#i left out all the magic stuff about xuan because those are
quilloftheclouds · 4 years
🔍 if you haven’t done them already, celestine! if you HAVE… captain xuan?
[ Send a 🔎 and the name of one of my ocs and I’ll describe their appearance in as much detail as possible! ]
CELESTINE (Up until book 3--clothing is from the start of book 1.)
4′9 1/2″
Celestine looks like she could be 14, and if she tries for it, she can seem even younger than that! She’s got that real round facial structure, soft and round cheeks, tiny chin, big forehead, big and wide eye(s). Nose with low bridge, broad base; round lips; dark, curving brows. She may be short, but she isn’t tiny: her build has a fair amount of chub to it, and the baby-fat likeness makes her look ever younger.
Deep, bronzy brown skin with a warm, orangey undertone. Underneath a long maroon dress with cream ruffles at its collar and sleeve ends, she hides patches of navy blue and silver scales on her chest, legs, shoulders and waist. Under a light beige scarf, she conceals three slits on either side of her neck--gills. She also has little wing like, light blue and black speckled fins that sprout from her shoulder blades and the sides of her waist.
Her dark brown, nearly black hair is a full, poofy cloud of tight ringing curls that falls just to her shoulders. Frequently she lets a part of her hair fall over the left side of her face, leaving her missing eye hidden. She also conceals the three points to each of her ears beneath her hair.
Her leather boots are nearly to her knees and contain hidden pockets down the insides. The soles are flat but with a grippy tread for hardcore parkour~
Her right eye is a light, stormy blue grey, similar to the colour of the mineral celestine! Hence her name! That’s also the colour of her magic~ When experiencing severe fear or anger, her pupil can thin to a vertical slit, just like a cat’s.
And then CAPTAIN XUÂN (with some things missing because spoilers~)
5′10″, though they usually wear heels that make them 5′11″ or up
Xuân is heckin’ muscular. They just. They are. Very Muscular. Obvious muscle definition, especially on their arms, legs and chest. Broad shouldered, mostly straight-lined form, but they do have a notable inwards curve to their spine and a wider waist.
They look physically to be in their mid-thirties, though this is more because of their build and child-like demeanor--when they’re particularly tired, it’s fairly obvious they are in their early forties.
Oval face with a soft triangular chin, low nose bridge with a wide base and slight upturned end. Full lips, notable high cheekbones, narrow, diamond shaped eyes with vivid leaf green irises. Dark brows with an angular curve.
Long, wavy hair that fall to their waist, nearly black with a slight reddish or bluish hue depending on the lighting. It always covers their ears.
Heavily tanned, light brown skin with a soft golden undertone. Pale green tattoos crawl up their arms in octopus tentacle designs. They have so many scars oh my stars. The most obvious is the jagged line stretching across their face from their left temple to the edge of their right jaw. They also have numerous cuts and bullet wounds across the rest of their body. A severe, nearly open wound cuts around their right ankle, a massive scar of charred and barely covering skin, with visible cracked bone--their ankle broke long ago and never properly reformed, magically infected against healing.
Xuân’s outfits are ALWAYS INCREDIBLY EXTRAVAGANT. We’re talking black with gold trim, fancy brilliant greens and blues and orange patterns, big feathers and shiny buttons. Their favourite hat is a giant floppy black felt broadbrim with a big peacock feather as well as numerous smaller feathers, pinned with a fancy gold and emerald brooch. They also use an ebony and gold cane that holds a hidden sword. At any time, there are dozens of weapons hidden on their form.
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zishustits · 3 years
oooooh ship bingo! i recently heard about these two concepts and would love to hear your take: ye baiyi and lan xichen, and xie'er and lan xichen <3
Oohhh okay, first I have to say I'm not actually into crossovers BUT let's forget about that for a little bit, these concepts are interesting.
First, Ye Baiyi and Lan Xichen. Let's see what they have in common.
They are both high skilled cultivators, very relevant figures in their respective societies.
They share common values such as righteousness, compassion, honor, service without waiting for anything in return, even kindness (more explicit in Lan Xichen).
They are not rigid in their principles though. Both acknowledge that most of the times you cannot judge a person as bad or good, nor a situation as black or white. They have struggled with it sometimes (i.e. Ye Baiyi considering whether he should kill Wen Kexing or not after knowing he's the chief of Ghost Valley, while also being aware of the difficult circumstances that led him to become that evil figure, which are indirectly related to YBY as Rong Xuan was his disciple. Also Lan Xichen caught between the evidence that Meng Yao has committed very wrong deeds and the kindness he has known from him)
Both have lost their loved ones forever.
Both have a tendency for retirement and solitude.
Apart from that, LXC has this noble and respectable aura that makes people feel calm and reassured when he's around, like if there's any problem it's okay, LXC probably knows how to solve it, he's diplomatic, also he will protect his people from danger, always keeping that composed calmness that's inherent to him (even if there's inner turmoil).
Now I consider, Ye Baiyi is very similar too, think of those scenes in the first episodes of WoH, when he gave Gao Chong the token of honor, then at the second Heroes Conference when everyone turned to him as a guide for what to do with the Ghost Valley issue, and also when WKX and ZZS fell from the bridge Cheng Ling felt reassured having YBY to help him. People feel relieved when he's around to lead them and solve problems.
So now, if LXC and YBY met I think they'd be a good match, like they would sense the similarities of their souls, especially the influence they have on others, now I can't find the words, but it's related to the righteousness and the high moral values and elevated cultivation they have achieved. Also they would perceive the isolation that comes with being far from the mortal realm for so long (for Ye Baiyi) and with being an important figure of the cultivation society that also has lost someone who was very important to him (in the case of LXC).
I believe they'd connect easily, like oh I recognize you, you are similar to me. And also they would enjoy learning from each other, YBY has reached the most elaborated martial arts skills and LXC is outstanding in musical cultivation (or whatever name it is). They see each other as equals and no one feels less than the other.
However, I think Ye Baiyi would break all of the Lan rules XD and be upset all the time, like why can't I just sit on the roofs at night to watch the stars while drinking alcohol? But as LXC is the Gusu leader (I think? Can't remember what he was at the end of The Untamed) and he is far from strict as LQR was, he would ignore it. In fact, I think he knows most of the rules are outdated and unnecessary, so they just keep following the rules that are actually related to master one's discipline, being righteous, respecting your elders and seniors and being kind to your sworn brothers and so on.
They might cultivate together. Keep each other company even as they are just sitting there in meditative contemplation or just enjoying the silence. Talk about ancient knowledge.
As for the type of relationship, I don't actually think it would be of romantic or sexual nature, like they were devoted to one partner in the past (probably more platonically than anything, at least on YBY part) and seem to me the kind of people that does not engage with anyone else after his companion has died, at least in the same way, like sometimes it's hard to reach the same level of deep connection with someone else. That doesn't mean they could not forge a close relationship, but to me it's not the same vibe as xiyao or rongye (or whatever the name of this ship is).
Following the bingo classification, I'd say Best friends, or Qplatonic at most. Also I'm intrigued to know what other kind of relationship people think they could develop. If you want to share with me, I'd love to know your ideas!!
Okay, probably for the next one I'll try to write less because I realized how long this is getting (it's just a bingo, please brain!!!), and I should finish some college stuff buut it's not less interesting to me I swear!!
So Xie'er and LXC. First, I think LXC would be aware of the good that's in Xie'er and his potential, mostly his inexhaustible willpower and determination, which have been until now directed towards, let's say, flawed goals? All that energy and intelligence wasted on another man's dream. It's unacceptable!!
The principal thing that comes to my mind and that struck me since Xie'er first appeared was the he seems to know who is everyone, like he saw ZZS and WKX together for the first time and he thought, why are the former leader of the Window of Heaven and the chief of Ghost Valley together wtf? While everyone else was like oh, two righteous wanderers, never heard of them before. Xie'er clearly knows how to obtain the right information, he has the mind of a researcher, and that could be put to good use.
Also Xie'er knows a lot about venoms and their antidotes, is that not another relevant and useful skill he has??? Again here, he is a researcher, as for instance he discovered the cure to the Meng Po soup was Drunk like a dream. Furthermore, he probably knows a lot about survival, hiding, disguising himself, being a shadow amongst shadows, fighting (especially dirty tricks), and leadership skills. He also has some knowledge on magic tricks (with the Drug men) that could be the simile to demonic cultivation.
All this knowledge and abilities could be put to good use, not to achieve other's goals, but to help people, for example, finding a cure to their poisoning or demonic possession (or whatever), instructing others on different facts that could be useful if they need to hide from a threat, survive in the wild for some time, coming alive from a fight with a nasty opponent an so on.
I mean, I haven't mentioned LXC until now but let's assume he is aware of everything about Xie'er's skills that I have described. Also, he realizes Xie'er has a good soul, it's something you can see right away if you spend a minimum of time with him. He has shown it with actions too, for instance, when he released Liu Qian Qiao and his lover, also that scene after the battle at mount Qingya (I'm still crying about Cao Wei Ning and Gu Xiang, my poor babies ;~;) when he left WKX and ZZS go (although he had a sword to his neck gssbsbsbsb), and of course everything he did for Zhao Jing, out of his love and affection for him.
Okay, he has done bad deeds, but he has kindness in him. A kindness that has not actually been nurtured but has developed there anyways. He has a tendency to serve others, that we see mostly with his yifu. Those are important values that might be developed and focused to actions that make an improvement on people's lives, and probably on Xie'er's own.
And LXC is determined to do that. Like he sees Xie'er's efforts to serve others because it's something that comes naturally out of him, but realizes it needs to be properly acknowledged as no one has done that before (we only got to see him do things for his yifu, who rarely showed any gratefulness for it, and only this time with Qian Qiao she almost got to say something nice to him, but Xie'er turned away swiftly, like he is not used to receive positive feedback on his good actions at all, so probably it's not something that he feels comfortable with).
I believe LXC would nurture this good side of Xie'er, praising those little (and bigger) services he does for others, which would act as a positive reinforcement. Also he would show interest in Xie'er's skills, and what he does in his free time (like no one has shown some interest in this before?), as well as his emotional state and stuff. Showing that he genuinely cares about him. That he appreciates Xie'er for who he is.
Also he would encourage him to persevere on those abilities he has and teach others, maybe the Lan disciples. So Xie'er would see that his skills can be used for some other things that are not killing or trying to become the king of the world.
As for Xie'er, he would grow to like LXC, finally finding someone who really cares about him, knowing for the first time in his life what it is to be seen and appreciated by someone who does not expect nothing from him in return. Learning that he deserves to be loved that way (and I don't necessarily mean romantically).
And that he does not need to kill for others anymore. He can become the person he wants to be, not what others want to get from him. LXC would show him he can do good deeds and they will be appreciated, even if he's doing it for others is something he inherently has done before, it nurtures his soul. He needs to experience more of that. And LXC would encourage it. He is patient, he is kind, he rarely lashes out, he has predictable reactions unlike his yifu (I mean, when Xie'er did something to please him but sometimes he would react nicely and many others he wouldn't, let's ignore if his actions were morally correct or not, the fact is Zhao Jing would respond differently to similar things).
Also Xie'er is able to discern what's good and what's harmful, and I believe that given he could choose freely, without thinking is this what my Yifu would do, he would be inclined to do the good thing. LXC encourages that.
Okay, I will not elaborate more, probably I've even been redundant several times. This relationship would definitely be great for Xie'er, for him to learn what is a healthy bond and to grow as a person.
But I don't think it would develop into a romantic or sexual kind of relationship. It just don't give me those vibes. LXC and Xie'er have different backgrounds, LXC is a sect leader and devoted to cultivation, Xie'er is the leader of a shady assassin organization and has developed other kinds of abilities.
Dunno, I don't feel them like equals, as it feels with YBY and LXC, for them the cultivation/martial arts skills are one of the main pillars of their lives and it's something they can share together, LXC and Xie'er are way too different. There might be some power imbalance too, and LXC would be somewhat taking care of Xie'er and not quite the opposite? (save from those little services Xie'er would do for him). Well, this is not probably a good reason because I like some ships with power imbalances too.
But I mean, they just don't click to me as a couple at least. More like a teacher/student relationship perhaps, or a friendship at most. Perhaps I just can't ship it any other way because of my strugglr with crossovers, but with YBY and LXC it was clearer to me that, well, it could be possible.
I'd love to know your takes on these two concepts too, whether you talk to me directly or in a post!!
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girls-scenarios · 7 years
Red Equinox. Pt 5.
Idols: Red velvet.
Prompt: All was well for the red velvet coven. The spring equinox was approaching and the girls were preparing. However an unexpected visitor returns and shakes their world upside down. Will they be able to protect themselves and each other? Will they make it out alive?
A/N: Well this is the finale. I love it, I’m so happy with this series. I really hope everyone liked it. I wanna do more series in the future but I guess we’ll see. Anyway I hope you all enjoyed going on this adventure with me.
Warnings: swearing, death, murder, weird magic stuff, same as usual.
Writer: Admin Kitty.
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Night had fallen quickly; the sky was clear allowing you to see every star shining brightly. 
A pentagram was burnt into the grass from the years of satanic rituals being performed here. Tonight would mark another ritual.
Jessica, Krystal and other hooded figures were lighting candles around the edge of the pentagram. There were more people than Yeri thought there would be. She thought she could take Jessica down, but not when she was surrounded by fifty other people.
While no one was looking Yeri pulled some bay leaves and rosemary out of her pocket and squeezed tightly crushing them in the palms of her hands so that they embedded themselves into her skin. She shut her eyes channeling her energy and repeating the words:
‘Bay and Rosemary protect me from this darkness, open my heart and mind to the light, give me strength and keep me safe.’
She stopped once she felt the energy from her hand soar through her entire body. Her eyes flung open and they glowed a leafy green colour.
“Are you ready child?” Jessica asked her.
Yeri nodded.
Yeri could feel something attempting to protrude her thoughts but it wasn't working. The demon was powerless against her spell.
Yeri smiled menacingly and reached out her hands.
“A lot less screaming then I thought. But then again you’re not as weak as Joy. Stupid child.”
“STOP.” Wendy shouted as her and the group stepped into the pentagram.
“You weren’t invited for a reason.” Krystal stepped into the pentagram holding a golden glistening scepter. The top of the scepter contained an orb with a mysterious glowing orange gem inside it.
“We thought we’d surprise you.” Irene said, her jaw tightened.
“I see you’ve brought friends.” Jessica said looking behind the girls. “A couple of werewolves and some fucking pixies. I’m not sure what you’re gonna be able to do with that.” she scoffed.
“That’s not all they brought.” Le pushed her way through the opposite side of the pentagon followed by three other girls.
“Oh look sis it’s the EXID coven. What happened to your precious Solji.” Krystal said mockingly and then laughed. “Oh wait I killed her. Awe how sad.” She said wickedly. “You’re all weak without her.”
“You cold hearted bitch.” Hani said in disgust. Hani pulled out her long twig like wand and aimed it at Krystal. Ice shot out the end of it aiming straight for krystal. She waved her scepter in front of her creating a force field and blocked the ice. Hani gasped.
“I bet you thought this would be easy.” Krystal smiled mischievously. She aimed her scepter at the EXID girls. Black gas shot quickly out the end of it.
“IT BURNS.” They shouted as it consumed them. Their skin and flesh melted off their bones. They collapsed into a pile of ashes.
“Pathetic.” Krystal chuckled.
The sight and stench made Arin vomit. One of the werewolf's pounced at Krystal but didn’t make it as she whacked him away with her scepter. With Krystal distracted being attacked by the werewolf's, the pixie girls began to eliminate the others. They can’t kill but they made excellent distractions while Irene and Joy finished them off.
Jessica turned her attention back to Yeri and was about to grab her hands before three creatures came flying from the sky. Their large silver wings near enough engulfed the sky. They landed with a thud.
“When will you give up?!” She shouted. She held her arm out, a silver scepter materialized in her hand. She aimed it at the angels spraying a violent green liquid at them. They surrounded themselves with their wings, deflecting the liquid. Some of it hit Jessica’s arm burning a hole straight through it.
“Give up now and we’ll let you live.” Seola said to Jessica moving closer towards her. Jessica looked past Seola as one of her minions was sneaking up behind Seola and stabbed her left wing, slicing downwards and tearing off the whole thing. Seola fell to the floor in immense pain and was swiftly helped up and away by Xuan yi. Exy stayed to defend the group and batted off Jessica’s friends with her sharp edged wings.
Seulgi took the chance to jump on Jessica’s back while she was distracted, and wrapped a piece of rope around her throat squeezing tightly. She was flung off swiftly. Jessica pointed her scepter at her, and as the violent green liquid shot out aimed straight for her heart; Wendy jumped in front, getting hit straight into the chest.
“WENDY.” Seulgi shouted and kneeled next to Wendy on the floor. The liquid was slowly burning through her chest, there was no saving her. All Seulgi could do was watch.
“You stupid fuck!” Seulgi shouted, tears streaming down her face.
“Please take care of Irene, she’s gonna need help.” Wendy said weakly.
“I love you all.” Her body went limp. The liquid burned straight through her heart.
“We love you too, Idiot.” Seulgi said, pulling Wendy close to her.
Joy saw Wendy being hit but was too busy trying to stay alive to go and help.
While everyone was busy Jessica tried to quickly finish her job. She reached out and her hands and starting chanting unintelligible words.
Yeri gripped on tight to Jessica’s hands, the herbs in her hand had gripped onto Jessica’s. Green vines wrapped around her hand and forearms.
“Why is this not working?” Jessica was becoming frustrated and eventually noticed the vines. “What are you doing?” She began shouting, the vines continued up her arms and wrapped around her torso, thorns poking through her black cloak, ripping her wine coloured silk dress and tearing into her snow white skin. Blood dripped down her body creating a deep bloody pool on the ground. Jessica began to sink into it.
“NO, YOU LITTLE BITCH LET ME GO.” The vines wrapped around her tighter and tighter squeezing every single bit of blood out of her. 
“SOMEONE STOP HER.” Everyone was too focused to notice her. Yeri leaned in closer to Jessica and whispered into her ear.
“What a shame, no one can hear you scream.” The screams and cries of battle only became louder drowning out Jessica’s screams for help. Her head was the only thing above ground but was quickly sinking.
Blood filled her mouth, choking her before the rest of her body was submerged into the bloody pool.
Yeri stood up panting, her arms were drenched up to her shoulders in blood. They were defeated and her friends that were still alive, fled while they could.
“NO! JESSICA!” Krystal turned to see her sister disappearing into the ground. Before she had noticed Taeyong had stuck his claws straight through her back poking holes into her lungs. She collapsed to the ground coughing up blood. She rolled over and stared up at the sky.
“Please just kill me.” She begged between coughs. Irene walked over to them and stood over her.
“No. You deserve to feel pain.” Irene said emotionless and ran over to Yeri.
She pulled her into a hug, ignoring all the blood. Yeri broke down and snuggled her head into the crook of Irene’s neck. Patting her head Irene reassured her and comforted her.
“It’s okay, it’s over now sweetie.” she tried to calm her. Yeri pulled away.
“Where are the others? I...I couldn’t see them, everything was crazy.” Yeri asked sniffling. Irene’s lip quivered.
“They’re over there… with Wendy’s body.” Yeri’s eyes became wide and more tears threatened to flow. She pulled away from Irene and ran over to them.
“Joy.” Yeri said leaning down next to her on the floor. She gripped onto her arm as they looked over Wendy’s body. Seulgi hadn’t moved since it had happened, she was still sat next to Wendy; broken.
“I’m sorry we didn’t help save her.” Irene was startled by Mark. She turned around and smiled.
“You guys did a lot to help us, you can’t be everywhere at once.” Irene really was sincere.
“We need to go, a lot of us were injured. A lot of her people carried weapons.” He said, looking down at the bloody gash on his leg.
“Thank you for helping, please tell the others I said thank you.” Mark nodded and walked over to his boys.
Irene saw Exy from the other side of the pentagon. She nodded and Exy nodded in return and took off. She had her own people to take care of and Irene understood that.
She turned back to her girls. 
This coven was broken because of the loss of Wendy but they would never forget her. She sacrificed herself for her family and Seulgi would definitely never forget that.
Was saving Yeri worth it? The loss of all those lives just to save Yeri? 
As far as Irene was concerned she never thought this would happen. She didn’t think Wendy would do what she did or that Jessica and Krystal would’ve become so powerful.
In the end there��s no going back; what’s done is done. All they can do is move forward and take care of what they have left.
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