#i like Weixler
hayleylovesjessica · 7 months
YASSS! Also, I LOVE that she attended the SAG Awards with Jess Weixler, her OG wife, like it was still 2011-2012.
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widgenstain · 6 years
Ok, looks like IT2 is becoming the ulitmate TDOER reunion... 
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Jeremy Strong & Jess Weixler in Yes
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musette22 · 2 years
to be honest, and as a disabled person, at first i was worried about this film, then i saw Adam Pearson is involved and i breathed because that's all I needed to know. And then waking up the first thing i saw was his post on insta and i breathed even more. I know this will be done with respect. Everyone needs to check out "chained for life", it's a really good movie directed by Aaron Schimberg too. unfortunately it didn't have a "big/famous" name like Sebastian's so many people don't know about it. I'm glad Sebastian will be in ADM because it will reach more people and i cannot wait to watch it, and if anyone's got the time, I'd recommend reading this amazing interview https://moveablefest.com/aaron-schimberg-chained-for-life-2/ and search more about what he's got to say about disabilities in films ❤️
Oh thank you so much, lovely! This is wonderful to hear, I'm so glad your worries were assuaged when you learned more about who was involved in the project. I really do hope (and believe) that they will do the subject justice and treat it with respect ❤️ I didn't know about Chained for Life, but I'll look into it because it sounds very interesting. And thank you so much for sending that link, I look forward to reading it! 🙏🏻
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uomo-accattivante · 4 years
Several people have asked me about the Juilliard classmate who co-starred with Oscar in the school’s production of Chekhov’s Three Sisters. Her name was Sarah Fox, and she was destined to become a star, in her own right, before sadly becoming a victim of a still-unsolved homicide in May, 2004. 
The following is a quote about Oscar’s statement to the New York Times and the article it originated from:
“Oscar Isaac, a fellow third-year drama student, said Ms. Fox was known for her constellation of hugs. The one reserved exclusively for Mr. Isaac would require each of them to tickle each other's backs while embracing.”
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(📷: Serena Reeder)
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Her story has much of the familiar ring of the young aspirant's tale. She was a radiant young woman with a repertoire of special hugs, imbued with talent and brimming with hope. From the far reaches of New Jersey, she came to study at one of New York's fabled cultural institutions and to wonder if one day destiny might find her. People took notice. She glowed.
Sarah Fox's story ended when her badly decomposed body was found on Tuesday by a volunteer search party in the thickets near a jogging path in Inwood Hill Park in northern Manhattan. Positive identification was made yesterday, law enforcement authorities said, after her mother presented dental records to the medical examiner's office.
The police said that she had been strangled, though they were uncertain whether by hand or by another method, and they could not determine if she had been sexually assaulted. The bizarre placement of petals and branches from a tulip tree around the body raised the question that the killing may have had a ritualistic element. The police said they were without suspects but were casting a wide net.
Ms. Fox was 21, 5 feet 2 inches tall, with blue eyes and strawberry blond hair that she wore short on the sides and spiked on top. She was a student in the drama department at the Juilliard School, the performing arts conservatory at Lincoln Center. The rarefied air of its sleekly modern buildings have produced a long list of hallowed names including Miles Davis, Philip Glass, Yo-Yo Ma, Itzhak Perlman, Nina Simone and Robin Williams.
Ms. Fox was starry-eyed with her own high aspirations for a stage career. She drew a favorable response for her versatility, just as convincingly playing the conniving Natasha in Chekhov's ''Three Sisters'' as she did a bird in the Aristophanes play ''The Birds.'' A fellow drama student at Juilliard remarked on how ''brave, open, accomplished'' she was as an actress.
Recently, though, she had taken a leave from the school. Her relatives said she had found Juilliard very demanding and simply needed a brief interlude to replenish herself. She intended to resume her studies in the fall as a third-year student.
The abrupt and jarring end to her life left Juilliard bewildered. The discovery equally stunned the city itself. Though Ms. Fox's movements in the hours leading to her death remain unclear, it appears that a young woman went out to jog well before dusk, in a park where children played and people walked their dogs, only to encounter a murderer that no one saw.
For an hour and a half yesterday morning, members of the Juilliard drama department gathered to collectively address her death. This took place in Room 304, a classroom that has become something of a designated grieving room. In recent years, similar grim assemblages occurred. Several years ago, another third-year drama student was found dead and the room filled up. It did again last year when a student's sister was murdered. It was the same place where students gathered after Sept. 11.
In the room that one student characterized as ''an emotional vortex,'' more than 150 people mourned Sarah Fox, an astonishing number given that classes had ended for the academic year a week ago and many students had dispersed. A second-year drama student who attended the session said the event was ''uplifting'' even though virtually everyone was in tears. Ms. Fox's boyfriend, a Juilliard drama graduate, was among those who spoke.
Later in the day, about 70 students and faculty members returned to campus for a half-hour memorial service in one of the dance studios. Filing out of the building, Jane Cho, 31, a former piano student and now a career counselor at Juilliard, said, ''It was dark and a lot of people were crying.''
Joseph W. Polisi, Juilliard's president, issued a statement saying: ''She reached out eloquently to others through her exceptional ability as an actress. Her senseless loss leaves us all feeling a profound sorrow.''
Ms. Fox grew up in a family of modest means in Pennsauken, in southern New Jersey. She had an older sister, Samantha. Her father, a car mechanic, died of cancer 10 years ago, and her mother sometimes held two jobs to raise the two girls. She currently lives in Gibbstown, N.J., and is a manager for a mortgage company.
Ms. Fox caught the acting bug as a girl and filled her summers performing in shows. She also developed a strong interest in music, and she liked to jog to keep fit.
In an interview with The Courier-Post of New Jersey before her daughter's body was found, Lorraine Fox recounted how she had impressed on Sarah the dangers of the world. When Sarah was little, they played a game called ''What If?'' Her mother would ask a question like, ''What if a stranger came up and asked you to help find a dog?''
Ms. Fox would learn the answers, which were always, ''No.''
During high school, she was a member of the first class of the Southern New Jersey Academy of the Performing Arts, a division of the Gloucester County Institute of Technology in Sewell. Eileen Shute, a spokeswoman for the school, said Ms. Fox was an A student and a ''quality young lady.''
According to the school's yearbook, she belonged to the fine arts club and the thespian society and had leading parts in a number of major productions, including Rosalind in Shakespeare's early romantic comedy ''As You Like It.'' Classmates were amused when she and her date once showed up at a dance dressed as Sonny and Cher.
At the back of her 2001 yearbook, she is pictured in the front row of her graduating class. The headline over the photo reads: ''The perfect end to a beautiful beginning''
Her talent gained her admission with a full scholarship to Juilliard in the fall of 2001, where she seemed to have become well-liked and admired by students and teachers.
Several classmates said she had a knack for knowing when other people needed a jolt of confidence. When one student assumed that no one had remembered his birthday, Ms. Fox put up on a drama department message board a brown paper bag on which she had scribbled, ''We haven't forgotten, Happy Birthday.'' Another time, she cheered up a student having trouble mastering his character in a play by leaving a note on a blackboard that said: ''Don't beat yourself up. You're immensely talented.''
It was her abilities on the stage as much as her robust personality that attracted attention. A number of students praised her leading performance in last year's production of Brecht's ''Caucasian Chalk Circle.'' ''She was 19 years old and was not a parent, but she played the mother so convincingly,'' said one recent graduate. ''It made you wonder where someone could get that sort of poise and wisdom.''
When she played a bird in ''The Birds,'' many who saw the performance said they thought it was enlightened casting. ''She was so light-spirited and in touch with her animal instincts,'' said Jess Weixler, another recent graduate.
Her family felt certain of her future. ''I have no doubt that we would have seen her name in lights one day on Broadway,'' said an uncle, Isaac Porter.
Oscar Isaac, a fellow third-year drama student, said Ms. Fox was known for her constellation of hugs. The one reserved exclusively for Mr. Isaac would require each of them to tickle each other's backs while embracing.
Ms. Fox shared an apartment in the Inwood section not far from where her body was found. It was in a five-story walkup building in a neighborhood whose relatively low rents have drawn an influx of younger people embarked on careers in the arts.
Her roommate reported her missing last Thursday. The last time her roommate saw her was at 5 p.m. the previous day. Wearing workout clothes and carrying a compact disc player, Ms. Fox was apparently on her way to her gym or to jog.
The police sent officers, helicopters and dogs to root through the thickly forested parks of Inwood. News of her disappearance galvanized her friends and family to do what they could. They tacked up hundreds of posters bearing her photograph. To further assist, Mr. Porter, an electrician from Millville, N.J., assembled a volunteer search party, composed largely of people from South Jersey, to fan out through Inwood Hill Park. The police had been there. But the family sensed that if anything had happened to Sarah Fox, it had happened there.
Early Tuesday afternoon, members of the search party sifted through a tangled area near a jogging path and found what they had hoped they wouldn't find. They found the end of Sarah Fox's story.
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chemicalprince · 5 years
WARNING: I know these photos don't mean nothing and they don't define a person. It's just some fan imagination...Sooo
Let's just imagine..uhm..
The famous designer was caught with the famous actress! This energy... Do you feel it too? Is something coming up? We'll wait.
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Unfortunately, it seems to us that Beverly Marsh and Jess Weixler broke up. We hope this is just a quarrel after which the couple will make peace.
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Wow! A new photo of Beverly with a new lady appeared! It means something, huh?
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One more photo. And so close?!!
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Wow! What a show! Graham is a tempter!
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EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS > Beverly Marsh told us how she began to gradually realize her bisexuality as a teenager.
It all started in college, she said. Obviously it has always been inside of me. I was born like that. My father was cruel to me because of the boys at school, but he needed to worry better about the girls. But really there was no one to worry about at all. I was alone. No girls no boys.. *begins to remember* boys... Six boys were my friends and.. fuck! *running away from the studio*
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A mounth later
After the scandalous escape of a famous designer and her nebulous words about some six boys, she was caught in the company of six men. Well, it seems to her there comfortable and fun. BUT! Fans say they noticed the famous comedian Richie Tozier in this company. And also the popular horror writer William Denbrough. Some claim that the guy (to the left of Marsh) is the face of some serious construction cooperation. How could such varied people get together? And who are these others? It's curious, right? Wait for any news.
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After some time
BIG NEWS!!! After Richie Tozier's coming out and his sudden engagement, a new couple appeared... Beverly Marsh has confirmed her relationship with Ben Hanscom.
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I'm sorry all the beautiful women. I had a long way, but I chose my man, she said.
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filmy2020cz-blog · 4 years
[Filmy-1080p] Ava: Bez soucitu [HD] Sleduju Film Online CZ Dabing
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🎬 Navštivte ➥  https://bit.ly/31hfQ0d
Akční / Drama / Krimi / Mysteriózní / Thriller
USA, 2020, 98 min
Režie: Tate Taylor Scénář: Matthew Newton Kamera: Stephen Goldblatt Hudba: Bear McCreary Hrají: Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell, John Malkovich, Geena Davis, Common, Jess Weixler, Joan Chen, Diana Silvers, Ioan Gruffudd, Matt Lindquist (další profese)
Ava je zatraceně sexy a setkání s ní přežije jen málokdo. Ava je výjimečně dobrá nájemná vražedkyně, která pro tajnou organizaci likviduje zadané lidské cíle. Dostává ty nejvybranější úkoly - obvykle kravaťáky z vysokých kruhů byznysu. Ava pracuje bez soucitu rychle, čistě a nenápadně v různobarevných parukách, chic kalhotových kostýmech nebo v elegantních večerních šatech. Po jedné zpackané akci se ale všechno nebezpečně změní. Organizace, pro kterou pracovala, potřebuje zahladit stopy. Oficiálně se má ukrýt, vzít si volno a dopřát si odpočinek. Neoficiálně ji šéf organizace chce poslat na odpočinek navěky a zcela bez soucitu vypíše Avu jako cíl k likvidaci. Ava se mezitím rozhodne ukrýt doma, kde dlouhá léta nebyla, trochu napravit svoje vztahy s matkou a sestrou. Její otec mezitím zemřel a její expřítel a bývalý snoubenec propadl gamblingu a zapletl se s místní hráčskou mafií, kterou ona sama z dřívějška zná až příliš dobře. Nedá se říci, že by ji domov přivítal s otevřenou náručí. A to samozřejmě netuší, že se z ní stal kontrakt a oběť na odstřel a na každém kroku ji může čekat jiný zabiják
Ava: Bez soucitu online bombuj, Ava: Bez soucitu online cely film, Ava: Bez soucitu online ke shlednuti, Ava: Bez soucitu cz dabing online ke shlednuti, Ava: Bez soucitu online, Ava: Bez soucitu online film cz, Ava: Bez soucitu Bombuj, Ava: Bez soucitu bombuj cz, Ava: Bez soucitu online ke shlédnutí, Ava: Bez soucitu celý film cesky, Ava: Bez soucitu celý film zdarma ke shlédnutí, Ava: Bez soucitu celý film cz dabing, Ava: Bez soucitu zkouknito, Ava: Bez soucitu sleduj filmy, Ava: Bez soucitu online cz titulky,
❍❍❍ TV MOVIE ❍❍❍ The first television shows were experimental, sporadic broadcasts viewable only within a very short range from the broadcast tower starting in the 1930s. Televised events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the 19340 coronation of King George VI in the UK, and David Sarnoff’s famous introduction at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the US spurred a growth in the medium, but World War II put a halt to development until after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television set and then in 1948, the popular radio show Texaco Star Theater made the move and became the first weekly televised variety show, earning host Milton Berle the name “”Mr Television”” and demonstrating that the medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment which could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the US took place on September 4, 1951 when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco was transmitted over AT&T’s transcontinental cable and microwave radio relay system to broadcast stations in local markets. The first national color broadcast (the 1954 Tournament of Roses Parade) in the US occurred on January 1, 1954. During the following ten years most network broadcasts, and nearly all local programming, continued to be in black-and-white. A color transition was announced for the fall of 1965, during which over half of all network prime-time programming would be broadcast in color. The first all-color prime-time season came just one year later. In 19402, the last holdout among daytime network shows converted to color, resulting in the first completely all-color network season.
❍❍❍ Formats and Genres ❍❍❍ See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres Television shows are more varied than most other forms of media due to the wide variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show may be fictional (as in comedies and dramas), or non-fictional (as in documenta””&ry, news, and reality television). It may be topical (as in the case of a local newscast and some made-for-television films), or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional MOVIE). They could be primarily instructional or educational, or entertaining as is the case in situation comedy and game shows.[citation needed] A drama program usually features a set of actors playing characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (except for soap opera-type serials) typically remained static without story arcs, and the main characters and premise changed little.[citation needed] If some change happened to the characters’ lives during the episode, it was usually undone by the end. Because of this, the episodes could be broadcast in any order.[citation needed] Since the 1980s, many MOVIE feature progressive change in the plot, the characters, or both. For instance, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television MOVIE to have this kind of dramatic structure,[4][better source needed] while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further exemplifies such structure in that it had a predetermined story running over its intendevd five-season run.[citvatio””&n needed] In 2012, it was reported that television was growing into a larger component of major media companies’ revenues than film.[5] Some also noted the increase in quality of some television programs. In 2012, Academy-Award-winning film director Steven Soderbergh, commenting on ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative, stated: “”I think those qualities are now being seen on television and that people who want to see stories that have those kinds of qualities are watching television.
❍❍❍ Thank’s For All And Happy Watching❍❍❍ Find all the movies that you can stream online, including those that were screened this week. If you are wondering what you can watch on this website, then you should know that it covers genres that include crime, Science, Fi-Fi, action, romance, thriller, Comedy, drama and Anime Movie. Thank you very much. We tell everyone who is happy to receive us as news or information about this year’s film schedule and how you watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can become the best partner for you in finding recommendations for your favorite movies. That’s all from us, greetings!”
Thanks for watching the video today. I hope you enjoy the videos that I share. Like, share or share if you like what we share to get more excited. Spread a happy smile so that the world returns in a variety of colors. :)
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winterhelps · 4 years
Hello! Do you know any FCs who played psychopath like india eisley?
hey! honestly, i don't know many fcs (the only one i knew was freddie highmore) so i'm not sure if these infos are correct :P if anyone knows another fcs, please let us know (:
Freddie Highmore (28 - Bates Motel)
Jess Weixler (38 - Teeth)
Robin McLeavy (38 - The Loved Ones)
Hayden Christensen (39 - Shattered Glass)
Rosamund Pike (41 - Gone Girl)
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hakulavibe · 5 years
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Follow @hakulavibe www.hakulavibe.com Reposted from @wavespots In L.A., I like to surf. I went through a phase - I was surfing four days a week. I'm still not good at it; I still spend most of my time falling. — Jess Weixler Beautiful moment shared by @this_day_sucks ______ Tag someone who's in love of surf 🌊 Don't forget to follow @wavespots and use #wavespots to share your posts with us, beautiful photography is coming soon. ______ #surfing #beachlifestyle #surferphotos #surfgirl #Surf #surfergirl #royals #megxit #uksurf #princeharry #thequeen #surfingdays #instasurfing #surfinsta #funnymemes #surfingislife #hakula #hakulavibe https://www.instagram.com/p/B7uBS6RHkNV/?igshid=1meafz4rtwiry
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amentia · 5 years
i was talking about this with emily last night but like i still feel slightly conflicted about audra’s casting bc on one hand? jess weixler is one of my FAV underrated scream queens (my main url is literally dawnokeefe like teeth 2007 stans represent!!!) and the fact that she’s going to be in not only a huge big budget horror franchise but one that i personally love with all my heart should be thrilling to me, and it is...... i can’t help but wish they’d casted someone a little bit older. audra is older than bill in the book, and it’s rare to see women onscreen who are older than their middle-aged love interest. not to mention jess w is a thin blonde white woman in a movie already full of white people, and if they were going to cast aside audra’s book description anyway, they could’ve used that opportunity to give a woc a chance to shine in a genre that doesn’t have a great track record when it comes to both women and non-white people
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Jeremy Strong & Jess Weixler in Yes
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madeaprcmise · 5 years
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          im  rlly  loving  bryce  dallas  as   audra.  dont  get  me  wrong,  i  like  jess  weixler  too  but  resources  for  her  are  so  limited.  anyways,  yay?  no?  idk  im  so  indecisive.  
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rotinfested · 6 years
teeth (2008)
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description: Dawn (Jess Weixler) is an active member of her high-school chastity club but, when she meets Tobey (Hale Appleman), nature takes its course, and the pair answer the call. They suddenly learn she is a living example of the vagina dentata myth, when the encounter takes a grisly turn.
free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYxHs38Knwg&has_verified=1 (??? it’s on youtube somehow but in case u wanna go thru sumn like potlucker: https://ww1.putlockers.co/movie/teeth/?watching=OSwBxmqPsE)
(click keep reading for a review! no huge spoilers)
rev: 6/10! she’s supposed to be a teenager so the sexualization of her character is creepy but the overarching concept is pretty neat so.... i will allow it
if you’re a guy don’t watch this  i don’t even have a dick and this made my dick hurt... but like the character development in this is neat! kinda sad bc it’s like... her vagina has teeth lmao she’s an incel BUT the transition from purity pledge girl to badass my-vagina-is-a-weapon girl is worth the watch
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We have our Audra as well as adult Henry! Jess Weixler and Teach Grant respectively.
Everyone doubted whether we would have a Henry being all like (No Shan he is dead) and I SAID we would, I kept the faith! Can’t wait to be fucking terrified of him and to love Audra with my whole heart and soul (Bill Denbrough you don’t deserve such an angel). 
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doomonfilm · 5 years
Review : It - Chapter Two (2019)
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Earlier this year, I finally joined the legion of film fanatics that saw the wildly successful release of It in 2017, largely due to the hype surrounding the release of It : Chapter Two, as well as a strong trailer for the second half of the film series.  After missing Chapter Two in a theatrical capacity, Vudu brought a killer deal to the table in the form of a bundle-pack with both movies at a reduced price, plus the added benefit of getting It : Chapter Two a couple of weeks prior to its official home release.
27 years after their initial encounter with Pennywise (Bill Skarsgård), the Losers Club returns to Derry, Maine in light of a series of deaths that inspires Mike (Isaiah Mustafa) to contact the other members.  Mike’s contact brings back a host of memories and fears to the former members of the Losers Club, each of whom have attempted to move on in their own way : Beverly (Jessica Chastain) has become a successful fashion designer in an abusive relationship; Bill (James McAvoy) is a successful author and husband to a famous Hollywood actress; Richie (Bill Hader) is a famous stand-up comedian; Ben (Jay Ryan) is in amazing shape and living as an architect; and Eddie (James Ransome) works as a risk assessor.  Unfortunately for the group, when Stanley (Andy Bean) receives word from Mike, he opts to commit suicide rather than face Pennywise, and upon learning of the news, Beverly realizes she has seen visions of each members’ death.  Under the guidance of Mike, who has become the town librarian (and who has become a bit obsessive over the Pennywise phenomenon), the group attempts to face their past and uncover relics to assist them in the dismissal of Pennywise once and for all.
This movie is insane.  While there is a narrative through-line carried over from the first story, the film examined on its own has the thinnest of plots : kids return as adults to fight Pennywise.  For nearly three hours, we are subjected to jump scare after jump scare in the form of referential ghosts and a possessed Henry Bowers (Teach Grant), and almost none of the heart and emotional weight that helped drive the adventures of the young version of the Losers Club forward on their quest.  With all of the adult hangups and attempts to mask past trauma in present actions, choices and success, you’d think there would be plenty of ground for deeper, psychologically damaging scares, but most of what we are presented is surface level in nature, providing little shock in the moment, and fading away as the next jump scare is set up.
That being said, for a ride that lacks depth, the ride somehow manages to still be a fun one.  The allusions and comparisons to Nightmare on Elm Street (in my opinion) are still present, and luckily, the movie chooses not to take itself too seriously, so fun is not sacrificed.  Much of what is presented in the film is so over the top that suspension of disbelief is a given, making Bowers the one true element of danger in an otherwise psychotic, shared fever dream that the living members of the Losers Club endure.  The group flies from death to death, traumatic experience to traumatic experience without taking the time for assessment, mourning or consideration for the bigger picture of their actions.  The premise of the ancient ritual of a weapon against Pennywise is accepted with literally zero pushback, and yet each character seems to straddle the fence between their connection to the group and a nagging need to run from Derry (although the need is never strong enough for any of them to follow through on it).
Of the many, many Stephen King adaptations committed to film, this one does feel the truest to its source material in terms of its humor, vivid imagery and pure insanity.  Not only is the film as funny as it is scary, it seems to be self-aware on a two important levels... narratively, it hops seamlessly between the adult and child members of the Losers Club without being confusing, and on a meta-level, the constant joke of Bill’s inability to end a book with any punch plays like an in-joke on King himself.  The special effects for the creatures, while completely over the top in terms of the mood presented, are visually entertaining and captivating, though not scary to the point of trauma.  The set design shines in this film, as the outdoorsy elements that parallel child life are substituted for dark, decayed and cramped spaces that echo the psyches of the Losers Club members.
Jessica Chastain stands out with her performance, managing to add a layer of what seems like true post-traumatic stress to the otherwise over-the-top situations presented in the film, and grounding much of the groups’ emotion in heart.  Isaiah Mustafa borders dangerously upon being a human Deus Ex Machina, with his position as town librarian serving as the premise for his seemingly encyclopedic knowledge of the events.  Bill Hader provides much needed levity without sacrificing the tone of the film, playing very well against his youthful counterpart from the first film.  James McAvoy does a suitable job of playing someone who deals with his issues inward, reverting into his own head and emotions when things get too much to handle.  Jay Ryan does a good job of balancing his childhood insecurities against his evolved looks and personality, ultimately never finding comfort in himself while still being completely hung up on the Beverly character.  James Ransome is unfortunately given the least to do in the packed cast, mostly playing the tag along and the crowd surrogate for fear.  Bill Skarsgard still seems to be having the time of his life playing the iconic Pennywise.  Teach Grant is entertaining in his manic nature, and formidable as the one human threat in a supernatural storm.  The child cast does well in both their reprisal of their original roles and their interactions with their adult counterparts.  Many of the adults in the children’s lives also reprise their roles as well.  Jess Weixler, Peter Bogdanovich and Stephen King make memorable cameos.
It : Chapter Two probably won’t end up topping anyone’s best-of lists for 2019, but for what its worth, the film certainly works in the spectrum of its series.  I’ll definitely be revisiting both of these films again, and will more than likely share these two insane treasures with my children, if given the chance.  These films certainly weren’t made to break any new cinematic ground or lead anyone to enlightenment, but in terms of their jobs as pieces of entertainment, I have to admit that they certainly succeed. 
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jessica chastain and her husband have an arrangement. its a lavender marriage and they are best friends. after jessica weixler broke jessica c's heart by leaving her and marrying a man, she decided to marry her bestie. so no, i can promise you her and seb never had anything goin on. seb likely knows she's closeted and respects that. ale probably doesnt know..
BRB processing
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