#i know this wont leave my bubble but just in case
emotargaryen · 7 months
that poll where the majority of people have never been grounded and op is like 😱🤯🤯 is sending me so bad this is the website of nerds and dorks and "former gifted kids" that had no friends and read all day like are we surprised
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bedoballoons · 11 months
Genshin Mens with an S/o that always so happy and bubbly from the outside/public but at home they are actually tired and secretly crying in the bathroom while the shower is on so hoping that They wont hear the reader crying
I have been waiting to write this oh my gosh!! Love this idea, but just in case you're feeling like the reader, know it's okay to cry and if you ever need to talk to someone you're welcome to talk to me and I'll do the best I can to comfort you <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ🎃
{༻~All alone~༺}
CW: Angsty: Hidden emotions, crying, depression, some slight yelling in Xiaos and worried characters! Modern AU! (Pet names: Lyney: My love, Zhongli: Darling, Xiao: Flower, Kazuha: Honey, Neuvillette: Mon amour)
(Includes: Lyney, Zhongli, Xiao, and Kazuha!)
Lyneys knuckles gently tapped against the wooden door of the bathroom, his voice sweet and filled with love "Mon amour, you alright? You've been in the shower awhile" ...although if you listened closely, you could hear the undertone of worries in his words. No matter how well you hid it in public, he could always sense you were off, he knew when smiles were genuine and yours rarely was anymore and no amount hiding in the bathroom could make your pain less noticeable to him.
Meanwhile you were on the other side of the door, knees pulled close to your chest and tears rolling down your cheeks as you tried to breath in the mist filled room, the sound of the shower drowning out your soft sobs to the best of its abilities. You sniffled, trying to make your voice sound normal despite the emotions that were tugging at your throat, "Yeah honey! I'm fine! Just wanted to pamper myself a little!"
The magician sighed, slowly sinking to the floor... he wished so desperately you'd just let him in, let him lighten the burdens you were carrying, " Mon amour...I know that's not true. Please, let's talk.." You could barely hear him over your own mind screaming at you...worries and images of your issues dragging him down with you, drowning any ideas of actually accepting his offer to the bottom of your heart.
"I'm fine."
You laughed out loud, others laughing along with you like everything was absolutely perfect...while Zhonglis yellow eyes saw otherwise, his gaze never leaving your sweet face. He could see it in your eyes, the way your laughter no longer sounded the same....the way you held yourself differently when others were around compare to when you were home alone with him. He just didn't understand why you weren't talking with him...why you were hiding your feelings.
Of course he wouldn't pressure you, he'd do his best to encourage you to lean on him...rest when you looked tired, do his best to show you how much he loved you, but it didn't seem to stop. You'd still disappear into the bathroom, shower running while he paced back and forth outside the door, wishing he knew more about human emotions, wishing he could just do...something.
"Darling, I'm here if you need me...I love you."
"Just taking a shower!....love you too!"
Xiao was panicking, all his life he'd never found love till he met you and now you were hurting in a way he didn't know how to solve. He thought you were happy, smiling and laughing like usual...but overtime he would notice that something had changed. You no longer laughed till you cried anymore and even when you seemed at your highest...you still had dark bags under your eyes, sadness clinging to your words.
Now he'd caught you crying behind a closed door, sobs barely audible over the sound of the shower running and breathing messy...uneven, you sounded like your heart was shattering. He couldn't stand hearing you sound so broken, standing there doing nothing to help you when one of the things he loved most was protecting you, so he teleported into the room..hoping you'd forgive the intrusion.
He was shocked at first, to see you curled up by the door crying, barely able to breath as you rocked back and fourth...he wanted to run to you, pull you into a tight hug, tell you he'd make it all okay if you asked, but he didn't want to startle you and make the situation worse, "Flower...I'm here...can I help?"
"Xiao?!? What a-are you doing in here!? G-get out!"
"I'm worried about you, you're hiding your emotions and pretending like your okay when you aren't...I just want to help you."
"You're not one t-to talk! You hide what you're f-feeling all the time! Just leave me alone!!"
"No, I'm not leaving here until I figure out what's going on. I haven't waited thousands of years to find love and let it slip away because I didn't offer comfort when I should have!"
You covered your ears and opened the door, "THEN MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE WAITED L-LONGER!"
Kazuha sighed, humming against the doorframe while he thought of your wonderful smile that always made his heart race...and your bubbly personality that contrasted so well with his calm collected one, but lately things hadn't had the same magical loving feeling they used to, even his poems barely made a glint in your eyes, you just seemed so put out. Even after sleeping, when he'd try to hold you close and make sure you rested comfortably in the morning, you'd almost instantly pull away...leave to take a shower.
"Hey honey, you doing okay in there? I don't want to bother you...I've just noticed you seemed to be feeling down more often. I guess I just...worry about you. I love you and I want to make sure you're happy..." The shower flicked off as he finished his sentence and for a split second he had hope you would talk with him, but when the door opened, you stood in front of him wrapped in a towel...eyes red and puffy, and that same fake daunting smile on your lips.
"Kazuha honey, what're you doing outside of the door? Were you talking to me? I didn't hear anything..."
◥(•̀₩•́)◤☪︎ ִ ࣪𖤐 ☾𖤓~Have a nice day~*⁠.⁠✧
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andy-wm · 3 months
his “coming out” should not be in any way shape or form be connected to jungkook. idk why you shippers can’t leave them tf alone when they’re not dating ffs.
Oooh I am so glad you came here to tell me this, Anon! You are clearly well informed on both Jimin’s life, and "coming out".
I didn't even know that "coming out" needs to be in inverted commas. Thank you for helping me understand.
I also didn't know what his "coming out" should or should not be! I didn't know there were rules for "coming out"! I'm so grateful to have this information now.
I hope you've also told Jimin how he should "come out"?
I hope he listens to you since obviously, you have his happiness at heart.
Because "coming out" with no significant other to support him - and facing the inevitable repercussions alone - that would DEFINITELY make things better for him, right?
Also we all know how much Jimin LOVES being alone, so naturally we should wish that for him.
Objectively, he would be happier if he was single I guess? Because having a secure and healthy long term relationship with someone who loves and supports you is known to be pretty shit. Makes sense... that's why nobody looks for love. They certainly don't write songs about love.
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People aspire to being isolated, like Jimin showed us this with his song Serendipity.
When he sang "just let me love you" he probably meant he wanted to be single and live alone forever in his bubble. That makes sense.
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And of course they aren't dating!
You're right, there's absolutely nothing special between Jimin and Jungkook. They are 100% platonic and good pals.
It would be ridiculous to look at them and see love and intimacy.
I dont know what love looks like, but this is not it...
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Definitely not this either.
Just friends here.
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So friendly!
Brothers even!
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Keeping to the bro code here too, 100%
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Absolutely no crossing of boundaries here....
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I always caress my friend's clothes when I sing their own love song back to them. Especially when my face is less than a foot from their face. It's very platonic.
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Anyway, there's no reason to think they might be dating.
Why would people even think they COULD be?
It's unimaginable.
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Society has never ignored or dismissed loving romantic relationships between same-sex couples, and that's certainly not what you're doing. Not at all. You just know they aren't dating because ... reasons.
I'm sure you don't object to Jimin being gay because that would be homophobic (you even know how he should "come out"). If that was the case you might as well just get a tattoo of an L on your forehead and throw away all your Jimin merch because our boy is gayer than a rainbow cake. Gayer even than the rainbow cake his appa has *always in stock* in his coffee shop in Busan.
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And if you generously tolerate his gayness, i imagine you will allow that one day he could date (definitely not now, because he probably has no interest in sex. He's too busy working and anyway he has ARMY to love him) yeah, but not now please.
But one day he could have a nice boyfriend who sits beside him on the sofa and smiles benignly and holds his hand like a good boy.
Definitely NOT one that sings about fucking night after night seven days a week, or watching in 3D, or DEAR GOD... the imagery... champagne confetti.
Not someone who sings Sam Smith songs on his Live, or who goes around whacking off fire hydrants in his music videos or miming blow jobs on national tv.
Not someone that demands you see him as an adult who enjoys adult things and wont accept your judgement of him. Not one who puts boundaries in place.
Not someone who (the audacity!) lies in bed naked and begs Jimin to come over.
And that brings us to the villain of our story:
I guess, since you will allow a relationship in theory, you just object to the idea of a relationship specifically with Jungkook.
And I can see why. Jungkook very obviously has no interest in Jimin’s happiness. Jungkook doesn't support him at all.
He doesn't hold jimin when he cries, he doesn't spam us with Jimin content when Jimin has a comeback, he doesn't cook Jimin’s favourite food for him, or fold his underpants while he does his own laundry.
He doesn't take him on trips to Japan, or send thirst-trap messages for his birthday, or play his songs, or sing on his albums.
He doesn't carry him, bridal style, any time Jimin jumps into his arms, and I can guarantee you that he doesn't let Jimin fuck him just the way Jimin likes it, as often as he wants it, wherever and whenever he gets the chance. And vice versa.
They didn't enlist in the military as companions, after all.
So reallly, what would Jungkook even know about Jimin's happiness?
What could he POSSIBLY know about Jimin that you don't know. Nothing, right?
What could POSSIBLY happen behind closed doors and away from the camera, that you don't see with your third eye and your vivid imagination? Again, nothing. You know ALL, right?
I think we've covered everything?
Theres only one thing left to say i guess.
Whoever you are, you'd do well to consider whose happiness you're supporting.
If you don't support what makes Jimin happy, you don't support Jimin. Period.
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thepowerisyouth · 7 months
MONEY / FINANCE STRESS CONTENT WARNING, this next line is unfortunately quite stressful about money so this was an important warning for me to add:
This is also less for the random strangers on the internet who have no reason to trust my advice but more for the 10-15 people I know personally who trust my money advice based on prior experience and Ive sent them my blog link in the last month or two
US stock market is about to tank. On a global perspective its stupidly overpriced because markets like China are hitting 5 year lows (as in we've increased our stock market over 2x since "COVID lows", but their market is even lower than it was then.
Timing is hard but it is entirely possible yesterday was the peak of the market. Might also not tank for 6 months.
Market psychology is fucking weird tho so please absolutely dont 'short' anything, which is basically the same as 'buying puts'. Michael Burry nearly bankrupted all his friends, family, and random investors by insisting on 'shorting' things based on knowledge of impending crisis.
Just sell everything. I mean literally everything. Bond etfs might go up but youd have to have eyes glued to the charts to sell in time. Gold wont do, neither will bitcoin. Their negative correlation to stocks isnt really a thing anymore.
Get every etf, stock, whatever into cash in the brokerage account, then move it out of the banks/brokerage firms and into something physically in front of you because we are, in fact, in another 'historical period of bank runs' its just not quite at the peak yet.
Not trying to increase anxiety beyond nessecary-- its just that any, single bank can immediately freeze your money-- leaving it up to the Federal Government to pay you back-- and it might possibly be the case that youd have to rely on whats called a "bank bail in" to see your savings again.
Not a fun situation to be in, even if it wont happen to most people its just safe practice to do this during a "historical period of bank runs"
This blog is basically my diary of my thoughts (suprise suprise). But Im an open book, privileged (but poor) little white boy with complex societal/generational abuse and very little home problems so lets fucking go theres a whole mormon cargo van to unpack
Definitely recommend tags Im terrible at them.
To those reading this, if you have ever met me in real-life or on the internet than you have taught me varying degrees of information which can be randomly retrieved by my brain at any time depending on current CPU performance. Thoughts of my loving husband have occupied my headspace probably 95% of my time since 14 so he has absolutely taught me at least 100x more than anyone else in the world.
When I say "I", oftentimes Im thinking about "me and my husband", or even sometimes "me and my friends/family", or even sometimes "me and society"--- but I am not always 100% aware of the current headspace environment and/or beliefs of the minds of those around me without feedback
There are currently over 8 billion individual varieties of the global human language spoken within the mind. Lets start translating them all. Misunderstood words become mean labels.
I fucking hate mean labels
"Math wiz" = racism and/or classism and/or gender shit. Fuck that shit
When a person is niched off into one part of an 8 billion population human society, it becomes impossible to not "live in a bubble". Bubbles change in size constantly even if not visibly observed. Bubbles can be different sizes depending on your current day-to-day thoughts of your own society. Bubbles must pop. Enlightenment implies life only gets better the more times ya pop and lock it
My path away from purely mathematics, logic, and scientific theory began when I met my husband, and for the first time in my life it became important to me not to be an asshole to everyone around me
Ive been told (only after I started dating my traumatized husband tho and helped him heal a lot) that I'm a natural communicator-- and all my life I found myself listening and learning to everything and everyone around me trying to understand both their and my own motivations-- then I like to garble them up and spit 'em out. My memory recall ability is wonky tho and fluctuates highly with nutrient intake-- I'll get into that later
I wish I could have a million years to read every blog on tumblr. I really do. Connecting & communating is extremely important for understanding one another but it takes time
I had an extremely unique childhood (who hasnt lol), enough so to isolate myself quite a lot through sheer dumb luck. My mom is also everyone's favorite school teacher so of course I was learning a lot from a young age. Luckily I glued myself to the first person who wanted to glue themselves to me equally & we grew exponentially closer to eternity
If its still not clear: my husband and I are bored and love chatting with people, but like most internet loving freaks my mouth don't work sometimes well but my fingies do. My ears got fluff a lot but I got eyes for LEDs like a hawk. Wish they werent LED tho
I also have a naturally short sleep cycle (i.e. extra time for this), and I really wont be offended or weirded out by someone reading through and liking 20+ or whatever of my posts at once randomly. Stories are supposed to be read in chunks, and I think of this blog as a story & also workspace for my thoughts that Id love to see which chapters everyone has read through. Also I love (and only respond positively to) positive feedback, yet also suggestions for ways to improve my "theorums". As in, good faith discussions are totally welcome on any post.
For my 50 year old parents reading my blog so lovingly in their limited evening time-- you can sort by tags to see what topics your familiar with, if you play around with the search function while on my page. Mom. Show dad how to do it
In the very, very bottom of my blog I dont even think I managed to tag shit properly-- but its the roughdraft workings of the philosophy, as well as my own logical framework for answering lifes questions. Its 2 months ago so I might not even be writing according to my own works down there anymore idk I change fast sometimes
Last thing for now here is that I was always criticized by teachers for not showing my work, and for not reviewing my tests before turning in, and I pushed back hard because nearly every time I went over and corrected a mistake-- I saw I most often got it right the first fucking time on a pure hunch. I act on impulse when I'm not meditating mostly for efficiency purposes because I believe I'm correct, but remain open to emotionally positive feedback so I can help remove all doubt.
This might turn into my 'life story' post, as its already going there. Heres what I have so far in the way of my knowledge of my family before I was brought into existence, and my "earliest memories":
Family context:
I dont know jack shit. Nobody talks about it at all.
Here's my own observations Ive made using the framework and perceptive filters I was given--
My whole family is white Texans.
Ancestory is slaveowners of course, further back is a very likely direct parent-child descendent line from the most famous inbred british royalty of the 13th century i.e. King John, whose brother was the arab genociding Richard.
I would call my immediate family as upper poverty class. Its more like poverty with extra privileges cause mental health stigma was the only thing holding them back not other shit too.
As children we had a lot of very privileged opportunities because my parents made a lot of sacrifices to try and bring us back up the class ladder. Lets look into that generational trauma issue
My dads parents (born in the early 40s, dont know the year exactly. I think '43 or '44) were more upper middle class, pretty high income. Owned an insurance business that was very successful by the early 2000s at least. My grandpa is described to me as a "monster" and "violently abusive". I have a single memory of him screaming at me as a young child and I was cowering under a desk, so I really believe it. No other stories at all to provide context.
-- I gotta split this section off I realized I wrote the next thing about post-me context Ill need to move this part lower down later--
My grandpa got early onset dementia, my dad didnt notice in time, and my grandpa bankrupted his successful company and lost several million of dollars to "scammers and sexy ladies."
My dad found out around 2015-16 or so. He told me a little bit after telling me my grandparents were getting divorced. My dad managed to scrape together about $200,000 which is being sued for by the IRS actively.
(He split that money in two, and entrusted me tell him how to invest half in safe value stocks that I handpicked as well as a calculated risk allocation to bonds which we sold for 30% profit the second the market crashed. He gave the other half to a brokerage advisor. I never met the advisor but saw the results. Dont get me started on how the other dude did with that money-- we started this endeavor in January 2020.)
Personally I also dont believe that its possible to spend an entire fortune on scammers and strippers, so Id love to see his books and figure out what the hell went wrong with that asshole. I have a hunch I know something more than anyone else ("Enron", guys, we're talking about an insurance company in HOUSTON, in the 2000s) but I will never be sure without the books.
Back to other family--
I do not know a single thing about my grandma on my dads side. She raised me quite a lot, but yeah I literally have only heard her life described to me as "she was a housewife"
On my moms side, my Mimi (also born 1940s but slightly younger so I think 1946 or 1947) came from a divorced, upper middle class family. In 1964-65, She and her step mom both got knocked up the same year so she watched her divorced dad remarry to said step mom when she was 18-19 and getting a shotgun marriage herself, so you can imagine what that was like. The "biological" of the two moms was a very good mom and very queer from what I hear. She died when I was a baby, from lung cancer. Thats all I know. My mimi raised me quite a lot, nearly equally as much as my mom did
My mom's dad, my Papa, came from a rural farming family in East Texas. Dont know much else of anything, but he and his siblings were named "Billy, Bobby, and Betty". As in, they are what everyone likes to call "hicks"
Moving onto my direct parents now. I know a little more about them of course, but since we're getting closer in age to the present-- I think itll be easier to describe my understanding as common stereotypes. If its unclear what I mean definitely feel free to ask, but I'll probably say "I dont really know"
Not much else is relevant other than knowing that my moms family was the mormon one, but that as soon as my dad was love-bombed by the church he joined to. Mormons were also different in the 90s I'm told.
My dad struggled with being one of the "crazy schizos" of the 90s. As in, very traumatized, upset, and gaslit by the government and his parents. Must have done a damn good job dealing with it by the time he was in his late 20s and I popped out cause he was never a "bad dad" to me at all. Definitely yelled and was more angry at times, but less than any other friends parents Ive ever met, and from what I remember he came into my room at night and apologized to me literally every single time within like 5-10 minutes. I know pretty much nothing about him pre-me. He was a tradesman my whole life and specialized in remodeling kitchens & bathrooms (the 'dirty work of construction'). All his initial clientele were the rich people my grandma lived near and was friends with.
My mom would have been extremely queer-presenting and posting on tumblr if born in the year 2000, but was born in early 70s, and was a raegan teen in high-school in Texas during the satanic panic-- she presents completely cis, straight, but has body dysmorphia issues. Thats about you need to know about those issues I'm sure my tumblr folks can assume the rest and be perfectly correct. Cause thats about all I know too and I'm assuming the rest about my own mother
--- Earliest memories
I think a lot of people face doubt about their own earliest memories, maybe hearing the way I connect the images of these events in my head to my emotions I felt will help others do the same.
Two disclosers about me & my current healthcare discoveries before moving on
1) My only "major" childhood trauma is loneliness. I have a partner now (started dating early high school, nearing 10 years together now) who was just as lonely and we are glued to each others side constantly, and have made our life work great that way. So don't feel too bad reading this, I'm only able to write it down because Ive healed that trauma and can dig this stuff up with no issues to validate the emotions I felt even as a child
1) I believe I have a genetic trait that is only just getting discovered. There are something like 6 discovered mutations that hold this similar trait so far, and its just basically chronic insomia.
It being a genetic trait tracks with how my mom describes me as never settling into a normal sleep pattern at 6 months old, having absurd amounts of nightmares and death anxiety keeping me up at night as a child, and I still dont sleep at any given time. I average 2 hours less sleep than my husband, who averages 7-8 now that he isnt actively being abused at home.
Going to get sequenced but even if negative I'd probably just be a 7th mutation, as they only found the other 6 genes via case study.
The scientists whove discovered it call it "Familial Natural Short Sleeper", if you desire to look it up. They describe the trait like its the best possible thing in the world. Well... terminally chronic insomia is not the best thing in THIS world thats for sure.
My "earliest memories"
These arent ranked by time accurately of course. Took enough effort digging through my brain to turn them up, not like Ive got a 2003 calendar stuffed in here as well.
I did do my best to sort by first memory but it also might be sorted by the order at which I recovered the memories as being one of my "earliest" when I was a child and asked such things
1. Pure emptiness. I can only describe it as dissociation. I can remember nothing about the environment around me, except feeling suddenly sucked out of it, seeing only darkness, feeling almost a ringing in my ears and the deepest dread possible. This same feeling followed me in life for a little while, but started to take more visual shape when I was an adolescent, until at some point I would see myself sitting in a chair alone in a room that is infinitely sized but that slowly gets darker the further out you go. I cant remember what exact "real-world" event caused this feeling to ever happen each time it did. I just can remember having it happen occasionally when I was awake and doing things. Definitely dissociation. (If you are willing to believe me further I think its just probably "lights out" and being scared of that)
1. Riding a mattress down the stairs. I kind of remember two images, one is the tunnel vision of going high speed down the stairs and the other would be from looking back up at the stairs when I was done going down. Totally fun, probably my first rollar coaster ride. I might remember my siblings laughing too but it wouldnt be because I can remember the actual laughing-- but I can remember feeling the joy of being in a group of people laughing. At the time, my parents were selling the house so thats why I also remember it being a completely empty carpeted room that we were riding down into
2. My brother smashing his head repeatedly into the refrigerator for 'fun' and someone saying "wow he has a hard head" or something along those lines. I was learning english I cant remember exactly what they said but that was definitely the meaning I took from their words. I think this memory is strong, because I was truly very curious as to why my brother was just running at full speed, head down, and headbutting a hard surface. The words someone said after that must have been one of my first 'answers'
3. Watching my siblings play in rare Houston snow. Not much remembering there actually. Probably just thought it was mezmorizing to watch as I just really remember a picture and feeling peace
4. Will add more later.
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notsodailycake · 8 months
Emergency Commissions
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[Slots taken 2/5]
More info below
>Don't DM me just "hello," or i will most likely not reply, come to me with your explicit request and what you want to commission me;
>Will require a clear description and/or reference images of your character(s);
>Will also need a description of the character's personality so i can have a full understanding of what I'm working with;
>If you want to add the same character more than once, it will still be the same price as if to add another character;
>The pose is optional, but if not explicitly said, i will automatically draw them standing with the pose i feel fits best with what i was given about your character;
>The pose must be simple and not too complex;
>Can add speech bubbles, it wont cost extra;
>I can leave the color pallet alongside it. Just ask;
>PLEASE keep in mind that this is in no way my profissional work, so any replies may range between really fast to really slow and to please be patient with me;
>To know that you've read through everything, please put "<3" at the end of your request, thank you;
>If you request this through my ko-fi, then you'll need to read through the rules there.
[Note: I can and will deny any commission that deems inappropriate for me or does not apply with my conditions]
Ok so, I'm a bit nervous but, I'm in need of some money for till March, it's for something personally important to me. Although it is luckily not something too dire, it will most likely leave a dent in my family's wallet for a while and i would like to be prepared.
Also, in case all 5 slots are taken, if i am able to finish them all before March, i will open them again. But i can't fully promise such.
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rigginsstreet · 1 year
the physical resemblance between billy and robin is too strong to be ignored so au where neil keeps sneaking out at odd hours and max comes to billy like “i think your dad is cheating on my mom” and billys like “eh i dont know...” and makes lays out all the ‘evidence’ she has which is really nothing, and billys trying to convince her that neil leaving susan would be a good thing, for susan and maxs sake, but max still wont let it go, so it ends up with max dragging billy on stakeouts with her. following neil around, which is dangerous as shit but max is a dog with a bone and wont let it go, so billy figures she’d be doing this anyway and its better to have him around in case neil catches her, so.
eventually they end up outside a house, which max recognizes at robins, and shes like “neils having an affair with robins mom?!” and billy... he’s familiar with adults having The Audacity™ but even he has to admit mrs buckley having an affair in her own house is... a lot. bold, to say the least.
max wants to go confront him right then and there and billys like no thats stupid we’ll figure something else out.
his version of figuring things out is running to robin the next time he sees her to be like ‘yo your moms fucking my dad just thought you should know” and robins like “what the goddamn hell are you talking about ???”
billy explains what he and max saw and robins like “wait neils your dad?!”
so basically neil and robins mom hooked up years ago while neil was in hawkins visiting family or on a business trip, whatever. didnt know he knocked her up. robins mom ending up meeting mr buckley after robin was born but still too young to really know better so robin just took his last name and he was always dad. but with neil living in town now robins mom decided to reach out and have them meet because its a small town, their paths were bound to cross, and robin deserves to know who her bio dad is. and neil never offered up his last name because he knew it would get back to billy and hes trying to avoid a whole scandal. the buckleys dont know what a menace neil is. robin knows billys dad is an ass...but again, she doesnt know neil and billys dad are one in the same.
cue robin saying how nice neil has been to her and billy having a whole crisis because why doesnt he get that version of neil? but he knows why... he doesnt want to burst robins bubble but the whole nice guy act is just a show and if robin sticks around long enough she’ll see his true colors.
AND on top of all this billy and robin have to confront being siblings and dropping this bomb on poor steve lmao whos honestly ecstatic. his boyfriend and his bestie are siblings? feels very convenient for him. until they start pulling the “dont fuck with my brother/sister!” card on him ... and then steves having less fun. max is excited to have robin as a sister now, though. because theyve decided even if theyre not blood related its close enough and no, billy, they dont care what you have to say about it.
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xx-cringe-factory-xx · 2 months
Hi! It's the Doctor of History anon and I wanna say you hit the nail on the head on that analysis, and it's very accurate for me.
I'm VERY tempted to ask you to analyze my oc sburb session but it'd be handling 5 characters at once (and that's for the pre-scratch session, lol).
Unless you're interested in that, may I ask you instead to do the Knight of Expression (breath+space), please ?
Thank you so much and have a good one! :) - DoH anon 🔆🌌
hi DoH anon ^^ I have NO CLUE how to do session analysis, but I can figure it out over the week and work on that if you want, but warning if you DO want that, it might suck and/or be inaccurate (;^w^) but it's ABSOLUTELY something I am willing to try if you decide you would not hate if I were to accidentally butcher it (alsoo thank youu)
------------Knight of Expression------------
(og combined classes by @superxstarzz!!)
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The knight of expression serves and aspect through an aspect for others
Knights (in general) are people who just cant leave things as they are. The expression bound part might mean they wont let their friends get stuck in situations that might not be the safest, or might put themselves into situations that they could easily avoid all because they see someone being pushed into something they clearly don't like.
The Knight of expression really doesn't like the spotlight, even if they might be forced into it by friends or anyone trying to give them the attention or recognition they might deserve. They prolly are everywhere, trying to help as many people as they think necessary. Basically, they deserve a break to take care of themselves and figure their own stuff out. There's a good chance they have some kinda inferiority complex, always trying to prove to themselves that they deserve the good things they have, and accepting that they deserve bad things for literally no fucking reason (THEY DESSERVE SO MUCH AND THEY REFUSE TO BELIEVE THAT LIKE DUDEEE)
These guys are a lot smarter then they might try to claim. they know who they are, and where they need to be to be the most helpful. They are aware of social issues an social standing, how things need to be changed for the best case scenario as long as everyone cooperates with them, and they are willing to take action (as long as they aren't burnt out. it will happen if they don't fucking stop and take care of themselves. I'm begging. go to therapy, or at least fucking talk about your issues with SOMEONE)
powers will include teleportation, or portals, maybe even the ability to make their own little pocket dimension so they have the upper hand in battle like the dream bubbles, absolutely will have the ability to control the wind, or at least manipulate it.
weapons are gonna be things that keep themselves at a safe distance, but still have to be pretty close to hit accurately. so medium sized weapons, i think. swords, spears, pistols, hatchets, stuff like that.
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musubiki · 10 months
I have like three cat witches guild questions so I’m just gonna ask them all at once
Can Mochi use water magic? She’s the cat witch so she probs can but avoids it as much as possible do to her distaste for it. Leave that shit up to Taffy. I was imagining Lime pining down a rouge Ikasumi drawing yelling at Mochi to water gun it or whatever and she’s just like “I CANT THAT SPELL IS GROSS I DONT WANNA” and Lime just blank staring at her as Coco has to walk up and dump her hydro flask on the drawing and oops some of it got on Limes head teehee. They made her learn bubble beam after that
If Mochi can infuse magic into items like Lime’s bat and Coco’s shoes does she also have that in her broom? What if she got knocked away from her broom and Lime goes to pick it up mid fight and tries to use whatever magical blast she has stored in it to finish off the beast and he successfully fires it off but it shoots him back like 100 feet and it’s drained all his mana. Mans is down for the count after that hit, and now he realizing that Mochi does this all the flippin time during their battles and if looks like nothing to her??? How powerful is she??????
Lime waking up first after one of the first sleepover cuddle sessions and looking down at a slowly waking up Mochi and she asks what he’s thinking about and his thought process can roughly be translated to “REDACTED, █████, WITHHELD, NOT AUTHORIZED, 18+ █████, MUST HAVE HIGHER AUTHORIZATION TO ACCESS, █████, SHES SO FUCKIN CUUUUUTE” but what comes out is “eh nothing much”
Thank you for your time have a nice day
she CAN use water magic, but she is absolutely ass at it. its notorious for the cat witch to be bad at water magic, you shouldnt be able to have good control over the only thing youre weak against. so she TRIES but its much like aang trying to earthbend, it doesnt work well with her. prior to taffy joining the guild, she couldnt use it at all (even after practicing hours and hours. pom knows she will never fully master water magic but it wont stop her from trying). even after taffy joins them and tries to teach her (hes ass at teaching by the way) she never grasps it fully. any water magic from then on is in taffys hands, mochi cant do it. its actually faster and more efficent to solve the problem in another way than to try to use bad water magic on it!!
this im not 100% decided on!!! im media theres a lot of different broom routes to take, some gives them complete sentience and some its just an object...in mochis case for now i just think of it as an object... im actually not even sure its something infused with magic, if mochi went through the magic-infusing theatrics. it might just be a traditional object you sit on to fly and the actual flight itself comes from mochi.....,,,.or!! its special in the sense that it can channel magic!!!! i say this because i dont think anyone else in the guild could fly on it even if they borrowed it from mochi!!! BUT THE IDEA OF LIME TRYING OUT ONE OF MOCHIS THINGS AND GETTING ABSOLUTELY BODIED BY IT IS AMAZING!!!!!! she probably stands over him like "Are u ok" and he has the most dumbfounded expression on his face
yes. 1000%. this scene fills my brain regularly. theres a 10000% chance he wakes up a little bit before her just so he can feel her sleeping on him. too many times shes trying to fall asleep and is like "Why are you so tense?" and he just gotta lay there like "Uhhhhhh nothing--"
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ratgingi · 2 years
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my dialtown ocs !! click for better quality, info on them + extra flavor doodles under cut (its long be warned)
Michy Knight | she/her + pansexual, will date you regardless of head choice
- full name is michelle knight, but she usually goes by her nickname, michy (funfact: i named her michelle before finding out that was mingus' previous name lmao)
- she decorates her head with stickers but takes them off for work, so they change often
- she works at the post office and delivers telegrams on the side
- shes a very bubbly hopeless romantic, and likes to pretend she's a cupid delivering love letters
- she's incredibly social and knows a number of people in town, but does not actively have anyone she really considers a close friend
- she focuses heavily on her jobs, she adores mingus and (pre chapter 3) wants to be part of mingus' "perfect dialtown", believing doing her jobs well will guarantee that for her
- she loves to write, most specifically she writes fanfiction, and publishes them online. occasionally people she knows are featured in these under code names, most prominently of which is mingus
- she technically is aware of norm, but doesnt actually know anything about him. she found the shack while travelling in search of writing inspiration, and now she thinks hes just a hermit who needs some company, so she often sits outside his door and reads her fanfics to him
- the player meets her as a passer-by on the street in downtown while shes headed to her job, and after explaining the situation she gets excited and offers to help find a date. when her offer is accepted she becomes part of your 'party' and goes to the park with you to talk about who she thinks would be a good fit with you (this is determined by the head you have + a few dialogue options with her that show her your personality). after that she tags along with you for other character interactions
- her route is hard to get, as it only "unlocks" after the player loses all other routes she's aware of (namely: olivers, randys, karens, jacksons, and lilliths) while she is with you, after which she apologizes for being a bad cupid and offers to take you to the funfair herself instead
- in her route, you try to help her learn that it's unhealthy to hold herself to certain standards that she does all for the praise of someone she wont achieve, and help her learn that the over-glorified version of love she has in her head isnt something to prioritize over true love; that true love is mutual, and can be messy and imperfect but is just as worth pursuing
- the only other route she appears in is bigfoots (she runs into you while you're outside town hall before the mingus encounter, and asks if youre going inside. if you say you are, she offers you a package and asks that you leave it with tango at the front desk as its a gift for mingus and she's too shy to do it herself. the player instead leaves the package on the office desk after picking up the rug. ("here, i'll put this on the desk, that way it's like a trade! we're even now.")
- her route's hatchling has a lovebird for a head
Jackson Coxx | he/him + gay, will only date you with a phone head
- works at an arcade located in uptown, hes close friends with a coworker of his named exie
- he's a gym bro whos in extreme denial about his sexuality
- he has a lot of false confidence and often remarks on how strong / attractive he is
- hes pretty tall (like 6'2" when he isnt slouching)
- he has very bad fashion sense and often wears the same thing multiple days in a row
- he likes to play with the plastic bit of the case around his head's charging port when hes bored, and this as resulted in it becoming misshapen and sticking out at the bottom (his head is based on my phone irl that i do this with so ngfdkjbgk)
- the player encounters him in the apartments after approaching his door. you catch him as hes leaving his apartment and headed to the gym to work out some. a dialogue scene follows where you can ask him out; asking him out as a typewriter will result in the route-lost pop up ("Yeah, uh... You're.. okay, i guess, but not my type, sorry, haha.") and asking him out as a phone, he will quickly state that he isnt gay, and a bit of a back and forth scene will take place, by the end of which he will agree to take you to the funfair as long as its 'just as homies'
- during chapter two while looking for jackson the player heads to his place of work and meets exie, who says that he's on a smoke break out back but that she'll keep you company while you wait for him. theres a scene between the two where the player makes a comment that he must be homophobic for how much he hates the idea of being gay, and he will defend himself by saying exie is wlw and the two are very close, after which she makes the comment that jackson is also gay, and he gets annoyed with her and tells her not to lie to strangers
- in his route, the player will be teaching him to accept himself, and that its okay to be true to who you are regardless of what people around you might think or say about it, that its important to be who you are and not let the pressures of those around you change that, no matter how scary that may be
- his hatchling has a wolf for a head
Charlie Steiner | he/him + aroace, doesnt have a route
- owns a morgue on the outskirts of town (the morgue is also legally registered as a church)
- he is very full of himself and over the top (think classic funky cartoon villain), hes also incredibly good with people and loves to socialize
- he's very 'animated' when it comes to behavior, he talks with his hands a lot and constantly overexaggerates words/movement
- his head is a phone with a coffin case on it, he almost never opens it though
- he loves dressing fancy and often with a religious aesthetic, usually with big boots and long coats. hes always wearing his gloves, even when outside of the morgue
- he doesnt have a route of his own but is very very present in lilliths, so much so that his interactions even determine what endings you get. he is very protective of and close with them.
- he is the first person you meet during the morgue encounter. if you ask him out as a phone, he will say he isn't interested and that you should look elsewhere for love. when you ask him out as a typewriter, he will state he himself cannot help you, but that he has an assistant down the hall who may be able to help you
- there are two times talking with him changes your route. the first is after lillith accepts your offer for a date. while they are getting ready, the player returns to the main room in the morgue and he asks how the talk went, and after being told they accepted he requests that you allow him to secretly tag along and help him make sure lillith doesnt know, offering to give you tips during the date. telling him no results in the good end being closed off, after which you can only get one of the three 'bad' ends. the second time is during chapter two before a second date with lillith, he will again ask that you let him secretly tag along, and telling him no will set you up for the shit yourself and die end.
Lillith Morozov | they/them + lesbian, will only date you with a typewriter head
- charlie's assistant in the morgue
- unlike him, theyre very antisocial and much prefer to avoid people, spending most of their time at the morgue. they struggle to process and display emotions in a 'proper' way, and when they get over stimulated will either shut down or have a physical outburst depending on the type of emotion that caused it
- theyre mute and communicate through sign language (which shows in the dialogue box like {this}), they even taught charlie sign language and he translates it for people when needed
- their favorite hobby is preserving bugs/flowers/bones through taxidermy/pinning/jars/etc
- their head is a folding clipboard, though they usually keep the font part clipped back. whenever they get upset/feel a strong emotion in general, they 'close' their head, as it makes them feel more secure
- charlie will occasionally use their head like a normal clipboard when the two work together (they do not mind this dont worry)
- theyre technically 'petite' but are incredibly strong, usually taking the more physical jobs around the morgue
- during chapter 2, there is a little date scene with them (that you can only reach if you told charlie yes, after which he will give you a tip that you use to get the good end) where the player makes a remark that the waitress serving the two of you is cute. lillith will become closed off after this remark and once this is noticed the player will be presented with 3 options: you can continue to make comments about the waitress and pick at lillith over it (this will lead to bad end 1 where lillith essentially snaps and pickles the player lmao), you can tell lillith that theyre the only one that matters and put them on a bit of a pedestal; becoming cold/mean toward the waitress to prove it (this will lead to bad end 2 where the player tries to preserve lillith 'like a delicate flower') , or you can assure lillith that you remarking that you thought the waitress was pretty wasnt a sign they were being replaced and that you thinking someone else looked nice does not lower their value (here is where charlies tip plays in as he tells you that way of thinking is smth lillith has trouble with, and will lead to the good end)
- as you can probably tell, lillith's route is about teaching them that the opinions of those theyre close with do not immediately raise or lower their value as a person, and that its okay to struggle and be imperfect - that they and their actions have value regardless and do not need others to actively/constantly see it for it to exist
- the hatchling for lilliths route has a lamb for a head
congrats !!! u made it to the end have some doodles i made of them all
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kittycatcock · 1 year
mommyyyy 🥺 i'm wondering about something. not for any reason of course i'm just curious. what happens to bad girls who don't follow the rules, or don't obey mommy, or just generally act like brats? not that *i* would ever do that, bc i'm an angel of course o/////o all purely hypothetical.
so let's say, hypothetically, there was a bad girl 0w0 a very bad, bratty girl who just wouldn't be a good girl for mommy no matter how much mommy asked her 🥺 who isnt u of course bc ur my perfect little angel who does everything mommy tells her and who i definitely only treat very nicey... um. but let's say u were such a girl. who found being bad to be fun..... mommy has a few things up her sleeve for such a case :3
first, if u aren't already, mommy would collar u up and keep u on a leash, twisting it up around my paw so i have more control over u. it'll be easier to at least make ur body do and go where i want even if you're unwilling at first, yanking u along as u fight and struggle against me. keeping u in front of me between my open legs, with ur leash taut against ur neck, shed look so nice at u 🥺 deeply looking into ur defiant eyes, u almost feel i couldn't do anything to u, that mommy's too sweet. but when i feel u softening a bit to my gaze i strike ur pretty face with my paw. i remind u of who makes the rules, and that you've been breaking them pup. mommy would pull u across her lap so she can bruise ur ass a bit with her paw. perhaps taking off my belt to do the job too. with ur leash in one paw and the other around ur ass leaving bruises and welts, mommys gonna show u that u can't be this bad forever without some consequences.
after i decide that uve had enough of mommy being rough with ur weak little body, i try to make u say u learned your lesson, that u promise ull never break mommy's rules again. it sounds ridiculous that id make u admit that, but i remind u mommys a very good teacher and she'll get it into ur dumb head eventually. and once u finally admit it, that uve learned ur lesson, that ull be a good girl for mommy again, ill know that i finally broke u <3 i hug and kiss and pet and touch u so much and just overload ur brain with love and rewards after being so so mean to u. mommy didn't want to have to do all that but u were being such a bad girl, mommy really didn't have a choice.
but now i can remind u what it's like to be a good girl for mommy 0w0 i order u around on ur leash just to check if ur feeling any more defiance bubbling up. sit, give paw, speak, give kiss 🥰 but no, of course u obey my commands like a well trained dog. imagine how much trouble we could've saved if u were this good the whole time! i order u down on ur paws and make u present for me. and u feel as the tip of mommys cock is pressed against ur pretty hole and suddenly fills u up. this is how u be a good girl for mommy. u dont object to what she wants. u just let urself be used however she likes and u wont have to be punished into submission. just please be mommys good girl <3
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
I have run out of patience with authors and I don't know whether to start attacking or understand their situation I really hate waiting I mean why are you taking requests if it takes so long? Or worse, when they don't write it at all, without notifying me, and I wait for nothing
Okay, before i answer this,
To all my followers and readers, i want to say thank u for ur understanding this whole time for how long it takes for me to update on my fic or write ur requests. i really really appreciate ur patience n understanding. I am very grateful for u. Without u, i wont be here this far in writing.🥰 Also thank you so much for not acting or being like this 🌿 anon.
Hello 🌿 anon! Wow, I had to read this ask twice to actually believe what i just read n it's really not the right time for this because i am very moody. I am a person who usually feel bad and appologize easily. But no, not to u, not this time, anon.
First, "why are you taking requests if it takes so long?" , we take requests as our appreciations to our readers/followers, so they can feel they have a piece of them in the fic that we write. It's also another form of way for us to interact with our lovely followers. Some people have great minds /ideas to express.
It takes SO LONG for us writers to write because uh we HAVE A FREAKING LIFE?! Do u think that we have nothing to do but to sit n write? No, anon, we have a life, a job, kids or whatever in our life that we have to take care of / do every day. I have a 2.5 years old toddler who doesnt let me to go to the bathroom in peace, for crying out loud!
Also, just in case u r not smart enough to realize, writing is NOT easy! It takes a whole damn process to write even a simple fic. So yeah, it takes time.
Second, "or worse, when they dont write it at all, without notifying me and i wait for nothing." Maybe u should think why we dont write ur request, maybe ur request doesnt fit with our request guidelines. Or maybe it makes us uncomfortable, or just simply dont feel like writing ur request. Us writers, dont owe u anything actually. It's our blog, we can write what we want or not writing what we dont want to. Also if u request on anon, how r we gonna notify u? Maybe we replied n inform u that we r not gonna write it n u missed it.
"..and i wait for nothing." Well news flash anon, thats life. Sometimes u wait for nothing, didnt meant to burst ur bubbles anon.
Third, " i dont know whether to start attacking or understanding their situation..", the fact that u even debating on this n says it, it pisses me off! WTF?! Of course u have to understand our situation! Bold of u to say this. U want to start attacking us??! What a shitty mind u have there. What u gonna do to us? Send hate ask n punishing us for making u wait? I meant, who r u? The only thing thats gonna happen if u attack us, u gonna end up being blocked by us. Jokes on u.
Lastly, "i have run out patience with authors.", well, same to us, anon. We r running out of patience with people like u.
N if u dont like to wait and have a shitty entitled mind like this, u r more than welcomed to unfollow n leave.
How about, u make a writing blog, write some fics, take some requests get them done while u do ur chores in life n keep ur life going then come back off anon, n talk to me.
If u hate waiting for us to write ur idea, then write it urself..
Also, did u request anything to me that i havent write it? U can tell me which one is ur request, anon?
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Echoes and Experiments: Chapter 9
The day of the Knight's ball arrived, and Mieko hadn't opened the shop today, instead taking her time getting ready to soothe her bubbling anxiety. It had been worsening, but she assumed it to be her stress from not making rent like she should have been able to. When Albedo came to get her that evening, she couldn't help but admire him. “You look like you stepped out of a fairytale, Albedo.” Mieko smiled softly, feeling wholly inadequate, getting to stand next to him. He was wearing a stunning suit that Mieko couldn't help but stare at. “You're absolutely beautiful...” she added, her heart aching a little bit. How could he be so lovely? She didn't hold a candle to him.
“Am I?” He asked. “If that's the case… I believe I have come to escort you, my lady.” he chuckled, offering his hand to Mieko. “Shall we, darling?”
“If you insist.” She took his hand, letting him lead her to Headquarters. Upon arriving, Jean was there to greet them.
“Mie. Albedo.” She bowed. “You both look wonderful.”
“You do as well, Jean. It's been a long time since I've seen you dressed up.” Mieko replied.
“Thank you. I'm just glad I get to wear your earrings with it. I know I don't wear them daily, so I wanted to show them off.”
“Thank you for saying so, Jean. That means a lot.” Albedo lead her inside so Jean could greet the other people who had begin arriving. Once in the Ballroom, he sighed. “You shouldn't push yourself.” Mieko said, Albedo turning to her.
“But I want to make sure you have a nice evening out.”
“Albedo, any evening I spend with you is a nice one.” She replied, taking his hand. “You don't have to do this stuff for me. Really.”
“Even so… I wanted to also show you off.”
“Mie. You know, I do notice your lack of self confidence… I want to show you off to the Knights, at least. We are dating. Isn't that a part of it? During social events, showing off your partner?”
“Ah, is that what you're doing?” She chuckled. “I'll oblige you, but only because it's you.” she replied, Albedo wondering why she looked sad. “Thank you.”
“You don't seem very pleased.”
“Oh, I'm very pleased. But… You don't know how to Ballroom dance yet, right?” She smiled. “I could lead you, but I don't want you to be uncomfortable either. So I'm the slightest bit sad that we wont get to dance together. But that’s fine.” She covered for herself, not wanting to worry Albedo.
“Ah… I suppose that would have been prevalent to learn.” He pondered.
“Either way, it's alright.” She shook her head. “Let's just enjoy the food and drink, and we can return home whenever you're ready. I'm sure though, if you're not usually in attendance, people will want to talk to you.”
“You're awfully cute, where are you from honey?” This stranger asked, giving Mieko the elevator eyes. “That's one stunner of a dress, too.” She had left the party with Albedo, but they had stopped to get something from Good Hunter. Mieko was sitting on the edge of the fountain when this person walked up to her. She ignored him, all too used to people acting like this because she was usually alone in her shop. “Not gonna answer?”
“Please leave me alone.” She replied. “I am waiting for someone.” She added, glancing to see if Albedo was still there. He was. But immersed in conversation with Sara.
“Oh? The Reclusive Chief Alchemist??? Damn, you're too hot to be with someone like that.” He grinned. “He's never taken an interest in women that I've seen… Oh, are you maybe his experiment? What sort of kinky shit does the recluse get up to with you?”
“Please leave me alone.” Mieko repeated.
“Oh? Fine. Must be confidential. Then I'll ask about you instead. You into the brainy types?” Mieko stood up and turned to move away.
“I'm asking you to leave me alone.” Mieko stated. The man was about to say something, reaching for her arm when he suddenly fell over, Mieko catching a glimpse of something vanishing into the ground. A hand came to rest on her waist and she sighed, looking up to see her partner smiling at her. “Albedo…”
“Mie, darling.” he took her hand that was shaking and kissed the back of it. “My apologies for taking so long to return.��
“It's alright.” she shook her head. “Thank you for coming back for me.”
“Of course, dear.” He smiled “Darling, are you alright?” Albedo asked, glancing to the man that had fallen down. “Oh, perhaps… This person was bothering you?”
“I…” Albedo pulled her to him, smiling as she leaned on him and didnt speak further, wrapping his arm around her and gently cradling the back of her head. He didn't want to mess up her hair, after all. He narrowed his eyes at the man that had been harrassing Mieko, smiling dangerously.
“You really shouldn't behave in such a manner, Mister Donnovan.” He said, raising his hand to his mouth in a silencing motion. The man froze, the look on Albedo's face darkening, even though he was smiling. “Silence would have been golden, in your case.” He added. “Mieko is my darling, after all. If she is made uncomfortable, I will take action against the person who caused her to feel uncomfortable.”
“Albedo, it's alright.” Mieko said, Albedo letting go so she could pull back a little from leaning on him.
“Is it? I don't think so, darling. You're shaking.”
“Really, I'm fine. I just want to go home. Is the food done?”
“Very well, my dear.” Albedo chuckled, having been watching the man the whole time. Albedo's face looked incredibly smug, but also something rather dangerous showed in his turquoise eyes. “Go and grab our order, and I'll take you right home. I promise.” he kissed her, sending her off to Good Hunter before turning back to the man.”Now. What should I do with you?” He asked. “For daring to try and lay your hand on the darling of the Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius?”
When Mieko returned a couple of minutes later, she looked around for Albedo. Where had he gone? He came back from around the corner, smiling at her. “Albedo, there you are.” She said. “What happened?”
“Nothing, darling. I just had to talk to the person who dared to hit on you. I'm sure by now all of Mondstadt knows we're dating.” he added, taking her hand and the food before leading her away from the direction of her shop. “Let's go to my place tonight. I think I'd greatly appreciate getting to draw you in your dress.” He glanced over his shoulder at her. “Of course… If you'd allow me, I would also like to-”
“There you go again. Saying things to embarrass me.” She muttered, cheeks red. Albedo chuckled, escorting her inside before sitting down and letting her eat. “You aren't hungry?” She asked him.
“Not really. Of course, maybe if you fed me, I'd be inclined to eat a few bites.” He teased. Mieko took some food on her fork and offered it to him, Albedo's cheeks tinting pink. He took the bite though, being sure to smile at Mie when he was done chewing. “Thank you, Mie.”
“Well, if it gets you to eat. I don't mind at all.”
A few weeks later, Mieko found herself up on Dragonspine once again, sitting in Albedo's lab. However… "You're cold?" Albedo asked, pausing as he looked up to see Mieko sitting on the ground, bundled up in a blanket.
"I didn't bring my coat, since I rushed up here." she replied simply. Albedo couldn't help but smile, seeing her wrapped up the way she was.
"Mie." he smiled and got up from where he was working, going over to her with another blanket and wrapping it around her shoulders, making sure to smooth it out so it covered the other blanket up entirely. "You shouldn't rush if you're going to be cold." he added.
"But I was excited to see you." she mumbled, cheeks red and staring up at him. "I had to go and do so much work these past few weeks outside the city, so I haven't been home..." she pouted. Albedo pet her head, leaning over and kissing her forehead. "Oh...?"
"Well, then I'll be sure to stoke the fire so you don't get colder." he said softly. "You're usually so prepared. I wonder... were you trying to earn some attention?"
"N-No, of course not..." She averted her gaze, sinking into the blanket. "It's just cold..."
"Mmhm." he got up to go back to his work, keeping an eye on her though. He caught her staring a few times, but he didn't mind. He was used to her watching him work by now. "Mie?"
"Yes, Albedo?"
"Do I need to come over there and warm you up myself?" he asked, seeing her face flush red. "You seem awfully cold."
"I-I'll be fine." She replied.
"Will you? Then, you don't want me to hold you later?" He heard her make a noise, the whine in her tone made him smile more. "Oh, so you do want me to. Very well." he said, cheerfully working as Mieko sat in the corner, staring at him still.
"You're terrible, Albedo..."
"And yet you always come back for more, my darling Mie." He replied. "Does that mean that, whatever I do, you'll always come back to me?”
"I will." She replied almost too quickly. Albedo put down his work, turning to see her staring at him, now standing very close. So close that they were almost touching. He smiled as she opened her arms for a hug, leaning into her and letting her envelop him in the blankets. "Always, Albedo."
"Mm... You're so warm..." he whispered, closing his eyes. "Now don't tell me you were waiting for an opportunity to approach me..."
"I was... You know I don't like touching while you're working." She replied, Albedo chuckling as she continued to hold him. "You... Also seemed lonely..."
"I never feel lonely in your company." he replied.
"And yet, you still crave the contact?" She asked, playing with his hair. Albedo smiled, pulling back a bit and looking up at her. "I don't know how I know, before you ask."
"You really do read my mind, Mie..." he reached up to cup her cheek. "I need to study you more."
"I'm fine with that." she smiled. "So long as you're alright with my needing to hold you." she added, the two smiling as they stood there. "It's cold.” Albedo nuzzled into her arms, about to say something when she looked up. “Again…”
“What's wrong, Mie?”
“I keep feeling like someone's watching.” She replied. “I can't be so stressed out that I'm hallucinating, can I?”
“You're stressed?”
“I… Rent is becoming harder and harder to pay… Business isn't very good.”
“I see. I can always assist you, if you'd like me to.”
“No, you have enough to do as it is.” She nuzzled him, trying to relax. “I'm old enough to take care of myself.” They stood in silence for a bit before Albedo leaned in to kiss her, to help settle her nerves. “Speaking of age though.” She looked a little apprehensive. “You know how old I am… But all I know is that you're old enough to drink.”
“Ah, yes… Well, it's been long enough. Let's have a seat. I'll tell you over some dessert.” he said, knowing she would have asked eventually. He felt his chest tighten a little, not wanting to scare her away. He sat down with her and they ate their dessert before he began talking about his past, about how old he really was, and about what he was. He did his best to leave her room to move away, expecting the worst reaction possible. But Mieko just sat there listening, nodding every now and again.
“Ah, that's why you're so calm and collected, despite how young you look.” She said with a smile.
“It… Doesn't bother you?” he asked.
“Nope. It clears up a lot of assumptions though. At least now I don't think you're some sort of fairy~” She chuckled, hugging onto him and rubbing his back comfortingly, Albedo immediately clinging to her in relief. “Thank you for being brave and telling me, Albedo.” She kissed his cheek, and nuzzled him a few more times. “I… I love you.”
“Mie…” Albedo pulled her into a kiss, tangling his fingers in her hair. “That… Please say it again.”
“O-Oh? Alright… I… I love you, Albedo.” The smile that came to his face made Mie feel like she was floating. It was so pure.
“Mie… My Mie…” he said softly, pulling her as close as he could. She let him hold her, feeling her anxiety fading away little by little. Having him call her his made her feel safe. “Thank you, for staying.” Mieko laid down with Albedo and did her best to relax. But somehow the feeling of being watched wouldn't go away. She had him lay with his back facing the entrance to camp so she could keep watch, feeling like someone was right there the entire night. But by morning, with no signs of another person, Mieko still felt incredibly tense. As Albedo woke, he noticed immediately. Her grip on him was stronger than normal, and it was clear she hadn't slept. “Again, darling?”
“I'm sorry, Albedo. I really did try.” She smiled at him. “I'll be alright.” She added, seeing how concerned he was for her.
“I'll make you something to eat, along with some coffee. Try and close your eyes for a bit.” He got up, kissing her forehead and nuzzling her before he went to make them breakfast. Mieko curled back up, taking a few deep breaths before she slowly began to close her eyes. But the sleep was light, so when Albedo began pouring the coffee, she woke right up. “Perhaps I should make you some more potion?”
“Ah, perhaps another time. I have much to do for the upcoming weeks.” she replied. “Thank you though, for the coffee.”
“Of course, Mie. Whatever you need.”
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royalstormpsych · 1 year
you didnt apologize for the incredibly ableist assumption that DID OSDD people are just jealous of endos
my bad, i was distracted this morning when i answered some of the notes on this post and i had to go before i could address everything
i was definitely overgeneralizing, and i didnt mean to be ableist, nor imply that theyre just jealous or all only want to be miserable all the time - some of that was poor wording and some of it was genuinely just being an idiot and im genuinely sorry for that and will work to be better for the future
my post was based on my own personal experiences with the plural community (or DID/OSDD community or system community or whatever else anyone may want to call it, someone informed me that not everyone is okay with calling it the plural community which i didnt know!) and many systems that i have met, but i blindly assumed that this was community-wide based on what i encountered in my bubble, which was a mistake on my part. likely what is the case is i was correct for some few individuals in social circles i've found myself in, and assumed that it was correct for the majority, which is clearly not the case
thank you everyone for holding me accountable and letting me know whats up, some people have added their experiences and told me what is actually the case for some people and corrected my mistake which is genuinely appreciated - i am here to learn and i'm sorry for being disrespectful. however for my own sake i will block people who were rude or hostile to me, while still taking into account the points they made. just because they were right and i was wrong does not mean i have to tolerate being spoken to in a way im not comfortable with, but i will still acknowledge that they were right i was wrong
i wont discuss my own personal experiences with trauma or systemhood/having DID/OSDD, nor will i disclose now whether i am a system or not, but please know that i am very deeply personally familiar with these topics and have much experience. this doesnt mean i cant make stupid mistakes like that, im just addressing that some people may think/have thought that im some rando who heard about DID/OSDD yesterday and doesnt know that people are traumatized
yall can lmk if you want me to delete the post, but for now i will leave it up so that i or anyone else can reference the replies to it in the future because some people make very good points
0 notes
Hmm....so it's my birthday tomorrow.
And here I am to sum up my latest spin around the sun.This year was all about adapting to certain revelations of life that dropped on me like war bombs.
First being Death.My Grandpa (mums dad) died on the 5th day of the year.It was first time for me to experience someone's death so closely.It was all to surreal for me.Like the person that was so fit and fine doing every normal human chore actively days ago was lying lifeless in front of me.Closed eyes and no breathing.Everyone lamenting. I saw the remnants of his burnt bones after the funeral (which I was not allowed to attend).And just like that he was gone-mixed with the elements of the earth.In a swift move, he just disappeared, leaving the footprints of his memories in our minds.
Detachment from something I was too attached to.I left my place- My home sweet home where I lived all my life.I never thought it would be so difficult to move houses because it's just not that but also to untie the bond and attachment I had with the home that witnessed all my moments and memories.Not only I lived in it but it lived in me too.
Thirdly I got a taste failure.No I did not fail my exams but I did not score the grades I expected.Being an ace student, I was always looked up with expecting eyes .Until covid hit the earth and I started to lag, literally procrastinating all the time.And I saw the end of me when offline exams were announced.Still I tried to, cried out of load and frustrations.But I couldn't reach the set goal.For the very first time, I couldn't do something so achievable in my potential.I could already imagine the disappointed faces of my parents and mentors.
Experience of chronic fatigue. I slept more with the excuse to clear my mind up.I felt numb most of the time.Maybe I was too tired of everything.Just laid on the bed all day with untouched books surrounding me.The books were there right in front of me but I couldn't touch them least read them.It was some induced fear or hopelessness that had let me to see my downfall.I had knowingly given up.
World of escape.In those depressing days of my life, I met the 7 men in the shining armour.I met bts.My lips were stretched into a tiny smile when I saw them through the screen. And just simple as that they made my day.I started watching their videos.Reading their fanfictions.Everyday.Like they were some kind of painkiller I desperately needed to take to fill the void-the emptiness inside me.They made me happy.I was completely in gulped in the distraction of Bts.They are my escape.
Climber of insecurities.Hah, so after everything when my results finally came out I had scored good-average in that case without doing any real studying.But what dropped the bomb was my bestfriend (who was an average student) got more percentage than me.And everyone was quite shocked at that.I was really happy for her of course.But the utmost disappointment I felt towards myself had soaked all my good emotions and after that I cried my eyes out.Even crying had become hard.I had so much to pent up emotions inside but tears wont come as if my eyes had dried out just like the drought of my soul.
I became more silent and less interactive.Undercomfident and very insecure.The biggest of it all being Self doubt. Whether I will be able to do what I ever wished to.I changed a lot.
Losing trust.Somewhere in this all growing up phase, I couldn't understand what were peoples' intention in their mind and implications in their actions.It seemed fake.They all turned bad or maybe I just got to know who they really were afterall.
Humility, I strongly believe in it.In the society where all people are busy showing off, bragging and boasting about nonexisting things, I stay silent,become an observer than an entertainer.
Writing..I have created this small bubble around me now.I live in it and think in it and sometimes my overflooded thoughts spills on the paper in form of words.And just like that I have developed this carthartic way of coping up with this repressive world.Through writing,I have found the littlest passion inside me bloom again.And so I have found this platform to create blogs- pieces of creation.
Whatever I faced this year was maybe quite depressing but I have come out of it now more rigid and ready.I have climped up many stairs of new (hapazard) experiences this year.And I'm ready to climb another good set of them.
So A Happy Birthday to me!!!
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oriigirii · 3 years
Streamer MC headcannons with the brothers 💞
"You were quite a known face on social media back in the human realm, playing games, doing unboxings, just vibin in general, fans around the globe looked forward to your streams a lot! However, considering the sudden (unannounced) invitation to the exchange program, you had to leave all of that behind out of the blue. It wasn't as bad at first, but you have to admit you do miss the feeling of being able to do goofy shit online. Luckily for you, with the advance technology of Devildom and some spicy magic, the internet had synced with the human realm, and thats when you decided to finally re-enter the streaming scene. How will the brothers react upon seeing your peculiar past time?"
Head empty, No thoughts aside from the brothers just bothering the MC while they stream so here you go haha
Warnings: None, just crackhead energy and a lotta mispellings
Gender: Neutral!
Hotel: Trivago
* [ ಠ╭╮ಠ ] Lucifer *
{How did he know about your career?}
I honestly don't see him as someone who goes on the internet a lot
(He screams boomer to me, change my mind)
He doesn't have the time either, he's too focused on work!
So him finding out is gonna take a while
But! He did find out the hard way when shrilled screaming was heard from your room when he was passing by with some paper stacks in his arms (courtesy of Diavolo)
This man felt his instincts kick in, he ran as fast as he could, papers forgotten, and he immediately slammed your door open. Splinters scattering around, your door definitely damaged, as his eyes held a glare and his demon form was out, wings spread in a threatening display.
He was ready to beat someone's ass as he had thought someone had hurt you in here.
But all hes met with is you, infront of your chair and PC, and a game over on the screen...
To say he was unamused was an understatement cause you just lost your internet priviliges for giving him a heart attack (He said it was because you were being rowdy and noisy but with what you saw you knew that wasn't the case)
Good luck tryna puppy-eye your way to his heart to let you continue streaming lol.
If by some miracle you managed to wriggle your rights back from his hands, he'd warn you not to be so loud next time.
You already learnt your lesson though~ (Hopefully)
{How does he feel about your streams?}
Not everyone's the same, so if you were the shy soft streamer who does more art streams or something akin to a podcast, you can bet that Lucifer will be putting you on while he works, he kinda knows your streaming schedule at this point and if you were running late, he'd force one of his brothers to take over your dish washing duties or any chores you were stuck with
If you were the loud obnoxious meme type, hed still try to watch out of curiosity, and as much as he appreciates that you were getting comfortable here in Devildom with how you laugh and joke around, he still can't approve of it. Its too loud, its much like his brothers energy and he has enough of that already, so he probably doesn't watch as much.
He has countlessly came to your room to shush you and at this point your fans had made a compilation of each time Lucifer had barged in to tell you off
Look he likes it when you scream, but not when hes in the middle of work okay--
At this point, chat has deemed Lucifer as dad and you as their mom/dad.
If he ever catches wind of this he'd definitely be teasing you in private for centuries to come.
Overall fine with it, as long as don't do something stupid on stream.
* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Mammon*
{How did he know about your career?}
I would say he found out by him crashing into your streams midway but that's too predictable, hence why you've Mammon-proofed your bedroom during streaming hours!
Thanks to our wizard daddy, you have managed to cast a simple lock spell on your door and as well as a sound proofing
You love your broke idiot, but you did wanna keep the tone of your stream today a bit more chill, you wanted to have a proper Q&A with your fans to hopefully clear any bad vibes around your 3 month disappearance.
When Mammon has learnt your door was locked he definitely was a bit pissy, he knocked on your door loudly even and was calling out for you to let him in, but to no avail.
Bro he's scared.
He usually was allowed to enter, and you usually answered if you did need to be left alone for a bit, so just leaving him hanging got his mind racing and he had to press up his ear on the wooden door to try and hear if you were okay
When this continues on he finally resorts to getting help, but the only one in the house ws Levi, so he kicks down HIS door.
Levi boutta summon Lotan for interrupting him honestly
But as Mammon exclaim you weren't answering and he worried for your wellbeing, Levi rolls his eyes and scoffs,
"Idiot Mammon, they're streaming don't bother them…"
Streaming? why didn't you tell him???
Rude much.
He did huff and now was forcing his way to use Levi's PC for a moment
Can Levi stop him?
He was busy on his console, and if he stood up now hed be breaking his world record so he was at a terrible state so he just resorts to threats of him drowning the Avatar of Greed if he does anything stupid on his PC.
He immediately logs in to your streaming platform and he watches for a bit,
You were more dolled up now just to look decent on stream, and he felt this jealousy rise as you interact with your chat, especially to those saying I love you's and stuff, and you even said it back? the audacity! You were his werent you? Were you replacing him with these nobodies?
He huffs as he realized that those who paid got their message highlighted, and thus, he starts donating. (Mind you this was Levi's account...)
"Mcccccc Open the dooorrr"
"Ill behave i promiseeeee"
"Cmon pleaseeee?"
Chat is c o n f u s i o n
NGL, they thought Mammon was a creepy stalker and red flags were being waved everywhere
but as chat was pondering who the hell he was, you can only sigh and look at the camera with that unamused expression, but ugh! you just KNOW hes doing that kicked puppy expression of his, and maybe it really wont be so bad
So you snap your fingers and say, "Okay MonMon, its open, Im giving you 3 seconds"
Mammon wasnt deemed to be the fastest out of his brothers for nothing
As soon as you got to '2', you were already tackled by the white haired male and chat went wild.
Now that you've shown your life in Devildom, maybe its time to introduce chat to your boyfriend no?
{How does he feel about your streams?}
You get paid to sit infront of a camera, do I have to say anything else?
But really though, as much as he enjoys the thought of getting so much cash from something so simple, he prefers the joy of being able to proudly exclaim that he was your first man!
ohhhh he thrives on the salt of your overly attached stans
but for those who fully support you, he always feels so mushy and shy when they say the ship you guys so hard
The fanarts has him WEAK (he may or may not have saved a few)
You usually do streams alone, but now you've allowed the door to be left open to let Mammon join whenever
Chat pogs when he enters with so much confidence, only for it to crumble when you kiss his cheek on stream.
Overall finds it fun to spend time with you, but just dont play scary games cause Lucifer might hang him upside down on stream.
* ▘▂▝ Leviathan*
{How did he know about your career?}
He is honestly the most attached to his D.D.D and he catches wind of almost anything going down in the internet, so your 'revival' being hyped up was something he definitely saw and he was just s wo o o ned
His Henry 2.0? a famous streamer?
Were you truly a blessing gifted upon him or was he dreaming?
He definitely didn't bring it up at first as he didn't wanna make it a big deal, but you notice hes been more in his head lately, and you have tried asking him what it was but to no avail.
You have to corner this little snake if you want answers and he eventually admits that he knew of your persona online and was incredibly shy to ask you to stream with him
He's a streamer himself afterall but maybe he doesnt stream as much as you do nor does he have as large of a following, so his intrusive thoughts attacked him and made him think that maybe since he wasnt as famous he didnt deserve to be in the same stream as you
Please tell him to join you and gib him kiss U3U
He'll absolutely m e l t
But now, as you make the announcement to your viewers and Levi to his, the internet explodes as a special collab stream was hapening between the expert gamer and avatar of envy of Devildom along with the beloved exchange student and streamer of the human realm
Your usual viewers reach between 10-15k, but as you start stream, that number boosts higher and beyond
Before streaming though, Levi was incredibly nervous, he'd picked the games for you to play that he knew you would enjoy with him, but his mind kept racing about whatthe fans thought, he didnt wanna disappoint them
But you had to remind him that whatever they say will not matter in the end as this was merely for fun, this was YOUR stream and you guys were gonna do what you want and nobody can have a say on it. (Maybe except Lucifer)
You usually talk for him with your bubbly personality, and to calm his nerves, he hs your pinky wraped around his where the camera can't see it.
Regardless, his thoughts subsided as you two delve into your stream that lasted a solid 7 hours, you definitely promised your chat that you and Levi will be doing more streams together from now on.
Once the cameras cut and yall are left alone, Both of you collapse on bed, and despite you being asleep already, Levi was just far too giddy as everything dwells on him.
Having a player 2 by his side now had never felt so intoxicating and he as just so lucky to have you.
{How does he feel about your streams?}
He obviously adores it, although some streams he wouldnt join just so he can play games on his own
He's still an introvert afterall, he needs his alone time
But he prefers that alone time with you, his Henry.
So when youre about to go stream, he kinda becomes a bit pouty, but with a simple promise of kisses (and maybe even more if youd like) he would let you go, but his attention would disappear from his game altogether.
He might just end up watching you instead
May or may not, at some point, just chat you and ask if its too late to join you
You do allow him to join you and play from the comforts of his room as both of you can simply play via internet, you give him the comfort to not turn on his mic or webcam either and you have no idea how he appreciates that.
Will definitely fight someone online when they start claiming you as theirs (-cough- stans) Please make sure it doesnt escalate to him summoning Lotan
Although the comments would often get to him, and as much as he can fight them online, he still does find himself pondering if they were true, so you need to give him a lotta lovin and reminder that he is your player 1 and no one else can ever fill that place.
Wow 3 brothers this time, what an improvement, anyways hope yall enjoy! I think its pretty clear who I simp for depending o nthe length of each lol, but do let me know if you guys want a part 2 for the rest of the brothers, or even the undateables!
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bubble-tea-bunny · 4 years
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i could make you care
[saiki kusuo x reader]
author’s note: i tried to incorporate as many characters into this as possible to make it feel like an actual episode and i got overwhelmed so fast lol i haven’t written this many characters in a story in a long time. in any case hope i did them justice and that you enjoy :’)
word count: 3,029
Today’s morning is bright, and Saiki’s walk is quiet. Typically this would be no cause for concern. A quiet walk to school is few and far between, difficult to come by given the company he keeps. (He’d much prefer a calmer bunch, if he were granted the chance to choose, but that is neither here nor there.) Don’t misunderstand: he’d bask in this brief peace, guaranteed to be broken the moment he passes through the gates of PK Academy, if the reason for this uncharacteristic period of silence comes about because of the absence of one particular person—someone who, if one could hardly believe it, Saiki actually prefers to have around more often than not.
He walks past the street which leads to your home, his pace never slowing because he expects you’ll join him, as you do every morning. You’ll wait for him on the corner and smile widely like you haven’t seen him in weeks then skip towards him, falling in step easily. He’ll remain nonplussed as you hug his arm, give it a brief squeeze as you greet him—Good morning, Kusuo!—and then promptly let go because you understand he likes his space but you just can’t help but indulge a little bit.
However, none of the aforementioned events play out this Friday. You’re not on the street corner, not there to smile and fall in step with him. There’s no arm hugging or a bubbly greeting Saiki pretends he isn’t affected by. But the truth is that he is, the routine coming somewhat as a comfort, even at the price of sacrificing some of his beloved personal space. So when you’re nowhere to be found his brows furrow and he wonders where you are.
His steps slow until he comes to a complete stop. He wants to check up on you, sooner rather than later. There isn’t much time to delay if he wants to make it to school before the first bell, but this won’t take long. He crosses his eyes, activating his clairvoyance, and he centers in on you immediately. You’re still at home. You’re at home, and you’re sick.
A box of tissues rests on your nightstand and you’ve pulled your small trash can right next to it from where it usually stands by your door. You toss used tissues into it before nestling beneath your blankets, pulling it up to just below your chin and hugging it close in order to retain heat. Your breath evens out quickly and he can tell you’re asleep. Your body must be exhausted dealing with your cold, and he’s confident this is the way you will be the rest of the day—drifting in and out of sleep, dealing with the sniffles and congestion.
He blinks and loses sight of you and now he’s staring once more down the road. Readjusting his bag on his shoulder with a sigh, he resumes walking and thinks about his plans for the day. As it was the last day of the school week, he’d planned to go to Cafe Mami for coffee jelly to celebrate. But now that he’s learned you’re sick in bed, he’d have to make adjustments. Momentarily he debates if that’s really necessary. You probably wouldn’t want visitors in the state you’re in, and knowing you, you’d tell him to go to the cafe without you to enjoy himself anyway. The thought is tempting, truly, yet he can’t shake the urge to check on you.
It feels less like an obligation and more like a simple desire of his own to make sure you’re okay. Saiki shakes his head, more amused than frustrated. There’s no one else for whom he would so willingly do this, or much else, for, and he doesn’t think he’d ever tell you because you’ll tease him the way you are wont to do whenever his facade cracks and he’ll let you have your fun because when you ask if you’re really so different as to make him act this way, the answer is, well, yes. You are.
He imagines this scenario and the corner of his lips lifts in a small smile. Good grief. You could be quite the handful.
“Hey, Saiki!”
Nendo’s voice is entirely too loud for the morning and Saiki heaves another sigh, one that sounds as though it belongs at the end of the day and not the beginning. Nendo is joined close behind by Kaidou and Kuboyasu, and they easily fill the silence with discussions about going to get ramen after class and the latest movements of the Dark Reunion. Saiki really only picks up words here and there that allude to the topic of conversation but it doesn’t require his full attention. It’s the same song and dance every morning.
The commotion once he arrives at school is much the same. During lectures he is afforded the temporary reprieve from having his ears talked off, since the only one speaking is the teacher, but at breaks, the noise resumes, and though he always stays sitting at his desk, in hopes the others will get the hint that he’s uninterested in chatting, they inevitably crowd themselves around it, until he is right in the middle.
Hairo has outlined a new workout regimen and in his louder than normal volume of speaking he shares it. He’s going to start it today, and if anyone wants to join, they’re more than welcome. It doesn’t look like anyone wants to take the offer, which is expected. Hairo’s exercise routines were… a little extreme.
In any case, Hairo is nonplussed by the lack of enthusiasm from everyone else and remarks he can’t wait for the end of the school day.
“I think I’ve been losing muscle tone,” he laments, and he complements this statement with a casual flex of his arm, more so to point out the specific areas he thinks are getting soft rather than to show off, but even if he isn’t trying, his biceps are bulging and if his sleeves hadn’t been rolled up, they would have torn.
Saiki’s brow raises. Yeah… I don’t think that’s an issue for you, Hairo.
“I’ve just finished installing an indoor gym at my home, you know.”
Everyone turns to find Saiko has entered into the circle, a smug smirk on his face. When had he gotten here? Really it’s only Hairo who has any sort of reaction to this, eyes practically sparkling imagining the machines and equipment (or maybe that’s just the glare from the fluorescent classroom lights). All the same, Saiko relishes the attention, boasting of the privacy and space and how really, it’s so much easier to be productive if there’s no one else there but Saiki can only wonder if Saiko even works out at all. He doesn’t remember that being mentioned, and Saiki is nothing if not detail oriented.
Saiki doesn’t have long to ponder over this (not that it would’ve continued much longer because he doesn’t actually care about whether Saiko exercises or just set up a gym in his house to brag) before Nendo asks where you are.
Had he just noticed? You always join them on their walk in the morning. But Saiki can’t say he’s surprised it took this long. What he is surprised about is that Nendo had noticed in the first place.
“Oh that’s right,” Kuboyasu adds. “I thought she just went ahead of us today.”
Yumehara informs them of your whereabouts before Saiki does. “She texted me this morning she wasn’t feeling well so she stayed home.” Her phone dings with a new message and she glances at it, then looks back up. “But she says she’s a little more awake now!”
“It’s the Dark Reunion.” Kaidou’s sudden interjection draws everyone’s attention. He clenches his right fist, staring at the bandages wrapped around it. “They’re trying to get to me by going after my friends!”
Saiki remains expressionless but if he didn’t have such good control he would’ve rolled his eyes. Or maybe she just has a cold.
Upon Kaidou’s claim that a secret society is responsible for your illness, Saiki picks up Yumehara’s thoughts: I wish I was the one Kaidou was so worried about! Maybe if I got sick he’d worry about me too! Getting sick to grab Kaidou’s attention? That’s… going overboard, but Saiki can’t find it in him to be shocked, considering from whose mind this speculation has sprung.
“Poor [Name],” Teruhashi says, kind as always. She sets an index finger on her chin, gaze momentarily aimed upwards as she thinks. “I was about to suggest we all go to the cafe after school today and I wish she could join.”
This gives Saiki pause. Wait. The cafe?
“That sounds like a great idea!” Yumehara declares. Again Saiki hears her thoughts: If we go, I need to do my best sit next to Kaidou!
Whether a visit to Cafe Mami comes across as a good idea because it’s a fun way to celebrate the end of the school week or simply because Teruhashi suggested it, Saiki doesn’t know, but one by one the murmurs of assent resound through the group and he barely contains a relieved huff. He’d already changed his own plans from visiting the cafe to seeing you instead, and it’s a good thing too since it’s apparent his alone time would’ve been ruined. Now he has an excuse not to stick around.
Once the final bell rings, they begin their walk into town towards the cafe. The sidewalk feels crowded with all of them on it, and they have to split into pairs to keep the opposite side of the sidewalk free for people going the other way. Among comments from everyone else about how hungry they are, Saiki makes known his intention to just pick up food before leaving. There’s somewhere he needs to be.
“You’re going to go make sure [Name] is doing okay!” Teruhashi exclaims. It’s a statement, not a question. “That’s sweet of you.”
Saiki shrugs. “Sweet” is not the first word he would associate with his actions. It just seems like common sense to check on you. You’d looked miserable this morning, but he takes your message to Yumehara earlier as a good sign that you’re improving, slowly and surely. Still, he’d be more comfortable seeing you himself. He hadn’t gotten any other chances today to use his clairvoyance, but at least it wouldn’t be long now until he’d be heading to your house.
Chisato is working today and she seats everyone. Saiki goes directly to the counter to place his order—coffee jelly for him and strawberry mochi for you—and he stands off to the side while waiting for the treats to be packed. The others are sitting on the far side of the cafe (in his peripherals he sees Yumehara has taken a seat right next to Kaidou) but he can hear them clear as day discussing what food they should order. Yes, he’s certainly glad he won’t be sticking around. Spending Friday in the midst of that noise is far from ideal.
Holding the bag of coffee jelly and mochi in one hand, Saiki uses the other to push open the door, the bell jingling gently, and someone, Nendo it sounds like, raises their voice to shout across the room: Seeya later, Saiki! Then the door closes behind him, and all he can hear is the footsteps of other pedestrians and the low whoosh of cars.
He exhales slowly. Peace at last. He proceeds in the direction of your home, and when he thinks to himself that any longer and his ears might’ve begun to bleed, he’s only half joking.
In the neighborhood it’s much quieter, the only person he passes being someone walking their dog, and only a couple of cars drive past. He knocks on the door and he assumes you’re in your room and so it will take some time for you to open it, but you’re there faster than he expects. You open it just wide enough to stand in the gap, and immediately he notices the fatigue in your eyes. When you realize it’s him, they light up, and the fatigue fails to take away from the brightness of your smile as you open the door wider.
Inside, he sees you’ve moved downstairs to the living room. That’s why you’d answered the door so quickly. There’s a pile of blankets on the couch and a tissue box on the coffee table. The television is on and playing an animation. He doesn’t recognize it, but it must be one of the new ones you mentioned wanting to watch. However, you’re not interested in it now that he's here and you grab the remote to turn down the volume.
“I thought you were going to the cafe today,” you state, head tilting.
Saiki shakes his head. Change of plans. Instead I brought the cafe to us. He holds up the bag of food and doesn’t have to tell you what’s in it. You squeal in delight that he’s come bearing treats, but the sound is a little raspy and awkward due to your sore throat. It’s still easier on Saiki’s ears than the earlier commotion he’d been surrounded with and, if he’s honest, it’s cute.
You plop down on the couch and wait as he joins you. He unties the bag and opens the box, first taking out the packaged pink mochi and handing it to you. Then he grabs his coffee jelly and the plastic spoon it came with before settling back against the cushions.
You sit cross-legged facing him and bite into your soft and squishy treat, humming delightedly. “Thanks, Kusuo.”  
Saiki chews a mouthful of coffee jelly and glances at you.
You grin and hold up the mochi. “For the snack and for coming to see me.”
He shrugs because it’s no big deal. Or, well, he tries to play it off like it’s no big deal. But you know him better than that, better than most others do, and don’t brush it off so quickly. You breathe out dramatically and set a hand on your chest.
“What must I have done for Kusuo Saiki to give up his quiet time for me?” Then you giggle, and  it’s punctuated at the end by a sniffle.
He tells you there would’ve been no quiet time at the cafe since the others had also decided to go, and that you’re much better company. Even when I’m sneezy? you ask him, and he chuckles. Yes, even when you’re sneezy.
His remark about coming to see you because he’d prefer to be here and not at the cafe with the rest of your friends is merely part of the truth. The rest of it is that he did genuinely want to check on you to make sure you were okay. Though to give this a voice felt like too much for someone typically so reserved in his feelings, but you understand perfectly fine as you smile softly. You’re appreciative of his actions, and it would seem Teruhashi had been right about them, for you murmur that he reminds you of the mochi you’re eating: You’re so sweet!
Grabbing your mug from the coffee table, you frown when you see it’s empty. “I ran out of tea.”
Saiki sets the spoon and now empty container back in the box then holds his hand out. You blink, momentarily confused, but when it registers what he’s doing, you give him the mug. As he stands to make his way into the kitchen, you call after him.
“Thank you!”  
Having been to your house a number of times already, he knows where everything is and starts brewing a fresh cup of tea. You’ve turned the volume up on the television again, but you have to rewind to return of the spot you were at before he’d arrived. Once he comes back with a filled mug, instead of allowing it to continue to play, you pause your show.
You’d snuggled beneath the blankets and have to finagle your arms out of the multiple layers to take the mug from him. You say thanks again and blow gently at the tendrils of steam floating from it. The ceramic is warm in the palms of your hands and you sigh contentedly.
“Sorry I’m a little high maintenance today,” you apologize suddenly. “I’d make the tea myself but I just have such little energy…”
Saiki wishes you wouldn’t apologize because there’s nothing to be sorry for. So he tells you as much. Don’t apologize. Besides, he’d offered to make that tea, and if you wanted soup, he’d offer to make that too. He does understand where you come from, however. You tend to be more independent, opting to do things yourself, and you also know his propensity for being alone and needing space. As such, you’re careful not to be overbearing, and the idea of Saiki doing even little tasks like brewing you tea bothers you.
It’s endearing, the level of care you take to make sure he’s comfortable too, but when he says you’re far from high maintenance, he means it. You immediately understand what he’s implying and laugh before scooting closer and leaning your head on his shoulder.
“Okay, point made,” you concede. With a small smile, Saiki grabs the remote you’d tossed down on the couch and presses play.
He would struggle to call you high maintenance on any day considering who your friends are.  They’re loud and all over the place, practically bouncing off the walls. Life could hardly be tranquil when around them and their antics. It’s the total opposite of Saiki, who values calm and silence. If they were high maintenance, he was low maintenance. That’s the way he prefers to be, existing in relative quiet and as close to mediocrity as he can muster. But he can't say he’s opposed to the occasional interruption to the otherwise mundane, especially where it concerns you. You’re not to be found on one side or the other, but right in the middle, and to Saiki, you are just right.
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