#i know what the first scene is Supposed to be saying but it's funnier if you look @ it sideways with yea. yea stefan you should know 100%
ghostofhyuck · 5 months
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NCT Dream when they're dating their co-member's idol!sister! 
AN: I used NCT members as a whole in this one ??? because it's much funnier tbh and the case might be different (I already did Dreamies' sister ver). Also in this scenario, they're supposed to be in a secret relationship but was caught by Dispatch LOL (no NCT Wish yet, I'm sorry! Still haven't get to know them better ><) 
Mark Lee
LMAO. Doyoung wouldn't know how to feel when he learned that you've been dating Mark for YEARS. So the times you went to their dorm wasn't because of him, but because of Mark!?!?!? Plus you were CAUGHT by Dispatch, so that doubled his stress. Unfortunately, your brother loves Mark like a younger brother. So after a hefty interrogation with him, he gives you his blessings and was still bitter that you two hid it from him. He knows that Mark will take good care of you and wouldn't hurt you two. (Mark will be dead if he does so.)
Huang Renjun
Yangyang will feel BETRAYED because Renjun is dating you and he only found out through Dispatch. I mean, that's his best friend and sister! He was surprised that you two were sneaking behind his back, but he'll find it funny and cute, unexpected too because Renjun never shown interest about you. He would probably interrogate you first before dragging Renjun in the scene. Yangyang would probably be chill about it because he trusts Renjun so much, just be prepare for a numerous teasing and pulling the "i'm telling y/n" card on Renjun. 
Lee Jeno
OH it's going to be a tension. Yuta will be SHOCK and the funny thing was that, he was in Japan when he learned about you and Jeno. He probably sent YOU tons of messages and calls while you panic over your relationship being revealed. When you were not answering, Yuta resorted to Jeno who was much calmer than you. Actually, Yuta knows that Jeno's a good kid, he just wants to make sure that you're choosing the right guy, and you did! Jeno was very respectful during the call and even told Yuta that he'll take care of everything. Yuta was in relief but that doesn't excuse him to talk to Jeno personally when he went back to Korea.
Lee Donghyuck
Oh, the first thing Ten will say to Haechan, "are you sure?" he doesn't mind that you two are dating and that you two have been dating for MONTHS. Like the typical teasing brother he was, Ten will ask Haechan if you brainwashed him or something, and you just have to kick him right there. Haechan will find it funny that Ten wasn't mad at all and that he's actually quiet pretty chill, but still, he also want Ten's approval so he made quite a speech about how serious he is about you, and Ten will just whip up a smile and ruffle Haechan's hair.
Na Jaemin
Jungwoo loves Jaemin like a younger brother, so he doesn't know what to feel when he learned that Jaemin's dating you without telling him. And that's been going on for years! He was also worried because you might receive backlash, so he was surprise when you and Jaemin appeared in front of their dorm. It was an hour of serious talk between the two of them and you SWORE that you never saw your brother this serious. As soon as the talk ended, Jungwoo will return to his usual self and ended up asking you two about your love life like a gossipy auntie.
Zhong Chenle
Oh pookie. Johnny loves Chenle so much. Like that's his little brother right there! He'll be pretty chill when he learned that you two are dating but he'll be mad as hell because you two were exposed by Dispatch. He was worried that it might ruin your image so he called you and asked you about it! You assured him that you're fine and things are being settled. Johnny would probably tease you eventually and ask you how you two started dating lol. Catch Johnny calling Chenle, "brother-in-law" whenever the two of them meet. 
Park Jisung
How can Taeyong find out he's in the military. JOKE IM SO SORRY. But the moment Taeyong finds out that you're dating Jisung the first thing he'll think was "damn, both of them have matured." and second, "Fuck Dispatch." JK. Anyways, he would probably try to contact you first. Will ask if you're okay and that he heard the news. You'll apologize to him for hiding it and probably understands why you did it. Then he'll try chatting Jisung about it and will be SURPRISE that Jisung sent a long-ass message about it. That's when he realized that Jisung's genuine about you! He'll be sentimental and think that time flies so fast. 
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arliedraws · 7 days
At what point do Sirius and James look at Remus and go "oh, yes, THAT is our little princess"?
Okay so
Maybe it’s sometime in sixth year or maybe it’s sometime after Hogwarts and they’re all living together. Maybe it’s funnier if it’s after they’ve graduated, I don’t know. But Remus is quietly very jealous of James and Sirius hooking up “secretly” (they are good at so many things, but fucking discretely is not one of them). He’s been holding it in for some time, not sure why he’s so envious. Is it that he’s feeling left out? Or is it that he wants that level of intimacy with someone? Or, even worse, is it James that he really wants? Or is it Sirius? Obviously, Remus is NOT GAY. And also, James and Sirius aren’t gay—this is just them, it’s what they do.
One night, Remus comes back from visiting Peter in the Hospital Wing who’s there because of a curse gone awry or something or maybe if it’s post-Hogwarts, Remus was on some sort of Order assignment. Anyway, he walks right into James sucking off Sirius. Sheepishly, they apologize, and Remus just smiles and says something reeeeeeally passive aggressive.
“Oh, no, please don’t stop on my account” or “oh good, I was hoping to fall asleep to the sound of your fucking—please go on…”
Sirius and James shoot each other incredulous looks, raising their brows as if they can’t believe their Moony would talk to them like this.
“Sounds like Moony’s a little jealous,” James says.
Remus glowers at them, but he’s turned completely red and tells them to shut up. Sirius looks at him with pity.
“Is it true? Are you jealous, Moony?”
“Look at how red he is,” James says.
And Remus doubles-down and tells them to put up a silencing charm next time or at least put a sock on the door. But Sirius and James exchange a knowing look.
“Poor Moony feels left out,” Sirius says.
“Oh, our sweet Moony! What have we done to him?”
“Suppose we ought to show him how much we love him?”
Remus wants to punch the both of them, thinking that they’re mocking him, when Sirius and James sidle up to Remus and start, essentially, petting him and telling him that they’re so sorry for leaving him out, but he should have said something sooner, because the last thing they want him to think is that he isn’t invited, and how can they make it up to him? And Remus makes a sardonic joke about needing to get sucked off sometimes too, and then Sirius and James are cooing, “Of course, yes” “Anything for our Moony” and then yada yada yada, Remus finds himself being pampered by two very capable mouths :)
I think the first time James and Sirius realize that Remus SHOULD be their little princess before the above scene is when Remus falls asleep between them on the sofa after they’ve been drinking. Sirius is running his fingers through Remus’s hair, and James comments that Remus looks rather angelic when he sleeps. And then they start talking about what they like about Remus, and then they keep getting more and more specific about what they’d like to do with Remus, and then they start getting more and more into it, and then they start making a plan to make Moony their little princess…
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After almost five years I decided to rewatch Voltron.
1. Because it’s getting booted off of Netflix
2. I wanted to do more of critical analysis of it now that it’s been so long since I watched it . Does it hold up? Do I view the characters the same as I used to? Trying to separate that fanon from canon.
3.I also wanted to see how plausible was Klance and was I being delulu all those years ago? Like I know of the art done by story board artist and stuff but just by the show itself, do them being together romantically make sense?
This is my season 1 analysis because doing it by season makes the most sense.
So season 1 was still pretty solid. The pacing was very quick and it was hard to digest what was going on cause it just was rapid shot of information. I think the biggest offender of this was the first episode which just everything was moving so quick. I feel that could have been a longer episode and it would have helped the flow of the first season a lot. Like they are on Earth for like 15 mins, and within that 15 minutes we are introduced to most of the main cast, already introduced to the first piece of Voltron, then boom space. Bring back 24 episode seasons especially if most episodes are 20 mins.
The main cast quickly got over being in space and you know having to pilot a huge mech pretty quickly which like if that was me I would be freaking out for awhile. Like it was maybe a minute and then everything was chill. Again everything was just quick pacing wise.
I still really like the fight scenes both with the mech and on foot. The animation pops off and it’s a fun watch. The humor for the most part was fine, like I didn’t think it was outstanding but I’m also not in the target demographic anymore. Like the simple joke about the sounds of a blaster was funny and it made me laugh. But there is jokes where I’m just like oh….. but they quickly move on from it so it doesn’t bother me as much. For Lance being the supposed comedic character I thought Hunk was funnier because Lance is not funny he’s mean.
With that Lance is just plain mean to Keith, when Keith has done jack shit to him. Keith will only retaliate after Lance says something to him. There was about one time Keith started it but who can blame him when Lance is constantly being a bitch. Which meanness comes with insecurity and it’s obvious he struggles with insecurity even if they haven’t really touched on that yet. Lance also almost dies multiple times this season which i don’t have much to comment on just that he almost gets sucked out of an air lock and Keith has to save him.
The Main Cast:
Shiro: His character arc hasn’t happened yet but the crumbs have been laid. I like him alot. I think how quickly he becomes dedicated to Voltron is believable because of how much he suffered in the Galran prison. Like he doesn’t want what happened to him to happen to anyone else. He’s the most serious out of the bunch but it makes sense since he’s seen what the Galra can do.
Pidge: I don’t much to say about her. When I was I younger I didn’t have much to say about her and I don’t have much to say about her now. Doesn’t mean she’s bad, I don’t really have much a a connection with her. I do really like the story line about finding her family though and I’m excited to rewatch that payoff.
Hunk: Like with Pidge I didn’t have a feeling either way for Hunk when I was younger but where that differs is that I appreciate him alot more now. That mini arc he goes through where he discovers how bad the Galra truly are, was pretty good. Him being the most scared to take risks then being the one urging the rest of the team to save the planet was a change of character but the was obviously the point. Also his relationship with Shay is super cute.
Allura: I adore her. She is serious like Shiro but again she had her whole race wiped out by the Galra, she knows that what they are doing is important. Yeah so she is bit tough on the paladins but she does it with the hopes they’ll be ready to save the universe. She is just a girl and I love that for her. The scene where she has to let go of her father for the final time is really sad because she is not just losing her dad but what seems like the last remnants of her home planet. I also just love her design, the pink is such a pretty color and suits her so well.
Coran: He’s funny, he’s silly. Still adore him, nothing can change that.
Keith: I adore this man. But season one Keith really doesn’t have much going on. Like he’s reckless and stubborn but that’s kinda all we know about him. His name is Keith, he was living in a shack, he’s good a flying and fighting, and he has a close relationship with Shiro but even that is shown for like a second in the first episode. I do know their dynamic is explored more later or which I hope so it’s been so long I don’t remember. I remember him being the more mean one but he’s not, he’s a guy and I love him for that. I also remember him being the super serious one but in reality he’s silly and goofy when he wants to be. He only gets serious when it’s mission time as he should be. I am excited to watch his full character arc but I can’t remember my opinions on it but I remember other people not liking it, so hopefully I do.
Lance: Lance is one of my most favorite characters ever. There comes a time in every man’s life where they must critique the things they love and now it’s mine. There isn’t much going on with him. He is there to be the funny guy which doesn’t work cause I don’t find him very funny. When his thing is to be funny it comes off as being mean makes it very hard to like him. I grimaced a couple times for what came out of that man’s mouth. I know he has a character arc but omg it’s so hard to like him at all season 1 for a character that’s supposed to be likable. That doesn’t mean there wasn’t moments where I saw the man I used to know but season 1 Lance very unbearable for the most part. I think I gasped audibly when he was like I miss Varadero Beach, cause I didn’t remember if the show itself said he was Cuba, I just assumed it was someone who worked on the show did. So I was like oh I’m dumb, it’s literally in the show.
Klance: For two characters that don’t have much going on this season, their dynamic is so odd. Like half their screen time is bickering, that Lance starts. They’re not rivals because Keith doesn’t view Lance as a rival, so it’s one sided rivalry. Then you think oh they just hate each other, but again Keith doesn’t hate Lance, it’s just Lance being a hater. But with that I can still see why people started to ship them. There were moments I was like wait…like when Lance asks Keith to save him after he gets chained to a tree. Keith response is a bit flirty to me and I was oh..wow. I see why people shipped them but I don’t see how they were thought as endgame, from just watching season 1.
I’m looking forward to season 2 but nervous for the rest of the series because I know the farther you get into the show the worst it gets. I don’t want to watch s7 and s8, there is no need to relive that. We will see when I get there though.
Also the fact it’s getting taken off Netflix is crazy. Like where is it going? Like I know it’s because of the contract with Netflix but I also theorize it might have something to do with the life action. If anyone wants to know where to watch after it does I can link it, cause trust I wanted to make sure I had a way to watch before it was gone for good.
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cocogrrrl · 1 month
Can I please request a Kyle x Reader fic where the reader is playing Juliet to Kenny's Romeo in the school play and Kyle gets jealous?
"virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied,"
when the cast list for school's rendition of romeo and juliet is revealed, you find that kyle is not your romeo—but kenny is.
kyle broflovski x fem!reader no cws wc: 1635
an: i took some liberty with this and added A LOT MORE LOL more than i expected . if kyle is not a basketball player he is a theatre kid first and foremost!!
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“Hm? What about Kenny?” You raise a brow, confused.
“He’s playing as Romeo,” he huffs out, crossing his arms as he dejectedly rests his weight against the wall. “I didn’t even know that he auditioned too.”
“I thought that you're supposed to be happy for your friend,” you say, clicking your tongue.
“I am,” he sighs, shaking his head. “I just…” He points over to the top of the cast list taped to the wall.
Frankly, you’re more than a little lost, but your eyes scan over a few details before reading the second line of the actual list. You, of all people, play Juliet. Over however many other people. As honored as you are, two and two quickly come together, and you understand what he means.
“Kyle,” you sigh.
“I know, I know. I should be happy.”
“No, yeah, but I get where you’re coming from. I think it is a little funny, though.” You giggle. “You’re lucky there isn’t anyone else here. You’re really loud.”
“Sorry,” he mumbles out.
“It’s fine,” you grin, pinching his cheek. You pull his hand and tug him to your left. “Come on. I have biology in, like, five minutes.” 
Needless to say, as happy as Kyle could be for his friend, he heeds his jealousy better than the rest of the emotions in his head. In all honesty, you find it funny how obvious it is as well.
What’s even funnier is that Kyle plays Friar Lawrence.
“Alright! Can we go over Act Two, Scene Three again?” Wendy yells from the distance. “No need to change the set, just one more run-through.”
You hear some of the people onstage moving the set pieces from the party aside just to prepare for better movement for the blockings in this next scene. Kenny shuffles to the back and sends you a finger bang. You return the gesture.
From behind the stage, you catch Kyle’s eye twitch. You play it off, though, pretending you were looking elsewhere. You’re certain, though, that he saw you. The daggers he sends your way even pierces through you.
You wave at Kyle encouragingly as he gets ready to start. He smiles at you and waves back. 
“Is everyone ready?” You hear Wendy call from the other side. A half-hearted yes is returned from the crew. “Okay, act two, scene three: Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to wed him and Juliet in secret. Three, two, one!”
“The gray-eyed morn smiles on the frowning night,” On the beat, Kyle emerges from the left of the stage with his basket. He holds his temperament so well, though, it’s as if he isn’t fuming right now.
“Honestly, I don’t know how Kyle does it,” Kenny muses, watching from the side.
“Hmm?” You cocked your head to the side, a little confused.
“His part is really boring, but, like,” he pauses, trying to find the right words. “I think he’s really good at executing it. Like, he captures the role so well it’s captivating.”
You stand there and nod. 
“Not that I’m saying he’s really boring!” He quickly adds on. “I’m just saying that he knows how to hold an audience, you know?”
“Virtue itself turns vice, being misapplied,” Kyle breathes, looking over to the other side of the stage—your side. “And vice sometime by action dignified.”
Not even giving you time to reply to what he last said, Kenny waves before going in. “Ah, that’s my cue.”
You shoot him a ‘good luck!’ as he enters. You’re not close with the guy, but it’s interesting seeing Kenny hold such adoration for him. You wonder if Kyle is aware of it.
✎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ You notice how long this goes on, and you feel that this jealousy isn’t as shallow as he lets on.
“Kyle?” You spoke, looking at him with his head low.
He’s still in his costume, and he seems exhausted but uncharacteristically upset after a long day of tech rehearsals. He can be, but everyone else is more than excited. You know just why.
“Yeah?” He mumbles in reply.
You find a seat right next to him behind the stage. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just a little tired.”
“Totally,” you mindlessly snapped, clicking your tongue.
“Hey…” He pouts.
“Sorry, I…” You shook your head, taking back what you said. ”You know, I thought it was a little funny at first that you were so worked up over the fact that Kenny’s Romeo and you’re not,” you huffed. “But, you’re actually, like, worrying me now.”
Kyle’s quiet, and you don’t like that. He knows you don’t.
“Kyle.” You repeat his name, hoping it will call his attention back. You’re certain he has more than just a few things on his mind right now.
“What are you saying sorry for?”
“For upsetting you.”
“Kyle, I’m sure there’s more to this than just you being jealous.” You said more softly than what your previous tone would suggest. You find your head resting on his shoulder.  ”What’s wrong?”
“It’s… It’s just,” he pauses, scratching his head. “Like, after all these practices with you and Kenny together, I just can’t help but feel like you guys are really good. He’s really a good fit for you and for the role.”
You’re confused. Never have you ever felt like Kyle’s hinted at infidelity. If that were the case, you’d be more than offended, but you only nod, urging him to go along.
“I don’t know,” he sighs. “I guess it means a lot more outside than just the role in the grand scheme of things. Like, I’m not good enough for the role of Romeo.”
You’re quiet, brows scrunched as you worriedly find the words to tell him. So it’s otherwise.
“That on top of, like, yeah, Kenny kissing you every other day onstage.” He says in a poor attempt to lighten the mood. In a panic, though, thinking you’re judging, he mumbles out, “Sorry, it’s really selfish.”
“No, no, don’t be sorry for that,” you cooed, lifting your head above and tilting him to look at you. “You’re really so much more than you think you are. I mean that with my whole chest.”
He’s quiet. You’re not sure if he doesn’t know what to say or if he doesn’t have anything to say. You take it as a sign to continue, though.
“You know, Kenny holds a lot of respect for you. He thinks you’re an excellent actor.” He hums in return. “He told me once that while you were doing your monologue in that scene where Romeo asks Friar Lawrence to wed him and Juliet, you really have this commanding presence that pulls the audience in.
“He said that it wasn’t a flashy role, a boring one actually, and he thinks you’re more than noble having charm and making the role more interesting than it actually looks. It’s a talent.” You laughed, recalling the memory.
He’s quiet, and you only stare into his eyes as lovingly as you can, patiently waiting for his reply. “Really?”
“Yeah, and he’s right. You really do know how to turn a rather mundane role into something really bigger than that. There is a good reason why you’re Friar Lawrence in the first place.”
“Thank you…” He’s coy about it, really coy, but you think it’s so honest that it’s sweet. “Really, thank you. I did not know that.”
“Well, now you do,” you hum. “It’s the truth. I hope you see yourself the way everyone does.”
“I don’t, but I thank you for helping me see myself in a different light.”
“Of course.” You smile, pulling his face close to yours and pressing a kiss to his temple.
✎⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ “Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hand too much, which mannerly devotion shows in this; for saints have hands that pilgrims’ hands do touch,” your pinky holding Kenny’s brings it closer, bringing your palms together, holding. “And palm to palm is holy palmers’ kiss.”
“Have not saints lips and holy palmers too?”
Yet, in all honesty, you find that Kenny holds up too. He has that flashy charm and wide-eyed naivety to a T needed for Romeo’s character executed so well. You can’t help but applaud his skill. 
“Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer.” You shake your head with a smile, taking a few steps back, yet hands still connecting one another.
He only brings you closer, a hand now finding your waist. “O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do. They pray: grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.”
“Saints do not move, though grant for prayers’ sake.” You hum.
“Then move not while my prayer’s effect I take,” he pressed against your lips, bringing you closer with the hand on your waist. It lasts for longer than Kyle would like (Then again, he’d hate for this scene to happen in the first place.). “Thus from my lips, by thine, my sin is purged.”
“Then have my lips the sin that they have took.” You put a bewildered look on, more than gleeful.
He speaks gravity and haste, rushing out of excitement. “Sin from my lips? O trespass sweetly urged! Give me my sin again.” Once more, he kisses you again.
“You kiss by the book.” You hum.
“Madam, your mother craves a word with you.” You’re swiftly cut off by the nurse who walks into the scene. 
You find yourself walking up to Lady Capulet. The scene runs on for a few more minutes, but you find yourself backstage with Kyle waiting for you at the exit.
Neither of you can’t say anything, your mics are still on, but he hugs you and pinches your cheeks, making your smile wider.
“You were amazing,” you vaguely make out from his lips. 
You only nod, pulling him close and hugging him tight.
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
"I collar the beast." "Wukong's fangs have been pulled." I can't believe y'all fr. "I get all the punishment and you get to mope." He was moping because he cares and feels guilty, speaking of, THE BINDING SCENE IS SO MUCH MORE INTENSE HERE WUKONG'S SCREAM THE PANICKED STUMBLING ohoho yes. MK: "It's tense in here." Wukong, two seconds ago: yOU tHINK I wANtED tO bE trAPPED dOWN hErE wiTH yOU. Wukong's tail: *cute pokey pokey* "You got demoted!" Ha, also "Nezhy" Oh my gosh, I don't think I caught this last time but Wukong subtly looks over to Macaque who just nods at him ajksms they were feuding and glooming a second ago but now its all silent communication and understanding in a glance. I'm throwing them off a roof. I'm struggling to hear what Macky says here, but I'm going to subscribe to the subtitles with "he likes acting." It's funnier. Also MK's "best attorney monkeys can buy" gotta love thinking about monkeys needing attorneys and also having money and buying things lol. "A pain crab on Monkey King's head." 😭 "Why is it always like this when you come here." actually love this one more because he's so grumpy and I feel like it has a different, funnier implication than the subtitles. he isn't causing chaos AFTER coming here, it just IS. what does that say about the vibes you bring /j. crying at Macky's face at all times, he is the picture definition of a grumpy cat, and then when getting pushed and the absolutely DONE yell of "Wukoooong!" I can watch a whole netflix series of Macky being fed up with Wukong's antics but getting dragged into them. tricky plan demon huh, that's a quick way to silence them after just talking about someone pulling the strings, especially on you MK. also Macky is SO little creachure with his face hidden like a hermit in that cape. "I don't trust anyone who isn't standing here. Right. Now." SAME MACONDO what a shocking statement from your old buddy. more at 11 only on ShadowPeachNews. The writers KNEW what they were doing. Also AHHHHH *looks at you with my big brown eyes* Fluffy I SWEAR I told myself I wouldn't talk about this again until you were able to answer the asks on my last yapping about this, BUT THEY MADE IT SO MUCH WORSE. Firstly, Macky's *voice* for that line delivery is the most solemn dramatic thing I have seen. He lives and breathes the cinema. AND MK I'm really tossing him over a cliff because he just HAD TO GO "He'd get away, right? He always gets away...right?" UGH TFW YOU'RE SO KNOWN FOR BEING THAT GUY WHO FLEES FROM BATTLE that it's brought up this time not for the *dude really???* but as a plea, an attempt at faith, haha he's always doing that...he did it again right? NO BECAUSE THIS TIME HE STUCK AROUND TO FIGHT. and Wukong's constipated expression there bc ohoho some monkey is for sure thinking about the past.
i am, for one, with you on throwing shadowpeach off a cliff bc they make me so unwell in this episode 🫠
for another:
also i can’t help but think about why Nezha was even there in the first place. because the one the kings summoned was his dad. Nezha wasn’t supposed to be there and yet he comes along 👀 why? my thought is: to plead the monkeys’ case. he immediately tries to defend them to his father and it seems like it’s been an ongoing argument
like sure he rags on Wukong and hems & hahs at him because like have you met Wukong that cheeky lil shit??? his gremlin energy just shoots to 150% whenever Nezha is near. he can’t help it. it’s his DO NOT PUSH red button that he will absolutely push
and Macky’s “why is it always like this when you’re here” to Wukong has such a divorced energy i love it 😍 he knows Wukong so well and is just resigned to it. every time Macky has had to interact with Heaven, Wukong is always there making a scene (he’s not exempt to helping swk but his point still stands lmao)
Wukong’s pout, my beloved
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when your ex says the reason he’s mopey isn’t because you got hurt but because he is in jail with you for something you’ve been blamed for. echoing his “NOT THE GREAT SAGE! HE’S GOTTA DRAG EVERYONE INTO HIS MESS!” comment from the memory scroll 👀
what who said that lol that was weird
god they’re so— squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and squishes them and
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revserrayyu · 3 months
2.3 Penacony thoughts [part 3]
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***SPOILER WARNING*** for the 2.3 story update for all the Charmony Festival cutscenes. At this moment in time I’ve already finished the whole story, so be wary that I may reference later scenes as I ramble on.
Could you imagine us traveling the universe on this luxurious ship instead of the Astral Express? I know that’s probably not the intention Robin had in mind upon gifting it to us, as I’m sure the ship can’t possibly leave the dreamscape anyways, but that’s all I could think about.
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Now the whole bomb scare Sparkle sets up is.. weird. You knew it was coming because it was shown during the 2.3 trailer and all those self-destruct buttons she had passed out to everyone over the course of the whole Penacony story just had to be used at some point, but to have it all happen during the Charmony Festival, something we were all looking forward to experiencing from the very first moment we heard about this planet and to witness as to why it’s such a grand event, only for it to all be interrupted by a fool is kind of a let down to me? And yet.. it’s weird because it’s this whole panic inducing situation that I enjoyed the most during this part of the story..
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First off, it gets everyone to participate in this crazy bomb hunt and help each other out, even characters who don’t know each other well enough or at all, which I love seeing. Secondly, Aventurine.. not everything has to be a gamble, sir! We know from his conversation with Boothill that he’s not even on the ship right now! He’s simply enjoying the chaos from the sidelines, which I suppose is fair because if I was taunted by Sparkle like he was during previous versions, I’d keep my distance too. And Ratio’s bare minimum reply and swift exit? Incredible. Go off king, way to give us nothing.
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We’re all a bunch of losers I swear. What I find most amusing here is Black Swan also joining in with a simple “Haha.” I don’t know why but it seems so out of character for her and therefore hilarious. Also, is this woman even here? I know she has a tendency to show up whenever she pleases but is she actually on the ship lending us a hand or just joining in the fun like Aventurine? If it’s the latter and she’s laughing on the sidelines too, then that’s even funnier to me.
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These messages reminds me so much of those fake ones I’ve seen people make with how random they could be, like I don’t even think Topaz even knows who Argenti is and yet they’re chatting like best buddies, ready to gossip about the wildest drama ever and I love it so much. Someone with talent please draw this for me.
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Breaking news: Boothill turned into a doll. Not really, but hearing a doll say “fork you” along with every other silly attempt at swearing was quite alarming.
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Once all the bombs are taken care of, the last one is of course found by Firefly as she goes off this ramble about what’s impossible and how we have to make our own choices based on what we feel in our hearts or else they’ll never happen and yeah.. it gets you thinking about all the things that have happened in our own lives and gives a sinking feeling that perhaps this girl won’t get a happy ending even if that’s what she’s striving so hard for.
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Seeing Firefly take a bomb and fly high up in the trailer also gave strong implications that this was how she was going to experience her third and final “death” and I was honestly sort of dreading it. Yeah we still might be in the dreamscape but if this is supposed to be the last “death,” then I feared we’d return to reality and somehow find her.. you know, “not well” in the dream pool.
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I love these shots we get of Firefly inside the SAM suit during the cutscene and how even they’re used during her combat and all the trailers she had as well. Heavens know why all the clothes disappear though upon the transformation.
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Yo poor us.. we really thought this was going to be the end of our dear Firefly. We’re either in complete shock that she decided to go through with this decision with such certainty or we’re praying with all our might to whatever Aeon will hear us that she survives this. Or both. And honestly? Same. The music was starting to hit hard around here too huh?
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For a brief moment they actually lead you to believe Firefly actually got blown up alongside the fireworks with how the explosion was times. As much as I enjoy these dazzling pyrotechnics in reality and in any sort of media, this is one show I wouldn’t be able to cheer loudly for. I can’t deny that it would’ve been such a memorable and powerful death scene though.
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Then you got this little menace showing up again, having the audacity to skip so cheerfully up to us as if she’s done nothing wrong in her chaotic life while we’re over here just moments from bursting into tears (probably). 
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Until she decides, hey, you really need to take a closer and WHAM! Knocks us overboard with that large hammer we saw in 2.0.. or the Black Swan and Sparkle companion mission, I forgot which.. regardless, it was so sudden I couldn’t help but laugh because girlie, what’s wrong with you??
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BUT THEN we’re saved by a literal knight in shining armor! Well, not exactly Argenti with that kind of description, but it works with the way we’re getting princess carried!
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Truthfully, I can’t be too mad at how hard they’re pushing the whole possible shipping agenda between the mc and Firefly because they look so darn happy to see each other during this moment, with us actually seeing her alive and Firefly still being alive herself. It’s a good moment for sure.
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I mean.. okay, yeah, the hand holding and spinning among the many flashy fireworks feels very much like a shoujo moment, but again, I’m a sucker for fireworks, so I gotta admit it’s at the very least a pretty scene. We’re also sorta falling together so they gotta hold onto each other in some sort of fashion anyways, right?
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We get quick glimpses of everyone during the show too, such our lovely family watching us free fall.. Hopefully they’ll save us in case a rogue firework gets too close to hitting us.
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Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough to get my own screenshot of our IPC ladies sharing a drink but I’m such a fan.
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Argenti, Boothill and Ratio.. now there’s a trio I’d never imagine spending time together, but just thinking about all the heartfelt words of praise, mild swearing and intellectual speeches that would result from such an occasion would be so entertaining to watch and I’m sad it couldn’t last longer. Not only because the scene switched to somewhere else, but also since Ratio was just about to leave. I doubt he would last long in the presence of these two dudes.
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Hearing Robin’s new “Had I Not Seen the Sun” song during this whole scene truly helped bring out the emotions full force. That’s something I hope continues during future story arcs.. wonderful music. The game never misses with its awesome soundtrack, but songs with lyrics that will leave us in tears? Yes please.
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You.. you magnificent and beautiful man. How I wish we could’ve seen you more during the finale! I really would’ve loved seeing all the IPC members working together.. I mean, technically they did, but seeing them all in one place would’ve been nice. Ah, I wonder if he could see the fireworks from all the way down there.. where Acheron nearly killed him.. at the park.. that I helped fix- wait a minute..?
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I’m not even gonna question how Black Swan is in Golden Hour right now. She was participating in the texts during the bomb crisis so I’d just assume she was onboard the ship helping out, but with how easily this woman can appear and disappear in the blink of an eye, she could’ve very well took a drink and teleported herself to a much safer location. Regardless, I definitely need to pull for her on her rerun. I enjoyed her very much.
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Yeah yeah, the ship vibes are as strong as ever here, I get it, Hoyo. Y’all know that typical romance scenario, where two people are looking at something breathtaking and one comments something along the lines of “it’s beautiful” and the second person agrees, only instead of taking in the pretty sight in front of them, they’re looking right at the other person instead? Yeah. That’s exactly this scene without words because despite all the flashy visuals and loudness of all the fireworks going off around her whilst falling from who knows high up in the sky, Firefly is solely focused on us while we’re just living in the moment. Again, I can’t complain too heavily. It really is stunning to see.. and if a friend I knew flew away with a bomb in order to save everyone and they actually came back alive, I’d probably hold their hand too.
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By itself, I think 2.3 was okay, even with the lack of an epic boss battle or mind blowing, dramatic ending cutscene. I enjoyed exploring the new area and the many character interactions, but following everything that happened previously in the story, I feel like there’s a ton of questions I still have and so much more I’d like to see from certain characters.
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Oh boy.. I still have all the stuff regarding Acheron and the goodbyes to chat about next. That’s gonna be emotional.
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esutonia · 9 months
a short tutorial on writing majima-speak
So ya wanna learn how to write Majima-speak, eh? Well, I gotta say, you’ve come to the right place. Or maybe the only place? Dunno how many tutorials’re out there fer this shit. Anyway, sit yer ass down and I’ll give ya the scoop on how to write yer favorite fun guy from Kansai.
DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a fluent Japanese speaker. These are all the opinions/observations of an American whose only exposure to the Japanese culture and language has been through anime and video games. I have done my best to research all of these observations before just shoving them into this document, but I probably will make mistakes. Any actual Japanese speakers, please correct me. This isn’t supposed to be an educational guide on the nuances of Kansai-ben. This is only a general tutorial on how to portray the Kansai dialect in English writing.
What is Kansai-ben?
Kansai-ben (or Kansai dialect) is a Japanese dialect primarily spoken in the Kansai region of Japan. Pretty straightforward. Our good friend Majima Goro speaks a version of Kansai-ben that I lovingly refer to as Majima-speak. This is because he doesn’t speak true Kansai dialect—it’s a wobbly mix of Kansai and Tokyo (“standard”) that incorporates elements of both. Ugaki Hidenari, Majima’s voice actor, is from Tokyo himself, and doesn’t speak Kansai-ben natively. However, Majima has a lot of quirky Kansai-isms in his speech that make him stand out from other characters.
Therefore, the focus on writing Majima’s dialogue doesn’t have to be accuracy. We aren’t shooting for a 1:1 translation of Kansai to English, because: 1) that doesn’t exist, and 2) he doesn’t speak perfect Kansai anyway. The point is, we’ve got flexibility.
What makes Majima-speak different from regular Japanese?
There are a lot of cultural and historical nuances that I won’t get into, but in modern Japan, the Kansai dialect is perceived as more comedic or casual than standard Japanese. This is reflected in Sega’s localization of Majima’s voice lines: his are rougher, more crass, and generally funnier than other characters’ lines. If you end up taking nothing else from this guide, at least think rough, crass, and funny when writing Majima. It’s a good place to start.
So how do I write Majima-speak?
There are three tips that I keep in mind while I’m writing dialogue for Majima:
Make sure his lines show more emotion than other characters’ lines.
Use shortcuts wherever possible.
Don’t be afraid to get silly with it.
Let’s elaborate on these tips, shall we?
Make sure Majima’s lines show more emotion than other characters’ lines.
I’d like to use Kiryu as an example here, because he’s by far one of the stiffest-speaking characters in the series. For lack of a better term, Kiryu’s lines are prosaic—they sound more like they were written in a book than spoken by a person. Here’s an excerpt from Kiryu and Majima’s first scene together in Yakuza 2, edited for brevity. Pretend you don’t know what this scene looks like and focus on just the text.
Kiryu: It’s Kiryu. Anybody home? I know you’re here…Show yourself. Majima: It’s been too long…Kiryu-chan! You got any idea how lonely I’ve been since ya got outta the game last year? Oh, but I knew my Kiryu-chan would come home sooner or later! Kiryu: It’s been awhile, Majima-no-niisan. Majima: So, what brings ya here? Kiryu: The Tojo Clan…needs you. Majima: For fuck’s sake…What’s this BS now?! You’re a shitty comedian, Kiryu-chan. Kiryu: I’m serious. The Tojo Clan has never needed you more than now. Please.  Majima: No fuckin’ way. Kiryu: Please. Majima: You’re killin’ me, Kiryu-chan! I can’t stand seein’ ya like this! Kiryu: Please, Majima-no-niisan…the Tojo Clan is as good as dead without the Majima Family. Please!
Notice how Majima’s lines are much longer than Kiryu’s and noticeably sound like an actual person said them because they’re more casual. Kiryu basically repeats “please” three times, but each time Majima’s response is different. You’re able to tell that Majima’s incredulous, then annoyed, then upset at Kiryu’s request by the way he adds extra dialogue every time he says “no.” By contrast, you’re not really able to tell how desperate Kiryu is until he starts begging. The main disadvantage with writing is that you’re not able to convey images as clearly through text, so it requires more work to make a character’s emotions show through their dialogue. Majima’s lines are all about emotion, whether it’s real or exaggerated, so make sure the reader is able to tell how he’s feeling without seeing his face.
Use shortcuts whenever possible.
While conveying a character’s emotions through their speech often requires writing longer lines, this does not mean you should waste space or over-explain. The way you can balance this need for emotion with the need for casual dialogue is by using slang and condensing phrases.
English-speakers do this all the time in common conversation. We use contractions (I am = I’m), smash together words (What are you doing? = What’cha doin’?”), and add slang/idioms (“The hour grows late; I shall soon retire” = “It’s getting late, I’m gonna hit the hay”). The key to writing Majima-speak is to use every shortcut possible and then some.
If it’s hard to come up with dialogue on the spot, try thinking about how a guy like Kiryu would say a particular line. Let’s use the example of: “You always were the one guy I couldn’t read.” Then, think about what shortcuts you could potentially make to this sentence. It’s not much, but this sentence could be cut down to: “Y’always were the one guy I couldn’t read.” Doesn’t that already sound more like Majima said it?
Then, add some more emotion to this sentence: “Y’always were the one fucker I could never getta read on.” It sounds affectionate or aggressive, depending on how you spin it. And there you go! We just Majima-modified (Majimodified?) a Kiryu line. With the power of slang and shortcuts, you too can turn regular dialogue into Majima classics.
Don’t be afraid to get silly with it.
Majima’s a silly guy, so of course he’s gonna have his silly moments. The RGG localization team knows this and takes creative liberties to give Majima’s dialogue more life. My favorite example of silliness in translating Majima’s lines to English is this specific line from Yakuza 2:
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Majima says: “Doya, Kiryu-chan? Kakko ee yaro?” Which literally translates to something like: “How’s that, Kiryu-chan? I look cool, right?” This line is dripping with Kansai-ben.
But the localization team chose to translate it as “Whaddya think, Kiryu-chan? Ain’t I red-hot?” Which I love. It conveys so much more about Majima’s character in the same amount of words and even adds some more context from the scene itself. They make a pun on “red-hot,” and while “cool” would’ve worked too, this would have made less sense. The point is, don’t be afraid to get wild with it. If it sounds cooler, is probably is. 
Finally, here’s a few miscellaneous quirks of Majima-speak and pointers that can help you get that much closer to imitating Majima’s style of speech.
Majima rarely uses “you” pronouns, instead preferring to use nicknames and titles like Kiryu-chan, nee-chan, oyaji, etc. This can be substituted for girlie, kiddo, buddy, idiot, etc. 
Don’t replace all the “you”s and “your"s in a sentence with “ya”s and “yer”s. It gets difficult to read if you abuse them.
Majima loves to swear. But again, don’t use them too liberally or you’ll sound like a 12-year-old who just learned what “fuck” means.
Goromi’s speech is a bit more cutesy than Goro’s, but she flips between masculine and feminine pronouns. For the purposes of writing Goromi that’s not terribly important, but keep in mind that she’ll frequently switch between masculine and feminine speaking patterns.
Don’t try to imitate Southern American English (if you aren't familiar with that dialect). I also wouldn't try it in general, but if it helps, it helps.
Edited to add: it's ultimately up to you to decide when/if Majima drops his accent. Personally I reserve it for when he's so emotionally vulnerable he can't keep it up, or when he's being so serious about something he just won't use it.
As a bonus, here is a brief glossary of Kansai-isms that I’ve noticed Majima using, with some examples of their use in context and some suggested translations. Most of these examples are pulled from Yakuza Kiwami 1 and 2, since that’s when he has the most speaking lines and has fully settled into his Mad Dog persona.
Ahō (idiot) = dumbass, bonehead
“Nishida, ya dumbass!”
Beppin (pretty) = stunner, knockout
“Well ain’t ya a rare dish?”
Honma (really) = damn, for real
“For real?! Who are you and what have you done with Kiryu-chan?”
-han (-san)
“Well, now it’s your turn, Legendary Info Dealer-han.”
Akan (not good/must) = gotta be, better not
“That’s why he’s gotta be strong.”
Uchi* (I) = ol’ Goromi, li’l ol’ me
“Just don’t fall too hard for me, okay?”
Ee (good/cool) = badass
“Ain’t I red-hot?”
Ikude (let’s go) = let’s do this shit
“Let’s do this, Kiryu-chan!”
Suman (sorry) = my bad
“This is my bad, Kiryu-chan.”
Anta (you, polite) = ya
“Y’know, up close…you’re pretty damn hot.”
Haw (not really a Kansai-ism but he does like it a lot)
Nanyatte (what) = what the fuck
“Say what?”
Chau (wrong) = bullshit
“That ain’t what I’m saying.”
Dondon (also not Kansai-ben but he likes this one too. Basically “loud noise”) = clobber, beat the shit outta ya, crack some skulls
“It’s way better if ya fight it out.”
*Uchi is a stereotypical feminine pronoun used in Kansai-ben. Only Goromi uses this one. She also tends to waffle between watashi/ore pronouns.
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quietwingsinthesky · 3 months
sorry. sorry. i am still living in the 'the first face thirteen saw after regenerating was graham's' world that i constructed earlier, and in this world where thirteen is having a weird flirtation/doomed from the start lovers/we're just friends or found family we swear dynamic with graham after getting his wife killed, it would just make this entire scene so much funnier:
JAKE: I was supposed to come out and see him launch. Say goodbye as he went off to the ISS. GRAHAM: And you didn't go. JAKE: He knew what he was taking on with me. I don't do emotions. And I'm really not good at sticking with things, you know? Commitment. Also, I really don't like foreign travel. GRAHAM: Wow. So you were quite the catch, then. JAKE: Yeah, he's a lucky, lucky bloke. My husband is an astronaut. Do you have any idea how hard it is being married to somebody that impressive? It sort of sends me the other way. I wallow in being unreliable. Like I'm punishing him.
like. SORRY. but alternate universe where we got a companion sort-of romance for these seasons and it was graham. play with me in this space. do you have any idea how hard it is being married to somebody that impressive, graham. graham, who are you thinking of. your late wife. or the doctor.
take my hand. imagine it. the tragedy of it. thirteen should get to fuck that old man. but not really, they need to never consummate this relationship ever, or acknowledge what's happening. as is good companion romance tradition.
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Rating Aguma screenshots from my gallery (because theres no other fury character that was drawn more inconsistently than him and also im bored out of my mind)
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Vicious. Ominous. Bro is about to actually fucking kill someone. I mean he always looks like hes about to kill someone but this is something else. Whyd bro switch so quick. You know Id make the “you aint got one battle where you needa be this serious” joke but since hes a legendary blader he does but not this one bro. Its just ginga and yuki calm your ass. Id count the amount of wrinkles on your forehead but i dont have enough fingers for that. Plus points for the face scrunch. Minus points for not having the majoras mask clocktower bell noise when this exact frame shows up. 9/10
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What is this. Atrocious. UNACCEPTABLE. What the fuck happened to his face. You look like a rabid dog. He always does but like here? God damn now i get why my friend calls you mulch. You look like a bear who just woke up from hibernation. Can you like, be dumbfounded and baffled normally. God damn. Are you not like a grown ass man. Dumbass. Be normal 2/10
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My goodness gracious. Absolutely mischievous. Plotting. Looks like hes about to kill someone again. Please back off a little bit. Fw energy tho bro is enjoying the fight for sure 9/10
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Im filing a restraining order get him away from me 0/10
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What is this. Explain yourself. Im sorry is this like, a cycnus impression. Cauze you look like a fucking bug rn. Like straight up. Your pupils are not supposed to be that big and your eyes are not supposed to be that sparkly. You are not the tbh creature. Stop this madness 5/10
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Okay when i first saw this while watching the scene i laughed for a solid ten minutes because he wasnt even the focus at the moment (bao was talking) and my eye slipped and saw this and oh god. He looks like a cardboard cutout😭he looks like hed stiffly fall over and shatter to a billion pieces if you poked him😭😭he looks like hed disintegrate into dust if someone touched him😭😭😭bro is COOKED if i flip the canvas.😭😭😭😭this is horrendous i know hes ugly but this isnt my aguma bring the real one back . Hes so uneven. One point for absolute horrendous image resolution 1/10
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EHUM. EUGH. EUGHEGHEHEUEGAGSHDGSVGWUWYWHSK. The fuckin😭😭the😭😭the. The😭😭😭thehis eyes are about to pop out of their sockets someone help this manAND HELP ME TOO WHILE YOURE AT IT😭😭😭ohmygdodudgshsjsgaha. Context is even funnier this is when he loses to tithi and hes on the ground defeated tweaking the fuck out LMFAOOO😭😭bro is fuming with rage bcs he lost to a kid i hate him i hope he dies a billion times and then he dies again. Thank god dynamis was there or he might’ve actually killed someone 10/10
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Unbothered. Moisturized. Happy. In My Lane. Focused. Flourishing. Actually i take it back this dude is never unbothered . The hair 😭😭 wet fucking dog go to hell 8/10
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Amazing. life changing. phenomenal. incredible. awesome. wonderful. marvelous. Outstanding. THE screenshot. The first and only screenshot ever taken. THE one. I filled my gallery up with this exact image by duplicating it (there was about a thousand of the same image) (my friends called it “dog blockade”) and also set it as my wallpaper as a joke and its still the same because i forgot to change it. At first i was scared of it because he was so close to the screen and i was met with this fucking picture everytime i exited out of an app. But now i have become emotionally attached to it like hes just saying hi to me everytime i quit an app. The emotional support screenshot. I take what i said about the tbh creature back. Why cant he look like this all the time😔the eyes the :3 mouth. Scene context is also so funny “aguma. are you coming:)” “mmhmm :3” ?????182^2^72[£^£]2]€ Everything is perfect no complaints. 10000000000000000000/10
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This image will be the cauze of my untimely death. No comment. -√7⁴/10
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maukiki1 · 6 months
So, for MFB dub or sub? Which do you watch? Just a bit curious.
(Ik this is my art blog but fuck it, block of text jumpscare)
Well with mfb you dont really have a choice unless if you know japanese well enough do you? The sub doesn’t exist besides the first 30 episodes… yet😭 what i guess youre reffering to is the regular ass japanese version😭 i mean if there WAS a sub id naturally watch that of course because im all for sub i dont like dubs but like when you dont have a choice… its the dub😭 i of course watch the japanese version (without sub cauze it doesnt exist) sometimes on certain episodes where im like “i GOTTA see how this was in the original) . also the dub isnt bad by any means LMFAO people shit on it but like? Im sorry the joke delivery is a thousand times funnier LMFAO theres just so much like random ass funny shit they say that you know wasnt there in the original version?? Like i just know😭😭i dont know japanese well enough to understand it fully but like theres certain jokes in there that were just added with the dub and you know it.
Fusion ryūga is funny as FUCK. Like one of the major reasons why i dont hate his ass is because Hes literally so fucking funny wdym your father couldnt cut it. I feel like the va started taking him more seriously towards masters LMFAO and from what ive heard from japenese ryūga he has the same seriousness throughout. Tetsuya is also funny in both in both versions…jumbo crab…….crabba whaaaat⁉️⁉️ plus coach steel plus masamunee😭😭😭 Daxiang’s voice difference is also so funny theres something so funny abt his. English dub like. He sounds like hes trying too hard like 99% of the time but hes also silly. He sounds like an angry mother grounding his son when talking to Chao xin in that one episode😭😭 If that makes sense idk i fucking love daxiang… i compared the a scene once where hes like kinda shouting? Screaming? While fighting Julian and Japense va sounds so serious while the eng. the😭the english version😭😭hoAAAAAAAAA😭😭😭HE SOUNDS SO FUNNY HES SO STUPID💔💔💔
one voice i dont like from the japenese version is🤔julian…. Idk what it is but…i dont like it😭😔 a one i dont like from the ENGLISH dub is uh😭im sorry guys but king’s english voice irritates me I KNOW GINGA IS RIGHT THERE BUT THERES SOMETHING ABOUT IT….it just… idk its just irritating 😭😭😭Kyouya is also funny as SHIT in English fuckin. Alpha male wolf no one understands me i feel it deep within its just beneath the skin i must confess that i feel like a monster ass……but his japenese voice??? He sounds like a grown ass man….???? I know teenagers can sound like a grown ass man n have deep voices n shii but like that shit caught be off guard when i first heard it……… damians voice is sooooooo cute in the japenese version it makes me sadd😢 also aint his japanese va romi park🤔that woman who has voiced like every anime character ever LOL including lui from beyblade burst….his cute voice though like😭hes like supposed to be this fuckin. Evil Antagonist n shit and how am i supposed to be intimidated or take him seriously to any level when he sounds like… just a little guy….
I also prefer ziggurat’s english voice over the japenese tbh idk he sounds more evil i think it fits him more😔i dont hate ginga’s english voice (even though my friends say its so irritating they cant bear to listen to it for more than a second lmfao) i prefer the japense version over it yeah…..daidouji is also funny as shitballs omg..he needa stfu but also dont because youre ridiculous yknow. ?
(Talking abt damian again) I mean he is a little guy but his english va sounded so much more like the fucking asshole he was LMFAO…. Also ig his english voice would make more sense hes american idk🤔i dont hate his japanese voice by any means its so cute i love it sm but i just cant take it srsly😭😭😭ive heard fury in japanese the least but one time i specifically watched an episode where almost everyone was there so that i could see how their voices sounded like in the original and?? None of them stood out to me idk😭(well thats fury characters for ya LMFAOO)like they weren’t memorable to me im not saying theyre bad💥💥💥💥english though😭
Theres a way that. Dynamis sounds in the english version thats like. He. Sounds like kinda like a robot like a guy with no inside voice its kinda funny. The robot thing might be bcs hes constantly spewing out exposition and being a plot device but still its like the way he tones his voice sounds like its his first time talking ever ITS NOT BAD ITS FUNNY😭😭maybe it makes sense cauze that mofo lives in that isolated temple or whateva. Also credit to the english ver. Of the scene where Aguma and Kyouya were battling and the argument was literally fucking “youre not a lion youre a house cat in the backyard” (great thing to say when youre on johnnes’s side aguma😬) “GRR what did you just call me” THIS IS A MIDDLE ARGUMENT. THEYRE TALKING LIKE MIDDLE SCHOOLERS ROLEPLAYING IN THE SCHOOLS GARDEN. WHAT IS THIS😭😭its funny i hate them both i hope they die (affectionate)
So uhh which do i prefer? I like both but English dub is more entertaining imo and also i have to watch that one most of the time bcs i literally have no other choice if i wanna understand what theyre saying
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buttercups-song · 1 year
Alright, so I’ve seen a couple of hot takes that there is no queerbaiting in the Loki show (and what’s even funnier that mcu has never queerbaited) because Loki is canonically queer… and like… alright so there’s no queerbaiting in spn because technically speaking cas is queer? Queerbaiting is a marketing strategy so even if we ignore what’s in the show, the chemistry between actors and some truly insane acting choices, the Loki show is queerbaiting because of how it was marketed, and especially how the first season was marketed. Before the show aired we were told that Loki was going to have multiple love interests, we were told that sophia di martino was playing loki (and told so in a way that suggested that she was playing ‘our’ loki). There is a part of the soundtrack that is literally named ‘lokius’. Even before this season started airing the marketing heavily focused on the relationship between Loki and mobius, reassuring us that Our Loki would be with Our mobius.
And alright I’ll give them that they confirmed that loki is bi/pan in episode three and let’s ignore that the confirmation was two seconds long, pretty vague, had no impact on the plot nor characters and wasn’t mentioned ever again. Ok. Fine. Honestly my much bigger gripe is with how they handled Loki’s gender.
Which is to say that they fucked up. Despite Loki being gender-fluid in the comics and despite how the show was marketed, the text of the show heavily suggests that both our Loki and Sylvie are cis. Ok so the arrest report in the credit says: “sex: fluid”. Which is completely different from saying (and showing) that Loki is gender-fluid. What is shown in the show (or rather in the credits, which let’s be real almost no one bothers to read) is that Loki’s sex is fluid… which yes he’s a shapeshifter. That’s not representation, they don’t say that Loki is trans, the fans can read it that way, but disney doesn’t have to fear backlash from conservatives because Loki in the show is not gender-fluid, he’s a shapeshifter (who doesn’t shapeshift for some reason). Sylvie literally says that she was born a “goddess of mischief”, every single other Loki is shocked by the idea of a ‘female version’ of them. It’s supposed to be a #girlboss moment but it’s not! It reads like every Loki is a (cis) man! And sure you can have a head canon that they’re shocked that Sylvie is exclusively presenting as a woman, or that Sylvie is not cis but obviously was born a goddess. But that’s not what’s in the text. From episode one when talking about the variant they’re hunting everyone in the tva uses ‘he’ pronoun when referring to them. Why? All they know is that they’re hunting a loki, so if Loki is gender-fluid (or even if their ‘sex is fluid’ as referred to in the show) why assume that the variant they’re looking for is a he? (Probably for the extremely obvious plot twist when Sylvie shows up). I’m actually so mad about this, gender-fluid representation is so rare and they took a canonically gender-fluid character and did what?
There’s so much queerbaiting in the show! And they know what they’re doing! It’s not a coincidence that they’re leaning so much into loki and mobius’ banter! It’s not a coincidence that in the First episode (!) of season two we get a scene in which Loki before pruning himself goes “if I don’t make it back, I…” which is meant to sound like a beginning of a confession! Which was a beginning of a confession last season when it was directed towards sylvie! It’s almost exactly the same scene! But let’s be real, he probably was going to say something like: “if I don’t make it back, find sylvie”.
Why are we still getting this treatment in 2023? (because it clearly pays well) If they didn’t want to give us good queer rep, why market it as such? Loki is queer in the comics, he wasn’t canonically queer in the movies (despite the immaculate vibes). They could have left it alone. I’m sure that many people still would have shipped Loki and mobius because of the incredible chemistry between actors and (let’s be real) that just how fandoms work, but that wouldn’t count as queerbaiting, because again that’s a marketing strategy.
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hunxi-after-hours · 4 months
(paper anon) hunxi!! i know ur no longer active but it felt wrong to not give you this (probably final, since i dont wanna spam up your asks) update. first year of chinese finished!!! got the best % in my year for spoken chinese 🫡 written kicked my ass. next semester we have a class for reading literary texts and poems, i think you'd enjoy that haha. and also east asian general history!! all the fun stuff. its hard work but i love it. i hope you're also doing well and im sending you all the positive vibes :) <3
i know ur long non active on this hellsite (good for you!) but i just felt super nostalgic and wanted to send the ask anyway. im halfway done with my chinese degree and ive just finished translating an article about the statistics of tourism economy in china post modern reforms and its just. Huh. Huhhhh since when can i do that. (ive actually thought abt dropping out a lot.) i miss being as excited as i was in your ask box about studying this, but i think my love for chinese language is now a lot deeper, even without the pink glasses, now that i experienced first hand how fucking difficult studying it academically is. easier times dude. anw i hope ur well if u ever relog in and see this ^^^ (paper anon)
(checks time stamp, winces) ok so HOW WAS THE LITERARY TEXTS AND POEMS CLASS??? did the class skim through the literary tradition, or did you linger in any time period in particular? was it a Joy of Life episode 27 best hits of the chinese literary tradition kind of highlight reel? (ty for the excuse to rewatch this scene, I swear it gets funnier every time) and, most importantly — any favorites??
taking classes on chinese literature and poetry was honestly some of the most humbling and 劝退 uhhh disheartening classes to take... because then you really come face to face with the truly massive body of the tradition. what do you MEAN there are so many poets and they all reference each other. how am I supposed to catch up. how am I even supposed to summon the motivation to move forwards, knowing that I've 早就输在起跑线上
and like, I don't have a good answer — as someone who literally dropped out of the field upon graduation (I've flirted with the idea of going back to grad school but quite frankly I don't think it'd be worth it), I don't have any inspirational stories to tell about level-grinding my way up the Chinese tradition or overcoming academic hurdles to attain sagely academic enlightenment. I don't even know if such stories would be helpful, because each person's journey through the Chinese language learning experience/tradition is so unique and personal. all I can say is find that thing that you love, that spark that makes you come back for more, be it this one specific poet or this one archaeological collection, a particularly trashy webnovel or a niche music genre. find that something that sparks love for you, and hang onto it for dear life, because if that spark catches flame, it'll be the light that guides you toward the road that you're meant to walk
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thevibraniumveterans · 3 months
STAR WARS — The Acolyte
EP 5 — Night
Okay, so first off, I speculated last week that yes, given last week’s episode title of “Day”, the polar opposite of that would be “Night” for this week’s episode title, because would it be so awkward if that were not the case?
Amandla did a wonderful job portraying both Osha and Mae, but so did the camera crew and the editing crew; especially for that one scene.
Last week people speculated that the bad guy would be Qimir, and well… 😅
(Spoilers in my notes/thoughts below…)
- Ominous music plays, as the camera zooms down on Osha lying in a small alcove, unconscious from last episode’s Force push. She awakes; the first word out of her mouth is the name of her droid Pip, wondering where he/it went. She finds the droid. She hears lightsabers in the distance, gets up, and trips… and sees the corpse of a dead Jedi. She stands up, and there in the earth before her, almost like it was gouged into the ground itself, looks like a multi-pronged hand, red and searingly angry.
- She watches as the robed figure battles with a red saber against the other Jedi with blue, green, and yellow blades. The Jedi are no match for the figure; Osha carefully approaches. Yord and the figure cross sabers. Yord gets injured, and two other Jedi jump to the rescue. Both are cut down in cold, brutal fashion. That means almost all, if not all, the Jedi who brought her to Kelnacca’s home to rescue Mae, are dead or injured. The figure faces Osha, who raises a blaster. But what good does it do? The figure advances on Yord, and absorbs a stun blast from Osha. That’s new. That never happens. The figure turns toward Osha, who is told by Yord to run. Inside, Mae panics, and sees Kelnacca’s saber. She picks it up, figuring it might be of use later, especially when her sister is in trouble.
- Osha, on the run, switches on a torch beam and hears rustling. She panics, and runs. The figure throws his saber, but is deflected by Sol. He uses the Force to send Osha flying toward Yord, who brings her back to safety. Sol and the figure face off.
- The figure address Sol, who doesn’t know who the stranger is, but thinks he senses “something familiar”. They face off again.
- Mae exits Kelnacca’s abode, carrying his saber. Mae is suddenly accosted by Jecki, and both come to blows. Jecki wants to arrest Mae, but obviously she’s not cooperating. They keep fighting, each wanting the upper hand. They push each other into, and consequently out of, Kelnacca’s home.
- Somewhere nearby, Sol and the stranger trade blows. The mystery deepens; Sol knows the stranger trained Mae, and wonders what Master hides their face from the student. The stranger ominously replies, “You tell me.” What’s that supposed to mean?
- Osha hears Jecki cry out in pain (Jecki is fighting Mae), but Yord says to keep moving. [The logistics of never having adult Mae and Osha in the same room is getting funnier by the minute.] Sol and the stranger keep at it. Yord tells Osha about how the stranger could psychically control Jedi; and weirdly, Osha says the same of her mother Aniseya.
- Jecki finally forces Mae to the ground, and cuffs her. The stranger appears out of nowhere, and attacks Jecki. She has taken Kelnacca’s saber from Mae, and now has two blades to defend herself, which she does, just barely. Mae, hoping the battling duo are distracted, runs. The stranger destroys one saber, and disappears. But who does that? Nobody can just disappear. Unless this is another mind game vision that’s being played on Jecki, and she has no idea what’s coming. She stands alone in the clearing, confused. She runs.
- Elsewhere, Osha tells Yord to switch off his saber, and somewhere else, Mae is still on the run. She barely dodges the stranger’s saber. He cuts Mae’s cuffs loose, but is accosted by Sol and Jecki. The stranger clearly wants to kill Mae, but that is not in the interest of Sol and Jecki, so they leap to her defense.
- Mae uses her sisterly bond with Osha to call her back, but turns our Yord can also hear that. Osha says that they have to return to the scene they fled from. She turns on her torch to attract the bugs overhead, and turns around.
- Sol, Jecki, and the robed figure are still fighting. Jecki has managed to knock the helmet off the figure’s face. The figure splits his saber in two, ignites the other one, and stabs Jecki three times, killing her instantly. Jecki drops to the ground, revealing the figure as Qimir.
- He uses the Force to pull Mae towards him, gripping her neck like he wants to choke her. She did not expect him to be the master. Why would she? The person she thought to be a friend has been the person she was taking orders from. Sol lunges to attack Qimir, who fends off the blow, and then switches off his saber and points it straight at Mae’s head. It’s a threat; Sol disarms himself, pained.
- Qimir claims to not have a name; or at least, if interpreted elsehow, Qimir was a name he hid behind. He doesn’t like the Jedi, as they are restrictive; he says he wants to do what he wants with the power he has. He reveals that Mae reneged on the “deal” she made with him — technically Mae said she wanted to turn herself in, last episode, when she thought Qimir was a friend and not the masked Master she was supposedly serving.
- Yord comes onto the scene, his saber drawn. He comes face to face with Qimir, who he’s seen only once before. He recognizes his opponent. “Surprise,” says Qimir. He twists Yord’s arm, gets him in a chokehold, kills him by twisting his neck, and disposing him on the ground. Osha, Sol, and Mae, and Sol, are horrified.
- Osha shoots a stun blast, hitting Mae, who was running. She drops.
- Sol and Qimir engage in unarmed, close quarters combat, a scene surprisingly RARE between two people strong in the Force. Sol is just about to kill Qimir, when Mae stops Sol from doing it. Perhaps because she believes that Jedi don’t kill the unarmed, and if Sol did that, it would go against what he believes?
- Turns out, yes. However, Qimir states, “If you never follow [the rules], you never have to break them.” Osha runs up behind Qimir and clips Pip onto a metal bit on QImir’s back, causing the umbra moths to swoop down. Very interesting way to have something else do the fighting for you, for a change. The umbramoths carry Qimir off, he is unable to defend himself.
- Osha asks Sol about what Qimir said earlier, and asks, “Why did he say I shouldn’t trust you?” Before he can explain, Mae stuns Sol from a distance. (Perhaps a stunt actress was most likely used in this scene before the closeup on Amandla.)
- Dawn breaks on Khofar. Osha approaches Mae. Osha asks, “What did you do?” Mae says something hauntingly familiar, “I did what I needed to do. For you. For our family.” Osha doesn’t believe this, thinking that everything that led to this moment was all Mae’s fault, starting from that night Mae prevented Osha from leaving her room. It’s also a clever camera trick, for Amandla to portray Osha and Mae in these closeups; while she plays either character, it’s clear a stuntwoman plays the other sister.
- Osha accuses Mae of starting the fire, and states that the Jedi saved her. Mae thinks otherwise, that the Jedi invaded their home and took Osha away. This shows that there are two opposing points of views, one that paints the Jedi in a good light and another that shows them as flawed. Mae slings an accusatory, “They’ve turned you against me.” Another familiar line. However, Mae tries to trick Osha by saying “I can help you.” Mae goes to hug Osha, who does not return the gesture. Mae also says, “Please choose me”, which is another accusatory statement that perceives Osha as the antagonist for choosing the Jedi over her sister. Osha is confused, but she hugs her sister back.
- This is also a trick, Osha is here to arrest Mae, who says of Sol, “He stole you from us.” Osha disagrees, “He saved my life.” Mae, ironically, rebuts, “And what kind of life is that, huh? A life without purpose, without love, without family?” Funny, Mae didn’t have those either, so who is she to speak? Is she projecting her feelings? She uses the Force to push Osha away, and cuts off part of her own hair.
- Elsewhere, Qimir floats back down from the treetops, blade ignited. He walks off; the tracker picks up Pip, and scurries off.
- Mae returns to Sol’s side. It’s Mae because the personality is different. Which means that at some point, Mae switched clothing with Osha to pretend to be her. That’s just weird. Mae says to get back to the ship. The whole scene feels off. It’s not the scene, it’s that Mae has had to disrobe her own sister and put her clothes on, to deceive others. It’s just so weird. Mae follows Sol back to the ship.
- Back in the forest, Qimir picks his helmet back up. And his robe. Which, strangely enough, he drapes over the prone body of Osha. Why is she here, specifically, and why did he do that?
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HELLOOOOO would love to know about human incarnate. AND history's flowers. AND 13 for the fic writer questions. goodbye
13) your strengths as an author
i love writing prose. imagery my betrothed. connecting tiny threads into one useless piece is my bit on the side. basic dialogue when ik what theyre gonna talk about, but making it SOUND like them is a wholeeeeee other ordeal. so yeah, i'd say Prose. i like those, and people have said i use good word :)
history’s flowers
so you know the song bouquet by itchiko aoba ? well a good chunk of the song is mainly flowers, so ended up a fic like “crowley and aziraphale through history, but a flower that is mentioned in the song is present in an encounter we see”. like ‘plumeria’—its a ficlet in the garden and a bush of plumerias happens to be nearby or part of the scene ! its mostly chrono, but i tried to keep it as close as possible. not too much has been written yet other than the garden of eden example i gave you, and there’s a lot of flowers, but im gonna dew it all 😌
human incarnate (under cut due 2 length)
okay THIS one’s a bit more complex and infinitely longer. its a reincarnation story ! but of course, not exactly what you might have seen before. now, bit of context, i’ve mever really liked human aus—they are some amazing works out there and i’ve read a good chunk dont get me wrong, but its not exactly something i seek out—im there for the mystical, the immortal dance, etc etc. but one day this story just came up, and i COULDNT let it go. so: human aziraphale and crowley trying to stop the apocalypse but theyre actually an angel/demon duo but reincarnating every few decades. so one day they died (this if ofc plot relevant but if i explain it its ANOTHER long ass paragraph, so lets just say it involves fire and one of my favorite historical events *not alexandria*), and they started incarnating together, some lives never meeting and others meeting once or others changing them entirely, only to eventually truly converge in the present day (like 2008) in time for heaven and hell to realize the trick and the apocalypse on the brink of beginning. easy no memory shtick and stuff, and the appeal is 1) trying to stop armageddon without their respective powers/knowledge, and 2) relearning their love story one life at a time. its the exact balance of Supernatural and Human i would love to read, but never have seen. there might be fic like that out there (and i’d love to read it) but this is hopefully something I can execute nicely. some highlights:
- raising warlock is a such a funnier ordeal becayse they dont have powers to help them out. its a DISASTER
- them figuring out their miracles and their limitations when their powers slowly start tricking back (they're not yet where they're supposed to be, but after heaven and hell's first contact, they arent exactly human anymore, are they?) like warlock's birthday ! its just funny to me..
- crowley and aziraphale's limited contact before armageddon is about. its just a neighborhood crush, nothing more, but then it escalates like THAT ? imagine the guy who curates your flower bouquets you bring to your grandpa's grave (he's not related to you) (and he also happens to be you) and looks kinda pretty ngl is actually your immortal enemy you've been locked in a homoerotic relationship with since the beginning of time. and is a DEMON. of HELL. woah
- hell and heaven don’t really frighten aziraphale and crowley most of the narrative, until the plot ramps up. at first, theyre just Fuckin Weird to them, and seeing a few chapters of them just ridiculing their HEAD OFFICES without knowing just how powerful they can be makes me crack up
- crowley's tattoos (including the snake, which he has NO IDEA where it came from)
- aziraphale's bible and prophecy collection (inherited from his grandpa) (whom he is not related to) (who is also him)
- theyre both trans. one cool thing about this is that aziraphale intentionally chose his name based on the angel who guarded eden, which is HIM. for some odd reason, his name never did fade from the bible editions, and he is still known to this day. Cough Cough Crowley Cough Cough anyway also he and crowley both cycled through some other names before reaching their final ones, which are all names they’ve had in past lices :) because while their past lives have been connected to their old identities in some ways, it wasnt until 2008 where it really became similar. its almost like they knew things were coming…..
- (this trans fact is revealed during the six hours of drinking after adam is delivered <3)
- the bookshop fire
- holding hands at the end of the world
- no stars to run to, because crowley doesnt even know he built that one. but he still fucking loved astronomy anyway!!! he used to want to be an astronaut, you know. before the world tore him down
- aziraphale, on the other hand, never knew what he wanted to be. Good, that he knew, but Good at what?
- all of the fcuking.... scenes.... hittinf anathema, tadfield manor, I JUST!!!!
- some of their cliched past lives being the following: pirate/naval captain, bodysnatcher/cemetery caretaker, brandy spy/allied bookseller, 17th century witches, fugitive/aristocrat, and ofc, present day: struggling florist/bookseller who doesnt really sell any books and lives off of his grandpa's fortunes (again, not related) (who is also him)
- crowley growing up on the velvet underground and aziraphale growing up UNDER A ROCK. queen plagues them both...
and yeah ! its gonna be pretty long, i think. thanks 4 the ask, and happy timezone 💗
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rise-my-angel · 6 months
The last few seasons make no sense because she already pledges her forces. So why did Jon still bend the knee? Unless he didn’t believe she would without him bending the knee?
I'm gonna be honest, the series of events leading to Jon bending the knee makes my head hurt. Because, as it is framed, Jon had no intention on bending the knee at all before the events of Beyond the Wall.
Then, naturally, the worst episode of all time airs, and he goes beyond the Wall in the dumbest quest known to mankind. He then gets trapped by Mr. Fan Nickname, and tells Gendry to get a raven all the way to fucking Dragonstone.
First of all, how did you chuckle fucks get yourselves into this situation. How were all of these men this unprepared for if the army of the dead showed up at this stage. Second, GENDRY DOESN'T KNOW WHERE HE IS. EVEN IF HE GETS TO EASTWATCH WHATS HE SUPPOSED TO WRITE "dysentery help us were trapped on a lake surrounded by snow." What is she supposed to do with that information? (also yes auto correct changed her name to dysentery and no I am not changing that).
Also it would take weeks for a raven that far north to get to DRAGONSTONE but whatever.
So, she saves them, but not Jon, because he needed to get ex machina saved by Cold Hands Benjen. Then he is picked up by the ship bringing them back to Dragonstone. Then for saving them he bends the knee.
He bends the knee after a situation that had nothing to do with the reasons he refused to bend the knee. Like they never discussed what this will mean when he does it.
Jon bends the knee, because the script said he was supposed to bend the knee now. Not because of literally anything that they discussed leading him to trust his entire army and people in her hands. She flew on a dragon and gave them a ride.
Like Jon clearly did not need Danys help, because her forces did nothing and her dragons did not actually do anything effective beyond burn a few more wights at once. Dany sends the Dothraki of all people as their first line of defence and they all get slaughtered.
Literally nothing Dany did, helped Jon. Nothing. He bends the knee because the script told him too. Because Jon has been given no reason to believe that she will actually be helpful or is even trustworthy with his people.
Also lmao cus that scene has Jon making a season 1 reference, making the romance thing super weird coded. He jokes he'd actually bend the knee if he could stand, and thats literally a joke Ned makes when he wakes up after the street fight with Jaime Lannister, telling Robert "I would rise, but..."
He also tells her at one point "I wish you good fortune in the wars to come." Which is what Mance Rayder says to Stannis before he's executed.
The only way it makes sense, is if Jon was worried that now he's seen dragons in action, what Dany would do to his people should he continue to say no, so he bends the knee just like Tohrren Stark before him to spare them. But we never actually get a real reason why he does it because Jon doesn't have a reason. He's just Danys story pawn at this point of the show.
Jon bending the knee is a fucking incomprehensible mess that never should have happened.
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mincedpeaches · 5 months
rvb19 liveblogging post. #rvb19 spoilers
Did Wash get a new voice actor? Why does he sound so off.
Why is Grif like this. Why is Grif's character so off. He's not really stupid, he plays it up to be lazy. Why does he seem so weirdly angry. Yelling did not make the "they're right behind me aren't they" joke any funnier Geoff.
Okay I didn't even CONSIDER that Donut would never show up. Like after the Apple Cast listing was seemingly incomplete based on already confirmed people that had recorded lines. Only to have the shot of Donut getting sliced up in a cartoon be his first and God forbid only appearance? The disrespect. If he doesn't show up later I'm rioting. Did I miss a Joel-style falling out with Donut's voice actor somewhere.
Okay actually Wash sounds fine it was just the awkward exposition dialogue earlier I guess.
479er???? Does this count as a minor freelancer cameo.
A SECOND "hes right behind me" style quip with Meta!Tucker in the case. Burnie PLEASE. Avengers came out in like 2014.
Why does Tucker!Meta talk. Why does he have an evil laugh. Remember when all the Meta did was occasionally growl and he was threatening. Remember when all they had to do was play When Your Middle Name is Danger and it would make the machinima actually tense.
The Reds overall reluctance to help the Blues both earlier in the canyon when Caboose asked them and then now leaving Caboose on the ship... I don't know. It rings a little different when its the last season and all also the whole "they say no but then they change their minds" bit has been done so many times by now. Especially if this is meant to be happening after Chorus. This isn't really a lesson they need to be learning anymore.
Over 40mins minutes in and no mention of Carolina. I am... concerned. I thought she was in a shot in the trailer. Am I crazy. If she doesn't show up I just. In what WORLD does Epsilon run five squintilion simulations and not choose to contact HER instead.
Hes gonna get stabbed big time ooooh my god I can't watch.
I feel like. Okay. When rvb got serious. It didn't have to undercut itself with jokes. When Donut was shot by Wash it was 100% played straight. No quips. So why does Burnie undercut Sarge getting stabbed by having him say "well dang it".
I've paused this like five million times to say "I can't" and all variations thereof. I'm not ready for "Matt's performance".
Hand on Simmons arm. And if I lose it right now.
Very touching moments happening here with Sarge and the team I cannot complain too much or really at except when in one of my numerous pauses of the movie to fortify myself I cannot help but clasp my hands and think. Where's Donut.
And also I cannot help but think when we were about to get on Torrian for trying to kill Tucker and now its like. Welp. (Not nearly as bad as a killing to gas up your bad rvb spinoff but still. It kinda feels like this is approaching that ballpark.)
"Run away while you can. I'm coming for you." *laughs evilly* Is this supposed to be like Tuckers personality, like a Doc-O'Malley thing where the AI adapts its mannerisms to the host. Because either way its a corny ass bit that does nothing. And I kinda of hate it.
Doc is very obviously all in Wash's head which is uhhh.... not where I expected the season to go. With Wash.
Grif and Simmons standing in front of Sarge's grave, alone: Me: soooo. grimmons?
man really great stuff here happening here but I still cant help but be like. so why isnt Donut here. is it the homophobia.
This song kinda sounds like. No. it couldn't be.
Okay over an hour and no Carolina I'm kind of feeling like when I walked into the Supernatural series finale thinking Castiel might return only to hit the point of the ten minute long wincest scene, with no Castiel in sight.
All the budget went to getting Kathleen to return after her fallout with Rooster Teeth.........
Okay wait so is Doc real? He was really giving hallucination.
Wait okay drop from the sky. If this ISNT Carolina. I'm ending it.
Again I don't really know why getting to her wasn't part of Epsilon's plan but WHATEVER. whatever. do Donut next.
Also I would love love LOVE for some Carolina and Tex moments after this fight. really rooting for the Bechdel test pass.
Okay we really kill Tex again huh. Should have put that on my Bingo card.
If the AIs in Meta!Tucker are fragments of Epsilon, meaning presumably when he fragmented the Epsilon memories would be gone, how does this Sigma know about Allison =Tex = Beta.
The cone on Grif did get me lmao.
EXPLAIN TO ME THE SWORD THING WHAT. Did Meta!Tucker say "You never were?" Am I missing something. That isn't how the swords work.
why does simmons get the good throwing arm bit that was DONUTS thing. im about to break into Burnie's house. where is Donut.
Chex handhold walk into the white void. I should have put Chex on my bingo card.
Okay no so Doc still definitely a hallucination. What are we doing with this Burnie.
I'm counting Carolina looking sad at the smashed capture unit as Carolina Angst. Taking what I can get here.
Carolina just ignoring Wash mentioning Doc lmao.
OKAY NO WAIT. DOC DEAD. DIED IN THE CHORUS BATTLE. WASH BEING HAUNTED BY GUILT OF DEAD DOC. Burnie recon'd the brain trauma but was like wait. hold my beer.
this sad as hell actually. damn.
also the revival of wash/doc as a ship concept like DAMN where my recollection homies at for real. Remember in Chorus trilogy when the gag was nobody gave a shit about Doc and forgot about him in the transportation cubes. I know Doc fans eating. Except for how he's, you know, dead.
North and CT appearances. THERES my minor freelancer cameos.
Man I have SO many thoughts(tm) on this scene that I cannot articulate right I need to digest it for a little bit but. Giving all this angst to Wash (instead of Carolina). The scene on the beach in s15 being better because it wasn't slanted toward Wash. Why did I think Burnie was gonna do my girl right.
Agent One appearance..... oh wow...... yay............ 😑
Grif leaving without Simmons? No. no way.
Okay im gonna. Thats not. man.
Sorry I'm gonna get hung up on this in the Grimmons way first and then the rest of it after. WHY would you have the little "come with me" only to split up after. Not that I expected Grimmons lets be real but I didn't expect a split and more importantly I didnt expect a HALF BLOOD GULCH split up. Is the ending really for SIMMONS AND CABOOSE to be 1vs1'ing in the box canyon. Season 11 they were planning to go "home" and then the ship crashed. There is long since no Command. WHAT are they going to be doing there. Burnie ANSWER me.
okay credit rolling and they really gave Meta a stupid voice so Miles could do it huh. okay. They also gave him Sigma which I did catch in the voice acting.
the one Donut line WAS Dan Godwin. Mr Godwin what was your schedule like. PLEASE. could you really not reprise your roll. COULD THEY HAVE WRITTEN YOU OUT OF THE SEASON WITH A BIT MORE RESPECT, AND DARE I SAY GRAVITAS.
shout out to the one Andy line too lmao I didnt mention that earlier.
IT WAS THE BARE NAKED LADIES. THAT SONG. I KNEW IT. thats where the other half of the budget went I guess.
okay well. Its over. I need to collect my thoughts. And make a post.
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