#i know its prob horrible that it gets send around as a joke
hockeybooty · 5 years
Okaaaay I just got a pic of a dm a girl sent to a player and it was a whole freaking story about their future together. Like dates, moving in together, getting pets, wedding, kids, life after his retirement. I’m not kidding. Even total thirst dms would be better. Like girrrrrrl u gotta chill.
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praphit · 5 years
Queen & Slim: Just another night on Tinder
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I was excited when I saw the trailer for this movie. Finally, we're gonna get some more black superheroes! Some people might say "You've got Black Panther!".
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So, black people only get one? There are enough white superheroes to cover a football field, but we're supposed to be happy with just one? I know there's some lesser black superheroes, but I don't wanna hear about no Luke Cage (who has impenetrable skin). 
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He ain't nothing, but cheap target practice. 
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SO FAR (I know Disney+ stuff is coming), he has only been good at carrying Capt's shield. If Capt forgets his shield at the beach or something, we all know who he is going to call.
No, we just have BP! - but he's busy fighting big time enemies like Thanos... and merchandising:)
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We need some heroes (super or not) on our level to keep it real!
Queen and Slim are out there for the people! 
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Shooting up cops who shoot up black people - at least that's what some might take away from the trailer. There are two camps here:
Those who are rah-rah, as I am, that we're getting new heroes to root for, and those who would say "What about the cop? What about the cop's family and friends? Besides, those two probably aren't totally innocent anyway."
Both sides, in this case, are wrong.
These two aren't really heroes; they didn't ask for any of this. They're not like Batman, who DECIDES to put on the costume, saying to himself "Time to save the day!" (Let's be honest, it's prob more like "Time to beat the hell out of some people, until I feel vindicated". But, whatever.) Queen and Slim were simply on a Tinder date.
Queen (played by Jodie Turner-Smith) is an attorney. She is obviously smart, she is confident, picky, a lil bitchy, a lil lonely, and way out of Slim's league. Well... I don't like to say that... they're just in different leagues.
Slim (played by Daniel Kaluuya) is a polite, some what naive, romantic, cornball. He's all about helping people.
It's not like these two are out looking for trouble or hanging out with a gang or something; just two regular people on a date that's going horribly wrong.
The climax of this horrible date is Mr. Sturgill Simpson. If that name sounds like a country singer's name to you, that's because he is. He plays the cop.
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(Wow, he is feeling it! He’s rockin that song! Or maybe he’s just tuning very passionately idk)
Now, to those who would want to run to their programmed stance of defending the cop - #1 (Bleep) that dude. He was the worst! He was definitely abusing his power. #2 It was self defense on the part of Q&S #3 which movie would you rather see - this one? or the movie where Sturgill's family and friends (all white and southern) make this racist/abuser a martyr, and set out (as protagonists) to hunt down and kill two black people? No one can feel good about watching a film like that! Well... You know what?? - I'll just move on.
This movie is actually a romantic drama/road trip flick. As seen in the trailer, they shoot the cop and are now on the run. BUT, they find time to stop for snacks, ask for directions, see some friends & family, crack some jokes, check out the sights, all while trying to avoid the law:)
The acting is very good, and the chemistry (and how they end up falling in love thru all of this) between Queen and Slim is well done. The movie shows what an inspiration a story like this can be for the black community. I don't mean in real life (although that too, to a degree), but in the movie, black people are helping Queen and Slim out around every turn - this is kinda like their super power. Now, they DO show the dangers of how protesters, in their anger (though valid) could possibly lead to big problems, if not checked. The movie pulls back A LIL BIT in this way (from F**K THE POLICE), especially for those of you looking for some balance. That being said, it ain't like this a #bluelivesmatter message movie. We all know why we're here - to cheer on Marvel's newest additions.
I will say that there are some contrived parts during their escapes, and the fact that most of the black people in this movie are bending over backwards to help Queen and Slim out is a little unrealistic. We look after our own in these types of situations, but... EVERY BLACK PERSON THEY MEET? Entire rooms of black people? All of them?! Even those on the police force?! I'm just sayin. Although, our shared trepidation and frustration concerning cops and the justice system MIGHT cause this overwhelming united reaction. Like I said, it's their super power. It wasn't just black people helping them - my man Flea was out there for the cause as well.
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I really wanted him to take off his shirt and bust out a random bass solo; even though it wouldn't have made any sense in the story, I wouldn't have cared.
Written by Lena Waithe and Directed by Melina Matsoukas.
I thought the pacing was kinda off at times, and the movie is too long, but all in all, pretty good. There were times when the audio of the people in the scene are being heard, but the people aren't moving their lips. This is a love it or hate it move by the director. I thought it was a huge editing error at first:)
The ending will send a different message to different people.  A part from that, the other message I took was that this could happen to any of us. From a bad tinder date to "Queen and Slim". Tempers flare and shit happens. Another message is to make sure that you keep stopping for food if you're on the run from the police. I guess you'll need your strength. There's a whole lot of eating going on in this film. Make sure you bring snacks to the theatre, cuz it'll make you hungry.
I wonder if Tinder could capitalize on its part of the movie. Maybe add a "Queen and Slim Challenge" button to their app. Actors could be sent out to ruin your date and hunt you down, and hopefully the two of you will fall in love... or go to prison.
I give this movie a solid B
If you're a black couple and end up with Queen and Slim's exact sitch, I don't know that you should come my way. I might help you, but I don't know. This is real life. I don't know you! You could be involved in some 6ix9ine nonsense.
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 Yeah, def don't show up at my step looking like that, expecting help.
Now, Black Panther, I'd help! No matter what he allegedly did. We've gotta protect our one superhero at all cost.
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(aaaaah, I couldn't resist. This poster makes me LOL. “BP2: White Devil attacks.” Marvel, please make that happen! Look, White Devil has already appropriated the suit.
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vcngttpt-a · 5 years
D-P, + u and X
|| just know you kill me.
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D-date: eiji isn’t really that picky about a date, to him just being able to hang out with the person most important to him is enough. if they want to hang out and watch movies on the couch or play some games he thinks that’s a amazing date. of course if his s/o wants to actually go out he’ll do his best plan the date to their liking. 
E-embrace: eiji loves hugs as much as the next person, but he is a very embarrassed about them. when he holds his s/o he’ll hold him as tight as he can because he’s worried they’ll disappears if he let’s loosens his grip even a little. 
F-flirt: if he actually tries to put effort into it he’ll fail. he’s HORRIBLE at flirting. he’ll stumble over his own words and end up with just his head in his hands and his face bright red. he’s better if he’s just being honest with his s/o 
G-gifts: eiji struggles with finding a gift for his s/o because he wants it to be perfect. so he’ll sometimes spend hours in an aisle just trying to decide between items that prob aren’t that different from each other. but he does put a lot of thought into the gift since he wants it to be special
H-heart: he’s never believed that he’s actually able to find love since he seems himself as nothin but a loser gamer who can’t stick to one job since he works at a temp agency. but if anyone does show the slightest interest in him he’ll fall so quickly. his puppy love is so strong and it falls just as hard if his feelings aren’t returned. 
I-i love you:  a mixture of both really. he wants to say ‘i love you’ as soon as he can, but he’d be too embarrassed as well as worried that he’d scare off his s/o if he says it too early. so he does other things to show just how much he loves his s/o from coming to visit them randomly or send them cute little texts or even just a gift that he found that made him think of them. 
J-jealousy: eiji gets a little jealous and will just pout and try to take his mind off it by trying to tell himself that he has nothing to be jealous about. but that doesn’t mean he won’t try to show off that his s/o is with him by either grabbing their hand or pulling them into a hug. of course afterwards he’d be a blushing mess and say sorry. 
K-kiss: he’s decent. he hasn’t dated a lot of people but he likes to think that’s not the worst kisser out there. when tries to kiss someone he’ll always be a little hesitant because he’s just an embarrassed boy who can’t believe he’s able to kiss his s/o but once he gets over his hesitance he’ll pull them into a long kiss to show just how much he loves his s/o. just be prepared to be pulled back into kisses left and right once he’s done bein shy. 
L-love: atm touma lmao he never excepted to fall for the artist but he loves the way he gets so passionate about his art or how he’ll tease him whenever he acts childish. he just loves to see him be himself around him. 
M-moonlight: this is the same as D
N-naughty: i mean, after getting over his embarrassment he’s really gentle because he doesn’t want to hurt his s/o and he wants to cherish them. he’ll plant kisses all over their body while reaffirming his feelings for them. he’s just very soft and uses that time to prove that this isn’t just a fling or something that he’s after. 
O-ode: no. he struggles to get his words out, but eventually he’ll get around to telling them how much he loves his s/o
P-partner: he isn’t really picky when it comes to looks. if the person he’s attracted to has a fun personality he’s bound to find something adorable about them. as long as he can relax and just be himself around the person he loves he’ll be head over heels for them.
U-unrequited: once when he was in high school. he had a crush on a girl that was his best friend for most of their school life and the day that he found the courage to confess to her, he never got to because she broke the news to him saying that she had a crush on someone else and asked for his help to put her name in a good word to him. wanting her to be happy he did as she asked and it pained him to see her get with someone else. he always has a slight fear that he’ll always be passed over for someone else since then. 
X-xoxo: he’d try and fail because he’d be too embarrassed. the only way he’d ever do it constantly would be if his s/o expressed that they wanted him to call them a cute pet name. even then he’d be stumbling over his words none stop. 
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D-date: having been on plenty of dates, he prefers to be spoiled and taken to the highest quality of shoppes that can feed him the best of desserts. he’s usually not very picky who goes with him on these dates. as long as he can have fun being spoiled he doesn’t care. ( most of the time )
E-embrace: he’s extremely awkward with hugs because he’s not used to being held like that. his hugs back are always a little hesitant and stiff and they never last for long. he does like the warmth that he gets when he hugs, but again don’t expect it to be longer than 10 seconds. 
F-flirt: he has a way with flirting because he’s used to using that to get what he wants out of other people. if he’s successful it always ends up with them in bed. when he goes to flirt he’ll always make sure that he’s touching the person wither if its him brushing his fingers across their cheek or tucking their hair behind their ear. it’s a way to show that he wants the person, but his flirting never holds any real meaning behind it. 
G-gifts: he struggles if only because he’s never sure what others would like. he’s used to being the one who gets the gifts. so if he’s spending some actually thought into it, just know that you are extremely special, but also know that it’s probably not that great a gift, y’know. it’s the thought that counts. 
H-heart: he’s extremely slow to give his heart to someone considering he comes from a household who no one wanted him around as well as the only example of love for him to learn from was from a broken marriage between his father and step mother. haneul always questions if what he’s feeling is real or if it’s just infatuation which is something that will fade in time. if you really want to win him over it’s going to be a long journey. 
I-i love you: he believes that he’ll never say it. it’s something that seems almost like taboo to say out loud because that means he’ll have to admit that he’s capable of having feeling like this for someone else. not to mention he’s so used to hearing the phrase tossed around that it feels like it loses all meaning behind it. it’ll take a lot to get him to say those words to his s/o
J-jealousy: he gets so jealous that he’ll pout and act like a spoiled child and acts before his head can catch up with his body. he’ll grab his s/o and pull them towards himself or try to make them pay close attention to him only. he wants their eyes on him only and when he succeeds he gets embarrassed and tries to play it off because he’s so new to that feeling.
K-kiss: one of the best damn kissers you’d ever find considering he’s had a lot of practice. he can easily make whoever he kisses weak to their knees and dominates for control. so yeah he’s not really embarrassed when he kisses other people besides his s/o where he becomes the opposite of a bold kisser. so you gotta be extra special to see that hesitant and shy kisser haneul.
L-love: ha. he’s not even sure himself if he’s in love considering how jaded he is with the emotion. if it’s really something special it just leaves him confused and worried. of course he can’t deny that obe does have a special place for him, but he’s not sure if its real love or just something else. 
M-moonlight: this is the same as D
N-naughty: *inhales* this boy a slut. he sleeps around so much that he’s pretty much done it all with anyone that again depending on the person he sleeps with he’s usual the one in control. he makes it known that he can do anything he wants with the person as well as telling them what it is that he wants. i’m not really sure when it comes to doin the do with his s/o because he’d prob try to not think about it because he’s worried about being attached even more. but there’s a good chance he’d be a little bit shy before he takes control. 
O-ode: again depends on who he’s tryin to seduce. if it’s just to get laid he’s capable to using sweet words to lure them in. its very difficult for haneul to be honest about his feelings when he has some for his s/o so it’s very likely that he’d never say anything to them. 
P-partner: if it’s a person than he doesn’t care. but uh, he’s usually attracted to really pretty people who seem like they aren’t even trying. and personality wise, he supposed they have to be entertaining to be around; someone who keeps him guessing and interested. someone who’s also pretty stupid.
U-unrequited: the only person whose hurting him and causing him to feel mixed emotions is obe because he’s told by the other just how much he loves him but than turns around and abandons him for someone else who he claims he loves just as much. it leaves haneul feeling hallow and once again confirms that love is nothing more than a useless emotion to have around, yet he still finds himself coming back to obe and that just hurts him more. 
X-xoxo: eeeh it’s not really his scene, but perhaps in the future there’s a chance he’d do it for his s/o once he grows out of his insincerities. 
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D-date: reese loves to hang out under the stars with his s/o. he’d love to take them up a hill where they can stargaze and point out the constellations to each other. maybe they brought some snacks, but he’d mostly love to be able to count the stars that reflect in his s/o’s eyes. he’d also get really sappy and say that he’s gonna name a start after them.  
E-embrace: reese is the person who will give you hug once you start dating him. if he sees his s/o he’d pull them into a hug and wouldn’t want to let go because he just loves them too much. he’d also joke around with them about how perfect they fit in his arms and he’d prob either kiss them on the head or on their lips. it’d depend on his mood. 
F-flirt: whenever reese flirts its either a hit or a miss. no amount of his charm can help him when he thinks using pick lines is a good idea. he does better when he’s honest with the person he’s attracted to. 
G-gift: reese actually puts a lot of thought into gifts for his s/o, he’ll even ask for their opinion on things while he tries to hide the fact that all these questions are to help him find the perfect gift for his s/o. he never seems to really fail in this area since he listens to whatever his s/o wants.
H-heart: he’s slow to give his heart to someone just because he wants it to be right. he wants this relationship to last and mean something and not end up in a loss. but he’s still always the first to fall when he gets interested in someone. he pretty much tests the waters so to speak before he does anything about his feelings. 
I-i love you: he’s defintly the first to stay ‘i love you’ in the relationship because he just know that he’s meant to be with his s/o no matter what. he’d be one of those embarrassing boyfriends where he tells his s/o on the daily basis that he loves them “here’s that coffee you wanted also i need to tell you that i love you.’ ‘reese you told me you loved like 5 mins ago.’ 
J-jealousy: nah. he trusts his s/o to stay true so he sees no need to be jealous. if anything everyone else should be jealous of his relationship.
K-kiss: he’s one of those natural born kissers. he’ll be the one to kiss his s/o while they’re in the middle of talking because he’s filled with so much love for them. his kisses are mostly quick little kisses followed by a cheesy grin. 
L-love: he aint really got anyone. he’s just lookin to find the one. 
M-moonlight: this is the same as D
N-naughty: reese can be a beast in bed but he can also be extremely gently. it just depends on his mood tbvh but either way no matter what he’ll be whispering how much he loves his s/o to them. he’s also willin to try new things if that’s what his s/o wants. he just wants them both to enjoy it. 
O-ode: he can be cheesy when he tries to woo his s/o. sometimes he does it in hopes to get a smile out of them while the other half is him sincerely trying to make them swoon. 
P-partner: he isn’t really picky with anything. if anything he’s more of the type to just fall for someone who’s a bit of dork. someone that he can have fun with but also someone he can connect with on a deep personal level. 
U-unrequited: he wouldn’t consider it a heartbreak if only because he knew that whatever little crush he had on the person was nothing more than that - plus they were only middle school students so it wasn’t like he knew much about love back then. 
X-xoxo: he will call his s/o every pet name under the son. even if they hate it he will still do it. it’s just how he shows his love and he thinks its adorable to be able to have a pet name that was designed to fit his s/o
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softwonjunnie · 5 years
my thoughts of the final ep
this gets a lil long so click the button to read it all lmao
before the ep;
okay so i already know hyeongjun, yohan and eunsang will be in the top 11 but it will be fun to see where they place!!
also if dongpyo and donghyun dont make it in the top i will sue someone
and i am so not ready for this 4 hour thing lmaoooo its too long mnet why
during the ep (very out of context stuff);
daehwi is so cute :(( chaeyeon too :(((
aaah wonjin u fit the center so well, pls get the center position!!!!!
donghyun fits the to my world concept to well pls center
“three months” yohan you’re full of bullshit!! he takes feedback so well aaaah so good
hyeongjun being scared of going to the front when it’s his time to be the center lmao so cute
keumdongie is 110% perfect for the center, plsssss guys vote for the right boy
wonjun & hyuck’s hand heart, help my heart
dongpyo legit describing himself as what the center needs, thats my boy
yuvin’s “i’m still growing” iM QUAKING
dongpyo’s satoori gets me every time help
kookheon looking so happy for yuvin :((
“boy” was supposed to be the non-sexy song...... as if
i need yuvin to do the music works-move if he gets into the final lineup
eunsang tries out for center and all positions and everything all the time, pls just let him be center  
donghyun isnt even a candidate for center???? are these ppl blind or something
can i just say that i’m hella dissapointed at mnet for not making the boys sing live?? it’s super boring to look at them running around and lip-syncing
also thanks mnet for hiring your worst staff to cut the live performance of to my world lmao it looks awful
also mnet are great at slowing down the final episode to make it so long, applause for that?? no jk it’s horrible, it could've easily been cut down to like 2 hours or less... i’ve just watched both performances and it’s 2 hours and 45 min left.... they’ve been talking about the 11th place boy for like 4 minutes now.... what is this
guess if this bih didn’t just cry when they thanked seokhoon
dongpyo and yoonjung :(((((
dongwook is the best representative of all seasons, i love him
dohyun can play the piano?!!!!! i was expecting for him to joke around when they said “dohyun play” but then he did it so effortlessly
lee eunsang is a vocal legend !!!
dongpyo is crying, yuvin is crying, seungyoun is crying, (jo) yuri is crying, everyone is crying
seungwoo’s message to dongpyo, kill me
aND DONGPYO MADE ONE TO SEUNGWOO TOO im crying too much already
hyungjun nations crybaby
jinhyuk didnt make a message to jinwoo...... :(
suhwan saying he’ll become a better main vocal than yuvin :)))
they’ve lined up now for the results.... i’m not ready...
omg i always say their names along with dongwook in my head, and when he counted up the boys’ names and he said “brand new music lee” my mind said daehwi?? omg
dongpyooooo :( getting major daehwi-feels here
seungyoun rising from such a low rank!!! gj!!!!!
wait a sec.... 4 places left and we have eunsang, hyeongjun, seungwoo, jinhyuck, wooseok AND mingyu left?....... AND YOHAN WHAT
nations crybaby yES
the only three month trainee who deserves 1st place
my baby boy in x position... darling.... guess if i cried even tho i knew about him debuting already?
after the ep;
well well well
its so sad how it’s ending already
it feels like yesterday when i first saw the videos of the ppl nominated for the x1-ma centers
time flies by so fast
i’ve gotten waaaaay more emotionally attached to these boys compared to any of the other seasons
idk if im happy or sad bc it makes me so sad to see the eliminated boys
donghyun :(((( you made it this far and im proud of you to make it into the top 20. you fought hard all this time!! good job!!!!! we love you
i remember picking out dongpyo, donghyun and hyeongjun as my faves from those first pictures that came out...
and i remember how i found the ep1 live stream on youtube and just wanted to watch a super small part - and i turned it on right at starship’s performance. and i was so heartbroken at hyeongjun performing so poorly because he looked so cute, but he fought back!! and he did so well and came in 4th (!!!!!) place! i love him
and i remember how i first saw donghyun and thought “ah! he looks a lot like donghyun from season 2!” and then i was gonna write down his name and..... wait a second
now that i look back at my list i wrote in the beginning with trainees to look out for...... im shook
i wrote down song hyeongjun, ham wonjin, don dongpyo, lee eunsang, lee wonjun (ah bby :/ ), keum donghyun, nam dohyun, kim yohan, cho seungyoun, kim sihoon and yoon junghwan
8/11 were in the top 20, 6/11 got into the final lineup and the others are hella talented and were eliminated too early
but i guess overall i’m satisfied with the outcome?? like i would’ve wanted wonjin and donghyun in it but i’m not too bothered tbh. it’s alright
i would’ve wanted jinhyuk and wooseok to change places bc i think jinhyuk would bring more to the group, him placing 14th is bullshit
the most saddening thing tho is that the starship boys are all split up now for 5 years so we probs won’t see a starship boygroup now for another 2.5 years so bye guys
conclusion i love pdx101
i love the trainees
and i love you guys who follow me and send me love and support, let’s all support our wonderful boys together!!! pdx101 fighting!!!!!!
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thesvenqueen · 6 years
The Unexpected
SURPRISE @karis-the-fangirl! I am your (late) Secret Santa! So sorry for the delay, life’s been absolutely insane the last few days BUT I managed to finish this for you! It’s got some pining, probs bad grammar, horrible transitions, ‘one bed’ trope(ish), and overall cuteness! I hope you enjoy it & hope you have a great Christmas!
Words: 1813  Rating: K
Anna hadn’t expected the gift.
A full weekend getaway in the mountains; a little cabin nestled right on the edge with full view of the valley below and surrounding snowy mountains.
It was near several trails to explore, some with waterfalls and one even with hot springs.
It was the perfect gift, a getaway that Anna desperately needed.
Anna hadn’t expected Elsa to bail.
When she got the gift, she thought of asking Elsa, and at first Elsa was all for a weekend break.
At first.
Then, a business matter came up. Urgent & needing tending to, something that ‘couldn’t wait a weekend’ according to her sister.
Slightly annoyed, Anna said she ‘understood’.
Anna hadn’t expected her sister to suggest him.
She had blushed immediately at his name, trying to come up with some excuse as to why it wasn’t going to work; how it wasn’t a good idea & a disaster in the making.
The excuses were really to hide the faint bit of excitement at the idea, the way her heart sped up at the thought of a weekend with him.
After more encouragement, Anna finally gave in (she swore she could tell Elsa was grinning on the other end).
Anna hadn’t expected Kristoff to say yes, and so quickly as well.
Things had been, awkward, to say the least lately. They had been as thick as thieves in high school, never leaving each other’s sides. Always getting up to some kind of mischief or just enjoying a lazy afternoon together somewhere in the small town.
Then reality hit, acceptance letters received, distance came and separation happened.
Years passed, and it took a chance run in a few months ago for the pair to meet again.
Anna hadn’t expected to see him.
The site of him made her stop in her tracks.
Kristoff had grew, somehow more than his growth spurt in high school. The skinny, tall, lanky teenager was fit, bulked up, but his hair was still just barely hanging in his eyes.
He had stuttered a hello to her when she walked up to him in the store, and all it took was to see that grin she knew so well and she was done.
It took that one chance meeting to know she was head over heels for Kristoff.
Really, she had been since high school. Nerves got the best of her, regrettably so, and she never told him. The years that passed while at college Anna had missed him greatly, always regretting never saying anything, and too scared to send a text after all this time.
Now here they were, having some pizza like old times, wim him stuttering to try and save the quick “Yes!” he had exclaimed at the diner while Anna giggled.
Anna hadn’t expected the drive.
Well, that’s a lie, she had expected the long drive. What she didn’t expect was the absence of awkwardness.
The days leading up, she started to worry and half regret asking.
What if it was weird?
What if she said something stupid?
What if Kristoff didn’t enjoy it?
What if she spilled the beans on how she felt?
What if he didn’t feel the same?
For a moment, a fleeting moment, when she had first gotten in Kristoff’s truck, it was there. Awkwardness tried to creep its way in.
Then, Kristoff asked if she was ready, and with a sly grin she had replied, “I was born ready”.
Hours passed easily, with jokes, stories, and moments of comfortable silence as they drove up the mountain side.
It was like old times, better even.
Anna hadn’t expected the cabin to be so beautiful.
It was just as the picture had shown; small, quaint, perfect for a weekend getaway that sat perfectly beneath the pine trees & snow.
One by one Anna bounded around the cabin, taking it all in and caught up to Kristoff who was standing in the doorway to the bedroom.
Anna hadn’t expected the one bed.
For a moment, they both stared at the bed. Anna glanced over and could see a slight blush on Kristoff’s face; she was curious if it was from the cold.
The awkwardness came back immediately then, till Kristoff mentioned he’ll take the couch.
Oh no, that was not going to do.They had not driven all the up here for him to sleep on a couch.
“We’re adults Kristoff, we can share a bed.”
This time, the blush was definitely not from the cold.
Anna hadn’t expected the butterflies.
Once moved into the cabin, Anna had convinced Kristoff to go explore a quick nearby trail before night fall.
It was then that as Anna pleaded and begged to go, that Kristoff had chuckled and said “You know I can’t say no to you”.
For some reason, hearing that gave her butterflies.
Anna had stared at him for a moment then caught herself, quickly dashing for the door as she called “Last one in the snow is a rotten egg.”
Thankfully, the cold hid her blush.
Anna hadn’t expected the snow storm. Neither of them had.
She had known she was forgetting something that morning, but after checking her suitcase three times she gave up.
As she made a mad dash for the cabin door as it came into view, she realized it had been the weather she had forgotten to check.
The storm had rolled in and both had been distracted by the beauty of the woods around them. Kristoff called it the moment the first snowflake appeared in front of them. Anna had been skeptic, seeing no real change.
It was when they were halfway back that the bottom fell out and they were quickly covered in snow.
Shivering, Anna made it to the door of the cabin, too cold to bring her hands out of her pockets to open the door.
Sensing her discomfort, Kristoff had opened the door. Without hesitation, he scooped her up into his arms and carried her inside.
Next thing she knew, she was sitting beside the fire, blankets wrapped around her while Kristoff held her.
She could feel his chest rising against her back and the butterflies had returned immediately.
They had sat there for what seemed like forever, so comfortable and warm within each others arms.
He had whispered in her ear, “Do want hot cocoa?”, and it sent a shiver down her spine.
Anna hadn’t expected to see him like that.
She had gone to grab her phone charger, when the door to the bathroom had opened.
There Kristoff stood, shirtless, hair still damp from the shower, and Anna couldn’t help but gauk.
He was hot, she had known that but holy shit.
She blinked, noticing he was looking at her quizzically. She started to stutter an apology, and decided on just darting out the door.
She couldn’t look at him without blushing the rest of the night.
Anna hadn’t expected to feel...rejected.
Was it rejection?
Kristoff had hardly spoken to her the rest of the night, could hardly look at her really, and then when it was time for bed, he had made sure to lay on the farthest side away from her.
He didn’t even utter a goodnight.
After the day they had had, the progress they’d made over the few months, the time spent by the fireplace; For some reason, it had just crushed her.
She listened to the storm rage outside, his gentle snoores beside her and she couldn’t stand it.
Grabbing the blanket off the foot of the bed, she went to the living room, careful not to wake Kristoff.
Anna hadn’t expected to cry.
As the snow had fallen, so did her tears as she watched from the living room.
There had been a part of her, small but strong, that hoped that maybe this would be the shove to get Kristoff to notice her.
To see how she felt, to see how much she loved him.
Instead, it seemed it had pushed him away.
This whole thing had been stupid. The butterflies were stupid. The idea this could work out was stupid. Her feelings were stupid.
Everything was just stupid.
Anna hadn’t expected him to wake up.
Kristoff had followed her, making her jump when he spoke.
She turned, trying frantically to hide her tears with the blanket.
“What’s wrong?” He had asked.
“Nothing.” she said, sniffling. “I’m fine. Go back to bed.”
“Anna,” he began but she had stopped him,
“Don’t, please don’t.” He had been confused then, “Just, leave me alone.”
“Anna, please, tell me what’s wrong.”
There was a pause, and finally, “Kristoff, why did you come?”
“Why did you come?”
“Because you asked?”
“You didn’t have to say yes, but you did. Why?”
“Anna, what is this about?”
“How do you not see it?”
He had paused then, “See what?”
“What I’ve been hiding from you for months now, what I hid from you since we were kids.”
He just stared at her. She was crying again.
“When you left after high school, it crushed me. It hurt so much and I tried to just, let you go to make it better but...it made it worse. I was so miserable. Now, seeing you here, having you back, it’s like we’re kids again; it’s been the best time of my life. I’ve missed you so much and all that time, more than anything, I regret never telling you how I felt, how I still feel.” Anna had paused then, catching her breath, “I love you Kristoff. I’ve loved you since we were kids. I...I can’t remember a time I didn’t and I’m so afraid that you’ll leave again not knowing and I don’t know if you love me too but...but I just had to tell you before--”
Anna hadn’t expected him to kiss her.
He had all but run across the room, pulling her close to his chest as he cradled her head. The feeling of his lips to hers nearly made her legs give out.
It was magical, perfect and more than she had dreamed about.
They finally broke apart, both gasping and both smiling from ear to ear.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” Kristoff murmured.
“What?” Anna giggled, tears falling once again, “Really?”
“Really.” Kristoff chuckled, “And you think I’m clueless? I don’t know how I hid it from you for so long as I did. I’m pretty sure your sister knew.”
“What?!” Anna blinked, “I...I had no idea.”
“Seriously? I don’t know how you didn’t know.”
“I...I don’t...I...what?”
Kristoff chuckled again, capturing her lips with his to silence her confusion.
Anna hadn’t expected any of it, but as she left the cabin hand in hand with Kristoff a few days later, it was better than she could have ever imagined it to be.
39 notes · View notes
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
You are enough by sleeping at last, Good old days by macklemore and kesha, Blood//Water by Grandson, Eyes to the sky by Jon Bellion, High hopes by panic! at the disco, and Cowboy casanova by Carrie Underwood (I know its alot of genres)
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
“We looked carefully, but saw no apparitions”
4: What do you think about most?
This is going to sound full of myself, but i think about myself alot. I just like to self reflect and try to improve whatever i think can be improved upon.
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
“No problem, I can try to make it work”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
with. I live with too many people to be sleeping nude.
7: What’s your strangest talent?
I can scream EXACTLY like a horror movie. I had to pretend to be a murdered scream for this real life clue thing once and it was awesome
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
Girls…. are absolutely goddesses and I fall in love with every one.
Boys…. are devilish jokers I wish I could stop falling for.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
I think so? There’s a guy who likes me and would send me poems about “some mystery girl” who I’m like 98% sure is me
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
probs like last week
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
I have zoophobia actually, I love animals but they give me a huge amount of anxiety so I’ve been trying to get over it
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
I- I don’t know
13: What’s your religion?
I’m a christian, I actually got saved last year around this time!
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
behind. always.
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
Lately it’s been Sleeping at Last. They’re so calm but meaningful I love it
17: What was the last lie you told?
“Nooooooooooo, hahahahahaha, why would I like you???? No offense I mean you’re really… uhm. nevermind. no, I don’t” 
18: Do you believe in karma?
19: What does your URL mean?
nothing really
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
I’ve been told they’re the same thing: I’m a really caring and sympathetic person which makes me good with people but also too trusting and gullible
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
no, but I lowkey really want to??? when I was little I read about it in nancy drew without even fully realizing what it was and I always wanted to try it
23: How do you vent your anger?
Usually by working out? I always joke that I don’t work out alot, but I bike/swim/walk/dance/do a ton of random muscle workouts pretty daily
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
I have a collection of lipsticks if that counts
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
it depends on the person, but I personally prefer video chatting just cause it’s easier to read body language
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
I feel like there’s ALOT of room to improve tbh
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
nails on a chalkboard ; dude anyone with a deep voice (no matter what they identify as) has my heart in a second of speaking
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
probably the usual “what if this had worked out” with a previous crush
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes. also yes. (don’t judge me)
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
my pillow and my bed
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
stale air. it is summer and hot. please send help.
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
this is gonna sound terrible, but probably in our car? I have so many bad memories and I hate driving it with a passion
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
west coast
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
Shawn mendes, no doubt
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
Helping other people
36: Define Art.
An expression of emotion so strong it makes the viewer also feel emotion
37: Do you believe in luck?
38: What’s the weather like right now?
39: What time is it?
early evening
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
yes, not yet cause I barely ever drive
41: What was the last book you read?
the Odesseye
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
43: Do you have any nicknames?
Way too many. My latest was “miracle” given to me by a ton of adorable middle schoolers who couldn’t remember anything but the first three letters of my name
44: What was the last film you saw?
the greatest showman
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
A sprained ankle
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
Yeah, it’s a long story but this one I think tried to have sex with my finger
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
dude I always do. Jane the Virgin is television gOLD
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
Right now I identify as either bisexual or pansexual 
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
just small ones about who I like (that weren’t true and complicated friendships)
50: Do you believe in magic?
I don’t know
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
yeah, I’ve been trying to get better at it
52: What is your astrological sign?
53: Do you save money or spend it?
I spend money way too easily, I’ve been trying to learn how to save more
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
A pretzel 
55: Love or lust?
56: In a relationship?
I wish
57: How many relationships have you had?
None that I’d like to count
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
59: Where were you yesterday?
At a bonfire
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
ohhhhh yeah
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
62: What’s your favourite animal?
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
Friendship wise it’s just asking how their day is and asking if their doing okay. Romantic wise, I am soooo mean to people I like so usually just teasing them and buying them food
64: Where is your best friend?
right now at her home hopefully
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
@sophietheadventurer @s1n-am0n @darhwolf @undead-aesthetic @xqueenofpunsx
66: What is your heritage?
Mostly irish but my dad’s side has a heck of a lot of russian cause my great grandma is from Ukraine
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
sleeping like a wimp
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
I don’t know actually, I try to be the type of person I think a person NEEDS, so I would probs be pretty different if i was my friend
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
drown with the dog cause I can’t swim for crap but I’ll die trying
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
a) I would only tell a couple people at first, the rest I’d tell farther in b) spend time with my family and friends and travel a whole lot/probs write ALOT c) I’d be more sad I didn’t have more time with the people I care about
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
love, I already don’t have trust let’s be real
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
Good old days by macklemore just cause it’s amazing 
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
I’d give them out but like I already have way too many unknown numbers calling me
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
Two people who connect on a mental/emotional/spiritual level who can be completely themselves with each other and don’t have to spend all their time together, but cherish every single minute
77: How can I win your heart?
food and musicals
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
I think in a lot of ways it can, but that’s a whole debate in and of itself
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
coming back to the same summer camp every year
80: What size shoes do you wear?
7 and ½
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
“Now the only extra she is is dead”
82: What is your favourite word?
chimney (long story)
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
falling in love
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
“It’s not a look” or “oH honEy nO”
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
“God made girls” It’s been stuck in my head for ages
86: Basic question; what’s your favourite colour/colours?
it changes almost daily but right now it’s a bright pink
87: What is your current desktop picture?
subtle gay art
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
That’s a hard question, too many horrible people alive
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
Someone irl asking my sexuality (i am very very deep in the closet)
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
Probs go back to bed I’m a tired chick man
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
this one specific car ride I had with my sister when I was younger
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
my entire life as a thirteen year old
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
tie between Kesha and Shawn Mendes
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
not that I know of but most likely yeah
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
wayyyyy too many times
98: Ever been on a plane?
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
I would probably freeze up and say nothing
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winglesscrows · 6 years
I’m Yours Ch. 5
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Merlin (BBC) I T I Merlin & Arthur I 37k WIP
Merlin had secrets, and Arthur knew nothing of them, until, slowly, he did.
In which Arthur slowly unravels the mystery that is Merlin, and begins to realize just how much he doesn’t know.
Read on AO3 I Patreon I FF.net or under cut
“Sire,” Lancelot called to Arthur as they passed each other in the hallway. It was quite late into the afternoon, and Arthur was already thinking about dinner and rest. He had spent most of the day discussing politics with the council and his father, and his brain was slowly turning to mush. Politics weren’t usually something Arthur hated, but calculating how much grain should be given to each village based on the number of children, elderly, pregnant women and working adults, while factoring in the varying geographical circumstances of all of the villages, well, that wasn’t really one of Arthur’s favorite topics. However, Arthur was particularly fond of discussing infrastructure and was pushing the council to pass a suggestion to start work on a new road which would make travel easier for many from the outlying villages, who wished to come to the city for trading or other purposes. So far, they had more or less ignored him and his wishes for a new road.
Regardless, the point was that Arthur was tired, but Lancelot was always good company, “Yes?” Arthur answered, stopping to converse with his knight. There weren’t many people around them, only the passing servants who were getting ready to serve dinner for the inhabitants of the castle.
“I heard that you plan to have some knights escort Lord Agravaine on his travels,” the knight began and Arthur nodded.
“That is true, although I don’t believe that to be public information yet,” Arthur smiled, teasing Lancelot was always a little fun, only because he usually got the joke about three seconds later, and always looked slightly baffled when he thought he had done something wrong.
“Merlin talks,” Lancelot explained, a smile growing on his face as he had realized Arthur was joking.
“He does,” Arthur agreed, “It’s a bad habit of his.”
They both smiled, but Lancelot continued, “Regardless, sire, I wanted to request that I became a part of this mission.”
“Really?” Arthur lifted an eyebrow, “I think you are a bit too talented to go on such an excursion.”
“Perhaps, sire, but I want grow in any way I can, so what I came here to ask was if I could lead the mission. If that isn’t too arrogant of me,” Lancelot bowed slightly to show his respect, but Arthur beamed. He had planned on sending out some of the more… inexperienced knights on this little mission, but if it could serve to let Lancelot grow more comfortable in a leader position, then it would be excellent.
“That is a great idea, Lancelot,” Arthur said, not even trying to hide his smile, “If you are ready to lead, I think you would be very fit to do so. I’ll have a list send to your quarters of the knights available for your mission, and you shall choose five. I would also like you to write a short essay explaining your choice of knights.”
“You shall have it within a day, sire.”
Lancelot disappeared down the corridor and Arthur felt more awake than before. Lancelot was his finest swordsman, and a couple of years younger than sir Leon. When Arthur became king, Leon would be first knight, but Arthur was looking to incorporate Leon into a council position at some point. Leon wasn’t only a fine knight, but a skilled tactician and a naturally observant person. With many years of military service, Leon could prove very useful in the council, and when that time came - whether naturally or forcefully - Arthur would love for Lancelot to be first knight. Not only was he incredibly skilled and perfect for the job, but he wasn’t of noble blood, and when Arthur was king, he would remove the laws that prevented others like him to become knights. Having Lancelot as first knight would be a great example of status not mattering, but only what was in your heart. But more than just that, Arthur was happy that Lancelot was taking agency as a knight with much potential.
Arthur came back to his chambers with food ready on the table and Merlin tidying his desk. He was still not allowed to do everything that he wanted to, but at least he wasn’t complaining a lot about it. Merlin was in a good mood today, Arthur noted, as the sound of Merlin’s humming reached his ears. Arthur could only wonder why, because his servant was often in a good mood for trivial reasons (last time Arthur had asked, Merlin had simply said that he was happy because the sun was shining). Merlin didn’t acknowledge that Arthur had entered the room, perhaps because he hadn’t noticed as he was standing with his back to Arthur. The prince watched the back of his servant for a moment. One would hardly think that he was recovering from two serious injuries with the way he was behaving.
Other than Merlin’s humming, the room was silent - so silent in fact that Arthur could hear when Merlin went through the papers on his desk, orienting himself on what everything was so he could organize it correctly. It was only then that it occurred to Arthur how much he let Merlin be privy to. Merlin was free to read everything Arthur left on his desk, Arthur confided in Merlin when it came to matters of state, and he let Merlin advise him on whatever the topic of the month was. And somehow the realization only put a smile on Arthur’s face.
Arthur was also in a good mood today, and when Arthur was in a good mood, he liked to mess with his servant. Arthur silently snuck up behind Merlin, until he was less than an arm length away from him. He then brought his hands together to make a loud clap, and watched with delight as Merlin jumped and threw all the papers up in the air.
“Arthur!” He exclaimed, and Arthur burst out laughing at the sight of his servant, “Not funny!”
“That’s where you’re wrong,” Arthur said between laughs, and then he slowly composed himself again.
“You are horrible,” Merlin shook his head, “Now I have to start over,” Merlin gestured to the mess of papers that now covered Arthur’s floor.
“I’m sure you’ll manage,” Arthur said and clapped Merlin on the back, “Now come and eat with me.”
“What?” Merlin said in disbelief and Arthur almost burst out laughing again.
“You heard me. You keep bringing up way too much food so I have to assume you eat everything that I don’t anyway. Might as well keep me company.”
Merlin squinted his eyes, trying to see if Arthur was joking (to be fair he had done that before), but then eventually pulled out another plate, cutlery and cup, and sat down with Arthur.
“Lancelot came up to me today,” Arthur said, studying Merlin’s reaction.
“Did he?” Merlin said casually, “What did he want?”
“He wanted to lead the escort of knights that Agravaine is taking with him next week.”
“That seems like a great opportunity for him,” Merlin said, and Arthur knew that if he hadn't known what to look for, he would never have known that Merlin was lying to him, or rather, deflecting from the truth (at least this time it was more in jest than anything).
“Don’t pretend you don’t know,” Arthur said and gave Merlin a little shove. Merlin smiled knowingly.
“I really don’t know what you mean.”
“Only three people knew that Agravaine was taking knights with him on his journey. I didn’t tell Lancelot anything, and I’m sure my uncle didn’t either, so who do you think let him know?”
“Probably Gwaine,” Merlin said and gestured into nothing, “He couldn’t keep a secret even if his life depended on it.”
Arthur shook his head, and Merlin smiled at him. One day, Merlin wouldn’t lie to him anymore, but Arthur could live with this. This was fine. Truly.
“You are close,” Arthur said slowly, “You and Lancelot,” Arthur didn’t know where he was going with this topic, but he was interested in knowing more about what made them such good friends. He was also quite interested in knowing what Merlin and Gwaine had in common that made them good friends, but Arthur didn’t think his brain was ready to wrap itself around that just yet.
“He saved my life the moment we met,” Merlin said, “Don’t really get better first impressions than that.”
“It definitely beats being called an ass.”
“You’re still very close though,” Arthur continued, “You could have told anyone about the mission, but you told Lancelot, why?”
“He deserves it,” Merlin shrugged, “Besides, you look at him differently than you do at the others. Like you expect more of him. Thought I’d give him a hand, since you have high expectations.”
“Are you saying I’m hard to please?”
“Very much so.”
Dinner with Merlin was easy. There was no awkward silence, although they always seemed to have something to talk about.
"I've been wondering," Merlin said slowly, and Arthur rolled his eyes in jest.
"That requires thinking, Merlin, you think you can do that?"
Merlin groaned lightly and shook his head, "Honestly, Arthur, you're such an ass."
"I think that's well established by now, but what were you wondering? I am curious."
Merlin took a breath, perhaps to steady himself and Arthur braced himself for their conversation taking a turn.
"When I told you about Nimueh, you didn't question that I sought to magic for help," Merlin seemed resolute in his statement, "I simply wanted to know your thoughts about... everything I told you."
Arthur sighed. Were they really doing this now?
"I have a lot of thoughts," Arthur said truthfully, "But I suppose we can start with the magic. Honestly, I didn't think much of it," Merlin seemed surprised by this fact, and rightfully so. Arthur had grown up with a father who had beaten it into his skull that magic was evil to its very core, "When you told your story, I think it finally occurred to me just what you are willing to do to keep me safe – which I am not happy about by the way – and if I had had the knowledge you did, that I could exchange my life for someone I cared about, I would probably have done it too."
"But," Merlin pushed, "It's magic."
And that was another thing. Magic wasn't just illegal in Camelot and punishable by death, but just hearing the word sent his father into a frenzy. For a long time, Arthur had believed his father's words regarding the forbidden art. After all, he had only ever seen magic being used for evil. But slowly, ever so slowly, it occurred to Arthur why that was. Who would dare use magic to grow a plant, when it could get them killed? And who would shy away from it if they intended to kill the king? The idea of his father being wrong had been slowly growing, and evidence had slowly piled up. The light guiding him to safety as he had retrieved the antidote for Merlin. The magic that had cured Gwen's father. The keeper of the unicorns, Anhora. The druids going about their life peacefully.
And Arthur thought that in some ways, Morgana was proof as well. Morgana hadn't turned on them because she had magic, Arthur refused to believe that. She had turned on them because of how Camelot treated those with magic. Magic could do frightening things, but Arthur had to believe that it could do good things as well. When Arthur had thought Merlin's story through, it had made sense to him that Merlin wouldn't shy away from using magic. He hadn't grown up in Uther's kingdom, but in Cenred's. He had grown up in a place where magic was legal. So Arthur had not thought much of it when Merlin had told the story and when he had finally thought it through, it just made sense to him, so he had let it go entirely. To Arthur, the core of the story was that Merlin had sacrificed himself for him, and he wanted to avoid that Merlin would have to do it again.
"It was magic and I'm alive because of it, so there isn't really much I can say to that," Arthur ended up saying, and Merlin nodded slowly, perhaps processing Arthur's reply, "But maybe we should talk less about how you did it and more about why."
Merlin looked startled for a moment, before regaining composure and looking intently at Arthur: “I believe I already explained why. You can't already have forgotten, can you, sire?”
Arthur huffed, it was just like Merlin to make light of the situation. “Of course not. Do you really think so lightly of me?”
Merlin rolled his eyes dramatically, “I don't think you want me to answer that question, my lord.”
“But seriously Merlin,” Arthur said, getting back on topic, “You can't just... use yourself as a shield every time I'm in danger. Didn't it ever occur to you that I don't want you to die?”
“I...” Merlin hesitated, seemingly at a loss for words, “It's not that simple.”
“And why not?”
“Arthur, don't you get it? You have to live. If there's the tiniest chance that my life can keep you alive just a day longer, then I have to take it. You have no idea how precious you are. How important you are to this kingdom and its people.”
“Merlin, I understand well enough what my role as the future king-”
“No.” Merlin interrupted harshly, “Arthur. You don't understand. The actions you take. The decisions you make. Everything you do shape this kingdom and make it a better place. Look at your knights. Look at Gwen. Look at me . You give us something to believe in. Give us hope for a brighter future, because we know that you act out of the good of your heart.”
Arthur looked at Merlin in disbelief, “How can you be so sure? I ruled this kingdom for three months and it was overwhelming. It was harder than I could have imagined, and you must have noticed. You were with me every day. How can you have that kind of faith in me?”
Merlin forced a laugh, and looked at Arthur hopelessly: “You are an arrogant, royal prat, Arthur Pendragon, but sometimes I wished you were more confident in yourself.”
Arthur had nothing to say after that, and they finished dinner in silence.
“You didn't touch any of the chicken,” Arthur remarked as Merlin cleaned the table, “You need meat to grow muscle.”
“Ah,” Merlin said slowly, “I try to avoid meat. Not a big fan.”
“I would ask how a person can't like meat, but for some reason I assume that it's because you feel sorry for the animals?”
“Something like that.”
Arthur shook his head and it felt like they had never had that heavy conversation. The rest of the night felt normal.
And then came morning, and Arthur had to confront all the things Merlin had said the night before. Arthur wasn't sure if he wanted to see Merlin at this particular time. He wanted time to think, and it was hard to think about Merlin, when Merlin was there.
And whether by luck or design, Guinevere entered his chambers with breakfast, and while he was always happy to see her, he honestly couldn't say that he always got this delighted when she walked up to him.
“Merlin said he was behind on some chores, and I offered to bring you breakfast,” Guinevere explained, less to say why she was here and probably more to let Arthur know that Merlin wasn't slacking off on his duties. She was quite protective of him.
“Mind staying?” Arthur offered and pulled out a chair for Guinevere at the table, which she gladly accepted.
Perceptive as she was, Arthur hadn't even taken his second bite of breakfast before Guinevere asked what was troubling him.
“It's Merlin,” he said honestly, “He keeps getting hurt.”
Guinevere but her lip at that, and something occurred to Arthur. He had never asked her about the relationship between the servants, and certain knights and nobles.
“Did you know?” Arthur said quietly, “About sir Richard?”
Guinevere lowered her head as she answered: “I did, Arthur, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I-”
“It's okay,” Arthur assured her, “Merlin told me that he made everyone promise to keep it a secret.”
“He's usually okay,” She continued, “There was a boy, once, about three years ago, the man he was waiting on would beat him every night. He almost couldn't walk by the end of the week, so Merlin stepped in. It was the first time, at least that I know of. We were all so scared for him, but there was nothing we could do. And Merlin, he was fine. At first we thought he was just putting up a facade, but we checked him. Barely a bruise to be found. He's not always that lucky, of course, but it's never... He's never...”
“I know,” Arthur said, “It's not your fault.”
“For what it's worth, I think you were right to kill him.”
Arthur looked at her, slightly startled, “That wasn't my intention.”
“I know. I know, but anyone who treats someone like Merlin so poorly, I can't help but think the world is a better place without people like that in it.”
“Perhaps,” Arthur said slowly. He wasn't fond of killing. And especially killing his own knights, even if what he had done was unforgivable.
“Be more confident, Arthur Pendragon,” She sternly, “It would suit you.”
Arthur smiled sweetly at her: “Merlin said the same last night.”
“Of course he did. He always gives the best advice.”
Guinevere left soon after, having other duties to attend to. Arthur regretted not seeing her more, but there was nothing he could do. Not as long as they had his father's watchful gaze on them.
Arthur stayed in his chambers most of the day. He had paperwork to do, and it wouldn't do him any good to put it off. Besides, it looked like it would rain, so training could wait until tomorrow. Arthur made it way past lunchtime before he finally heard Merlin clumsily making his way down the hallway – hopefully with some food – but he still wasn't in the mood to see him, so, mature as he was, Arthur hid in his own chambers.
From Arthur's excellent hiding spot, he could see as Merlin put down the plate of food at the table, and set the table for Arthur to eat, even if he wasn't there. He half expected Merlin to leave after that, but was weirdly surprised to see Merlin do his job and do a quick sweep of the room. Merlin eventually made it to Arthur's desk where his papers were still scattered, and Merlin looked at them for a while, perhaps contemplating if he should put them away or if Arthur would come back to it.
Merlin never got around to make a decision as someone entered the chambers. Merlin turned his attention towards the door, clearly expecting Arthur to walk in as he smiled, but his expression faltered immediately as he laid eyes upon Agravaine. His uncle closed the door behind him and looked around the room before addressing Merlin.
“Where is Arthur?” His uncle asked politely, but Merlin just sighed.
“I'm afraid I don't know.” (At least that wasn't a lie.)
There were a couple of seconds of uncomfortable silence, and Arthur swore he could cut the tension between them with his sword.
“I know you think that Arthur is your friend,” Agravaine finally broke the silence, “But he is a prince, a future king, and he cannot be seen taking advice from servants. I would advise you to hold your tongue and stick to cleaning his chambers.”
“Of course,” Merlin said, the fake respect back in his voice, “But you should know that I am very bad at doing what I am told.”
Agravaine took a couple of steps closer to Merlin, and Arthur found his protective instincts kicking in as he almost leaped out of his hiding spot to interfere with whatever was going on.
“Come on Merlin,” Agravaine pushed, almost intimidating Merlin (or at least he tried to, Merlin didn't waver in the slightest), “You can't possibly believe that you can advise Arthur better than someone like me.”
“Oh, I think anyone could advice Arthur better than you, my lord,” Merlin added the last part mockingly, “Morgana must really have hit rock bottom to allow someone like you to work for her. She used to be smarter than this.”
“Be careful with your accusations, boy,” Agravaine hissed, “You don't know what you're talking about.”
“Of course not, my lord,” Merlin bowed slightly, “I shall inform Arthur that you dropped by.”
Agravaine turned on his heel and slammed the door shut behind him. Merlin watched the door for a second, before casually turning back to Arthur's papers, which he began sorting through. Arthur could only watch his servant secretly as he went about his business as if nothing had ever happened – no, that wasn't true. Merlin was frustrated. Merlin was usually careful when handling paperwork, but he slammed documents on the table harder than necessary and his movements were more rapid than usual.
It had been perhaps ten minutes, when a certain piece of paper caught Merlin's attention. Arthur recognized it from his hiding place. It was a speech he had written only an hour ago about the new road he wanted to build. It was meant to sway the council and his father, since nothing else had seemed to work. Merlin read it through, and then sat down in Arthur chair and began writing all over the speech. Great. Now he had to start over.
Arthur was stuck watching – spying on – Merlin for almost an hour before the servant took his sword (presumably to clean and sharpen it) and left his chambers. Arthur silently slipped out of hiding and immediately looked at the speech Merlin had tampered with, only to find himself surprised by Merlin's work. Merlin had carefully corrected a few grammatical errors (errors Arthur had made entirely because he had been hungry), and added suggestions where he thought they were needed. At the bottom of the parchment, Merlin had added the suggestion to ask the citizens about the need for a new road in order for Arthur to prove its potential usefulness. It was a great suggestion that Arthur couldn't believe he had thought of himself, and he made sure to save the draft of his speech so that he may remember.
Arthur should have continued the paperwork or maybe even eaten the lunch Merlin had brought up for him, but once again his mind drifted to his servant and his uncle. At least now he knew that Merlin suspected Agravaine of working for Morgana, and logically Arthur knew he should be wary of such suspicions. Merlin had been right in the past and it would be wise to trust him, but the way the conversation had gone down made it seem like Merlin didn't have any evidence. It was almost like he had attempted to bait Agravaine into a confession as he had accused him of working for Morgana. And his uncle hadn't taken the bait, although his reaction was not what Arthur would have expected from him. And of course the effort Agravaine went through to try to stop Merlin's advice from getting to Arthur was quite suspicious in and of itself.
Arthur knew that he was putting it off, but it he felt conflicted about the whole situation. He was secretly hoping that Merlin would come up to him someday and give him the evidence he needed, but if there was no evidence to give, then what could Arthur do? Agravaine seemed to have his father's trust and without evidence, Arthur couldn't arrest him or tell his father that he suspected his uncle of treason based on the suspicions of his servant. It hadn't worked out for him in the past, and he doubt it would now. Especially as a family member was involved.
Tomorrow he would talk to Merlin, but today his mind needed some time to rest. Too much was going on.
Arthur didn't see Merlin that evening, his dinner brought up by some nameless servant and he went to bed trying not to worry about the people who could so easily kill him in his sleep.
Unfortunately, Arthur should have worried because he woke up to a stranger hovering above him, his eyes growing wide as Arthur stared back at him. He took hold of his dagger just as Arthur reached for his sword.
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vampire-core · 7 years
/post/161320161315 every single Fucking cmnc character. every single one. trust me dude (if u want!!!)
fucken hell yeah hyperfixation time
A: what I think realistically
tbh frances seems like the type of person where playin the piano is like. a coping mechanism for her?? like if shes stressed/angry/havin a Bad Time she either
a: plays a Sad Tune to angst
b: plays something AGGRESSIVE to get her anger out
c, a rare option: plays smth happy to take her mind off it
bc she seems like the person to Wallow in her own sadness tbh im guessin c is Rare but
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
frances wears horribly fucking clashing colors like. bright neon orange and the ugliest brown-green mixed and goes out like that in sunglasses
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
frances didnt have a good home and she got with junior to get Out of it and then he turned out to be a piece of shit and her life just spiraled Down
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
shes an agender lesbian with three gfs
A: what I think realistically
tbh henry totally seems like hed learn to bake for nancy like. i know hes in-canon a horrible cook but like. imagine this sweetie taking secret baking lessons for like Forever and then he surprises nancy on her bday with like. a rlly nice homemade cake and they cry together :’)
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
henry is a clumsy-ass Shit so he breaks things like 384723897423894x and once he managed to break a vase nancy Really liked and she walked in on him Coated in glue and just. “what are you doing” “no nothing what nothing is broken” “henry the vases shards and glue are both everywhere” “everything is fine nancy”
also nancy being at the store and henry seeing a spider and screaming on the counter until she got home
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
henry living with the eternal guilt over taking the “wrong” choice even though there was no good choice because he either stayed in a place where no issues were being worked out or he left :^)
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
A: what I think realistically
tbh i can imagine her bein in a book club but being the Shy One who never talks during meetings
also i can imagine her learning to paint and Loving It and showing henry the paintings which show what her world is like and hes like “:00!!!”
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
nancy living with crushing guilt and abandonment issues but hiding it because she doesnt want to bother henry and she keeps randomly crying :)))
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
shes genderfluid as FUCK and has a gf
A: what I think realistically
tbh this dude is fuckin Shitty and hes def the type of dude to have like 3 gfs at once but not an open relationship just straight-up cheating
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
in a modern au junior discovers furry culture and refuses to wear anything but a pigeon fursuit for three years straight
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
he left frances with more trauma than she mayb had :))))
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
A: what I think realistically
she has a Huge family and sends all of them christmas cards, and she only has one great-niece who cares enough to reply and visit and stuff and sometimes the neice brings her kids and patty fuckin loves kids and spoils em like a grandchild
also she sends christmas cards to her neighbors and invites them over for dinner weekly
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
she sews and she once had an awful neighbor who was a total bitch so she bought this cheap-ass shirt, fixed it up in a day, but it looked new and beautifully made and the neighbor felt so bad and patty just. >:3c dont be a bitch
the neighbor got to keep the gift tho and was Nicer and patty was :3c
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
she feels SO BAD that she didnt notice henry and nancy being missing sooner bc she ALWAYS wanted to be friends w them both and she loved em to bits
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
shes a trans lesbian and has a long-time wife :3c
KENNITH (this ones just gonna be kin shit but shhhh ;))) )
A: what I think realistically
if its not a school day and hes home alone kennith 100000% will Not change out of his pajamas and will yell at you for wearing shoes in his room dont fuckin touch him with your nasty-ass feet stephamie
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
kennith has an ed he doesnt know how to deal with and doesnt even think is that Bad so hes just suffering :’))) can relate buddy
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
hes trans you cowards and in a qpp with steph
A: what I think realistically
steph is Rlly skilled at punching and taught kennith how to punch but also if u rub her back she will Deactivate in .2 seconds so even if she acts tough she has a fuckin self-destruct button and its her back
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
steph tends to put on a Happy Face bc she thinks kenniths problems are worse than hers, so she has no help and no clue how to deal with them and just gets worse and worse :’))
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
shes a fuckin lesbian in a qpp with kennith you cowards and shes genderfluid
A: what I think realistically
this man has fuckin Depression my lads and anxiety and tends to self-medicate with weed even tho he Knows its prob not the best option but i mean. hes a retail worker can he afford meds? no
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
if you do Anything greg will probably stay apathetic, and he can say most things with a straight face. he enjoys making completely filthy jokes with an unwavering neutral expression and watching people crumble
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
……………tbh hed prob think he couldve done More to help kennith after he Died but never did so i can imagine hed feel. kinda guilty sdkjfhsdkf maybe my kin ass is just hopeful
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
let him have two moms you cowards (also him and kennith are boyfs dont make the rules my kin ass is GAY)
A: what I think realistically
….tbh they seem like the type of person who always has a sketchpad and paints a lot and is just Super artsy
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
jenny and kennith lock eyes and they can instantly feel the hatred kennith emits bc t h a t s  h i s  f p  but also they can tell he wants steph to be happy and they can SEE the STRUGGLE on his FACE and he looks kind of like an angry chihuahua
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
…..tbh i dont have anything for them
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
let them be a nonbinary lesbian who draws their gf constantly
BRI (aka kin ass two: electric bogaloo :3c)
A: what I think realistically
tbh they seem like the type of person to have a cat. in my canon it was an orange cat named sherbet B3c they love that cat to Death and show it to avery on video calls
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
bri says “rawr XD” out loud and accidentally says that to a teacher, who stands there for .3 seconds and kind of just goes with it
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
they dont actually die and have to live with their gf bein dead :’)
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
they live and also so does avery and theyre happy fuck you
A: what I think realistically
tbh she seems like the type of person to have a wide friend group but only be “close” close with like. 1-2 people??? and like she loves all of her friends but she cant maintain that many close friends
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
she once laughed so hard she snorted soda out of her nose during a video call
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
her last thought is of bri :’)
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
A: what I think realistically
they seem the type of person to like???? fuckin rag on shows while watching them, ie shout at the screen, point out plot holes etc and then say “wtf i loved it” at the end
also they throw popcorn at the screen during the movies
B: what I think is fucking hilarious
they hide under nancys table and let out a vicious shriek whenever nancy accidentally kicks them
C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends
they cause Endless Suffering and dont even care like they cant sympathize or manage to be Decent and like. they LAUGH at it and its like??? a s s h o l e
(and i have like No Empathy but i can still manage to be a nice person so?? no excuse there)
D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway
theyre the one stealing nancys bobbins >:00
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