#i know they wanna see me do well in whatever it is that i want to do
thegoldencontracts · 2 days
Hello hello! I’ve got an interesting request (I think)
How would Lilia, Riddle, Ruggie, and whoever else you wanna add react to the normally shy and sweet reader breaking sone creep’s wrist? Like, some guy is being weird, maybe even touchy, so reader breaks his wrist, and after character takes reader away, reader breaks down saying how scared they were.
Hello! Thank you for the request :3! This was a new concept to write about for me, and it was very refreshing. And, of course, as a massive Azul fan, you know I had to do include him.
Justice Of One's Own
Summary: You've always been a shy, unassuming individual. So, when he sees you break the wrist of someone harassing you, it's quite the shock. How does he react? Trigger Warnings: Mentions of sexual harassment, mild depictions of violence. Characters: Lilia, Riddle, Ruggie, Azul Genre: Hurt/Comfort (Reader being comforted)
Lilia Vanrouge
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He's not particularly shocked.
After all, he's seen how you get when he jumpscares you, and, well, you've always had that hidden strength.
He can tell you're rather shaken emotionally, of course, so he finds an excuse to get you away. Diasomnia really gets you, you see.
Afterwards, when you break down, he's understanding. He offers you comfort, and surprisingly good advice.
He's seen this sort of thing play out before, and he knows what it's like to be in the receiving end of harassment himself, considering his own looks. People - especially people who mistook him for a woman - could get extremely touchy.
He might offer to cook for you. In that case, as appreciated as the offer is, you might want to turn him down.
The creep in question gets a nice... "talking to". What happened shall be left to the imagination, but it's safe to say the individual in question is even more terrified around you than they were after the broken wrist.
Riddle Rosehearts
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The very sight of such harassment, so crude, so clearly in violation of the rules already had Riddle absolutely outraged.
He himself was just about to intervene when he heard the cracking sound, and the bastard's wrist went limp. It's quite apparent what you've done.
In all honesty, he's shocked - you were always the quiet, meek sort. He never knew you had it in you.
Although before his overblot, he might be somewhat outraged by your own behavior, afterwards, he'd be guilty for ever letting that thought cross his mind. He knows the staff members of the school; they'd never punish you for such a deed.
Seeing you sputter in a panic, he collars the person so brazenly harassing you, giving them a long talking to. It's safe to say they'll be wearing the collar for a while.
Afterwards, he attempts to offer you comfort the best he can, though he is admittedly a bit awkward about it.
Expect to see the person that harassed you collared for quite a while.
Ruggie Bucchi
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Ruggie always could tell you were stronger than you looked.
It was the way you'd knock over weights by accident, the sheer strength with which you once decked him after he snuck up on you - You were so apologetic about that it was hilarious. He got a bunch of donuts out of it too.
Although Ruggie absolutely feels bad for you, watching the fucker creeping on you get what's coming to them is hilarious. He took a picture.
He says something about you needing to help him get Leona's favorite food, or whatever. Anything to put whatever this is to an end.
Honestly, Ruggie isn't very openly comforting, but you can tell he's worried. He keeps asking if you need anything, if you're okay, fussing over you like a mom.
He even gave you donuts. At that point, you were beginning to wonder whether he was sick or something. Although, this behavior from him is really heartwarming, and it does distract you from your own lingering discomfort.
Afterwards, Ruggie's got a new target whenever he wants someone to pickpocket.
Azul Ashengrotto
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Azul was already in a terrible mood, and witnessing some charlatan harassing you did nothing to change that. In the Lounge? This was supposed to be a gentlemanly environment, he cannot have his reputation be tarnished by these sorts of insolent individuals!
That's what he tells himself, at least, the reason he plans to state before having the fool who treated you so terribly escorted out. Truth be told, he's also outraged on your behalf, terribly concerned for your well-being.
It's quite the pleasant surprise when you take care of the issue yourself. Your hand is swift and merciless, leaving the little prat with a broken wrist. He knew you had that sort of strength, really, he just never anticipated you having it in you to perform such an act.
Afterwards, you're clearly panicked, struggling to handle the situation, so he strolls up and 'kindly' informs the pervert they've been banned.
He offers you a free meal for your troubles, able to be claimed right now. Additionally, he advised you to eat in the VIP room, since there aren't any clients there, and you'll prefer the privacy after what just happened to you.
While you're there, he observes you to see if you're alright. He might not admit it outright, but he's incredibly concerned for you. How has your emotional well-being been impacted? Is there risk of this harassment spiraling even further?
Whichever fool thought it a good idea to mistreat you quickly finds themselves on the receiving end of Azul Ashengrotto's wrath; every single misdeed of theirs dug up and put on full display.
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potheadkiki · 2 days
HII... hear me out. Pool sex with katsuki..??
I know you want pool sex but honestly sex in one of those hot springs sounds so much better
18+ content
Bakugo being a simp but refusing to admit it
Pet names (princess, angel, babe, etc)
Some slut shaming but it's fine
Chubby reader
Bakugo is 6'4
Reader is goth
Reader has the ability to sonic scream similar to black Canary
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After UA everyone is class 1-a kept in close contact. Coincidentally both you and Bakugo are in neighboring agencies and see each other quite often at mixers and group parties. One day both agencies claimed that after the most recent villain attack that everyone needed to take a break so each company decided that every hero draw a number and the two heroes that drew the same number would leave for a week to go to an all expenses paid spa with traditional rooms and a private hot spring bath. Today was no different, everyone is lined up and as one of the assistants comes along with a jar everyone grabs a piece of paper, today's number was 78, unfolding your little piece your heart stops, 78 in bold is staring back at you, stepping forward claiming the first spot wondering who you'll be going to the resort with. The agency is on FaceTime and you watch as Bakugo steps forward on the screen holding the same number as you and you feel as your stomach flips your going to be alone with him for a week, he'll be in one of those kimonos and as you imagine it your face heats up. You've been in love with this guy ever since your days at UA he'd never see you that way of course you may be smart and have a sonic scream but you're also a slacker pot head from the US. You hear as everyone cheers for you and congratulates you on being able to take the week off with Bakugo no less. Finishing up the rest of your shift trying to ignore all the comments everyone is making some rude or snarky, your friends however made encouraging remarks and how this could be your chance to seduce him. As your day comes to an end your phone vibrates looking at it your heart races
Bakugo: Guess you're gonna be in my space for a week huh?
Reading the message you laugh he hasn't changed really
You:Yeah I guess so huh you'll just have to forgive me
You reply attempting to be a little flirty but also keep the same energy
Bakugo: I'll find some way you can make it up to me don't worry
Reading that your heart is basically in your asshole I mean how are you supposed to respond to that. You're going to be alone with him and now the entire time this will be all you can fucking think about.
You: yeah you do that lol
You reply trying to defuse the situation and not think about losing your virginity on a work paid vacation.
Bakugo: oh don't doubt me I will
You have no idea what to say simply telling him that you'll see him in the morning and to sleep well.
--next day
You make your way to the agencies where they have a company car that they'll give you unfortunately you don't have your license so that means Bakugo will have to drive he just scoffs at that but you smile
Putting your things in the trunk you're kinda nervous honestly the only bathing suit you have is a bikini with mushrooms that is kinda low cut. Grabbing the special blanket with dragons on it that you've had since high school and need with to sleep successfully, slipping in the passenger seat getting comfy. Bakugo seeing this and scoffing again before saying
"Look at you fucking passenger princess ass" you blush at that he wasn't being mean or rude
"It's a three hour drive bakugo I wanna be comfy"you say shyly holding your blanket close to your chest
"Yeah yeah whatever get comfy then princess it's gonna be a long drive" he says placing the car in reverse putting his hand on the back of your seat watching as he turns his head to see where he's going before pulling out of the parking spot once he's out he puts the car in drive and your face goes red not only did he just call you princess but he did that thing when driving too not realizing the smirk on his face as he pulls on the highway the smirk of victory.
Bakugo has been thinking about this since yesterday morning he's going to get a week with you alone completely. He's basically been in love with you ever since you transferred to the hero course here in Japan. You're smart, kind, beautiful, and you rarely care what others think of you and he loves that. He's aware you smoke it helps with your quirk apparently. He has discovered that he has quite a thing for watching you smoke. The way you purse your lips and inhale, the way you lick your lips when dry, the way the smoke escapes past your lips. Fuck he needs to focus on driving he can't be hard right now. Taking a quick glance towards you he sees you cuddle up with said blanket, only one earbud in with something playing on your phone, you however seem interested. He doesn't want that. He wants to talk to you, he wants to be at the center of your attention. He knows its toxic and crazy since he himself needs to focus on driving but that doesn't mean they can't talk. Right?
"Put your phone down and talk to me. If I fall asleep at the wheel it's your damn fault." He says glancing in your direction.
"If this is your way of asking for me to start a conversation with you then I definitely feel like you could have done that differently but okay" you say huffing out a laugh before continuing the conversation
"What's the first thing you want to do when you get? I know personally I want to soak in that gorgeous hot spring maybe smoke a little joint, if its okay with you of course." He watches you say that with a cheeky smile. Maybe he'll join you this week is after all supposed to be relaxing and that does sound quite nice.
"what a dumb question of course imma see if they have a gym" you rolling your eyes thinking naturally
"Then find some to eat maybe and maybe in between everything I'll join you if I feel like it of course." He says side eyeing you with a slight smile only to catch that you're sporting a similar cheeky smile with pink cheeks. And that's how it went for the next three hours idle chit chat and stupid questions mostly. So when he pulls up to this large log house that has steaming chimney your pupils basically turn into hearts. It's gorgeous the way the sun hits against the large mountains and shines through the trees god you never want to leave and you haven't even stepped into the building.
Once you've both registered with secretary and got your room key (turns out its one of those two in one rooms with a single bamboo room divider) but bakugo opted for just opening the divider doors claiming they'res just more space this way they would have had to share the hot spring anyways since it's a connected room and all. Most of the time they were assigned to people with relativity large families or two pro heroes on vacation. He watches in amusement as your eyes light up again before turning back around and clapping your hands together exclaiming 'right' turning your head to face him giving a soft smile
"I'm about to pack a cone and change into my bikini would you like to join me for a soak and smoke if will" He rolls his eyes at that god you can be so corny sometimes but he listens as you go on
"Then we could find some place to eat or order in either or I don't care"
"yea whatever just let me know when you're done I'm not gonna sit around in my damn trunk" He says with a slight blush thinking of the two of you together alone in a steamy bath while you wear a bikini, fuck he feels like a teenager again and he hates it. He manages to busy himself which in hindsight may could have been a mistake because when he hears you clear your throat, whipping his head around he's faced with you in a mushroom styled bikini top that hugs your tits perfectly, realizing just how big they are considering you usually wear large/baggie t-shirts, and a simple pair of black bottoms that hug your ass perfectly, letting a groan slip past his lips as he stands up quickly
"Jesus woman you scared the shit out of me, just wait for me outside I'll be out there in like 10 minutes" he says not making eye contact with you as he walks away. You step outside washing yourself off before heading over and sitting at the edge with your feet dangling into the water, gently moving your feet back and and forth in a swishing motion making sure no water actually plashes up at you, not yet at least, lighting a joint with wet hands is a real bitch, your thoughts only really stopping when you hear the pitter patter of bakugos bare feet against the smooth rock turning your head you give him a smile
"Hey I waited for you before smoking I wasn't sure if you wanted to or not but if you did we could share" You say with that stupid smile while holding up said joint and an ORAGNE lighter he doesn't know why but it makes his heart jump at the thought that maybe you bought it thinking of him little does he know how right he actually is.
"Okay jesus let me rinse off first before you start rushing me" Rolling your eyes at this but giving a slight okay anyways. You can't help as your eyes follow his every movement watching as his back muscles flex and constrict due to his movements. Blush enveloping your face and a little of your neck god your going to be spending a week here with this man. Bakugo being a little tipsy as he took some shots of Soju to help calm his nerves but its doing the exact opposite making smoking will help he thinks thats when he smells it, the potent stench of marijuana. Turning his head he watches as you stand up water splashing as you walk towards him with the joint between your lips gently sucking and exhaling the smoke, he watches as your hips sway walking towards him, getting close to his face pushing said joint up against his lips as a silent plea to open his mouth and when he does you get a full whiff of alcohol and you take a step back as you look at him
"Were you in there drinking? Whats up? You know you can tell me anything right?" You say leaning down a little to make sure you force eye contact since he's been avoiding it. You watch as he groans and takes a hit before coughing slightly and handing the joint back to you without saying anything he steps into the water submerging himself halfway into the steaming water before looking back at you as a silent way of asking if your coming or not and you do walking over and you sit next to him smoking the joint a little, looking at him as he scratches the back of his neck almost ashamed, opening his mouth but he doesn't say anything so you hand him the joint again, he's clearly nervous, taking it from your hand he inhales harshly handing it back to you as he falls into a small coughing fit. Watching as he sputters a little, laughing at him a little amused, getting in closer to gently rub his back and help calm his breathing again. Not realizing that in getting to close your breast have pressed up against his side in hopes of calming him down
"Okay i'm fine now so you can move" He says shifting away from you and you smile a little giving a short 'sorry' you say looking at him in hopes that since you moved away he would tell you whats wrong with him
"Okay so we met in ua and you've always been so annoying with that damn smile of yours and the way you laugh,being able to light up a room with a single twinkle from your eye and that isn't even your quirk, I remember thinking for a split moment that maybe you were just like icy-hot with two of em but no and even after all that your damn smile was still to bright. Then we got put in neighboring agencies and we drew this dumb fucking lottery" And threw this whole interaction you could tell he was getting frustrated and you weren't entirely sure where he was going with this but it clearly has something to do with pent up feelings so you grab his hands taking a leap of faith pushing them against your chest getting closer looking at him with pleading eyes
"Please don't stop. I want to hear what you have to say. All of it." You say holding his hands tight against your breast and you watch as he looks away a blush spreading to the tip of his ears
"Fuck I just- I don't know I'm still trying to figure how to say shit" he says quickly and you realize that's true he's always been a man of action
"Well don't say anything then" you say gripping his hands pressing your breasts harder into his arm getting closer, he looks at you thinking that maybe it's the alcohol or the weed but whatever it was he could feel his inhibition lowering along with his head as his lips connect with yours, groaning as you push your chest up against his, slipping into his lap as his arms wrap around your waist possessively squeezing you tight, pulling away you giggle at his possessiveness
"Why you squeezing me so tight?" You say laughing a little more and he hides his face in your breasts before mumbling something and you grip his hair a little which seems to get the memo as he pulls away
"Like hell I'm letting you go now" he mumbles hiding his face in your neck as his hips rut up against yours causing you to gasp out changing angles which puts his face right in between your breasts as his grip on you tightens and his rutting becomes rougher the water begins of the hot springs sloshing with his movements as you grip his hair grinding down and meeting his thrusts until he suddenly stops causing you to let out a whine and he pulls away from your chest much to his dismay chuckling
"I'm not cumming till I get to feel that pussy wrapped 'round me" he says almost slurred as his eyes droop grabbing your ass roughly as he picks you up sitting you on the stone side and you shiver arching your back against him
"It's cold Suki" you say whining as you feel goosebumps spread across your body and he just rolls his eyes
"You'll be fine. I gotta open you up baby" he says and you blush you've only had sex three times neither of them enjoyable which is something you should probably admit but you don't want to ruin the mood because you want to be with him and you can feel your mind running
"Hey speak up tell me to stop" he says and you grip his hand
"No! God no please. I want to be with you but I've only done this a couple of times and none of them enjoyable so I don't want to disappoint you with my own inexperience. But it's not like I think this will be bad or anything and that's another reason I'm nervous" you say but realize that you've been rambling quickly but you see as his eyebrows scrunch
"So you're worried that you won't be able to keep up and that basically I'm going to fuck you like no one else could?" He says kinda nonchalant and a blush spreads across your face at how he could simplify your insecurities in a crude way. But you giggle
"Yeah I guess kinda. I mean everyone talks about how good it can feel like leg shaking and it's scary and what if you leave after or think I make a weird face" you say giggling a little throwing your hands up in defeat
"Well I want to do with you no pressure, obviously, but I can also guarantee that I will make you feel good and like hell I'm leaving your ass I already got a taste of you." He says with a smile leaning in between your legs nibbling at your left ear
"You promise" you say a little wobble to your voice. His hands are exploring your thighs gripping, squeezing and even pinching at your thigh
"Trust me baby I fuckin promise you're stuck with me now." You giggle a little and he leans in kissing your cheek
"Okay well I'm done over thinking. You gonna fuck me now?" At that his lips connect with yours, his hips slotting between your thighs as one of his hands slips behind your back grabbing one of the loose strings pulling it untying the top. Once untied he slips the straps down your arms throwing your top somewhere, pulling away licking his lips as he grabs at your boobs kissing your chest before he moves his way down to your right breast. Holding your right breast up he gently suckles on the nipple as his left hand tugs and pinches at your other one. Feeling as he nibbles and bites at your nipple tugging with his teeth causing your back to arch and grip at his hair feeling him still grounding down on you. His left hand travels down your stomach and slips into your bottoms as his head moves towards your left nipple giving it the same attention and hickies. He pulls away slipping his hand out your pants causing you to whine in an exaggerated manner to show your disappointment.
"Cmon don't be a brat I gotta get you out of these" he says referring to your bottoms and you blush as his hands grab at the hem of them looking at you to indicate to lifting your hips up and you do listening happily at the implications. God the man you're in love is about to finger you and it turns out he feels the same way I mean like what? That's crazy?
"Mhm damn look that pussy baby"he says with a wicked grin leaning down getting into the water until he's face to face with your pussy feeling as it throbs while it clenches and unclenches around nothing covering your face in shame because you just know he can see it happen and judging by his laugh you're right.
"Mhm look at this desperate pussy clenching around nothing you're so desperate aren't you baby?" He asks clearly rhetorically since he doesn't wait for you to respond before he slips his pointer finger inside curling it up searching for that spongy spot inside and he can tell instantly when he finds it based on how you whine and clench your thighs around his head that was barely a breath away from your pussy almost feeling his breath fan against your most sensitive area. He laughs at your sensitivity deciding to add his middle finger repeating the same action curling his fingers upwards. Feeling his breath get closer and closer until you feel his tongue lick at your clit. Your head throws back, grabbing a fist full of his hair from the intense stimulation finding ground yourself to something as you feel his fingers move curl non stop and his lips suck and lick at your clit. Feeling as not only your thighs clench around his head but the knot in your stomach as well. Back arching deeper as his fingers do the same inside you so desperate to make you cum
"I'm-im gonna cum Suki fuck I can feel it!" You exclaim as your back gives out falling back against the stone as you cum on his face thighs shaking and convulsing as his fingers milk you for everything your worth. You feel as his fingers gently pull out whining at the loss. Whining about the stones being cold Bakugo laughs at you calling you a baby and you watch as he licks his lips as he grabs your wrists pulling you back into the water as he sits down on the middle step pulling you down with him landing on lap realizing he must have ditched his swimming trunks at some point looking down in the water blushing god he's so big
"Like what you see baby? This is what's gonna go inside you baby." He says whispering in your ear as he grinds his cock against your bare pussy. Gasping as you wrap your arms around his neck tight clearly nervous at the anticipation
"If you want to stop we can" he says clearly being able to sense your nervousness. But you pull away quickly
"No! I mean no. *you say gasping trying to keep your cool* I don't want to stop I'm just a little nervous. So please just be gentle with me" you say seductively grinding down and he groans
"God damn you're gonna be the death of me you know that?" And you giggle at the comment. Kissing his cheek
"Alright princess take a deep breath" he says lovingly as you feel him lift your hips gasping as you feel his cock rub at your clit before poking at your entrance
"Alright babe breath for me" he says as he pushes his hips up against yours. Your head throws back again to the feeling of him stretching you open, his hands grip at your waist pushing you down as well to meet his hips until he's completely bottomed out inside you. He can feel as your breath hitches and your heart quickens
"Breath" he says as you feel his right hand rub circles into your lower back. There's a proud smile on his face as he realizes that almost instantly you try to regain control of your breathing. God she's such a good girl he thinks. Feeling as you begin to move your hips grinding down slowly.
"Yeah baby? You gonna use me and my cock to please yourself?" He asks as he buries his face into your breasts sucking hickies into your sternum as his own hips begin to move. Water sloshing with the movement of both of you.
"Mhm you feel that baby? Are your thighs shaking for me?" He asks clearly proud of himself you both keep a steady pace as he fucks into you and you meet his thrusts feeling the pressure build again as your thighs do shake from the pleasure but they're beginning to burn your so fucking to close to cumming again you just can't keep going fuck
"Please- please *gasping* I can't keep doing it my thighs burn help me" you whine burying your face into his neck as you suck your own bruises into the skin. He groans at the feeling but you feel as his hand grab at your ass cheeks pulling them apart slightly as he begins fucking up against you roughly hitting your g-spot perfectly as his other hand slips between your bodies finding your clit and begins to play with it.
"Mhm damn I can you clenching around me love. You gonna cum. Yea fucking cum do it for me. I'm so close too." He says hips moving more erratic so desperate to make you cum first. And his efforts begin to pay off as he feels you clench around him the same as you did against his fingers.
"I can feel you clenching. I know you're gonna cum just do it." He says and that's basically all it takes before you're cumming around him but that doesn't stop his own thrusting. You feel as he picks you up sitting you against the stone as he fucks into you harsher cumming inside you as he pulls out you whine and he laughs
"Why did you put me back on the stone? It's cold." You whine as he rolls his eye
"I didn't want to cum in the water. Don't want to ruin the hot spring do we? Still wanna be able to use it yeah?" He says kissing you and you blush cause he's right god how embarrassing. He picks you up and takes you to the bathroom sitting you on a stool that sits in front of the shower head.
"Alright love let's get cleaned up then we can smoke a little more and cuddle. Yeah?" And you blush at that cuz fuck yeah that sounds amazing. The fact that he fucked your brains out, is gonna bathes you and then smoke with you while watching TV god you really are in love.
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ataliagold · 2 days
I Just Wanna Get To Know Ya
For @astrangersummer week 9 prompt 'different meeting au.' Title from Red Wine Supernova by Chappell Roan.
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson (pre-relationship)
Rating: T
W/C: 1281
Tags: Pre-Steddie, alternate meeting, modern au, no upside down, Steve's an indoor climbing instructor, it's love at first sight for Eddie, flirting, fluff, Eddie's horny af
Summary: Dustin convinces Eddie to drive them to the indoor climbing gym where his old babysitter works. Eddie's reluctant at first, but changes his tune when he lays eyes on the instructor...
It’s barely nine am when Eddie’s phone starts vibrating beside him, buzzing along his bedside table.
He groans, slaps at it, tries to shut it the fuck up because surely it was too early for his alarm to be going off?
Looking at the display, he blinks several times, trying to clear the fog of sleep from his brain.
It isn’t his alarm - it’s Dustin calling.
“What, Henderson?” Eddie snaps into the phone, flopping back against his pillow.
“Can you take us bouldering?” Dustin’s voice, loud and imploring, hits Eddie’s ear.
“Bouldering,” Dustin repeats, slowly as though talking to an imbecile. “Can you drive us? This guy Steve, he was meant to take us, he used to baby sit me and he works there and he said we’d need to do the normal climbing wall first but then we could try bouldering but he had to go in early to cover a shift and he couldn’t pick us all up in time, so…”
Eddie takes a moment to process the info dump from Dustin.
“You…want me to drive you somewhere?” He finally catches up.
“Yes,” Dustin says, exasperated. “You’re not busy, right?”
“Eddie, it’s a Saturday morning, I know you’re not busy.”
And ok, a little rude, but…Dustin was right.
“Fine, whatever. Where am I taking you?”
“Bouldering. In Bloomington.”
“What the fuck is bouldering?”
“Like rock climbing. But this one’s inside, it’s like a climbing wall, Lucas has been before and he convinced us it might actually be fun and Steve said he could get us in for free.”
“You want to go…climbing? In this heat?”
“It’s inside,” Dustin repeats, “and there’s good AC.”
Eddie sighs. It’s too damn early for him to have the energy to argue with Dustin. “Whatever, but you little shits are giving me gas money.”
“Thanks Eddie! See you in…twenty minutes?”
Dustin ends the call, and Eddie scrambles out of bed, cursing, barely with enough time to brush his teeth.
Thank fuck he brushed his teeth, was Eddie’s first thought upon walking inside the climbing gym.
Because the kids are waving at a guy standing by one of the walls, Dustin calling “Steve!” and when he turns around and grins and gives a goofy little waggle of his fingers in greeting Eddie’s brain short-circuits.
Steve is fucking stunning, and Eddie can think of little else but getting his mouth on any part of him.
Steve is tall, he’s wearing a white tank top with those low holes that dip down and expose tanned skin over a lean torso. His hair is artfully mussed in several directions, all soft and golden and perfect for Eddie’s fingers, he thinks. He’s got a beautiful smile and enormous hands and don’t even get Eddie started on the harness clinging sinfully to his thighs and ass.
Eddie swallows before he can literally dribble.
“Hey guys, glad you could make it! Sorry about that,” Steve was saying to the kids. “Here, let me show you how to get your harnesses on, I’ll get you guys to start on the normal wall first and then we can look at moving you on to bouldering...”
Eddie forces his feet to move. Steps closer to this fucking god of a man, brings himself into his orbit and tries to kick-start his vocal chords again.
Steve looks up. Smiles wide at Eddie, eyes twinkling and Eddie thought that was something that only happened in books but this guy’s deep brown eyes are actually shining and Eddie doesn’t think any of this is very fair.
“Hey man, I’m Steve.” He sticks his hand out, and Eddie’s eyes lock on the veins in his wrist and the sheer girth of the man’s fingers, and he feels his brain stumble again. “You gave these little shrimps a ride? Appreciate it, sorry if it messed up your plans or anything.”
“No,” Eddie squeaks, writhing internally. “No plans, nope. S’fine. I’m, ah, I’m Eddie.”
Steve’s hand is still awkwardly outstretched. Eddie takes it, squeezes maybe a little too firmly and god his hand is big and warm and there’s callouses on his fingers and Eddie is fucked.
After a moment, Steve takes his hand back. Brushes it against the back of his neck, right where Eddie sort of wanted to sink his teeth in.
Get your shit together, his brain hisses.
“You, ah…you want to climb, too?” Steve asks, gesturing to the wall.
Eddie glances up, takes in the sheer height of the thing, the multi-coloured grips, watches as some kid near the top slips off and is yanked upwards by his harness. On the other side of the room, someone is scaling a wall without a damn harness, the floor beneath them soft and padded but Eddie really wasn’t sure about that…
“Eddie doesn’t do physical activity,” Mike pipes up, waiting while Lucas helps him with his harness. “He complained the whole way here, he didn’t even know what bouldering was.”
Eddie could murder the kid.
Steve smiles, a little sheepish. “That’s ok. You can watch, if you’d prefer.”
“I want to try,” Eddie blurts.
Steve’s face lights up again. “You do? Cool, let me just…yeah this one’ll do, c’mere, I’ll help you.” Steve selects a harness, briefly adjusting the straps, and then he fucking kneels down in front of Eddie.
Eddie’s heart slams in his chest. He’s only a man, a very gay man, and Steve’s crouched down there and looking up at him with liquid-honey eyes through heavy lashes and what the fuck is he supposed to do?
“Um…I need you to step into these loops,” Steve prompts, wiggling the harness a little.
Eddie breathes out. Sees Dustin a short distance away rolling his eyes at him, catches Max smirking.
Those two were going to be banished to the back seat on the way home.
Eddie does as he’s told, but then Steve’s fingers are scraping against his thighs as he pulls the harness up, delving dangerously close to the current center of Eddie’s bloodflow and fuck if he gets any closer then Eddie’s probably going to get himself permanently banned from this place because there’s children around…
Steve stands up. Places his hands over the loose straps at Eddie’s hips, yanks them tight, Eddie stumbling a little bit as he does.
Instinctively, he reaches out, grasping at Steve’s waist with one hand to steady himself and oh god that was nice – he’s firm and warm and solid under Eddie’s grip, and Eddie finds his hand lingering, thinks about how nice it would be to trace his fingers across soft skin rather than white cotton…
Steve looks down at him, throat clicking as he swallows, lips slightly parted. Is he…blushing? Just a little, Eddie thinks, Steve’s blushing with Eddie’s hand on him…
“Just gotta…tighten this last one up,” Steve breathes, and reaches around behind Eddie to tug on a buckle resting above his ass.
Eddie never thought he’d find heaven in a gym, but he thinks maybe he’s died and gone there.
“Ok, you’re all ready,” Steve says, stepping back a little, Eddie’s hand slipping mournfully from him.
Eddie’s tongue darts out over his bottom lip, wetting it.
Finally, he finds his voice.
“Maybe you could…give me a little demonstration first?” Eddie asks with a small smirk. “The wall is really high, and I just wanna see how it’s done.”
Steve bites his lip, returns Eddie’s smirk, leans in a little to say, “Sure thing, Eds.”
Steve’s halfway up the wall, Eddie’s eyes glued to his ass, when Dustin leans over and stage-whispers, “You happy you came along now?”
“Henderson,” Eddie says appreciatively, “this might be the best Saturday morning I’ve ever had.”
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natimiles · 2 days
Wanna go somewhere? (Mammon x reader)
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Summary: You’re feeling down and Mammon makes it his mission to cheer you up.
Words: 763
Tags: no pronouns for reader; Mammon being a sweetie; fluffy; can be established or pre-relationship.
Notes: this is a gift for @nightghoul381 requested by @judejazza! Have a lovely time with your demon, ghoulie!
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Mammon is more perceptive and smart than most demons give him credit for, and you know this better than anyone. He knows everything about you, from how you look when you wake up to how you react when things don’t go as planned. Just one glance at you, and he can tell when something has happened and you’re feeling down.
He tries to brush it off and says it’s not like he spends his days observing you or anything, but you don’t believe him anymore — it still brings a smile to your face, and that’s all that matters to him.
That’s why, when he looks at you now, he knows he needs to do something. You’re looking at the front of the class, but your eyes aren’t really focused. He knows you’re not really paying attention and absorbing whatever the teacher is saying — it’s not like he is paying attention either, anyway.
An idea pops up almost immediately in his mind. He waits for classes to finish; he doesn’t want to risk Lucifer’s wrath, after all. When he leaves the final classroom with you, he walks by your side along the same path you take every day, until he suddenly stops.
“Huh? What’s wrong?” You stop immediately when you notice. You look around, already imagining that something happened or that one of the witches was summoning him again.
“Do ya… have any plans now?”
“No. Why?” You tilt your head to the side.
“Wanna go somewhere?”
“Oh?” A teasing grin forms on your lips. “The Great Mammon wanna go on a date with his human?”
“W-what? Well, you should be honored The Great Mammon wants to take you somewhere!” You snort lightly, and he crosses his arms over his chest, pouting. “Ya wanna go or not?”
“I do,” you beam at him.
“Of course ya do,” he mumbles, smiling sheepishly.
“Where are we…” You start asking, but his transformation into his demon form makes you lose track. “...going?” 
You raise a questioning eyebrow at him, trying to think where you’d possibly go that he’d need to fly you both there. He simply extends his hand to you, and without much thought, you accept it. Mammon pulls you close, carrying you bridal-style, and his wings spread on his back. In the next second, you’re both flying.
From this close, you can’t ignore the redness in his cheeks or the slight trembling of his fingers against your body. He tries to disguise it by holding you tighter against his chest. A tender smile spreads across your face, and you decide to let him off the hook this time. He’s already struggling enough.
“So… You gonna tell me where we’re going?” you whisper close to his face, watching in amazement as goosebumps arise on his skin.
“Y-ya… Ya’ll see.”
He heads towards the direction of the house, but then ascends higher and higher... You’ve flown with Mammon before, but usually it was to get you home or to RAD faster when you were late. You’ve never been this high before, and your arms involuntarily tighten around his shoulders. He doesn’t say anything, just looks at you from the corner of his eye and adjusts his hold on you, ensuring a tighter grip that comforts you — even though you know Mammon would never drop you.
When he finally stops, you feel like your heart will explode. Everything is as dark as always, but if he moves a little to the side, you’re sure you could touch the clouds nearby. From this high in the Devildom sky, the stars seem so close you feel like you could catch them, and the city below looks so tiny that its lights resemble small stars.
“It’s beautiful up here.”
Your eyes shine so brightly that Mammon gives himself a moment to stare at you without a care in the world. It’s just the two of you anyway; he can have this moment just this once.
“I thought it’d cheer ya up. Ya looked down before.”
You turn to look at him, surprised to notice he’s still staring intently at your face, paying attention to every little detail to read you.
“It did,” you whisper, a smile forming on your lips. “It really did. Thanks, Mammon.” You kiss his cheek and snuggle your face against him, getting comfortable to watch the beautiful scenery for a few more minutes.
Mammon smiles, a little relief showing on his features, as he adjusts you in his arms. He kisses the crown of your head and nuzzles his nose into your hair.
“Yer welcome, my human.”
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🔞 Minors DNI 🔞
A search for a rumored Vegapunk weapon leads the Kid Pirates to an unexpected new crewmate, with a bloodlust that rivals their own and an incredible power.
CW: Please check AO3 for all current warnings, but general warning for smut, slow burn, serious gore, and really dark themes. AFAB reader, she/her pronouns.
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 1
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Chapter 36 - Breaking Point, Side A
Tensions flare in the aftermath of a traumatic night.
Word Count: ~3.5k
Taglist: @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @tremendoushorsepatrolgoth @iggy5055 @eyes-ofhell
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Dawn's crying woke you both up only a few hours later, Heat quick to urge you to rest and collecting her from the crib. You sat up, knowing full well she was probably hungry. You didn't know how old she was but you guessed only a few months, she probably wanted to feed every four or so hours. Your breasts were aching for release anyway, now that they had been drained once it felt like your body was kicking into overdrive, your breasts noticeably heavier and firmer than they had been the last few days. Maybe this is what the books meant when they talked about your milk coming in. Either way, you were just as eager to feed her as she was to eat, her cries making your breasts leak and wet your shirt. You held your hands out for her and Heat lowered her to you carefully, as her little arms escaped from the swaddle and refused to let go of his finger.
She was quick to latch again, and you could see now in the daylight that her eyes were a sparkling blue. It hurt, with the blonde puff of hair and blue eyes she looked the way you imagined your own baby might have. Come to think of it, you hadn't even named him. You couldn't afford to dwell on it now, there was a very much alive orphaned little girl currently on your breast who needed you to keep your head. So young and yet she'd already been through so much. Heat watched with fascination as she made small squeaking sounds and kept his finger in a surprisingly strong grasp, forcing him to cuddle up against you, not that either of you minded. You let yourself rest against him, his free hand squirming its way behind you to wrap around your waist, giving in to the fantasy that this was your little family. That nothing traumatic had led to this strange situation, this was entirely normal and comforting, before the stress of reality reared its ugly head.
“What are we gonna do Heat?” You sighed.
“I'm gonna go out and grab a bunch of stuff as soon as you're okay with me heading out,” he replied, “whatever you need, I'll get it”
“My mask,” you pouted, “it's back on the ship”
“I'll get it,” he clenched his teeth, “you just stay here and rest, just focus on yourself and Dawn, I'm gonna take care of both of you don't worry about anything. The doctors said you need to be on bedrest for at least a week, after last night I'm enforcing that. You're not lifting a finger till you're recovered”
Together you made a list of everything you thought you needed, and against his desires he left to fetch them, putting a very milk drunk Dawn back in the crib before heading out, leaving you to get a little more much needed sleep. He decided to do the hardest part first, heading back to the Victoria to grab your mask. He hoped everyone would be asleep as it was still very early morning. He sauntered up the gangplank as quietly as he could and head underdeck to the infirmary where he'd last seen your mask, after Mohawk removed it during your operation. Thankfully it was still sitting in place on the back counter, a little blood on it still but otherwise unharmed.
“You wanna explain where the fuck you were going with my girlfriend and packed bags last night?” An aggressive baritone came from behind him. He turned to the masked first mate, a scowl on his face as he used his height to feign confidence over the shorter blond.
“She's not your girlfriend, or did Kid not pass on the message?” Heat spat back at him, “she said, and I quote, ‘he and I are over, we're done’. You pushed her too far Killer, she's done with you hurting her”
“Me? Hurting her?” He let out a laugh, a genuine unhindered one that threw Heat back in surprise. “She killed my fucking baby, she should have fucking listened when I told her it was too dangerous”
“A marine killed your baby Killer,” Heat yelled, surprise quickly overruled by anger, “her baby, that she grew and nurtured and could feel inside her. A baby you didn't even plan on having! You're not the only one grieving, you're just the only selfish prick acting like it's all about you. Hasn't she fucking been through enough? She delivered her own fucking dead baby in the middle of a battle and you won't even look at her. She needed you and you fucking abandoned her, just like you always do! It took her so long to let you back in after your last fuck up and in the blink of an eye you managed to fuck it all up again”
Killer punched Heat hard, his jaw making an audible click as his face was forced sideways. If he was anyone else he might have been sent flying, but he was just as strong as the blond, bodying the hit like it was nothing. He turned his head back to Killer and grabbed a fist full of his shirt, raising him off the ground like he weighed nothing.
“You want a baby so fucking bad? Go knock some whore up,” Heat spat, “because apparently that's all she was to you. Just a fucking broodmare. She'll never carry another child again, so you better go get to work finding a new incubator cos she can't do it anymore. Did you ever even love her or was she just convenient? Just a quick way to get what you wanted?”
“Of course I loved her!” Killer shouted as he forced his way out of Heat's grasp, “love her” he corrected himself.
“Then fucking act like it,” Heat shoved him hard, Killer's back connecting with a infirmary cot. “She spent the last three days waiting for you to man up and go to her, and instead you just sat around here twirling your hair and acting like the whole world is against you. Pull your fucking head out of your ass Killer. She just went through something traumatic and you're too busy grieving the dead to see the living. You know where Wire found her last night? On the edge of a fucking cliff. Getting ready to fucking jump. You did that, you drove her to think shes worth so little that she'd be better off dead, her death would have been blood on your hands Killer”
“She… I didn't know,” he said quietly, mask tilted away, unable to look at Heat for the shame he felt.
“Of course you didn't, because you haven't fucking talked to her,” Heat growled, “if you had then you'd know how fucking torn up she is, how much she's blaming herself. She thinks you only loved her because of the baby. You know what she said to me when she woke up in the infirmary, after your stroppy ass stormed out without even looking at her? She said tell him I'll make him another one, you should have seen the heartbreak on her face when I told her she couldn't, because she thinks the only reason you want her is to make babies. She'd just lost her baby, fought for her life after almost bleeding to death, and found out she'd never carry another child, and all she was thinking about was you, how disappointed you'd be with her. It's fucked Killer, you're fucked for putting those thoughts in her head. All you had to do was fucking be there for her, but you were too fucking selfish to do the bare fucking minimum”
Killer slumped down against the cot and put his head between his knees. A harsh sob came from him, but Heat didn't have it in him to comfort him, he didn't deserve comfort, not after the hurt he'd inflicted on the woman Heat loves. The firebreather gave him a tsk and started rummaging in the cabinets for pain medication for you, knowing you were still physically hurting immensely even if you didn't say it when you made the list.
“I'll… I'll do better,” Killer cried.
“That's what you told her last time,” Heat scorned.
“I didn't mean to shut her out, I just… I needed someone to blame,” he said sadly.
“Then blame the fucking marines! Don't go blaming her! She didn't do shit!” Heat yelled, “and for the fucking record, it could have happened outside of battle anyway, its not uncommon. Would you still have blamed her then, or would you finally have some fucking sympathy? How much does she have to suffer before you decide she's worthy of your comfort?”
“Where is she?” Killer asked.
“None of your fucking business,” Heat growled. “You and Kid have three days to apologise and grovel before the log pose resets, otherwise you're sailing away without the three of us. You wanna talk, you talk to me, I have my mini den-den, you're not getting near her till I say you can”
“Three?” Killer asked.
“They didn't tell you shit did they?” Heat half laughed, “she went to that cliff to kill herself, but instead some lady with the same idea handed her a baby and jumped”
“I… I saw it last night… I thought it was a ghost,” Killer's eyes were wide with surprise under the mask. He'd seen the small bundle, asleep in your arms, but it hadn't made any sense so he'd chalked it up to a mania induced hallucination.
“Yeah well, she's keeping it, but not on this ship, not after what Kid said,” Heat scorned.
“What did Kid say?”
“He called her a worthless whore and a life ruiner,” Heat tutted as he gathered some shit in a plastic bag, “real nice stuff to someone who just lost her baby and was forcibly sterilised, like we hadn't just found her trying to kill herself”
“I wanna talk to her,” Killer grabbed Heat's pants as he walked past. Heat kicked his hand away and kept moving.
“Too fucking bad, she's busy and she's tired and she doesn't want shit to do with you,” Heat replied coldly.
Killer watched Heat move as a realisation dawned on him. Heat had never spoken to him or Kid like this, the man was usually obedient and loyal, more akin to a puppy than the territorial wolf he was being right now. “You love her, don't you?”
“So what if I do?” Heat replied, “even if she never loves me back, I would never hurt her the way you have. She deserves better.”
“Oh, and you're better?” He scoffed.
“Well Killer, I didn't fucking leave her to mourn on her own after she lost her baby,” Heat spat, “in fact, I was the one there for her, every second I could be. I'm the one who was with her every minute I could be for the last three days, when all she wanted was her so-called loving boyfriend. So yeah, I'd say I can do better. I am doing better. I'm picking up your fucking mess but I'll do it happily because she means the fucking world to me.”
“So what, you're just gonna go play house with her and some stranger's baby?” Killer laughed.
“If that's what she wants, yeah,” Heat replied, “and if she doesn't, I'll support that too, because she's a fucking human being with her own thoughts and feelings that deserve to be recognised, not just a hole for you to breed. Maybe it's for the best, this way she gets to have a baby and she isn't stuck tied to your pathetic excuse of a man. You're a fucking coward Killer, you talk big game but when it comes down to it you're just a scared little boy who thinks he can just ignore his problems till they go away. The worst thing is that people still care about you, but you ignore them too. Hell she probably still cares about you. But you act like the whole fucking world is against you. Really it's just you, hiding away in your room and tearing shit up, refusing to take your meds just so everyone will treat you like the victim, when you could have been out there comforting her when she needed you. She never would have gone to that cliff if you'd just fucking let her in, if you'd let her mourn with you. You're fucking lucky some random woman decided to hand her a baby and off herself or Yin would be dead right now. Even if she ever forgives you, I might not, because what you did was selfish and cruel, and you almost took her from me because of it, from all the people who care about her. So much for the dangerous Massacre Soldier Killer, you're just a pathetic little man who can't even comfort a woman when she so desperately needed you. You should've stuck to whores, emotions are clearly too advanced for you.”
“Are you done?” Killer growled, standing now with his arms crossed in front of Heat as the taller man cussed him out.
“Far fucking from it,” he growled, “but she needs me, and unlike you my head isn't too far up my own ass to see, so I'll be going now. Have a nice life, Massacre Soldier”
Manic laughter followed Heat out into the hall, all the way until he reached the gangplank and fled far enough for the sound to no longer travel.
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Dawn was back on your breast when Heat returned, making you jump at first before his wild mop of blue hair appeared, using his ass to open the door because his hands were too full. Comically, he was wearing your mask on his head to save hand space, but it was clearly far too small for him, sitting on a mound of hair instead of his actual head. You snorted as he entered the room, putting down the large armfulls of bags with a heavy sigh of relief. He pulled the mask from his head and set it on a dresser before collapsing on the bed next to you, his hands over his chest and his eyes closed.
“She sure eats a lot huh?” Heat noted, turning his head to the side to watch Dawn. Her little arms were wiggling around like she was searching for something, so he turned to his side and offered her his hand. Her fingers wound around one of his and he couldn't help but blush. Given his big, somewhat scary appearance he wasn't used to small vulnerable things being so fearless with him. “Small but strong too”
“I don't know how old she is, but she seems to want to eat every three or four hours,” you replied with a yawn, “God I'm so tired. And hungry”
“I got you some food from the bakery down the street but you'll have to wait till little miss here releases me so I can grab it,” he laughed, trying to reclaim his finger but her grip was iron tight.
“You're the fucking best Heat,” you smiled, half lidded in your exhaustion. He didn't envy you, he hadn't exactly had much sleep either between when the nurses kicked him out of the hospital and when Kid had called them all for an emergency meeting about Killer, but then he wasn't putting all his energy into feeding another living being while recovering from a traumatic birth and major surgery. By the time Dawn was thoroughly milk drunk and nodding off again, you were nearly asleep, leaning against his chest with his arms around you to keep you upright, now that the small one had released her insane grip on his finger. He took Dawn carefully from your hold and put her back in the crib, admiring her for a moment before returning his attention to looking after you.
He rummaged in the bags and brought over the baked goods and a bottle of water, and you could barely open your eyes as you accepted them and sleepily nibbled. He had to take the remnants from your hand as you started to slouch over, a fond smile on his face at how cute you were in such a sleepy state, your lips turned upwards just the tiniest bit at the corners.
“Heat, do you love me?” You mumbled against his chest as you both got settled under the covers, your warm breath tickling the bare parts of his chest through the lacing of his corset. His breath hitched at the question, taken entirely by surprise and feeling like a deer in headlights. “Sorry,” you apologised, feeling the way he tensed, “I just… last time we slept together, it felt like more than just two friends fucking. I thought maybe you loved me. It's okay, I'm not mad if you don't, I just… thought”
“I do love you,” he breathed, his whole body still tense. He thought he might puke from the anxiety, worried the next words out of your mouth would be disgust or rejection. Nobody had ever loved him like that before, not in a romantic way. He was used to meaningless hookups during short stays at islands with people he'd never see again. The way you made him feel was entirely foreign, which is probably why it'd taken him so long to name the feeling.
“I know I said once that I didn't think I could fall in love with you,” you said softly, intertwining your fingers with his, making him relax a little, “but I think maybe that was a lie. You give me butterflies, Heat. And you make me feel so safe, you always have.”
He let out a shaky breath and a tear rolled down his cheek, he didn't realise just how stressed he was till you noticed the glistening trail and wiped it with your thumb. Your eyes bore into his, suddenly more alert now as you inspected his perpetually sad face before pressing a soft kiss on his mouth. You pulled away with a sigh, your forehead resting on his.
“I didn't notice you falling for me, I should have noticed,” you whispered,”I'm so sorry Heat. I'm… I'm going through a lot right now, but just knowing you're here, that at least one person in this godforsaken world wants me is enough to make me want to live”
“I thought you were dead,” his tears flowed freely now, his hands shaking as he finally processed the last three days. He'd been trying so hard to keep it together, to stay strong for you, because he knew you needed him, but those walls were crumbling so fast under your warm touch. “After the hospital said you left, we followed your vivre to where we knew the cliffs were, and it was burning. I knew physically you were fine, but for your resolve to be so set that your vivre burned… I… I thought I'd lost you. I only just realised how much I loved you after Quincy hurt you but I thought you were going to die last night thinking nobody loved you and I just… I never would have been able to live with myself. I should have told you sooner but I was so scared you'd hate me for it or that it'd ruin our friendship”
“Oh Heat,” your own tears started to meld with his as you pressed your cheeks together, your arms tight around his shoulders as he started to sob against you, the dam collapsing under the immense pressure of his emotions. “I'm so sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, I was just so fucked up and I just couldn't take it anymore. I should have seen you there, I should have known you were there for me like you've always been, I've been such a ghost lately that I didn't see” You held his head gently in your hands, his dark eyes glassy with tears as he sniffed and looked at you, “I'm not ready right now, but I have no intention of leading you on. I'm gonna find the strength to say those three words Heat, because I know I feel them, I just can't bring myself to say them right now. Please don't stop loving me, you're all I have”
His lips crashed against yours, pain and fear and love and overflowing intangible emotions bursting at the seams as his tongue fought against yours and his hands held you close against him. You could feel his growing erection against your thigh so you slid your hand down his front, threading it under the waistband of his baggy pants, desperately needing to make him feel good, to alleviate your guilt after the hurt you'd put him through. He let out an almost pained whine as you started to pump him, his kisses messy and half focused as you serviced him, till he couldn't focus on anything else anymore and all he could do was pant against your shoulder. It didn't take him long to cum, so wound up from the overbearing stress that the release you gave him had him letting out a stuttered groan as he came, his seed spilling over your hand and lubricating his cock as you worked him through it.
“Shh, I've got you,” you cooed as you made your final slow strokes, his breath hot on your shoulder as he gripped you tight like he was afraid you would disappear forever if he let go. It was almost painful, given your sore breasts and surgery site. “Heaaaat, loosen your grip baby, I'm not going anywhere, I promise”
He let go a little but refused to entirely remove his hold on you, but you were more than fine with that now that the pressure wasn't painful. You held his head close to your heart and stroked his hair, and your steady heartbeat and tender caresses in the afterglow of his orgasm finally lulled him to sleep. You breathed a sigh of relief that he was finally relaxed, and you soon followed suit to take advantage of what rest you could get before Dawn inevitably woke you up again.
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[NEXT CHAPTER] - link soon
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iriswestallenn · 12 hours
This season was a mess
Season 1: My brother took his life and has left me his restaurant. Do I deserve this? Do I take this on? How do I navigate this grief?
Season 2: We found a shit ton of money plus uncle Jimmy is lending us more. We decide to tear down the beef and build The Bear. There is a deadline, we need to get it together, and we need to make this deadline.
Season 3: ...???? The restaurant is up and running. They are digging a bigger hole for themselves. Jimmy is broke now? Carmy is hung up on Claire. Everyone keeps bringing up Claire. Carmy and Syd have zero communication. They barely speak. Not even as friends- keep that. AS BUSINESS PARTNERS. Not once does Carmy ask why Syd hasn't signed the fucking contract that HE brought up to her. This season started off strong but wow wtf happened.
I wanna focus on two examples that I think illustrate how off this season was: I loved the standalone episodes. I cried during the Nat and Donna one. They were wonderful episodes that did not tie back into the plot because there was none. Season 2 we have a Marcus standalone right? Why did that one work whereas I feel these two didn't? (Again, I really enjoyed these episodes. This is about nothing flowing well) Because Marcus was sent to Copenhagen to become a better pastry chef. He was a cook in a sandwich place who did desserts on the side! He traveled to learn from Luca so The Bear could have a pastry chef. Woo! It all ties in.
Next, a flashback in S2 that worked. The Christmas episode. We meet their mom, Carmy brings up the restaurant idea to Mikey. We see Mikey's state of mind, we get background on Sugar's nickname/how she got it. We see how the family treats Carmy. We get a bunch of them asking Carmy if he's gonna ask Claire out. We get Richie and Tiff still together in contrast to present day Richie dealing with his ex getting a fiancé. Almost every single thing we got in this flashback related back to present day concerns. We touched so many corners. Mikey, Donna, Richie, Sugar. In ONE flashback.
Whereas, Tina's (bless her she's a doll) did nothing for the present day story. We see Tina struggle, we never get to hear the exact reason why. Does she hate this new environment? Does she wish she was just making sandwiches with Ebra? Is Carmy getting on her nerves? Sure, that could be a given but they never let her say it. We get her flashback that focuses on finding a new job, and the convo she has with Mikey. The convo is mostly about dreams, wants. I saw someone say that Tina's episode was an ode to everyone just trying to try. Not looking for a title, not competing, just trying. I agree and I love that. Why did it not relate to whatever she's going through in present day?
The rebuttal for my critiques could be, not everything has to tie in. Some things can be standalone. That's true but in my opinion... it shouldn't be done for a 40 min 10 episode show. Esp not one that tied in the flashbacks and standalone episodes in previous seasons. Why did we suddenly stop doing that this season?
This season felt aimless. Let's talk about Claire lmao when Tiff brought up Claire on that bench with Richie, I went huh??? TIFF is bringing up Claire now? WHY! I had to remind myself that she is literally a family friend they've all known for yeaaars. But me? We, the audience? We don't fucking know Claire! "She's his peace." His WHAT? When??? Stop trying to convince me of this and show me in season 1 and 2 that this woman is his peace.
If you decide to drag this Claire shit out for the entire season, oh bby, you're gonna need the audience to feel the same anguish Carmy is feeling. We should be thinking, fuck, Fak is right she is his peace because remember when she pulled him out of x y z? But at the same time they're not good for each other right now because of x y z. We have so little to go off of with these two and they made Carmy hung up on her the whole season lmaoo please.
I'll end with that, actually. You mean to tell me that the entire restaurant let Carmy act like that for months and NO ONE- not even broke ass Jimmy, told him, you need to stop. It took "Computer" coming in to get them just a little bit together? And even then? Still switching the menu, still not listening to Syd, still butting heads with Richie? You shitting me? And does Carmy know he's a fucking uncle now? DOES HE CARE? Oh fuck me this season was ass.
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kissesfordaryl · 17 hours
Hey there ^_^ This idea has been eating away my brain for a good while now and you're the only male writer I know, UGH I LOVE YOU
May I please have your headcanons on how Daryl would be like with a metalhead bf who's really intimidating and looks like he came straight outta hell but is actually super sensitive and sweet? Such as first impressions, how Daryl feels about his kindness, etc.
Thank you!! Xx
daryl & his metalhead.
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note: honestly had to do a lil research beforehand bc i dont wanna do any metalheads wrong😭 AND HOPEFULLY I DIDNT!! 😕 lmk (n ilyt)
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daryl sees you and automatically assumes youre the quiet type- a lone wolf even. you dressed in dark colors and occasionally band tees(which he had no clue of), towered over almost everyone, wore your dark hair long, and didnt warm up to many people. he doesnt go out of his way to talk to you, until youve come up to him.
"y'wanna go on a run with me?" hes staring up at you in disbelief, turning his head left and right in search of backup. youve practically cornered him on the streets of alexandria, big pleading eyes staring at him.
"yeah!" youre nodding a bit too enthusiastically for his liking, "its just... im looking for some parts. my guitars broken, so. but i wont be in the way, i promise!"
he scoffs, and doesnt believe you for a second. but the next morning, hes taken you and one car.
he realizes that every assumption hes made about you is 100% wrong. hes always categorized you as emo in his head, but you were quick to inform him the differences between being emo and being a metalhead. hes quiet for most of the ride, but surprisingly asks you a few questions here and there. his second assumption is that you were quiet. jesus, you could talk his ear off. but in a good way he thinks.
the run is unsuccessful, but daryl gifts you a little pin with a guitar on it. youre enveloping him in a hug, and hes reluctant to return it.
back at home, he pays more attention to you. he gets defensive whenever someone makes a judgmental remark about you, claiming that you're different than what everyone thinks. carol teases him about it: "didnt realize you knew him so well." and yeah. maybe he did. maybe he wanted to. "so what?"
he finds himself coming around to your house more often, letting you teach him how to make dinner and listen to you play(he found your missing part on a run with rick). he enjoys it more than he thought he would, and you joke around and say hes halfway to being a metalhead like you.
"youve already got the hair down." hes sat down at the couch, and youre coming around to sit next to him, a hand reaching out to feel his hair. "we're basically twins."
he huffs, turning away to hide his blush. "it aint like that. just grew out over time."
"well good. i like it."
hes grown attached to you, always spending his free time with you. that also means hes grown protective of you. he constantly lectures you on how you shouldnt just let people say whatever they wanted about you- and that if you wouldnt step up, he will.
you take in a stray cat, and daryl practically has a heart attack seeing how gentle you are with it, pampering it and laying it against daryls chest.
he lets you do stupid shit to him all the time, like dress him up in your clothes or do some light makeup on him. to show your appreciation, you gave him a kiss on the cheek. he freaks the fuck out and has to get carols advice.
your first kiss is all thanks to your lighter: its just you two outside the walls, and hes forgotten his own. youre leaning in close, the fire right underneath the cigarette. your hand is quick to steal it from his mouth, fingers brushing against his mouth. before you can blow the smoke out, hes on his tippy toes and leaning in. the way the smoke blows into his own mouth is the hottest thing youve ever seen.
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hopefully didnt butcher this🤞🤞 btw this is such a cute idea im in love
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starlightsuffered · 18 hours
The Smart Rosier
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Warnings- smut, unprotected sex, slut shaming, name calling and trash talk during sex, oral (male receiving), dom male, spitting in mouth, teasing, mentions of alcohol, publish sex, mentions of masturbation, mentions of drugs, calling male Master, begging, dry humping, rough sex, choking, hair pulling, mouth fucking, desperate, fucking in front of a mirror
Pairing - Regulus Black/Fem!Reader Rosier
I knocked back a firewhisky. Evan looked at me in admiration.
"You didn't even make a face," he said in awe. He had, had too much of the plant that someone had snuck from the Herbology Green House.
"Yeah, it's almost like I like to party," I chuckled. Every weekend my cousin seemed to forget I was the queen of partying. He was such a lightweight.
"By the way," Evan said. "I need to give you your weekly reminder."
"I'm so fucking sick of this," I snapped, grabbing another shot.
"I can't trust you, you've run through half of Slytherin house," he snapped.
"Slut shaming much," I said, downing the alcohol.
"Not shaming, just begging. Please don't fuck my best friend," he said.
"Why do you give a shit," I hedged. To be honest, Regulus Black was the finest Slytherin in the whole house. I'd had a crush on him for ages.
"You're gonna make him obsessed with you. He'll never want to talk to me again," he complained.
"You whine too much," I snapped, as I stood up to dance. I went to the dance floor. I was moving my hips, and feeling myself. Suddenly, I felt hands on my waist.
"Hello?" I asked, in a sultry tone. I turned to see him. Regulus Black.
"I don't often see you at these parties," I said with a smirk.
"Maybe I saw something that caught my eye," he purred. He was gorgeous. Emerald robes, black curls, a sexy smirk. How was I meant to resist? It was impossible.
"You know, my cousin says to stay away from you," I said.
"Do you wanna listen to Rosier?"
"I'm a Rosier too you know," | chuckled.
"Yes, but you're the smart one," he said.
"Well, all I know is, I wanna feel you," I said, as I pressed a hand against his chest. "Whatever you'll give me, I want it."
"Come to the bathroom with me," he ordered. I was more than happy to oblige.
"You tease me all the time," he growled at me, when he got me alone.
"Hmmm, does it bother you? Do I bother Regulus Black when I wear tiny skirts? Do I bother the Slytherin Quidditch Captain when I dance? Do I bother the Head Boy when I lick my lips slowly at dinner? So important. A Black, even a pure blood, yet I have you whipped."
He was taking deep breathes, as though he could hardly handle what I said.
"You should be taught a lesson," he snarled.
"By all means," I bowed. "Teach me."
I was slammed against the door roughly. He was giving me a hard bruising kiss. His hand was on my jaw, holding it open. He spat into my mouth, and I took it gladly. His hand moved down to my throat as he ground his clothed length against me. I moaned.
"You're such a slut aren't you, I bet you think of me all the time and you touch yourself," he snapped.
"How did you know," I said after he released my throat.
"Running through the whole year, but never me huh?"
"Saving the best for last," I replied.
"Clothes off," he demanded. I swished my wand and I was naked before him. I could see his hardness through his robes.
"What a pretty little cock whore," he smirked. "All your good for is to be used."
I nodded, and fell to my knees. I could tell he liked my willing nature."From now on, your mine, you're not going to touch anyone else, understood?"
"Yes master," | agreed, and I heard him moan at the name.
"I rather like that coming from you," he said as he waved his wand so that he was also naked. His cock stood at attention, veiny and long, I was salivating. I took him into my mouth.
"Eager," he ground out as I bobbed my head. He was gripping the sink, hissing in pleasure. My tongue circled the head of his cock expertly. His hand grabbed my hair hard, so that tears pricked my eyes. He was thrusting into my mouth now. Suddenly, he stopped.
"Get up," he demanded. He whirled me around, so now I was gripping the sink.
"Look at you," he said. I looked in the green studded mirror. My mascara was running from the tears in my eyes, saliva dripped down my chin, my hair was in tangles from his hands.
"Suck a good slut," he said, hands running down my form from behind. They reached my heat and he chuckled.
"You're dripping darling," he said before beginning to put pressure on my clit.
"Please, Regulus," | begged. His fingers danced around the sensitive bundle of nerves. He was absolutely infuriating, but I would wait it out. Anything to have him fully at some point.
Just then I felt the tip of his cock at my entrance. He was still teasing! Pushing his tip in, only to remove it. Tears of desperation stung in my eyes.
"Apologize," he whispered in my ear before kissing my neck. "Apologize for all the things you've put me through."
"I'm so, oh Regulus, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me," | blubbered.
"Now I wanna hear you beg," he said cruelly.
"Please Regulus, I want your cock. I want you to fill me, Regulus, Master, please," I pleaded.
"More," he said, and grabbed one of my tits roughly, kneading the flesh.
"Please Regulus, impale me with your cock. I wanna be full. I want you inside me. I can't live if you don't fuck me right now. I'd die to have your cock in me. Please!"
"Alright darling," he said, and finally pushed into me. I screamed in pleasure, and Regulus didn't seem interested in quieting me.
"The whole party is going to know how good I make you feel," he laughed as he began to thrust in and out.
"You're so big, ah," I was white knuckling the sink as he slammed into me. I couldn't believe the spots he was hitting. I felt like I was on a whole other plane of existence.
"Has anyone else ever fucked you this good?" He demanded as he kept up his ungodly speed.
"Never," was all I could get out. He began to massage my nipples, bringing me even more thrills of sensation.
"Fuck, Regulus, you're a God!" I whimpered as he thrust into me.
"That's right I am," he said and his hand went up to my neck, and put pressure on it.
"Watch yourself darling, watch yourself come undone."
His words nearly had my eyes rolling back into my head, but I did as he commanded. He was a dark figure behind me, an expression of pure lust on his face. His hand dropped from my neck to my clit and I was shaking.
My orgasm washed over me, and I lost all control, screaming his name and seeing white. I was vaguely aware of him cursing and cumming inside me. When I came down, his cum was dripping down my thighs.
"That was so good," I panted, legs wobbly. We used our wands to clean up and walked out. Evan was waiting for me, arms crossed, a furious expression on his face.
"Sorry cousin," I said patting his cheek. "Your best friend has a great cock."
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Wednesday, June 26th 2024
Sun in Cancer ♋️🌊 Moon in Pisces ♓️🌊
It’s a really great day to roll with whatever comes your way. We’ve got some some pretty zen vibes accompanied with some fun ones as well.
It all starts with the Cancer Sun in a trine with the Pisces Moon. This can boost confidence helping you feel like you’ve got your life under control. Take advantage of any opportunities that come your way. Work and home life feel balanced so set good intentions and see where a little confidence takes you.
Mercury in Cancer and Saturn in Pisces are also in a trine. Your mind is sharp and your focus is on point. Tackling responsibilities can be really satisfying under this energy. Turn whatever tasks you have into a game and get it done. It will really benefit you in the long run.
Get everything done early because by mid day, the Pisces Moon will square off with Jupiter in Cancer. Can you ever have too much of a good thing? This can make you wanna blow everything off when you know good and well that reality has other plans. If you have the opportunity to do it then go for it but this one can also make you feel like you’re the only one not having any fun if not.
Tonight, the Moon will also trine Venus in Cancer. This one says, “Take a chill pill and just enjoy life.” Feel the love and spread the love. Give yourself some love too. This is the zen energy you’ll want to share with a friend or loved one. Mingle if you’re single or take some time to pamper yourself. It feels like everything will come together effortlessly with this transit.
Late tonight and into tomorrow, things could get spicy with the Pisces Moon in a sextile with Mars in Taurus. This brings on a surge of energy and passion. Keep the love vibe going and try not to start fights. It could go either way but with the general feel of the day, I think you’ll be turned on more than turned off.
Today is all about getting things done, feeling good and spreading the love! Use your energy wisely, lighten up and have a little fun with whatever rolls your way today!
Please like, comment, share and consider a gratitude tip in support. 🅿️ PayPal, Venmo or CashApp - @NaliniFlor
Learn more about your personal energies and how the forecast affects you! Comment below or DM me for a consultation.
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onskepa · 2 days
What is next?
Hello everyone! Consider this as a base for all the reaction fics!
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“Dad, let's watch this one!” 
“No this one!” 
“Noooooooo!! That one looks boring!!” 
“Oh my eywa….” 
Jake massages his head as his kids argue what to watch first. He regrets introducing the world of TV to his kids. It is already bad enough for Neytiri, who loves dragons, demands to see all the dragon based shows and movies. The humans are no help either, they would happily show his kids, with the addition of the entire clan, their personal favorite cinemas. 
And to think it couldn't have gotten any worse, Tonowari and his family would come for occasional visits, and now they too, are addicted to watching cinemas. 
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“Alright! Alright! You guys can watch whatever you want, but once a week! Seriously it scrambles your brains "Jake says to literally everyone. 
His wife, his children, Tonowari, his wife and family, and the literal clan. Along with his well known human friends. All began to complain, some saying they don't agree, some do, so say it won't be fair. 
“Seriously! I wanna know what happens next in stranger things!” spider complains along with ao’nung. Rotxo grins as he shakes his head, “too bad”. 
“But I wanna watch bluey!” Tuk whines, and Jake turns to her confused. “Bluey? You never watched it before” he says. His little girl shrugs, “no but uncle norm says its a fun show for kids like me and people with family issues”. 
Norm looks away, chuckling nervously. 
Pinching the bridge of his nose, Jake can feel a growing headache. 
“Alright, since I have said we can only watch one thing a week, it will take everyone to vote what will be the next media to consume to vote wisely!” he announces. 
“Aaaawwww…..” more complaints. 
Oh may Eywa help with his patience. 
“Even if we do watch something, not everyone will be able to see it at the same time. Some might fall behind or miss it entirely” lo’ak points out. Rotxo blinks, suddenly remembering something. 
“It would be sad if your other human friends would miss it” he says. Lo’ak and spider shrug a bit, 
“It is fine, for them, they have other things to do” lo’ak answers. Spider turns, not entirely agreeing, “well not all of them. I know some will still join us, sure they can move their duties around”. 
As they talk tsireya, neteyam and kiri join. 
“Well, whatever movie we will watch, I am sure it will be wonderful” tsireya says with hopeful joy in her tone. 
“I don't mind watching some sad time to time” kiri comments. Neteyam only nods, he doesn't have anything particular in mind to see. The movies and shows they have watched so far were amazing. 
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After a week, the votes have reached a winner. And now everyone had settled into their “theater” which is one of the largest caves in the Hallelujah mountains. Big enough for the clan to set in and watch. 
“Alright, I see no complaints for this one so let's do our best to just relax” Jake says as the film begins to play. Everyone was sharing popcorn or other snacks, some together, some as a couple, and some sitting on others. Everyone was silent as the screen began to fill with color and motion. 
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So as I said, this is a starting point for all the reaction fics. There will be no specific order, expect for the days that I post them!
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beewitched-monday · 3 days
Miscellaneous Maxie/Archie headcanons galore
I need to get these out of my system, or I'll literally explode Might make more of these in the future, those divorced husbands have me in the strongest chokehold ever
- Heat tolerance -
Yes YES YASS give Maxie ALL the heat! Man is a lizard, he NEEDS to be warm at all times. Extra layers of clothing, residing near volcanoes, that's his jam. On an especially sunny day you might find him napping on some rocks (kudos to gleaming-glasses here on Tumblr, that sketch of Maxie in his reptile era lives in my head rent-free). Surprisingly, Archie is pretty good with the heat too. He doesn't enjoy it as much as Maxie, but he won't be miserable when it's hot around, too. A day out in the sunny beach sound pretty good for him, honestly.
- Cold tolerance -
Oh. Oh, no. I think, Maxie just died. He can't function when it's cold, like, at all. He literally gets super sleepy and dizzy, he can't work like that, give him a warm blanket asap!
I don't know how Archie does it, but this man? This man can stand in a blizzard in a swimsuit and feel great. His body produces enough heat to keep him warm at all times, he's built different.
- Diet -
Idk, Maxie strikes me as a vegetarian? Not even because of any beliefs, he just doesn't like the taste of meat and/or fish. The smell too, but he can manage. If he's feeling extra nauseous when Archie cooks at home, he'd just open more windows or go out for a walk, no big deal.
Archie would totally eat anything, and I mean anything. Plants, meat, fish, if it's edible he's lurking somewhere around, ready to grab a plate of whatever is cooking. Is a great cook himself, actually! Preparing food for others is one of his love languages, he just thrives if he sees someone enjoying his food. Especially if it's Maxie, oh, he definitely learned to cook more vegetarian meals just for his husband (although he'd still tease him about eating "his salads", but it's all lighthearted).
- Vision -
Maxie is blind as a bat, simple as that. Can barely do anything without his glasses, aside from navigating around the house (outside too, but it's definitely harder due to more small stuff he has to notice). If you want him to see you clearly, you literally have to stand right next to him, a step away at max.
Archie has great vision! ..or so he'd want you to think. The seaman is far-sighted as hell, which is great when he's out and about, but comes back to bite him in the ass whenever he has to inspect/read something up close. Shelly's doing all the reading for him when he's with the team, because the only time he allows himself to wear glasses is at home.
- Body hair -
This one is weirdly specific, BUT I WANNA TALK ABOUT IT SO BAD
Because Archie, imo, has NONE of it. No, of course, it grows, but my man is a swimmer, he would definitely shave anything that's not his beard. The beard stays.
Maxie, on the other hand? Floofy boi, maybe not as floofy as Archie could've been, but it's totally there. No beard for the twink, though, he just can't grow it. Like, the most hair he had on his face was that pathetic excuse for a mustache in his college years, and he'd like to forget about that, thank you very much
- Sleeping schedule -
Maxie is a night owl, but he forces himself to follow a strict schedule, which includes waking up early. Does he go to bed early as well? Of course not, he'd stay up so late working again, and be absolutely miserable when the morning comes. Can he function without at least two cups of coffee for breakfast? No. At this point, I won't be surprised if he has caffeine instead of blood in his veins. Sir, I beg you, get some proper sleep.
Archie, on the other hand, is totally an early bird. Can't catch him staying up too late, no sir, he's already snoring in bed when the clock strikes 10 p.m. Won't say no to a cup of coffee in the morning, though, he enjoys the extra energy boost.
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seenoversundown · 1 day
For Death Or Glory : Chapter Eight
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Jake Kiszka x Charlotte (Fem OC)
Warnings: DRINKING / ALCOHOL (bigger warning because they are actively drinking in this one, not just in the bar) Swearing, Sex is mentioned (not had) A LOT of ridiculous puns and jokes, Slow Burn is REAL, Halloween Costumes, Brotherly Banter (gentle bullying) and finally, our favorite warning, YEARNING.
Word Count: 7k (longest so far!!)
Summary: IT'S HALLOWEEN BABES; Josh decides to decorate the bar for the holiday and so, they make it into a little party. Jake hesitates on what to do about Charlotte, but goes with his gut. And BOY IS THAT A LITTLE TREAT.
Author's Note: I said this week would be a sweet treat and I think that you'll find that it is! I don't want to spoil the surprise but, I think you'll be excited to see what it is 🤭 See you on the other side!
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Crush - Tessa Violet "You make it difficult to not overthink, And when I'm with you, I turn all shades of pink, I wanna touch you, but don't wanna be weird."
Jake POV 
“You know, whatever you decide to hang up, we need to be able to get down, right?” 
I stand there watching Josh not so carefully hanging off the ladder’s top step. Quinn looks less than impressed while they stand on the bottom step.
“Maybe Jake is onto something, Josh Groban,” they tell him. 
Josh stops, looks back with a glare, and then returns to whatever he is trying to do. 
I look over at them, both of us shaking our heads, knowing that Josh will do whatever he damn well pleases. 
“He’s your problem to deal with now,” I tell them, gently squeezing their shoulders as I pass by. 
Deciding to make sure the bar is fully stocked for the night, I can’t help but eavesdrop on Sam and Willa as they try to get ‘cute post-worthy’ pictures for the bar’s Instagram. 
“Sam, can you just work with me?” Willa asks, letting out a frustrated sigh. 
“Birdie, you know this is also my job?” 
“Yeah, well, last time you took promo photos, you stole all my flowers, AND you hated the outcome. So, maybe just listen to me?” 
“I’m not trying to be difficult, little bird,” Sam says, “You just need to relax.”
“When has telling a girl to relax ever ended well for you?” 
I was chuckling to myself as I listened to them and took notes of what needed to be pulled from the back. I hate dragging myself away from the free entertainment, but I need to keep moving so the bar can be ready tonight. 
I wasn’t the one who came up with the idea to do a themed night; you can only imagine who suggested it, but people have been talking about it lately, so maybe it was a good choice. Even though I had to explain to Josh that we cannot require people to wear costumes, I think it’ll be fun to see everyone dressed up. 
Looking at the back stock and pulling out the things we’ll need, I hear footsteps approaching me. I simply glanced at the doorway to finally be met with Josh’s presence. 
“So.. are you going to invite her?” 
My eyebrows pull together a bit, “Who?”
“Your First Mate,” Josh says, wiggling his eyebrows at me. 
“Oh shut up,” I quip back, “I was thinking about it.” 
Regret has never hit me quicker. 
“I mean… you saw her the other day, Josh. She’s obviously not having a great time and the fact she has to keep coming here, I may as well at least extend the offer.” I tell him, “Even if she’ll probably say no.” Quickly, I look back at my notes to make sure I’m not forgetting anything before walking back out to the bar. 
“Well, you have been talking to her,” he says. 
“We’ve texted .. a little bit,” I tell him, knowing that he will pry for more information, “BUT– it’s nothing crazy. I just wanted to make sure she was okay.” 
He follows me, offering no assistance carrying anything but absolutely still trying to make something out of nothing. 
“That’s very you… of you to do.” 
Both of us looked vaguely unimpressed at that statement. 
“Okay, that wasn’t my best work. I’m just saying that maybe there’s a chance you two could be something of an item,” he tells me, a little too giddy for my liking. 
Setting everything on the bar abruptly, “Jesus Christ, Josh. Just because I’m nice to the girl doesn’t mean I want anything more.” I’m trying to sound convincing, even though I know he will call me on it at any moment. I wouldn’t be opposed to it, though. But for god’s sake, Josh doesn’t need to know that. 
“Okay, okay, alright, I’ll stop,” he starts, holding his hands up. But know that I will find out if anything happens between you two,” he squints at me before turning around to continue helping Quinn decorate. 
I watch as he finds himself busy again, but I can tell from a distance that he updates Quinn on his interrogation. If there is anything I know about my brother, it is that he will know everything about everyone all the time, which in turn means Quinn knows everything as well. I let out a small sigh while piling bottles of Modelo back into the fridge. Maybe I should just text her. Is that weird? She’s going to say no anyway. 
Still squatting down behind the bar, I pull my phone from my back pocket. Unlocking it to a handful of email notifications and a few texts from Sam that I ignored earlier.  I love him, but he doesn’t need to ask me every time if he can take some promo pics for the bar. 
I tap on her conversation; my thumbs hesitate for a second. Is this stupid? Am I wasting my metaphorical breath? Maybe she’ll appreciate the thought. 
Me: Hi there. How are you? Are you busy tonight by any chance?
I shove my phone back into my pocket before standing back up, grabbing the few loose cans and bottles across the bar, and tossing them. Looking around at the new decorations, they all have managed to get hung up already, and it’s definitely feeling much more festive. 
“Josh, can you–” I start, but I feel my phone vibrate, stopping me mid-question, “Uh, lost my train of thought. I’ll get back to you on that,” 
I grab my phone and see her name sitting there, making the heat rise in my face. 
Charlotte: No, I’m free. Why? 
The three dots pop up before I can reply, making me more nervous. 
Charlotte: Do you need help with something?
Me: nooo I don’t need anything from you. We’re just doing a little thing here for halloween and I thought I would see if you were interested. No pressure or anything lol.
Those god-forsaken three dots come back, then disappear, and reappear. There is no worse form of torture in the modern day than waiting for a text to pop up. 
Charlotte: Maybe
Okay… Well, it isn’t a no. I look up to find Josh directly in front of me, scaring the shit out of me. I didn’t realize he could be quiet enough to do that. 
“Can I help you?” 
“You looked very intrigued by whatever was on your phone there, brother,” Josh says, with a shitty little grin on his face. 
“Don’t you have things to be doing other than watching me use my phone?” I ask, not able to stop the slight eye roll that came along with it. 
“I’m gonna pretend you didn’t say that,” he says, “ Quinn and I are going to run upstairs to get ready, and then I can take over so you can go put on whatever pirate bullshit you want.” He says, staring at me with a matter-of-fact expression and his arms folded across his chest.  
“Sounds good to me, bub.” 
 Sam and Willa left shortly after Josh and Quinn, leaving me with the usual regulars to tend to. They weren’t a rowdy bunch, so I got a good amount of cleaning done before the rush of people. 
Maybe. The fact she didn’t say ‘no’ was basically haunting me. It’s not a big deal if she does show up because she is just a ‘friend’. That’s even a strong way of wording it. 
At this point, the sun has been set for a while, which is attracting costumed customers. Some are more clever than others, but regardless, I’m just glad that people seem to like the idea. 
I’m talking to Linda, who’s dressed as an 80s Aerobic Instructor, when I hear the sounds of my dear brother entering the building. He always has a way of making his presence known, whether he means to or not. We both glance over to the door, where he lets Quinn through first, quickly following behind. 
Hand in hand, they joined us at the bar. I just looked at the two of them for a minute, my head tilted slightly. 
“Peter Pan and Tinkerbell?” I finally manage to ask.
“Yes!” Josh says, fluttering the tiny wings he has on. 
I let out a small sigh; I should have known, giggling to myself. 
“I think you two look adorable,” Linda compliments them, eliciting a curtsy from Josh while Quinn does a stage bow. 
“Alright, Tink, come tend bar so I can go change into something more festive.”
After I finally got upstairs, I started digging through my closet, looking for everything. I know it’s in here. I finally found my cream button-up; it was a bit looser on me than most of my shirts, so when I tucked it in; it definitely fit a pirate theme. 
I pull on my black slim-fit jeans, tucking the bottom of my shirt into them. I slide on my brown dress vest over the shirt, leaving it fairly open so that my chest is exposed. I grab the necklaces on my nightstand and walk into the bathroom to make sure they are sitting properly. I don’t need Josh telling me I layered my necklaces wrong again. 
I know Josh has some sort of scarf or belt that would make more sense for a pirate outfit, so I decide to bravely go into his room. Good lord, Josh.  Walking into his room, I always forget that he likes to have things. I mean that nicely; he just loves art, decor, and tchotchkes, so his bedroom would be overstimulating to most. Considering how long I’ve known him, I’m generally accustomed to his ways, but when he keeps his door shut more often than not, it starts to slip my mind. 
Rummaging through his closet, filled with colorful pieces, I find the clothes hanger loaded with scarves. I pulled out an olive green one; earth tones will work, right?  I tie it around my waist, moving in front of his full-length mirror; I look much more piratey than before. 
I look at the time, not realizing how long it’s taken me, I hustle back into my room. I grab the rings from the drawer in my nightstand, quickly sliding them on and spraying myself with another round of cologne to hopefully hold me over the rest of the night. I pull out a single cigarette from the drawer, shutting it a little harder than I mean to. 
Maybe? Her text is still sitting in my mind. What if she does show up? I grab my phone from the counter, slide it back into my pocket, and head out the door. 
“Excuse me, sorry,” I mumble as people pass me on the stairs. I’m moving a little quicker than I usually am because I don’t want to leave Josh bartending alone for too long. Maybe Melody is helping him out? I should have pulled everything out earlier, so this didn’t happen. 
I pull open the door, letting the couple outside into the stairwell. I pull my lighter out, placing the cigarette between my lips and covering the filter end with my hand to block the wind. I take the long way around the building so I can enjoy this while I have a second. Josh is fine, the bar is fine, if she shows up, that’s also fine. I think to myself as I’m rounding the corner. Taking one final drag before putting it out, I hold in the cloud of smoke for a moment before releasing it. I close my eyes for a second, breathing in the cool fall air. Glancing over to the most delightful sight, I’m unable to come up with words fast enough before I hear– 
“Well, hello there, Captain.” 
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Charlotte POV
You’re allowed to have fun, Charlotte. That’s the mantra I’ve been repeating in my head since Jacob told me about this party, though the alternative is that this is incredibly unprofessional. 
I’ve been parked and sitting in my car for 10 minutes, building up the will to get out. You bought a costume, and you got ready, and you smiled at the text for about 15 minutes straight. Just go have fun. My hand finally reached for the handle, opening the door. 
My boots make a little click on the pavement as I get out of the car; I smooth out my pants and readjust the little corset so it’s more comfortable. I look at my reflection in my car windows, leaning in to make sure my lipstick is still in place. Okay. Just go. 
Rounding the corner, I see the entrance to the bar, making me slow my pace a little until- 
Jacob? I watch as he walks towards the bar; he looks .. good– No, Charlotte, cut it out. I slowly walk towards him, still watching him as he lets out a quick stream of smoke; why is that kinda…  He sets the rest of the cigarette in the ashtray placed on top of the garbage can. He stops for a second, clearly trying to calm down. Is he okay? His shoulders drop as he lets out a long breath. Suddenly, we’re making eye contact. Shit.
“Well, hello there, Captain,” I say to him. Smooth Charlotte, real smooth. 
He giggles at the name, “Well, blow me down. I didn’t know if I would see you tonight, Red.” 
“I decided that I deserved a little fun after this past week and all.”
“I think you made a good decision,” he says calmly, “Also, your costume choice is just lovely.” I don’t know if I ate too much or if he is actually giving me butterflies right now. 
“Oh, thank you,” I say quietly; I’ve never been good at receiving compliments. We both stand there for a brief second before he grabs the door to the bar, gesturing for me to go through. 
“Ladies first.” 
“What a gentleman– oh, I mean, gentle-pirate.”
The bar is full of costumed people, Halloween songs playing loud over the speakers that you can barely hear over the chatter from everyone.  It’s nice to see how busy the bar is finally.  I had only really been here earlier in the day and honestly, it’s refreshing to know that the bar is doing well, considering how many people are here. 
I followed Jacob to the bar, sitting down, only to notice that his brother was dressed as Tinkerbell. It seemed like an odd choice until I looked down to the other end of the bar to see Peter Pan sitting there. Oh… OH. 
“Charlotte! You came!” Josh says excitedly, “Y’know, I told Ol’ Captain Sparrow that if he just asked you that, you-” 
 “Oooookay, Tink, that’s enough,” Jacob cuts him off, making me laugh. 
He slid a glass over to me on a napkin. I looked down to see that he made me a Boulevardier. He remembered? My heart feels weird. 
“Let me know if it’s terrible, I’ll remake it for you,”
I take a small sip; it’s incredible?
“No, it’s perfect, thank you,” I tell him. 
He smiles at me, even his eyes light up. I watch him walk down the length of the bar, checking in on other customers and replacing their drinks with fresh ones. He’s so soft-spoken that I’m shocked he feels so comfortable bartending. The way he looks at every single customer, giving them his full attention, even for the twenty seconds it takes for them to place their order. He’s so-
“So Charlotte,” Josh starts, pulling me out of my thoughts, which may be a good thing at this rate. 
“How are you doing, dear?” he asks while wiping a wine glass dry. 
“I’m okay,” I tell him, “I am sorry about the other day, I hope you weren’t trying to get out of here.” 
“I was actually coming back from lunch, and you weren’t a bother at all,” he tells me, relieving me that I didn’t mess up his entire day. 
He continues, “Also, never apologize to me for having feelings. I don’t know what happened, but I’m glad that you were able to let them out. Jake is good at handling situations like yours, so you picked the perfect time, honestly.”
“Oh,” I say before taking a bigger sip. 
“Are you here alone?” he asks. I nod quickly, “Let me introduce you to someone. Hold on!” 
I watch as he waves over the person in the Peter Pan costume. They make their way over to us, and with how Josh’s face looks, I’m assuming this is a special person to him.
“Charlotte, this is Quinn,” Josh said, gesturing between the two of us. 
“Hi, nice to meet you, Quinn,” I can’t help how professional it comes out. 
“You as well,” they start, “If you haven’t pieced it together, yes, I’m Josh’s partner.” They let out a small laugh, gesturing at the Peter Pan costume. Okay, thank God, I didn’t want to say that I assumed.  
Looking at the two of them, they really are precious. 
“I love your costumes,” I tell them. 
“Oh, thank you!” they both say simultaneously. 
“So Charlotte, what exactly is your job?” Quinn asks. 
“Well-” I’m cut off by the group of people approaching us loudly. 
I watch quietly from my seat while they all greet each other. 
“WILLIAM,” Quinn hollers.
“QUILLIAM,” the two of them yell at the same time, falling into a fit of giggles. 
I can’t help but wonder what I’m currently witnessing. 
“Oh my god, you look so fucking good.”
“Stop it- no, YOU guys look so good.”
Quinn looks back over to me, grabs the two girls’ hands they have been chatting with, and hustles back to the bar.
“Guys, this is Charlotte!” Quinn starts introducing us. “This is Willa,” they gesture to the petite girl with a cute bob haircut that frames her face so nicely. She’s dressed in light pink. Loofah? Which is quickly clarified when Sam comes into view dressed as a bar of soap, whom I met briefly the first day I came in. 
“I still can’t believe I’m soap, Bird.”
“It was this or Twilight, be glad!”
“And this is Melody, obviously. You’ve met already, though?” gesturing to her, who’s also absolutely beautiful. She’s dressed as Arwen, which means that Danny is dressed as the Aragorn man.
“Hi,” I manage to get out, “Yes, we have, and you both look so great,” 
“Thank you so much!” Melody quickly responds. 
“Oh, thanks!” Willa quips back. 
“Drinks for everybody,” Jake’s voice came from behind me as he slid a bunch of glasses towards us. A chorus of ‘thank you’ surrounds me. Before I can turn to acknowledge him, he’s grabbing my glass. 
“Another one?” He asks, fairly quietly this time. 
“Please,” my nerves are getting the best of me, and the best way to fight them off is not to be sober. 
“Oh, sick! We’re all in couples costumes,” 
“Sam,” Willa hitting Sam’s arm, “Shut up?”
I could feel the heat rising into my face; I had been ignoring that Jacob and I wore the same kind of costume and wishfully thought that nobody would mention it. I guess that ship has sailed.
“We have Peter Pan and Twinkerbell, Lord of the Rings, and Calico Jack and Anne Bonny at the bar– I thought it was safe to assume!” Sam says, his loud laugh following it.  
“Oh guys,” Jake sounds defeated, “Don’t embarrass her. You just met her.” 
He looks back at me, handing me a new drink, “I’m sorry about that. I swear sometimes my brother hates me.” 
“It’s okay. I was kind of waiting for it to happen,” I laughed, “I mean, we are matching so..” 
He laughs at my observation for a moment. 
“Between you and me,” he leans a little closer, whispering, “I think we’re the best dressed here,” flashing me a small smile; oh, how I wish he wouldn’t do that. 
“Charlotte, come with us!” Quinn says, grabbing my hand and pulling me off the barstool. They pull me over to a table where the other girls are sitting. Oh god.  
“Josh told me you were here alone, and well.. that’s not fun,” they tell me. 
“I don’t actually live around here, so I don’t really know anybody,” I start, “Well, aside from you guys, now.”
A slew of ‘oooohhhh’s come out from all of them. 
“So, I’m under the impression you’re all partners with the boys?” I ask. 
“Yes!” “Yep,” “Mhmmm,” quickly followed. 
I take another few sips of my drink, feeling the anxiety starting to melt away. 
“I’m secretly a sucker for romance, so who wants to let me in on the situations here?” I tell them, rapidly pointing around at all of them and the boys. I’m going to be around for a little bit. I may as well get to know them. Plus.. it probably wouldn’t hurt for me to try and make some friends… right? 
“How much time do you have?” Quinn asks bluntly. The other two erupted with laughter. 
I look down at my drink, swirling it around, and then drink the last few sips quickly before looking at them and delivering a monotone, “I got time.” 
“Well, in that case,” Willa starts, “Let me tell you about my sweet, dumb, but hot boyfriend Samuel.” She says while cracking her knuckles. 
“So– I met him at the farmers market, where he proceeded to be an absolute dick to me. And THEN, he was here when I came here on an unsuccessful date, we had to WORK TOGETHER, went on a trip where we got with ONE BED-” Willa pauses for dramatic effect before taking a breath to practically yell, “LIKE THE BOOK TROPE, CHARLOTTE.”
“You sure you wanna hear this?” Quinn interjects. 
“Oh, I’m invested now,” I quickly spit out. I catch a small glimpse of Jacob as he’s grabbing some empty bottles from a table across the room. He smiles and nods at whatever they say; oh, there’s that feeling again. 
Willa continues her tale, but I barely hear her. My eyes fixated on him, watching how he makes eye contact with anyone who talks to him. Making sure that he hears them, nodding along and giggling often. Every so often, letting someone have a genuine smile–
Willa’s voice hit me again, “–and now I guess I like him back.” 
“Oh, my god?” I respond, “That is uh.. A lot?” Oh, I’m the worst person ever. 
“It is a lot, but I guess he was worth it or whatever,” Willa rolls her eyes at the statement. 
Quinn smacked her arm, “You loved that silly string bean for so long. Don’t even act like you didn’t.” 
Everybody was giggling at the call out. I saw Melody look around the table at all the empty glasses before standing up and grabbing them all.
“Let me get us another round, but Quinn, feel free to start whenever,” She grabs their arm, “I obviously know how this goes already.” 
We all watch her for a minute as she walks up to the bar, getting the boys’ attention. 
“Melody is so pretty?” I say out loud, “Oh god, is that weird?”
“Not at all.” 
“We all think she’s hot, don’t worry.”
Before I can look back over to them, Jacob is in my line of sight again. This time, he’s behind the bar, talking to one of the older ladies he seems so fond of. The way they make him laugh is sweet. He’s stood there for a second before he leans over the bar to grab something from them, but the way he leans makes his shirt fall open more; I can see his stomach flex for a split second. Holy shit. Where is Melody with those drinks, dear god- 
“Alright, Quill, let’s go.” 
Melody sat back down at the table, dispersing the drinks to everyone. 
“Welllllll,” Quinn says, “I met him at Hobby Lobby- don’t ask me why HE worked THERE.”
I have got to stop getting distracted by this man. He walks past our table, gently squeezing Quinn’s shoulders as he passes them. They just glance over at him as they’re talking. It’s precious how much he seems to like them. Maybe he’s just a loving person? Oh, god I don’t like that. 
 “But, now we’re just in love, and he’s perfect, so!” 
“...in the cooler?” Willa mumbled, covering her mouth, “Please tell me you’re joking.” 
What did they do in the cooler? Shit, I need to be paying closer attention. 
“Yeah… I probably could have left that part out, huh?” Their eyes widened, looking over at me, with the realization of who they were telling that to. “We cleaned up after! Promise!”
“Wait a second- so, you and Josh.. here?” Willa says, pointing at Quinn, before turning to Melody, “And you and Danny …ALSO here..?” 
Never mind, I don’t want to know. Don’t tell me, don’t tell me, don’t tell me. 
The two nod in sync, holding back their laughs. 
“Well, that’s not fair!”
“This is truly taking years off my life,” I tell them while rubbing my temples, making them all giggle at my pain. 
“I’m not about to make it any better,” Melody says with a laugh, followed by the other two losing even more.
I hold up one finger while inhaling the rest of my drink, “Okay, I think I’m ready.” 
“So Daniel and I actually started dating in High School,” Melody says, pulling a quiet ‘awww’ from all of us, “We were together for a while before I decided to go to college out of state,” she tells us. 
I see him in the background, just scanning the room while Josh is making drinks, well, until he sees me looking back at him. Shit, shit, shit, shifting my eyes back to Melody.
“Anyway– I ran into Josh, who got me the job here, and I’m so thankful for it. The boys are so great, and I’m obviously not going to complain about getting to see Daniel again.” 
“I bet you’re not complaining,” Willa says suggestively with an exaggerated wink. 
“HE sure complained at first, though,” Quinn pipes up with a laugh.
“Oh hush,” Melody tries to brush it off, “I do love him for more than our sex life.”
Willa is quick to reply, “Whatever you say, girly.” 
“So.. what’s the part that will ruin my day?” I nervously ask. 
“Conveniently, the day you came in actually, Jake had sort of… walked in on us.” 
“Walked in on WHAT?” 
“The thing is.. The roads were terrible, so I asked Jake if he minded grabbing Iris-” Quinn quickly cuts off Melody. “YEAH, WE HAD A SLEEPOVER WITH THE CHILD,” Quinn can’t tell us fast enough. 
“Hey,” Willa, chuckling, gently grabs Quinn’s arm, “Charlotte was the only one not involved. You don’t need to yell.” 
“Sorry, I just love Iris a lot, okay?” 
“And she loves you back,” Melody reassures them, “Anyway, yes, so everybody else had a fun sleepover with my daughter, and I closed the bar with Daniel while having a weird argument–” 
Jake comes up between Quinn and Melody, placing one hand on Melody’s back, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but I come bearing not watered-down drinks.”  
He starts placing the drinks on the table, having to slide mine and Willa’s across the table. 
I watch as he makes a little small talk with everyone and how much they all seem to like him. He seems too nice to be real. Everyone laughing with him, I look up at him before he slides my drink over to me. His hands. Oh my. He has rings on… oh my GOD. Trying not to be obvious, I quickly flit my eyes back up to meet his. 
“Thank you,” I mouth to him while the other three are talking. He mouths back, ‘Of course’, flashing me a smile. The boy is beautiful when he smiles. 
He turns to go back to the bar, and I just focus on him walking there; unknowingly, I am being watched.
“Yes?” I quip back; I can feel the heat in my face, but is it embarrassment or the alcohol? The world will never know.
“Are you… into Jake..?” Willa asks quietly. 
The other two leaned in on our little secret session, which I was not prepared for. 
“Nooo, no, no, no,” I can’t spit it out quickly enough.
Quinn lets out a laugh before choking out, “You were practically drooling over him,” 
“Ha ha.. Nooo.. I wasn’t,” I try to defend myself, scratching the back of my head, “Was it really that obvious?” 
A chorus of yelps elicited when I loosely admit to thinking he’s attractive. 
“Oh stoooop,” I cover my face. 
“Don’t be embarrassed– those Kiszka boys are incredibly charming,” Quinn states, “It’s hard not to fall for it.”
“Yeah, I don’t know about ‘charming’ per se, but they do have some good genes in that family.” Willa taking a light jab at Sam. 
“Really though,” Melody chimes in, “Jake is honestly very charming,” 
“Oh, he is absolutely,” 
“He’s too nice,”
Quinn and Willa tend to talk at the same time, and being a few drinks in does not help my deciphering of who said what, but at least when they’re on the same page, it helps. 
“He has been very easy to work with, so I would believe that,” I try to regain my composure,  even though the fact everybody thinks he’s sweet is not helpful to where my brain has been going all night. 
“I’m sure his brain just shuts down when you’re around,” Willa says into her glass before taking a sip. 
“What do you mean?” 
“Have you seen yourself?” Quinn questions, “You’re so hot?”
‘Yeah, you are.’ 
I know that my face is absolutely pink at this rate; I just shake my head ‘no.’
“I’m sure he sees plenty of pretty girls being a bartender,” I roll my eyes at the idea that he wouldn’t hit on other girls while he’s working. 
“Pretty sure the only one he entertains is Eleanor,” Melody giggles. 
“I’m almost positive he told Josh that he’d just marry her if he stayed single for too much longer,” Quinn says, looking over at Josh, who just blows a kiss to them. Wow, they’re so cute together. 
I watch as Melody taps on her phone, seeing the time, “Well, guys, I need to go relieve Josh for a bit.”
Quinn quickly stood up with their drink and nodded to the bar. Willa and I followed suit, migrating up to the bar. Claiming a bar stool and watching as Josh comes to find Quinn, quickly kissing their nose and then their forehead before Quinn snuggles themself into him for a brief moment. 
“Pretty cute, aren’t they?” Jacob whispers, scaring the living daylights out of me. 
“They really are,” I say, “And you need a bell or something because Jesus Christ.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” he laughs, placing his hand on my back for a second, “I just need to get out of there for a minute,” he tells me.
 “So I’m going to run around to clean and just saw you fixated on them.” 
“Well, since you’re here, Jake,” Willa says loudly, leaning over to me and whispering, “Wanna see the boys squirm?” I simply nod with a grin plastered across my face. 
“Don’t you guys think Melody is insanely hot?” She questions everybody.
Daniel violently shakes his head, ‘Yes,’ while Melody laughs behind the bar. 
“I.. uhh,” Jake mumbles, holding the back of his neck, “I have tables to clean,” and quickly walks off to grab glasses. 
Sam’s eyes are wide, and his face is filled with panic. “Birdie, I can’t answer,” he begins to say before his brother abruptly cuts him off. 
“SMASH FOR SURE,” Josh confidently shouts, being met with a high five from Quinn. 
“You’re right, that was worth it,” I whisper, leaning into Willa. 
I sat with everybody while they talked, well, yelled. This is a much louder group of friends than I’m used to. Granted, I have like..no group of friends. I listen to a lot of very odd conversations filled with Sam instigating Willa so that she would get a little pissed at him. There are plenty of lengthy stories from Josh, which probably wouldn’t take as long if he didn’t tell us every side story that goes along with it, but he’s so animated I guess I can’t really complain. 
“Here, Charlotte,” Melody says, “Jake told me how to make your drink, so .. I hope it tastes right,” 
I take a sip, oh lord, that is STRONG, “It’s great!” 
Why did I do that? She needs to learn… Not that I could even correct her right now. 
I sip on my drink for a while, feeling it hitting harder than I’m used to. Every so often, Jake comes out from behind the bar to make small talk with some of the customers or come bug his brothers for a few minutes. I always hope it’s the latter. 
“How are we doin’, Red?” 
I blink rather slowly, “I’m thriving,” slowly cracking a smile, knowing it sounded terrible coming out of my mouth. 
“Well, I’m so glad,” he tells me. The way he makes eye contact but also watches my mouth when I talk makes me want to scream. 
“You know,” I tell him, what are you doing? , “I dare ye to resist me booty,” the alcohol starts speaking. 
“Are…are you trying to flirt with me?” He laughs out. 
“Maybe, is it working?” I ask, biting the inside of my lip. WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
“Oh– well,” he giggles quietly; leaning in, he rests one hand on the back of my barstool to support himself, but his face creeps in closer to my ear before he whispers, “You don’t even have to try with me, honey.” Fuck me. 
I spend the rest of the night chatting with Quinn and Willa about the most random things. But I think that is what friends are supposed to do? 
Slowly, people start trickling out as it nears 1 a.m. I say my goodbyes to Sam and Willa, which is shortly followed by Josh and Quinn. Jake was nice enough to let Josh go to bed since he was here decorating so early. 
“Ready to go, ducky?” Daniel asks Melody;  party of one officially. 
“Oh, I am beyond ready,” she stretches her arms out before turning to me, “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?” 
Shit. I already forgot that I told her about the training earlier today. 
“Yes, you will! Can’t wait,” I do my best not to show that I definitely forgot and that I’m definitely NOT going to feel like shit in the morning now. 
“I’ll see you then,” she says with a little wink. 
I turn to the bar, leaning into my hand with a very minuscule smile painted on my face as I watch him. Just waiting for him to look over at me, I can’t help but stare. 
“I can feel you watching me,” he grins from the other end of the bar. 
“I’m debating on how I’m going to get home, is all,” I say with a sigh. 
“Did you drive here?” He asks. 
“Okay, so, first of all, you’re not going to do that,” he tells me. 
“And why not?” I protest. He sauntered over to me, leaning against the bar. 
“You’re so pretty,” he says to me, glancing down at my lips until I finally pull the bottom one in with my teeth, “Yeah- you’re not driving.”
My jaw drops; he really got me there. 
“I can just call an Uber,” I tell him.
“Charlotte, I don’t love that idea. It’s almost 2 am, and I literally live just upstairs,” Jake continues to tell me I need to stay here, and I don’t know why I’m fighting it so hard. 
“I don’t want to impose,”
“I’m offering?” 
“Touche Captain,” I giggle a bit at the nickname. I bet he likes it. 
“Just hang out for a couple minutes so I can close the bar down,” he tells me. 
“Don’t you want to clean?” 
“It’s so late. Josh can help me in the morning,” Jake speaks low as we walk into the stairwell. 
“Oh no,” slips out, “oh, I didn’t mean to actually say that,” 
Jake lets out a quiet laugh, “I got you, don’t worry,” 
Before I can react, he has his arm underneath mine, gesturing for my hand. I lace my fingers into his; the butterflies are back. How fun. He holds my hand tightly, letting me put a lot of my weight into him as we carefully go up the first flight of stairs. 
“I think I can do it,” I tell him; I absolutely cannot? 
“You sure about that, sport?” 
I squint at him and immediately stumble up the first couple of stairs of the second flight, letting out a small ‘oop.’
“Yeah, that’s what I figured,” He makes fun of me gently while supporting me again. 
This may be the longest stair climb of my life.
We finally make it to his apartment.
Jake whispers, “You can take my bed, and I’ll just sleep on the couch.”  He’s so cute when he’s concerned.
“Noooo, I can sleep on the couch. I’ve already inconvenienced you.” 
He blinks at me slowly, unamused. 
I can’t stop myself from walking towards his couch, and it’s a humbling moment for me as my legs wobble in the process. 
“No, you don’t,” Jake says from behind me. 
“Jake, really, I don’t mind,” I look back at him, disorienting myself from turning too quickly. 
“Jesus Christ,” he mutters as he grabs my arms to stop me from falling over. I just stare at him like a deer in headlights. 
“Yeah, I didn’t want it to come to this, but,” he says before he wraps his arms around my thighs, lifting me over his shoulder. 
Childlike laughter erupts from me as he carries me through his apartment into his bedroom. I can feel his chest vibrating subtly from giggling with me. 
“Here ya go,” he says, moving one hand to my back so he can set me down.  So carefully, making sure not to drop me, he leans down slowly. The feeling of falling became so real suddenly, that I instinctively held onto his shoulder, which pulled him back with me. He stumbles forward a bit, catching himself before landing on top of me. 
I prop myself up on my elbows as I laugh. He’s hovered over me, with a hand on either side; our faces are so close. 
We both freeze as we realize how close we are. I wonder how soft his lips really are… My eyes defy me, shifting down to look at his mouth, just for a second, as he watches me. 
Clearing his throat as he stands up. 
“Uh- here, let me get you a sweatshirt or something,” he sounds timid. Quickly shuffling through his closet, he pulled out a navy sweatshirt and handed it to me. 
“It’ll probably be a little bit loose on you, but better than sleeping like a pirate?” 
I chuckle, smiling up at him. Simply grateful for something comfortable to wear. 
“I’ll go so you can do that,” still clearly very nervous. 
Pulling my shirt over my head, I quickly pull the sweatshirt over me. I lock the bottom of it under my chin so I can see what I'm doing. Oh no. No, no, no, no. My zipper is stuck, and staring at it makes me cross-eyed. I drop my head back, letting out an angry sigh. Please just unzip. My hands get increasingly sweaty, making the stupid plastic zipper hard to grip. 
I hear a few soft knocks on the door before it cracks open. 
“Can I come in?” He asks. 
“Actually… I um… I need help.” 
Coming in quickly and shutting the door behind him, I just stare at him pathetically. 
“My zipper is stuck,” I tell him, embarrassed. 
He chokes back a laugh, setting a glass of water on the nightstand next to his bed. 
He kneels in front of me; oh, this is terrible. I lift the sweatshirt, revealing the catastrophic mess from me, yanking the zipper every which way. 
“Where the hell did you even get these, Red?” He asks, looking up at me with a soft giggle. 
I wish he would just focus. I don't need to look at him like this. Making eye contact causes my brain to short-circuit, and I stare back at him silently. Watching him try to figure out how the zipper got caught, he’s so carefully moving the fabric around. 
“How much do you care about these?” He asks, gently tapping my hip. 
“At this point,” I raise my eyebrows in defeat. 
“Are you sure?”
I just nod ‘yes’ in response. 
He grabs either side of the zipper and tears it apart quickly. The sound of the fabric ripping was relieving, well, for a second. Both of us smile at the fact that I’m free until he looks back down to see the lace of my thong peeking out. 
I see his eyes go wide, and the pink creep into his cheeks as he pinches the fabric together. 
“Oh,” slips out of me. I let the sweatshirt drop, falling to the tops of my thighs as the now ripped pirate pants hit the floor. 
“So, uh, well,” Jake says, holding the back of his neck while avoiding eye contact, “I will let you get some sleep.” 
I don’t know what possesses me to say, “Wait-“ 
Closing the gap between us, I lean up onto my toes slightly, placing a small kiss on his cheek.
“Thank you,” I tell him before crawling into his bed.
“Of course, m’lady,” he says with a bow. His little English accent laces the words, which makes me laugh. 
“Sleep well,” he whispers, shutting off the light as he leaves. 
I fall back into his bed, wrapping myself up in the blankets. They smell like him, comforting, warm. 
Chapter Seven
FDOG Masterpost | Masterlist | FDOG Playlist
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oceanwithouthermoon · 2 months
i think its weird that i have to make this disclaimer but the internet is crazy so wtvr,, anyway,,
if i say i dont like something, that doesnt mean "that thing is bad and nobody should post it.."
i swear literally every time i even mention that i dislike something, people will go "wow does that mean u fucking hate me cuz i post that thing? ur a fucking stupid bitch and all ur opinions r wrong" LIKE ?? er.. no. just because i say i dont like certain characterizations of certain characters (the saiki k fandom is CRAZY about this cuz i can state an opinion on literally any character and a group of people will still go 'well only we're allowed to post our opinions about them because we're always right!1!1!'), or certain ship tropes (mentioned my hatred of toxic yaoi maybe once or twice on here months ago and people STILL get mad at me as if i said toxic yaoi lovers r evil or something), or certain ships, or WHATEVER, does not mean that i HATE the people who are posting them or that i think they shouldnt post them at all, NO, im just posting about my personal tastes on my personal blog and it would be extremely weird and hypocritical if i decided that i was the ONLY person that was allowed to do that,,
i think the only reason people assume that is because there are a lot of other people on here who ARE like that, and a lot of people toe the line between posting that they dont like something and posting that they think everyone who likes that thing is stupid, annoying, and wrong,, so i guess all i can say is, sorry for whatever made you make these assumptions but they arent true about me so plz leave me alone ʘ‿ʘ ur doing the same thing to me that ur accusing me of but i didnt do it in the first place so ur just actively being a dick for no reason
#crazy that the mindset some people on here have is that theyre the only ones allowed to post their opinions#ive repeated this a lot on this blog but i rlly think people forget that the person on the other side of the screen is in fact a person#if ur harassing people and publicly making fun of them then ur just as bad as any real life bully#that shit isnt as funny or harmless as u like to pretend it is#not once have i ever targetted anyone or went on someones blog to harass them over my opinion#yet people think its fine to do the same to me and treat it as if its like. revenge or something#like ? me saying 'i dont like toxic yaoi' is not equivalent to someone going on someone elses page and going 'how tf do u like toxic yaoi'#I DONT CARE !! all ive ever done is sit in my own little bubble and had opinions and that makes people mad#honestly though the people who will publicly talk and post abt it are significantly meaner#and i want to act like im not bothered by it because i know most of them r just angry that someone has a different opinion#and they want all their followers to bandwagon off of them (idk why maybe for validation or whatever-same reasons anyone would bully)#but seriously if u actually do think that something i said was out of line and crossed thise boundaries- just fucking tell me ?#im a person bro. ur solution to disagreeing with me shouldnt be 'lol im gonna post abt this and make everyone harass them'#have a conversation with me dude i dont bite ? if u cant talk to me like a person then just dont fucking say anything wtf#its so cowardly to be like 'well no i didnt wanna say anything to u cuz i didnt wanna be rude.. so instead i publicly made fun of u!'#LIKE WHATTTT STOPPPPP </3333#ok anyway this post wasnt supposed to get THAT serious.#MY POINT IS just be considerate of other people and dont base ur hatred off of assumptions#ur deflecting the blame onto someone else because u dont want to admit that ur just a fucking bully lol#being inconsiderate on here is something ive also been guilty of back when i first joined the fandom and was clueless#but grown ass adults who have been on here way longer r still doing that shit which is crazy#and i cant say anything because they have so much leverage over me and idk if its on purpose or if they dont even realize#ok im putting fandom tags cuz i want people to see this sorry. this is my one post thats actually targetted but its at a lot of people#so if u look at this and think 'hey i do that' pls evaluate urself<3#i mean its also targetted at everyone who does this anonomously so i dont know who it is OKOK IM DONE BYE SORRY HOPE THIS IS UNDERSTANDABLE#watch nobody read this fr#saiki k#tdlosk#the disastrous life of saiki k.#meows post
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moeblob · 3 months
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Deacon loves two things: Ymber and digging himself a grave.
Fulj hates one thing: Deacon.
#my characters#waiting on some info on the next commission so i indulged in ocs today bc i doubt i will have as much time for lil comics for a bit#deacon is so devoted hes like yeah i would kill for a deity that could easily kill anything himself but yknow teehee#and fulj just did you tell him you needed therapy also does he even know youd murder in his name#deacon caught red handed haha no of course i havent told him it should be obvious enough haha.... and its in his defense not his name :c#man really does have some issues but i love him so much and hes so devoted but like. unhealthily after a while#he does in fact need a chill pill and therapy but to be fair#ymber has needed therapy for centuries and yet he just bottles it all up and suffers so#its pretty unhealthy until they yell at each other one (1) time bc they are so insecure about things and get mad over very valid reasons#but then theyre like you know what that was necessary and i still want to stay by your side if you let me#and then fulj is like dude hey sorry you seem really happy did you fu- and ymber is like no please stop there we have not#fulj just squinting cause have not is very different than will not but whatever she doesnt wanna think about that with deacon involved ew#and eventually fulj is like hey ymber im sorry to say but i really do hate deacon and i dont even know why but he makes me uncomfortable#while deacon is just. in the room. hearing this and thinking how he knows she thinks hes weird but wow that wording hurts#and ymber doesnt wanna fill in memories better forgotten by fulj which she had forcefully removed#so he just says oh well his hair and clothing are black and you had someone in the past that you might see in him and its not a pleasant en#so you know maybe its that idk#and fulj is then WHATST i was rude to him for someone i cant even remember? lame im gonna try SO HARD to be nice to him now#and deacon just still sitting there with some food like this is v awkward and i wish i could not be here for it#and later he asks ymber about who he resembled and as ymber is descibing her it clicks in deacons head and he gets really sad#that he might somehow remind fulj of the woman she loved before she was punished for loving a mortal#and he feels kinda bad pestering her so much with his curiosities about deities and he kinda gets it#the fact hes close to ymber might remind her at the core that she was once that close with a mortal if not closer#anyway story time in the tags again#im so obsessed with these peeps and i have made them suffer so much but they do all end on a happy note#its still funny and nice to me that while fulj is creeped out by deacon and doesnt like talking to him#he still expresses the most emotions to her - he tries hard to remain serious around ymber and collected and obedient at all times#and when out and about with ymber he has to be intimidating and refuses smiling but fulj?? all sunshine and smiles and emotions easy to rea#and she is just that is so weird go away i hate you
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rogdona · 4 months
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yuwuta · 35 minutes
head spinning w sooooooo many athlete aus rn….. 
satoru honestly isn’t half as cocky as the media makes him out to be but he could be because you bring up world champion men’s freestyle swim times and it’s his name on the scoreboard ten times before someone else shows up. he’s faster than himself by fifteen seconds all around, he’s earned a bit of cockiness. mentioned in the last post that whenever he’s at a competition and he finishes a race, he looks at the camera and signs a little infinity sign and then blows a kiss to you. some bitter old coach always calls him out on it, and gets him fined for unsportsmanlike conduct, and he’s happy to pay the fees if it means getting a message home to you, but eventually you two come up with a new code; and at his next race, he places gold, turns to the camera, crosses his middle finger over his pointer finger and smiles. when he’s in his post-race interview, he makes sure to explain that he does it for you with the widest smile on his face.
megumi nepotism baby but not in the same sport. toji was a multi gold medalist back in his heyday for shooting, so it’s not really a surprise to anybody that megumi has scary good aim, but he takes to archery instead of shooting. actually the idea of megumi being an emo little kid and throwing rocks at a tree when his dad pissed him off his hilarious, and even funnier is toji watching him, slightly amused and a little scared because megumi is maybe six and hitting the exact same spot every single time. he grows to be very blase about it—it’s more of a release/hobby for him that he happens to be really good at, and well, now good enough to earn a few olympic medals. megumi is not a fan of having his dad ruffle his hair on international television after he’s won, but he supposes it can’t be helped.
i don’t know where to put yuuta…. tennis…. tempting….. him in his little white shorts…. little grunts after he serves…. cries….. a complete 180 in his personality when he’s playing vs doing anything else. so charming and sweet and kinda shy when he’s being interviewed, and the second he steps on the court his eyes are so cold it’s scary…. need him… extremely nerdy about his rackets, and shoes, and clothes, and rambles to you about aerodynamics and posture and torque whenever you ask him to teach you, and you always have to shutup him up with a kiss and remind him that yeah you sort of want to learn to play tennis for him, but mostly you came bc he looks hot doing it. once he got asked in an interview if he ever thinks about you while he’s playing and his response was very concise, “no, never. it would be a big distraction,” and did not realize the implications of his heavily televised words. 
also…. not to make this post 40% yuuta but we could pull from canon a bit and make his sport fencing. he doesn’t excel because he’s the strongest, it’s because he’s learned to treat the sword as an extension of himself and a good strategist… also because i like the image of him pulling the helmet/mask off and shaking his hair out………..
don’t even know where to put yuuji…. volleyball? basketball? track and field??? the irony of him easily being the most athletic but canonically does not want to play sports 😭 but i can see him playing a sport because someone scouts him and it turns out to be a way to make steady money to support himself and his grandpa :( by the time he’s qualified and made it to the olympics, wasuke is doing much better (thanks to yuuji having landed some preemptive sponsorships and being able to afford better medical care), but not so well enough that he can travel across the world to watch yuuji play. wasuke tells you that you should travel and be with yuuji, but yuuji is so touched by the idea that you would stay with his grandpa and be by his side when he’s away :(( he wins gold, of course, and he doesn’t even wait until the closing ceremony—which, he’d mentioned in all of his interviews, so nobody can be too upset. he’s on record saying, “i’m excited to play, but i’m even happier to be going home. my girlfriend and my grandpa are watching me and i miss them!” several times— he’s on the first flight home with flowers, and tears in his eyes. puts his gold medal on his grandpa’s neck as a thank you, and spends probably thirty minutes straight hugging you and kissing you and honestly don’t put it past him to propose now that he’s got nike ambassador money 
nanami started judo as a way to relieve the stress of his overbearing job, and someone at the gym/training center notices he seems to be a natural despite being a beginner. he starts to draw a crowd, which annoys him at first because the point of judo was discipline and release from having to deal with too many people at his office job, but nanami supposes he can’t be too mad when you introduce yourself as a talent scout and offer him professional training. there’s irony in him accepting your offer, because it was definitely not based in professionalism at all… quitting his job as a salaryman to become a professional athlete in his mid-twenties was not on his bingo chart, but if it means he will have met you, then so be it. you’re with him all the way, through his training, competitions, world championships, qualifiers, all the way until he’s on the podium. you’re the first to congratulate him, but he interjects by telling you he’s quitting. you ask him why—he just won at the olympics for crying out loud, but nanami just shakes his head, puts down his flowers and his medal so his hands are free to hold your face and tell you, “it would be unethical to kiss my manager, so i am quitting.” (later, when everything is said and done, and you two are cuddling, you mention to him that he could just hire a new manager, and not quit his new career, to which he blushes because yeah… that’s probably more rational, but rational was not in his train of thought at the time)
#anonymous#nanami kento.......................................... god#also yuuji :((((( just a kid who wanted to do something nice for his grandpa I will CRY#immediate proposal when he gets home to you who does he think he is? yuuta?#speaking of yuuta he's like the best player his age and he's always asked to attend events or parties or whatever#and he's always like ah no thank you I am going home to my girlfriend#every fucking interview it's like yeah I love tennis but I love my girlfriend more for supporting and encouraging me#my girlfriend my girlfriend my girlfriend#one day he actually seems Excited to be doing his press conference and a journalist picks up on it to which yuuta happily raises his hand#and lets everyone know that he's now engaged. and very very grateful for his wife#he does the same shit a few years later like randomly during a press conference he's like#'I am kinda nervous. my baby didn't sleep well last night so I was up with him pretty late' and everyone's like BABY?#and yuutas like yeah! he's almost 14 months now do u wanna see him!#let me stop bringing kids into this bc w/ satoru and kento I could go on for hours....#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen fluff#jujutsu kaisen smut#gojo x reader#gojo smut#yuuta x reader#yuuji x reader#megumi x reader#nanami kento x reader#once u asked megumi what he thinks about when he's practicing and he's so deadpan as he reloads and arrow#and right before he lets it go he's like 'ur ex boyfriend' and then hits the target dead in the center LMFAO
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