, because hey it’s not like Naegi was likely to be the kind of person cruel enough to fake a love confession. That’s definitely not something that’s happened to Touko before and gotten her hopes up only to be horribly crushed and definitely not the reason she’s been particularly defensive today. Nope.
( Yeah, okay, she’s not fooling anyone, but thankfully the only one aware of this is herself. And Syo, but both of these things are clear givens )
It occurs to her that Naegi hasn’t said anything, waiting for her to say something to him, and she grits her teeth irritably. “Wh-What? Spit it out already.”
“Err...are you...” He starts to say something and then seems to think better of it, sheepishly ducking his head for a moment before holding a bag out to her. “Sorry. Komaru asked me to bring these to you. Kirigiri-san had to convince her to not try and sneak into the main building just to bring these to you herself.”
It takes a long minute for her to process what he says before snatching the bag from his grip and holding it close to herself. Friendship chocolates...? That’s probably what’s in the bag. Which is a pretty nice thought in itself— Touko doesn’t usually get gifts like this. It almost makes her not want to touch the bag and ruin the illusion, refrain from eat whatever’s in the bag: but honestly if she doesn’t, Syo will probably make sure to savor it, so she won’t even pretend like that’s an option.
( There’s a part of her that feels a little guilty too, that she hadn’t even considered that Komaru might do something like this and have something prepared for her in return, but if she’d made something and not gotten anything then she’d look like a fool, and it’s not like she would’ve been able to get it to her easily anyways, so she really shouldn’t feel guilty about accepting it, but— )
“I’m glad you like it. She was kind of worried about how you’d take it.” Naegi speaking breaks through her current train of thought and is he still standing here? Had she been stupidly smiling to herself? How embarrassing!
“It’s n-n-not like that...and what kind of person do, do you take me for, anyways...!” Well, if she had been showing any sort of positive emotion on her face, she isn’t anymore. Touko takes this as an opportunity to shove the bag into her book bag, before anyone can notice. For some reason, he looks vaguely disappointed. “I was...ugh, I was just th-thinking that it was surprising she’d trust you with it given the, the track record with how your l-luck turns out!”
Makoto opens his mouth to refute this but thank god someone calls his name from the doorway, and she takes that opportunity goes back to her books before he can try and say anything further to her.
makoto said he gave you my gift successfully so i know u got it
i think
i didn’t expect u to thank me or anything but it’d be nice
pls tell me u got it right
did u at least read the note i left in there for u
Does Komaru not have homework, or what? She could at least give her a few minutes to try and get a word in. It’s not her fault math is a bitch and Touko is too stubborn to maybe talk to one of her peers into explaining the subject to her.
                                                     Yes, by some miracle I did manage to get it.
                                                                                        You’re a good friend.
                                                                                         Is that all? I’m busy.
That is not all, apparently, because Komaru forgoes texting to call her directly. If it were anyone else, she’d ignore it; but since it’s her she figures she can probably talk and do math at the same time.
“So you didn’t check the bag at all?” Komaru speaks before she can even consider greeting her, and Touko rolls her eyes despite the fact that she cannot see it.
“Hello to y-you too. Uh…honestly, I shoved it in my bag earlier and...and haven’t checked on it since. I assumed it was j-j-just candy, and it’s probably safer hid from Syo there.”
“Ugh! I told Makoto to mention to you that I put something else in there. And there’s a box for Syo in there too!” She can practically hear her pouting through the phone line. “Well, uh— I guess that’s fine since you’re busy...? Just check it when you get the chance, okay? Please? I promise it’ll make sense.”
“I got it, I got it. I’ll take a break once I finish this up and check it out. Good enough for you?”
“Mhm! Thank you Touko-chan! I’ll let you go now, so you can focus. Bye!” If Touko wasn’t mistaken ( but probably is ), she sounded almost nervous, the way her words come out in one rushed breath.
Admittedly, now she’s too intrigued by whatever had Komaru pressed enough to make sure she was aware of it, and she doesn’t think she’ll be able to focus now, so...opening the bag it is. She grumbles and groans to herself for a moment, stretching as she gets up from her desk to grab her bag.
She hadn’t really noticed at the time, but now that she thinks about it, there’s some definite weight to this thing, more than she’d expect from some candies ( even now knowing that apparently Komaru had accounted for Syo as well ). Not much though, and she probably would’ve just passed it off for the box the sweet is stored in if she were to really think about it, but now she figures that’s probably not the case. Touko peeks inside the bag a little hesitantly— curiosity wins out over anxiety in the end, and spots what appears to be a small booklet along with a box of chocolates.
Oh god.
She braces herself because, this is probably some kind of manga if she knows Komaru and ( unfortunately ) not a mini-novella but otherwise has no idea what to expect. And once she opens it, she has to thank whatever higher being made sure Makoto didn’t say a thing to her about it because there’s absolutely no way she would have been able to keep a straight face if she’d looked at this in class.
One, she forgot how generally talented Komaru was at this type of stuff. Obviously, still room for improvement, but not nearly as bad as Touko would have thought. Two, this is not really a manga, but a fucking thinly veiled love confession, complete with the most casual ‘Hey I really like you, can we go out?’ Third, she’s extremely glad Komaru did not insist on being on the phone while she checked this out because she does not think she can coherently answer that right now.
In fact, it takes Touko a good half hour to calm herself down enough before she can even consider texting her a response. There’s no way she’s embarrassing herself any further by calling her about it, even if that might have been a more meaningful exchange, but like Komaru just confessed to her through manga so clearly they’re already past that point.
                                                                                                     You’re a dork.
                                           I hate that you’re using your talents for this though.
thats not a no?
                                                                                                          Not a yes.
                         Very tempted to make it a no for making me suffer through this.
be gentle to my poor heart if ur gonna reject me :(
                                                                                              Ugh. I was kidding.
                                                                                                      Yes you idiot.
                                                    Just don’t use manga for this stuff next time?
ok!!!!! :)
actually i promise nothing
lol sorry ♡
                                                                                                  You’re the worst.
hehehehehe >:)
i love you too!!
are you busy this week??
let’s meet up!!!
                                             Some of us care about our grades. As should you.
                                                            But Thursday and Friday are lighter days.
                                                                      Yeah yeah. I like you or something.
thank uuuuu ♡♡♡
She chews on her lip as she rereads the message and mulls over it as she tries to ignore the flip-flop of her stomach. It’ll be fine. She’ll just aim to have something planned out for White Day in return.
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reddogcollar · 3 years
thinking more if my funny little rewrite thoughts so like. here's an entire run down of what I'd do with season 1 of my pride
under the cut cuz its long and like. warning for like. everything that already happens in the series anyway
starting first! with the naming conventions. so the whole naming scheme is appropriation of indigenous culture. and I'm white so take this one with a grain of salt but replacing that mess with instead the mother naming the cub after a trait after getting to know em would. probably fix it? Like naming a cub Power or Tenacious and. stuff
the names could not only be personality based but just general descriptors. Quick for someone fast, Golden for someone blonde, Cherished for someone especially loved by their mother. Names could also be based off something they want the child to be, like Fearless or Perceptive. naming a child after something they don't start as, but turn out to be instead would make everyone to regard the mother as an especially good one for knowing her child so well. Being wrong would have the opposite effect. Waiting too long would bring scorn, implying you don't spend enough time with your child to think of any name at all.
Prideless lions wouldn't be named by their parents at all, instead given the right to name themselves based on what they think. This leaves room for them to rename themselves as grow and change, something pride lions cant do. Until the cub names themselves, the mother will refer to them with affectionate nickname.
and I think that. fixes that issue. onto plot
I think episode 1 is fine left alone, though all three children would be left unnamed. though I think its weird how quick managed to rip off the skin all around nothing's eye but didn't actually damage it. Like at all. so she's half blind now too.
So they go on lion trial, power saying quick is unfit because he was bested by a cub, so there's no way he could've beat star fairly. sharp calls forth the currently unnamed fire to ask his opinion as a supposed witness. even though I'm pretty sure he ran away before star died? eh <3
despite having the chance to get rid of quick, he says it was fair and quick has earned the pride. whether or not that's true, fire is a devout believer in pride law and a pride without a mane would be worse than a pride lead by a cheating mane.
because nothing and quick each half blinded each other, they go with the law of equivalent exchange. one each gets something from the other. nothing asks for her and her brother's lives to spared, and quick asks that she always takes as little resources as possible
instead of like. skipping 2 years. it would instead actually like. show the childhood. how nothing is ignored by her on mother, and doted on by fire. specifically because he think she's weak. despite doting on her, he also generally ignores her opinions.
even as a little wounded baby she gets the least food and water, enforced by quick and even fire sometimes, rules are rules. some of the unnamed adults will try to cheat this tho and get her more food and water cuz Holy Shit? Dude?
when she's a little older and not. covered in open wounds. the adults more or less stop trying to protect her. she's on her own now, and they have cubs of their own to worry about anyways.
since time is also a resource she gets the least of that too, most notably the least time being trained in anything. hunting, fighting, tracking, she's taught the absolute least.
despite that, she always tries.to do the absolute most. first to volunteer for anything she could theoretically do, last to get picked for any minorly important task. getting ridiculed for doing things slower due to her limp, to the point where she starts trying to just power through the pain to walk normally. it only slows her down and she gets mocked more. fire generally doesn't stand up for her, just makes her lay down
eventually she starts getting out a bit. The younger cubs mock her, their parents don't stop them, her mom never speaks to her unless its to antagonize her, and quick is downright terrifying. despite being healed up, fire never leaves her alone and disregards her when she wants to be alone.
this is how she meets hover, who is now named insightful. bc I just inexplicably cant stand the name Hover for a lion. she thinks she's insightful, but she's kind of just snarky and a little mean without saying anything w real depth, probably bc they're all prepubescent
despite being snarky and a little mean, she's a breath of fresh air to nothing cuz she's yk. not ableist and calls fire out when he starts acting ableist. its a short interaction, and when they're home fire immediately goes to tell his mom there's not only a prideless lion in their territory, but a cub, implying her mother and possibly siblings are around. cuz he's a little bitch
nothing gets into an argument with him over it, she could've been their friend after all, and both fire and her mom yell at her for even thinking about disobeying pride law
not sure what else to do here, so skip to when they're 2 and fires about to be kicked out. they're both still nameless, bringing a lot of bad opinions power's way. she's also required to name at least fire before he leaves. so she sits down, rolls her eyes, and half asses the name fire. quick is about to push him out but nothing interrupts, saying she still needs a name.
power gets annoyed and demands what she could even be named after, her injury? her disregard for the law? her ability to butt in at the most annoying times? nothing sputters, shocked and unable to come up with a response for a moment. before she can, she's named nothing
she protests, and even fire thinks that's a lot. they're both shut down, by power and quick respectively. most of the present adults are shocked, some of the older ones even appalled. none step in though. fire has to go, and nothing leaves toward the watering holes so she doesn't cry in front of her mom. all that stupid shit is internalized though so she starts trying again to support her full weight on her leg no matter how much it hurts. thinking maybe it broke and healed so wrong that it can barely support her now. idk I'm no doctor
she ends up laying down by the water, feeling all bad and in pain. then she notices the crocodile and some other lion and yada yada saves her life. insightful immediately recognizes her and that stops nothing from chasing her off. they catch up a little until they hear someone coming. insightful runs off and farleap, now called jumper comes out of the grass.
she questions nothing, she heard something and she can definitely smell a stranger. nothing lies and said she just chased off a prideless. jumper doesn't seem convinced, but doesn't push it because the stranger is gone, at least. so she just gets her drink and nothing goes home. and that's the day.
next day we can be introduced to feather, now named light. he's the runt of his litter, the lightest color of his siblings, and the light of my life. his name has nothing to do with the reincarnation stuff, which ill get into later. he gets teased for being smaller than his sisters, but keeps up an over energetic, happy mood that children have. he prefers hanging out with nothing though, seeing as she's not gonna be mean to him for being short.
he refuses to leave her alone to the point of finding out when nothing starts sneaking out to see insightful. their little dates go all nice and cute until light jumps out of the bushes scaring the life out of them. nothing freaks out a little because holy fuck? quick's son just found her out? oh god oh fuck! insightful is just amused though, because children are funny.
they make light swear to keep it a secret, and he promises. as long as nothing lets him go with her whenever he wants, because its fun breaking the rules and being out at night. it's a little less fun third wheeling on your cousin's date when you're like 7 but its fine cuz insightful plays with him
everyone thinks its pretty weird how both nothing and light are getting exhausted in the middle of the day, and jumper is still on that "I don't believe that you chased that prideless off" stuff, and eventually convinces power of increasing like patrol or whatever, and everyone keeps their guard up, making it harder for nothing and insightful to meet
this spurs nothing to ask insightful to join, to which insightful asks her to leave the prides and go with her. nothing says she doesn't want insightful to just have to take care of her and it goes back and forth and its a whole thing. it turns into an argument and they part ways for the night before it can escalate further.
the next morning, insightful has shown up and is asking to join. mostly so she can spend more time trying to convince nothing to leave the prides with her.
they get convinced and she is stripped of her name immediately. either quick or power will rename her when they come with something suitable. of course she is. upset as all hell. she swallows it though, since she's never seen nothing so happy. light is ecstatic, also, cuz he thinks she is cool.
go through some time showing insightful being worn down by pride life, nothing still continuing to practically destroy her body to make herself palatable, and light being downright bullied because he's still smaller than his everyone his age. quick even starts looking down on his son cuz Why Is He Still So Small? light begins to resent his father, and pride life a little.
jumper is rude as hell, naturally. except this time insightful actually stands up for nothing by cuz holy shit? that's your girlfriend why wouldn't you help her?
we can also implement the homophobia rule here. because of course power is a homophobe. would you expect anything less??
and yeah that's the vibe until nothing is left with some unnamed lion to look after the children while everyone else is off doing things that are important. she goes off for a drink and light follows her because of course he does. yadda yadda fire is back for a visit cuz he thinks nothing is like. useless and can't survive without him. their little visit goes down light thinks its so cool to meet a bunch of prideless men yk yk
on their way back they run into quick, who is followed by power and insightful. that unnamed lion with the other children said nothing and light had been gone for a long time and quick is pissed off cuz that's his only son n she just took him off for a jaunt.
he's yelling at her and insightful is about to interject before she's stopped by power, and light interrupts his dad to tell him about fire's group. cuz hey it'll make him leave them alone so like? go off??
nothing gets pissed off at him though because he just sent his murderous father off to kill her brother. rude or not he's still important to her. she and power have their interaction, power whining about how much she "loves" her children, you know. except nothing disowns her. power gets called out and yk yk. its a whole thing and gives nothing some of the agency she lost over the years
then she goes off to find quick, insightful follows her to help, and light follows them because he feels bad.
quick is dead, proud is a dick, light is hidden away in this scene. it goes much the same except light is seeing his father's corpse for himself and insightful is there negotiating their lives alongside nothing. also threatening proud
they yet away with their lives and run as far away as possible just in case he comes after light. nothing may be annoyed but letting your small cousin be murdered isn't cool
so they go off to find fire. its important to nothing cuz ykkk he's her last living sibling and as far as she's concerned, her remaining immediate family. he treats her how he does cuz he loves her, right? right. right?
nothing lives on the stretch how she lived in the prides, taking as little as possible of everything. insightful starts trying to get her to eat more before she like. drops dead. but its hard bc yk internalized self hatred is a vibe. they stay hot on fire's trail, until they come across some bones, a lot of blood, and the eaten remains of tangle. I'm making that plot point more fucked up.
everyone is of course freaked out, and insightful immediately takes it on herself to make sure nothing and light have some skill in fighting cuz Oh My God! they each play to their strengths, and it's like typical training montage. I like to think that with nothing's bad leg opponents would naturally try to take advantage of her balance, and which point she could rear up on her hind legs and then unexpectedly just crash down onto her opponent with her full weight. idk I've never seen a lion fight.
so yeah they eventually find fire and light and insightful are like. not trusting him at all, they suspect him. nothing isn't so hasty with the blame, cannibalism is a lot to accuse your brother of. fire says that if he takes over the nearest pride, he can change her name due to her time as a prideless lion.
as discussed, light objects. he thinks she should be able to choose her own name. pride or not. fire the devout follower of pride law didn't like that
they kill that old man, fire demands the pride, moonstrike (now striker) denies him and he's like. "You cant do that. That's illegal" and striker claims he couldn't have beaten her mate in fair combat after getting his ass kicked the first time. plus he's got some random child that isn't his
he takes that as "kill the kid" and yk. goes after light. nothing's reaction time is normal now though and barrels into him before he can rip lights throat out. he's still gravely wounded though, so much so that insightful is fully occupied trying to keep him alive.
nothing and fire square off, fire is ableist, nothing challenges him. You know. except this time she kills him. she gets him on his back and cuts him open, guts everywhere. no Ghost scene.
Injured and horrified, she lays down. she's like. going to have a breakdown. she just killed her brother, light may be dead, these strangers won't quit staring at her, its not good. episode end.
cut to like next morning and nothing's injuries are being taken care of at the same time as light's. insightful is in there with em talking with striker. noticing she's up, striker asks her name. I'm still not sure what I'd want her to change it to but she does change it. perhaps Enough?
idk idk either way, she doesn't get the pride. she beat fire but it wasn't his to give. however, striker offers them all a place there, including light. boom season 1 end
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jolie-guerrier · 4 years
Pearls, Shiny Beauties Of The Sea
Whenever that what this text is about involves  Jewellery Buyers Perth my mind the 'in-built track player' in my head is turned on and one of the most well-known Reggae songs from the past due Nineteen Sixties begins to play. It is a music that is opening and warming the hearts of all the ones who've in the times of Eddy Grant's "Baby Come Back", Desmond Dekker's "You Can Get It If You Really Want" and Tony Tribe's "Red, Red, Wine" located the world of affection and have had their first critical love affairs with their 'One-and-Only'. Do you take into account those times and your first critical love affair? The music now playing in my head is "Black Pearl". Can you pay attention it? "Black pearl, treasured little lady, let me placed you up in which you belong, due to the fact I love you." Well, this newsletter is set black pearls too, but black pearls of a distinctive kind and it isn't always restrained to them'.
Burma, the country I call home due to the fact more than 25 years, has once played a incredible role within the worldwide pearl enterprise and a number of the world's biggest and most valuable pearls were observed within the waters off the Burmese coast. However, for the reason that 15 years Burma is back on the degree of international pearl commercial enterprise and an increasing number of a hit with its particular silver and golden South Sea Cultured Pearls.
The history of the Burmese Pearl Industry begins lower back in 1954 with the Japanese K. Takashima who has founded a joint assignment among the Japanese 'South Sea Pearl Company Ltd.' and the 'Burma Pearl Diving and Cultivation Syndicate' as neighborhood partner. The identical yr South Sea Cultured Pearl manufacturing with Pinctada maxima turned into commenced within the Mergui Archipelago and the first pearl harvest occurred in 1957. This harvest became a fantastic fulfillment. The pearls belonged to the group of greatest South Sea Cultured Pearls and fetched highest charges. Within a few years Burma had earned itself a great reputation as producer of South Sea Cultured Pearls of highest high-quality and remained in the global's pinnacle organization of South Sea Cultured Pearl generating countries until 1983 when reputedly in outcome of a bacterial infection Burma's pearl oyster inventory was nearly completely extinguished. Burma's Pearl Industry recovered very gradually and for extra than a decade its pearl manufacturing remained negligible and the pearl high-quality as an alternative negative. However, from 2001 on Burma's South Sea Cultured Pearl manufacturing is gaining momentum and portions of high quality cultured pearls are continuously increasing.
Now, in early 2016, there are 1 government owned company, four privately owned nearby groups and 4 foreign companies (joint ventures) representing the Burmese pearl industry. They are culturing pearls particularly on islands of the Mergui Archipelago and Pearl Island and are on an amazing manner to regain Burma's previously great popularity and help the u . S . A . To play an an increasing number of important role as pearl producer in the worldwide South Sea Cultured Pearl marketplace. Not always in phrases of amount but honestly in terms of top rate fine. Burmese pearl organizations are already getting an increasing number of attention inside the global pearl marketplace.
OK, let us now awareness on the vital subject and superstar of this newsletter: the Pearl.
At the beginning of this newsletter I spoke of affection in connection with pearls and pearls are indeed some thing remarkable to explicit love with. However, the tale of a pearl's getting into being might not precisely be one among love however - imagining the pearl-producing shelled mollusc can feel pain - at the least at its beginning rather a story of ache due to the fact some thing that does not belong there has entered into the mollusc's living tissue. In other words, a pearl is the end result of the defence towards a painful opposed assault. It's as if the thorn of a rose has lodged itself into your thumb; ouch! But this is precisely how the life of a pearl starts, with some thing that manages to sneak into the shell of a mollusc and to forcibly enter its soft tissue. This 'some thing' may be e.G. A larva of a parasite or a tiny grain of sand.
Question: "What is a pearl?" A pearl is something enormously tough and normally silvery-white this is both spherical or of irregular form. Its nucleus is an 'intruder', which the pearl-producing mollusc has first covered with a pearl sac around which it has then deposited layers of microscopic small crystals of calcium carbonate known as 'nacre' as a way to isolate the foreign item known as 'irritant'. Between the layers that make up the pearl are layers of the natural compound conchiolin that glues them together and on the identical time separates them. The process of manufacturing those nacre layers is never ending what method that the older the pearl is, the bigger is the quantity of its layers and, finally, the bigger it's far. This is the solution to the question.
"And this is all?" you could now ask. Well, essentially, yes however there may be, of path, tons extra to the topic 'pearl'. Keep on studying and you may recognise. Let's take a peek into the history of pearls and pearl business and go lower back to the start.
It become possibly 500 BC (possibly earlier) that humans targeted extra on the contents than the wrapping and started out to realize the beauty of pearls extra than the mom-of-pearl in their producers' shells. Consequently, they placed the nice of the pearls at one level with 'gem stones' and attached excessive fee to them in immaterial terms (electricity and splendor) and fabric phrases (wealth).
Pearls are also referred to as 'Gems of the sea' however not like another gem, a pearl is the made from a residing being. That is, pearls are the only 'gems' of natural foundation, which is exactly how gemmologists classify pearls in general: as 'colored gem stones of organic foundation'. And pearls are the handiest 'gem stones' that require no reducing or sprucing - simply cleansing - before they show their full splendor.
Back then pearls only existed inside the shape of herbal also referred to as wild pearls. They have been consequently very uncommon and being a symbol of power, wealth and splendor lots popular by royalties and non-royalties who should manage to pay for and had been inclined to pay astronomical costs for them. In other phrases, the demand for pearls - either singly, as so-referred to as collectors' item or as part of jewelry - turned into very excessive and the deliver very low what made a special class of pearls a notably priced luxurious article and the exchange with those pearls a very worthwhile enterprise. Fuelled by using three of mankind's strongest reasons - to be wealthy, effective and exquisite - the search for pearls by sellers and consumers alike had all started.
Let's take a second, closer take a look at pearls and their natural creators. Basically, almost all varieties of shelled molluscs (even a few species of snails!) can regardless of whether or not they're populating bodies of freshwater along with rivers and lakes or bodies of saltwater inclusive of seas and oceans create pearls what is a process called 'calcareous concretion'. However, the vast majority of these pearls are of no fee at all except perhaps from the perspective of a collector or scientist. Exceptions to this rule are, for instance, the 'Blue Pearls' of abalone shells and 'Pink Pearls' of conch sea snails
The differences between precious and worthless pearls are in a aggregate in their size, weight, form, lustre, shade (incl. Nacreousness and iridescence) in addition to situations of the floor. These are the standards that decide on whether or not or now not a pearl is of gem high-quality and can fetch highest charges. Only this class of pearls is of interest to the long chain of those being concerned in pearl business from pearl diver to pearl dealer at the deliver aspect and, of direction, the customer on the demand aspect.
Those pearls that make it into the top institution of gem-fine pearls are created through just a few species of mussels and/or pearl oysters. Freshwater pearls are created via members of the sparkling water mussel family 'Unionidae' while saltwater pearls are created by means of participants of the pearl oyster family 'Pteriidae'.
Till 1928 whilst the very first set of cultured pearls turned into produced and delivered to the pearl marketplace through Mitsubishi Company/Japan there were most effective natural pearls in the marketplace. This kept the quantity of commercially valuable pearls small and their costs extremely excessive. This turned into especially genuine for 'best' pearls that have been perfectly round and fetched the very best prices.
Since formulations along with 'excessive price' or 'high expenses' are relative and feature no longer lots inside the way of meaning I experience the need to connect a parent to them. The following instance will come up with an concept of the value of pearls in 'pre-cultural' pearl times. A matched double strand of fifty five plus 73 (in overall 128) round natural pearls from jeweller Pierre Cartier was valued in 1917 at USD 1 million. Factoring into the calculation an annual average inflation price of three.09 % the pearl strand's gift-day financial value would be USD 20.39 million! I am certain that once having taken a deep breath you have now a superb picture of what values I am speakme with respect to pearls in particular with regards to herbal pearls previous to the emergence of cultured pearls. And by way of-the-through, herbal pearls will continually be the most precious and treasured, even inside the technology of the cultured pearl. Why? This is so due to the fact those pearls are natural nature and absolute unique particularly when we upload the factor antiquity.
With the commercialisation of the via the British biologist William Saville-Kent evolved and the Japanese Tokichi Nishikawa patented approach to supply cultured pearls the pearl enterprise become revolutionised and has skilled most dramatic changes. A cultured pearl industry primarily based on the new method developed in Japan and things modified drastically. Nothing would ever once more be because it was.
Pearl culturing made the mass manufacturing of 'tailored' pearls of prime exceptional viable. Because the 'How To' become saved secret and now not allowed to be made to be had to foreigners It also gave Japan the worldwide monopoly of cultured pearls, as a result, the world-wide dominance of and control over the pearl industry, which, amongst others, allowed the manipulation of pearl charges by controlling the quantity of pearls made available; similar to the De Beers diamond syndicate managed the global diamond marketplace. Prices dropped and the acquisition of pearls that turned into less expensive previous to the provision of cultured pearls most effective to a fortunate few was now possible for a completely huge wide variety of financially higher off humans; call for for pearls exploded and Japan's pearl enterprise started out to increase and made extensive income via direct sales of large amounts of cultured pearls, licences and stocks in business organisations with foreign corporations. Nowadays, this has modified and there are greater cultured pearl generating international locations; some, like China, do every now and then sell their cultured pearls (in particular freshwater pearls, at a fee of 10% of that of natural pearls what permits almost everybody to buy pearls and/or pearl jewelry. However, for the reason that deliver will by no means meet the call for for pearls their expenses will continually remain high enough to make sure that pearl enterprise stays to be 'huge business'.
Different Kinds Of Pearls
Pearls are classed as Akoya Pearl, South Sea Pearl, Tahitian Pearl, Freshwater Pearl and Mabé Pearl or Blister Pearl (Half Pearl). In this text I will deal mostly with the first three of them for those pearls are the most treasured and for this reason those with the highest industrial price.
Akoya Pearls
Akoya Pearls are created by means of an oyster of the family Pteriidae that Japanese name Akoya oyster. The Latin call of it's miles Pinctada fucata martensii. There is no translation of the call Akoya into English and additionally the which means of the phrase Akoya isn't always recognised.
An Akoya pearl became the primary ever cultured pearl. With a size of two.Four to a few.1 in/6 to 8 cm the Akoya oyster is the sector's smallest pearl-generating oyster. Accordingly small is its pearl the scale of which stages relying on its age between 2 and 12mm. The average diameter of an Akoya pearl is 8 mm. Akoya pearls with a larger diameter than 10 mm are very rare and bought at high prices.
It takes no less than 10 months from the time of seeding on until an Akoya Pearl is ready to be harvested. Usually the oysters live for to 18 months within the water earlier than they're harvested. The Akoya oyster produces 1 pearl in its lifetime. After that it's miles provided it has produced a great pearl used as tissue donor.
The pearl's shape can be all spherical, in general round, slightly off spherical, off round, semi-baroque and baroque and its coloration may be white, black, red, cream, medium cream, darkish cream, blue, gold or gray. The pearls include exceptional overtones, are in most cases white and their lustre is especially exquisite 2d simplest to the lustre of South Sea Pearls. The Akoya Pearl is cultured in the main off the Japanese and Chinese coast.
The perfect water temperature for Akoya oysters is between 15 and 23oC/59 and 73.Four Fahrenheit.
South Sea Pearl
South Sea Pearls are created by means of an oyster of the own family Pteriidae. It is a white-lipped, silver-lipped or gold-lipped pearl oyster. The Latin name of it's miles Pinctada maxima.
Cultured South Sea Pearls are one of the rarest and therefore maximum valuable of cultured pearls. With a size of up to 13 in/32.5 cm the South Sea Oyster is the arena's largest pearl-producing oysters. Accordingly huge are its pearls the sizes of which variety depending on age between 8 and 22+ mm, but the common diameter of South Sea Pearls is 15 mm and Cultured South Sea Pearls exceeding a diameter of extra than 22 mm are some thing just like the jackpot within the State Lottery.
It takes at the least 1.Five years from the time of seeding on till a South Sea Pearl is prepared to be harvested for the first time. Usually the oysters stay for two to a few years in the water before they're harvested to get larger pearls. The oyster produces 2 to three pearls in its lifetime. After that it's far too antique and is furnished it has produced appropriate pearls used as tissue donor.
The pearl's shape may be spherical, semi-spherical, baroque, semi-baroque, drop, button, oval, circle and ringed and its colour may be white-silver, white-rose, blue-white, light-cream, champagne (medium cream) and gold. However, the most fashionable are silver and gold. The South Sea Pearl is fantastically lustrous with a mild satiny sheen.
The South Sea Pearl is cultured in general from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific. Cultured South Sea Pearl producing international locations are Australia, New Guinea, the Philippines, Indonesia and Burma.
The best water temperature for South Sea Pearl oysters is between 73.4o-89.6o F/23°C-32°C.
Tahitian Pearls
Tahitian Pearls are created by an oyster of the family Pteriidae that is called the black-lipped pearl oyster. The Latin name of it's miles Pinctada margaritifera.
Tahitian Pearls commonly known as black pearls belong to the organization of uncommon, maximum precious cultured pearls and are increasingly in demand. With a length of as much as 12 in/30 cm the Black Pearl Oyster is the world's second biggest pearl-producing oysters. Accordingly massive is its pearl the size of which levels depending on age between 8 and 18 mm, however the common diameter of Tahitian Pearls is 13 mm.
It takes as a minimum 1.5 years from the time of seeding on till a Tahitian Pearl is ready to be harvested for the primary time. Usually the oysters stay for 2 to 3 years within the water before they are harvested to get larger pearls. The oyster produces 2 to a few pearls in its lifetime. After that it is supplied it has produced properly pearls used as tissue donor.
The pearl's form can be round, slightly off round, semi-spherical, button, and pear, drop, oval, semi-baroque, baroque and ringed.
Although the Tahitian Pearl is referred to as 'Black Pearl' most of them are not without a doubt black. Their shades variety from dark anthracite, charcoal grey, silver grey to darkish blue and dark green with every shade having one of a kind undertones and overtones of inexperienced, crimson, blue, silver and even yellow.
The Tahitian Pearl's lustre may be very high with splendid and vibrant reflections.
It is cultured from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific however frequently off the coasts of Tahiti and the French Polynesian Islands. However there have been reports of Pinctada margaritifera in the Red Sea, off the coast of Alexandria (Egypt) and Calabria (Italy).
The ideal water temperature for the Black Pearl oysters is between seventy three.4o-84.2o F/23°C-29°C.
Freshwater Pearls
What used to be the principle difference between cultured seawater pearls and cultured freshwater pearls is that contrary to cultured seawater pearls cultured freshwater pearls have been now not beaded and pure nacre for which purpose they're known as non-beaded cultured pearls. This, however, does now not practice fully anymore. Since the Ming Pearl, professional name 'Edison Pearl', became introduced into the marketplace with the aid of the Chinese in January 2011, freshwater pearls do now additionally have a very beautiful representative in the class 'Cultured Beaded Pearls'.
Non-beaded freshwater Pearls are created by using three species of mussels of the own family Unionidae. One of those is referred to as Triangle Sail Mussel with the Latin name Hyriopsis cumingii, the alternative one is known as Biwa Pearl with the Latin name Hyriopsis schlegelii and the 0.33 one has the Latin call Christaria plicata and is known as Cockscomb Pearl Mussel.
0 notes
easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Bon Appétit Editor-in-Chief Adam Rapoport Resigns Following Allegations of Racist Culture [Updated]
Tumblr media
Photo by Jared Siskin/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
A 2013 photo of Rapoport in brownface, which resurfaced on Twitter, is one of multiple incidents of racism surrounding the food publication, sparking a wide call for his resignation
Bon Appetit editor-in-chief Adam Rapoport has resigned his position after several Bon Appetit staff members and freelance contributors publicly called for his resignation on Monday, alleging that a racist culture permeated throughout the brand.
Among the allegations from current staffers came from editor Sohla El-Waylly, who posted in her Instagram stories that she has been used in front of the camera “as a display of diversity,” but, unlike white employees, has never been compensated for on-camera appearances. In a statement to Variety, Conde Nast denied that people of color appeared in videos unpaid, but several other BA staffers replied in solidarity, some noting they would refuse to appear in any future videos until BIPOC staffers received equal pay and compensation for video work.
The callouts came after food and drinks writer Tammie Teclemariam unearthed a 2013 Instagram photo, originally posted by Rapoport’s wife Simone Shubuck, that shows the couple seemingly in brownface. The image, which has since been taken down from Shubuck’s Instagram account (but was up as of this morning) featured the caption “me and my papi” and the hashtag “boricua.”
In a post on his personal Instagram account, Rapoport announced his departure:
“I am stepping down as editor in chief of Bon Appetit to reflect on the work I need to do as a human being and to allow Bon Appetit to get to a better place. From an extremely ill-conceived Halloween costume 16 years ago to my blind spots as an editor, I’ve not championed an inclusive vision. And ultimately, it’s been at the expense of Bon Appetit and its staff, as well as our readers. They all deserve better. The staff has been working so hard to evolve the brand in a positive, more diverse direction. I will do all I can to support that work, but I am not the one to lead that work. I am deeply sorry for my failings and to the position in which I put the editors of BA. Thank you.”
I do not know why Adam Rapoport simply doesn’t write about Puerto Rican food for @bonappetit himself!!! https://t.co/rW0k5tjMoS pic.twitter.com/odZnFLz2gd
— chez tammie (@tammieetc) June 8, 2020
When the photo surfaced on social media this morning, BA’s own staffers and contributors were quick to speak out publicly. “As a BA contributor, I can’t stay silent on this,” tweeted star food writer Priya Krishna. This is fucked up plain and simple. It erases the work the BIPOC on staff have long been doing, behind the scenes. I plan to do everything in my power to hold the EIC, and systems that hold up actions like this, accountable.”
BA’s research director Joseph Hernandez tweeted, “I’m likely courting internal reprimand, but I’m appalled and insulted by the EIC’s choice to embrace brownface in the photo making the rounds. I’ve spent my career celebrating Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, and POC voices in food, and this feels like an erasure of that work.”
He added, “It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change.”
It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change.
— Joseph Hernandez (@joeybear85) June 8, 2020
BA’s Jesse Sparks also stressed the immense pressure put on people of color in the newsroom.
I just— I'm furious and exhausted. My whole point for being at this brand has been to uplift and celebrate the work of BIPOC and Queer folx. I've put up with a lot of shit because it was more important to me that I could help other people get the recognition they deserved. https://t.co/GswjEZJLDW
— Jesse Sparks (@JesseASparks) June 8, 2020
In a Twitter thread, former BA photographer Alex Lau explained that one of the many reasons he left the publication was the ways “white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for.”
yes, I left BA for multiple reasons, but one of the main reasons was that white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for.
— Alex Lau (@iamnotalexlau) June 8, 2020
The backlash against BA’s company culture and Rapoport’s role as editor-in-chief mounted rapidly.
Along with many colleagues, I’ve been dissatisfied with the milquetoast statements floating around. After speaking with a few peers, I wrote a resignation letter primer. Bc folks need help. https://t.co/tUr0h62pYi
— o s a y i (@osayiendolyn) June 8, 2020
The resurfacing of Rapaport’s photo and discussion of race within the publication comes following an alleged direct message exchange between Rapaport and writer Illyanna Maisonet, which Maisonet shared publicly on Twitter.
Some of you have asked about what happened with @bonappetit Nice of you to ask. I got a nice letter from #AdamRapoport this morning. Here is the series of IG DMs we shared moments ago. A montage... pic.twitter.com/ueRP5i91vx
— illyanna Maisonet (@eatgordaeat) June 6, 2020
BA has previously come under fire for the overwhelming whiteness of its popular test kitchen, and the callouts have been buoyed by Rapoport’s latest newsletter, headlined “Food Has Always Been Political.” In it, he writes, “In recent years, we at BA have been reckoning with our blind spots when it comes to race. We still have work to do... So, as an editor, the question I’m now asking our team is how do we locate the intersection of food and politics in this current moment? And how can we report on this convergence in a way that is engaging and useful to our millions of readers?”
Part of the answer, as many food writers and BA staffers past and present are now sharing on social media, are that it should not take the ongoing murder of black people by the state for newsrooms to finally look inward and make changes that are well past due. That it shouldn’t take employees risking their jobs by speaking publicly — that there is no more room for white bosses and editors to place the responsibility of fixing structural racism in the industry on BIPOC. And that racism and inequity is not fixed by tepid letters from the editor or by publicizing diversity initiatives while failing to take steps internally so that black and brown people feel safe and supported.
Eater has reached out to Adam Rapoport and Condé Nast for comment on both the photo and the ongoing accusations of racism within the publication. We will update if and when they respond.
UPDATE, June 8, 4:50 p.m. PST: This post was updated to reflect that Rapoport has resigned.
Disclaimer: Multiple people named in this story are past or current Eater staffers or contributors.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3hi1pPs https://ift.tt/2AOjHa8
Tumblr media
Photo by Jared Siskin/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
A 2013 photo of Rapoport in brownface, which resurfaced on Twitter, is one of multiple incidents of racism surrounding the food publication, sparking a wide call for his resignation
Bon Appetit editor-in-chief Adam Rapoport has resigned his position after several Bon Appetit staff members and freelance contributors publicly called for his resignation on Monday, alleging that a racist culture permeated throughout the brand.
Among the allegations from current staffers came from editor Sohla El-Waylly, who posted in her Instagram stories that she has been used in front of the camera “as a display of diversity,” but, unlike white employees, has never been compensated for on-camera appearances. In a statement to Variety, Conde Nast denied that people of color appeared in videos unpaid, but several other BA staffers replied in solidarity, some noting they would refuse to appear in any future videos until BIPOC staffers received equal pay and compensation for video work.
The callouts came after food and drinks writer Tammie Teclemariam unearthed a 2013 Instagram photo, originally posted by Rapoport’s wife Simone Shubuck, that shows the couple seemingly in brownface. The image, which has since been taken down from Shubuck’s Instagram account (but was up as of this morning) featured the caption “me and my papi” and the hashtag “boricua.”
In a post on his personal Instagram account, Rapoport announced his departure:
“I am stepping down as editor in chief of Bon Appetit to reflect on the work I need to do as a human being and to allow Bon Appetit to get to a better place. From an extremely ill-conceived Halloween costume 16 years ago to my blind spots as an editor, I’ve not championed an inclusive vision. And ultimately, it’s been at the expense of Bon Appetit and its staff, as well as our readers. They all deserve better. The staff has been working so hard to evolve the brand in a positive, more diverse direction. I will do all I can to support that work, but I am not the one to lead that work. I am deeply sorry for my failings and to the position in which I put the editors of BA. Thank you.”
I do not know why Adam Rapoport simply doesn’t write about Puerto Rican food for @bonappetit himself!!! https://t.co/rW0k5tjMoS pic.twitter.com/odZnFLz2gd
— chez tammie (@tammieetc) June 8, 2020
When the photo surfaced on social media this morning, BA’s own staffers and contributors were quick to speak out publicly. “As a BA contributor, I can’t stay silent on this,” tweeted star food writer Priya Krishna. This is fucked up plain and simple. It erases the work the BIPOC on staff have long been doing, behind the scenes. I plan to do everything in my power to hold the EIC, and systems that hold up actions like this, accountable.”
BA’s research director Joseph Hernandez tweeted, “I’m likely courting internal reprimand, but I’m appalled and insulted by the EIC’s choice to embrace brownface in the photo making the rounds. I’ve spent my career celebrating Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, and POC voices in food, and this feels like an erasure of that work.”
He added, “It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change.”
It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change.
— Joseph Hernandez (@joeybear85) June 8, 2020
BA’s Jesse Sparks also stressed the immense pressure put on people of color in the newsroom.
I just— I'm furious and exhausted. My whole point for being at this brand has been to uplift and celebrate the work of BIPOC and Queer folx. I've put up with a lot of shit because it was more important to me that I could help other people get the recognition they deserved. https://t.co/GswjEZJLDW
— Jesse Sparks (@JesseASparks) June 8, 2020
In a Twitter thread, former BA photographer Alex Lau explained that one of the many reasons he left the publication was the ways “white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for.”
yes, I left BA for multiple reasons, but one of the main reasons was that white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for.
— Alex Lau (@iamnotalexlau) June 8, 2020
The backlash against BA’s company culture and Rapoport’s role as editor-in-chief mounted rapidly.
Along with many colleagues, I’ve been dissatisfied with the milquetoast statements floating around. After speaking with a few peers, I wrote a resignation letter primer. Bc folks need help. https://t.co/tUr0h62pYi
— o s a y i (@osayiendolyn) June 8, 2020
The resurfacing of Rapaport’s photo and discussion of race within the publication comes following an alleged direct message exchange between Rapaport and writer Illyanna Maisonet, which Maisonet shared publicly on Twitter.
Some of you have asked about what happened with @bonappetit Nice of you to ask. I got a nice letter from #AdamRapoport this morning. Here is the series of IG DMs we shared moments ago. A montage... pic.twitter.com/ueRP5i91vx
— illyanna Maisonet (@eatgordaeat) June 6, 2020
BA has previously come under fire for the overwhelming whiteness of its popular test kitchen, and the callouts have been buoyed by Rapoport’s latest newsletter, headlined “Food Has Always Been Political.” In it, he writes, “In recent years, we at BA have been reckoning with our blind spots when it comes to race. We still have work to do... So, as an editor, the question I’m now asking our team is how do we locate the intersection of food and politics in this current moment? And how can we report on this convergence in a way that is engaging and useful to our millions of readers?”
Part of the answer, as many food writers and BA staffers past and present are now sharing on social media, are that it should not take the ongoing murder of black people by the state for newsrooms to finally look inward and make changes that are well past due. That it shouldn’t take employees risking their jobs by speaking publicly — that there is no more room for white bosses and editors to place the responsibility of fixing structural racism in the industry on BIPOC. And that racism and inequity is not fixed by tepid letters from the editor or by publicizing diversity initiatives while failing to take steps internally so that black and brown people feel safe and supported.
Eater has reached out to Adam Rapoport and Condé Nast for comment on both the photo and the ongoing accusations of racism within the publication. We will update if and when they respond.
UPDATE, June 8, 4:50 p.m. PST: This post was updated to reflect that Rapoport has resigned.
Disclaimer: Multiple people named in this story are past or current Eater staffers or contributors.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3hi1pPs via Blogger https://ift.tt/3dJq4u4
0 notes
easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Bon Appétit Editor-in-Chief Adam Rapoport Called to Resign Over Brownface Photo
Tumblr media
Photo by Jared Siskin/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
The 2013 photo, which resurfaced on Twitter, is one of multiple incidents of racism surrounding the food publication
On Monday, several staff members and freelance contributors for Bon Appetit called for the resignation of editor-in-chief Adam Rapoport after food and drinks writer Tammie Teclemariam unearthed a 2013 Instagram photo, originally posted by Rapoport’s wife Simone Shubuck, that shows the couple seemingly in brownface. The image, which has since been taken down from Shubuck’s Instagram account (but was up as of this morning) featured the caption “me and my papi” and the hashtag “boricua.”
I do not know why Adam Rapoport simply doesn’t write about Puerto Rican food for @bonappetit himself!!! https://t.co/rW0k5tjMoS pic.twitter.com/odZnFLz2gd
— chez tammie (@tammieetc) June 8, 2020
“As a BA contributor, I can’t stay silent on this,” tweeted star food writer Priya Krishna. This is fucked up plain and simple. It erases the work the BIPOC on staff have long been doing, behind the scenes. I plan to do everything in my power to hold the EIC, and systems that hold up actions like this, accountable.”
BA’s research director Joseph Hernandez tweeted, “I’m likely courting internal reprimand, but I’m appalled and insulted by the EIC’s choice to embrace brownface in the photo making the rounds. I’ve spent my career celebrating Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, and POC voices in food, and this feels like an erasure of that work.”
He added, “It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change.”
It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change.
— Joseph Hernandez (@joeybear85) June 8, 2020
BA’s Jesse Sparks also stressed the immense pressure put on people of color in the newsroom.
I just— I'm furious and exhausted. My whole point for being at this brand has been to uplift and celebrate the work of BIPOC and Queer folx. I've put up with a lot of shit because it was more important to me that I could help other people get the recognition they deserved. https://t.co/GswjEZJLDW
— Jesse Sparks (@JesseASparks) June 8, 2020
In a Twitter thread, former BA photographer Alex Lau explained that one of the many reasons he left the publication was the ways “white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for.”
yes, I left BA for multiple reasons, but one of the main reasons was that white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for.
— Alex Lau (@iamnotalexlau) June 8, 2020
The backlash against BA’s company culture and Rapoport’s role as editor-in-chief is mounting rapidly, Among those calling for his resignation are Osayi Endolyn and BA’s Sohla El-Waylly. In her Instagram stories, El-Waylly also revealed that she has been used in front of the camera “as a display of diversity,” but, unlike white employees, has never been compensated for on-camera appearances.
Along with many colleagues, I’ve been dissatisfied with the milquetoast statements floating around. After speaking with a few peers, I wrote a resignation letter primer. Bc folks need help. https://t.co/tUr0h62pYi
— o s a y i (@osayiendolyn) June 8, 2020
The resurfacing of Rapaport’s photo and discussion of race within the publication comes following an alleged direct message exchange between Rapaport and writer Illyanna Maisonet, which Maisonet shared publicly on Twitter.
Some of you have asked about what happened with @bonappetit Nice of you to ask. I got a nice letter from #AdamRapoport this morning. Here is the series of IG DMs we shared moments ago. A montage... pic.twitter.com/ueRP5i91vx
— illyanna Maisonet (@eatgordaeat) June 6, 2020
BA has previously come under fire for the overwhelming whiteness of its popular test kitchen, and the callouts have been buoyed by Rapoport’s latest newsletter, headlined “Food Has Always Been Political.” In it, he writes, “In recent years, we at BA have been reckoning with our blind spots when it comes to race. We still have work to do... So, as an editor, the question I’m now asking our team is how do we locate the intersection of food and politics in this current moment? And how can we report on this convergence in a way that is engaging and useful to our millions of readers?”
Part of the answer, as many food writers and BA staffers past and present are now sharing on social media, are that it should not take the ongoing murder of black people by the state for newsrooms to finally look inward and make changes that are well past due. That it shouldn’t take employees risking their jobs by speaking publicly — that there is no more room for white bosses and editors to place the responsibility of fixing structural racism in the industry on BIPOC. And that racism and inequity is not fixed by tepid letters from the editor or by publicizing diversity initiatives while failing to take steps internally so that black and brown people feel safe and supported.
Eater has reached out to Adam Rapoport and Condé Nast for comment on both the photo and the ongoing accusations of racism within the publication. We will update if and when they respond.
Disclaimer: Multiple people named in this story are past or current Eater staffers or contributors.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3dNoaIL https://ift.tt/2AOjHa8
Tumblr media
Photo by Jared Siskin/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images
The 2013 photo, which resurfaced on Twitter, is one of multiple incidents of racism surrounding the food publication
On Monday, several staff members and freelance contributors for Bon Appetit called for the resignation of editor-in-chief Adam Rapoport after food and drinks writer Tammie Teclemariam unearthed a 2013 Instagram photo, originally posted by Rapoport’s wife Simone Shubuck, that shows the couple seemingly in brownface. The image, which has since been taken down from Shubuck’s Instagram account (but was up as of this morning) featured the caption “me and my papi” and the hashtag “boricua.”
I do not know why Adam Rapoport simply doesn’t write about Puerto Rican food for @bonappetit himself!!! https://t.co/rW0k5tjMoS pic.twitter.com/odZnFLz2gd
— chez tammie (@tammieetc) June 8, 2020
“As a BA contributor, I can’t stay silent on this,” tweeted star food writer Priya Krishna. This is fucked up plain and simple. It erases the work the BIPOC on staff have long been doing, behind the scenes. I plan to do everything in my power to hold the EIC, and systems that hold up actions like this, accountable.”
BA’s research director Joseph Hernandez tweeted, “I’m likely courting internal reprimand, but I’m appalled and insulted by the EIC’s choice to embrace brownface in the photo making the rounds. I’ve spent my career celebrating Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, and POC voices in food, and this feels like an erasure of that work.”
He added, “It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change.”
It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change.
— Joseph Hernandez (@joeybear85) June 8, 2020
BA’s Jesse Sparks also stressed the immense pressure put on people of color in the newsroom.
I just— I'm furious and exhausted. My whole point for being at this brand has been to uplift and celebrate the work of BIPOC and Queer folx. I've put up with a lot of shit because it was more important to me that I could help other people get the recognition they deserved. https://t.co/GswjEZJLDW
— Jesse Sparks (@JesseASparks) June 8, 2020
In a Twitter thread, former BA photographer Alex Lau explained that one of the many reasons he left the publication was the ways “white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for.”
yes, I left BA for multiple reasons, but one of the main reasons was that white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for.
— Alex Lau (@iamnotalexlau) June 8, 2020
The backlash against BA’s company culture and Rapoport’s role as editor-in-chief is mounting rapidly, Among those calling for his resignation are Osayi Endolyn and BA’s Sohla El-Waylly. In her Instagram stories, El-Waylly also revealed that she has been used in front of the camera “as a display of diversity,” but, unlike white employees, has never been compensated for on-camera appearances.
Along with many colleagues, I’ve been dissatisfied with the milquetoast statements floating around. After speaking with a few peers, I wrote a resignation letter primer. Bc folks need help. https://t.co/tUr0h62pYi
— o s a y i (@osayiendolyn) June 8, 2020
The resurfacing of Rapaport’s photo and discussion of race within the publication comes following an alleged direct message exchange between Rapaport and writer Illyanna Maisonet, which Maisonet shared publicly on Twitter.
Some of you have asked about what happened with @bonappetit Nice of you to ask. I got a nice letter from #AdamRapoport this morning. Here is the series of IG DMs we shared moments ago. A montage... pic.twitter.com/ueRP5i91vx
— illyanna Maisonet (@eatgordaeat) June 6, 2020
BA has previously come under fire for the overwhelming whiteness of its popular test kitchen, and the callouts have been buoyed by Rapoport’s latest newsletter, headlined “Food Has Always Been Political.” In it, he writes, “In recent years, we at BA have been reckoning with our blind spots when it comes to race. We still have work to do... So, as an editor, the question I’m now asking our team is how do we locate the intersection of food and politics in this current moment? And how can we report on this convergence in a way that is engaging and useful to our millions of readers?”
Part of the answer, as many food writers and BA staffers past and present are now sharing on social media, are that it should not take the ongoing murder of black people by the state for newsrooms to finally look inward and make changes that are well past due. That it shouldn’t take employees risking their jobs by speaking publicly — that there is no more room for white bosses and editors to place the responsibility of fixing structural racism in the industry on BIPOC. And that racism and inequity is not fixed by tepid letters from the editor or by publicizing diversity initiatives while failing to take steps internally so that black and brown people feel safe and supported.
Eater has reached out to Adam Rapoport and Condé Nast for comment on both the photo and the ongoing accusations of racism within the publication. We will update if and when they respond.
Disclaimer: Multiple people named in this story are past or current Eater staffers or contributors.
from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3dNoaIL via Blogger https://ift.tt/3h9DMsg
0 notes
easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Photo by Jared Siskin/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images A 2013 photo of Rapoport in brownface, which resurfaced on Twitter, is one of multiple incidents of racism surrounding the food publication, sparking a wide call for his resignation Bon Appetit editor-in-chief Adam Rapoport has resigned his position after several Bon Appetit staff members and freelance contributors publicly called for his resignation on Monday, alleging that a racist culture permeated throughout the brand. Among the allegations from current staffers came from editor Sohla El-Waylly, who posted in her Instagram stories that she has been used in front of the camera “as a display of diversity,” but, unlike white employees, has never been compensated for on-camera appearances. In a statement to Variety, Conde Nast denied that people of color appeared in videos unpaid, but several other BA staffers replied in solidarity, some noting they would refuse to appear in any future videos until BIPOC staffers received equal pay and compensation for video work. The callouts came after food and drinks writer Tammie Teclemariam unearthed a 2013 Instagram photo, originally posted by Rapoport’s wife Simone Shubuck, that shows the couple seemingly in brownface. The image, which has since been taken down from Shubuck’s Instagram account (but was up as of this morning) featured the caption “me and my papi” and the hashtag “boricua.” In a post on his personal Instagram account, Rapoport announced his departure: “I am stepping down as editor in chief of Bon Appetit to reflect on the work I need to do as a human being and to allow Bon Appetit to get to a better place. From an extremely ill-conceived Halloween costume 16 years ago to my blind spots as an editor, I’ve not championed an inclusive vision. And ultimately, it’s been at the expense of Bon Appetit and its staff, as well as our readers. They all deserve better. The staff has been working so hard to evolve the brand in a positive, more diverse direction. I will do all I can to support that work, but I am not the one to lead that work. I am deeply sorry for my failings and to the position in which I put the editors of BA. Thank you.” I do not know why Adam Rapoport simply doesn’t write about Puerto Rican food for @bonappetit himself!!! https://t.co/rW0k5tjMoS pic.twitter.com/odZnFLz2gd — chez tammie (@tammieetc) June 8, 2020 When the photo surfaced on social media this morning, BA’s own staffers and contributors were quick to speak out publicly. “As a BA contributor, I can’t stay silent on this,” tweeted star food writer Priya Krishna. This is fucked up plain and simple. It erases the work the BIPOC on staff have long been doing, behind the scenes. I plan to do everything in my power to hold the EIC, and systems that hold up actions like this, accountable.” BA’s research director Joseph Hernandez tweeted, “I’m likely courting internal reprimand, but I’m appalled and insulted by the EIC’s choice to embrace brownface in the photo making the rounds. I’ve spent my career celebrating Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, and POC voices in food, and this feels like an erasure of that work.” He added, “It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change.” It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change. — Joseph Hernandez (@joeybear85) June 8, 2020 BA’s Jesse Sparks also stressed the immense pressure put on people of color in the newsroom. I just— I'm furious and exhausted. My whole point for being at this brand has been to uplift and celebrate the work of BIPOC and Queer folx. I've put up with a lot of shit because it was more important to me that I could help other people get the recognition they deserved. https://t.co/GswjEZJLDW — Jesse Sparks (@JesseASparks) June 8, 2020 In a Twitter thread, former BA photographer Alex Lau explained that one of the many reasons he left the publication was the ways “white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for.” yes, I left BA for multiple reasons, but one of the main reasons was that white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for. — Alex Lau (@iamnotalexlau) June 8, 2020 The backlash against BA’s company culture and Rapoport’s role as editor-in-chief mounted rapidly. Along with many colleagues, I’ve been dissatisfied with the milquetoast statements floating around. After speaking with a few peers, I wrote a resignation letter primer. Bc folks need help. https://t.co/tUr0h62pYi — o s a y i (@osayiendolyn) June 8, 2020 The resurfacing of Rapaport’s photo and discussion of race within the publication comes following an alleged direct message exchange between Rapaport and writer Illyanna Maisonet, which Maisonet shared publicly on Twitter. Some of you have asked about what happened with @bonappetit Nice of you to ask. I got a nice letter from #AdamRapoport this morning. Here is the series of IG DMs we shared moments ago. A montage... pic.twitter.com/ueRP5i91vx — illyanna Maisonet (@eatgordaeat) June 6, 2020 BA has previously come under fire for the overwhelming whiteness of its popular test kitchen, and the callouts have been buoyed by Rapoport’s latest newsletter, headlined “Food Has Always Been Political.” In it, he writes, “In recent years, we at BA have been reckoning with our blind spots when it comes to race. We still have work to do... So, as an editor, the question I’m now asking our team is how do we locate the intersection of food and politics in this current moment? And how can we report on this convergence in a way that is engaging and useful to our millions of readers?” Part of the answer, as many food writers and BA staffers past and present are now sharing on social media, are that it should not take the ongoing murder of black people by the state for newsrooms to finally look inward and make changes that are well past due. That it shouldn’t take employees risking their jobs by speaking publicly — that there is no more room for white bosses and editors to place the responsibility of fixing structural racism in the industry on BIPOC. And that racism and inequity is not fixed by tepid letters from the editor or by publicizing diversity initiatives while failing to take steps internally so that black and brown people feel safe and supported. Eater has reached out to Adam Rapoport and Condé Nast for comment on both the photo and the ongoing accusations of racism within the publication. We will update if and when they respond. UPDATE, June 8, 4:50 p.m. PST: This post was updated to reflect that Rapoport has resigned. Disclaimer: Multiple people named in this story are past or current Eater staffers or contributors. from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3hi1pPs
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easyfoodnetwork · 4 years
Photo by Jared Siskin/Patrick McMullan via Getty Images The 2013 photo, which resurfaced on Twitter, is one of multiple incidents of racism surrounding the food publication On Monday, several staff members and freelance contributors for Bon Appetit called for the resignation of editor-in-chief Adam Rapoport after food and drinks writer Tammie Teclemariam unearthed a 2013 Instagram photo, originally posted by Rapoport’s wife Simone Shubuck, that shows the couple seemingly in brownface. The image, which has since been taken down from Shubuck’s Instagram account (but was up as of this morning) featured the caption “me and my papi” and the hashtag “boricua.” I do not know why Adam Rapoport simply doesn’t write about Puerto Rican food for @bonappetit himself!!! https://t.co/rW0k5tjMoS pic.twitter.com/odZnFLz2gd — chez tammie (@tammieetc) June 8, 2020 “As a BA contributor, I can’t stay silent on this,” tweeted star food writer Priya Krishna. This is fucked up plain and simple. It erases the work the BIPOC on staff have long been doing, behind the scenes. I plan to do everything in my power to hold the EIC, and systems that hold up actions like this, accountable.” BA’s research director Joseph Hernandez tweeted, “I’m likely courting internal reprimand, but I’m appalled and insulted by the EIC’s choice to embrace brownface in the photo making the rounds. I’ve spent my career celebrating Black, Latinx, Indigenous, Asian, and POC voices in food, and this feels like an erasure of that work.” He added, “It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change.” It also feels like an erasure of the hard work done by those on staff who are doing the behind-the-scenes, silent labor of educating and advocating for progressive change. — Joseph Hernandez (@joeybear85) June 8, 2020 BA’s Jesse Sparks also stressed the immense pressure put on people of color in the newsroom. I just— I'm furious and exhausted. My whole point for being at this brand has been to uplift and celebrate the work of BIPOC and Queer folx. I've put up with a lot of shit because it was more important to me that I could help other people get the recognition they deserved. https://t.co/GswjEZJLDW — Jesse Sparks (@JesseASparks) June 8, 2020 In a Twitter thread, former BA photographer Alex Lau explained that one of the many reasons he left the publication was the ways “white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for.” yes, I left BA for multiple reasons, but one of the main reasons was that white leadership refused to make changes that my BIPOC coworkers and I constantly pushed for. — Alex Lau (@iamnotalexlau) June 8, 2020 The backlash against BA’s company culture and Rapoport’s role as editor-in-chief is mounting rapidly, Among those calling for his resignation are Osayi Endolyn and BA’s Sohla El-Waylly. In her Instagram stories, El-Waylly also revealed that she has been used in front of the camera “as a display of diversity,” but, unlike white employees, has never been compensated for on-camera appearances. Along with many colleagues, I’ve been dissatisfied with the milquetoast statements floating around. After speaking with a few peers, I wrote a resignation letter primer. Bc folks need help. https://t.co/tUr0h62pYi — o s a y i (@osayiendolyn) June 8, 2020 The resurfacing of Rapaport’s photo and discussion of race within the publication comes following an alleged direct message exchange between Rapaport and writer Illyanna Maisonet, which Maisonet shared publicly on Twitter. Some of you have asked about what happened with @bonappetit Nice of you to ask. I got a nice letter from #AdamRapoport this morning. Here is the series of IG DMs we shared moments ago. A montage... pic.twitter.com/ueRP5i91vx — illyanna Maisonet (@eatgordaeat) June 6, 2020 BA has previously come under fire for the overwhelming whiteness of its popular test kitchen, and the callouts have been buoyed by Rapoport’s latest newsletter, headlined “Food Has Always Been Political.” In it, he writes, “In recent years, we at BA have been reckoning with our blind spots when it comes to race. We still have work to do... So, as an editor, the question I’m now asking our team is how do we locate the intersection of food and politics in this current moment? And how can we report on this convergence in a way that is engaging and useful to our millions of readers?” Part of the answer, as many food writers and BA staffers past and present are now sharing on social media, are that it should not take the ongoing murder of black people by the state for newsrooms to finally look inward and make changes that are well past due. That it shouldn’t take employees risking their jobs by speaking publicly — that there is no more room for white bosses and editors to place the responsibility of fixing structural racism in the industry on BIPOC. And that racism and inequity is not fixed by tepid letters from the editor or by publicizing diversity initiatives while failing to take steps internally so that black and brown people feel safe and supported. Eater has reached out to Adam Rapoport and Condé Nast for comment on both the photo and the ongoing accusations of racism within the publication. We will update if and when they respond. Disclaimer: Multiple people named in this story are past or current Eater staffers or contributors. from Eater - All https://ift.tt/3dNoaIL
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