#i know that approximately nobody has read this book but i am having fun
plznomonkeys · 4 days
Wtf is up with reviewing on fanfiction these past years?
Mini-rant incoming
Y'all, idk what happened to these sites, but over the last couple years there has been huge changes on FF.net and AO3.
When I first started out in like, ~2011 ish, I was 16, young, dumb, wrote pretty cringe fanfics. MF's, I got a review on the first chapter of fics within 24 hours that I posted. They were honestly dogshit and I didn't have ANY concept of characterization. They just... did what I wanted them to.
One of my fanfics got over 400 reviews IN 3 MONTHS.
But now? I'm lucky to get a single review with a thumbs up emoji. And I get it, some people have nothing to say, but even little, "hey this is great, I like this, don't like this bit, but I'm still reading" is totally fine! I even rather have people give a review when they stop reading and tell me why. Because how the frickity frackity am I ever going to improve as a writer if nobody stops me?????
And I get it, maybe my writing just isn't good enough. That's entirely possible.
If that was the case, why is my view count on FF over 500 reads per chapter? How about my AO3 being at over 5000 hits? If they were so shitty, why are people reading them?
And then I see these fucking posts online about people saying "oh yes, this fanfic was amazing, it means a lot to me, I love this author, they're amazing" but have they ever told the author that? No? Then they're shocked when the story gets abandoned.
I'm sorry, but reviews and commentary seriously matter for us authors. Seriously, they do. When I post a chapter that finally lore drops some seriously important notes to a story and nobody gives feedback, I start questioning myself. Did I do it right? Was it poorly written? Am I just fucking with myself and an idiot? I don't know, can't tell.
Tell your authors that their book is good. Once is not enough. Seriously, even just every few chapters tell them!
I've written two fics that are approximately 200,000 words deep, but they have very few reviews. And do you know what that looks like to a viewership? There is a massive amount of people who will read a review on the story before they pick it up. If there's a 1% ratio of reviews/comments to hits, it looks really really bad. It makes the story look like nobody is actually reading it through. This is why stories get abandoned. They live in the author's head, rent free.
I don't have to write it out honestly, I can keep it to myself if people don't want to review it. My Naruto fic is complete inside my head, the ending is set, I don't need to do anything more. So if people don't tell me they want to read it, then I'm not gunna write it. Like it's a pretty straight forward concept people seem to misunderstand.
And I get it, writing is supposed to be fun and stuff, but there's time and effort put in to making it work and keeping characters in character, in editing, in making the story read more enjoyable. Why would anyone put themselves into free labour for nothing in return?
It's just shitty, if I'm being honest, that people don't realize their stories are more likely to get put to the side if they don't show interest. Me personally, I comment and review everything I read, even if it isn't great, because I understand how important that fucking is.
Well, rant over, I guess, but I'm just super fucking salty.
And to those that do review, you're amazing. I have 3 loyal readers that I'm genuinely writing just for them, that's it. I hope they have warm sunshine and cool pillows.
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iamthelowercase · 1 year
I am dealing with a lot of localized stress right now, and what I want to do about it is read a whole bunch of fanfic for escapism.  So I am requesting recommendations: both fic recs, and recommendations of tags or combinations-of-tags to search on Ao3.
For fic recs: I will read your fandom, if it's a stand-alone capable fic!  Also, I will probably read Bionicle fics regardless, and I'll have a list of fandoms below.
In addition to Ao3, I'm willing to read stories on the SB/SV/QQ trifecta or Royal Road.
I would like fics that are complete with a happy ending, and/or are written as fluffy/happy/feel-good.
I would particularly appreciate fics with a trans and/or plural protagonist.  These don't have to be the plot, but there's no point here if they're not relevant to the plot.  (Eg Babylon 5: Copilots on SV, AlexSeanchai's t4t Miraculous Ladybug fic that I was looking for earlier.)
I massively prefer speculative fiction/SFF.  So everything from Pacific Rim, to superheroes, to Star Wars/Star Trek, to LotR style fantasy.  If you give me a mundane AU, that will ruin the interest for me; but if you give me SFF characters doing mundane things in an unambiguously SFF setting, I'll probably eat it up.  (Like the coffee shop scenes and skateboarding scene in this fic.)
Moderate adventure (more Star Wars original trilogy than LotR) or relationship focus & development, please.  If you've read The Course Of Honor or Winters Orbit, that does a delightful job of balancing both.
Nobody dies is not necessary, but I don't want protagonist death unless they also explicitly get better.  Friendly vampires etc count as "getting better".
Hard "no"s for the purpose of this request:
mind control
"Ao3 explicit"-worthy gore
I am not looking for porn here.  I don't mind sex scenes if I see them coming and think they fit, but if I don't they can (and have!) ruin stories for me in a way that's counter-productive to what I'm after here.
Bonus points for stories which take a "mainstream" trope, invert it somehow, and then play the inverted version completely straight.  (Eg, "smol shy nerd/tol jock" is cute and fun if it's gender-flipped and written for tenderness and feel-good fluff [login required][explicit][archive warnings would apply].)
Bonus points if it's queer somehow.  Mentioning this feels like it might be redundant, but it is worth saying. Bonus points if it’s leftish.  No, further left than that.  Look, unless Star Trek is way off to the right, there’s still a lot of room to go further left.
Bonus points if fics you rec are available as podfic!
Fandoms I know I'm down for reading:
Miraculous Ladybug
Pacific Rim
The Host (Stephanie Myers, book)
The Murderbot Diaries
Good Omens
Where The Stars Fell
Anything by Cliffc999 if it has a complete arc and I feel it meets the key vibes goals, regardless of if it meets other criteria or if I've ever heard of the fandom before.
Marvel superheroes (various -- broad-strokes comicsverse, MCU (movies up to approximately Civil War/Black Panther), and Into The Spider-Verse movie are all welcome, as are original spins on any of those.  Eg, the Spider-Liv series on SV is great, but too recent for a re-read.)
Teen Titans (similar in spirit, but I'm only really familiar with the core 5 and the early 1980s "introduction of Raven and Starfire" era comics)
I fully expect to love Sense8 and Babylon 5 if I ever get around to watching them.  As such, entry-friendly fics that don't spoil the main experience too much are welcome in those fandoms.
Comfort movies:
Apollo 13
The Princess Bride.
Anticipated (but unconfirmed) additions to that list:
Pacific Rim
Buckaroo Banzai: Across the Eighth Dimension
Mad Max: Fury Road
Grease Monkey fills a similar niche in comic books.  Also if you're reccing from RR, you should know that I'm loving Sovereign of Wrath.
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lemonysnicket · 2 years
What Raconteur’s Commonplace Book Character Are You?
hello, fellow TRCB enthusiasts (aka me and the void). i come bearing gifts!! they come in the form of a uquiz i spent too long on. hope you enjoy!
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ironwoman359 · 4 years
if you don't have anything for either of these yet: on the run/bounty on their head? roman's a prince, but there's some kind of uprising or assassination attempt and he and his most trusted guard have to gtfo. they're on the run, sleeping in shitty motels (with only one bed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ) and roman has to learn to live w/o 24/7 service. you can pick who the guard is.
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Safe With You
Prompt: On the Run 
Fandom: Sanders Sides
Summary: Prince Roman gains a new appreciation for his personal knight when he is forced into hiding to escape an assassination attempt.
Content Warnings: Mentions of death/violence, some mild bickering, prinxiety (can be platonic or pre-romantic), platonic moxiety
Word Count: 1,645
Read on AO3 here
Bad Things Happen Masterlist
Requests are closed
Roman had never been so exhausted in his life. His feet were sore, his muscles ached, and there was nothing he wanted more than to collapse into his feather bed and sleep for a day. No wait, a massage from the royal masseuse to ease his muscle tension. No, a massage then sleep for a day. 
Yes, that would be the dream. 
Unfortunately, Roman’s life had been more akin to a nightmare these past few days. He was a prince, for crying out loud, heir to the throne itself! And now he was being forced to sneak through the woods in the middle of the night like...like some common ruffian! 
“You said we’d be reaching real lodgings soon!” he whined. His mother would say that his tone of voice was “unbefitting of a prince,” but he felt that after three days of sleeping rough with no one but his irksome personal knight for company, he was entitled to a bit of complaining. Speaking of his knight...
“We will, highness.” Roman could never figure out how the formal address managed to sound so insulting when Sir Virgil Ellsworth said it. “We should reach it before daybreak, so long as you do not slow us down with any more of your griping.” 
Roman made a petulant noise (that his mother would also not have approved of), but Virgil just rolled his eyes and pressed onwards, slipping through the foliage with the ease of a practiced woodsman. Roman stumbled along clumsily behind him, trying to resist the urge to gripe (he was a prince, he did not gripe...he loudly protested) about the terrain.
He managed this for approximately three minutes, which he thought was a rather impressive effort, giving the circumstances. 
“If your plan was to hide out at an inn then I don’t see why we had to trek through the undergrowth like this. Would it not have been simpler to take the roads? You do know what roads are, don’t you Sir Ellsworth?” 
“You do know what caution is, don’t you highness?” Virgil retorted. “By all means, take the roads, if you want to be caught by the assassins in less than a day.”  
Roman opened his mouth to argue back, but Virgil shut him up with a scathing glare. 
“I know you’re used to being the one to boss people around, Princey, but we’re not in the palace any longer. It’s my job to keep you alive, and out here, what I say goes. Got that?” 
He turned around without waiting for an answer, a breach of protocol that ordinarily would land him in serious trouble, but even Roman had to admit that the systems of etiquette and protocol that he was used to didn’t matter much in the middle of a coup. And as much as Roman had whined and complained (and alright, griped) about their traveling conditions, underneath his brash facade he was just glad that Virgil had remained loyal to him, even after the people who paid his salary had been run through by assassins’ blades. 
Not that he’d ever admit that out loud to his knight of course. 
“Okay, we’re almost there,” Virgil said, pulling Roman out of his musings. “Keep your head down, and let me do the talking.”
Roman glowered at him, but he pulled the hood of his travelling cloak up to obscure his face and followed Virgil without further complaint. Roman wasn’t sure how Virgil knew where they were, the woods all looked the same to him, but one minute they were surrounded by trees and the next they were stepping onto a dirt road that led into a tiny village. Virgil kept glancing around as they approached a building that Roman would call quaint if he wanted to be kind...ramshackle if he was feeling more irritable, which tonight he was. 
“You’re sure this is an inn?” 
“What part of keep your voice down is confusing you?” Virgil hissed with perhaps a touch more venom in his voice than was typical, and Roman blinked.
“Okay, okay, sorry,” he muttered, folding his arms with a huff. 
Virgil sighed and shook his head, then stepped forward and nudged the door open a crack, peering inside. Apparently satisfied with what he saw, he pushed the door open properly and gestured for Roman to follow him inside.
Roman didn’t have much experience with inns, on the rare occasion that he had to travel his entourage would usually solicit the hospitality of a local noble family, so he had no idea if the cramped space was typical of this more...rustic establishment. Still, the room was cleaner than he’d expected; the stone floor was swept, the worn wooden tables were wiped down, and a pleasant, homey smell wafted through the air. It wasn’t hard to imagine the room full of peasants after a hard day's work, enjoying hearty food and drink to forget their hardships for a few hours. 
For now though, the room sat empty, save for one man who was hunched over the fireplace, stirring something in an iron pot. He spun around when he heard the door close behind them, and his eyes widened behind a pair of round glasses. 
“Oh! I wasn’t expecting customers this early in the morning, I–” 
“Pat, it’s me.”
The man froze. 
“Virgil?” he asked, and Virgil nodded. “Oh my– what are you doing here? When I heard about the capital, I was afraid that–”
“I need your help,” Virgil interrupted, and the man nodded. 
“Of course, whatever you need!.”
“A room? And off the books, Patton, nobody can know we’re here.”
Patton’s eyes flickered to Roman for a moment before looking back to Virgil with a firm nod. 
“Of course, of course. This way.”
He led Virgil and Roman up a staircase and down a hall, ushering them into a room. 
“It’s not much, but it’s yours for as long as you need it. And once I’m done opening things up downstairs I’ll come up and bring you some porridge, you kiddos must be hungry.”
“I can pay you,” Virgil began, but Patton shook his head. 
“Keep your money. I have a feeling you’ll be needing it more than me anyhow. Just stay safe for me, okay?” 
Virgil nodded. “Thank you.” 
Patton smiled at him, then with one last glance at Roman, slipped out of the room and back downstairs. Virgil shut the door behind him, then quickly crossed the room and closed the shutters as well, blocking out the first few rays of morning sunlight. 
“Okay,” he said, a bit of tension finally leaving his shoulders. “We should be okay to rest here for a bit. 
Roman looked around the room, and tried not to grimace. It was tiny, barely big enough to comfortably fit the single bed, wooden chair, and side table. No wardrobe, no desk, no vanity, and no lavatory. Still, at least there was a bed. No matter how lumpy the mattress might be, it was sure to be more comfortable than the forest floor. 
“Will this suffice for you, then?” Virgil asked, raising an eyebrow, and Roman sighed.
“It will have to do, I suppose,” he said, and Virgil rolled his eyes. 
“It better, because this is the only inn this side of the capital that won’t sell us out at the first flash of some coin.”
“So that innkeeper, you trust him then?” 
“With my life,” Virgil responded immediately, and Roman blinked. 
“Well alright then,” he muttered. He looked around the room, then frowned as one particular detail stuck out to him. “There’s only one bed.” 
“It’s a roadside inn, Princey, it doesn’t exactly have suites.” 
“I know, I wasn’t exactly expecting the lap of luxury here, but–”
“Relax,” Virgil interrupted. He pulled off his cloak and bunched it into a ball before stretching out on the floor and stuffing it under his head. “I’m all good, see? No need to worry about sharing your bed with the measly common folk.” 
 “I’m aware you’re making fun of me,” Roman grumbled, and Virgil laughed. 
“Good, I’d be worried if that was lost on you.”
“You think just because the world is collapsing around us that you can mistreat me so? I am still your prince.” 
Virgil gave him an unimpressed look, and Roman swallowed, suddenly cognizant of the fact that the only reason he was still alive was because of Virgil’s interference. He’d taken it for granted, Virgil was his knight, after all, it was his job to protect him, but when the rest of the palace had fallen, there would have been nothing stopping Virgil from giving Roman up to save his own skin. Instead, Virgil had taken him to safety, and Roman felt his face warm in shame.
“I apologize,” he said quietly, looking down. “That was...not a very chivalrous remark. I do recognize that it is only because of you that I am even alive, let alone a prince, and...I am grateful for that.” 
He glanced up, just in time to see a strange expression flicker across Virgil’s face for just a moment before his familiar smirk was back. 
“Alright, Princey, don’t get sappy on me now,” he said, and Roman let himself smirk back. 
“Just covering my bases here, I can’t exactly have rumors start spreading that the prince of the land doesn’t appreciate when someone saves his life.” 
“Go to sleep, highness, your precious reputation is safe with me,” Virgil snickered, closing his eyes. 
Roman chuckled, but as he lay back on the lumpy mattress, he didn’t miss the way Virgil’s hand drifted to rest on the hilt of his sword, or how he adjusted his position so that his body lay across the doorframe, one final barrier between Roman and any threat that might dare to enter. 
“Yeah, yeah,” he said, letting his own eyes slip closed. “I know I’m safe with you.”
Bad Things Happen Masterlist Full Fic Masterlist Commission Info Ko-fi
Sanders Sides taglist:
@theinvisiblespoon,  @dreamsshadowwashere, @broadwaytheanimatedseries,  @bitten1ce,  @madly-handsome, @cats-with-blogs, @damienswifeolicitydallysgirl @fanderrawr,  @starjames-pma @crownswriter123 @stars-sunsets-and-oliver, @akiraaria, @thilb0burrit0, @dragonangel-funandfire, @painterman-bobross @galaxymindedindividual,  @sassy-in-glasses, @vergeangst, @iaminmultiplefandoms,  @thedundundunnnsong, @podcastsandcoffee, @bosmeri-alyd @anyay666,  @celinethotwrong,  @poorlittleanxiousbaby, @bibbidi-bobbity-booyah @chaloopa12 @lastbeginning @readeatfightlove13, @girlwthanxiety4ever @entpscarleharrrr @artistic-introvert54 @logically-emotional @punsterterry @fluidityandgiggles @gatlily @stupidfangirl107 @default-lesbian @sharkkittem @thesocialbookwormishere @amuthefunperson( @ @lunareclipse-524 @purplesoul-at-hogwarts @asymmetricalgarbage8888  @maxiswriting @bluebloodstains @savage-fox-cacti  @skitari  @iridescentglassflowers  @ultraviollettt @satanblessi @iloveeverytjing123 @the-average-loner @ahyeahisurehopeit-does  @theunoriginaldaisy  @para-keat @today-only-happens-once @03-30-am  @why-only-have-one-fandom @analogical-mess @twilight-trix @silverjay520 @purpleandblacknightmares @anxious-fander-bean  @felicianoromano @idioticsky  @storytellerofuntoldlegends @theymaynotbedenied @fight-or-flight-reflexes @brownie-aunt @sweetsmalldog  @chelsvans @sos-fandoms  @opaque-puppet  
@ninja-wizard101  @mklwritestoomuch @comicsimpson @muliphandomer  @thetruepacifist @hitmewiththatfanart33 @katie-the-noble-fangirl @yalltookmyurlideas @fearthepenguinboye @theunknoen69  @the-most-random-blog-on-ear-blog @evetheodd @fanartfunart @midnight-tragedyy @ymmm-someone @blep-blep-motherclucker @fandomloverangel @dorkoverse @imabad-b-youcantkillme @so-yeah-imma-witch @spinnerthedolphin @whenistheworldending @sardonicsquish @look-ma-im-on-tv @gattonero17 @yumi-bulan @averykedavra @sofiathehufflepuff @luella-the-homosexual @dwbh888 @underthesea73 @maestro-ofvillainy  @hold-our-destiny @apocalypticbekfastclub @5150brotherbear
@jimprotectionsquad, @somber-fae, @splatted-dragon, @simon-seppa-blog, @kinkiestcoconutaround, @nyxwordsmith, @hannahisnottalented,  @thefamouszombiebouquet, @jordandobbertin,  @la-fandom-freak, @freepaperie081, @tormentist, @mollycassmith, @pleaseletthisjimbetaken,  @littleteenblog, @of-chaos-and-flame, @monstermemories, @simplelittlestar, @sander-fander, @jenni-with-an-i, @superawesomeamazingname, @randomcrystals, @the-gilbird, @desolate-darlin, @alwaysmy-lilith, @look-its-meme, @sigma-time-lord, @toreen-m, @samthekoalabear98,  @thewinterunicorn,  @miss-meg1710, @itsjustkota, @justanotherproblem, @redone0-0dreamer,  @mltcp, @i-hyperfixate-too-much ,  @jse-fandom-protection-squad, @edible-napkin, @helpmeimjim,  @slim-jims, @didsomeonesayprince,  @fanofyoutubeandmore, @hexatrash
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anotherbeingsworld · 4 years
The day we met.
Pairing: Bryce Lahela  X F!MC (Casey Valentine) 
Rating: G 
Word count: 1440 
Disclaimer: I don’t own these characters, it all belongs to Pixelberry. 
Author’s note: Hi, this is my first time writing in a while and i have the courage of posting this! So, this is sort of a different version for when MC and Bryce meet. I love their first meet up in the first book, but this is kinda like an alternate timeline-ish! Its full of fluff since i’m a sucker for fluffiness hehe! Also, I want to say thank you to @annekebbphotography​ for her advice that she has given to me before, it really helped! Also, i want to say thank you to @maria-soederberg​ for reading it and helping me with this story! She had helped me a lot and THANK YOU to you both! Go check out their stories tooo! Also, to all the fic writers on tumblr for inspiring me to post this! You guys are awesome for putting your work out there! <3 
It is a beautiful day in Boston, the sun is shining, the birds are singing on this wonderful afternoon. The park was packed with people who was interested in relaxing time. There were those who are walking their dogs, families who are having a picnic and even a group of kids playing on the playground.
And then there’s Casey Valentine, doctor at Edenbrook Hospital, smiling widely at the prospect of the day. She and her friends are on their day-off from the hospital, and their daily routine such as work, and the sound of distress.
She was playing Frisbee with her roommates Sienna, Jackie, Elijah, and including Elijah’s girlfriend Phoebe. They had a rough start, since none of them are professionals. But, after a long tutorial on all social media platforms which approximately took an hour before all of them to got the idea of how to play Frisbee. The more they play, the better they get.
‘Casey, go long!’ Sienna shout as she released the Frisbee in her way. Casey was determined to catch it, but eventually ended up falling and bumping into someone.
‘Ouch!’ She squealed as her body crashes into the person opposite her. The mystery person stood up, and picks up the Frisbee which had flown a few steps away ahead of her.
He offered his arm to help Casey up, as an apology for running into her. Casey took his hand, and ended up frozen on the spot. His brown eyes, hypnotizing her for a moment that felt like an eternity, his hair was a bold choice, which she didn’t mind at all and his body was something that should be framed into a museum or even being placed into an art gallery.
After it felt like an eternity, Casey was pulled back into reality as her friends ran to check on her. Sienna immediately placed her hand on her wrist to check her pulse, along with the stranger who is looking at her in a concern demeanour.
‘Casey! Are you alright?’ Sienna asked her.
She rubbed her elbow, and nod to her. Casey accept his offer, and gets up with the help of Bryce after being in a wild imagination about this attractive man in front of her.
‘I’m going to say sorry, but now I am not sorry because it led me to the presence of a beautiful girl.’ The man said whilst flirting with her.
She felt her cheeks burn at his comment, she gazes towards Sienna and Jackie who are giggling at the whole scene. She felt her blush increasing as Sienna whispered something into Jackie’s ear that made them both smile. You could compare the smile with children who got free passes to Disneyland. There would be no difference.
‘My name’s Bryce and I think, I should let you go back to the game.’ He flashed a smile and was about to leave when Sienna called.
‘Bryce, let’s play Frisbee together! We’re dividing into teams of two, you should join us.’ Sienna said to him, making him instantly nod at the suggestion.
‘Good, now Casey c’mon!’ Sienna dragged her arm as they made their way back to Elijah and Phoebe who are in a deep conversation with each other.
‘We’re doing this two versus two; Me and Sienna, Elijah and Phoebe, Bryce and Casey! No questions!’ Jackie announced as they get into position.
Casey nervously made her way to Bryce who’s grinning at her presence, she smiled back but cannot contain her blush to appear when she is around him. Soon, the game commence and the teams play furiously. Jackie’s new profound focus, along with Elijah’s intellect skills caused Casey to feel a bit nervous. Bryce seems to notice and immediately placed his hands into hers, giving her a piece of comfort to ease her nerves. And it helped Casey to play perfectly with Bryce which lead to the fact that they won many games.
Both Bryce and Casey cheered for their victory, and Casey immediately pulled Bryce into a tight hug without realizing what she has done. When the adrenaline ebbs away they suddenly realise in what situation they are and instantly pull away with blushes on their cheeks. Sienna and Jackie both giggle at the ‘incident’ which causes Casey to hide her face in her hands.
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 After a dozen of rematches, the sun is finally settling down. Which makes them end the game with the winners being Elijah and Phoebe. They decided to celebrate the victory with a date that was due for a long time. Sienna and Jackie said their goodbyes to Bryce as they headed back to the apartment leaving Casey and Bryce alone at the park as the sun is setting down.
‘You wanna stay for a while, I have a sweet spot to watch the sunset.’ He offered. She didn’t hesitate and nods, not wanting her day with Bryce to end yet. They took a small hike to a secluded hilltop which is a few miles away from the park.
After a few minutes of hiking, they arrived at the top of the hill and Casey is speechless. The view is amazing, they can see everything from up here. They even arrived on time to see the beautiful sunset, letting the sky changes its colours. 
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 Both of them sat quietly with each other, admiring  the beauty of nature. Casey suddenly felt exhausted and her head started to feel heavy, so without her really noticing, her head falls onto his shoulder. But then she quickly stood up, and apologized. Bryce just shook his head, pulled her back next to her and offered his shoulder as they sit and watch the beautiful sunset. They both collecting back their energy after the game of Frisbee.
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 The night became darker every second, as Bryce walked her home. They stop in front of the apartment and nobody moved. A voice inside of her screamed to not let him go yet, but she’ll be selfish wouldn’t she?
Casey took a deep breath as she stared into Bryce’s eyes as his eyes wanders over her body. Both of them knew that they don’t want it to end, but some things have to end somehow.
‘I guess this is it’
‘Unfortunately’ she muttered under her breath.
‘Hey, I had a lot of fun today. I never knew bumping into someone would turn this day into an adventure.’ Bryce said happily.
Casey smiled at his comment, ‘I had fun too, and thank you for showing me the spot. It’s truly a wonder.’
‘I’d like to do that again sometime, if you want. If you insist-‘ Bryce was stopped by Casey placing a sweet kiss on his cheek
He smiled and they decided to trade numbers with each other, and another sneaky kiss from Bryce before they parted ways. Casey is now laying on her bed, smiling at the events that occurred today. Little did she know, Bryce was doing the same thing.
The next day, she woke up bright and early to get to her shift at the hospital. A walk to the hospital was a breeze as Casey spared all the details to Sienna about her ‘date’ with Bryce the other day.
The day was filled with a busy shift for all the senior residents, interns and surgeons. An accident at the Grand Bridge occurred causing the hospital to be busier than usual but the good news, they were no deaths involved. Casey stepped out of the busy ER, and decided to get to her lunch break. She was distracted by thinking about the cure for Mr Razier’s disease, which ended up making her bump into someone once again.
She immediately apologize for her clumsiness, but instead she froze. It was him, Bryce. He was making his way to her direction as he bumped into her. He was wearing a pair of green scrubs. He looks different in his working attire but in a good way. Casey immediately stood up offering her arm to Bryce as he took it.
‘I wished for this moment to a shooting star last night, and I cant believe it vame true’ Bryce said as he winked at her.
She blushed and said, ‘I didn’t know you work here, and we always happen to be bumping into each other.’
‘Well, I wouldn’t mind seeing your beautiful face once more.’ As he said that, she felt her spine shiver at those words. She took a deep breath, and faces him.
‘I’m having lunch, you want to join me?’ 
‘Well, never say no to free stuff right? Loser buys the other one lunch!’ Bryce said before sprinting forward leaving Casey to catch up from behind.
‘I’m coming for you Bryce!’ She let out a giggle before catching up to him. 
Maybe this year is gonna be fun after all.  
 Authors note #2: I hope you all enjoy it! Its been a while since I write, I apologize for any language mistakes since English is not my first language. Dont forget to like and reblog, it helps with to ease the nerves (*insert monkey covering its eyes emoji*), and thank you for reading! <3 
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jackbabewang · 5 years
At first sight...
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Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader Genre: College au, Fluff, That library crush theme Word Count: 2,554
It can be hard to seduce someone in total silence.
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Final exams are approaching, so now you are spending a great deal of time in one corner of your room at a clustered study desk, constantly reviewing notes, and grumbling. There are just too many distractions to interrupt you at the dormitory. The residents above are deliberately harassing you by stomping on the floor, classical music blasted from the room next to yours making your unit feel like some strange musical theater of the absurd and then there is your bed. So so inviting. You have enough points going into the exams to pass easily, but the pressure has not lifted because you are keen to scoring the highest possible marks. Well, that is just you being you. To pry yourself away from disturbance, the university’s library seems to be the ideal place for better concentration. And so, your routine begins.
Day 1
Unknowingly excited. Your nerdy self got a seating in a booth that offers the most privacy. Though the library is crowded with students studying frantically, it is still quiet. Your body sinking into the cushioned padding, laptop opened, bookmarks orphaned on tables, highlighters and pens began their labour. 
Day 3
Still going strong. Probably. You need some fresh air and a break from your studies. After a couple of hours sitting hunched over books, you are worried that you can even try out for the role of a hunchback. You decide to take a walk outside on the campus park. You miss warmth, the heat of the sun on your skin, needing the light for some kind of photosynthesis.  
By the time you return to the library, there sits a paper cup on top of your table with a square note beside it written, ‘Hey little fighter, soon things will be brighter!’ There is no name, no initial that gives away the identity of the alleged person who left it there. A small smiled etches on your lips as you reach for the source of warmth, the tip of your fingers have turned icy cold the second after you walked in. A string of white steam escapes through the small opening, turns into vapour around your nose, kinda dumb of you to take a sip without hesitation. The intense heat burns your upper lip and you wince in reaction. “Fuck!” 
Day 5 
Your enthusiasm surely died down. Two days away from the first paper, you are feeling the tension in your shoulders, in the air, when you come across topics that you are unsure of. The ink runs out in your flimsy pen, the cheapest in Target, and your writing fades away into almost invincible marks on the paper, until you reluctantly switch for another. Consequently, you are feeling numbness in your head after reading, with pressure in temples. Faintness and migraine give you a ready-made and honest reason to excuse yourself from the books momentarily. A short walk to the water fountain or the upper floor toilet will do. 
It seems like deja vu all over again when you come back to the same paper cup but with a different note this time, ‘Wish you luck for whatever you’re struggling with :)’ Kinda creepy… not going to lie. The idea of someone watching you has the hair on your neck prickles. However the ever encouraging words compensate for your terror. 
Fifteen minutes prior to closing time, the librarian makes an announcement and requesting patrons to leave. The sun has already set, and the moon is slowly peeking in the darkened sky. That is when you realize you have been staying in for approximately eight hours.
You make your way out immediately, the drink from an anonymous individual in your hand left untouched and disappointingly you have to throw it away. 
Your hand stops in mid air, head turns to the rippling voice. A guy in gold rimmed glasses jogs over. With a closer look, he has a strikingly handsome face and you are left wondering what exactly did you associate with a fine man like him. 
“Glad I caught you,” he says, panting slightly. His eyes flitting nervously back and forth between you and the paper cup. “Do you… Do you not like hot drinks? I’ve got you hot chocolate this time since you weren’t drinking the coffee…” 
 “Oh.” So he is the secret delivery guy. 
There is an uneasy silence in the air. He rubs his collarbone and then the back of his neck, looking almost embarrassed. “I guess you don’t.” 
“No, no! That’s not it. I just- Don’t get me wrong. I don’t wish to catch myself heart attack cause I had two shots of coffee earlier.” Well, the pounding of your heart should be stopped by now but it does not seem to. Weird. “And this… hot chocolate?” You pause for confirmation and is rewarded with a nod. “Is kinda too sweet to my liking and it’s not such a great idea to get jazzed when I’m wracking my brain.” 
He chuckles, mumbling coherently to himself that he has understood girls wrongly. Little did he know, you are no ordinary girl. You are a girl of determination; a girl of the new millennium. Sugary-sweet desserts work no effect, and you do not fawn upon pick up lines and impassioned gestures. You are too, too difficult to please.
“So…” You look everywhere except in his eyes, feeling awkward in the presence of this stranger, a hot stranger to be frank.
“I- I was asking if you wanna have… dinner with me?” Gulping so loudly he can hear himself, enough for you to hear it too, and you can see his Adam’s apple moving rapidly. 
“Sorry… I’m going back now, though…” And have yourself a bowl of bland oatmeal with fresh-cut fruits. Now, however, your stomach grumbles on cue, reminding you that you have not been eating since morning. 
He chuckles again, a pleasant throaty sound, and humiliation nips your skin like sand fleas. “Let’s go. I believe it can’t wait.” 
This is just odd. What has gotten into you to come into agreement with someone you have known for less than an hour. Anyone else will figure you are a pair of couple just by walking together shoulder to shoulder, and if anyone among your circle of friends were to find out, they are definitely going to be nosy about it.
“Hey, I may be strange, but not weird! There’s a difference.” Jaehyun is his name, and he sure has the balls of steel. Let us put it that way. That is cause the guys in your classes are incomparable, they get intimidated by you while he does not even flinch in the face of the wolf (for some reason they gave you the nickname). 
As much as you hate to admit it, the more time you spend with him, the more you enjoy his company, his wit, and his willingness to discuss anything—whether it be politics, Ironman versus Captain America, or Joji’s latest track. He is courteous, ambitious, and attractive, and he can dance with the best of them. Most of all, he does not seem to mind your independent ways of thinking. 
“Are you going now?” He is probably pushing his luck, since he certainly does not want you to leave just yet, but he has to ask. 
“I am.” You can swear you see disappointment flickers in his eyes and if you are not mistaken, his bottom lip sticking out slightly in a pout. But it is gone so fast when, “I can stay for… a bit longer.” 
“Great. Follow me.” 
Without another word, he turns and stalks up the stairs. On the third floor landing, he stops and looks back to make sure you are still following closely behind. An amused smile emerges as he watches you panting breaths, and a blush blooms like hothouse roses in your cheeks. Past the hall and into the narrow passage, thence leading to what you assume is the back door which he has already broke open with a flexible plastic ruler. Flipping the light switch, turning on the lights, illuminating the space, and you come to realize it is the abandoned classroom where you attended tutorials for Business Communication last semester. 
“We could’ve taken the elevator!” 
“It won’t be fun then.” 
“You mean, it won’t be fun if you don’t have me to laugh at.” 
“Besides, nobody saw us. We can’t be seen in here.”  
He proceeds to scramble around like he has done it before, maybe not a lot, but a few times at least. He connects his phone to the stereo system and soft, soothing music drifts lazily on the air from hidden speakers. He then joins you at the table, sitting beside you, closer than your very first meeting. 
“I didn’t know this was possible until now.” 
“Oh, they’re a lot I haven’t shown you yet,” he says, wriggling his eyebrows lasciviously and giving you a cocky grin. You just have to have a pep talk with yourself that if Jaehyun is not hinting something else—you can imagine. 
“Do you always bring people here?”
“What do you mean?”
You shrug your shoulders, turning sideways and lean against the chair back with him mirroring your posture. “You know… Girls… Is this how you impress them with your lockpicking skills?”
“Are you, perhaps, a wee bit jealous?”
You scoff at such a ridiculous prospect. In fact, you might get salty if you figure you are just one of the chicks he brought over this place. You are not going to fall for him and his antiques like the stupid bitch they are. 
“No. I never bring women here. I don’t bring anyone here. You’re a first.” 
Your interested gaze transfers to him. “You don’t?”
He shakes his head. 
“But… why?” 
“Policy.” He glances at you, sees you frowning and says, “Don’t worry about it, okay?” 
Yet for long the study session is either neglected or long been buried and forgotten, the mood of the times is a very different one. You continue to talk, and really got to know each other well, not romantically but just as good friends. Suddenly your conversation is broken with the sound of keys jingling, followed by a quick turn of the knob coming from the far side of the corridor. 
It is the security guard patrol. 
Immediately you scutter about the classroom, switching off all the lights, locking the door while he runs to unplug his phone, making sure to return the place to its original state. You find yourselves under the table and stealing glances out of the small window and the crack beneath the door until it passes. 
Though the guard has already left, it does not seem as if Jaehyun has any intention of moving an inch. He is too close—so close you can smell the musk of his cologne, and he smells so damn good. He is too close—so close you can feel the heat of him, and your backside is all but paralyzed from the uncomfortable position. It is dark, but you can still make out the twinkle in his eyes. The tall guy seems fascinated by you, looking you up and down, then openly studying your face. 
The thought must have form in both your minds at the same time because your eyes flutter shut as he leans forward, kissing you gently on the lips. A deep, lingering kiss that have you wanting more. This kiss is so soft that it’s like a memory of a kiss, so careful on your lips that it is like someone running his fingers along them. Slowly, gently, the tip of his tongue traces your mouth, outlining your lips with exquisite, excruciating care. A growl of pleasure escapes him when you part your lips in welcoming at the first prod of his tongue. The lemon drop he had before adding flavor to a kiss that is already the sweetest of your life. 
One of his hands settle at your waist, the other cups the side of your throat. His thumb slides beneath the neckline of your jacket to stroke the hollow beneath your collarbone. On a soft moan, you plunge into the mindless whirl of your senses and allow yourself to feel. Just feel. For the first time in your life, you finally understand that one kiss can helplessly seduce. And if your heart has not been racing earlier, it now goes into overdrive, hammering against your chest.
Jaehyun knows he should not be kissing you. He has told himself he cannot let it happen so soon. But something about you calls to him. Every rational thought vanishes as he gives in to the sensations rampaging out of control. He holds you close, relishing the feel of your breasts crushed against his chest. Sliding his hand down your back to where your skirt has ridden up, pushing his hand beneath the fabric, gliding it up your thigh. A firm squeeze on the curve of your flesh making you yelp and jolt. The loud collision when you banged your head against the desk above bringing you both to your senses. 
“Shit, sorry.” He is breathing hard, his eyes fierce with arousal, his lips red and moist and a little swollen from that hard kiss. You believe yours appear just the same as well. 
Deep in the foggy recesses of your mind, Jaehyun has crawled from under the table and turned away with downcast eyes as he seemingly adjusting the sudden tightness in his pants. 
What just happened? 
“Are you coming out, or not?” He offers his hand, you blink before sliding your shaking one around his. 
Talk about awkward. His shirt is a wrinkled mass from your gripping fingers, your hair swept to the side still you can feel his delicate touch on your skin, both your faces flushed a luscious crimson from the passionate moment.
“I- I should get going…” You nervously clear your throat. Actually, you are ashamed of yourself about it all. You have never thought of yourself as needy, thereto committing to the blind decision of having a hookup with an incredibly gorgeous man. God must have sent a guardian angel to knock out your head before it takes on another level.
However all these thoughts are gone when he says, “May I see you again?” 
“… Sure.”
“Tomorrow?” Boy, he sure is eager.
“Right, that’s why I said tomorrow. I want to see you again in another hour. But I’m willing to wait.” 
Has he always been this sweet and smooth? His words, eye contact, and all body gestures operate in the fashion of sweet talking and alluring you, to really basically falling for his suave, smooth ways. This has never been you. 
Unfortunately, the following days should not be possible because you have to keep your mind active and your sanity intact. 
“After finals?” 
He lets out a deep guttural groan. On a second thought, he wants to take back his words, he is not willing to wait for a week, let alone a day. He wants to greet you with a kiss on the back of your hand and a bouquet of fresh flowers, he wants to take you out for a proper date at an exclusive cafe, he wants to pay for the meals— The list goes on. 
“Right. After finals.”
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tessatechaitea · 4 years
Justice League Task Force #1 (1993)
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Martian Manhunter looks like he's doing the most painful Boob/Butt Showcase ever attempted.
I know J'onn J'onzz's entire body is supposed to be facing forward on this cover but it really looks like he's turning all the way around at the waist. If there's any character that could successfully do that, it's Elongated Man. And also Martian Manhunter. So I'm less worried about J'onn's stance than I am about Gypsy's torso. Unless it's her ass that's the problem. Maybe the entire problem with this cover is simply Sal Velluto. This seems to be the only issue of this series that I own. That's good because the cover art by Sal is not promising. Also, I don't recognize any of the names in the creative team. Was this one of those "Let's give some new talent a project nobody at DC really cares about" kind of deals? It would seem that way judging by the roster. Even though Martain Manhunter was the backbone of the Justice League for many years, he's still kind of a nobody, nothing, bottom-of-the-barrel hero. And Gypsy?! You can't even say her name anymore without somebody canceling your shit. I don't have any complaints about The Flash because I have to save them for the members of the team on the back cover.
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Ugh. Aquaman and Nightwing! The worst! Even worse than those two in the corner, Amanda Waller's younger sister and Alfred Hitchcock in a toupee.
Some of you younger jerks might not remember a time when Nightwing sucked. He fucking suuuuuuuucked. The absolute worst. He was like when you're wearing boxers and the tip of your dick pops out of the pee gateway and starts rubbing on the inside of your Levi's. He was like when you take a shit and you feel the loss of the turd's momentum right at the end and you just know you're going to have a huge hanger and probably a good inch or two of shit still up in your asshole which you'll be dealing with for the rest of the day. He was like when you're a guy and having a really good sex dream and suddenly you realize it's a dream and if you complete the act, you're going to have a huge mess to clean up and then you wake up because your brain is all "I don't want to clean up the mess!" but you're all, "You stupid brain! I was getting laid!" Man, he was just awful. And Aquaman was worse! This issue is called "The Tyranny Gun" and I'm pretending I understand that. I'm just nodding my head and enthusiastically saying out loud, "Yeah! Yeah! A gun! That shoots tyranny! Get fucked, motherfuckers!"
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I get that J'onn J'onzz is probably an approximation of his real Martian name but I wouldn't call it "convenient." John Jones is his convenient name!
Martian Manhunter has been tracking down French separatist terrorists who want Quebec to secede from Canada. Yeah, okay, 1993. What an innocent time! This plot sounds like the plot of a slapstick comedy. The French version of Stripes. Why the fuck would a bunch of French people want Quebec to secede from Canada?! As if it's not already practically France anyway! I'm sure they're angry that some people fuse English words with French words, sullying their perfect fucking language. I'd be more apt to believe the Dungeon & Dragons Club in my junior high school had been running dog fights after school. You might be thinking, "That's not that ludicrous!" But then you didn't see the absolute nerds in my Dungeons and Dragons club.
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I don't know why that one kid's face was blacked out by the Year Book Staff. Maybe he was so handsome he made the other guys feel bad. Or maybe...maybe he was the lead guy running the dog fights?!
As Martian Manhunter is roughing up the Quebecois terrorists, he thinks, "'Politically correct' murder." What does that even mean?! Is he suggesting French Canadians think it's okay to murder as long as you murder somebody who isn't French? Does he think Canadians murdering is politically correct? Trying to parse that statement is reminding my brain what it was like to read an Ann Nocenti script. Martian Manhunter pats himself on the back (which he can do because he has every super power in the book including Plastic Man arms) for stopping the French terrorists. He's proud that in a world with little justice, he can provide some of his own. I mean, sure! It's easy to create justice when you're the only one you have to consult in the justicing of things. Technically, I think that's called authoritarianism. But I suppose if enough people can agree that what you did without any input from anybody else at all was a decent thing, you can get away with doing it over and over again. Like Superman and sort of like Batman. I say "sort of like Batman" because I think a lot of people hate the way Batman acts and Batman just doesn't give a fuck. Meanwhile, some government types in Washington need a new Suicide Squad. But different! One composed of heroes that don't ask too many questions instead of dangerous criminals who do ask lots of questions but also know that they can have their heads blown off at any second. They need these heroes to help keep a leader of an allied nation in power. The leader has a habit of murdering political rivals so the United States doesn't want to be seen helping him. So they need a covert team of super heroes to defend the bastard. I guess those heroes will be Martian Manhunter (because he doesn't really understand Earth's ways and if you point out he's creating justice, he'll jump at the chance), Aquaman (because he needs the money), Nightwing (because he needs to prove he can make it on his own without Batman), The Flash (because he's kind of dumb, especially when it comes to politics), and Gypsy (because she can hide well, I guess).
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The comic includes a Justice League Task Force membership card which I never filled out and removed.
You can tell I didn't buy into this whole government Justice League bullshit because I didn't fill out the card and stick it in my wallet for years. And I didn't not do it because I was 21 at the time! I carried around my Elfquest Fan Club card and my Wizardry Baltec's Trading Post charge card from Wizardry IV until the day I stopped carrying a wallet that closes with Velcro (that was probably in my late mid-twenties!). Hannibal, the Alfred Hitchock in a toupee looking guy from the back cover, is the man chosen to lead the Justice League Task Force. He approaches Martian Manhunter by walking into his apartment uninvited. Martian Manhunter, knowing that every cop is just looking for an excuse to shoot him with a flamethrower, acts like it's no big deal that this guy intruded on his privacy. Hannibal tells Martian Manhunter that the government needs a strike force that could save millions of lives and Martian Manhunter blurts out, "Justice!" Then he composes himself and he's all, "I'm probably in. But tell me about it first. And don't lie! I'll know if you're lying! I have all the super powers, remember!" Meanwhile in London, Justice League Europe are fighting a sewer dinosaur.
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I've eaten enough sandwiches in a dark room to know Dr. Light is wrong.
Sometimes I'll read a comic book like Watchmen or The Sandman and proudly think, "This is why I read comic books!" And other times, I scan a panel of Dr. Light bending over so that you can see her lady package and I shamefully think, "This is why I read comic books!" Dr. Light is upset that Justice League Europe eventually has to kill the sewer dinosaur. But Flash is all, "It killed a bunch of people! No one ever said being a hero was full-time fun." (The second sentence of that quote is exact. I know I used quotes so you would think the entire thing was exact. But I like to embellish sometimes.) So according to The Flash, killing people for justice isn't fun. He should get that message across to American gun owners. They're all salivating looking for an excuse to murder somebody.
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It's canon! Aquaman smells like shit!
Hannibal calls up Justice League Europe and he's all, "Martian Manhunter needs Aquaman and The Flash for a UN sanctioned mission!" But The Flash, who I thought would be the easiest pushover, is all, "I don't like being told what to do and just going to do it! What are we, a bunch of trained monkeys?" (Again, the second sentence is an actual quote!) But Aquaman is all, "You said it yourself! This isn't always fun. If we're needed for a vague mission where we're doing the work of the United States Government to protect the interests of shadowy men and multi-billion dollar corporations, who are we to refuse?" And The Flash is all, "You're right! Well argued! I am a trained monkey! Let's go!" Martian Manhunter recruits Gypsy in the middle of a shopping spree that's totally not a racist stereotype at all. I don't think. Maybe it is. It was 1993! Nobody knew gypsy was a slur even though if you somebody said "gypsy," everybody in the room would immediately picture the exact stereotype. You'd think we would have realized how that's like the epitome of being racist. It really made it tough on young lazy girls to put together a quick Halloween costume when everybody realized how terrible we all were. At least as a guy, we were able to get away with being hobos and tramps a little bit longer! Gypsy agrees to work on the Task Force because she needs money and a place to stay and maybe a new moniker. The team decides they're ready to go because they can't get Batman. But that's when Nightwing comes in through the balcony window and says, "Will I do?!" And everybody goes, "Aww. Batman would have dropped through the skylight!" Nobody wants to work with Nightwing because he's not in the Justice League. But Hannibal is all, "Oh, you're working with him! And that's not the only thing you're not going to like to hear! Because your job is to protect a despot and a tyrant! You need to make sure a bunch of people on some shitty island keep their terrible living conditions!" Gypsy, Martian Manhunter, The Flash, and Aquaman all make sour faces and do face palms. But Nightwing is all, "Yes! Let's do this! Suck it, Batman!" Justice League Task Force #1 Rating: C. It's as average as a comic book about a super hero group doing the terrible work of the government. I suppose that isn't always average since Suicide Squad was really good. But then they weren't heroes and they were forced to go on terrible missions. So that's why that worked. I don't see how forcing Justice League members to do terrible things in the name of the United States government is a good idea for a book. That's probably why I never purchased Issue #2!
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judemahoney-blog · 4 years
The Best Way to Learn History is to Read Fiction
Why study historic fiction?
A former ee-e book membership member HATED it while the organization study historic fiction. She become adamant that analyzing novels approximately real historic occasions become a waste of time. All the ones conversations withinside the ee-e book have been made up due to the fact nobody alive now may want to probably recognize what have been stated among characters in a preceding generation.
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Historical fiction is simply FICTION, she declared.
I adamantly disagreed.
“Writers do lots of studies earlier than crafting a historic novel, regularly gaining access to real journals, letters, and newspaper articles of the time. They recognize the outstanding gamers of the period. They recognize approximately the dialect, the costumes, the residing conditions, the political situations, and the accoutrements of lifestyles after they write their novel. Isn’t it higher to get a FEEL for the generation and a few information of the problems and the peoples’ responses to them than to be placed to sleep with the aid of using a few dry, dull, dull nonfiction textual content or flat-voiced biography?”
(My apologies to biographers and nonfiction writers everywhere. This become a announcement I made earlier than I started out analyzing a number of nonfiction and knowing that now no longer all biographies have been dull. Not all records texts have been dull.)
My pal became her head away and lifted her nostril barely as though the scent of what I had stated become offensive.
We by no means got here to any type of settlement approximately the fee of historic fiction. For her, it become nonsense — a waste of highbrow energy. For me, historic fiction is a joy, the first-rate manner to research records.
Ironic, don’t you think?
I discovered extra approximately records from made-up memories than I did from a presentation of the facts.
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What’s the first-rate a part of historic fiction?
Of course, the tale is important. It has to have a compelling plot, interesting, third-dimensional characters, sensible dialog, and keep-it-transferring pacing. The writing is important. The cowl design, ee-e book blurb, strengthen reviews, and exposure are tantamount to a ee-e book’s success, however it’s the records of a historic novel that entices me.
I am now no longer by myself in taking part in historic fiction. It’s a famous style with the strains among literary fiction, women’s fiction, historic fiction, or even thriller and suspense blurring.
I discovered some distance extra approximately records from analyzing novels than I ever did from analyzing a textbook
I become a great scholar in excessive school. I sat withinside the the front row, took notes, and paid interest to regardless of the instructor stated. (No note-passing, spitballs, or having a pipe dream for me!) But as attentive as I become, I didn’t get plenty concept of records outdoor of some simple concepts. I discovered the Civil War took place from 1861–1865 and that the most important problem become slavery. I knew that World War II started out for America with the bombing of Pearl Harbor and that hundreds of thousands of Jews have been gassed in chambers with the aid of using Adolph Hitler. America received her independence in 1776; there has been a “Cold War” with Russia, and we landed a person at the moon in 1969.
My information of records existed of simple dates and standard terms.
But as an avid reader, I actually have discovered some distance extra records from novels than I ever did from textbooks. Not handiest have I discovered approximately historic movements, however I’ve internalized them. History is a part of my waking focus due to the memories I’ve study. I recognize how exclusive occasions impacted the human beings of the time. I get how the numerous viewpoints of a criminal selection stirred controversy and the way wars affected households on a private level.
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What I’ve discovered approximately records from analyzing fiction constitutes a large catalog. If you consider it, you’ll in all likelihood give you a protracted listing of historic occasions you wouldn’t have understood with out analyzing, too.
Here are only some of mine off the pinnacle of my head.
America’s First Daughter with the aid of using Stephanie Dray and Laura Kamoie taught me approximately Thomas Jefferson’s slave-retaining past, his dating with Sally Hemmings and her offspring, and the lifestyles of his high-quality daughter, Patsy Randolph.
Julie Orringer’s The Flight Portfolio taught me approximately Varian Fry and his Emergency Rescue Committee who smuggled artists, writers, and philosophers out of German-occupied France on the onset of World War II.
The position of Guernsey Island in World War II — and the spirit of the Resistance Movement, as properly the transportation of kids to maintain them safe — have become clean to me from studying The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society with the aid of using Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows.
The Bronze Horseman with the aid of using Paullina Simons introduced to existence the brutal situations of existence in Russia all through Hitler’s march to Leningrad. (I didn’t recognise that human beings had been ravenous and died withinside the streets!)
I could now no longer actually have a touch of an concept approximately the American whaling enterprise of the 1850s with out studying Moby Dick with the aid of using Herman Melville.
Did you recognize approximately the child-abduction-trafficking operation run with the aid of using Georgia Tann withinside the early 1940s? Me neither. I found out approximately it from studying Lisa Wingate’s Before We Were Yours.
While I’m on Lisa Wingate’s work…I dabble in Civil War records, however I had by no means heard of the Lost Friends pages of the Southwestern Christian Advocate, a manner for greater than 3.five million freed slaves to discover misplaced pals and relatives. Check out The Book of Lost Friends.
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I’ll possibly by no means get to the bullfights in Spain. And I dislike Ernest Hemingway’s writing, however I felt the color, the manic energy, the violence of bullfighting in Spain with the aid of using studying The Sun Also Rises.
How did they construct the ones big cathedrals 800 years in the past with out high-powered system or computer-aided design? I located out. Read Pillars of the Earth with the aid of using Ken Follett.
Did you recognize that one of the maximum beautiful, glamorous girls of all time became additionally the spouse of Hitler’s fingers supplier and one of the first-rate clinical minds of the time? Read how Hedy Lamarr helped create the cutting-edge mobileular telecellsmartphone in Heather Terrill’s The Only Woman withinside the Room.
I should cross on and on and on. You get the picture.
Reading ancient fiction has coloured my selections and modified my movements — I clearly accept as true with it has made me a higher person. — Crystal King
Reasons to examine ancient fiction
Anna Diamond in The Atlantic: “Using Historical Fiction to Connect Past and Present” gives motives to examine ancient fiction as adults — and as kids. She remarks at the strength novels have withinside the lecture room with the aid of using
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easing into hard topics
providing a couple of perspectives
developing a story — a story arc — that heightens exhilaration and the choice to recognise what happened
growing empathy while the testimonies experience personal
“humanizing” records, and making it approximately actual human beings, now no longer dates and statistics.
reducing the skepticism of minority college students who won't accept as true with that textbooks appropriately constitute their testimonies
enhancing vital questioning capabilities with the aid of using encouraging discernment among truth and fiction, fact from falsehood.
She notes,
“ historical fiction books can provide the chance, if taught conscientiously, to interact college students with a couple of perspectives, that are crucial to information records; to assist college students recognize ancient styles and political analogies; and to introduce college students to historiography — how records is written and studied.”
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No marvel I like ancient fiction. Not most effective does it assist me find out about the past, however it additionally enables me make selections withinside the present. From studying, I’ve visible the effects of different human beings’s comparable movements and might weigh my selections with theirs.
Reading ancient fiction also can assist me see tendencies for the future. If people repeat the equal styles over time, we recognise what may lie ahead. Heather Webb, the writer of Rodin’s Lover, says it best:
History is likewise a window into our future. As creatures of habit, we stay our lives in a chain of styles and movements. Studying those styles may be beneficial in predicting what comes next, how we need to put together ourselves, or maybe what we need to communicate out towards in a significant manner.
What greater should you need from a book? Reading ancient fiction offers you information of the past, readability withinside the present, and foreknowledge of the future. It takes you to exceptional eras and exceptional places. You get to recognise heaps of characters. It’s knowledge, however it’s additionally simply simple FUN!
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raymondshields · 4 years
1, 4, 5, 6, 11, 15, 21, 22, 23 for the writers ask?
1. Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?
Currently, I’m working on a fic titled A Monstrous Manifesto, which is a fic entirely inspired by Cat Valente’s poem of the same name. Every line is a chapter, every noun is a part of that chapter, and every single beast named corresponds to a Spectre, allowing me to dig directly into their heads and demonstrate their full psychology. 
Progress stopped unfortunately back in July on part four - a fiend, which I picked Deadly Beetle Stand for, because I just couldn’t get into his head. Kiril played soundboard for it and I’ve been humming and hawing over him trying to figure it out, but let’s be real it’s gonna come to me in a dream.
Because see here, most folks who’ve read my works, if told to point to my best, it’ll either be a) my breakthrough with Armour Adventures (which tbh if I redid I’d do better on), b) In Kismet Marcescence (which I need to sit down and plot out properly before I continue), or c) rather unexpectedly to me, Green Grows The Asphodel. Guess everyone likes that soft MiAlba where Alba gets his bastardization arc, but also I let him speedrun it in Broken Shine The Stars and people seem to like that one too, so.
The thing is with AMM is that this would be my greatest work. Like AA, it’s gen, but here’s the one advantage I’ve realized I actually have over pretty much everyone else in this fandom: I am myself a monster, fictionkind and all. I’m a Devil and a feral little beast, which means when you offer me Spectres - warriors of the dark and death who are all based around animal motifs - I take one look and go “oh! You’re like me!” and proceed to write them as actual monsters while having some unspoken and long-winded conversation about what it means to be human, what it means to be shunned, and what it means to belong among the broken.
It means that I write Spectres wildly different than anyone who isn’t Kiril (who is on the same wavelength as me and we argue back and forth about the inner details of everyone’s monstrosity), which means when I do it, nobody’s seen this shit before and apparently people seem to think it’s cool. So AMM is the very epitome of that style, of that psychological and philosophical discussion. I don’t really have a background of research in either of those things, so any similarities to works or theories already out there is entirely coincidence. Cat Valente’s poem was the first stepping stone I ever took to accepting myself for who - and what - I am. I owe as much of my identity and confidence to her as I do Zamorakian philosophy, which built my personality and is a major part of how I survived the middle school era of my life. The least I can do in return is offer the best of me out into the world.
4. Share a sentence or paragraph from your writing that you’re really proud of (explain why, if you like)
“Somewhere deep below conscious thought, below his training and the life and this Lemurian body, buried under lifetimes of war, buried under the idea that a Spectre was a fighter, his blood remembered how to love the memory of the fallen.” - Beneath Blood Ties
BBT is one of my most unappreciated fics, which makes sense as it’s set almost two thousand years prior to Classic, starring a fourteen-year-old Lemurian Minos and the Saint who raised him, Aries Kirien, whose name is probably still spelled Kiriel at least once in the fic because no beta we die like Gold Saints.
The original inspiration comes from Seanan McGuire’s Once Broken Faith, and the line in question is Toby reading the Luidaeg’s blood memories after the latter told a young Karen that she couldn’t speak Faerie even in her dreams - she speaks it in her blood memories, and Toby notes that her blood remembers.
It stuck with me, though I’ve read OBF approximately a million times. It, along with A Killing Frost and An Artificial Night, are my three top Toby books. And it responded to me as someone who’s fictionkind: I couldn’t speak the language I spoke as a Devil in my dreams, or in the waking world, but I know some part of me remembers it. Would know how. The Chaorruption filters all of that into English because it thinks it’s helping, but if I were a magical creature right now, in this world, I’m pretty sure my blood would remember.
So I wrote about Minos, and the sorrow he carried. The premise of BBT is that a Pope realized some Spectres come back, went around before they became Spectres, and kidnapped the lot of them to train as Saints, leaving them all traumatized as fuck, unsure of who they were or who they followed, and messed up for lifetimes. I also wanted to show more that Spectres were more than what the Holy Wars made of them, and about digging through that exotrauma to remember that they could be kind.
Spectres, originally, would make sense as really just Hades’ servants and the ones who keep the Meikai running. Pretty sure that means they know every single death rite that’s existed in the past three millennia. Pretty sure they know how to be respectful of the dead. Pretty damn sure that below all that soldiering and war, they’re all really exhausted librarians who want to do their job and also dig graves.
But I like this sentence here best, because that’s pretty much the climax of the plot here: that there is, in fact, something underneath all his exotrauma, all the current trauma he’s been dealing with. That below all of that bitterness and war, he’s a better person than what Athena made of him.
Idk, I just think it’s neat and no I’m not projecting being ‘kin on him again. /j
5. What character that you’re writing do you most identify with?
Albafica, to nobody’s surprise. I mean, come on. A guy with a fuckton of traditionally-feminine beauty whose looks keep getting brought up, is very introverted, has seen some shit, just wants to kill people who hurt what he cares about while also not hurting the people he does care about, really wants you to keep your damn distance, is super touchstarved, and holding onto his humanity with his fingertips? Come on the only things he’s got that I don’t is an actual male reproductive system and naturally blue hair.
Once you realize that especially in TLC Athena’s actions are pretty damn horrific, especially to her Saints, Albafica has the perfect setup to become a Spectre. Seriously, if he’d been offered Luco’s deal but while holding a dying Lugonis, do you really think he wouldn’t have taken it? I explore that more in Broken Shine The Stars, but like. Albafica is the perfect fallen angel of a character. He has genuinely good intentions. He’s hurting so damn bad and only fucking once in his entire onscreen performance is that acknowledged (shoutout to Luco for that one), and if you take his sorrow and let him turn it into anger, he’s a glorious monster indeed. Albafica’s descend into monstrosity and Spectrehood is exactly what would happen if I got angry and also hadn’t been fucking nerfed physically.
I love him way too much.
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
Surprisingly, Aiacos. Alba’s hard as fuck to write. Aiacos, though. You’ve heard me go off about Aiacos at length, but like. He’s the very embodiment of the worst person you can become while still loving, still surviving. Aiacos is the type of person we’re all capable of becoming, and we all should be terrified of becoming, because every single choice he’s ever made is completely understandable and that much more horrific for it.
It’s somewhat unsurprisingly easy to get into his head. He’s fun to write because he scares me. Because if I let him do all the dumb, selfish, sadistic-looking, survival-focused things, then I don’t have to worry about doing it myself. I let him look out for only himself when the pieces are down, so I can do better.
Also I haven’t seen anyone else write him that way (Kiril being the obvious exception here), so it’s double the fun because new territory.
11. What do you envy in other writers?
Hey. Hey you fuckers who can plot shit. Give me the number of the demon you sold your soul to. Let me PLOT SHIT.
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
Summaries! Titles are easy, I steal them from songs and Toby books. They’re just fancy wordplay and I have literally a list on my fic spreadsheet of titles I want to use. Summaries, though, are very important. People don’t pick fics based on title and tags, they pick based on summary. They’re your hook into the work, so you’ve got to give the audience your premise short and sweet and actually sounding appealing.
Sometimes I can write them no problemo. Other times, they’re a fucking nightmare. I try to imply the tone of the ending in my summary, because I have absolutely been blindsided by the ending in a way I really didn’t like because I thought the summary was hiding the ending. (Example - there was this one fic that made it sound like my OTP was going enemies to lovers, and it wasn’t, it wasn’t, it needed the fucking dead dove do not eat tag, stopped just short of serious nonsexual noncon (which wasn’t tagged at all), and ended very unhappily and it messed me up for days, I did not like it.)
So for my summaries I set the scene, set the tone, and imply the tone of the ending so you have a vague idea of where it’s going. Easier said than done.
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as? (film, webcomic, animated series?)
Anime, probably! Manga wouldn’t lend itself too well to my style, but I’d enjoy short anime episodes, I think. I honestly don’t know. Someone tell me what my stuff would work good as. I dunno.
22. Do you reread your old works? How do you feel about them?
For fic, all the time! I write what I want to read, and since six out of seven of the Dohko/Kagaho works on AO3 were my fault, I’d better get used to reading my own writing for pleasure. Fortunately, I like most of my writing recently, so that’s pretty all right!
Don’t ask about what I had up on ff.net. Don’t. It’s old and bad and I didn’t know how to write.
23. What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?
Hmmm... I want to rephrase this better as ‘what fic exists only as a concept and has done so for the longest out of all the concepts of fics currently in my head’, and hmmmm. Honestly, it’s either Shion and Aiacos’ romance fic where they also get a daughter (which has a title actually, The Lost Sea Fantasia, but still hasn’t been written); or it’s Wyvern Rose and the Trials of Lightning, which is about 15th century Rhada’s two daughters, the elder of which is surprise-given his surplice and his job when he dies right before Hades does, and the younger of which is kidnapped by a spiteful goddess who doesn’t like the elder of the two.
ToL is a fic that I have somewhat plotted out, but really needs a lot of work. I’m not really sure how to go about writing it, because whenever I sit down to sketch it out, it never comes to me. It does, however, lend itself well as a bedtime / campfire story that Albafica tells Regulus while they’re out on a mission together, as part of Alba sneakily teaching Regu how to be a Spectre without anyone knowing. It’ll stay a concept for a long while until Rose crashes into my headspace and actually fucking tells me more about herself other than “oh yeah btw I’m fucking Julia” like thanks, already knew that from Julia herself, tell me more about you you awful little Judge of a dragon princess.
[ask game here!]
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ilukeskywalker · 4 years
rules: bold everything that applies to you & tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better. I was tagged by @snorklesam!
I’m over 5′5″. I wear glasses/contacts. I have blonde hair. I prefer loose clothing to tight clothing. I have one or more piercings. I have at least one tattoo. I have blue/green eyes. I have dyed or highlighted my hair. I have gotten plastic surgery. I have or had braces. I sunburn easily. I have freckles. I paint my nails. I typically wear makeup. I don’t often smile. I am pleased with how I look. I prefer Nike to Adidas. I wear baseball hats backwards.
H O B B I E S / T A L E N T S
I play a sport. I can play an instrument. I am artistic. I know more than one language. I have won a trophy in some sort of competition. I can cook or bake without a recipe. I know how to swim. I enjoy writing. I can do origami. I prefer movies to tv shows. I can execute a perfect somersault. I enjoy singing. I could survive in the wild on my own. I have read a new book series this year. I enjoy spending time with friends. I travel during school or work breaks. I can do a handstand.
I am in a relationship. I have been single for over a year. I have a crush. I have a best friend I have known for ten years. My parents are together. I have dated my best friend. I am adopted. My crush has confessed to me. I have a long distance relationship. I am an only child. I give advice to my friends. I have made an online friend. I met up with someone I have met online.
I have heard the ocean in a conch shell. I have watched the sunrise. I enjoy rainy days. I have slept under the stars. I meditate outside. The sound of chirping calms me. I enjoy the smell of the beach. I know what snow tastes like. I listen to music to fall asleep. I enjoy thunderstorms. I enjoy cloud watching. I have attended a bonfire. I pay close attention to colors. I find mystery in the ocean. I enjoy hiking on nature paths. Autumn is my favorite season.
I can fall asleep in a moving vehicle. I am the mom friend. I live by a certain quote. I like the smell of sharpies. I am involved in extracurricular activities. I enjoy Mexican food. I believe in true love. I make up scenarios to fall asleep. I sing in the shower. I wish I lived in a video game. I have a canopy above my bed. I am multiracial. I am a redhead. I own at least three dogs.
i haven’t talked to anyone on tumblr in approximately 5 years and all my irls have already been tagged but if you’ve seen this going around and thought ‘i want to do that but nobody’s tagged me yet’ then here’s your sign! have fun
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the-quiet-winds · 5 years
Saying Things We Haven’t for a While
so i forgot this existed? and recently @ichlugebulletsandcornnuts reminded me of it and i was like hell yeah, i love this one.
so read it, cowards.
almost three months after the adoption, jane and katherine are contacted by a parenting magazine who are interested in writing a feature on them. according to the magazine it was to highlight the adoption of teenagers and to help potential parents realise how wonderful adopting an older child can be. of course, jane and katherine were thrilled at the knowledge that their story could help other kids like kat, and they immediately agree to an interview which takes place a week later, after a show in the dressing room of the theatre.
the interviewer is a friendly woman named melanie who shakes their hands with gusto, and with her is a camerawoman who melanie explains is here to take photographs.
melanie immediately launches into her questioning, inquiring about every dripping detail about how they met, what they did over their time together, and how jane decided to adopt katherine.
jane doesn’t stop smiling the whole time. she does most of the talking, eagerly answering every question.
“that’s lovely, jane,” melanie says somewhat condescendingly after jane told the story of the pink bear. “what about you, katherine? how did you react when jane proposed the adoption?”
katherine blushes and look down. “well, i was really excited. mama said-“
“what was that?” melanie asked quickly.
“all i said was ‘mama’?” there’s a touch of confusion in katherine’s tone.
“you call her ‘mama’?” melanie asks with a stifled laugh.
jane hears the amusement in melanie’s tone and her protective maternal instincts immediately put her on the defensive.
“is that a problem?” she asks, a note of ice in her voice. melanie shakes her head, barely suppressing a smirk.
“no, not a problem. she’s just more than a little too old to be calling you that, isn’t she? most children grow out of that by the time they hit double figures, if it even takes them that long.”
katherine visibly shrinks back as melanie speaks, crossing her arms in front of her chest self-consciously.
jane bites her tongue. she wants to defend katherine, she does, but she can’t talk about katherine’s lovely and childlike tendencies without also describing everything that happened to katherine in her past life.
“even so,” jane coldly concedes, “if that is what she wishes to call me,” she takes one of katherine’s hands to reassure her, “she is free to do whatever she wishes.”
“if that’s what you want,” melanie chuckles. “i just couldn’t imagine my children calling me that, and the oldest is only eleven.” she gives an almost bemused shake of her head. “but please, continue. katherine, what was your reaction?”
katherine glances at jane uncertainly, and jane gives her hand a soft squeeze.
“it’s okay, kitty-kat,” she says softly, hoping katherine understands her double meaning. melanie’s eyebrows raise at that.
“kitty-kat? how... adorable,” she says, the corners of her lips twitching.
jane narrows her eyes at the interviewer. “i feel this interview is turning quite hostile, miss melanie,” she says, a line of ice in her words. “i thought this was about how wonderful it is to adopt older children.” she squeezes katherine’s hand again, reassuring her that this was going to be fine, it would be okay.
“well,” melanie says with a laugh, “she doesn’t seem to be quite as mature as i’d thought.”
“excuse me?” jane challenges.
“no offense, katherine,” she says pleasantly, then back to jane, “she acts like a child.”
“i think this interview is over, for now,” jane says coldly. “i would be perfectly happy to continue if your magazine sent someone with more professionalism next time.”
“i didn’t mean to offend,” melanie raises an eyebrow. “i thought it was something you were already aware of.”
katherine stares down at her hands, face flushed a humiliated shade of pink and the familiar telltale signs of an oncoming crying fit on her features.
melanie huffs and her and the cameraman head out.
as soon as they’re gone, jane turns and kneels in front of katherine, taking both of her hands. “hey, love, forget about that.” she reaches up to cup one cheek, stroking her cheekbone lightly. “there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you. i love you just the way you are, kitty-kat.”
“maybe i am too childish,” katherine mumbles, avoiding jane’s gaze. “i mean, i know i act kinda young sometimes.”
“and that’s okay,” jane says softly. “you’re not acting like a child, you’re just being you, love. don’t listen to anything she said.”
katherine doesn’t look convinced, worrying her bottom lip with her teeth and blinking rapidly as if to stop the tears jane knows are just waiting to fall.
“there’s nothing wrong with you or how you act, love,” jane repeats slowly.
katherine barely nods her head, but jane can sense there is very little understanding behind it.
she stands and extends a hand to katherine. “come, love,” she whispers. “let’s go home.”
as soon as they get home, katherine doesn’t say a word to jane and instead nearly runs inside and up the stairs, closing the door to her room before jane has even shut the front door.
katherine’s pink bear sits on her bed, almost as if it were mocking her. she picks it up and hurls it across the room into her bin in a moment of anger and frustration, hot tears already beginning to stream down her face.
it takes her approximately five seconds to regret her actions and retrieve the bear from the bin, clutching the bear to her chest and throwing herself onto the bed.
she buries her face into the pink synthetic fur, hating how much she needed her bear for comfort. it was stupid, immature and childish. nothing she should be doing at her age.
the bear was still in nearly pristine condition, save for a few stitches to reattach its ear, which jane had done, but jane also took and washed it every few weeks, to keep it clean and fresh.
katherine begins to cry harder at this. she can’t even take care of her own stuff. jane does it. she doesn’t cook her own food. jane does it. she can’t go anywhere unless jane is there.
why can’t she function like a normal person without jane?!
a worry creeps up in katherine’s mind and she clutches the bear tighter. what if jane came to resent her for being so needy and helpless? sure, she says it’s okay now, but after another year of this katherine’s sure jane would be exhausted by it. and she’d never tell katherine either, that’s for sure; she’s too kind and caring and loving to do that, but that doesn’t mean it wouldn’t weigh down on her, having to take care of katherine as if she was a little kid.
the thought troubles katherine and she curls into a tiny ball, feeling utterly miserable.
jane quietly and slowly climbs the stairs towards katherine’s room. she moves her hand to open the door but pulls back at the dead silence in the room.
there are no sobs, no audible tears, nothing. it’s just quiet.
she raises her hand and gently raps her knuckles against the wood.
“kitty-kat?” she quietly calls. “it’s mama. can i come in?”
there’s no answer, so jane knocks again, slightly louder this time in case katherine has headphones in.
when there’s no answer again jane panics slightly. she pushes the door open and enters the room, immediately scanning the room in case katherine is hurt or unconscious.
she’s taken aback, however, to see katherine sitting at her desk, facing away from the door. she approaches slowly, unsure of what’s going on.
katherine doesn’t answer, looking down at some papers she’s writing quickly away at.
“kat, love,” jane says again, quietly. “you’re scaring me. what’s going on?”
katherine barely turns her head enough to look at jane. there are no tears in her eyes, no redness in her cheeks.
“hey,” she greets somewhat nonchalantly, “just making a list of stuff i need to purge, that’s all.”
“stuff you... what?” jane asks, confused. she takes a few steps closer and looks over katherine’s shoulder at what she was writing.
it was indeed a list, with too many things to count written on it. before she has a chance to read it properly, though, katherine turns to her properly.
“yeah, i was thinking of doing a spring clean, you know? making room for some new stuff.”
“we just got all this stuff, love,” jane counters gently, pointing to a few of the assorted knick-knacks and small decorations katherine had put at the top of the list.
she shrugs. “i think it’s time for a change, that’s all.” katherine looks down at the list then back to jane. “some of this stuff,” katherine says, an unnameable emotion in her words, “i think i’m a little old for, don’t you?”
at those words, jane suddenly realises what this is all about.
“oh, love,” she says softly. “you’re not too old for it.”
“yeah, because every adult has a unicorn snow globe,” katherine half-snorts, although there isn’t much humour in it. “it’s not because of... what the reporter said today, though. i just fancy a change, that’s all.”
jane can tell katherine is lying.
what the reporter said had an impact on her, as much as she’s saying it doesn’t.
“well,” jane says, “just because not every adult has a unicorn snow globe, doesn’t mean you can’t.”
she walks over and picks it up, gives it a shake, and watches the glitter swirl around. “it’s fun, kitty-kat, and if you like it then there’s no reason to get rid of it.”
katherine brings her feet up to sit cross-legged on the desk chair and she rests her chin on her hands.
“people will think it’s weird, though.”
“i promise you, kat,” jane says gently but seriously, “more adults have childlike habits than you think. nobody is a hundred percent serious and mature all the time.” she bites back the thought on her tongue; that katherine didn’t get to be a child for most of her young life, and if anyone has earned the right to act immature for her age then it was katherine.
katherine sighs and looks around, critically eyeing every coloring book, every unicorn knick-knack, and every pink-dripping item in the room.
it has to go, she decides.
then, a moment later, she makes another realization. jane is going to fight this on her tooth and nail, so if katherine is going to do this, make herself a better adult, she needs to push jane out.
katherine gets to her feet. “well,” she says as jovially as she can, “i think it’s time to get started.” she puts her hands on jane’s shoulders to steer her towards the door. “so if you’ll excuse me, i need some room to work.”
“but kitty-kat-” jane starts, and katherine cuts her off.
“it’s okay, mum, i’ve got this.” she manages to steer the still-protesting jane out of her room and closes the door, letting out a quiet sigh.
she glances around at all the childish things she’s let clutter her room for too long. then, with a certainty she doesn’t quite feel inside, she picks up a plastic bag and begins the process of packing away everything that could be considered immature or babyish.
she packs up a nearly-scary majority of her things. little heart-covered notebooks, anything with unicorns or bears or pink on it, and even the picture frame that housed a picture of her and jane curled on the couch together (she kept the picture, though, mentally planning when she’d go to the store and get a new frame).
then, she turns to the bed, where her entire stuffed animal collection sits, looking at her with what katherine always thought of as love.
now, however, she sees the plastic shells in place of eyes and begins to pack them in the bag until there’s only one left:
the pink bear from all those months ago on her birthday with jane.
she stares at the bear for almost a full minute, unsure of what to do. it was pretty much the epitome of the childish behaviours and items she was trying to leave behind, but the thought of discarding it almost brings her to tears.
she sits down on the bed next to the bear and picks it up, mind uncertain.
after being shut out of katherine’s room, jane makes her way downstairs, preoccupied with the thought of how to stop katherine from doing this. she doesn’t know how to make katherine understand that her little childish quirks are part of what makes her kat, that throwing them away isn’t going to do anything but make her miserable.
jane tries to busy herself by wiping down the kitchen counters, then the tables by the couch, but is stopped by the picture on the table. she knows kat has a matching one upstairs in a little frame with silver stars.
it suddenly strikes jane that katherine probably threw it out.
she picks up the picture and frame and holds it close, as if holding it will keep katherine from making this irreparable decision.
she suddenly hears the sound of footsteps hurrying down the stairs, then the front door opening. from the sounds of it, katherine makes a few trips from her room to outside and back again before the front door closes and the telltale sound of her bedroom slamming shut rings through the house.
jane looks out the front window to see several plastic bags bundled up by the rubbish bin, and before she can stop herself jane rushes out and picks one up. she opens it, seeing pink immediately, and her fears are confirmed.
with a sigh, she picks up another bag and begins carrying them to the small shed at the side of the house. she couldn’t let katherine throw all these things away, not when she’d regret it.
it takes her a few minutes before all of katherine’s discarded belongings are packed safely in the shed. hopefully soon, jane thinks, she can give them all back when katherine wants them.
out of the last bag, jane pulls the pink bear. she also pulls out the yellow, patched-up blanket she gave katherine during one of their first nights together. jane won’t let them rot in the shed, especially since she’s sure katherine will come looking for them soon.
she stows them in her closet, safe and warm. once she does that, she makes her way back to katherine’s room.
“kitty-kat?” she calls as she gently knocks. “can i come in?”
there’s footsteps on the other side, then the door opens.
“hey, mum,” katherine smiles, although it doesn’t reach her eyes. “what’s up?”
jane glances past her into katherine’s room. it seems incredibly bare now, the walls blank and the bed devoid of its usual menagerie of stuffed animals. it sends a pang to jane’s heart, as well as an anger that the reporter’s comments had hurt katherine so much.
“hey, kat,” jane says softly, yet casually as possible. “how’s the cleaning going?”
katherine smiles again, half-heartedly. “i got it all out. everything i wanted to get rid of.”
jane formulates a half of a plan as she gently pushes into the room. “where’s your bear, kat?” she looks over to her with faux wide eyes. “did you get rid of it?”
katherine doesn’t answer, instead dropping jane’s gaze and staring down at her socks; which, she realises with a pang, were the exact same shade of pink as her bear.
“love?” jane prompts, and katherine’s bottom lip starts to tremble.
neither of them say anything for several more seconds, the silence only broken by the quiet sniffle katherine tries her best to hide. she gives a tiny nod, hands fidgeting with the ends of her sleeves.
jane reaches over, cupping katherine’s cheek with a gentle hand as she sees the bear in her closet in her mind’s eye.
“do you want him back, kitty-kat?”
jane looks behind her again, pretending to notice the absence of the blanket. “your blanket too, love?” she knows she’s probably making kat guilty, but she can’t think of any other ways to help katherine see that without her childlike tendencies, she really isn’t the same person at all.
“I...” katherine mumbles, the telltale wobble of her voice warning of tears. “i don’t need them any more.”
her voice couldn’t sound any less convincing and katherine seems aware of it too. she suddenly sinks down to the floor, sitting with her knees brought up to her chest.
“i can’t want them,” she chokes out. “it’s pathetic.”
“it’s not pathetic, love,” jane assures her. she feels horrible about what she did, what she had to do, but it might just have worked. jane sits down across from katherine, cross-legged, trying to appear inviting. “it makes you you, love.  as you’re perfect, just the way you are.”
“but i’m an adult,” katherine whimpers. “i should be more mature.”
“there is no ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’, kitty-kat,” jane says gently. “you don’t need to try and force yourself to be something you’re not. there’s nothing wrong with needing your bear or having a particular nickname if that’s what you like, if it makes you comfortable. all i want is for you to feel as safe and comfortable as possible, and for that to happen you need to be true to yourself. does that make sense, love?”
katherine shakes her head, wrenching her hands back from where jane reached for them. “i need to be independent,” she whispers faintly. “i can’t depend on you for everything.” she looks up at jane, meeting her eyes with a guarded look. “how will i ever function without you, if i can’t even go a day?”
“that will come with time, kat,” jane says softly. “think about how much more independent and outgoing you’ve got over the past year.”
“have I?” katherine asks hesitantly, and jane nods.
“so much more, love. and that doesn’t affect how many stuffed toys or pink unicorn pyjamas you have. and being independent doesn’t mean you have to stop needing your mum sometimes either,” she taps the tip of katherine’s nose gently with her index finger.
katherine crinkles her nose at the contact. but then she smiles, a tiny, shy smile. “i love you, mum,” she whispers.
“and i love you, kitty-kat,” jane quietly answers.
she stands up and exits the room, then returns a moment later, pink bear and yellow blanket in her hands.
“would you like these back, my love?”
katherine nods shyly, reaching out her arms and making grabby hands for them. she doesn’t even bother thinking about how jane had them to hand so quickly; it just makes sense to her that jane would know she’d want them back.
jane hands the bear back to katherine who hugs it tightly to her chest, then sits down next to katherine and drapes the blanket over both of them as best she can.
the blanket is soft, as always, and katherine is soothed by the familiar scent of jane’s clean detergent that clings to everything she washes.
“i love you just the way you are, kitty-kat,” jane says quietly. she jokingly tickles the bear’s head, then presses a kiss to katherine’s cheek, her temple, and quickly pecks her nose. “mama loves you, always.”
katherine giggles softly at the kisses, nose scrunched up as she gives a soft grin.
“love you too, mama,” she says. she shuffles closer to jane and leans against her, resting her head on jane’s shoulder. “in this life or any other,” she adds, and jane wraps an arm around katherine gently.
“that’s right, love. in this life or any other.”
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If anyone is interested, my fellow friend dagga19 from Deviant Art managed to translate some of Roxas’s story from the Character Files. Here’s what she has so far:
Since I haven't seen anyone translate Roxas's story from the KH Character Files book, I thought the fandom might appreciate my help.
Note: I am French, and neither English nor Japanese are my mother tongue, but I've played the Japanese version of the KH games^^ I'll do my best to come up with the most accurate translation. :)
Also, I don't have the book, I just translated from the photos @tuskactone kindly shared with us on Twitter. But there are some blurry parts I can't read , so I will only translate the sentences I can properly read, to avoid another "love/hair" confusion lol.
I will also give you the romaji (phonetic) versions, for those who would like to know how things are said exactly in Japanese. :)
The sentences between [ ] are quotes from the game. And XX= Blurry kanjis I can't read. I don't want to give an approximate translation so I'll honestly admit when I can't read a part. Here we go:
ROXAS STORY: I remember you. (Part 1)
Ore no natsu yasumi wa ato 7 kan de owaru.
[Kondou no kyuuka, 3 nin de umi ni ikanai ka ?]
Dare ka ni sou iwareta kioku wa atta.
3nin... 3nin te ittai dare nandarou. Ore wa subete wo wasureteita. Sora no kao ni tatta toki, omoidashitanda.
Ore wa zenbu omoidashita to omoteta. Demo hontou wa omoi dasete nakatanda ... sugoku daiji na koto wo.
TR: Only 7 days and then my summer vacation is over.
" On our next day off, why don't the three of us go to the beach?"
I remember being told that by someone. The 3 of us ... Who are the "3" ? . I had forgotten everything. When I faced Sora, I remembered that.
I thought I had remembered eveything. But actually, there was "something really important" I didn't remember.
(Note: The words "sugoku daiji na koto " are exactly those he says in Xion's death scene.)
(The next part is full of kanjis I can't read , but Roxas basically explains that at the time when he first joined the Organization, there were many things he didn't understand, and that he had just learned from Axel what summer vacation meant. He also explains how he and Axel went after every mission on the top of the Clocktower to eat Sea Salt Ice creams together, and that he saw Hayner and the others.)
[Ima no kodomo tachi wa natsuyasumi...iya, natsuyasumi wa mo choi saki ka]
[Natsuyasumi ? Nanda sore ?]
[30 nichi kurai kyuuka ga tsuzuku, ningen no otanoshimi]
TR: " The kids here are on summer vacation, nah, summer vacation comes a bit later "
"Summer vacation? What's that?"
"It's the humans ' s enjoyment, a break/vacation that lasts 30 days."
Kou iu koto wo hanasu toki, Axel ni wa ningen datta koro no kioku ga atte, ore ni wa sono kioku ga zenzen nai no ga fushigi te, taihen datta.
TR: When he talked about those things, Axel had his memories of when he was a human. I didn't have any of those memories , it was strange, and dreadful.
[Ma hotondo wa tomodachi to asonde owaru na. tomodachi to isshou ni asobu no wa tanoshii, Nobody ni natte kara wasureteta na, sonna no]
Axel ni wa, ningen datta koro, tomodachi ga ita te koto nandarou? Ore no tomodachi wa Axel dake datta to ore wa omoteita, demo ore wa omoi dashitanda.
TR: " Well, just by the time you play with your friends, it's over. Playing with friends is fun. I had forgotten that since I've become a Nobody."
That means when Axel was a human, he had friends, right? My only friend was Axel, or so I thought, but I remembered.
Ano toki, ore wa Kikan wo nukeru tsumori datta
[Kimeta no ka?]
Axel no XX kake ni mo ore wa ashi wo tomenakatta. Axel no koto mo shinjirarenakunatte ita kara da.
[Naze Keyblade ga ore wo eranda no ka, sore wo shiritainda]
[Kikan ni hamukau no ka yo !? Kikan wo teki ni mawashitara iki nokorenai zo!]
TR: At that time, I wanted to leave the Organization.
"Your mind's made up?"
I didn't stop at Axel's XX. Because I couldn't trust Axel anymore.
"Why did the Keyblade choose me? I have to know."
"You're gonna turn on the Organization? If you make them your enemies, you won't survive !"
Xnda Axel ni ore wa yoyaku ashi wo tometa. [Dare mo kanashimanai sa]
TR: I finally stopped by XX Axel.
"No one will be sad" (="No one would miss me ")
So XX te ore wa X ki Xmeru. Demo ikisaki nante nakatta. Doko ni ikeba ii no ka wakaranai mama ni ore ga tadori tsuita no wa itsumo no tokeijou da.
TR: And after I said that, I left (?) But I had no destination. Without knowing where to go, I ended up on the usual clocktower.
Soko ni yatte kita no wa, ore ga zutto wasureteita onna no ko, Xion.
[Roxas, kore ga Sora da yo.]
TR: The one who came there was the girl I had forgotten for so long... Xion.
"Roxas, this is Sora."
Part 2 coming soon! :)
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f-117-nighthawk · 5 years
More playlist meta bc I don’t wanna do homework and Jimmy kicked me out of the TA room saying I’d been in there for far too long for a Friday (it was four hours! Interspaced between classes! Workshop kit inventory is just an excuse to blast Gloryhammer to me, it’s fun)
Since I was talking about Ten Thousand Against One earlier, I’ve been thinking about the timeline and which event the songs are connected to. Long post under the cut
Turn the Lights Out is... sort of an odd case. It’s not like Remnants of Stars, which is about Galran and my philosophy about how we were created, what happens to us when we die, and the cycles that power the universe. Of course, Remnants of Stars is a little more than just philosophy. It actually describes (in a rather metaphorical way) the actual process of the marthinazik filtering quintesence into new stars, planets, beings, anything you can think of. It also has a very important lyric for much much later like, post Sticky Notes later. Now that I think about it, it actually defines a good chunk of that maybe-sequel-maybe-idea era in conjunction with Soul Extract’s Filaments. 
Anyway, back to Turn the Lights Out. It’s an odd case because it’s sort of like Remnants of Stars in that it’s more about the philosophy, but it’s before Remnants of Stars because it’s also kind of an event. If you read interviews with Delain about Moonbathers, Charlotte states that Turn the Lights Out is about Neil Gaiman's Sandman comics, specifically the character of Death. I confess I haven’t read those comics, but my interpretation fits her rather well I think. To me, Turn the Lights Out is about a gentle god who accepts they will not always be seen as who they are but will give their everything to protect those within their universe. Now, who does that sound like? Which characters have been around since the birth of the universe, under various names, whether they be Ibeshganszá, ‘kibrraldíl, Marduzbazí, or Vôltrôn? 
You can make an argument for Your World Will Fail to be directly after Turn the Lights Out, but I rather like it after Remnants of Stars too. Turn the Lights Out is the beginning of the universe, so naturally, it goes first. Sentient life needs to evolve for Remnants of Stars to truly fit, and even though Your Would Will Fail technically can happen at any point between the first Plank time and the next, it also happens when the comet that becomes Voltron crashes into Daibazaal. The Your World Will Fail/Dark Matter/Eater of Worlds trio is both a general, entire timeline-spanning idea, and a specific event. 
(Your world will fail my love/It's far beyond repair/Your world will fail my love/It is already there)
(Bring me your soul/Bring me your hate/In my name you will create/Bring me your fear/Bring me your pain/You will destroy in my name)
(Can't imagine the violence/The rage and the love in my madness/I am the eater of worlds and I'm looking for someone to feed me)
And then, right after that event, or even during, you have Apocalypse 1992. The death of the dream, the final madness before the triumph of chaos. 
You Keep What You Kill is very much the odd one out out of everything. Helion Prime based it off a book I forget the name of, but here it’s purely about Zarkon’s empire. The “Holy Half-Dead” have lost so much of their culture, of the family bonds that kept them together even when their mistakes threatened the destruction of all, but they still remember the songs of glory. And they do keep what they kill. 
And then there’s a rather large time jump of about five thousand Earth years to The Seven Sisters. This song is pretty well encapsulated in Child From the Stars (Lost in the Dark) (which is a lyric from Closure, but Closure is later for Reasons), but the other half of it is connected to Memories of a Girl I Haven’t Met.
Who Will Save You Now has gone through so many iterations of what it’s connected to I honestly don’t remember what it actually is anymore. Given its placement between The Seven Sisters and Nobody Gets Left Behind, I think it’s related to the SFSS Genesis’s disappearance. But it could also be placed in conjunction with A Simple Plan and be about something slightly different...hm, I’ll think on that. This song has such a Dark Matter vibe to me, but it hasn’t found a home that sticks in my brain yet. 
Nobody Gets Left Behind is really there bc it’s a fun song and when I found 1551 I immediately had to put something in. BUT it is a good song about family dynamics and, well, that’s Voltron in a nutshell right? (and then you get, right there in the first verse, “Don't even try to pretend/That you're rough and just as tough/As when you're missing a friend/Attack and take him back/Cause when the team isn't whole/You've got a hole in your soul/So step up to your fucking role/We might get hurt/We might be taking some hits/But when you're taking our friend/Then that's some personal shit” and you cannot tell me that’s not everybody’s mood post Battle in the Sarnan Nebula) 
A Simple Plan is a new addition in the past few weeks. I rediscovered The Spiritual Machines a few weeks ago and the lyric “How long can we hold off ending/How long can we pretend we're ok” hit me right in the Keith feels. So this one is in conjunction with the first verse of Nobody Gets Left Behind. The entire song actually reminds me of Dark Matter with how it’s centralized at one event but contains hints of other things (The truth arrived too slow).
Memories of a Girl I Haven't Met is maybe one standard year (so six earth months-ish?) after A Simple Plan. 
String Theory is... weird. It’s mostly there for the title, but the lyrics do contain themes found in other parts of the playlist that fit really well but don’t map to the event I associate the song with. It’s honestly about Shiro missing Adam and the rest of the people on Earth. Which, granted, given the point in the timeline the title is associated with makes a certain amount of sense but...idk. And the bit that begins with “You don’t believe in space” is about something entirely different. It’s confusing, but all inexplicably related to the title event.
Interesting fact: My Dark Matter drafts/ideas folder is actually split int pre- and post- String Theory folders. It was originally because String Theory is such a pivotal moment in the Coalition’s efforts, but it also ended up vaguely the middle of the timeline. It’s the point where things absolutely, truly, have no relation to what happens in canon. The butterfly effect stemming from the events of Shatterpoint (and an implied secondary shatterpoint in another fic) have changed things enough that apart from one general event, nothing happens the same way (and that event is for drastically different reasons). All in all, it fits the weird vibe of the song rather well.
Next is Belgrade, the Ultimate Klance Song, about three months later. Fun Shenanigans happen in conjunction with this absolute bop.
Here’s the surprisingly big gap of just over a standard Earth year, in which several important events happen that don’t have songs attached to them (Roentgen, maybe)
Then we get Birthright/Firewall, a set of songs about reclaiming yourself from the depths of hell with just a liiiiiitle bit of help from your family.
(It's time to take ahold of what belongs to me/It's time to walk away with no apologies/Voices in the mirror start quietly/And now they're screaming back at me!)
(This force knows what you can do/And what you can make/With your tattered shell)
Here Comes the Reign technically starts during Birthright/Firewall, but doesn’t come into full effect until a month later, and then even fuller around five months after that. Meanwhile, we have The Day the Earth Collapsed, which is rather self-explanatory.
A few months later there is Darker Matter. The fic connected to this is real weird, but also real important. Suffice to say it’s gonna be confusing, and a universe doesn’t like the Paladins for a while.
And then we have Closure. Child From the Stars (Lost in the Dark) is actually the first of four fics inspired by Closure’s chorus. (I also drew a picture for each fic. They’re combined into my desktop background, and the first one is still my phone background and my pfp) “I am the child from the stars/That got lost in the dark/Between heaven and hell/I am forced to live on/I am the cause when you sin/I am the demon you skin/But there is no more tears to beautify/This is my last goodbye”
Closure is a rather sad song actually, but the way I’ve interpreted it ends on a bright spot of hope. The first related fic I’ve already posted/talked about, the second would be around the time of A Simple Plan. The third is somewhere in the gap between Belgrade and Birthright/Firewall. I’ve placed Closure at the approximate time of the fourth fic. I actually just moved it while writing this, because I realized this makes more sense after Darker Matter and with the Fall of [Redacted]. I’ve chosen to interpret the last line as finally deciding to stay instead of the (probably more likely given the rest of the album) darker interpretations.
After Closure is Ember, which is actually super connected to Darker Matter which is why I originally had them next to each other. The thing is, all three of these songs are connected to very specific events, the latter two of which are in direct response to the first even if there is a month or two between them. Ember is on the playlist for two reasons: the first is the line “dark matter falling from the sky” that basically required me to put it somewhere; the second is the fact that I keep mishearing the lyrics. “chthonic” is not “cuthonic” (which is not a word, but I interpreted as meaning Cthulu-like) and it’s “riches to embers” not “witches to embers.” Make of that what you will.
And finally, after almost seven Earth years, we get to The Reckoning/This is a Call/World on Fire/Louder Than Words. The Reckoning sort-of picks up where The Day the Earth Collapsed left off, spanning at least a year before going full force into the frantic five days of the other three songs.
(In blood and tears/A thousand times/We rise against/We'll always hold the line/Of reckoning)
(This is a call to action/This is a call to arms/All lives for one, together/There are no false alarms)
(World on fire with a smoking sun/Stops everything and everyone/Brace yourself for all will pay/Help is on the way)
(We have the force to fight/We have the blinding light/A war is more than heard/Coming in louder than words)
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darhwolf · 6 years
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?dunno lol probably any of the 4 songs from Courtney Barnett that I have on my phone (Elevator Operator, Depreston, Nobody Really Cares if You Don’t go to the Party, and Debbie Downer). Dunno lol
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?Well there’s a few people so... @lifecankindofsuck @annoyinglyoptimisticbread @gerards-slutty-jacket, or Markimoo 
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.The moat surrounds your fortress, preventing enemies from
4: What do you think about most?Uhhh such a fucking odd queston I honestly have no clue my mind jumps around a lot
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?Imma not include group chats so... some shit from sprint about texting in the UK. I don’t get texted a lot :/
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?I prefer without but I usually wear pajamas
7: What’s your strangest talent?I can slap my thighs really fast I dunno lol
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)With the first thing that comes to my head?Girls just wanna have funBoys will be boys
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?Nope and it’ll probs never happen so whatever ¯\_(:/)_/¯
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?Never rip
11: Do you have any strange phobias?None that are out of the ordinary
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?A Q-Tip with vaseline
13: What’s your religion?I don’t have one
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?prbably sitting on a bench alone being lonely lol
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?behind
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?The Beatles
17: What was the last lie you told?I think it was something my dad got angry at me for and then a waiter came up and I faked a smile for the waiter if you call that lying
18: Do you believe in karma?Sometimes
19: What does your URL mean?Absolutely fucking nothing lmao
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?Weakness? my cripplingly low self esteem. Strength? My desire to help people
21: Who is your celebrity crush?Probably Maisie Williams. Used to be Ariana Grande cuz she’s absolutely adorable
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?No but it sounds like fun
23: How do you vent your anger?profane language lmao
24: Do you have a collection of anything?not really no. but I do have all 50 state coins
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?Video chatting as long as the other person can hold the conversation
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?physically? hell fucking no. Mentally? nope. Emotionally? still no rip. But I am happy that I can help people with their problems.
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?hate? crying. (human crying not baby crying) it makes me cry too ;-;Love? uhhhhhhh rain
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?What if I never actually find an s/o?
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?I want to believe
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.The wall. A rocking chair
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?Cotton (from my blanket)
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?I dunno lol
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?West coast, but I’m going to the East coast for College. West cost is more progressive I believe
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?Ariana Grande I guess
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?It’s 42. I’m too lazy to give a full explanation or something like that
36: Define Art.Uhh I dunno lmao
37: Do you believe in luck?Yeah. Either Luck or RNGesus
38: What’s the weather like right now?Sunny
39: What time is it?6:33 PM
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?Yes. No
41: What was the last book you read?Pet Semetary
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?it’s OK. Too much and I hate it.
43: Do you have any nicknames?Mom, Dad, A-Dog (from my uncle)
44: What was the last film you saw?Gremlins. In theaters? A Quiet Place
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?Smacking my head on a piano bench corner (3 stitches needed)
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?yes
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?nope
48: What’s your sexual orientation?Sexual orientation? Het. but romantic orientation is bi
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?Nope
50: Do you believe in magic?Hell yeah or something like that
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?Nah. Unless they were especially awful
52: What is your astrological sign?Aquarius or Aries
53: Do you save money or spend it?Save
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?some micro transaction
55: Love or lust?Love
56: In a relationship?I feckin wish
57: How many relationships have you had?technically, none. One was long distance puppy love, the other wasn’t a relationship
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?yes
59: Where were you yesterday?In Heathrow airport
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?Eraser tops
61: Are you wearing socks right now?nope
62: What’s your favourite animal?DOGGOS
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?Wait I have a secret weapon? oooh tell me
64: Where is your best friend?I uhhhhhh @annoyinglyoptimisticbread and @lifecankindofsuck and @gerards-slutty-jacket hey where are you
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.NO SPECIFIC ORDER @annoyinglyoptimisticbread @lifecankindofsuck @gerards-slutty-jacket @umbrellas-and-raincoats @30-minute-memes
66: What is your heritage?Germany I think or something
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?Sleeping lmao
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?Phillips. I dunno some casual last name
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?Yes many times lmao. Has anybody else gotten me off? nah. never probably gonna happen either lmao
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?yesssssss somebody I could actually like pull aside to talk about shit in my life
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?Fuck yeah the doggo and I are in this shit together now
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?a. Yes.b. I don’t know ;-;c. yes
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.Can I not fucking choose this kinda question is hard on me
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?I dunno
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?8119
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?Trust, communication (bitches fucking love communication), and actual love between the two (or more) partners
77: How can I win your heart?I don’t know this is too difficult of a question I guess just talk to me I don’t fucking know
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?kinda maybe
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?I dunno lmao
80: What size shoes do you wear?don’t remember too lazy to check
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?I dunno leave it up to my family
82: What is your favourite word?Banana
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.love
84: What is a saying you say a lot?I dunno lmao
85: What’s the last song you listened to?Probably Elevator Operator
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?a dark blue like rain I don’t know what shade exactly it is
87: What is your current desktop picture?EEVEES!
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?Some shit named Diego. He was a dick to me all throughout middle school and never apologized once
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?Do you have depression?
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?Sit and wait, but get ready for something to happen
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?Invisibility. You can actually do a LOT of good with invisibility like if somebody tries to rob a bank, you walk in, invisible, with a gun and reveal yourself only to shoot them or something like that
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?Eating a birthday cake I guess I dunno :/
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?FUCKING EVERYTHING ABOUT MY DEPRESSION AND SHIT
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?Why music celeb?But it would be Ariana Grande
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?Fuckin Japan cuz it’s so cool
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?nope
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?yeah lol
98: Ever been on a plane?many many times
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?“Hey stop fucking each other over and lets focus on not fucking making the human race go extinct mmkay?”@annoyinglyoptimisticbread THANKS FOR THE ASK
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sparkistories · 4 years
*This will be edited many times. It was a long dream and will need many sessions to complete.
We were on a road trip. We took an exit into a city, seeing a large luxury hotel near the exit, and it had the perfect view to see the city beyond.
We pulled into a parking space near the front entrance. Some of the rooms were hotel-style, others motel suites.
We wanted a room in the hotel. So we asked the concierge to please give us a room away from the elevator so we would not hear every single person staying inside.
The concierge looked confused for a moment. He called a number and muttered a response into the phone. He hung up, saying someone will be with us shortly, then walked away.
We thought that was odd. But waited nonetheless. Soon, the auditor approached. He had a small figure, oddly shaped glasses, and a design drawn onto his bald head. Although he was slight and small, the way he silently approached was intimidating. We thought we were unwelcome to ask for a room to accommodate us.
He just said to follow him. We walked behind him, confused. We still had not paid or made a reservation for a room.
He stopped in front of a large ramp spiraling the 200 floors of the building. We thought is was odd that a hotel this large had so few people in sight. We saw many cars outside, but nobody in the hotel except for this auditor and the concierge.
A giant wheel approached from down the ramp. It appeared attached to a structure running alongside the ramp, the ramp counting up and branching into hallways as it continued. There were some rooms placed along the ramp. But the wheel made no sound as it traversed.
"This is our unique elevator feature. By standards, the ramp provides ample disability accessibility, but we prefer to give them external rooms unless it can be avoided. This elevator keeps you walking along the bottom to help you reach your room. It keeps you healthy but it's faster than walking up alone."
He stepped onto the wheel, standing on the steps toward the back. We climbed in with him, holding our suitcases towards the ramp. When the wheel began moving, it made no sound, but our steps were placed in a wave as we propelled forward, higher and higher.
While walking, I studied the back of the auditor's head, taking a closer look at the symbol drawn. It was pearly white before, but seemed to be gaining color over time.
The wheel stopped on the 45th floor. I noted that the higher up the rooms were, the more elaborate it became. He walked down a hallway painted aqua lined with gold. Some plants lined the halls, none too interesting.
The hallways extended further than the building looked to be from outside. But when he stopped, we were almost to the end of the hallway.
"I trust this room will suit your needs?" He opened the door and the room inside was surprisingly a very accommodating and comfortable suite. It was not lavish, but was elegant enough to be beautiful and far more functional than typical hotels.
"I'm sorry, but what are the rates? We did not book a room downstairs yet, and we didnt mean to call for attention earlier. We just wanted to be able to have a room without waking up to children or dogs from the elevator. We didnt know about that lovely contraption, there. But we don't need anything too fancy."
"It's no trouble. This is your first time staying, so the room is complimentary. Is this room 'too fancy?'"
"No, not at all. It's lovely. We just didn't know how the rates worked. I assumed the rates went up the further the elevator went. It's a very unique setup, your hotel. I am fascinated."
"I see. You are right that it is unique. But the rates are the same all around. We find rooms to accommodate the personality and comfort level of our guests. Some with a more lavish lifestyle may prefer an executive look, others visiting family in their travels might prefer more relaxing and homely features. The rates are all the same, nonetheless, and we have plenty of rooms to spare. We may even give multiple rooms, if you'd prefer. This one suites the creative one. But I sense you might be worried about your vehicle as well. I can show you a motel room easily accessible. But please, do get comfortable."
I stayed in the room while the others looked at a room on the ground. I didn't notice that it did suit me. Not in the studio way I am comfortable with. But in a way that felt welcoming and had a view I could watch and let my thoughts go on. I was both flattered and worried about being addressed as "the creative one." Their profile on my personality was curiously alarming.
I got a call. The rest of them would stay in the room down below. But I liked the view, so I could stay up here. I also wanted the chance to explore the different personalities the hotel held. So I had the room to myself and everything I thought I would want. 4522.
After settling a bit, I went out to look around with my key card in my pocket. I took the elevator up, watching hallways roll by. St the top was a balcony and a pool overlooking the city. I went to the balcony to see the city ahead. I never saw anything like it, so I could not identify where it was.
I heard a bark behind me. I turned to see some woman with two well-pampered pomeranians and a hairstyle to match hers. I found it ironic, after all, people look like their pets.
"Excuse me," she said in the typical Karen way, "can you make this stupid thing work right? I wanted to go to the lobby, and it brought me here. My heels are killing me. Well, don't just stand there!"
I decided I needed the fun. I am not one to take kindly to rude people. So I told her I'll walk it back down. After all, it either goes up or down. If it's going up when it comes to you, chances are it will keep going up. It doesnt read your mind. It just stops when it senses you waiting, but only for so long.
"Why don't you people have normal elevators?"
I held back acid in my words, imagining the audacity one must have to complain about inconvenience at a creative take on a concept often taken for granted. But I needed the fun. So I just stepped off and continued my leisurely walk down the ramp without her. I was in no rush.
Around and around I went, watching the doors pass, occasionally looking over the rail the wheel took down to glimpse at the lobby below. Still, there was nobody in sight. The wheel made it's way to the bottom, so I knew if she was smart, she would have stayed on it all the way down.
I marvelled at how many designers much have been ordered to make this masterpiece come together. And I wondered how such an exquisite hotel could afford a flat rate for every room and why the first visit is complimentary.
The wheel stopped before me, the auditor stepping out before me.
"You have a dinner invitation this evening. Someone has taken an interest in you."
I took an envelope and watched him continue upward, wondering where he was going.
I got back to my room, finding a selection of evening gowns in the room. Oddly, they seemed to be tailored to my personality, like everything seemed to be. I didn't know whether to be impressed or alarmed.
I chose a simple, off shoulder gown with a lace capelet and a fabric rose detail in wine red.
I opened the envelope to find instructions to go up to 18714, in the approximate area I left the woman before. At least she was right about something, heels would be a nightmare. So I chose flats.
I took the wheel back to the top, and went searching for the room. In the hallway, I saw the auditor step out, wearing a suit in the same color I was, the mark on his head to match. It was both odd and oddly satisfying in the high-end fashion way.
He seemed to have been arguing with someone in the room, but smiled at me and walked to the end of the hallway before disappearing into another room.
I cautiously approached the room. It seemed empty at a glance, but with a nice spread laid out on the far end near a window overlooking the city.
I called out, and heard a voice from the closed off bedroom.
"I'm sorry I am not our to introduce myself. I just had an accident that requires a wardrobe change. Please, make yourself at home. I will be out in a moment."
I cautiously walked around the room, wondering who would be joining. I had called my companions before, and they said they were going out to eat, but that I should enjoy myself.
I looked out the window, still impressed by the view. Then I heard the door open behind me.
I didn't know who I was expecting before, but I didn't expect this. It was the concierge from before.
He saw my confusion and smiled warmly.
"I was expecting that reaction. Don't worry. I'm the owner of the hotel. Sometimes I have to fill in for a few positions, and I prefer to be inconspicuous. I saw you arrive earlier and wanted to meet you."
"Why? Why me?"
"You looked like someone I knew long ago. Same eyes. Eyes I never expected to see again or realized how much I missed. Eyes that also held such wonder." He gestured towards the city.
"Did I interrupt something before? The auditor left looking upset."
"Not at all. He is my business partner and companion. We fight sometimes. We were discussing family matters. It's nothing."
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude asking. I was just worried."
"It's alright. I would be worried too in the circumstances."
I sat down and looked around the room. There were many displays of antiques, yet a very orderly modern design to the room. More personality than a museum, but with just as much security.
My eyes drifted to the paintings. They held a striking resemblance to my own style, and didnt seem to match the room at all.
"I paint sometimes," he said sheepishly. "One of my hobbies."
"They are nice. I like them."
He smiled, but in a slightly sad way.
"I knew a woman like you. She was like you in almost every way. She taught me to paint. She also had a curious nature. Very kind. And direct. She didn't like small talk often, so I will gamble that you do not as well. I will get to the point. I have a feeling you are a reincarnation, if you will. I made this hotel years ago, and it has adapted to the times. Many of the floors you saw were her vision. Her favorite was the suite you are in. Those items were hers or something I feel she would have. You were quick to realize this was no ordinary hotel. But you were not afraid. You seem to belong here. Even the way you handled that woman was something she would do. She was kind, but liked to teach lessons for behavior. It was one of the qualities I loved about her. She was like a daughter to me.
"She died 300 years ago. And I still miss her. So I wanted to offer you a home here. I know you have no reason to, as you have your own life. But I would be honored."
"300 years? How?"
"Immortality, of sorts. Hotel California situation, if you will. Those that stay can find themselves attached in body and spirit. Not that we keep people here forever. They chose to stay."
"So your business partner..."
"Chose to stay. He wants a family here. But the hotel doesn't allow for aging, and it's best that we don't try to disrupt youth like that. He is jealous. He knew of my daughter before. The one like you. But she died long before him. And he has wanted a family for the last 20 years after realizing what he had to give up to be with me."
"But why does the hotel do that? Of you knew when it was built and how, how old does that make you?"
"Aha. The key to it all. This has always been my hotel. Always. I am who women call Lucifer. The Devil. Whatever the name, it's the same idea. I'm not of this world, but I do find it charming. And no, it's not evil. Haunted, maybe, because I am here and it throws the balance of the natural world, but that doesn't make me evil. The hotel has had far worse evils than me here, and they have been dealt with appropriately."
I took time to process, feeling him watch me.
"You want me to stay and be her?"
"No. Not be her. I'm not looking to make you in her image. You are already enough like her. And although I may want, it isnt a demand. I am simply offering."
"Okay. I need time to think about it."
"Of course."
0 notes
term5itmedia · 5 years
Progression of Translation (Weeks 38-44)
Whew! What a short timespan it has been. A timespan so short I forget how long it is, but then again, what timespan isn’t?
Jokes aside, this is my LOST in Translation project development, where I take you from how the project started to how it ended. While the end of the project may not be reached as this was a time of experimentation (much like the project on term4itmedia), it is always fun to try out new things.
The story that the project is based on can be read here, you can also see the inspiration behind it:
Our objective was to make up a concept for a game based off of books we have researched. I have chosen to focus on two key elements; combination lock and endless stairs. These were things I have never tried before but have always wanted to try at some point.
I started out the project making some planning sheets for the areas in said game should it be created, as this was a too big of a project to finish within the short span of 6 weeks.
In the middle of the five sheets is the entire storyline:
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Combination Lock
A combination lock is a puzzle that can only be solved by the person who knows the key code, or someone who is extremely lucky to get it right on the first guess, which is rare depending on the amount of possible combinations, which you can learn more about in my Puzzles post.
6-digit code
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I started work on a 6-digit code lock next, which if you didn’t know has 1,000,000 total combinations (from 000000 to 999999). How it works is that the player of the game would point towards a button and press it to change the value of one of the digits. When he/she thinks all six are correct, they press the button under “Submit”. If the code is right, the door opens. If the code is wrong, nothing happens.
Pretty basic, but we’re only just getting started.
Hate Maths? Well, too bad. You have faced a problem like this before.
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Before moving forward, since I’ve told you how the previous one worked, maybe you can figure this one out for yourself. Don’t read further beyond this point until you have at least tried once.
Did you get it? If not... I’m surprised you can figure out how to use a phone. Jokes aside once again, it’s very simple.
The button below the plus sign increases the value of the third number by 1 (up to 99, after which it will refuse to go any higher), the button below the minus sign decreases the value by 1 (down to 0 at minimum) and the button below the Submit button checks if the answer is correct. If the answer is correct, the door opens. If the answer is wrong, nothing happens.
This is a randomly generated mathematical problem, as the first number can have any value between 0 to 49, and the second number can have any number between 0 to 50 (so the third value will never be higher than 99).
Another way I could have done it is with symbols, like:
1: A + A + A = 15
2: B x A = 50
3: C + B + A = 22
4: (A * B) * C = ?
The player would have to figure out the answer to the 4th question, which requires a bit more challenge than a simple 2 + 2 = 4.
The reason why that is is because each letter has an assigned value (A = 5, B = 10 and C = 7). Knowing all of these values, you would be able to figure out the answer to the question, which ((5 * 10) (50) * 7 = 350.
I didn’t end up doing the algebra problem in the end, but that doesn’t mean I’ll use it in another concept.
Let the ball in!
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This is... not really considered a puzzle but a reflex-based mini game that you would have to play if you got any of the other puzzles wrong. What would happen is that you would give a number between 3 and 16, after which a grid of cubes will generate based on the number given, which is known as squaring using maths. Yep! I’m using maths to make this.
When the cube grid is generated, each cube has a 1-in-10,000 chance per frame to instantiate a ball far above it, which is telegraphed by it’s shadow to show it is coming. If the ball were to go through, points would be added. If you were to reach a certain amount of points (50,000 for example), you would move on to the next area. If balls were to hit the cube they were dropping towards, points would be subtracted. If the points were to go into the negatives, you would lose the game.
The bigger the grid, the faster you would have to be as the balls would spawn more frequently. In the case of a 16x16 grid, the balls would have a 1-in-40 chance of spawning per frame! Imagine trying to keep up with that!
And you thought a catching game was hard enough...
The mini game remains unfinished and I don’t have any intention of finishing it off in another project.
Rotating stones
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This puzzle was by far the most complex one I have ever made. This puzzle has 8 letters on each stone, and only one word can be written out of them. There is approximately 32,767 possibilities, and only one of them is a real word. I had to painstakingly check for any letters that could create another word, and so far I have found a few, including a swear word which I removed straightaway upon seeing, because nobody wants to see that.
How the puzzle would work is that the player would point at one of the stones and click to rotate it 45 degrees, to get to the next letter. Once all of the letters are lined up, the boulder blocking the exit instantly breaks and the player can advance forward.
Endless Stairs
The endless stairs trick was easy to learn but difficult to make perfect. Like I said before, I wanted to try and make it like the one from Super Mario 64 (which you can find out about in my Infinite Stairs post).
This also gave me a chance to try out something else, Fog. I added fog to this area because it doesn’t allow you to see the top of the stairs, which is crucial for this development since you never see the top anyway.
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The illusion is that you get teleported down the stairs when you hit a certain point of them, which also works backwards. How? Look at this image of the structure:
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As you can see, the fog makes it more eerie-looking and less revealing, especially if you go up the stairs backwards.
I chose to put the endless stairs at the end since it is unimaginably scary to think about, and at the end of some horror films or games, the main character gets stuck in a situation they cannot get out of in any way possible, which just ends after one final call for help, which nobody is around to hear.
I was going to create a concept for the traps that would be used in this game, but time fell short and I had other mandatory things that needed doing, like printing out the sheets for my portfolio and researching (which also fell short because it was difficult to get topics relevant to this project).
You can see everything in action here:
Conclusion + Reasoning behind project
First off, let’s start with the reason behind it. I chose the five books listed in the document listed above because those were the main elements that I found interesting and wanted to transform them into something new, sort of like an amalgamation, but with originality.
I took great inspiration from The Time Machine because the main character of the story is trapped in a different time period. I took inspiration from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory plus The Wasp Factory because the main character gets trapped in a situation they cannot get out of until they either die or are rescued. I took inspiration from Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde because of the shadowy figure in my story, which is evil. If I gained any inspiration from The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo, it would have to have been hacking related. Since there is no hacking of any sort involved in my story, this one is left out. But if I had more time on this project, I would look into the concept of hacking and maybe implement a feature like that. But due to the short time and overall focus on other elements, that was not a possibility this time.
The idea of the story is completely original, as far as I am aware, and that is what I like to do. I like to be original with my ideas instead of being a person who copies everyone’s ideas and turns them into their own thing, which people have done, including me in the past. I can’t deny that.
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