#i know most people don't even HAVE grandparents anymore and i'm only even having this problem because they;ve all lived to be 94 or 102
unopenablebox · 3 months
my COMMITTEE MEETING is tomorrow and i fly out to my grandfather's funeral LITERALLY IMMEDIATELY AFTERWARD and my girlfriend is in GERMANY right now so i have to make sure the whole apartment is fully cleaned & ready to potentially have all the power shut off during a heatwave for a couple of days just in case that happens & also make sure my work samples don't die and all the antibodies i ordered still get in the freezer etc while i'm gone
and because i only learned i was dealing with this yesterday morning when he, you know, died, i absolutely did not budget time for both meeting prep and other work tasks and life stuff AND a deep clean of the fridge & kitchen or whatever it is i should do, and of course i also guessed completely wrong about what my PI would want me to be doing for this talk so i still have a bunch of stupid fiddly little figure adjustments to make each of which takes me an hour due to my like, bad intrinsic nature, and also i am having trouble focusing because my GRANDFATHER IS DEAD, AGAIN, FOR THE SECOND TIME THIS YEAR, so i am going to be working on slides for like 28 cumulative hours and yet will have practiced this presentation zero times before giving it. so i hope they don't, you know, form any opinions about me based on it or anything
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mr-ribbit · 7 months
gonna rant again bc im seeing a lot of trans women on my dash having to carry the heavy lifting to argue for their basic respect and a lot of other queer people who want to ??? get mad about that apparently. for the record as usual: im tme, im not speaking for anyone besides myself and my perspectives, but I am trying to reach out to fellow tme people to level with y'all from inside the house.
i thought we all got past the 'calling people gendered terms when theyve asked you to stop' thing in like. 2012. i swear we were allllll on board with not calling women dude anymore, nerfing sir and ma'am, neutralizing collective terms for groups, and all of that was like, during the onceler era. that's how we got off-putting shit like folx into the mix - remember???? why are we here again.
to those who I've seen claiming that they REALLY genuinely don't want to offend anyone, and that theyre trying to understand the dude thing, and they don't want to be seen as transmisogynistic when they aren't: ok. let's talk about it. step one, stop sending that really loaded anon to a trans woman you don't know, and close that in-group hatepost with 100 replies from people name-dropping trans bloggers they don't like. try to open your mind and assume for the duration of this post that I am not cynically trying manipulate thousands of tumblr users into making Bro the next big swear word, but a fellow queer human being who thinks you're all being pretty intentionally obtuse about an upsetting trend in our community
to be clear: this post is about the issue of trans women being called bro, dude, man, etc., particularly in recent tumblr discourse about transmisogyny, and the backlash they face if they get upset about it. this is also maybe moreso about the shitty ass excuses I see tme people make for why they supposedly can't stop doing this.
so let's go through some of the things I've been seeing people say they don't understand, supposedly in earnest, about this issue
I'm not actually going to exhaust my list of reasons why dude/bro/man are not strictly neutral, but you should be pretty aware that all words have context. Dude might be seen as neutral in many contexts, sure, but 'woman who is frequently called a man by others' is a situation where the context adds extra meaning to your words, just like calling someone "sweetie" might be neutral in some cases, but if you've got the context of knowing that's your coworker who's half your age, it's a bit less neutral. If you're not capable of reading that context and being tasteful about when you say dude, then you need to at least be ready to respond gracefully when someone asks you to stop. This is the part I'd rather focus on.
I think you should consider broadening your perspective *beyond* your intention behind the word. people may already understand that you meant the word neutrally and therefore didn't have transmisogynistic intent, but that's not really the entire scope of what people are saying. if that's your only concern, you're just trying to clear your record, not actually listen to what they're saying.
there are lots of words people don't enjoy being called, and in most cases, when they say 'pls don't call me that', people respect that and move on. even if the word isn't a slur, if it hurts someone's feelings, we all as a society have agreed that it's pretty shitty to keep calling them that. if your friend asked you not to call them 'buddy' anymore because their dead grandparent called them that, or something equivalently personal, you'd probably respect that instead of telling them 'but I call everyone buddy!!' right? even if you didn't really understand why it bothered them so much?
there is a prominent tendency for trans women to be denied this privilege, and when they ask not to be called dude or bro, people don't seem to respect this request as much as they would in other situations. when I accidentally use a gendered word and someone tells me they don't like it, I try to respond with something like "my bad, I didn't mean it as misgendering but I can see you were still bothered by it, so I'll try not to keep saying it. sorry!" and most people are willing to accept that. when trans women ask people this favor, a lot of people get VERY defensive, and treat the request as inane or unfair, instead of just apologizing and moving on. this is why people are upset when this happens, and it's why people are calling your actions transmisogynistic
also like you might not be doing this, but a lot of people DO use dude and bro in an intentionally gendered way to make trans women uncomfortable. it's a power play bigots use to talk down to them or otherwise maliciously harass them. do you know what arguments they use to defend that behavior when called out on it? 'oh I call everyone that' 'dude is gender neutral calm down' 'dont overreact its just a word'. by acting like this, youre all just giving credence to those same arguments.
they can get as mad as they want!! also, are you sure they're 'mad'? or are they just expressing their feelings about a negative topic to you, and it makes you feel bad, so you have to make them out to be unreasonably emotional? how do you think they should have phrased 'dont call me that' to better spare *your* feelings?
also like, in most cases, these women do not knowww you. if your main response to someone saying you disrespected them is to say "I didnt mean it that way, I meant it in a friendly neutral way", well that's NOT YOUR FRIEND! she has no idea what your opinions are or what you think of her!!! she has no reason to assume you only upset her in a friendly way and not a bad unfriendly way! but she did get upset, and she did the one thing she can do which is *tell you what upset her* and your response is to say "well actually you shouldn't be upset at all"??????
and another thing:
it's not just the issue of using the word 'dude', it's because you're coming off extremely dismissive of women who have asked you to stop doing something that harms them, and because your argument is basically that they just shouldn't be so bothered by it. or that they're stupid, irrational, or otherwise crazy for telling you that it bothered them at all, just because you Technically used a gender neutral word according to Your Rules. be honest, does that seem fair? If people were calling you something that bothered you enough to ask them to stop, and they responded like this, how would it make you feel?
focusing solely on your intent and what the words mean when you use them is the same thing as saying "just get over it". no woman should need to Prove to you that 'dude' is gendered for you to care about what she's saying. the fact that you're asking people to do that sucks and makes you look bad, which is why people are arguing with you and calling you a misogynist.
especially those of you who are only doing this with trans women who are actively arguing with. you're wielding misgendering as a cudgel and we can all see it, grow up please.
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beomboomboom · 6 months
I Love You Thrice
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genre: fluff, angst, drunken confession, childhood best friends to lovers
pairing: Seungkwan x reader
summary: The three times Seungkwan has fell in love with you and the one time it lasted forever.
warnings: alcohol, drinking activities
note: This fic is much longer than I anticipated it to be 😭😭 I hope you enjoy reading it though <33
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They say that we fall in love 3 times in our lifetimes. The first is the love that feels right, the second is the love that hurts, and the third is the love that lasts forever.
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The first time Seungkwan fell in love with you was when he was 10. Of course, he didn't know much about love at the time; only that it meant kissing on the lips and getting married so that you would be with that person forever.
But Seungkwan felt that spending forever with you didn't seem all that bad, and if it meant he had to kiss you on the lips in the process, he didn't mind that too much.
He was your best friend after all, and he would do anything if it would mean being with you forever. Playing with you every day was something he would never want to stop doing, even when he grew old like his grandparents.
"Seungkwannie~" you call from the playground. "Are you coming to play? We're waiting for you to start our game of tag!!"
Seungkwan brightens up at the prospect and yells back, "yes! wait for me!"
As he runs toward you he can't help but feel that when he's with you everything just feels so right.
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The second time Seungkwan fell in love with you was when you both were in high school.
Seungkwan didn't want you to know at first, too scared of the possibility of ruining your friendship with him.
But every time he hung out with you, he couldn't help but wish you were more than just friends. He wished he didn't have to hide his desire to kiss you every time you leaned in closer to hear what he had to say. He wished he could just say "be my girlfriend" whenever you complained about a unrequited boy crush you were having at the moment.
But everything changed when your parents announced that you would leave Seungkwan's hometown in Jeju for a life in Seoul.
Seungkwan was heartbroken to say the least.
When you came to his house to break the bad news, tears flowed down your face, "I'm moving away Seungkwan...I-I can't bear the thought of leaving you."
Seungkwan simply hugged you as tight as he could, as if it could be tight enough to make you stay with him. "It's okay, you'll always be in my heart," Seungkwan says with a bittersweet laugh as tears begin to flow down his face as well.
In that moment, all those months of Seungkwan repressing his feelings seem to release. He doesn't know exactly why he decides to share his feelings for you right then and there. Maybe it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. Maybe it was because he simply couldn't hide his feelings anymore, not when you were pressed against his chest. Whatever the case, he took a great leap of faith and uttered the words he would never imagine he'd have the courage to say.
"I like you. I have for awhile. I know it's a terrible time to tell you but-"
You cut him off with a peck to his lips, "I like you too idiot, I should've told you earlier, but it's too late now." A bittersweet smile passes across your face as you cup your hands around Seungkwan's soft face.
Leaning into your touch, Seungkwan bursts into tears again at the reminder of your move. "I'm really going to miss you, you know?"
You let out a soft smile and hide your face in Seungkwan's shirt, breathing in his scent for what feels like the last time. "I know, just don't forget me okay?"
"Never," Seungkwan promises while running his fingers through your soft hair, something he thinks he won't ever be able to feel again.
In just a week, most of the people in his class wouldn't even acknowledge your missing presence. But Seungkwan will never forget you. He could never forget you.
No matter how much it hurt to live life and constantly be reminded of your missing presence, he couldn't ever let himself forget someone as special as you.
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The third time Seungkwan fell in love with you was when he was preoccupied with everything but love.
He had worked his butt off for years to finally get a stable job in Seoul, and at the time he was working his way up the corporate ladder, hoping to get a bit more money into his wallet. This meant practically overworking himself and putting in long hours at work, all for his boss to hopefully notice his hard work.
But, everything changed when you popped into his life once again.
It was a random Sunday afternoon and Seungkwan was just browsing the grocery store shelves, focused on what foods to get for dinner that night. As he was deciding between penne or fettuccine pasta, he felt a person brush past him. Curious, he turned to look to see who exactly bumped into him, only to be met with the back of a girl who felt way to familiar to be just a stranger.
It took Seungkwan exactly 5 seconds to realize who exactly you were. But when he did realize, he felt his lips unconsciously turn up in a smile. "Y/N!!"
When you turned to the sound of your name being called, Seungkwan felt all the air leave his lungs. You were beautiful. The features he had once associated with his childhood best friend had now grown to be more mature.
"Boo Seungkwan? Is that really you?" You ask with a laugh of pure joy and disbelief the minute you lay your eyes on your old friend.
"Of course it's me you dummy. Come on, let me take you to my apartment. We need to catch up on all this lost time," Seungkwan says as he practically drags you out of the grocery store, both your faces reflecting pure happiness.
You and Seungkwan indeed did catch up on lost time. That day, you and Seungkwan spent the whole rest of the day talking about anything and everything at the same time. From what careers you guys were partaking in to reminiscing memories from your childhoods.
In only a few days, you had once again had became part of Seungkwan's daily life. The second Seungkwan got off work you were always there to pick him up, ready to go get some BBQ and Soju where you would proceed to catch up on years of not seeing one another. Then, in the morning after waking up hungover for the 29334 time, Seungkwan would be awoken with a cute "good morning" text from you and some anti-hangover pills on his bedside table.
It was only a matter of time before old feelings began to resurface, and sure enough in only a few weeks of being with you again, it began to occur to Seungkwan how much he really did love you.
He just couldn't help but notice how much brighter his life had become since you re-entered it. No longer was he exhausted at the end of every work day, now he was excited for the work day to end so that he could be with you. No longer did he dread waking up each day to go to work, now he was excited to wake up because that meant he could see you. Frankly speaking, you made his life have motivation.
That motivation being you.
Then it was as if Seungkwan were back in high school again, in denial and hiding his true feelings for you, scared as to what might happen to your guys friendship if he were to confess.
But who knew it would only take one night of Soju to break the cycle.
That night, you had opted out of the daily night drinking after Seungkwan got off work. Mainly because you were fighting a cold, but you didn't get the chance to tell Seungkwan that.
You were only able to let out the words, "sorry I can't go today becau-", when Seungkwan unexpectedly hung up on you.
Truthfully, Seungkwan was disappointed and angry. Yes, he probably shouldn't have hung up so fast and instead heard what you had to say. But Seungkwan felt as if you were blowing him off. So, in response he decided to drink by himself.
In hindsight, this was a terrible and unreasonable choice. One drink led to two, which eventually led him to finish a whole bottle, then another bottle.
And before he knew it, he was suddenly standing in front of your front door at precisely 1 AM. He didn't know exactly how he got there, his mind wasn't exactly processing what was going on, but his feet apparently had a mind of their own and walked to your house.
"Seungkwan? What are you doing here?" Confusion etched all over your half-asleep face after waking up to the continuous beeping of your doorbell.
"I-I-I likee youu. I like you so much, I lovee youu," Seungkwan mutters, his words slurring together, as he leaned forward to try and give you a wet, sloppy kiss.
"UH- Sorry- But, how about we have this conversation when you're not drunk?" You say after pushing Seungkwan's face away from your own.
"whyy~ do you not like me? are you rejecting me? we'll still be friends right? Cuz if not-" Seungkwan rambles drunkly as his face gets pink.
You let out a sigh before saying "Come on" as you lead Seungkwan into your house where he then collapses onto your bed and starts to snore. You silently let out a laugh as you tuck the drunk Seungkwan under the blanket .
"I like you too idiot," you whisper with a smile into the quiet room as you give Seungkwan's puffy cheeks a peck.
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When Seungkwan wakes up he thinks he's dreaming.
Across from him, is your sleeping figure, sleeping peacefully as he simply stares at you in shock.
No way.
Tracing your features lightly with his hand, he lets out a fond smile. He decides that if he's dreaming, he's at least going to enjoy this time with you.
You're so pretty in the morning.
As he contiues to trace your features with feather-light touches, it dawns to Seungkwan that this might not be a dream the second your eyes begin to flutter open.
"Seungkwan?" You mutter, your voice still sleepy-sounding,"I like you too, you know," You say with a teasing smile.
"WHAT- HOW DID YOU KNOW I- WHHAT?" Seungkwan yells as his mind gets thrown for a loop. Suddenly he pauses as all his memories from last night come back to him. The soju. The confession. The response.
No. He did not-
But he did.
"Oh my gosh...I-I'm sorry-" Seungkwan starts to say before pausing. "Wait. Did you just say you liked me back?"
You let out a silent nod as you scooch closer to Seungkwan on the bed and whisper into his ear. "I love you Boo Seungkwan."
"Forever?" Seungkwan questions with a teasing but fond smile plastered on his face.
"Forever," you answer as you lean down to give Seungkwan a chaste kiss on his lips.
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oddballwriter · 11 months
Growing old with moon Boys?
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Warnings: Nothing much, just the idea and scenario of being old with the boys 
Author’s Snip: This was so wholesome. Think of the boys in any way you want.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
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Steven Grant
This. This is Steven's shit right here
I think, in the most simple yet deepest way. This is what Steven wants in life. To just have someone to grow old with.
I'm not saying he has old people hobbies because I read too, but like... Steven wears button-ups and sweaters, reads, does little puzzles, and drinks tea already... he is so ready to grow old with you
I like to think that you and him just become the neighborhood grandparents. Maybe you did have children together, but they've left the nest now and you guys just decide to spend your free time being part of the community and enjoying life
You guys would be that cute old couple who take walks together all the time, you know the ones
I'm sure a cat and a dog come into the equation somehow, they always do
Marc Spector
Peak grumpy old man
Not like the "get off my lawn" type, just the ones where they only really like one person, and that person is you
I don't really think he ever really thought about growing old with you, time just passes by him and you and then he just kind of realizes that you and him are grey-er and more humble one day. And he likes it
Marc would be the type of old man who just likes sitting at home and enjoying his days with you
I feel like anything you do just doesn't phase him anymore because you two have been together for so long
Like you can just spontaneously bring home a pet and he'd voice some disdain but then just accept it
Carl and Ellie energy
Jake Lockley
Jake never really thinks much about growing old but the idea is nice to think about
He's definitely kept his spark and still does things he enjoys despite how old he may be
Age be damned, he's drinking a beer
I like to think that even if he's old, he still looks to have fun and talk to people
You guys know that one old couple from, I think, Australia who just live on cruises - Jake energy
I think that is just right up Jake's alley
Though, if you want to stay settled down then he'd gladly do that for you. Jake honestly just wants to be with you and be with people
I can also see him being the type of old man who sits on the front porch with you next to him and just watches people and things go by
I firmly believe that he gives all the young people in his neighborhood advice and some words of wisdom, but he also says "I don't know though, mijo/mija. Just do what feels right." because he knows that he might give some not so good advice
Steven is the neighborhood grandpa that you go to whenever you want, but Jake is the old man that you get advice from for the tax of giving him a bottle of beer
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PAC - What brings joy to you? How to bring joy to yourself?
[please do not copy or reproduce any part of this reading, thank you]
This reading is meant to assist you in connecting with the vibration and experience of joy. While this is for guidance, it is also meant to be fun. These groups are collectives, so take what resonates only!
I'm happy you chose to read this pick-a-pile, and may it bring you closer to the light within you. 🌻
Now slowly take 3 deep breaths. Ask your guardian angel to help you find the relevant pile for you and let your intuition guide you throughout this reading. Enjoy!
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Pile 1
Signs: pay attention to yourself. apple. justice served. I love you. India, US.
Pile 1!!!! Pile 1, pile 1, pile 1. As I shuffled the cards, I found myself singing. I can bet most of you find joy in singing freely, and even a card fell, backing this up.
I'm also getting that to find joy is to find bliss, and to find bliss is to find joy. That is what joy means to you, pile 1. For you, bliss can be found in your peace and quiet, it can be felt through the divine and experienced during meditations. Being by yourself and not talking, is healing for you. It also helps you to get in touch with yourself as well as your divine team. Again very healing, centering, and therefore it's easier for you to feel that bliss and joy.
Someone here could have a bird or parrot, I think your bird is funny AF and makes you laugh a lot.
Some of you may be close to a grandparent, and so the advice here is to spend time with them as it is a very good way for you to bring joy to yourself (and them!).
We've got the romance card so some of you may feel most joyful when you're in a relationship. But mostly, what I'm getting is that being there for people and supporting them is what brings you joy, always - whatever kind of relationship that is! I feel like you bring out the light within people, the angelic aspect they didn't know they had. That tells a lot about you too, pile 1.
Back to the singing, I also feel like it helps you release a ton of heavy stuff (feelings, painful memories...) that you don't want trapped in you or that you don't want to carry anymore. It also helps you to unleash your true self. There's definitely an element of transformational healing there with singing or songwriting, and the divine is strongly encouraging you to keep doing that.
Some of you could be singing with your own family members. For some, singing is a key characteristic of a side of your family since many generations! How cool is that!!
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 2
signs: having fun adventures, taking joy in learning, living freely and passionately (see moon & mars in Aries and Sagittarius). Brazil, India, NZ, South Pacific, UK. 44.
I saw deep blue as I was shuffling the cards (in my mind's eye), and sure enough most of the cards had a deep blue in them. I also sensed some sadness from this collective. This deep blue could mean something to you, or it could just represent this sadness of yours.
For this Pile, the divine is asking to bring forth your patience in things, as joy will definitely find you. It seems like you really struggle with it at the moment, so this reading is a welcome guidance for you and I am happy that you chose to read it. :)
For your collective, the divine seems to highlight the importance of patience and growth. They are asking you to cultivate yourself, cultivate discipline/persistence and cultivate patience as good things are headed your way while you practice this cultivation. You could find it useful to listen to monks' wisdom and how they cultivate themselves on patience, discipline, persistence, as well as how they face challenging experiences. Preferably, find books written by them on the subject, as they can freely explain everything. YouTube videos cut many parts out and are nowhere as comprehensive/rich as the monks' own books.
Finally, you are asked to trust yourself as you navigate through the difficult path you are walking on. It is not easy and sometimes you may feel like you are losing balance, but listen; even the whole universe is in a constant fight for balance. Complete balance between the light and the shadow does not exist and that's what makes the universe alive! You are the universe too, you are a spark of God/Creator, and hence it is perfectly normal for you, like all of us, to continually try to find a balance. It's all part of the experience, you beautiful wise soul. And what can be more amazing than knowing that we are alive, that we are all experiencing joys and pains, just like the universe is both made of light and dark..!!
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
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Pile 3
signs: someone is named Grace and it's for a reason - maybe your mother named like this on purpose, Pile 3 you could have a very gentle voice that soothes people, there's a lot of kindness in your voice as I have myself talking this way throughout your reading (yes I talk out loud during my readings). traveling could be a source of joy. US, Australia, UK.
A lot to unpack here (in a good way) but it's also pretty clear to me. It feels like you are Earth angels or Starseeds, I mean to everyone you're literally like a light sent on Earth. You yourself feel like you have a lot of love and care to give to people, so much so that you want to make of it your career. So take it as a sign if that's what you've been thinking about.
The divine are really highlighting that you have a strong connection to your intuition and that a major purpose of it is to be used in service to others. You are divinely guided, and you definitely have your own mission or purpose in this life on Earth, which is to assist and guide others towards their inner light, their inner spark of Creator/Source.
You may be hesitating at the moment but trust your intuition, you will find joy on the path that the divine accompanies you on. Worry not, whatever path you chooses, the divine will always support you. However this reading is about what brings you joy and how you can bring joy to you. ;)
Now that's out of the way, let me indulge in the feeling I got from you Pile 3! It's a secret shh, but you're my favourite pile of the 3! xD
I got this really sweet, caring and loving energy from your collective, it's beautiful! Your spark is really focused on assisting others, which makes me think you're more likely an angelic aspect than a starseed. You love others but you also let others love you - and by letting them love you, you are helping them to nurture and express these energies more! In other words, people feel safe to express these caring energies towards you as well.
In terms of vibration, love and joy are not so far off from each other and they are actually interconnected, aren't they? :)
So there you go Pile 3, keep true to yourself and your values, keep shining your light (love) inside out, keep hugging others within your angel wings ~
If you want to purchase a reading from me check my masterlist or go straight to my Etsy listings here. discount code: TUMBLR
Obviously, this type of reading is amazing to do because you're bathing in the energy you're reading about! Amazing. Again I hope you enjoyed. Let me know what piles you got and what your thoughts are~
Thynisia <3
This reading was done partly through cartomancy, divine channeling and my personally made paper note signs. I thank Source, Gaia, and all of our higher selves and guardian angels for supporting and blessing this reading. 🙏🏼
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smolsleepyfox · 1 month
I just woke up (5am) with the song they played at my grandma's funeral stuck in my head. It's "the ride" by Bette middler. Didn't even know the song beforehand. My grandma's death wasn't unexpected and honestly it was a good thing for her after years of being barely a person anymore but somehow the hurt is just starting to truly kick in. Maybe because I'm the youngest and had the least time, or because this is truly the end of childhood. We'd been saying "well you never know what will happen" for ten years but nobody really expected her to fade so gradually.
I didn't see many grandparents that much after they couldn't drive that the longer distance anymore. Just during the holidays. I was definitely not an easy child, even in a family of undiagnosed neurodivergence, but I don't remember her ever being unkind.
The priest spoke of what an incredible cook she was and he was absolutely right, there's still a ton of recipes we have no idea how to replicate. I always got special breakfast when I visited (porridge or a strawberry jam sandwich and hit chocolate) and she'd cook everyone's favorite dish. Their flat was on the 7th floor and I'd wave to my parents when they dropped me off for the holidays. Since there was no guest room I'd sleep in the middle of the bed until I became a teenager and I still remember what the bedroom feels like. They always had the windows slightly open for the night air to come in.
She didn't have an easy life. While I only saw them as a bickering old couple, my grandfather was apparently a horrible person for most of his life. She grew up during the war in horrible poverty and her father took his own life when she was barely a teenager and her youngest sister was 6 weeks old. She never truly got over that. I remember being 16 and on vacation with her, and seeing her cry the first time because I didn't know what had happened and she told me earnestly.
Marrying my grandfather didn't really improve their situation, my mother still remembers being poor as a child. Grandma never did much for herself until she retired and they had some money (retirement plans were apparently better for working class people back then). She loved dancing, and they went on tours to Italy and France and Austria with their large friend group. Even then it was my grandma's job to keep their funds together, since my grandfather clearly thought they had infinite money. She did everything for everyone. Thinking back, I'm not sure I could have picked out an interest of hers outside her marriage dynamic. It made me think of that one tumblr post with the woman whose husband only spoke of himself at her funeral. I think my grandfather would have been the same.
But she was a person who fought all her life, who adapted to hardships and did her best. She laughed and loved flowers and had an incredible eye for detail.
Next time pour one out for my grandma Ingrid. She got dealt a shit hand and still managed to raise my awesome mom and was amazing to her grandkids.
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destinygoldenstar · 9 months
I Answer The Would You Rather Questions From TD2023 Episode 17
(IK what you're gonna say about the title, idc, I'm calling it one long season because I feel like it)
Here's the video I'm basing this off of in case you're curious.
Would You Rather...
A) Camp in a Graveyard for a month
B) Go without toilet paper for a week
I WANT to say I wouldn't be scared cause zombies aren't real, BUT I'd be lying cause in real life, I'm anxious like no tomorrow. Plus at least with the other it's a lesser timespan.
(I relate to Damien so hard with this one.)
Would You Rather...
A) Have to wear clown makeup for a year
B) Have your direct messages made public
I don't actually DM that much, most you'd find are a bunch of sex bots that I blocked immediately, and other than that it's really just me answering people's questions about media. So I can't really say I'd lose much.
But honestly, I think clown makeup is actually pretty fun. Didn't say I wouldn't get to design the makeup myself. I'd just be cosplaying as Pomni, and I think I'd be okay with that cause Pomni is adorable.
A ; For the fun of it
Would You Rather...
A) Lose the passwords to all your devices everyday
B) Spend the entire next school year in a hot dog costume
Jokes on you Chris, I'm not in school anymore.
I SUCK at passwords anyway. So, NO THANKS.
Would You Rather...
A) Be Hockey Superstar *Whatever he said*
B) Be the puck that scored the game winning goal in the 1980 cup finals
One, I am not a sports person let alone a hockey person
Two, I was not alive in the 1980s!
I'd go with B cause I don't want to 'be other people'. I do that in fiction already and with my cynical online persona. I don't do that in real life.
Would You Rather...
A) Slide naked down a ski hill
B) Spend a day in a wave pool that uses bark instead of water
I hate the cold. So let alone being naked, it would suck.
But swimming in VOMIT?!
Would You Rather...
A) Popcorn that tastes like poop
B) Poop that tastes like popcorn
Straight up. NEITHER.
I hate both of these so much. I do not understand how Zee can possibly pick one without hesitation. (Then again, it is Zee, so...)
I am SUCH a sensitive eater. I will vomit no doubt at both of these.
I guess technically one isn't s**t, it's just the flavor sucks, so... A?
But if there was an option to pick C, I'd do it.
Screw the rules of this challenge. make it a trick question and have the person fall no matter what. TROLL, Chris. Why wasn't there a troll like that in the challenge? I'm surprised.
Would You Rather...
A) Take truth serum and be questioned by Chef
B) Only be able to eat Chef's cooking for a whole year
Again, sensitive eater over here.
Would You Rather...
A) Eat a bowl of toenail clippings
B) Not shower for a month
I'm actually tolerant to nail clippings, but AGAIN...
He said SHOWER, he said nothing about baths, swimming, deodorant, washing your hands and face, etc. So YEAH, it's actually not that bad if you think about it.
Would You Rather...
A) Eat 200 Lemons
B) Wrestle your best friend's grandpa
I'm a softie, so I'd lose, BUT...
My best friend in particular actually hates her grandparents. So she'd love me if I wrestled them, even if I'd lose.
Would You Rather...
A) Eat pudding directly from a gorilla's armpit
B) Jump from a plane with a parachute packed by your ex
In the episode, they make this sound worse than it actually is.
Or maybe that's just me because I actually DON'T HAVE AN EX
(At the time I am posting this)
Even if I were to break up with my partner just for the sake of doing this, (then get back with her afterwards) she is very skilled with this sort of stuff, has made several crafts like this, and I trust her completely.
Usually I'd hate falling, or anything that involves a vertical motion like that, BUT there's a parachute so it wouldn't be that bad.
And at this point, you'd know I'd do basically anything to get out of eating nasty stuff. If my choices are something to go off of my character.
Would You Rather...
A) Fight one bear
B) Fight 100 Rabid Kittens
I'd lose no matter what.
I am a HUGE cat person, so at least I'd be used to the kitten's scratching and biting. And maybe I'd tame them rather than fight them. That's my method of fighting.
Bear? I'd DIE.
(Also i love Wayne and Raj here. They're so cringe in the wholesome way)
Would You Rather...
A) Give up texting for five years
B) Lose your bathing suit at a crowded wave pool
I text my partner ALL THE TIME, and I will NEVER GIVE THAT UP
At least with this option I could just run away, just one embarrassing moment rather than stuck there for five years or something.
And if someone said took a video of me and posted it, uh, JAIL FOR THEM, CAUSE THAT'S ILLEGAL
Would You Rather...
A) Dirt poor but celebrated as a great poet
B) A filthy rich lawyer who puts guilty criminals back on the street
Hello. I'm a writer.
I ain't gonna put people in danger like that.
Would You Rather...
A) Be genetically merged with a warthog
B) Have Chris McLean as your dad
First off, who f****d a warthog to begin with?
You know Chris as a person, you know it would be AWFUL
Looks don't matter, I'd say
Would You Rather...
A) Apologize for something you're not sorry for
B) Go bald by the time you're 23
In the episode they act like this is a really hard one because it's Chase.
I knew what he was gonna say right away. You see ONE episode with this guy, you KNOW his answer.
Anyway, for MY answer,
I'm not a jerk.
Yeah I have stuff I'm not sorry for, but it is leagues better than hair loss. Let me tell you.
Also I realized Julia didn't get questioned at all. What's up with that?
What are your answers? Reblog them. I'm curious.
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imakemywings · 7 months
I'm glad they (or you did in the tags?) mentioned Maedhros because given Celebrimbors actions toward his uncle and father and later his actions at the fall of his city, I'm pretty sure Maedhros is the last person he would want to see or want for comfort (it seemed there was a general consensus that Celebrimbor would look for him of all people for comfort or something, which is weird for me because like @undercat-overdog said, most people don't rate their uncles as the most important people and he hasn't seen them for thousand years and when he did hear of them, it's the news of them committing the second and third kinslaying). I also subscribe to @aipilosse's headcanon about the feanorian brothers not being that close hence why Celebrimbor can easily ignore them because the relationship wasn't that deep to begin with. I fervently agree with you about Finrod most likely the family he would immediately live with after rebirth. Honestly, I headcanon him living with Finrod and Finarfin because I feel like that's the house where Celebrimbor would be able to heal (I subscribe to Finarfin being the best father and grandfather out of the three, sue me.). And even if Celebrimbor did start speaking with his father and uncles (and grandparents) the relationship wouldn't be the same anymore, like he's polite but there's no warmth or fluffiness or tearful reunion or something, it's not there anymore. What do you think of him and Elwing bonding over the trauma of getting screwed over and losing their city and people to a bunch of assholes?
With FULL WARNING that everything following is pure headcanon, since we don't actually get anything in canon on how Celebrimbor feels about his family (except that eventually he found them so morally repugnant he no longer wanted to associate with them), I think we're a lot in agreement here, anon.
I'm not opposed to Celebrimbor having originally been close with his uncles--every family is different and sure, it could be that his paternal uncles took a particular interest in his life. I DO think he was very close with Celegorm, if only because Celegorm was such a presence in his life, particularly in Middle-earth. However, I don't personally see him as super close with his other uncles (However, Lady_Gavroche has an excellent fic about his relationship with Caranthir that's a lot of fun!) I don't think Maedhros and Maglor were very fond of children as younger adults (Maedhros makes something of an exception for his brothers; Maglor does not), so I don't envision them taking much of a role with Celebrimbor.
However, with or without the premise that he was originally close at all with Maedhros, I WILL stand by that I don't think he wants anything to do with Maedhros after his death.
For me, it's that Celebrimbor put his foot down before arguably the worst of the Feanorians' atrocities. Leading up to his essentially disowning his paternal family, we have: Alqualonde, the burning of the ships at Losgar (either of which Celebrimbor may have personally had a hand in, we don't know), the fractious relationship with Doriath, the coup against Finrod, the kidnapping and attempted forced marriage of Luthien, and the effort to use Luthien to blackmail Thingol. Already at this point, Celebrimbor says "No, enough, I can't side with you anymore." (And I think his moral journey from someone who, in my mind, participated in the kinslaying at Alqualonde and in the ship burning at Losgar, to someone who says "No, this is wrong and we can't keep doing these things" is soooo interesting.)
AFTER Celebrimbor has already sided with Orodreth and left behind his family, THEN we have the attempted murder of Beren and Luthien by Celegorm and Curufin, the failure of Maedhros to address their actions in any way, the Second Kinslaying, the particularly cruel way Elured and Elurin were killed, the Third Kinslaying, the kidnapping of Elrond and Elros who were then held onto for an unknown number of years, the slaying of Eonwe's guard and the theft of the Silmarils AFTER everyone else had put their whole heart into defeating Melkor.
Like, they got SO much worse after Celebrimbor had already had enough. I imagine the amount of horror and revulsion he feels towards them and the things they did are quite high. And Maedhros, the guy who was head honcho for ALL of these things--Celebrimbor is supposed to get comfort from HIM? This guy? Nah man.
Celebrimbor died in agony and torment trying to prevent more death and bloodshed as a result of his creations. Maedhros decided slaughtering a bunch of other Elves was the best way to get what he wanted. I'm really not sure what they have to say to each other at this point.
We don't know anything about Celebrimbor's maternal family (although @swanmaids has seduced me on the idea of Curufin's wife going along with the rebellion of the Noldor and going with the Feanorians to Middle-earth) but even on the extended paternal branch of his family there are other people who have experience with torture, even torture by Sauron or Melkor! Maedhros is FAR from the only person with this experience!
Finrod would be my #1 choice because he, like Celebrimbor, was tortured by Sauron for information, and because I like to imagine they were somewhat close in Nargothrond, and that contributed to Celebrimbor being so disturbed by the way Celegorm and Curufin treated Finrod. (This is a fun fic about Finrod helping Celebrimbor through rebirth.)
There's Finduilas, who's captured and killed by Orcs; there's Celebrian, who's captured and put to torment; there's Orodreth who was killed by Glaurung; there's Aredhel who dies of slow poison thanks to her husband...and there are probably plenty of Celebrimbor's other friends and acquaintances and neighbors who have similar experiences and whom he can sympathize with. Even Nerdanel is likely to be a much better choice, since she at least never partook in any of that. He has options.
And I agree, IF he had interactions with his father and uncles again, it would be a very different relationship from what it might have been before. I can easily see him deciding he simply doesn't want them in his life anymore at all, full no-contact (as much as that's possible in Tirion).
As for Elwing, I think it would take her a while to come around to Celebrimbor just because he IS a Feanorian and I don't think she's especially inclined to give any of them the benefit of the doubt, not least one who created Sauron's rings of power ^.^;;; I'm also not sure how welcome he'd be around where she lives since iirc her tower is in or around Teler territory and you know, Alqualonde and all. But it's possible he wins her over. Kirta does a really interesting fic where Celebrimbor and Elwing meet before the attack on Sirion.
I also think it's fun when he gets to chat with Frodo.
ANYWAY long story long...I can zero percent see Celebrimbor seeking comfort from Maedhros, and honestly, it would be INCREDIBLY audacious (derogatory) for Maedhros to assume Celebrimbor would WANT comfort or support from him at this point.
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mamadoc · 5 months
1, 2, 11, 20😊
1 - Talk about someone who changed your life.
Okay. I took far too long to think about this. Since we're all in a post 6x6 and TTPD era, here's a vulnerable, tortured answer.
I had a very close friend for several years. My husband and I were very close to her and her husband. Our kids were friends. We went to the same church, all loved to travel, had similar interests and tastes, had all lived internationally, went on double dates, etc. We even considered having them raise our kids if my husband and I both passed away. In sum, we were super close.
Then COVID hit. As a doctor COVID was difficult. I struggled a lot because I was taking care of sick patients. I recall one tearful day of talking to a pregnant mom who was about to be transferred to the ICU and was saying goodbye to her other children. It really wasn't safe or comfortable to go to work for a long time. I wasn't really dealing with it well, especially with the people around me treating it like it didn't matter. I was really depressed for the first time in my life.
This friend didn't understand that or if she did, she didn't care. So, when I said I wasn't interested in going out in public and having any type of birthday celebration for my birthday (who wants to celebrate turning 41 anyway?), she started attacking me on a personal level. I was already in a dark place and instead of being a good friend and supporting me, she just keep sending me hateful messages.
That was the first and only time in my life I considered suicide. I reached out for help and got it. I wasn't in that dark pit for a long time. I'm much better now. I mostly have my sister to thank for that.
I brought her flowers for Valentine's Day with an apology note a few weeks after that. She never apologized. I brought treats to her a few weeks after that with an apology note explaining why I felt so hurt. I tried to call to explain how I felt so that I could heal. She never answered the phone.
I'm still not sure what I have to apologize for or why she never seemed to accept or offer an apology. But that was two years ago. We still don't talk. Our husbands don't talk. Our kids don't play together anymore. For a long time, I didn't like going to church because I knew I'd have to see her.
Most of that is better now. I'm just sad for a lost friendship and for the dark place I had to crawl out of.
I've used a slight modification of her name for a character in one of my stories who betrayed Lucy. I thought that might be therapeutic, but it just brought the situation up to the surface again.
Uhhh... I can't believe I just wrote all of that. I'll try to keep the rest of the answers a bit lighter.
2 - Talk about something you really want to do.
I LOVE to travel. I've been to 47 states and 16 countries. My husband and I had all of our plans in place to get to all 50 states before we turned 40. Then COVID hit and all of our plans were dashed when travel shut down. We're going at a slower pace now, but we're getting close to it. #48 (NM) in October, #49 (HI) July 2025 as a 20th anniversary trip, and #50 (AK) the summer of 2026.
11 - Share something you're proud of.
According to AO3's stats, I've posted over 339k words since I started posting 7 months ago (plus another 9-10k chapter I hope to finish tonight). I know there are those that blow me out of the water (Ahem, ahem @girlintotv and @centralperkchenford) with their numbers, but I'm pretty proud of that as a first-time writer and working mom with 4 young kids.
20 - Share with us a random fact or two.
I'm afraid I've already overshared. *yikes* But here we go.
I'm the oldest of 6 kids. The first 4 of us are all 23 months apart, then 27 months apart, and 25 months apart. So, we're essentially every 2 years for 10 years with all of our birthdays clustered together. 3 boys and 3 girls.
I had the chicken pox for my eighth birthday. My grandparents came to visit for my birthday, but they were afraid of getting shingles. So, I had to stay in my bedroom on the second floor, and they stayed on the first floor for the whole time they were visiting. I still remember standing in the hallway near the dining room while they sang happy birthday. One of my siblings blew out the candles for me and my mom brought me a piece of cake in the hallway. (Man, I'm still rocking those depressing TTPD vibes, aren't I?) I was officially not contagious the day my mom came home from the hospital with baby #5 in our family, and I remember being so excited to be healthy enough to hold my baby brother.
Sheesh. Now you probably won't ever ask me anything again. Between TTPD, 6x6, and the angst I'm supposed to be writing right now, I'm coming up with some strange answers.
Sorry to be the Eeyore in the crowd. Thanks for asking me to play though.
Ask game
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z0m813 · 3 months
average notes app entry;
I've been feeling a lot of everything lately. I couldn't describe it, though. Just that I feel like there's something inside of me that's missing, but I can never quite catch it. Every time I try to look, just get a glimpse, it's fleeting back further into the recesses of my heart. I've lived a lot of lives, it seems. Yet it all came and went so fast-- cowboy surgeon, laundromat receptionist, student, sister, bully, artist, poet, child, daughter. I was all of these at one point but not anymore. I have no title to fill. No destiny to follow. Hell, here I am, and a whole year has passed since I started living in the attic of my grandparents house. Failed prodigal son that couldn't stay away from his small town filled with queer bashing, god fearing, hateful folk who can't stand me and I them. As I write this, I'm driving the same route I've taken to work since October, a simple job at a hotel front desk. My heart is filled with something. But I'm stuck. It seems I've lived out my life already. What more is there to do when you've done everything? I no longer have that same adventurous spirit that filled me three years ago or two years ago. I'm trapped, a butterfly who flew too long and ended up stuck to an entomologist's pin board of insects. Leg. Wing. Antenna. All these bits and pieces plucked away. Now I'm 21, and Joan of Arc had already died before she reached my age, she let armies, I've been thinking a lot about her of late. And yet, what have I done? What will I do? I'm scared that the most interesting parts of me will be left in my teen years and I will slowly grow to resemble the jocks who got a cubicle job at some accounting firm but never took off that letterman jacket. Is there anything left for me to fill? I do not know the answers to these questions, but I hope I find them soon-- both for my sake, and for the people around me. I've not yet loved-- will I ever? Lately, I've come to find that I don't much care about people. They speak, they cry, they laugh, they dance. Yet I feel that all I do is simply a reaction. Is it all a mirror of those in front of me? Sometimes I fear I have no heart. But it's not really fear. Just something that is, something that always was. If it possible to feel all too much for myself and way too little for others? Perhaps it is I, human greed and selfishness perfected. When I was 8 years old sitting on the back of my father's truck, I recall thinking, is this it? That was the first time I realized there was something missing inside of me. Do I really exist, or is this just going through the motions? Am I a person? Or am I a husk, a hallow piece of skin and flesh and meat and bone? Sometimes I scare myself. What will ever make this go away? I have a pack of Newports I keep in the center dash. I've only smoked three. I never seem to find the time to smoke more. Not a true smoker heart I suppose, which is surprising, giving my family's long history addiction. It's unfortunate, really, wanting so bad for something to stifle that pained edge in your heart, but nothing doing the trick. Nothing really setting me at ease. I used to have to take 8 of my grandma's Xanax pills just to feel calm. Maybe that's still the happiest I've been. Even if it tore my family apart. There it is again, that familiar sense of self-importance, selfish self pity, searcher of desires and bringer of destruction. I cannibalize everyone around me until there is nothing left of both of us.
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infiniteko · 5 months
Do u think aliens exist? I saw this profile on twitter and i thought maybe aliens were spreading non dualism to make us go crazy or spiral out of control 😭😭😭
You promise your not some malevolent alien???
Im only 13 and shifting realities has ruined my life and taken away my innocence. I just keep going down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. Im insatiable right now. I just wanna know whats real. 😭😭
Literally from "no concepts," to loa, to shifting, astral projection, alien, conspiracy theories, demons, alchemy, angels, folk spiritual practices, witchcraft....ever since I was 11 and came across shiftok I dove deep into all these esoteric studies
And while "no concepts" feels the best, when you chnaged your pfp I got scared 😭😭😭 because it happened when I came across this community of people that think aliens are gonna come for disclosure and theyre not sure if theyre good or bad, but that humanity needs to know. It was such a stupid synchronicity...maybe i dreamed up this way...because im so scared of all this crazy esoteric knowledge i know now. All my friends think im crazy, but they also think its cool, but also dont have the mental fortitude to dive as deeply as i did 😭😭😭 im all alone
Theres these beings that esoteric people on 4chan talk about, theyre called mantids and they can control your brains😭😭😭 theyre partially aliens
Idk what to believe, but again, i even tried witchcraft and spell work, and astrology. EVERYTHING over these past two years to find out the truth of reality. I have over a terabyte of files worth of esoteric knowledge. And i still don't know!!! I wish i never came across tiktok and did this deep dive into the unknown. I wish I had just been a normal middle schooler
I wish i just found loa and non dualism first
Do you have any advice? I know, I think u might be an alien. But ur probs not lol.
My parents and grandparents cant even help...all they care about is work and keeping our lives organized. My mom and dad told me im just going down rabbit holes for no reason. My family laughs that im into all this esoteric stuff. I actually think they think its a cool quirk in the family. So shallow😭😭😭😭😭😭 im too young for this mental illness
But its too late, I know too much...
Any other no concepts people, please say anything to this post
Ur guys words have been the thing that makes the most sense. But this awakening/noticing is intense and nobody around me is going through this 💔❤️‍🩹😭🫶🏻
jesus christ???????
1. Anon with all due respect, your first question.. if you know i'm an AV/" " account, where does the belief in aliens fit in?
2. In a slightly concerning tone, don't you see how out of touch all of this sounds?
3. At your young age of 13 you might want to stay away from social media for a bit because.. this does not sound healthy anymore😬 over a terabyte of files worth esoteric knowledge.. jesus christ
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gelataisa · 7 months
Worst part about the mob wife aesthetic thing is it wasn’t actually happening at first? From what I heard, someone joked about making it an aesthetic. Then brands took it literally and paid for ads about it. Which then a few people took literally and did the look. Then people got mad. It was so weird.
My post was spurred by seeing a video commentary that showed tiktoks of people promoting the dress style vs alleged "real mob wives" romanticising life as a mob wife and saying that that dress style was part of their culture.
Now. I hope you all can see how many layers of wrong there are here.
Of course those women were only playing pretend but to me thats part of why this thing is hideous.
Even fake associating oneself with "the mob" (mafia) is sickening. And I know I come from "silly mafia fandom" but there is no blurred line in drawings. Especially when silly mafia fandom is so detached from anything real.
Playing pretend of being in the mafia, on the other hand... It blurs the line, it romanticises one of the greatest shames of my country.
And the fact that people abroad don't get it and think it's just harmless fun continues to be awful. They just think that it's some kind of moth or weird thing or just get such a distorted view of it (thanks, il padrino) that they think it's somewhat acceptable.
It is not.
There is nothing fun in mafia. There is nothing even remotely good in it.
And it is even worse seeing much of this discourse come in from people that proclaim they have Italian descent.
And don't get me wrong. I know the history of Italian migration. But I also know that nowadays Italian Americans are not Italian. I see it everyday
The "Italy" they come from does not exist anymore. The culture that was passed down to them is that of their grandparents (if there is still a direct link to Italy) and it is just old. And oftentimes in the worst sense.
An example: I could accept a 90yo in the littlest and most forgotten-by-god town in Sicily, or Calabria, or Campania saying that "mafia is not that bad". Not a 20-something yo from new York that just repeats what was passed down his family (and never had the decency to inform themselves)
Now this has become way too long and I'm sick so, tl;dr:
Mafia/the mob sucks, aesthetics related to it too, heritage is not culture
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redlacedbows · 5 months
For everyone who will see this, specifically writers and readers, there is a thin line between what's okay to write and not okay to write. And for every writer who's into the oddest, deepest most untouched kinks, this is for you. This is for you for every writer who doesn't correctly label their trigger warnings or even at all. (English is not my first language! Please, grammar nerds, correct me^_^) Let's start with age gaps. Age gaps are fine AS LONG as they're not minors. Your grandparents might have a ridiculous 10-year age gap but nobody will give a flying fuck because as you get older, you've had more experience being an adult (albeit I do NOT find 25 dating a 35-year old fine). But when it comes down to a student AND A TEACHER I will ALWAYS have something to say. There is nothing anyone can say or do that will ever justify classifying a student-teacher (romantically) relationship morally right. First of all, what the fuck, it's illegal. Don't ever normalize romantic student-teacher relationships, thank you. Non-con/Somnophilia! Self-explanatory, but some retards think it's sooo awesome and romantic and "heavenly." No, it's not, it's really not. If you find this attractive, please isolate yourself into the darkest crevices of your house and never leave. The entire obsession thing with somnophilia revolves around the idea of taking advantage of someone's defenselessness. In every. Single. Scenario. Unless your partner consents to your advancements, you will not continue. Always, always, ALWAYS ask consent from the other party to make sure that what you're doing doesn't make them uncomfortable. "It's just fictional, it's okay!" It's all sunshine and rainbows until it happens to you, something that happens to millions of women around the world, then suddenly, it's not okay anymore because finally, you know what it feels like to be on the receiving end. Step-parents x step-children or step-sibling x step-sibling. First of all, I shouldn't even have to be explaining what the fuck is wrong with this. This should be EXACTLY the same as how people view incest, but everyone's FIRST argument is always "but they're not biologically related!" Nobody gives a fuck because when you're sitting in court, trying to justify every reason that it's okay, everybody else will only think, "Hey, aren't they [parent] and [child]?"/"Hey, aren't they siblings?" Nobody cares that you're not related biologically or not, because you are family. I will always stress about this because that's your family, your parental figure, the person who's probably 20 times your age and is way more mature than you'll ever be. I probably could've worded this better but my head is totally blank and atp I'm just ranting everything that's wrong with this world. There's a shitload more that I can probably name once I'm feeling better.
Contemplating making this look more pretty so the illiterates will stop and scroll back
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eyestumblin · 9 months
I'm 34 and going through an experience lately that is really making a part of "old people dinosaur brain" click into place for me.
I've been playing the mmo GuildWars2 for ten years and I've spent much of that time striving to Get Good. I didn't have any experience with competitive gaming, and it's taken an embarrassment of hours to develop the knowledge and skills needed to reach competency similar to, though not as impressive as my early role models. There's still a high ceiling I haven't hit, but feeling strong in any moment is wonderful. There's a feeling of safety and satisfaction knowing my time and effort has been transmuted into control, comfort, and clout. I have Grown. I have Progressed. Line goes up.
The problem is it took me so long to get here, the game that existed around those things I admired has changed so much, my ideas of what's cool are no longer even really viable in terms of what's "good". All the knowledge I had of the old metagames and the 'best' strategies is firmly locked in my memory, but I return to old content and it wouldn't even make sense to do things that way anymore. I observed, practiced, memorized and became proficient with tools that now only really have value as historical preservation (Grandpa, tell me the story of los in dungeons and wvw meteornado?). This is followed by the second blow, which is to be "good" again means frequently needing to start from scratch, or at least from that awkward baby-deer-learning-to-walk, child-learning-to-hold-a-pencil stage with different tools. Years of time and thousands of hours no longer feel as disposable once you've burned through a few cycles. It gets tiring starting over. You miss being Good. I am beginning to understand the people who reject everything but their tiny version of the world, because to connect with reality would be to realize they've already slipped off the globe.
I've been given this preview of what the rest of my life will increasingly become. Acknowledging that things I've valued and carried for years can no longer accomplish what they were meant to and I have to set them down. Having empty hands for a while as I try to figure out what works now, and how to use it. I feel like people don't often talk openly, at least sympathetically, about a person's mental library of knowledge, physical coordination, even social grace falling from standard to outdated to obsolete. There are skills that have remained valuable for most of human history and cover a lifetime. Unconditional love. How to bake bread. But as technology and global communication increase the rate of societal change, shifts that would have taken decades now cycle within years. Condescending jokes about our parents and grandparents not keeping up are standard. But once we get there, how fast is everything going to be moving? How long will the gap be between cycles so we can catch up? And how much energy will we have to keep starting over? We must adapt to survive and I realize now how important it is to become able to adapt. This is my new skill to hone, but my god, what an ask! "Isn't this way too much to be extrapolating from your specific video game experience?" my mental critic asks. And I respond, "I have ADD. I abstract and combine things. I don't know. I'm valid! Get off my lawn!"
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psycho-lizard9 · 2 months
Look, I yell that I hate the BT and DZ fandom (and honestly the Jrock fandom in general) a lot. Not everyone tho, my friends are BT and DZ fans, they are the evidence to me that not everyone is trash. And I have spoken to some people online that... well the chats die or we don't really get along too well but they weren't bad people at all, not getting along isn't enough for me to scream they suck cause sometimes stuff just doesn't work and that's fine.
I wanna explain what I mean when I yell about the trash of the fandom. I won't be giving names (except one), but I will be giving reasons.
We have:
Clowns who go "minors DNI" but will send and request nudes when in contact with 17 year olds AND UNDER or write insanely sexual stuff around them. (17 is still a minor, pedos, and everything under that age is even fucking worse)
People who claim Atsushi was abusive towards his cats cause the cat pics are "clearly" just for attention... like bruh, there are quite some cat pics, sure, especially of Tsubaki... but do you even realize for how many years this man had cats? Compared to those years, there aren't many pics at all... that is like just a few pics per year, probably not even once a month. If he wanted to "exploit his cats for attention" he would have made a social media where he would show content of his cats daily doing the weirdest shit with them. Did he? No. He wasn't abusive.
Fuckers that claim Atsushi was a predator, especially towards young girls... uhhuh, look idk if you've seen this man before but if he would go after anyone it'd be your grandparents.
We have some hypocrite clowns who will indirectly call your work or art trash or will otherwise offend you and then yeet a "lol" behind it.
Clowns without a personality who just copy whoever the fuck they last spoke to, different person every week the fucking mysteryboxes of the fandom and sadly they often copy someone from the rest of this list.
People who want to share content but if the content is already online, will bully the other uploader to take it down (have heard too many stories about this, too many people had it happen to them but haven't seen it myself. Yet, Ive heard it more than once so I believe it)
Ableists... yeah people, autism and ADHD really do exist, other mental illnesses can also make people be a bit weird sometimes, some of us are really struggling with it... it's not fake news -_-
Art thiefs.
Hypocrites (will complain about what someone else did and then do the exact same like it isn't an issue anymore suddenly)
And as much as I want to avoid names... if I have to explain this one we'll be here for a month so uh... if I say "Gekka Reijin" most people will understand what I mean cause holy FUCK get professional help...
Like I am also not a fan of gatekeepers, people who are insanely quickly offended even if you didnt mean to offend them and they won't forgive it no matter what (like bruh I say sorry and didn't even mean it the way you all see it but whatever I guess. Why did this happen several times I am literally trying to be careful about what I say and how I say it. Idk what to do anymore about this), people who will fight you over having a different opinion and people that just suddenly ignore you while you don't even know wtf happened (like wtf just tell me what your problem is cause idk what I did)... but they aren't necessarily bad people, I just don't work with them but they are NOT what I mean when I'm bitching about the fandom... even tho I don't like em. It's the disgusting fuckers that I yell about.
Anyway my DMs are open ONLY to people who do NOT identify with this goddamn list. If you are like any part of the list, please do not speak to me.
Minors can talk to me but not about NSFW topics.
P.S. I'm also not a fan of the VK war fighters. BT is VK or BT isn't VK. Toll said they aren't VK but if someone wants to believe BT is VK then whatever... no need to start a whole war about it. Also other Jrock related social wars like just let people be... like you can yell about it, sure, but omg don't scream at people specifically and call them names just cause you don't agree with em.
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temporalbystander · 2 years
(Still bored... Ask box is still empty... Screw it. Let's do this while there's still daylight.)
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So, after my discussions with Lila... Please don't ask... Let's get back to the future shall we? Good on Marinette for standing up to her idol. And especially for doing designs for her grandparents. Still waiting for the world to end but hey, maybe we will avoid that scenario this time around.
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So, big heartful speech from Marinette that I'm not going to do the disservice of cutting pieces out of, and we get outfits/pieces for all her friends. One, how incredibly sweet is that? And two, she's making earrings and necklaces. She's doing the jewelry as well people, I feel that should get a lot more attention than it does. And of course Gabriel is one to talk about playing dress up with dolls... Which is a sentence I'll leave there because Adrien deserves better. Do wonder if my hoodie is in there somewhere though.
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Well, he said it. Not me. Not a pleasant picture you're painting about the fashion industry Gabriel. Makes me wonder if he even cares about it anymore or if he does it just for the financial resources and keeping up appearances? Never took him for the type to consider being 'out of fashion' as bad as Chloe makes it out to be.
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He does it for the control, gotcha. Again there was a whole speech about it but it just makes me want to punch him more and Adrien wouldn't like that. But to imply that Marinette has fallen under the spell Gabriel crafted around Adrien? Like EVERY. OTHER. GIRL. he lets be around his son? Oh that pissed me right off. What do I mean? Chloe. childhood friends but only because her parents are as important as his. Not her fault but still part of Gabriel's world. Lila. The only reason she hangs with Adrien is for power and the only reason Gabriel allows her is to keep his son in line. Kagami. Was literally crafted to be a part of said world! Man I hate this guy. Next scene.
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*sighs* second verse, same as the first. I'm going to kill him. What else is there to say at this point except the guy has gone nuts? He's so obsessed about controlling everything, creating this perfect world that nobody but him can achieve, surely he must have been sane at some point right?
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Okay, saving the most important thing for last. Suck it Gabriel, you go Marinette and aww how sweet. Now, need I point out that he was still standing at the door? That entire conversation he's been either trying to leave, or waiting for permission to return to Marinette's side. How on earth must that feel for him? To know what you want to do but have something unseen keep you from doing it? (For me it's just called motivation. Ayo!)
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Now... Is it just be or do both of them seem slightly scared of Marinette here? Sure it may just be surprise or uncertainty but I'm just going to believe that these two grown men are terrified of a 15 year old girl. Why? Because it's hilarious.
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Oh yeah, he's stunned. Also she's dissing the pancakes she didn't even eat, she's that good a baker. You tell him Marinette. I wonder how long it will take before I lose this giant grin on my face?
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