#i like aether a lot...
genshin-silliness · 3 months
I like seeing other people's takes on Lumine and Aether's personality, so here's mine-
(keep in mind that these are completely self-indulgent interpretations and not based on any canon whatsoever) (<- okay maybe that's a lie, I did somewhat base their personalities on a few pieces of birthday art, that's pretty much it though)
-I see Lumine as being slightly older than Aether, but not by much. But even so, she still acts as his older sister of sorts.
-She's super high energy and extroverted, and is typically the one to do most of the talking while they're traveling worlds. She's also an incredibly kind and compassionate person, who is overall easy to get along with.
-She would be the mc to willingly help around Teyvat because she's enjoys helping people!
-She adores her brother with all her heart (obviously) thinking he's the cutest thing in the world. ("Look at my baby brother!!" "We're the same age though..?")
-Despite her sweet and sugary girl-next-door energy, if you mess with her brother or her friends she will NOT hesitate to fuck you up. And she can be scary when in combat mode.
-She gets really uneasy whenever her brother isn't around (which isn't often since he almost always stays close to her) and starts thinking of every worst case scenario.
-I feel like most people see her as this strict and stern and girlboss, and I like that take too! I personally just see her as just a really nice girl who'll kick your ass if provoked lol.
-I also unironically think she would get along with Paimon (that and silently swoons over how adorable she can be)
-Aether is pretty much the exact opposite of Lumine lol
-He's quiet, reserved, and overall doesn't enjoy talking to people aside from his sister. This mostly stems from the fact that he some issues with trusting people.
-Typically he'll stand behind his sister as she does the talking (if anyone asks about it Lumine just goes: "oh he's just shy!")
-He's the mc who's honestly just trying to get his sister and get the hell out lol (though he always gets caught up in side quests somehow) (*cough* paimon *cough*)
-He's not much of a talker. Like at all. He only speaks if he really needs to at the moment, or if he's with someone he considers trustworthy and as a friend. And it takes a little while for someone to gain his trust like that.
-However, he's not a mean person by any means, and truly cares for those he's close to. And he wouldn't wish any sort of ill will onto anyone (unless he doesn't like them or they've tried to hurt him in the past)
-He is somewhat clingy, always staying close to his sister. Although he's antisocial, he doesn't like the feeling of being alone since he's so used to his sister being with him :(
It's also worth noting that I do see Aether as the one having to travel Teyvat to find his sister, and Lumine as the abyss sibling for three reasons:
I'm in love with abyss Lumine.
I find Aether to be more of a compelling mc than Lumine. Not because I dislike peppy characters by any means, I just find an mc with more selfish tendencies a lot more interesting. With Lumine, of course she's gonna help people, it's in her nature! With Aether however, he'll only help someone if he gets something in return that he needs, such as information on where to find his sibling. And the only other reason is because Paimon always drags him into this shit unwillingly (I do see him becoming a little more willing to help on his own terms as the story progresses).
The overarching question of why Lumine, a sweet, compassionate girl, would join the abyss. With Aether, I feel as though with his personality, you could kind of see it. But with Lumine? It's completely out of character for her! It provokes a lot of questions!! What happened to make her choose this??
As you can see, I kind of look at things through a story writing lense most of the time. Like I said, this is honestly just me being self indulgent.
I did kind of base Aether's personality on his dead expression in most chibi official art. I love him so much.
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mekha-draws · 27 days
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"you were a handful dear, not even a day after hatch and you were wriggling like a worm! the downy feathers of your coat were surprisingly difficult to get a grab on and you made every effort to take that as an advantage, little one"
"You made them both so happy, all of us... we're sorry. We let him do this to you"
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"the last egg on that nest, small, wingless, and weak. With how little you moved, They didn't expect you to survive the night but your siblings surprised me"
"They stood by your side, pushing and playing around with you, no malice in their little bodies, just curiosity, invitation even..."
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solargeist · 3 months
I love how over time kid xelqua has become less just baby grian and more grian's kid who he found in the woods/somehow created and now the kid represents all of grian's childhood trauma and Catholic guilt and grian is just trying to break the cycle bc there's this magic fucking baby who is the best thing in the world
JKAGJKD yes Exactly, see evo Grian has a lot of family issues, from being an orphan, to the Watchers, he has ISSUES, so raising a version of himself is..... definitely odd, but weirdly healing.. He sees how he was as a kid, he wasn't that bad, he was just a kid ! He didn't deserve to be abandoned or anything. He sees all of his ache in Xelqua, he's very much breaking the cycle.
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[mumbo: You alright mate, you have that look in your eyes. grian: no yeah--i'm good, i just.... its easy to raise him, y'know ? i mean, i know he's literally me, but.. it makes me wonder about my own parents--before the watchers, if i was anything like him, i don't know why they left] (-me)
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kanonavi · 2 months
Spoilers for Simulanka Day 3
There's a conversation that I've had with friends from time to time about the fact that the world of Teyvat is, at its core, incredibly kind. Shockingly so, even for most fictional stories that aren't directed towards children. Even though the traveler has faced many antagonists on their journey, the people around them have always banded together to overcome those challenges. Even when people are hurt it's very rare for anyone to die, and many of the antagonists in question aren't pure evil and have their own reasons for taking the actions they take. They may not always operate on the same morality as the traveler or the player, and they might not be "good people", but they still believe that what they have to do is right, or at the very least necessary.
To put it more simply, Genshin is filled with characters that are made to be liked. Not every player will like every character, but very few of them are actively trying to work against you, and even when they do there's still something there to like. Except for like, Il Dottore, but he's likable for how unlikable he is (I have to say that or my Dottore enjoying friend will be sad lmao).
I got to thinking about this when playing the last part of Simulanka because it was a reminder of how, despite the kindness that they've been shown by Teyvat for the past three and a half years, the traveler's morality is still shockingly black and white in many situations.
We see this the most in how they interact with the Fatui. The Fatui, particularly the Harbingers, have cause a lot of damage in the past, but a lot of the grunts are just ordinary people following orders. the commission line in Mondstadt with Viktor, Golden Apple Archipelago 2 and The Chasm come to mind for times when we've interacted with Fatui grunts in a way that really humanizes them and shows that a lot of them really are just people doing a job. Some of them have just been surveyors or low-level guards, but the traveler and Paimon treat them like they're cartoon villains until proven otherwise (and sometimes even after proven otherwise).
The way that they acted towards Simulanka Durin before the party gave him their blessings also seemed to reflect this, especially in comparison to the other party members. Wanderer was obviously the most sympathetic to Durin, since his memories were like looking into a mirror for him, but Nilou, Navia, and Kirara all stepped forward to give Durin their support while the traveler was still showing doubts. They were thinking about how the residents of Simulanka might not forgive Durin, or how his form was too big and scary to coexist with everyone, which was an incredibly unsympathetic outlook even though they were ultimately able to change Durin's form.
It honestly reminds me a lot of how the traveler treated Scaramouche/Wanderer in Inversion of Genesis, like he was a person to be kept the company of only out of necessity as a means to keep him under control, even after Nahida said that she trusted him. Even though something did go wrong at the time, it still showed that the traveler's suspicion and distrust of Scaramouche was strong enough to outweigh their trust of Nahida, despite Nahida having proved herself many times to be wise and worthy of trust in the past. That mistrust and even disdain for him even carried over into when he reappeared with no memories, as the traveler was forcefully adamant that he needed to reclaim his memories and atone, to the point that it seemed like they were being a little bit mean about it.
It's arguable that Scaramouche deserved that treatment, since he was kind of a little shithead who caused a lot of harm in the past, but the traveler was also witness to how deeply he was hurt and manipulated in the past, and therefore would have some kind of understanding of why he turned out the way that he did.
Despite the traveler's usual helpfulness in Simulanka, Nilou, Navia, and Kirara all feel like contrasts to them. Nilou's whimsical outlook and positive mindset allowed her to grasp the magic of creation and even gave her the initiative to try and change Durin's form with magic in the first place. Navia is used to taking care of "the little guy", as it were, through the Spina, and was therefore willing to listen and empathize with the toy people who didn't want to undo the power of prophecy. (With those guys also being called "conservatives" or a "conservative radical" in English, that doesn't really have a good connotation depending on your political leaning, but Navia listened to them anyway). And with Kirara, while I haven't played her little sidequest yet, the description of her outfit described how the little cat burglar stole and returned the emotions of the cats that they hadn't been given when they were created, casting her in the role of someone who can understand the balance that anger, sadness, and pain bring to happiness.
The three of them, as well as the Wanderer, all carry Teyvat's fundamental kindness with them, and it was then coaxed out of the traveler only when all of them had already stepped forward.
It made me wonder if this is some kind of lesson that the traveler has to learn before reuniting with their sibling, that they need to be more willing to put their trust in people, or at least be more understanding of others. While the abyss twin hasn't divulged too much of what they've learned yet, they've made it clear that there are lessons that the traveler needs to learn about the world before they reunite. While that likely has a lot to do with various truths about Celestia and the sky being fake and all that, perhaps they're hoping for their sibling to learn that at least in Teyvat, sometimes people who cause harm to others are simply trying (or have tried and failed and lost hope) to find a path towards co-existing with others.
Since the abyss twin is supposedly born of Teyvat as well, perhaps they've already understood that part of this world from the very beginning and are waiting for their sibling to catch up.
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colorful-horses · 1 year
Hey guys. I made a whole new webcomic. It has characters and a story and everything. You should totally go read it!!!!! Go read it right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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wrathofrats · 4 months
Aether comforting ifrit after he gets overwhelmed. Taking care of everyone else before himself. Can’t stop to ensure he’s doing alright because someone else needs him more. Zephyr has too much to deal with to stop and take of him, they don’t deserve that burden.
But it’s too much, it always is. Standing in the middle of the kitchen after promising to make lunch for the other ghouls, head feels like static, vision tunneled on the sandwich in front of him. And when he drops the butter knife on the floor it just becomes too much.
Ifrit tries to stop the tears before they come, hot and thick welling up at the corners of his eyes. But he can’t. His hand shakes as he picks up the butter knife, determined to finish his task.
And aether sees, can feel that ifrit was on the brink from a mile away. Just quietly takes the utensil from him, shushing him and telling him that it’s not important, that he can’t finish this in his current state, that the others will understand.
And ifrit just collapses into him. The floodgates opening once aether wraps his arms around him, pulling his head into his shoulder.
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Alpha & Ifrit angst wooooo. Also PLEASE tell me if my use of the past and especially the "had been ...-ed" form is correct or not, it's late, I'm having a huge brain lag and i'm losing my english.
Alpha only had Ifrit for three weeks and if anything happened to the younger fire ghoul, he would kill everyone in the room and then himself.
Alpha's barely exagerating. It's crazy how quickly his new student adorable little fuck mentee hope ? burden managed to burrow himself under Alpha's skin.
Thing is, Ifrit is impossible to dislike. His smile is too bright to hate, digging dimples into his cheeks whenever it graces the fire ghoul's face. Ifrit is a ray of a sunshine, a crackling bonefire illuminating happy faces. His enthusiasm and interest in everything is so terribly endearing, the way he wears his heart on his sleeve a testament to just how good the younger fire ghoul is.
The exact opposite of Alpha.
Ifrit has none of Alpha's acidic, rancid anger festering under his skin, none of the spark of agression dancing in Alpha's tone at the slightest inconvenience, none of the bitterness tainting Alpha's vision of the world.
Sometimes, it hurts to look at Ifrit. To see what Alpha could have been, might have been at some point, before life fucked him over time and time again. A comforting warmth instead of an unbearable heat. A sparkling-eyed, mischievious creature, instead of a closed-off, destructive monster.
The thought of seeing Ifrit lose that spark keeps Alpha up at night.
He cannot let this happen. He cannot let history repeat itself, let another fire ghoul get taken appart until all is left is a rotten core.
Alpha will always remember his first lesson with Ifrit. The younger ghoul was eager, tail wagging in excitement, bouncing on the ball of his feet. Alpha felt like a knife had been plunged into his heart ; and as always, his response to such an intense, unexpected emotion was anger. He snapped at Ifrit, telling him to settle the fuck down.
And Ifrit, sweet, darling Ifrit, smiled, tail wrapping around his leg. Stilled, like he had been asked to. Alpha immediately felt bad. But what could he do ? His venom had been spilled already, there was no taking it back. Still, his face twisted as guilt burnt in his throat.
"It's okay," Ifrit suddenly humed, looking so terribly earnest, "Your anger, your furstration. I understand. And I can take it."
Alpha nearly choked on remorse upon hearing that. Ifrit was much more observant than he had thought. And he apparently was a huge self-sacrificing idiot. Alpha wanted to shake him, to grab him by the shoulder and tell him to run, far, far away from him, from this wicked world that mercilessly breaks all that's good.
Instead, Alpha tightened his hand into a fist, and growled, low and threatening.
"You can't. Neither should you, or will you."
You don't deserve this had been left unsaid.
Ever since that day, Ifrit seems to have taken it upon himself to bring out all the sides of himself Alpha thought were gone.
The first time he called Ifrit "kit", in an appreciative manner after the younger fire ghoul had managed a tricky riff in very little time, Alpha knew there would be no going back.
Ifrit wormed his way into Alpha's not-so-stony heart and he is here to stay.
And if Alpha has to shoulder all the shit life brings to keep Ifrit unmarred by it, then so be it.
As Alpha watches his promising student wrestle with Aether, he isn't surprised to feel Omega press up against him, one arm wrapping around the fire ghoul's waist. Omega's thoughts nudge Alpha's, echo in the fire ghoul's brain.
I know. Me too.
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caluupin · 1 year
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act 2 doodles (open the image for better quality)
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jar-of-maise · 1 year
"Um Lyney," Paimon began, in an uncharacteristically hesitant voice.
"Oh? It isn't like you to be so shy, please go on, what's on your mind?" Lyney asked, looking up at her curiously.
Paimon looked at Aether anxiously, then floated a little closer to him, shedding sparkles as she flew, "well, some of the kids were telling us about how you tell them about fairytales..." She begins.
"Ah!" Lyney snaps his fingers, "are you here to ask me to tell you some stories? Well why didn't you say so?" He hops up easily, gracefully revealing several embossed hardcover books which fall out of his hat.
"Take a pick! There are many here, don't be shy," Lyney says cheerfully, showing the books off happily, "this one is a personal favourite," he winks at Aether.
The cover is of a golden-haired prince, drawing a sword from his sheath, sparkles dance around his figure. White armour adorns his strong figure. "It's a pretty cover...but," Paimon begins, raising a finger.
Lyney raises his eyebrows, "oh? Not to your taste? That's alright," he twirls the book around on his fingers, then tosses it up in the air, where it disappears after a sharp snap of his fingers.
"How about this one? It's about a mermaid and her journey to the human world," Lyney offers, smiling at Paimon and Aether as he shows them the book.
"Well, they're all very nice but–" Paimon tries again.
"Goodness! Have you always driven such a hard bargain?" Lyney asks comically, shaking his head, the books tumble down from his hands as he sighs in defeat.
"Lyney." Lynette says with a deadpan look on her face, "they probably want you to tell them a specific story."
"Yeah!" Paimon exclaims, "thank you Lynette!"
"No worries," Lynette says, crossing her arms and nodding, "my brother does have a habit of talking too much," she says, tail swishing side to side.
"Hey! I'm still here you know!" Lyney cries.
Lynettte fixes him with a very exasperated glare, "I know."
"Oh Lynette, how could you be so cruel to your dear brother?" Lyney whines, slumping, a few cards slipping out from underneath his hat. They fall sadly onto the ground, like limp autumn leaves.
"Um..." Aether begins, "we were hoping to hear about the story you created for the kids here," he says hopefully.
"The story...I made?" Lyney asks, perking up, "you want to hear my stories?" He asks in a tone so innocent that Aether can't help but feel endeared by his excitement.
"Yeah! Of course we do, you're a great storyteller Lyney!" Paimon cheers, "yeah!" Aether agrees, nodding vigorously.
"Well then," Lyney gathers his cards in one sweeping motion, shoving them back into his hat, "I can't disappoint my audience then, can I? Please take a seat, the show will be put on momentarily." Lyney grins, gesturing at the table in front of them.
"Please help yourself," Lynette says in a monotone voice as Paimon and Aether slid into their seats. She places her hat onto the table, and once she removes it, trays and plates of snacks appear magically.
"Wow! Thank you! Paimon's digging in then!"
Lynette nods, satisfied, she pours herself a cup of tea and takes a long sip from her cup.
"So Lyney," Paimon says to the magician, who's mumbling to himself as they help themselves.
"Hm? What's up?" Lyney asks curiously.
"The children here said that this story was called, 'The Thief's Hope' but, they also said that it has a sad ending," Paimon comments, "is that true?"
"Ah, you want to hear that story," Lyney says, there's an unreadable expression on his face, "well I wouldn't say it's that sad, uh, it's just not your typical fairytale."
"Yet the kids still love this story," Aether says, watching as Lyney puffs out his cheeks in slight disagreement.
"Yeah I don't really know why," Lyney laughs, slumping onto a nearby couch with a poof!
"Hey, at least that means you're a good story teller!" Paimon says comfortingly, nibbling on a cupcake as she talks.
"Perhaps," Lyney looks at Aether, then at Lynette. His eyes are wistful as he gazes at his hands silently. Outside, the rain was pouring ceaselessly. A cold wind brushed by and the water rapped on the windows. Lyney thought for a long time, then he just sighed fondly, fingers tracing a seam on his shorts before smiling brightly at Aether and Paimon. 
“Alright! Let me tell you the story!” He jumps up from the chair and bows deeply, “Lynette, if you would please,” he bows towards his sister who sighs, “fine," she says.
Lynette snaps her fingers and just like magic, a large backdrop appears behind Lyney, Paimon gasps in surprise and Aether leans forward curiously. It’s a depiction of the Fontaine streets, and the desolate piece of artwork is crafted with life-like accuracy. 
“Allow me to take you back in time,” Lyney steps forth, a hand tucked behind his back as he twirls his hat on his fingers. 
“There once lived a young boy, he was very poor and often worried about when his next meal would come by,” Lyney snapped his fingers and a little doll fell down from somewhere above his head, it was neatly stitched together, yet dirty and battered as though it had been abused and never loved. 
Lyney smiled and nodded at Lynette who waved her hand. A spotlight shone onto the makeshift “stage” focusing on the tiny doll who picked himself up and began to walk around. 
“He was often bullied, looked down upon and slowly, he found himself pushed to the darkest streets, where the light did not fall,” as he spoke, Lyney flicked his fingers, they appeared as dark, long shadows on the harsh light of the backdrop and the doll was flung away.
“But he never forgot what being in the light felt like,” Lyney’s voice echoed from somewhere, like a omnipresent narrator. As he spoke, the little doll picked itself up and began to stumble slowly towards the audience, “he longed to go back, there was a hole in his heart that he wanted to fill. A void that was as dark as the night sky.”
The inky blackness that suddenly filled the stage was so desperate and suffocating that Paimon audibly gasped. No light shone, indeed, it seemed as though even the oxygen was being removed from their lungs. Aether wondered if this too, was a part of the magic.
"He tried to fill his heart with the scraps that littered the streets," Lyney's voice began to speak again, "he hoarded those little things zealously, even they had no love for him and he had no love for them."
A small pinprick of light appeared on the stage and focused on Lyney's figure, he stood in the centre, with a grave expression on his face.
"His fingers were nimble and his feet too, were agile," Lyney smiled, a small doll appearing on his hand.
"He took the memories and love of others, he tried to light up the darkness in his heart with the light and warmth of others." Lyney procured a candle, "but he could not chase away the cold in his heart, nor could he brighten any corner of that room, for it was locked!"
Lynette grimanced into her cup, but begrudgingly waved her hand. The flame of the candle died out as she waved her hand and Lyney smiled widely.
"How should I light up this dark heart?" Lyney walked across the stage, making a thoughtful expression, "Ah! The boy realised something, when he was wandering the streets one day!"
Lyney smiles, carefully placing the doll down, "people crave the unknown, they are fascinated by fantasy…and what better way to achieve that than–” a sudden burst of streamers erupted from behind his back, “magic?”
The backdrop changed, it was a light and happy scene, where the doll reappeared, looking much cleaner and put together, the doll was surrounded by other dolls, they were smiling at him. 
 "If I can't love myself...and I can't take it from others, what if I made them give it to me? That was what the thief thought," Lyney grinned, blowing a shower of confetti hearts at his audience.
Aether smiled slightly when some of the paper brushed his cheek.
"So he began to try and perform, with the few skills he had learned from stealing. No matter how he tried to mask his true self, this boy was a thief," Lyney pointed at the heinous doll with an accusatory finger.
"The truth was that he was a thief, and that all his story-truths were lies." Lyney declared.
Aether and Paimon smiled knowingly, Lynette helped herself to a muffin. She was enjoying the chance to enjoy as many treats as she could.  
“So the thief had finally found something that could fill up his empty heart," Lyney kept talking, "but still, the feeling of emptiness persisted. So he kept performing, kept going, just to chase that feeing," butterflies flew out from Lyney's finger tips as he spoke.
“The treacherous thief lied his way to the top. He tricked people ceaselessly, putting on a show that the masses would love. Lies were piled up on falsehoods. The thief could no longer return to the shadows of his past."
Lyney made a shape with him fingers where the light reflected it's shadow onto the backdrop, "The Thief looked down at the world from on top of the tower he’d built. It was exquisitely crafted, held together by fabricated illusions. He was a sinner, a devil who’d escaped from hell who was undeserving of the light he had gained."
Aether's eyes narrowed slightly, he sipped some tea but listened attentively, Lyney noticed this change, smiling to himself he thought, 'ah he gets it.'
Lyney kept talking, "Like a famous actor, the parts that he had to play continued to increase. People’s lives were entrusted to his hands at night, and in the daytime, he stole people’s hearts. He had never been bested and life itself, was the stage for his craft. 
He sat under the night sky one lonely evening, gazing out into the inky darkness. The thief looked at the stars, they had always sparkled so beautifully, untouched by pain or sorrow. He wanted that light, even though he knew he could never emulate that gentle radiance. 
That was when he met her,” Lyney’s voice took on a reminiscing tone and suddenly Aether was seized by a strange thought, was this just a mere story? He had no time to ponder this question, because Lyney was moving onto the next part of the story.
”Who was she?" Lyney wondered aloud, "well, perhaps she could be described like a burst of sunlight in a cold, frosty winter, or a wonderful flower blossoming in a wasteland...but no," he paused, "she was more than just those."
"She was the steady roll of waves on the ocean, she was the star that never left the night sky," it seemed like Lyney had forgotten his magic in that moment. He stood before them, as a performer still, but Aether realised that this was not only a story, but a reflection of Lyney himself.
"She was not words, she was a feeling," Lyney almost whispered to himself. Yet in the breathless silence that beheld the room, he may as well have shouted those words. Upon beholding this vulnerable side of Lyney, Aether couldn't help but smile sadly.
"The Thief was a certain kind of summertime sadness, one that spring couldn't cure," Lyney said slowly, withered petals falling with every step he took backward, away from the audience.
"He had no words that could describe her, for all the stories The Thief had spun, all the lies he'd said, there was no word he knew that could speak about the truth in her. But The Thief liked to call her mon armour," Lyney smiled bitterly, there was a hatred in the way he uttered those words.
Aether was taken back, but he didn't know why Lyney seemed to dislike those last few words so much.
"Her presence was gentle, yet searing. To The Thief who couldn't remember hugs or caresses, her touches was an uncomfortable, addicting burn."
Sitting in the audience, Lynette looked at her reflection in her cup sadly. This, was his way of atoning for lies, by weaving truths into his stories so that he might not spin falsehoods. She knew Lyney better than anyone else, to most this was obvious, but they didn't know about the hopes of her older brother. Past his light, and his shadow, was a young boy who loved to love and be loved.
That, was also a kind of truth.
"This Thief," Lyney murmured, "he was a haunted house, hollow from inside to out, plagued by a restless soul that was more focused on destroying the construct that kept it existing than anything else. Every now and then, a wind would rush through and open half-closed, weeping wounds.
The people who sojourned in this house did not help the soul, they loved only the mystery, the romance, the unattainable nature of his performance. And often left the house shabbier than when they first entered.
But not mon armour, she came in, like a little ghost. Planting purple wisteria in his mind, with wonderful trees that entwined their roots around the house and bound him to the earth. Camomile grew from his scars, moss and dewdrops patched his wounds.
She planted gardens of lavender in his mind, so that his anxiety might be soothed.
If there was anyone that might make him feel like life was worth living on, it would be her. A gentle love, that didn't demand. How funny, The Thief had never once known how to care, he did not think about the emotion itself. Never committed." Lyney nodded, though Aether didn't know if he was talking to himself or his audience.
"Yet he tried, loving was clumsy. He couldn't make sense of the lines he was meant to colour inside and often scribbled outside of those boundaries. But at least, he was less transient, and more of a home now." Lyney drifted off into his own thoughts, "my love, what a wonderful name, if only..."
Aether lets him mumble to himself, Paimon also floats over to him with a soft, melancholic smile. "Poor Lyney..." she says quietly, "the story must mean a lot to him."
"I think there was a bit more than just that," Aether comments, but refrains from saying some of his other thoughts, knowing Paimon would just freak out.
"My brother finds it hard to express himself," Lynette chips in, "thank you for listening to him," she bows her head.
"It's okay, please tell him that we'd listen to him anytime!" Paimon exclaims waving her hands.
"Thank you, I will."
"I know you're not much of a talker, but we'll also listen to you, if you need it," Aether says, smiling brightly at Lynette, who gives him a little smile in response.
"I will cherish that offer." She says, "honestly," she adds, looking at Lyney with a half-endearing, half-fond and equal parts exasperated expression, "for someone who insists he's unlovable, loving sure comes easily to him."
"He has a lot to give," Aether says kindly, Lyney is quiet, a broken piece of cermanic-ware, so fractured yet so well patched up he looks new. Aether is glad he has something to hope for.
"Lyney loves like he breathes but treats it like it's cancer," Lynette replies, "when he first realised he was infatuated he said he got a heart stroke. Yet if loving really was a disease, he'd hope he'd never recover from his illness" Lynette takes a sip of tea and rolls her eyes gracefully. "In that sense, he's utterly hopeless,"
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malmagmafr · 9 months
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A horrible little beast 🤎💚
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sealrock · 9 months
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tell me, what makes a human?
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tallbluelady · 1 month
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So how's the vacation going, you two?
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ghcstcd · 2 years
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Someone said something about Aether with a Mohawk on my art the other day, and I was beside myself, thinking "No, no no...Well-!"
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cometrose · 4 months
hi. i’d like to hear your take on how the other archons represent or have moon symbolism to zhongli’s sun, if you don’t mind!
in genshin there’s a lot of lore scattered around and pieces waiting to be clicked together, and your post really makes ideas go off haha
sure, im not as read up on the other archons as I am with zhongli but there is still a lot to work with
In his trailers and cutscenes (e.i Xiao) we often see Venti with the moon
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You can also look into his style of archonhood and how he does not directly guide his people but rather lets them do as they want and times guides them from behind the scenes
He is not overt and direct like the sun but more subtle like the moon
This is going to be true for most of the archons but there is the fact that Venti's image is based off someone else. Venti looks like the nameless bard but that is not his true form.
Venti is a reflection of someone else, much like moon reflects the sun's light
Mondstadt literally means moon city
To others he can be very bubbly and outgoing but when he is around the traveler his calm more reserved sides come out.
Venti has connections to the god of time, Istaroth, and time one key themes of moon symbolism as the cycles and phases of the moon have been used to track time, seasons and life itself. (Did you know the phases in the spiral abyss are based off the 3 moon sisters which is why there are 3 versions of a spiral abyss before it resets?)
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First look at her design and her wish. She has a dark color palette, deep purples and reds and Inazuma, specifically Tenshukaku, in the background is covered in darkness
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In her domain and her trailer it is rainy, dark and thunderous
Ei's constellation, Imperatrix Umbrosa, translates to Empress of Shadows
She was literally Makoto's shadow (kagemusha)
To go further, Ei lived in the shadows of Makoto's light. The story tells us that Makoto was better at guiding humanity and understood humans much better. Makoto was the archon, Makoto was the one who was adored. Ei was the moon to Makoto's sun.
However, you could even say since Makoto and Ei are twins rather than sun and moon symbolism you could attribute Makoto and Ei to the light and dark side of the moon. Because of the way the moon rotates, from earth we only see one side of the moon at all times. Hence, Makoto was the light side of the moon that was leading Inazuma while Ei was the darker side that was never seen.
Then Ei hiding away in the plane of Euthymia for hundreds of years while her puppet ruled means that Ei once more lived in the shadow (or subconscious) of another being
Originally Raiden wished for an eternal and neverending Inazuma. She wanted nation that would not suffer from the change of time. However change, and new beginnings are signaled by the onset of dawn. Each new day begins with the sun rising so by yearning for an "Eternal Inazuma" it was a nation that never saw a new day or was always stuck in night.
Even though the war is over and she can freely mingle with her people Ei is rather reserved and prefers to keep to herself
Nahida has very direct moon symbolism.
Nahida directly refers to herself as the moon in Act II of the Sumeru Archon Quest and throughout the entire questline as a whole.
Similar to all of the other archons, Nahida is trapped in the shadows of Rukkhadevata.
Nobody cared for Nahida because Rukkha's glory and wisdom outshone her in every way (plus she was locked up in jail) even Nahida herself believed Rukkha was more shining and brilliant than her.
She even says in Act II after learning the sages have been acting behind her back that "In the end, I'm just the Moon. The real Sun is long gone."
Nahida's abilities and symbols are dreams, sleep and illusions. All of which are all connected to the moon and the night.
Nahida's character design. She is very white, and pale like the face of the moon. She looks like just a younger version of Rukkhadevata.
Although, Nahida comes to understand that she does not have to be like Rukkha or any other archon to be a good archon-she still has a long way to go. She is still a "small light" in Sumeru and it will take some time before she can shine as brightly as Rukkhadevata once did
Her wish looks like a big old moon doesn't it?
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Furina much like the others lives in the shadow of not only Focalors but indirectly Egeria
She is constantly trying to live up the glory of her predecessor (Egeria) but also the other archons.
Furina was forced to be in the spotlight. She shines brightly and strongly but that is not her own light. She is using the title as god and archon to be something she is not. In a sense, giving off light that isn't hers but merely reflecting the light of Focalors.
Just in basic symbolism, oceans, waves and tides are all usually connected to the moon, so the god of water is going to be connected to the moon.
Furina's "true" form her Ousia form which is dark and black in color while her "fake" form her Pneuma form is white and bright.
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Furina had no real power and to save Fontaine true divinity and power had to come from the original source (Focalors and ultimately Neuvillette)
Her true self lived in the shadows of the "Hydro Archon". Her true identity was a mystery until the trial.
When Furina leaves the spotlight and the curtains close and the lights dim was she finally able to be herself.
For example even when Arlecchino ambushes Furina it occurs in the dead of night when she assumes nobody is watching her anymore and she's allowed to be free for just a moment.
Furina's power and authority came from "others". She acted like an archon so we believed she was an archon. Much like how the moon "looks" like it produces light but really the light comes from the sun.
Furina is haughty and gaudy as an archon but as a human she far more relaxed and easy going. She doesn't have the striking confidence and dominance of the sun but a more gentle and refreshing aura to her.
Furina’s true light and beauty is when she can be herself or on the stage as a performer when she is no longer trying to be something she is not she because far more special.
A big part of why most of the archons have moon symbolism is simply because they are 1) not the original archon or 2) derive a significant portion of their life, legacy and or goals from someone else. In their lives there was a person who was the center of their life -their "sun". Whether or not the knew the person depends but these archons either embodied or idolized their ideals and appearance. As in they derived their light from someone else. Zhongli avoids this cause he doesn’t have a “twin” and he’s an original archon.
Character development and story progression have changed these characters appear and their respective symbols but I think you can safely argue that most of the archons have more ties to the moon than the sun.
The only exception I really see is Zhongli (you could argue Venti too sometimes) and the Pyro Archon due to the connections between flames and the sun.
But the Tsaritsa, on the other hand is very likely to have lots of moon symbolism. The only time we see her palace is in the dark of night, she's always commanding the Fatui to carry out her plans in secret, cryo -> ice -> winter -> dark -> night -> moon, plus the moon is tied to themes of romance and love she is the goddess of love etc. We can do this all day.
Nonetheless, moon symbolism connects to a multitude of themes such as femininity, shadows, time, darkness, eternity and renewal, love and mystery, divinity and gentleness etc. Many of these concepts appear in our archons and their storylines.
So of the archons we know Zhongli is the most sun-orientated (masculinity, power, strength, passion, clarity and knowledge, life etc) so far. It’s not like sun and moon traits don’t overlap so you’ll definitely see these characters embody different ideals but in my mind most of the archons represent the moon.
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blood-orange-juice · 1 year
I keep thinking of how in CN version of Labyrinth Warriors Childe compared the traveler to the morning star, not stars in general.
Which is sweet if you are a shipper but it's also not a star you can chart your course by.
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bonefall · 1 year
Do BB!Jay and Poppy ever become friends again? Obviously there's... the Whole Kits Thing but IDK I just like seeing them be friends. I think they should have been friends in canon but god forbid Jayfeather hangs out with anyone except the Three (and Hollyleaf before she dies and then she dies again)
It doesn't happen for years. Poppyfrost wanted to move on SO bad, and she's chronically avoidant of any legitimate problems. If left to her own devices, she would have kept dodging him until the day she died.
(Poppy with her garden like "I Just Want To Grill.")
I think what changed was Dovewing leaving.
Poppyfrost is one of the last people who talks to her before she Hits Da Bricks, not knowing that she was close to a boiling point. She was FINALLY going to be brave about it and chat with her 'niece' after being distant her whole life so far. And uh... it didn't end well.
Too little too little too late, really. But it killed her, that when she finally mustered up the courage it basically pushed Dovewing over the edge.
But after that, with Dovewing leaving completely and disavowing her garbage family for how they all hurt her or failed to protect her, Jayfeather can't keep doing this shit. Poppyfrost avoiding him and refusing to talk about it
He KNOWS it's just as hard on her as it is on him. And that her breath catches uncomfortably when she looks at him. How long are they going to live like this? Badly pretending that nothing happened while they're both obviously in the middle of a big mess of their mutual making?
I haven't written on it yet but I imagine he cornered her while alone, and ended up actually, legitimately chasing her down. Like,
"Poppyfrost. You're bottling something up again."
"Aaaaaahaha idk what you mean. What. Huh."
"Yes you do, this is getting absolutely ridiculous. I'm blind not stupid, you can't pretend our secret codebreaking lovechild didn't--"
"What do you MEAN BYE IM- HEY!! POPPYFROST!!!!"
Something about the way that EVERY time Poppyfrost turns her head, Jayfeather is there. Once a comfort, then an inescapability, and someday... back to something comfortable.
Never the way it was, but better than it is when she's bolting through the woods trying to pretend her problems don't exist.
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