#i know online tests fucking suck but it was just to give me little pats on my back while i wait for my next therapist appointment
pigeoninabowl · 18 days
I took a Rorsarch online test (or how my friend Diego pronounces it: rosca) for the funsies and the reference. I'm relatively healthy but "with some of the awnsers being peculiar...But nothing's wrong about having imagination!"
What the FUCK does that mean
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Let’s Make A Star! (MHA)
Let's make a star!
To the surprise of no one, Mineta was spending his Friday night doing what he did well, just about every night in his room: Looking at porn online. the shameless pervert was proud of his status though even if he was finding increasingly weird porn to look at, and tonight he'd decided to look into a fetish to spice things up. 'Man does not exist on tentacle porn alone' He thought with a little giggle, going to his favorite my porn site. Hmm'ing and ha'ing for a second, he decided what the hell and typed in adult diaper and soon was browsing the kinky world of grown women and men acting like babies and crapping themselves, though it wasn't quite getting him the thrill he was looking for. Not ready to give up the fight yet (he prided himself on being able to get off to almost anything after all) he went into a chat room for the ABDL's and asked if anyone had any good video's or pictures to recommend, saying he was looking for a super red faced or embarrassed diaper boy or girl. the response's lit up and he was showered with links, though most of them he had seen already to his disappointment.   the last link however was one he'd have to pay to unlock, but since it was only 5 bucks and the title of it was 'super embarrassing diaper mess while cleaning the potty' Mineta figured it would be worth it. As the video started and he saw who the star was the pervert grinned ear to ear, this was WELL worth the five bucks!
Katsuki was in a bad mood Saturday morning. Not only had he had to go to class despite it being the weekend to do a stupid make up test for one he'd flunked, He'd been getting non stop text messages from grape head about wanting to meet up. 'Because THAT'S what I wanna do, hang out with a pervert.' Katsuki thought, just ignoring the texts, and having to turn his phone off while taking the test anyways. After handing the test in Katsuki was free to go and found the fucking perv waiting for him outside of the classroom. "You know, Ignoring people is rude." The little shit said, wagging a figure at Katsuki. "all the fucks I give about what you think are in my hand.. Oh look! there's nothing there!" Katsuki said and kept walking. Mineta apparently wasn't to be ignored, and dashed to catch up to him. "You know, you should be nicer to someone who could get you expelled." He huffed. THAT caught Katsuki's attention, and with it being just the two of them in the hell he turned around and looked at the pervert. "Really? and how are you going to get me expelled? By pissing me off so much I blow you up? I'd likely get a god damn medal." Katsuki pointed out with a smirk. "well as i understand it, Hero's aren't suppose to have pay to see porn out there, though yours is more interesting then most." Mineta said, a evil smile on his face. The smirk instantly dropped from Katsuki's face and his jaw dropped. "I-I don't know what your talking about." he stammered. "Really, so your NOT 'stinky little diaper boy for pay'?" Mineta asked, a mock look of surprise on his face. "That's odd, you must have a twin out there then, but hey, maybe I'm wrong, let's bring up a video an-" And the little shit was bringing up his phone and indeed was going to his saved video's folder. "W-wait!" Katsuki whimpered, his cheeks bright red. "Ok ok it's me, what the fuck do you want?" "Well what I want is a few things, but I think we should go back to your room and talk in semi private don't you?" Mineta asked, a smug look on his face. "..Yeah ok." Katsuki huffed, and lead the way.
Coming into Katsuki's dorm room Mineta was shocked at how pleasant it smelled in there when about 70 percent of the blond's video's had him taking a dump in his huggies. 'then again he would of been busted long ago if he hadn't of learned how to take care of it.' The pervert thought. Strolling over and taking a seat on Katsuki's bed, Mineta pointed at the floor for Katsuki to take a seat, and chuckled as he meekly did so. "So I think it's clear by now that I could destroy you with little to no effort on my part. the higher ups don't want anther pervert hero out there making the hero community look bad." Mineta started, enjoying the look of worry on Katsuki's face. "But before I make my list of demands, I'd like to know what exactly prompted you to start crapping yourself in huggies for pay." "I uh..I.." Katsuki was turning SUCH a cute shade of red and Mineta found himself loving his power over the much bigger and deadlier boy. "yes? Go on.." Mineta chuckled. "I needed to make some money fast for a bike I wanted, and my mom was refusing to help. then some pervert old guy said he'd buy the bike for me if I crawled around in a diaper and sucked on a pacifier for 2 hours. I figured I could always blow him up if he tried to cheat me or do anything weird but the deal went off. After I realized they had to be A LOT of people like him, and it was easy money..S-So Next time I got some money from mom I got a pack of diapers and well.. You know.." Katsuki trailed off. "Set up a pay to view porn channel where you crap your diapers and do walks of shame. And your saying nothing you do is really YOUR fetish, just doing it for the money?" Mineta asked. "Well um..I.." Katsuki whined big time and was poking two fingers together. it was so unlike him that Mineta was having to bite his tongue to keep from laughing. "I Might of semi kinda come to MAYBE like it a little...but it's mostly for the money. A lot of what I do is actually fan submitted requests and I only do the ones that come with a tribute attached to them." He finished up. "well I think if your gonna keep charging as much as you do, you're gonna need to step up your game and your camera work. I know it's tough for you to film yourself so I'll be helping you with that from now on." Mineta said, and seeing a argument starting to form on Katsuki's lips he stopped it in it's tracks."That's part of my demands to keep quiet so don't even think of fighting unless you wanna be famous around school. Second item on my list is that half of what you make though being a diaper filling perv goes right into my greedy little hand. I'm not helping you and keeping my mouth shut for free after all." Katsuki glared but then huffed and pouted, crossing his arms and glaring at the floor. "Third part of my list of demands is that you wear a diaper to class at least twice a week, we'll get you some thinner ones and you won't have to use it but I think it'll keep you from getting any big ideas. That's all, for now." Mineta finished up and gave Katsuki a look that dared the diapered for pay boy to just try and argue. "Your a fucking bastard you know that?" Katsuki growled. "Just for that, whenever we're in private from now on you'll call me daddy. go ahead little boy, keep mouthing off." Mineta said. "..Fine you win.." Katsuki huffed and slumped, knowing he was beaten. "I'm sorry, 'you win' what?" Mineta asked and leaned down and cupped Katsuki's chin, making the blond look him in the eyes. "..You win..Daddy." Katsuki whimpered. "Good boy! Now let's go and get you all padded for a new video." Mineta laughed and gave Katsuki a condescending head pat.
Katsuki was thankfully allowed to pick his own outfit and diaper himself as Mineta was busy going though the fan requests that Katsuki had been giving, using Katsuki's laptop and also copying his login information. "If I go to log in later and you've changed the password.." The purple haired bastard had said, trailing off but his threat clear. "I won't daddy." Katsuki promised. Katsuki went with one of his teddy bear print diapers, with a blue back round and then picked out a tank top that was slightly too short and showed a little bit of belly so the diaper wasn't covered at all, Blue back round and a big teddy bear on the front. 'I might as well look stylish if I'm gonna be blackmailed.' Katsuki reason, and then opened up a locked drawer in his desk. inside was a selection of 5 different pacifiers and of course each one went with a outfit/ and or diaper print he had. So naturally he had a blue paci that had a teddy on the mouth guard and had a string of darker blue cord so he could wear it around his neck. (he'd tried using paci clip's with ribbon but had almost gotten busted when he'd caught his nipple with one and shrieked out in pain.) Finishing up the outfit was to no ones shock a pair of blue socks with a smiling bear on the ankles. "heh, adorable. So how much have you actually sunk into this? because getting a outfit that cute couldn't of been cheap if you had to get it mailed in." Mineta asked. "The uh.. first half dozen or so shows were all about shocking up supplies." Katsuki admitted then added. "There was one outfit a fan sent me along with 300 bucks to do a private video but I got nervous and trashed it." "Tsk, naughty naughty! what was it?" Mineta asked. "...A fairy costume, with winks and everything and a really short tutu. I just.. I wore it to do the video and then got rid of it, lying and said my mess had leaked on it while changing. the customer got mad and hasn't talked to me since and actually blocked me." Katsuki said, wishing he had kept his mouth shut. Actually he was wishing a lot of things at the moment to be fair. "I See, well thats a shame they blocked you. we'll have to get you a replica at some point so you can do a free video to make it up to them. I assume it's too late to go and get it out of the trash." Mineta said with a disappointed look on his face. "Y-yeah, that was 2 month's ago." Katsuki squeaked. "Hmm, do you have the video saved somewhere? I'd like to see it." "N-No..I just sent the clip to him and then..like i said, got paranoid and deleted it from my computer. I doubt he even kept it." Katsuki whimpered. "heh, actually I bet he just went and uploaded it onto a free porn site to show everyone the naughty sissy baby..But I'll look for it later." "I-I don't think he'd of done that! It would be breaking a rule an-" Katsuki started, he'd never thought of that possibly before and now was going semi pale. "If it's on the net, I'll find it. but as I said that's a matter for latter. for now I've picked out one of the fan requests that's been sent four times already but you've turned it down each time." Mineta said with a evil grin. Katsuki's gut dropped and he whimpered, already knowing what request it would be.  the fan in question was offering a tribute of a extra 200 bucks if the clip got made, but what they wanted was one of Katsuki's limits. A stroll in the halls in one of his baby outfits during the day. "W-We can't you have t-" Katsuki started to whimper but Mineta just gave him a evil smile. "Relax, if we're nice and fast about it, there's no way anyone will catch us..they're all out having fun, visiting their folks or studying in their dorms. Trust me, I don't want you busted and outed, then i lose my hold over you and end up a scorch mark on a wall." Mineta said. Katsuki huffed but had to admit Mineta had a point and they started to plan out how they were gonna do it.
25 minutes and one diaper change later (Katsuki's nerves had gotten to him) and the pervert was out in the halls, his camera phone set and gave a gentle cry of all clear to the door, then started to record. Katsuki poked his head out of his room, and looked around, then slowly walked out holding a series of smallish pieces of white cardboard and waddled down the hall closer to the camera and with his paci in his mouth, held them up to the camera. 'Hi! I'm a big silly stinky diaper boy, and right now I'm at school.' Katsuki counted down from 20 in his head then switched to the next card. 'I've been getting requests to show off my diaper butt in the halls during the day. it's Saturday so almost no one is here but still..' And he grimaced and suckled loudly looking around as he counted down then swapped card. 'I REALLY hope no one see's me in the halls like this! I'm kind of a bully and this would RUIN me!' ruin had 3 underlies under it and Katsuki scrunched up his face and squirms, and when it was time... 'But I feel so excited and naughty out in the halls like this! Thanks Meaniesitter_345 for the request!' putting the cards under one arm, Katsuki used the other hand to rub the front of his diapers and then walked away from the camera, going down to almost the end of the hall and coming back. He was gonna go and do the same for the other side of the hallway when some loud voices were heard. "Mannn i can't believe you got us kicked out of the arcade Hanta!" grumbled the voice of Mezou. "hey, that little bugger was hogging the machines, Somebody had to do something!" came Hanta's reply. Katsuki's eyes went wide in fright and he shot a look at Mineta who nodded and pointed for Katsuki's door, both of them rushing and barley getting in and slamming the door before the other other boys could round the corner and see them. laying against the door in case they tried it and both the baby and the perv panting, they could hear the boys keep arguing, only pausing to ask if the other smelled baby powder. "nah, we have to be imaging it. I mean, who wears baby powder around here?" "I dunno, Izuku cries a lot soo.." Both boys laughed and kept going.
'Almost busted in the halls' was uploaded a hour later after some minor editing and with in the first 15 minutes it had been viewed 70 times. with the clip only being a dollar and shot much better then his others it was going like hot cakes and the comments were pouring in, Katsuki was more popular then ever. 'LOL bet baby crapped himself when he was almost caught!' 'Boooo! you should of stayed in the hallway and let them see you!' 'Was anyone else hoping his door was gonna be locked? LOL' 'OMG your so cute!' 'Hey, how do I request a clip? do I just PM or what?' It was that last one that Mineta answered first, telling people to send all and all requests to the inbox, Blondie baby had a new manager who would make sure as many of them could filled as possible, though tributes would help push certain ideas over others. Katsuki for his part sat on the floor, hugging his stuffie and rocking back and forth a bit, hoping that Mineta wouldn't notice the slight smell coming from that wasn't going away. when he'd almost been caught he'd started to mess himself but had clamped his bowels down, and had been told to wait till 'daddy' was finished with the big boy computer stuff before asking permission to use the potty. His tummy was gurgling and it was getting harder and harder to hold his back door bomb in and he whined and whimpered around his paci as he suckled it, then waved one arm trying to get Mineta's attention from where the perv sat up on the bed, using Katsuki's laptop. "-Sigh- what is it Baby butt?" Mineta asked, a slight tone of annoyance in his voice though mentally he was delighted. It was pretty clear that the blond diaper bitch had at least started to fudge his huggies, even if Katsuki shook his head no every time he was asked if he had. 'just like the fucking big baby your dressed up as.' Mineta mused. "I-I gotta go poo poo!" Katsuki whined, having taken his paci out and whimpered. "it's gonna be a BIG one! Please let me use the potty!" Dropping his teddy bear, Katsuki knelled forward, both hands pressed together. "..Allllright..but only because I don't wanna change a shitty diaper. off you go." He said, smirking and jerking a thumb to the bathroom. Katsuki nodded and smiled and relaxed a bit, and moved to crawl into the bathroom.Sadly as it would turn out, relaxing was the last thing he should of done. He barley moved when a loud gurgle from his tummy was heard and Katsuki gasped and whimpered. "N-Nooo!" he whined and grabbed at his tummy while going face down and ass up in front of the bathroom door, about to load his diapers. Never one to pass up a opening like this, Mineta grabbed the phone and started to record as Katsuki loaded the seat of his diapers, blorting out the back of the teddy bear diaper and making them vanish. 'heh, This is gonna be SUCH easy money." Mineta thought, then the smell hit him and he wrinkled his nose. 'Maybe not as easy as I thought...'
the end for now.
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honeytama · 5 years
Don’t Just Watch
Spinner (Shuichi Iguchi) X Fem!Reader
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A/N: This is my first time writing fanfic, let alone smut. I’d appreciate any comments. Also, I wanted to thank @thotsforvillainrights​ for giving me helpful feedback on how to write this one!
Summary: You’re a camgirl and your best friend Shuichi is your trusty assistant. Viewers ask for a longer video from yourself performing a full-on sex scene, and Spinner ends up being your partner.
Warnings: Smut (18+), cussing, cumshot, double penetration, camgirl, filmed sex
Word count: 3.2k
Your side job started off as taking lewd photos for villain fetishists online for a quaint fee. After a few months of working alone, you now had your good friend Spinner help film and edit almost every one of your recent solo masturbation and role play videos for a premium porn site. The first anniversary of your channel is coming up soon.
Since becoming close to Spinner, it wasn't difficult to ask him to be your business partner as he’s such a kind-hearted guy. As the year you spent together went on, you became more and more capable of separating business and pleasure, so he eventually obliged in participating in some sexual scenes to entertain your growing audience.
In private, you love to touch yourself at how Spinner’s blushing face came out from behind the camera the first time you asked him to use his strong tongue to massage your clit as you pump yourself with a glass dildo. Or, you’d think about the few times he was charitable enough to reach out with his right hand to finger your pussy while shakily holding the camera in his other. The feelings you hold for him are mostly professional, but seeing his commitment to you after all this time only makes you yearn to have him in other ways.
While talking over new video ideas with your partner at the empty bar, he mentions that newer followers have been leaving comments demanding for full-on sex content. With your channel open on his computer, he turns it slightly so that you can see the top comments on your most recent upload.
“Y/N’s videos always get me to come in five minutes or less, I'd love to see her do it to another hot piece of ass…?” Spinner recites. He shifts his eyes towards you to gauge your emotions before swallowing and turning back to the screen to read the next one. “Don’t get me wrong, I love watching her play with that- that uh... little pussy of hers... but watching her get railed by an actual c-cock would get me to stay,” Spinner reads. He looks up at the ceiling from the laptop on the counter in front of you, slightly blushing.
Finally, Spinner turns to look at your face and assures, “Your numbers and tips are coming in just as great as before, but that last comment had 53 likes Y/N, so maybe—.”
While Spinner was walking you through the comments, your mind flipped through the potential sexual partners you could bring into your secret world. It felt nerve-wracking to think about choosing exactly who you wanted to be in front of the camera. However, going through the list in your brain, there truly was only one option. It had to be him. You knew that the sexual experience would be something you want to go back to over and over — plus the fans would die to see the rest of the body connected to the hot tongue and thick digits they did see so often. However, once you thought about approaching your masked friend to ask for such a favor, your heart nearly beat out of your chest.
You shook your head after realizing you’d been staring at the bottles of liquor on the wall, and turned to face your friend. “I want to do it.” 
“Really?” he said, raising his eyebrows and widening his eyes. He took a moment to close the laptop and turn his body to you as much as he could in the bar stool. “Y/N, you know I’d do anything for you...your channel, I mean.” Spinner closes his eyes before continuing, “So, if you really want to, then I'd like to volunteer.” I’ve wanted to go further with you since the day you first spoke my name, he thinks. Please say yes. Please.
“Shuichi… yes, I’d appreciate that so much,” you smiled. “Maybe we can call it ‘Villians’ First Time’, or something like that,” you laughed. You were so glad that he chose to speak up before you did. “I think it’ll work out well, we could easily set up a tripod.”
“I like that idea,” he replied smiling while rubbing the back of his head.
On the day of filming, you prepare your room as usual by setting out your play outfit. Arriving at your closet, you choose to pull out a black lace bra with matching underwear and a short, white, silk cover-up that ties at the waist. Moving back to your queen-sized bed, you open the bedside drawer to take out the Stain mask you’d been keeping since joining the League. The video is about two villains sharing their first time together, so the mask could help set the scene. Maybe he would enjoy seeing me in this again, too, you thought. You choose to tie it loose around your neck as you look around the room at the lights and camera tripod you set up the night before. Hearing a knock at your bedroom door, you breathe in and out deeply before walking to open it.
“Hey Y/N,” he greets with a smile. He walks to lean on the wall by your bed like normal, “Do you want to talk about anything before starting?”
“Yeah, actually,” you say, following him from the door to sit on the edge of the bed. The hem of your cover-up pulls slightly up your plush thighs, and you catch your partner pretending he didn’t just watch it happen. “I had an idea of how we could start because the rest should come naturally right? I mean, we are both villains… and this is kind of our first time together,” you say.
“Yeah, yeah it should be fine”, he nods quickly. “I’ll be fine with whatever you do to me, uh, whatever you want, you’re the director.” He watches you with wide eyes as you stand from the bed to saunter over to stand in front of his leaning body. You smile at him while reaching to lay your hand on the center or his chest and rub soothing circles to calm his nerves.
You continue to rub up his chest towards his neck and also choose to take one of his hands into your own, “Just know I’m very excited to do this with you, okay? There’s no need to be nervous while I’m here, I promise.” I have to be brave for him, you think. Deciding to make the first move to break the ice, you lean slowly into him and kiss his lips in earnest. Spinner hums into the kiss and pulls you in by the hips. You can already feel the growing bulge in his pants and this was something you normally got to see while working together. Seeing his pants tighten as you’d put on a show in front of the camera was a pleasure, but feeling him rub against your hip sends jolts of extreme heat towards your core. Pulling away before going too far, you notice him clenching your hand tightly.
“Is this just business, Y/N? Tell me, do you actually find me attractive? I need this to be more than it looks,” Spinner admits.
He feels the same way, you yell in your head. You grab his chin and whisper, “Just like the fans, I want to know everything about you, too. Please, show me everything. I want you, Spinner— I-I’ve always wanted you.”
He watches intently as you start to grind your hip into his pants. “F-fuck… I’ll turn the camera on, we should start,” he stutters and slips from between you and the wall to quickly press record.
He hears you giggle as you rush to sit on the edge of the bed again. You pat the space next to you in front of the camera to invite him to sit. Shuichi’s muscular frame dips the cushion next to you as he sits on your right. It’s your moment to do what you’ve always wanted to.
“Let’s go slow, Y/N,” he says putting his hand in the small of your back, “we have time.” You gasp as he decides to take the chance to lean in and kiss you again. So much deeper this time. Your hand goes straight back to its place on his chest, while his free hand travels to lay on your thigh. He squeezes and massages your thigh as if to test if it was alright to move it upwards.
You nod into the kiss and test the waters yourself by pausing to drag your lips down his jaw towards the side of his neck. Shuichi breathes heavily as you start to kiss and suck his tough skin. You mewl in his ear as you feel his hand slide between your thighs, hand underneath your cover-up. His nails lightly brush against your skin. 
“Lay on your back,” you softly instruct him. He nods and crawls to the head of the bed to lay down as told. Lizard's eyes stay stuck on your flowing body as you move to stand at the foot of the bed. You’re not too nervous yet, as he’s already seen you completely nude and in more humiliating positions before. However, this felt so different. Slowly pulling the silk tie at your waist, you allow the cover-up to fall off your shoulders. It’s so difficult to look Spinner in the eyes right now. 
“Holy shit,” Spinner gasps. Pulling himself up onto his elbows, he says, “Y/N you look, you look really beautiful.”
You try to cover your chest again, not realizing you're being filmed for the world to see your bodies. It's just that, him laying there in front of you feels like the moment isn’t meant for anyone else to see.
You place your hands on the mattress and begin to crawl up your friend’s body, stopping to straddle his waist. Your back stood tall so that the camera and your partner could see your breasts clearly. Shuichi could not take his eyes off your chest, he could probably hear how fast your heart was beating. You took his hands and placed them on your waist.
“Please touch me, Spinner,” you plead. Your core was hovering above him, and you couldn’t wait to sit down on his hard lap. He took your permission immediately and ran his scaled hands up your stomach and waist to reach for your breasts. Both of them being massaged curiously, you couldn’t help but let out a relieved moan. 
“Could I-,” he whispers. “Could I take it off, Y/N?” starting again a little louder, also realizing he was on camera. His face felt unnaturally hot as you looked down at him with dark eyes. You bite your lip hard and nod. Shuichi’s arms wrap around your bust to reach for the clasps in the back. You felt yourself instinctually lean forward at his touch, chest lightly touching the front of his face. Once he got the lace garment off, he tossed it to the side and laid back. “You’re wearing Stain’s mask around your neck like that, is it for me?” he questions shyly.
“Yeah,” you giggle, “Everything that I do- do tonight is for you. And only you.” Finally, you sit on his hard bulge while still straddling and start to roll your hips. 
“Mmmph,” Spinner moans. Quickly, each one of his hands grabs a side of your hips to guide you even further up and down his lap. He loves your sweet words making him feel like the only man in the world. “Please, give me more, Y/N.”
“I love your skin. I love your handsome face. Your combative talent. Your laugh. Your hands. Everything. I’ll give you all of me soon, don’t worry,” you breathe out. “If it’s ok, I’m going to take your shirt off now,” you state. Luckily, Spinner decided not to wear the plenty of leather belts around his torso today, so it was much easier to lift up his white top and red bandana. Once you saw his face again, your heart warmed at seeing his big toothy smile.
You want the night to be about him. He gives you his all while you touch yourself and talk to a camera in front of him all the time. It’s his turn to whine for the lense. You slowly sink down his torso and throw one leg over the side of his waist so you can kneel in front of the aching tent in his trousers. Without talking, you start to grab at his button and zipper planning to pull them off and go to town. Your wrist is grabbed softly before you can even start.
“Wait, Y/N, I didn’t realize. You don’t know… what I look like. I’m kind of different,” his rough voice stuttering again.
“Spinner… Shuichi, like I said before,” you massage the large mound of hard flesh waiting for you, “I’m so excited to see all of you. I’ll make you feel so good. Would you be comfortable if I go down on you?” He nods slowly and decides to let go of your wrist. Before starting again, you lean into him and give a quick kiss to his lips. You bring both of your hands back to his zipper and pull downwards. Spinner takes control of pulling his pants and underwear down his legs and kicks them off the bed. You were kind of surprised at how fast he did it. Looking at his body in front of you made your cunt clench. It takes you having to rub your thighs together to give yourself some relief. “Wow,” you gasp, “I must be the luckiest girl in the world.” Fuck, he has two cocks, you squeal inside.
“Yeah? But I’ve seen you fill your holes with much more strange things, Y/N,” he says bravely, running his hand through your hair.
You blush hard before lightly smacking your friend’s thigh as his remark. “I bet you I could take them both, babe. First try,” you teased.
Holy shit, he thinks. I’m sure she could… Did she just call me babe? Fuck. “Then go ahead, I’m ready for you now,” he says blushing back.
You giggle again at his attempt to be strong about this. You decide to kneel in between his spread legs and grab one cock into each hand. You lean down and look at him through your lashes as you give one of his pink, throbbing cock’s tip kitten licks. The other hand pumps his second member at a medium pace.
“Yes, please keep going,” Shuichi pleads.
Going faster with your pumping hand, you then focus on your mouth’s actions. You lift off to spit on his weeping cock and then sink back down his member to take more of him in. You continue to please him, bobbing your head up and down as he gripped the sheets on his sides. He squirmed as your pumping hand moved to his tip to rub tight circles into him.
“Shiii,” he’s panting hard now, clenching his fists and eyes to try contain his moans. “I want to be inside of you, Y/N.”
You let go and pop off of his dicks to scramble up his torso again. He grabs your face to kiss you deeply and can taste himself on your tongue. Suddenly, he flips both of you over, now supporting himself above you. “The masks stay on, right?,” you giggle. 
“Right,” he responds, “I want to take these off now though, is that okay?” You notice him pulling the thin fabric off of your hip, so you help him slide them down your legs before he can say anything. Spinner takes the lead by spreading your legs open wide so that he could kneel between them. Lining one of his cocks up to your entrance, he takes the other in a hand. “I know you can take both at the same time Y/N, but since you’re not warmed up…,” he pauses, pressing his cock slowly into your cunt.
You breathe in quickly as his size surprises you. “Fuuu, Spinner…,” you mewl.
He lets go of the cock outside of you to hump your inner thigh with it as he rocks his hips even more into your pussy. “Damn it, you feel so good.” He continues his motions while you moan his name. You can’t help but reach out to wrap your arms around his neck to bring him in closer. “God...You have no clue how long I’ve been waiting to do this with you,” he grunts into your ear. If the audio could pick it up, your audience would surely believe he was the best actor in the world, but all that was said today is true.
You’ve longed to hear those words. “Yes, yes, yes please keep going, fuck me, Shuichi!” you moaned out. Pulling away for a second to look into his eyes, you knew you had to ask, “C-could you put both in now?” He quickly turned your wish into reality by grasping his loose cock and slowing his pace to push the other one inside. “Ahh, oh yeah,” you both moan. “This is the most full I-I’ve ever felt,” you wince. “It feels so good!” Both of your faces contorted into different pleasured expressions as you reach your limit after some time.
“Fuck, you feel so tight, Y/N, do you want to cum?” You nod quickly at his question. Spinner spread your legs further to pump himself more deep and quick into your sopping cunt. 
“Fuck, uh, you’re gonna make me cum, Spinner, please!” you yell. You felt yourself tighten completely for an instant before your whole entire body let itself go in ecstasy. You felt as if your body was on fire as your partner continued his passionate handling of you. You could hear him groan more unevenly than before, knowing his end was coming up as well.
“Y/N, could I cum on your face?” He pleaded. You nod and shift up the bed as he climbed to straddle your hips. You watched, panting from your high, as he pumps both of his cocks together quickly while hunching over. His eyes were closed, so you decided to roll out your tongue to catch anything you could. “Ok, shit, I’m gonna-,” he groans. He opens his eyes to see you beneath him staring intently with your tongue out. He gives one more pull before coming into your mouth and onto the rest of your face.
You both spend a minute riding out the heaviness you felt in your stomachs. Then, Spinner jumps up off the bed to turn off the camera and rush to your bathroom for a damp washcloth. Returning, he hands it to you like after your usual filming hours together. 
“Can you do it tonight?” You ask, hopeful.
“Uh, yeah, sure,” he responds softly. He takes his time to wipe your face and then moves to your thighs to clean up.
You want to show him how to do it properly, but it was sweeter to watch him fumble around with your limbs. You liked him just as he was.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed it! I had no clue how to end it lol.
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manawhaat · 4 years
Feel The Music
Title: Feel The Music
Characters: Ash x Dean. 
Prompt: ‘Carlos Santana’ for @spnfanficpond​ Unfic Challenge (round 1). 
Warnings: Ash level crazy, crack, pining, fluff, technologically/electronically induced sexual pleasure, one single butt plug, blowjob, idiots to lovers. And they were roommates! 
Word Count: 3.7k
A/n: Late entry for unfic round 1. This is AU!Dean set at MIT with Dean and Ash as roommates. THANK YOU @mrswhozeewhatsis​ @sebbytrash​ and @samsexualdeancurious​ for your feedback and amazing beta skills while I tinkered with this. Thanks for reading! 
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  When Dean saw the room listing online, he swore it was too good to be true. The apartment was badass, close to campus, had everything he needed, and was cheap enough to be a dream. It was only when he went to finally see it in person that he saw the other shoe drop with three simple words. 
“Hey, I’m Ash.” 
It had taken Dean a while to mull over his decision, but he figured a weird roommate was just part of the college experience. How, exactly, Ash got into MIT baffled Dean at first, but the longer Dean lived with him, the more of Ash’s quiet brilliance he saw. Ash was razor sharp, precise, focused and detailed. Hidden behind his redneck exterior, complete with mullet and cut off flannels, was a literal genius capable of just about anything.  
“Hey, you mind holding this and telling me what you feel?” Ash’s voice carried from the kitchen and Dean just shook his head to himself as he pushed up off the couch and wandered over.
By now Dean was used to it, and actually, was quite fond of Ash. He was a character, no doubt about it, but when he grinned it was wide and goofy with just a hint of mischief, and he’d proven himself to be nothing but unfailingly kind and loyal. 
The kitchen had been Ash’s lab of sorts for the better part of the past year. Wires and computers and all kinds of shit were spread across the kitchen table and counters, the scene complete with a PBR sitting on the raised bar. The things Dean had seen Ash build out of thin air had astounded and impressed him, but the setup he was met with looked like it was still in the beginning stages of development. Part of Dean wanted to ask what it was all leading up to, but there was a method to Ash’s madness that always worked out in the end, so he casually leaned against the counter and held out his hand, ready for whatever it is Ash was gonna surprise him with. 
*Squelch. Slap.*
Except that.
A sticky slap later, Dean was staring down at something that looked like a hospital monitor patch, multi-colored wires connected to the white square now firmly stuck to his forearm. 
“What the fuck is that?!”
Without giving an answer, a thick medical book thunked down onto the empty part of the bar. The book was filled with sticky notes and highlighted sections, and it took Dean a few moments to realize that it wasn’t a book he’d ever seen before. It wasn’t a book that would even be found on campus. 
As Ash scoured his cramped and frenzied notes, Dean asked, “Where’d you get that?”
“Bunker Hill,” he said, as if that should clear up any of the confusion. 
“Bunker Hill?”
An exasperated sigh fell from his lips. “Bunker Hill, Dean. Community College up the road. I’ve been taking classes there. Professor Carey gave this one to me, herself. Said I had ‘a real fine brain and could do great things if I put it to the right use’,” he smiled, amused and almost disbelieving of the compliment. 
“You’re taking classes at another college, on top of the shit you’re already doing here?” 
Ash’s blue eyes flicked up as if to say ‘so?’, and Dean just let out a laugh, impressed and astounded once again. If Dean could commend Ash for anything, it’d be that brilliance and unbreakable confidence. 
“Here it is,” Ash said, rushing over to one of the computers at the table. “Okay, Winchester, tell me what you feel…”
Before Dean could question or comment, a tickling sensation pricked at his arm where the patch covered. It was light, but definitely tickled more than anything else. Confused, he answered back. “It’s light, but it tickles.”
Thunderous cheering filled the room and Ash shot up from his chair, a broad, sun-warm smile on his gleeful face. “Damn right it tickles, boy! Dr. Badass is in the fuckin’ building! Whoo!!”
Still lost, Dean couldn’t help but finally ask. “Alright, Dr. Badass, you gonna tell me how you did that and what this all is?”
Sauntering over to Dean, Ash delicately removed the electrode pad and Dean frowned down at his skin, impressed that not a single hair was pulled off of his arm. 
“A magician never reveals his secrets, but I’ve got two words for ya...” 
He winked and rushed to his room, coming back with a guitar in his hands. A terrible chord echoed through the room and Dean winced at the horrid sound as Ash stood before him, dripping with the type of gravitas only Ash Harvelle could emit. 
“Sex Guitar.”
When the idea came to him, Ash didn’t know how to actually play guitar, but he’d be damned if he was gonna let that get in his way. For weeks he learned, spent any of his free time outside of classes plucking and strumming away, watching YouTube tutorials and teaching himself how to play. The ruckus was a month-long headache for Dean, and he praised the day that he came home and heard what sounded like actual music emanating from Ash’s room. 
“Oh, thank God. I was starting to think this was never gonna work.” 
“Ye of little faith,” Ash replied, relaxed and playful. “Yaya and I are well on our way to granting the world sexual enlightenment.”
Dean’s brows furrowed. “Yaya?”
Ash grinned and patted the guitar in his lap, an old Gibson he’d found in a pawn shop, and smoothed his hands over the neck. “Vātsyāyana, man. Wrote a little book called the Kama Sutra.”
A laugh escaped before Dean could hold it in. “Well, that’s fitting. I’ll leave you to it.”
Two weeks later, Ash emerged in Dean’s doorway. “Got another one for ya,” Ash said, pointing to Dean’s body. “Where do ya want it?”
Dean didn’t even bother looking up from his computer, just held out his arm and said, “This one better not be stabby like the last one.”
“No promises, amigo. Yaya’s singin’ in five.” And with that Ash was gone and had left Dean to his business with yet another pad stuck to his arm.
Had Dean been told that this is what his life would look like, he would have laughed. At first, it was slightly annoying, but this was his new normal. Ash’s mission was to create a Sex Guitar -- to be able to link sexual stimulation with music -- and so nearly every day Dean had a different electrode stuck on his body while Ash tinkered with his computers and guitar, trying to fine tune every note and chord to a sensation that the electrode would make tangible. Every project needed a guinea pig, and it didn’t hurt that the Sex Guitar was literally the most amazing thing he’d ever heard of. When Ash finally gave in and told him exactly how it would work, Dean was blown away. Hell, he couldn’t have dreamed that shit up. It was just another show of Ash’s genius. And he’d be a fool if he denied that it wasn’t a little fun getting to help Ash along. 
From the first time he’d had an electrode slapped onto his arm, Dean found himself fighting the thrill he got with every one of Ash’s delicate touches. Each sensory test served dual purpose, and getting closer to Ash was something Dean never thought he’d want as badly as he did now. 
Yaya broke him out of his thoughts and as the note carried through the apartment, a sucking sensation blossomed under the patch on his arm. Before he could call out and describe what he was feeling, a chord rang out of Yaya and it felt vaguely like someone was licking him. 
“Whoa, what the fuck?”
“Cool, huh,” Ash said, now standing in Dean’s doorway, strumming Yaya’s strings. “Get enough of these bad boys on ya, you can give yourself your own blowjob by playing your favorite song.” 
Suddenly, Dean was hyper aware of Ash. From the taut, lean muscles of his arms, to his long fingers, and the way his lower lip turned berry red when his teeth bit down into it. His mind could wander, think about what those lips might feel like if they were to replace the electrode patch. What style of pubic trimming would lie beneath the acid wash jeans that hugged Ash’s tight ass just right. 
The mulleted genius noticed the way Dean’s eyes gazed in and out of focus, followed the lines of his body. Dean’s tongue licked at his full lips and a light went off in Ash’s brain. Dean was checking him out. 
Suddenly, the thought of Dean looking at him the way he was, of thinking about him, left Ash flustered in a way he didn’t expect. Sure, he’d been with guys in the past, but he didn’t peg Dean as the experimental type and honestly never thought he’d give him any thought. 
Before he could get too carried away thinking about it all, Ash pulled himself together and cleared his throat to bark, “Dean!” 
The sharpness snapped Dean out of it, and he stared up at Ash who was waiting for an answer. Dean’s face flushed hot, filled in red in the spaces between his freckles.
“Uhm,” he cleared his throat, “what?”
“Petroleum jelly or lube? If I were to lube you up under the patch, which one would feel more like someone was lickin’ ya?”
Dean’s heart raced and a thick swallow bobbed in his throat. “Uhh… lube, I think.” 
A dirty grin cracked Ash’s face. “Hell yeah. I’ve got both. You mind testin’ ‘em both out?”
Ash vanished before he could respond, and Dean cursed under his breath and rubbed his face with his hands to try and gather himself and his thoughts. 
“Jesus, this guy’s gonna be the death of me,” he said to himself, slapping on as casual a smile as he could muster when Ash reappeared with both items in his hands. 
Ash winked and approached, slapping on a carefree smile to hide the way Dean had unwittingly left him flustered and curious. “Ready for your blowjob?”
Finals had been approaching fast and hard, and Dean was in the middle of soldering wires together when the guitar strumming he’d been used to hearing 24/7 for the past three and a half months suddenly stopped. A moment later, Ash stood in Dean’s doorway, completely silent, cheeks pink and eyes wide and glossed over. He cleared his throat and took a hesitant step into Dean’s room. 
“It’s ready.” 
Those words alone shot a thrill up Dean’s spine. He’d been watching the project come together for months, and the thought of a fully functioning sex guitar was enough to have him flustered where he sat. 
“So… how are you gonna test it? Do you need to find a girl or something?”
Ash flushed and shifted in Dean’s doorway, not quite meeting his eyes. “This song is actually tuned for a guy…” 
Dean muttered out a soft, “Oh.”
“I was thinking, since you’ve been testing it it would make the most sense for you to test the final product. But, uh, you’d need to be naked. And if it works the way I’ve planned it, you’ll- uh…. You’ll cum.”
Dean didn’t mean to gape, but he stood stock still with his mouth open, his soft pink, pillowy lips forming a puckered ‘O’. That secret longing for Ash that had been welling inside Dean’s chest for months had been leading him to this moment, to this one song Ash had prepared for Yaya to sing. Part of Dean secretly hoped that whatever the song was, Ash had picked it out special for him. It took a minute for Dean’s brain to catch up and for him to regain his composure, but eventually he nodded and cleared his throat. 
“Y-yeah, I guess that does make sense. I-I’ll do it.” 
Dean couldn’t miss his chance, even if his heart is already pounded against his ribs just at the thought of what he’d agreed to. 
With Dean’s yes, Ash got to work. His room was already set up with his computers and monitors, and the electrodes were laid out along the length of his bed. Everything was ready and waiting for the test subject, but for the first time in forever, Ash felt a wave of nervous energy wash over him. Thoughts and worry ran rampant through his brain, not only about the results of his actual project, but about Dean. 
He’d been planning this for months. Dragged out the build time to get a little closer to the green-eyed god he shared the apartment with. Though, now that it was game time, he was sweating and second guessing himself, wondering if he’d been too subtle and if Dean had picked up on any of the hints he’d dropped. 
Soft knocks broke Ash’s haze and he turned to find Dean standing in his doorway in a pair of black boxer briefs. “So… is it all ready for me?”
The two shared a breath, kept eye contact a little too long, and Ash nodded dumbly when he realized he was staring. 
“O-oh, yeah. Let’s get you strapped in.”
Electrodes passed between them as they placed the sticky white patches on the upper half of Dean’s body in deafening silence. When they got to his waist, Dean pushed off his underwear and stood semi-awkwardly as Ash just stared at him. 
He was half hard already, thick cock surrounded by a neatly trimmed patch of light brown hair. He’d never felt self conscious about his body, but something about the way Ash’s eyes followed the lines of him made Dean’s insides burn hot with anticipation and need. 
“Uh… last few are here,” Ash said, pointing to the bed. “I’m gonna have you lay down and apply them to yourself.” 
Dean nodded and eased himself onto Ash’s bed, waiting for his cues. 
The sight of the tan Winchester spread out in his sheets made Ash’s dick throb in his pants, but he pushed down his own arousal and picked up two electrodes. 
“Those go on your balls.”
The tense air suddenly broke as laughter spilled into the room. The bluntness of Ash’s words had them both grinning and choking back residual waves of amusement as Ash handed him more electrodes and told him where on his crotch and genitals they were meant to go. 
Their laughter died down and Ash held the last patch in his hand. “This one goes on the bottom of your head.” Dean took it from Ash and gently applied it before looking back up to Ash, unsure of what exactly to expect.  
“So, there’s one more, if you’re okay with it…” Ash started, cheeks red as he retrieved an item and held it up for Dean. 
Between Ash’s fingers sat a relatively small, slightly curved butt plug. The smooth black silicone was attached to the last of Ash’s electrodes at the flared base, and the plug tapered to a round point. 
As Dean’s eyes widened, Ash backtracked nervously. “I mean, I don’t know if you’ve ever done that, a-and you don’t have to if-”
“It’s okay,” Dean interrupted, cheeks burning as he licked at his lips and reached out to collect the plug. “I mean, I haven’t been with a guy- or anyone who uh, you know… but I’m open to it.”
Hope filled Ash’s chest, but he quickly tamed any outward expression of it and turned to find the lube for Dean. After handing the bottle off, he left the room to give Dean the privacy he needed. 
Laid out on the bed, Dean gently worked his lubed finger around his puckered hole. He’d experimented lightly in the past, but the feel of the silicone plug resting against his skin had his heart racing. It took a few minutes to let go of his rampant thoughts and emotions, but when he finally relaxed and the plug sank into him, he couldn’t restrain the satisfied groan that bubbled from his chest. 
Adjusting on the bed and making sure the last patch was pressed firmly to the skin around his slightly stretched hole, Dean called Ash back in and let him know he was ready. Eyes meeting briefly, Ash shot Dean a warm, comforting smile that put heat in Dean’s cheeks. They were both nervous, but neither of them could back down. 
Ash’s fingers shook slightly as he typed into his computer and flicked on the monitors. A few beeps and flashing lights sounded from the completed system of cables and boxes, and then he picked up Yaya and strummed a single note. 
“You feel that?” Ash asked, smirking lightly when Dean nodded. “Okay, here we go.”
Eyes falling closed, Dean took a few breaths before Ash’s song started. He was already hard from the anticipation, and a deep gasp filled the room when Ash strummed the first notes. 
Different electrodes started firing off along his body, easing him into each sensation, and it didn’t take long for Dean to recognize the tune spilling out of the small amp in the room. Despite the sparks of pleasure radiating through him, he couldn’t help but let out a laugh. 
“Dude, Santana? Really?” 
Ash remained silent and three notes later Dean’s scoff turned into a sharp moan when the electrode on his tight hole was triggered for the first time, a licking sensation coupled with a vibrating pulse of the butt plug. 
Ash did his research. He knew his body and had grown to know Dean’s, as well. Every note was carefully picked, every sensation crafted specifically for Dean’s pleasure. 
As the song played, the soothing sound of Santana relaxed him, left him heavy-limbed and blissed-out. The nerves fell away for both of them and before Dean knew it, the cool mellowness that had filled him had morphed into a desperate need. More than half the song had flown by and he’d already been brought to the edge twice. The waves of pleasure were closer to mountains- tall and steady- barely giving Dean any time to make sense of the sensations before they crumbled him down into nothingness. A warm tingle spread through him, pulsed and shot straight to his dick. He was completely gone, fully out of control, his body and pleasure in Ash’s hands.  
“Oh, FUCK!” Dean grunted when the cluster of notes triggered a licking sensation at his puckered hole, vibrations sparking inside him. His legs began to tremble and the song was almost over. 
At the curve of Dean’s spine, Ash worked his fingers across Yaya with that much more passion for the home stretch. The man chiseled by god himself writhed on Ash’s bed, grunted and moaned and looked up at him, deep green eyes begging for mercy in the prettiest way he’d ever seen. 
At the last few bars of the song, Ash finally took Dean to that sweet release. Hips jerking wildly, white strings of cum shot from his red, flared tip, the warm tingle of pleasure overwhelming him. Every one of Dean’s muscles were tense as he arched up and slammed his eyes shut, breathlessly called his name in a wrecked and perfect cry that pushed Ash to the edge. 
Ash was hard and wanted Dean like nothing he’d never wanted anything before. 
Before he could try to stop himself, Ash leaned in to swallow his name from soft pink lips, felt the swipe of Dean’s tongue against his and abandoned Yaya to reach out and touch that body he’d spent months learning and yearning for. To his surprise, Dean shot up and kissed him back, hips thrusting with the aftershocks of his orgasm as his hands fisted into Ash’s mullet and held on tight.
“Goddamn. Want you,” Dean grunted, surprising himself with how much he meant it. “Wanna see you cum.” 
Like a light had gone off in his brain, Dean pulled Ash down onto the bed and flipped him over, straddled his skinny hips and ripped open his jeans. Electrodes rubbed off Dean’s skin as they pressed together, mouths dancing to music long forgotten as Dean eagerly stroked Ash’s hard cock. He had never given a blow job before but he’d had enough to know the basics, and when Ash’s head rolled back against the pillows he knew he was on the right track. 
With all the hot air and electricity, want and pent up desire in the room, it didn’t take long before Ash was cumming in Dean’s mouth, those full lips chasing down the sticky white liquid so he didn’t miss a drop. In the aftermath, the two of them simply lay together in Ash’s twin-sized bed, bodies sweaty and pressed together, electrodes and Ash’s clothes scattered across the bed and floor. 
“Well… I’d say that that was an overwhelming success,” Ash said, breaking the silence with a dumbfounded tone in his voice. The two chuckled deeply and Dean rolled out of the bed, groaning a little at the plug still in him. 
Picking off the last of the electrodes on his body, Dean disappeared for a moment to remove the plug and came back with two wet washcloths, cleaned himself up and tossed the other to Ash so he could do the same. Dean slipped back into his underwear and picked Yaya up off the floor, climbing back onto the bed. He settled at the foot of it, sitting back against the wall, and plucked at the strings lightly. 
Ash sat up and kissed Dean’s neck, earned a ‘fuck’ outta him and smirked as he watched Dean fiddle with Yaya. “You know how to play?”
Dean shrugged, but shot Ash a dangerous wink before playing the main riff of Whole Lotta Love. His fingers moved nimbly over the guitar, his eyes were cool and half-lidded, body bare and leaned up against the wall with nothing on but black boxer-briefs and a lazy smile as he nailed it. It was all enough to have Ash on the edge of creamin’ himself. Again. 
Dean chuckled at that red hue spreading through Ash’s face and continued to play, fingers moving with knowledge and ease as he taunted the man beside him. 
“All those music lessons and time you spent playing and practicing….” Dean’s eyes brimmed with confidence. “...I might-a picked up a few things.” He tossed a nod to the electrode patches discarded on the floor. “Why don’t you strap some of those bad boys on and see for yourself.”
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  Forever and ‘other character’ tags:   
@abaddonwithyall @asgardianvamp21 @atc74​ @barbellsareswell180 @bisexualdolphinthings @blackandpurple-hearts @blacktithe7 @blushingsamgirl @brokenyellowcrayons @charliebradbury1104 @charliesbackbitches @chaos-and-the-calm67-blog @crispychrissy @crzcorgi @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog @deandoesthingstome @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @destiels-new-girl @dontcallmebabe-ok @drarina1737 @duckzorz-blog @emoryhemsworth @ezauraemmaline @fandommaniacx @feelmyroarrrr @fictionalabyss @flamencodiva @for-the-love-of-dean @get-royally-fucked-blog @growningupgeek @gryffindorable713 @hellbentcrowley-blog @impala-1979 @impalalalala @itsemmyb @jensennjared @just-a-touch-of-crowley @kayteonline @keithseabrook27 @kingarthurofslytherin @kittenofdoomage @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @luci-bae-is-dancing-in-hell @lucifer-in-leather @lupine-princess @mamaimpala @meganwinchester1999 @moonlitskinwalker @mrsjohnsmith @mrswhozeewhatsis @muliermalefici @myarchangelgabriel @notnaturalanahi @nichelle-my-belle @oriona75 @petrovadixon @sassysupernaturalsweetheart @sexyvixen7 @shhhs3cret @sis-tafics @sneaky-midnight-adventures @soivebuiltupaworldofmagic @sorenmarie87 @spn-fan-girl-173 @spnwoman @starswirlblitz @superfanficnatural @supernaturaldean67 @theashhole @there-must-be-a-lock @tia58 @vaisabu @wibly-wobly-winchester @winchester-writes @winchesterenthusiast @winchestersinthedrift @winchesterswoonathon @winchesterprincessbride @writingthingsisdifficult @youll-all-get-yours @zeneko1987
@becs-bunker​ @crowstielean​ @daughterofthebrowncoats​ @faith-in-dean​ @jelly-beans-and-gstrings​ @plaidstiel-wormstache​ @stunt-idjit-number-two @wonderless-screwup​
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hairringtonsteve · 7 years
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(joe keery x reader) 
request: babes! can I have a joe keery one where y/n works on the set of stranger things and to him she's like the coolest ever and the both have the same style and he falls pretty hard, and when season two comes around there's a tearful reunion and confessions of love xxxx (also can y/n be british?)
summary: turns out joe doesn’t really cope well with his emotions and cries when he’s tired.
word count: 2,393
a/n: okay, so this is going out tonight (sunday), and i won’t be on much at all tomorrow BECAUSE MY AUNT IS HAVING A BABY, so i’m going to queue up a fic that somebody submitted to me, and that’ll go out tomorrow. that is all. there are no warnings in this fic. it’s just nice and fluffy and joe cries a lil. 
It had all started with the slapping.
Well, really, it had started when you’d been hired as a production assistant for some Netflix show. The premise had seemed interesting enough - you’d grown up being into sci-fi stuff - but what had really intrigued you was the fact that it was a paying job. You’d been trying your hardest to get a job in film, on top of trying to get someone to hire you while also providing you a work visa.
Eventually, your uncle had known this dude who’d known a woman who babysat for this person’s cousin who knew someone that worked at Netflix. Which meant that a couple of months later, you were working on the set of an actual tv show.
But the actual fun? That had started with the slapping.
It was day three of shooting, when you’d noticed it. Being a PA meant that you were relatively low on the list of important people, and that you were there to do what you were told and to keep your mouth shut. But you’d started to pick up on the fact that two of the actors, Gaten and Finn, had red cheeks. Not just red cheeks where they were a little excited for the scene at hand, but like… like they’d been hit. You had younger brothers. You knew how stupid kids could be. They’d already shot the scene twice, and a difference like that would be noticeable.
So you took a chance. You approached one of the Duffer brothers - you prayed you’d get the name right - and tapped him on the shoulder.
“Uh, Matt? Gaten and Finn’s cheeks look a little off. It might show up on camera.” You and Matt looked to the boys in question, watching as Finn reared his hand back and slapped Gaten across the cheek.
“What the fuck… Hey, you two! What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Matt started towards them, scowling as you hesitated for a second before following behind him. “Are you kidding me? You can’t slap each other before a take. It’s going to ruin continuity.”
“We can’t help it! We’re excited!” Gaten piped up, grinning.
“Well, are you guys going to stop?” Finn and Gaten both looked towards each other before turning back to Matt, shaking their heads, grinning like a couple of idiots. “Jesus,” he muttered. He sighed, running a hand over his face as he turned around. His gaze settled on you. “You, you good with kids?”
“Uh, sure?”
“Cool. You’re being promoted to child wrangler.”
“Isn’t there already a wrangler?”
“Well, yeah, but… You’ll be the actual wrangler. They’re worried about the kids’ safety. You’ll be making sure they don’t do anything stupid.”
Don’t do anything stupid became the mantra for the entirety of filming.
There would be days where it felt like the only things that you said were:
“Finn, knock it off.”
“Gaten, I understood the joke. It wasn’t funny.”
“Caleb, please stop talking.”
“Finn, knock it off.”
“Noah’s my favorite.”
“Finn, knock it off!”
There were more better days than worse days, though. Millie easily listened to you the best, although that was more because you’d both lived in England. But weirdly enough, your favorite person on set ended up being Joe.
“Where is everyone?”
You jerked your head up from your phone, grinning at Joe as he approached with two donuts in hand. He held out one to you, ignoring the way his pulse stuttered as your fingers brushed against his as you took the donut. He wished that he could say that it had crept up on him slowly, that he hadn’t noticed his giant fucking crush for ages until he just realized that he’d liked you from day one. Because that would have been easier. He would have had time to process his emotions and come up with a game plan.
No, he took one look at you and it hit him like a freight train. It hadn’t been his first day of filming, but within those first couple of weeks whenever everyone was slowly meeting everyone else. He’d wandered onto set during the lunch break only to come across you, Finn Wolfhard, and Caleb McLaughlin, all doubled over, laughing hysterically.
“You’re both - “ Laugh. “Such - “ Wheeze. “Shitheads.” You were getting the words out - barely - in between your laughter, Finn and Caleb losing it even more than you had.
“How was I supposed to know that it wasn’t real?” Finn snickered, grinning from ear to ear.
“Gives shithead a whole new meaning, huh?” Caleb smirked, setting the three of you off into another round of hysterics. Joe just stared at you, eyes wide. He wasn’t able to put his finger on it, but it felt like he’d just been hit in the chest.
It fucking sucked.
“The kids have a test today, which means I get some free time,” you replied, tugging him out of his thoughts. He leaned against the trailer, watching as you settled back onto its steps.
“Enough free time for us to go help out the Companions of Jorrvaskr?” He asked you, eliciting a chuckle as you bit into your donut.
“Probably not. Caleb and Gaten are most likely going to be done soon enough.” Joe nodded his head, trying to bite back the frown that was threatening an appearance. “But we could play it tonight, back at the hotel? Shooting says we should wrap up around seven thirty if you don’t suck.”
“Like, in my room?” His eyes widened, and his heart started to beat a little faster. He’d been one of the lucky ones able to get his own room. You just nodded at him.
“Yeah, like in your room? I mean, we could play in mine, but as much as Sara loves doing your makeup, I’m pretty sure she’d hate you if she had to deal with you off hours,” you teased. Joe just nodded his head a little too enthusiastic.
“Yeah, definitely. My room’s cool. Totally cool. We could grab room service or something too? We’re too late into filming, so they can’t fire me for racking up their bill.” At that, you snorted through your bite of donut, causing Joe to grin even wider.
“What’ve we got left, two weeks?”
“Yeah, I think so. Of principal stuff, anyway. Reshoots will be in a month or two, and then it's press all fucking day for the rest of our lives,” Joe said, making a face at the thought of it.
“Come on, Joe, it can't be that bad.”
“I just… I've never done it before, you know? What if I suck?”
“You can't suck at it, though. You're physically incapable of sucking at that. You're nice, charming, funny, attractive. You've got this down pat, man.”
Joe felt his entire face warm at your words. You'd called him attractive. What the hell was he supposed to say to that?
“Yeah, well, thanks for the vote of confidence.” He paused, glancing to the donut in his hand and then back to you. “You, uh, you think I'm attractive?”
You let out a bright, loud laugh as you grinned up at him. You squinted at him in the harsh sun, opening your mouth to respond just as Gaten swung open the door to the trailer.
“I'm free, Y/N! Fucking nailed it, too,” he crowed, grinning wide as you stood up from the steps, giving him space to hop down.
“Dude, language, please. Your mom said that you need to cut down on the swearing.”
“My mom needs to cut down on the shit,” he said, grinning up at you with a sly look. You shot him a glare, and to Joe's delight, Gaten shrunk under it. “I was being funny, Y/N. I was making a joke. My mom is great, okay? She's a wonderful woman.”
“Hey, you wanna go grab some donuts at crafts? They've got the good ones that you like,” Joe suggested, shooting you a quick wink before Gaten saw him.
“Yeah, let's give Y/N a break for once.”
Joe shot you another wink as he and Gaten walked away, his pounding in his chest. He was so fucking gone for you, it was ridiculous.
Joe: How's London going?
You: I feel like I'm being unpatriotic but         Atlanta was waaaaay more rainy         So it's not so bad         I miss everybody
Joe: Even me?
You: Especially you.
You: Sooooo best friend
Joe: Yessss vest friend?          Best friend          Fucking autocorrect
You: I saw some nice pictures of you online with a model. Nice 👌
Joe: Oh         No         We were walking out at the same time and they made it look like that         I don't even know her name????
You: So you're not dating?
Joe: Nah
You: Good
Joe: ???????????
Finn: okay so is Y/N coming with us for the press tour or what?
Joe: Nope, they got somebody else to wrangle you assholes
Gaten: Son of a bitch
Caleb: Language
Millie: Languaaaaaage
Charlie: So does no Y/N mean that Joe's going to spend the entire time pining?
Natalia: Probably 😂😂😂
Joe: I'm not PINING JFC we're friends
Charlie: Friends don't wanna make out with other friends, mate. Hate to break                that to you.
Joe: I hate you
Finn: no one tell joe. he's gonna be pissed
Joe had been sick when you'd told him that they'd already hired somebody else to watch the kids for season two. It made sense. For the first season, they'd been a little overwhelmed, a little under prepared. The budget had been lower, so they'd had to make do.
With season two, though, it was different. There were new actors and bigger budgets and a totally different feeling whenever he walked into set.
But that might have been because you weren't around.
Joe had been up for somewhere around fifty hours due to some travel issues and stress and then getting roped into a Mario Kart tournament whenever he'd finally gotten to the hotel. So he was a little off his game, but his first scene wasn't for another two days. Costume fittings he could handle on little sleep.
What he couldn't handle was seeing you poke your head into the costume trailer, asking for Noah to get on set.
“Y/N?” He breathed out, staring at you with wide eyes.
“Oh, hey Joe! I didn't think you were getting here until tomorrow.”
“They just - they called me in this morning. What are you doing here?” Was he hallucinating you? You'd specifically told him one night while you were Skyping that they'd gotten an actual person to watch over the kids. And if he wasn't hallucinating, then he needed to get it together. His eyes were actually starting to burn a little, like he wanted to cry.
“I'm working? You remember, my job as a PA?” You stepped into the trailer, taking a step to the left so Noah could could get out. The young boy eyed the two of you carefully, giving you a questioning look to which you just shrugged.
“But - but you said that they hired somebody else to wrangle kids?” The confusion from Joe was emanating from him so much it was almost a tangible thing.
“Yeah, but I was originally hired as a PA. I thought you would have understood what I was saying.” You paused for a moment, stepping towards him until you were about a foot away. “Joe, I would've told you if I wasn't coming back.”
Joe just stared at you, shaking his head slow, back and forth as he tried to wrap his mind around what you were saying.
At some point, the two women who had been making small adjustments to his costume had slipped outside to give the two of you some privacy. Neither of you had noticed.
“I guess you're right, I just panicked? I don't - I don't fucking know anymore.”
“Joe, are you - are you crying?” You laughed softly, reaching up to wipe a tear away from his cheek. You let your hand rest against his cheek, offering him a faint smile. “I know you missed me, but not this much.”
“I haven't slept in like fifty five hours, okay? Gimme a break.” His head dropped to your shoulder, his hands resting at your waist as he tugged you towards him. “Can I ask you something?”
“Why'd you tell me that it was good that I wasn't dating that model?”
It was silent for a few seconds, and Joe's heart felt as though it would burst. That good had haunted him ever since you'd sent it. It was the closest you'd ever gotten to addressing your feelings towards him one way or the other. He'd been dying to ask you, but even over Skype, it felt like it was too important. It needed to be discussed in person.
“Because I don't want you dating anyone, because I'm a jealous twat.” Your fingers carded through his hair as he kept his forehead against your shoulder.
“Why are you jealous?” He lifted his head so he could get a better look at you. Your teeth nipped at your lower lip, a sign of your nerves that he'd first noticed ages ago, soon after he'd met you.
You took in a deep breath, a light pink coloring your cheeks.
“Because I like you. A lot. I've liked you since we first met, but not seeing you in person for months on end sucked, and it hit me, you know?”
Joe nodded his head in response, eager enough that it brought out a small smile on your lips.
“It hit me too,” he murmured. “Really fucking fast and hard.”
“Good, that's good.” The two of you just stared at each other, looks of happy disbelief on your faces before Joe leaned in, pressing his lips to yours. You reached up, tangling your fingers in his hair.
“I'm really into you,” he mumbled against your lips, finding it hard to keep from grinning.
“I'm really into you, too.”
Noah: GUYS            AND GIRLS            YOU WONT BELIEVE IT            [Blurry image of Y/N kissing Joe, shot through the window on the door                 of the trailer]
Finn: but I like emo joe           rip emo joe
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not-sebastian-stan · 6 years
About me
Wow, okay so I hit 1000 followers as some of y’all know and I thought that it would be fun for you guys to get to know me so here are some facts about me and opinions.
I am a girl ( idk thought it would be good to know that )
Cheese? Fuck yes! Put it on everything
I own two guinea pigs ( Suus and Truus ) and a horse ( Zero )
I live in Europe
I have been speaking English since I was six years old but I don’t live in a country which language is English
I hate the summer
I have glasses because my vision is -1,5 or something idk
I have been a Sebbie fan for a long time ( since the Jefferson era )
I am almost turning 15 ( in two weeks. Please don’t be mad at me or something because I’m so young ).
I joke a lot about not getting any sleep but my sleep sqedual is perfect. I get at least eight hours of sleep every day.
I wake up at 5 am every morning ( except for the weekends or during vacations )
I have little freckles and I love them so much omg
Horror movies? Not the scary.
Spiders? I don’t fuck with them but they cool.
Clowns? I don’t play those games.
The dark? Is okay, is okay.
I hate the feeling of mushrooms in my mouth.
I have never tasted coffee but the smell alone makes me gag.
Ru Paul’s Drag Race? That’s some good kush.
Me? Hella gay. 
I am an introvert and I hate it. I get so drained when I hang out with people and it sucks.
Social anxiety? Yep, also me. I just forget how to function in public or around people I don’t know and sometimes I start hyperventilating.
Books > anything online. 
I recently cut my hair short ( collar bone length ) and I hate how it looks on me.
My parents got divorced when I was four. 
Grapes? Yes bitch
i have braces but they will be going off in a couple months.
The first thing that I will be doing when my braces are of is biting into an apple because I missed that so much.
I really want to move to New York when I am older because I think that it will be good to for me and open new doors.
Self-care is my bitch and I dominated her.
I wear make-up every day. Not because I have bad skin or because I hid behind it but because it’s so much fun to put it on and I hate it when people assume i wear it because I hate my self.
I have a few close friends.
School is so much fun. I love learning new things but tests? Pop quizzes? No way Goze.
My jeans have to be high waisted. They HAVE to be.
Working out? Yep fun. Pe? Kinda fun. Being active? Yes.
The thing I love the most about my self is the colour of my eyes. It’s kinda brown but with green and shit. Idk.
I never tan. I really like being outside but I hate being in the sun because I burn in -3 seconds. 
Math? Biology? Science? Yeeesssss baby that’s soooooooooooooo good.
I can never sleep in. I wake up between 7 am and 8:30 am every day. That’s just how my body works.
I fall asleep very early because I wake up early.
I can speak multiple languages.
I like to take Harry Potter quizzes even though I’m not in the fandom and know nothing about it.
I wish I could be more open about my self.
Writing is my outlet. So sometimes I write a lot and other times I write nothing for two weeks.
I am so amazed by writers who post every day. Just. Shout out to those writers. Give yourself a pat on the back.
I hate social media and wish it never existed because it fucked up the way I look at myself and others.
I hate it when people don’t acknowledge the privileges that they have. I have some privileges and I know that.
I have travelled to France, Italie, Thailand, Spain, Hungary, Japan, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, Swiss, Austria and Finland.
Vintage aesthetic? Yes please, baby.
Sourcream and union is my favourite flavour of chrisps besides the Cool American Doritos ( the light blue one ).
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Rep. Joe Barton
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Featuring Rep. Joe Barton
I met this married daddy at the hotel that I was staying at while I was on a business trip to attend a trade show in Texas. I was having a few drinks at the hotel bar when I notice someone walk up beside me and order a drink. He was just my type, nice gray hair, probably in his mid-60’s to 70's with belly on him. I was imagining running my hands through that gray as he blew me. I had to snap out of my day dreaming because I was about to make a tent out of my pants. He looked at me, nodded, and we introduced ourselves.
"Hey, the names Joe."
"Evan here."
I found out that he was meeting online date who had just cancelled. Apparently he thought she was a sure thing and he was going to get to eat pussy and get to fuck warm, moist hole.
“Count yourself lucky, you hit my age. You don't exist anymore.” He said followed by a sad little laugh and takes a sip from his drink.
"Well, you just have to be looking at the right people.” I said as I adjust my cock and made sure he saw.
"I'm not gay." Joe said in a defensive tone.
"Not a problem. I just thought you might want to turn your luck around."
"All you have to do is sit back and let the guy do the work to pleasure you.” I added as he laughs it off and drinks his drink nervously.
I got up, wrote my room number down on my business card slip it into his shirt pocket and pat it lovingly.
"For if you change your mind.” I said as left for my room.
Maybe I could have worked Joe to my room with more time and a few shots but I got the feeling that I should leave him wondering 'what if.' If he was really horned up like I thought, he'd take a chance with a guy. It's not like that hasn’t worked for me before. By this time I had reached the elevator in the lobby and about to push the button to my floor when I hear “Wait.”
It's Joe walking briskly to catch up with me. No other words were spoken as he get into the elevator and I push the button to my floor. It didn’t take long before we both went back to my room with Joe on my bed. I notice his hand stroke his hard cock through his pants a I got on my knees in front of him. He shivers as I slid my hands up his legs towards his crotch. Clearly he’s nervous, but trying to hide it. So better close this deal now. I unzip his pants as he lifts his ass so you can pull them down. As I do, his underwear catches his cock and cause it to snap back against his belly. I found it amusing that his short thick cock was rock hard. And with Joe watching, I took the beautiful head of his dick in my mouth. He tried not to moan, but my cock sucking skills were too much for him.
"Oh shit." Joe moans as I attack his cock.
I deep throated his old cock and he let out a loud, deep moan, the first of many. My hands go for his shirt, skillfully unbuttoning it and run my hands all over his tits and belly. I tongued the old man's shaft until he started moaning continuously. I bet he's not regretting his decision now and by the way I had him moaning had me wanting more. I wanted to test him, tease him more and did something that the old guy wasn't expecting. I pushed my mouth down to his asshole and started running my tongue back and forth against his virgin asshole.
"God what are you doing to me?" He called out.
When I forced my tongue inside his tight old asshole, he practically squealed with pleasure. And damn if he wasn't reaching down and stroking my head. Then he grabs the back of my head and trusts my tongue in deeper somehow. Fearing that I was going to make him cum, I stopped, moved up between his legs kissing my way up to his tits.
My cock, which was rock hard by now, I started grinding up and down his crotch to get Joe's reaction. He was so caught up in the feeling that I knew he was mine. When I began pushing forward with the head of my dick to his spit lubed asshole, the old man grabbed my shoulders and let out a deep moan. He started to pull away but I grabbed him behind the head with my free hand and kissed him with passion. Slowly, in spite of himself, he started to respond even as my swollen dick entered him. His back arched and I drove my  cock even deeper into him. I felt a shudder run through his doughy body as I was up to my nuts in him. I broke our embrace and started planting kissing on his cheeks, forehead and all over his face.
"It hurts." The old man said in choking, voice.
"Yeah.. but you like it. Don't you?" I said as I continued to open him up.
He just moaned while I pounded into him, but didn't attempt to push me off. In fact he hugged me as the pain turned more toward pleasure. I was loosened up his asshole with each thrust of my cock and soon had Joe moaning in pleasure in spite of himself.
"You want it deep and hard don't you?" I asked as I pound his ass like he must have wanted to pounded his date's pussy.
For the next 10 to 15 minutes, I ravaged his old ass. I running my hands all over his jiggling chest and belly while my cock repeatedly drilled his ass. By the time I was getting close, Joe was begging me to fuck him harder. He was spreading his legs wide apart, giving me full access to his butt. His cock was leaking all over his belly and I knew from the look on his face that he was getting close himself. I double my effort and pounded his butt even harder while I grabbed his cock and jacked it. He moaned and bucked beneath me as I skillfully brought him closer and closer to a climax.
Suddenly with a loud cry, he grabbed the bed sheets and his cock shot cum straight up into the air. Gobs of thick white sperm landed  all over his chest and stomach. His body convulsed with each spurt as he emptied out his seed onto his body. The contraction of his ass on my pistoning dick while he went through his orgasm brought my own climax. I made one final, hard lunge into his ass and shot off deep inside of him. After a few minutes, Joe got dressed and hurried out the door.  
I wasn't expecting to see him again but surprisingly he called me back for a few nights of fun. Sending me dick pics and videos. Even then, I still didn't know who he was and what he did until last when I was watching the news. Come to find out, Joe was a Republican congressman and one of the longest-serving member of the Texas House delegation. Apparently he was fucking these other chicks as I was fucking him. But the funny thing is, he sent that text to me.
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venusparker · 7 years
tutoring sessions ↬ p.p (part three)
read part one and part two. 
prompt: it’s your last tutoring session and to your surprise—peter’s late. you’re waiting in the cafe after your mom dropped you off, books open, work half-done, when someone decides to hold up the cashier. 
warnings: swearing 
notes: bro holy shit this thing blew up i’m shook and i wanna thank y'all for reading this. i have an idea for one more last part four for the end of this. please request more! thanks to those who messaged me and asked for this part three (i got so many anons): @theperksofbeingyourmum, @rosaetum, @k-baileyy, @legendarydazekitten, @yoyococo18, @kuerbistumorstan, @fandomtainment, @deans-angel-of-thursdays, @themilkface, @lucifersnipnips
The unusual buzz of the small suburban cafè that you lived near gave you a feeling of discomfort, causing you to shift in your seat over and over again, staring at your bottle of water that made a ring of wetness on the cover of your textbook. You sighed and moved it, wiping down the water damage and biting your lip. Your eyes glanced around, falling on people you didn’t know—besides the barista, who you saw every time your parents took you here for an early coffee—and you checked your phone. 
Mom: Call me when you need to be picked up. 
Mom: Does Peter need a ride?
You frowned, tapping your foot anxiously on the ground. I wouldn’t know. You sent back a quick and simple ‘I don’t think so,’ before slumping further down in your seat.
Where was he? 
Peter hadn’t bailed on one tutoring session, at least not without a good excuse, and you were quick to wonder where he was. He wouldn’t have just bailed on you—would he? No, no of course not, pull yourself together, he’s just running late. You shook your head and decided to study on your own, knowing that you couldn’t be so reliant on Peter. After all, you and you alone were going to be taking the test, and you couldn’t lean on him to help you then.
Still, it sucked that he didn’t tell you he might’ve needed a rain check. 
You flipped open your notebook and gazed at the scribbles of numbers and exponents among its pages. Normally you’d think you were screwed, but ever since last session you felt more confident. You could do this, you were smart and independent, and thanks to Peter, a lot better at math than you were a week ago. You finished each problem slowly, revising and checking your work online with Google and your phone’s calculator to make sure you weren’t making silly mistakes again. Finishing, you stared at your paper.
It hadn’t been long, maybe twenty minutes at least, but your hand was cramping. You bit your lip. Could it be? Did you really finish these problems with little to no mistakes? You let a smug look rest on your face as the thought registered and you smiled. 
“Who needs Peter anyways,” you jokingly whispered to yourself, before putting your chin in your hand and drawing with the other. Your brows knitted together as you said that, however, your cheeks instantly flushing. 
I do. 
It was no mystery that your brain had been a jargled mess already due to the sudden overdrive of algebra, but you had found yourself thinking of Mr. Peter Parker more often than before and MJ often had to snap you out of it when you sat together at lunch. You would then grumble at her because, this was her fault, she paired you guys up together—but she wasn’t wrong in thinking she had done you a favor. 
Something about, “You’ll thank me later,” she claimed; or whatever she would mutter about in the rare times she wasn’t reading a book that was about the human brain or by Sylvia Plath. 
You didn’t like admitting it, especially because he was your tutor and you needed to focus, not fawn during this time—but God, you think you liked him. You liked him as much as a fifteen year old could like another fifteen year old. You blushed just at the thought of it and worked up the nerve to send him a text message. 
Your last conversation had been about a movie he was raving about—Trust me, [Y/N], if you see this movie it’ll change your life, I have a DVD of it in my closet somewhere if you want—and you had never seen someone so excited about the things he liked. It was nice, you’d think, to see someone with so much ambition.  Even if he made you feel pretty crappy since he technically stood you up. 
Which was so not cool, by the way.
hey, peter. guess who finished all of their extra study work by themselves with no mistakes (hopefully)? 
that’s right, me!
i’ll pat myself on the back, thanks. 
You hadn’t meant to sound sarcastic, but in all fairness, he did deserve part of it. It really wasn’t okay that he just left you on your own after this was your last study session and the test was tomorrow.
Closing up your books, you began to stand and call your mom so she could pick you up. It had rung three times when suddenly you felt something cold against your head, and a muffled whimper from people around you. 
“End the call and slide it over,” A raspy voice commanded and your heart froze in place. He sounded out of breath, like he was running away from something. Like he was running away from someone. “And then afterwards, don’t move unless you want a head full of metal.” 
You gulped and swallowed your pride, ending the call and sliding over your phone, keeping your hands away from it. Dumbass, you thought, but you kept your mouth shut. The guy backed away from you slowly, eyes burning into your own, before he turned to everyone else. 
“Give me all the money in the register and we’ll be okay, and no one—” He points the gun at you, and you realize that you had to be the youngest person here, “—gets hurt. Got it?” 
The barista is nodding, face red and flustered.
“Good, now hurry up.“ 
Everyone’s silent as they all watch her shove stacks of dollars in his backpack, and you try to get a closer look at him. Like a cliché, he had to wear a fucking ski mask. You held back a groan of disgust. You guessed criminals had no time to be creative when they were out ruining people’s lives.
The guy wasn’t all that big, maybe five foot ten at most, and he was lean. The only thing intimidating about him was the gun in his hand. 
“Wow, I didn’t you could go skiing this early in the summer,” a familiar voice says, and your ears perk up. “Awesome mask, I love your creativity!” 
Spider-Man’s there and everything clicks in your head. You’re watching, silently just like everyone else. A superhero. An actual superhero. 
Holy shit. 
“I’ll just take this, thank you!” Spider-Man shoots a web and uses it to catch the gun, before shooting the guy in the face as he dodged a right hook. “You really shouldn’t be carrying firearms, I bet you don’t even have a license for this thing. I’m appalled. Gun laws, nowadays, am i right?”
The guy is about to say something, but Spider-Man flings a web over his mouth. 
“Sorry, I can’t listen to rule-breakers. Part of the whole agenda.”
With the criminal webbed up and disarmed, everyone simultaneously lets out a breath of relief. Some people even start cheering. 
“Is everyone okay?” He asks, looking around. Or at least you think he is (it’s hard to tell with that mask), when he lands on you. He quickly clears his throat, making his voice sound gruff. “You okay, Ma'am?” 
You nod, but give him a suspicious look. 
Peter gulps underneath his mask. 
Is that [Y/N]? Karen goes, and he mumbles a confirmation quietly so no one else can hear it. 
I thought so. You constantly look at their Instagram when you’re in your mask. It’s quite hilarious. 
“Karen, not now,” he says, but she continues.
Weren’t you supposed to tutor them today? It says so in your schedule. 
Peter’s eyes widen and so do the ones on the mask and everyone’s still in awe of him actually being there. Crap. He knew he forgot something. 
“Glad to know everyone is good,” he manages to squeak out as he hears sirens headed this way. He looks away from you and shoots one more web as the guy continues screaming against the strings already wrapped around him. “Bye, Mr. Bad Guy.” 
With that, he opens the glass doors and shoots a web up at an apartment building, swinging away. As he leaves, the chatter around you begin to build back up, raved and excited. You put your hand against your chest to feel your heart beating rapidly. Thump, thump, thump. 
You gaze out the café windows and grin to yourself, calling your mom to tell her you were fine and alive so she didn’t worry and that you were done studying. You figured that when she asked about Peter, you’d make up an excuse about how he was a little tangled up in things so she wouldn’t think much of him leaving you there. 
She really was beginning to grow fond of him ever since he had stayed over for dinner after one tutoring session, and that was the most you could say for the only boy you’ve ever had over. 
You smiled to yourself once more and sighed. You had no idea how you were going to think about that final tomorrow now, but you took out your phone one last time, sending a text message to Peter. 
thanks for that…
You smirked, knowingly, thinking of his reaction. 
You may have been bad at math, but you were certainly not an idiot.
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blackrosesfanfic · 7 years
Chapter 135
Next Day
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I sit up in the bed then stretch. I forgot I was in the hospital. I look around for Cammie or Lane. They were both over near the baby. Lane is standing there looking at the baby sleep and Cammie is on her phone. I wipe my eyes to get a better look at her. It looks as though she is crying. I slide off the bed and walk over to her.
"Good morning, Mrs. Songz."
"Morning, Daddy." Lane says. He looks at me then at the baby. "It's Caden, Daddy. Caden sleeping."
I touch Cammie's shoulder but respond to Lane. "Caden is sleeping?"
"The lady change Caden diaper. He not poopy."
"You okay?" I whisper in Cammie's ear.
She turns her phone off. "People are so fucking mean."
I kneel down. "What happened?"
"Nothing really." she wipes her face. "Just people on Twitter and Instagram. Some way they in my emails."
"Fuck people." I say touching her face. "What is your assistant doing? Does she not filter that?"
Cammie shrugs. "I don't know what I pay that girl to do. I don't even pay her that I know of."
"Don't worry about that." I say kissing her. "The doctor already came by?"
"He has been by a couple of times. My doctor came by too. She wants me back in the bed."
Cammie blows. "To rest. She says my temperature shouldn't be so low."
I kiss her then hug her. "What do you feel like doing?"
"Crying. That's all."
"No, Jayla." I say standing her up. "Want to take a walk outside?"
She looks at Caden. "No."
I kiss her neck. "Want to open some gifts in the other room?"
"Yeah." I nod. "I had Buggiz put them in the empty room next door. That's your security room if you ever need them. Somebody is going to always be in there."
She looks at me petrified. "I need security?"
"I'm not taking chances that you would and not have them there."
"Okay." She sighs. "Lane do you want to open Caden's birthday gifts?"
Lane looks at her mad. "You not open his birthday. He open his birthday."
"But he doesn't know how to. He is too little."
"And we show the Caden?"
"Yes." she says grabbing his hand. "We'll show him all his birthday gifts."
Lane smiles thrilled about the idea. "The Caden my brother?"
Cammie cuts her eyes at me then answers him. "Yes, Lane."
"How many times has he asked that?" I whisper in her ear.
"A million. He thinks he not real."
The nurse stands up. "Good morning. Is there a problem?"
I don't pay her much mind. It's a different nurse than last night. Cammie tells her everything is fine. She does it in a surprisingly nice tone given her mood. In the next room over is Omar. He stands up when we enter the room. There's no Buggiz this morning.
"Alone?" I ask.
"Ms. April sent Buggiz home to rest."
Lane sits one of the presents on the chair near Omar. He isn't wasting anytime opening them. Buggiz must have wrapped them over. When I saw them he had them all open. I saw a swing and an outfit. Lane sucks his teeth at the baby food processor. He goes over to get another box. He places it next to the processor.
"This baby stuff." Lane says disappointed after opening a blanket.
"It's from the Obama's." Cammie says opening a small present. She turns it to me. "How do they know it's a boy? The media will know shortly."
I grab the box from her. "What is this?"
"Some expensive as piggy bank." she says taking the blanket from Lane. "This is so cute. Who is this from?"
"There's something in here." I say turning it over in the box. "A savings bond."
Cammie helps Lane open another present. "It's a camera. Note says send lots of pictures, Willow."
"Mommy, I not like this stuff."
"It's for Caden, Lane."
"He not like this stuff either." Lane snaps truly upset.
I sit the horse in the middle of the floor. "Does Caden like this?"
Lane rushes over to it. "I think so. Let's show him."
"Gift from Usher." Cammie says holding up a mini tux jacket. "He says for his first photoshoot. This is too cute."
"I ride it, Daddy?" Lane asks getting on the rocking horse.
I hold up a card. "This is from your parent... Your mother and stepfather."
She cuts her eyes at me. "What is it?"
"A card. From the church." I say opening it. "It's money. Says congratulations. It has a bunch of signatures on it. Auntie Lois, Auntie Pat, Uncle Ben, Uncle Jeff... These must be the white part of the family."
"Yeah." she laughs. "That's nice."
I nod. "Yeah. This is from Chris."
"Another box?"
"With an elephant." I say taking it out. "A mother and a baby elephant."
She smiles really big. "That's beautiful."
I sit it down. "Yeah, what's that you got?"
"A baby bag. Prada." She makes a face. "I'm bored."
"What did you have for breakfast?"
"Lane went to breakfast with Mama." She says. "April. I'm going back to the room. The doctor said that I should start pumping. Do you want to help with that?"
I chuckle. "Pump you like a goat or something? With a tin bucket."
She rolls her eyes. "Don't be funny."
I follow behind her. "I'll help however I can."
"I only said that to be funny. It's a one person thing. I have this amazing breast pump that came from April I think. I saw it online for a bunch of money. It's not supposed to hurt like the others. You know it feels like the baby is nursing not like a machine sucking the life out of me. I'm excited and stressed at the same time."
"What if I stay?" I ask her stopping Lane from climbing on the baby's bassinet.
She smiles softly. "You will regret it. If you really feel like you need to be here then stay. Our baby is healthy. He may have a feeding tube placed in his throat until he learns how to suck properly. I would like for you to stay."
"No. Partially. I know it's going to get stressful in this small room."
I nod. "I kinda already feel like this space is too small. It's not private. Different nurses everyday. I thought that they will give us one steady nurse but now that reality is here. People do live outside of their jobs."
She hugs me. "I love you, whether you are here or there. I just love you."
"I love you, too."
"I touch Caden." Lane giggles. "Mommy?"
Cammie moves away from me checking the baby. "Yes, Lane."
"Mommy, that the Caden?"
"Yes. It's Caden."
"Daddy, I touch Caden feet."
I go sit across from them near the baby. I know she is right. It's going to stress me out not keeping my commitment to the concert when the baby is as strong as he is. He might not be ready to go home but everything looks good enough to expect the best. Lane has gone from crying about the baby to being overly anxious and touchy. He keeps trying to get close to his IV or his breathing machine. Cammie explains that he can't touch the baby each time he does it. It doesn't change much.
"She shouldn't be seeing this shit on her phone."
Rollie walks up with Leah. She is prettier than anybody else I ever seen him with. It's her face without makeup that makes her pretty. She looks like she has Asian in her but she doesn't. She puts her hand on my shoulder then puts her face to the glass and pouts.
"How can I control comments on Instagram?" My publicist asks.
"I'm not asking you to control Instagram. It's the blogs not Instagram. They're talking my exes. Taking pictures of innocent shit and making it look like I'm cheating. You don't know about this stuff?"
She blows. "Imma working on it. Let's do a public exposure."
I inhale. "You are seconds away from getting fired."
"Hear me out. Upload a picture of..."
"My fucking baby is in a box. There will be no pictures of my baby online with tubes in his nose."
She hesitates. "A picture of you and her. Your family. Something positive. Maybe the baby's head with his name."
"I don't think we want to do that either. No one has to know his name. Cammie is very private. Just take care of the shit that's on the web."
"What's up?" Rollie asks after I hang up.
"Tabloid shit." I say then pull Leah away from the glass. "Won't you go in instead of kissing the glass."
She turns around with a slight smile. "I have a fever so I can't go in. Lane doesn't look happy about the baby at all."
"He isn't."
"He is so precious. My baby was 5lb 4 oz at 39 weeks. She was a tiny little thing for reason at all. In a month she gained 10 pounds with her chunky ass. I thought my baby had a disorder. The doctor said she was fine."
I notice the doctor walk in. "Let me see what the doctor is saying. Excuse me."
"Tremaine, he wants to go with Leah and Rollie." Cammie says pushing Lane towards me.
"No, Mommy." he snaps.
She looks to the doctor. "Good afternoon doctor."
I grab Lane's hand. "You want Leah?"
"I go to Leah." he says pulling from me.
"Okay, go." I touch Cammie's shoulder.
She doesn't take her eyes off the doctor. He asks her about the pumping she did this morning and what's being done with that milk. He says right now the baby doesn't need milk but will in a few hours. They are putting a feeding tube in his mouth because he is struggling too hard with breathing to focus on sucking.
"Did you try to feed him?" I ask when he was done talking?"
"We test his reflex. He doesn't respond with sucking motions when his cheek is stroked or touched. That's common."
I look at Cammie. She sorta nods her head like she is okay with that. Hell I don't know shit so I'll nod my head as well. If she thinks it's okay then it will be okay. No need to ask questions when I won't understand the answer.
"After he is breathing well what will be holding him here then?"
"If he passes all over test then feeding. Oh and are you getting him circumcised?"
I nod. "Yeap, got to snip the petey."
Cammie giggles a bit. "You sound a little happy about that."
"No. That was just a question I had an answer for."
"When will that be done? Now?" Cammie says suddenly worried.
Dr. Polk waves his hands. "Oh no. That would be a reason for him staying a few extra days."
"I thought you had to get that within a few days." I ask.
"Of his original due date. If he is off the machine before that he is fine. If not we wait until after 1 and a surgery has to do it."
"This is so much." I exhale.
Cammie nods. "Yeah."
Dr. Polk smiles. "Little fussy has good energy."
"Why is he little fussy?"
"We did the most this morning." Cammie laughs. "You slept through it all. If they touch his hand he cries. They touch his head he cries. They were trying to test his reflex but he cried more than anything."
I look at the doctor. "I didn't hear crying."
"I mean he is short winded. The cry was soft and short." she makes a sound that I heard yesterday.
"It is good to hear him make a sound. Cammie can touch him all day without a problem." Dr. Polk laughs. "Anymore questions?"
I try to think of one. "I think I'm out of questions. Nope, when can we hold him?"
Dr. Polk exhales. "I need you to take that class. He has an IV in his foot now, monitors on his body, and he's very tiny. I need to know you can handle that."
"Me having to go overseas in a day won't change that?"
"Safety first." he shakes his head.
I shrug. I already held him once. I don't give a damn what he says. Caden is lying there peacefully like there's no care in the world. I recken in his world there is nothing to care about. I lean over the glass looking at him.
"How is it possible for him to develop outside of the womb?" I ask.
"These small bodies work better than your old body. They are constantly growing and developing. The human brain... The whole body replaces old cells daily. In the womb he would be safe from infection and wouldn't have to stress breathing air for another 5 weeks. You see?"
I nod. "Yeah."
"I'm glad you said that without all the big words. The doctor I had with my first son was horrible. It's like having a court appointed lawyer." Cammie chuckles.
"I'm glad you are satisfied. I'm going to go grab some lunch. Call me if you need anything."
I nod then hug Cammie. At first she seems like she doesn't want to be touched then she rubs my arm. She makes me forget who I am outside of these walls. Her scent reminds me of home. I feel like I'm home.
"The PR wants us to put a picture up."
"Of the baby? I'm not putting a picture of my baby on the internet like that."
I kiss her neck. "I said the same thing. I think it's time to get someone that understands family values more. My life has changed too much for her."
"Call April and her people."
"That would be putting my foot in my mouth."
She looks at me. "Do you want the job done? I'm only trying to support what you saying needs to be done. Replace her if she isn't doing right by you."
"Us." I say kissing her lips.
"I don't want to be on the internet myself. She really doesn't know what's going on."
"I'll talk to Ma." I squeeze her really tight. "You don't want to go to the house for a few years?"
"I really have to be here. Mentally. I can't be home without my baby."
I nod. "I won't force it. Did you sleep?"
She nods. "Yes. I could stare at him all day."
"Yeah." I kiss her. "I could stand here holding you all day."
"And I wouldn't have one problem with that."
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Episode 3 - "I wish you were BORN in 1920 so you wouldn't be in this org" - Emily
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I was close to getting an idol without searching more than twice. Michael told me he had been gathering info and narrowed down to three locations, I had already searched one so thats two. Tyler was going to search one, micheal the other. So i thought: if i beat one of them to an idol search i will have it without then knowing. But idol was gone, rip. At least I have an alliance now, i like tyler idk about michael though. Anyone who can gather that much idol info must be shady to some degree. 
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I am pretty good at Semantris but we are not winning this challenge.
Oh yeah I guess maybe I shouldn't try too hard to not be a challenge target at merge. I guess I'll try to get the promised 6k ; my top 5 scores are 6k - 9k for comparison so it might not be the easiest thing. 
So far Vilma, Richmond (Clash) and Ginger have said they will attend the watch-together. Hopefully we have a good time. 
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Day 5: God that music video is hilarious... basic... but funny Immunity win! YES! Still undefeated as a tribe. Continue to build social relations. Worked out most places that have been searched... Maybe i should do a spread sheet. Tomorrow Me and Tyler will search the last few places and hopefully find the idol. Day 6: GG Ruthie. Reward challenge, Word association, ok. Idol search has produced nothing... This is concerning... Someone must have it by now but no-one is saying. My guess is that its Stephen. Dean is more distant, this is also concerning. Dean is sitting out this challenge. Approached Tyler and Stephen about an alliance, Its going ahead, invited Jacob to be a 4th. If all goes to plan, I should know where all votes are going atm, It seems that most players trust me the most and are willing to work with me, but this is a double edge sword. Talk of a swap is happening... god i hope not yet.
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So Laelaps comes up and tells me that there's an alliance of 4 forming with me not inside - Tyler, Stephen, Jacob and himself. Yes it does give me some comfort that he's told me and that we're still sticking together, but I don't like being possibly on the outside 4 to 2. I'm just trusting in my alliance of Jacob and Laelaps that even if they're playing both sides they'd rather take me, and I'm trying to appear less threatening to save myself here.
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I hate to sound like that brawn comp beast girl but my tribe is full of inbreds and incapable of doing anything well. first of all, our music video was SHIT because only me and patrick actually tried and contributed something worth anything. second, this flash game is literally so easy..... and they're all like uWu I can't do it :/ like are y'all dumb dumb STUPID dumb? like what's up man? I've been doing this for like an hour at most and I've been getting 4400+ consistently and Patrick goes "my high score is 1920" bitch WHAT I wish you were BORN in 1920 so you wouldn't be in this org that was mean I'm kidding lol but im not I hate this tribe they're all so BORING I need some different timezones in my life. someone put vilma on my tribe. I don't know her and post season I really hope she doesn't think these confessionals are creepy. vilma I want to be your best friend everyone on my tribe sucks ): also last vote (sorry I didn't make a confession about it early) was okay - Ruthie wanted to go so we voted her out. ): rip her I love her so much. I was really looking forward to playing with her. but the good thing was it was easy and simple. if we go to tribal again idk if it'd be as simple lol. also im so bad at talking to these people???? they're so bland!!! maybe others are talking but im certainly not getting anywhere socially except with randy occasionally. I'd want to work with randy or Patrick. im not the biggest fan of liana or Daniel so if we went to tribal again that's who id want to go. I think I could make it happen too. maybe? who knows maybe they have it out for me fjdlkasjflas uhhhh okay bye bye
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if the 24 hour challenge is word race i will flip 
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I love European Michael, he is the best European. 
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During the word making immunity challenge the Europeans were up at 4am kicking our butts and Tyler who isnt participating starts talking about a European girl on their tribe that seems to be good at everything so I go to check and I think it's Vilma and want to confirm with him. Then the next word we had to make was coincidentally V5, so guess what I wrote xD 
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I think I'm coming off bossy in my tribe. Which I don't want to seem. But everything has got to be perfect and in order so there are no mistakes. We must win. 
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You know what? im going to bed. If we lose the challenge so be it, itll be healthy to vote someone out. I am not slugging away through a 24hr challenge against a beast. I’m just not. And if Veni whats to make himself known as a challenge beast, he can do that, I’ll just be gunning for him come merge/swap. I know other people might do the same. But, you know, good for him.
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So the w9 game is going on and my tribe has 3 and the others have 20 so it’s like for sure that we’re going to tribal tomorrow. And I have professed my love for randy and he returned it and I like Emily and we’re talking about our idol searches, so that’s 3 of 5 already. My tribe is just like a very quiet tribe nobody talks besides Emily. When I saw how good the other tribes music videos were I got very concerned about their amount of communication compared to ours. Idk who I want to vote out I think I like David a little more but I’ll see what the other two think. 
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I am literally so happy I've got such devoted comp beasts like Vilma and Veni in my tribe ! And we're also close allies ;) It's cool, I don't need to slay comps to win this... I just need my social skills with me and they can continue to write words :) 
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Patrick keeps calling Daniel David and if that doesn't tell you enough about my tribe idk what does. but who does it say more about? Patrick or Daniel? honestly who cares. Patrick, Randy, and I kind of banded together like "we're the only active ones lol let's vote together" so I think it's gonna be Daniel! sorry but the dude does NOT speak. and I know this is his first org over here and we're super boring... I feel bad. but yeah he's also boring! and he's sort of good at comps but not really dude. so I think it's gonna be him. after this tribal, im pretty sure that we are tribe swapping. yay final 14! I don't mind going to tribal honestly. I feel safe because I'm slightly more active than some of the other people. like it's sad to say im the most active member of my tribe but im constantly out with my friends or at work or neglecting my responsibilities. oopsie! yeah so im gonna hope and pray no one is planning a blindside on me but like if they were they'd be fucking stupid also there's no god damn way they're pulling something they don't care enough? like genuinely this tribe is so quiet. it's not that they're not talking to me. it's that they are not here. that makes the pre-merge easy for me because I can control what happens on my tribe for the time being... because it's easy? and everyone kind of thinks of me as a leader I think? because I TRY. that's IT. anyway lol yeah my plan is to vote out Daniel. and then swap onto a tribe with Vilma pls 
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Our tribe results: *posted early in the afternoon that we lost* Tribe: *doesnt talk to me* Me, a few hours later: *messages everyone trying to start a conversation and no one responds for a while* Emily: *responds once and goes offline * Pat: *responds once* Emily: *gets back online and I see both her and Pat's green circles but neither has responded to me* Me: "are you bitches conspiring against me?" Whatever I will probably have to play my idol and I am thinking about playing it against pat or Emily.  Daniel is just new so that's a good excuse for him. 
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If it wasn't a double tribal we'd all still be here but unfortunately we have to go to tribal tonight. Tonight for me could go very simply, keep my alliance of Michael and Jacob happy by voting out Dean who no one seems to have connections with, but I am getting a bit paranoid because besides Tyler, knowing seems to be talking to me or continuing my conversations which to me is a telltale sign that you're not included. The good thing is that I do have an idol and if I need to play it I will because better safe than sorry. 
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All right, so we’ve got alliances out the wazoo rn. Along with a heavy handed dash of loose lips. So tyler tells me that sluggy made an alliance with everyone but me and dean, then sluggy tells me he had a super early alliance with michael and jacob. All this tells me that Micheal especially is playing the middle, being in two alliances with him already myself. It also tells me that sluggy cannot be trusted with info. But sureeee ill be in a 2man alliance with you sluggy -_- Right now I dont trust anyone, even tyler, but ill keep this info to myself, if sluggys playing me this might be a test to see if i tell tyler or anyone else. I just need to make sure I lay low and keep the target off my back. Fingers crossed I don’t get blindsided, but at least I know I am in no way in control of this tribe, keeps me on my toes. 
So i think ive settled things enough to feel safe, i think everyones voting dean, deans voting jacob. The only wildcard is jacob who wants to split, but doesnt know who. Tbh if he does i dont want him to tell me who it is, ill only feel guilty if he does. As long as it aint me right? 
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I guess to summarise the word race because I doubt I did confessionals during that. - Michael the helper was really cool and I really enjoyed our banter in tribe chat hopefully we cross paths again. We did add eachother on Snachat. - Me and Vilma once again were the most dedicated scoring 34/35 for our tribe together. She is absolutely my ride or die partner in this and I will do anything to get one of us to win the thing. - Survivor Africa watch was good, we watched the first 3 episodes though it was just me and Vilma (see the trend?). Sadly apparently that will become illegal if we swap and are not on the same tribe which is pretty sad. - Swap is incoming, everyone knows that. Question is, will it be entirely random? If so, I flipped a coin to test my luck and it failed me. My predictions have been on point this season so moral of the story: this swap won't work well for me. - ALSO I CALLED THAT IT'S WORD RACE I HATE YOU ALL BECAUSE I AM TOO DEDICATED FOR MY OWN GOOD GODDAMNIT peace out homedogs 
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After that intense tribal council I am shaking so much, I did get to talk to Stephen and Tyler a bit alone afterwards in the call so it was nice to be able to get a feel for their true feelings without the disguise of text. At this point if Dean didn't have that idol, either Michael/Stephen have it, or it hasn't been found yet. The good news is that with it being final 14 i can expect a tribe swap into 2 tribes of 7, and that gives a lot of room for bonding, I'll continue to do what I've been doing with the friendliness and hopefully I'm not just swapped alone. I can always try to weasel my way into the cracks of a team if I am, but I'm not quite ready to play the victim card, I still have a long stretch of game left in me before I do that. 
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Well what's cooking is that I really really think it's gonna be me this vote lol, no one has talked to me and well, yeha 
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2 immunity wins in a row hell yeah! Ngl, I wasn't SUPER worried about this one because if we lost, I think it was almost certain that Ginger would go. Ginger didn't submit in the last immunity and barely helped in this one and has barely spoken to any of us. Clash and I had a call the other day which was good and gave us an opportunity to discuss a bit of game which was good. We talked about who we liked/disliked and I found out that he knows Ginger but doesn't like him. It's almost certain that next round is a tribe swap and I'm praying I get put with Clash. Right now, my ranking of who I'd want to go forward with is probably : Clash>Vilma>Veni>Ginger 
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Oh bless at us winning but at the same time I don’t trust ginger so idk if that’s the best but let’s hope for the best and hope I am in a tribe with Vilma and randy next tribe swap hehe 
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Where is this idol?? No one claims to have found it and I sure haven't either. Could use a clue right now. Too bad my tribe mates didn't agree, since THREE of them STRIKED at the reward challenge. I literally burst into laughter when I saw that. My I C O N I C fail of a tribe. Veni and I are the only ones who truly care about challenges. Well Allan cares a bit as well, but he also seems to have a life, so, I'm happy for him, although jealous! But I bet we would've lost every single pre merge challenge if Veni and I weren't overly enthusiastic about them. I just hate tribal, okay? Plus I guess I admit I'm somewhat competitive, because I don't think I could handle just throwing a challenge without trying at all. That would feel simply wrong. Veni and I went all out in the immunity challenge too, we napped in shifts and made sure one of us was around throughout the entire challenge so we had the possibility to score a point at all times. Plus we made a huge ass google sheet so we could just copy and paste answers whenever a new letter got posted. The first 15-17 hours or so I thought the Aussie tribe was for sure going to beat us (they were soooooo fast, but so was Veni thank god), but I guess they got sleepy by the end and we won!!!! YAYYYYY NO TRIBAL Veni almost posted a gif of himself as a chicken to the challenge chat I would've died if we got a warning for that He meant to post it on tribe chat https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/410716559632367616/599331778934603786/mmm_veni_2.gif I don't know who I'd vote if we went to tribal that's why I really would like to avoid it Plus I'm scared Veni and I's activity is pissing people off Don't wanna go home yet I'm having fun Ugh fuck I'm losing focus LOOK AT THAT FOUR AUSSIES GOING AGAINST ONE LITTLE ME HELP Ugh Veni will be busy in about 30 mins and then I'm gonna be in big trouble At least he let me shower I feel like a human again But it'll be tough If I was normal I'd just chill but I don't have it in me I don't know how to chill I love winning too much I gotta get that bag It's a thug life It's a thug life WE WON CHALLENGE WE GOT A BIG LEAD THEY CANT CATCH UP FUCK YEEE I CAN SLEEP EARLIER I am just glad we don't have to vote anyone out Would've sucked I feel like these past 24 hours brought closer together So I would've hated it if someone had to leave (Especially if it was me) But F14!! WOOP We're surely going to swap after the double tribal and I'm excited but scared!!! Excited because I'm ready to meet some new faces even though I've grown a liking to my flop tribe, and scared because I feel after the last challenge it's pretty apparent Veni and I were the more active members of our tribe and we could get targeted for that. My plan is to try to lay a bit low at swap, but still make sure I get to know everyone one on one to make solid new connections. I really hope I don't get swapfucked, hope to remain in the same tribe with as many og Faatasi as possible. Let's go!
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Damn work keeping me to busy to do confessionals. Reward Challenge: This appears easier as we go on. Quite enjoy this. Aim for over 5000. Got 7200 in one of my first tries... Aim is 10,000 Settled for 8200, sick of looking at my screen. Some of these word associations don't make sense. Who doesn't associate Video games with words like Play or fun... REWARD CHALLENGE WIN! AWWW YER!!! Comfort Items get! And in comfort items... A Vote Blocker!!! BOO YAH!!! Immunity Challenge: I called this 12 hours before the challenge began. I am a legend. Seems that most people are busy this weekend. I will do what I can but i will be busy for a good 6 hours of it as well Veni and Vilma are thorns in my side with this, they just type so quick VENI DOESNT SLEEP WTF!!! I cant keep up, I tried my hardest but cant keep going at 3am. We lost :( Tribe life: Current Alliances: The UHC Alliance, The Idol Hunters Alliance. Sluggy has suggested an Alliance between Tyler, Jacob, himself and me which I agree to. Vote is very straight forward, We are all voting Dean as he isn't very active unfortunately. I wanted to try and keep him around but I think I was the only one chatting to him. If Dean has an Idol then it will be Jacob going, which is also fine with me as I think Jacob will be a hindrance later in the game Dean is voted out 5-1 The idea of a swap is brought up, which we all agree is likely to happen. In the UHC chat, Sluggy brings up the point that Veni could spill the beans about knowing each other out of this survivor. Its a good point and I really didnt want to but I told my Idol Hunter Alliance about the fact I knew Jacob, Sluggy and Veni outside of the game but I play each survivor without using my relationships from outside the game effect it.
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RIGHT so here we go again u crack heads. Hate u all, this is for round 3 btw so dont get it TWISTED, sorry I made a VIDEO confessional and forgot to post it OOPSIES. Anywho, like the who’s from whovillie here we are partying minding our own business, well me at least because while I went out clubbing everyone else had to do the challenge. Sorry about it. They all love me anyway so ALL good in the HOOD. Here we are thriving Michael is absolutely carrying the team. So while the challenge was popping off Sluggy approached me asking if I was in any alliance, I high key avoided the question and just said who im trying to trust, and HIGH KEY dropped hints that dean wasn’t one of those people. He start saying if we should make an alliance chat, I was elated by the idea and smiles were HAD. The alliance included Myself, Sluggy, Michael and Jacob which is everyone expect Dean and Stephan. This is the exact same as the other alliance chat but without Stephan and Sluggy in his place! I like Stephan tho, so I went and dibba dobbed on sludgy real quick, like a speed demon u could say. Sluggy was out here trying to make ME make the alliance chat, like no thank u that can be UR job I need to tell people I was DRAGGED into it so I CANT make it SORRY. Anywho he made it. So we accidentally LOST the challenge, and much to my SURPRISE due to my lovely CONNECTIONS with these lovely people! I wasn’t targeted at all even tho I sat out and went clubbing. Yee haw, I exclaimed out of excitement. My target is Dean going into this tribal. A.) he seemed really arrogant and annoying during the music video round. b.) his video submission gave me NIGHTMARES now I can’t even hug my pillow without feeling UNSAFE and C.) we dont talk. So ooop here come the kiddies lining up in formation asking what we should do for the vote. Ooo I want to vote Dean but I simply never say it because im not a GOOSE well I try not to be a GOOSE. I say how I feel good with … but never include dean, I then wait for them to say anything negative about dean and oops I agree real quick and keep the convo focused on dean. People were talking in a alliance chats but I was highkey ignoring them because I COULDNT BE BOTHERED I talked to everyone in pm’s tho, love that for me. So Michael is over here being everyones friend so I threw him just a BIT under the bus for a later date. Like I built the ramp and the final destination is under the bus but we aint gonna push him yet. ANYWAY Dean went home yay he will be missed just not by me. 
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0 notes