#i know people r gonna wonder and some might ask
autisticpride · 1 year
once you start paying attention, it's really obvious how inaccessible places are
a while ago, i saw a post about public restrooms. i don't remember the post, nor everything in it, but since then i've been paying attention.
i often use the accessible stall due to claustrophobia, sensory issues, and the likelihood that i'll knock my elbows into something in the regular stalls. so i should be seeing restrooms at their most accessible. some of these examples i'm remembering from the post, some i've realized myself while i'm paying attention.
most single restrooms have no coat/bag hooks. many stalls also have no coat/bag hooks, despite having holes where the screws of the hook that used to be there was.
no restrooms i've seen have had hooks anywhere near the toilet (for medical devices, so people don't have to put their expensive medical devices on the dirty floor)
none have had an emergency pull cord (to alert staff that someone in the restroom needs assistance)
none have had sharps containers (for diabetics etc. also, no talking shit about addicts in the notes, safe sharps disposal is important for everyone who uses needles, regardless of reasons)
none have had grab bars on both sides of the toilet (only one on the wall side)
very few (or possibly none, it's hard to be sure as this is not a problem for me) have had unscented soap (allergies, migraine triggers)
very few have had hand sanitizer (useful for various reasons, including but not limited to the fact that the sinks aren't accessible to wheelchair users either). (those that did were single restrooms in restaurants, and they also stored some cleaning products there, which i think is funny but probably isn't great.)
multiple restaurants have had restrooms down narrow halls that have also been used for storage, making it completely inaccessible to wheelchair users
that's not even getting started on doors. heavy and sticking doors are way more common than they should be.
i don't think i've ever seen a public restroom with all of these, or even close.
if you want to be an ally to disabled people, start by paying attention to the bathrooms. they tell you exactly how often disabled people are considered in public spaces (almost never more than the law requires, often less)
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orcelito · 7 months
Me currently out of work and not looking for a job rn bc grief shit But knowing my tax return should hit in the next week (which will let me last like 3 months comfortably) and I'll have half of two life insurance payouts bc of my dad dying Probably within the next month or two (Maybe more, depending) so like I got money on the way, I Do, but I didn't work as much as I was expecting for my last paycheck so I'll be cutting it a little close for rent and such until the payouts hit so I'm like. :] cutting it close here man :] give me my money please :]
#speculation nation#ultimately theres no real risk bc i know if i need to i can ask my sister for help#which rly is a blessing. and im grateful for the security.#but i hate depending on other people. so im not gonna lean on that unless it's Really necessary.#i should be able to get by. ive got enough money to last the next rent and bills stuff#and it's been two weeks since i did taxes so it Should be hitting in the next week or so. hopefully.#unless there's a delay it Should be hitting in the next week. crossing fingers.#idk when i'll be looking for a job. depending on how much i get from life insurance i might not Need to for some time.#i dont wanna be too dependent on life insurance money. but if my time is better spent sorting out estate stuff#and rearranging my apartment to make room for all the furniture i'll be getting from my dad#well. no point in getting a job yet if i dont Need to and all#i dont know. there r a lot of uncertainties. only thing i know is half a year's salary from my dad's life insurance.#they give a year of his salary to the family. split between two. even that alone would be Pretty fucking helpful.#but he also had private life insurance. also split between two. i dont know how much that will be.#but good chance i'll be coming into some Serious money soon. at least for me.#the cost of it (my dad's life) is nowhere near worth it.#for a time there b4 it took a turn for the worst i was wondering whether i could donate my kidney to him. or if i even Should.#that was my dad and i shouldve gotten more time with him. i Shouldve.#but he's gone now. it's already done. and theres no point in wishing to change the past.#he'd want me to be pragmatic. he'd want me to use the money to finish school. and that's gonna be my primary goal with it.#gonna finish school. get a good job. make him proud.#done with the funeral. his ashes are downstairs. lots more legal stuff to do. still have the estate to close.#not gonna inherit money from him directly probably considering how much debt we've found#(debt we dont have to pay ourselves but that creditors can reach for his assets over)#lots of uncertainties still. lots of Bullshit. im here for another week or so. just to try to help out.#and then i go back. i start working to get my apartment in order. i start trying to heal.#and i hope that the Fucking money kicks in soon. bc i do Not have as much money as id prefer to have.
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luveline · 11 months
if your still taking requests I would like to request reader scraping their knees and tasm!peter patching her up and it’s a lot of lovely tension:))) maybe r not being used to people touching them without bad intentions.
I hope you are having a lovely time right now and are taking care of yourself<3
thank you lovely! ♡ fem, 1k
Peter's droopy eyed when you knock, less so when he gets a good look at you. Blood leading like twin snakes from the grazed ache of your knees and staining your socks, tears lining your eyes and shiny in the sun, you're embarrassingly sad. He doesn't give you shit for it, the opposite. 
"Fuck," he says, his eyes widening with a familiar concern. "Shit, what did you do?" 
"Uhm," you say, though you know, but you bit your tongue on the way down and everything hurts, "I fell. Someone bumped into me coming out of the subway." 
Peter holds his hands out, thinks better of it and steps down over the door jam to take your hands and pull you forward for a hug. He smells like apple jack cereal and his hair is still wet from an early morning shower, a walking poster boy for brown-haired, brown-eyed sweethearts everywhere, but you still seize at his tight hold. 
He murmurs a sorry and leans back, assessing your gaze, so close that you can see the trifecta of his pinprick beauty marks, one in the shadow of his brow, one under his eye, and one closer to his nose. 
"Come on. We'll clean you up." 
Peter ushers you inside, his fingertips brushing the small of your back. You walk into the kitchen, every surface clean, the wooden dining table decorated by one empty coffee cup and one half full. His cereal bowl has been washed and left to dry on the rack, next to what must've been his Aunt May's plate. 
"May's in work already?" you ask him.
He hums, turned away from you, a slip of his long, shapely back exposed as he reaches for the first aid kit sitting on top of one of the cabinets. "She said to tell you thank you for the flowers last week." 
You panicked so much beforehand. What do you bring for your not quite new friend's mom when you meet her for the first time? You've known Peter for a few months but never had the good fortune to meet May until she demanded it, your bouquet a weak offering. You'd wanted her to like you, because despite your fight or flight whenever he gives you a quick shoulder rub, any ounce of affection, you really like Peter. 
Said flowers draw your attention as Peter helps you up onto the counter. You turn away from him, trembling hands forced under your thighs, and count the petals of a wilting carnation one by one as he washes his hands quickly in the sink beside you before laying out the sterile bandages atop their plastic coverings. "I'm gonna wipe the blood off," he says. 
You're past saying no, I can do it myself. You already let him help you up. The time to protest is passed. 
He takes your wobbly voice for nervousness, and you are nervous, but not the way he thinks. "I'll be careful," he says. "You don't have anything to worry about." 
Strange but not unheard of for Peter to be so serious. You nod jerkily, waiting for his touch. It doesn't come for a while, and you brave meeting his gaze to find out why. 
His eyebrows are sewn together in concern. His hands land on your thighs, and, to your surprise, you aren't apprehensive. You relax as deft hands draw mirrored lines up and down the outer sides of your legs, leaving a generous distance from the beginnings of your shorts. "Maybe you can take some advil first, if you're worried." He eases your legs apart as he steps into the space between them, his eyes unfailing where they meet yours. "It'll hurt less. I bet I could get some topical numbing cream–" 
"It's not–" You peek down at his chest. "I'm not worried about my knees." 
"Oh. Good," he says, hand coming up to your elbow. He holds it so tenderly you wonder how you ever thought he might have a propensity for anything but tenderness. "You look really nice, under all the blood. Is that weird? That's probably why you fell, you couldn't just walk around looking that nice. Throws off the balance of the universe." 
You laugh softly. "These are my best socks." 
"I can see that!" He squeezes down from your elbow to your hand. You've never been touched like that, half massage, half reassurance, just squeezing you to squeeze you. Laughter livens his tone, "I'll get you new socks." 
"You don't have to do that."
"I want to." 
You struggle to breathe as he cleans your knees. Between his murmuring, It's okay and Almost done, you've no time to feel worried. 
You've time for other things, like this. He turns between your legs and slides a hand under the other, fingertips pressing into the soft underside of your knee as he works a thin layer of disinfecting ointment into your scratches. He continues his murmuring, apologies and lamentation alike. "Sorry. Don't want you catching rabies from the pristine streets of Queens. I mean, fuck, sweetheart, you made a real mess. How hard did you fall?" 
You swallow a lump that feels fit to choke you, worse when he tilts his head ever so slightly your way, face an inch from yours, less. 
"Hard," you say weakly. 
He misses the implication (your first stroke of luck all day), smoothing a large square of gauze over your knee and securing it with medical tape. "It's nothing a day on the couch can't fix. I'll make you breakfast too, free of charge." 
"Thanks, Peter." 
He rubs the skin above your knee. "You're welcome. One horrendous injury down, one to go." 
His touch feels even softer the second time around. 
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taniahylian · 3 months
Who is Bessmert
So, I bet all of us have wondered, since the "Notes on Shouri" event trrailer was announced, who exactly is Bessmert. After all, being an important character, but not playable, and with a very mysterious past and abilities, Bessmert is quite intriguing indeed. And now I'm gonna tell you who I think she is.
Fair warning though, this is a bit long, but I promise it's worth the read, so please stick with me until the end!
Let's start with the most basic evidence: Her appearence. She's tall, has grey hair, dresses in a typical exlorer garment with a big black coat over it, and has her eyes covered with a white cloth. But, most importantly, she looks quite similar to Vertin, and that's just where the similarities start.
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Their accents are pretty much the same, as well as the calm way in which they talk most of the time, and they are very smooth talkers; able to convince people of almost anything.
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Bessmert's team seems to be aware of this as well, since Krolik even requests she doesn't speak before they vote about going back, no doubt fearing she'll convince them to keep going.
Later on we also see her use this ability to convince Getian to help them solve the Lushu situation instead of running away, similar to what Vertin has done with Druvis and Jessica, for example.
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Now, aside from this almost supernatural manner of speach, Bessmert is also similar to Vertin when it comes to her arcane abilities; she also doesn't fight directly, but is able to sense arcanum in various ocassions, something we've only seen Vertin do in canon, and that other characters have remarked how rare of an ability it is.
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However, unlike Vertin, she can sense even more than just arcane skills, like nature-related phenomena, the environment around her, and even the intent behind other people's actions. To the point that she's able to walk around freely without having her sight.
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I believe this might be because Bessmert is an adult, more experienced arcanist, but also because her blindness might amplify her abilities, since she uses it to make up for her lack of sight.
Although of course here there's the issue if she's even an arcanist at all... or perhaps something else entirely.
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Getian tells her, as they are waiting for the miracle of "Ask and acquire", that the pattern he saw in her bones is unlike anything he's ever seen and, therefore, he can't read them. He also said tit unnerved him to the point of wanting to run away. This makes me think that Bessmert might be especial in some way, perhaps in the same way Vertin is; being immune to the storm, and there is evidence for this, surprisingly.
First of all; most of the places we know about that are a "safe zone" to the storm have one common feature; a fog or something that makes people hallucinate, get exited and/or pass out. These features are all present in Vertin's suitcase, the Uluru stadium and the Aperion cave. Not only that, but we can assume the agent responsible for this effect is Asymetric Nucleide R, a compound that is also found on the Manus masks and on the storm raindrops.
Why is this relevent to Bessmert? Well, it seems like Pei City is actually surrounded by the same kind of fog as that in Aperion and Vertin's suitcase, and the origin of it is the temple where people used to go for the Divination.
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Now, Bessmert acts surprised when hearing this explanations from Jiu, and we can especulate that it's because she has been to one of such places before, but regardless, we know she and her team encountered such fog before arriving to Pei City.
After following the direction Yenisei's skill tells them has the strongest arcane energy in the area, they arrive to a place where everything suddenly changes; it's different, odd, surrounded by a weird fog and, most importantly, makes them very tired to the point of almost passing out.
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However, Bessmert remains unaffected by it all. She especulates it might be because she's used to high altitudes, but they're going downhill, so I doubt that's the case. Plus, even when we see Yenisei's vision getting cloudy and that she almost can't go on anymore, Bessmert remains compleatly unaffected.
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This is all reminiscent of Vertin being compleatly unaffected in the suitcase's spinning wheel area, the Aperion cave and the Uluru Stadium, while others pass out pretty quickly, and it leads me to think that Bessmert, very likely, is also immune to the storm.
And there's one last piece of evidence here: Bessmert's name, which in Russian means "Without Death" or "Immortal", and likely has something to do with her ability to survive even the ends of multiple eras. Although I also think this isn't her real name for two reasons: firstly it'd be far too convinient, and also she's very likely not Russian, but Britlish. Why? Because every other Russian character has a Russian accent, while Bessmert's accent is distinctively British.
So what does all this evidence point towards? I think we all know the answer, right? Bessmert is, very likely, Vertin's mother, or at the very least related to Vertin in some way. But considering Vertin is searching for her mother since the beginning of the prologue, and all we know about that woman is that she's "special" (Constantine's words) and the Foundation tried to cover up her existance, this mysterious woman with a lot of characteristics similar to Vertin's seems like the prime candidate.
But that's not all. I'm about to tell u some other theories about who Bessmert is that, although might not be as impressive as being Vertin's mom, are also interesting.
First: She's Urd. Yes, the explorer that went to Aperion and then wrote a travel note about it. First of all because it really seems something that Bessmert would do; travel to a remote island in search of a mysterious cave that grants answers (like Ask and Acquire). But also because Urd is very likely a pseudonym, since Urd is a type of *bean* from Asia.
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And finally... Notes on Shouri isn't Bessmert's debut on the R1999 events. In fact, she appeared at the start of the very first event; The theft of the rimet cup.
In case you need a refresher, the event starts up with the newspaper boy trying to sell a newspaper to a "lady in black", who then turns around and the boy notices she's blind.
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At this point, the lady asks him to read the news for her, promising to pay for it, which he obliges. Now, we never see her face, but we hear her voice, and it's eerily similar to Bessmert's.
Not only that, but that same voice finishes up the event, apparently dictating an article about the events we see unfold thoughout the story for the UTTU magazine.
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Now, of course Pandora Wilson is the main editor of UTTU, but I wouldn't be surprised if Bessmert sometimes wrote articles for it as well, since she's so knowledgable about arcanists, and has traveled all over the world.
So yeah, I believe Bessmert is this mysterious voice in the rimet cup event as well.
But what do you think? Am I overthinking about this one npc way too much? XD. Let me know in the comments!
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9toji · 1 year
May I please get some of THAT 116 Toji please
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pairing; toji x fem! reader
warnings; toji is a big fat perv, slight nsfw, hints of masturbation, very dirty toji thoughts, toji charms his way into you(r life), a portion of it his imagination (its italicized), panty stealer
rina's comments ; this is sooo.. such a good idea, thank you so much for sending in this!! enjoy <3
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imagine toji, a sweet man who lives an apartment away from yours. exceptionally handsome, and may i say rugged. he has the build of a a boxer, always wearing tight black shirts and grey sweatpants, his eyes are always low and droopy whenever he talks to you. but he's a gentleman with charm, right?
he thinks its endearing, the way you don't even know his real intentions. that way, he can help you up whenever you stumble or trip, maybe a little contact with your clothed boobs and an unmistakable squeeze on your hips. toji taunts you too, taking your phone from your hand as you mindlessly scroll through it, “whatcha lookin' at?” he asks slowly, another smirk etching his face as you try to reach it from his grasp. seeing your cleavage was heaven, silently thanking you for your low-cut shirts.
you can't deny the fact his charm although used rarely works wonders on you, making you feel very warm and giggly around him. toji grins at you sleazily, saying that he's accustomed to smiling at people like that and that he's sorry, “might seem weird or creepy” he said. oh, but he doesn't smile like that at other people at all, some might say that you're the only one he smiles at.
your always tired looking neighbor always drops by the laundry inside the apartment building's basement at the same time you do, but he leaves earlier than you. which made you wonder why some of your underwear had been taken from your laundry basket. it's a mystery, who else would've gotten it?
can't be toji, he leaves early and the man is nice, too nice. toji always helps you in one way or another, dropping by your apartment with a handful of essential goodies, like toilet paper, or more tide pods for your laundry. he does it regularly, at early hours of the morning too.
but why? you had just woken up, wearing a spaghetti-strap night gown top and silk shorts. toji got that information when he did it the first time, reminding you about something regarding your plants and watering them. he saw the way you looked so sleepy, but took advantage of the way you were clothed before you wore casual shirts and pants. he loved the way you looked up, grinning sleazily. “good morning” he growled, masking it in a sweet, sweet tone.
eyes unknowingly traveling down to your chest and to your waist, licking his lips and chuckling, “my lips are kinda dry." toji giving you a headpat before you closed the door, and as he walks away to his apartment everyday, he makes sure to engrain your image into his mind for later.
toji gets itchy when you're off at work, wanting to see you as much as possible. that's where his piles of your “lost” panties come in handy. he leans back on to the wall while sitting down on his bed, pushing his shirt up with a shaky hand along with pulling down his greyish sweatpants. his hands grip on to his shaft, along with the piece of fabric that he had snatched away from you. you wouldn't know anyways.
his skillful hands wrap the spot where your cunt touched the fabric onto his dock, pleasuring himself has never been better he thought. it was so perfect, it never fails to make him cum, his right hand squeezing his length as he thought about you, smearing the pre-cum all over so it gets slippery.. “gonna cum on that pretty face of yours, yeah?” he grins, smearing his pre-cum on the fabric so that your panties could swiftly move up n down swiftly.
toji's groans are animalistic, “you.. you look so fuckin' good..” his eyes get teary, imagining you, with your wide eyes and cheery grin. hands wrapped around his cock, maybe he could see your pretty face get smeared with cum, hoping you'd take a fingerful and taste it. “gonna taste it? fuck, you.. whore.. fuckin' know you are." and when he cums, he puts the panties on his tip, cleaning it with it.
“toji.” you babble, hands messily gripping his cock. toji shook, his sweat dripping down his chest.. and his thighs twitched at your touch. “feel so good baby, shit–squeeze it a bit more f'me.” toji sighed, running his hand through his own locks, watching you help him please himself with those skillfull hands of yours.
a shaky sigh and the messy attempt to fix himself came soon after, knowing your arrival will be in an hour or two. he wouldn't want you hearing him groan, at least not yet. toji isn't close enough with you, he needs to be.. so that he can get exactly what he wants without looking like a pervert.
which he is, but for now you didn't need to know that.
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
please could i request a top!reader x bottom!santana.
It’s like she acts all big and bad in glee club and R always calms her down then someone talks bad about her, like Rachel with the stripper line about her and the usually calm and collected peace keeper R changes at a snap of a mf finger. You see Quinn and Britt’s eyes go wide asf and Santana goes to cuss out Rachel but R stops her, putting a hand on her chest and sitting her back down and does the sweetest smile toward Rachel.
Quinn and Britt be like: oh you messed tf up that’s her murder smile!
Santana gets confused and hurt like wtf why is her gf letting yentl bad mouth her but then sees the murder smile on her gf and sits back folding her arms and smiling evilly.
In the end R gets sent home and Santana drives her taking the rest of the day off too.
Once they get to R’s room santana is like ‘that was so hot’ and decides her knight in shining flannel armour deserves a reward for saving her from the big hairy beast called Rachel Berry and her tall lap dog and lets R do whatever she desires to her😏
My Defender
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Santana Lopez x fem!reader
Summary: You protect your girlfriend form Rachel's hurtful comments, and in return you get to do whatever you want to her.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI fluff, oral (Santana receiving), fingering (Santana receiving)
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Hope you like it! My smut isn't spectacular.
navigation glee masterlist
A lot of people wondered how you and Santana had such a healthy relationship, but your close friends knew it was because you balanced each other out. She was the chaos, and you were the power that reigned it in. Every time Santana would want to go off on someone, you would be the voice of reason, the voice that talked her down. Now, as you were approaching Valentine’s Day, you and Santana were so wrapped up in each other that nothing could bother either of you. Nothing except for one Rachel Berry.
Mr. Shue begins to write something down on the board, announcing that week's lesson. “Alright guys, I have one word for you.” Brittany raises her hand enthusiastically, and Mr. Shue calls on her when he turns around. “Is it love?” She then turns to her boyfriend and quietly says, “Totally gonna graduate now.”
Mr. Shue and some of the Glee members look at her, confused, before shaking it off and getting back on track. “Valentine’s day is coming up. So, for this week's lesson, I want you guys to pick a partner, because you're going to sing to them what you think is the world's greatest love song. Yeah, find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. Now, partner up.” You and Santana glance at each other, smiling and already knowing that the other person would be their partner. Finn raises his hand before asking, “Mr. Shue, can I say something?” Mr. Shue waves him up and Santana rolls her eyes at the boy.
“I just wanted to point out that for the first time, an entire week has gone by without any one of us getting slushied.” Everyone looks around for a second in surprise before beginning to clap. Almost everyone stops clapping as Finn continues on with his speech. “I think the fact that I led the football team to a conference championship might have something to do with it. The fact is that I’m the closest thing that this Glee club has to a celebrity right now, and just like a famous athlete, I want to give to a charity. You guys. So I’m setting up a kissing booth. For a dollar a smooch. And donating the proceeds to Glee club, to help us-”
Mercedes rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, interrupting him. “Don’t even act like you tryna help this glee club out, you just wanna kiss a bunch of girls.” Your girlfriend scoffs next to you before piping up, saying, “I’ve kissed Finn, and can I just say? Not worth a buck. I would, however, pay a hundred dollars to jiggle one of his man-boobs.” You sigh exasperatedly when she brings up the fact that she has kissed him, and she grabs your hand in comfort.
“Do you ever get tired of tearing other people down?” Santana pretends to think about it for a second before leaning back. “No, not really.” Finn shrugs his shoulders, sounding smug. “Cause you always just seem to be meddling in other people’s business.” Santana rolls her eyes, looking around the room.
“Oh please, you guys love me. I keep it real, and I’m hilarious.” You nod in agreement, and you see that Quinn and Brittany are nodding as well. “Actually, you're just a bitch,” Lauren states from where she is sitting next to Puck. Everyone ooos and Santana scoffs angrily. You begin to get angry as well, but you don’t show it as obviously on your face.
Rachel stands up from where she is seated, and that’s when you knew that shit was about to go down. “The truth is Santana, you can dish it out but you can’t take it. Okay, maybe you're right, maybe I am destined to play the title role in the Broadway musical version of Willow, but the only job your going to have is working on a pole.”
Everyone looks at the two of them in shock, but Quinn and Brittany watch you carefully. They see your eyes darken in anger and they watch as you clench your hands into fists. Santana doesn’t seem to notice, and she stands up to cuss Rachel out. “Okay, fine. You wanna be like that? ¿Voy a ser stripper? Bueno, todo lo que vas a ser es una vieja bruja de Broadway sin amor-” You grab her waist and pull her down before giving Rachel a sickly sweet smile.
Santana looks at you, confused and hurt that you were being so nice to the girl who said such an offensive thing about her, but then she sees Quinn and Brittany mouthing for her to take a closer look at you. She sees the smile on your face, and she instantly recognizes it as the one that people call your ‘murder smile’. It was the same smile you had on your face right before you broke Karofsky’s nose for throwing a slushie on Santana. The Latina leans back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest and grinning evilly.
You slowly stand up and turn around to face Rachel, who still has a smug and satisfied look on her face. You tilt your head to the side, still smiling at her, before bringing your fist back and punching her straight in the face. Her head flies back and you move to continue hitting her, but Mike and Sam restrain you before you can do any further damage.
Mr. Shue sends you to the principal’s office, and Principal Figgins decides that you need to be sent home and that you are suspended from school for a couple of days. You accept your punishment with no regrets, not at all angry to be getting in trouble for defending your girlfriend.
She decides to take the rest of the day off and drive you home, and you know that you are in for a treat when you see her lustful gaze on you the entire car ride to your house.
When you get into your room, you drop your things on the ground. When you turn around, you see your girlfriend stalking towards you before she wraps her arms around your neck. She places a kiss on your lips before saying quietly, “You punching Berry was hot. I think you deserve a reward for being my defender, so I’m going to let you do whatever you want to me.”
You grin in excitement before you push her down onto the bed, kissing her passionately. Your hands explore her body, and soft moans escape her mouth as your bodies fit together perfectly.
''You're so pretty, Santana Lopez.'' Your hand makes its way to clasp her face, staring into her eyes fondly before kissing her hard. Smiling into the kiss, Santana feels her cheeks warm up at the compliment.
''I'm going to fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.'' Santana pushed her body up against yours, but you press back, maintaining control and making her fall onto her back. Staring at you in a haze of lust, she watches as you climb on top of her.
Your hands cup her breasts over her top, and you help her strip into her underwear. You kiss down her body, watching her shiver beneath you. Biting her thighs softly as you make your way closer to her dripping center, your hand stroked over her damp underwear. Smirking, you look up at Santana. Your hands make their way to the top of her underwear and you pull them down her thighs.
You begin lightly sucking on her clit, watching her shake with pleasure. Your fingers were playing with her opening, as you moved your tongue in circular motions. Santana's back began to arche up as she moaned loudly into the room, her hands grasping onto your hair pushing your head further between her thighs.
''Fuck, it feels so good. Please don't stop.'' her breath turned into pants as she moaned, moving your head with her hands. Riding your tongue, your fingers getting deeper and deeper inside her with every movement.
You continue this motion until you feel Santana’s body begin twitching, getting ready to climax. You moved away from her, removing your fingers from inside her and watched as she whimpered. Her eyes teared up as she tried to move against you to gain some type of friction.
''Please, let me cum Y/N,'' Her body was still twitching, her clit pulsating. ''Please.'' Santana begged, whining at you. You begin playing with her nipples, twirling them between your fingers as she gasps at the touch.
You wait for a few moments, watching Santana pitifully beg to be touched by you before placing a singular finger inside of her. You move your face so that it is inches away from her clit as your girlfriend moans with pleasure above you.
''You told me that I could do anything to you. Now, I might be nice, and I might let you cum, or I might not.'' there was an evil glint in your eye as you spoke, and a big smirk was plastered on your face.
You move slowly inside of Santana, watching her whimper for more.
''Please, be nice,'' she gasped, biting her lips as your free hand continued to play with her nipples.
''Only because you asked so kindly.'' You pinch her clit between your fingers, pulling a scream from the beautiful girl above you. Her legs were shaking as you inserted another finger inside of her, curling them up and pressing on her G-spot. 
You bury your face in between Santana’s legs, licking her clit with your tongue as your fingers move quickly inside of her. Santana’s hands moved back to clasp your hair, riding your face once more. Moaning loudly as her body twitched, Her eyes rolled back and she shook violently.
''Fuck, I'm cumming-'' she moaned loudly into the room.
You continue to push your fingers inside of her, helping her ride out the aftershocks. When she pushes your head away due to overstimulation, you crawl back up her body and kiss her lazily. She moans at the taste of herself, and you roll off of her making her whine. 
“Relax, baby. I’m just getting a cloth so that I can clean you up.” She shakes her head and pulls you back down next to her, snuggling into you. You don’t fight against it, knowing this is what your girlfriend needs. “Seriously though, thank you for defending me against Berry. I could have done it myself, but still. It means a lot to me. I love you.” 
You hug her closer to your body, and you place a gentle kiss on her head. “I love you too, baby. I’ll always protect you, no matter what.” The two of you cuddle together until you feel yourself drifting off. You know that when you wake up, your beautiful girlfriend will still be there with you, and you can’t help but dream about how much you love her.
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howlsofbloodhounds · 2 months
Well, dear mutual, I'm curious to what you think Ink's and Killer's dynamic would be? I always like hearing other peoples opinions on these things since there's things I may miss (even if they differ from my own)! Especially considering they fought once, I wonder how that would influence things...
Here's a kitty for your time! ❤️💕
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Ooohh cute kitty!! (The petting motions r doing something nice for my brain.)
Also I mentioned briefly in asks about Error & Killer where I figured that Ink would find Killer hilarious and cool & thats the exact reason why he’s tryna convince error not to kill Killer.
So yeah I basically envision this thing where Error & Ink are basically lonely asf and also Error wants to piss off Nightmare so he snatches up Killer whenever the fuck he wants to.
And Killer’s like, “this is a fever dream. Might as well happen,” whenever Ink questions him about why he seems so okay with it. (And also Killer wants to spite NM too lmao.)
So like, I imagine that Error, Ink, and Killer just chill in the Anti-Void and this is basically what Killer’s enforced breaks look like. Error’s ranting and raving, either about his tv show or ink or nightmare or what have you. Ink’s sitting on the floor and drawing to his non existence heart’s content.
And Killer’s just staring off into the distance, dissociated as hell, petting his cats in an effort to stay grounded. Error was surprisingly nice enough to let him have the bean bag.
And I can see like a little moment where ink gets too excited, throws up in killer’s lap, and also makes a wide gesture too close to killer that has him instinctively lashing out and stabbing ink.
And killer freezes for a moment, wondering what’s about to happen—almost excited even—only for error to start bitching at ink for throwing up on his beanbag chair & ink’s is laughing it off while removing the knife from their arm.
Says something like he’s gonna keep it, only killer immediately reaches out and snatches his knife back, snapping that it’s his, not Ink’s. Keep your hands off his shit unless you wanna lose them.
And Ink just laughs, not bothered by it, comments that this is the most reaction they’ve gotten out of him in weeks. From what Ink knows of Killer, he was expecting him to be more talkative. To which Killer probably says something like, “find me on a work day then.”
And then what Ink said catches up to him, and suddenly Killer asks, “what do you know about me.”
And maybe that prompts a discussion about Players and Creators and AUs and the like. And Killer realizes that Ink knows more about him than he knows about himself. Such as what is and isn’t real.
Maybe Ink can offer him some clarity, somehow. Maybe through their drawings and art and the like.
As for the fact that they have fought before. Id imagine that killer would be more on edge at first, even if it may not seem that way. Watching Ink, observing him—trying to see if they have any hang ups about it. If Ink is going to be a problem for him. He’d love to hash it out. (Violently. With knives.)
But Killer doesn’t really wanna go back to Nightmare and he doubts Error is gonna take him back until he wants to, so instead Killer just doesn’t react in one way or another. Not wanting to express anything about himself until he knows what he’s dealing with.
And I’m sure ink knows something is up, but I doubt they’d place that much care into the fighting—especially if he already has forgotten them by this point. I mean, he’s chilling with Error. I doubt hed have a problem with any squabbles between themself and Killer.
I think they’d develop this chaotic friendship where they just kinda get eachother, you know. Ink understands Killer’s emotionlessness, Killer understands Ink’s memory issues. I’d highly doubt they’d have any issues with eachother that most tend to have with them—such as the typical interpretation of Ink being “too much” or “too hyper,” and I feel like Killer would just play into ink’s energy.
And I feel like Killer wouldn’t really feel any need to mask his apathy or sense of emotionlessness around ink, mostly because ink doesn’t really seem to mind when killer is quiet or unresponsive and not actively pretending to be someone he’s not—ink is willing to do whatever talking needed. And even if killer has a hard time paying attention or remembering what ink is talking about, he never tells ink to shut up either.
The two of them having meta awareness may also affect things.
Also, I’m pretty sure the both of them struggle with empathy—and killer at least is known for pushing boundaries, wanting to test and poke and prod to understand things—and yet very protective of his own “red lines”. So I’m sure this may show up as a rocky point in their relationship at some point, just like with error and killer, but I’m not quite sure how.
Ink may find themself often being stabbed, simply because Killer’s body often tends to react on instinct. So I’m sure they’ll eventually learn to keep some distance between themselves.
Ink may consider Killer a friend, Killer at most would probably say he finds Ink interesting. (They’re besties I swear. Killer just doesn’t understand friendship 😔 )
Anyway. More knowledgeable Ink fans are always free to comment on or expand/change wherever you think is needed.
( @toffeebrew ).
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crushedsweets · 9 months
I loved the ask about ticciwork what it would be like if they were able to date! Now I was wondering what that would be like with Jack and Toby!
Though I’m not sure if they have the same chemistry as ticciwork. 😭
Btw you have forever engraved ninakate to my soul LMAO I love them so much!! ❤️
I ABSOLUTELY CAN i think theyre super cute + i have a really sweet ticcijack ask i wanna draw soon. im gonna go off on a tangent about their upbringing and how that'd impact their sexuality tho, cuz i think that'd be relevant .
this was written more like notes for a one-shot of them getting together, rather than the format i did for ticciwork
ok. so for starters, toby has a huge wall to get over. i dont really have sexuality hcs for many of the creeps (jane and kate r lesbians, lius a gay man, ninas bi are my only concrete hcs) BUT i know toby's upbringing involved his dad constantly demeaning him for being 'feminine' (anytime he did something with lyra), a pussy, calling him slurs, telling him to man up, insulting any gay man he might see on tv, etc. and toby hates his dad, so he'd have an easy time being like 'ok whatever old man like i give a shit if a guy fucks a guy' BUT he would still feel a ton of guilt and shame if he were attracted to a guy.
jack might be a little similar, not because his dad was constantly berating him, but he still grew up in a pretty traditional house and his uncles/cousins would often tease him cuz he liked to cook and bake and had a lot of empathy. but he also went to university, and while it was still in alabama, a lot of colleges and stuff are a lot more progressive so it wasn't something he dwelled on much. live and let live, basically
AND AS A RESULT, it would be MUCH harder for either of them to make a move. toby would push any feelings down so fucking fast, and jack would just shrug it off and say he doesn't have like.. the "right" to have such emotions. after all he's done.
but they've also had a ton of intimate moments. the amount of times toby's been sat in his boxers while jack has to stitch up his stomach is kinda obnoxious. the amount of times jack checks toby's temperature and scolds him for dumb shit. toby scoffing and grabbing jacks wrist to pull his hand off, but his touch lingers
jack wears his mask a lot, but toby would make a comment. "i wanna see what you look like. it cant be THAT bad." and then jacks like ? asshole. so toby backtracks and is like "ok but if it is bad, thats kinda cool" and jacks like 'dude shut up'. but then toby would try and go on about 'im serious man you're over here stitching me up every other week and im practically the only person you talk to. let me see' and jack thinks about it. maybe not that day, but eventually he would.
if toby has already kinda come to terms with liking guys, OR he's so oblivious to his own feelings, he might say something stupid like "oh shit you're hot dude why do u wear that stupid ass mask" and jack would get embarrassed. and try to put it back on, but toby would snatch it and toss it on some counter and say "ok well now i know so stop wearing it" and jacks like. ok. fuck you. fine.
and toby stares a lot. like. a lot a lot. and jack kind of knows. the echolocation and thermavision helps him know toby's head is turned his way, but he can't exactly pinpoint where toby's eyes are. but he keeps turning away
toby would eventually just ask 'you gotta know im looking at you , right?' and jack is like ...well i thought so. thanks for confirmation. and toby laughs it off but jack is getting embarrassed
jacks feelings would develop slowly and he'd recognize every single moment he feels something. tobys would develop more rapidly, but he has no fucking idea what he's feeling is romantic. he thinks jacks attractive as fuck, he likes intelligent people, he likes how jack challenges tobys toxic ass mindset (only after the fact, hates it in the moment), and jack does a lot for him. patches him up, cooks him good meals.
the ask i mentioned said something about jack touching toby's lip and toby keeps looking at jacks lips and theres crazy tension etc etc etc. i genuinely dont know who would kiss who first.
if it were jack, toby would sit there kinda stunned, and jack would pull away and fumble out an apology. then toby tells him to do it again. and again, and again.
if it were toby, jack would immediately kiss back. he's had it on his mind for a long time, but genuinely didnt think anything would come.
toby would ask what now. he wants jack to set some sort of guidelines. he hates rules but holy shit does he not know how to navigate this, not with jack. jack would shrug it off and theyd try not to talk about it. toby might not come back to see jack for a while, but end up really hurt and dragged there to get his arm popped back into place. and jack would have to ask why he stopped visiting.
toby would admit it, finally. something about 'because i fucking like you and its really fucking weird and i dont wanna ruin the whole medic patient pal thing we got going on but this entire fucking time ive been avoiding you, im thinking about you a hundred times more'. and jack would ask why he thinks its weird. and theyd talk for a while
jack would ask toby if he could kiss him again, and toby would say yes.
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thezombieprostitute · 6 months
Changing Minds - Part 8
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Summary: Your long time work acquaintance Nick Fowler offers to take you to a fancy fundraiser as a way of cheering you up. He insists it's only as friends but when he sees you falling into the grasp of someone he knows is no good, he might change his mind on that.
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: Mild violence and mentions of blood. Please let me know if I missed any.
A/N: Reader is an older female (late 30's +). This is part of the Garbage Men AU.
Part 7 -- Epilogue
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The day of the Tea Party you hold Nick’s hand as much as you can in the car. While it’s impossible to really have a plan for what’s going to happen, you’ve talked through some plans for what to do if things go bad. Nick made sure you memorized the directions to the nearby Cairo Hotel and to ask for the manager, Jonathan Pine. As a fail-safe Nick had reserved a room under both of your names.
Nick parks the car but stops you from getting out. He gently holds your chin and, eyes full of worry, he pleads, “promise me, if anything happens, you’ll get out. Don’t stop or try to help me. You just get the hell out of there.”
“It wouldn’t look good if your girlfriend just bolted,” you argue.
“If things go south there’s gonna be a lot of chaos and a lot of things could go bad,” he asserts. “You run to the hotel. I’ll do better if I know you’re safe. Please.”
“I can’t promise that, Nick,” you object. “Believe it or not, I do actually care about you and don’t want you killed because I decided to provoke him.” Nick’s eyes widen at your confession so you continue, “it’s not romantic care. Not right now. But we’ve been friendly for so long, I can’t say it wouldn’t hurt to lose you.”
“Thank you for that,” he whispers. “But I can’t let you go to this party unless you promise me you’ll take care of yourself first.”
“Fine,” you acquiesce. “But I get to decide what taking care of myself first looks like.”
“I suppose that’ll have to do,” he smiles softly. “You can be so delightfully stubborn.”
Part of you wants to believe he is interested in being more than just friends. That his words are heartfelt compliments. You brush those thoughts away and mumble, “let’s just get this over with.”
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You’re a little disappointed that the rooftop garden is so much a garden as it is a rooftop lawn. There aren’t any plants aside from grass and some plain green bushes that have been trimmed into neat, orderly box shapes. The only color is provided by the pink tablecloths that adorn the few designated eating areas. It makes you wonder if your dress is out of place and too colorful for the occasion. 
There were other people already in attendance. A small group of young ladies posing for their phones, smiling and laughing. A few gentlemen who were clearly dragged along by the young ladies, sitting and grumpily staring at their phones, occasionally discussing whatever it is rich young people discuss. And Clark Kent, directing the catering staff and telling the bartender to not let his nephew have more than two drinks. 
Being the polite guests that you are, you and Nick make sure to tell Clark that you’ve arrived. He plasters on his best fake smile to greet you, not even bothering to look at Nick. 
“Ah, sweet Lady, you brighten this party with your presence,” he schmoozes, taking your hand to kiss it. “Sincerely, I feel out of place with all of these young ones. It’s nice to have someone mature to have a conversation with.”
“Yes, Nick and I do seem to be the only adults on the guest list,” you comment. “Are you hosting this for someone else?”
Clark sighs, “my nephew is trying to impress his girlfriend. Apparently she’s trying to make it big on Instagram, or whatever. He’s hoping attending a party hosted by Clark Kent will be good for her profile and, thus, good for him.”
“Ah,” you smile. “Kids in love are so adorable.”
Clark scoffs, “it isn’t ‘love’ it’s just horny college boy stuff.”
“Oh,” your smile falls. “He told you as such?”
“No, but I remember being that age,” he retorts. “All that’s on his mind is getting laid.”
“I remember being that age as well,” Nick interrupts. “And I remember thinking it was love.”
“And clearly it wasn’t,” Clark rebutted. “Or else you wouldn’t be here with this lovely Lady today.”
“Not all love can be true love,” Nick countered. “But it can still be real. You take the lessons you learn from that love and apply them to the next, in an effort to keep it.” He looks at you, eyes soft, yet steely with determination. “Maybe it’ll even become a true love with time and work.”
“Agree to disagree, I suppose,” Clark rolls his eyes as he smiles. “I’ll believe in love when it actually happens.”
“Given how things worked out for us, I’m inclined to agree with Nick,” you banter. “Sometimes life makes us too cynical, too hard on ourselves, to see real love. I think it’s why I adore when younger people are in love. It’s so cute and pure. But, this is clearly something we’re not all going to agree on so how about we just enjoy the food, drink and company?”
Nick kisses the back of your hand, “my Lady is so very wise.”
“Agreed,” Clark hums. “Feel free to partake of any of the food and drink that interest you. And do let me know how you like it. I need to make sure to leave feedback for the caterer.”
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About an hour into the party you find yourself enjoying the company of the younger folk. They’re a lot like the young people you work with and you almost feel like “the cool aunt” with how willing they are to open up to you, how they light up when you ask more about their ideals and dreams. Nick stays with you and follows your lead. He hasn’t seen you so relaxed and happy in a while and he’ll do whatever it takes to keep you that way. 
He also keeps an eye on Clark, who is sulking near the bar. You’d clearly been invited to keep him company but you’re enjoying the company of everyone else. Nick’s lost track of the number of refills Clark’s gotten on his drink but it’s definitely been enough to start affecting him. The casual observer might be fooled but Nick notices the slight tells of Clark being buzzed, closing in on drunk. 
To be honest, though, a drunk Clark Kent isn’t Nick’s primary concern; it’s the Instagram girl constantly taking photos and videos. Nick doesn’t care much for putting his face out in public but the young lady is insistent on getting everyone in view. He’s grateful when you comment about him being painfully camera shy and go out of your way to block his face when you can. 
At least until the Instagram girl tells all of her followers how much fun you are. When that pronouncement comes out everyone hears Clark shout, “she’s supposed to be talking with me! Not you young idiots!” He comes storming over to you and Nick immediately jumps in his way, hands out in a calming, placating manner.
“Mr. Kent,” Nick entreats, “you’ve had a lot to drink today. Please take a breath and consider what–” He’s interrupted by a punch to the face. 
“NICK!” You immediately run to him to see if he’s okay. 
Your scream seems to pierce Clark’s drunken state and he shakes his head trying to clear it. That’s when he sees the phone is still out. Still live-streaming. He looks over to you and Nick and closes the distance to punch Nick again, this time putting him on the ground.
“You did this on purpose,” Clark shouts. “You set me up for ruin with your schemes and plots!”
“Mr. Kent,” you scold, “we are your guests. You invited us here and we’ve been nothing but polite.”
“You should leave,” Clark snarls. You take a step back, startled by the rage in his face. 
Nick is up and grabs your shoulder, pulling you behind him. “He’s right, we should leave.” He keeps between you and Clark as you head towards the stairs to get to the elevator. Once inside you see the blood draining from Nick’s nose and get some things from your purse to try to clean him up. As much as he wants to enjoy your caring touch, he has to keep alert. Especially when the “express” elevator stops early. 
The door opens and a small group of burly men gesture for you to step out with them. Nick looks at you and whispers, “remember the plan.” You nod and Nick throws himself at the small posse. 
You hit the “Close Doors” button and stay out of sight until the doors close. You stay in that spot until the doors open at the lobby and you rush out. Your entire system is on high alert but you have to pretend to be calm as you walk through the lobby. You don’t want to draw attention. Silently you thank Nick for making you memorize the path to the hotel as it becomes the mantra for your brain, keeping you from panicking. 
The Cairo Hotel lobby is immaculate and you do feel a little safer just for being there. You approach the front desk and shakily ask to see Jonathan Pine, the Manager. The woman behind the desk gives you a once over but goes to get him. You keep looking to the hotel entrance, hoping to see Nick, afraid to see Clark. You’re certain Nick is strong and capable; Teach said he’s one of their best security people. It’s why he was called in to protect a witness. You’re still very scared for him, though.
Your thoughts are interrupted by a polite cough from behind the desk. A tall, lean man with blondish brown hair and blue eyes is smiling politely, “you asked for me?”
“Y–yes,” you start, “I was told by Nick Fowler to come and ask for you?”
Mr. Pine’s eyes flicker with recognition at the name, “ah, yes. Mr. Fowler speaks highly of you. Please come with me so we can get you taken care of.”
“Thank you, sir.”
As he begins to lead you away you hear your name being shouted from the hotel entrance. You’re not sure if he followed you or if this place just made sense, but it’s clear Clark is very angry with you.
“You owe me an apology and an explanation,” he shouts as he storms towards you. 
Mr. Pine steps in front of you and calmly tells Clark that he needs to leave. “I will not have a disturbance at my hotel, Mr. Kent. I will especially not tolerate any violence or threats of violence against one of my guests.”
“She’s not a guest,” Clark spits. “She can’t afford a place like this! I’ve seen her pay statements! She’d be lucky to be able to afford a half hour here!”
“She is a registered guest at this hotel, Mr. Kent, and I will not let you threaten her.”
“This is bullshit! I’ve done nothing but be kind to her and she’s ruined my reputation!”
“Your quarrel, legitimate or otherwise, has no bearing here, Mr. Kent. She is a guest, she is under my protection.”
“Oh fuck you,” Clark snaps before throwing a punch at Mr. Pine. Mr. Pine easily dodges, grabs Clark’s arm and maneuvers him into a wristlock, causing Clark to let out a bark of pain.
“Miranda,” Mr. Pine addresses the hotel clerk. “Please escort the Lady to the Cleopatra Suite while I call the police.”
Miranda nods and gestures for you to follow her.
You spend the next hour pacing the hotel room you were brought to. It’s a smaller, windowless suite that makes you think it’s specifically set aside for emergencies. There’s a mini-bar but you have no stomach for food or drink. You’re all nerves and keep pacing as much as you can. You wish Nick were here. It wouldn’t be enough for someone to tell you he’s okay, you need to actually see him, feel him, know he’s still alive. 
The past few weeks have been a tumultuous mess and Nick quickly became your safety net, your safe haven, your reliable partner. You’d started craving his reassuring touch, his comforting whispers in your ear. You swear to yourself that if Nick makes it through this you’re gonna tell him about your feelings. About how you want it to be real. Hopefully he’ll let you down gently. 
A tone from your phone gets you to stop pacing. You find a text from Nick, “about to knock on the door.” Sure enough, there’s a knock. You still make sure to check that it’s him through the peephole, just to be safe. You almost start crying when you see him on the other side of the door.
Flinging the door open you pull Nick inside with you, slam the door shut and pull him in for a kiss. Initially thrown off, he softens into the kiss and holds you tight. When you pull away for a breath you whisper, “you’re okay. I’m so glad you’re okay. Didn’t realize how much I needed you to be okay.”
“Yeah, sweet Lady, I’m okay,” he assures. 
When you pull away again you gasp at how beaten up he looks. He quickly tells you he’s had worse, that he’ll be okay in a few days, but you barely hear him. 
“Have you seen a doctor? Nick, you might have a concussion, or broken bones, or something worse!”
“I needed to make sure you were okay first,” he confesses as he kisses you again. “Couldn’t stand the thought of you being caught.” Another kiss. “Needed to hold you again, just to be sure.” You welcome the kisses and return them with a fervor that encourages Nick to keep going. “Couldn’t go to a doctor until I heard your voice again.”
“I felt the same,” you admit between kisses. “I never want to go through that again. I need you, Nick.”
“Need me?” He gently pulls away from you, eyes searching your face. 
“Yes, Nick,” you breathe. “I’ve always felt safe with you, enjoyed your company and the past few weeks have just cemented that. I want you around. I need your touch, your comforting words and presence. Please.”
“I’ll happily be yours,” he affirms. “And if I wasn’t worried about getting blood on your gorgeous body I’d take you here and now.”
You can’t hold back a small moan at the thought of Nick’s expert lips on other parts of your body and he smiles before wincing at the pain it causes in his split lip. That elicits a small chuckle from you, “we really should get you to a hospital, Nick.”
“Will you hold my hand while they patch me up,” he asks, giving you his best puppy dog eyes. “I’m not a fan of hospitals and could use the comfort of your touch to help keep me calm.”
“Gladly, Nick.”
He kisses the back of your hand, “thank you, my gracious Lady.”
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Part 7 -- Epilogue
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
actually ey fuck it. list of personal headcanons for the main six iterators some of which i might illustrate properly at some point:
Moon: • one of the first 10 iterators ever built. she is grandma as HELL and totally forgot she is that old • Pebbles sometimes asks her to tell him about the older times, because history nerd. he writes everything she says onto a pearl • in the post i've made talkin bout her and pebs' voice, saying that she sounded like Miku, somebody said that they like to think the ancients made Moon a vocaloid. to that i absolutely agree: she has NO fucking clue what do when it comes to putting a certain emotion into a song but god DAMMIT shes so good at singing • she can add effects to her voice, including a glitch effect. she likes that one the least • -HITS DESK- THE DISAPPEARANCE OF HATSUNE MOON. • she doesn't particularly like to sing, especially not to herself. but she does know that pebbles likes music- the first week after the mass ascension was rough and he was working mostly on autopilot, not answering DMs or anything. she called him up and told him they could sing together, if he wants to. he felt much better afterwards • MOON'S SECRET RAP CAREER • i'll put it here too so it's all in one place: her AI isn't developed enough to understand the emotional quality of any form of art • Moon was upgraded a few times in her function. most of the time it was because her citizens loved her too much to let her go too out of date (specifically in the physical sense. they made sure she wouldn't fall too easily) • one of the first memories she designated as a "core memory" was her first upgrade that was a result of her citizens' riot against the Houses- to keep her safe. she noted it down as "Kindness is effortlessly repaid" • she remembers when iterator comms were connected by a cable rather than radio waves • she also remembers when two of the first 10 collapsed and went into coma, with their citizens of course perishing in the fall and crash. she's still terrified of those days and doesn't like recalling them even for Pebbles • Nish was her first little sib and she feels like she can talk with him about anything. she hates it, but she's distant with Suns- they are always so damn polite and skittish around her... and she absolutely adores the other three. her tiny little wonderful siblings • she didn't like to admit that maybe her hardwave wasn't keeping up with her citizens anymore. at that point she did start to emotionally care less for them, but she still didn't want to admit she wasn't able to provide and protect those she was responsible for • i can't get the image of her being the one to actually ensure the family is gonna financially survive in a more chill au where the iterators r just sorta kinda people. Miss Moon From Accounting... • her overseers were originally blue. she swapped colors with Pebbles all on her own accord. having yellow overseers, seeing them, made her feel even more connected to Pebs • this is basically canon but she fuckin Loves animals. she's the iterator version of Steve Irwin. she also don't kno jack shit about the vegetation • city's representative instrument Evolved- first it was a harp, then it went to a nyckelharpa and then to a violin
Nish: • he is built over marshes to the south-west from Moon and she helped with his blueprints! the Gen 1s had their blueprints checked over by the already built iterators to make sure something wouldn't go wrong. she was so so excited to have a neighbour • the scarf is from his main programmer. the Ancient wrapped it around his puppet's neck before he was even turned online so for the longest time he had no idea that the thing wasn't originally in his design. Moon had to tell him • he became a jokester Entirely because the first time he made Moon laugh he absolutely fell in love with it. he told her and she recommended him looking into jokes. baby boy had no idea what the fuck a joke was so Moon had to explain • when the middle gen started being created, the Ancients noticed that these new iterators didn't have... much of emotional skills. so they turned to the older gens to look for the most emotional and empathetic ones. Nish scored Really High on that survey- his empathy and emotion modules were studied and each time they found something new and better, they upgraded him in that one aspect. so now Sig is one of the biggest crybabies ever. you show him a sad movie and this supercomputer will be lyin on the ground wailing like a newborn. oh and also he makes for a great therapist because he can now just Get It • as the most emotionally... mature? capable? he decided he will be the one to keep a real close eye on everyone in the Local Group after the mass ascension • thanks to all that emotion business he gets along with Suns swimmingly. when Suns needs assistence with figuring out their own emotions or what would be appropriate and not too cold towards someone, they go to him • if he could he'd give everyone younger than him a noogie and you cannot convince me otherwise • the Hunter was a sickly pup that was left behind on his roof by a family that came to him which he directed towards the void sea. they were far too weak for the family to keep them, basically on the death's door. Nish took them in, operated on them, enhanced genes and raised them from there • Is half a medical facility. mister veterinarian, baybeee • since he's a sap, he started to view the Hunter like his own kid at some point. he was also the one who pitched to Suns the idea of sending Spearmaster over to him for visits. Spear tried its best to help raise and train Hunter • the whole rot thing happened because Nish did a stupid and forgot that neurons are quite the fuckin reactive things and continual exposure to what is essentially extra macho giga neuron Can and Will fuck up cells. his and Moon's cans have a long distance between them. it was enough time for Hunter to develop the big owie cancer. he noticed it only when they were too far away and it was already too bad • he felt absolutely Terrible about it. again he loses someone so so very close to him. but this time around? there is no one to be angry at for this but himself • Hunter manages to ascend. Nish watched them leave, silently, in subterranean • he used to do his best to play with his citizens. when a kid came to his chamber, he gave them rides on his puppet's shoulders or the umbilical arm. same went for Hunter • his city is called Risio • city's representative instrument was EITHER a PVC instrument or suona i can't decide for the life of me
Suns: • they were built much further away from the planet's equator than most of the Local Group, meaning they experience polar days and nights • the "Seven" in their name refers to the amount of months the unusually timed sunsets and sunrises last for. for seven whole months, the locality gets only about four hours of Somewhat darkness • in return, they have three full months of relatively strong darkness. their city used to shine bright, during this time. post mass ascension those months are terribly lonely and depressing • because of the warmth they produce, there's an oasis for wildlife underneath them • the warmth was also sung about a lot by their citizens. they've seen it as an incredible blessing- Suns used to run hotter than other iterators just for them. nowadays they are mostly normal though • the outside of their can is tinted blue- frostbitten. that much warmer their yellow, orange and red city feels • their and Moon's personalities clash so hard that they sometimes go out of their way to avoid her. they do appreciate her but talking with her is exhausting. she's a stranger to them, almost • the iterators can project/send their emotions through messages/broadcasts. Suns' messages always sound flat, unless they use the ~ • one of their biggest dreams is to sit with Pebbles leaning against their side, all the while listening to old music of their cities • once Spearmaster returns, the walls of their puppet chamber become completely covered in doodles and masterpieces • they end up standing the longest out of the whole Local Group. bright and warm even after everyone else dies • their city is called Solis • city's representative instrument was an armonica (look that shit up its sick)
Wind: • Wind's can stands in this giant plain. there's like nothing as far as the eye can see and even further Except her. she just stands there like fucking Slanderman XXL version • the plains are absolutely prime location for a spawning grounds of tornadoes and shit like that. the wind is Constantly strong so most of the rain clouds they exhale are immediately blown away • instead of rain they deal with ginormous tornadoes at the end of each cycle. while their superstructure can take it, the comms can't. so Wind is often absent from iterator chats as a result. after the mass ascension these connection knock-outs become a great source of stress and worry for the others cuz they never know if Wind will come back or not this time • because of these comm blackouts, Innocence took it upon herself to catch Wind up on everything they've missed when they come back online. Innocence started doing this all by herself out of seemingly nowhere. she just cares. silently. • the strangest thing about her is that her city is half built within her structure instead of on top of her. the winds can get sometimes so bad that they manage to affect even the top of her can. so the solution was to put half of the city under her skin as a sort of giant bunker • the ancients, not being ones to waste much space, made sure the city can still be used by Wind's processes, in a way. their neurons fly through the streets, completely unbothered, working as makeshift streetlights. the kids used to love chasing after them- never catching any though • sometimes when the wind storms outside got real bad, the kids that were scared of them were sent to Wind's puppet chamber. she used to tell them all kinds of stories or about what she was currently working on • it was often that their puppet chamber would be full of pillows, blankets and sleeping children. they loved their citizens so so much • nicknamed themself "Chasing" Wind in chats because, just like Moon, they are also quite the dreamer • closest with Moon, too. Wind looks up to Moon Immensely. they really wanna be like her one day • Wind is what some people think of Moon- a too kind pushover that doesn't know how to get angry and defend herself. Wind is the kindest, most sensitive and softest person they have in The Local Group. Nish takes care to keep his jabs and jokes about Wind very mild • has a really beautiful voice • likes flowers :) • her city is called Procella • city's representative instrument was a fujara cuz god DAMMIT i love that instrument i Have to slap it on Someone in here. it fits their vibe in my heart either way
Innocence: • she really wishes her surrounding circumstances were in some kind of way special but actually she's built at the least unique place with basically nothing neat happening nearby. there are strange giant cherry trees nearby, but that's about it • fuckin LOVES lizards. she's the one who made the Cyans and sent some over to Pebbles to fuck him up. thankfully, as we all know, Cyans are kinda stupid and since they launch themselves over edges of cliffs they haven't managed to destroy the local ecosystem • her citizens used to keep lizards as pets. most of the time just for the joy of having 0 braincells creature follow you around but some had 'em as sort of hunting dogs • was the one who created The Rivulet. she was mumbling to herself and a friend smth about how boys only screw things up while engineering Riv's genome • she BASICALLY packed Riv into a cannon and shot them over right into the middle of a scav toll cuz "come on, it's not that far away. this will make your journey shorter and shit". i don't care how goofy it sounds, this is how it went in my heart • in possession of probably the most durable comms ever made • claims she's purple! she's actually fake out purple which means homegirl is Deceptive Blue. she CONSTANTLY fights over this with Pebbles • despite their squabbles she did care for Pebbles. she was very excited to not be the youngest anymore and getting to baby someone • her and Nish always start verbal sparring matches, often consisting of threats that more often than not range on impossible to actually commit. they constantly lead their mock wars in #general. Moon's gonna kill 'em one of these days • trusts Moon the most- which is why she outed Pebbles' rot and sent Rivulet with the instructions to extract the rarefaction cell • her city is called Sermo • city's representative instrument was a shamisen. she absolutely knows how to play it and loves to threaten people with the bachi
Pebbles: • the only people he enjoyed doing group projects with were Suns and Wind. he Could do group projects with Moon and Nish but Only if he could race them. rascal found it fun to challenge the nokias 😔 • now with Innocence though? Never. if they were forced to, they could do a great job with minimal communication but they were not going to be happy about it • latched onto Suns exactly because Moon was overbearingly protective and Suns always seems like they couldn't give less of a shit about anyone. sometimes they'd have a videochat open and not say anything for hours as they worked • with Nish he used to like inventing new things. a lot of times the things turned out to be silly or kind of useless which would normally frustrate him, but surprisingly enough Nish made the time spent worth it • Wind's favorite activity was comparing notes with him and then talking about the differences in their research. they'd hum to him happily while the both of them would be sorting through their stuff • i sometimes imagine him having a slight chinese accent and i blame Steven He for this so hard • second most emotional fuck in the group. his emotions mostly rotate around anger, though • he won't admit this to anyone but he really liked it when his and Moon's cans were connected by bridges. it felt like holding hands. he felt more stable. now all he can do is just miss it quietly • was legit surprised when he found out not every iterator has a build in older sister right at their side • his city is called Literally just Metropolis cuz the ancients didn't bother with properly naming it. depeshioumn. • city's representative instrument was adopted straight from Moon since Pebs' citizens were honestly just hers, so- violin it is • Pebbles HAS attempted to learn how to play a violin himself. certainly was a test of patience and puppet dexterity/camera-to-digits control. almost broke the poor thing a few times from nerves
either way, Wind, at the end of each fucking cycle from day 1 of their life:
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serasarahhhh · 5 months
Author: Maxine Pairings: BakuDeku Rating: R Chapters: 14/? Notes: Accidental quirk shenanigans result in an unplanned pregnancy. Post-canon, no a/b/o dynamics. Summary: It's not that Katsuki didn't want kids. He figured he'd have them one day, probably. That he and Izuku would adopt or maybe figure something else out. This is NOT how it was supposed to go. ~~~~~ CHAPTER 14 “OI!” Katsuki barks at the rest of the room, even though most of its occupants are already staring at him with arched eyebrows. He swallows as everyone else turns their attention toward him, trying not to fidget in place or do anything that would make him fall. He’s not exactly at his usual level of coordination these days. “Real quick. Uh. I know I was kind of a last-minute addition to the staff roster and maybe some of you are wondering what the hell I’m doing here.” “Recovering from a thing!” Present Mic shouts, and then gives him a double thumbs up when Katsuki scowls. At his side, Vlad King starts snickering. “No – goddammit.” Katsuki huffs. “Look, I’ve been off field work for a few weeks and was getting sick of hanging around my agency not doing shit.” He tips his head in Tsuyu’s direction. “Froppy here was nice enough to suggest letting me double up with her and somehow we got Principal Nezu onboard. Probably just taking pity on me, but whatever. I’m gonna be even more of a pain for you people to deal with than I was in school because…” Katsuki cuts both hands in toward his stomach, more or less framing the bulging curve there. “I’m pregnant. Got hit with a Quirk. Shit happened. It’s Deku’s.” He puffs out a breath and jerks forward into a slight bow. “Thanks in advance for putting up with me, I guess.” “Young Bakugou, please get down,” All Might hisses out in an overly frantic tone, and this time Katsuki does as told. He even accepts the hand the older man holds out to assist him. “See, now that explains it,” a gruff voice says. Katsuki looks up to find Hound Dog stroking the bottom of his muzzle in a thoughtful sort of way. Most of the rest of the room seems completely unphased – likely a byproduct of having years under their belts as both pro heroes and teachers who’ve mentored hundreds of students with all manner of Quirks. They’ve all seen some shit, Katsuki realizes, and the bit of tension that had locked up his shoulders abruptly drains away. This probably isn’t even close to the weirdest thing any of them have dealt with. “Explains what?” Katsuki asks, somewhat warily. Hound Dog shrugs. “Your smell.” “…What?” “You smell pregnant. It was throwing me off.” “WHAT?!” “Maaaan, you’ve gotta share things like that!” Present Mic yells over at Houng Dog. “Spill the tea, share the juice, give me the gossip! How many times do I gotta tell you?!” “Way too early,” Aizawa grumbles again. He pulls open a drawer of a nearby desk and whips out a yellow sleeping bag that’s seen far better days. “Somebody wake me up when the opening ceremony starts.” “Shouta, did you know?” Present Mic demands, spinning toward him before Aizawa can fully disappear beneath the desk. “Shouta! HEY. Did you know??” “Oh man, I’m so glad I signed on this year,” Tokage utters in awe. She looks a little too gleeful, honestly. “This is great.” Tsuyu nods in agreement. “I wonder if it’s always this eventful.” “What the fuck does he mean, I smell pregnant,” Katsuki asks, scandalized. “Is that a fucking thing? Do I stink??” “It’s just his Quirk, Bakugou.” Tsuyu gives him a reassuring pat on the arm. “He probably picked up on the hormonal changes. Don’t worry about it. Want to go over the plans for our first classes?” Alright, well that’s gross and terrible to know. Continue reading at AO3. Through chapter 14 now posted!
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luveline · 2 years
hi!! i was wondering if you would write more ab spencer, r, and baby amanda from your single dad au? :o they’re so precious <3
Thank you for your request! ♥︎ fem!reader 1.6k
"How come you aren't hungover?" Spencer asks. 
You can barely hear him over the cacophony of the crowd. You're waiting for Hotch to finish his decathlon, the girls in their sunglasses, Jack and Morgan holding a homemade sign aloft. 
Amanda's sitting on the barrier with her weight against Spencer's chest, her soft brown hair splayed out against his collar like a wave. 
"I know the meaning of moderation," you say with a sweet smile. 
You might be imagining the pinking of his cheeks. "Not moderate enough, clearly," he jokes. 
JJ hadn't picked Henry up until three in the morning. Which is fine, Spencer will take Henry whenever he needs to, as per his self-ordained godfathering duties, but when JJ hadn't appeared at 11 like she'd promised, Spencer had obviously been worried. 
"Things got a little… out of control." You dip your face to his ear. "I've never seen Emily dance like that. It was crazy." 
"I wish I could've been there, but we had a date with Edward Tulane, didn't we, Amy?" 
Amanda tips her head back at her father's affectionate tone. "Daddy, I can't feel my butt." 
"Not your butt!" he says, taking her seriously but chuckling at the same time as he pulls her up and off of the barrier. With some careful manoeuvring, he's tucked Amanda into his chest, one hand held protectively over the bottom of her back. The other hooks behind her knees. 
"Is that better?" 
He speaks to her with the same fatherly fondness as always and every time you find yourself melty like butter in the summer sun. In Spencer's eyes, Amanda is the smartest, most interesting girl alive. You're tempted to agree. 
"I was worried it might be depressing for her," he says, tucking her hair behind her ear. "It's sad for a children's story, you know? But she's really interested, and it's important for kids to hear sad stories. Children who read stories with unhappy plotlines are more empathetic, and have a stronger sense of justice." He smiles at her. "Plus, I think it's her favourite so far. She asked if we could read it again, all in one go. It's gonna take hours." 
"That doesn't surprise me. I mean, she's yours. I thought you'd be reading her Tolstoy by now." 
"I'm saving Tolstoy for first grade." 
He's serious. 
Hotch runs through the finish line and the members of the BAU that are assembled cheer loudly. He doesn't seem embarrassed at all, only proud, ducking down to give Jack a sweaty hug. Then he, Jack, and his new girlfriend move away from the group. The remaining members of your team start to break away, too.
The girls all want to go home and die in their own beds. Rossi and Morgan have separate dates. You're thinking you'll go home and shoot the breeze until a more reasonable bedtime when Spencer turns to you with his usual genial smile.
"Do you want to come over? We're gonna make pasta and watch Fraggle Rock." 
Spencer's changed a lot since he became Amanda's primary caregiver, but some things stay the same. He loves doing things with other people and he'll always extend an invite if he thinks the other party might enjoy themselves. Going over for dinner feels a lot more intimate than his having an extra ticket for a foreign film festival, or late night takeout, though. 
"I don't want to impose," you say awkwardly. 
"Do you think you're an imposition?" Spencer asks in concern. 
"No, just, you know, I don't…" 
"Amy doesn't mind. Do you, sweetheart?" 
"What?" says Amanda's little voice. 
"Can Y/N come for dinner?" he asks. 
Amanda smiles, pearly white teeth and cheeks chubby with baby fat. "Yes! We're gonna make pasta and watch Fraggle Rock!" 
You laugh in delight. 
"We decided in the car," Spencer explains. 
"Here I thought you were telepathic." You direct your smile at Amanda's doe eyes. "I'd love to come for dinner. Thanks, baby." 
Spencer has the cleanest car any parent has ever had. You know he spent days choosing the safest one he could find in his budget, and even more days on a car seat. His apartment is just as clean but way more crowded, stuffed to bursting with Amanda's toys and his books. 
"I'm gonna change, do you mind?" he asks, leading you down the hall into the kitchen. Amanda had tipped half a juice box down his front, and the stickiness is clearly making him uncomfortable.
"No, by all means."
He smiles. "Stay here," he says with a feigned sternness, pointing one of his pretty fingers at Amanda. His daughter only giggles. 
You follow Spencer with your eyes as he leaves. 
"Will you take off my shoes, please?"
You look down. Amanda stares up at you, her round eyes pleading, one foot held a half inch off of the ground. 
You leap to action, and say, "Oh! Yeah, baby, no problem," as you get down on your knees. 
They're simple buckles and take all of ten seconds. Amanda holds onto your arm and lifts her feet one at a time so you can pull them off. Her small toes wiggle in her socks when she puts them back on the floor.
"Feel better?" you ask knowingly. 
"Daddy says shoes are a con-d-struct," she tells you. 
"They are!" you say, though whether you really agree might take some thought. "They're silly, huh?" 
"Yeah. If we walked with no shoes, we would have tough skin like trees!" 
"Like trees," you repeat. You love listening to little kids speak because they're so full of joy to share what they know, and Spencer Reid's kid? She is a walking book of facts. "That's so cool, did daddy tell you that?" 
"Daddy tells me everything." 
Spencer appears in a graphic t-shirt. You've only seen him dressed down through barely open hotel room doors or in photographs with Amanda. It takes a second for your brain to recognise what you're seeing. 
He's a genius, so he understands what you're doing immediately. 
"Oh no," he coos, bending down to take Amanda's shoulders into his hands. "I'm so sorry," —he kisses the top of her head— "I forgot all about your shoes. How will you ever get tree bark feet?" 
It's sweet to see how she responds to his affection. Her eyes squint closed and she smiles softly, giggling when he scratches her shoulders through her dress. 
"Thanks for releasing her, she can't stand wearing shoes when she doesn't have to," he says to you, nudging her out of the way to offer you his hand. 
You take it, letting him pull you up. He doesn't let go of you straight away, instead brushing his thumb over your fingernails, one after another. 
"I've been meaning to ask you to dinner for a while. I– I've never been any good at this part, I thought it would be harder, because Amanda's the only girl in the world I understand no matter how many books I read, and that's not going to last forever, but I…" Spencer's voice steadily quietens, until the tone he's using is dulcet, and his brows have pulled together. He's just as pretty frowning as smiling. "It feels easy, with you," he finishes. 
"Are we having macaroni?" Amanda asks. 
Spencer looks torn. "I was thinking rigatoni," he says. 
"Gross, dad." 
"Bowties?" she questions suspiciously. 
"Is that better than rigatoni?" he asks. 
Amanda dwells on this, leaning her weight into your leg. It's an unthinking gesture that fills you with light. 
"We can't have macaroni?" 
You know from Spencer's bemused sigh alone that she's about to get her way. 
"Do you mind?" he asks you. 
Amanda pins you with a pout, raising her hands into a praying triangle. Her puppy dog eyes are killer and unnecessary. 
"Whatever you want, babe," you say hurriedly. 
She bursts off to her toys with an excited cheer. You're sorry to see her go, petrified of embracing yourself, and still majorly caught off guard by what Spencer said. He's wanted to ask you over for dinner for a long time, does that mean he likes you? And the way he'd held your hand — that's not an ambiguous affection. 
You like Spencer. All the small things that make him him, and the huge things too. His daughter, his books, his genius mind and his clumsy heart. If he likes you too, you might just combust. 
Spencer nips into the living room to put Fraggle Rock on TV. Amanda's sweet voice chases his heels, her singing a mixture of melodic gibberish and passionate recitation. 
You linger as he starts to gather what he needs for dinner. He's either not worried about what you think of his confession or trying to hide that he is, knee deep in a recount of the invention of boxed mac and cheese when you touch his elbow. 
"I know what you mean, about what you said before, I feel the same. It feels easy with you." 
You don't know what it is. But Spencer knows everything, so you aren't worried. 
He beams. His smile warps each word he says as he turns back to the saucepan he's filling with pasta. "Maybe we should get dinner without Fraggle Rock, sometime." 
"I don't know, I don't think it gets any better than this." You nod your head toward the living room, Amanda's singing an adorable echo. 
His smile grows impossibly bigger. 
"Me neither," he says. 
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elisacaleisa · 19 days
Short fic based on the introduction video with Lasko and my personality swap AU! I didn't write nor draw for two weeks, so this is awkward BDBBDDB but yeah! ENJOY!
CW: Personality swap AU (Lasko has Damien's, Damien has Gavin's)
„O-out. Now.“
„Aw, come on! Don’t tell me you’re blu– ahah! Ow! Okay, okay, I’m out!“ the muffled laugh makes its way out when the door opens for your gaze to meet theirs. A cheeky smile dances around you to let you in. He leans in and says: „Be careful. Our dear counselor has a bit ruffled feathers if you catch my drift.“
„W-will you g-go already?“ warns the angry voice the flirt. With a shrug and a wink, he leaves.
„He is all yours, cutie.“
Whoever they were, they confused you. With a hum, you entered the office. A person with a ponytail and glasses sat at the desk, mumbling and scratching down on their paper. Their irritated frown and a louder slam on the desk, than he anticipated, made eye contact with you.
„Let’s get this over with,“ they sighs, massaging their temples. „Official introduction. Hello, my name is Lasko Moore. Welcome to the Dahlia's Academy for Magical Novicesa and the next four years to six years, I will be your guidance counselor. My job is to make your experience at D.A.M.N., ignore the acronyms, to make it as best as possible, especially your safety, enjoyment, health, et cetera.“ They were a fast talker, keeping their posture right at all times, maybe over-professional for their job. „Judging by your look, you must be a new student, right? Well, let me get your profile quickly and add key information.“
Today must not be their day, cause they already started quietly swearing, his password not being correct the first time, slow process, tense atmosphere what happened and… are those papers burnt?
„Alright. Name. Occupation. Official magic title.“ He was really intense. You answered all of his questions. Some of them might not be true, but he doesn’t need to really know, how your parents reacted to you having powers, right?
Instead, you asked him, if he was okay.
Lasko lifted his eyebrows and looked at you, as if you’ve lost your mind. He gets quiet, his shoulder stiff. „I’m alright. Very. Yes. Very alright, why do you ask?“
And you didn’t buy it.
He sighed, „O-okay, look. I-I-I need some c-coffee. Pre-Preferably, right now? R-right now. Oh god.“ What happened to his voice, you wondered. „I-I learned it, basically. I-it took me so f-f-fucking… freaking long too. And g-god, Damien can piss me off so much, holy shit.“
That must’ve been the person before you.
„H-he does everything to fluster me a-a-and he knows that I-I don’t like it, e-especially at work! L-like people can’t s-see me like that! I-I have to keep it cool all the time! And my patience… my patience is running k-kinda thin, because now h-he started b-b-burning my papers on fire! I-I know it was a-an accident, but it made me panic and I-I tried to save them and god now i-it smells here like a burnt toast. And I’m rambling to a student about another student. Fuck. I-I mean shit. I-I mean… god!“ Lasko sighed, his head now in his hands, taking a deep breath. „D-don't tell him all of this… please…“
Seeing how much he needs the coffee, you agreed.
This is gonna be a fun first year.
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lilacs-stash · 2 months
hey I wanted to ask. how do you think balloon being aroflux (in your headcanons, at least) impacts their relationship w the rest of the grand slams? I know you ship them and I just. I wanted to see the aromanticism elaborated on beyond it just being there for brownie points. (Not to accuse you of anything! I’ve just seen a lot of people slap QPR on them and call it a day, no further thought. I know you’re THE grand slams person, so I know you have thoughts on this, and I’m inviting you to share them!! I’m interested!!)
:D <- just got an excuse to ramble about their HCs
Okay before I get into this I want to mention I myself am not arospec, I do have quite a bit of input from Max who IS aro on this cuz we discuss the grand slams's relationships a lot. But they are also not aroflux. Point is this might not be the most accurate aroflux rep but I am trying 👍
Oh and also please do not they/them my Balloon. She uses she/he.
Since you said grand slams and not "Nickel & Suitcase" I'm going to start with the most simple one. Baseball. They aren't partners 👍. Post show they're good friends and metamours. (Now I do have more to say about their relationship just nothing else in relation to how Balloon's romantic identity effects it)
Now Suitcase. They're queer platonic in the sense of "very much platonic and very much partners", as that's the way they come off to me when watching them. I think they probably dated for two weeks or so at the start before realizing that they aren't romantically attracted to each other, which was a part of Balloon realizing he was aroflux. Also I think the two kissed exactly once back when they were dating and then decided it's gross 👍
Nickel. Oh boy this is a long one. I have a older post talking about this but might as well say it again. Okay so Nickel is romantically attracted to Balloon and she's alterousally attracted to him, well mostly the aro does in fact flux sometimes and it ends up /r or /p. (I previously described this as "Balloon's attraction to Nickel is pretty much "Man. I kinda want to hold him."" I now have an actual word for it yay!)
They both more so care about being partners in general, rather then what kind of partners they are. And tbh they probably couldn't describe it if they tried. They're very unlabeled to me. They're not /p or /r or /qp they're just…Nickloon. Yeah 💕
At the start before they considered each other partners Nickel wanted to be in a standard romantic relationship with Balloon (she wasn't out to him at the time) but now the idea of that feels…off to him. He's incredibly happy with how things are and he knows Balloon doesn't want that.
Now some smaller stuff, they tend to call each other more /p stuff. Dude bro, "bud" is the big one (yeah that's just canon). Sometimes you'll get something like babe though. Balloon's not really comfortable with other people referring to their relationship with romantic terms (accept like, Suitcase). So if Nickel calls him his girlfriend that's great if someone ELSE does the same yeah no that's uncomfortable. He usually just calls Nickel his partner or guy and then boyfriend is mostly for being affection directly (ie she'll call Nickel her BF when talking to him as a form of affection but not causally to other people)
Another thing is both kisses and "I love you"s are very intimate for them. I admittedly am not very good at portraying the kiss HC (I just like drawing kisses 👍), but I do genuinely think they only really kiss in private and/or emotional moments. Now of course they say and show each other they love them a lot and in many ways, but directly saying I love you tends to be mostly for when the other needs to hear it. Reassurance type thing. "I love you, you're loved, it's gonna be okay."
Idk how to end this but wow I wonder what Lilac's favorite grand slams ship is
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years
Request 🌈
Agatha and R have been friends for centuries, they have a game where one usually steals something from the other in the month of their friendship anniversary. But this year Agatha is determined to end that tradition, she realized that she doesn't just want to be R's friend anymore. Agatha wants to be R's lover. So when R goes to steal her in the middle of the night, Agatha is awake and waiting for her.
I think it works for both a fluff and a smut so it's up to you what you think is best.
Thank you very much for your attention 💜
Getting what she wants
a/n: @mariahillslittlepuppy you are so big brain, everyone go follow them <3
Word count: 3k words
Warnings: Cute pet names, Smut below the cut (18+), oral (Agatha r), nipple sucking, naked woman, stealing, weird traditions. Basically Fluff with some smut. Wanda is here too for a bit
18+ Below the cut! Happy reading besties, feedback is greatly appreciated too <3
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“ Are you excited for Saturday Agatha?” 
The older woman turns around to see you come into the kitchen, some groceries in your hand as she tries to think of what’s Saturday. 
“ Do we need to pay any bills?” 
“ Already done Aggie, use that pretty mind of yours now,” you joke with the woman whose brain yet again stops whenever you’d call her pretty. 
“ Wait?” 
“  it the…” she says to herself wondering how that’s already here. 
“ It’s the start of the time I met you all those years ago in Salem,” you tell her. 
Both of you were some of the last witches on earth, living together in somewhat peace in a cottage in the woods surrounded by beauty. Though Agatha was older of the two by a couple of years, all the times you teased her about “ listening to elders made her mad but she wouldn’t have had it any other way.
In all the years of being friends, a silly little tradition had developed between the two of you when the anniversary of your friends came around. Each of you would steal something from the other and thought Agatha had hated it at first cause you always went for one of her journals, favorite shirts, or as of recently phones she would never change the tradition. 
If she were asked though, Agatha would change your relationship from friends to lovers. All these years of being in hiding from people wanting to kill any remaining witches, exploring every part of the world, some romantic feelings began to arise but the older witch was never brave enough to tell you. Fearful that you’d be disgusted by her and leave her alone which was then proven wrong years ago when she accidentally walked in on you going at it with the new woman in town, deciding not to answer questions. 
“ How could you forget dear Agatha? Must be all that time you spend with the Maximoff lady,” you joke to your friend who blushes. Wanda was only a friend and unlike you, she had easily caught on to the crush the brunette had on you when she was visiting. 
“ She loves Vision way too much and plus,” she pauses,” I have a crush on someone else you dummy, not on some woman who is clearly happily taken by a man”. The mention of your friend having a crush gets your attention but being as she’s not the one to talk to you about romantic stuff unless she’s comfortable about it, you decide to keep your dumb comment to yourself. 
“ Well just be prepared for Saturday,” you say putting the groceries away,” I’m gonna go all out with my plans, not like last year when I decided to go all easy.” 
“You’re a witch but decided to just steal a phone, oh wow I wonder how you might top it this year,” Agatha says sarcastically to you. 
“ Just wait and see dear Aggie,” you tell her before heading back to your room to plan out what you’ll steal from the older witch this time and it also inspires her to do the same. 
This year is gonna be the year where she’ll admit her feelings for you, she knows it. 
The Next Day
“ You wanna what?” 
“ Finally ask her to be my girlfriend,” Agatha tells her friend as the both of them are sitting in her living room, enjoying some of Wanda’s favorite sitcoms as usual.
While you were working in the office with the rest of the men in Westview, even after a bunch of men told you that women shouldn’t be in finances, Agatha would stay in the cottage to take care of the home or provide some company to her friend while her husband works in the same firm as you. 
“ oh,” Wanda says as she doesn’t know how to react being that she didn’t think her friend would finally have the courage to admit her romantic feelings for you. 
“ What’s your plan Aggie? ” Wanda asks her, getting a puzzled expression from the woman to her left. Maybe that’s the reason she was here to visit.
“ Oh my god did you-” 
“ I’ll even bake a whole batch of pot brownies for you and Viz, i pinky promise with all of my heart,” and to top it off, she does puppy eyes at the redhead. In the last couple of years that she’s been friends with the brunette, saying no to her after she gives her puppy eyes always helps. 
“ Agatha,” Wanda says, fighting her inner demon to tell her no as she’s bad at stuff like this but the mention of getting some of her famous weed brownies is convincing her to assist. 
“ Think of the brownies dear,” she starts off,” I’ll even get the chocolate chip from the town next door to add to it. I know that should seal the -” 
“ FINE I’LL HELP YOU,” Wanda yells as her friend does a little happy dance and then immediately gives the redhead a great bug hug in return. 
“ Fuck your puppy eyes” Wanda grumbles while Agatha on the otherhand is just happy to have someone to talk about her ideas. If she’s gonna tell people about how the two of you got together, she wants it to be as perfect as she can.
“ Yeah yeah Wanda, now let’s get to planning.
Saturday Night 
After having the Maximoff couple ( who came back right on time as each of them was forming plans )  help her out with the plan, tonight was the night.
Agatha had pretended to fall asleep early, knowing you well enough to know the stealing of her items would start when she was asleep. Before getting to bed tho, she made sure to put on the purple lace underwear set, then threw on one of your shirts over it, and within 5 minutes, Agatha pretended to sleep. 
Now for the plan to truly begin. 
The moment that you heard snoring from Agatha’s room, you quietly went to her room to steal her phone again for funsies, too busy with work to steal anything different. What felt weird about this plan was her door wasn’t locked, when she usually had it locked to fear of robbers coming into the house. Nonetheless, you slowly open the door to a sleeping Agatha in one of your shirts. 
Wait why is she in your shirt? 
“Woah,” you whisper to yourself, trying to not look at your friend that way. Yet it’s too hard not to admire her creamy thighs. The shirt not doing too much of a job to hide anything from your view. 
“ Fuck you look pretty Aggie,” you mumble to yourself as you move closer to the bed, forgetting the reason you even are here, and place a hand on her right thigh, moving it higher to get a better look at the older witch. You move your shirt up to see that she’s wearing lacy underwear in her signature color. 
“ oh my god,” you say out loud and you look at her face to see her awake and smiling. Did she plan things all along?
So many questions go through your mind that you’re taken out of them by Agatha who pulls your body on top of hers, already getting wet at being fucked by you. The first moment that you get to kiss her, all your plans of stealing her phone are thrown away when her lips land on yours, enjoying all of the moans and whines coming from her mouth. 
“ didn’t think you were such a needy whore Aggie,” you say between kisses, only encouraging the brunette more. She’s in heaven, being that you’re technically her first in centuries. 
“ Fuck,” you hear her say the moment that you move lower to her body, being thankful in the said moment for having the powers to be able to get rid of the shirt on her body. It took all of your willpower not to go crazy over the lingerie on her body as the dark purple color on the underwear and bra compliment her body perfectly. All Agatha could do was whine and hold in any moans threatening to come out as you run both your hands all over her body, making a point to get the woman below you comfortable. 
“I'm jealous of anyone else who’s seen your beautiful body,” you tell Agatha who only covers her face in embarrassment as that comment was a lie. 
“ About that,” Agatha starts off as she gets up from under you to sit up,” this is actually my first-time y/n, so you’ve been the only person who’s seen me like this”. 
“ Aggie,” you mumble, now embarrassed that you called her a whore earlier totally unaware that she didn’t have any sort of experience compared to you. She continues to keep her face covered, not realizing that she didn’t think this part through, and wants to hide under a rock forever after this situation. 
“ Agatha,” you start off,” look at me”. 
She uncovers her face to look at you, trying her best to be cool in the situation but fails badly. She feels your arms go around her waist and the next thing she knows, she’s sitting on top of you, while you give her a soft smile. 
“ We don't have to continue this if you don’t want to my sweet Aggie,” you tell her,” but if you do want to have sex with me I promise to be as soft as I can and check up on you”. 
“ i’d like that y/n,” she says. 
” how about first we go over some boundaries for us to -,” and before you try to talk to her, Agatha gets back to kissing you, too impatient to wait for you as she’s had to wait all of these years to be with you. It’s not too hard to distract the brunette and you quickly get her body under yours, eliciting a pretty moan from her right after. Which makes you determined to see how loud the woman can get for you. 
“ Can I take this off pretty girl?” you ask and Agatha frantically nods, deciding to use her magic to take off her bra, only for you to immediately suck on her right nipple. The woman under you loudly moans at the feeling of her nipples being sucked, only having seen it a couple of times from the porn videos she found online out of curiosity. 
You’re in heaven sucking her right nipple, hearing how pretty Agatha is moaning over the stimulation and so you move onto her other nipple. She lets out an annoying whine which is quickly gone when she falls your mouth all over her other nipple and keeps your head in place. 
“ Love sucking my pretty girl's nipples,” she hears you say, a little disappointed but relieved as you go down to her core, feeling herself get wet. Being a patient woman for you, Agatha can’t keep still as you focus your time a bit to give the older woman under you kisses all over her tummy. 
“ Can you hurry up honey,” Agatha says in frustration, starting to get a bit mad. 
“ Let me admire your body pretty girl,” she hears you say the closer you get to her pussy,” I’m not over how fucking amazing your body looks.” 
“ but im so wet for you honey,” she tells you, embarrassed to be acting like this in front of you but it only helped you get more soaked. Agatha is grateful when your kisses get close to her clothed cunt but the moment that your lips meet your thighs, the woman lets out another groan. 
“ y/n, I’m so wet, can you please stop teasing me already?” she begs you and you look up to see the older witch's pleading face. Feeling bad for her, you give her mercy and take off the last of her clothing on her body and are met with the view of her wet cunt. It doesn’t surprise you at all to see her well-trimmed, never the one to have a messy appearance. You bring two fingers through her folds, getting Agatha very excited too as she tries her best not to just shover your head between her legs to help with the relief. 
“ Before I start you should listen, my pretty girl,” you say as you wrap your arms around her thighs in place and she eagerly nods. 
“ At whatever point you get uncomfortable, just tap my arm three times or yell out Magenta Aggie and I’ll stop right away my dear” and she gives you a thumbs up as she prepares for the moment that she’s been waiting for. 
The moment that she feels your tongue on her fold, all the older witch can do is moan loudly. Too horny to even care as your mouth on her cunt felt amazing. With not a moment to spare, you feel Agatha’s hands keep your head in place, happy to comply with her needs as one of your hands moves away from her thigh to rub her clit. 
“ holy fuck,” Agatha moans embarrassed that you haven’t done much to her and she already is on the edge of cumming from your talented mouth. The more that she moans, whines, and babbles about how fucking amazing you are with your mouth, the more you lick at her cunt, teasing her clit to get her to cum.
“ is my pretty girl about to cum?” 
All Agatha can do is babble nonsense again, only taking a couple more seconds of praise before she cums, letting out a loud moan while you look at her pussy. In all of her centuries of living, she never thought that she’d be able to get an orgasm out of anyone. Yet she was happy to have her first orgasm, from you. 
Agatha is too blissed out in said moment to see that you got up from between her legs, using your magic this moment to clean her up while she rests. Blushing a bit the older woman is completely naked under you, blissed out while you are still clothed. Before you even decide your next plan, Agatha uses her magic again to take off your shorts and shirt to leave you in your underwear before trying to clean her up. Happy to not have to take time away from her but worried that she might see the wet stain from being turned one from her moans. While you would have preferred to continue on with the sex, it was best to just not go any further in the case that Agatha wasn’t ready.
After cleaning up Agatha, you bring the blanket up to her body to cover her up and jump in the sheets with her, not wanting to leave her alone to bring her comfort. Right as you make it next to her side, Agatha takes no shame in cuddling into you, enjoying the feeling next to you in her bed and hoping to stay like this forever. 
“ Why haven’t we ever done this after all these years?” Agatha asks herself. 
“ Cause I was too afraid about hurting you my pretty girl,” you whisper, “ didn’t think that big mean Agatha Harkness would want to see me for who I was”. 
“ y/n,” She says to you and at that moment she starts laughing, feeling dumb that there was feeling between the both of you but it took you this fucking long to even do anything. Wanda was going to have a field the next time she sees her. 
“ Are we both dumb Aggie?” you ask the woman. Agatha only laying all of her body on top of you like a koala, never wanting to let you go. 
“ Yep “ She giggles, bringingher body closer to you. 
“ Maybe i can repay you for making me feel good,” you hear agatha mumble to you right before falling asleep in her arms before you do as well. 
The Next Morning
Agatha is the first one to wake up, forgetting about the events of last night when you were trying to steal something from her room. Feeling refreshed to after the night before but feeling herself get soaked all over again, not realizing that she’s fully nude while your’re still in your underwear. She pushes those dirty thought from her mind knowing you were able to easily read minds.
“ Oh my god,” she accidentally says out loud forgetting that your’re sleeping. The loudness in her reaction wakes you up from your slumber, happy to see that Agatha is very much in bed with you still and not in the living room or something. 
“ How do you feel my pretty girl?” You as as you get up to be sitting on the bed, Agatha trying her best to hide under the blanket out of embarrassment.
“ Aggie we’ve known each other for centuries, get out from under your sheets my pretty girl so we can talk,” you say to the older woman, who slowly gets out from under the blanket. Agatha says a couple of endearing words in her mind to calm her nerves down, happy to see you smiling at her while she feels a little silly being all nervous around you. 
“ You ready to talk about this?” you as and she nods.
“ After last night,” Agatha starts off,” I want us to be more than friends but i’d like to take things slow y/n, if you don’t mind that at all”. 
There’s silence between the two of you for a bit, Agatha hoping for the best but a little part of her in her mind telling her otherwise. Though she’s over the moon when you pull the older woman in your lap for a hug, giving her kisses all over her face, making her laugh with joy that after all of theses centuries since your friendship that she was finally able to steal something that she’s always wanted from you. 
Wanting to be your lover and for that, it’s something she never wants to be taken away from her.
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ridiasfangirlings · 2 months
People start to wonder where Saruhiko's daughter came from, like, did he give birth to her himself or...?, and then Saruhiko reveals that he found her sitting around when he was sixteen. Saruhiko accidentally-intentionally becomes a teen dad because that kid was not gonna last. Maybe that could be great to keep him going? Maybe one of the reasons he joins Scepter 4 is that, besides his underlying issues, he could give her a better life there?
I’m assuming this is in an AU where it’s not an omegaverse and Fushimi is still a cis male, but even so when he shows up at S4 with this little girl in tow everyone just thinks he must have birthed her out of nowhere himself XD I imagine him finding her maybe a little earlier than when he’s sixteen though, otherwise Yata and Homra would probably have ended up taking some control of her care. Maybe this is like just after Niki dies but before Fushimi and Yata move in together and Fushimi is wandering around when he feels this tug on his shoe. Fushimi looks down and there’s this little girl barely one year old holding onto him, wearing just a diaper and a dirty shirt. She’s really thin and ragged looking and all alone, just staring up at him with these big blue eyes. Fushimi looks around but there’s no adults anywhere around, and when he tries to ask the kid where her parents are she just looks at him in confusion and makes babbling noises. Fushimi considers dropping her off at a police station but it’s not like he trusts any adults, even police, and besides it occurs to him that they might ask why he’s out alone so late too. As much as he complains about this kid clinging to him he doesn’t want to simply leave her there either, and in the end he has no choice but to take her back home with him. He figures it’s just for now, he’ll figure out how to get rid of her in the morning, but somehow despite him constantly telling himself that he keeps watching over her instead. 
In this case I feel like Yata at the very least would have to know about the kid, there’s really not much of a way that Fushimi could get around it especially if he was already planning to move out of his house and Kisa’s planning to sell the place anyway. Yata can’t believe that Saruhiko of all people adopted a kid, Fushimi says he’s just watching her until he finds her parents and he doesn’t want Yata to tell anyone. When they find an apartment maybe it’s slightly larger in this case and Fushimi and the kid have a room separate from Yata, Fushimi says it’s so she can have her own room so he doesn’t have to listen to her cry and can get some sleep but then in practice he ends up sleeping in the room a lot because she won’t stop crying unless he’s there (and the idea of just leaving her to cry until she gets exhausted makes Fushimi feel itchy and on edge, like that’s something that Kisa or Niki would do, and even though he’s adamant that this is not his kid and he is not her dad now he can’t bring himself to be like those two either). 
Yata really thinks they should at least tell Kusanagi about the kid because maybe he could help find her parents but Fushimi tells him not bother Homra with stupid things like this, he can find the kid’s family all on his own. Yata I think would be pretty helpful here even so, he knows how to deal with little kids so imagine he does end up ‘teaching’ Fushimi some parenting basics. Yata likes the kid but he can see that Saruhiko is unexpectedly attached and thinks maybe this is a good thing, Fushimi still seems on edge in Homra and like he’s not fitting in but here’s something that Fushimi is showing an interest in. Yata feels like eventually Fushimi will share the kid’s existence with the rest of them and Homra can help him raise the baby, and if it’s good for making Saruhiko happy then Yata will support that and be the best uncle ever.
Obviously having a kid is an extra expense, and even though Yata swears he can handle paying for the apartment on his own and he doesn’t need Fushimi’s half, really, Fushimi insists that he’ll pay his half and pay for everything for the kid too. In this case I wonder if Fushimi would even stoop to touching his inheritance (presumably he has one, Kisa didn’t need Niki’s money and I could absolutely see Niki leaving anything he has to his little monkey as one last joke), like he doesn’t want to get anything from ‘that man’ but his baby needs food and he has nowhere else to go. Maybe he starts taking odd jobs when he can, but since he’s only sixteen it’s either online coding work or shady in-person stuff. Kusanagi would probably become aware of the latter due to his own contacts and he tries to talk to Fushimi about it, worried that he’s going to get into something he can’t get out of, but Fushimi just rebuffs him.
Then when Munakata recruits Fushimi to S4 maybe this is part of his ‘sales pitch,’ like while he and Fushimi are doing the puzzle in the van Munakata just drops a ‘you’ll be paid of course, enough to support yourself and your dependent.’ Fushimi is immediately on guard because he never mentioned a dependent, Munakata just smiles calmly and says he has his sources and has become aware that Fushimi is working for two, so to speak. Munakata probably also knows whose kid Fushimi’s child is but won’t unseal that record unless Fushimi asks, though should he join S4 he would have full access regardless (also imagine Munakata hinting that he himself is a very dependable uncle and good with children and Fushimi is like I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that). 
Maybe one of the other things that gets Fushimi to decide to leave too is Yata finally breaks his promise and tells Homra about the kid — definitely not maliciously, like say Kusanagi decides to talk to Yata about the dangerous stuff Fushimi’s been doing lately to see if Yata can talk some sense into him. Yata’s really worried that Fushimi’s putting himself in danger and ends up blurting out ‘I told him I’d help pay for the kid.’ Kusanagi is like wait what kid and Yata desperately tries to think of a lie but of course he’s no good at that and eventually has to admit the truth (say while he’s stumbling over a bad lie Mikoto comes over and tells him it’s fine if he wants to say it, if he thinks that’s the right thing to do. Then afterward when Yata’s trying to explain himself to Fushimi he starts talking about Mikoto and Fushimi misunderstands, thinking Yata just told because Mikoto asked him to and not that Yata had already accidentally given it away). When Kusanagi, Totsuka and Mikoto try to gently confront Fushimi about it he gets defensive, on top of him seeing all the Niki hallucinations putting him on edge. All of this piles up to him deciding to go to S4, because he’s angry at Yata for breaking his trust and leaving him, angry at Homra for thinking he can’t take care of someone else on his own, and angry at himself for being just as useless as his own parents that he can’t give this kid a decent life and that he can’t bring himself to give her up even though he knows anyone else would be better at being a parent than him.
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